#(she was angry texting us both at the same time!)
lizbethborden · 2 years
Oh man. Thinking so much about one of the people I worked for at the hellhole. She would get wound up and go off at me in a completely vicious way. I am not really a person who yells or gets angry in those situations, my goal is always to deescalate, so I would yes her to death rather than respond meaningfully--and the one time I did try to push back on her on something she was pissed about, she overrode me repeatedly and started accusing me of "defending" the person she was mad at (I wasn't, I agreed with her criticism, I just was a decent human being with empathy for others' situations). What I really should have done was either yelled back or walked away, but I always defaulted to yes'ing her, especially because she would wait until we were in my small, enclosed office to do it and I would have no way of getting away from her. I found out that she HATED that I would always go "Okay" and "I understand," because I would just do it and do it until she stopped, and she said it "makes people feel criticized." If you don't want to feel criticized, don't behave that way...? Between her and the owners, I got yelled at more in like 10 months of working than I did in 3 years at Starbucks.
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moonstruckme · 1 month
mae my lovely, can i possibly request emt!marauders and reader who hasn’t replied to any texts in a few days/a week? pre-established relationship but not quite living together, and reader struggles with her mental health and has holed herself up in her apartment which worries the boys greatly? please don’t write if you feel uncomfortable (and if you’ve already written it but i’ve devoured emt!marauders today and i don’t think you have) obviously!! love you
Thank you for requesting my love! And thanks to @ellecdc for helping me figure out the emt stuff <3
cw: mental health struggles, self isolation
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
Sirius’ knuckles rap loudly on your door. 
“Fuck, ease up.” James winces. “She’s gonna think we’re the cops.” 
“Good. Maybe she’ll answer for them.” 
“You need to calm down.” Remus’ voice is patience with a firm edge. “We don’t know what’s going on. If we go in angry with her, it’s not going to help anything.” 
“I think I have the right to be somewhat miffed,” Sirius argues. “You ghost someone after a first date, not once you’re in a relationship. It’s fucked.” 
“She’s not ghosting us,” James says certainly. Sirius’ mouth pinches in response.
James knows that, truly, his boyfriend is as worried as any of them. You’re well past the point in your relationship where you feel the need to establish the next time you’re going to meet before parting, but after your date last week it took the boys a few days to put it together that none of them had heard from you. 
At first, James presumed you’d simply gotten busy. Remus was convinced he’d done something to upset you. Sirius, secretly the most prone to worry, would rather believe he’s been slighted than consider the possibility that something might be keeping you from responding to their calls. Now that it’s been nearly a week, James is convinced something’s happened. You’ve had to take an emergency trip out of town or something’s spooked you and made you avoid them or—worst case scenario—you’re ill and have been holed up here with no one to check in on you for almost a week. 
Once he brought up that idea, it wasn’t difficult to convince his boyfriends to do a wellness check during their shift. 
“Just don’t be harsh with her,” Remus says gently. 
Sirius huffs. He knocks again, albeit somewhat softer. 
“NHS,” he calls. 
James holds his breath when he hears some shuffling from inside. Gradually, it gets closer and louder, until the door is creaking open and you’re peering through the crack. 
Your voice is scratchy, like you haven’t used it in a while. “What’re you doing here?”
James expects Sirius to snipe at you, is already prepared to smooth it over himself with kinder words and a gentler tone, but something seems to shift in the other boy at the sight of you. He pushes through the crack in your door, hugging you fiercely. 
“We…” Remus seems as thrown by this deviation as James is. “We thought we ought to check up on you.” 
Your hand migrates up, touching Sirius’ back tentatively. “Why?”
“It’s a wellness check.” Sirius’ voice is bitter, but the effect is somewhat muddled by how he’s speaking into your neck. “We had reason to believe you could be harmed or deceased.” 
“Oh,” you murmur. 
James takes a moment to look you over. You’re in pajamas, visibly rumpled, and yet you look as tired as if you’ve not slept in some time. There’s something off about your expression, something missing that he can’t put his finger on. It’s unsettling in a way that makes him want to wrap you up in a tight cuddle and not let go. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, perhaps more brash than he means to be. Normally he’d expect more tact from himself, but he’s shocked Sirius hasn’t asked yet, and someone has to.
“Can we come in?” Remus asks at the same time. 
You look between them like you’re not sure what to do with them. Like you’re questioning whether you’re still in some sort of dream. 
“Yeah,” you say after a moment. James gets the sense you mean it to answer both of them. You step back from the door to make room for them, and Sirius moves with you. “Um, forewarning, it’s really bad in here.” 
Really bad by your standards isn’t the same as James’. If he hadn’t seen the way you normally keep things, he’d never notice anything was amiss. Your place smells a bit stale, like when you leave for a weekend and then come home. There’s a laundry basket on the floor with a few balled socks like you’d started to fold them and given up, and if he peers into your bedroom he can see a small trash pile on your floor and the covers of your bed all twisted up. It’s no worse than his side of the dorm he’d shared with Remus and Sirius in school. 
“What happened?” Sirius asks you. His voice sounds clearer now, and James focuses back in to find that he’s let you go enough to press his forehead to yours. His brow and lips are pinched. “Why have you been avoiding us?” 
James is nearly overcome by the desire to kiss him and rub his back, but he decides to let you have the honor, if you want it. 
You look unsure whether you do. 
“I’m sorry.” The words seem scraped out from some aching part of you. “I wasn’t trying to.” 
“Then why didn’t you answer our calls?” Sirius’ tone matches yours for desperation. Remus’ expression twinges compassionately. 
“I couldn’t.” 
“Why not?” 
“Sirius,” Remus chides softly. 
Your shoulders are slumped, but when Sirius moves away you seem to droop further. He’s only giving you space, his expression far from unkind. 
“Why couldn’t you pick up, dove?” Remus asks gently. 
“I…” Your eyes meander the floor. “I didn’t know what to talk about. And then my phone died, and it was just easier. I’m really sorry.” 
“Is talking to us really that bad?” Sirius is clearly making an attempt at joking, but the heartache underlying his words is unmissable. 
“No,” you sigh. “I’m just not really fit for the world right now. I didn’t want you to worry.” 
James’ ribs hurt at your admission, but he feels himself nodding. Even if he doesn’t know exactly what it is you’re dealing with, he’s familiar with people who think they’re somehow so damaged they don’t deserve to engage with anyone or anything. Sirius was like that once. Remus even more often. He sees the recognition on both of their faces now, pity and love and regret all tangled up into one messy thing. 
“Well, it was a noble effort,” says James, giving you a small smile, “but you can’t stop us worrying. Can I hug you?”
You nod, making an effort towards returning his smile. It’s a half-hearted, flickering thing, but he appreciates it nonetheless. 
He kisses your forehead as he folds you into his arms, starting gentle and tightening when you hug him back. Your grip feels a bit weak, if ardent. James pushes his palm up your spine. 
“Have you eaten today, sweetheart?” 
Your hum in the negative vibrates against his skin. 
“I’ll make us something.” Remus starts toward the kitchen, passing a hand over James’ curls as he goes by. “A sandwich alright, dovey?” 
“Yeah,” you murmur. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t mention it.” His voice raises as he enters the kitchen, and James knows he wants you to hear. To understand that this is something he would happily do for you. 
“Let’s sit down,” James suggests. “Pads, would you mind opening the curtains some?” 
Sirius complies with vigor, whipping open your drapes while James gets you situated on the couch. In the light, the shadows under your eyes are more evident, as is the redness in them. 
James squishes you up against his side. Rubs up and down your arm. “It’s okay,” he murmurs. 
You make a tiny, stymied sound, and turn your head down. 
“Hey.” Sirius sits on your other side. He kisses your shoulder, worry hewn into the lines of his face. “What’s wrong?” 
Your shoulders give a little shake. It’s small, defeated. You curl further in on yourself. 
“Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.” 
“You don’t have to explain,” James tells you, continuing to drag his hand up your arm. “It’s okay. You’re alright.” 
“I wanted—” You take in a wet inhale. He feels close to tears himself. “I wanted to be better when I saw you. I’m sorry.” 
“We don’t need you to be any sort of way, sweetheart.” Sirius’ voice is soft but fervent. “We just want to be with you.”
“As much as you’ll let us,” James agrees. His own voice is thick, and Sirius slides his arm around you to rub between his shoulders. 
You don’t say much after that. James holds you tight until your trembling stops, and even then he only loosens his grip to let you eat the grilled cheese Remus has made for you. From the wrappers he saw in your room, it’s likely the closest thing to a prepared meal you’ve had in some time. 
When you’re done eating, Sirius insists on kissing the saltiness from your cheeks even though your tears have dried. Remus coaxes you into a bath while James and Sirius tidy your room and change your sheets, and then Remus enlists Sirius to shampoo your hair while he tucks your sheets in more effectively. They put your phone on the charger. James makes dinner and puts it in the fridge for you to have later. None of it fixes anything, but he hopes it makes you feel less alone. 
When they have to go out for another call, Remus gives you a long hug, James makes you agree to go on a walk with him the next day, and Sirius threatens to pester you with calls until you block his number if you ignore them ever again. 
Your eye roll at his antics makes James’ heart sing.
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authorhjk1 · 3 months
dont you think Haewon deserves to get absolutely destroyed in her childhood room while her parents are downstairs
(Oh Haewon X Male Reader)
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"I don't really get, why you had to come too. It's not like you're my boyfriend."
"I'm not. Lucky me."
You feel Haewon's elbow in your ribs.
"Hey, I'm driving!"
"So what?"
You send her an angry glare, before looking back ahead, focusing on the traffic.
The two of you are on your way to Haewon's parents. They are celebrating their anniversary today. A special one. 25 years. And the both of you are invited. Haewon for obvious reasons and you because you know her father. You only found out after your shenanigans at her place after your breakup. You saw a picture of him on her fridge while you left. And it turns out, he is your boss.
Well, not exactly. He is the head of the marketing team at the company you're working at. You are in a different department. He still has the higher position though. The two of you had to work together occasionally and, despite the age difference, you got along very well. That was, until you started to fuck his daughter's brains out every chance you got.
"We are here."
The two of you get out of the car. While Haewon walks towards the door, you get her stuff and trail after her. She didn't have time to change into her dress yet.
"Mom, dad!"
Haewon greets them and you shake the pair's hands afterwards. Luckily, her father knows that your ex girlfriend Sullyoon is his daughter's best friend. So it's not that weird that the two of you know each other. But it might have been a little suspicious for the two of you to arrive in the same car.
"Please come in. We have prepared lunch already."
"Thank you."
You smile at them, but you can't help but feel guilty. You doubt that they know what you have been doing to their beloved daughter every single day for the past couple of weeks.
"Haewon, go upstairs and get changed. After we are finished eating, we are driving to the party."
"Please, Mr. Oh. Let me drive. The two of you should just relax today."
"Thank you so much, dear."
Haewon's mom accepts your offer with a big smile.
"Too bad that Sullyoon found you, before our daughter did."
Haewon's cheeks turn red in embarrassment as her mom teases her.
"She is coming too today, why is she not here?"
You glance at Haewon upon hearing her dad's question. Seems like she hasn't told them yet. Maybe to have an excuse for the two of you to keeps seeing each other.
"Well, she... She is very busy with work these days. She told me to pick Haewon up and drive her here. She will catch up with us at the party."
Not your finest moment, but you don't want to call Haewon a liar in front of her parents.
Come upstairs
You stare at the message on your phone. What the hell, Haewon? You know what she wants from you. But this is her parents house. Her father is sitting two meters away from you. How could you...
If you come upstairs now, I'll admit it.
You scoff in disbelief. This has been going on for weeks and now, Haewon wants to admit that she is a whore? A little late in your opinion. But then again, hearing it from her own mouth, while she cums on your cock...
The picture in your head makes you get off the couch.
"Haewon texted me. She needs help with her dress."
You explain yourself without even thinking about your words. It's surprising to see how fast your blood can rush from your brain to your cock, just by thinking of Haewon's desperate moans and whines.
"Sure. Go ahead"
You're glad her father doesn't seem to catch on as you climb the stairs, taking two steps at a time.
You barge into Haewon's childhood room. She stands in the middle. Naked.
"Took you longer than I expected."
You slowly tear your eyes off her naked frame and scan the room. A bed, a desk, a wardrobe. Nothing special. Her walls are decorated with her paintings though. She was definitely not very old, when she made them. They look like ones from six year olds. But still not bad. Your eyes land on the wax crayons, which are lined up by color, lying on her desk. But the nude woman in front of you quickly brings back your attention on her.
Haewon steps forward, her arms wrapping around your neck.
"Fuck me and I confess."
You roll your eyes.
"I'm not falling for that again."
"It's not a joke this time."
Haewon gives you grin.
"Admit it first. Then I fuck you."
This is how your 'relationship' started out anyways. Haewon broke you and Sullyoon up and just wouldn't admit that she did it, because she wanted you. Because she is a slut.
"No. Wrong order."
Haewon gives you another teasing grin.
You give in, knowing that, except for fucking it out of her, there is not much you can do about it anyway.
The two of you quickly engage in a heated kiss, warming each other up. Not that Haewon needs much of that. You can tell by how her core rubs against your thigh.
"If you want me to fuck you good, you better start sucking."
You whisper into her mouth, while slightly pulling away.
"You are not too big of a whore yet to take all of it without lube."
Haewon bites your lip, the pain makes you flinch.
"You just want to see me choke on it again."
Without a word, you grab her shoulders and push her down.
"Not that I'm complaining."
A devilish grin appears on her otherwise innocent face.
Haewon starts out slow by just putting the tip into her mouth. She lets her tongue swirl around it, while both her hands wrap around your cock.
Her blowjob is everything but slow and sensual though, once she gets into it. Like a hungry animal, Haewon starts to engulf your cock. You're reminded of this morning. That's how your day started.
Her hands quickly stroke you, while her head bobs up and down. Her eyes look up at you, almost mocking your inability to keep standing still. You can't help it. You have to hold onto something, or you'll fall. The only thing in sight, as usual, is Haewon's head.
