#she is my old old babybaby
wormthe · 1 year
my kitty cat loves caves and tents and i love her!!!
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atwooozi · 3 months
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gojo x original character
Chapter 10: Unwoven Threads
summary: After meeting Megumi, Ai dives into her research, determined to uncover more about Gojo Satoru. She finds herself more captivated by Gojo's hidden complexities and his connection to his past. Her discovery of an old photo only intensifies her curiosity.
genre: modern AU, slice of life, comedy, eventual romance, eventual smut, some angst
A/N: This is a bit of a shorter chapter but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I don't like when works are longer just to meet a certain length/word count. The song I chose to go with this chapter is Babybaby No Yume by Tanuki. It's a more uplifting song to contrast with last week's more down tempo one.
When Ai went home after her meeting with Megumi, she immediately went back to her laptop like a woman possessed. She needed to know more and she was going to find it. 
She wasn't sure if she was going to find anything that would go in the article, but it at least helped her feel like she was getting closer to finding out just exactly who Gojo Satoru was. Readers would love a sweet story about a young man selflessly raising not just one child but two children all on his own, but was that the story that Ai wanted to write? Honestly, no. She couldn't deny that his history was fascinating. Sure, it could be an aspect but she didn't want to use Fushiguro's past as a way to boost Gojo up as a person. 
“Fushiguro Toji…” Ai's brain halted as she looked at the picture staring back at her. It was a man in his late twenties to mid-thirties, a smirk on his face and an award in hand. Standing next to him was a young Gojo Satoru, beaming as he looked at the camera. She stared at her screen, floored–Megumi was the spitting image of his father. It was almost uncanny. Aside from the scar on Toji's lip, they looked practically identical. 
She saved the photo and sighed as she thought back to what Megumi had said earlier. 
“My family kind of fell apart…”
Ai frowned as she tried to remember Megumi’s tone of voice. It felt so distant and devoid of emotions. It begged the question, though, what the hell happened that Gojo of all people ended up with two kids? Not only that but why did he take them in? She couldn't wrap her mind around it. Who in their right mind would let an eighteen-year-old take care of two young kids? 
He was just a kid himself…
Her heart clenched at the thought. She couldn’t imagine taking on so much as a kid. Ai still felt like a child at times. Her mom would still schedule doctor appointments for her occasionally. The thought of being a guardian to two children while trying to get through school seemed like an impossible task. It made Ai wonder how Gojo even managed that while excelling everywhere else in his life. Just how heavily did the world hang on his shoulders?   
Based on first impressions alone, Gojo seemed like nothing more than the goofy character he portrayed on screen. How much was he hiding behind his fun-loving persona? And why was he hiding it? The more she seemed to learn about Gojo, the more questions she seemed to have. It was strange to her, Gojo was so chatty that she was surprised that more people didn’t seem to know about his relationship to Megumi. Just how in the world was he able to keep this under wraps for as long as he had? Then again, all the stuff known to the public about Gojo was trivial information to begin with.
Ai leaned back in her chair and sighed, she was conflating the person that was Gojo Satoru with the celebrity persona. While he seemed impulsive, reckless, and stupid he was anything but that though he still liked to act stupid a majority of the time.    
Ai glanced over at her phone. She was tempted to call Gojo. She had so many questions for him that she felt like they were going to bubble over if she didn’t say something, but it wasn’t the right time. She wasn’t in the right frame of mind for it. If she bothered him now, she felt like she would ruin whatever relationship they had built up because of her impatience. Besides, there was still more research that needed to be done before she could bombard him with questions.
She had a bad habit of acting without thinking things through completely at times. It was a bit of an enigma to her since she loved to plan so diligently, but when excited, she couldn’t help herself. As much as Ai wanted to fire every question that was rolling through her head at Gojo, she needed to calm down. She needed to tread carefully, given how hard that tree-like man had made it up to this point. She couldn’t throw all her hard work away because of a lead.
Ai continued scouring ‌the internet for any information on Toji, but from what she gathered he either worked under an alias or did mostly uncredited parts. She was able to find a few mentions of him for different competitions. He was even a contender to represent Japan at the Olympics, but then he just seemed to disappear from the press completely around the time Megumi was born.
