#she helped making clone army (if i remember right she worked on emotional stability of clones?)
cienie-isengardu · 1 year
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disneydreamlights · 4 years
Across the Stars: Chapter 6
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Summary: Tensions between the Separatists and the Republic are climbing as the Senate debates whether there is need for an army. Anakin Skywalker, Senator of Tatooine, has recently returned to Coruscant to speak against its formation, resulting in an assassination attempt that forces him to reunite with long time friends Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and the newly knighted Padme Naberrie for his own protection. [Anidala]
(Or, an Attack of the Clones Roleswap AU)
A/N: Kinda tired proofing this  (first time in a while a Disney trip has left me so drained feeling. lol) so there might be some errors. If that is the case please let me know and I will fix asap.
Padmé sat down at the comm system and immediately entered a few commands, faster than Anakin could follow as he watched her input the information. Seconds later, a blue hologram of Obi-Wan appeared. "Padmé. I need you to transfer this message to the Jedi Council immediately." She didn't hesitate, immediately putting in more information to have it play to the council. Who was seeing it, neither of them were sure. "I have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett–" Was that the name of the one who was trying to have him killed? "-to the droid factory at Geonosis. The Trade Federation has started production of the Droid Army here."
"Droid Army?" Anakin felt his stomach drop, but Padmé shushed him before he could say anything more, clearly intent on hanging onto her master's words.
"It is likely that the viceroy Gunray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Skywalker. The commerce guilds and the corporate alliance have pledged their armies to Count Dooku. And are forming a–" Obi-Wan cut off, pulling out his lightsaber in defense. "Wait–" He vanished from the projection moments later, a Droid appearing in his place before the message stopped.
Anakin looked over to Padmé, who was looking at the projection in a numb state of shock.
"Knight Naberrie, are you alright?" The voice of Master Windu seemed to shake her out of frozen state, as she focused on the council rather than her own worries.
"I'm fine, Master Windu." She smiled, although it was clearly tense judging by the way the corners of her smile pulled, almost like she was trying too hard. Anakin wasn't much better, if he was being honest. Obi-Wan was practically his hero, and the man was clearly in trouble. "We need to get going, we can't leave Obi-Wan like that."
"Wrong you are not." Yoda agreed. "In danger, Knight Kenobi is."
"What do we do?" Padmé asked, looking to the two Jedi Masters for guidance.
"Stay with the Senator, do not let him out of your sight for any reason. Now that they know we're looking into them, the Separatists might become much more bold in their attempts to take him out," Master Windu answered, Anakin frowned and felt Padmé tense beside him.
"Master Jedi, with all do respect I can take care of myself, Obi-Wan is–"
"Senator Skywalker." Master Windu turned his attention to Anakin, much to his discomfort. "I understand that you and Padmé both may want to help, but as of right now you're too much of a target. We can't leave you alone. It's likely Jango Fett may attempt to strike at you, not to mention while you may have some skills, you aren't trained." He shut down any discussion.
"I understand." Padmé nodded.
Normally, Anakin would be thrilled for his time alone with Padmé to be extended once more. Right now, it was the last thing he wanted if it came at the expense of their friend. "Padmé, you can't let them–"
"Anakin, please." Begrudgingly, Anakin backed down at Padmé's plea for him to be quiet. "Please keep us in the loop, Mace."
"We will. May the Force be with you both." With that, the communication between the Jedi Council and the two came to an end.
For a moment, they were silent, neither of them speaking. "So that's it? Because of me you're just going to let Obi-Wan die!" This was the woman he was in love with? He'd thought she was a brave Jedi Knight, not some coward who chose the safe option when her closest friend was at risk.
"No, I get it. The Council is in charge and I get that, but that doesn't mean we can just leave him there. You can't actually–"
"Anakin! I'm not leaving Obi-Wan to die."
Anakin shook his head. "You aren't? What if the Council doesn't get there in time. He'll be as good as dead. You're the only Jedi who can get there in time for sure!"