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You place one of your hands on top of it. Haewon immediately stops. Her eyes tell you to use her. Her eyes tell you that she is a whore. But her mouth still doesn't. To be fair, it's full with cock right now. But you make a silent promise to yourself. Within the next twenty minutes, Haewon will be calling herself a whore, while she begs for more.
You slowly pull her back onto your cock. Only halfway though. It doesn't make her choke, but you can already hear her breathing through her nose. You loosen your grip, Haewon's lips glide along your length, until they reach your tip. A moment to let her take one last breath.
A second later, Haewon chokes hard. Your cock is blocking her airflow. It's entirety is stuffed down her throat. Her nose is pressed against your abdomen. You hold her in place.
One second
Two seconds
Three seconds
Four seconds
Five seconds
Haewon's eyes give you a silent challenge. Every fiber of her being tells you that she is a whore. Why can't her mouth do the same?
Five seconds turn into ten seconds.
Spit starts to leak out of the corners of her mouth.
Ten seconds turn into fifteen seconds.
Haewon's eyes become wider as she realizes that you don't intend to let go anytime soon.
Fifteen seconds turn into twenty seconds.
Her nostrils flare as Haewon's breathing becomes heavier, faster.
Twenty seconds turn into twenty five seconds.
Her drool now falls off her chin in the form of long strings.
Just as you reach thirty seconds, you let go.
Haewon falls off your cock. Her mouth still hanging open as she backs away. She tries to catch her breath, her naked chest heaving heavily.
"I will wait for your confession, once you're done with surviving."
You give her smug grin.
Haewon doesn't have the energy to reply. The lack of oxygen is still visible.
"Or are you in for round two?"
This time, Haewon shakes her head.
"But you're not gonna confess what a whore you are?"
She shakes her head again.
You groan.
"Fine. But I will not be leaving this room, until your whole body screams whore."
You take a step closer towards her desk.
"And I know just the right way to start."
After grabbing the red wax crayon, you turn back around. Haewon's eyes are slowly wandering towards your hand.
"I hope this washes off easily. For your sake."
Haewon barely has time to open her mouth, before you're already towering over her. Taking a fistful of her short hair, you make her turn her head.
The young woman feels the cold crayon on her cheek. You stain her gorgeous face. Her skin senses your handwriting. The swing of the letter S. A straight line down, one to the right. An L. Another swing U. Two more lines form a T.
You let go of Haewon's hair, letting her head return to its original place. You lean back, taking in your work.
She glares at you. Her cheek is covered with red wax. The word 'slut' seems to glow on her otherwise flawless skin.
"Well, slut..."
The word slowly drips off your tongue with such a degrading undertone.
"Let's fuck that confession out of you."
You lift Haewon off the floor and place her on her windowsill. She shivers as the cold glass makes contact with her back.
"So much space for me to write on."
You whisper as your free hand wanders all over her front.
"You wouldn't dare."
You raise an eyebrow.
"I already did, slut."
You step closer, parting her legs in the process. Your faces only inches away, the tip of your cock now resting on her wet pussy lips.
"And I will cover your entire body."
You immediately start to fulfill that promise. Haewon weakly tries to push your hand away, but you hold her wrists with one hand. You place the tip of the wax crayon right between her tits and her collarbone. You slowly read the words as you write them on her skin.
"Sex toy."
Haewon closes her eyes. She shivers again. You are sure it's not because of the glass.
"Do you want another one?"
She shakes her head and shoots you an evil glare. Her lips are pressed together, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of begging you to stop.
"Suit yourself."
This time, you place the crayon right above her pussy. Her smoothly shaven skin becomes your canvas. You don't read the word out loud, this time.
It takes her moment, since Haewon has to read it upside down.
Just as she understands its meaning, you're already past her lips.
"Ngh! Please!"
A loud whine escapes her mouth as she feels your tip inside of her. Your cock starts to stretch her out as you slowly push forward.
"From now on, whenever you deny being a whore, I'll ruin your body further."
Just as you say that, you are just as deep as Haewon can take it. She starts to take heavy breaths again. Her eyes are glued to the part of your cock that's still not inside her.
"Are you a whore?"
You sigh, knowing full well that she won't agree yet. Haewon shakes her head.
You place the crayon on her left shoulder.
You focus on fucking her now. Being inside of Haewon doesn't allow you to properly focus on humiliating her. You need to blow off some steam first. And what is better for that than Haewon's snug hole?
You start to screw Haewon into the window behind her. Her back is pressed flat against it. Her legs are spread wide, dangling off the windowsill. One of your hands holds onto her waist while the other is loosely placed on her thigh, still holding the crayon.
Haewon's moans fill the room she has grown up in. All those memories of her childhood are now stained by this experience. They are worthless. All that matters now, is that she is a whore. Slowly, Haewon's own mind comes to that conclusion. So slow, she almost doesn't realize it.
Your pounding makes her slowly lose her mind. Her moans increase in volume. Her whines reach a higher pitch.
"Again, are you a whore?"
This time, you catch her hesitate. But then, Haewon shakes her head again.
Her eyes are barely able to follow the crayon as you slow down your thrusts only a little. Just enough, so you can properly write. Her skin just above her navel is now showing off a marking as well.
Haewon doesn't have time to read the second half as you pick up the pace again.
"Oh, god!"
Her head leans against the glass behind her. Her back arches, her chest gets pushed towards you. Instead of leaning in and sucking on her tits, you reach forward with your free hand.
Haewon let's out a loud cry as you pinch her nipple. And the other one. Another scream.
"S-Stop. It hurts."
She whines, but you both know that that's not her safeword.
"Tell me, if you want me to be gentle. Are you a whore?"
She gives you a determined glare. An angry pout.
Once again her crayon finds her skin.
This time, you write on both her tits.
Haewon looks down, barely manages to read it, and lets out another moan.
"So you do like it rough? Thought so."
You let the wax crayon fall onto the windowsill. Hooking your arms under her legs, you pull her towards you.
"Oh, fuck!"
Her cry can be heard throughout the whole house. You're sure of it. You're buried balls deep inside her cunt. Your thrusts are harder now. You go as fast as possible, not wanting to give her a split second to breath. Her eyes, once locked on yours, are now rolling to the back of her head. Haewon's mouth hangs open in a silent moan.
"Are you a whore?"
This time, Haewon doesn't even respond. Maybe she didn't hear you. Who cares?
You let one leg fall down to reach for the crayon. Another two words are added to the others.
"Sex object"
Between her collarbone and her throat.
Haewon feels you, marking her again. But an overwhelming heat rushes through her body in an alarming pace. It starts out inside her pussy. Right around your cock. It travels through her core. Through her abdomen and her organs. Past her tits. Through her throat. Until it finally reaches her brain. And her mouth.
"Oh holy fuck!"
Haewon cums hard. You start to produce squishing sounds as you keep stuffing Haewon's wet pussy with your cock. Her hands search for your body, trying to push you away. Her legs quiver and shake, before they wrap around you, trapping you in place.
"N-No more."
She weakly sighs, once she has started to calm down.
"I haven't heard the magic word from you yet.
"Haewon, honey! Are you alright? The clock is ticking!"
Misses Oh's voice makes you both look at the door. Luckily, it sounded like it was coming from downstairs.
"In a minute."
Haewon's voice cracks in the middle of her sentence.
"Maybe we should open that door and let them hear you."
You're surprised at how quickly Haewon blurts out that word.
"I'm a whore! I admit it."
She looks down, very aware that your still inside of her.
"I know. "
You lean forward and kiss her forehead.
"Was it that hard?"
Haewon timidly shakes her head.
Her eyes widen when you raise the crayon again.
"W-Wait what are you doing?"
"Hold still."
"I feel like your confession isn't coming from a genuine place, you know? Plus, I need to mark the spot, where I want to cum."
Haewon gulps, but stays silent and doesn't move.
You start on her right cheek. Three words. You keep going, even when you reach her nose. Once you are on the other side of her face, you finish the line. The last letter is placed right next to the first word you wrote on her. The new words cover her whole face. From right to left.
"Cum hungry slut"
You don't tell her what you wrote.
Haewon follows your order and you're back to where you started. It doesn't take long for her to bring you to the edge from there. A nice, quick blowjob. Her hands massaging your cock. Her tongue lapping her own juices off of you.
"Damn, Haewon."
You grunt, which makes her look up at you with those big eyes.
She points your cock at her own face, strokes you two more times and then makes you orgasm. You explode right above her face, covering it with your cum. Her nose, her cheeks, her lips. All of it is ruined by your seed. And the rest of her body is marked with red wax.
"Write it down."
You nod towards her desk.
Haewon understands. She doesn't even get off the ground. She crawls the short distance, reaches up and grabs a piece of paper and the black crayon. You enjoy the view of her ass, before she turns back around. She writes one word.
When she looks up again, you're already holding your phone in your hand, the camera ready.
Haewon holds up her self made sign.
"A little lower."
You make sure that every single mark you left on her body is clearly visible. Your cum is still staining her face as well.
"What a whore you are."
You chuckle as you snap a couple of pictures.
Hi everybody!
Hope you enjoyed this one. This chapter is gonna be the last of of this small series. So there won't be any follow up fics.
Stay healthy!
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pbueckerslover · 2 months
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a/n: this is my favvv brent song it’s sooo good i suggest listening while reading :)
pairing(s): paige bueckers x female!reader
warnings: clubbing, language, smut, fingering (r!receiving), strap on use, ex!gf paige, sorta rough paige
summary: you and paige are exes and see each other at a club two months after your break up. what happens when you both confess how much you’ve missed each other?
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i almost fell in love with you
after the club last night
from afar paige could see her. her ex girlfriend. you two broke up only a couple months ago but you’ve been on her mind every day since then. you were the girl of her dreams but things just weren’t working out for you two and you decided you were better off as friends.
how could she let that happen? how could she let the most perfect girl she’s ever met just slip through her fingers like that? to say she regretted her actions was an understatement.
she watched you from across the room, head pounding from the loud voices and even louder music. her eyes were on you for every move you made. they followed every inch of your body taking in every part of you.
it don’t know what you do
moneys gonna treat you right
caught in her daze, she didn’t realize how much closer you had gotten until you were practically inches away from her face.
“paige! oh my god.” you said snapping her back to reality. her eyes finally met yours and she felt like the world was spinning. “hey y/n.. it’s been so long.” she replied watching as you started moving closer.
“too long.” you replied looking up at her with a slight smile. “how have you been? what’s up?” you ask.
paige stays silent for a second before finally replying, “are we really gonna do this? act like everything is fine between us?” she looked sad but angry at the same time.
her words caught you off guard, not the type of reaction you were expecting. “what are you talking about?” you ask, locking your eyes back on hers.
paige scoffs, trying to hide the fact that she still cares about you. you don’t know that you’ve been on her mind everyday even though you’ve been broken up. that all she ever wants to do is just call you up and fuck you till she feels better.
“you know exactly what i mean y/n.” she says looking down at you. “i can’t just pretend like nothing happened between us.”
“hey! i’m not asking you to do that. i came over here to talk to you, because i’ve missed you paige. i really have.” you blurt out and you swore you could see her eyes move down to your lips for a quick second.
“i also want you to know that i’ve changed. i really have, i’m not the same as i used to be and i’m not scared anymore.” you add before paige could get a word in.
girl don’t act like you’ve changed
when we both know you can’t
those words were exactly what she wanted to hear but she just couldn’t let herself give in so easily. if you really missed her so much why did you never think to text? or call? paige would’ve died to know this information sooner.
“don’t… don’t say that. we both know it’s not true.” she replied looking down at you, this time with more fire in her eyes.
you felt hurt a little at her comment, but deep down you knew it was true. you have missed paige ever since you broke up but you’ve been too scared to do anything. scared of her rejection.
“look i’m sorry. i truly am. for everything. can we just hang out and see where the night goes?” you ask with a small smile on your face.
she was quiet for a second but then she nodded. she grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the dance floor. her hands rested on your waist as you moved yours to her neck.
god you had missed this. the feeling of her hands on your body. knowing that her eyes are on you no matter where you’re looking. you had missed everything about her.
and i know you love me
‘cause i think you’re lovely
so of course it wasn’t a surprise when you two ended up taking an uber back to her place later that night. you were now laying on her bed as she continued pumping her large fingers inside of you.
your moans filled the room as you watched paige’s every move. the way her toned arms moved as she fucked you harder. you couldn’t believe this was actually happening right now. the girl you loved was finally doing all the things you had been dreaming about for the past two months.
“oh paige.... missed this so bad.” you breathed out as paige was hitting all the right spots.
“yeah baby? you missed me fucking you like the little slut you are?” she said causing you to let out another string of loud moans. the sound was like music to her ears. “gonna give it to you just how you want it.”
girl check my coat
drop that ass on the floor
she stopped her movements before looking at you once again. “turn around.” she said blankly. you did as she said turning around so your back was now facing her.
she ran to her closet to grab a box. she opened it to reveal the strap she had used on you multiple times before. she smirked as she noticed you watching her.
once she had it on she was pulling you over to her. without a warning she was pushing up into you as your ass slapped down against her thighs.
“oh my god! fuck p! feels so good.” you yelled out as her pace started to become quicker. she placed a smack to your ass before grabbing it hard. she gripped onto your hips pushing you down further on her cock. you knew there was going to be marks left from that.
see you move on that pole
baby look at you go
“doing so good for me baby.” she let out moving her hands to cup your tits. she ran her fingers across your nipples as she started to leave kisses on the back of your neck.
your moans became louder as she continued pleasuring you. you knew you were close and you knew she could feel it too.
“paige.. ‘m gonna cum!” you said as another moan slipped from your mouth.
“want you to cum all over my cock.” she replied making you look back at her before she pushed herself into you once more.
you released all over her cock, just like she had suggested. you tried to catch your breath as you came down from your high.
she cleaned the two of you up before laying back down in the bed next you. she let out a small sigh before saying, “that was… fuck i don’t even know what to say. i’ve definitely missed that.”
you chuckled at her words, feeling yourself blush at the fact that she could barely form a sentence. “me too paige. i’ve missed you a lot.” you replied as you laid your head down on her chest.
she placed a soft kiss to your forehead and wrapped her arms around your waist. her hands stroked your hair while you both drifted off to sleep.