From what Ai was able to piece together, she figured that Toji stopped competing on a serious level when Megumi was born. But the jump to stunt work didn’t make much sense to her. Was that truly a more stable form of work for him and his young family as opposed to being a professional athlete? She wasn’t sure how viable either career could be, to be honest.   
Ai once again found herself wondering if any of this mattered. It mattered to her–but in terms of the story? No. The Fushiguro family was interesting, but that wasn’t the story she was supposed to be writing. As interesting as she found Toji, she couldn’t just shoehorn him into a Gojo Satoru profile piece. 
Ai leaned back in her chair and groaned. Her eyes stung from looking at the screen. She sat up in her chair, her neck and shoulders aching from her awful posture. Carefully, she raised her arms over her head and rolled her shoulders which gave a satisfying pop. 
When Ai glanced at the clock on her laptop, it was past midnight. She knew her body needed sleep, but her mind was racing. As much as her body begged her to rest, she just couldn’t turn her brain off. 
Ai reluctantly got up from her desk chair and debated whether or not she should make herself some coffee. It was something that she imagined most writers would do when they hit a breakthrough–they wanted to keep the momentum going. If anything, they would support her bad decision. As tempting as it seemed, she ultimately decided against it. 
Instead, Ai grabbed a hoodie, her keys, and her phone before putting on her sneakers and heading out the door. What she needed was some fresh air to clear her thoughts. Sitting inside alone with all the questions swimming in her head was just too much right now. At least this way, she’d get some fresh air and move her stiff muscles a little.  
Ai threw her hoodie on and put her hands in her pockets. She truly loved the city at night. The lights, the atmosphere– it felt magical. The city somehow felt so big and so small all at once. There were only a few people on the streets, but she knew that the city was still brimming with energy. It felt electric as if it were alive. 
 Ai slowed down as she walked by WcDonald's. The smell of salty fries and greasy burgers caught her attention as she made her way through the streets. As she looked through the windows of the establishment, she saw a fairly empty lobby lit up with bright fluorescent lights. She swallowed dryly as her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten since early that afternoon. She was so focused on work that she had forgotten to eat...again. 
Ai clutched her empty stomach and walked inside the quiet restaurant. Aside from the few employees and one or two other customers, no one else was there. The only sounds were coming from the small kitchen and the music that played throughout the front end of the place. It almost felt eerie with how peaceful the place was, but she didn’t mind it. The quiet atmosphere gave her overtired brain a break.  
Ai ordered herself a burger and a medium cola before sitting in a booth near a window. She looked out the window at the twinkling lights as she sipped her soda. She wondered if the younger version of herself would be proud of the woman she was now. Her heart tightened at the thought. Although she knew the answer, she didn't want to admit it.
She felt like a hack. She couldn't even form a cohesive narrative. Worst of all, she liked the person that she was supposed to be writing about. It felt like something out of a cheesy romance novel.   
Based on Ai’s recent track record, it all started to make sense that she ended up here at a WcDonald’s at one in the morning. Though if she were at home she imagined that things wouldn’t be much different. Ai would most likely still be at her desk scouring the internet for information about Toji. She was using him as an excuse to keep avoiding writing this cursed article. The only difference between being here and being at home was that she was curled up in a booth with a burger, instead of huddled in front of her computer with bad coffee. Either way, she was still avoiding her work.
 Ai sighed and unwrapped her burger, taking a bite of it. 
Ai nearly choked on her burger. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice the presence right next to her. Trying to control her coughing, she took a swig of her drink before looking up. It was Nanami Kento, the man that she idolized since she started her copy editor job.
He stood in front of her, still dressed in his usual work attire of a blue button-up, funky tie, tan slacks, and signature glasses. 
 She wanted to reach out and see if her hand would pass through him. She could never picture someone so sophisticated as him being here, at this time of night, talking to her. 
Ai had shadowed Nanami when she first started at Hollow , but they were never that close in her mind. She always pictured him as a more mythical figure, not god-like, but like a sorcerer with the way he was able to weave words together so seamlessly. Ai swore that Nanami could get the most tightly wound person to open up to him within the first few minutes of an interview. He had an almost uncanny ability to ask the right questions, ones that pierced through the surface and easily got to the heart of the story. It was amazing. He was amazing. 
