#she hated her husband and kids and wanted a divorce but had sacrificed her career to have the kids
lizbethborden · 2 years
Oh man. Thinking so much about one of the people I worked for at the hellhole. She would get wound up and go off at me in a completely vicious way. I am not really a person who yells or gets angry in those situations, my goal is always to deescalate, so I would yes her to death rather than respond meaningfully--and the one time I did try to push back on her on something she was pissed about, she overrode me repeatedly and started accusing me of "defending" the person she was mad at (I wasn't, I agreed with her criticism, I just was a decent human being with empathy for others' situations). What I really should have done was either yelled back or walked away, but I always defaulted to yes'ing her, especially because she would wait until we were in my small, enclosed office to do it and I would have no way of getting away from her. I found out that she HATED that I would always go "Okay" and "I understand," because I would just do it and do it until she stopped, and she said it "makes people feel criticized." If you don't want to feel criticized, don't behave that way...? Between her and the owners, I got yelled at more in like 10 months of working than I did in 3 years at Starbucks.
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iamknicole · 4 years
Familiar Face
Finn knew that after the loss of her brother and the loss of Ed Tucker that Olivia wasn't in the best place. Yeah, he had been there for her as much as he could be but he and everyone else knew that he is not very comforting and does not claim to be. So to help her out, he put in a special call to a man he hadn't seen in years. Knowing his captain and friend well enough after all these years he gave the man the rundown of where he could find Olivia.
After he checked the first few places and came up empty so he went to the last place on the list.
"I knew I would find you here."
Olivia jumped hearing the voice. She didn't turn away from her brother's grave right away. She thought with all the death around her she was starting to hear things.
"You know ignoring me isn't going to make me go away."
Taking a deep breath, Olivia turned around her tears still falling. A sigh of relief escaped her as she quickly moved towards her ex-partner, Elliot Stabler. He welcomed her with open arms, when she stepped into his arms he cradled her head with his large hand. The two of them stood in front of her brother's grave in their embrace. He wouldn't pull away until he was sure that she was actually okay. The pair pulled away from each other and just stared at one another.
"Elliot, what are you doing here? Last I heard, you where in Florida."
He nodded giving her a small smile. "Yeah, I was there for a year or two. But I'm back now. "
“Back for good? Or back to visit?"
"How about we get out of here, go grab some food and I'll explain it to you"
Olivia took one last look at her brother's grave then took Elliot's arm, walking alongside him. They walked in silence together. Since Olivia didn't drive she got into her ex-partner's car. She stared out of the window as he drove feeling like old times when they were working together. There was that feeling of wanting to be mad at him but the last few times she's let her anger keep her from getting closure from the people she loved before it was too late. His phone rung a few times while they were in his car. One sounded like work, the other was more than likely his children.
Stabler pulled in front of a diner the two of them used to go to on the rare occasions that they had a break. He jogged around to her side of the car and opened the door for her. Once they were inside the diner, he guided her to their usual booth. A waitress came as soon as they sat down to take their orders.
"So, a son?"
Olivia nodded a proud smile on her face. "Yes, his name is Noah. He's 10 going on 20."
Elliot smiled back at her, glad to see the light in her eyes again. "Yeah? I told you that you would be a good mom. I wasn't wrong."
"It has not been easy but I am so happy to have him. So how are the kids? "
"They're good. Kathleen just got married, Dicky is engaged and stationed in California, Maureen and her husband are on child number two, the twins are almost done with college and Eli is a sophomore in highschool."
Olivia laughed a little, "Wow. I really don't know how you've been able to keep up, its hard enough keeping up with one let alone six but I'm glad they're all good."
"Yeah, they'll be in town in a few weeks to see the new place and all. You and Noah should come by and see it too. But sooner than a few weeks."
"And we will. So what's the big news? What brings you back up here?"
Stabler waited until the waitress sat their drinks and food on the table to answer her. "Well, I got a call a few months ago that the captain in Manhattan Violent Crimes is retiring, he asked for me specifically to replace him."
"I thought you had retired down in Florida?"
Stabler nodded, "Yeah, I was but I couldn't pass up the chance to come back home."
"How does Cathy feel about moving back?" Olivia asked after taking a sip of her tea.