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⇾ be sure to checkout my masterlist if you enjoyed! any type of interaction is appreciated :,)
⇾ thank u sm for reading!! i hope you guys enjoyed.. look out for more fics this week <3
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Captain II
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You come home after being announced as captain
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In true Magda fashion, everyone in her contact list gets a call. A quick 'did you hear my kid's Sweden Captain?' call where she ends it before the other person can reply.
You get a text and several missed calls that you just ignore until you're free to go to your mothers' house. It was a slip that had you forgetting to tell them that you were Sweden's new captain.
There wasn't much time between your discussion with Emma and walking out to the press conference.
The best you could have given them was a text in warning but, judging by the messages your Morsa sent and all the uncharacteristic emojis she sent with it, you assumed she was happy.
You also assumed that you wouldn't be yelled at for not giving them a heads up.
You pull up at their house and sigh.
Frido's car is also in the driveway and you roll your eyes.
You don't want to think about how many traffic laws she broke to get here before you.
You unlock the front door, unbothered with using the bell, and slip inside.
The low hum of the tv is apparent as you slide off your shoes and hang up your coat. Frido's definitely in the house because you have to put your shoes next to hers and her bag is sitting on the stairs.
You're not entirely sure why she keeps bringing a bag when all her clothes are in the spare room but you don't dwell on it long before making your way into the living room.
Momma is sitting on the sofa, watching the last five minutes of a random show before what she actually wants to watch comes on.
"Your Morsa and moster are in the garden," She tells you," Calling everyone they know to brag."
"Are you angry I didn't tell you? Are they?"
"I'm not angry and those two are much too smug to be angry as well."
You smile and sit next to Pernille, one of her arms being thrown over your shoulder comfortably.
"At least tell me you told Natalia at least. She's not got access to you while on camp like we do."
"I told Talia," You reply.
In fact, Talia was the first and only person you told before the press conference. She'd congratulated you with a laugh before teasing and saying to take it in while you could because she would be gunning for the Spanish captaincy next.
She'd get it eventually, you knew that. It was only a matter of time but, still, you were the only national captain in the relationship at the moment and you just knew she'd have something to say about it when you finally reunited.
"Good girl," Pernille says," I'd hate for her to suddenly appear at the house unexpectedly. You know what your Morsa gets like."
In sync, you both lean forward to peer out of the windows leading to the garden.
Magda's still on the phone, waving her hand around excitedly as her mouth moves quickly before she drops the call only to immediately make a new one.
Frido's also pacing around the garden doing the exact same thing and you can't help but roll your eyes at both of them.
Magda catches your eyes and instantly makes her way back inside.
"Look at you!" She cries, bursting into the room," My little captain! Look at you!"
You're pulled away from Pernille and crushed into a hug as Magda all but sobs into your hair.
"I remember the first time you wore the armband! So small! You couldn't even walk yet! It kept slipping off! Now look at you!"
"Morsa," You groan, trying to escape from her suffocating hug," Let go!"
"My baby!" She's definitely crying now. "Carrying Sweden to greatness!"
(One day, you do lead Sweden to greatness. One day, you make your mark as one of Sweden's captains. One day, you pass off the armband to a young player you saw greatness in like your captain did for you.)
"Come on," You complain," Let go!"
You're released, only to be forced right back into another hug, from your moster Frido now.
Her hugs is just as suffocating as Magda's. She rocks side to side with you as you struggle to get away.
She speaks to Magda over your head. "Do you think I can borrow your old armband? I can't just wear her shirt to matches anymore. Got to complete the look."
"Please don't," You beg but she ignores you.
"Er..." Magda says," I'm not sure actually. I'll have a look-"
"It's on the bedside table," Pernille cuts in," Magda insisted on wearing it last night when we-"
"Gross!" You complain," Please don't talk about your sex life. You know I wear the armband now. Please don't make me think about you guys having sex every time I wear it."
You peak your head over Frido's shoulder to look at your mothers.
Magda shrugs. "A healthy sex life-"
"Stop!" You clamp your hands over your ears. "Stop talking or I'll go straight back to camp. Stop talking!"
Magda waves a hand dismissively. "You'll find out what I mean as soon as you see Natalia again."
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shadesslut · 1 year
holy trinity
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Pairing: (Amber Freeman x Fem!Reader x Tara Carpenter)
Content Includes: (Smut, double penetration)
Summary: Amber walks in on her roommate and her girlfriend, and doesn't expect their reaction.
Amber should have been pissed off, resentful even. Usually people grow angry when their roommate has sex with their girlfriend, especially when they’re…loud. It was the opposite with Amber, actually, it turned Amber on. She always had a crush on Tara, her roommate, and she hated her girlfriend when Tara first told her about it. That was until she finally met her girlfriend, Y/N. She was hot, and her tank tops and mini skirts clouded Amber’s thoughts when she touched herself at night.
Amber was on her way home from dinner; Tara had texted her that their dorm would be free around six. It was now six-thirty, and Amber didn’t give a thought about swinging the door open all the way. She stopped in her tracks, sliding her headphones off of her ears. There, on Tara’s bed, was Tara and Y/N. Y/N’s tank top was pulled down, revealing her bare chest. She sat on Tara’s lap, her pink skirt covering their laps. She moaned as Tara ground her hips upwards. Tara’s hand was groping at her boob, her mouth connected to her collarbone. 
“Uh-” Amber stammered, her mouth slightly ajar. Y/N’s half-lidded eyes flicked to Amber’s widened ones. She only smiled seductively at Amber. 
“Hey,” she whined, like it was casual. Tara now looked at Amber. Her red lip gloss was smeared, and her eyeshadow was smudged. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll leave,” Amber nervously apologized, before both Tara and Y/N objected. 
Y/N slid off of Tara, moaning. Amber looked at her in confusion, but it faded as she saw the pink strap-on Tara wore that was slick of Y/N’s liquids. “Do you wanna join us?” Y/N asked sweetly, grabbing Amber’s hand. Amber looked at her in surprise, but slowly nodded, looking between her and Tara. 
Tara motioned her towards the bed. Amber anxiously walked towards her as Y/N wrapped her arms around Amber’s arm. Tara helped Amber onto the bed, and she connected her lips with hers. Amber moaned into Tara’s mouth, tasting her cherry lip gloss. Tara chuckled sweetly, pulling away and grabbing Amber’s chin with her thumb and index finger. 
Y/N pouted, sliding her hands up Amber’s back to her shoulders. “I feel left out,” she complained. Amber smiled, and she turned around and grabbed Y/n by her neck, kissing her roughly. Tara began to unbutton Amber’s top as the other two kissed. Amber softly gasped at the cold air hitting her chest. 
Tara moaned at the sight, instantly attaching her lips to her breasts. 
“Fuck, that feels so good.” Amber whimpered. 
She heard Y/N huff, and Amber softly laughed. “I think our pretty girl wants our attention,” Amber whispered to Tara, who lifted her head up to look at Y/N. 
“Is that so, baby?” Tara asked her. Y/N nodded in response, reaching her hands at Tara. The two girls situated Y/N to sit between them. “You wanna try it, sweetheart?” Tara asked Y/N, kissing her cheek. Y/N nodded in excitement, and Amber only smiled in confusion. Tara only leaned to slide her nightstand drawer open, pulling out yet another strap-on. 
Amber automatically moaned at the sight. Tara laughed, leaning over to whisper in Amber’s ear. “You wanna put this on and fuck her at the same time with me?”
In no universe, did Amber think she’d be here, wearing a matching strap-on dildo with Tara, fucking into Y/N aimlessly. Both Tara and Amber’s strap-ons were inside of Y/N’s tight, wet pussy. She was stretched to the brim, full of both of them. Amber’s chest was pressed against Y/N’s back, her hands situated on the curves of her hips. Tara was on her other side, one hand resting on Amber’s hand, the other on Y/N’s neck. Y/N rested her head on Amber’s shoulder as she leaned back, grinding her hips downwards. 
The two whispered sweet nothings to Y/N as they thrusted upwards. 
“Taking us both so well, aren’t you baby?”
“I bet all of your juices are staining the sheets.”
“Fuck, Tara, look at her face.”
"I'm so wet,"
Y/N’s whole body was on fire as it shook. She glanced down in between her and Tara’s body, watching as Tara’s breasts bounced. Tara smiled at her, and leaned down to suck on her breasts. Her tongue flicked over her nipple, causing her to whine. She clenched around them both, and Amber kissed her neck. 
“You can do it baby, finish all over us,” Amber whispered in her ear. Y/N obeyed, letting go as she moaned both of their names. Tara sighed, wiping a strand of Y/N’s hair out of her face. “You did so good baby,”
Y/N smiled weakly, still leaning on Amber. 
“Alright Amber,” Tara started. 
Amber looked at Tara, away from Y/N after she kissed her plump lips. 
Tara grabbed Y/N by her throat and slightly squeezed, before trailing her fingers down Amber’s stomach. 
“Get on your fucking knees.”
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pablitogavii · 2 months
Stormy nights sin papà
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Pablo was on his way back from Berlin and you were at home with your son Matteo who because of school couldn’t travel with his papà this time.
You were very strict when it came to his education and even if he got angry at you from time to time, you knew it was your job as a parent.
“Hola amor, donde está mi chaval?” Pablo as on the phone with you the moment he landed and Matteo moved closer so his face was on the phone.
“Hola chaval, do you miss papá?” Pablo asked and Matteo just nodded shyly seeing his friends around saying hello as well.
“Did you protect mamá for papi like you promised huh?” He said and now you got shy as well when the little boy hugged you and nodded.
“ When should we expect you home amor?” You ask
“We just need to go to the camp for pictures and I’ll be on my way home, preciosa..unless you need me sooner?” He said and you shook your head telling him to finish all his responsibilities.
“Bueno. Te amo!” Pablo waved
“Tell papi te amo Mat..” you waved too and Matteo babbled shyly
“Te amo papi” he whispered before you hung up the phone finishing the dinner and helping Matteo with the rest of his homework.
As it got late and you finished all his schoolwork, it was time to get ready for bed. Pablo texted that he will be home soon but you wanted Matteo to go to bed on time since he has a quiz in the morning.
“Mamá..I can’t sleep” he said walking into your master room and you helped him climb into your bed.
“Que pasa chaval? No te gusta thunderstorms huh? Mi también..” you admit that being one big fear Pablo helped you with always.
“Donde está papá?” He asked the same questions I had..where was Pablo now!?
Another loud thunder made both me and the little boy hug fearfully. You reached for your phone calling Pablo who quickly answered.
“Hola mi amor. Traffic is crazy with the storm, I’m almost home. Como estas preciosa I know you hate storms” he said on video call and you showed him Matteo glued to your side.
“We are both scared of storms..si chaval?” You say
“Si, mamá and I want you here papi” he added making you blush and Pablo smile wide. He loved feeling needed like this.
“Aii mis amores you want papi to tell you the story he always tell mamá when she is scared while I’m driving home huh?” He said seeing your blushing face as you both nodded. The boy might be a mini version of Gavi but his eyes were scared just lie yours right now.
Pablo spoke softly and every time there was a loud thunder he would tell you how much he loves both of you..and you would say it back forgetting about loud sounds. Until he was finally home..
“Someone said they needed papi?” He walked in still holding his phone and both of you rushed to hug him. He held you with one hand and Matteo in other kissing you all over your cute faces.
“Welcome home Pablito, congrats on the victory” you say and he kissed your lips. Taking off his jacket and back pack.
“Thank you mi amor..it was hard being away from the two of your for two night..I miss my little family.” He said and you smile seeing how excited Matteo was that his papi is finally home.
“Then how about we all sleep together tonight, sounds good Mat?” You say and the boy was overjoyed kissing your cheek
“And to give papi besitos chaval?” He said jealous and Matteo jumped in his arms kissing his cheek while Pablo smiled looking towards you with heart eyes.
Another thunder made you jump.
“Let’s protect mamá chaval!” Pablos aid as they both joined you in bed and Pablo pulled you against his strong chest with you little boy between you two.
“Te amo muchísimo “ you say and he leaned down to kiss your lips while Matteo was peacefully asleep on his chest.
“Yo te amo mi reina..and our little chaval. You are both so cute for being scared of thunderstorms” Pablo said and you smiled.
“Hmm papi is always there to protect us” you say with a smile and Pablo nods proudly kissing the top of Matteo’s head and your lips.
“Siempre.” He said as you both cuddled up close to your son and fell asleep happy together.
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propertyofwicked · 6 months
SECRETS part 5 - LN
content warnings: FULL SMUT, cute sex, oral (fem receiving), unprotected - MDNI !!
this is lowkey a filler chapter, so you can skip it and read part 6 if you dont want to read smut :) - i have kept the same taglist so if you have been tagged but dont wish to read this part please do skip <3
previous part -> next part
masterlist the playlist
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“morning,” lando’s rough morning voice travelled through the hotel room as he saw y/n’s eyes open below him. during the night, y/n found herself wrapped around him, her leg slung over his whilst her head rested on his chest, her arm stretching over him, pulling him in closer.
lando had been awake for a while. he’d decided that today, they would drive down to max’s and try and talk some sense into him. he’d woken up to a text from P, telling him to come to the house and talk to max in person - she was equally as fed up with his foul mood and angry outbursts.
“how d’you sleep?”
“shush,” she hushed him, “still sleeping.”
“i was thinking we should go see max and talk to him in person. today,” he said, earning a groan from the half-asleep woman who rolled off him to lay on her back and stare at the ceiling.
“and i was thinking i could just change my name, cut all contact with everyone i know and live the rest of my life in the woods.”
“i don’t think that will work,” he said, laughing softly at her remark.
“yeah? i dont think your plan will work either so at least were both coming up with stupid ideas today,” she said, as he rolled onto his side to face her.
