#marina cardenas
gooch333 · 1 month
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eternal-pseud · 3 months
Fires on large-scale animal farms, or factory farms, are surprisingly common. Over the last decade, at least 6.5 million farmed animals, mostly chickens, perished in barn fires in the US, according to Washington, DC-based nonprofit Animal Welfare Institute (AWI). The fires are part of a broader pattern of mass casualty events on factory farms, where 99 percent of America's meat, dairy, and eggs are produced. Some are the result of human or mechanical error, but many stem from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, blizzards, and extreme temperatures, like last summer's scorching heat wave in Kansas that killed thousands of cows who were subsequently dumped in a landfill. Disease outbreaks, too, result in mass death or culling on farms.
- Kenny Torrella, Marina Bolotnikova, and Julieta Cardenas, "A fire killed 18,000 cows in Texas. It's a horrifyingly normal disaster."
Torrella, Kenny, Marina Bolotnikova, and Julieta Cardenas. "A fire killed 18,000 cows in Texas. It's a horrifyingly normal disaster." Vox, April 14, 2023. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23683141/texas-farm-fire-explosion-dimmitt-cows-factory-dairy.
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ca-dmv-bot · 1 year
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spoilertv · 5 months
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bittenfms · 2 years
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───  𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 !welcome  to  forks, nuve ! we  look  forward  to  seeing  you  around  town, and  do  hope  nothing  bad  happens  to  kennedy stuart , malai dubois +   sergio rivera  . please  go  through  the  checklist  and  send  in  your  account  within  twenty-four  hours  or  your role  will  be  reopened !    
⟨   –  ryan destiny, demi woman , she/they.  ⟩ it seems like kennedy stuart  has been seen around town, good days by sza under their breath. apparently they are a twenty four year old human. townsfolk whisper about them being ambitious and calculating, but also nosy and imperious. the investigative journalist has been in town for two years , and gives off the vibes of having high expectations for yourself, all-nighters spent putting together information, an insatiable curiosity paired with an unyielding resolve,  ( penned by nuve, 25, she/her, mst. )
  ⟨  –  davika hoorne, cis woman, she/her.  ⟩ it seems like malai dubois has been seen around town, humming are you satisfied? by marina under their breath. apparently, they are 30 / 300+ year old gifted vampire. townsfolk whisper about them being poised and alluring, but also manipulative and narcissistic. they’re a nomad, and they give off the vibes of a sly smile paired with wandering fingers, the scent of an addictive perfume, accentuating delicate curves with lavish clothing ( nuve , 25, she/her, mst. ) * intangibility ( the ability to phase through physical matter )
 ⟨  –  clayton cardenas, cis man, he/him.  ⟩ it seems like sergio rivera has been seen around town, humming en el muelle de san blas by maná  under their breath. apparently they are a  38 / 2000 year old species. townsfolk whisper about them being loyal and protective, but also repentant and careful. they’re a member of the children of the moon pack, and they give off the vibes of rough hands having a surprising gentle touch, the smell of engine oil and cedarwood, always keeping a watchful eye . ( nuve, 25, she/her, mst . ) * applying for saia ramiser’s wc
0 notes
setmeatopthepyre · 7 years
DGHDA S02E08 thoughts
- So we see Marina murder Hector in a fight, stabbing him in the head with scissors. According to Max’s tweet this is where she breaks two fingers - which makes sense, considering the force needed to stab through someone’s skull. Then there’s Hector laying on the floor surrounded by yellow flower petals from the vase that fell.. just like Panto in Amanda’s vision.
- I love how Friedkin attempts to bullshit his way through his conversation with Priest and Priest is having none of it. “Can I talk to Ken?” Guess who’s in charge now, Hugo. PS I sort of want that shirt Priest is wearing.
- What is being kept track of on the whiteboard in the monitoring room in Blackwing? There’s ‘Project Icarus’, ‘Gripps’, ‘CROSS’, ‘Vogel’, ‘MARTIN’ and what I assume is ‘Moloch’ but I can’t read the rest of them. What do the numbers mean?
- The original Blackwing in the sixties? As far as we knew, Riggins started Blackwing in the 80s. And there’s already references in files from that far back to dimensional gateways.. but no one ever followed up. Ken mentions the government pulling funding from Project Paperclip. When asked about it, Max tweeted these links: 1, 2, referring to the (real!) Operation Paperclip and Project MKUltra. Lots to unpack there.
- Friedkin stress-stripping while Ken is putting on a jacket is so symbolic.
- So did Blackwing shut down cellphones, internet and just power in general, or is this a power surge sort of thing?
- I love that Farah, anxious Farah, is keeping her cool and helping Tina through her panic. She reminds me of that post along the lines of ‘I can’t do x because of anxiety, but as soon as one of my friends can’t do x either, I suddenly gain the ability to do x to help them.’
- Dirk built himself a nest. Just like the blanket nest in Hobbs’ house.
- I love that Amanda “freaking witchakookoo” Brotzman, who recently pulled an imaginary knife out of her own hand, seems to be the sole voice of reason in Wendimoor. Everything isn’t just magically ok, Todd. People have died. Your old life is over.
- Mona Wilder aka Project Lamia (confirmed!) was a chair for six years before Blackwing brought her in. I want to know how that went. How did they find her?
- I’m still thoroughly freaked out by those two creatures at Wakti’s Pool. What’s with the red eyes? What are they? Why are they there? Also apparently if you control the pool, you control the kingdom and the whole world. Does that mean all of Wendimoor, or.. all dimensions?
- I was delighted to see Suzie couldn’t touch the water itself. Everything comes with a price is a general rule of magic and Amanda went through serious pain to master her powers. Suzie’s taking the easy road and I feel like that’s going to come back to bite her. 
Then again, sticking her wand in the pool seemed to work and gave her the Mage’s tattoos / leaves her with a mark of the magic of that world(?). I wonder what effect that’s going to have on her powers. Also, that means the Mage (probably) did the same thing at one point.
