#honestly she was such a sad and negative human being
lizbethborden · 2 years
Oh man. Thinking so much about one of the people I worked for at the hellhole. She would get wound up and go off at me in a completely vicious way. I am not really a person who yells or gets angry in those situations, my goal is always to deescalate, so I would yes her to death rather than respond meaningfully--and the one time I did try to push back on her on something she was pissed about, she overrode me repeatedly and started accusing me of "defending" the person she was mad at (I wasn't, I agreed with her criticism, I just was a decent human being with empathy for others' situations). What I really should have done was either yelled back or walked away, but I always defaulted to yes'ing her, especially because she would wait until we were in my small, enclosed office to do it and I would have no way of getting away from her. I found out that she HATED that I would always go "Okay" and "I understand," because I would just do it and do it until she stopped, and she said it "makes people feel criticized." If you don't want to feel criticized, don't behave that way...? Between her and the owners, I got yelled at more in like 10 months of working than I did in 3 years at Starbucks.
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jellyrabbitz · 3 months
𝓜𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓔𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
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Don't ever suppress your feelings in the name of the law of assumption or attraction.
Contrary to popular belief, feelings do not manifest; if you get sad over something and spiral for a little, that doesn't mean you're going to somehow attract more misery into your life, or that your manifestations will instantly fall apart.
Allow yourself to process your emotions. You don't have to remain in a happy or fulfilled state at all times to manifest. Many of you in this community seem to think you have to keep your 'mental diet' in check, but I don't believe it's necessary. Forcing yourself to think only positive and happy thoughts 24/7 is exhausting, isn't it? When I first joined this community, all it did was burn me out. I even began to experience lower back and hip pain because of how much I held in. Often I found myself thinking, "Why do I still feel so miserable even though I've supposedly been doing everything right?"
It's because shoving down your frustration and agony only riles it up more until it rears back up angrier and gnarlier than before, like a nasty untamed beast.
Don't be like me and simply let the emotions roll over you instead of fighting them. They're gone much quicker when you allow them to come.
Look, your manifestations will come regardless of how you feel. Think of it this way, you might get pissed over how long it's taking your package to arrive, but it's still on its way to you. So let it all out because there is nothing to worry about, you aren't going to ruin your 'package' just with some silly emotions. Seriously, don't listen to whoever came up with the whole 'negative emotions ruins your manifestation' bs.
Besides, 'perfect' people have their bad days as well. I see some coaches saying, "if you were your desired self, would they be having this negative thought?" Yeah, she might actually, because she's still a human being and not some unreachable goddess without emotions. Even people with their dream lives have negative thoughts just like anyone else. This idea that our 'ideal selves' have no negative thoughts or emotions EVER feels ridiculous to me.
Let's face it, it's normal for a lot of us in this community to feel discouraged. Trust me, I get it, it may look like nothing is going your way and this is all pointless. You might check the 3D and wilt when you realize nothing seems to have changed. There's nothing wrong with that! Checking the 3D is a normal thing for us to do-just like checking if our package is on the way-and I honestly think 'ignore the 3D' or 'the 3D isn't real' is harmful advice.
The way I like to see it is that the 3D is merely a reflection of my old and shitty thoughts that isn't permanent, and whenever I manifest it's like I'm planting a seed.
Instead of trying to force yourself to believe your 3D is perfect now, (which is extremely difficult for those of us who have terrible circumstances and can also be bad for your mental health) it may be better to acknowledge your current situation but know that it's changing.
I'd like to give an example from my own life, since I know my wording may seem confusing to some. A few weeks ago I received the news that my uncle was bound to die very soon, and they were putting him on a ventilator. Obviously I was upset after hearing this, and I allowed myself to wallow in sadness for a few minutes. Everyone around me was convinced he wouldn't make it.
Although I was miserable, I still persisted in the thought that he would pull through. I didn't even do any of my usual methods such as scripting and just told myself, "I know he will make it."
A few days later my aunt called me overjoyed. The hospital suddenly switched up and said he wasn't doing as bad as they thought, and he wouldn't even need the ventilator!
See? I still manifested even while I was sad, even while I had doubts, and he made it through. This is only one example of many.
You can manifest while feeling any emotion, even the acrid ones that feel like they're eating you up inside. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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velvet-vox · 5 months
Why Doll perfectly exemplifies all of the strengths and flaws of Murder Drones as a series.
From the amount of posts present on my blog about the specific individual, it is rather obvious to assume that Doll Yurikova (I'm still convinced the fandom made up this surname) is my favourite character from Murder Drones and you wouldn't be wrong.
She just simply tickles my needy scratch for weird, cool complex villainess characters.
However, eventually I also realised that she more than any other character embodies everything that makes murder drones a great show and everything that detracts the show from being genuinely amazing.
Let's start off with the good, anything I say applies to the both of them:
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Doll/Murder drones are generally cool, unconventionally attractive, have great potential (this point will be elaborated upon) and are very complex in both the themes that they bring to the table and the philosophical standpoints discussed.
Coolness factor is mostly subjective, but I am sure any Murder drones fan will tell you that the sci-fi/horror/mystery/romance/comedy show about sentient cannibalistic robots who fight against eldritch atrocities with Portal 2-esque music is an absolute blast conceptually and visually. In the same way the russian robo vampire who was previously a cheerleader before deciding to commit cannibalism to avenge her dead parents has swarms of fans simping for her.
Unconventionally attractive is determined by unconventional people, said people also have rewatched the show seventeen different times.
Now, regarding the great potential, although I've also elaborated the previous points, this is one that will carry over when discussing the negatives of both the character and the show, but as for positive, you can just feel that Murder Drones is so much different from anything else you have ever watched, it truly gives me haunted Ghibli vibes in the way the story plays out. It could really be amazing. As for Doll, every time I watch her in the show up to her death I just get really sad thinking about what could have been if she had a redemption arc or just a better life in general.
Murder drones has abuse as his main theme and how it circulates into destructive chains and Doll is definitely one of the more interesting examples of said theme, being part of the abused and mauled drone designation that became an abuser herself. I say one of the more interesting examples because her story is fleshed out better than someone else's, say Tessa or Alice.
And now for the negatives, we need to bring out the big elephant in the room:
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The show is only 8 episodes long and they are writing the season one finale in the same way you would write a series finale since making Murder drones costs Glitch a crap ton of money when they could just lower the animation quality and allow the story more time to breathe (mind you this is also Liam Vickers fault). I just hate the 8 episodes 20 minute long formula, it has, in my opinion, destroyed modern show telling and I honestly can't bear it any longer.
Besides that, 8 episodes of 20 minutes means that Doll's arc has to be paced quickly in order to get all the other characters (particularly the main ones) and elements to shine and that unfortunately leads to the fact that both Doll and Murder drones lack the one thing that separates Doll from being a human being and Murder Drones from being an amazing show, and that thing is (drum rolls) the tissue.
To explain, they have the (exo)skeleton, the organs, the mandibles and all the things that would make a piece of fiction feel truly human, but without the connective tissue, the skin, they both end up just short of those standards and as a result I can't confidently say that they are truly evocative individuals. Tissue of course is a metaphor for quote on quote "filler" in regards to the show and "villain at rest" moments in regards to Doll and her arc. And let's talk about the ending of said arc because of its possibility of paralleling the conclusion of the show;
You can say a lot of things about Doll's death but one thing that's impossible to deny is the impact of her death in your mind, everything about its execution is just so brutal that it leaves you a lasting feeling in your body; in a similar manner, the show could end with an absolute gut punch that remains impressed in your mind for months to come.
