#i wanna make her a sticker someday
deadpan-devilman · 6 months
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
The ocean is one of the first things Max ever talked to him about.
The way she used to love to see double sunsets reflected on the water like a giant mirror. How she liked sinking her toes in the sand and bonfires that glowed brighter as the day faded. How she never, ever since she was little, came home from the beach without a few souvenir shells, and her mother on laundry days would always be complaining about sand in her pockets. He's never heard a voice so happy and so sad at the same time as when that girl talks about California.
So when Lucas sees a jar of seashells at a yard sale, of course it makes him think of her.
The price sticker also does, because 25 cents is how much it costs per attempt to get his Dig Dug high score right underneath hers. With just a little effort, anything can remind him of her.
His jar of shells gives him an idea - an idea that will take lots of work, because this is not really the kind of thing to ask the party for help with, but one that will be worth it if it makes her smile.
It takes twelve trips in the end, because sand is heavy, and hard to carry by bike. Besides, one can only scoop so much at a time from the playground into buckets and pillowcases before it starts to look weird. It's a gradual project. There's no deadline.
If his dad is curious why he's suddenly so interested in seeing the forecast page of the newspaper every day, he doesn't ask. There have never been so many totally overcast and totally clear days in a row.
But one late afternoon when the sky seems right, Lucas tells Max to get on her bike and come with him.
"Why the quarry?" she keeps demanding on the way there, because she knows immediately that he's being vague and she's getting suspicious.
"Okay, there's the quarry, what do you wanna see so bad?" she asks, parking her bike next to his.
"You," he blurts finally with a laugh, unzipping his backpack. "I wanted to take you to the beach."
She follows him a few steps down to the world's tiniest beach - a neat patch of sand spread near the water's edge, just big enough for two people to sit in, garnished with seashells.
He unfurls a towel and presses play on the tape. That had been the hardest part, harder than the sand, because the ocean sound effects cassette took more than three agonizing weeks to arrive in the mail, and it's way heavier on the seagulls than he wishes, but it is what it is.
"Did you know from over here you can see a double sunset? Or, okay, like," he gestures at the giant cliff face that is obviously blocking a lot of the horizon, "a double half sunset.. so, one, I guess, really, but..."
He grows nervous as he strikes a match and focuses on lighting his prearranged firewood, because she's had plenty of time now to say something, and she hasn't.
This is pretty lame and corny, and maybe he should've done it better or not at all.
"I know it's got nothing on California. Maybe someday I can see the real thing with you, but I thought for now.. maybe it could be fun to pretend, just for a minute?"
It's about 50/50 when he looks up whether she'll be smiling or rolling her eyes, and he hopes for the former, or at least a combo.
Neither. She just sits down on her knees next to him, all quiet and blinky and eye-avoidy, the way she gets when she's thinking things she isn't good at saying out loud, and slips her fingers between his. Relieved, he smiles and tends the fire, not making her talk.
It's too bad that the sunset doesn't turn out to be an especially spectacular one, but maybe that isn't the point.
They put their toes in the sand and watch the sky and laugh about whatever and toast a few marshmallows, and Lucas thinks that if she's this beautiful in the orangy glow of a double half okay sunset on a teaspoon of fake beach, he doesn't know how he could ever survive looking directly at her in her natural habitat.
"You know," Max says, smiling softly at his face in the firelight, "there is one thing Hawkins definitely has on California."
Pretending not to feel her gaze, Lucas looks around innocently at their surroundings. "The quarries?"
And she snorts and kisses him, and his marshmallow burns to a cinder.
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groven4 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos with an Aromantic DA / Viewer
a/n: I randomly decided I really wanna get something out for aro week, so I've got a oneshot mayhaps involving a certain adventurer in the works, but knowing me that might take a while (if I even finish it all) and these tend to be easier for me. So, that's why this exists...not that you asked.
(edit: made one for Ace hcs.)
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He wouldn't really care, but in like a supportive way.
He may not look like it, but the guy's got some common sense.
I can't see him as the type to ask a lot of questions especially if you're visibly uncomfortable around the topic. (tho ig he might if it's for an interview, not sure)
A big part of Wil's character is just accepting shit as it is and not questioning what you can't understand because falling down that spiral is ultimately unhealthy; so if you were to come out to him as any sexuality/gender identity, he'd most likely just accept you immediately and move one.
Expect to receive a lot of aro themed stickers on pride month though.
Also doesn't care, but it's less him being supportive (tho he is) and more: it doesn't affect him, so why should he care?
Like you do you. Your love life is none of his business.
Quite frankly, he couldn't give a shit.
Though, he might find some relatability with you.
Despite how one might interpret ADWM, I cannot see Dark as an entity with the capability to feel much of anything. (other than rage, vengefulness, etc.)
There are some vague memories of past feelings from both Celine and Damien (and possibly the house entity, idk) mostly shown through his clear favoritism for Wil.
However, I don't think he really can feel romantic feelings, nor does he want to.
Being loved sounds nice, but ultimately it would just get in the way.
So having someone around that's kind of like him in that regard is almost nice...cathartic even.
You both like to watch 'marriage gameshows' (the bachelor, love is blind, etc.) over wine and laugh about how you'll never have to deal with relationship problems. (idc if that one's ooc)
He can't really feel romantic attraction himself, yk being a robot and all.
If you tried explaining aromanticism to him he'd probably just be like: "Yeah, and??".
He's supportive in a sense, that sense being: you not having a partner would mean one less meat sack he has to deal with once he manages to get admin privileges.
Kinda stumped on this one ngl.
I just can't find a reason why he'd care whatsoever.
He'd just be like: "Oh...siiiick, brah." with total Bill and Ted energy.
(edit: this is pre-wkm btw. idk why I did that, it doesn't really fit with the others that way. so I probably won't do it again in future hcs. sorry ig.)
I imagine it comes up at a party.
He starts asking you about your love life.
You tell him that you've never really been interested in that kind of stuff, and you probably never will.
What does he do?
He calls you boring.
In all seriousness, he's mostly chill about it throughout your friendship, but it's hard for me not to picture him as the type to think you're just being naive and that 'everyone has to find someone someday'. (I believe WKM takes place in the 1920s, so like, what were you expecting?)
That is until Celine cheats on him.
It was just such a world shattering thing for him, he genuinely loved her more than anything.
It's not a complete 180°, he doesn't suddenly understand your lack of attraction from this, but one night you check in with him to find him wasted in his wine cellar and he's basically like: "You had it right all along, my friend. Love...Love is not for everyone. ...Certainly not the faint of heart."
Which like, you didn't choose this, but you were more focused on making sure he was okay at the time to care.
A part of me wants to think he'd be a little confused at first just cause the idea of having to explain aromanticism and/or asexuality to him because he's just genuinely curious is really adorable to me.
However, the rest of me refuses to believe his friend group isn't entirely comprised of both people in the lgbtq+ community and hardcore allies who would happily beat the shit out of aphobes on a daily basis.
Not to say that they think of you as child-like because of your sexuality, but it's a prison family and you're 'fresh meat' so you're their little aro-bean now whether you like it or not.
Yancy especially is protective of you in an almost older brother type way.
So if after/during coming out to them (or just him) you mention how scared you were/are because you've had a lot of bad experiences or something, he's like constantly ready to sucker punch and/or ballerina kick anyone giving you flack over just being who you are.
He's always willing to tell you how valid you are when you need to hear it, and overall is just a really great friend.
...Even with the stabbing.
In an odd way, he almost feels...relieved?
Call it a humble brag, but literally all of his past work partners had fallen in love with him at some point, and while the attention certainly feeds his ego, that kinda thing just gets tired and even annoying after a while.
