#jackson’s mom also irritates me because she came to pick her daughter up who was just playing chess on a porch at 8pm; bothering nobody
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
The sims 2 is so funny because you can do everything right, you can make your sims study cooking and go to work on time and micromanage everybody so that they don’t die in stupid ways, and then the goddamn nanny burns your house down
#AN NPC CAUSED THE FIRST FIRE IN MY NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS#so i’m playing the prosperity challenge right. which is basically where you randomise some families and play them in rotations#i’m on the third family atm and it’s a single mom with a teenage son; child daughter and twin toddler boys#she has an ltw to become media magnate but i got her a job as an EMT in the meantime because it didn’t show up in the paper#and hired a nanny to take care of the kids while she and the oldest son were out#nanny was fine at first. she just made sugar cookies and made sure the toddlers didn’t get taken away by social services which i massively#appreciated. but then my sim came home from work and immediately got a promotion#to paramedic; which meant she had to switch over to nights right away. so the nanny came again a few hours later and immediately proceeded#to set my kitchen on fire#thankfully they have a smoke alarm but she sent the two older kids into aspiration failure. SHERYL WHEN I CATCH YOUUUU#bizarrely the person who is absolutely coming in clutch for this family is none of the family members and nor is it the nanny#it’s gerald who is the grandpa of a different family i created in the neighbourhood. he works with the mom (although he’s an intern now)#and she brought him home from work and he has just been here all night#it’s 4:20am and he’s sat playing with one of the toddlers helping him learn words with his bunny 🥹#gerald we looooove you. platinum aspiration for gerald. GOOD THINGS FOR GERALD#the most annoying people in this challenge so far are sheryl the nanny who burns stuff down and jackson; a kid in one of the other houses#who keeps calling everyone at 2am even if he barely knows them. and also at 10am on school days#jackson’s mom also irritates me because she came to pick her daughter up who was just playing chess on a porch at 8pm; bothering nobody#but doesn’t stop jackson from spamming everyone with calls. where is the logic#personal
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cascades-fiction · 3 years
Multiverse Imagines
Just Like The Old Days
co-creator : @QuinniexC in (wattpad)
It was an early day for the Jacksons. They were already up before the first light. Apollo has not even mounted his own sun chariot to bring light above the world.
But that was not the case, the young family decided to pay someone a small visit after not being able to see each other for five years.
Little Serena Jackson sat in the back seat. Still fast asleep with a slight pout, her mother Annabeth watching over her through the rear view mirror, a little smile playing her lips.
Percy had one hand on the steering wheel while the other one held Annabeth's. His gaze was pleasant and at peace.
They drove through the streets of Stamford, overlooking different sets of building apartments and several townhomes. Cars were parked beside the sidewalk and in front of shops.
Elderly women chatted happily in a nearby bench with their husbands who weren't much interested in their conversation.
He drove his BMW for about 47 minutes until arriving at New Haven. The young family decided to stop by and have some breakfast at Atticus Bookstore Cafe.
Percy looked around for a parking space and his eyes immediately fell on a blank spot in front of the store. "You wanna go in first? You and Serena?" He asked
She looked at him and shook her head " No it's okay, we'll all go in together"
He nodded and started to park the car. After he did, the two of them took off their seat belts and looked behind. They were met by Serena gazing at them with sleepy eyes. In unison, they chuckled.
"Where are we?" She asked quietly, rubbing her eyes awake. A yawn letting out her small lips, her hair in two low pigtails. She says it's her new favorite hairstyle.
"We're in New Haven sweetie,"Annabeth said softly, tickling her daughter's feet, earning a sweet giggle. "We are gonna eat breakfast okay? Then we'll go straight to Boston to meet your uncle Magnus!"
"Uncle Magnus?" She tilted her head, frowning. She was clearly not familiar with the name her mother mentioned.
"Yeah baby.. it's mommy's cousin" Percy answered.
"Hmm... Momma's cousin? Okay then!" She smiled, making her parents smile as well. Annabeth and Percy got out of the vehicle. She opened the back door, unbuckling her daughter and lifting her up in her arms while Percy locked up the car. Altogether they entered the cafe.
Once they had gone in, Serena perked up seeing all the stacked books the cafe had to offer. She wiggled out of her mother's hold and immediately started jumping up and down, pointing at the bookshelves, a wide grin plastered on her face. "Momma! I want to see the books!"
Annabeth smiled at her "Later we'll check them out huh?"
"Why later?" Serena pouted
She knelt down to her daughter's level "Because we have to order our breakfast first okay? And then after we find a table, we could go check out the books—"
"Uh uh." Percy intervened, getting a hold of Serena's hand " I could take her there now, it's alright"
"Are you sure?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah definitely." He kissed his wife's cheek "we'll meet you over there" he said, pointing at the farthest table near the window.
"Yeah sure." She looked at Serena, who grinned from ear to ear "Behave with daddy okay?"
She nodded cutely, before dragging Percy with her tiny fingers wrapped around his big ones toward the bookshelves. Annabeth smiled thinking how much her daughter was like her when she was younger and up until now. She lined up from a trail of customers, awaiting her turn.
As soon as she was first in line, smiling, the cashier asked for her order "Hi good morning, what would you like today?"
Annabeth returned the simple gesture "Good morning um, I would like 2 Croque Monsieur with 2 Espressos and 1 breakfast sandwich. Also 1 hot chocolate please"
The cashier nodded, typing down her order on the monitor. "Is that all?"
"Yes that's all" Annabeth confirmed
The cashier nodded once more. She looked up saying, "That would be $37. "
Annabeth took out her wallet and paid. The cashier thanked her and told her to wait. As she made her way towards the table they had agreed on, A little body collided with her leg, wrapping her little arms around her lower limb. She looked down and saw a sight that made her heart melt all the way.
"Momma!" The little girl chirped happily.
Annabeth grinned, hoisting her up in her arms "Baby!" Serena giggled, placing a wet kiss on her mom's cheek. "Where's daddy?"
Serena pointed toward the end of the cafe where they could see Percy carrying handfuls of various books.
Annabeth let out a laugh when she saw Percy's face. He looked so flustered and rapt at the same time. He was never interested in books because of his ADHD and dyslexia but he was always willing to go to a library just for his wife and his daughter. He loves seeing their reactions whenever they see a wide selection of books in a library or whenever they spot a beautiful architecture. They'd always beg to stop the car and he'd be more glad to do so just to see their faces.
"Aren't you a sweet daddy.." Annabeth cooed, putting her arms behind his neck. She brushed the hair away from his eyes and leaned in to give a quick kiss before pulling away and assisting him with the books. "Are we buying all of this?"
"Serena said she'd pick from all of these. Only two or three, okay honey?" He said to his daughter
"Okay!" She answered, flopping down onto one of the chairs, re-scanning all of the books she took whilst her parents settled down to the seats in front of her, watching her adoringly.
"She's a lot like you, you know" Percy whispered, beaming in happiness
She stared at him with affection.
"Yeah she is... though she's got so much of your sass and your blue food addiction it's crazy. She's as sweet as you too"
He chuckled, remarking "That's our girl"
"That's our girl…" she agreed, nodding with a small smile.
"Momma! Daddy!" The little girl looked up at them, "These!" She lifted up two books and kinda shoved them in their faces, her look overjoyed. It was Geronimo Stilton and the lost treasure of the emerald eye. And another, Geronimo Stilton and the curse of the cheese pyramid.
Annabeth grinned from ear to ear, "These are wonderful, honey!"
"Yeah they are! All of the books I have at home are too much for kids." She shook her disapprovingly, her pigtails bouncing along.
"But baby, you are a kid" Percy said
"Yeah I am but I'm smarter than most!" She declared proudly, placing both of her hands on her hips with a look of pride on her face.
"Yeah you are…" Annabeth smirked
"Gods she gets that from you—" Percy told her, shaking his head in disbelief
"Does she?" She asked innocently, tilting her head sideways "Oh well."
Percy snorted, gathering the books in his hands "I'll be paying for this," he said, standing up. "Don't have too much fun while I'm gone" he told them, with a playful smile.
"Don't you worry Mr. Jackson," Annabeth assured him "we won't. right Rena baby?"
"Yeah!" She replied almost immediately "Books! Books! Books!" She started chanting
Percy and Annabeth met each other's gaze, her mouthing 'You heard her'
'yes ma'am' he mouthed back and left.
Thereafter he had paid for the books she chose, he walked back to the table at the same moment the waitress came with their orders. Serena already returned the excess books with any help from her mother. (Annabeth was very proud)
"2 Croque Monsieurs, 2 Espressos, 1 breakfast sandwich and 1 hot chocolate!" The waitress beamed, tucking a piece of hair strand behind her ear the minute she met eyes with Percy. "Anything else I can get you?" She asked, amorously advancing, not even acknowledging his wife in front of her.
Annabeth noticed this behavior and as fast as lighting, a flash of irritation crossed her eyes. She pursed her lips, clearly not wanting this woman to be in her husband's presence. But Percy being Percy was completely oblivious to the fact that the woman in front has taken a liking to him. He smiled, "3 glasses of water please"
"On the way" the woman winked, swaying her hips as she left. Percy shrugged nonchalantly, sitting down next to Annabeth who stared at him sternly. He suddenly was aware of this. "Wise girl? Is there something wrong?"