“you always look pretty in the morning,” lando announced, ignoring her insult.
“you always lie in the morning,” she replied. once again, he ignored her insults, moving to press a quick kiss to her lips. well, he intended for it to be quick, but before he knew it, she was straining her neck up to join their lips together again.
“i could get used to this,” he said, grinning against her mouth.
“not if max has anything to say about it.”
“y/n,” he groaned, still hovering above her, “im trying to be romantic and you’re talking about your brother, fuck him.”
“and fuck you instead?” she quipped.
“well, if you say so,” he hummed, taking the opportunity to kiss her again and shift his bodyweight so he was hovering fully over her, using his arms to hold himself up. she deepens the kiss, tracing her tongue over his bottom lip while burying her fingers in his curls to pull his face closer. his head drops to her neck, pressing small kisses along her skin.
“if you don’t want max to rip your balls off, i recommend you not leave marks on my neck, lan,” she said breathlessly, his breathe tickling her skin as he laughs.
“i’m going to fuck you so hard you forget all about your stupid brother and the things he said about you,” he grunted in her ear, lowering his hips to roll over hers. and for the first time that week, she couldn’t think straight enough to respond with anything other than a quiet moan.
lando slides down the bed, pulling at the waist band of her shorts as he goes, but looking up at her. she nods at him, and he pulls her shorts down her legs, discarding them off the side of the bed. her fingers lace through his curls, her eyes focused on his head tilting to the side to press kisses to the inside of her thigh. he nips down on the skin, sucking slightly, leaving bruises in his wake. at least max wont see those, she thought to herself.
with no warning, his face dived into her folds, her hips arching up, pulling him in closer. he parts his lips, dragging his tongue up to circle her clit.
“taste so good,” he muttered, “wanted this for years.” another moan fell from her lips, spurring him on. one arm came to wrap around her waist, holding her hips down. the other arm reached up, pushing her top up, his hand kneading at her breast.
“fuck, lan, keep going.”
her view is something she wish she could take a picture of and tattoo on her arm. lando’s veiny arm pinning her hips down, his jaw muscles peaking out as his tongue moves in a steady rhythm, his curls falling over his forehead, as his eyes glance up to see her facial expressions. the arm on her breasts drops down to her heat, parting her folds and his fingers pushing gently into her. her hips struggle against his arm, desperate for more.
within a matter of seconds, two of his fingers are twisting into her, hitting that spot that has her almost purring for him repeatedly. before she knows it, she cums around his fingers with no warning, legs shaking, loud moans filling the room. lando crawls back up her body, grabbing her jaw with one hand, opening her mouth and pushing his fingers slowly into her mouth. her tongue moving to lick up the length of them, tasting herself on his calloused fingers. the moment he retracts his hand, her hand is pulling his head down to hers, kissing him hastily as his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss.
he used one arm to balance himself, the other moving down between them to tug at his own shorts. he grabbed himself, rubbing his hand up and down and few times before sliding his cock through her fold, eliciting small whimpers from her as he hit her sensitive spot.
“you sure you want this? there’s no going back after this, he mumbled in her ear.
“i never want anyone else for as long as i live.”
slowly, he entered her, pushing into her slowly. her face screwed up slightly from the stretch.
“you’re ok, you’re ok,” he reassured her, stroking the side of her cheek softly, waiting a moment before he retracted and pushed back in.
“you’re doing so well f’me.”
his began to build up his pace, the headboard moving with each thrust. y/n moaned out beneath him, grabbing his arm to stabilise herself. her noises encouraging him more, he grabbed her thigh, pulling her leg up to wrap around his back, hitting new angles that brought out obscene noises from the two of them. y/n’s hands wrapped around the back of his head, pulling lightly at the hair at the top of his neck, his own hand moving down again to play with her clit. he could feel her walls tightening around him, pulling him closer and closer to his own finish.
“fuck, lan. don’t stop,” she cried out, her head rolling back on the pillow.
“wouldn’t dream of it,” he remarked, his thrusts getting faster and faster with each pant.
“i’m gonna c-”
“i know baby, come for me, come with me,” he said, wrapping himself around her to bring them closer together as they both reached their orgasms.
he waited a few moments, before pulling out of her, flopping down on the bed beside her, both of their chests heaving with heavy breaths.
“stay there,” he said, kissing the top of her head before rolling out of the bed, and walking to the bathroom. he returned with a damp cloth and a glass of water, handing her the drink he then crawled back to clean her up.
when he did return to lay next to her, his arms instinctively moved to pull her in closer.
“so… when should we go and break the news to your brother?” he asked, grinning.
“id so nearly forgotten about him,” she groaned in annoyance.
“clearly, i need to try again,” he said, still smirking at her.
★ ☆ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✶
tag list: @harrysdimple05 @scopeiguess @hiireadstuff @landosgirlxoxo @natt9598 @phantomxoxo @val-writes @secretgal66 @ririyulife @littlehoneyfreak @leclercdream @mehrmonga @eviethetheatrefreak @thatoneembarrasingmoment @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @formula1mount @lottef1 @rayna-s @5starl1ght @cthgee @thesiduation @urfavsgf @littlehoneyfreak
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norrizzandpia · 11 months
Longing Glances and Whispered Confessions (Part 2) (LN4)
Summary: In which the one person they thought would reject them completely is the person that forces them together again.
Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, Lando and yn are sad as hell, happy ending tho, Pietra being a real one
Note: i loved this story line also here is the link to part 1 if you need it
“There’s nothing louder than the silence between two people who used to love each other.” - unknown
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Lando was never the same. Max noticed the way his best friend suddenly became a shell of a human, dark and blank. The brother was left to question why the closest person to him in his life was no longer than themselves. He tried to take the boy out, bringing him to movies and dinners, trying to understand the root of his depression. However, he began to put it together when he saw the way Y/n lost herself a bit too. If he was being honest, Max always had an idea that they held repressed feelings for each other, but he never entertained it. He was so afraid of that thought that he refused to diagnose their lingering eyes and prolonged touches.
Pietra was the first to voice his internal thoughts, “You know, it’s no coincidence that they’ve both suddenly stopped talking to each other.”
He groaned, looking at her from his side of the couch, “P, I’m not doing this with you again.”
He got up, walking out of the room only for her to follow him. She trailed behind his steps, pushing, “No, you are going to do this with me. I’m not going to let you ruin two people’s happiness because you can’t set your pride aside and let them be at peace.”
He forcefully turned around, staring down at her annoyed, “What are you saying?! They were sneaking around together behind my back?! Come on, P.”
She scoffed, “Maybe they were! You said it yourself that they were spending more time together! What do you think they were doing?”
He shook his head, “Being friends! Like they always have been!”
Pietra let her hands yank at her hair in exhaustion over her boyfriend’s obliviousness, “MAX! WAKE UP! THEY WERE NEVER FRIENDS!”
Her yelling silenced him, his eyes staring at her before floating down to his feet, “You think I really am the source of their unhappiness?”
She sighed, padding over to him and bringing his body into her hold, “I think you played into it, but I don’t think you’re the whole reason why. Y/n and Lando are so stubborn, they probably pushed each other away with how much they love each other.”
His head reared back, “Love each other?”
Her eyebrows furrowed, “Yeah… Max, you really think they would be this heartbroken over something that wasn’t love?”
The revelation was crushing, his eyes bulged and he stood, jaw agape, “I… I don’t know. I didn’t think they would be able to explore a relationship that much to realize they loved each other.”
She tilted her head, “Max, you don’t know how long they were together.”
And that was something he knew he needed to find out.
Lando dragged himself over to his door, eyes drooping from the lack of sleep. No matter how hard he tried, every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was her walking out on him.
He opened it, not saying anything as he let Max in. His best friend closed the door behind himself, following Lando into the living room and sitting on the couch beside him. Hesitantly, Max laid his hand on Lando’s knee.
He breathed out, “I’m worried about you.”
The blanket around Lando’s shoulders loosened as he moved his hand to rub over his face, “Why?”
“Because you’re not sleeping, you’re not eating, and you’re canceling on everyone. I keep having Oscar or Carlos or Daniel or any of the other drivers text me asking where you are, what’s wrong. You’re not the same person anymore, Lando.” Max retracted his hand, turning fully on the couch to stare at the boy’s side profile.
Lando huffed, standing up and trying to flee the conversation, but Max was quick to grab his arm, pulling him back. Lando gave Max a look that was so angry, so furious that he realized this anger wasn’t directed at him, rather at the world for putting him through such pain.
“Can you fucking leave me alone?” Lando gave, arm trying to move from Max’s grasp, but failed.
“No, I’m not leaving until you tell me.” Max tried.
Lando rolled his eyes, “Tell you what?”
His response was immediate, “Tell me what happened between you and her.”
Lando fell silent, his demeanor shifting and his eyes softening. Vulnerability and brokenness flashed in his eyes, such a pool of grief, Max hated himself for causing it.
Finally, Lando broke from his hold and walked further into his apartment, “I don’t know who or what you’re talking about.”
Max followed him, “Yes, you do and you’re going to tell me what happened between you and my sister.”
Lando aggressively turned around, his attitude changing quickly, his fiery gaze creating a tense air, “CAN YOU FUCKING STOP?”
Lando’s teary voice, stricken with yearning for someone he thought he wouldn’t have to yearn for anymore, yelled back, “NOTHING HAPPENED! NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN US! NOTHING-”
His words got cut off when a small sob racked through his body. The lie and deflection of their relationship hit him hard. He didn’t want to deny what happened with her because what happened with her was so important, so close to his heart. Denying her and the love they shared was like affirming their end, he couldn’t deal with that.
Max watched his best friend break down in front of him, the sounds of miserable tears filling the room as he rushed over and caught him. He had never seen him like this, agony making him cling to his best friend in search of something to ground him.
Max couldn’t stomach the way his best friend was crying, much less for the fact that he was crying for his sister and whatever happened between them.
He itched to know and knew Y/n would be able to tell him.
He used his key to get in. The apartment was dark and quiet, and Max almost thought no one was there, but the fresh tissues on the counter and romantic movie playing softly in the background told him his sister was somewhere within the few walls.
He wandered around, silently looking for any clues of her relationship with Lando. He mingled over to her desk, hoping to find some picture of them together and gain physical evidence of the things that happened behind closed doors. He was ready to give up in that spot when he didn’t see anything on the surface, but when he caught a glimpse of a small drawer hiding under it, he crouched down. His hands slowly opened it, creaking and groaning under the force.
What he found, clearly something that was trying to be hidden, shocked him. What he found was a large handful of printed out pictures, all of them consisting of Y/n and Lando. He took them out carefully, their edges worn as if someone had continuously worked with them. The pictures got progressively worse to see, in terms of knowing that he was the one to stop the love they had for each other.
The first photo was of the two of them laying on her couch, the piece of furniture sitting two feet away from him. Lando’s lips were pressed against her cheek, one hand holding the other side of her face to him. Whatever was happening in the moment must have been amusing seeing as his sister was in the midst of hard laughter. Her mouth open, smile exuding through, she seemed comfortable in his presence, the kind of comfortable Max had wanted to forget existed between them.
The second photo was in Lando’s kitchen, this time only of the boy himself. Y/n’s reflection was in the window, again laughing at his cooking skills, as Lando stared beyond the camera. His gaze was trained on Y/n, a lovesick glint in his eyes as he held a spatula and a bowl. He was smiling so hard at her, Max wanted to claw his eyes out and forget he ever saw these photographs. They were a living example of what he had destroyed.
He continued to look through them, however, as his curiosity got the best of him. The last one, the eleventh and final one, was the worst to gaze upon.
This picture was taken by Lando, it being of Y/n sitting on her couch. She stared down at a ring in a box that she held firmly in her hand, teary eyes staring at Lando behind the camera. She was smiling with her mouth slightly opened, as if she was in awe over the gift.
It was the worst to see because he remembered the day he clocked her wearing it, asking her where she had gotten it.
“Where the fuck did you get that?” Max asked, his eyes trained on the sparkly band on his sister’s middle finger, left hand.
She tilted her head in confusion, following his gaze before realizing what he was referring to and trying to suppress a smile.
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just a gift.” She said vaguely, trying to be nonchalant.
Max shook his head, laughing softly, “No fucking way, is this person in love with you?”
She mirrored his laughter, yet it had a nervous undertone, “What are you talking about?”
Max grasped his sister’s hand, inspecting the ring, “Anyone who gets you something this expensive is in love with you. I mean, Y/n, this is, borderline, promise ring.”
She had joked with him, “What if it really was?”
He stared at her, trying to decipher whether or not to take it seriously. In the end, he hadn’t, “Then, I’d say I wanted to meet whoever gave you this. Clearly they want to marry you.”
She laughed it off, waving her hand around, “No need. There’s no one to meet.”
It had been right fucking in front of him. He had prodded and joked that there was someone in her life, and there had been. It had been his best friend and he was too selfish to recognize it. Who was he to dictate their lives? Who was he to stop them from being happy? Who the fuck was he to stop Lando from making good on the promise he had made to his sister?
With the picture in his hands, Max stalked to her bedroom in the back of her apartment. He flung the door open, clearly waking her up from the nap she had been partaking in, scaring her to death.
She yelped out, “WHAT THE FUCK!”
He shook his head, pacing around the perimeter of her bed, “What is this?”
He waved the picture in her face, dropping it on her lap, and staring at her as he walked around.
Her face dropped and then she was staring at him with vengeance, “You went through my stuff?”
She had said it coolly, quietly, and that scared Max gravely. His sister was furious.
He scoffed, “Yeah, I did! Because I saw Lando earlier this week and he fucking cried in my arms because I confronted him about what happened between you, and he couldn’t fucking handle it. I still don’t know what happened! What the fuck happened?!”
Max shook his head and put his hands up in front of him, “I’m not mad, Y/n. I support you two if it makes you happy. I’m just fucking shocked as shit because I asked you about that ring and you lied to my face.”