He shrugged, "She wasn't exactly asked. This was my choice alone."
"And what does that mean?"
"It means that I came back here and was in Florida the last year and a half alone. Cathy and I divorced a while ago. "
Olivia gasped, "What? What happoned?"
"She decided that there was a lot that she hadn't done yet and she wanted to live her life. Said she couldn't do that if she was married. Who was I to stand in her way?"
Olivia frowned. Never did she think Elliot would get a divorce, between his religion and his stubbornness she always figured that there was no way.
"I'm sorry, Elliot. Where's she now?"
"She moved to Connecticut with Eli. He's happy so that's all that matters."
"What about you? Are you happy?"
Elliot chewed his food up before answering her. "You know what? I actually am. Happiest I've been in years. After the divorce, I took inventory of my life and what I'd sacrificed and put on hold for Cathy. I agreed with her, we both needed to lead our own lives. I never wanted to retire after that shooting in the precinct."
"Then why did you? You just up and left without a word to me."
Olivia was glad he opened that door so she wouldn't have to. He gave her a reason to ask.
"Because its what Cathy wanted. She got tired of it, of my career. Me having to shoot Jenna was the last straw for her," he shrugged, "I was just planning on doing therapy and taking a month or two off but she decided otherwise."
"You could've said something." Olivia said doubling down on her words.
"I couldn't have. If I would've told you then I would've changed my mind and Cathy would've been pissed."
Olivia shook her head, "No, I wouldn't have, Elliot. I was your partner, I've always backed your play."
Elliot pushed his plate to the side and leaned on the table. "Liv, let's be honest. This time, almost eleven years, apart for us was good. If I didn't leave you wouldn't have adopted Noah and I would've never agreed to this divorce. As long as we had each other to depend on, we suffered through the pains of our personal lives. As much as you hated me for it, it was good for us."
Just as Olivia started to respond her phone rung. She huffed putting the phone to her ear. "Yeah, Rollins? .... No, no, its fine ... I'm sure, I'm on my way." She hung up her phone and gave Elliot an apologetic smile. "Duty calls. Do you mind dropping me off?"
He smiled back at her. "I don't mind. Feels like old times already."
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An Act of Political Sacrifice
Part: (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Fandom: Hamilton (Modern AU)
Pairing: Alex x Eliza
Rating: PG for swearing
Word count: 2.2k words
Warning: Historical inaccuracies for the sake of convenience, Philip is a baby, adultery, angst, inappropriate language, intense arguments
Summary: Elizabeth Hamilton, with a wonderful career, loving husband, and a child, is satisfied in life. How does she handle it when her husband who could never be satisfied pulls the rug out from under her, destroying everything she held close to her heart?
There were plenty of reasons why the world thought Elizabeth Schuyler shouldn't marry Alexander Hamilton. People suspected that Alex was marrying her for her family's money, for his political gain, but she knew them to be untrue. She was told it was foolish to settle down at such a young age, when she was yet to know what the world had to offer, yet to know other men. Eliza didn't need need to know what the world had to offer when she had Alexander, offering her his entire world. 
He didn't have much to give, Alexander had warned, when their relationship started getting serious and she was fine with it. He was a broke law school kid studying on a scholarship, and she wanted to treat poor kids for cheap when she began to practice. She knew they wouldn't have much money. 
On the morning of their wedding, they wrote each other letters and he had mentioned it again. I can't promise you any wealth or an honorable last name. We'll never get to live in a house so big I get abs from walking around in it. But I promise you, my love, that'll you'll own me- body, mind, and soul, until my death and beyond. 
A picture of her reading that letter with Alex reading her's was framed over their couch. She sat curled up and alone on the couch after asking him, 'Did you fuck her on this?' After looking like he was puched, he denied. She didn't believe him, but she took a seat anyway. 'What about our bed?' She knew somehow that he had defiled their marital bed, but for some masochistic reason, she wanted to hear it from him. He admitted to it, and hadn't looked her in the eye after that. 
She gave him no answer when he asked her if she wanted a divorce because she had no idea, herself. When she drove to their home at 2:00 AM, she didn't want to ask him for a divorce. She was used to being with him for nearly ba decade and a half, and the thought of throwing all that away was scary. Neither of them spoke about the divorce after that. She refused to speak, and he was now cooking breakfast. 