"I know." Padmé was so calm, which threw Anakin off. How could she be so calm when Obi-Wan's life was in danger. This wasn't a time to be calm. This was a time to be trying to save him. "Anakin, what did they tell me to do?"
Anakin paused, trying to remember what Master Windu had said. "He told you to stay here with me?"
"He told me not to let you out of my sight." Anakin caught onto what Padmé was saying with a grin. "So if you choose to go to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan…"
"You have to follow me." It was a shortcut around their orders, around the rules Master Windu had set. If it wasn't for the boundaries that Padmé had decided they needed to set last night, if they hadn't agreed not to fall in love, he might have kissed her right then and there.
Padmé smiled, although it still seemed less genuine than her smiles over the week had been. "So Anakin, how do you feel about saving a Jedi?"
Anakin turned to R2, the little blue droid having faithfully waited while they retransmitted the message to the council. "Artoo, ready one of my ships." The two of them would get there faster, if he flew after all.
They had a rescue mission to get started.
Three hours had passed since they'd left Tatooine to rescue Obi-Wan, and Anakin hadn't seen anything of Padmé since they'd left the planet behind for their mission. She'd stated she'd needed to meditate, to release her emotions into the Force, and he was happy to respect that, but admittedly even Anakin was starting to get bored piloting a ship through hyperspace. There wasn't a lot to do while the ship travelled to Geonosis, and he could only lose games to R2 so many times before it started to get old.
"I'm going to go check on Padmé." He stood up from the game table.
The Astromech beeped at him, reminding him that Padmé had asked for space during the trip. "I know Artoo, but I can't just leave her there. I'm not Obi-Wan's former Padawan and I'm worried, she only became a knight about a month ago. She can't be happy to just sit there alone." His mom had taught him that emotions were easier to process if you had somebody to confide in about them. Right now, Padmé had nobody, or at least she was acting like she had nobody. But even if they weren't together, they were still friends. "Just watch the ship." He ignored the droid's further protests, stepping into the bed chambers built into the ship that Padmé had made her temporary meditation space.
Anakin couldn't bring himself to regret his decision as he stepped into the room. It was clear Padmé had given up on meditating, and was instead sitting on the bed, playing with something in her hands and looking rather dejected and alone. She jumped as he sat down next to her, startled. He put one hand on her leg. "Credit for your thoughts?"
Padmé frowned. "What are you doing back here?"
"Artoo can watch the ship in case of an emergency." He smiled, hoping he came off as more reassuring than he was. "I figured right now, you've done enough meditating, and anymore would do more harm than good."
"I haven't done enough." Anakin was surprised at her admission. "Not until I've managed to work through all of my fear for Obi-Wan."
"Work through?"
"It's how we deal with our emotions. We're supposed to figure them out and understand them, and then release them into the Force." Padmé smiled.
Another time, Anakin might have asked for a lesson, but this wasn't about him learning about the Jedi. It was about giving Padmé an outlet to talk about it. "And you haven't done that?"
"I'm...struggling with the working through them part." The fact that she admitted it probably meant that she was more worried than he'd thought. "I don't know what I'll do if I lose Obi-Wan, and every time I think I've finally worked through it, I just keep getting worried all over again."
How he'd thought only hours earlier Padmé could've left Obi-Wan to die on Geonosis, Anakin wasn't sure. He pulled her into a hug, knowing he was probably ignoring her request for space to some degree, but also knowing right now she needed some kind of steadying force more than either of them needed space to get over their crushes. (His crush? He still wasn't one hundred percent sure if it went both ways.) "We'll make it in time. Count Dooku can't do anything to Obi-Wan without sparking an intergalactic war, and right now, the Separatists want peace as much as we do." He hoped they did anyways, but now wasn't the time to doubt it.
Padmé nodded, hugging him in return. "Thank you, Anakin." The more realistic, but less positive outcome and suspicions remained unsaid between them, and he continued to hold her, hoping to provide any reassurance she needed. "I hope you're right."