Want more?
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actualbird · 1 year
do you think the nxx ever cries or just… don’t deal with their emotions in a healthy way? they must be so emotionally repressed!
im so sorry but this is worded in a way i find absolutely hilarious omfg. do they cry or do they suck it up til the end of time? KJAHVSJFHAVSLFSFKJA
i like to think they Do cry, but my god it takes a Lot. this goes for All of them. like, we've seen in canon when the nxx boys and rosa cries, and it's usually during/after very high stakes or very emotional situations. some examples off the top of my head are
marius cries in SSR Unconcealable, the card where mc gets KIDNAPPED and then both of them get TRAPPED IN A FREEZER FOR A HOT SEC
mc cries in SSR Peaceful Place because she thought luke got shot and DIED,
luke cries in his Blossom Chapter Personal Story 4 because he thought mc DROWNED AND DIED
artem cries in SSR Two Hearts as one because he got so emotional acting like he was choking mc
vyn cries in...well, several cards like SR False Tears and SSR Neon Melody but those were 1) not exactly a "healthy" way of dealing with emotions or 2) caused by pepper spray KJHVSKJDF. im behind on vyn's cards, idk in which ones he cries honestly due to genuine in distress
so like, they DO cry. but it seems to take rather a lot to get them there. the flipside is that they also cry when overcome with immensely positive emotion (like, mc was on the verge of tears when luke finally proposed in SSR Orange Scent) so at least theres that!!!! but it's not much, chief....
all members of the nxx team all are IMMENSELY repressed. i think the most emotionally healthy of the team is DAVIS, which isnt a good sign, given that hes not even human
anyhoo this ask inspired me so
here are some misc headcanons on the nxx team and crying
i hc that luke as a kid was Such a crybaby. he'd cry over everything: when he saw a sad movie, when he saw a happy movie, when he saw a dog being walked but the dog was so dang small, when mc cries and his high empathy kicks in to make it Our Cry Session, just...he cried over IT ALL. he was just a very emotionally sensitive child, even to emotions from others. he eventually got emotionally steadier as he grew up but i think there are innocuous movies that, due to him crying over them as a kid, still make luke cry as an adult
[nxx movie night]
marius: man i love this movie, absolute classi---WHY ARE YOU CRYING??
luke: because ANYBODY can COOK!! EVEN A RAT!!!!!
mc, silently glaring at marius over luke's shoulder as if to say "Don't You Say A Mean Word To Him Right Now": O_O
(yes, they were watching ratatouille)
vyn has mastered crying on cue and can do it at the drop of a hat, but when he REALLY TRULY ACTUALLY is hit by the genuine need to cry for any reason, be it positive or negative, he cannot stop it at all until its run its natural course.
which is just AGONIZING for him, surely, but this is the price he has to pay for the power of being able to cry on command: not be able to stop when it's for realsies
vyn: //throws a book at him because just cuz he cant stop crying, doesnt mean he cant attack
it slightly pisses everyone off a teensy bit that artem can cry artfully.
like, the single tear. the lines of silent tears streaming down his face. even the more desperate sobs. doesnt matter whether theyre stage tears for another play or if theyre during high stakes situations, artem seems to naturally cry in a cinematic manner
artem: //shedding a few tears because of the stress of an nxx operation or something
luke: hey it's okay, everyone's alright
luke internal thoughts: why is he so pretty while crying?????? .....wait what
and lastly, marius can hold back tears like nobodys business. like luke, he was a huge crybaby as a kid. but unlike luke, he held it back so much that when he DID cry as a child, it was REALLY CRYING. like wailing, like sobbing. it's heartbreaking to watch
so via his Entire Life Of Repressing Weakness And Related Emotions, he became rlly powerful at holding back the need to cry. it only happens during VERY EMOTIONALLY INTENSE scenarios ORRRR
during horror movies
because hes such a horror weakling and he gets so spooked that tears literally come out
mc: how did that jumpscare make you tear up but not the intro scene to Up
marius, hiding behind a pillow to avoid any more jumpscares: im a man of endless mystery, miss
thank you for the ask :D
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the-depths-au · 9 months
*this post continues heavy totk spoilers
How did it start?
A lot of people started posting some really cool art of a TotK ending where Zelda returns as a hybrid dragon creature thing. I saw a few that called it a “bad” ending and I noticed she was often portrayed with dominantly human-features just like, with horns or a tail, or the purple eyes, etc. I love to play video games(clearly) and I enjoy the challenge of seeing various endings, not just “secret endings” (think Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, The Witcher 3, Drakengard- anyone else play this?) I got to thinking about how her coming back didn’t really like a true “bad ending”. To me, a bad ending, really, would be one in which she didn’t get to magically, miraculously come back in any form. A bad ending to me would be Mineru’s warning held true. And in doing so, it would become The Legend of Zelda because she becomes the stuff of myths. Of true Legend. Fulfilling destiny (botw-era and the series as a whole). My brain sort of took off from there regarding the implications this would have on Hyrule and specially, our boy Link.
How could you! A Bad ending? Is this story at least hurt and eventual comfort??? Does it have a happy ending??
I could tag this hurt and comfort, but usually people who read these types of stories have certain expectations of what “comfort” is (and that’s okay!). Same with a “happy” ending. I don’t need stories to be wrap up in a bow with warmth to enjoy them. Honestly, some of the stories that have touched me the most over the years have had “sad” endings/negative character arcs/tragedy. That being said, I don’t particularly enjoy pure whump, either. What I feel is most important and what I am to do with this story, is to make any suffering meaningful. With purpose. And hopefully- maybe- you’ll see the “comfort” that is possible even in these types of stories.
Wait! So Zelda remains a dragon?
Yes. They defeat the demon dragon. Rauru and Sonia appear in a silent thanks, then they disappear and Link falls from the sky alone into the water. The Light Dragon continues along in her flight above him.
Link is also the only one who can see/has ever seen the Light Dragon.
Are there any other major changes from TotK?
It follows the game pretty closely. It’s just hard to say exactly what is in this story from TotK because there is just so much. In BotW, I headcanon Link took his time. He doesn’t remember anything. He is alone, lost, and the world is a vast, broken place. Therefore, it is plausible/ realistic in my head for all the side questions to be done prior to the ending being reached. In TotK, especially with the headcanon he and Zelda were together in the time between BotW and TotK, I had a hard time imagining Link would waste much time on anything unnecessary to save Zelda. So, with this in mind, I’ve had to justify the side questions to include in the story. Link’s journey is a bit different than my own. Whereas I actually spent 80% of my playthrough exploring the depths, this Link only went down when necessary. Meaning many of the lightroots have not been unlocked and he only has part of the armor of the depths. In the Linktober and the early concept, he has the entire set but this has been changed for the main comic.
How far after the events of TotK does this take place?
Five years.
Is it completely planned out?
Yes. I have a complete rough story outline done. It’s 17 chapters. I am anticipating some editing as I go, but regardless, it’s a big project. A huge shout out to @zeldaelmo and @fioreofthemarch for helping me get the story set. They are both phenomenal writers for the LoZ fandom so be sure to check them out!
What happened to the comic?