She blinked hard. Pointing a crooked finger toward the woman, her other hand formed in fists. "Her."
He looked at the figure she pointed, his eyebrows furrowed. "Her? What do you mean by her?"
"She has eyes on you! Can you not see that?"
He was taken aback. "What? I didn't even notice"
She rolled her eyes, "of course you didn't. You're as oblivious as you can be Percy."
"Wise girl it's not my fault—"
"I know it's not! It's that dam girl!" She half yelled, completely vexed. Serena looked at them with both confusion and concern, still munching on her sandwich happily.
"Wise girl it's nothing okay? She doesn't mean anything to me. Just don't mind her." He tried
"How can I not mind her when she's coming back this way, with your tray of water. Just great" she exclaimed sarcastically. When the woman came, Serena did the most mind-boggling thing in the universe. "Stay away from my daddy!"
Percy's jaw dropped. Annabeth's irritated face turned complacent, feeling a swell of pride coarse through her veins. The woman was gobsmacked, unable to reply to the little girl, Annabeth intruded. "You heard her. Leave the drinking glasses here and walk away. Otherwise you'd find yourself lifeless in a second." She said in a dangerously calm voice, gesturing for her to go and get out.
The woman looked down in shame. Embarrassed. She turned toward the opposite direction and rushed for the door.
Annabeth gave her daughter a discreet thumbs up, clearly proud. Percy got over his shock and looked at his daughter and wife. "Okay, look. I'm really proud of you for being sassy but that was not very nice. Both of you" he stated
"That was very wrong. She likes me so what? That won't give me a reason to stop loving you. Or leave you. Whatever this world throws at us, I can promise you, I'll always be by your side. You and Serena's. I love you Wise girl"
Annabeth said nothing at first. Her stormy grey eyes were shone with intense light. She looked into his eyes for a long moment as though searching for something of importance. Then, all of a sudden, she smiled and it occurred to Percy that she found what she was looking for, even if he did not know what it was.
Without further warning, she leaned into his tall frame, gently placing her lips on his. To Percy, he did not know if she really had any physical and emotional power over him or if it's only his own spirit but he swore, he felt fireworks explode the moment he felt his lips touch hers.
Truth be told, they only stopped when a voice said "I'm still here you know…" pulling apart, they were met face to face with a glare from Serena.
"Sorry baby, are you already finished?" Percy asked shyly
"Yup! Only drinking my hot chocolate. Also waiting for you two!" Her glare evaporated and was replaced by a delighted grin.
"Oh right! Wait for me and mommy and then we're going straight to Boston"
As soon as they had finished their breakfast, the time said it was only 9:00 am and they still had many hours to go before arriving at Boston. They hauled all of their belongings, Serena gripping her brown paper bag with books. She took both Annabeth and Percy's hand, trying her best to reach it and all together they went back to the car.
Percy buckled Serena's seat belt, earning a soft thank you from his daughter. He went back to his place in the driver's seat, starting the vehicle. With that, he placed the key inside the ignition and the car roared to life.
They drove for about 42 minutes through a vast over-lit city, a wide set of buildings towering over them as they crossed an intersection. The streets of Hartford were clean, polished and newly painted. Tall trees were planted near a sidewalk beside poles. Cars were parked on the side of the road and the wind blew a gentle breeze out. Serena looked outside of her car window, completely mesmerized by the scenery as the family passed each building one by one, driving at 55 miles per hour. Annabeth gave Percy her hand and just like earlier, he gladly laced it with hers. Giving her his classic troublemaker smile.
Once they were out of Hartford, the family drove for about 54 minutes, before arriving at Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts. As they traveled, they caught sight of a wild field of meadows, overlooking several tobacco barns and modern farm houses. People wore rural New England 1700s clothing, as If it was the day of Halloween. White historical buildings were spotted behind wooden fences. Trees the color of red and gold swayed by. Leaves fell down from the trees, rustling on the pavement.
They arrived at Lexington, Massachusetts at 10:21 am. Lexington is a suburban town in Middlesex county. Only 10 miles from Downtown Boston. They passed through several storefronts and monuments. Teenagers at 14 leisurely strolled by. Orange leaves covered the grass and the asphalt. Tiny American flags were affixed on the grass. Percy turned around the corner and they passed through a sign that said, 'LEFT LANE. MUST TURN LEFT.' When Serena suddenly spoke,
"Momma, Daddy… How come Uncle Magnus only wants to meet me now? Was he busy?"
Annabeth looked at her lovingly, "Yes honey, he was. But now that he's got his work done, we can finally meet him!"
Serena smiled a toothy grin then slowly asked "what does he look like?"
It was her father's turn to smile. "Anyone who would've seen them might assume they'd be siblings, baby" he said
She tilted her head "How come?"
"Well.. he's got the very same blonde hair and the identical stormy grey eyes. Though Uncle Magnus' eyes are more friendly than your mom's" he told her, earning a playful slap from Annabeth and a high giggle from Serena.
"What's he like?" She asked once more
"He's a goofy butt" Annabeth smirked then continued "even so he's amazing. He's only a butt because he made everyone think he was dead"
"So he's not dead?"
"Oh he is but still very much alive" she answered simply. Serena looked confused, locking eyes with her father who only laughed.
They made their way out of Lexington Massachusetts. Passing through numerous skyscrapers and other tall buildings, stores and houses. After 20 minutes of driving through towns they finally arrived at Boston. Percy made his way to the food court in the Transportation center in downtown Boston. When Magnus called the day before, he told them to meet at Fadlan's Falafel.
Serena was wide awake and very cheerful. Hugging her stuffed seal tight to her chest.
Annabeth and Percy always made sure she had a toy inside the car, If not she'd cry all day like the time they went to the grocery store.
Once they arrived at Fadlan's Falafel, Percy parked the car as easy as pie. Then in unison, he and Annabeth looked behind to see their daughter better.
"Are you excited baby?" Annabeth asked, a smile playing on her lips.
Serena clapped her hands giggling, kicking her legs against the car seat. "Yeah! Yeah!" She cheered
The couple shared a look of amusement, unbuckling both of their seatbelts. Both of them got out of the car on each side, Serena waiting her turn.
Annabeth opened her car door and helped her with the seatbelt. Hoisting her up in her arms, Serena reached for her books.
"Mama books!" She said
Annabeth looked back at the car, "You could read that back home baby okay? Right now we are gonna meet your uncle Magnus. Interaction is the key" her mother explained
She pouted cutely but immediately brightened up when she thought about another thing. "Can I atleast bring my seal?"
Her father laughed beside her mom. "Of course baby girl" He tickled her nose, earning a sweet giggle from his little girl.
"I'll go get it right now"
"Sure thing"
Percy walked back to his BMW, unlocking it with his car keys. He went to the back seat, grabbing the white plush seal. Locking the car again, he made his way back to his wife and daughter.
He handed Serena her toy and she gladly took it with a small giggle. "Let's go?" He gestured towards the doors.
"Yup" Annabeth agreed and all together they walked right inside the entryway of Fadlan's Falafel. As they entered, Annabeth and Percy caught a sight of three familiar faces. Magnus, Alex, and Samirah. They seemed to be talking about dying in the fields of Valhalla.
"Magnus I came around at 10:00am and that was still early?" Samirah asked, a tone of disbelief in her voice. The three of them were seated in front of Fadlan's Falafel. "First of all, I was tired and sleeping is my way of relaxation. Besides, 14 hours of sleep isn't even enough! Second of all, yesterday I got burned from head to toe then got smashed by a boulder! Dying can really knock me off." He said and Alex snickered. "Sure does Maggie—" from behind them a voice said
"You could say that again Chase." Percy's deep voice called out from across the place.
On the table, Magnus smirked."Near death ordeals don't count Jackson" he and his friends stood up to greet them, turning around and he stopped short. The sight in front of him made his heart skip a beat. There beside Percy, was Annabeth. Holding a beautiful baby girl with long dark curls and stormy grey eyes. The girl clutched a white plush seal on her left arm while the other arm was wrapped around her mother's neck.
"Hey… I—uh— is this baby—?" He fumbled for words, a feeling of wide happiness spreading inside him. Annabeth nodded, a warm smile on her face.
"Meet our daughter, Magnus."
He and his friends slowly walked towards them, not wanting to scare the little baby who started hiding her face in her mother's neck. "It's okay sweetheart" Annabeth assured her daughter. "Can you say hi to Uncle Magnus, Aunt Alex and Aunt Samirah?"
Serena did a little wave. "Hi"
"Aren't you adorable…" Magnus tickled her small knee with a merry expression, earning a sweet giggle. "What's her name?" Asked Samirah softly from Magnus' side. She looked at the little girl fondly, perhaps wanting to have her own with Amir when she's older.
"Serena Angeline," Percy answered this time. Giving his daughter a loving look.
When the baby looked at Alex, she had to be honest. She felt herself go a little too soft inside. "She's so cute" Alex whispered, trying to go unheard but Magnus was the first to overhear. He snickered, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend (she's a she today), obviously taking the risk of Alex cutting his whole arm "Didn't know you went soft Fierro…"
She slapped him, hissing "Shut up Maggie!"
"Language Alex" Samirah scolded, gesturing there's a baby.
Alex mouthed a soft sorry and then smiled at the baby who returned the action.