So knowing that'll never happen with you is actually a nice break from what he's grown so used to.
He's never had someone around who genuinely enjoys adventuring as much as he does.
And who isn't like constantly ogling him. (I mean probably anyway, idk what it's like to be aroallo)
Having you around may also cause him to start questioning some things about himself, particularly when you're explaining your orientation.
But that's a topic we'll be getting into at another time! (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *stares at empty draft*)
He's still used to trying to fluster people cause he finds it funny and in general is just the kind of person to be a bit touchy with his friends (meaning: platonic hand holding, hugs, head/back pats, standing weirdly close a lot of the time just naturally, etc.), so if you're ever uncomfortable just tell him and he'll cut it out straight away.
You're both just kinda really good friends, and he's not at all weird about it like you thought he might be.
Supportive Pirate Dad! 10/10!
You definitely have to explain what it means to him, but he verbally accepted you before he even asked.
Kinda like: "That's great!...What is it?-"
Would have the crew sew you a flag if it would make you happy.
They are still pirates who have been sailing across the deep blue their whole lives with presumably no contact with the mainland however.
So unless you for some fuckin reason told them what it looks like, you can expect to receive a relatively small, plain black flag with the word 'Arrowmantik.' spelled incorrectly and somehow sewn on in perfect white Helvetica.
You hung the flag right above your hammock.
It is your most prized possession.
Might be a little discouraged at first. His crush on you was a tad obvious.
But he figures it's for the best. You are the captain after all. Pursuing that relationship wouldn't have been professional in the slightest.
It does take a bit but he gets over it eventually.
He still genuinely loves you platonically/as a person, so things don't really change all that much.
You still have a strong friendship and work really well together.
He tends to go a bit overboard now about giving you personal space cause he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. So you may have to reassure him multiple times if it wasn't an issue.
During when pride month would be on earth he might gift you little aro themed stuff, like a patch you can't actually add to your uniform for work reasons but love and appreciate anyway.
He may not fully understand how you feel, but he never stops trying to, and either way he's always gonna support you no matter what.
Your orientation could never change how much he loves and trusts you both as a captain and as his friend.
He doesn't really care since it doesn't affect what you guys do, though he is openly accepting, especially if it seemed like you needed to hear that it wasn't something that bothered him.
In a similar vein to Illinois, he's strangely grateful.
He's not sure how he would've dealt with the situation had you developed a crush on him. Such emotions tend to get in the way more often than not in his line of work.
He didn't wanna have to kill you just to make his life easier. Taking a life out of necessity isn't as much fun, plus he'd grown a tad fond of you.
I like to think he cares quite a bit about your mental health, it would make sense given the whole murder thing.
So if you often go through periods of doubt or even internalized self hatred regarding being aromantic, he's gonna be there to help you through it.
He goes with you to pride parades and if anyone tries to tell you that you don't belong there, they're immediately getting put on a black list.
He got you a nifty little keychain once while you were there.
Overall, surprisingly wholesome.
a/n: I went back and forth on whether or not I was gonna use the pronouns I hc them all as using, but in the end I just said 'fuck it, appeal to general audiences, why not at this point'. I'm really fuckin' tired, dude. Just- HAPPY ARO WEEK! ig.
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qs-syskids · 8 months
This blog is primarily run by the Quilted System’s SysKids. These are all children under the age of 12. (Our teens get their own subblogs which are ALSO monitored by Fen.) Note that we have not included any fictives here who may be underage. The SysKids use “Renna” as their word for Mamma/Papa when talking about Fen as a nonbinary alternative.
Individual introductions are under the cut!
Arkle: he/him; ageslides 5-9
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What’s up? I’m Arkle! I’m one of the Triplets - my siblings are Aspen and Avery. I love skateboarding, space, and SpongeBob SquarePants! And sour candy! I’m “rough and tumble” according to Renna Fen - I guess that’s why I’ve always got a bandaid on somewhere. But I’m not a fighter - I’m actually pretty sensitive…
Aspen: they/them; ageslides 5-9
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H.hello. I’m Aspen. I’m the middle triplet - right between Arkle, who’s a few minutes older than me, and Avery, who’s a few minutes younger. I love to read - Renna Fen says I’m a very advanced reader for my age. I also like to write my own stories. I’d really like to learn to play the violin someday. I’m really shy and I don’t talk much out loud.
Avery: she/her; ageslides 5-9
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Hiiiii! I’m Avery! But sometimes I’m also Magical Girl Pink Bow! I love all things pink and girly and I love love love Magical Girl anime and shows like them! Renna says I’m “high energy” but that’s just fine with me~! I’m the loudest of the triplets. And the youngest. But don’t think that makes me weak! If you mess with my siblings I’ll take you down!
Harper: she/her; 10
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Hello; I’m Harper. I’m sort of a loner. I love pretty gardens, tea parties, and princesses. My favorite things are the Secret Garden and Sofia the First. I love floaty dresses. And birds! I’m quiet in person.
Jinx: she/he; 4
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Hihi! I’m Jinx. I’m the littlest of the SysKids. Well, other than Bud, but they’re an actual baby so they don’t get to Tumblr! I love Bluey and Sesame Street and rainbows and Duplo and coloring and playing pretend and stuffies! I still use a pacifier sometimes… But Renna says that’s okee cuz there’s no age limit for them!
Kippo: she/frog; 6
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🥺👉🏻👈🏻 | 👋 | 🐸 💚💛 | 🔇
Note from Fen: Kippo is a nonverbal child and a trauma holder. She is very, very shy. She really loves frogs and other amphibians. She does not type in words and uses emojis to communicate, though she prefers to use various sticker packs of frogs on Telegram to communicate in person.
Madison: she/her; 8
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Heya! I’m Madison. But you can call me Maddie if you want. I’m kinda “stuck” in the 90s/00s. That’s the kind of stuff I like most when it comes to just about everything - toys, shows, foods, activities… I have a big sister in system! Her name’s Alisha. I wanna be just like her when I grow up!
Rowan: she/they; ageslides 7-12
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My name’s Rowan. I guess I’m sort of the “feral” kid. I love the outdoors. Playing in the woods, climbing trees, splashing in puddles, hiking, fishing… that’s the kind of thing I like. My favorite show is Hilda on Netflix. I’m always a little dirty, but that’s just Nature!
Zoe: they/she; 10
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Hello. I’m Zoe. I’m the only SysKid with my own subsystem. It’s all superheroes cuz that’s what I love most. Superheroes are strong and brave and beautiful and always save the day. And they’ve saved me lots and lots. I’m not like them, though. I’m shy and average and get bullied a lot.
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Modern!au Jean Best Friend Headcannons
Modern!au Jean Kirschtein x bestfriend!reader
a/n: i want to be bestie’s with Jean so bad! I jus couldn’t stop thinking about it so please enjoy some headcannon’s of what I think it’d be like to be buddies with Jean! I might make a part 2 someday to add onto these cause I have so much more to say but I had to stop myself before I wrote a full fledged essay sdkjalkfjbajfb, let me know if you guys are interested! Or if you jus wanna come in my inbox and talk with me about Jean Kirstein, I’m always free to do that. Anyways, enjoy!
