#she is so cute she is my everything she is kawaii desu
deadpan-devilman · 6 months
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mazojo · 2 years
Spring 2022 Anime Opinions
As always ranking the anime I watched this season based on my opinions don’t take it personally thx xoxo
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Honestly as I was writing this I completely forgot I had watched this till doing the tier list so thats that. Its not like offensive or anything but its not a very fun movie, I cant really remember anything about it ASDFGH It had cool visuals I think? Like the little mermaid but boring sorry ;w;
Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi
I dont… I dont know about the one peeps asdfghj it seems wrong what I am watching, like its trying to appease to some sort of loli thing and it makes me very uncomfortable. I dont like that they just hate on man for (???) reason and that it seems more like a bait than anything. Some cute character dynamics but not enough to save it for me.
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai
this show is SO boring ASDFGHJ I am so sorry if you like it but like,,,, I really wanted to like it but,,,,, its just sO slow nothing happens nothing goes on no character stands out the animation is average at best… It gives ‘go girl give us nothing’ energy. Its like Komi san but without its two likable characters so its just boring as I have nothing to look forward to.
Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. 2nd Season
speaking of komi san ASDFGHJ I tend to not speak about this show here because I dont want an influx of hardcore Stans coming to attack but komi san is just…. An average show imo :// I dont like when shows romanticize in a way social anxiety and introversion because its something I deal with and the way they uwu about it makes me :/// iffy. Also Yamai may be toeing the line of my most hated fictional character ever. Every time she comes on screen I audibly supreme a groan, I hate everything she says I hate how she sexualizes Komi I hate that her whole character trait is being the “psychotic lesbian” so straight white boys can make fun of on twitter, I hate it. To be fair I hate almost all the characters here, they are almost all cringey and just, not real people whatsoever. The only characters savable are Tadano, Najimi and Onemine, the rest are trash. I dont like this show I am sorry ;w;
Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
This show goes from being extremely boring to extremely mid, no in between asdfgh I like when Angelica and Olivia are being girlfriends and…. Thats about it. I think the princes are all boring, Leon has its moments here and there and its just very random lmao. I think the concept in itself has more potential than the actual delivery but hey I mean I am still watching it so thats that.
Dance Dance Danseur
AA PLEASE DONT HATE ME BECAUSE I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANTED TO LIKE AND LOVE THIS SHOW AND,,,,, I dont hate it, its just not for me ;w; I like the message but I am not gonna lie familia, I find Ballet extremely boring :( And this is no shade to anyone who enjoys it but I’ve never been a dancer myself so its just very hard for me to connect with whats happening. I guess its like someone who doesn’t like or enjoys art watched Blue period, they will most likely be bored half the time. And I don’t mean it in a way that you cant connect with something you haven’t experienced because I like learning about new things and stuff but asdfgh idk man most of the episodes are just kind of boring to me :( and the characters aren’t strong enough to keep me interested but I do think the message is cool so points for it ^^
Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san
This show is cute, in a boring way but still cute. Like,,,, nothing happens ASDFGHJ But I think the dynamic is adorable so I can forgive it. I normally like ships and dynamics that have a bit more banter and this one is pretty tame and easy but I mean its an alright watch, there are some good moments here and there.
Love all play
This show is like a rollercoaster because one week I think its amazing, poetic, a master piece, and then the next its cliche and nothing happens SKSKSKKS So I am not sure where to rank it. I think it started off not as my favorite and then I got to know the team and I thought their dynamic was really fun and then it died down again so I mean yeah, very okay-ish sports anime, nothing much more to say lol.
Gunjou no Fanfare
I dont know if I like or hate this show ASDFGHJ I have a love-hate thing with this because I don’t like horses so like whenever it dwells into horse territory (which is like, the main theme of the show) it kinda loses me but then some of the characters (shoutout to Hayato, Sakuraba and Aki truly the only ones ever) are interesting but then they go back to the uninteresting parts and idk ASDFG I do think the whole idol struggle with Yuu was nice and innovative but then by ep 7 it was lowkey resolved so like ?? Idk, watch it for Hayato I guess clink clink
Summertime Render
This show also goes up and down for me too lmaoo, because I went into it and I loved it, proceeded to read the manga in like a week and because of it my enjoyment greatly decreased ASDFGHJK I dont know how to delve into this without spoilers but the pacing of the show is,,,, weird. Weird in the sense that it leaves you kind of questioning things and tbh theres barely any character development to anyone. The animation is pretty tho and I really enjoy the eeriness to it but I think I went in with higher expectations than I should have rip
Kakkou no Iinazuke
This is a trainwreck, but I like train wrecks so I can cant somehow stop watching and I am flabbergasted each week more by it. As the good Latina I am, I’ve watched my fair share of telenovelas and this is the most telenovela esque trope ever but in anime format it makes it somehow 10 times more ridiculous. Tell me that the concept of being switched at birth only to be reunited years later by fate and THEN arranged a MARRIAGE (!!!!) by your parents with your switched person because they wanted to unite the families or something isn’t the most INSANE thing ever ASDFGHJ HOW DO YOU GET FROM POINT A TO B HELLO??? But hey I like mess so I mean I am all for it clink clink. The only thing I hate is the sister thing, I hope she is not a serious love interested because like I get she ain’t his biological sister but,,,,,,, my dudes she grew up as her SIBLING how do you go from that to crush like byE.
Tomodachi Game
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You know, I know that y’all like shitting on tomodachi game but its one of my favorite mangas so therefore I love it ASDFGHJ. The thing with tomodachi game (and I commented it in a previous note) is that an anime adaption is very difficult to do well because of the way its a snowball effect sort of story (idk how to explain it without getting into spoilers). JUST READ THE MANGA OKAY AND IF YOU WATCH IT DO IT FOR KEI THE MANGA IS SO GOOD. Be careful with the triggers tho, read them before watching or reading, it delves into some very dark topics.
Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de
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Koiseka is the ugliest romcom ever but I forgive it because its also the dumbest romcom ever SKKSKS I love enemies to lovers and secret dating so all the tropes are taken into account and I appreciate the flavor. I hate the animation but they are all so cute and its very dumb and the plot isn’t anything to really write home about but its cute so give it a go if you want a chill romance where you don’t have to think much other than the red power ranger likes villain.
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Heart
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Rikekoi is in a weird spot for me because there have been things I liked and disliked from this season but just because I love the concept of STEM people being completely awful at flirting it goes up skskks. People are liking this season more than the last but idk, I think I got to differ because I rEALLY liked season 1 ;w; not saying s2 is bad its just… The pacing seems a bit off and the plot seems to go around in circles at some points where it shouldn’t imo. Not enough Ibarada and Inukai either so //sad noises
Paripi Koumei
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This was supposed to be my gag show of the season but I gotta admit when I am wrong and this one really surprised me ngl. It’s like,,,,, crack,,,, but taken seriously,,,, but it somewhat works?? I think I would love it more if I was more into the music industry but it still slaps and the characters are very cute, I love Kabe, Eiko and Nanami and the latter two should kiss. Defo give it a watch ^^
Ao Ashi
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I am a weak bitch for sports anime and this wasn’t the exception and Ao Ashi did nOT disappoint everyone cheer. I don’t now if its because I actually understand football or what but I love this show, I am reading the manga and I am already like on chapter 140 lmaoo. The animation is great, the characters too, I enjoy the pacing and plot, although it seems a bit draggy at first its very good give it a go. Do it for Kuroda, Koi, Togashi and Otomo truly the only men ever.
Tiger & Bunny 2
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The following ones are all very ties to number one spot because they make me happy and are my comfort shows so I will ramble. Tiger and bunny is a show I discovered like, a month ago, and it consumed me completely asdfgh. I love superhero societies done well (not like ehemm other shows) and I think tiger and bunny nails it. The realism behind the struggles of actually building a hero corporation are shown and the characters on this show are SO good. There is not a single character from the main cast that is unlikeable imo and the way it follows each of their stories and struggles makes for interesting dynamics and storytellings. The ships are also top tier, we got no other choice but to Stan everyone go watch this and give Kotetsu some love he needs it.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic
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I don’t think I have much to say regarding love is war other than it slaps, it always had slapped and it will, as a matter of fact, continue to slap. The comedy on this show is AMAZINg and the dynamics are hilarious. The arc that is coming up is very good and yeah,,, I honestly don’t know why not many people talk about Love is War on Tumblr but its really good lol go consume good romance media.
Heroine Tarumono! Kiraware Heroine to Naisho no Oshigoto
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shoutout to like, the other 3 people who watch, enjoy and digest this show with me because I am ngl, its becoming a comfort show ASDFGHJK ITS SO GOOD OKAY I LIKE IDOL SHOWS YES. Is it technically better produced than love is war or had a more well built story than tiger and bunny? No, probably no, not really. Do I enjoy it and it makes me happy every single week I look forward to it? You bet it does! Herotaru is just a very idol show but I love the character dynamics and I love Hiyori my queen my everything and the silly little idol boys with their silly little enemies to lovers routine they are the entire circus and-….. I think its neat okay? Okay, now everyone reading this needs to go watch Herotaru, do it for Hiyori best girl.
Spy x Family
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omg can you say epIC proportions !!! I think everyone and their mothers has heard of spy x family at this point so I won’t ramble about how good it is but !!! So good !!! The storytelling is great and they’ve adapted the manga fantastically imo. I love Anya and the kids (Damian my soN) as well as the adult story line with Yor and Loid so yeah !!! Probs gonna be best anime of the year we got no choice but to ascend !
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internethorrorfan · 5 years
Creepypasta x Mary Sue Child Reader (revised version, originally posted on Deviantart  in 2017)
(this is a parody BTW)
 Based on a true story.