- Frija Dengdamor seems ready to listen to Amanda and to be reasonable, but she flips out the second the name Dirk Gently is mentioned, just like in an earlier episode. What is it with his name that makes her so angry? I feel like there’s more there than just the prophecy. Maybe it’s reflective of something in Moloch and Dirk’s time in Blackwing?
- Suzie’s “Time and space are no longer obstacles” is really eerie.
- The little guy with black hair is Amanda.
- Martin just straight up whispering to Vogel that he can’t see without his glasses was fantastic. Poor squinty man in a bright world. And then the catlike swat. Then they pick Dirk up and put him in charge. Fantastic. Give me infinite seasons of this please.
- I feel like Todd’s been booed while on a stage before and his immediate reaction is just to flip everyone off. That’s so punk. There’s the big brother that little Amanda probably learned to be punk from.
- Is that the same car Dirk saw in the woods earlier? How did they manage to Rowdify it in that short period of time? Was Vogel just hanging off the side spraypainting while they drove? Is their punk aesthetic really the only constant in the universe? Also if anyone finds me that soundtrack that plays, let me know because it’s great.
- I feel like Wygar is really important somehow. He has an accent we don’t hear anywhere else in Wendimoor and he can take on the entirety of the Rowdy 3 without much of a problem. Plus bonus points for him taking off his cloak before fighting because yes that is actually realistic thank you. I am passionate about fighting scenes and will say nothing more about Martin’s little twirl. That’s how you get knocked down, Martin. Oops.
- When did Martin’s club turn into a scissor sword?
- Amanda getting tired of the ineffective fighting and just kicking Silas in the chest was great. Todd following up with some punches was even better. I’m all for small angry Brotzman fighting. Also Amanda whistling for the Rowdy boys? Best.
- I love when everyone straps in for Dirk Story Time. Dirk gets his podium to tell us all how he Solved It and everyone else just listens with rapt attention. Vogel’s just hanging off his brothers because he is the purest being in the world.
- So in the sixties, the predecessor to Blackwing was drawn to Bergsberg because of Moloch. Arnold turned in Moloch after his parents died. Moloch freaked out and tried to make his fantasy world, Wendimoor, real. Boom, surge of ‘67. That explains the mural in Bergsberg. But what about the one in Wendimoor?
I want to say that Moloch, when he fell into a coma, was transported to Wendimoor as a second version of himself somehow. That means someone or something around his age should be in Wendimoor.. but what did the stroke do? Would that have influenced the person he is in Wendimoor?
- The Rowdy 3 calling Dirk out on his Nerdy Bullshit makes me think that they know him well enough to expect nerdy bullshit from him. I can just imagine little Dirk, freshly escaped from Blackwing, trying to make conversation with the Rowdy 3 about books or interconnectedness or something like that.
- Did Amanda only bring in the Rowdy 3 yesterday? And they cobbled their entire outfits together in one morning and then got them all super dirty and went to look for the mage’s army and holy crap a lot of stuff happened in one day.
- I loved the detail of Martin looking over at the hut just before Suzie starts cackling because of the magic smell thing.
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the list of people with green eyes in s2 this far:
Marina Cardenas
Wakti Wapnasi
Mona Wilder (both as a person and as a squeeze toy)
I’m not sure how connected those are. Wakti Wapnasi (likely) was created by a child of Marina Cardenas, so that could be the matter of inspiration (or perhaps projection). While it’s likely that the toy has green eyes because Mona’s human look has green eyes, it’s also worth noting that Wakti did something to the toy which made it’s eyes go green. It’s possible that was Wakti waking her up, or communicating with her, or perhaps establishing a lasting connection? Mona’s description is “easily manipulated, but when push comes to shove she wants to do what is right“, so is Wakti the person who is manipulating Mona? Or rather a person who suggests to Mona to do “what is right”? If it’s the second, then who was the manipulator?
Either way, I thought this was worth pointing out.
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kidneys-and-custard · 7 years
they found one of the CARdenas bodies in a CAR
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evo-a-lab · 2 years
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Marina Universidad
Lázaro Cardenas, Michoacán
Team evO(a)_lAb:
Rodrigo Pantoja
Ana Jiménez
Oscar Trejo
A developer approached our team in order to design the green areas of a private subdivision in the town of Lazaro Cardenas. The intention of this park is to be used as a green nucleus that is recreational, promotes interaction among neighbors, and a recreation center for all the residents and the neighborhood. The park includes an agora, sandboxes, playgrounds, bike paths, and permeable areas for rainwater. In addition to the native vegetation of the Michoacán, the coast was utilized to reduce maintenance and promote an appropriate ecological system.
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Regarding the concept of a Dirk Gently/Umbrella Academy crossover, these are the thoughts I've managed to pin down.
-43 spontaneous births, 42 Blackwing subjects (43 including Ken during season 2). How about them apples?
-those 43 are the tools needed to fix the universe, thereby averting the apocalypse, and that's why the Hargreeves kids couldn't stop it. They didn't have all the tools.
-Amanda was marked as an anomaly by the Commission, and the Handler wants badly to recruit her to keep her in line, because while the Commission takes care of the timeline, it didn't create the timeline. The Commission has been in existence for as long as anyone remembers. However, Amanda's ability could destroy the timeline as it's supposed to happen, creating a new world, a repaired universe, and the Commission, without the faults of the universe, would become defunct.