Nanami was an outstanding journalist and in a kiddish way, Ai wanted to be just like him. He had a magnetic aura; he commanded attention without demanding it. In their office, amidst the clattering of keyboards and the murmur of quiet conversations, Nanami exuded so much calm and authority. Ai often found herself in awe of him, watching him transform the most mundane topic into something compelling and profound. 
And despite all his talents, Nanami was unassuming. He never boasted about his accomplishments, yet everyone who cared about writing knew about how great he was. His name was synonymous with excellence and integrity. At least, that’s what Ai thought about him. In her eyes, he represented the pinnacle of what she aspired to be–a storyteller who could capture the human experience in its most real form. She just hoped that one day that she could step out of his shadow and shine in her own right one day.       
“Nanami-san,” Ai cleared her throat and sat up quickly. “What are you doing here at this time of night?” 
Nanami slid into the booth opposite her and took a bite of his sandwich, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing. “Overtime.” 
Ai nodded as she stared at him in disbelief. “I see…” 
“And you?” 
“...What are you doing here?” 
Ai glanced at her lap before looking back up at Nanami. “Oh, uh, sorry. I can't sleep so…” 
Nanami's gaze was unwavering. It made Ai want to sink into her booth. She felt like he was going to burn holes in her skull. 
“Is your article giving you trouble?” 
“Something like that,” Ai sighed before taking a sip of her cola. 
Nanami nodded and took another bite of his sandwich. “It's easy to get lost in the details. I imagine it's even harder when it's concerning someone like Gojo Satoru...” 
Ai nodded as she listened. She didn't realize how tired she actually was until she heard Nanami's words. They cut through her thoughts so easily. 
“Yeah…” Ai rubbed her eyes and tried her best to suppress a yawn. “I just can't seem to piece it all together. There are just so many threads but none of them seem to form any coherent narrative.” 
Nanami leaned his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together. “Good stories often come from nowhere, Amada-san.” He held up two fingers. “Two unrelated ideas can come together and make something new. It’s our job as writers to be able to recognize when this happens.” 
Ai ran through what Nanami said in her head several times. Maybe it was because she was so tired, but it was hard for her to truly absorb what he was saying. After she finally put it together though, she knew he was right. She was trying too hard to find her story too soon. She still had two more weeks to go with the guy. Trying to force herself to get everything together now was just holding her back. 
“Is that all that’s bothering you?” 
The question caught Ai off guard and she tried her best to sit up straighter. “Um…”
“I only ask because you look like you have a lot more on your mind,” Nanami stated as he adjusted his glasses. 
Ai brought her soda back to her lips and took another sip, trying to buy herself some time to come up with an answer. She knew she was stressed to put it lightly, but she didn’t realize that it was so bad that people around her could easily tell that something was wrong too. 
“I, um, I’m okay.” Ai did her best to assure Nanami. She gave him a tired smile. “I’m just tired from the weird sleep schedule.” 
Ever since she took on this article her sleeping had become worse. She knew Gojo was to blame with his insane call times during the reshoots, but even with her past jobs that required her to follow talent around it was never this bad. Ai was starting to believe that Gojo might be the death of her.
“Hm…” Nanami hummed as if debating whether or not to say more.  
He studied Ai’s expression but nodded his head, accepting her answer. Although diligent in his reporting, Nanami was never one to pry when it came to his coworkers and Ai was especially thankful for that.    
“Thank you, Nanami-san.” Ai smiled up at him gratefully. “I needed that.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Nanami's lips. “Anytime.” He stood up, bussed his tray, and left the restaurant without another word. 
Ai still wasn't sure if she had actually talked to Nanami or if she had just imagined it all in a sleep-induced delusion of the man. The idea of it being the latter was very concerning to think about, so she prayed to whatever god would listen that it was the former instead.  
Shortly after finishing her meal Ai took herself home. When she arrived she practically collapsed in bed. Her story was there, and it was continuing to unfurl. She just had to trust the process. But right now she just needed to sleep. 