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Ok, I had a dream about Jean being my bestie and I have not stopped thinking about it since then LMAO
Ok, so for starter’s, I truly believe he would be such a good friend like the type to be listening to you in a group conversation and encouraging you to go on when you feel like no one is paying attention
“I’m listening :)”
Or the type to stop next to you while you tie your shoe and wait and just keeps talking to you
VERY much big brother energy, like I feel like he’d have that sincerity that bestie Armin would have but he’d be a little more of the type to always be looking out for you and being a tad overprotective at times, but more on that later back to attentive Jean :)
This man is SO attentive it’s unreal
Bad day? Yeah he could tell before you mentioned it and he’s buying you your favorite snack and driving you around until you talk about it constantly giving you the 👀😗 look
Feeling lonely? You never get the chance
This man is CONSTANTLY blowing up your phone with notifications from snapchat, instagram, tiktok, and facebook messenger if he’s feeling particularly clingy - it’s usually just some strange sticker of a fucking koala or somethin like “hi :)”
You guys don’t have “streaks” but you still have a streak from how often he’s snapchatting you
Most of the time it’s just a video of his face where he slowly zooms in cause he’s bored in class - the amont of snapchat’s you got from him where you can hear is Econ professor lecturing in the background is in the hundred’s at this point
The other times it’s usually Connie and Eren acting like absolute idiot’s while him and Armin are behind the camera like 😐 - they usually end with Armin sighing and stopping them from doing something probably a little illegal
Ok you have a groupchat for studying purposes with all your buddies but if it’s specifically Jean messaging you it’s most likely cause Eren said something stupid and Jean needs someone to laugh with him (yes, you, Jean, Sasha, and Connie do have a separate groupchat where you bully Eren - but it’s with love so it’s ok)
This man will send you a whole FYP but won’t let you open any of them until he’s with you, then y’all scroll through them together on one of your phones
the type to look at you when you’re on a tiktok he sent you that he thought was really funny to see your reaction
Sends you SO many “challenge” tiktoks that he’s adamant on doing with you
You know the one where someone puts their arm in between the other person’s legs and tries to lift them? He was persistent with that one
“I’m literally jacked c’mon you’ll be fine, I just want to know if I can do it. I mean I know I can, but, like, you know? Just c’mon.”
Yes you gave in, no you didn’t fall, yes Jean wouldn’t shut up about how “yolked” he was for the next 15 minutes
If you guys posted it people are definitely asking if you’re a couple and he just replies to every single one with “no” HE SEEMS SO INTENSE PLS
Ok you’re his best friend? Then you’re definitely close with his family. Like, two holidays every year type close.
You learned to drive when he did cause you’re his bestie and you guys should totally learn together (he was nervous and needed support ok)
While I don’t necessarily see him as someone who would playfully bully too much, he is a fighter LMAO
And I’m talking like fucked up sibling fighting
It always starts off “fun” it’s totally a little passive aggressive and then someone smacks a little too hard or throws an elbow that wasn’t needed and next thing you know someone’s in a headlock
If he has you in a headlock he WILL try to tickle you until you borderline piss yourself - until he realizes said piss would get on him and then he’ll let you go like 😎 yeah. I won
If you have him in a headlock PLS take a snapchat if you can and send it to Mikasa
He will pout for like 10 minutes and then get over it when she replies with a black screen and “lol what a dork”
Once you guys are done fighting - cause SOMEONE takes it too far - you just go on your phones until someone peeks over and you’re both like lol hi :),,, are you hungry? I think I still have some pizza rolls :)
Endless hoodie supply from all the sleepovers and the following cold mornings
He is always buying new ones cause he just feels wrong asking for them back? Like, is that his brand new nike hoodie? Yes.
BUT you’re wearing it and clearly you need it if you didn’t bring a hoodie so fine, you can have it, he’ll just buy another one he’s a little bit of a rich boy it’s ok
Although he is wondering where tf his other 6 hoodies you stole went
Late night study sessions in your dorm buildings lounge area - it’s almost embarrassing how often an RA is waking the two of you up to go to your rooms instead of sleeping on the couch and floor
Jean ALWAYS brings an extra water bottle for you in case you forgot one
You’ve definitely stolen your fair share of notes from him - they’re just so easy to understand!
They’re not exactly pretty but they’re just naturally organized into subsections and all the keywords are underlined with a little definition in the margin - if he’s feeling a little spicy he might even add a glossary at the end of his notes asjnffna;irje
Sometime’s he gets too nervous to ask for a girls number and then when you convince him to do it he’s all stuttering and stumbling over his words but he still gets it and he’s convinced it’s ‘cause you’re his lucky charm - really it’s just cute to see Jean all huffy and his ears getting all red while he says some stupid pick up line that he’s immediately apologizing for and now he’s rambling and - oh the girl is shoving something into his hand
“Y/n!! Look!! I got her number!”
Yeah, see Jean acting all cocky for the rest of the day like he got it cause he was smooth and NOT cause he was an adorable flustered mess
He does not like giving out your number if anyone asks him LMAO
He’s just like ,,,,, and why couldn’t you ask them yourself? He just hates it LMAO cause you’re great and if this idiot can’t ask you yourself then they don’t deserve you, they should be CONFIDENT in his mind
BUT he does make it mandatory you tell him everything there is to know about ANY current crush, love interest, fling, anything
Not just cause he likes the gossip but cause he feels like he has to approve - there’s the big bro energy we were talking about
PLS his favorite thing is to play games with Eren and you and whoever else cause you two will always gang up on Eren and he gets so mad and Jean finds it HILARIOUS
The three of you and Connie were all in the same Minecraft server once and you and Jean just could NOT stop making your dog’s attack Eren and blowing up his house
He was getting so heated and Jean and Connie were laughing so hard it sounded like their mics were blown
Eren had to pull his headset off and step away so he could take a 5-minute break cause he just couldn’t handle it - especially with the three of you dying at how mad he got
Let Eren spell something wrong in the group chat on Instagram or mispronounce a word,,, Jean is on him SO fast and you’re there right behind him - it’s becoming Jean’s favorite hobby and sometimes he says it’s his favorite part of being your best friend LMAO
Ahhhh!! Bestie Jean, hand him over please 🤲🏼🤲🏼‼️‼️ i jus wanna bully eren with him so bad 😭 let me know what you guys think!! Or just come to chat :) love you guys!! And let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
taglist: @plutowrites
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hatsukeii · 4 years
i havent seen anything for assassination classroom, so how about some headcanons for karma finding out he has a crush on the reader + if he'd confess how he'd pull it off?
sajdfhasd I’m so sorry I left this here for so long!! 
Assassination classroom has joined the server, glhf!
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❗️Karma Akabane❗️
- Yeah no.
- Karma Akabane does NOT have time to fall in love.
- He thinks.
- But like goddammit you were just so fucking amazing.
- Never would he have thought someone like you existed.
- And it wasn’t like you were some martial arts god or some genius savant student or anything like that.
- You were just you.
- Average, Bs and sometimes As, will punch people once in a while, yeah about that.
- Yet there was something that intrigued him.
- Maybe it was the way you laughed at all his jokes.
- Or how you broke up his fights.
- But with time, Karma definitely developed some form of interest in you.
- It took MONTHS for the guys in the class to succeed in explaining what “feelings” were.
- And even then, he was in denial.
- “No wayyyy I don’t like her. I don’t like anyone.”
- “Bullshit Karma.”
- Well let’s just say he got way less violent during his infatuation period.
- He rarely picked fights, was constantly dreamy, would stare at you from time to time.
- And after all that, he finally admits it.
- He likes you.
- But he’s a biiiit of a sociopath.
- Doesn’t know how to handle complex emotions like this.
- He’s happy to see you scared you hate him flustered because of you but sad because you probably dislike him.
- Mix of emotions? What’s that and how do I deal with it?
- He deals with it by coming up with the best confession ever known to mankind.
- Okay so in order for this to work, Karma had to bite back his pride and eventually tell all his friends about his situation.
- Let’s just say they responded enthusiastically.