-when Five transports them through time at the end of season 1, the Hargreeves kids appear in the Rowdy 3's van as Amanda begins her search for the tools to fix the universe, and they band together with Dirk, Todd, and Farah to seek out other Blackwing subjects, slowly discovering that all of them, whether they appear to or not, were originally born on October 1, 1989, before they were scattered by the Commission to try and prevent them coming together
-Project Moloch was taken from his mother and transported back in time to 1950s Bergsberg in the Infant, Male, Pollock, Francis, where he was then found by Hector and Marina Cardenas
-the Rowdy 3 were also sent back in time and dropped off in random places to try to keep them from forming a unit, but the Commission was unable to prevent the Rowdy 3 from finding each other, let alone separating them once they did
-Dirk, Bart, Vogel, and Mona were left in 1989, and we don't know the other Blackwing subjects, but safe to say that they were probably kept separate by time and space as much as possible and still ended up at Blackwing
-not sure what the fuck kind of alien Reginald Hargreeves is but I'd put money on Priest being from the same planet because they both suck
-in my opinion, Wilson is an agent from the Commission sent to terminate the Blackwing subjects so they can't alter the timeline, and she recruits Ken immediately at the end of season 2 for the same goal
-Reginald Hargreeves was like an offshoot of Blackwing and sent his findings on the Hargreeves kids back to Blackwing, where they were later accessed by Ken. The Umbrella Academy is a high priority on the Blackwing list
-sometimes Reginald Hargreeves used his children as a means to capture subjects for Blackwing, and they had no idea: they thought they were catching a bad guy who committed a crime
-Ben found some files and information about Blackwing and Reginald's involvement with them, and he planned to tell his siblings, but either Blackwing had a part in his death or Reginald made it look like an accident (because we all know he's a shady bastard and I don't believe we're done with his secrets no matter what Pogo said), so Ben kept the secret because he didn't want his siblings to die, too
-now that Friedkin has gone behind the scenes, I think he's got some idea about the apocalypse and wants to help prevent it, so he steals the old files on Blackwing and goes looking for Dirk, dogged by the ghost of Estevez, who spent a solid week behind the scenes kicking his ass and is now the most reluctant ghostly tag along in the world, but this idiot is his best bet at stopping the apocalypse so he doesn't have much choice
-when Friedkin finally finds Dirk (honestly it's not that hard, his name is literally on the sign Friedkin), he is investigating the October 1st children with Amanda and the Hargreeves kids, so his files come in real handy. Most of them are reluctant to trust him, and he doesn't get most of what's going on, so he goes on a lot of coffee/donut runs
-Estevez and Ben become ghost buddies, and Klaus really wishes they would shut the fuck up sometimes because it's really hard to keep a straight face listening to them make scathing commentary all the time. Like it was bad enough with just Ben, but with Estevez too? Klaus has choked from trying to suppress his giggles multiple times. Ben and Estevez both think they're fucking comedians now
-Farah and Vanya are girlfriends and help each other work through their feelings of inadequacy (because you can't tell me Vanya is straight look at her), and it takes Luther the longest time to figure that shit out ohmygod, he just doesn't get it. He's really glad Farah's such a good friend to Vanya and she's helping her with her powers! It's so nice that they're so comfortable with each other and they hold hands! What do you mean, of course they love each other, they're best friends! They are all so tired. Like. Klaus, the human embodiment of chaotic queer energy, is your brother how is your gaydar this bad.
-the Rowdy 3 help the Hargreeves kids a LOT by eating their feelings and also just generally being the fantastic energy vampires they are, accepting them and encouraging their growth and making them part of the Rowdy family (they're still the Rowdy 3 even if there's like 12 of them now)
-Luther wants to plan and be a leader but Dirk is literally incapable of sticking to a plan because he doesn't work that way, so Luther spends a lot of time chasing after Dirk with Todd and they become unlikely bros
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The 20 Best Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta
These top 20 things to do in Puerto Vallarta were recommended by real locals and will guarantee you see the very best of this incredible coastal city.
In Puerto Vallarta, you have the opportunity to experience vibrant local Mexican culture and a luxurious beach holiday all at once. From the shops and quaint cafes on the Malecon to hidden beaches and tranquil coves to epic night clubs overlooking Banderas Bay, there’s something for everyone in this Pacific paradise.
But, you can’t trust just anyone to tell you how to experience the best of Puerto Vallarta. As much as we love our city, we admit that tourist traps are popping up left and right.
That’s why the local experts at PV Nightlife decided to put together a top 20 list of things to do in Puerto Vallarta made 100% by locals!
We’re excited to share our beautiful city with you, but before we dive into our list, let’s take a look at the parts of the city you’ll want to explore.
Districts of Puerto Vallarta
North Zone: This area north of the city stays pretty quiet. Those looking for peace and relaxation can come here for lazy beaches, traditional villages, and good access to watersports like kite surfing.
Nueva Vallarta: This area is where the all-inclusive resorts are, so it’s not the best place to experience PV culture. Locals aren’t big fans of this area, but it’s a good spot for families looking for the ease of a package holiday.
Marina Vallarta: This is the first zone in Puerto Vallarta proper, yet it’s still relatively quiet and romantic. The Marina is a great place for shopping, grabbing drinks, and watching the sunset. It’s home to some high-end cafes and hotels, but locals often go here for happy hour.
Hotel Zone: The hotel zone is modern and convenient. You won’t find a lot of history here, but you’ll find all the malls, big supermarkets, cinemas, and of course, hotels. There’s also a nice harbor here, but the Hotel Zone is best for shopping and enjoying some air conditioning!
Downtown: This is where the magic happens! Downtown is the heart of Old Vallarta and home to our favorite place—the Malecon. It’s a long boardwalk along the beach that is full of shops and cafes. We love to sip coffees and cocktails in the fresh ocean air while people watching the day away.
Romantic Zone: Love is in the air in this small central district. It’s where you’ll find many of the most popular bars and restaurants, and it’s known for being trendy. There’s almost always something going on in the plazas, and Los Muertos beach is the hot spot for tourists looking for spring-break style fun in the sun.
South Zone: Leaving the city, the South Zone extends for over 25 miles south of Puerto Vallarta and is pocked with little beaches and villages. It’s easy to access by car, bike, or bus, and it’s also a popular spot for coastal hikes. Locals love to go to the beaches here to escape the crowds in the city!
Now that you know a bit more about Puerto Vallarta’s city districts, it’s time to jump into our list of things to do in Puerto Vallarta!
Top 20 Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta
We asked a lot of locals for their input on this list, so you can take the numerical order with a grain of salt (and then some lime and tequila, preferably!). This list is a mix of local favorites and what locals think tourists MUST do when they visit PV.
1. Playa las Gemelas Beach
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Admit it—the first thing you want to do when you touch down in Puerto Vallarta is hit the beach! Playa las Gemelas is the one to visit first, according to locals.