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thisismeracing · 7 months
“(and on another note: this girl absolutely speaks german. you cant tell me with all these germans [and german speaking people, covering my ass cause i know toto and niki are austrian] she grew up with, that they didnt teach her/ she picked up on the language)”
ok i admittedly forgot about this but in reading back on all the old bon posts i have discovered this again
i think bon’s german was pretty good to begin with but once she began her friendship and later on relationship with mick it got to a level where you could mistake her for a native speaker because she just got to use it more on a regular basis and build confidence in relaying what she wants to say in German with people she felt comfortable with making mistakes with.
it's the language they use the most at home and when it's just the two of them because it just feels so natural to the two of them even though bon is a brit
and just imagine bon and mick being in their own little world speaking german to each other
whether it be over food and coffee or in pit lane everything seems to just fall away and it's just them
bon speaking about her day to mick in german in bed with him laying his head in the crook of her neck while running her fingers through his hair, while mick attentively listens and is giving his opinions about certain things she experienced on this given day
imagine bono being in the same room as the two of them and can’t follow because in all his years with being with the team he didn’t pick up much. And he is actively learning so he can be included, but also because he can see it in these two’s eyes that the Schumachers are going to be his in-laws in the future and his potential grandkids are going to grow up with German. It’s not just for him it’s for his family, and he would do anything for them.
[i so want to go on about bon and mick’s kids but i wont for the sake of staying on topic]
i lied
imagine little miss new born bonnington-schumi being carried around the merc motorhome and it’s the first race bon and mick are back from their parental leaves. and bon walks in whilst bono and toto are talking and says “look! it’s opa!” whilst orienting her towards bono. and then bon shifts towards toto and goes “and that’s opa toto!”
and toto is just stunned because the kid he helped raise is introducing him as her kid’s grandfather. And in his stunned silence bon sorta just goes “what? you didn’t think my kid wouldn’t have you in her life did you? you helped raise me, you’re tied to this family for the rest of your life and then some.”
[side note kiddo i just mentioned is the couples 1st kiddo. leaning towards the name eloise for her first name, nick name ellie]
god we (i) got sidetracked. this was an ask about bon speaking german and i ended with her and mick having a baby girl. seperate bonnington-schumi kiddo ask coming in soon. i haven't even thought about their wedding, i jumped straight to kids. maybe it’s the winter break getting to me.
anyways i'm on the second page of my google doc
post ref
omggg bon definitely improved her german after getting closer with mick, its a mixture of wanting to work on a diff language she already has an idea about, and having yet another thing that ties her to him, makes him feel close to home <3
gradpa bono would do anything for his grand kids including learn german even before they were born!!! hahah
this thot was so cute *teary eyes emoji*
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vapormaison · 5 years
2019 Best Press 3/4:  カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title by TANUKI
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While for many vaporwave vinyl is doubtless equal parts collector’s item and audio source, I don’t want to lose sight of the goal of this blog here: developing a canon of the genre for high fidelity enjoyment. That said, when I come across something remarkable or noteworthy about a particular piece of wax, even if it is not a “purely audiophile” object, I want to make mention of it.
And TANUKI’s カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title wax release is not only noteworthy, but contends for hi-fi consideration despite it’s status as a picture disc.
But let’s back up slightly.
Going back to the previous thesis on why we buy records, sometimes you just want to own a vinyl just because. Just because you’re a collector trying to compile a discography on wax — or, better yet, just because you truly love the album art. For me, カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title (Double EP) was undoubtedly all of the three “just be-causes”.
A while back, I noticed that the LP was going into its 3rd press, and decided to snap up a copy because I like Tanuki, I like Lum, and because of those other just becauses. Unfortunately the only format available was not the pink vinyl, but the picture disc. As I’m sure is well-known (because audiophiles are very loud about things they dislike), picture-discs are a big no-no in the audiophile community. This is because while a beautiful objet d’art, a serious listening session of a picture disc release will usually produce greater amounts of surface noise than any other type of vinyl. You can, of course, with the right system, neutralize and mitigate this process slightly, but true-blue hi-fi heads pursuing that elusive muse of “pure sound” would never give a picture disc a second look.
I’m not one of those people.