- “Waaaa, Karma-kun finally making a move!” - Nagisa
- “Hell yes boi, go get your lady~” - Hiroto
- “Glad to see you’re finally dealing with your feelings.” - Isogai
- So what Karma did, was he got the entire class in on this confession.
- Yes, even Irina and ESPECIALLY Korosensei.
- If he’s gonna confess to someone, he’s gonna make it clear that he doesn’t want ANYONE laying those googly eyes on her.
- So during parkour training, they made this plan.
- Since this time was a special training involving a whole ass confession, Korosensei decided to change up the rules.
- Students would have a memo that they customise on their own.
- Their goal is to stick it on someone’s back while Karasuma chases them.
- Whoever gets a memo on their back loses and is eliminated.
- While Karasuma started chasing, the rest of the students and the two teachers were talking via these little headphone things that Korosensei built.
- Two students would constantly be by your side.
- Whenever they see Karasuma coming, they would divert his attention and make him chase them instead.
- Seeing that, Korosensei would tell students your location and send in two others to guard you.
- Eventually, almost everyone got tagged by Karasuma.
- Except for you, and Karma.
- And NO this is not my way of ‘tWiSTiNG THe EvEnt” so the confession is easier oh nonononono.
- You wanna know how you managed to not get tagged? 
- You had to climb to the top of a random tree.
- Couldn’t blame you, you were out of stamina and dehydrated as fuuuuuu-
- But Karma got the information via the headphones.
- With Karasuma chasing him, climbing up that tree would not be easy.
- But boy he is determined to do this thing.
- He will climb any goddamn tree to do this.
- So you hear leaves rustling and BAM-
- Out jumps a wild Karma Akabane, memo sticker ready in hand. 
- Out of fear and shock, you slam your memo right into his chest when he sticks his onto your back.
- Then Karasuma catches him.
- “You brat, do you know how long it took me to climb up this stupid ass tree? I get tired too you know.” - Karasuma
- It isn’t until the two of you get down, does Karasuma see the memo on your back.
- He’s confused but just chooses to ignore it.
- Young love you know.
- The two of you are arguing over who won.
- “No way it wasn’t me, I literally screamed and shoved it into your chest.”
- “Oh so what? The game was to stick it on someone’s BACK, not CHEST.”
- The three of you set foot on the ground to see the entire class standing there, almost expectantly.
- “Huh? Why are you all staring at us?”
- Everyone’s just smirking at you with no context.
- Until Karasuma picks the memo off your back and starts questioning.
- “Why is this memo the shape of a heart?” - Karasuma, denser than a neutron star
- “Huh?” - You, probably, and maybe some other people in the class
- You snatch the memo, and read it out loud, expecting it to be some dumb joke or witty comeback.
- “Go out with me? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Because I’m into you? Like very, very into you?”
- Yes, Karma is blushing, very hard.
- Like even harder than when Korosensei was making fun of him for his bad maths scores.
- “Just say yes or no, I can’t wait any longer.”
- “Hell yes, what’s the date? And why didn’t you tell me about this? Do you know how hard it is NOT knowing how your crush thinks about you? I swear to God you’re gonna give me a heart attack someday-”
- “Just shut up and kiss me.”
- And you do just that.
- Koromama took so many photos don’t even-
Ahhh I hope this satisfies your request!! <333
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bevioletskies · 3 years
meet me halfway (across the sky)
summary: Video calls back home were a rare treat for Apollo, considering how busy his life in Khura’in could be. Catching up with Trucy, Athena, and Phoenix was one thing. Getting a sudden call from Klavier was another. And talking to Klavier every day for hours about everything they never knew about each other was possibly the most unexpected thing of all.
word count: 12k | read on ao3
a/n: For @klapollo-week, day five of seven (prompt: "parallels"). All seven of my fics take place in the same continuity! However, each can be read as a stand-alone, with the exception of day seven being a sequel to day five.
Mild spoiler warning for Spirit of Justice, along with implied spoilers for Dual Destinies. Fic title is from the song Meet Me Half Way by Kenny Loggins.
“Uh, Mr. Wright, you’re way too close to the screen. Can you sit back a little?”
“Oops - sorry, Apollo! Still not used to this kind of technology, heh.”
“Sheesh, Daddy, you make yourself sound ancient - ”
“Ah! Did you guys start already? Attendez-moi!”
Chuckling, Apollo leaned back in his seat and waited while the three of them rearranged themselves in front of their webcam. He’d missed this, this camaraderie that he didn’t quite have with his current companions in Khura’in. There was something immensely comforting about it, about every time he managed to schedule a video call with everyone back home. It didn’t happen as often as they would’ve liked, given how busy they all were, how tricky the time difference could be, but when it did, it was the best part of Apollo’s week.
“Hey, guys,” Apollo said, waving sleepily. “What’s been going on?” He leaned closer, peering at his screen. “...Athena, why do you have a banana sticker on your forehead?”
“Why don’t you have a banana sticker on your forehead?” Athena retorted, peeling hers off with a flourish. “Anyway, everything’s been sehr gut! We’ve had, hm...I think four clients since we last talked? All acquitted, of course!”
“Anything interesting?” Apollo asked. “I’ve had twelve clients, myself.”
Phoenix frowned. “I’m...not so sure that’s a good thing. Are you getting enough sleep? I can’t imagine you having that many cases and not mixing them up. Keeping track of evidence alone must be a nightmare!”
“It’s been...a process,” Apollo said diplomatically, trying not to think about the dozens of folders he had on both his desktop and his actual desk that needed to be sorted in a way that made some semblance of sense. “Don’t worry about me, Mr. Wright, I-I’m fine!”
“Famous last words,” Trucy huffed. “Polly, you need rest! We want you back home in one piece, after all.”
“At least I’m not accepting odd jobs anymore,” Apollo chuckled. “I don’t mind helping someone set up their internet or move their couch every now and then, but I can’t do everything.” He startled suddenly at the sound of his phone going off. “Oh - sorry, one sec.” His brows knitted together when he read the call display: Klavier Gavin.
“Apollo? Is something wrong?” Athena asked, concerned.
“I - uh…” Apollo hesitated, unsure of what to do. “I’m gonna mute myself for a second, hang on.” He did just that, then answered his phone. “Gavin? Are you...wait. Did you call me by accident?”
There was a long, lingering silence. Then, “Ach, I only just realized what time it is where you are. I should’ve texted first, ja?”
“Yeah, probably,” Apollo said, laughing awkwardly. “Is this, uh, urgent? It’s just - I’m in the middle of a video call, so…”
“Nein, nein, not all!” Klavier’s voice was too loud, too sharp. Apollo didn’t need to see his face to know what that meant. “You know what? Forget I called, it’s nothing.”
“Hey, no, don’t do that,” Apollo protested, frowning. “If you wanna talk for whatever reason, we can - ”
“I have somewhere I need to be, anyway, so, er - Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Forehead.” Klavier quickly hung up before Apollo could get a word in edgewise. He stared at his phone, perplexed, before unmuting himself. The others looked as confused as he was.
“What happened?” Phoenix asked.
“...Prosecutor Gavin called me?” Apollo shook himself a little. “I’ll get back to him later, so - anyway, what were we talking about?”
Three days passed before Klavier responded to the inquiring text message Apollo had sent him after he’d finished talking to the others. He still didn’t seem ready to talk about it - whatever it was - but he did suggest they do a video call of their own, to which Apollo agreed. Something about Klavier’s behavior was bothering him, and he was more curious about it than he expected to be.
“Forehead? You’re staring, achtung. I know I’m handsome, but you should really keep those eyes of yours under control. They’re going to get you in trouble someday, I’m sure of it.”