Many tourists head straight to Los Muertos Beach, but it can be a bit rowdy and crowded. Playa las Gemelas is quieter and more relaxing, plus the water is an amazing mix of glowing turquoise and emerald. It’s one of the most beautiful beaches in the city.
Getting to the beach requires climbing some stairs, but it’s worth the trip. As you descend to the water, you’ll pass under a canopy of jungle greens and ropey vines that provide a perfect transition from “real life” to “stress-free, margarita-sipping holiday.”
2. Stroll on the Malecon
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There’s no better way to get acquainted with Puerto Vallarta than to walk along the picturesque Malecon, a long boardwalk that spans most of the city’s coastline. Here, you’ll find a mix of tourist-friendly attractions like street performers, artists, and vendors of all kinds. It’s also home to plenty of historic restaurants and cafes where you can stop for a drink or a bite and enjoy some stellar ocean views.
Locals like to spend time at Bar La Playa, or if you’re looking for something a little wilder, try Senor Frog’s.
3. Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe
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This is the most popular sightseeing attraction in the historic center, and the locals are very proud of it. Our Lady of Guadalupe is a beautiful architectural monument inside and out, and it’s a symbol of PV culture. Make sure to pay a visit regardless of your religious affiliation. Just make sure to be respectful!
4. Eat Street Food (Tacos, Tacos, Tacos)
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It’s not hard to find an abundance of street food in Puerto Vallarta, but only the locals know the best of the best.
Here’s what you’ve got to try:
Tacos: Try our spicy shrimp tacos for a real local treat.
Tortas Ahogadas: A local sandwich filled with pork, tomato sauce, and chili. It’s a bit like a Mexican sloppy Joe!
Pescado Embarazado: This is basically a roast fish on a stick. But, the fish is marinated in lime and served with fresh salsa. It’s healthy and delicious!
Tamales: The perfect grab-and-go street food.
Grilled corn on the cob: It’s no delicacy, but we love this roasty, salty street food.
And here’s where to go to find the very best street food:
El Carboncito
Taqueria Mendoza
Food Park PV
5. Take a Boat Tour
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Most of the things to do in Puerto Vallarta take place on the waves, but you don’t have to be a swimmer or a surfer to enjoy our emerald seas. Hiring a boat is much more affordable here than it is in most other cities, meaning you can live the high life on a private yacht or take a relaxing fishing cruise with your buddies for less than the cost of a nice meal.
Or, if you’re looking for a party, try one of our bumping party cruises. Most party cruises have great DJs and plenty of singles looking to mingle. Even better, most include an open bar all day.
To find out how you can rent a boat or join a party cruise, get in touch with the local booking experts at PV Nightlife.
6. Plaza de las Armas
This is the main square in Puerto Vallarta, and there’s something fun happening here every day. It’s a great spot to buy local art, and it’s very close to the Malecon and Our Lady of Guadalupe church.
Make sure to take a photo with the statue of our city’s founder, Ignacio Vallarta, and take some shade under the beautiful bandstand gazebo in the center.
7. Experience Mismaloya
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If you have time for an excursion, we recommend Mismaloya in the South Zone. This small fishing village captures the essence of what Puerto Vallarta was before the hotels and resorts moved in. Plus, it was where the classic film “The Night of the Iguana” was made, which pretty much put Puerto Vallarta on the map.
A nice blend of tranquility, history, and untarnished beaches, Mismaloya is a perfect skip away from the city for those looking to get away from it all.
8. Take a Hike
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If your idea of getting out of town doesn’t involve going to a different town, then go for a relaxing hike through the South Zone. There are miles and miles of quiet beaches here, and the paths are safe and relatively easy (as long as you don’t take a short cut through the mountains).
Hiking along the coast is a wonderful way to experience the sea at your own pace, and it doesn’t take much planning. The main road is never far, so you can hop a bus back to the city whenever you’re ready. Just make sure to bring enough water and sunscreen.
You can start your hike from the end of the Malecon and head down to Conchas Chinas (it only takes about 40 minutes). From there, more adventurous hikers can continue south all the way to Boca de Tomatlan.
9. Share the love in the Zona Romantica
For food, drinks, and plentiful attractions, the Romantic Zone is the place to be. Weekends are full of life here, so be sure to make reservations for restaurants and bars. But there’s something going on every night of the week in Plaza Lazaro Cardenas. From traditional dancing to live music to local artisanal markets, you and a special someone are sure to see sparks fly in this part of the old town.
10. See the Sunset over Banderas Bay
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Puerto Vallarta’s jovial streets are home to many shows and attractions, but the best one takes place on the horizon over Banderas Bay. Cozy up with a special someone on the beach and enjoy a fiery sunset before heading out for a night to remember.
Here in Puerto Vallarta, watching the sunset is our equivalent of stopping to smell the roses. Don’t forget to take in the peaceful vibes of our city and do the same!
11. Hit the Clubs
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All of the locals we spoke to agreed on one thing—you CANNOT leave Puerto Vallarta without at least one night of wild fun at a PV club.
Puerto Vallarta clubs are a point of pride in the city. They are known for their excellent service, signature drinks, and world-class DJs. When partygoers talk about the best clubs in the world, PV’s clubs rank in the top spots with Las Vegas and Ibiza clubs. The difference is that they cost a lot less to enjoy!
Here’s where locals recommend for the best PV clubbing:
La Santa: La Santa is best known for having an on-site pool. Are you ready for your night to get wet and wild?
La Vaquita: A barnyard-themed bash, La Vaquita has a very relaxed dress code and serves massive drinks in styrofoam cups. A place to let loose!
Strana: A cathedral of light and sound, Strana is one of the most exclusive and immersive clubs in the city.
Nightclubs in Puerto Vallarta are very popular, so you need to book in advance to avoid long lines which often extend out the door and into the street. Or, you can let the locals at PV Nightlife take care of it for you and enjoy VIP access all night long.
Bonus: Puerto Vallarta Accommodation Hacks
The quality of your vacation in Puerto Vallarta will depend greatly on where you choose to stay. This city is full of resorts and hotels, but locals don’t recommend these places.