Tangentially, I’ve heard whispers of ghosts of rumors from when I was living in Shenzen, China — that various record suppliers (small batch Makers) are working out manufacturing and material processes that minimize these issues on pic discs to create appealing records that cover all the bases: hi-fi suitability, collector oriented visual esoterica, and price. I should also admit I have no idea where those companies are in terms of R&D and/or producing these. I end up catching a lot of very fast talk from extremely motivated enthusiasts, but Chinese is still as elusive a language to me at times as “pure sound” can be. With that in mind, however, it’s logical to surmise that advances in technology will eventually render the differences between picture discs and traditional black wax undistinguishable. So long as the world isn’t destroyed in some cataclysmic climate disaster (very real possibility), or -- as we are watching evolve now: World War 3. My view is that it’d be pointless to dismiss the format out of hand when there are active attempts to innovate it as we speak.
That all said, I know what to expect when a contemporary, big-label picture disc plays. During my college days, I used to spin wax at the university radio station. One of the previous catalog managers had a fetish for this “collectible” format, and was convinced he was doing the station a favor by purchasing all these vinyls, noting a pre-supposed resale value later. I remember throwing these on the well-worn Technics SP-10 we had as our main turntable, and listening to the occasional scratch, frequent popping, and constant surface noise, that for the uninitiated (bless you), sounds like a sustained “cracking” in your Rice Krispies — or for those born in the analog age, CRTV static.
So when I sat down with the Tanuki picture disc, I had this laundry list of preconceptions and prejudices about the format. I thought that I could listen to a moderately scratchy record once or twice, keep it as more a visual boutique item and then eventually include in an article where I bemoan the poor quality of the genre’s releases.
But then, I actually listened.
And it sounded… well, I won’t get ahead of myself. Here’s the full review:
BABYBABYの夢 — is doubtless the reason why many of us have bought the EP from a sonic perspective —especially if the band-camp reviews are indicative of trends. I still maintain that this is the Mariya Takeuchi sample/remix work par excellence. Tanuki hits all the essential notes here, a genuine respect and love for the sound-staging of its original source, Yume No Tsuzuki. I still get echoes of the original arrangement in my system, (ever so slightly) with a bright and dance-infused collection of unique sounds — particularly in that delicious, wide mid-range — that flesh out the track into its own sort of masterpiece.
何がGoin' On — the curatorial and conspiratorial side of my brain tells me that Goin’ On will probably go down as one the under-appreciated vintage bangers of this era of future funk. I can envision hipsters two or three decades from now sussing out a neophyte with pretentious questions about this track’s pitch-shifted sample draws from. It has that sort of vibe that you know hits with a certain subset of electronica fans — rich & vibrant, making the tweeters on your system work out in all the best ways — it’s just great.
がんばれ — Tanuki is at his best when he gets playful with brass samples. I firmly believe that the titans in this genre each have their go-to piece in their best arrangement — like Dan Mason’s creative vocal array, or greyL’s manipulation of micro-samples. For Tanuki, it’s whenever her gets a horn — synthesized or otherwise, into his production workflow.
ファンクOFF — continues Tanuki’s magic act, taking another city pop track more iconic for its soulful electric guitar riff and turning it into the most slap-worthy single on this EP. I prefer it when Japanese pop samples are fundamentally re-imagined, although I can see how the perfectionist tweaking of someone like Yung Bae is more appealing for some. Tanuki is undoubtedly one of the innovators of this genre, and there’s no more solid evidence of that talent than this track.
腕の中でDancin’ — if I ended up hosting a sort of mythical vaporwave grammies or something like that, (I’m available, folks!) I would probably go off on a Ricky Gervais style rant on how artists aren’t in touch with “the people” (read: me) because all we really want are more remixes of Meiko Nakahara songs — who given her impact on City Pop should have way more play in this genre than she does. This one, like most of the Meiko mixes I’ve heard, is a banger with an absolute fire bass riff punctuated throughout.
Radiant Memories — this might be my first certified “hot take” in the publication (they’ll be many more, I imagine) — but as far as I’m concerned this is the superior Plastic Love edit. I’ll just leave my thoughts there, so they can soak in with a portion of the fanbase who split my reddit account on an open fire of downvotes for suggesting that other artists than Macross 82-99 (Praise be upon him!) are allowed to touch this song as well. While Macross’s mix is definitely the more up-temo of the two, and that for some is the very essence of the genre, this slightly down-mixed version is both the perfect conclusion for the EP and ideal antithesis.