Her phone chimed with anew text message from Angelica. 
Today, 08:27 
Angie: I hope everything went well Me: No
She didn't know what to tell her sister. The three sisters had been out for a girls' night, shopping and getting manicures. Eliza thoroughly enjoyed the break after the bad week, but every bit of relief in her system was replaced with panic once she went through her calendar. Angelica bought her more than necessary numbers of pregnancy tests. After evading the entire family, she locked herself in the bathroom to use the tests. She was embarrassed and shaking with fear, as though she were still a teenage girl with a pregnancy scare. 
Angie: Everything okay? Me: No
In seconds, her phone was ringing with a call from her. She declined immediately, not willing to talk while she was crying. If she did, he'd hear her. 
Angie: Please tell me you're okay Me: He had sex with her on our bed, Angie. 
Putting it in words triggered something in her and before she could muffle it with a pillow, a sob escaped her. She sat up and put her palms over her mouth, but nothing could contain her sobs. In seconds, Alex was next to her. He tried to hug her, but she pushed him off for the second time that day. 
"Eliza, what happened?" 
She fumed at his audacity to ask what had happened like he didn't fucking know. He ruins her life and has the gall to ask her what happened. She hated him and his stupid face and the way he could pretend like everything was normal.
"Baby, please talk to me," he pleaded. He took her hand, but she slapped it away aggressively. 
"Don't you dare touch me with your filthy, filthy hands, Hamilton!" she managed to say through her sobs. 
"You brought her into our home. How could you?" The image of him having another woman the same way he had her made her want to cry in agony, as though sporting a physical injury. She had a stereotypical picture of how the other woman looked- with a body she could never aspire to have, clad in a red dress, her lips leaving stains on her bright red lipstick all over her husband's body. She involuntarily shivered at the thought. 
"You let me sleep in that bed for this long?" She ran her fingers over her arms, as though it would wipe away how disgusted she felt.
Alexander Hamilton stood with his head lowered in humiliation. She hated seeing him that way, but it didn't stop her from talking. She needed to release all her anger towards him but locked up inside herself for an entire week. 
"We were trying to get pregnant!" The realization only raised her temper, and her loudness proportionately. 
"Did you fuck me right after you fucked her?" Alex had no answer, just like he didn’t for every other question she asked him. 
"Baby, please talk to me," she mocked his previous statement in a high pitched tone. 
"Open your mouth and answer me, Hamilton! You can talk hours on end about stupid shit, write ninety-eight fucking pages on how you dicked down some girl, but you can't answer a yes or no question?" she mocked. 
"I don't want to hurt you, Eliza," he said calmly. His composure only angered her more. How could he manage to emotionally detach when she stood there in front of him in flames of anger that threatened to swallow her whole at any second.
"If that was true, you would've kept your dick in your pants. If that was true, you wouldn't have told the entire world-" 
"You don't understand! I had to do it, Eliza," he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair. She was satisfied with finally getting a rise out of him.
"You had to put your dick in her?" she laughed dryly, getting up. She might've appreciated the joke more if her life wasn't at stake. She couldn't believe what he was saying. "I don't see any situation that necessitates-" 
"I would've lost my entire career if I didn't make it clear that I wasn't betraying my country. All that I worked for, I would've lost in a day. And- and I wouldn't be able to run for President if they thought I was stealing. I had to do it!" He sounded possessed, maniacal for power. 
She stood stunned in disbelief. His career? Is that what he thought all of this was about? Angelica’s warnings from the initial stages of her relationship echoed in her mind. Be careful with that boy, he looks like he’d do anything. She wished she had taken that advice more seriously.
"See, I knew you would understand," he said, mistaking her silence to be caused by acceptance rather than shock. 
"They all thought I was embezzling funds! And Jefferson!," he paused to let out a chuckle, "He and those stupid minions of his- Madison, and Burr! They thought they had me." If he was as paranoid about how she would perceive as he was about Jefferson's, they wouldn't be in this situation. 
"Shut up!" She screamed, holding her hands to her ears, trying to block out his words. 
"It was an act of political sacrifice!" 
"Sacrifice? Giving up something of your own is political sacrifice. You sacrificed my life, my happiness, my peace of mind! I can't even work peacefully without people looking at me like a kicked puppy!" 