I made the decision to tell this story (initially) in writing. I have a very specific style in mind for this story as a full comic and honestly, I just don't feel like my artistic ability and overall proficiency is where I want it to be at this time. I'm still learning! I will be continuing to post art, concept art, and some comic panels here as I go and eventually, I would love to adapt the story into a full comic, but for now, I'll be telling the main story in writing.
How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing all my life. Just for fun, although I took a few classes in school. Digitally, self-taught, since fall 2022. Still very new to this with lots to learn! I have a minor in creative writing and feel much more confident and comfortable with that.
Feel free to send me a DM with questions anytime! I plan to update this periodically.
Last updated 2/26/24
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just noticed cinna is the girlie i talk about the least of the 3 . . forgive me everyone . . i shall share some info i made about her just now . .
cinna is a very . . pessimistic individual to say the least .
when she first arrived at the garden, she was extremely detached and disassociated from her classmates and surroundings, and often avoided everyone at all costs possible .
the best you could at least see of her, would be her either just sitting silently under a tree, or her aimlessly trailing away to wherever .
she’s introverted and timid, negative, shy, and always anxious and stressed about something, whether it be about someone or something . this heightened a lot when she was around others . ( and still does now sometimes ) when she deems she can’t deal with something, she shuts down entirely .
she can also go on morbid rambles about disturbing topics if she feels comfortable enough with you : D !
she also has lapses of time where she can just be straight up cruel and inconsiderate of others, taking the sad reality of things and stretching it, surrounding someone with it until it swallows them up .
all of these traits mainly come from her “ home “ life . although she is the oldest of cas’s children, she was put to sale quite later then her siblings, and was left as the last one left of her father’s “ litters “ .
sonii gave her to a pet human modifier shortly after this as a gift of a new “ lab rat “ . cinna’s guardian is named guardian arcaro by the way .
arcaro is a bit like urak, but more . . uncaring for his “ pets “ ? ( who he deems as “ lab rats “ instead ) he often experiments carelessly with them, so much that it’d probably be assumed he doesn’t even know the limit of what a human can take .
cinna is deemed one of the more fortunate pets of arcaro, “ only “ having a vast amount of trauma emotionally and physically from being cruelly experimented since she was a child so far, while most of her other less fortunate siblings, ended up tortured physically for the most part before their untimely deaths .
because of this as well, she does not view herself as human, but more as a underserving burden, who should have never been born . her worldview is muddled and cold . why are we here if not only to suffer ?
this all starts to change when she meets yuna, who through time brightens her world, and gives her a reason and want to live, to keep going and become a better person . although i won’t ramble on that too much though since this post is already pretty long,
cinna does become a better person with yuna around her now ! ! she becomes much more involved with her classmates, and is overall viewed as a shy and quaint, sometimes a bit creepy but cute girl !
though, for her thoughts on cas ( which i really haven’t mentioned until now im so sorry blue i honestly thought you didn’t care 😭 ), in very short and simplified terms, she naively thought that he could save her ( when she was both younger and started being experimented on ) at first, but now honestly doesnt care for him in the slightest .
nothing like bottling up your feelings of betrayal and sadness until they’re gone ( they not they’re just lodged even deeper into you now ) am i right ?
( also to add to the angst she does view her younger self as a “ stupid and immature little girl . “ )
( yuna belongs to @starry-skiez, and cas belongs to @bluemoonscape ! by the way blue, thoughts on my depressed little cinnamonroll : 3 ? )
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shinyarcadehideout · 17 days
Hey folks! This is my first post, and honestly, I just wanted to take some time to share my thoughts on the game 'Mushroom Oasis'.
   Some pictures from days one and two will be included. No details about how you can obtain the endings will be given. You've been warned.
First off, I absolutely love this game. When you have a character who is designed to fit in the 'yandere' troupe, it's easy to fall into the same traps or get stuck in one place in your story. The way the creator made mychael an evolving yandere is what makes it that much more interesting. By the public, a yandere is seen as a school girl who is obsessed with a male classmate who is willing to off the people around him so she can have him all to herself. As time has gone on, there have been more appearances of male yandere characters. Though, the male characters don't get too much recognition.
                  What is a yandere?
A yandere is often sweet,caring, and innocent before switching into someone who displays an extreme, often violent, or psychotic level of devotion to a love interest. -Dictionary.com
Even though this is the main definition, a lot of people don't look past the cute aesthetic the character portrays, and believe this extreme behavior is simply instinct for this character, but this is far from true.
Yuno Gasai (GIF below) is a great example of fan dismissal of concerning behavior due to her aesthetic. Admittedly, the only one being fooled by this demeanor is Yuki (the main character), nonetheless, when Future Diary released a lot of people were entranced by the "cute but deadly" schoolgirl behavior Yuno exhibited.
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   Characters with 'yandere' tendencies are often the ones who have a sad/lonely past or present existence. Focusing back on mushroom Oasis, Mycheal is a being who doesn't fit with humans, so he lives in the woods. Even from day one, you can tell something is off about him (not just physically, of course). You can tell he has a good heart, but he allows his weariness to be alone again to make his decisions. Even from day one, he is ADAMANT on the protagonist staying. However, he doesn't do anything drastic until the very end because at that point, he's trapped in his own head.
  The evolving yandere (or the yandere that stays true to the traditional definition) make room for a more through character or even character development. Will mychael get character development in that specific sense? It would certainly be interesting, but probably not the type of thing the creator is going for. To be frank, the main reason why I'm personally obsessed with mushroom oasis is because even though it only has 3 days, there is enough story to make you want more.
    🍄 Let's talk more about Mychael.🍄
What is mychael? As of right now, the creator hasn't given an answer to what exactly he is, but he isn't human. He makes it clear from his very first lines that we are the first human he's seen in a while. When the day goes on, if you make the decision of kindness, mychael will become more attached. Mychael goes to drastic measures to keep you with him. In days one and two, we see a more desperate mychael; a "I'm sorry I hurt you, I just wanted to be together but you should've given in" type of person.
What makes mychael so dangerous?
Putting the topic of yandere behavior aside for a moment, mychael is very human despite the fact he isn't one himself. Mychael subconsciously craves the company of another person, even if he consciously pushes them away. We see him talk negatively about himself in days one and two
On day three, we see mychael portrayed as someone who is sick of going back and forth or being patient with the protagonist. The protagonist WILL stay, and the protagonist WILL live with him. There is no negotiation. Funny enough, the later days are when mychael actually doesn't use his hypnosis as often, if at all. He's relying more on himself and his own physical thoughts, then using his hypnosis to aid him. He gets more agitated, and his mind often keeps drifting off.
I personally find day 3 to be the climax or near the climax for the story. He loses some of the behavior we saw from the days before, and instead, we see him in a more terrifying light. Seeing the obsession build from a pure desire to connect with another person to wanting that individual all to himself helps give depth to mychael then just a 'yandere'. Overall, if you haven't played the game already, I highly recommend it even though it's a 3 day demo (subject to change).
Please support the creator of 'Mushroom Oasis' if you end up liking their work!
🍄 Mushroom Oasis 🍄
And check out these other games of similar taste!
☀️Something is wrong with Sunny Day Jack ☀️
❣️ 14 Days with You❣️
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
Ew Grace joined a misogynistic org. U still gonna Stan her?
A good time to say my piece on this and then that will be it. I’m a fan blog for fictional characters, not a celebrity commentator.
Not my field of expertise.
Anyway… People are really losing it right now as they do with anything this woman does and the best thing for us to do is handle this all with awareness. Real awareness. Like everyone needs to stop and take a second to think about this, then look at themselves.