"Thank meou!" you said to your parents. You were an 3 month old neko baby kitten cub girl. Like all nekos you had the tail, claws, and fangs of a cat and had cat ears on the top of your head and had a cat form and had the senses of a cat and was smarter than the average human and is extremly kawaii desu. You're hot pink tail (as hot pink as your cat ears)was bushy, pinned up and curly at the tip and was the most softest, fluffiest, cutest, thing on the entire planet. You were wearing a Hello Kitty diaper with a hole cut into it for your tail, a little white dress with a silk purple ribbon around the waist that tied into a bow in your hair with a baby blue rose above it, and. You're parents had just given you you're 87th plate of cheesecake and waffles for the 3 month anniversary of your birth (you was 3 months old) and you was gurgling, purring, mewing, meouing and giggling at the top of your lungs at the sight and smell of the food. You was smiling at them showing you're fangs.You hugged your rainbow sparkled stuffed animal rainbow unicorn named Unicorny tight to your chest as you ate the food from your food bowl. Your tail was rapidly swishing back and forth and your cat ears were twitching in excitment at the food and you where jumping up and down at literally rapid fire speeds causing your high chair to bounce up and down rapidly too at the food. "May I PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE give my widdle stuffy wuffy some foodie foods two, Mommy-chan?" you said in literally the cutest voice any life form in any universe had and would ever use ever as you were grabbing the cheesecake and waffles in your claws and shoving them into your mouth. "No she's all full y/n." your mommy said."Okey dokey pokey mommy-chan!" you said. "That was yum yum yummy in my tum tum tummy mommy-Chan and daddy-chan!" you said finishing the food and grabbing Unicorny and turning into your cat form so you can jump into your father's arms with your stuffy without hurting yourself. Turning back into your neko form you said "Kay now Daddy-chan where's that twelfth bag of catnip you pwomised?" You're daddy gave a little baggy of catnip to you and scratched your ears causing you to gurgle, purr, mew, meou and giggle more louder than before and rub your head into his hand. ''Yep daddys little kitten." your daddy said, making you curl into a ball with your tail swishing side to side and hug your stuffy tighter while eating the catnip. My life is completely utterly absolutely positively 110 % perfect!, you you thought to yourself. Me mommy-chan and daddy-chan always give me exactly what I want, do exactly as I say, let me do whatever I want, feed me 100 square meals a day plus snacks, give me literally 24/7 attention over anything else and never get on to me or punish me even whan I break stuff or throw other babies out windows or cry uninterrupted for 5 weeks straight because they bought me the wrong My Little Pony plushie! Exactly like all good mommies and daddies should be! Mommy-chan and daddy-chan are the bestest peoples in the universe and I'm so glad they don't spoil me! I sure hope notting bad ever happens to me and my family! You fall asleep after you thought this so your parents put a pacifier in your mouth and placed you gently into your crib. When you waked up the next morning you went through your daily routine of waking up your parents by screaming at the top of your lungs for them to feed you but stopped when noticed you something. You wasn't in your crib. You were in a cardboard box in an alley. You find a note next to you. Being a neko, your eyesight was far better, allowing you to make note of everything and read the note perfectly despite being a 3 months old baby kitten cub. The note said: "We can't take care of you anymore so we gave you a box to stay in and left you with all the essential things to survive." the note said. You looked around your box. The note was right, your mommy and daddy HAD given all the essentials of living to you: stuffed animals, toys, princess dresses, Sippy cups, your rattle, etc. You hold your stuffy Unicorny close to you and played with your rattle for 8 weeks until you realized you're parents wernt coming back. You cried and screamed. You made a boom boom in your diapie. You cried and screamed louderer. It started storming and rain came and made you and your stuff all wet and also started drowning you. You cried and screamed loudererer. Hailstones fell and started hitting you giving you many boo boos you could feel the boo boos hurting and you tried holding in the pain but failed. You cried and screamed louderererer. Lightning started striking you and setting you on fire giving you even more boo boos. You cried and screamed so loud that astronauts in outer space could hear you yet still so no one helped you. You were left crying and screaming in your box with no food, water or air for 6 months until two peoples found your box and threw it (and you) into a bag. The two peoples couldn't resist going "aww" when they saw you for the first time due to how cute and perfect you is. Carrying the bag (with you still in it) to a place the two peoples through you HARD on a metal table (givng you yet another boo boo) and then give you many shots making you cry from all the boo boos and then pass out. You waked up in a white room and the peoples explained they were scientists and they had injected you with 8 trillion different kinds of chemicals and you were now a creepypasta. They also told you your new powers. You could warp reality, teleport, shoot lasers from your eyes, read minds, turn invisible, you had 70, 109 hot pink retractable indestructible tentacles that where super strong and could cut threw literally anything in the universe, you had a chimera form, you were super strong, you were faster than an airplane, you were super smart, you had extremely kawaii desu yet also terrifying bat wings protruding from your back (but you couldn't fly yet) , your neko powers was increased 50, 000000000 fold, and you was 10,  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 trillion times cuter than before yet also scary. They also gave you a mirror. You saw yourself. You gasp. Your naturally blue hair is done up in pigtails (as always) but now had pink, red, white, green, yellow, purple, orange, and black streaks. Your previously beautiful shimmering purple eyes has changed color: they were now blood red and bleeding blood but they still shimmered beautifully. You noticed you could now walk and stand and din't you have to crawl anymore despite being baby. You immediantly turns into your new chimera form and ran around knocking many things down with your snake tail until you knocked into a table, fell down, landed on your but and got your seven millionth boo boo in the past 6 months. Turning back into your neko form you started to cry your booty hurt and your knew was scraped with blood comeing out. "But I'm bored and and I want my wattle and my sippie cup and my bottle and my stuffies and my paci and my yawn balls and my chew toys and i’m hungwy and thirsty and i want see my mommy-Chan and Daddy-chan and I no wanna be a cweepypasta and there's doo doo in my diapie and I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many boo boos!" you said in your adorably perfect cute kawaii desu little voice. Immediately one of the scientist peoples grabbed you so hard by the tail you thought he was gonna tear it out and swung you like a lasso over his head and threw you headfirst into a metal door causing you to more cry. He then picked you back up by yir tail and repeated this process 239 more times until you stopped crying. "I don't care what you want your a creepypasta now and you do what we say now. You're name is y/n no longer your new name is Kitten Child Cutie Pie Kawaii Chan the Killer you are the only one who can defeat Zalgo.'' the scientist people said. [TIMSEKIP] It's your second birthday and has been at the place for 18 months. You was cutely wearing a cute hot pink unicorn onesie with holes cut into it for your cute bat wings, a cute sparkled Hello Kitty beanie with holes cut into it for your cute cat ears, a cute bedazzled silver princess tiara, a cute baby blue hairpin in your hair with an Operator symbol on it, a cute hot pink tutu, a cute purple diapie with a hole cut into it for your cute tail and and were cutely cuddling your cute stuffy Unicorny. These objects were the only things that remained from your box. The day you first arrived at the place the scientist peoples took every single other one of your possessions and set them on fire with a flamethrower before setting you on fire and beating you with the flamethrower. The peoples at the place were such meanie weanies to you. Every day since they found you did almost nothing but sleep, train to use your powers so you can defeat Zalgo, get experimented on and get the beatings. Every single day they would use all kinds of torture methods on you. Their ways of torturing you included giving you the beatings for 15-22 hours a day, tying both your hands and feet together and then throwing you in a washing machine at high speed, filling your diapie with broken glass and rusty nails without even changing it first, disintergrating your body with acid, cutting your eyes, arms and legs off and forcing you to eat them before they regenerated, setting you on fire and then throwing you into a shark tank, making you sleep on a bed of nails covered in fire ants suspended above a pit of venomous snakes, covering you in BBQ sauce and letting the guard dogs use you as a chew toy before breaking your limbs and shoving you headfirst into a meatgrinder, pouring a mixture of boiling water and gasoline directly into your eyes and making you eat green beans. When you weren't getting the beatings or being tortured you were training to uses your powers and be a more better fighter. Because of you're training and since you had aged, your chimera form grew into something more much more edgy and scary despite you still being an perfectly flawless, amazing, kind, nice, 2 year old adorable little ball of fluffy cuteness. In all of your forms (kitten, chimera and neko) you were completely and utterly indestructible and incapable of being harmed in absolutely any way shape or form whatsoever. As a younger baby kitten cub, your small teeth could only bite so much, mostly only being able to dig into and tear your opponents throats out without effort. Now every single tooth was sharp as swords and could instantly tear off entire limbs with one bite and also bite threw solid steel. Your claws as a younger baby kitten cub could do enough damage to make jagged lines across flesh, ripping any and all tissue or muscle in the way, but now your claws in both your cat, neko and chimera forms were strong enough to cut through time itself. Your meou as a younger baby kitten cub was extremely weak, only being able to make people's ears bleed if you wanted it to. Now you could make trillions of people's heads explode at once if you wanted it to. The fangs on your snake head had venom before and still constantly dripped the lethal chemical when you was in that form, but know the venom could instantly melt people into thin air with just one drop. Your goat head's horns were razor sharp, completely indestructible and had a lot of scratches from deflecting chainsaws, laser beams, swords, rocket launchers, baseball bats, nuclear missiles and any other weapon the scientist peoples could even try to hurt you with. All heads in your chimera form (lion, snake and goat) could breathe fire and you breath fire in your neko and kitten forms as well. Your cat ears could pick up even the slightest movement before, but now you could tune your ears so well you could hear the heartbeat of flies on the opposite side of the world. You eyesight was far more better than a normal human before, allowing you to take note of literally absolutely positiv;y every single tiny little thing around you but now it was so good you could make out the individual molecules of dust particles on other planets in other solar systems in other universes if you so desired. You could instantly regenerate from any wound and your regenerative powers was so great you could regenerate even if someone went back in time and erased you from existence.   You were 19 trillion times faster than the speed of light, but the peoples only trained you for strength. That was literally the one only thing in the history of existence that didn't come naturally for you, but even then you completely excelled at it. Your senses and powers only further developed and increased even further with each passing nanosecond. Due to being able to make people's heads explode you're catchphrase is "I made a boom boom!" because all creepypastas need catchphrases. You weren't even out of diapers yet and already you were the most powerful being in the entire universe, 8,00000000000000000000000 times more powerful than Zalgo, Slenderman and every other creepypasta on Earth combined. According to the scientist peoples calculations, you'd be able to juggle planets with one finger and destroy entire universes with a sneeze at age 16! You only had an hour of playtime a day and since you only had 1 stuffy and no toys, rattles, bottles, sippy cups, catnip, etc. you weren't happy then very much either but were . The peoples only gave you a laptop to play with. On your laptop you mainly watched anime and listened to music while researching your fellow creepypastas. Today you were going onto the best and most reliable source of creepypasta information: Wattpad. You were listening to your favorite song as you read the extremely accurate and well written stories Wattpad had to offer. "Cwawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal!" you sang along as you browse the site. Suddenly the lead scientist people burst into the room and gave you his usual greeting: 945 roundhouse kicks to the face and 857 dropkicks to the stomach. Before you even had time to cry he grabbed your laptop and smashed it over you head until it breaked into a million billion zillion pieces. Then you cryed. The scientist people said "Kitten Child Cutie Pie Kawaii Chan the Killer I came two say that since it's your birthday we should gift you by using every single torture method at our disposal. You aren't getting any food today and no I don't care that you haven't had a single bite to eat in 6 months. Also you're getting the beatings right now before the experiments and training sessions. Also you have no play time anymore so I destroyed your computer. Stop crying you little brat this is all so you can defeat Zalgo." You and looked more at him very sadder and said "But it's Halloween! Which is also my birthday! I just tuwned two! You should be giving me cheesecake and waffles and pwesents and candy! YOUR A BIG DUM DUM MEANIE POO POO HEAD!" "WATCH YOUR FUCKING LANGUANGE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" the scientist people said before grabbed you by the bat wings and threw you headfirst into the solid steel door of your room 700000 times until you passed out. When you waked up the boo boos on your head caused you to cry and that was before you got the beatings. The scientist peoples took turns beating you with sledgehammers and crowbars for 7 hours then threw you hard onto the metal table and gave you 150000 shots before throwing you in the torture room. There they removed your onesie and attached electrodes to your tongue, eyes, cat ears, human ears, nipples, fingers, toes, tail, fangs, claws, eyelashes, wings and all 70, 109 of your tentacles and shocked you at an extremely high volume of electricity for 9 hours straight before trying literally every single torture method they've ever used on you and then they put your onesie back on you and threw you hard into the training room where you had to fight 100,000 highly trained ninjas carrying laser guns. You effortlessly defeated them with your powers in 5 seconds, 4 seconds longer than your usual training session. Because of this they attached you to to a machine that spanked you at supersonic speeds while punching you in the face at supersonic speeds, harshly pulling your extremely sensitive tail and cat ears and shocking you 1,000 times harder than the electrodes did at the same time for 7 