Suddenly, he realized that if he hadn’t told her about his knowledge of the photos, she wouldn’t be as rageful as she was standing before him. Max was hit with a wave of emotions, wondering if he had just ruined the trust he had built with his sister over the course of their entire lives.
“Y/n,” He started, but she interrupted him.
“Get the fuck out.” She whispered, clutching the picture in her hands.
“Get out of my house, Max.” She said again, this time stalking toward him and beginning to push him away.
He grabbed onto her arms, “Y/n, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that finding those pictures would make you this upset.”
When they reached the living room and she saw the drawer open with all the pictures strewn about, she leaped toward them, frantically gathering them up carefully.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” She screamed, ears turning red.
He walked cautiously over to her, letting his hands take hold of hers as they tried to gather all the pictures. She was crying, the tears becoming harder as she looked upon all their times together. Her brother gently coaxed them out of her hands and pulled her into him, cradling her head to his chest and trying to stop the tears that were wetting his shirt.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” He whispered repeatedly in her ear.
Over time, as he continued to say those two words to her, they both knew the meaning of it was changing.
At first, he was sorry for finding the photos and infringing on her privacy, but, then, he was sorry for making her think she couldn’t love openly.
Sitting down on her couch, he passed her tea to her and silently urged her to start talking.
She took a deep breath, then began, “Lando and I dated for a year. I’ll just break that to you now.”
Max’s mouth fell open, he had not been expecting for it to be that long, “Okay… continue. I’ll be okay.”
She nodded, smiling lightly, “We had loved each other for many years before that, but we only got together after a night when he picked me up drunk and I told him about the feelings I had for him. He came to my house the morning after and demanded to know if what I had said was true or just my drunk self being reckless, but everything I had said to him that night was, so he kissed me and we made things official. At first, we said we would keep things hidden until we were certain we saw a future, but that plan was shit because, from the beginning, we saw forever with each other. So, all we were left to do was aimlessly wander around until we stumbled across a time to tell you. However, we could never agree. He wanted to stay secret, afraid of everything that would happen if we dated publicly, but I was more of a ‘fuck it’ person. I wanted to be with him and when he rejected the notion I continuously brought up about us telling everyone, I felt fully rejected and that caused an ungodly amount of fights. Toward the end, all we did was fight. I think that’s what did us in. There was never a time when we weren’t yelling at each other and, for the life of us, we just could not see eye to eye. The thing that broke everything was when he told me to come to him when I believed he loved me and I realized I would never become comfortable with that idea. I would never fully trust him if he continued to treat me like a mistress, so I broke up with him.”
Max nodded, “And that’s when you two stopped talking and I found out.”
She agreed, “Yeah, I’m surprised how quickly you put it together.”
He chuckled, “No, it wasn’t me. It was Pietra. She basically yelled at me and told me that I was ruining both of your happiness by refusing to come to terms with it.”
The look that Y/n got in her eye told Max that he didn’t know the full story, “What?”
His little sister giggled, “I knew she knew!”
He tilted his head in confusion, “What?”
She shook her head, “One time, Pietra came over to my apartment unannounced and she had chosen a time when Lando and I were… uh…” Y/n wiggled her eyebrows at her brother and his face scrunched up in disgust.
“Oh, fuck no! Move on!” He yelled, waving his hands around.
She smiled, “Okay, okay, well, anyway, she used her key and when we heard the door open, her voice yelling out my name, Lando hid in the closet. When she came into my room and saw me with no clothes on under my comforter, she just looked at me weirdly. Her conversation with me after that consisted of her walking around my room and looking behind curtains and all that. I’m surprised she forgot to look in the closet because, if she had, she would’ve found out. But, anyway, after that, she just always dropped little comments about me seeing someone and, one time, she asked me if I had feelings for Lando. I, of course, refused, but it was something in the look that she gave me that told me she knew and she wouldn’t tell.”
He scoffed, “Damn you, P.”
The siblings laughed together, but once it died down, Max gave her a serious look.
“Y/n, you need to talk to him.”
Her shoulders sank, “I don’t know if either of us could handle that right now.”
He shook his head, “Not to get closure, but to get back together.”
Her head pulled back, “What? Max, he probably hates me. He definitely does not want to get back together with me after I ripped out his heart, threw it on the floor, and stomped on it.”
Max looked at her weirdly, “No way. You didn’t see the way he broke down in his apartment. You weren’t there and you haven’t seen the way he’s been after everything ended. He loves you and he needs you. He always will.”
She mulled it over in her head, inviting her brother to continue, “Why’d you break up with him?”
“Because I was hurt and I doubted how we would ever continue healthily when we didn’t agree on this one thing. Plus I didn’t believe he loved me the way I did him.”
Max shot up from the couch, picked up the photo of Lando looking at her while he cooked and shoved it in her face, “Y/n, that is the look of a man so gone for you, he’s never coming back.”
Her fingers traced over his face on the paper, smiling softly at the boy she missed, before looking up at her brother, “How do you know for sure? What if I give myself to him and it doesn’t work out?”
Max leaned forward, took her hands in his, and squeezed them tightly, “I don’t, but I can guarantee you that for as long as he lives, Lando will never move on from you. You give him another chance and he will never stop loving you. He’ll never stop loving you whether or not you’re there to reciprocate it or not.”
She tearfully stared up at him, “Yeah?”
He nodded, wiping her cheeks, “Yeah.”
Lando groaned, wanting to tear his face off with the knocking at his door. He just wanted people to leave him alone. Why didn’t anyone get that?
He forcefully pulled it open, shaking his head at whoever was daring to startle his mourning.
However, when his eyes met hers, their color shimmering with regretful tears, he breathed out a sigh of relief. Even though the reason for her presence wasn’t clear and his ability to reach out and kiss her wasn’t there anymore, he was still at peace to see her.
“Hi,” She whispered, stepping through the threshold hesitantly.
He stood, completely shocked, and she chuckled at his state before closing the door for him. Her hands landed on his waist as she coaxed them over to his couch, sitting the two of them down and taking his hands in hers.
She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, the two former lovers staring at each other and letting a loud silence take over. A loud silence between two people who still loved each other dearly.
When enough time passed, she exhaled and began with the speech she had been rehearsing for days prior, “Breaking up with you was the worst decision I ever made. Yet, it was something that had to happen. Without us parting ways, Max would’ve never found out and we would never be here, having the ability to be together publicly. I’m sorry for giving up on us, I wake up every day and wish I could take it back. But, I came here today because Max and I had a conversation yesterday where he made it clear that I had to come see you. Come fight for you. I love you and I want to be with you, always have, always will. I’m giving you everything I have and I’m hoping, fucking praying, that you’ll embrace your fears like I am and let us be together.”
Lando looked down at her, absorbing her words for a few moments. He stayed silent, staring at her before smiling. He let go of her hands to grab her face, bringing it to his. He kissed her like it was their first kiss all over again, signaling that he wanted to start over with her like she did with him. His lips nipped and sucked at her skin, only pulling away to whisper his love for her.
When they ran out of breath, he met her eyes and softly said, “Of course, I’ll embrace my fears for you. I was so fucking stupid not to before. You’re the only person that I’ve been able to get lost in. I love you like I’ve loved no one before and I’d be so idiotic to let you go again. That day, when you walked out, I should’ve followed you, I should’ve shown you, proven to you, how much I love you. Hearing you say that you would never believe I love you was like a million stabbings all at once and I should’ve used that emotion, that pain, to communicate how much you mean to me. I’m sorry for that and I’m so sorry for shutting you out the way I did before. Of course, I want people to know you’re mine. That’s always been it for me and the fact that I had it, and still didn’t take it, is lost on me. However, this all goes to say that I won’t let that happen again. I will love you and I will love you and I will love you until you’re sick of me.”
She laughed through her tears, pecking his lips shortly, “I’ll never get sick of you.”
He continued to grin at her, hands still holding her face to his, “Better not. If you did, I’d just force you to stay with me.”
She giggled, blushing at his words, before he melted fully into her. Hitting her nose with his, emotion pooled in his eyes, “Please never leave me again.”
She kissed his cheek, then his neck before coming to stare at him, hugging him as tightly as possible, “Never again. Ever. I promise.”
A tear slipped down his eye and she wiped it away. At the gentleness, he nuzzled his face into her neck and breathed out, feeling the weight of the world being lifted off his shoulders.
Another silence followed, yet, this time, it was a silence of two people who would never let the other go again.
Comforting and loving.
Tags: @luvrrish @sinofwriting @minkyungseokie @lisa24x @toasttt11 @prettyisntprettyenough21 @giuliaabergamini-blog @landoslover @arshiyuh @ophcelia @vellicora @sage-butterflyy @ironmaiden1313
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lucyandalexiafan · 9 months
blow off steam | Alexia Putellas x reader | part 1
summary: since Alexia got injured two weeks ago, it's obviously that she needs to blow off steam; so, after the umpteenth attempt by her to have your attention, you ask her to take control, to completely dominate you.
Warnings: dom!Alexia, sub!reader, kneel at Alexia's feet, Alexia' fingers that fuck reader's mouth while reader in kneeling in front of her, humping shoe, face slaps (three times), humiliations, degradations, use of pet names / slut, light jelaous!Alexia, dirty talk, praise, hair pulling.
words: 3131
Do not copy, translate or claim my works and fics as your own; if I find out I will report them and block you. Instead, write to me, my directs are always open, and ask me if you can publish your work/fic inspired by one of mine. However, you can reblog them!
Nb: English is not my first language and I’m not sure if it’s “blow off steam” or “blow of some steam”. I searched online but I didn’t understood, so I’m sorry if it’s wrong the way that I used
I turn off the TV interrupting the program that Ale is watching, the umpteenth trashy program.
Since she was injured two weeks ago, she has become unbearable.
She doesn't come to the field during training hours anymore, she doesn't go out, she doesn't cook, and she doesn't do anything other than be on the phone and watch stupid programs on any TV channel or streaming platform.
It doesn't bother me that she behaves like this or, at least, I understand her, I try to understand her; so I do everything for both of us without protesting, without emphasizing how to take care of the house, shopping all the different type of food required by our diets, cooking different dishes for me and her every lunch and dinner (due to the variation of her diet), do not combine well with the study for my master's degree, with the research I am doing, and with my training with the team.
I don't protest, I don't snort, I don't say anything. 
I accept any comment about how overcooked the chicken is, about the fact that the bread had to be soft wheat and not whole wheat, about how messy the kitchen is.
I didn't even comment on the fact that she delegated the care of her dog to me alone, even though she can walk.
I accepted to study all night and write those essays at unreasonable hours, risking not completing my homework or showing up not prepared enough for meetings with university tutors, as well as showing up for training tired, exhausted and with less and less energy.
But today... today it's too much.
I had started studying in the kitchen, on the counter, because I had started cooking dinner and lunch for tomorrow; Ale was watching television. She knows, she knows, how much I hate having too much noise around, how much the overstimulation is a problem for me because of my ADHD, how much I go into crisis when there is too much chaos around me, no longer being able to concentrate and control myself, always ending up looking around, trying to figure out where all the voices are coming from and, when there are too many, ending up on the verge of tears.
She knows it.
But, despite this, she had started using TikTok at maximum volume at the same time as the television, creating an annoying chaos that could not even be masked by the music that passed through my headphones.
I had asked her to turn down the volume several times, I had even texted her asking her to stop because I had to study, telling her that it was important that I end that essay within three days, before the last game before the Christmas holidays.
After half an hour of trying I couldn't take it anymore, I got up, took the remote control and turned off the television.
"What are you doing?" she asks irritated.
The sharp voice.
I bite my lip.
We haven't had sex in two weeks and I haven't had an orgasm for three, and seeing her so angry floods my belly with sharps of pleasure.
Ever since we had started experimenting with sex, since Ale had started to be dominant in bed and I had started to feel free enough and trust her enough to be completely submissive, we had established 'rules'; one of the ones we started experimenting with first was about orgasms. 
No orgasms that aren't given by her or that she doesn't allow me to have.
It had not only increased libido and feeling in bed, but also communication. Since we had established this rule, we had begun to talk much more about sex, to describe how we felt and to provoke ourselves; I had begun to no longer feel embarrassed to express my sex urge or tell her what I needed. 
Begging her for what I needed.
So, after exactly three weeks since my last orgasm, I'm extremely needy.
Ale, at the same time, is extremely angry, disappointed, and resentful, about the injury and I know, I'm sure, that she would like to blow off steam on me, on my body, but she is afraid to ask for it, to do it. She's afraid because she's never done it before, because she's always afraid of hurting me and because she knows what I've been through in the past.
So now, because she doesn't want to express this need, she is short-tempered, rude, arrogant.
I kneel on the ground, in front of her, my legs slightly apart.
I look into her eyes.
She swallows the saliva, the phone still in her hand, as she jams her eyes into mine.
"I would like you to take control – I say, my voice trembling with embarrassment – I need you to blow off steam on me and I need to be dominated, to let you be in control"
I bite my lip.
The fear that he will refuse, that she will say no, that she will think I am crazy, increases when she does not respond immediately.
"You don't know what you're asking for, little girl" 
The low voice, the seraphic tone.
"I want you to take control Reina, I want you to punish me, I want you to use my body"
She lay her phone on the couch.
"You don't have to do it for me, i-"
"I want it, Ale, I need it as much as you do" I whisper, pleading, looking into her eyes.
Nails playing with a little skin on my index finger.
She nods.
"Are there any things you don't want me to use or do?" the tone is the one she uses on the field when she's the team captain.
That confident tone, which admits no reply.
"No, Reina"
I touch her right calf with one hand, the need for physical contact advancing in me; I play with her skin, just massage her.
She grins, looking at me.
She looks at me, her face slightly tilted.
She bites her lip, as if pondering my request.
"Now I'm going to make you a list of items or practices and you have to tell me with safewords which ones are green, which ones are yellow, and which ones are red, okay? – I nod – What are your safewords?"