"So… are we just gonna stand here? Or what?" Percy pointed out, sharing an amused look with Magnus. "Yeah yeah let's go sit down" he agreed
All 6 of them walked back to where Magnus, Alex and Sam were sitting. The Jackson's sat from across them. Serena in between her parents. "Who'd order the food?" Alex asked
"Me" Percy volunteered
"Me too" Magnus said and the boys left the table. Leaving the girls. "Okay so…let me be honest Annabeth but it is hard for me to believe you're a mom. I see you as a badass greek warrior not a gentle mother. " Alex told the young mom in amusement. Annabeth replied with a breezy laugh before saying, "I'm still a badass greek warrior just not when I'm with Serena"
"Does… does she know about—your world?" Samirah asked carefully
Annabeth nodded sadly "Yes she does...she was attacked by a clutter of spiders when she was sick one time. It scared her and Percy and I decided it was for the best. She deserves the truth after that experience."
Samirah and Alex nodded, sorry for the little girl but then laughed when Serena said proudly "I'm a legacy!"
Alex smirked, holding out her fist "Yeah you are" Serena obliged, bumping her fist with Alex. In a second, Magnus and Percy came back holding trays filled with food. Amir trailing right behind them, dragging a chair.
"You guys have fun without us?" Percy smiled, settling down beside Serena who clapped her hands in excitement. (She was excited to eat the food) "Not too much fun" Serena said to her dad. Amir positioned the chair in front of the table, sitting down. He gave a little wave to the little girl and soft smile playing on his lips "Hi.." he whispered
"Hello" she waved back cutely
"What's her name? She's adorable" he exclaimed
"Thank you.." Serena beamed, her dark curls bouncing. "I'm Serena"
"Hi Serena… you keeping mommy and daddy in check?" He patted her head and she giggled in response. "I'll take that as a yes"
"How are you, Magnus? Annabeth asked in all seriousness. "Many adventures going on, I suppose?"
Magnus nodded "yeah just came back from another one actually" he casually told her
"Oh really? That's cool… nothing too dangerous?"
"Nope" he smiled at her
"Okay.. just making sure"
"Annabeth, your maternal instincts are showing" Alex observed.
She laughed "It's quite natural nowadays"
Samirah nodded thrilled, perhaps excited at the thought she was going to have her own children someday. A young family like theirs with Amir. She would never admit it but she already thought of possible names. For a girl she would name her daughter Amira Ayesha. Meaning princess and the name Ayesha because of her mother. For a boy she would name her son Abdul Hakeem. Meaning a servant of Allah who helps people and is a pious servant of God. She must've been preoccupied because Alex needed to shake her out of her thoughts.
"Yo you alright?" Her sister asked, concerned.
She nodded, saying "never better" Then little Serena spoke all of a sudden. Speaking through a full mouth, she said
"Mommy says daddy has a lot of seaweed in his brain"
Percy choked on his Sandwich. Annabeth almost spit her diet coke but held herself for that would be a bad influence to her daughter. Amir and Sam were surprised, amused smiles on their faces while Alex and Magnus roared with laughter.
"Heck damn she is right! Seaweed brain"
"Annabeth!" Percy pouted
"What?" She said nonchalantly "I ain't lying" Then they all laughed as well.
"Goodbye Magnus! It was great to see you!" Annabeth smiles at him, carrying Serena with her right arm while she does her best to hug her cousin with her left. Percy shook his hand, giving him and Amir a man hug. Alex and Samirah bid their farewell to Serena who did not want to leave anymore.
"Momma I don't wanna leave…" she said, playing with her mom's hair
"We'll visit again baby. Okay? No need to get all sad…" she cooed softly
"Yeah that's right honey" Percy gently patted his daughter's back, calming her more "I think we'd be able to meet them again next month if Momma and Daddy isn't busy and Of course we need to consider Uncle Magnus' schedule" he explained to her. Serena stretched her small arms for Percy, wanting him to carry her. He gladly took her from Annabeth, who did not look too happy but nevertheless she smiled and turned toward Magnus. "You. Behave. Alex, Samirah?" she looked at them "Keep him in control would ya? This dork needs some discipline"
Alex saluted "You gotcha!"
Annabeth nodded, calm "Good bye now. Take care of yourselves"
"We will," Magnus smiled, waving farewell. The last he saw the Jacksons, their black BMW Ix turning the corner on North street, Percy singing along with One direction on the radio, Annabeth laughing at his bad voice, loud giggles of Serena heard from a mile away.
"As I said before, They'd cause a nuclear explosion of cuteness." Alex stated, crossing her arms.
"So what now…" Sam asked
"Last one back at Valhalla's a rotten egg" Magnus said hurriedly sprinting off to Forever 21's dressing room.
"Oh no you don't!" Alex yelled after him, trailing behind closely.
Samirah shook her head, crossing her arms "I work with children...Oh why..."
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hurricanerin · 5 years
Not Just One of Your Many Toys 1: Don’t Tell Me What to Do
Tumblr media
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS, loss of virginity, power imbalance, general dickishness
Summary: Ransom and Olivia have been thorns in each other’s sides for fifteen years.  They’ve tolerated one another, coaxed each other through major milestones, and trampled on one another’s hearts.  After years spent healing from one of Ransom’s toxic outburst, Olivia finds herself subpoenaed by the Drysdale family as a character witness for his criminal trial.  Their son is out of control, and the one person with the best chance of getting through to him wants absolutely nothing to do with the man.   
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Steamier things are coming, my friends.
Listen. Or kick it retro. You won’t regret it.)
Boston, 2005
 There has never been a moment in my life that I haven’t known exactly who Ransom Drysdale is.  We met in the fall of 2005, right after my dad was promoted with General Electric and my family had moved to Boston from Puerto Rico for his new job. I was 13 and Ransom was 19, and I could’ve told you within 5 minutes of enduring his company that he was a playboy and a Grade A narcissist.  
My parents and his mom, the legendary Linda Drysdale, had closed on our new house the week before.  When my papá had mentioned to our realtor that he had 6 engineer brothers and sisters in PR also looking to move to the Boston area, Linda immediately swooped in and took over the sale.  We had moved into the new house for two days when who showed up on our doorstep with a giant Harry and David gift basket on his mother’s behalf? Ransom.  I’ve never seen my mom so taken with a man so quickly.  It was absolutely nauseating.  
My mom and I had been sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast with my little brother when Ransom waltzed in, ruining our meal.  While he charmed my mom, I shooed Gian from the table, stuffed him into his coat and boots and shoved his toast into his hand.  
“You’re gonna miss your bus, vete,” I said with an affectionate push.
He waved me off, but I could see his smile as he scrambled out the door towards his friends.  When I turned around, Mamá was on the phone, distractedly scribbling on a notepad at the center island.  Ransom had seated himself at our table and was examining the gift basket. After retrieving a pear, he rearranged the treats so it looked as if nothing were missing.  Catching my eye, he shot me a grin, took a bite of the fruit and flaunted it in front of me.
“Want some?”
My mom’s groan of frustration cut off my retort as she hung up.  Without missing a beat, Ransom hid the pear behind his leg.
Clipping her beeper to the waist of her skirt, she motioned at my backpack.  “Ol, you need to get your school stuff and hop in the car, I have to go to the hospital early.  I need to drive you; school is on the way.  A patient needs to go into surgery now.”
I scowled and put my hands on my hips. “I’m taking the bus with my friends. You said at this school I could!”
Already gathering her coat and keys, she shook her head.  “I’m sorry, mija.  Not today.  Come on, we need to go.  I can’t leave you alone at home for that long.”
My nose started to sting.  I didn’t want to sit at school alone for an hour and have to explain to my new friends why I wasn’t on the bus like everyone else.
Carefully watching the interaction, Ransom cleared his throat.  “Mrs. Santos, I would be happy to stay with her until her bus comes.  I’m home on break from Yale for the week and would love nothing more than to get to know your daughter,” he offered, radiating charisma.
“Oh Ransom, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Honestly, our house is only a few streets away, so we’re practically neighbors.  It would be no problem.”
She hesitated, glancing from Ransom to her watch. Back home, we didn’t have babysitters. Family played that role.  I couldn’t imagine leaving her 13 year-old home alone with a strange man was high on her list of things to do in the US.
Ransom read the situation well.  “Mrs. Santos, my girlfriend is just at my parents’.  Why don’t I give her a call and the three of us can clean up the kitchen until…,” he motioned at me.
“Olivia,” I snipped.
He didn’t flinch.  “Until Olivia’s bus comes,” he finished with a smile.
“I suppose… that would be alright,” Mamá agreed.  “Your family is so kind!”  Sighing in relief, she snagged me for a kiss goodbye and scurried towards the door.  “Behave, Ol! I’ll see you at dinner,” she shouted over her shoulder.
I listened to the garage door close and turned to find him thumbing through the Harry and David catalogue while dabbing pear juice from his lips with a napkin.  I glared at him for a minute.
“You and your mom are just being nice to my parents because I have a lot of aunts and uncles moving here,” I accused.
He looked up, laughing in surprise.  Nodding his head to the side, he shrugged a shoulder, “You’re not wrong.  Did they tell you that?”
“No, but I can tell.”