First things first, yes I really enjoy and admire Grace as an actress, she brought to life a character I love and strongly connect with. I consider myself a fan of her work and have also witnessed her receiving a disgusting amount of hate for simply existing in the same space as her male co-star because many of his fans behave so atrociously that multiple articles have been written about them. They’ve made subfandom history as one of the most toxic groups of people on the internet.
I’ve always had sympathy for her having to deal with this and constantly having to stand up for herself for a small role connected to a side character. And then, of course, having to deal with the backlash of actually standing up for herself and continuing to dare to have an online presence. Because how dare anyone try to counter lies and unjustified hate about/directed toward themselves?
That being said, I don’t believe in blind loyalty either. Especially for celebrities. We can admire them all we want, but we don’t know them and they don’t know us. They’re not the characters that they play. Grace is not Chrissy. Joe is not Eddie. Grace is a human being that I don’t know in real life. Being a fan is not the same as really knowing someone and being their friend. I don’t believe in parasocial relationships with actors, actresses, musicians etc, it’s not healthy. As much as I enjoy her as an actress, and will speak up for her against unnecessary hate, I don’t have to agree with everything that she does or says. I don’t put her on a pedestal. She’s liable to make mistakes like the rest of us and I don’t think this was a wise or safe decision on her part.
With all the information I have on this current situation (which is not much), I can say that I’m worried for her more than anything else. This woman has gone through the ringer for a full year now and it seems this will just be used as more fuel against her. Whatever she chooses to do professionally, she is met with so much hate and frankly misogynistic hypocrisy. All that negativity worries me the most. She’s young and trying to make a living doing what she loves, so I feel bad seeing things going in the direction that they are presently.
I don’t know much about the gaming community, I’ve avoided it and have always played solo because what I do know is that it can be a very toxic and hate fueled place. Especially for women. After having to deal with what she already has, angry gamers and her own fans turning on her is going to be sad to see. And I’m not saying calling her out on this decision is turning on her, or hating on her, I think people should call out their faves when they do something wrong… it’s just going to be sad to see the discourse that follows this.
For context, for those that don’t know, this organization she’s signed up with has some really bad allegations against it, really bad, and I don’t condone or support anything to do with that.
But this is where the self awareness has to kick in for anyone in fanbase communities or, you know, just going about their daily lives.
What large entertainment organization or company doesn’t have red in their ledger? Tell me honestly. Anything dealing with a big group of people is going to have skeletons in the closet. Not condoning anything, but also trying not to be a hypocrite here, as we all should.
If you watch and enjoy Stranger Things on Netflix, if you’re a Joe Quinn/Eddie fan, you’re supporting a company that’s riddled with scandal, hiring numerous actors, writers, producers and directors accused of s*xual assault. Do you watch Disney? Visit the parks? Wear Sketchers? Any name brand clothes? Buy from Amazon? Wal-Mart? Target? Listen to Taylor Swift? Support or watch anything in Hollywood? Read Harry Potter? Watch the movies? Are you on Twitter? This website? YouTube? Facebook? Eat name brand food? If so, you’re supporting problematic, at best, people, companies, and organizations all around. We all know they’re tied to histories of scandal, hate, controversy, or even criminal activity, yet we keep watching, buying, wearing, listening, eating, consuming and supporting them as a whole. Unless you’re living off the grid, grow your own food, make your own clothes and don’t watch any form media, no one has any room to talk here. No one wants to hear this, but we’re all supporting things we would normally speak out against either consciously or unconsciously. Hollywood and streaming services are full of misogynistic, r*cist, behavior. They’ve hidden countless accusations and protected numerous r*pists since the beginning of film. But we’re still watching their movies and shows. Not saying it’s right, but we should criticize ourselves first before going after one working actress signing a deal with just one of the many bad organizations out there.
Joe recently did a voiceover for an organization that apparently is really problematic. He’s currently working with a big Hollywood film industry that also has some really shady (again, at best) history, but everyone’s going to go watch his movies, aren’t they? His stans are going to keep stanning him. So make sure you anon ask all of them the same question, kay?
Being hateful and criticizing a twenty-six-year-old actress/streamer really should not be anyone’s first steps toward activism or change. Especially if you originally didn’t like her because she’s standing near the favorite white British boy of the month. I’ve said it from the beginning, if you don’t like her or what she’s doing, block her. Unfollow her. Obsessing over her and everything she does is on the same level of intensity as stanning her.
I am disappointed in her decision, I’m worried what this means for her and her fans who’ve been in the trenches for her, but Grace’s decisions are not mine. From what I’ve heard and seen, she said she considered the risks and wants to be apart of rebuilding the organization that is trying to move forward from the allegations last year and be more supportive of female gamers. All I can do is hope that’s true. What they need to do first is call out and condemn the parties responsible for any and all crimes they’ve committed. I hope they do and that Grace will encourage that as she’s signed on with them. If not, I hope she leaves them for her own morals and safety.
This is how I feel on the matter. I’m not going to get into this any further via asks. This blog is for hellcheer content and will continue to be so. I want it to be a safe space. Anything negative in my anon messages will be reported and/or ignored from here on. So keep that in mind. I’m not into drama. If any mutuals just want to talk or vent about this you can always DM me.
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awholelottayeehaw · 1 year
Din vs Bo as a Leader
I've seen people say that Bo is the rightful ruler of Mandalore and owner of the darksaber and deserves to lead and I'm genuinely curious to hear from others as to why that is because I'm having a very hard time seeing that point of view. Semi-spoilerish for people who aren't up to date but I kept it vague enough to not be a problem I don't think.
Since CW and Rebels, Bo has continually made choices that negatively impact the people around her. She's a morally gray character who has a list of war crimes on her rep sheet that honestly makes some real life bad guys look green and it baffles me that people want her redemption to be easy. I'm not saying she should never be redeemed, I genuinely believe people should have the chance to turn over a new leaf cause being human is hard, but how she's acting and being treated in Mando feels like a middle finger to those her actions caused harm to. Like she can be sad about her sister all she wants but she willingly joined a terrorist group who spelt it out for her that they planned on publicly executing Satine and followed the orders of two Sith lords, and she didn't see that as a deal breaker. Being sad over that is like being upset that you got shot in the foot when you fired the gun yourself when you continue to make choices that negatively impact others. And this season alone Bo hasn't tried to be a leader to her people, she cared more about the title and the weapon it comes with than actual democracy. She wields it well, yes, but so did Sabine who taught her how and gave her the weapon despite not knowing how badly Bo has fucked up with it in the past. The moment the darksaber was in Din's hands and she lost her crew, she didn't try to scout Mandalore and find other Mandalorians to help her with her decades long failed plan. She didn't try to put any plans together with outside help to achieve her goal or even try to establish a new territory for her people to be safe on until they can find a way to make Mandalore a livable again. She was never an active leader, just someone who craved leadership and believed was owed it because of her birth right and that reflects in the selfish choices she's made while in a leadership position, which include harming Din and Paz. She didn't lead her people into the siege and trap that awaited them, Din did. He shouldered and strong armed his way through and was willingly going to sacrifice himself if it meant a safe planet for his people and foundling. And she wasn't the last out, Paz was, and for that his clan suffered major losses. She had focused more on weapons and supplies for her fleet and siege than the actual people who would help her achieve her goal, and not once has she discussed what she planned on doing once Mandalore was safe for all Mandalorians again. Reuniting and rebuilding isn't the same as establishing a political system that benefits the well being of her people with the promise of a stable economy, fair societal roles, establishing an intergalactic democracy to avoid what Nevarro went through, and combining the differing traditions/beliefs the remaining Mandalorians have to not favor one over the other and unintentionally cause a civil war. Each time she's gained leadership it's always met with mixed support, often not universally, and has led to her downfall three times now for a reason.
