tay1orscorpse · 2 months
uhh something something highschool faranda au
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clockworkcheetah · 8 months
i write an amanda/farah pwp fic i think i forgot to post here 😅
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Thinking of someone special, ey Farah?
(This was done for the first chapter of my fic, "Nothing Makes Sense" ! Links down below!)
[ID: Farah sitting in an old yellow restaurant, looking out of the window. A sillowhette of Amanda is shown outside. End ID]
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seruntusitala · 17 days
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lifewithaview · 17 days
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Daniela Marra in Esterno notte (2022) I terroristi
The days before the kidnapping of Aldo Moro and the period of his captivity from the point of view of the executors of everything, a central core of the Red Brigades.
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madc0w · 3 months
Listen/purchase: Buried by Fleuro
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hotelbooking · 4 months
Hotel Dos Playas Faranda Cancun Welcome to Hotel Dos Playas Faranda Cancun, a 3.5-star oasis nestled in the vibrant city of Cancun, Mexico. With its serene surroundings and impeccable service, this hotel offers a perfect blend of tranquility and comfort for both leisure and business travelers. As you step into the hotel, you will be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The hotel's check-in time starts from 03:00 PM, allowing you to settle in and begin your vacation at your own pace. The friendly and attentive staff will ensure a seamless check-in process, making you feel right at home. Hotel Dos Playas Faranda Cancun boasts 155 well-appointed rooms, each designed to provide a cozy and relaxing ambiance. Whether you are staying in one of the comfortable standard rooms or opting for a more spacious suite, you can expect modern amenities and tasteful decor that will exceed your expectations. With the hotel's last renovation in 2022, you can be assured of a fresh and contemporary...
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demujeresblog · 10 months
Con una magnífica velada el Restaurante Bonsai del Hotel El Panamá By Faranda presentó su nueva y variada carta de cócteles con el encanto del auténtico sabor asiático e ingredientes naturales típicos japoneses que harán deleitar el paladar de quienes los visiten. Al evento asistieron invitados especiales y medios de comunicación.
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tay1orscorpse · 2 months
season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda season one faranda
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urlocallesbiab · 2 years
so many more people used to ship bart/ken in the immediate aftermath of s1, but then he went evil in s2 and everyone dropped that pairing like a hot potato (and its not even like with faranda being replaced by farina, neither bart nor ken got any new fanon love interests after their ship sank) :( and i think it's a shame, because imo them being horrible and codependent and desperately needing each other and having this enormous capability to hurt each other that stems from deep intimacy and understanding and lack of understanding - the ability which they actively excercise - i think it makes them more fun! cmonn they used to make each other better but now they make each other Worse, i think it's interesting! i think it's romantic! have some room in your heart for toxic ships between fucked up people!
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inconsutile · 2 years
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Non sa [Narciso] chi sia quello che vede, ma brucia per lui ed è quella falsa immagine che eccita i suoi occhi. Ingenuo, perché ti affanni a cercar di afferrare un'ombra che ti sfugge? Non esiste quello che cerchi! Voltati, e perderai chi ami! Quello che vedi non è che un tenue riflesso: non ha alcuna consistenza. E viene con te, resta con te, se ne andrà con te, ammesso che tu riesca ad andartene!