A soft ping sounded and he patted his pockets, pulling out a phone from his jacket.  He continued nibbling at the pear until all that was left was the core, then absently dumped it on my abandoned breakfast plate.  I walked closer and peered at the screen in his hands while he typed furiously.
“Do you have any games on your phone?” I asked.
“This isn’t a phone, it’s a Blackberry.”
“Do you have any games on your Blackberry?  Like Snake?  My mom’s phone has Snake.”
“No, it doesn’t have Snake,” he snapped as he pulled a headset from his jacket pocket and plugged it into the headphone jack. Almost immediately it rang and he slipped the earpiece on, pushing me.
“Jackson?”  He sighed at me in irritation and turned away.  “Yeah, come up this weekend.  They’re two Norwegian bitches, semi-professional skiers or something. Super hot.  They’re in the US to train but stopping to vacation in New England or whatever.”  He ran his finger along the wicker of the gift basket while he listened to his friend respond.  With an exasperated sigh, he shook his head.  “No, no, we don’t need to take them sailing for them to put out.”
I stared at him, my jaw dropping.  I knew it was rude to both stare and eavesdrop, but I had never met anyone who was so blatantly awful.
“They’ll fuck us because I’m crazy rich, bro, don’t worry,” Ransom chuckled.  He leaned back against the table and rolled his eyes as his friend prattled on, until his gaze landed on me.  His eyes widened.
“Shit,” he muttered.  “Jax, I’m not alone.  I gotta go.”
He yanked the earpiece off and tossed it on the table, leaning towards me with his elbows on his knees.  
I scowled.  “You don’t really have a girlfriend who’s coming over.”
“Olivia,” he said with a practiced smile that actually reached his beaming eyes.  Ignoring my statement, he took me in for a moment, cataloguing my appearance as his gaze came to rest on my neck.
“That’s such a pretty necklace you’re wearing, did you pick it out yourself?”
My insides tingled a little.  I didn’t like-him-like-him or anything, but he did look like a prince and he had complemented the starfish necklace my parents had given me for my birthday last summer.  It was my favorite.
“It was a present from my mom and dad, from when I turned 13 last year.”
“Christ,” he muttered under his breath.  Something about me being a kid.  I didn’t know what that meant, because he made an angry face. But that quickly went away and then his prince face was back.
“That was my friend Jackson on the phone,” he motioned at his Blackberry with his thumb, “We go to college together.  We joke around a lot,” he chuckled, rubbing my shoulder. “You do that with your friends, too, right?  Tell jokes, mess around?”
Confused and skeptical, I nodded.
“And you don’t always tell those jokes to your parents, because they don’t understand them.  You keep them between you and your friends.”
I raised my brow, trying to look formidable.  “You don’t want me to tell my mom what you were talking about.”
The friendliness in his expression melted away, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards instead.  “Exactly.”
 To this day, I wish I could say I stuck up for myself; that I told my mom how much of a jerk he was.  How he was a deceptive, womanizing liar who didn’t deserve an ounce of our time.  But, I didn’t.  Instead, I stooped to Ransom’s level.
My family had money; my mom was a physician and my dad a senior engineer for GE.  We lived very comfortably.  We had spent several months in the US in an apartment before finding the house, during which they had been earning American salaries and making more than ever.  But, both of my parents came from humble means, sent a lot of money back home to their own parents and grandparents, and did not appreciate the materialism I faced every day at the private school they sent me to.
And Ransom had… a lot of money.  He had made that clear over the phone.  I’m not proud to admit that I requested the Tiffany heart tag bracelet I had seen other girls wearing at school in exchange for my silence.  I’m even less proud that, after scoffing at my proposal, Ransom walked me right past the Tiffany & Co. on Newbury Street and in to Cartier and had me pick out a bracelet there instead.  He said he hadn’t bought Tiffany for a girl since he was my age and that he wasn’t lowering himself.  I still have the bracelet buried in my jewelry box, though I never put it on.  Considering its origins, it feels dirty to wear, but I can’t bear to part with it.
 Boston, 2007
 In 2007, we found out my dad had a mistress.  He had paid for her to move over from PR and had been supporting her in Boston for two years.  That would’ve flown in PR, but in the US, my mom’s friends wouldn’t stand for it. (Especially the female divorce lawyer next door.)  That was more or less the end of my dad’s presence in my life.  There’s a chance he might walk me down the aisle one day, but that’s only if Mamá insists on a super Catholic wedding.  
My dad leaving didn’t affect me like it did my mom and Gian. I had my friends and tennis, but Gian was younger and quieter; he and my dad spent a lot of time with little robot projects and those LEGO sets and I could tell he missed him.  Mamá was lonely at home, too; she and my dad had been together since high school.  She had spent a lot of time taking care of him, despite her working 60 hour weeks.
A few of my dad’s sisters hung around as moral support, but Papá eventually pressured them until they stopped coming to see us.  However, there was an additional isolated party within our vicinity who also needed a group of humans to latch onto; someone with the capacity to fill the role of both quasi-paternal figure (figure, not role model), and platonic spouse.
I’d seen Ransom with Mrs. Drysdale; at best, she spoiled her son.  At worst, she placated him with money, demeaned and dismissed him.  Even I didn’t appreciate how she treated him and most days I didn’t like him.  After graduating last in his class from Yale, Ransom took the year off to get away from her. Not a normal “take the year off” where you travel to learn about yourself, or work, or anything like that. Instead, Ransom bought property in the Maldives and imported $500,000 worth of Dom Perignon—the Rose Gold kind—, and flew in ballerinas from Moscow while telling his mom he was joining the Peace Corps for a girl.  When there was fraud on his black AmEx and he had to phone home for help, there was hell to pay when the call came from not Mongolia.  Linda cut him off and kicked him out.
For six months, but still.  This was Ransom.
My mother, bless her heart, would have absorbed all children needing a home if she could.  And, though he was 21, Ransom definitely qualified as such a child.  I honestly think Ransom needed the mothering, too. Growing up with a nanny paid to give you care is not a replication of a mother’s love, which he never had in the first place.
Ransom always showered Mamá with attention, asking how she was with utter sincerity while maintaining direct eye contact, thanking her for the work she did as a cardiac surgeon, and other general sycophantic niceties.  I was terrified that would change for the worst after he moved in, despite their generous age gap.  A freshly divorced woman could’ve been new prey for him.  It wasn’t that she didn’t know who and what he was—she was under no illusions.  But she had a soft spot for the broken bad boy with mommy issues and indulged him.
I watched him like a hawk when he was around her, but he never made a move.  He certainly let her wait on him; she cooked him food from scratch and listened to him talk while she cleaned up the kitchen, but he was never salacious.  I still give him props for that.  It would have been an entertaining game for him, one he would’ve easily won.  
It helped that he was gone half the time.  He still had his car, keys to the Hamptons house and access to his friends’ jets and properties.   I’m pretty sure Richard was also slipping him $50k a month because Ransom rebuilt his wardrobe pretty quickly.
I will admit I was slightly… antagonistic towards him during the beginning of his time with us.  I may have picked a few fights.  He wanted to watch Sin City because of Jessica Alba; I wanted to watch the Corpse Bride.  He left questionable-looking hair trimmings in the shower drain and you can bet I was pounding on his door.  He gave me that look when I thought I had dressed nicely, and I may or may not have launched myself at him.  But, near the middle of his stay, we learned to co-exist, and even had some decent conversations.  I chilled out when I saw how he was with Gian.  
I’m not sure Mamá ever officially asked Ransom to step up while he was living with us, I think the only conditions she had was that he tip the cleaning people an extra $150 for how bad his room was, not have his douchey friends over past 10pm, and no sleepovers with the opposite sex.  But, it was obvious to everyone under our roof that Gian looked to Ransom for companionship.  And, to my utter surprise, Ransom kind of delivered.  He took Gian to the U.S. Open and up to Lake Champlain to golf a few times, and they’d hang out at the house when Ransom was home.  
Then, one day I heard him call Gian his charity project to his friends as they sat out on the porch.  The second he came inside I punched him in the arm over that.  The weirdest part about Ransom and his awful behavior is that he only kinds of means it.  I mean, the idea was there, he had had the thought that Gian was less fortunate than him and needed his help.  But I also know he genuinely loved my little brother and was making spending time with him out to be a bigger deal than it really was.
Six months to the day, Ransom had a moving company at our doorstep at 8am sharp.  He only had a few hanging wardrobes worth of clothes to move into his new apartment; all of the furniture was being delivered by the dealer, but the man couldn’t lower himself to drive his own U-Haul.  By that time, I had developed an appreciation for Ransom.  It was kind of nice to have someone older to talk to, even though he had no conception of what real life was like.  He was okay.  I didn’t miss sharing a dwelling space with him, but I did kind of miss him.
 Boston, Fall 2009
 That fall, I was 18 and a senior at the Winsor School and Ransom was 25 and bullshitting his way through his Master’s of Science in Business Analytics at Princeton.  I preferred not to ask questions regarding his attendance or grades.  I figured the less I knew, the less I could be implicated in some scandal involving the university and bribery.
High school wasn’t a great time in my life. The kids at Winsor were spoiled and came from generations of overachievers.  You could say there were a lot of Ransoms, I suppose; self-serving, arrogant, brutal, conceited, rich kids.  I’m not saying I didn’t share some of those traits, I knew I was fortunate, but I liked to think I was a decent person.  As a result, I was relatively lonely.  I had the varsity tennis team, and that fit my basic  need for socialization.  But not once did I ever entertain the thought of a boyfriend.