Just the same, I've seen people argue that Din doesn't want to lead/rule and isn't the kind of man who'd be a good leader and I strongly disagree. Since the first episode, Din established himself as a selfless character even if it irritated him to be accommodating. He still tried to compromise with the Jawas, didn't turn his back to Frog Lady needing a ride, was willingly going to sacrifice himself to a Krayt Dragon for people he had just met and entrusted with Grogu, went head first into every battle even for people who didn't deserve it (Ran's Crew), was everyone's Ride or Die at least once, became multilingual which was used more to keep the peace than to gain information on his quarries, and has united and mediated more unlikely foes to friends than anyone else in the SW universe. Even if his actions originated with a selfish need (gaining Boba's armor back for Mandalorians, exchanging his services for info on where Mandalorians/Jedi are for Grogu, etc) he still went above and beyond because it's the honorable and right thing to do and his compassion has earned him friendships across the galaxy and allyship on every planet he's visited whereas Bo can't get even her own people behind her without a legendary sword in her hand. You can't tell me all the people Din met on his journey WOULDN'T lay down their lives for him if he asked?? Paz already did despite Din's choice to rescue Grogu despite unintentionally causing a massacre because Paz recognized the selflessness behind Din's choice that carried over to Paz's own foundling and that is what gained his respect and allyship. Din hadn't asked for anything in return, and his own motive for moving the covert was so that their children could play in the sun and the future generations can flourish. I'm fairly certain even Sorgon would join forces whether it's to take care of Din if he had a bad head cold or taking back a whole planet for him. Same with Peli and her droids, Tusken Raider survivors, Freetown, Boba and his syndicates, Frog Lady and her hoard of warrior toddlers, Karga and the grateful people of Nevarro, Ahsoka, and Miggs Mayfield. We've made jokes about Din accidentally making friends all over the galaxy for a reason. He's so selfless that he never saw himself worthy of his Creed, of being Grogu's father, of being a leader when everyone else has told him otherwise. Din's view on leadership reflects his own self esteem wrecked by his cult and it would take everyone he's ever helped to make him see that he is the leader that the galaxy needs to reunite not just The Mandalorians, but all the people and their planets I mentioned. Leadership comes with a burden for Bo, but for Din, it comes with the strength and camaraderie Bo has only ever dreamed of having and that The Armorer overlooked because of her narrow, traditional views. And this is a side comment, but Din mastered riding the stubborn Blurgg after Kuill made fun of him for not being able to conquer it when Mandalorians rode Mythosaurs into battle. Din riding a Mythosaur would be a great call back to that and would gain more respect as a leader than just having the darksaber. In my opinion.
I genuinely hope Bo comes to these conclusions herself and recognizes that Din is more deserving of the role than anyone else and passes the darksaber back to him and helps him see his potential than just saving the day yet again from the very gun she shot everyone with. Redemption for her starts with letting go of the very thing that's plagued her her whole life and leadership is recognizing when you need more time before you can be the example people need to be the best versions of themselves. This isn't a Bo hate post or any stan post, this is a fan post who wants a fair redemption arc for Bo and a chance for Din to rise up to the best version of himself he's capable of being. So yes, I want to hear everyone's thoughts whether you agree or disagree that doesn't involve Bo being the rightful heir or wanting her redemption cause you like her as a character. I want to hear deeper reasons than surface level motives, cause as I said, your favorite hurting over the consequences of her decades long actions she never learns from isn't a good enough reason for her to lead or have the darksaber but I'm down for any other explanations people have regardless if you're a casual fan of the show or lifelong SW fans like myself.
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dandelion-wings · 2 months
(Aww.) Kujou Sara for the meme please?
Thank you for the ask! :>
How I feel about this character
I like her a lot! It's more low-key than my Jean screaming, but she is built from the same base archetype (honorable lady knight-equivalent torn between duty/family and, in her case, what she senses is right), and the way she was done utterly dirty by... Inazuma in general, Kujou Takayuki was the worst but let's not pretend that Yae Miko and Ei didn't play their parts... and has managed to get past that and begin to heal and grow has really, really endeared her to me. God, her later teapot lines, where she's actively re-parenting herself.... :'>
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Mostly Shinobu and the Raiden Shogun puppet (very distinct from Ei, where I'll read it occasionally but I honestly don't think Ei deserves her >> ). I can enjoy Itto/Sara for the length of a fun fanart or comic, but not, generally, for the length of a fic. I am intrigued by Sara/Kirara, though TBH I'm more interested in them overall as to how non-romantic interactions might go. There's also Jean/Sara, which is a "put my faves together" pairing but I do think would be fun! And honestly I'm at least willing to play in any space (as testified by my "send her away from Inazuma" AUs) where she's partnered with someone who will encourage her growth and independence.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Still Shinobu--just having a friend is, I think, very good for Sara! After that, Itto, in that I think they are fun contrasts and narrative foils (and also a sad contrast, in that they both have "raised by humans" parallels but it went so tragically differently). I'm similarly fascinated by how she and Kirara contrast. I actually am also very intrigued by the idea of developing out her relationship with Heizou, minimal as it is in canon and as negative as their voicelines are, because I think he could teach her lessons about being more relaxed but still "delivering results," as she says; in a similar way I actually have (a) fic(s) in development about her and Thoma, because I think that relationship could help her grow, too.
And, of course, in my "Sara goes to Mondstadt" AU, I have a completely AU-dependent imaginary relationship for her with Amber that I absolutely adore.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Once again, know very little about the general fandom opinion.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I would love to grab Hoyo by the lapels and shake them until they give me more fucking content. ANY content, as long as it's not being used as the narrative buttmonkey as she is in the AQ, Kokomi's SQ, and that one event with the statue of the Raiden Shogun that EI ENDS UP GIVING TO US AT THE END what the fuck. That was so cruel to her (narratively, not actually Ei's fault, I will admit that). I'm still so angry about it.
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bluejaybytes · 3 months
I’m curious why you found Inside Out 2 insulting? I recognize that everyone is different, but as someone with an anxiety disorder I personally found it pretty relatable
Throughout my teenage years, when my anxiety was at its most debilitating and my coping skills were basically nonexistent, I was repeatedly met with the idea that "every teen is a bit anxious". This, to an extent, is true, being a teenager IS scary and you're probably going to have some level of anxiety. However, I had an active anxiety disorder. I was prone to frequent panic attacks, skipping school because I couldn't even fathom the idea of going to class out of just sheer intense dread and fear, and all around just having an extremely bad time. I went into the movie with an already decently negative expectation because of that, I didn't like how anxiety was shown to show up ONLY when Riley became a teenager, BUT I was willing to set aside my own distaste of it for the sake of like, I do get why they went the direction of adding new emotions as characters, as much as I disagree with that.
However I found it wildly insulting because I feel the level of intense anxiety Riley is shown to have breaches what I'd consider a "normal" level of anxiety and instead feels more like an anxiety disorder, which, again, it angers me to be once again met with the idea that you only get anxious once you're a teenager, or when signs of much higher levels of anxiety than just normal nervousness are brushed aside with that excuse.