hourss before beating you again and grabbing you roughly by the cat ears and threw you back into your room. You cuddled Unicorny to your chest tighter than anyone had ever cuddled a stuffy before and tried to cry but you cried so much during yur time at the place that you had completely ran out of all water in your body and were now crying black blood tears instead. "It's my biwthday Unicorny and they were so mean to me! They bwoke my laptop and made go hungwy again and beat me and shocked me and water -boawded me and set me on fire and thwew me in the shawk tank and made me dwink hot lava and even worse, they gave me no pwesents and cake for my biwthday or candy for Halloween! Instead I got boo boos and hurties and owie wowies! I feel like one giant boo boo Unicorny! WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP INSIIIIIIIIIIDE!" you said to your cute little stuffy before falling asleep. Suddenly you woke up and heard a voice in you head (btw you had been driven completely and totally insane and now heard voices in your head. You were still sweet and cute though.) Just use your creepypasta powers to escape the place and defeat Zalgo, shorty. said the voice. This thought had never ever once crossed your mind once during the 18 months you had been at the place and tortured you. You hug Unicorny tight to you as you used your laser vision to melt through the door of your room and escape into the hallway and killed all 900 armed gards with your tentacles in 5 nanoseconds before turn into your chimera form. "I MADE A BOOM BOOM!" you said before started ramming people to death with your goat head before biting them with your snake head and poising them causing them all to melt. You tearing people apart with your claws, tentacles and lion head fangs while firing laser beams in your eyes from all directions and breathing fire from all 3 heads and exploding people's heads with your meou all at once. After brutally murdering every single one of the scientist peoples in a very edgy yet kawaii desu way and eating their corpses you drew Operator symbols, kittens, little knives, puppies, pentagrams, flowers, 666 symbols and smiley faces on the wall in the scientist's blood. Despite you being a 2 year old doodling on walls with human blood your art skills far surpassed the likes of Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh in it's beauty and excellency. Anyway you teleported to Zalgo's dimension and killed him in 1 nanosecond in your kitten form with no powers and both hands tied behind your back then went back to the place. After that you left the place and go in the woods and started playing with Unicorny until you saw a tall faceless man standing in front of you. He went "Aww" upon seeing you. He had a nice smell, you instantly loved everything about him with absolutely positively every single tiny little fiber of your being and completly forgot about your real parents as you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him as your father figure. You imediantly grabbed Unicorny and ran up to Slenderman. "Is it really you, Slender-Chan?" she said. "Yes." he said. "Is it twue that you're a kind cawing nuwturing father figure, Masky-Chan's a bwown haired blue eyed shy cheesecake obsessed teenage pwoxy, Hoodie-Chan's a stuttering shy pwoxy who's madly in love of Masky-chan, Ticci Toby-Chan's extwemly hyper and can't talk about anything besides waffles, Ben-Chan's a pewverted video game obsessed stoner whose last name Dwowned and who's madly in love with Jeff the Killer-Chan, Smile Dog-Chan's an adorable wittle puppy that Jeffy-chan keeps as a pet, Sally-Chan's a compwetely flawless shining pawagon of humanity who's instantly wuved by evewyone she comes acwoss and always get's what she wants no matter what just like me, Laughing Jack-Chan's a wovable candy obsessed dope who wuves kids and that all the cweepypastas live in a big beautiful mansion as a big happy loving family who constantly take wandom people to live in the mansion and be part of the family?" she said. "Yes it is and could you tell me more about yourself, child?" he said. "My name is y/n but my cweepypasta name is Kitten Child Cutie Pie Kawaii Chan the Killer. This is my stuffy Unicorny. I'm a 2 year old neko who was given powers too defeet Zalgo, which I dwid. My likes are stuffies, wattles, puppies, kitties, ponies, chew toys, bottles, dollies, cheesecake, waffles, cawtoons, candy, tea pawties, fishies, being held, yarn balls, soft petting of my tail and cat ears, cuddles, warm hugs, positivity, killing innocent people and eating their corpses, unicorns, cwean diapies and cute things. My dislikes are meanie weanies, not getting what I want, other people getting more attention than me, veggie weggies, dirty diapies, and cweepy things. My theme song is How Could This Happen to Me? by Simple Plan. My stats are stwength: 10/10, speed: 10/10, intwelligence: 10/10, cuteness: OVER 9000 out of 10! LULZ RANDOM XD! I'm gonna call you papa-chan, Slender-Chan.  I'm a mur-dle-ler.. murder. Murdererer. Uh, I'm a killer papa-chan! So you should take me to the mansion and make me part of the creepypasta family, especially since I'm your daughter now! Also my hair-pin is your mark! Therefore I are now your child!" you said pointing to your hairpin. You then said "Oh and my cathphwase is "I MADE A BOOM BOOM!" because I can make people's heads expwode with my meou! I also say it when my diapie need to be changed! Now can you pwease take me to the mansion and make me part of the family papa-chan?"   Slenderman, in tears, picks you up and held you in front of his faceless face. "Kitten Child, you are the literally the single absolute most greatest thing I've ever seen in my several thousand years of life. Nothing has or will ever surpass your greatness. Im glad you're my daughter now. Not only will I make you part of the creepypasta family, but I'll make you the new leader of the creepypastas  and the top priority over any single other thing in my life." he said. You gasp. "Does that mean you'll have tea parties with me and give me cute onesies to wear and sing me wullabies and give me bathy wathies and watch Naruto: Shippedun with me  and give me huggles and kissies and bwow waspberries on my tummy tums and obey my every single whim or command without question, papa-chan?" you said. "Of Course Kitten child." he said. This insttally caused you to gurgle, purr, mew, meou and giggle loudly in a way that was very cute and adorable but also extremly demonic and scary at the same time. "Yep. Your the cutest killer ever." Slenderman said before teleporting to the mansion with you. Inside the mansion Splendorman, Trenderman, Sexual Offenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Ticci Toby, Clockwork, Sally, Ben Drowned, Smile Dog, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Lost Silver, Glitchy Red, Sonic. exe, Tails Doll, Bloody Painter, Jason the Toymaker, Homicidal Liu, Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, the other Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jana the Killer, Charlie the Killer, Cleo the Killer, Jessica the Killer,  Jessie the Killer, Jess the Killer, Cassie the killer, Camille the Killer, Jenn the Killer, Jenny the Killer, White the Killer, Kyle the Killer, John the Killer, Jenna the Killer, Ray the Killer, Poopsy the Killer, Ashley the Killer, the Puppeteer and Jaimy the Killer were all standing there waiting for Slenderman. "Waffles waffles waffles." said Ticci Toby. "Cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake." said Masky. "Kidneys kidneys kidneys." said Eyeless Jack. "Video games video games video games." said Ben Drowned. "Candy candy candy." said Laughing Jack. "Cutesy cutesy cute cute cute!" said Sally. 
Then Slenderman teleports into room with you in his arms. All the creepypastas went aww when they see you and instantly loved you because of how amazing and adorable you are and were happy you were part of the creepypasta family. "Hi everyone this is Kitten Child Cutie Pie Kawaii Chan the killer. She is a 2 year old neko. She is also the new leader of the creepypasta family and is the most dangerous killer on earth." Slenderman said. "You mean this sweet, little, tiny, cute, adorable, perfect, flawless, amazing, astounding, wonderful, kawaii desu little baby neko kitten cub is more dangerous than every other creepypasta in the universe?" Cleo the Killer said. "Yes she killed Zalgo." Slenderman said. "Wow." the creepypastas said. "Welcome to the family, Kitten Child. Do you have anything to say, Kitten Child." Slenderman said. "Thank meou!" you said. 
(Oh by the way this is what you looks like at the end):
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kitterinks · 6 years
The Floral Sims Challenge!!
The Sims 4 Floral Challenge!
RULES: ~ Lifespan on Normal mode ~ Each generation must represent their corresponding color, e.g, gen 1 must have white clothes, hair, makeup etc, but not over-the-top one color, (eg, if the gen is green if the top is green pants do not have to be.) ~ Each generation has multiple tasks to complete, if you do not complete them you have failed the challenge. ~ Heirs to the challenge MUST start their tasks at childhood unless unable to or generation rules say otherwise. ~ Spouses or children of the current generation DO NOT have to represent the generations colors, but can if you want. ~ Cheats are not allowed to be used unless it is cheats for build/buy mode (bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects etc.) ~ Most importantly HAVE FUN!
Generation 1 ~ Daisy (White)
You are exactly like a daisy, you never really fit in. You are never really considered 'part of the group.' You see everyone as 'perfect' and don't like it, so you exercise a lot to make you 'skinnier' and 'prettier' like the others, so you can make friends easier! You have a wild imagination that everyone is like a flower, each unique and perfect. You think you are the ugliest flower, though, making you feel depressed.
Traits- Creative, Active, Gloomy Aspiration- Friend of the World. Career- Entertainer
Rules: ~ Have children at adulthood, be a terrible mother. ~ Get married at elder. ~ Complete Entertainer career and Friend of the World aspiration. ~ Master Fitness and Comedy skills.
Generation 2 ~ Rose (Red) As a child, everything was perfect, so you are quite a snobby adult, which lead you to your critic career. You are so good at your job and love it dearly so you never really have time for romance, though you really want it. You never seem to be able to keep a boyfriend because you never seem to 'have time for them.' Your mother never had time for you as a child, and that got you very, VERY mad... I guess that stuck with you.
Traits- Romantic, Snob, Hot-headed Aspiration- Serial Romantic Career- Critic
Rules: ~ Have a child with second boyfriend/husband ~ Divorce/Break up with that sim ~ Complete Serial Romantic aspiration and Critic career. ~ Master Charisma Skill ~ At adulthood, cheat on one boyfriend with a young adult or elder. ~ Remarry the father of your child once the career is mastered.
------------------------------------------------ Generation 3 ~ Lavender (Purple) While your grandmother and mother were busy trying to meet new people an make everything perfect, you always had your nose in a book, mostly parenting books, dreaming of having or even being the perfect mother! You read a lot of books, well above the normal child-reading-age, so you are quite smart, you always paid attention in class and though people thought of you as 'boring', 'quiet', or 'smart', behind everyone's backs you loved DANCING! Because of the strange family you had, and all of the books you read, you had a lot of inspiration to write. Your main goal in life is to be a famous dancer or writer, while still managing to be the greatest mother on planet earth!
Traits- Genius, Bookworm, Dance Machine Aspiration- Super Parent Career- Writer
Rules: ~ Get married at adulthood and have 2 children (preferably twins, cheats can be used for this) at young adult ~ Write 10 books, each about a strange moment in your sims (or sims family's) life ~ Have full friendship with both children and husband. ~ Master Parenting, Writing, Logic and Dancing Skill ~ Complete Writer career and Super Parent aspiration. ~ Live in an apartment
------------------------------------------------ Generation 4 ~ Bluebell (Blue) As a child, you were always taught to appreciate family because you only have one. But as a child, you were also always taught that everything was to be perfect... your grandmother taught you this behind your mothers back. You were great friends with your grandmother, until one day you had a conversation with your mother about perfection. Your mother always told you to follow your dreams and to not care about other peoples opinions on you or your dreams, talents or beliefs. You promised your mother that you would try your hardest in everything you do.
Traits- Perfectionist, Family-Oriented, Music Lover Aspiration- Musical Genius Career- Babysitter, Entertainer (Musical Branch)
Rules: ~ Stay living in your family's apartment with your sibling and/or parents ~ Be good friends with your grandmother ~ Talk to your mother about your grandmother (at teenage) and begin to dislike her. ~ Don't get married but adopt a toddler (next heir) at almost adult. ~ Complete the Entertainer (Musician Branch) career and Musical Genius aspiration. ~ Master the Singing, Guitar, Piano, and Violin skills.
------------------------------------------------ Generation 5 ~ Buttercup (Yellow) You knew you were adopted as a child because you looked different to everyone else. You never felt the same as anyone either, you didn't fit in, but you never let that stop you! You always had the biggest inspiration from your grandmother, everything you did she was your biggest fan of! You were a creative child, and your grandmother always supported you when you wanted to be an artist. When you began playing the piano thanks to your mother, your grandmother would always sit, listen, and hum the songs next to you. When you decided to be a chef or baker, your grandmother always taught you her tips, tricks, and her secret recipes. She was always the first person to taste your food and would never not love them! You are very indecisive, but in everything you do your grandma supported you, she made you very ambitious.
Traits- Clumsy, Ambitious, Foodie Aspiration- Master Chef Career- Store Helper, Fast food employee, Painter, Chef
Rules: ~ Must be Best Friends with your grandma and a boy you meet at school. ~ At childhood, master creativity skill by drawing and playing piano and get at least halfway in piano skill. ~ Complete Master Chef aspiration and Culinary Career (Chef Branch). ~ Must get to at least level 5 in piano skill and painting skill and master the cooking, gourmet cooking, and baking skill ~ At teenage must have a high school romance with your best friend from childhood ~ Marry high-school sweetheart ~ Have 2 genetical children (one will be next heir) and adopt 1 toddler when genetical kids are children.
------------------------------------------------ Generation 6 ~ Chrysanthemum (Green) You are a strange and quirky person, people often judge you but you don't care. You are obsessed with the outdoors, you love all bugs, animals and can't stand to see one die. Your garden is quite huge, and your crops sell for lots of money, so you don't need to work! You sometimes get a little bit jealous when you see people with huge houses and lots of money, but at the end of the day, you love the outdoors! So it all pays off! You rarely come across people you like who are not a part of your family, so you hardly have any friends. All of your friends from school now think of you as 'weird' or 'strange' but as your mother and grandparents used to say "NOBODY’S PERFECT!"
Traits- Vegetarian, Jealous, Loves Outdoors Aspiration- Freelance Botanist Career- Doctor, (Work From Home) Gardener
Rules: ~ Have friends from school, but disband from them over the years and do not make any new friends. ~ Complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration ~ Master the Gardening, Handiness and Herbology Skills ~ Get married at elder. ~ Have 1 child at adult ~ Quit your job as a doctor when your garden starts making over 1,000 simoleons.