Resorts are ok for families, large groups, and the elderly, but those who want to explore and make the most of their trip won’t like the fake atmosphere and overcrowding.
Hotels are a luxurious way to travel, and Puerto Vallarta has some excellent ones to choose from. The downside is that you’ll pay international prices to book somewhere like the Hilton or the Hyatt.
If you’re traveling with your family or a group, we highly recommend booking a private villa instead of traditional accommodation. You can actually book a beachside villa with luxury décor and amazing amenities for less than the price of most hotels.
Even better, your villa can be customized in any way you like. You can ask for a private chef, a driver, for a mariachi band to come at night—the possibilities are really up to you.
When you work with an agency like PV Nightlife, there’s no limit to what you can do and where you can stay. Get in touch now to view beachfront villas and to turn your accommodation into a private paradise.
12. Scuba Diving
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If you’ve never been Scuba diving before, Puerto Vallarta is the place to have your underwater adventure. If you have, you’ve never seen ocean floors like ours!
Enter a wonderland of crystal-clear waters and interact with playful fish and other sea life. You’ll encounter amazing rock structures, reefs, massive schools of fish, and even ghostly shipwrecks.
The Scuba tours in PV are led by licensed professionals, so all you have to do is suit up and be amazed!
13. Colonia Emiliano Zapata Municipal Market
The food culture in Mexico is protected by UNESCO—it’s the only culinary tradition to have that honor! So, when deciding what things to do in Puerto Vallarta, visiting a local market is an absolute must.
The Colonia Emiliano Zapata municipal market is full of colorful produce, tropical fruit, seafood, local spices, street food, and so much more. The best thing about this place is that everyone here is super helpful and always smiling. It’s the perfect place to get some cooking tips from real locals while going on a tasting spree.
The market is open every day from 6 AM to 3 PM. We recommend going in the late morning. It’s the perfect time to see all the vendors while they’re still fully stocked and to work up an appetite for lunch.
14. Los Muertos Beach
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Los Muertos Beach is one of the hottest spots in the city. It’s great for lounging, swimming, and watersports, and it’s also full of bars and restaurants with music and beach sports. It’s more of a party beach than a relaxing spot, but that isn’t a bad thing!
Los Muertos is located directly off the Malecon, so it’s the most accessible beach in the city. In fact, it’s impossible to miss, as it’s visible from most of the city center. Even if you don’t like crowded beaches, stop at a beach kiosk for a margarita or two. The fun is contagious!
15. Mirador de La Cruz
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Mirador de La Cruz is an observation platform just outside the city center. The locals know this spot offers the best views of Banderas Bay and the lush mountains bordering the city, but you won’t find many of us making the climb on a hot day!
The trek to Mirador de La Crus takes about 40 minutes from the Malecon, and the last 20 minutes are made up of steep climbs and stairs. Nevertheless, this is where you’ll be able to snap panoramic photos of the city and the sea that will make all your Insta followers jealous, so bring your walking shoes and don’t miss it!
16. Into the Wild
Just outside Puerto Vallarta’s antique streets, you can venture into the unknown and explore Mexico’s lush jungle terrain. Don’t worry, there aren’t any dangerous animals lurking in the depths, but there are plenty of exotic flowers, fresh fruits, colorful insects, and other amazing things to see.
You can tour the jungle on foot with a guide or you can schedule an ATV tour for an off-road adventure. We don’t recommend exploring the jungle alone.
17. Have a Spa Day
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Take a break from all the adventure, sun, sand, and tequila by detoxing your body and rejuvenating your skin at one of Puerto Vallarta’s famed spas. Featuring specialized treatments made from sea minerals and local ingredients, there’s no better way to experience the ultimate in personal pampering while doing something good for your health.
These spas are well-known by locals as being reasonably priced and extremely professional:
Quetzalli Spa & Skin Care
Metamorfosis Day Spa
Artepil Spa
18. Marina Vallarta
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Marina Vallarta is a place where the wealthy bump elbows with locals and tourists who like to watch as boats pass over the horizon. Known for its iconic lighthouse bar, this area of the city is quiet and breezy, and it’s the perfect place to take a date before dinner in the Romantic Zone.
Locals don’t hang out here often, but we like going for happy hour at the rooftop bars nearby. Many luxurious clubs and hotels, such as the Marriot, offer half-priced drinks in the early evening, making this a great place to live it up on a budget.
19. Dine in Style
Street food is delicious, by you’d be missing out if you didn’t treat yourself to a bit of fine dining in this food capital of Mexico. Puerto Vallarta is known for amazing BBQ and seafood dishes, and the chefs here are some of the most creative in the world.
Diners can enjoy rich salsas made with local fruits and vegetables as well as light tortillas and hearty soups like the local favorite “birria,” a spicy pork stew served with lime.
PV has also been influenced by an influx of international chefs, making this city a unique culinary jewel on the Pacific.
Here are some local favorites for decadent dining:
La Leche: Foodies looking for the perfect sharable photo love La Leche. The entire restaurant is white, making the colorful dishes burst with life.
La Palapa: Fine dining on the beach. Enjoy fantastic views and incredible seafood.
Café des Artistes: Featuring French and Mexican fusion, Café des Artistes may be the most upscale restaurant in the city.
20. Mezcal and Tequila
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Two of our most beloved local pastimes—mezcal and tequila! Puerto Vallarta is a place for sipping and snacking, and our favorite liquors make each night go down smooth.
Both tequila and mezcal are produced in the Jalisco region of Mexico (where PV is located), so this is one of the best places to try artisanal liquors from some of the finest distilleries.
For a great selection of straight mezcal and tequila as well as signature cocktails and snacks, we have to recommend Bar Morelos. This place gets pretty busy and has a club on a separate floor, so you’ll need to book a table if you don’t want to get stuck standing.
Are you ready for your trip to PV? There are so many things to do in Puerto Vallarta that the hardest part is choosing! That’s where we come in at PV Nightlife.