As the years progressed, I waited for the mutual attraction for my peers to arrive.  It never did. At that age, even if boys had adopted the air of sophistication they had seen modeled at home and had the ability to charm, they severely lacked in a different department, like intelligence or maturity.  I shut down every advance without a second thought and didn’t look back.
Until, that is, my Senior year.  As leaving home was becoming a reality, I decided I didn’t want to go to college a virgin.  I just didn’t.  Things happen in college, things you don’t always have control over, and I liked control.  I liked control very much.  And I wanted to have control over when and how I gave it up.  And I wasn’t giving it up to some 18 year old I had dated for a three months who couldn’t kiss and also didn’t have the experience to help me enjoy the process.
But I knew someone who did.
I smirked as a key sounded in the lock, Ransom had never given his back from a few years ago.
“Ol?” his voice echoed up the stairs.
“In the kitchen!”
The old stairs creaked as he ascended, heading straight for the refrigerator without even looking at me.
“Hey,” he nodded in greeting.
“Hey.”  For the first time in my life, I was nervous talking to him.  I’d texted him, asking if he could stop by, which wasn’t out of character.  He usually popped in at least once a month to return a book, pick up a sweater he forgot that my mom had washed or have dinner with us.  He lingered, even after moving out.  The flight from Princeton to Boston was only an hour, and it meant a lot to Gian, to all of us, really, that Ransom still visited.
While Ransom dug through the fridge, pulling out some leftover chorizo, I set about throwing together some protein smoothies for us.  He had left a container of ridiculously expensive something something collagen protein at our house the last time he was there and it was expiring soon, so I split the remainder between us.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw him fuss with the microwave.
I raised a brow.  “You know how to use kitchen appliances?”
He took an exaggerated bite of a sausage slice. “Selectively,” he winked.
I bit my cheek to keep from laughing.  Ransom’s “selective�� helplessness didn’t need encouragement.
I think what we worked in was companionable silence, but I’m not positive.  I was pretty geared up, so it was hard to tell.  Settling at the table, I laid plates out for both of us, chewing my lip.
“I have a favor to ask.”
“I can’t get you into Yale early decision, but I can get you in,” he said as he reached for his smoothie.
I rolled my eyes.  “I’ve already gotten into Brown on my own, which was my first choice, thank you. What I need is… different.”
“What is it?  I’ve got cash with me.”
“Ransom!  Listen to me. Just let me ask my question.”
“Okay!” he chuckled, his eyes gleaming as he swirled his glass.
“Okay,” I repeated, my heart pounding in my chest. I made myself look him in the eye. All of a sudden I wanted to cry? What if he said no?  What if he laughed?  What if he never talked to me again?
“Ol, you’re getting pale.  You look like you’re about to ask me to skin a cat.”
“Shut up,” I grumbled, seconds away from losing my nerve. I inhaled deeply, folding my hands on the table in front of me and sitting up straight.
“Ransom,” I began.
“Olivia,” he countered, his face comically serious.
“I want you to take my virginity.  Now that I’m 18—.”
“Hah—You what?  No you don’t, Olivia, you don’t—.”
“I do.”
“Ehhhh,” he made a pained face and shook his head.  “I mean, what do you mean by virginy? What have you done before?”
“But you’ve given head though, right?”
I tried to mask my embarrassment with a look of disdain.
When Ransom gaped in surprise, I kicked him under the table.
“A handjob?”
“I said nothing,” I bit out.
The corner of his mouth pulled upward and he tilted his head, his eyes narrowing.  “What about like… getting off with each other?”
I shook my head.  
“There’s no one I want to sext.”
He sighed and rubbed his eyes.
“But like…”
“I’ve never touched or been touched, Ransom.  I’ve never seen a man naked, okay?”
He sighed.  “I don’t do virgins.  It’s a personal policy.  Especially someone like you who has absolutely no experience.”
That stung, but I kept trying.  “Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Are you dating anyone?”
“Ol, I don’t date—.”
“Ransom, this is exactly the type of arrangement you want!” I hissed.
“This should be something you do with a boyfriend, someone your age who you care about and who cares about you.”
I groaned and stormed into the living room, plopping into an easy chair.  
“I don’t want a boyfriend.  I’m going to Brown in the fall, so dating someone now would be pointless. And in Providence, between Chi Omega, studying, volunteering, and AMSA, I just won’t have time for a relationship.”
Ransom couldn’t suppress a laugh as he tailed after me.  “You’re as heartless as I am.”
“I’m not heartless,” I argued.  “I’m practical.”
He gave me a patronizing smile.  “You’ve never done this before, you don’t know how you’ll feel afterwards.  It’s sex. Girls get attached.  I just can’t do that, babe.”
"You can!  Ransom, you can.  I won’t get attached.  I’ll leave you alone after.  I won’t text you for a month.  Please? I—,” my cheeks flamed as I looked down at my hands.  Bickering and bantering with Ransom was easy.  Acting like I disliked him was easy.  But being vulnerable with him?  That was terrifying.  “I want it to be you,” I whispered.  “I don’t trust anyone else.”
With a sigh, he perched on the arm of my chair.
“I’m going back to Princeton on Sunday.  Even if we did it tonight, we wouldn’t have 48 hours together.”
“I don’t care!” I slapped the seat of the chair. “What if—what if I get roofied and lose it to some guy and don’t even remember it?  Or—or someone, you know… one in every four women faces sexual assault in college…”
That perpetual, devious gleam in Ransom’s eyes disappeared.  Something brutal and vicious replaced it.
  “I’d kill him.  I’d kill anyone who touched you like that.”
My chest tightened.  I’d never seen him that serious before, not even when he argued with his mom.  It was a little terrifying.  But, I had carried pepper spray on me for years since moving to the city and I already knew my parents were sending me to college with a SipChip, not that I’d be going to parties anyway.  I tried another angle.
  “I know I’m not the girls you normally sleep with—blonde, white, with yachts and horses and trust funds—
Darkness cast over his face.
“Olivia,” he interrupted.  Brow creasing, Ransom lifted his hand near my face, then hesitated. With a growl, he cupped my jaw. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, brushing the knuckle of the opposite hand against my cheek.  “And trust funds are so mundane.”
I rose from the chair and leaned against his leg. “Then why don’t you want me?”  It took everything in me to keep my voice from breaking.
Ransom shifted uneasily, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Ol, I’ve known you since you were a kid.  I can’t—I just don’t see you that way.”
“You still see me as a child?”
“I guess, yeah.”
Butterflies flapped madly in my belly, but I held my breath and stepped forward between his legs until our chests were pressed together, trapping my hand between us at his groin.  Praying that I applied what I had read correctly, I timidly felt for his cock. He grunted when I wrapped my hand around the outline of its shape and followed it with a shy stroke.
“I am not a child,” I husked in my best seductress voice.
“You said you’d never touched or been touched,” he accused through clenched teeth.
Both proud and embarrassed, I ducked my head. “I don’t like entering a situation unprepared.  I read a lot and watched some videos.”  Realizing the implications of my statement, I turned beet red.  “For research, I mean!”
That earned me a genuine smile.  Sliding one hand around my waist he pulled me closer, then used the other to firmly guide my palm over his half erect cock, rubbing it back and forth.  I blushed as I felt him harden under my fingers.
“What else did you research?”
"Stuff,” I mumbled.
Rubbing his thumb along my hipbone, his gaze fell to his lap, watching my hand work over his erection.  Then his eyes deviated to my front, trailing up my belly to my chest, which was, admittedly, heaving, and slowly made their way to my face. Looking someone in the eye had never made me clench down there before.  It was unexpected, but not unappreciated.
I could see Ransom thinking, his eyes flicking back and forth between mine as he reasoned with himself.
“You need to think this over, you need to really consider what you’re asking me and decide that’s what you want,” he murmured, his voice rough.
My pussy throbbed at the sound, and it took extra concentration not to let my eyes close.
“When have I ever made a rash decision about something this important?  I started thinking about this a year ago.”
He exhaled a laugh, shaking his head.  “Of course you did.”
When his hips gave an involuntary thrust against my palm, he gently pulled my wrist away.
“That’s enough for now.”
Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes.  “Did I do it wrong?  Is that a no?”
He massaged his closed eyelids with his index finger and thumb, exhaling shakily.  “It should be a no.  A good man would say no.”  
Drawing me against him once more, I whimpered as he ground his cock against my belly.  “But I’ve never been a good man, have I, Olivia?”
He didn’t give me an opportunity to respond. The kiss was firm, but delicate. No tongues or biting or slipping or sliding, just lips pressed together, gently massaging.  When he sucked at my lower lip I surprised both of us with a soft moan, causing him to bury his hand in my hair and tilt my head for better access.
I completely lost track of everything, because the next moment of consciousness I had was gasping for air as he pulled away. My fingers were tangled in his hair, my hand clutching his sweater like it was a lifeline, and his thigh was situated between both of mine, applying pressure to my clit that was making me see stars.  Now my mouth was wet, but I didn’t care.
Once I could see straight, I dove for his mouth again, but he stopped me with an unyielding grip on my chin.