------------------------------------------------ Generation 7 ~ Cherry Blossom (Pink) In this generation, you are a weeaboo. If you don't know what that is, then here. A person who retains an unhealthy obsession with Japan and Japanese culture, typically ignoring or even shunning their own racial and cultural identity. Many weeaboos talk in butchered Japanese with the 8 or so words they know (i.e. kawaii, desu, ni chan).  *THANKS TO THE URBANDICTIONARY.COM * You love everything cute (kawaii), pink (pinku) and, well... everything! From Animals to Candy, you love a heck of a lot of stuff! People call you strange because of your weird obsession with everything, but who cares? It's CUTE! People are often mocking you for your love of the Japanese culture, and you're always quick coming up with a comeback! Some might even say you're a little mean... As well as you being obsessed with Japan, you are an animal lover! Your dream is to start your own vet clinic! You aren't interested in romance, as you think it might slow down your pathway to success! When your not busy, your writing fan fiction for Attack on Titan, Totoro, etc. And you love decorating cakes! They look so cute after!
Traits: Cat lover, Unflirty, Mean Aspiration: Friend of the Animals Career: Retail Employee (Teen Job), (Own a business) Vet Clinic.
Rules: ~ Every Sunday have an 'anime marathon' (Watch a movie or watch T.V) Or Manga marathon (Read) ~ Master the Writing, Veterinarian and Baking skills ~ Complete the Friend of The Animals aspiration and when completed write books about 'My Animal Journey' ~ Get married at Adult (or not at all, free choice) to a school friend. ~ Have 1 child.
------------------------------------------------ Generation 8 ~ Marigold (Orange) FINAL GENERATION! You've had a perfect life, you were taught to be perfect, but not. You were taught to follow your dreams and not to let anyone interfere, but you were also taught that family is the most important thing! Everyone in your family was so... good! You had to make a change! You used to play astronauts with your friends when you were little, so... why not be a REAL astronaut?! Its always been your dream to go to Sixam! You are quite a lazy person. You can be active and productive when you like, and other times... you can't be bothered! You are a goofball, not an ideal trait for someone who is in such a serious career, but, you were always told 'NOBODY"S PERFECT!' and 'BE WHO YOU ARE!' so why not?! You dislike children, even though your whole life you were taught that family is the most important thing! Your goofball side often leads you to play mischevious pranks on friends, family and even strangers!
Traits- Lazy, Goofball, Hates Children Aspiration- Cheif of Mischief Career- Astronaut
Rules: ~ Must be mischevious whole life (i.e being a silly toddler, rambunctious scamp child and goofball teen-elder) ~ Must build a rocket ship and go to Sixam before Elder ~ Must complete Cheif of Mischief aspiration and Astronaut career. ~ Must get married but have no kids ~ Must complete Mischief, Rocket Science and Logic skills.
AAAAND you're done! I hope you play this challenge if you do please enjoy! Tag me in posts on Tumblr if you do play it! Have fun, Lovelies!!! <33
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ash-etherwood · 6 years
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owo what's this? aggressive japanese school girls without morals.
I'm rereading the last 9 chapters of CR4 recently (an edgy gritty magical girl story im writing with @lets-face-it-im-cute because we're just like that sometimes) and I felt like drawing the main characters again after some time. (--:
The whole story, designs and even the writing has uhhh kind of an anime aesthetic (hence the unusual hair and eye colours) buuuut I wanted to draw them in my '''realistic''' style anyway and practising asian faces is always good ahhh. 8D I love their tacky ass school uniforms so much and I'm so proud of myself.
Shizuno is the main character and her magical girl alias is Chrome. She is the most depressed teen on earth and loves crying in her bed and eating instant food. She also has albinism and her legs look like cheese sticks. I love her because she absolutely HATES being the main character and just wants to get a fucking break but literally her entire team is trying to get her killed and shit and it's so tiring. :-/// She's a demi lesbian btw and belongs to both Maus and me.
Misoka, also known as Platinum, is an absolute BITCH and loves murder and tea ceremonies. Literally everything she says is a threat and she's ready to fucking go 24/7. Things she hates: everything, especially men. She is kind of evil but also has a very tragic past (everyone in this story has one tbh). She's a sex repulsed ace lesbian and belongs to me.
Chiyuri, alias Iron, is uuuuuh straight up a yandere tbh. Cute and flirty on the outside but also ready to kill at all times. She has big hair and big tiddies and is the most popular girl in school. Also borderline evil but pretty much the most cheerful one in the group, at least she TRIES to hold them all together (forcefully). She's very bi and belongs to Maus!
Riko, alias Titanium, looks ridiculous af in her kawaii desu school uniform because she is a big buff butch lesbian BUT IT WAS VERY FUN DRAWING HER. She's the lead singer of a metal band that's having its fifteen minutes of fame in the mainstream right now and everyone is a fan of her. She's charming, flirty, handsome, has a moderately pointy chin and many other bishounen qualities. She is mine.
Yoshino, also known as Spelter, is .... the true star of the story tbh. She's AMAZING. She's a zero chill journalist who basically just does it all for the drama and nothing more. Her glasses probably do a KACHING and glow white when something interesting is happening. She's a bigass nerd and also part time hacker and basically just shits on other people's feelings and she digs up all the lore for you. She's aroace and belongs to Maus and I love her for creating this wonderful asshole.
Kioko is ....... just a side character tbh but she pops up a lot in the early chapters and also becomes more important later annnnd I wanted an even number of characters for this ref. 8DDDD She's a cute, bubbly, moderately popular girl who is friends with Chiyuri and her absolute biggest dream is to become Shizuno's friend!!!! She wants to see that depressed bitch thrive goddamit!!! And kinda has a crush on her!!! But all she does is annoy her to bits haha very sad.
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hopleyblush-blog · 6 years
The Floral Challenge
Generation 1 ~ Daisy (White)
You are exactly like a daisy, you never really fit in. You are never really considered ‘part of the group.’
You see everyone as 'perfect’ and don’t like it, so you exercise a lot to make you 'skinnier’ and 'prettier’ like the others, so you can make friends easier!
You have a wild imagination that everyone is like a flower, each unique and perfect. You think you are the ugliest flower, though, making you feel depressed.
Traits- Creative, Active, Gloomy
Aspiration- Friend of the World.
Career- Entertainer
~ Have children at adulthood, be a terrible mother.
~ Get married as elder.
~ Complete Entertainer career and Friend of the World aspiration.
~ Master Fitness and Comedy skills.
Generation 2 ~ Rose (Red)
As a child, everything was perfect, so you are quite a snobby adult, which lead you to your critic career.
You are so good at your job and love it dearly so you never really have time for romance, though you really want it.
You never seem to be able to keep a boyfriend because you never seem to 'have time for them.’
Your mother never had time for you as a child, and that got you very, VERY mad… I guess that stuck with you.
Traits- Romantic, Snob, Hot-headed
Aspiration- Serial Romantic
Career- Critic
~ Have a child with second boyfriend/husband
~ Divorce/Break up with that sim
~ Complete Serial Romantic aspiration and Critic career.
~ Master Charisma Skill
~ At adulthood, cheat on one boyfriend with a young adult or elder.
~ Remarry the father of your child once the career is mastered.
Generation 3 ~ Lavender (Purple)
While your grandmother and mother were busy trying to meet new people an make everything perfect, you
always had your nose in a book, mostly parenting books, dreaming of having or even being the perfect mother!
You read a lot of books, well above the normal child-reading-age, so you are quite smart, you always paid attention in class
and though people thought of you as 'boring’, 'quiet’, or 'smart’, behind everyone’s backs you loved DANCING!
Because of the strange family you had, and all of the books you read, you had a lot of inspiration to write.
Your main goal in life is to be a famous dancer or writer, while still managing to be the greatest mother on planet earth!
Traits- Genius, Bookworm, Dance Machine
Aspiration- Super Parent
Career- Writer
~ Get married at adulthood and have 2 children (preferably twins, cheats can be used for this) at young adult
~ Write 10 books, each about a strange moment in your sims (or sims family’s) life
~ Have full friendship with both children and husband.
~ Master Parenting, Writing, Logic and Dancing Skill
~ Complete Writer career and Super Parent aspiration.
~ Live in an apartment
Generation 4 ~ Bluebell (Blue)
As a child, you were always taught to appreciate family because you only have one.
But as a child, you were also always taught that everything was to be perfect… your grandmother taught you this behind your mothers back.
You were great friends with your grandmother, until one day you had a conversation with your mother about perfection.
Your mother always told you to follow your dreams and to not care about other peoples opinions on you or your dreams, talents or beliefs.
You promised your mother that you would try your hardest in everything you do.
Traits- Perfectionist, Family-Oriented, Music Lover
Aspiration- Musical Genius
Career- Babysitter, Entertainer (Musical Branch)
~ Stay living in your family’s apartment with your sibling and/or parents
~ Be good friends with your grandmother
~ Talk to your mother about your grandmother (at teenage) and begin to dislike her.
~ Don’t get married but adopt a toddler (next heir) at almost adult.
~ Complete the Entertainer (Musician Branch) career and Musical Genius aspiration.
~ Master the Singing, Guitar, Piano, and Violin skills.
Generation 5 ~ Buttercup (Yellow)
You knew you were adopted as a child because you looked different to everyone else.
You never felt the same as anyone either, you didn’t fit in, but you never let that stop you!
You always had the biggest inspiration from your grandmother, everything you did she was your biggest fan of!
You were a creative child, and your grandmother always supported you when you wanted to be an artist. When you began playing the piano
thanks to your mother, your grandmother would always sit, listen, and hum the songs next to you. When you decided to be a chef
or baker, your grandmother always taught you her tips, tricks, and her secret recipes. She was always the first person to taste your food
and would never not love them! You are very indecisive, but in everything you do your grandma supported you, she made you very ambitious.
Traits- Clumsy, Ambitious, Foodie
Aspiration- Master Chef
Career- Store Helper, Fast food employee, Painter, Chef
~ Must be Best Friends with your grandma and a boy you meet at school.
~ At childhood, master creativity skill by drawing and playing piano and get at least halfway in piano skill.
~ Complete Master Chef aspiration and Culinary Career (Chef Branch).
~ Must get to at least level 5 in piano skill and painting skill and master the cooking, gourmet cooking, and baking skill
~ At teenage must have a high school romance with your best friend from childhood
~ Marry high-school sweetheart
~ Have 2 genetical children (one will be next heir) and adopt 1 toddler when genetical kids are children.
Generation 6 ~ Chrysanthemum (Green)
You are a strange and quirky person, people often judge you but you don’t care. You are obsessed with the outdoors,
you love all bugs, animals and can’t stand to see one die. Your garden is quite huge, and your crops sell for
lots of money, so you don’t need to work! You sometimes get a little bit jealous when you see people with huge
houses and lots of money, but at the end of the day, you love the outdoors! So it all pays off!
You rarely come across people you like who are not a part of your family, so you hardly have any friends. All
of your friends from school now think of you as 'weird’ or 'strange’ but as your mother and grandparents used to
Traits- Vegetarian, Jealous, Loves Outdoors
Aspiration- Freelance Botanist
Career- Doctor, (Work From Home) Gardener
~ Have friends from school, but disband from them over the years and do not make any new friends.
~ Complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration
~ Master the Gardening, Handiness and Herbology Skills
~ Get married at elder.
~ Have 1 child at adult
~ Quit your job as a doctor when your garden starts making over 1,000 simoleons.
Generation 7 ~ Cherry Blossom (Pink)
In this generation, you are a weeaboo. If you don’t know what that is, then here. A person who retains an unhealthy
obsession with Japan and Japanese culture, typically ignoring or even shunning their own racial and
cultural identity. Many weeaboos talk in butchered Japanese with the 8 or so words they know
(i.e. kawaii, desu, ni chan).  *THANKS TO THE URBANDICTIONARY.COM *
You love everything cute (kawaii), pink (pinku) and, well… everything!
From Animals to Candy, you love a heck of a lot of stuff! People call you strange because of your weird
obsession with everything, but who cares? It’s CUTE! People are often mocking you for your love of the Japanese
culture, and you’re always quick coming up with a comeback! Some might even say you’re a little mean…
As well as you being obsessed with Japan, you are an animal lover! Your dream is to start your own vet clinic!
You aren’t interested in romance, as you think it might slow down your pathway to success! When your not busy,
your writing fan fiction for Attack on Titan, Totoro, etc. And you love decorating cakes! They look so cute after!