Our local guides and experts are dedicated to putting together the perfect evening, weekend, or complete holiday for you. And our packages are never pre-set. We dedicate a planner to your vacation who works with you to deliver the exact holiday you want.
Don’t get stuck waiting in lines or dealing with sold-out signs when you’re looking for things to do in Puerto Vallarta. Contact PV Nightlife today to make your PV vacation perfect.
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gooch333 · 1 month
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notimundo · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/entretenimiento/el-inehrm-celebra-al-general-lazaro-cardenas/
El INEHRM celebra al General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río con un conversatorio desde el Complejo Cultural Los Pinos
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La Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, a través del Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México (INEHRM), llevará a cabo el foro “Lázaro Cárdenas: una mirada histórica a 51 años”, en el marco del primer aniversario del Museo Casa Presidencial Lázaro Cárdenas, que abrió sus puertas el 19 de octubre de 2020, en el Complejo Cultural Los Pinos, como parte del proyecto prioritario Chapultepec, Naturaleza y Cultura.
Esta actividad se realizará en la modalidad híbrida, con público presencial en el Salón Venustiano Carranza del Complejo Cultural Los Pinos y con espectadores a distancia, a través de la transmisión en directo Facebook en el perfil oficial del INEHRM y de Capital 21, (/inehrm.fanpage y /Capital21) y por YouTube, en Canal INEHRM, mañana martes 19 de octubre a las 18:00 horas, tiempo del centro de México.
El programa contempla un mensaje de bienvenida por parte de la subsecretaria de Desarrollo Cultural, Marina Núñez Bespalova, en representación de la secretaria de Cultura federal, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, y la participación del ingeniero Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano, la especialista Anna Ribera Carbó, investigadora de la Dirección de Estudios Históricos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), el académico Lorenzo Meyer, profesor emérito de El Colegio de México, y la moderación del director general del INEHRM Felipe Ávila Espinosa.
A las 19:00 horas, en ese mismo espacio, será inaugurada la exposición temporal “Los tiempos cambian. Huellas del presidente Cárdenas”, que reúne una serie de materiales de la época en la que vivió el General, como estampillas postales canceladas durante su presidencia, carteles promocionales de películas, billetes e indumentaria femenina y masculina, así como muestra de música de la época.
El general Lázaro Cárdenas del Río murió hace 51 años, el 19 de octubre de 1970. Fue el primer mandatario en habitar la casa grande del ex rancho de La Hormiga en 1935, desde entonces nombrada Los Pinos.   Según el historiador Ricardo Pérez Montfort, “el presidente Cárdenas nombró Los Pinos a su nueva residencia en honor a un sitio que se llama igual en la ciudad de Tacámbaro, Michoacán, en el occidente de México, donde conoció a su esposa”.
Nacido en Michoacán en 1895, Cárdenas del Río participó en la Revolución mexicana en las filas del Constitucionalismo. En las décadas de 1920 y 1930 ocupó diversos cargos públicos, entre ellos la gubernatura de su estado natal y la Presidencia de México.
Durante su periodo al frente del Ejecutivo Federal, entre 1934 y 1940, se desarrollaron políticas públicas con amplio contenido social, como el aceleramiento del reparto agrario, la expropiación petrolera, la creación de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad y del Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
Tras su paso por la Presidencia, Cárdenas del Río se convirtió en un referente no solo para la izquierda mexicana del siglo XX, sino también para el pensamiento antiimperialista internacional. Condenó los golpes militares impulsados por agencias extranjeras en América Latina, en el contexto de la Guerra Fría, y respaldó la Revolución cubana, así como a los procesos de liberación nacional en distintos puntos del globo.
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1865 Films #168495 & #168494 (by/por Linda V.)
001 film #168495
002 OAH 2752 pt. 2
003 1950
004 1615
007 continua del rollo anterior
008 Andres Romo & Jacoba Gomez /Aguascalientes-Jalos/ tree image #14
016 Juan Flores & Ines de Arce /Zacoalco-Mexicalingo / dispensa de vanas
024 Jose de Jesus Quintero & Bruna Contreras /Mascota / tree img #24
027 Eusebio Curiel & Pastora Quintero /Mascota / tree #227
030 Miguel Romero & Refugio Cardenas /Etzatlan / tree #32
037 Vicente Padilla & Juana Ruvalcaba /San Juan  / tree #40
042 Antonio Luna & Isabel Rosales /Tepic / dispensa de vagos
048 Francisco Ruiz de Velasco &  Maria Macaria Perez /Arandas / trees #50
054 Esteban Jimenez & Estefana Larias /Tecalitlan
056 Jesus Castaneda & Hermenegilda Ramirez /Ixtlahuacan / trees #59
063 Pragedis Martin & Epitacia Gonzalez /Jalos / trees #68
069 Pedro de Leon & Eugenia Ibarra /Cocula /tree #72