“I - ” Apollo’s eyes narrowed. “Really, Gavin? That’s how we’re starting this?”
“It was you who started it,” Klavier said petulantly, his tone not unlike a five-year-old’s. But really, Apollo couldn’t stop staring - not because of Klavier’s looks; he’d long made peace with how attractive he thought Klavier was and how much he didn’t want Klavier to know, but because of how tired Klavier seemed. Apollo had expected him to be in his usual “uniform”, his silver jewelry and perfect makeup and impeccably styled hair. Instead, Klavier was wearing an oversized sweater, his hair up in a loose topknot, his face completely bare. He still had that lazy, slightly flirtatious smile on his face, but he was slouching quite a bit, his arms loosely wrapped around his propped-up knee. With his cracked lips, acne scars, and hunched shoulders, he looked more human than Apollo had ever thought possible.
“How’ve you been?” Apollo asked, ignoring him. “I’m surprised you called. I haven’t heard from you in, like. Three months? Four? I swear, I’m losing all sense of time here.”
“Well, it’s not like we had a habit of talking in the first place, ja?” Klavier pointed out. “But...to borrow a phrase, I’m fine, though the courts have been so boring without you here. I almost miss the ringing ears I got after every single one of our trials.”
“Har, har,” Apollo drawled. “Congratulations, you and everyone else have broken me down into exactly two personality traits: sarcastic and loud. Are you proud of yourself?”
“You forgot ‘oblivious’,” Klavier supplied helpfully.
Apollo blinked. “...to what?” He blinked again. “Wait - ”
“Too late,” Klavier interrupted gleefully, beaming. “You’ve proven my point beautifully.” Apollo glared; not five minutes in, and he was already prepared to hang up. “Anyway, I’ve been sehr gut, for the most part. Work has been keeping me busy. You?”
“I’m pretty settled here by now,” Apollo said, shrugging. “It’s rough, y’know, trying to rebuild an entire legal system as the only defense attorney in the country, but, uh...at least I’m not completely alone. And as nerdy as it sounds, I’m actually really liking the work. Not the stress - that, I could do without - but the fact that I get to be a part of this big...thing. It’s exciting, I guess.”
“It’s not that nerdy,” Klavier reasoned. “Nerdy is reading law textbooks at night, under the covers. As a child.”
“...is it weird that I actually did that?” Apollo asked, wincing.
Now it was Klavier’s turn to blink, stunned. “Wait, really? I was talking about me.”
“Oh.” Apollo shifted in his seat, surprised. “Never would’ve guessed. I mean, obviously, I know you became a prosecutor at seventeen, but I just assumed you were a musical child prodigy and...I dunno, switched career paths at some point.”
Klavier let out a soft laugh. “Again, you flatter me, Herr Forehead, but I’m not a prodigy of any kind. Just some good old-fashioned hard work, you know?” He then frowned very slightly. “Though...I’ll admit, I’m not sure how much of my standing at the prosecutor’s office also came down to good old-fashioned nepotism. After all, Kristoph…” He trailed off, unwilling to say more.
Apollo shuddered. Even after all this time, he couldn’t get his former boss’s maniacal laughter out of his head. “Right, um...oh, have you had any interesting cases lately? Athena was telling me she had a literal gravedigger as a client - no prizes for guessing where the victim’s body was discovered…”
The next hour seemed to fly by surprisingly quickly, with the two of them exchanging light-hearted anecdotes about work. As it turned out, they’d both had many interesting cases since the last time they spoke. It wasn’t until Apollo could barely keep his eyes open that he realized what time it was.
“Ach, don’t let me keep you,” Klavier said when Apollo yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time in a row. “You have work in the morning, I’m sure.”
“Wait, but - ” Apollo yawned yet again “ - but we never got around to...whatever it was you were calling about the first time. Your so-called ‘nothing’.”
Klavier’s expression sobered instantly, his mouth pulling back into a hard line. “I’m not going to bother lying to you, Apollo. But I’m not interested in telling you, either. So let’s leave it at that, ja?”
“I...oh.” Apollo nodded, feeling somewhat chastised. “Fine. Fine, we don’t have to - but if you wanna, y’know, catch up again sometime, let me know, okay? I’ve got time to talk. Er, I think.”
Klavier laughed, surprised, though his eyes were still wary. “Do you actually...miss me, Forehead?”
“You really know how to ruin a moment, Gavin,” Apollo sighed, shaking his head. “Anyway, talk to you later...maybe. Haven’t decided on whether I actually want to anymore, jerk.”
Klavier continued to grin. “Auf Wiedersehen, baby.” Apollo tried not to think about how the last word had made him shiver.
Weeks went by before Apollo heard from Klavier again, a few days after he’d had a two-hour long call with Trucy. Apollo’s voice was a bit hoarse from all the talking he’d done - not to mention how angry he’d gotten in court just yesterday after a particularly smug witness tried to take over the entire trial - but nevertheless, he was surprised at how happy he was to see Klavier, a feeling he was mostly unfamiliar with.
“Do you have a cold?” Klavier asked. “Your voice sounds a bit strained and raspy.”
“My brain feels strained and raspy,” Apollo groaned. He then paused; for some reason, the exchange sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why. “It’s nothing, I just got pissed and yelled at someone in court yesterday. Not my finest moment, I’ll admit.”
“But isn’t yelling your default?” Klavier smirked. He looked more relaxed than last time, the tension in his face less noticeable. “I hope the rest of the trial went well, at least.”
“Oh, it didn’t,” Apollo said, snorting. “But...past’s in the past. I have too many cases to deal with to bother worrying about one crappy witness. My client was acquitted, I got the real culprit, you know the deal. It’s all starting to blur together, to be honest.”
“It sounds like you need to get out more,” Klavier suggested, not unkindly. “Is there any sort of...nightlife in Khura’in? Recreational activities, maybe? Don’t make me bother Fräulein Detective and get her to drag you to a bar every now and then.”
“We go out to eat or drink sometimes,” Apollo replied, shrugging. “But...I dunno. I don’t really have the time to take up a new hobby or whatever. My free time is for eating, sleeping, and catching up with people back home.”
“Fair enough, though you really should lighten your workload,” Klavier said sagely. “It’s not like you took cases every day when you were here, ja? I know Khura’in needs your help, but what good are you to them if you’re burnt out?”
Apollo’s eyes widened slightly, stupefied. Then, he tried - and failed - to stifle a laugh. “Okay, Dad. Sheesh, you sound like Mr. Wright trying to give me a pep talk.” He sat back in his seat, loosely running his fingers through his hair. “Fine, then, question for you - when’s the last time you took a day off?”
“I went to visit my parents last Saturday,” Klavier answered after taking a moment to think. “They needed help cleaning and packing away some of...some of his things.” He visibly swallowed, though he tried to hide it with a sharp cough. After some consideration, Apollo decided not to comment on it.
“That’s hardly a day off,” Apollo retorted instead. “I mean, it’s technically not work, but - wait. Do you usually work on weekends, too?”
“Natürlich,” Klavier replied, confused. “Do you mean to say you don’t?”
“No, I - I work on weekends more than I should,” Apollo admitted. “But it’s kinda hypocritical of you to tell me to get out more when you don’t have much of a life, either, y’know. Also, are you seriously telling me you don’t have, like. Other things to do? People to see, places to be? Not that spending time with your parents is a bad thing, I-I mean, it’s cool that you do, it’s just...well.”
Klavier averted his eyes, reaching across his desk to pick up his mug of tea. He took his time with it, drinking at a leisurely pace, before finally speaking again. “Do you actually care to know, Forehead? Or are you just asking to ask?” he said evenly.