“Change,” he rumbled.  “We’ll go to dinner at Menton, I’ll pull some strings and get us a table.  Then back to my apartment.”
I squinted, still reeling from the kiss. “We’re not going to Menton first, that makes it sound like a date.  This isn’t a date, we have one mission to accompli—.”
He gaze grew cold.  “If we do this, we’re doing it my way.  You’re going to listen to me.  I’m in charge.”
My eyes flicked back and forth between his as my entire face and neck glowed pink.  
“Okay,” I whispered.
“Say ‘Yes, sir,’” he corrected me.
“Yes, sir,” I repeated softly.
The pleased smile that spread across his lips gave me a warm feeling in my belly.
“Tonight, I’m going to destroy your pussy,” he whispered against my ear, sucking at my lobe, “I’m going to make you come like a whore.”  Moving to my other side, he spoke softly again, his warm breath against my cheek making me shiver.  “Your future husband will resent me for the rest of your lives, because I’m going to ruin you for any other man.”  Nuzzling my nose with the tip of his, he kissed the corner of my mouth.  “And you’re going to love it.”
I couldn’t help myself.  I was throbbing, there was pressure building in my belly and the man had barely laid a hand on me.  With a high pitched whimper, I sought his mouth again, but he wrapped his huge hand around my throat and shook his head as he held me back.
“Go.  Pick out something nice to wear.  Something you feel pretty in.”
Mouth dry, I nodded.  He caught my arm as I went to leave.
“And Olivia?  Not a scrap of clothing underneath.”
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forevercaroline · 7 years
Kc comfort part 2
This a sequel to my Drabble for Klaroline au week day five. Kc comfort: Liz dies and Enzo takes Caroline to New Orleans. For @caritobear @my-light-into-the-darkness and @megansarah11 Who all asked for a sequel. Xxx " I would just like to go on record saying I'm not ok with this." " Noted now get in the car if you want to save blondie." Xxx Klaus wakes up and feels someone pressed into his side. He looks down and sees Caroline has buried herself into his side her head is on his shoulder her arms are brought up near her face her knees scrunched up next to his hip. The blankets are around his waist. He just looks at her she looks so precious and he cant believe she came to him when her mom died the only down side is she brought that new friend with her. He hears his daughter fussing in the next room and goes in and get her out of her crib and brings her to the window. Caroline wakes up and the bed is empty she remembers coming to Klaus she doesn't want to be alone right now. " Klaus, Klaus, Klaus." Klaus hears her and goes back into his room with his daughter. " Caroline I want you to meet my daughter Hope." Klaus sits on the bed with Hope and hands her over to Caroline who has sat up in bed. " She's beautiful I didn't know you were starting a family here I can go." " No stay you didn't traveled all this way to just leave." " Why was the little werewolf slut Hayley here last night wearing a wedding dress? And how do you have a daughter vampires can't have children?" Klaus looks down uncomfortable he didn't want to explain this and hoped Caroline didn't bring it up he wasn't going to bring it up but Hope started fussing. " I'll answer the second question first. I slept with Hayley and with us both being werewolves we made a little wolf. To answer your first question I held Hayley's wedding here because she is the mother of my child and Elijah has a fixation with her." Caroline gets out of the bed looking for her shoes. " I'm going to go. This was a stupid idea coming here, you have Hope and Hayley who probably still hates me and if she found out I was here she would snap my neck again. And stupid me thinking that you wouldn't have moved on from me with your declarations of love. I'm just going to get Enzo and leave you to your wedded bliss with Hayley. I'm sorry I called Hayley a slut." Klaus realizes she has the wrong idea and tries to stop her. " Caroline you-" "-No I get it you moved on it was stupid of me to think otherwise." Klaus knows he's not going to get through to her so he has to try another way. " How are you going to leave you don't have any clothes and are wearing my shirt?" Caroline turns back around from putting her dress on from yesterday " I'll figure it out. Why do you even care?" "Sweetheart." Caroline is out the room before Klaus can get near her. Xxx " Enzo get up were leaving." Enzo rolls over in the guest bed and rubs his eyes " Why Cinderella I thought we came here so Prince Charming could make you feel better." Caroline sitting on the end of his bed " Well looks like Prince Charming find another Cinderella and made a baby with her." "Are we talking about the same guy, tall, curly dirty blonde hair, extremely possessive over you." "Yes and the wedding we crashed yesterday was the mother of his child's and I'm guessing his wife who hates me we need to go." Enzo nods and vamp dresses into his funeral clothes from yesterday." We need new clothes." Xxx Klaus who thought she would return to his room so he could explain what is really going on hears her going down the stairs. He runs out of his room Hope still in his arms " Caroline." Caroline turns around at the door "Have a nice life with your wife and your daughter you'll never have to see me again." Klaus sees Elijah standing in the living room doorway with a confused look on his face. " Here take Hope I have to go calm her down and explain what is actually go on." Elijah looks at the door " Who was that, that just left." "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Niklaus I am holding your miracle child nothing you say will be as unbelievable as you getting a women pregnant." Klaus sighs and comes clean " That is Caroline Forbes the love of my life, my muse, my last love, my queen, the women who when she is ready I will spend eternity with. And her best friend Enzo." Elijah is blown away with shock at his brothers confession. And just as Klaus has one foot out the door Hayley yells from the top of the stairs "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HOPE!" "I didn't do anything with her she was fussing in her crib so I picked her up and now that another problem has arisen I gave her to Elijah." Hayley calms down a little " I thought I lost her again, Jack went to go check on her and she was gone and he smelled vampire in nursery it scared me." " She's down here with your other lover. So is this going to be like a doppelgänger thing where you can't choose between them. One day your with your wolf one day your with Elijah. Even a skilled doppleganger like Katerina could only put up that game for so long and you don't have the patience or skills she did." Hayley vamps in front of Klaus ready to yell at him possibly punch him when he snaps her neck " That was for Caroline." Xxx Caroline and Enzo find a clothes store that had just opened Enzo picks out black jeans black short sleeve shirt and a black jacket. While Caroline picks out black jeans, yellow tank top and leather jacket, and a pair of black heels. " Do you want to talk about it gorgeous?" Caroline whips around " Talk about what that the guy who said he loved me, he wanted to be my last love, would wait for me however long it took married and somehow had a child with someone who hates me. Or the fact that this store has no good accessories." " That's not what you usually wear why are you wearing leather and almost all black?" " I'm in mourning, plus I'm in a new town where nobody that matters knows me and I want my outfit to give off the impression that if you talk to me I might kill you." Enzo looks into her eyes to see if there's still that Caroline Forbes spark. "Well you still have your humanity so why don't you tell me what's really bothering you." Enzo compels the cashier to give them the clothes for free and there now just walking down bourbon street which is kinda empty being eight in the morning. " I was so stupid I actually believed he loved me how could I be so stupid. He terrorized the whole town he didn't love me I was just a toy to him." Xxx They find a bar called Rousseau's it's empty. Enzo compels the bartender two vodka's and pancakes. " Sorry I'm on vervain and its 8 in the morning to early for vodka." Enzo leans on the bar " Look my friend here is having a really bad forty eight hours and all she wants is vodka but I want her to have some actual food. So either give us what we want or one of us is going to kill you. Also if you think of vervaining us remember vampires are stronger and faster than a human." The bartender scoffs and pours their drinks " When my friend hears you threatened to kill me he will kill you." " Is that supposed to make us scared?" A couple minutes later the pancakes are served and Caroline sluggishly bites into them she doesn't want them but she knows she has to eat something. " So what's the plan now gorgeous?" Caroline slouches over and leans her head on Enzo's shoulder " For once I have no plan. This place was supposed to help me. Now it just makes me mad." Enzo puts his arm around her " You'll never loose me gorgeous." " As much as I may hate him for touching you he makes a point." Caroline and Enzo look over at Klaus at the end of bar. " What are you doing here?" " I came to make sure you were ok and to explain what is going on." Caroline still in Enzo's embrace nods. " I'm not married to Hayley I would never marry her she is as irritating as a doppelgänger more so if that's even possible. The only reason I have not killed her yet is because she is the mother of my child but the itch to kill her is still there and strong. I still love you Caroline leaving Mystic Falls was hard because I knew I was leaving you. I think about you everyday, yesterday when I found you I was coming back from watching helplessly Kol die again. Seeing you made me feel better comforting you last night as you slept in arms felt right." Caroline leaves Enzo's embrace looks at Klaus " How can you help me if you live with her. I step one foot into the house and she kills me. And right now if she tries anything I'll kill her first." " She's gone plus I snapped her neck for hurting you. I want you to stay. Your always welcome at my home your always welcome at any of our houses." Caroline nods " Thank you." Xxx Klaus pays for their food and after Caroline finishes her pancakes Klaus takes them both back to the compound. " Go upstairs to my room I have to do something first." Klaus walks into the living room and sees Hayley and Jackson playing with hope " You need to leave now your upsetting my guest. Leave Hope and get out." " This is my home too. I am not leaving Hope." Klaus grabs Jackson by the neck and yanks him up so they are looking eye to eye and compels him " You will take Hayley to the bayou and if she tries to take my daughter with her snap her neck." Jackson ends up having to snap Hayley's neck. Xxx Klaus takes Hope upstairs where Caroline and Enzo are. " Sweetheart how are you doing?" " I want to drink my sorrows." "Let's get you some blood." " If I give you