Traits: Cat lover, Unflirty, Mean
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Career: Retail Employee (Teen Job), (Own a business) Vet Clinic.
~ Every Sunday have an 'anime marathon’ (Watch a movie or watch T.V) Or Manga marathon (Read)
~ Master the Writing, Veterinarian and Baking skills
~ Complete the Friend of The Animals aspiration and when completed write books about 'My Animal Journey’
~ Get married at Adult (or not at all, free choice) to a school friend.
~ Have 1 child.
Generation 8 ~ Marigold (Orange) FINAL GENERATION!
You’ve had a perfect life, you were taught to be perfect, but not. You were taught to follow your dreams
and not to let anyone interfere, but you were also taught that family is the most important thing!
Everyone in your family was so… good! You had to make a change! You used to play astronauts with
your friends when you were little, so… why not be a REAL astronaut?! Its always been your dream to go to Sixam!
You are quite a lazy person. You can
be active and productive when you like, and other times… you can’t be bothered! You are a goofball, not an
ideal trait for someone who is in such a serious career, but, you were always told 'NOBODY"S PERFECT!’ and 'BE WHO YOU ARE!’
so why not?! You dislike children, even though your whole life you were taught that family is the most important thing!
Your goofball side often leads you to play mischevious pranks on friends, family and even strangers!
Traits- Lazy, Goofball, Hates Children
Aspiration- Cheif of Mischief
Career- Astronaut
~ Must be mischevious whole life (i.e being a silly toddler, rambunctious scamp child and goofball teen-elder)
~ Must build a rocket ship and go to Sixam before Elder
~ Must complete Cheif of Mischief aspiration and Astronaut career.
~ Must get married but have no kids
~ Must complete Mischief, Rocket Science and Logic skills
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 6 liveblog/review thing
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HEEEYYYY WHAT'S THIS?!?! I ACTUALLY DID MY LIVEBLOG ON TIME?!?!? yes, i actually did it!! i squeezed this into my schedule. also, i wrote a lot this time for my thoughts after the end of the episode. i wrote an essay!! so, um, please read??? well, i really want someone to read it!! ;__; i kept rambling because i was imagining myself lying down on a couch talking to a psychiatrist about all of my complicated emotional issues THAT WERE CAUSED BY THIS EPISODE. o__O *eyes twitch*
my previous liveblogs:  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5)
see this episode here!! http://www.crunchyroll.com/free-iwatobi-swim-club/episode-6-the-mermaid-of-the-abyss-775637
the first thing i see is a VERY REALISTIC image of a telephone pole. o__o what do you mean it's not a photo?!?!?!?
wow, that girl is impatient. XD
he has been making that sandcastle the whole day and all he can come up with is just a big lump??? maybe if you had better sandcastle-making skills, other kids would want to be friends with you.
he read "the little mermaid" for a reason... is he reading about himself?!?!? he's a merman????
awwwww ikuya is precious ;__;
THAT YODEL!!!!! MY GOODNESS!!!! IT WAS PERFECT!!!! he needs to make an album immediately!!! XDDDDD
"haru really is gone." well i'm sorry he didn't follow you to america to continue his lifeguard career???? lol
i feel like ikuya's constant thinking "i need to be stronger" and "i can't become weak" is actually making him weaker somehow. o__o
"what can i do for him???" you have to stop and realize that you can't fix everything, hiyori.
i love how he clearly heard ikuya speak japanese and he responded in english! kawaii desu!! XD
"we've met somewhere before, huh?" wait, you guys forgot about it?? -__-
abrupt scene change... o__O
"there is one book i like." HMM, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS.
yes, ikuya, it's girly. just admit it. XD
"what can i do for ikuya?" i just told you, you can't always fix everything. just because you saved ikuya before, you think you always have to be the one to "save" him from everything? but that's not realistic. you can't control everything, so you shouldn't feel like it's always your job to save ikuya.
...aaand i'm talking to a fictional character. moving on!!
HOW ARE THEY JUST HAPPENING TO ALSO READ THE LITTLE MERMAID TOO?!?!?!? i guess everyone in this area has a little mermaid obsession. okay, now i seriously want to go watch the little mermaid movie. that was not a joke. i actually feel like i want to watch it sooner or later. free! gave me the idea!!! <3
HOW IS THAT MOM JUST HAPPENING TO DESCRIBE HIYORI'S SITUATION?!?!?!?!? what the... is she psychic?? i am scared of her now. what other powers does she have?!?!?!
oh man, hiyori now has that classic look where you can't see his eyes through his glasses. that is never a good sign... lol
makoto's swimsuit <333333 i love it so much. when i think about makoto in that swimsuit, i feel like all is right with the world. i can breathe easy. i can go to sleep happy. i know that there is peace and hope in the universe.
MAKOTO'S LITTLE BLUSH!!!! <3 did you see that?!? did you all see that? he is such an angel!!!! ^___^
"what's ikuya up too? have you kept in touch with him?" OH NO, you done went there. you done went and asked the question. you done messed up, my friend.
makoto is trying to explain everything but it's not working ^__^UUU
"it's my fault." OMGGGG HARUUUUU NOOOO. STOP. NOOOOO. i'm done. i'm dead. his little quiet voice broke my heart. he feels SO guilty about all this!!! i want to give you a hug, my precious baby. <33333
oh now he's telling nao about the "suffering" thing. i thought i was already dead but now i have died again. this show is TOO PAINFUL!!!! .>___<.
"makoto and i haven't suffered at all!!" don't say that!!! the writers of this show will hear you say that and they will try to think of a way to make you guys suffer!!! that's how writers are. writers like to brainstorm ways to make our characters suffer. it's what we do. XD
having watched ikuya throughout this whole season so far, he seems to be feeling worse and worse, to be honest. =(
haha, ikuya is so clueless. um, hiyori is talking about YOU, dude!!!
haru doesn't even want to eat mackerel?!?! WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS THE REAL HARU??????
oh it's that shady guy again. i forget about him all the time!!!
*pauses to read all the crunchyroll subtitles for Shady Guy's blog*
haru is COMPLETELY COOL while the shady villain guy talks right into his ear. XDDDD
#cafeteriasoba #hidakauniversity #tanukisoba #sobarules
ryuuji??? he has a name? but i don't want him to have a name. i want him to continue being Shady Evil Villain Guy.
WHO IS HE?????????? now i want to know!!! >=(
i'm pretty sure you made up all those provers but whatever
wait, what?!? wait!!! what just... they are all talking about ryuuji?!?!
"he suddenly quit swimming competitively." why? i bet the reason is something bad...
haru has his excited face on, i see.
"he probably missed your calls because he's busy focusing on the next competition." sure, okay, i believe you... you've been 100% honest all the time, of course!!
hmmmmmm okay i can kinda see one reason why hiyori feels such a strong need to "fix" ikuya. natsuya has assigned that job to him!!
haru's been thinking about why he only swims freestyle... uhhh you're just now thinking about that after how many seasons/episodes??? lol
i love how makoto and haru act like this kid is a genius who just revealed a brilliant scientific discovery
*mysterious person appears* wait who is that???
i knew that wishing star thing would come back eventually. (well, duh)
"even if i sink, no one's going to save me anymore." he's talking about swimming? or... his emotions???
i had a feeling someone would start yelling soon. this scene was too quiet!!
"i couldn't become human." ha!!! that proves it. ikuya isn't human. he is a merman. like i have said before, free! is a fantasy anime <3333
hiyori??? i think that ikuya knows how to come down the slide on his own. it's not that difficult. little kids do it all the time. XD
he's on top of him. WELL THIS IS AWKWARD
that scene with their feet looks so weird o__o
"can you just forget about nanase??? i'm way more attractive than he is, so why don't you love me instead????"
ikuya finally gets aggressive toward hiyori!! i felt like that was going to happen!! but wow o___o you guys. just continue being friends already. ;__;
hiyori!!! you just told him to "forget about nanase." it didn't work the first time so obviously it's not going to work the second time!!
"sorry i just assaulted you. whoops"
omg, i want this episode to be over. it's too sad. ;__; *looks at time* uh-oh. there's time for another scene...
looks like Evil Shady Villain (i don't care what his name is) has evil plans for haru with his evil smile!!! haru... you've got to escape!! get away now!!!
that's all!!! now here are my thoughts: i was very emotionally destroyed by this episode because like i said, i noticed that ikuya kept getting worse and worse (not just his swimming times, but his feelings) and then he got into a fight with hiyori at the end. ;___; ;___; ;___; i'm so upset because hiyori is GENUINELY TRYING TO HELP and it's just not working. you saw the flashbacks where hiyori and ikuya's friendship formed. so you can see that ikuya means a lot to hiyori, which is why i said that hiyori is genuinely trying to help. plus, i pointed out that natsuya wants hiyori to watch over ikuya. so that's something that adds to the pressure on hiyori. so i felt so bad for him when first, he tried to invite ikuya to a cafe and he didn't want to go, and then, he tried to tell ikuya "stop thinking about nanase" and ikuya got mad at him for it!! remember, from hiyori's perspective, haru is just a bad person who's causing trouble. so from that perspective, it makes perfect sense that the solution to ikuya’s problem would be to stop thinking about haru. so i think it was surprising for hiyori that ikuya got mad at him. =( remember how earlier in the season, ikuya tended to be agreeable with hiyori? he went along with most things hiyori said/did. that's what hiyori's used to, and so that's why i think it was surprising for hiyori when ikuya got mad. he thought ikuya would just agree with his suggestions as usual.
ikuya actually has a positive view of haru and he does want to keep thinking about him. he is grateful for haru's rescue of him, and he wants to be "strong like haru." at the same time, he's angry at haru. but his true feelings toward haru are actually positive, which is why he rejected hiyori's advice to stop thinking about him. i don't think either of them are listening to each other. hiyori wants to fix ikuya instead of listening to him, and ikuya feels that doing things alone gives him strength, so he's not interested in trying to be fixed by hiyori or anyone else. he just wants to be "strong" on his own. ...it's not going well.
i loved the part where ikuya was on the slide and hiyori was on top of him. XD it was so dramatic. hmm, maybe i am beginning to ship them??? i don't know though, because they really need to work out their problems first. they're not quite at a point where i'm like "YEEAAAHHH I SHIP THEM, HIYORI x IKUYA 4EVER!!!!!!!" they'd be so cute if they weren't... you know... in a pretty damaged relationship right now. ^__^U actually, it's not just about this fight. even before that, their relationship was "off" to me. (not when they were kids. i'm talking about the present day) something about their friendship wasn't quite right. and so i'm not surprised that they ended up fighting.
...still, i'm hoping that they will soon work everything out and have some heartwarming moments!!! <3333
wait, i'm not done yet. i also want to say that it was so painful to me when haru said "it's my fault." there was something so broken in his voice. i could hear it. i think that every person has had situations in their lives where something that someone said or did bothered them and it continued to bother them for a long time even though it shouldn't have. you know that feeling when you can't stop thinking about something even though that thing keeps weighing you down??? it really shouldn't make you so upset, and you should let it go and not let it get to you, but you just can't stop thinking about it because you're taking it too seriously. what haru is going through right now is so relatable. 
honestly though, asahi and makoto don't seem to fully grasp how deeply this is hurting haru. asahi said that he and makoto swam with haru and were fine, and makoto agreed, but i was thinking, "haru's not going to instantly feel better just because you guys said that." when you're feeling that bad about something, one quick and simple answer isn't going to fully heal you. i expected makoto to understand how hurt haru is right now, but i'm not sure if he does!! (...which is weird.) the good news is that nao seems to have a plan, i guess. i don't have a clue what he's thinking of doing, but i'm sure that haru and the others will get through to ikuya somehow. right? RIGHT???
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bloody-scans · 7 years
Hello! I've been wondering for, like, forever. But what are the pronouns each characters use? (I'm mainly interested in Maria(all), Bloody, Hydra and Mary) Ore? Boku? Watashi? And also, do they have a different way of speaking? Like, if you say "I love cat" in Japanese, it could be "watashi wa neko ga suki desu" or "watashi wa neko ga suki" or other different kinds of ways. So if all the characters were to say a sentence meaning the same thing, how would each character say it?
It’s Caramel over here, I wrote the reply to this ask in FOUR hours and half and I’m not counting on the time I’ve been looking for examples.