“I…” Apollo found himself caught off-guard by both the question and his own answer. “No, I actually wanna know. ‘Cos it’s just - it’s not what I imagined. I’ve seen all the headlines and photos and stuff, so…”
“Ah.” Klavier smiled ruefully. “From the early Gavinners days, I take it? Back when I had Daryan around to be my bad influence? Nein, that’s not exactly my style anymore. I already feel too old for that kind of scheisse. Now, I do these things out of obligation, you know? Work parties, family events...nothing too wild. Not when I’ve been involved in too many scandals. Better to lay low than to put myself out there again, ja?”
“I...I see.” Apollo went quiet for a moment, ruminating. He couldn’t help but notice Klavier had neatly avoided the word “friend”; he was starting to wonder how many he actually had. Honestly, he couldn’t remember the last time Klavier had ever mentioned anyone outside of people that Apollo himself already knew.
“You’re staring again, Forehead.” Klavier leaned closer, resting his chin in his hands, a wicked grin plastered across his face. “There’s no one nearly as pretty as me in Khura’in, I take it? Don’t worry, I’d be surprised if there was.” Apollo said nothing, instead lifting a hand from his own mug of honey lemon tea to flip him off. Klavier merely laughed in response, delighted.
After that, the gap between video calls went down from a few weeks to a few days. Neither of them knew why, but somehow, they’d come to a silent agreement that they were going to talk once or twice a week about nothing in particular. However, Apollo still hadn’t quite figured out why Klavier had called him the first time. Initially, he suspected it had something to do with Kristoph, given that the Gavins were finally starting to pack up his things. Maybe Klavier had visited him recently, or maybe he’d reminisced a little too long about their shared childhood, whatever that looked like. But when Apollo had asked, Klavier had simply shrugged it off.
“It’s no secret that even thinking about thinking about Kristoph puts me in a foul mood,” Klavier had replied. “But I haven’t seen him lately, nein. I’m done, I’m - I just want to move on with my life, without his shadow lurking in the darkness.”
Not all their conversations were so heavy, though; once they’d finally caught up on everything they’d missed out on over the last several months, their topics turned mundane, even silly. Apollo never expected to spend one of his precious free Saturday mornings arguing with Klavier, of all people, about breakfast, of all things, but here he was.
“Yes, I’ve had instant ramen for breakfast, what of it?!” Apollo had exclaimed defensively. “Add an egg, some bacon bits...what’s your problem?”
“My problem is your sodium intake,” Klavier had protested. “Bitte, tell me you eat actual fruits and vegetables from time to time. Tell me you have some semblance of a balanced diet and your stomach hasn’t just turned into a toxic wasteland.”
Apollo wasn’t sure why he was talking to Klavier so often, so suddenly, in all honesty. Part of him supposed it was because Klavier just happened to be there - after all, he seemed freer to talk than Phoenix, Trucy, or Athena, and he wasn’t bad company when he wasn’t not-so-stealthily insulting Apollo in court. But another part of him, the part he desperately wanted to ignore, felt oddly comforted by Klavier’s probably-fake accent and his too-wide smile. Klavier’s presence in his small, chilly Khura’inese bedroom almost made him feel like he was back home.
“Have you seen the others lately?” Apollo asked one evening, bundled up in the thickest blanket he could find. There was a draft coming in from somewhere that he had yet to take care of, and neither Datz nor Ahlbi were too interested in checking it out, either. “Or...I dunno. Watched any of Trucy’s shows?”
“I’ve only seen them around at crime scenes and the courthouse,” Klavier replied. Apollo couldn’t stop himself from sneaking a peek over Klavier’s shoulders at his surroundings in curiosity. For once, Klavier was sitting on his bed instead of at his desk or in what was presumably his home office. Unsurprisingly, he seemed to have a huge, ostentatious-looking bedroom that was probably bigger than Apollo’s office. “Things have been...busy at the Gavin estate. I don't have much time to socialize with colleagues.”
“Busy?” Apollo echoed, sitting up. “More cleaning, you mean?”
“My parents aren’t retired, but sometimes, they act like they are,” Klavier said wryly. “They want to remodel so many rooms - the kitchen, the conservatory, my old playroom...so I’ve been going home quite a bit these days, helping them with the little things. It was nostalgic, seeing all the toys I used to play with. Feels like a lifetime ago, achtung.”
“What was your thing?” Apollo asked. “Beanie Babies? Barbie Dreamhouses? Legos? Wait, let me guess - you had one of those Fisher-Price piano playmats, didn’t you? Don’t even lie to me.”
“I would never own something so tacky,” Klavier protested; he almost seemed offended. “Nein, Mama was all about wooden toys - blocks, cars, dollhouses, kitchen sets - it’s very aesthetically pleasing. With the occasional soft toy, ja, but we never had plastic.”
“Interesting,” Apollo said, humming. “Same here, no plastic for us. Only, uh - not for the same reasons. More out of...necessity.”
“Oh.” Klavier’s expression softened. “Ja, I suppose in your...situation, you wouldn’t be able to get new things easily.” He then smirked. “Now I’m trying to imagine you and Herr Sahdmadhi as children. I can’t picture either of you with dolls or teddy bears.”
“Try actual frogs and actual bunnies,” Apollo said, sinking down further into his chair. “We were outdoorsy kids, believe it or not. Scraped knees and sunburns and all. But now, uh, good luck dragging me away from air conditioning and indoor plumbing. You couldn’t pay me to abandon my weighted blanket.”
“Picky, picky,” Klavier teased, grinning. “I don’t blame you, though. I’m too comfortable with being comfortable to like change. Though...I suppose that’s not really up to us, is it? Changing?”
“How philosophical of you,” Apollo drawled, rolling his eyes. “It’s not that deep, Gavin, I’m just saying I’m not interested in sleeping outdoors again anytime soon. One instance of me waking up with ants in places that you definitely don’t want ants was enough.” He then chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully. “And honestly, who does like change? It’s like when I get a new client, right, and every time, something changes on me. Evidence, circumstances, logic...hell, it’s your fault sometimes!”
“When did this become about me?” Klavier chuckled, still smiling.
“Isn’t everything?” Apollo shot back. “It’s like you have this...this uncanny ability to turn any normal conversation into an opportunity for you to wax poetic, just so you can sound cool. If you ask me, it’s more dorky than anything else.”
Klavier’s mouth dropped open. “...Apollo Justice, are you calling me a dork?”
“Maybe I am, Klavier Gavin. What are we, Prosecutor von Karma?” Apollo snorted. “Sorry, Gavin, but between you and her, I think I know which one of you is actually German.”
“I’ll have you know that I’m very German,” Klavier protested, wagging an accusing finger at his screen. “Both of my parents grew up in Germany; they only came to the States so they could get their master’s. They had me learn German by watching Janoschs Traumstunde and Die Sendung mit der Maus, and Mama taught me how to make spätzle and schupfnudeln and reibekuchen - ah, and my favorite dessert? Bienenstich.”
Apollo held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I believe you. I just think your accent’s a little...questionable. You sound like someone who got too overconfident in their dedication to Duolingo.”
“Ach,” Klavier said, laughing. “Anyway, do you mean it? Am I really...dorky?”
“Wow, you’re even more hung up on that than I thought,” Apollo teased, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing as well. “Though I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Image is a big deal to you, after all. Yes, Gavin, you’re a huge dork. How can you not be when you say shit like - like ‘tell me you share my angst, Herr Forehead’ - ”
“And you think my accent is terrible,” Klavier mused, sighing. “So sue me, I like to embellish. I like a little romance in my language - it makes life more interesting, you know? Though I suppose you wouldn’t understand, being the kind of person that you are. You wouldn’t know romance if it asked you to dinner.”