075 Nicolas Romero & Ma Concepcion Guinchard /Teocaltiche-Aguascalientes /vanas
083 Jose Solorzano & Josefa Patino /Mexico-Jocotepec / vagos
089 Saturnino Meza & Demetria Diaz /Tomatlan / tree #89
094 Roberto Pelayo & Refugio Briseno /Ayutla / tree #96
098 Jose Gonzalez & Refugio Gonzalez /Tapalpa / tree #12
106 Crescencio Garcia & Pascuala Asencio /Zapopan / tree #110
111 Ricardo Rubio & Severa Escobedo  /Cuquio / tree #116
117 Mariano de la Mora & Trinidad de la Mora /Tecalitlan / tree #118
125 Fernando Garcia & Ma Sostenes Pinedo /Totatiche / tree #125
130 Justo Gonzalez & Maria Gertrudes Serrano /Encarnacion / tree #134
137 Justo Gomez & Maria Ines Perez /San Juan / tree #138
141 Simon Lopez & Valeria Avalos /Ixtlan / tree #144
146 Antonio Gonzalez & Eulalia Santoscoy /Lagos-Ahualulco / vagedad militar
152 Geronimo Ulloa & Merced Silva /Colima / tree #156
158 Federico Cramer & Dolores Riebeling /Alemania-Guadalajara / vanas
164 Jesus Dominguez & Maura Gomez /Etzatlan-Guadalajara / vanas
169 Hermenegildo Lozano & Pascuala Sandoval /Guanajuato-Guadalajara
177 Celso Lozano & Emilia Hermosillo /Lagos / vanas
182 Blas Elizondo Perez & Josefa Sagredo Garcia Rojas /Aguascalientes-Espana
193 Desiderio Hernandez & Feliciana Hernandez /Guadalajara / tree # 198
202 Dolores Garcia & Margarita Castellanos /Zapopan-Zahuayo / tree #205
206 Juan Betancourt & Eulalia Macedo /Tomatlan /revalidacion tree #207
211 Sabino Cortez & Felipa Chavez /Tomatlan / tree #211
215 Nicomedes Lopez & acinta Hernandez /Lagos /tree #217
219 Jose Maria Jimenez & Juana Meza /Tomatlan /tree #219
223 Severiano Hernandez & Feliciana Melendres /Tomatlan /tree #223
229 Urbano Betancourt & Elena Betancourt /Tomatlan /tree #230
236 Francisco Andrade & Petronila Araiza /Tomatlan /tree #236
240 Juan Macedo & Sebastiana Betancourt /Tomatlan /  tree #241
244 Carlos Agasini & Julia Romero /Guadalajara-Tepic /  militar
250 Abundio Orosco & Francisca Becerra /Teocaltiche /tree #252
255 Atanacio Oropeza & Merced Gonzalez /Nochistlan /tree #258
262 Francisco Llamas & Bernardina Gutirrez /Nochistlan /tree #263
266 Miguel Diaz Naredo & Altagracia Pedroza/Zacatecas-Aguascalientes
273 Pedro de Alva & Maria Josefa Pedroza /Encarnacion /tree #280
282 Carlos Luna & Carlota Lara /Puebla-Guadalajara
287 Matias Castellanos & Hilaria Alvarez /Analco-Ocotlan /vago
297 Jesus Contreras & Ines Cervantes /Atoyac
306 Marcelino Diaz & Francisca Arrezola /Amacueca
312 Jose Maria Zepeda & Maria Trinidad Montoy /Tizapan /tree #314
320 Vicente Contreras & Petra Ibarra /Jocotepec-Mexico
326 Santiago Odiaga & Merced Santoscoy /Madrid-Guadalajara
332 Juan NepomucenoGaray & Francisca Arana /Tonala /tree #337
341 Felix Ramirez & Benita Moreno /San Juan /tree #342
345 Macario Lopez & Agtanacia de Jesus Vergara /Zapopan
348 Fernando Telles & Maria del Refugio Valdivia /Bolanos
351 Jesus Bueno & Benancia Gutierrez /Tepic /vanas
357 Doroteo Martinez & Francisca Juarez /Calvillo /tree #358
363 blank  page
364 FIN
365  168494
366 OAH 2751 pt 1
369 Fernando Lara & Tranquilina Venegas /Tepic /vago
374 Clemente Naranjo & Leonarda Hernandez/Tepic-Cocula
382 Pedro Chavez & Eleuteria Barbosa /Tamazula /trees #382
388 Remigio Sarabia & Antonia Flores /Sinaloa -Aguascalientes-Guad
394 Antonio de la Mora & Silveria de la Mora /Tecolotlan
401 Expediente Archivados /Guadalajara
408 Expedientes matrimoniales arcivados 1866 -names of  couples-
410 Diferentes negocios civiles-different names & dates
419 Varios expedientes
422 Victor Hernandez & Casimira Rivera /Ixtlan /trees #425
427 Pedro Esparza & Placida Hernandez /Ixtlan /tree #430
432 Vicente Gomez & Macedonia Delgado /Adobes
435 Constantino de Lengerke & Josefa Ramos /ultramar
441 Instrucciones para edificar un templo en Tepatitlan
443 Luis Iberri & Josefa Narvez /Tepic-San Juan
449 Caso de Primitivo Aguinaga y Manuel Castellanos /Mexico
451 letters written by Arzobispo de Guadalajara Pedro Espinoza,
      Obispo Juan Francisco Escalante y Pedro Loza, Arsobispo de Sonora
457 Nicolas Cruz & Leandra Aguirre /Tomatlan /tree #457
463 Sixto Gomez & Gabriela Ysac  /San Juan /tree #464
467 Feliciano Suarez & Tomasa Rodriguez /Tonala /tree #470
478 Raymundo Ibarra & Ma Bernae Godines /Chapala-Ocotlan /tree #481
484 Filomeno Vargas & Mercedes Goonzalez /Yahualica /trees #484
488 Miguel Arredondo & Cruz Zepeda /Mazamitla /tree #490
495 Marcos Gonzalez & Salvadora Franco /Tepatitlan /tree #494
498 Jose Maria preciado & Juana Mendoza /Purificacion /tree #501
503 Hermenegildo Martin & Marina Gonzalez /San Miguel el Alto /tree #507
508 Francisco Hernandez & Juana Martin /San Miguel el Alto /tree #511
513 Crescencio Ramirez & Ursula Ruiz /Aguascalientes /trees #514
517 Eustaquio Ramirez & Segunda Ruiz /Arandas /tree #521
524 Juan Gutierrez & Donaciana Zamores /Lagos /tree #526
531 Liborio G Tayedo & Luisa Macias /Ixtlan
539 Curz Saucedo & Maria Isabel Escobedo /Aguascalientes-Huejuquilla
543 Antonio Perezchica & Petra Figueroa /Calvillo /tree #544
548 Manuel Placencia & Salome Perez/Teocaltiche /tree #550
553 Marcelo Gonzalez & Mercedes Martinez /Yahualica /trees #553
558 Hilario Gonzalez & Petra Barba /Jalos  /tree #564