Barring that issue, though that is the biggest in my opinion, basically at every corner I was annoyed by something. This movie felt like it could've been incredibly relatable to me, I was a horrendously anxious teen (Still am anxious just not a teen and also I'm better at coping now) in competitive highschool sports (Yes marching band IS a sport I DO die on this hill), but like... it just continually let me down. The coach is genuinely an asshole, doing things like not showing what the expectations are and then proceeding to single out who she knows are the newcomers as breaking rules that had not been properly established, failing to recognize Riley clearly struggling mentally, and honestly, the biggest sin, fucking letting her in the sport at all. Riley's outburst at the other players should've gotten her taken out of the running entirely, I refuse to believe otherwise.
Which, this is kind of all over the place because I'm not really writing this as a full proper breakdown and more just "Jay angrily rambles to an anon with no direction", but hey, SUPER don't like that Riley's over-practicing isn't really called out at all as being harmful. The ROOT of it is, we know she's only doing that because anxiety is driving her to do that, but like... she performs really well. She's met by the older student (I forget her name, God) with positivity for this, and I'm personally just kind of uncomfortable with how her overworking herself is viewed as just like... neutral. And it's only the fact it's stemming from anxiety that's bad.
There's a lot more (I found the pacing bad, I think, ESPECIALLY given that this is a childrens movie, Riley should've been given EXPLICIT help from the people around her barring just "her friends say they're still friends", I think things like anxiety driving her to look at the notebook yet NOT considering the janitor walking by is just... stupid, and in my experience, not at all how anxiety manifests, ect, ect), but ultimately this is not like, a serious breakdown, more just me listing off the top of my head the things that really fucking annoyed me. Also, Ennui was a stupid character. I mean all of the new emotions were fucking stupid because they're all VERY derivative of OTHER emotions if you've made the commitment that the entire range of human emotion be boiled down to just joy/sadness/anger/fear/disgust, but whatever.
I thought the video game guy was funny though. I'm a sucker for those kinds of jokes. I like that his hair routinely was clipping through his outfit
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
mannnnnnnn IDK if it's just because I never fully finished the manga myself (sorry everyone;;) but I just. don't. really understand how Akito being just another one of Tohru's friends is supposed to. work. in practice. with Yuki.
Not because Akito is an ~irredeemable person who never earned her redemption~ or whatever. People being good is good!!! If Akito is legitimately a better person now, that's awesome!!! And frankly I love stories where legitimate kindness breaks through to save people who are shitty but also deeply deeply sad!!!!!
But to most of the cast, Akito was a pretty distant enemy. Yes, she'd show up in person now and then to be chilling and mysterious, but her primary source of contention was Being God. The way she ran the family and the rules she set up around it. Other characters might have spent a lot of time seething at her, but mainly to blame her for indirectly causing things to happen in their lives. Apart from a very small number, most have never actually had much experience just... talking to her.
Which is not true for Yuki.
Yuki has spent more time with her than almost anybody. By the end of the manga, she's still probably the person he's spent the most time in contact with, total, over his life. He literally could not get away from being in the same physical space as her.
His reactions to Akito aren't based on him blaming her for what she did to the Sohma family. His reactions to Akito are based on a very simple 'if I can see her, things about about to get very bad very quickly for me personally.'
At that point, it's not even really about whether he blames or forgives her, or what he thinks she 'deserves'. It is an immediate anxiety (let's be real: PTSD) trigger. It's neither conscious nor logical. He spent endless amounts of time waiting with horror for her to show up, unable to know or control when that would happen, and then having that horror fully justified. He was trained on it, endlessly.
I fully believe that Yuki would want to trust Tohru and respect her friendship with Akito and believe that everything has changed and it's all good now. But I just can't see him being him able to actually... act on that. In practice.
He never even really properly got to process it. Ayame did the classic oblivious parent thing of trying to override Yuki's negative emotions with happy ones before he was actually ready to move on. (Not critiquing Ayame; he's just a flawed human being in his own right!) Tohru comforted him and told him he didn't deserve it, and now she's friends with his abuser asking him to say everything's fine. If Kakeru ever fully found out what happened, it was off-screen, and not all that much time before this all went down.
I just. Really think that what Yuki needs is at least some time to just be better and angry, or at the very least openly mourn his lost childhood. And he needs to be able to do that without those constant triggers of anxiety from interacting with Akito. All things being equal, I think it would be for the best if he could just tell Tohru straight-up that he's fine with their friendship and he's not going to intervene but he just does not want to be in the same room with Akito ever again.
And... if I were to stretch this a bit further, and potentially really betray my unfamiliarity with endgame canon........... it is kind of hard for me to imagine Akito being okay with that.
Yes, Akito has changed. But surely she still needs time to grow and learn and figure out her new place in this world? And Yuki deliberately avoiding her would... be a difficult thing to accept. Firstly because she's still getting used to giving up that selfishness (especially towards Yuki), but also because it's a reminder of some of the awful shit she did. Which, if she's a changed person, should make her feel bad. Which again, she isn't qualified to process!!
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Akito twisted it around in her head to where Yuki really was her friend. Like they were in this together and Akito didn't always handle it well but at the end of the day, they're the only two who can really understand each other. Because Akito really didn't have that, either. (Kureno being... idk man he always seemed more like a guardian, or at least older brother figure than someone who was 'in the trenches' so to speak with her.)
Either way, it'd all place Tohru in such a deeply complicated position. Akito is hurting badly and needs Tohru to be on her side if no-one else is, because to be fair, that's not all wrong? (Kureno has always been there, but Tohru is her saviour.) But she can't really do that if she's enforcing Yuki's boundaries for him. I feel like Akito would really want Tohru to tell her that she's forgiven and that everything's good now, and if she hesitated even a little, it wouldn't go well. Because Akito only knows how to understand two things: obedience and manipulation. So having others set healthy boundaries - and dealing with the resulting feelings of rejection and shame and guilt - is something she still has to learn how to do.
It just sounds. A bit like a clusterfuck tbh. A clusterfuck that could, eventually, turn out okay!!!!!! But one that would take a LONG time and continued process of reflection and self-awareness (and, ideally, HEAVY THERAPY, but of course we all know nobody in the Fruits Basket universe ever gets that, so). Obviously like that's the happy ending and we don't need to extend it out for four more volumes of like 'Yuki and Akito undergo cbt separately via Tohru's infinite patience' lmfao but. Idk. It just seems to imply a lot in that happy ending that has not really set up by the story to be all that easy.
Unless I'm completely wrong and the last volume or two does in fact set this up perfectly. In which case never mind!!!!!!!!!!
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islandnorthofvaugarde · 4 months
I have had scattered thoughts about an isat gem au myself!! Mostly about fusions because I love fusion lol
I think the first time Siffrin fuses with a party member, it is an accident in the heat of a battle. Siffrin and someone else (Mira?) rush in at the same time with the same goal of striking a sadness and fuse. They don't realize their fused while they attack and finish off the sadness. Then there is a few seconds of confusion ("Huh why am I- are you so high up? Wait why do you- I look different? Where's Siffr--ira? !!!!!!!!!!") they unfuse quickly.
I wonder if the rest of the party think Siffrin dislikes fusion the way they believe he dislikes touch? I don't have much elaboration on that one honestly.