Sorry! I swear I never saw this ask before. Tumblr’s notification feature seems to not have worked correctly again. My biggest apologies if this ask has been sent in ages.
This is the kind of questions I love to answer because I know people get really curious about this. So, for once, let’s look a little at raws (with me explaining, of course) and forget this is a scanlation blog?
(Alright, this is huge and has several pictures and it includes three speech bubbles from chapters we didn’t scanlate, including the final chapter, so it’ll be under a “read more” link. I have no idea if tumblr mobile app still doesn’t show the link and shows the whole post instead. If it does and you don’t wanna see the rest, I’m deeply sorry, you’ll have to scroll through all of this.)
So first of all, I’ll just say that, in terms of their own speech, Bloody, Hydra and Mary are three of the four most interesting characters in Bloody Mary. The fourth character isn’t one you mentioned but I’ll talk about them at the end.
My biggest enemy in this demand to find examples of their pronouns is: Japanese doesn’t work like English and, therefore, the pronouns for “I” or “you” aren’t in the sentences like 90% of times in manga to cut speech short.
I’ll start with the Marias because there’s nothing special in them:
Both Yzack/Isaac and Yuusei use “私” (”Watashi”), which is a very neutral way of referring to oneself.
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(from chapter 8)
The second bubble says “Kimi wa watashi no kawaii musuko  wo dou yatte koroshita…?”.
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(from chapter 40 [final chapter])
“Aa… Watashi wa…”.
“I love cats” in his speech: “私は猫が好き” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki”)
Same as Yzack, he also uses “watashi”. However, I could only find a part in which he uses a pronoun for himself on chapter 40.
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(from chapter 40 [final chapter])
“Watashi no koe ga Kikoemasu ka…?”
“I love cats” in his speech: “私は猫が好き” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki”) [exactly the same as Yzack]
Even though he uses a different pronoun from the other Marias, he uses the most generic pronoun used by male characters in Bloody Mary (for example, Shinobu and Takumi use the same pronoun): “俺” (ore):
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(from chapter 1)
The second bubble says “Ore no daijina chi”.
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(from chapter 16)
“Ore mo sou omotte ikiteta kedo…”
“I love cats” in his speech: “僕は猫が好き” (”Ore wa neko ga suki”)
And now the most interesting cases. Before carrying on, I need to explain one thing about Japanese writting in general because you’ll need to know this to understand what comes next: Japanese has THREE alphabets (well, one isn’t exactly an alphabet but, to make it easier, let’s say it is) - “Hiragana”, “Katakana” and “Kanji”.
Hiragana - If you can’t read this alphabet, you can’t read Japanese at all. Every single word in Japanese has its own Hiragana writing. - “わたし” is “watashi” in hiragana: わ - wa / た  - ta / し  - shi.
Katakana - This alphabet is exactly like Hiragana but, while Hiragana is used for the Japanese language, Katakana is what is used for what’s not Japanese. Ever wondered why Japanese voice actors pronounce English terribly? Because they usually are reading words writen in Katakana. - “ワタシ” is “watashi” in katakana: ワ - wa / タ - ta / シ - shi
Kanji - This isn’t actually an alphabet but let’s pretend it is. This is the actual name of those really tough symbols that seem chinese (and some are the same as in Chinese) - “私” is “watashi in kanji. This is completely unrelated to pronunciation, unlike the other two alphabets. Not all words in Japanese can be writen in Kanji.
As you may notice if you scroll up across the speeches I’ve shown you so far, you’ll see EVERYTHING is writen in Hiragana and that the speech of any of the Marias is all in Hiragana or Kanji. However now there’ll be Katakana in the mix and it will make things clearer to readers who understand Japanese, but I’m certain this confuses those who don’t and that’s what I am going to explain in here.
Hydra is your local princess in everything, including in her own speech. Her pronoun is “私” (“Watashi”), just like Yzack and Yuusei because, despite being a neutral pronoun, it is also associated to female speech. Most women use that pronoun to refer to themselves in Japanese.
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(from chapter 3)
Last bubble says “Watashi wa obakana kyuuketsuki-tachi to wa chigau no yo”.
She talks so politely, it gets really complicated to understand sometimes. Do you know what the “obakana” in this sentence is? It’s what we usually hear in anime as “baka” (yes, it’s “idiot”, “stupid” and so on), but because she’s using “o” (note of polite speech) and “na” (used in some adjectives), it doesn’t even seem the same word anymore if you write it like in English. However, in Japanese, you can note what she means because the word “baka” is written in Katakana while “o” and “na” are in Hiragana. Why is it in Katakana? Just to make the readers understand she really means that those vampires are idiots, the use of just hiragana in a row may confuse readers and it’s in that alphabet just to avoid confusion.
Another really interesting thing is that Hydra ends her sentences with わ (”wa”) a lot. This means nothing, it’s just a marker that the person talking (in this case, Hydra), is really feminine when speaking:
The second speech of the same picture says: “Daijoubu yo, mata kuru wa”.
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(from chapter 16)
Second bubble says “Chigau wa…”
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(from chapter 16)
Second bubble says “Mukae ni kita wa”.
“I love cats” in her speech: “私は猫が好きわ” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki wa”)
Mary (yes, I’m keeping Bloody for last out of the ones you requested because he has a really unique way of speak)
Mary is the only character in Bloody Mary we know of who changes slightly the way he speaks as he grows up.
He always uses the same pronoun for himself “オレ” (”ore” in katakana), whether he is a younger human or a more grown-up vampire. The reason why it is in Katakana is up to interpretation but I believe it’s just to keep the mystery around him.
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(from chapter 29, young and human Mary)
“Ore… daijina jouhou wo shuushuu shitenda.”
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(from chapter 33, present-day, older and vampire Mary)
Second bubble says: “Ore no koe… Kikoeteru ka?”
Besides this pronoun, he sometimes uses “nee” (instead of “nai”) or says “sugee” instead of “sugoi”, which is an informal way of speaking. Bloody shows this exact same way of speaking. Besides the twins, Shinobu talks that way as well.
However, after meeting Hydra, Mary adds one thing to his speech - he starts using “な” (”na”) at the end of his sentences a lot. Funny enough, while Hydra’s marker (”wa”) at the end of her sentences is a feminine marker, this one is a masculine marker. Which means that, long story short, Mary adopted the male version of Hydra’s feminine marker.
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(from chapter 10)
The second bubble says “Maria ga nande “harai no chikara” ga tsukaenai no ka? Oshiete kuretara na”
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(from chapter 10)
The last bubble, which is the end of the sentence, says “nemuri na”.
“I love cats” in his speech: “オレは猫が好きな” (”Ore wa neko ga suki na”)
Here’s an example of the use of “nee” instead of “nai” that Bloody, Mary and Shinobu use (in this case, it’s Bloody who says it):
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(from chapter 16)
“Iranee yo, betsu ni kore kara tatakau wake demonee shi”
Bloody is definitely the character that stands the most out of all the characters when he speaks because… He mostly speaks in Hiragana only. Of course, to not lead to mistakes in interpretation, his speech usually has one kanji or two but the idea is him talking just in Hiragana. What does that mean? That Bloody has a cute and childish way of speak.
Due to this way of speaking, the pronoun he uses to refer to himself is “おれ” (”ore” in hiragana).
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(from chapter 1)
“Jaa, ore wo koroshitekure”
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(from chapter 16)
“Demo… Kore ore no chi no nioi ja-…”
Now, one example of one speech bubble of his written in hiragana only (and it has one word that could be writen in kanji in it):
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(from chapter 16)
“Are… Hontou da nande darou?”
However, what makes Bloody sound even cuter is - japanese names in hiragana:
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(from chapter 27)
“I… Ichirou…” (usually writen as “一郎”)
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Second bubble, “Shinobu” (usually writen as “忍“).
“I love cats” in his speech: “おれはねこがすき” (”Ore wa neko ga suki”)
And now, the only character I think is interesting that you, anon, didn’t ask about but that I think I should talk about her together with all of these:
Lily is the only character in Bloody Mary that has the marking of a foreign accent when speaking Japanese. This marking is: while the whole speech is writen in regular Japanese (hiragana and kanji), the last letter of her speech is in katakana:
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(from chapter 20)
“Ita!!” (”i” in hiragana and “ta” in katakana)
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(from chapter 20)
“Demo mate yo? Nande konna ni boroborona no ka?” (that “yo” and the “ka” are in katakana)
And, in case you’re wondering: Yes, even though she’s English, she is speaking in Japanese in those speech bubbles above.
Below is an example of how the text appears when she is talking in English (and, as you can see, the last letters of her speech in the bubbles below are in hiragana, which shows she has no foreign accent when saying this because she is talking her mother tongue):
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(from chapter 20)
In case you don’t know about it, manga in Japanese is read up-down and right-left, however when the speech is in English, like in the picture above, it is read left-right and up-down, just as if it were writen in English.
Also here she uses the word 私達 (watashi-tachi), which implies she uses the pronoun “watashi” to refer to herself in Japanese.
“I love cats” in her speech when she speaks Japanese: “私は猫が好キ” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki”, that “ki” is in katakana)
I hope this answers your question, anon!
-- Caramel
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tdrcycle09 · 7 years
Rags To Riches Ball Part II: Best Personal Drag
In the final category, the girls have one last chance to prove to us that they are the winner of Tumblr’s Drag Race Cycle 9, decked out in their best personal drag and lipsynching to a mix or song they’ve chosen themselves!
Analyse Thropic
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Lila:  HOLY SASHA VELOUR’S PROJECTOR. I love that you outright became a gold star in this category, and the reveal is honestly well crafted for how much sewing experience you have in this competition. Honestly - this is another really strong concept and It’s absolutely brilliant. I do have doubts - your makeup is a bit ehhh in tandem to pigmentation in your crease and the lack of contour is kind of throwing me off - however, holy shit. HOLYY SHIT. Your references to past challenges on your dress in motifs are really cute, and the fact that you look like you are a queen on your own accord in this BPD is just astonishing. Your lipsync is honestly on par with some of the best of them in the finale - I adore the ones that aren’t afraid to have a visual to it rather than a plain old background or generic setting, and by god, it was just expertly handled. You should have at least had more white backgrounds like Sasha Velour does because it sometimes lost you in the backgrounds. Without that, your work in this lipsync is absolutely stunning, and really your lipsynching skill has developed a hell of a lot - a lot of people forget it’s something queens need to be skilled in, however, you’ve pushed it to the max this category!
Letha: Analyse, I love how you really embraced being a bald queen for your BPD. I know that sounds like a read, but it really and truly does show your utter commitment to this cycle and to your drag, and to come out, gilded for filth, no wig, with a damn crown already on your head, well that takes guts. The outfit itself is cute, and shows so much thought to hearken back to your past work during your time here. The reveal is also great. Watch the top of the pink version though, as you had some bra poking out. Makeup is cool, you do lose some definition by being so metallic, but the stones are fab (If I were you I would have done just the rhinestones and not the pearls, as they make more sense with the look). Now, on to the lipsync. Art. It was so good, the concept was so strong and though it is something we have seen from other queens (including TDR queens), it's a great workaround to the "no editing" rule and you really made it your own. There are a few places where you kind of lose you/the words because you're standing in the dark, but I can forgive that as there is so much going on on the screen in the first place. You have every confidence in you/your work, and it showed with that performance. Fantastic work, Analyse, well done. 
Toni:I LOVE LOVE LVOE LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS LOOK. I love things that a sentimental and it was is just so perfect that you did a little dress with appliques that paid homage to your challneges only to 2in1 to a redo of your audition look. I love that you wanted to do a crown like violets where its in the head, but I do think that could have been done a bit smoother. Your makeup is so cool and so outside of the box for you and I am so glad that you keep pushing yourself even here at the end. I love this lipsync, I think it was so inspiring and well done, with a great mixture of medias and lipsyncs. I think my only issue with it was at some points it was hard to see your lips and would have done with a few more test runs. 
Gluttoni:  Not only one but TWO WHOLE LOOKS! You went off girly. Number Uno A gurl…..you know I’m partial to bald bitch so I love the choice to be bald in this literal golden hour of yours. Then you figured out the golden paint and I’m so proud! You look like an award. I love that you stuck to your brand of you A motif and it very well suited for this so. Both looks really scream you and honestly I couldn’t be more proud so good work. Your lipsync was by far the best and you fucking know it. Great song choices and an overall great look.