Hope are you going freak out again and think Hayley's my wife. Which we will be talking about." Caroline shakes her head " I won't freak out." Klaus gives Hope to Caroline and brings them all to the kitchen. " Love why did you think I married Hayley, why did you freak out so much? The last time we talked you told me you have plans, a future, things you wanted and none of them include me." Caroline looks up from Hope with a guilty look on her face " I was wrong when my mom died all I wanted was you to tell me it gets better. My future does include you. Yesterday when we arrived we saw Hayley in a wedding dress walking through your house and then you told me that you and Hayley had Hope. I always took comfort in knowing that if I ever had a problem or got into a bad situation or anything I could call you and you would always be there for me. But now I don't have that comfort anymore because you know have to worry about Hayley and Hope." Klaus leans over the island in the kitchen and puts his hand over hers " Love I will always be there for you no matter what. I don't care about Hayley's safety." Xxx Klaus brings Caroline, Enzo and Hope outside. He has Hope sitting on a blanket on the grass with some of her toys with her. " Love I want you to hit me." That catches Caroline off guard for two reasons for one she was watching Klaus with Hope she's surprised and two she can't believe he is asking her that. " Excuse me." " When I get angry like you are right now I usually kill or draw/paint. I know you, you don't like to kill so that option is out and you might be a great art critic for me but I remember you telling me over one of our phone calls that you can't draw so that option is out. What you need to do is to release the anger inside you. So take out your anger on me." " That's crazy I'm not going to hit you." " It won't hurt and I heal quicker than you a positive of being a hybrid. And if you don't want to hit me should I go find someone you would hit." Caroline shakes her head. " Fine I'll hit you." Klaus smiles and puts his arms out " Have at it sweetheart." Caroline punches him in the chest repeatedly until she starts crying again. Klaus pulls her in for a hug. " It will get better love." Xxx Caroline is punching Klaus again when Damon, Stefan, Elena and Bonnie barge into the backyard just as they were about to knock on the front door they heard noises coming from the back of the house." I see your still barging into houses. What if I was indecent or indisposed with Caroline." Elena is next to Damon and looking at Caroline she doesn't understand why Caroline is here. " Caroline would never sleep with you." Klaus smiles at Caroline then smirks at Elena " I wouldn't say never. I remember a beautiful day everyone was cheering that Katerina was dying. Caroline went out Into the woods to find the quarterback and came back hours after he was found and well into the night. All Caroline has to say is she wants to do it again and I would have her on every surface of this house screaming my name and feeling pleasure you can only dream of. We all know Damon can't satisfy even an original how is he supposed to satisfy a diluted blood bag like yourself. Stefan can satisfy an original but Damon can't." Elena glares at Klaus smug look " Caroline let's get you home you need to be with friends not the enemy." Caroline has a lot of emotions flowing through her at the moment. She looks between Elena, Bonnie and Klaus "Enzo can you take Hope and find Elijah or Rebekah I don't think Klaus would want her witnessing this." Enzo reaches down to pick Hope up and Klaus growls Caroline looks up at him " Enzo won't let anything hurt her and will give her straight to a sibling." Caroline faces her friends " I'm not leaving and Klaus isn't my enemy he never was Klaus is my friend, my future, the one person who I know I can count on anything for, I know Klaus will always have my back and respect my feelings. My first birthday after I turned I was dying from a hybrid bite from Tyler and none of you came by see how I was doing Matt did stayed with me and Klaus healed me he didn't have to he could've of let me die but he didn't not only did he save me he gave me a reason to live help me embrace my vampirism. I'm proud to be a vampire. Even though I'm not a Mikealson I think Klaus has included me into his always and forever because I know Klaus will always and forever be looking out for me and be there when I need him." Klaus nods he agrees with her when he first saw her when he was giving Tyler Elena's blood he made a silent vow to himself the night of homecoming that he would always protect her. " Blonde I will snap your neck and put you in the car if you don't come with us. One way or another your coming with us back to Mystic Falls" Klaus steps forward and snaps his neck. " If you can't treat Caroline with respect get out of my house and never return." Elena looks down at Damon then at Caroline " Caroline." " I'm staying here. Klaus can help me more than you can. You never respected me or valued my option it's always about you Elena. For once I want it to be about me with Klaus it is about me." Elena looks at Bonnie she doesn't like how this is turning out either. " Caroline your our friend were not going to abandon you." Caroline smiles at her she happy Bonnie is back but she doesn't want to leave. " I'm happy your back Bonnie but that doesn't change anything. Klaus and Enzo are helping me through the pain of losing my mom. After she died and the reason I came here was so I can turn off my humanity or have Rebekah because I know Klaus wouldn't do it compel me to take the pain away. Right now I'm still hurting but not as much having Klaus in my life again soothes me. I can't describe it but his presence makes me feel safe." Elena looks at Stefan she thinks he could maybe get through to her. " Caroline our home is Mystic Falls I have feelings for you too. Come back and we can start something." "No in the car coming here I had a lot of time to think and I've come to the realization that I never did have feelings for you. Sure when I first met you I thought you were hot but those feelings went away after I saw you choose Elena. Then we became best friends. I only said I had feelings for you because everything in my life was spiraling out of control and I needed to have control of something so I said I had feelings for you seen I met you but it wasn't true." Elena and friends leave without Caroline they didn't want to but they had no choice Caroline was wasn't leaving and they wouldn't force her. Xxx "Your right love not only have I included you into my always and forever I consider you part of my family." Caroline smiles at him and hugs him. " Thank you Klaus." Klaus kisses her forehead " Your welcome love."
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abbygkane · 8 years
Habits of my heart: 2/3
Here it finally is, the second chapter, I’m so sorry that it took so long :/ I honestly didn’t mean to wait this long before writing the second part. I really hope that it’ll be worth the wait even though I’m not completely satisfied with the result. So I’m kind of nervous about publishing it. Anyway, hope you’ll enjoy. You can read the first part here
Abby had been feeling fidgety and jumpy all day. The last time she was this nervous of coming into work, was on her first day at the hospital five years ago. Even some of her interns had noticed her slightly out of character behaviour. She had observed more than one confused look being thrown between Jackson and Murphy. Naturally, she had pretended not to notice those glances and brushed off any remarks because how was she supposed to explain that the man she’d been glaring daggers at and complaining about was taking her out on a date after work?
She’d woken up this morning with a small smile on her face before gleefully getting up and taking a shower. There might have been a small wardrobe crisis as well, not that she’d ever admit it of course. Her smile had still been present during breakfast, much to the amusement of Clarke and Lexa, who had both teased her relentlessly but even that hadn’t ruined her good mood.
As she had walked into work this morning, she’d been on the lookout because Marcus usually came in around the same time as her, but she hadn’t seen him, and the first wave of nerves kicked in. 
What if he regretted asking her out? What if he had thought it over at home and decided that going on a date with a co-worker wasn’t a good idea? Maybe he even called in sick because he didn’t want to run into her today? 
Those thoughts had plagued her between patient consultations until she’d walked into the canteen during her lunch break and she spotted him waiting in line to pay for his food. Not wanting to waste this opportunity to talk to him, Abby had ushered over and quickly grabbed a sandwich and a bowl of soup as she queued behind him.
Any feelings of doubt she still might have had about Marcus changing his mind, disappeared when he turned around and greeted her with a broad smile before bashfully asking if she slept well. They had exchanged some pleasantries, both feeling a bit awkward in each other’s presence. After paying for their food, they had agreed that Marcus would pick her up at her place around 7:30. Initially, Abby had assured him that he didn’t have to pick her up, that she would be perfectly able to drive herself but he had insisted so she eventually caved. Before parting she had given him her number and address with a smile, telling him that she was excited for tonight, grinning when Marcus had blushed and replied that he was looking forward to it as well.
The rest of the day had passed in a sort of daze really. Before Abby knew it, she was on her way home, mentally going over the contents of her closet, hoping that she’d find something suitable for a date. Because to be honest the last time she’d gone on a date was literally during the previous century and she has no idea if she even owns a dress.
 "You sure that this dress isn’t too much?“, Abby frets, hands running over the fabric of the dress while giving her reflection a scrutinising glance. 
"Mom for the tenth time you look absolutely stunning in the dress”, Clarke reassures her while getting up from the bed she’d been sitting on, “And no it isn’t too much. Nor are you too old for something like that”, she quickly adds as Abby opens her mouth to interrupt. 
“Besides your legs and boobs look amazing in the dress Abby”, Lexa offers with a grin from her position on the bed, causing Abby to blush and Clarke to throw her girlfriend an irritated glare.
“Not helping babe. Also, that’s my mother you’re talking about”, she mutters but Lexa merely smiles and shrugs her shoulder. 
“Just because she’s your mom doesn’t mean she can’t be hot”, the girl points out. 
“And I think that Marcus will definitely agree with me. Although he might prefer her without the dress”, she adds with a wink, bursting out in laughter when Abby turns an even deeper red and Clarke lets out an appalled groan, feeling slightly queasy at the mental image of her mother and Marcus doing that. 