"My career was-"
"You, you, you! You only care about your career, your reputation, your run for office. You wouldn't have cheated if you weren't a selfish prick!" she spat. She immediately regretted the words as they left her.
"I wouldn't have cheated if you were decent in bed!" He said just as she apologized for her words. He squeezed his eyes shut, and took a step back.
There were a few seconds of silence until it was broken by the sound of glass shattering against the floor. Eliza had ripped the frame above the couch and thrown it to the ground. 
If he was ready to sacrifice his marriage for his political career, she would help him do it properly. 
"Betsey, calm down!" he said in a not so calm voice, aggravating her more. 
"Calm down? You ruined my entire life, and you want me to calm down? Some nerve you've got, Alexander Hamilton!" 
"Please, baby girl." 
"I hate you!"
"Eliza!" He exclaimed loudly, bringing her attention not just to himself, but also herself. “Please,” his voice cracked, “don’t say that.” 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," she whispered, realizing what she had done.  
"I'm sorry, too. I did things I shouldn't have. I said things I don't mean. I want you to talk to me, vent everything. But this is not the way to do it." She tried to interrupt him to explain herself, but he gestured her to wait. She listened, not necessarily because she wanted to, but because she was so tired. She had never argued with him before. Sure, they had their big fights in the years of being together, but none of them involved lies, screaming matches, or betrayals. 
"I made a huge mistake and I can't undo it. I wish I could, but... I have never regretted anything as much as this, and I'm sorry. I know you hate me right now and that you don't even want to look at my face. I understand why you would want to get a divorce and never see me again. Trust me, I'd do the same to me if I could," he chuckled dryly. She gasped as he suddenly went down on his knees and held her hands. She didn't have the heart to push him away.
"I am a selfish man who fucked up big time, but I'm going to be selfish again and ask you for a second chance that I am most definitely not entitled to receiving. I know I don't deserve you, Eliza. Give me a chance to earn your forgiveness, to earn back your trust. It might take my lifetime, but I'll do anything." He peppered kisses on her arms as far as he could reach from his position.
"This week, without you, it was hell and I can't do that for my entire life. I can't get a divorce, Betsey. I need you. Without you and Phil, without our family, I'll be nothing. Please give me a chance," he begged, looking at her desperately for an answer. She sat next to him, placing her head on his shoulder, and felt him wrap his arms around her. 
"I want to, Alex. But, I'm scared of being hurt again. This past week has destroyed my life as I knew it. I'm questioning everything about this marriage. Everything's unclear and I don't think this is the right time for me to do anything whether it's to get a divorce or give this relationship another thought. 
“If it weren't for Phil, I would make a decision right now because only the two of us have to face the consequences. But we have a kid and every single move of ours will affect him, and I can't be impulsive with big decisions. And," she paused to look up at him from his shoulder. She sighed, nervous to tell him, but continued because she didn’t know when she would tell him if not now.
"I'm pregnant." 
"Oh my god," he exclaimed, his voice softer than ever. He caressed her exposed cheek and kissed her on the forehead, and tightened his hold on her. 
"Yeah. I found out last night- well, it was past midnight so it was today. I panicked and I didn't know what to do, so I drove here at two in the morning. I figured I'd wake you up, tell you the news and leave, but I couldn't do that to you after I saw you like that." All her resolve was thrown out of the window when she heard him speak incoherently in his sleep. She knew he was afraid, and couldn't keep to herself when he woke up crying. Watching him hurt was something she couldn't bear, so she held him like she would and the way he melted into her arms comforted her as well.
"What I'm trying to say is- you change everything. I make a decision about something, and I see you and it all falls apart. And looking at you just reminds me of everything and makes me really angry. It’s not healthy. So, I need to be away from you for a while to come to a conclusion about all of this. I don't know how long."
Right now, right here, in his arms, she wanted to forget that anything happened and slip back into her comfortable life with him, but she knew that avoidance would only cause harbored emotions and more conflicts.
"I'll wait for you, however long it takes."
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diegest · 4 years
My grandma and I were talking tonight about my cousin, who somewhat recently took back her ex she has been with on and off for like 4 years or so.