"I will be. Obi-Wan isn't dying, not today." Neither of them could afford to lose the Jedi Knight right now, so they wouldn't. It was that simple.
For a few more moments, they held onto each other, not saying anything as Padmé simply breathed in the comfort, and Anakin enjoyed her presence in his arms, but they had to return to the very real reality at some point, and so Anakin let go, and Padmé followed, a shaky smile on her face. Anakin couldn't help but feel proud that he'd managed to provide her with a stability her meditation had failed to give. Or at least he hoped it was stability.
"So, what were you looking at anyways?" he asked. Padmé looked up at Anakin, startled. "You were playing with something when I came in, remember?"
"That's...not important." She put her hand into her pocket, and Anakin noticed a chain in her hand as she put it away before taking her hand out of her robe.
"Sure it's not, so that's why you're hiding it."
Padmé sighed, realizing she wouldn't be able to get away with it. "It's the necklace you gave me."
"You still have it?" It was a gift from a nine year old to the girl he was crushing on, and Jedi weren't supposed to have a lot of personal belongings. If he was honest, Anakin was surprised she still had the Japor Snippet.
Padmé nodded. "The Jedi don't believe in luck, but I wanted to have it on me anyways, just in case." It took all of Anakin's power to not try to kiss her again, but she'd asked, and they'd both agreed that love wasn't on the table. "I can't wear it in case it gets damaged, but I can always keep it near me."
"I'm glad." And he meant it. It was something that kept them together, even when everything else wasn't so fortunate. "Why don't you come with me for a bit? I could use the company, and I don't think you'll get any farther in your meditation while you're here."
"I might, you wouldn't know." Padmé stood up anyways, following the same logic as him in that her meditation was done anyways, and Anakin led the way to the cockpit, hoping to continue to provide a distraction the rest of the way there.
Three games of Dejarik, a round of Sabbac, and a still victorious Astromech later, the ship's navigation systems went off, signifying a return to the real space around them. Anakin took up the controls of the ship, leaving Padmé to check the rest of the systems as he grabbed the wheel, navigating them to the surface of Geonosis.
"We need to be careful where we land," Padmé suggested. "Somewhere out of the way and in cover, so the Geonosians and droids don't notice us."
"They won't." Anakin smirked. "You know I'm better at flying than to get us caught."
Padmé laughed. "It doesn't matter if we get shot down, we don't want to be the reason a war breaks out between the Separatists and Republic, or do your words against creating an army mean nothing?"
"No, I mean them." Anakin turned to him. "But you do know the reputation I have."
"I guess we'd better be ready for a war by the end of the night." Anakin went to defend himself, but stopped, realizing she was teasing him.
He was definitely going to need a lot of time away from her after they rescued Obi-Wan if he wanted to get over the crush he'd had on her since he was nine, that was for sure.
"Do you have a weapon?" she asked, turning serious. Anakin nodded, pulling out a blaster. "Good. Stay close to me, and if we get separated, find some place to hide. I'll find you once Obi-Wan is safe." And with that, the ship touched the ground and the dock extended, and it was time to get moving onto the surface of the planet.
Padmé took lead, her blue lightsaber in her hands and Anakin followed after her, happy to do so and finally get a chance to see her fight now that she'd finished her Jedi training, if it came down to it at least.
She led them between the rocks, indicating to him when they'd need to hide and when they'd need to keep moving as droid sentries passed them by, using the Force to sense when they were getting close to keep them safe. Not that he needed the signals. Anakin may not have been nearly as well trained as Padmé, but he was strong, and able to tell what was going on around him with little effort when needed.
It wasn't long before they got into the factory itself, made obvious by the less natural walls and metal floors, and the oppressive feeling surrounding them that something was very wrong, that they were on the precipice of an inevitability, of something dark. They kept moving, hoping to avoid detection or trouble from anything that might be around.