“Girls”, Abby gently calls after a couple of seconds, “There will be nothing of the sort. We’re not a bunch of teenagers and this is only our first date. I’m absolutely certain we’ll be able to control ourselves”, she sternly admonishes them, only to fidget when both girls throw her almost identical incredulous looks. 
“I am”, she repeats. 
“Sure mom, whatever you say,” Clarke whispers as she pats her on the shoulder.
Her daughter tries to sound sincere but Abby isn’t fooled by it. Same goes for Lexa’s muttered, of course Abby. The eye-roll both girls not so subtly give each other doesn’t help either. 
“Now”, Clarke excitedly claps her hands, “What are we going to do with your hair?" 
"My hair?”, Abby frowns, “What’s wrong with how I’m wearing it right now?" 
”Moom“, Clarke whines, "You can’t go on a first date with someone while wearing a dress like that and have your hair in the same messy ponytail you always have for work”
“I can’t?”, throwing a confused look at Lexa who shakes her head with a tiny smile. 
“Fine”, she sighs, deciding that resisting is futile, “Do whatever you want with my hair. Just don’t make me look ridiculous please." 
"We won’t”, Clarke cheers, “Lexa hand me that brush will you?”
Marcus stares at his reflection as he nervously adjusts his tie, for the fourth time. He can’t even remember the last time he’d been this nervous for a date. As a matter of fact, he doesn’t even know if he’s ever been this nervous before. But then again, he has never gone out with someone like Abby Griffin before and he’s still in a state of relative shock. He still doesn’t entirely believe that this is actually happening, that in less than an hour he’ll be having dinner at a restaurant with Abby Griffin. Honestly, if you had told him yesterday morning that this would happen, he would have suggested an MRI. But here he was, almost ready for their date.
As he casts a critical glance at his hair, Marcus debates whether he should slick it back like usual or simply brush it. When he notices the time, the decision is made for him because he realises with a muttered curse that if he wants to arrive on time, he has to leave right away. So he merely runs his hand through his hair, trying to flip back that persistent curl but failing. Accepting that there’s nothing he can do about, he cast a final glance at his reflection before grabbing his jacket and keys and making his way to his car.
The ride to Abby’s house is a short one, thank god, because Marcus honestly believes that his nerves couldn’t have handled a longer one. When he arrives at her house, he carefully parks in the driveway before taking a couple of seconds to take several deep breaths. 
There’s no need to this nervous. It’s not like it’s a blind date or anything, you’ve known Abby for five years now, you see her practically every day. Just breathe and everything will be fine. 
After running his hand through his hair one final time, Marcus finally gets out of the car and makes his way over to the front door before ringing the doorbell. It doesn’t take long before the door opens and when it does, his brain momentarily short-circuited when he lets his gaze wander over the woman in front of him. 
He can’t help but stare, with what he assumes most but a flabbergasted expression on his face, at Abby. She’s wearing a form fitted black dress, that stops an inch above her knees, giving him a perfect view of her incredible legs, not to mention the tantalising neckline that shows more cleavage than he’s used to seeing, makes his mouth suddenly feel dry. Letting his eyes travel higher, Marcus observes with wide eyes that her hair is out of her usual ponytail and now hangs around her shoulders in loose curls and he can feel his fingers twitch with the sudden urge to tangle them in those luscious looking strands.
Blinking a couple of times, he looks her in her eyes and notices how she’s nervously biting her lower lip. Realising that he hasn’t said anything since she opened the door, he blurts out, “You look incredible Abby”.
Abby gives him a shy but pleased smile in response, “Thank you, Marcus. You look very handsome too. I especially like your hair like that”
“Yeah?”, he wonders, feeling his cheeks warm as he runs his fingers through it while observing how her eyes follow the movement and giving him a small nod.
“Thank you. Are you ready?”
“I am, let me just say goodbye to Clarke and her girlfriend and grab my things”, she says before turning around and disappearing behind the door.
Marcus can hear voices murmur, but he’s unable to understand anything when he suddenly a head full of blonde curls peeps around the door, giving him a scrutinising glance over.
“So, you’re Marcus?”, the girl asks through narrowed eyes, making him slightly fidget under her gaze.
“I am. And you must be Clarke. Nice to finally meet you”, he replies, inwardly cheering when his voice comes out steady.
“Mm”, Clarke hums, “Piano or guitar?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Piano or guitar?”, the girl repeats with raised eyebrows.
“Electric or acoustic?”, she questions.
Clarke stays silent and Marcus swears he can hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears when a broad smile appears on her face, extending her hand so he can shake it.
“Nice to meet you Marcus”, she says with a smile and he just nods, not entirely sure what just happened.
“What did he answer?”, a voice from behind Clarke calls out.
“Acoustic guitar”, the girl shouts back over her shoulder.
“Nice”, the voice replies and a second head appears at the door.
“Hi, I’m Lexa. Clarke’s girlfriend. Nice to meet you”, the brunette introduces herself, shaking his hand as well.
“Nice to meet you too”, Marcus murmurs, unsure how to handle himself.
“So, what are your plans with Abby? I hope that it’s PG13 rated?”, Lexa questions, ignoring the poke she gets from Clarke.
“I – uh”, he stammers, but he’s thankfully saved by Abby, who returns with her coat on.
“Girls, leave Marcus alone,” Abby warns, giving them a stern look, “I’m sorry Marcus, were they bothering you?”.
Three pairs of eyes turn to him and honestly, a two-hour board meeting is less nerve-wracking than this.
“Oh no, they just introduced themselves”, he reassures her, not missing the two almost imperceptible nods of approval, he gets from both girls and how Abby’s posture relaxes.
“Great. Well girls, we’re off now. I left money on the counter so you can order what you want. And please try not to eat all of the ice cream”, she announces, stepping outside the house.
Both girls roll their eyes, but they give her an affectionate nod. “We won’t”
“Bye”, Clarke states closing the door.
“Behave”, Lexa shouts just before the door falls shut.
“Well, those two certainly are-”, Marcus starts, unsure how to proceed and Abby giggles at the bemused look on his face. 
“A handful?”, she suggests, smiling when he nods, “They certainly are but they mean well”
They share a smile before Marcus offers his arm which Abby accepts and they walk towards his car, both nervous but also excited for the date. 
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Household & Parenting Contents From AMAZINES.COM Webpage THIRTEEN
A lot of moms and dads desire a solid, life-long connection along with their youngsters. Nonetheless, the connection rarely had time to begin moving past shared tourist attraction when the information came to Turalyon's multitude that the Mob had relocated to the boundaries from Quel' Thalas suitable and was burning the Eversong Woods. I from time to time come by your weblog considering that I am actually the ex-spouse of an individual who left me considering that, at a relatively younger grow older, I was actually still unsure of whether I wished to possess little ones and also he suddenly changed his thoughts and also became all for this. Aside from that, our team had actually been perfect buddies for every various other - for instance, in Ten Years all together, we had certainly not possessed a singular fight.
He argued against Skinner's interactional theory and Recommended Website that little ones get foreign language because all people possess an intrinsic potential to talk. Because of that they have actually established very powerful laws that create it very easy to pick up kid assistance coming from parent's that perform certainly not willingly spend. Equally with much older human beings, little ones can thinking all types of emotions. I have no idea why no person observed the warnings along with Dan Schmidt about him leaving child Travis and also other child Amanda. I truly feel like I would certainly be actually losing hope something that I actually wish in my lifestyle and also this's incredibly unpleasant to think about that my family is certainly not mosting likely to develop any kind of greater when I assumed for certain it will. He doesn't think you 'd be a great mother, yet he desires you to have kids? I have actually certainly not received my child support settlement from my ex-husband, John Doe, for the last 4 months. Moms and dads are actually expected to give a best advice to their children, they must provide them with the possibility for the remedy of any sort of query however they should not impose their choice. Publications are actually a nice way to aid your kid to discover how to realize and tag their irritated emotions. Therefore, that may be the parent's perspective and perspective regarding the stim that should modify, certainly not the autistic little one's actions. Often times kids, which experience developmental problems and also are under a bunch of stress and anxiety, experience a hostile stage. There is actually an opportunity I might still have a pregnancy if I don't complete the surgery yet I havn't spoken to my guy concerning this as I feel this would put pressure on him as well as he's certainly never stated he has dismissed anymore children. Jackson's (1995) Youth was actually the only track he has actually ever before blogged about the childhood years he dropped after being used by his father as portion of the Jackson 5 as very early 5 years of ages. Having treatment from that can clear up a discovering hold-up if your youngster has possessed a big improvement in worry. While a stim can easily hamper treatment, disrupt a class or kid's potential to know, and leave behind a moms and dad mentally fatigued as well as not sure of where to switch for assistance, stimming is not being mischievous. Obviously, a number of these indicators will certainly certainly not point to bullying at all as well as are actually completely usual in the typical little one's life, however watch out for quantum leaps and a blend of indications. Yet this research study is the 1st to hook up substantial amounts of autistic qualities in moms and dads to prognosis of autism in their little ones. The time this was actually disclosed is the day i dropped my youngsters i was likewise 5 months pregant lugging my boyfriend child.i had my daughter to cac to get interviewed and also iwaited there it looked like hrs eventually i got answers they claimed your daughter charged your partner and also her dad and also a few other people from exploiting her they informed me because i couldn't secure her shes being put in foster treatment then they claimed there having my child to which was 15 months old during the time.
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