I think he’s an ugly, lazy piece of shit with no aspirations in life and I’m still fucking pissed he’s the reason she dropped out of college and cheated on her as many times as he did. Grandma and I think similar things, but clearly my cousin sees different.
My grandma said she thinks my cousin is just settling. She’s settling even though we both know she can do so much better. She’s clinging onto someone for the familiarity and on-and-off longevity (can you even call it longevity by that point?). My grandma then said, “I know this because that’s what happened with me and Larry.” (Larry being my grandpa that passed away 9 months ago, her ex husband after divorcing like...30 years ago or something like that?)
And I told her, “I get it. I believe it.” Grandpa was a sweet man. He was quiet and warm. But in the grand scheme of things, compared to Grandma, he was boring. He was comfortable with doing nothing or little in silence forever as a man of few words would obviously enjoy. He dedicated his time to his church, had little education beyond high school (if any?), and wasn’t always an active father.
I can see why grandma would be bored. I can see why she would consider being with Grandpa, “settling.” They had three kids together. They had my dad when she was only 20 and then had two daughters after him. They were married for I don’t even know how long. Maybe 20 years? (Since she’s turning 70 this year I think? I wasn’t born to do math.) But life together was dull and mundane. It wasn’t until she got with my new grandpa that she became happier and even he went on to remarry after they divorced.
It got me thinking, and I’m so proud of grandma. After having three kids and realizing enough was enough (of whatever other problems they had in their marriage/relationship) she was done. She wanted to move on. She realized she was settling for familiarity for the sake of the kids but she was sacrificing her own happiness to do so. Grandma has always been a giver but rarely has considered herself before others, which has resulted in terrible depression and crying spells when she cannot make those around her happy. In the end, she finally picked her own happiness, stopped settling for sub-par, moved on, became happily married, and has been with new grandpa for 30 years or so now.
It made me think of Travis. I think about him a lot. Not in the, “I miss you, I miss what we had sorta way” per se. But I’ve been thinking back to the time we spent together, just short of 6 years, and all the milestones. He was my first in tons of ways, even living with me for 2 of those years. But in the end, I wasn’t happy. It didn’t feel right. He had no aspirations and, although we were still jokey and silly, I was bored. I missed the spontaneity of what we had but recognized that from our teenage years to my soon to be bachelors degree, I was completely different. Sharper. Smarter. I wanted to continue my education (still do. That hasn’t fizzled out but I refuse to settle on a program and go into debt before I know for sure it’s right for me). He...lived day to day going to his min wage job, played WOW and League on repeat, ate, and slept. He wasn’t interested in going to new coffee shops with me. He wasn’t interested in traveling with me. He didn’t want to go to the concerts I scored tickets to. It just ran its course. And it was terribly, horribly boring. It was settling. So I ended it, and I’m so thankful I did because it allowed me to gain some independence, crack down on various potential career paths, and figure out what type of person is really meant for me.
So the conversation made me look at my own settling experience, but in the flip side it made me anxious thinking about the possibility of someone seeing me as ‘settling.’
I don’t want to be someone’s, “it’ll do” or “it’s good enough” or “it gets the job done.” I want someone to be head over heels in love with me forever. I want someone who will find joy in doing even the most mundane things with me. I want someone who can have a quiet day with me doing whatever hobbies we want and still be happy. Still look up from a screen, smile, kiss, and go back to what we were doing.
I don’t want to be a burden of any kind to a romantic partner. I want to be my partners best friend, partner in crime, late night snack buddy, and more. I want to continue having great sex for years to come and continue to find ways to spice things up or continue having sweet, slow, sensual fucks with.
In our low points, I hated coming home from work because I sometimes simply didn’t want to interact with him. I wanted to be left alone. I didn’t want to be bombarded with the same questions every day. I resented him sometimes for only playing games all day and working a minimum wage job while I pulled almost full time hours while going to school full time and being in an honors society.
In our high points, I came home filled with joy and eager to kiss him, make dinner with him, and tell him about my day. I loved to cuddle on the couch. I loved showering together. We had great sexual chemistry. We laughed and joked and the inside jokes are endless — some even sticking with me until today where I silently think about them and keep them to myself.