"Wait." Padmé put her hand out, and Anakin sensed it too, a change in their surroundings, and before either could react two Geonosians jumped out of the shadows, flying at the two of them. Padmé turned on her lightsaber and immediately swung it, cutting the Geonosians in two before either of them could get hurt, and Anakin shot the other, not checking to see if he'd simply left it unconscious or dead.
"We need to go, now." Padmé didn't disagree with him, and the two started running down the hallway, Padmé's speed more than making up for the edge his height gave him as the two managed to keep pace with each other before reaching what looked like a doorway.
Anakin stopped short on the edge of an incomplete bridge, followed by Padmé as they looked down into the depths of the factory below. "We need to go back."
"There's no other choice." And before either of them could process anything, Padmé jumped, landing on a conveyor belt on the ground below her. "Anakin, come on!" He closed his eyes and put his faith in her before making the same jump, feeling the Force catch him as Padmé gently lowered him down safely.
"Are you okay?" she asked, and for a moment, her brown eyes softened as she looked him over, checking to make sure he was alright. They stood there unmoving, and though Anakin was desperately trying, he still found himself drawn in.
The crashing sound of the machinery surrounding them pulled both of them outside of the spell that was seemingly cast around them, bringing them back to reality once more. A large metal arm crashed into the treadmill, crushing whatever metal was surrounding it into a thin plate. "I'm fine, we gotta get off this thing."
Padmé nodded, but before either of them could do anything more, Anakin found himself pushed off the platform and into a vat beneath the treadmill, and he watched as Padmé helplessly got stuck on the treadmill. "No! Padmé!"
"Anakin! You have to get out of there?" The fear in her voice spoke volumes to say that whatever was possibly coming for him if he didn't get out of the empty trap might have been worse than it was for her.
He tried climbing up the walls of the vat, attempting to pull himself out of there, but there were no footholes or small ledges he could use to get a grip, just smooth metal. "I can't get out! There's no grip."
He looked over in her direction to see Padmé, hoping she would be doing better, but from what he could see, she appeared to be struggling with her casings, even with her lightsaber, unable to get out of them. There was no time. They had to think of something. A way out, where they could both survive. It had to be possible, it had.
A beeping noise overhead clued Anakin into a single idea as a familiar astromech droid appeared overhead above the vat. "Artoo?" The droid lowered down, allowing Anakin to climb on before he used his boosters to get Anakin out, evidently just in time as not moments later was the vat he was trapped in filled with some kind of molten metal, hot and likely to kill him had he let it. R2 let out a sarcastic comment, and Anakin smiled. "I know, thank you for saving my life bud. Now come on, we have to go help Padmé."
The droid dropped him off by the control panel, and Anakin removed his blaster to shoot at any droid's that came near, while the data probe extended into the panel. He just needed to provide cover until the droid could slice into the system and gain control. Thankfully, It wasn't long before the treadmill stopped. Padmé, no longer in danger from the risk of having her body crushed by metal, turned to encasing around her arm and began trying to pull free.
"Come on, let's go." Artoo flew over to where Padmé was, and Anakin jumped right over the control panel, quickly following in the droid's path as he ran over to the Jedi. R2 began working on the panel, and it wasn't long before Padmé's hand was free after the droid managed to melt through the metal holding her arm down.
"Ani." She looked like she wanted to say more, but held back anything more than her appreciative thanks. "I was worried you wouldn't get out in time."
"I'm fine and you're fine. Where's your lightsaber?" Padmé indicated the crushed pile of metal on the ground, a frown on her face as she did so. She used the Force to grab the small blue crystal within the wreckage. It seemed as though the power source to her weapon survived, even if the metal shell didn't. "I guess it doesn't matter. Come on, we have to get going."
"I know." She was the defenseless one now, but that didn't matter. The two were smart. They could make it through, so long as they didn't get spotted. Maybe not the easiest task, but far from the hardest they'd face. "We've got to be in the center of the Droid Factory...we have to be close to where they're hiding Obi-Wan."