"Green to continue, yellow to slow down, red to stop"
"Good girl - I twitch my thighs, a knot in my belly, as her hand brushes my cheek, a satisfied look as she looks down on me – then let's get started"
After a few minutes, I had established green orgasm denial, spanking with hands and belt, the use of the collar with the leash, the use of ropes or more generally in bondage, penetrative sex with both fingers and dildos, the use of plugs and strap-ons, degradation; yellow overstimulation and preventing me from speaking by putting objects in my mouth; red blindfold. However, I asked her if she could use pet names from time to time to reassure me, so the degradation and humiliation were not the only channels of communication during a scene we were experiencing for the first time.
I clasp my hands on my thighs, my belly invaded by contractions of pleasure.
"Have you had any orgasms since the last time I got you one?" the tone is so low that it gives me goosebumps.
"No, Reina" I hurry to answer; a marked blush colors my cheeks and neck because no matter how much we talked about sex, how much we started experimenting in bed more than a year ago, I will never stop being embarrassed when we talk about these things.
She grinns with satisfaction.
"Something as needy as you hasn't had an orgasm in three weeks, hm? – she asks as she strokes my cheek with her thumb, a fake smile of pity adorns her face – Does your need to be a good girl, to please me, also beat your need of an orgasm?"
I look down immediately, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.
How can she make me so submissive, so needy, with just one question?
The panties are soaked, I feel them being uncomfortably attached to my intimacy.
"Yes, Reina, I just want to please you"
She moans openly at my answer and I see the muscles in her legs twitch.
I close my eyes to the sound.
"I don't think I told you that you can not look me in the eye"
I look at her, eyes slightly wider, position more rigid as I try to hold her gaze.
"I'm sorry Reina," I whisper guiltily.
We haven't even started and I'm already breaking the rules?
She looks at me for a moment and then her gaze, that sadistic, excited look, softens; a sweet, loving smile replaces the grin that had begun to adorn her face since she began to list what she could and couldn't do tonight.
"Amor, this is the last chance I'll give you to stop everything before we start, before I start punishing you and then take you to the bedroom, where only the safewords will make me stop – the suddenly cautious, sweet tone, like it's never been in the last two weeks – I'm not going to get angry, resentful or irritated if you tell me you don't want to go on anymore or that you're not sure anymore, baby, but I want you to tell me before you start because I don't want to start without being sure that you want it as much as I do; we will cuddle and maybe watching a film, order some takeaway food"
Her hand on my cheek, the back of my index and middle fingers caressing my skin.
I look at her, every fear gone, every tension leaves my body. 
She is always her, the sweet, caring, loving girlfriend who would never hurt me or continue something I don't want. 
No matter how much she needs to blow off steam, she would never hurt me.
I shake my head.
"I... I want to do it Reina, but-but only if you want it completely too" I answer, my voice trembling with embarrassment, but my gaze fixed on hers.
She smiles.
Her beautiful smile.
"I love it when you call me Reina, I'll never stop saying it" she whispers as she runs her thumb over my bottom lip, as she frees it from the grip of my teeth.
I open my lips allowing her to stick it past my teeth, into my mouth; she pushes it all in, until she hits my chin with her palm. I lick it slowly as I look straight into her eyes.
After a while she replaces it with her index and middle fingers, pushing them into my mouth slowly, and then she starts to move them, as if to fuck my mouth.
I go along with it, licking her fingers, opening and closing my lips against her skin. 
She groans looking at me.
"So submissive, at my feet, while you call me Reina – she pushes her fingers harder into my mouth, until she touches my chin with her palm again, and touching the back of my throat, gagging me – My dirty filthy slut"
I gasp.
I place my hands on her knees, as if looking for a support to hold on to while she fucks my mouth with her fingers.
She sneers.
I look at her from below, her lips slightly open twisted into a grin, her eyes veiled by sadism, her cheeks flushed, her tongue occasionally caressing her lips, her brow furrowed, the hair of her forelock escaping the grip behind her ears.
"Hands behind your back, I don't think I told you you can touch me" 
I groan in surprise as I hurry to do what she says, squeezing one hand into the other until my nails are in my palm.
The tips of her fingers touch the back of my throat with each thrust, and with every moan I make, she grins; She tells me to breathe through the nose when she realizes that, due to gagging, I struggle to breathe through my mouth.
She continues like this for some time that seems like minutes, she fucks my mouth with her fingers, her gaze alternating between my eyes and my mouth, a sadistic grin, until she takes them off completely.
I moan, finally free to breathe through my mouth.
She wipes the fingers against my cheeks, the back on one cheek, the inside on the other; the trickle of saliva that still connects them to my lips.
She puts her hand on my right cheek and I know what's going to happen.
"Disobedient little girl – the first slap is light against my skin, more for the scene than for anything else – Twice you disobey my orders and I didn't even touch you"
I gasp looking at her, her lips still slightly parted.
Then, as she walked away, her hand hits my cheek.
We both moan at the same time, her greasing and lowest, mine louder.
No matter how much I expected it, it's getting more and more exciting every time.
"Color, little girl?" she asks, an attentive look on my face trying to understand what I think about the slap.
"Green... green Reina" I moan.
"Dirty little," she whispers as she caresses my face, "So needy just because I fucked your mouth, hm?" she asks, as she runs her fingers over my lips, but without pushing them any further.
"Yes-yes Reina," I say cautiously in response.
Then, suddenly, she moves one leg between mine until I feel her foot, covered by her favorite and most expensive pair of shoes, in contact with my intimacy.
"Hump my shoe, slut" 
It's an order said as she leans back on the couch. She opens her arms, resting them on the headboard of the sofa.
I wade at her, my eyes wide open with the request, but my pupils probably dilated with excitement. I'm incredulous.
"Color, little girl?" she asks when, after a few seconds, I don't move, her voice warm, lovely.
"G-green Reina – I whisper hesitantly, realizing the time that has passed, realizing that by doing so I was disobeying – I'm sorry"
She moves her torso toward me, her hand grabbing a hand of my hair. "Do you want to add a third punishment to the two you've already earned, hm? – I answer with a faint no, Reina – Then, move" she continues, her tone suddenly more authoritative and dominant, no longer disguised as feigned pity, her back coming back into contact with the sofa.
I bite my lip and moan when I feel her shoe move slightly against my clit.
"C-can I put my hands on your leg Reina?" I ask, my voice faint, the need to touch her, for physical contact.
"Aw, little girl, can't you even keep your balance? Okay, grab my leg. You can lean against it however you want," the mocking tone.
My hands grab her calf.
My torso is against her shin as I slowly begin to move.
I'm wearing thin shorts and panties made of almost non-existent fabric, so with every movement I feel the relief of the shoelaces against my clit.
I moan, I whine, unashamed.
I squeeze her leg as I rest my head on the lower part of her inner thigh, just above the knee, breaking eye contact. 
As soon as the tip of her shoe starts to move against me, putting pressure on my hole, I start moving faster and faster; I'm not sensual, I'm not pretty bent over her, my back arched out, my head down.
"Dirty little slut," she says while her hand scratches my scalp "How does it feel to hump against a so expensive shoe that I've been looking for months in any shop in Barcelona, to be so slutty that you seek satisfaction and pleasure by rubbing yourself on a shoe without shame?"
I whine in humiliation.
"Please Reina, can I... can I-"
Her hand clenches in my hair, forcing me to look at her.
"Don't even try. This is just the beginning – she hits my cheek again – Did you think it would be so easy after disobeying me?"
I bite my lip, looking at her with the most puppy look I'm capable of; my vision slightly clouded by excitement and tears.
I open my mouth a couple of times, attempting to speak, but no sound other than a moan comes out.
When she notices that I am not responding, she stops moving her foot. "Color?"
"Green" I answer immediately, as I continue to move on her shoe, hoping that she will move again.
The shoelaces against my clit.
The contractions of pleasure in the lower abdomen.
She grinns as she looks at me.
She reaches down to kiss me, her hand still in my hair.
Then, as it all began, she moves the shoe away from my intimacy.
"How do you feel, hm? What would people say if they could see you like this, at my feet, desperate after humped my shoe like a slut, hmm? What would our teammates say if they saw you like that? – she grins, the hand that makes pat pat on my head – How do you think Aitana and Ona would react, mh?"
I close my eyes.
"None of them will be able to make you feel like that, reduce you like that, like I do. Not even Lucia. It doesn't matter how hard they try"
"Please, please," I whisper as I tighten my fingers around her knee.
The humiliation becomes pleasure, contractions of pleasure stronger and stronger, when she starts talking about the team, about my friends, about Lucy.
Of her jealousy of Lucy, caused by the fact that we are so close friends and that she is also dominant in bed; the eldest is openly dominant in bed, while Ale is much more modest in making her sexual performances public to the team. Modesty for which I am grateful, but which makes her feel clearly in competition with the English player.
"Please what, little one?"
Cheeks that burn when I hear the pet name.
Her fingers forcing my chin to look at her.
Her blonde hair is tousled.
"Touch me, please Reina... I-I need to-"
Humiliation breaks through my legs, which I immediately clench.
To be at her feet, to call her Reina, to be so desperate.
"I just want you, Reina... I... on-only you. No one else," she moans, "I beg you."
"Get up, go to our room and strip. I want you on the bed, on hands and knees. In less than ten minutes I'll be there."
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rynwritesreid · 11 months
You were my everything| Spencer Reid
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Summary: Reader finds out JJ admitted that she loves Spencer. Just angst with some fluff involved. I think its GN, there might be some pronouns mentioned but I tried my best not too.
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Dr Spencer Reid was your everything, you loved him, and he loved you. But then him and JJ got taken hostage.
He was honest with you from the get-go, he used to have feelings for her, but he moved on.
But then she admitted she loved him, and she always had. Why the fuck would she say that she has children and a husband, but she says this to your boyfriend. You had talked to her about your relationship with him and she always seemed so supportive.
You were so mad at both of them, you hated having to look at them, having to see them talk with each other, laughing with one another. You hated both of them.
You tried your best to be civil, but every time you saw them together, your blood would boil. You didn't trust JJ and you didn't trust Spencer around her.
One day, as you were walking to your car after work, you saw JJ and Spencer walking together. They were laughing and joking like they didn't have a care in the world. You felt a searing anger build up inside of you as you watched them. You couldn't take it anymore.
You marched up to them and confronted them. "How can you two be so goddamn happy together after what she did?!" you yelled at Spencer. "She admitted she loves you, but she has a husband and kids! Did you even think about how that would make me feel?!"
Spencer looked at you with a pained expression. "I know, I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't know how to handle it. I love you; I swear. But I also care about JJ.”
“No. You don’t just care about JJ, you love her. You are fucking in love her because she said she loved you.” You spat at him. You then turned you attention to JJ.
“And you. I trusted you as a friend, I talked to you about everything, and you admit to my boyfriend that you love him.” You paused to look at them, they were both looking at their feet.
“You both lied to me and went behind my back. I hope you’re happy JJ. And Spencer, I’m glad the girl you love, finally loves you back.”
You turned away from them and walked into Hotch’s office. He could tell you were mad, no one else knew what had happened.
“Y/N are you okay?” He looked concerned; his voice though had not changed.
“I would like to take some leave. Spencer and JJ, they love each other, and I can’t be in the same room as them right now.” You tried to sound calm, to sound like you weren’t on the verge of tears.
Hotch looked at you for a moment before nodding. "Of course, take whatever time you need. Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, his voice full of concern and worry. You looked at Hotch like a father.
You shook your head. "No, I just need some time to...process everything," you said, your voice breaking slightly.
Hotch gave you a small smile and reached out to pat your hand. "Take all the time you need, Y/N. We'll be here when you're ready to come back," he said, before turning back to his work.
You walked out of the BAU building, tears streaming down your face. You had lost the two people you cared about most in the world, and you didn't know how you were going to move on.
As you drove away, you felt a searing pain in your chest. You loved Spencer more than anything, but you couldn't be with him if he still had feelings for JJ.
For the next few days, you stayed locked up in your apartment, not wanting to see or talk to anyone. You ignored all of Spencer's calls and texts, not wanting to hear his excuses or apologies. You were hurt and angry, and you didn't know if you could ever trust him again.
You wished he was a simple man to hate, so that you could turn off the love for him. But he wasn't a simple man. He was complex, with layers of intelligence, kindness, and love that you had fallen for. You couldn't just turn off your feelings for him no matter how much he had hurt you.
After a week of wallowing in your own misery, you decided that you needed to confront Spencer and JJ. You couldn't keep avoiding them forever, and you needed to know the truth about what was really going on between them.
You arranged to meet Spencer at a nearby coffee shop. As you sat across from him, you noticed how tired and defeated he looked. You wondered if he had been feeling as miserable as you had been.
"Spencer, I need to know the truth," you said, looking him straight in the eyes. "Are you still in love with JJ?"
Spencer took a deep breath before answering. "No, Y/N. I'm not in love with JJ. I thought I was for a while, but no I’m not. It’s you. You’re my everything. You were my everything and you will continue to be my everything.”
You felt a glimmer of hope inside of you at his words. Maybe there was a chance for your relationship after all.
“So why did you ignore me at work? Why did you hang with her so much and why did you stop kissing me or telling me that you loved me?”
Spencer looked down at his hands, a guilty expression on his face. "I didn't mean to ignore you, Y/N. I was just so confused and didn't know how to handle my feelings. I was afraid of losing both you and JJ, and I didn't want to hurt anyone. But I know now that what I have with you is real, and I don't want to lose you."
You studied Spencer's face for a moment, trying to gauge his sincerity. Despite your anger and hurt, you still loved him and wanted to believe him. "Okay," you said finally, nodding your head. "But what about JJ? What's going on between the two of you?"
He looked you in the eyes and reached for your hands. “Nothing is going on between. I promise. There was a gun pointed to my head and the guy asked for her to admit a secret, a secret nobody knew, and that was her secret.”
You listened carefully to Spencer's words, trying to process everything he was telling you. It was hard to believe that JJ's admission of love had been coerced, but you wanted to believe Spencer's version of events.
Spencer squeezed your hands tightly. "I know I messed up, Y/N. But please, give me another chance. I love you and I want to make things right."