I feel like I finally have someone who I could potentially be on this level with again hopefully. But this time, with the added benefit of school being behind both of us (at least undergrad) and both of us pulling in full time hours. I enjoy our quiet days together as well as our days that we fill with traveling and blasting/singing to music in the car. I’m absolutely in love with him and sometimes it scares me and makes me so nervous. But it feels so right. And I know I make him happy too, but because of both my grandmas and my experiences, I’m terrified that one day I will be seen as someone he “settles” for. That would absolutely crush me probably similar to how I know I crushed Travis when I told him I just wasn’t happy anymore and couldn’t continue. And if it does happen, I hope it happens long before potential kids and I’m not caught in a similar situation as my grandmas. It does encourage me to continue my education and personal growth though so there’s that. Anything that makes me continue to shine to him rather than become outdated and dull, I’ll take it. And I hope he continues to grow and shine as well so that I don’t once again feel like I myself am settling and could do better.
So, cheers to not settling in the past. And cheers to hopefully not settling in the future. And fingers crossed I can always make him feel love for me by continuing to be myself and continue growing so he never sees being with me as “settling.”
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becbibliophile · 7 years
  Hockey player Ben Westmore has some serious skills—on and off the ice—and he’s not above indulging in the many perks of NHL stardom. When a night in Vegas ends in disaster, he realizes two things: 1) it’s time to lie low for a while, and 2) he needs a lawyer—fast. But the smoking-hot woman who walks into his office immediately tests all his good intentions.
Olivia Davis doesn’t need anyone derailing her career—or her dreams of starting a family—least of all a skirt-chasing player like Ben. But soon he’s unleashing a full-court press to convince her that he’s the real deal. She’s slowly falling for his sweet, rugged charm, but with so much on the line, Olivia has to decide whether Ben can truly change—or if he’s just playing the game.
Amazon | B&N | Target | BAM | POWELL’S | IndieBound | Kobo
Ben is the oldest of the Westmores – He’s always been the serious one, only concentrating on the game. He doesn’t have time for love and he likes his life, being able to get any woman he wants. But all of a sudden Ben finds himself in quite the predicament. It’s play-off season again and now he finds out he’s married? WTH?! On a drunken New Years Eve, it seems he married a girl he didn’t even know. Or so he thinks. But it’s not the girl that he married that has him in knots in the woman who is representing her in his divorce! There is an instant connection between Olivia Davis and himself and it’s one he just doesn’t think he can ignore.
Why did Ben Westmore have to walk into her office? Just when she’s decided to give up on her Happily Ever After and reach for her goal herself, the suave and gorgeous Ben Westmore comes into her office and knocks her off her feet. But it’s all wrong… it can’t work between the two of them can it?
I loved this book. Ben turns on the charm and makes this a super fun read. I love this series and can’t wait for the rest of the books in the series.
 Series Page on Goodreads
“Relax,” he said smoothly, his gaze locked on hers, his expression soft, unfazed—the look of a man not dancing with the lawyer who could ruin his life or at least playoff season. She had to learn this guy’s secret, because there was no way he was this unaffected. Yet, his hands weren’t sweating the ways hers threatened to, and the only heartbeat she could hear thundering was her own.
She forced a slow and what she hoped was unobvious breath. “I am relaxed. I’m not the one who should be worried.”
The palm of his hand spread across the exposed flesh of her back and she prayed the tingling sensation in her spine didn’t result in goose bumps. “So you’re saying I should be?” he asked, turning them in rotation to the steady beat. Despite her resistance to this dance, her hips betrayed her by swaying in sync with his, and her feet kept time with his every step. He led with a silent authority that she was forced to follow. And for the first time in her life, she wasn’t hating giving up control.
“I think so, yes. My client is…”
He brought their joined hands between them and placed a finger to her lips.
Her heart all but stopped.
“Why don’t we save the shop talk for the courtroom? Let’s just enjoy this dance.”
She swallowed hard, but nodded. Dancing in silence, she could do that.
Unfortunately, Ben seemed eager to chat. “How long have you been practicing law?”
He expected her to remember stats as his hand on her back dipped slightly lower, his hold drawing her even closer? It had been far too long since she’d been enveloped in the arms of a man who felt and smelled so strong, so confident…How long would it be again if she went ahead with her plans for a baby? She pushed the thought aside when he stared at her, still waiting for an answer. “Twelve years,” she said, cutting out her time as a junior lawyer and intern, so as not to age herself. She knew from his online Wikipedia page that he was thirty-four, two years younger than she.