— Publio Ovidio Nasone, Le metamorfosi, trad. it. G. Faranda Villa, Rizzoli, 1994, liber III, vv. 430-436
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madonnaaaddolorata · 2 years
sto per comprare un paio di stivali vintage che urlano Adriana Faranda
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siciliatv · 14 days
Maxiprocesso alla mafia dei Nebrodi: 65 condanne in appello, numerose riduzioni di pena
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Nell'aula bunker del carcere di Gazzi, a Messina, giovedì 5 settembre è stata emessa la sentenza d'appello del maxiprocesso sulla mafia dei Nebrodi, che coinvolge i clan tortoriciani dei Batanesi e dei Bontempo Scavo. L'inchiesta, nata anche dalle denunce di Giuseppe Antoci, ex presidente del Parco dei Nebrodi, ha rivelato una rete di truffe agricole ai danni dell'Unione Europea e dell'Agea, con milioni di euro di fondi pubblici sottratti nel corso di decenni. Il verdetto ha confermato 65 condanne complessive, con un'unica conferma integrale della sentenza di primo grado per Gino Calcò Labruzzo. Per gli altri 64 imputati, sono state concesse numerose riduzioni di pena, alcune delle quali significative. Inoltre, ci sono state 18 assoluzioni totali e 6 prescrizioni complete, oltre a numerose assoluzioni e prescrizioni parziali. Per altri 6 imputati, è stato rigettato l'appello del pubblico ministero, confermando così le assoluzioni già ottenute in primo grado. I giudici d'appello hanno ribadito l'accusa di associazione per delinquere semplice per i membri del gruppo Faranda-Crascì, considerato vicino ai Bontempo Scavo dalla Dda, mentre per il gruppo dei Batanesi è stata confermata la struttura mafiosa. Le pene più severe sono state inflitte a Sebastiano Bontempo, condannato a 20 anni e 6 mesi, e a Salvatore Aurelio Faranda, la cui pena è stata ridotta da 30 a 20 anni. Tra gli imputati di rilievo, l'ex sindaco di Tortorici, Emanuele Galati Sardo, ha visto la sua condanna ridursi da 6 anni e 2 mesi a 3 anni e un mese, grazie a una serie di prescrizioni. Tuttavia, l'appello del pm è stato parzialmente accolto per altri due capi d'imputazione a suo carico. Read the full article
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alarmist-nonsense · 3 months
"In Saudi Arabia, at least 1,300 people died from heat-related illnesses during the Hajj pilgrimage, with temperatures in some cities surpassing 50C.
“ClimaMeter’s report highlights that the deadly heat during this year’s Hajj is directly linked to fossil fuel burning and has affected the most vulnerable pilgrims,” said Davide Faranda, a researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research.
The US faced back-to-back heatwaves with southern states experiencing temperatures of 52C.
New York saw a 500-600 per cent increase in heat-related emergency visits, with temperatures made up to 2C hotter due to the climate crisis.
The Mediterranean also suffered, with Greece’s Acropolis shutting down after temperatures rose above 43C. Six tourists, including British Tv doctor Michael Mosley, died.
In Egypt, nearly 50C temperatures led to daily power cuts to manage the surge in energy consumption."
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entomoblog · 3 months
Aura-t-on du soleil cet été ?
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Après un printemps très pluvieux, l’espoir d’un été ensoleillé reste incertain. Deux possibilités se dégagent, selon les climatologues : soit le temps restera orageux, soit il deviendra caniculaire.
  Par Emmanuel Clévenot
20 juin 2024 à 09h22 Mis à jour le 21 juin 2024 à 16h08 "Une myriade de parapluies escorte, en ce 20 juin, le passage officiel à l’été. Avec plus d’une cinquantaine de départements placés en vigilance jaune — et douze autres en orange — face aux risques d’orages, d’inondations et de crues, le ciel chahute nos habitudes. Et à en croire les projections de Météo-France, le temps pluvieux et orageux n’entend pas s’envoler de sitôt.
  La fautive, dénommée « goutte froide », commence d’ailleurs à nous être familière. Située à plus de 5 000 m d’altitude, cette petite poche d’air frais s’est échappée du courant-jet polaire pour atteindre la latitude française. Dès lors, elle est entrée en conflit avec les masses d’air chaud venues du Maghreb et de la péninsule ibérique : « Ce phénomène, tout à fait habituel, est le kérosène de la formation des orages », image le climatologue Davide Faranda.
  D’ordinaire, une goutte froide est passagère. Progressant d’ouest en est, elle déclenche des épisodes pluvieux de quelques jours puis disparaît jusqu’à la suivante : « Seulement, cette fois-ci, elle stationne depuis de nombreuses semaines », précise le directeur de recherche au CNRS.
  Résultat ? Avec des anomalies de +45 % comparées aux normales de 1991 à 2020, le printemps 2024 est le quatrième plus pluvieux qu’ait vécu la France depuis le début des mesures en 1959."
Lire aussi : Pourquoi ce printemps est-il si pluvieux ?
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demujeresblog · 11 months
Faranda Hotels & Resort Panamá, anuncia extensión de portafolio hotelero en San José- Costa Rica y Bogotá - Colombia
La Cadena Hotelera Faranda Hotels & Resort Panamá, anunció la noche del jueves 19 de octubre, en los predios de la icónica piscina del Hotel El Panamá, el incremento de su portafolio de hoteles por medio de GHS (Global Hospitality Services) operando los hoteles de la cadena Marriott, ahora con la incorporación de 2 nuevos hoteles de la marca Aloft, ubicados en San José- Costa Rica y Bogotá –…
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