Signal to Raise ratio on the following albums:
カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title:  ~61.9db (1 db MoE)
Tron Legacy, Daft Punk:  58.4db
Love Trip, Takako Mamiya, Kitty Records Press: 65.8db
(ratings based on averages 5 minutes of sustained play on the testing unit, the machine actually complied this data on its preset, which is another fascinating part about this sort of vintage press-testing tech). The margin of error is because the machine, according to my mentor Dr. Juuso Ottala formerly of Harman International, informs me it was never meant to give accurate readings of picture discs, and to add about a dB of error margin.
One of the benefits of growing up in New England and, subsequently, New York, is that there are no shortage of heritage professional audio brand HQs in operation around a 200 mile radius from Manhattan to Boston. Off the top of my head, there’s Harman/Kardon, Boston Acoustics, Bose, NuMark, Marantz, and Rane headquarters within an hour’s drive from my two hometowns. Early on in my audiophile quest, I got my hands on some cool vintage gear — vinyl lathe testing equipment that has collected dust in both an old Harman technician’s storage unit, and now my parent’s basement. Over the holiday, I recently brought it out to do some surface noise testing on it to get a rough confirmation of what I was explaining in yesterday’s hi-fi guide. The innards of the machine looks eerily like a plinth-less linear tonearm and plate pair attached to a monitor. After making sure I’m not violating some kind of Harman International trade secret, I’ll post it on instagram.
Wanting to also get a firm idea on just how good my ear-test sounded, I grabbed another picture disc vinyl I had received as a gift a few years ago from my brother — the Tron Legacy OST. While I found the film passably enjoyable, my own preconceptions about pic discs, and a general exhaustion with french house — left me with no discernible desire to spin the thing. I hadn’t even broken the seal on the plastic wrap, so it seemed like as good as a blind test as any. I also grabbed what my ears tell me is a “good”, “heavy” press, a 1982 original dead-stock copy of Takako Mamiya’s Love Trip LP pressed by Kitty Records Japan. I’ve played it maybe a half dozen times since I bought it, so it’s as close to “new” 80s audiophile pop record as you can get. The Japanese are infamously anal about low SNR on their vinyl.
And, well, the results speak for themselves. The sweet spot for most black vinyl records is between 60-70db depending on age, weight, and a host of other frankly uncontrollable factors that aren’t worth getting into detail here, as I’d go on forever. The main takeaway here is that Neoncity’s and Tanuki’s record sat at the low end of the audiophile vinyl reference spectrum. Which in itself is a remarkable achievement for a pic disc. It’s worth taking a look at Tron Legacy, which just barely scratches 8db above a cassette tape, and 7db a Japanese vinyl from 1982.
This is all in an effort to say: damn, this is pretty good.
This also somewhat counters the usual “picture discs sound like shit” narrative that’s prevailed pretty consistently in the audiophile community. Tron Legacy? Yeah, that probably sounds like shit if I could bother to suffer through a listen. But whoever Hong-Kong based Neoncity is using actually makes “good” — if such a qualifier needs to be attached — image-pressed records. And that devotion to audio fidelity should be rewarded.
It might be time for me to re-asses picture discs on the whole, and that mind-expanding moment is something I owe to the fine folks at Neoncity.
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buffalowingsfortwo · 2 years
4/30/22 11:24 am
ash to faith
i think what ill do is offer an update or two at a time, spaced apart, and let you decide if you care to hear more or not. i can say this is for your sake, and pretend that its not because i like to talk about myself or i just want you to know. we'll know the real reasons anyways. it doesnt matter. 
ill start with the dog situation, since thats what takes up close to all of the energy i can spit out these days. 
the story, as simply and smoothly as i can put it, goes: charlie moves back in with us and brings his dog, milo (part pomeranian, part demon). i get a job with an animal rescue, mostly just walking their dogs. i form an attachment to one of the dogs, and she forms an attachment to me. i commit to adopting her. we plan to adopt her immediately after the wedding in april (separate update, sorry) and easter celebrations. around the time this shouldve happened, my mom finds a doberman puppy chained up in the middle of nowhere (about 50th east and rancho vista. if youve been you know theres nothing there but dirt and a fence to chain a dog to). because of the way my family is, flash forward, i am "fostering" this puppy. that more or less brings us to today.