Avana Noir
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Lila: ICHI KAWAII DESU! Avana, I knew you’d pull out your Harajuku style and flavour right at the end in full force, and as it’s been nice to see glimpses of that in your works, in it’s full head to toe-ness, this is one of the best outfits you’ve done by far. This screams Avana Noir and the colour palette is so cute and - ugh, it’s so fun. Really, only issue is that I wanted to see two ponytails on top of your pink wig - it would’ve sold the Madoka Magicka a little bit more in my opinion. Your lipsync was really adorable and exciting to watch. You did drop some of your words, but forgivable since most of your song choices were full K/J-Pop anthems. You were backlit a lot during your performance, maybe take into consideration when you film, whether or not you have a ring light or some form of light that helps add a little bit more to your frontal lighting. One major thing I’ll give you props for is the Chloe Howl-stylistic camera work in this - down to the consistent movement to your points where you do more group choreo - really commend you for doing that, it shows you’re moving out of the box with how you present your drag style. Great job in this category, you did super well!
Letha: Avana-desu!!!!! This look really does scream you, and it's super cute. Not a lot of shape 'round the middle, but it's not bad. The bow is cute, and the hair works (be careful of the boy hair poking out, a wig cap would help conceal the color), but I would suggest even a little petite pink nail for the look, especially if you are posing with your hands. The makeup is great, a bottom lash might have helped amp up the cute/lolita factor more. As for the lipsync, it cut off at the end which threw me a bit, but what is there is great. I like the mix of the hip/hop with the kawaii, it screams you, and I love the group choreo (though I wish there had been some more coordination of looks, even plain pink T shirts with jeans would have worked). There are some dropped words, as well, with a mix as short as this one you really should be nailing ALL of them. All in all though, it's still a really good submission, good job!
Toni: YES THIS IS WHO AVANA IS. I love this so much, its so well made and so flattering on you. I think the colors are really nice, you could have used more variations on pink but that may just be a personal preference. I think you also could have had the little poncho be 2 inches longer and it would have been perfect!!! The makeup is so much better!! I’m so proud of how your makeup has grown over this cycle. Your wig was nice but there were points when I saw your boy hair.  The lip-sync was very on brand for you and I think it was your best one this cycle I really enjoyed it. I do wish that it was longer because the group choreo, the way it was film? Art ART. I also would have liked a softer ending. more 
Gluttoni: AVANA. This is the best you’ve ever looked in my humble opinion. You look beyond adorable and I’m glad this is your best drag because you came full circle from your Japanese donut hole look. I LOVE PINK and you gave me that and more. I hope we see more looks like this from you in the future. Honestly keep on this track because you look super stunning and precious.  I loved your final lip-sync. The beginning song needs to be mine and you fucking slayed with the K-Pop or J-Pop dance break. My only issue with anything that it was so short.
Lexi Lamour
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Lila:  Your best personal drag, to me - well, I’ll be outright. It’s not your best look for me. You’ve done so many head turning looks this cycle that it almost makes me a bit sad that you didn’t save the one catsuit you wore last week for you music challenge for this category this week. But, anyways - this is still a stellar look. The hair is so big and fun and with this look it’s really cohesive. I don’t have much to critique honestly, it’s such a Lexi staple. Your lipsync was cute, it was very Lexi and I love a mix. You have such a great performing energy and at last we get to see it again. Great job in this category!
Letha:  Lexi, this look is giving me "Oh, she's about to turn some shit". It's very club drag, and while I'm not sure it's YOUR personal best, it's still a great look and one you can perform the house down in. And honestly the only crit I can find for it is that maybe a black boot would work better to contrast? The hair is fantastic, it has great volume and is perfect for whipping around. The makeup is also really good, especially the eyes/lips, but the cheeks could use a bit more blush, as you look kind of washed out. The lipsync was also really good, the mix had some very classic drag staples, and you performed them well. A few words were dropped though, and I could tell you were constrained by the space you were in and wanted to buck/twirl a bit more than the area allowed for. That being said though, this was some STRONG work, and you really served it!
Toni: Lexi!! This lipsync was so fucking cute and I really enjoyed it because I think you are the dancing queen this cycle. I do wish you had more space to really stunt on us all because every time I think you are gonna reach the edge and jump off and slay me it backs up a bit and I’m left wanting more in the worse way. I think this look is really cute on you and I really love it but I do think it’s a bit lacking from what we’ve seen from you. I think it just comes off as “just a body suit” when you’ve done body suits before its been LOOKS like your pokemon or the black one from last week. I think your makeup is flawless and I really love it, as well as this hair. 
Gluttoni: Lexi. I must say this isn’t what I quite expected and while I’m not mad at it, I can’t say this says I’m here to take it all. No doubt you look quite gorgeous. I love the choice of color and silhouette because it’s different but for some reason I’m just a bit underwhelmed. This does not mean you aren’t a killer queen with amazing taste because the score board only proves that fact. The lip-sync was good. You have a stellar amount of stage presence and out of all the girls the most chops when it comes to performing live which I’m sure you have a long, long future of blazing stages. All the best to you my love, please keep shining bright.
Sugar Monroe
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Lila:  Your BPD is P--P---Pretty damn cute! I think it reads as you, very Sugar, I get a candy vibe from it and I’m loving the change in your makeup to make it very punk-grunge which we all know you like to dabble in! I *do* get a little nervous with that empire waist again, but the variation you’ve put on it saves it. You make everything you wear outfit-wise, which I commend you for. The only thing I would watch out for is the black on a black background, just because you’re blending in with it - if you used a different background it would’ve worked a lot better in my opinion. Your lipsync was cute, but I mean we’ve all saw you do super well in lipsyncs, as well as you winning one of your own lipsyncs yourself. This was a little more controlled than usual, there was very little choreo that really sold your intentions during Bubblegum Bitch, and then your second song picked up the pace a little. I was more intrigued in the second half than the first half, but either way, I digress. It was super fun to watch!
Letha: Sugar Monroe!!! On one hand, this look really does scream "Sugarrrrr", but on the other, I wish it had been pushed farther. The contrast of the blue/pink with the black was great (though idk about it on the black background, sometimes it made it look like there was a hole in your body), but I wanted the edginess of the makeup (which is great, by the way) to extend into the rest of the look. It's just a bit too clean right now. I see some burns on the skirt, but I wanted TEARS, holes, even some dirt or grime. A bit more Mad Max. Also, I do love me a gathered skirt, but pleats up top could be covered with a band across the top, it just makes it look more finished. Your lipsync mix was very cute, and the songs make a lot of sense with your character (the transitions could use a little smoothing out though). You drop some words, but you're still an amazing performer and have great presence. Good job on this category for sure!
Toni: I love watching you lipsync and this was a joy as always. I think this is very on par for you and I really enjoyed it. I think you were giving 90% on this lipsync and I wanted to see 110%. The mix was well done as well. The look was really cute, very on par for you with the skater skirt. I think when we talked you were gonna make it really grunge and mad max, but then pulled it back to burned and tore up and it doesn’t look like you really pushed that, which is disappointing because that would have been the t for me. I think your makeup and hair look beautiful and it’s so nice to see that. love it–A��h
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noidsome · 7 years
Digimon tri: Loss rant aka butthurt
So there are things that bothers me a lot about these Digimon tri movies and this movie, well lets just say its teh drop that tipped the glass. I dont really like rewieving things..but i am very passionate for digimon, so i suppose this will do.
So what is there to say about Digimon tri? or spesifically... loss? hehe loss..more like loss of my intrest in these movies..
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TLDR; the movie is long, boring, little action, meiko is shit as always, the conflict with sora, tai and matt doesnt exist, some scenes go nowhere and are more filler then plot, still questions left unanswered, 02 kids are dead and gone and nobody cares at this point, and shitty, limited, boring, bland and dissapoiunting animation. 
Anyhow where do i even start? first i suppose i should start off by saying the things i DO like about this movie. I did enjoy seeing tai more in the spotlight, and it was nice seeing tai, matt and sora talk again. And not to mention, digivolutions! Where most of the digis became ultimate! hell yeah! and my boi machinedramon, i always loved that fella. And more digi kaiser?? YES PLS FUEL MY NEEDS FOR FOOTAGE!! and of course, the animation was well done with the fight scenes and the action was really neat! My favorite part of the movie was the last part.
and now, onto the... MANY many problems these movies had, with none other then shitty animation, awkward scenes, bad art styles, scenes that go nowhere, meiko, and FILLER!! clench your asshole because this is going to be a long one...
Ok so we start off the movie strong. This flashback goes well with me because its this old timey wimey film effect, and we get to see the backstory of himekawa and black hair teacher typography mcgee, i forgot his name..anyway thats cool, we get plot! and then cuts to meiko being left out with her dark evil special digital device. GOOD. she has no way to enter now. she should be left out like the shitty written character she is. im glad shes out.. but would i be like this for long?? NOPE, NOT HERE IN DISSAPOINTMENT LAND I WONT!!
So then we get tehse cute bonding scenes, which are just very nice. its good they take their time with these, and boy....do they take their time :))))) the shitty happy music desu comes so abruplty that you just sit back and say “nice here it is.” so the rest of the digimon get along just fine with the kids again, which is nice i guess....except for pyokomon or whatever. For some reason she is the ONLY CONVENIENT one that wont like her. now, im fine with this, because things never happen the same way twice. however, she is THE ONLY ONE, and the others open very fast, so why?? eh whatever wont bother explaining too much about that ;))
so after this kawaii desuka moment, after toei “””””””””””””””animation”””””””””””””””” show us a slideshow of their best drawings of the kids just sitting there, with no movement, we get on with it. 
There is one thing i learned in animation class, and that is that YOU NEVER HAVE ONE STILL FRAME in animation, and these movies have a lot of them, and so fucking shittly placed as well. Just sometimes to save time, or just because lazyness, the animators just pan a akward still filler frame. i know things are hard, and horrible in NEY-HON, especially with animation, but for gods sake i cant help but go “animation is hard XDDdDdDD” whenever watching these movies....because sometimes....SOMETIMES.......
anyway so onto the story, “special super powerful” meikoomon appears, crying because she is adult and remembers meiko. why, you ask?? WHY??????? WELL who cares stfu. so she runs away and jumps into a distortion. did she make it? did the digital world provide her with some? will we get answers??
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so then, PTaiSD starts doubhting if we can save the special boy cat, and Yamaha has to of course get angry about every single little thing tai does, and walks off in a huff. Was this scene forced like all hell?? is yamiffedo being a bitch for no reason?? Yes. yes he was. at this point, it feels like they just put this here to give matt a reason to be angry because they have nothing left to bitch about to eachother, or yashitto just wont let up. either way, it is so frustrating..but i digress. 
we also cut to black haired crocks wearing mcgee again, in and out, of him saying “i cant figure this out” and we get told this 2 times. ... ANYYYWAYYYY then the kids remember their personalities again and tai suggests we do something now, and the digimon digivolved. HURRAH!”
byomon is still not trusting sora, which is fine i guess bonds take time, and they did take their time, which was fine. so they keep cutting to this trolly, the one they slept in in digimon adventure. HEY GUYS, REMEMBER THE TROLLY???? REMEMBER DIGIMON 01?? WASNT THAT SERIES COOL??? 
special OP baby cat meikomon just sits and laments because she cant find meiko, so she gets all infected and fucks up everything again, making the reboot for NUFFIN if she keeps this up. BUTT WAIT, why does she still have this infection?????? OH NO SHE TURNED EVIL AGAIN!!!! but does the movie explain??
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so here we are with the blank kids club as izzy expositions the shit out of the other kids, which is nice. its nice to get plot... BUT ITS NOT THE PLOT WE ACTUALLY NEED, just...just a little bit of it. just a little bit.......... anyway everyone cuberbullies meiko and basically says that she is a shit and wont fit in here because all she would do is cry or fuck up something beyond repair. that is what she would do.
so then sora walks off and sits by a trunk and is sad because her tamagotchi doesnt like her anymore. BUT.......and this is a big but...Taishit and Yaman come to the rescue. BUT...they are both stupidly blank and doesnt know waht the fuck to do or say, but they try. how will they tackle this point??