Anakin nodded. "Then let's keep moving."
"Not another step." The two turned around to find themselves face to face with a Mandalorian man, surrounded by a few dozen battle droids. He had a blaster pointed at the two of them, and had Padmé still had her lightsaber, they might have been able to fight their way out of it, but without it, they were both powerless. He kept the blaster aimed at Padmé, but despite that he appeared to be more focused on Anakin. "Well, I suppose I owe you my gratitude, Jedi. You just made my life that much easier."
The rescue attempt was a complete failure, but the fact that he and Padmé had gotten themselves captured made Anakin feel arguably worse, given he'd been as insistent on going as Padmé had. Now he'd arguably caused her to fail her mission, and gotten themselves both killed in the process. A fantastic job, if he was honest with himself.
He glanced over at Padmé as she stepped in the chariot. Despite the fact that she was so small, she stood defiant. She looked every bit the Jedi she was, and he couldn't help but feel a flash of pride at how even a death sentence like the one they were facing couldn't bring her down, wouldn't stop her. He beat down the affection with everything he had, instead focusing on what was going on now. "I guess this is it." He let out an over dramatic sigh, noticing the slight twitch of a smile on her determined face.
"So it is." Padmé's response was so quiet, Anakin had to struggle to even hear it. "I'm sorry, Anakin."
"You did your best." Anakin wished more than anything else he could touch her, give her some amount of reassurances to go with his words, but with his hands bound together, there was little he could do. "Even Jedi have their limits to what they can do."
"That's not what I meant."
"Then what is?" He looked at her, and the moment before she answered stretched to what felt like an eternity.
"I lied. What I told you earlier, it was wrong. I love you." Of all the things that could have been said, that was probably the only one he'd never imagined, never even thought to imagine.
Without realizing it, the words that plagued Anakin's thoughts escaped him. "You love me?" He looked away, unable to see her response. "I thought we'd decided not to fall in love. That the lies we'd have to tell, have to live through, that they'd destroy us."
"I think we're about to be destroyed anyways." He looked up at Padmé, startled, but unable to refute anything she'd said. The chances of them surviving the arena were low, almost nonexistent. She was right. If they were going to die anyways, then there wasn't a point in pretending anymore. It didn't matter if they were caught. Nobody in the Senate would hear about it, and the only Jedi who might likely wouldn't survive the night. No one left to find out. No one left to use it to ruin their lives. Their eyes met, and suddenly neither Senator nor Jedi wanted to look away from each other. To break the moment. "I truly, deeply, love you. Before we die, I wanted you to know."
Anakin wasn't sure whether it was Padmé or himself that first moved to close the distance, but it wasn't long before their lips met. Despite coming from a dire situation, the kiss was soft, hardly more intense than the one they had shared on Tatooine, but much more meaningful. Because more than anything, Anakin loved her, and that was all he wanted her to know.
They pulled away, and Anakin rested his forehead on Padmé's, not wanting to let the moment between them end. Neither said anything, instead simply holding on to what was likely the last chance they would have to be together. So much they both wanted to say despite knowing they would never get the chance.
The chariot began moving, causing them to pull away from each other.
Their execution had finally begun.