this dog that im adopting, daisy, is a miracle dog for more than one reason. a pit, lab, potentially shepherd mix, was dumped at a pound in south central at 6 weeks old with a bad case of distemper, where she was picked up by my boss, the rescue owner, who spent what im sure was an absurd amount of money saving her life. for this, and everything else he does for his animals, i am very grateful. anyways. daisys 3 years old now. as of a few months ago, she wouldnt go within 10 feet of anyone, only ever barked, howled, and bit at the air. ive never seen a dog more scared, and that includes the fully feral rottweiler puppies i rescued (honestly, cant remember right now if you were in the picture for that or not. sorry!). as of now, shes still scared of most people, but will let a good amount feed her or pet her for a few seconds. im another story. i dont mean to brag, but this dog and i were probably made to heal & appreciate each other. when she sees me, "shes a different dog," according to the rescue owners. the dog once so scared, is now addicted to climbing into my lap and performing every trick under the sun for me. shes very sweet, smart, brightens the hell out of my days, and will make a fantastic guard dog for me.
this other dog, no name, and then buddy, and then babybaby, and then pokey, is both destroying me and giving me life. vets estimate his age at somewhere between 4 and 6 months. im not sure if youve ever had a doberman puppy, but if not, im not sure i would recommend it. i imagine having a pet gremlin would be easier. anyways, hes very sweet. he shits everywhere, bit my mom once, is very stupid, ate one of my slides, likes to stand on the pool table, tries daily to slam through the sliding glass door, and makes me laugh endlessly. i love him more than anything. if youd like pictures id be very happy to share. for now, we're not sure if we're going to be his permanent home, or if we'll have to turn him in to a rescue, because paul believes that 5 dogs is too many to have in a house. we're working it out. i hope he can stay. hes making me enjoy life again, even with as much as he makes me cry.
"let's get a dog, an irish red setter, it's all we need to get better"
- moscow by autoheart
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Boombastic Song Lyrics – Shaggy
Boombastic Song Lyrics
Boombastic Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Shaggy from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Shaggy ” in Year 1995.
Lyrics of Boombastic :
mr lover mr lover mr lover uh uh well sugar heres another one and another daymove to this let me see you jump and twist pump your fist cause you know its hard to resist as long you know youre rollin with the love specialist feel the pow let me put the groove in your hipsthe night is young so lets go roll with the fun you got some gum check it out gimme some cause im about to play an old girl like a drum she shack attack poor soul settle downgirl what you gon do with all that body shake it up all night careful with that thing before you hurt somebody tell me what you like do it babylets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundgotta holla to my fellas who be hangin by the bathroom door waitin for the honeys dance in the dance floor push up and get the niggas yall ready for the score now whos the dog youre the one that sung hardcorecome on i gotta take this part to a new high keep it tight aint got no time no fight you wanna be a player better know to do it right kissin all the honeys under the disco lightgirl what you gon do with all that body shake it up all night careful with that thing before you hurt somebody tell me what you like let em knowlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dancetake you where theres all night action dancin to the beat with a passion mr lover partys happenin doin anything you imagineill take you where theres all night action dancin to the beat with a passion mr lover partys happenin doin anything you imaginelets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundso babybaby let me see you move your body on the dance hall floor gotta one just jigga shake it up gimme more jerk chicken on the grill so make the champagne pour girl dont be a drag i might show you the door whati like to see bodies take and shake dressed in lace uh and a perfect shape girls local and out of state i got a couple of them and im gettin ready to matecassandra lets shake shout shake your body down to the ground michelle lets shake shout shake your body down to the groundi want theresa to shake shout shake your body down to the ground lisa to shake shout shake your body down to the groundlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the groundlets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground lets dance lets shout shout shake your body down to the ground
Boombastic Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Boombastic, Edit, English, Hollywood, Shaggy from WordPress https://ift.tt/2TwGhuy via IFTTT
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