Sometimes I think and Isabeau and Siffrin's fusion. I like thinking about them as a fusion seeing the stars and getting a rush of feelings from Siffrin that has them lay down to look up at them. Isabeau finds the memory of that feeling he has fused with Siffrin precious. In that moment he could understand Siffrin's feelings about the stars perfectly. It's hard to do it when separated. Like somethings... blocking it from him? Also I like thinking that as a fusion with someone unfamiliar with the Universe beliefs, Siffrin can see the stars better. Some odd combination of not thinking about the stars and knowing things about the stars combines in a way that makes them much clearer.
I also like thinking that when the Isafrin fusion is stable enough, when he is their own person separate from Isabeau and Siffrin, he knows that Isa and Sif love each other even if Isa and Sif don't quite know. They can feel their love in how they are. It's comfortable.
Also! Thinking about how negative traits can boost each other in a fusion is fun! Isabeau and Siffrin's insecurities feeding each other when their mood is really low. Usually they unfuse if it gets that bad. The love they feel for the other creates a conflict to it that makes the fusion unstable. But they don't unfuse immediately <3
Mirabelle and Siffrin's anxiety boosting each other to the point they get Here Comes A Thought style hallucinations of their fears. Also I like the idea of them talking about it unfused! Feelings Buddies! Actually I also like Isabeau trying to talk with Siffrin about the Insecurity Spiral that led to them unfusing as well but Siffrin doesn't want to talk about it. Eventually they have to though.
I can't think of any other thoughts off the top of my head. Also my thoughts were very vague on "what gems are they is this au more isat or su" etc so not all of them may fit with your au. I wanted to share them anyway though!
yes yes i do agree with sif fusing with mira first (and reading this has given me an idea for a comic for when i finish refs proper. teehee) and specially because neither of them would be aqquainted with fusion (i'd think that isa has proably done it in work before like same gem fusions in the og show. and odile surely has fused with someone at some point in her life considwring she's the oldest. bonnie would be the only one to not considering they're fully human) so both sure would have an experience!!
also about the touch thing. maybe it's not equal but related to it?? like everyone thinks sif doesn't like being touched and assume that he has a similar case with fusing. but he has fused before at that point so maaaybe they think he only thinks of fusion as a "last ditch effort on a fight" thing and don't think they'd like to fuse just to hang out. maybe the rest of the team does fuse sometimes outside of fighting or whenever they need a fusion only skill to do somwthing but never ask siffrin to join,, he has noticed but doesn't say anything really
and to the sif and isa fusion. yessssssssssss. it would probably happen after the loops but a close call would have been in isa's friend quest before everyone elsw arrived. i think them doing it after the loops would be better so siffrin doesn't feel obligated to do it every single friend quest run. personality wise i think the fusion conciousness would be kinda like bismuth mixed with garnet mayhaps..
and the butterflies!! boy do we love the butterflies. considering human/gem hybrids are thecnically fusions as seen in canon i DO think siffrin would see butterflies by himswlf. but it would sure become harder when fused with mira and if both are not feeling well™. AND THE FEELINGS BUDDIES IDEA YESSSS
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^^ as a last thing here's a mspaint sketch of the mira and sif fusion (not a definitive design yet waugh). i think they'd be dark orange tourmaline :]
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someonexsomeone · 5 months
Okay thought about it and!! I think I really liked Dead Boy Detectives!! I think there are good things and bad things, so here are my (spoilers) Thoughts:
- casting was amazing!! I thought everyone did an excellent job, and while I don’t personally love all the actors, I think they played their roles excellently (faves: Esther, Cat King, Niko <333, Jenny, Tragic Mick)
- each character felt unique, even the minor ones
- the beginning was a little rough but once the plot started going it kept my interest peaked without feeling overwhelming
- Charles and Edwin’s relationship was wow so heartbreaking but oh my hod the way they met the staircase scene the way Charles foiled Edwin’s grumpiness yes yes yes
- Niko making things right with her unconditional kindness. I hate when shows have the main characters kinda lack social awareness and manners in order to push the plot along faster because it makes them seem like bad people when they aren’t. Niko giving a voice to characters who are otherwise pushed aside by the others (the sprites, Tragic Nick, Jenny, and even the Lighthouse Gift Shop owner) makes her that much more endearing :((
- I love Tragic Mick and his story and the store. What a compelling side character??
- the setting was oh my god so perfectly moody
- the Cat King forcing the characters to stay in one place when they notoriously can fast travel was so perfect to raise the stakes without making it feel forced
- I lowkey love they made Crystal a bad person because the way she was introduced made it seem like she was gonna be this perfect average joe (also what happened to that little girl ghost that originally started this all???)
Negatives :((
- okay so minor but wow I did not like the blurred edges in the show. I think it worked a lot of times to give everything that sort of dreamy look, but most times it made it hard to focus and distracting from the scene
- sometimes the writing and pacing felt…off. Like the fact that some of the opening dialogue was such Wattpad esk “hey best friend remember how we’ve been friends for 30 years? I’m the goofball to your serious branic haha brills!” And then were immediately given Edwin’s backstory with no context?? Like yes good I’m glad I know it now but it took like 5 episodes to learn Charles’? Also, the fact that we only learn Charles is abused like 10 mins before he has a breakdown with no indication earlier is crazy to me?? We even get a scene where he talks about his parents, and there was no foreshadowing to his dislike of his father??
- speaking of pacing; sometimes it felt very mechanical. Get case, case is actually something more, oh no it’s Esther, easy peasy defeat Esther she’s def done for this time, case closed, oh no she’s alive!, repeat. She just wouldn’t stay down and I love her for that lmao
- I’m trying to find solace in the fact that EVERY relationship in that show got fucked up/was fucked up but honestly the fact that anytime we were really close to having a gay relationship that was then brutally ripped away was crazy and sometimes unnecessarily brutal. I mean — Jenny finally taking a chance and opening up only for her secret admirer turning out to be a stalker and a killer?? Monty getting rejected then ripped to pieces?? The Cat King admitting he likes Edwin more than a toy and being beaten to death?? Also the bait and switch with Niko’s sprites and lowkey highkey making it seem like Crystal was in love lmao
- the way they portrayed Despair was honestly such a shameful choice for me. I would understand if they were going for a modern version to smth, but they were literally in Hell where they crafted a monster out of babydoll parts. You’re telling me Despair, creeping sadness that consumes your soul, with countless reasons and outcomes from it, and countless manefestations, was given a shlumpy cardigan??? Was given no real care beyond a human actor with minimal make up?? We literally MEET one of the, practically, Gods of Hell and that’s the best we came up with?!
- getting out of hell was surprisingly SO EASY like I think it needed /something/ else because at no point did I think they wouldn’t make it out
- DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON FUCKING SIMON?? No way in FUCK did they try to redeem to me a character who bullied Edwin to the point of sacrifing him to a demon (doesn’t matter if he didn’t think anything was going to happen, his intentions were still malicious) by giving him the biggest cop out “but I was secretly in love with you the whole time” BULL SHIT and then the fact that he got to ascend to heaven after???? ALSO THE FACT THAT EDWIN HAD TO BE CHASED BY A DOLL MONSTER AND RIPPED APART WHEN SIMON ONLY GOT PAPERCUTS ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
- WHY TF DID THEY KILL MY GIRL NIKO (I know implied she’s alive somewhat at the end but still). Also, you’re telling me they didn’t even wait until they saw Niko’s ghost and just assumed she moved on that fast without saying goodbye?? Ridiculous??