[Next Part]
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wintercosmicskye · 5 years
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Uhh, sorry that some of these pictures are so blurry, but I tried drawing my headcannon for Vlinny's timeline... thing
I'm gonna explain each drawing under the read more ^v^'
1.) Discarded Space Dust: of course the first one has to be my more weird headcanon TvT. But anyways: basically what I headcanon is that the divine spirit (vinny's old mii) and Vlinny were once... one? But like, when the world was made, the uhh beings that made it (the programmers I suppose?) Wanted to make one mii that could run the show and have powers and shit? Like, he was supposed to rule after he got the hang of his magic... but, they decided to get rid of half, I guess you could say the dark magic parts, leaving the divine spirit with only the light (I say divine spirit but he's not the divine spirit YET. Right now he's a mii. I just haven't decided what to call him yet... Miitopia era is vine, tomo is vineh(sauce)... should I call the divine spirit "vinny"??).  They tossed the dark magic out into space, discarded. But little did they know, the discarded space dust began to form a human shape and sentience. The dust is confused and doesn't know what he is, but is joyful and curious. His curiosity one day brought him To inspect earth closer, and fell onto it by mistake. The sort of magic of the place gave him a mii form, almost identical to "Vinny", as they were two halves of one whole. (Note: when I say light magic I don't necessarily mean good magic, and likewise that I don't mean evil with dark magic) 
2.) Before he removed his face: this, as I said before, is how I headcannon Vlinny looked before he removed his face: like vinny's old mii but with the hair mirrored. He forgot about being a cosmic entity when he became a mii, but he would frequently find himself looking at the night sky with longing. He had a positive attitude at first, and rather extroverted, wanting to make friends... but.. He seemed to lack the necessary social skills. He was too eager, he didn't understand personal space, he would try inserting himself in a group of people, only for them to be driven away as soon as he did. He made too much eye contact. people avoided him. He didn't understand what he was doing wrong, and no one would tell him. When he one day ran into someone who looked just like him, he thought things were looking up. "He looks just like me! Are we like brothers? Hey, can we be friends?" Unfortunately,they were actually a turn for the worse. "Vinny" immediately hated Vlinny for looking just like him. Because of his magic, he was popular, and unique. He felt that Vlinny could ruin everything. So he decided to ruin everything for Vlinny first. "Why do you look like me?? You shouldn't look like me... you know, there's nothing more boring than something unoriginal. Why can't you get your own face?" Vlinny was distraught by "vinny's" reaction to him, and because of "vinny" people would ignore him even more. And when they didn't ignore him, they would laugh at him. Vlinny couldn't understand. He was sad. He was jealous. He decided that his own face was to blame, and so he removed it, and then...
3.) True Form/Dark Curse: he becomes the dark curse! He starts out more humanoid, but as he possessed more people his form degrades to the "poop emoji" shape (but after regaining a human form, his true form reverts to the more humanoid one). He feels nothing but the hate and jealousy he had. Possessing people and trying to make "vinny's" life a living Hell for what he did, he practically caused the apocalypse of what they considered a "utopia" (which I decided is called Lumos, like the new one Vlinny made in miitopia that the strong monsters are in). He was finally stopped for the time being when "Vinny" and some others managed to trap him in a stone necklace carved to look like an eye. "Vinny", as his own sort of punishment, agreed to be put in a jeweled necklace of a closed eye, so that if the dark curse returns he could guide his descendents. However, rather than being passed down his family line like he was supposed to someone else took him and he was passed down their family instead. The dark curse in his necklace was also placed in a locked chest, then shoved deep down in an icy mine. Then several generations later, he gets Mike Love (or Bill Trinen???) To go down into the mine and open the chest, he possessed him, and then Miitopia plot.
4.) Reborn: the dark curse is given a second chance at life when Miitopia's hero and savior Vine gives him a new face. He is Vlinny again, but there's something wrong with his mouth... the Great Sage, Jesus, takes Vlinny with him to atone for what he did. Vlinny feels guilty about what he did, but the feeling of jealousy and hate still lingered at the back of his mind. He wants to be good, but is a little confused as to how. Even with Jesus and the others trying to help. Nonetheless, he really does try to atone for what he did. He also must try to get a hold on his powers, as he has trouble controlling them in his new form. However, just as things seemed like they were going well...
5.) Frozen: the monsters are still around even after saving the dark curse, and it causes a lot of problems. People immediately blame Vlinny for the monsters continued presence. One thing after another, and things escalate ending with Vlinny being pushed off a cliff into the water below. His fear triggers his ice powers, and he accidentally completely freezes himself at the bottom of the ocean. Upon this happening, the monsters disappear, and his skyscraper falls from the sky. He hadn't even known his very presence was keeping the monsters in existence. Several generations pass, and people had abandoned the land of Miitopia as water levels rise and the great land is reduced to a small island.