You looked into his pleading eyes and felt your heart soften. Despite everything that had happened, you still loved Spencer with all your heart.
“Spencer, I still need space. I can’t just ignore how you treated me and how you acted around her.”
Spencer nodded understandingly. "I know, and I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I just want to show you how much you mean to me."
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cindol · 4 months
x fem reader
characters included : manjiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo, ken ryuji, rindou haitani, mitsuya takashi,
tw — everyone is a baby father, drug usage/drug bender mentioned
﹒.ᐟ 𐚁 cw— angst, bonten!sanzu, bonten!mikey, bonten!rindou, sanzu and mikey aren’t very good fathers, fluff
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He’s in his son’s life but very distant. He makes sure you and his son are always taken care of but he doesn’t have a active relationship with his son, the most he’s ever done is show up to one elementary school graduation and pat his head a few times when rarely visiting your house.
His right hand man sanzu is there though as an uncle, kinda.
Active in his daughter’s life but the relationship isn’t so strong due to him always going on benders and disappearing. When you get into arguments with him about his disappearing act his response is always the same as he goes through your fridge.
“You disappeared for three months sanzu, with not even a call or a text of where you were.” trying to nail these words deep into his head while he rummaged through your fridge.
“three months sanzu, no call, not even a ‘hey I’ll be out for this amount of days! But I’ll see you till then” you just left me and yuna wondering when daddy was gonna be back.” You weren’t even angry for yourself, sanzu wasn’t your boyfriend so that hole was already digged and burried. What really made you pissed is how he up and left leaving your daughter wondering why he hadn’t visited in such a long time, again.
Sanzu grumbled closing the fridge.“relax relax, enough with your grouching and shit. I was on a trip with mikey, just forgot my phone.”
“You were posting on your instagram story pictures of airplane food.”
there’s silence then a cough from him till he chuckles.“ah well, got the girl a cute little bunny stuffed animal. She still likes em at that age right?”
at least his heart is in the right place, sorta.
Might take the crown as one of the best baby fathers. He loves his baby girl, never misses any dance recital or holidays or birthdays to spend with his daughter.
his sweetness with his daughter almost makes you wanna get back together with him, it doesn’t help how even after the divorce he still was the gentleman he showed you from the beginning.
Always so helpful too when you look too drowsy and tired with eyebags.“I can always take sana an extra day you know? Don’t got shit on my weekend plans anyways” he joked at the end but still rubbing your shoulders, just because of how sweet he is.
You were sure that if you told him you have a date he’d tell you to enjoy yourself, much to his dismay.
gangster in business but a loving father for his princess. He’s prone to missing a school play or small holiday but makes it up with gifts and bringing over his daughter’s favorite uncle ran.
as a ex husband he doesn’t step over the line, he knows your boundary. He doesn’t have an issue with you dating other men, even when you tell him you’ve met someone new he congratulates you.
“good for you, just make sure he ain’t no problem and I don’t got a problem.” you brushed it off as a half joke but he was very serious.
He uses the excuse of taking precautions for his daughters since he didn’t just want any type of man around her but he was also just curious what type of man you were dating so he hired a private investigator for this man.
when talking about it with sanzu and ran it’s laughable to the both of them.
“Stalking? Didn’t think this old flame you had for your ex wife was this bad.” sanzu says teasingly with a laugh at the end smacking rindou on the shoulder.
rindou scoffed.“this is just for precautions, I don’t want just some jackass around rika.”
“just sounds like you’re studying him, trying to see what you need to apply huh to get her back huh?” that gets sanzu a slap to the back of the head and a chuckle from ran.
a amazing father to his baby girl, never misses a birthday, holiday. He’s always creating things for her instead of you spending money like a cozy sweater for winter and a purple stuffed bunny with button eyes for her to snuggle when he’s not there.
He knows his place as a ex husband well, he keeps his love for you at distant but still it shows with his actions. He knows how independent you are but still he likes to help you out.
“mitsuya I’m good I promise. I’m a big girl, a cold ain’t ever stop me from getting anywhere.” you say it with a runny red nose making him do a small smile at how cute you looked with it.
That explanation didn’t stop him from walking you back into your house with him following. Originally he came to check on you since the weather forecast predicted it would be a cold windy week, he thanked his conscience for checking up so now he could stop a sick you from going to work.
“nonsense, what kinda man would I be to just let you out in the cold with a runny nose huh?” he was already looking around on your living room couch for a cover to warm you up in.
“just stay there, can’t just let the mother of my kid just be sick.” a half joke from him while he went to look for tea in your cabinet.
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princesachicana · 1 year
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 pt.2
a/n: it's finally here!! how long has it been?! first things first i want to say thank you to everyone who's been rooting for this fic!! I honestly hit a huge writers block and had no motivation to write!! but all the sweet messages from people saying they enjoyed my work has made me so happy!!! SO ONCE AGAIN THANK U AND I HOPE U ENJOY!! I tried my EXTRA HARDEST SO I HOPE THIS GIVES U THE CLOSURE YALL WANTED I LOVE YOU SM! ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOF READ SO PLEASE EXCUSE ANY MISTAKES!! I JUST WANTED TO FINALLY POST FOR U GUYS!!
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It took a lot out of you not to stay in bed the next morning. The softness of your bed wrapped around your body gives you some sort of comfort. But of course, staying in bed would only make you feel worse. At least if you got up it would be easier to fake happiness. To no surprise, your phone was flooded with missed calls and texts from both Steven and Belly. Of course, you only responded to belly telling her that you'll explain your reasoning for ditching your "date" with Steven later.
Why did Steven even bother leaving you so many texts last night? If you were such a bother to him? Annoying. That's what he thinks you are. And what if you never heard those disgusting things he said about you? and went on the date with him? Would he just continue to lead you on?
Steven: waiting for you by the pool.
Steven: ur late
Steven: u look pretty even though i can't even see you. pls im starving
Steven: is belly holding you hostage?
Steven: it's been 18 minutes cmon.
Steven: the guys are going to laugh at me for being stood up I'm getting nervous.
Steven: did something happen are you okay?
Steven: belly is worried as well lmk.
You laughed at the messages blinking back angry tears that threatened to fall. Gosh! he was so fake. You could only imagine how relieved he must have been to not hang out with you.
Belly: have funnnn
Belly: no funny business!!
Belly: wait where did you go?!
Belly: Steven keeps pacing back and forth waiting for u
Belly: what’s going on?
Belly: just let us know ur okay
Belly: y/n ??!?!??
Y/n: hey, something came up last night sorry I had you worried. can u come over?
Belly arrived 20 minutes later. You spent the time together watching reruns of your favorite Disney show. “Do you want to talk about it?” Belly asked after a while, noticing something was bothering you.
“I overheard the guys talking about me last night.” You fiddled with the throw blanket that was on your lap. “At first it was just them teasing Steven about our date or whatever.” You took a deep breath upset that you felt like crying. “But Steven only agreed to hang out with me…” You paused blinking back tears. Belly moved closer immediately pulling you into a hug. “He only agreed to hang out with me…so I could stop annoying him! I honestly don’t know what I did wrong?” You pulled away from belly’s arms wiping your tears that had fallen.
“Maybe I was too forward? but I just wanted to see if he felt the same way…it was dumb.” You shrugged. Belly shook her head “Nope my brother is a fucking idiot!” she stood up taking your hand in hers and pulling you up. “I won’t let you mope around all day because of him!” You sighed “I don’t even have a choice do I?” Belly laughed shaking her head. “What do you say we go to the boardwalk? Taylor’s coming in today too” she smirked.
“And maybe someone would be happy to see you I don’t know” she whispered with a grin. “What are you talking about?” You questioned. “Well you know Xavier..the one that works the lemonade stand?” You nodded your head yes. “Well, he totally has the hots for you.” You cringed at her word choice. “He does not!” You laughed. “Oh, he does! you were too busy ogling my brother last summer you didn’t notice him ogling you.” she poked your side teasingly.
“Now let’s go!”
“Stay still before I poke your eye out” Taylor groans finishing up your eyeliner. You were now at the Fisher’s beach house getting ready to go down to the boardwalk. You laugh pulling away “I think that’s enough…if you make my eyeliner any thicker I’d cry!” Taylor playfully pushes your head away. “Sorryyyyy i want to make Xavier fall to his knees when he sees you!” You frown when she brings that name up. Sure, Xavier was a nice guy…and he was cute…but he wasn’t Steven.
You’d always imagined Steven being your first everything. First kiss, first date, first time. It was something you’d dreamt of all this time.
“Yeah…im going to get a snack before we head out do y’all want anything?” You ask heading towards the door. Both girls gave you a sympathetic smile shaking their heads no.
As you reached the kitchen you stopped in your tracks. Steven turned from looking into the fridge. You made eye contact for about 5 seconds before you beelined for the cabinets. “Hey,” Steven broke the silence as you pulled out a granola bar. You felt the warmth of his stare and turned finding him now leaning against the counter. “Hey…” you whispered looking anywhere but his face. “So you gonna tell me what happened last night?” Steven crossed his arms around his chest.
“Just didn’t feel up for it anymore ..” You shrugged nonchalantly. “That’s it?” Steven scoffed. “Yeah…that’s it” you whispered about to walk away. “What’s going on? I’m like so confused right now.” Steven gently gripped your arm. “Nothing just forget it…it’s not like you wanted to go anyways.” you rolled your eyes. “And what makes you think that?” He muttered eyes scouring your face for the truth. “Um, I don’t know let’s see …you quite literally ignored me this entire week!” You responded sarcastically.
“I didn’t mean to. I had a lot of shit on my mind alright?” Steven uttered softly. It almost felt genuine. The words he spoke just last night almost became liquid. “Yeah like what?” You whispered eventually looking into his eyes. “You can tell me..” You spoke gently stepping into him closer. No matter how much he’s hurt you. Steven would always make you melt. “Nothing let’s just forget about it…he pulled away opening up the fridge once again.”
It was like a switch was flipped. How he went right back to that cold shoulder he had been giving you all week. “You're a fucking asshole” You spewed, already ready to walk out of the kitchen. “Where are you going?” He abruptly spoke again. “The boardwalk…you know? so I won’t annoy you here.” With that, you left a confused and remorseful Steven behind.
“Hey, look y/n why don’t you go get a lemonade?” Belly suggested with an eyebrow raise. Shit. you were hoping they forgot about that. “Guys I don’t feel up for this..” You pouted looking between both Taylor and Belly. “Noooo go talk to him! you look hot as fuck.” Taylor gently grabbed your face giving you a mini pep talk.
“What if Xavier wants to hang out..I cant just ditch you guys?!?” You were stalling and they knew it. “We’ll be here waiting for you” Belly smiled. “Just try to have fun alright? But hey if you don’t really want to do it …we’ll back off” She narrowed her eyes at Taylor. “No…I’ll go” You laughed giving both of them a hug “Thank you guys.i really appreciate this.” You’d definitely still be moping around in your room about Steven if it wasn’t for Belly and Taylor. They both wished you luck as you headed straight for the lemonade stand.
As soon as he spotted you. The biggest smile spread across his face. “y/n? damn, it’s been so long” Xavier greeted you with a hug. “It’s only been a year!” You playfully ruffled his curly hair that sat atop his head. “That’s way too long…I enjoy seeing pretty girls year-round.” He spoke smoothly, he definitely knew how to talk to girls. “Shut up” You laughed pushing him away with not that much force.
“I have an hour lunch break…you up for arcade games?”
“So…you seeing anyone?” Xavier asked as he ate a scoop of his mint chocolate chip ice cream. You thought about it for a moment. Technically no you weren’t seeing anyone. But you knew you were still hung up on Steven. A day at the boardwalk with Xavier wouldn’t change that. “It’s complicated…I guess” Xavier sighed “I've been there…it’s rough” You nodded you were curious as to what he meant but you didn’t want to be nosey.
“Hey, look they have street fighter..” Xavier smirked. “Want to go a couple of rounds?” You nodded immediately pulling him towards the game. “Mhhm loser buys the winner a funnel cake!” You suggested with a chuckle. “Ouuu im so down y/n” Xavier squeezed your hand that held his quickly striding towards the arcade game.
Just two more steps, Just two more steps and you’d be fine. The rowdy yelling completely threw you off. You stopped in place looking behind you where the voices were coming from. You had no time to move out of the way, no time to prevent this from happening.No time to stop the trio of boys that you knew all too well. Suddenly a body collided with Xavier, the force immediately making your intertwined hands lose. “Dude, what the fuck?” Xavier groaned. It was then that you snapped back into reality. Eyes wide when you noticed Xavier’s ice cream now all over his shirt.
“What’s up? how are we doing?” That voice full of humor made you scoff. Steven stood tall a smile on his face. You hated that it kind of made your heart flutter. “Steven, what is your problem?” You gestured towards Xavier’s now ice cream stained shirt. “He’ll be fine y/n it’ll wash out.” Steven laughed, but once he noticed you didn’t find this funny at all he frowned. “I’m sorry man, I just came over to say what’s up..” You ignored Steven’s apology not believing he meant it. “Hey want me to help you get cleaned up?” You asked Xavier voice full of concern.
“No.I got it…I’ll see y’all later.” Xavier spoke nonchalantly as he walked away. When he was out of eyesight you brushed past steven heading out the door.
“Y/n” Steven immediately followed behind you. His long legs make it easier for him to catch up with you. “You embarrassed me” You stopped outside the arcade, letting him pull you to the side. “Embarrassed? sorry to interrupt your little date” Steven scoffed. “It's not a date we were just hanging out, why do you care?” You groaned running your hands down your face. “Maybe because just yesterday you were supposed to hang out with me?” Steven spoke definitively.
“Oh my god, just earlier you agreed to forget about it,” you said with an eye roll. “It was dumb, stop acting like you care just go home Steven I did you a favor.” He shook his head “What are you talking about right now?” Steven pulled you in closer, one of his hands placed on your waist. The other coming to the side of your face, willing you to look at him.