565 Aquilino Uribe & Ambrosia Pelayo /Ejutla /tree #567
569 Estevan Valverde & Juana azo /Cotija-Tamazula
577 Jose Trinidad Magana & Agapita Macias /Tamazula
585 Magdaleno Hernandez & Felipa Torres /Tepatitlan
592 Doroteo Agredano & Presentacion Rodriguez /Cuquio/tree #597
598 Antonio Martinez & Mariana Campos /Aguascalientes /tree #603
605 Paulino Gonzalez & Rosalia Becerra /Guadalajara
610 Ildefonso Larraza & Refugio Perez Verdia /Espana-Guadalajara
618 Pantaleon Garcia & Lucia Jimenez /Mexticacan-Ojuelos/trees#620
623 Jose Sandoval & Francisca Medrano /Cuquio-Analco /vagos
627 Atanacio Santillan & Casimira Martinez /Rincon de Romos/tree #630
634 Crisanto Guillen & Mariana Delgadillo /Yahualica-Cuquio
648 Cipriano Belauzaraan & Josefa Avila /Guanajuato-Zacatecas-
      Aguascalientes /tree #653
656 Andres Romo & Jacoba Gomez /Aguascaientes /tree #661
664 Juan Flores & Ines de Arce  /Mexicalingo /vanas
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wsfworldjuniors · 6 years
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[1] Marwan Tarek (Egy) 3-0 [5/8] Mostafa Montaser (Egy)  11-8, 11-5, 11-5 (31m) [1] Rowan Elaraby (Egy) 3-0 [5/8] Hana Moataz (Egy)      12-10, 11-6, 11-3 (28m) [3/4 ] Omar El Torkey (Egy) 3-0 [5/8] Nick Wall (Eng)  11-6, 11-3, 11-7 (36m)  [5/8] Jana Shiha (Egy) 3-2 [13/16] Farida Mohamed (Egy)   6-11, 11-6, 11-5, 7-11, 14-12 (51m) [3/4] Mostafa El Serty (Egy) 3-2 [5/8] Darren Rahul Pragasam (Mas)   4-11, 12-10, 6-11, 12-10, 11-6 (57m) [3/4] Lucy Turmel (Eng) 3-0 Sneha Sivakumar (Sin)   11-5, 11-8, 11-8 (27m) [2] Mostafa Asal (Egy) 3-0 [5/8] Leonel Cardenas (Mex)   12-10, 11-7, 11-9 (50m) [2] Hania El Hammamy (Egy) 3-0 [5/8] Marina Stefanoni (Usa) 11-2, 11-4, 11-7 (26m)
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pabloxnipec-blog · 6 years
Un fin de semana para chuparse los dedos.
Sesión 6. Planeación y aplicación de entrevista.
Guion de entrevista
Presentando a Isaac Ramírez Medina
Hola Buenas tardes señor Isaac, habla Juan Pablo pertenezco al grupo de aspirantes de la carrera de nutrición aplicada en la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de México, ¿se acuerda usted de mí? Trabajábamos en conjunto, el restaurante se llamaba Red Bar & Grill en 2015. Principalmente le estoy llamando para saludar, ¿Cómo está usted? El día de hoy estoy tratando de resolver algunas dudas y mitos generales en cuestión a la proteína marina y a través de un grupo de preguntas pretendo esclarecer estas cuestiones.  Si está de acuerdo, quisiera empezar mi entrevista, preguntándote
1.    ¿Qué prefiere usted, un platillo del mar o cualquier corte de carne?
2.    ¿Cuál es su nombre completo?
3.    ¿A qué se dedica?
4.    ¿Cuántos años lleva laborando en el ramo?
5.    ¿Quiénes son sus principales consumidores?
6.    ¿Cuáles son los principales pescados y mariscos con los que usted trabaja?
7.    ¿Qué hay en la Nueva Viga?
8.    ¿Cuál es la ventaja de comprar en la viga?
9.    ¿A qué hora comienzan las actividades en la Nueva Viga?
10.  ¿Considera que es caro comer pescados y mariscos?
11.  ¿Cuáles son los peces y mariscos que hay en oferta en esta temporada?
12.  ¿Aproximadamente cuantos distribuidores de pescados y mariscos hay en la Nueva viga?
13.  ¿Hay mucha diferencia entre los precios de mayoreo y menudeo en la viga?
14.  ¿Cuáles son los productos más baratos?
15.  ¿Cuál es el motivo principal para que los precios suban o bajen?
16.  ¿Cómo se ve reflejado la demanda de alimentos de origen marino en temporada santa?
 Presentando a Igor Labastida Matchain
Buenas tardes Chef, ¿Cómo está usted?  Muchas gracias por tomar mí llamada El día de hoy estoy tratando de resolver algunas dudas y mitos generales, en cuestión a la proteína marina y a través de un grupo de preguntas pretendo esclarecer estas cuestiones como parte del trabajo aspirantes de la carrera de nutrición aplicada en la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de México.  
1.    ¿Qué prefiere usted, un platillo del mar o cualquier corte de carne?
2.    ¿Cuál es su nombre y a qué se dedica?
3.    ¿Cuántos años lleva laborando en el ramo?
4.    ¿Cuáles son los principales pescados y mariscos con los que usted trabaja?
5.    ¿Considera que es caro comer pescados y mariscos?
6.    ¿En su opinión, cuál es el potencial que tiene comer pescados y mariscos?
7.    ¿Cuál es su opinión y que consejos puede dar a la gente que tiene curiosidad en ampliar su menú?
8.    ¿Cuál es el costo promedio de los alimentos en su restaurante?
9.    ¿Cuáles son las proteínas que más se venden?
10.  ¿Todos los pescados saben igual?
11.  ¿Cómo te das cuenta de que un producto del mar está en buen estado?
12.  ¿Cuáles son los tipos de cuidado que se tiene que tener con el manejo de mariscos?
13.  ¿Cuál es su pescado favorito y por qué?
14.  ¿Qué es lo bueno y qué es lo malo de ser chef?
15.  ¿Cuál es el plato estrella de Zona Oyster?
 Entrevista vía telefónica.
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Agradecimiento muy especial a mis amigos Mario López de Cardenas, Igor Labastida Matchain e Isaac Ramírez por el apoyo en este trabajo.
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