#she is a witchakookoo now but i love the punk look
broona · 7 years
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My exams start this week but I just felt like spending a few hours drawing Amanda Brotzman instead of studying. 
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setmeatopthepyre · 7 years
DGHDA S02E08 thoughts
- So we see Marina murder Hector in a fight, stabbing him in the head with scissors. According to Max’s tweet this is where she breaks two fingers - which makes sense, considering the force needed to stab through someone’s skull. Then there’s Hector laying on the floor surrounded by yellow flower petals from the vase that fell.. just like Panto in Amanda’s vision.
- I love how Friedkin attempts to bullshit his way through his conversation with Priest and Priest is having none of it. “Can I talk to Ken?” Guess who’s in charge now, Hugo. PS I sort of want that shirt Priest is wearing.
- What is being kept track of on the whiteboard in the monitoring room in Blackwing? There’s ‘Project Icarus’, ‘Gripps’, ‘CROSS’, ‘Vogel’, ‘MARTIN’ and what I assume is ‘Moloch’ but I can’t read the rest of them. What do the numbers mean?
- The original Blackwing in the sixties? As far as we knew, Riggins started Blackwing in the 80s. And there’s already references in files from that far back to dimensional gateways.. but no one ever followed up. Ken mentions the government pulling funding from Project Paperclip. When asked about it, Max tweeted these links: 1, 2, referring to the (real!) Operation Paperclip and Project MKUltra. Lots to unpack there.
- Friedkin stress-stripping while Ken is putting on a jacket is so symbolic.
- So did Blackwing shut down cellphones, internet and just power in general, or is this a power surge sort of thing?
- I love that Farah, anxious Farah, is keeping her cool and helping Tina through her panic. She reminds me of that post along the lines of ‘I can’t do x because of anxiety, but as soon as one of my friends can’t do x either, I suddenly gain the ability to do x to help them.’
- Dirk built himself a nest. Just like the blanket nest in Hobbs’ house.
- I love that Amanda “freaking witchakookoo” Brotzman, who recently pulled an imaginary knife out of her own hand, seems to be the sole voice of reason in Wendimoor. Everything isn’t just magically ok, Todd. People have died. Your old life is over.
- Mona Wilder aka Project Lamia (confirmed!) was a chair for six years before Blackwing brought her in. I want to know how that went. How did they find her?
- I’m still thoroughly freaked out by those two creatures at Wakti’s Pool. What’s with the red eyes? What are they? Why are they there? Also apparently if you control the pool, you control the kingdom and the whole world. Does that mean all of Wendimoor, or.. all dimensions?
- I was delighted to see Suzie couldn’t touch the water itself. Everything comes with a price is a general rule of magic and Amanda went through serious pain to master her powers. Suzie’s taking the easy road and I feel like that’s going to come back to bite her. 
Then again, sticking her wand in the pool seemed to work and gave her the Mage’s tattoos / leaves her with a mark of the magic of that world(?). I wonder what effect that’s going to have on her powers. Also, that means the Mage (probably) did the same thing at one point.
- Frija Dengdamor seems ready to listen to Amanda and to be reasonable, but she flips out the second the name Dirk Gently is mentioned, just like in an earlier episode. What is it with his name that makes her so angry? I feel like there’s more there than just the prophecy. Maybe it’s reflective of something in Moloch and Dirk’s time in Blackwing?
- Suzie’s “Time and space are no longer obstacles” is really eerie.
- The little guy with black hair is Amanda.
- Martin just straight up whispering to Vogel that he can’t see without his glasses was fantastic. Poor squinty man in a bright world. And then the catlike swat. Then they pick Dirk up and put him in charge. Fantastic. Give me infinite seasons of this please.
- I feel like Todd’s been booed while on a stage before and his immediate reaction is just to flip everyone off. That’s so punk. There’s the big brother that little Amanda probably learned to be punk from.
- Is that the same car Dirk saw in the woods earlier? How did they manage to Rowdify it in that short period of time? Was Vogel just hanging off the side spraypainting while they drove? Is their punk aesthetic really the only constant in the universe? Also if anyone finds me that soundtrack that plays, let me know because it’s great.
- I feel like Wygar is really important somehow. He has an accent we don’t hear anywhere else in Wendimoor and he can take on the entirety of the Rowdy 3 without much of a problem. Plus bonus points for him taking off his cloak before fighting because yes that is actually realistic thank you. I am passionate about fighting scenes and will say nothing more about Martin’s little twirl. That’s how you get knocked down, Martin. Oops.
- When did Martin’s club turn into a scissor sword?
- Amanda getting tired of the ineffective fighting and just kicking Silas in the chest was great. Todd following up with some punches was even better. I’m all for small angry Brotzman fighting. Also Amanda whistling for the Rowdy boys? Best.
- I love when everyone straps in for Dirk Story Time. Dirk gets his podium to tell us all how he Solved It and everyone else just listens with rapt attention. Vogel’s just hanging off his brothers because he is the purest being in the world.
- So in the sixties, the predecessor to Blackwing was drawn to Bergsberg because of Moloch. Arnold turned in Moloch after his parents died. Moloch freaked out and tried to make his fantasy world, Wendimoor, real. Boom, surge of ‘67. That explains the mural in Bergsberg. But what about the one in Wendimoor?
I want to say that Moloch, when he fell into a coma, was transported to Wendimoor as a second version of himself somehow. That means someone or something around his age should be in Wendimoor.. but what did the stroke do? Would that have influenced the person he is in Wendimoor?
- The Rowdy 3 calling Dirk out on his Nerdy Bullshit makes me think that they know him well enough to expect nerdy bullshit from him. I can just imagine little Dirk, freshly escaped from Blackwing, trying to make conversation with the Rowdy 3 about books or interconnectedness or something like that.
- Did Amanda only bring in the Rowdy 3 yesterday? And they cobbled their entire outfits together in one morning and then got them all super dirty and went to look for the mage’s army and holy crap a lot of stuff happened in one day.
- I loved the detail of Martin looking over at the hut just before Suzie starts cackling because of the magic smell thing.
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