“I heard you.i heard everything,” you spoke up voice hoarse. Steven’s heart carried pain at the tears that stood brimming in your eyes. The realization was clear when he made the connection. “And you know..who cares what Jeremiah and Conrad think! what hurt the most was you.” You shrieked. You hated that you were crying in front of him. You hated that when he hauled you against his chest you felt secure.
“I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry” Steven sounded voice vulnerable. Leaving kisses atop your head. “Why would you say that?” you sobbed breaking down in front of the boy who caused it. “I didn't mean any of it” Steven brought your face between his hands once again. “But you said it..it still fucking hurts Steven.”
You wiped your face getting prepared to pull away and walk back home.
“Wait, please let me talk to you.” Steven begged. “okay” you replied being prepared to cry all over again. “My head has been all fucked up..and that isn't an excuse I know” Steven looked down as if he couldn't construct the next words. “Please don't shut me out.” you pleaded gently. “I want you...i have all this time.” Steve confessed for the first time.
“—And I didn't want to fuck anything up we've..been so close all our lives if I ever messed that up I would never forgive myself.” It's as if you were dreaming, the boy you loved stood in front of you disclosing his feelings for you. “And what? this whole week of you acting cold towards me, were you trying to avoid your feelings?” Steven bobbed his head “Yes, if I lied to myself it would make lying to everyone else easier because the fucking truth is I want you so bad” You didn't tell him but at that moment you forgave him.
“And you called me the annoying one?” You giggled pushing on his chest gently. “Right now we could have been making out on the beach….but noo you had to be a brooding boy” Steven tickled your side, causing you to squirm in his arms. “Yeah, my fault can I kiss you now? been practically wanting to my whole life.” Steven threw his head back fake pouting setting one hand over his chest. You figured you'd throw his words right back at him. “You're so desperately desperate”
Steven smirked “Yeah for you? I am” Those words welcomed a whole lot of beautiful feelings. At that moment is when Steven bent down bringing his lips down onto your own. As your lips moved together, butterflies erupted in your belly. You smiled against his lips when you both needed a breath. “Hey, by the way, your not off the hook.. I'm still sort of pissed at you.” You declared pointing a finger into his chest.
“Yeah, I figured” He laughed wrapping his arms even tighter around you. “How about I make it up to you this whole week? I'm taking you out on dates…ill even get on my knees if I have to. I'm going to follow you around like a puppy.” Steven rambled on. You laughed out loud covering your mouth with your hands. “Oh, it's funny?” Steven raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Yeah, you're such a loser.” You joked.
Before Steven could respond you tugged him into another kiss. Perhaps everything wasn't one hundred percent fixed. But you and Steven were finally here together. You and Steven were finally in each other's arms that's all that mattered. You’d figure out the rest together.
tags 🤍: @gillybear17 @snowsharkk @tesssastle @conradsupporterr @alyssa-cabrera @eranthisphiny @xoxoloverb @lostaurorax @lanisdreams @alexzluvz @lalaland-notfound @liltimmyst @unsaidjaelineose @buckys2thicc @lilygreennn @t8lzw @medusaslilsister @1-800-stilinski @yazmi710 @j-brielmalfoy @ashcannotwrite @colbysbrocks @exonct07 @multilover19 @mimisparkle12
@littlefreaksatellite @vintagebitc @lexi-2004 @melllinaa @xcallmetaniax @brizzlessizzler @haroldpotterson @livinginaglasspalace @delicatekidpeanut @queenanababy
@drinkawinchester @sarahbutnot @salvatoremikaelson54 @furiouscopsherduniversity @marrigold-2002 @angeliquelunasstuff @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @daphnen21 @ietss @imanaforever @itsreynasworld @she-is-a-happy-girl @joeybandthings
@kateisintrouble @stvrdustalexx @fictionisjustbetter @whezzy223
@conradssupporterr @clubmeredith13 @fatduck45 @trampstampz @fangirl-kimora
@just-let-me-fangirl-in-peace @reenfluffmarshmallow @kaz-mf-brekker
@yazmunson @bookg1rl @hockey-lover86
@just-a-pink-lady @moo-b1tch
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tonejo4ever · 5 months
Beast Hyde I love mix my two hyperfixations, and I had a fun time doing this. UwU I appreciate so much you liked this crossover ✨🧡
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So, what can I say about this? ✨SILLY LORE TIME✨
I think Rachel in this au plays the roles of Lumiere and Ms. Potts, both at the same time, because she is very bossy and protective as a mother hen, but she can be an excellent hostess with Robert. She will prepare Hyde for the dance scene. This time they were childhood friends, because he needed her to have known Jekyll before he became corrupt, and to give her reasons to defend him and believe that her friend can be a good man again.
Jasper is a wolf because I weren't lose the chance to draw a little of him in his wolf form :3, I put him in a similar role he originally had in the comic, someone who listen, and be simpathetic and empathic, but he´s ferocious to control Hyde when he goes angry and let his insticts take over him. He entered the castle as a royal guard and met the prince advisor, Rachel, and they eventually fell in love. They formalized something during the time they were cursed, he carries her on his back and she warms him when he gets too cold.
And Hyde, well, it's the main course! Before being cursed, he had been the cunning and selfish Prince Henry Jekyll, who manipulated other nobles with his silver tongue and charming appearance, to increase his power and influences (Basically, Jekyll, but instead he is evil and greedy :p) Then all that power turned him into someone who thinks he can do whatever he wants (wink, wink). One winter night, at one of those vile balls he had organized for his pleasure and comfort, an old homeless woman came up and offered him everything she had, a small rose… And you know the story. Jekyll rejected the rose and laughed at the homeless woman, humiliating her. She saw that he had no kindness or true love in his heart and she transforms into a beautiful Enchantress. And she said: "You always act like a predator, waiting for your next victim, stalking for sport, and the only person you care about is yourself. Now, you will be a real predator… LIKE A BEAST" 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 AAAA SO MUCH TEXT This info could be change, I apologize if I had a thypos or bad redaction, i´m not used to writte large texts on the road, but thank you for read all.
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lunar-wandering · 2 months
i had a silly hc and had to write a 700 word drabble about it
“Yo, Mac!”
MK froze mid-step, expression dropping in horror.
Macaque tilted his head in confusion, and turned around just in time to see someone around MK’s age throw an arm over MK’s shoulders.
“Hey Mackenzie, how ya doing?”
“Uh, doing… great! Just fine, as always!” MK sneaked a glance at Macaque out of the corner of his eye, seeing the shadow monkey silently mouthing ‘Mackenzie???’ to himself.
Oh. He was so screwed.
“Good, good!” The person patted MK on the shoulder, before removing their arm, waving at him while they started to walk away. “Well, I’m kinda in a rush right now, but we should totally hang out sometime? Gravity arcade maybe? Eh, whatever, I’ll see you around!”
“See ya!” MK held his false cheery expression until the other was out of sight, then let it drop as he turned back to Macaque. “Please don’t tell Monkey King about this.”
“…Uh-huh. Sure. Uh. Who was that?” Macaque’s expression of confusion was slowly starting to turn into an amused smirk.
“Just an old classmate from, like, high-school I think, not sure, I really only hung out with Mei-”
“And why did he call you-”
“Listen.” MK clapped his hands together, held them in front of his face, and took a deep breath in, preparing himself. “Okay. So. Kids are mean, yeah? And my name is pretty long. Um. So when I was asked, y’know, what ‘MK’ stands for. I… kindasortaliedtothem-”
“You what-”
“And people believed it! I thought it’d get found out really quick, but like, even the teachers thought the system had just glitched out and written the wrong name on the attendance sheet! Man, I had people calling me Mackenzie for years-”
“Really fooled me too.” Mei chimed in, fiddling with her phone with a seemingly bored expression on her face.
“Yeah, Mei didn’t know- wait.” MK paused, turning to face her, “When did you get here?”
“About the same time Macaque collapsed to the ground.”
“About the same time Maca- what?” MK quickly turned his head back to stare at Macaque and- sure enough, he was down on the ground, arms wrapped around his chest, shaking with silent laughter. “What- when did he do that?”
“Dunno, he was like that when I got here.” Mei said, putting her phone in her pocket. “Anyways. I still cannot believe you didn’t tell me the truth until my 18th birthday-”
“Hey, I thought that if I treated it like some kind of grand important thing, you wouldn’t be angry at me!”
“Not that it worked. I still pranked the shit out of you once I stopped laughing.”
“I think I’m still finding glitter in my clothes- okay, I can’t stop thinking about it, do you think he’s okay?” MK said, pointing down at Macaque, “Like, is this normal?”
“Oh, yeah-” Wukong said, “He used to do this all the time, his body just kinda gives up on him when he really finds something funny.”
“Okay, so long as it’s- wait.” MK whirled around to point at Wukong, “When did you get here?!”
“Dragon Kid over here texted me that something was going on so I decided to come check it out.” Wukong said, “Soooo. What’s so funny that it’s got Maccie down on the ground anyways?”
“Nothing! I, uh-”
“MK was just telling him about he used to lie to people and tell them his nickname stood for ‘Mackenzie’.” Mei explained before MK could even get the chance to come up with an excuse.
Wukong let out some sort of amused sputter.
“M-Mackenzie? You- you know, you do kinda seem like, like an Mackenzie-” Wukong snorted, and then he was doubling over, slowly collapsing to the ground.
“Ah, both monkeys have fallen.” Mei said solemnly, pulling out her phone and snapping a picture of them as MK sighed.
“Welp, it’s official.” He said, “I’m never living this one down. Why does everyone always find it so funny anyways?”
Mei shrugged, not knowing the answer herself as she started sending the picture of the two monkeys on the ground to Red Son. Movement in the corner of his eye caught MK’s attention, and he turned to see Macaque seemingly forcing himself up again.
“Hey- hey, Kid.” He wheezed, “Just, just out of, y’know, curiosity and for like, comparison. What is?? Your actual name??”
“Oh, uh, it’s-”
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nextikeu · 6 months
peach iced tea — 박성훈 wc. 0.9k
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summary. you thank sunghoon for helping your brother (jungwon)
pairing. classmate!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre/warnings. fluff, jungwon gets in a fight, mentions of blood
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the sound of foot tapping on the ground fills the police station jungwon was now in, his eyes glancing at the small cuts on his classmate's face, taesan. they got in a fight at school simply because taesan said he'll sleep with you, and, because jungwon loves you and is very protective, he punched him in the face.
his eyes catch your shocked figure entering the room, you legs running towards his chair, crouching in front of him as you take his face in your hands.
“are you hurt? did he hit you?”, rambling, he places his hands over yours, kissing your palm.
“i'm fine, don't worry” he assures you, and you turn to your left to take a look at the taesan's face, the guy who used to be one of jungwon's best friend.
as soon as you entered the house, you were faced with your grandmother's angry face, her hands on her hips while her foot tapped on the ground. you gulped hard, anticipating her reaction. however, her features soften when she saw jungwon's bruised face, along with the few cuts he had on his lip and forehead.
“jungwon, what happened to your face!” , her hands grabbed his face, placing her fingers on the cut situated on his upper lip. when he hissed, you hurried to grab the medical aid, but he insisted he would like to take a shower first.
“you should've seen him! after i punched him, he started yelling like a girl!”, jungwon explained while you were cleaning the cuts on his face, hissing when you touched a particular spot.
“but who called the police if it was just you two?” , you wonder and he's quick to answer you, a big smile on his face.
“sunghoon hyung”
oh. park sunghoon, the guy you were too scared to share your feelings to.
you nod, smiling to him after you announce you're done and that he can sleep now, he must've been tired, you think to yourself. once you make sure he's sleeping you text sunghoon.
you | can we meet at the convenience store?
sunghoon | sure, i'm already there.
as soon as you read the message, you hurried to take your coat, basically bursting out on the front door, your grandmother's voice echoing through the house.
you stop in front of the store, hands on knees while you try to catch your breath. your eyes scan the interior, and you see him putting his items in a plastic bag, ready to exit the store. you fix your scarf and bag, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“oh, you're here?” , he says, and you only nod, smiling.
you think the spring weather is only for the beauty, as you feel the cold wind blowing, making you shiver. you suggest sitting down and he quickly agrees, sitting down at a table in front of the store.
you reach inside your purse, taking out a sweet red bean bungeoppang, wrapped in a small pouch.
“i'm not eating this” . right. you should've guessed, it's not like you were friends.
you're taken back when his hand takes the food from yours, splitting it in half as he gives you a part, while he eats the other half, scrunching his nose. the act purely makes your heart beat faster, a tint of red making its way on your cheeks.
“it's very good, did you make this?” , he speaks with his mouth almost full, looking at you while blinking fast as he takes another bite. you hum, nodding.
“yeah, i helped my grandmother make it”
“then it's ten times better”
you blushed again, eating the last bite you took, opening your mouth to speak again.
“thank you for helping jungwon”
he turns to you, trying to remember what your brother did, after a short time you see him closing his eyes, remembering the events, probably remembering jungwon's bruised face and the way taesan cursed at him.
“oh, it's not a big deal”
you only hum, wiping the remaining crumbs on your mouth, getting up to leave. you both get up at the same time, and he reaches in his plastic bag, grabbing your hand and placing the drink in your hand.
peach iced tea.
letting out a small gasp, you can't help but wonder why he would give you this. you weren't close, or even friends. seeing your puzzled expression, he opens his mouth to speak.
“you once said you liked it, so when you texted me i bought one”.
you remember you said that in freshman year, and yet he still remembers. you don’t even know if he was there or he just happened to hear, but that still surprises you.
“thank you, sunghoon, for everything”
he smiles again, adjusting your scarf and brushing the small cherry flowers from your brown coat. before you leave he mutters something, making you turn back.
"let's go on a date sometime”
“i would love to”
and that's how you two became friends, maybe even more. but each time you have school, he wakes up an hour earlier before you do, going to the store to buy you tea, placing it on your desk with a small note each time.
just like now, except you find a small piece of cake on your desk with a note written.
“they ran out of peach tea :( sorry…
i'll make it up to you after school...iced peach tea date? :)"
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