“Ugh, that reminds me.” An involuntary shudder went through Apollo’s entire body. “I had a client ask me out a few weeks ago. Like, seconds after I got him acquitted. As if that was all he was thinking about while the judge declared him not guilty.”
Klavier went still. “...really? What happened? What did you say?”
“I said no, obviously!” Apollo exclaimed, loud enough that he briefly wondered if he’d accidentally woken up his neighbors. “He wasn’t a murderer, but he was still a shitty person. Besides, shitty or not, it’s kind of an unspoken thing to not date clients and co-workers, isn’t it?”
“Ja, of course,” Klavier said, waving a hand aimlessly. “I’m just...surprised.”
“That someone was interested in me? Thanks, Gavin,” Apollo drawled, rolling his eyes.
“That someone thought it was a good idea,” Klavier corrected, mouth twisting into a slight frown. “You’re perfect...ly acceptable, Forehead. As a, ah, person to go on a date with, I mean.” He cleared his throat; it seemed to get stuck quite often these days. “Anyway - surely, he didn’t think you would agree!”
“I dunno what he was thinking, if he was thinking at all in the first place,” Apollo sighed, shivering once more. “At least Ema got a good laugh out of it.”
Klavier straightened up, his expression quickly returning to normal. “How is she, by the way? I can only imagine that Khura’in is completely covered in luminol by now.”
“She’s adjusted pretty well, though she’s used to living overseas,” Apollo shrugged. “Her Khura’inese needs some work, though. Er, not that mine’s much better, I’ve been gone for too long. It’s coming back to me...slowly. Very slowly.”
“Sometimes I forget that you speak another language, too,” Klavier remarked. “Considering your grasp of English…”
“My English is fine, thanks,” Apollo huffed; it seemed like he couldn’t go one conversation without wanting to stick his tongue out at Klavier like they were unruly children on a school playground. Or, alternatively, flipping him off like they were fighting over the last parking spot. “Just ‘cos I don’t get all fancy with it - ”
“Here we go again,” Klavier sighed, dropping his chin into his hands. “And you say I make everything about me, hm?”
“Two-way street, Gavin. Two-way street,” Apollo said, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. “Besides, that’s...it’s kind of our thing, isn’t it? Poking at each other until someone gets legitimately pissed? Usually me, but still.”
“I didn’t know we had a ‘thing’,” Klavier said, cocking his head in curiosity. “Tell me more about this ‘thing’ of ours, bitte.”
“See? There you go again!” Now Apollo’s neighbors were definitely awake; he didn’t have to look out the window to know that their lights were coming back on. “You can’t go two seconds without being...smarmy about something. It’s like a bad habit of yours, and I know a thing or two about bad habits.”
“What’s yours?”
Apollo blinked. Klavier had asked so suddenly, so immediately, that he’d barely heard what he’d said. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“Your bad habit,” Klavier elaborated. “I know you were talking about spotting other people’s tells, but I’m more curious about yours. You’d think that, since I get on your nerves so easily, I’d be able to see it myself, but…” He shrugged, still smiling. It was one of those indiscernible expressions of his that frustrated Apollo so much, the kind of bland, indifferent smile that seemed to mean anything and nothing at the same time. The kind of smile Klavier had in court as he reviewed the facts of the case, or when he ran into Apollo at a crime scene, or even when he talked about not talking about his brother.
“I...I, uh, never really thought about it.” Apollo hummed, thinking it over. “Messing with my hair, I guess? I’ve definitely, literally pulled my hair out before whenever I’m, like. Nervous. Stressed. Worried. Or, y’know, all of the above. I even had a crooked hairline in high school ‘cos I used to do it all the time.”
Klavier lifted his head from his hands, looking at Apollo in awe. He was quiet for so long that Apollo almost asked him if his internet connection had cut out, only to watch Klavier fuss with his bangs, then push them back completely, exposing his hairline, near-identical to what Apollo’s used to look like. It was only then that Apollo realized he’d never seen Klavier with his hair completely up. Of course, he’d seen Klavier do ponytails, braids, even space buns if he was feeling particularly stylish, but his bangs were always swept over his left eye. Now, he could see why.
“...oh.” Apollo wasn’t sure what to say. “I...I see. Is that, uh, recent?”
Klavier nodded shortly, then briefly turned away to grab a hair tie from his bedside table. He held the hair tie between his teeth while he gathered up his hair and twisted it into a neat knot; Apollo tried not to stare at the fullness of Klavier’s bottom lip, sticking out in a perfect pout, as he did. “Can I tell you a secret, Herr Forehead?”
“Oh - er - okay, abrupt change of topic there,” Apollo muttered, more to himself than to Klavier. “I guess so. What’s up?”
“I...haven’t decided how I feel yet about my parents remodeling our family estate.” Klavier’s tone was casual, but Apollo knew by now that it meant nothing. “I know why they’re doing it, I just don’t know why they’re doing it now. Nothing has changed, you know? They’re still working, I’m still working...Kristoph is still in prison.”
“Well, I don’t...know your parents or anything,” Apollo said carefully. “But i-it could be, like, a healing process thing. Starting fresh and all that, you know? But maybe it’s really not that deep. Maybe they literally just felt like, hey, now’s the right time to renovate. You could ask ‘em.”
“Ah - nein, I couldn’t inconvenience them like that,” Klavier said, chuckling awkwardly. He was already starting to mess with his hair once more. “If I expressed anything other than my complete support, they would stop immediately. And they’ve already sacrificed so much for me, I would never...I can’t…”
“Gavin,” Apollo said softly.
“It’s just a few rooms.” Klavier inhaled sharply. “What does it matter? It’s not like I live there. If Mama wants to turn our playroom into a crafting room, it...it makes sense.”
Their conversation, understandably, didn’t last too long after that. Apollo crawled into bed, still wrapped up in his blankets, with over a dozen trains of thought trekking through his mind, more of them about Klavier than he wanted to admit. He’d never thought of Klavier as an inherently private person - at times, he seemed almost too open to speaking his mind - but now, he could see that in some ways, he had been completely wrong.
Unlike before, a few weeks passed before they had another video call. Klavier was wearing a muscle tank this time, his hair scraped back into a messy bun, his bangs perfectly placed. Apollo found himself more than a little distracted by the broadness of Klavier’s shoulders, by the length of Klavier’s neck. “Entschuldigung for last time,” Klavier said smoothly, by way of greeting. “Let’s not have me treat our conversations like my therapy sessions, ja?”
“It’s fine, Gavin,” Apollo reassured him. “One comment about how you’re feeling is no big deal. If you wanna talk, then...talk. Honestly, I’m a huge law nerd, and I could talk about Khura’inese legal practices all day, but, uh, I could definitely use a conversation or two that’s about something completely different.”
Klavier nodded, seemingly thinking it over. “...I like your hair.”
Apollo raised an eyebrow. “...and I like your shirt. What, are we on a shitty speed date? C’mon, you can do better than that!”
“Ach, you didn’t let me finish,” Klavier protested, chuckling. “I just meant...I like your hair like this. It looks...soft. Less severe. Something that would be nice to touch, you know?”
“I...oh.” A pleasant tingle went up Apollo’s spine. Klavier’s voice was low, warm, especially through his headphones. He brushed his hair back behind his ears, ducking his head slightly so Klavier wouldn’t notice the heat rising in his cheeks. “Trucy introduced me to some new hair products a while back. Said it was stuff she uses to make her hair look extra shiny under the stage lights. Er, n-not that that’s why I’m using it, just...it’s nice to treat myself every now and then.”