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So basically sora is suprised to figure out that tai and matt cant read her mind, and just runs off and is understandably angry about the situation. so as tai and matt is visibly upset they cant fix this, which you couldnt tell because their expressions are about as vibrant as a piece of wood, Taichi basically says something good for once. Sora spends her times worrying about other people and doesnt say anything about her own worries. which is....good??????
im sorry but to me thats not good at all. if you fix everyone elses problem, and you shut your own problems inside, you are going to suffer. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING HOLY FUCK WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE IS THAT??!?!?!?!? unless i am completly misunderstanding this kind of behaviour but to me, this is not good. fuck that shit. so that scene ends. nothing gets resolved.  then finally, after fucking FOREVER with filler scenes and awkward crappy animation, machinedramon finally appears and is here to fucking kill this second hand emberassment. they run from him, and the others see whats going on. so then they try to do something and fails, and then meikoomon isnt evil anymore...........????? and then something which i think is one of the biggest, STUPIDEST cop puts of all time happens. 
macinedramon shoots them at point blank, and really hard and long too, like so long the camera makes sure to show ALL of their faces as they slowly burn to death by the giant super death cannon...and so they all get fucking obliterated and die... EXCEPT THEY DONT!!!!!!!!!! A DISTORTION PORTAL APPEARS AND JUST... TROWS THEM ACROSS THE ENTIRE ISLAND!!!! AND THE KIDS ARE ALSO UNHARMED!?”!?”?!?
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oh and we get a cute flashback to actually knowing what himekawa wanted. she just wanter he digimon back.......which is why she acted this way all along? so she could get her stupid digimon back=??? thats why she had to act like she was secretly the one fucking everything up?? ....eh idk ANYWAY
byomon sees sora cry and decides wew lad....that changes everything.,..so that scene ends, and what does byomon find?????? WELL WOW ITS MEIKO WHO JUST FELL INTO THE DIGITAL WORLD JUST BECAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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it was at this point i got really upset with this crappy movie. The scenes drag on for too long, scenes just end and go nowhere, and GOD DAMN IT IM SORRY FOR SAYING THIS BUT MEIKO IS A FUCKING MARY SUE. she is such a classic example of shittily written self insert characters that it fucking hurts. if i wanted to read your shitty digimon fanfiction from 2008 then i would of done that. Its fucking insane to see this level of writing from a professional writing team, holy fuck. 
and then........this.......this takes the cake.... fucking tai and kari are together. finally, they get to talk a little about things, like for example bringing up whats bothering tai all this time, or why he has to be such a tittybaby with yamato, or maybe have a little chat about character development. but no we dont get none of that. shitty sad music plays and....no tai just says “oh man im so angry i didnt make it” and kari says “its ok” and then tai just looks down.... AND THEN THATS IT!!! ....OK??
so then a whole lot of fucking nothing happens for a while, and i mean, they just.....dont say ANYTHING worthwhile. tai goes all “man i wish tai would read my mind and not be an asshole. my name IS MATT AND I JUST CANT TALK TO MY FRIENDS SO I WALK AROUND LIKE AN ANGRY PISSY BABY BECAUSE THATS MY TRAIT, WHICH IS NOT FRUSTRATING AND TIRED AT ALL” 
and byomon being a little warmer, going to meiko just because shes a cunt at this point, like now shes just being a dick, and generally everyone just walking around having a grand ol time. i guess its nice, and cool and all...but it drags ON FOR TOO LONG WE DONT NEED THIS LEVEL OF CALM WHEN YOU HAD ONE ACTION SCENE TROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MOVIE!!!!! and just generally....just stuff that goes NOWHERE!! like that train scene???? literally filler. was it a trowback to 02 where agumon came back on the train after being with the dark master?? i dont know!! fuck!!
then expositionmon comes, and its vague, and leaves. and then whatever anyway
meikomon cries and when she gets back to meiko again she tries to slit her troat, and meiko supringly tells her that she isnt good.....wow..thats nice. but they reuine and FINALLY gennai arrives again. in his kaiser disguise. why does he have that avatar to go back and forth troughout the world? why did he chose to use kaiser?? my guess is just to be a dick to the others, because thats the only good explanation at this point. 
and sora does say “oh hi ken please dont” but thats it. im sorry but at this point, the 02 kids are oficcially dead and gone. there is no logical explanation to why they act like this anymore. none that are actually good. forget about them, the others have. just....forget about it.
so distortions appear again and everyone reunites again, because hell we needed SOME explanation to them meeting again. so action happens, and everything is nice and fine and then gennai just
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hes so insane im kind of liking it..... ANYWAY stuff happens and so they run away while gennai talks to them about some answers to our questions, which they might not hear because of the BIG HEAVY  STOMPS AND ROARS from the digimons but whatever... yuggrasil i dont remember who is and at this point i just wanted the movie to be over, so this last part, there isnt much to say because i liked it.
however sora getting BTFO by a giant mountain and machinedramons claw should have killed her, but nah whatever. and the scene with tai and matt drowning??? i jsut... dont understand it. what the fuck happened??? why did they just not drown anymore?? what?????? did the power of magic save them or somethin? I DONT GET IT!! and i mean...they should have drowned at that point jfc 
then half the movie is the digimon digivolving and now im so god damn sick of writing, but meikomon fucks everything up again and NOW IT ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE
SOOOO yeah thats it...the movie was slow, boring, fun, and overall awkwards. the kids had ALMOST no personality, and the scenes that the movie advertized, like the conflict with sora, tai and matt was nonexistant, and just....i myself, and a lot of people, are fucking dissapointed.
if you read this far, thank you. but i have no big hypes for the rest of the movies anymore because the shitty animation, no facial expressions, crappy storytelling, boring character interactions, and MEIKO makes me hate these movies more and more...........and that makes me sad.
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operationrainfall · 4 years
Title Kawaii Deathu Desu Developer Pippin Games, Top Hat Studios Publisher Eastasiasoft, Top Hat Studios Release Date April 16th, 2020 (Switch); August 30th, 2019 (Steam) Genre Action, beat’em up, fighting, arcade Platform Nintendo Switch, Steam Age Rating Teen Official Website
What happens when you take GWAR and make them cute monster girls instead of alien warlords? Kawaii Deathu Desu is a start. Developed by Pippin Games and Top Hat Studios, KDD (as it’s affectionately referred to in-game) is a fast-paced beat’em up button masher in the vein of One Finger Death Punch. Nine adorable supernatural beings have found themselves incarnated as Japanese idols, and have decided the best way to lay claim to the throne of the underworld is to kill as many of their fans as possible. Whoever reaps the most souls wins. Pretty straightforward, honestly. And like GWAR, the fans are more than happy to throw themselves on stage to be slaughtered by their idol overlords. (Fun fact: I was killed by GWAR once. They sacrificed me to the Meat Grinder. It was a blast, and thankfully I recovered.)
Death-chan is your default idol and she’s a pretty fun introduction to the game’s simple but addictive mechanics.
Each of the girls has a unique moveset, though they generally fall into one of two camps: a mid-range melee or a short-range melee. For instance, Death-chan, the game’s default monster girl, wields a scythe that has some decent range on it. When she activates her special, she conjures a much larger scythe, extending the range of her melee attack across half the screen while retaining full mobility. On the other hand, Emmy (my monster girl of choice for the majority of my playthrough) is a brawler who uses her hands and feet to beat her fans to a pulp. Her special plants her in the center of the screen and she spits zombie bile at her approaching zealots who are slowed down by corpse hands rising from the floor. The rest of the girls follow similar patterns with different weapons.
Since each idol is locked except Death-chan, here’s your options: Death-chan, Emmy, Suu, Mary, Elysa, Abigail, Gummy, Ruka, and Mira.
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I played a review copy on the Nintendo Switch for about six hours, and the controls were very, very responsive. You use the left and right bumpers to attack in their respective directions, and every tap had my girl turning on a dime to maul whichever poor soul had ventured too close. The tight controls were great, especially in later levels and when tackling hard modes, because the fans come fast and often. Unlike One Finger Death Punch, where you’re penalized for button mashing, Kawaii Deathu Desu pretty much requires it, though you can make breathing room for yourself by focusing on one side of the screen and only turning around to take out faster-moving fans as they approach. At other times it’s just a mash-a-thon to keep them from touching you, which is actually kind of exhilarating.
The more fans you kill, the more your special gauge fills up and you can unleash particularly devastating attacks. Early on you’ll see this rarely and it doesn’t offer much help, but later on it can mean the difference between life and death. To trigger the special, you have to hit both left and right bumpers at once. I almost always triggered it without meaning to because of how rapidly I was weaving back and forth. While not terrible, it did end up feeling like there was no way to strategically use my special. The game is also on Steam, and this issue might not come up when you’re using a keypad or mouse, but on the Switch I’d almost rather it be automatic once the bar fills.
Gummy’s special move envelops her in a ball of goo and she attacks oncoming fans using tendrils from the floor.
What’s nice about the controls is how easy the game is to pick up. There’s virtually no learning curve, and the pop aesthetic of the game itself is very inviting. My nine-year-old was able to pick up a Joy-Con and play with me without any hassle. What is a hassle is the fact you cannot remap the buttons on the Switch. I almost exclusively used a Pro Controller when playing, and my fingers would ache after about 20 minutes. Playing in handheld mode on the Switch itself was even worse. Constantly mashing your index fingers on the tiny bumpers made for a painful gaming session, and KDD is incredibly grindy. Playing PVP isn’t any better, as the game forces you to use individual Joy-Con, to which even my son felt the buttons were too small to play comfortably. (As an addendum, you can remap buttons on the Switch itself, though you cannot make it game-specific – or rather, I couldn’t figure out how if you can. This is a workaround if you intend on having long gaming sessions, but it’s cumbersome. Ideally, I’d prefer being able to remap in the game itself.)
The game suffers from a few other quality of life issues, the least of which is that confirm is mapped to the B button. As any Switch owner can tell you, confirm should be mapped to the A button, and it throws me for a loop every time. The UI is pretty cumbersome as well, and nothing aggravates me more than when I back out of a level to move on to another and it knocks me all the way back to the character select screen. When working your way through the game, you also cannot access the Hard or Insane modes until playing each Normal stage three times. It felt needlessly gatekeepy. The game also lacks any sort of information guide. Your monster girl has multiple stats you can level up using souls, but none of those stats are explained. Some are easy to infer (Life, Block), but others aren’t so straightforward. I think Magic is how long your special lasts? But I’m not sure.
I also stumbled across what I can only assume is a glitch. KDD has achievements for each character, which are nice motivators to keep playing. One of them is leveling each character to her max level. I maxed out Emmy at level 10, but her achievement says I’m still only 77% of the way toward the goal. It’s not a deal breaker or anything, but it does irk me a bit.
I’m not entirely sure why this says I’m only at 77% when my Emmy is maxed.
Speaking of souls, everything in KDD relies on them. Leveling up a character? Souls. Unlocking a new monster girl? Souls. Buying outfits for your idol? Souls. As far as I can tell there are no micro-transactions to be seen in the game (thank goodness!), so I expect some grinding, but coupled with how painful it is to play for extended periods, that grind feels interminable. As it is, I was able to level Emmy and unlock each idol, but never bothered leveling up anyone else or going for outfits.
One of my favorite aspects of the game was the music. This is a chiptune lover’s paradise. The game is broken up into four countries with three venues each: Japan, China, America, and Brazil. Each country has a distinct sound, which I really liked. Some of the tracks are absolute bangers (my favorites were “Tashite,” “Oturan,” “Fruity Dance,” and “Na Town Pongster”) but there are several that didn’t leave much of an impression on me. I do wish though that a game focused on idols had done more with that concept musically. With so many characters, I’d have loved to see character songs or boss levels that showcased each girl’s style of music. What we got was good, it just feels like a bit of a missed opportunity.
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Kawaii Deathu Desu is a fun time waster that would really benefit from some quality of life changes. (My soul for a button remap option!) For someone looking for a quick, simple gameplay experience, you can’t really go wrong picking it up.
KDD is available on Steam for $3.99 USD (or $4.99 if you also want the soundtrack), and $4.99 on the Nintendo eShop.
[easyreview cat1title=”Overall” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”3″]
Review copy provided by the publisher.
REVIEW: Kawaii Deathu Desu Title Kawaii Deathu Desu
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