“Do you love what you do?” he asked.
“If I say no will I get the inspirational ‘do what you love and it will never feel like work’ speech?”
“Is that a no?”
She shook her head. “Actually, I really do enjoy my job.” She couldn’t say watching families get ripped apart by bitter divorces was something she loved without sounding like a sociopath, but she enjoyed her career.
“Can I ask why only professional athlete divorces?”
“I was dumped by a jock,” she said.
Ben laughed. “So one guy ruined it for us all, huh?”
She nodded then shook her head. “No. Everyday cases—with normal, everyday husbands and wives—just seemed a little too…real,” she said.
His blue eyes burned into her and his grip tightened on her hand. “So, guys like me aren’t real?”
She swallowed hard. He felt real…He felt more than real—he felt amazing. His arm wrapped around her felt deceivingly safe and his hand holding hers felt warm and secure. God, she could see herself giving in to these painfully real feelings…“You’re probably one of the more real ones,” she said, hoping he didn’t detect the slight quiver in her voice.
He nodded slowly as though unsure whether her words were a compliment. “Have you ever been married?” he asked, rotating them in time to the music.
“That’s crossing a line into personal.”
“That’s less personal?” She raised an eyebrow.
He smiled. “Guarded much?”
The effect of his smile from a safe distance was knee-weakening. This close, it was downright dangerous. She quickly averted her gaze to the other couples on the floor. “How long is this song anyway?” She felt trapped the way she had in tenth grade when Robbie Gropes-a-Lot Harris had tricked her into dancing with him at the winter formal to “November Rain”—the full eleven-minute extended version. Except Ben’s breath smelled minty fresh and not like tacos, and his arm draped across her lower back made every fiber in her being spring to life, making her want to flee for a completely different reason than the one Robbie had evoked.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?”
Damn right. And it should be her making him uncomfortable. There needed to be a power shift between them and fast. “Of course not.”
He pulled her closer. “You make me uncomfortable,” he murmured, his expression suddenly serious. Every inch of her body was pressed to his and she could barely catch a breath. Dancing was a really bad idea—a torturously bad idea. Being in his arms reminded her of all of the things she’d sacrificed for her career, of all the things she’d told herself she didn’t need…
“G-good,” she said, her voice cracking. “As I said, my client…”
“I don’t mean the divorce case. I mean you.” He touched her cheek and her skin burned. Thank God he was holding her so tightly because she couldn’t trust her legs.
Their stare locked and held for what could have been a lifetime, as everything seemed still and quiet around them.
Still and quiet.
The song had ended.
She yanked her hand free of his and stumbled away from him, inhaling a gulp of air into her deprived lungs. “Well, dance is over. I’ll…uh…see you.”
He nodded, the charming polite smile back on his face and for a second she wondered if she’d imagined the intensity in his gaze seconds before. “Goodnight, Olivia.”
Her own name sounded foreign coming from him. She longed to hear the sound again, and she was an idiot for wanting something so dangerous. The NHL’s biggest playboy had just worked his charm on her, and she’d lost all common sense.
She turned and headed straight for the table, leaving him on the dance floor.
She had to pull it together, but she also had to admit the unfortunate truth. Never before had she been tempted to kiss the enemy.
Excerpted from MAYBE THIS LOVE by Jennifer Snow. Copyright © 2017 by Jennifer Snow. Reprinted with permission of Forever. All rights reserved.
Jennifer Snow lives in Edmonton, Alberta with her husband and son. She writes sweet and sexy contemporary romance stories set everywhere from small towns to big cities. After stating in her high school yearbook bio that she wanted to be an author, she set off on the winding, twisting road to make her dream a reality. She is a member of RWA, the Writers’ Guild of Alberta, the Canadian Authors Association, and the Film and Visual Arts Association in Edmonton. She has published over ten novels and novellas with many more on the way.
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  Maybe This Love by Jennifer Snow THE GAME OF HIS LIFE   Hockey player Ben Westmore has some serious skills---on and off the ice---and he's not above indulging in the many perks of NHL stardom.
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