6.) Test Tube: a team of Jahn scientists are the given the task to replicate the leader of a small island with the intention of the clone take his place. They presume that the task will be easy to complete, but find themselves proven wrong as they have difficulty creating a human clone.Yhey began to panic because if they cant complete their task their superiors will dispose of them. When visiting the island to gather more dna samples, one jahn decides to look for specimens in the ocean and discovers... a man that looks eerily similar the person they are trying to replicate frozen in ice! He takes a chance that even his team questions, and brings the frozen man back to the jahn planet, where they thaw him and place him in a test tube so they can revive him (though he somehow still had a beating heart after being frozen for who knows how long). After stabilizing him, they decide to use a serum to give him amnesia, because they dont want his past life interfering with their new plan for him. After hes out of the test tube, the jahns need to reraise him. They try to teach him how to be Vinehsauce (Vlinny develops some jealousy towards Vinehsauce).Vlinny does not like it on the Jahn planet, disliking their excessive order and no fun. Vlinny has difficulty understanding his own emotions, as most around seem to have none whatsoever. Hes also taught combat by a red army jahn (future fake captian jahn) who decides to use vlinny as a weapon for his own plan, and decides to “befriend” Vlinny. Lumberjahn makes the suit Vlinny wears when he first comes to Vineland, which is like a freezer he could wear (and also arm canon). Hes sent to Vineland ahead of the jahns on a ship made just for him, the “Ice Fractal”.
7.) Tomodachi Life: we know what happened here, but I’ll use this spot for headcanons! My interpretation of Vlinny is chaotic neutral, sometimes tipping more towards the good side and evil side. hes abit morally confused, cuz the jahns had no morals at all. He works with the jahns when they come, helping with their quest for chicken cutlets, though the captain is annoyed that Vlinny had not successfully replaced Vinehsauce, but gives him other tasks. Vlinny becomes more involved when the fake captian overthrows the real captian. Vlinny starts to want out when he realized that the fake captain had lied about them being equals and also sees the damage theyre causing, but the fake captain threatens to hurt Dheerse (oh no), a girl on the island that Vlinny had befriended and started to crush on (awww), forcing Vlinny to continue. During the Jahnpocalyse, Vlinny officially turns on the jahns, breaking the fake captians visor and saves Dheerse, who the fake captain was about to force Vlinny to shoot. The real captain gains back control, and decides its time to abandon the mission. they try to take fake captian into custody, but he escapes in pod and is now who-knows-where. Vlinny almost dies at one point after falling out of the jahn ship. his armor is broken and only the the arm with the arm canon was still functional. he stays on the island with lumberjahn, and wants to make things up to Dheerse. Things really start to look up for him, but then the erasings happen. hes one of the only people who remember, her existence being erased from people’s memories. Vlinny, desperately asking everyone where she went, is seen as having gone crazy. additional notes: the parka he wears actually keeps him cool. this is because he has a cold body temperature, and the parka helps hold in his coldness, like how it would hold in another person’s heat. he used to have red blood, but it was replaced with blue blood when the jahns revived him. the blood comes out as a mist if he gets cut in hotter weather. tears freeze on his face when he cries. even though the jahns got rid of his memory, his past still effects him subconsciencly. he wants to befriend people but its harder when hes stuck in his ice room most of the time. he loves being center stage, but is self conscience about his perma smile v-mouth. he likes to play violin, and tries to write his own songs, but rarely shares them. so far only dheerse has heard some of his music in the form of love songs. some of his music is a little on the edgy side.
8.) how vlinny is in Feathers of Frost, my fanfic, minus the fact that he doesnt have the halo and scythe... yet.
thankyou for reading through all this if you did!! sorry if my headcanons are a little weird heh...
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