TLDR: despite some of its shortcomings, I am super excited to see what they do with Season 2, and I hope we get a more expanded universe and cast of characters!!
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yuikomorii · 2 years
I saw you mentioning that Ruki’s good ending in dark fate is your favorite, why that, if I may ask? I’ve always thought Ayato’s good endings were considered the best but I really want to hear your opinion as well.
// I believe Ruki's DF good ending has the best outcome because Ruki becomes human and is able to live happily ever after with Yui, which is something I support. It's unfortunate that his brothers, who are vampires, will outlive Ruki, but at least he has his wife by his side and will be able to live a normal life from now on.
I know this fandom seems to like when Yui becomes queen or gets the powers in some endings, but I really feel bad for her when that happens. She repeatedly states that all she wants is to be a normal teenage girl; she doesn't want to be treated like royalty, she doesn't care about her status, and she doesn't want any sort of pressure or responsibilities placed on her. The powers, on the other hand, are a total nightmare. The Eden Castle feeds off the emotions of its owner and if they’re positive, everything is going to be alright but if they’re negative, it leads to destruction. Basically if you get the powers, you’re not really allowed to feel negative emotions, even if it’s completely normal doing that. You can't be too sad, too angry, too afraid, or even too stressed... or else you'll destroy the world. Yui and the Diaboys don’t deserve to be cursed in this manner; it is far too cruel.
As for the Ayayui endings, I like them because they have the most weddings and the cgs are stunning, but I can't say they're a win-win situation for the characters. Ayayui is best couple in terms of chemistry and I’m glad he’s able to make her live life as she should, yet I recall the DF official short story, which takes place after the good ending, where Ayato is overworked and busy there due to king duties. He still gives Yui much attention and love but it’s very sad how he becomes king in his good endings so many times, because it basically makes him suffer, since honestly… poor boy really isn't the most suitable person to be king.
I just want everyone to be happy and to do whatever they want without being forced to change themselves. >_<
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Luz's Trauma Is Downplayed
In The Owl House, we've seen many kinds of trauma, abuse and abusive relationships.
Hunter is the most noticeable example. It's easy to see his PTSD because we've witnessed the abuse that he suffered from his "uncle"s hand.
And it's hinted that it was Belos who gave Hunter the scars on his cheek and ear.
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Just like how he gave him the new scars...
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So we know that Hunter is a victim of long life abuse and very likely to suffer from PTSD (or "Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" to be clear)
No wonder why he was having panic attacks in season 2.
And it's the same case for Amity. We've seen her stormy relationship with her parents.
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And especially with her mother. Because Odalia isn't only strict but also a narcissistic mother who was emotionally abusive towards Amity.
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And her father was mostly neglectful towards her too.
So just like Hunter, it's easy to see Amity's trauma.
And for Eda's case, we've seen her broken relationship with her sister in season 1 finale.
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How her own sister cursed her for the sake of being a member of Emperor's Coven, a dream that shared by both sisters. And we saw Eda giving up on her dream because she didn't want to fight her sister. But Lilith on the other hand, went as far to curse her own sister...
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Their backstory was the best but also the most tragic part of the season 1 for me.
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We also saw clear flashbacks about Eda's past during "Knock, Knock, Knockin' Hooty's Door". We saw her family tragedy when her cursed form took out her father's eye, we saw her break-up with Raine... Basically, we saw how mentally broken and depressed she really was underneath that funny and sassy Owl Lady image. And let's be honest, this attitude is nothing but a coping mechanism to deal with guilt hurting her loved ones, fear of losing them and pain of her broken dreams...
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Not even mentioning "Eda's Requiem" when her abondement issues got exposed to the audience for the first time. And she afraid of being lonely so much that she literally got suicidal at the end...
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And even Willow!
I say "even" because her dads never appeared abusive, just lowkey strict.
Like, how they forced her to be placed in abomination coven even though she obviously had no interest in it and was struggling a lot.
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However, Willow's trauma doesn't lie in her family life, but rather in her school life.
She was constantly bullied by Amity, Boscha and their gaang. She was underestimated, made fun of; felt worthless because of this negative treatment by her classmates...
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Again, we can see Willow's struggle and empathize with her quickly, especially because we've seen that she was being bullied in the very first episode that she appeared.
We know very little about how Luz's life was like before she went to Boiling Isles.
Yes, we had some brief flashbacks in "Thanks To Them", but even then, we've seen them from Camila's perspective, not from Luz's.
There are a few hints that giving Luz was being bullied in the school due to her antics and neurodivergent behaviors.
Such as in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' Hooty's Door"
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You can see how stressful and nervous she looks here. Which makes sense because she was afraid that Amity was going to reject her and find her cheesy... just as how it happened back in the human world too.
So it's very likely that Luz had a crush on someone, but was rejected and made fun of due to her weirdness. (Honestly, who would reject this cute, pretty little goofball?!)
"Oh no! I'm gonna be made fun of again" This line makes it clear I think.
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And then when she can't hold herself anymore, Luz starts panicking and destroying everything in the Tunnel of Love.
Most people were focused on Amity's sadness here, which is normal since the camera also focus on her instead of Luz who is busy destroying the stuff.
And apart from this, we know that Luz didn't have any friends except the "imaginary ones".
This is literally all we know about Luz's social life, and most of these are still semi-canon since it's never been truly revealed.
The only we know about Luz's social/family life is that she has a very loving mother (which is great) but also that she is dealing with a deep feeling of grief and pain due to losing her father at such a young age...
It's not exactly revealed what happened to Manny Noceda, but since Camila said that they had to move somewhere closer to a good hospital in order to cure him, we can say he was sick with a deadly disease (perhaps cancer?)
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While saying it like that, it may seem like a lot about Luz's personal life was revealed in the show, but believe me, that's far from being the case...
Luz's traumas are often ignored by fandom. And the reason is the show is ignoring Luz.
Think about it, she's the protagonist so she's supposed to have the spotlight, right?
But no, we know much more about Eda, Hunter and Amity's personal lifes. I'm not saying this to complain, their own stories are also very interesting, especially Eda's. But still, it's no excuse to ignore the main character.
For all we know, Luz was bullied and made fun of in school, like Willow.
She was afraid of rejection, like Amity.
She is manipulated and scarred by Belos, like Hunter.
She is secretly depressed because of her relationship with father, like Eda.
But despite being deeply hurt and broken, why don't most of us acknowledge Luz's trauma?
Well, we have Disney to thank for this... Due to shortening The Owl House, we lost a great opportunity to know more about Luz.
However, this isn't the only reason...
Despite the fact that the show is shortened, we still have detailed informations about other characters like Eda, Amity, Hunter...
But the reason why Luz was ignored is also Dana Terrace's fault too. She often neglected Luz and focused more on other characters.
Maybe some people will disagree with me, but still, it's undeniable that Luz was neglected as a character and barely had the spotlight despite being the protagonist.
It's not only Luz though. Gus and King's backstories aren't even revealed or foreshadowed at all. We know little to no about them. Yeah, King is a Titan and Gus' dad is called Perry, and what else?
Like yeah, at least I was able write a few things about Luz. But there was almost nothing to write about Gus and King.
I wish we could have a full season 3 and then a season 4, we'd at least have some time to see everything without hurry.
Now I can only hope to have a good final episode. I sure hope "Watching and Dreaming" will be a good finale.
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