Klavier suddenly perked up. “Speaking of treating yourself, that reminds me - you know the best way to help you with all that stress and tension you’re dealing with? A gut massage. Surely, there are some facilities like that in Khura’in, ja?”
Apollo fixed Klavier with a withering look. “...Gavin, we just had a revolution here, like, six months ago. Getting a massage and a facial is hardly anyone’s priority right now, believe me. It’s not like the legal system is off in its own little world, y’know? The economy, the sociopolitical order…everyone considers themselves lucky that they can go about their day-to-day lives, but luxury goods and services? Not here, not yet.”
“Shame, though I can’t fault Khura’in for having its priorities in order,” Klavier said, frowning slightly. “Well, if I ever get bored enough and feel like hopping on a plane, maybe I’ll come visit and give you a massage myself.”
“I’m not paying for your ticket,” Apollo retorted, his cheeks reddening once more. “And are you even qualified?”
“I always massage Papa’s shoulders whenever I go to my parents’ house,” Klavier mused thoughtfully. “He gets sore from all the gardening he does. You should see our estate garden; it’s like something out of a fairytale.”
Apollo’s nose twitched. “I’m, uh, I’m sure it does. Hey, so - tell me about your parents. You’ve mentioned them a bunch of times, but I don’t actually know that much about them.”
“High school sweethearts,” Klavier said with an almost dreamy smile on his face. “The old-school kind, slipping love letters into each other’s bags between classes and all that. Now, they’re both college professors at the same school. They both act like practical, no-nonsense people, but the truth is, they're both romantisch at heart.”
“And then passed that on to you,” Apollo nodded. “Makes sense. They sound adorable, actually.”
“I never had a high school sweetheart of my own,” Klavier sighed wistfully. “I can’t imagine how...all-consuming that must feel. To be so young, to be so sure that this one person, the only person you’ve ever loved, will be the only person you’ll ever love.”
“I guess that’s where we differ,” Apollo said quietly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, surprised at himself. He wasn’t sure where his comment had come from, why he’d blurted it out loud without a second thought. “I, uh, I had...something like that. Someone like that.”
“...oh.” Klavier furrowed his eyebrows, confused. “What happened?”
Apollo ducked his head, unable to look Klavier in the eye. “...you know what happened to him.”
Klavier’s eyes widened in realization. “Ach - Apollo, I’m so - ”
“Don’t, I - don’t,” Apollo insisted, a lump forming in his throat. “It’s not, uh. It’s not something I really wanna talk about.”
Klavier seemed unable to speak for a moment, his eyes shining with pity. Apollo hated it, hated how genuinely sorry Klavier looked, as if he had anything to do with it at all. Klavier opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. “...I’ve written songs about my parents, actually. Not that you’ll find them on any Gavinners’ albums, just little love ballads that I played at their anniversary parties and vow renewal. They were big hits with my extended family - the one I wrote when I was ten years old is an absolute classic.”
“I’m sure it was,” Apollo chuckled, shaking himself out of his thoughts. “How about now, you write anything recently?”
“Barely a tune since the Gavinners disbanded,” Klavier admitted. “I haven’t felt all that inspired lately. Maybe someday it’ll come back to me, but right now...nothing. Nichts.”
“Good luck, I guess,” Apollo offered. “By the way, what’s with the tank top? Is it that hot over there already?”
“I’ve always been hot, Forehead, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Klavier said, grinning victoriously at the almost too obvious bait.
Apollo groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “I will hang up on you someday, Gavin, don’t think I won’t.”
The gap between video calls quickly dwindled down from a few days to no days at all. Text messages were constant, to the point where Apollo had to sheepishly ask Nahyuta how to upgrade his phone plan. Even phone calls started to increase in frequency; Apollo was starting to think he heard Klavier’s voice more often than he heard Ema’s, and they often spent entire days in each other’s presence.
“How do you feel about peaches?” Apollo asked, his phone carefully sandwiched between his ear and his shoulder as he deftly navigated his way through the farmer’s market, nearly tripping over a stray dog as he did so.
“Great emoji,” Klavier replied semi-seriously, though Apollo could tell he was trying not to laugh. “Although...Forehead, if this is your subtle way of asking me for my opinion on Call Me By Your Name, I’ll have you know I never learned how to play Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo. Now, Zion Hört Die Wächter Singen, on the other hand - ”
“Need I remind you, I only speak English, Khura’inese, and college-level Spanish?” Apollo interrupted, shaking his head. “Anyway, peaches are basically a delicacy here. Sucks for me, since I’m allergic to stone fruit.”
“Same, I can only eat them cooked. I love a good cherry pie,” Klavier hummed. “Did you remember to get kale this time?”
“Yeah, I got a huge bundle of it right here,” Apollo said, jostling his wicker basket loudly enough so Klavier could hear. A few market patrons turned to look at him strangely. “Thanks again for the tip, by the way. I’m still getting used to cooking stuff that’s not instant or frozen, so roasting vegetables is a total game-changer.”
“Glad to hear you’re eating actual fruits and vegetables now,” Klavier replied, chuckling. “So, I had a case go kaput today. Thought you might want to hear about it.”
“Obviously!” Apollo said, lighting up. “What did you do?”
“Achtung, why do you think it was my fault?” Klavier protested, his laughter warm in Apollo’s ear.
“Isn’t everything?” Apollo shot back, laughing as well. “Seriously, what happened? Can’t be as bad as...literally anything that’s happened to me.”
“Nein, not quite,” Klavier agreed. “Don’t worry, I wasn’t up against Athena or Herr Wright. Some rookie, I think; I was going to go easy on them. That is, until the defendant, apparently overcome with guilt, decided to bring their own decisive evidence to prove that they did, in fact, kill the victim.”
“No!” Apollo exclaimed. More market patrons turned in his direction, glaringly so. He shot them apologetic grimaces, then ducked behind a watermelon display. “Really? Like, are we talking fingerprints, photographs…”
“Everything, Forehead, everything. I couldn’t have convicted them better myself,” Klavier remarked. “Obviously, I take no joy in celebrating crime, especially murder, but ach, I consider that one of the highlights of my career. The only thing that would’ve made it better was if you were there. I can picture your dumbfounded expression now.”
“You’re terrible,” Apollo informed him, with no real bite behind his words. “But...not gonna lie, that’s kind of incredible. I feel bad for the defense, though. I’ve been screwed over by clients before, but usually not that badly.” He then heard a sharp wuff somewhere by his feet; he glanced down to see the dog he’d nearly tripped over before was now sitting on top of his toes, looking up at him with literal puppy-dog eyes. “...uh, hello. Did you need something?”
“What’s that?” Klavier asked.
“Oh - sorry, not you, Gavin. A stray dog just came over to say hi, I guess.” Apollo crouched down, taking care not to tip his basket. “Hey, buddy. I’m not the one to beg for food, if that’s what you’re looking for. All I can offer is, like, a belly rub.”
“Wait, switch to video, I want to see this,” Klavier pleaded, laughing again. Sighing, Apollo turned on his camera, then aimed his phone at the dog, who was now rolling over onto its back, its tail thumping enthusiastically against the cobblestone. “Ah, what an adorable hündchen! Go on, Forehead, don’t make him wait.” Sighing yet again - at Klavier, naturally, not the dog; he could never begrudge the dog - Apollo carefully set his basket down, then began rubbing the dog’s belly, smiling at the adorably goofy look the dog gave him in return, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, his eyes closing in utter bliss. “Hold still for a moment, bitte? I want to make this my contact photo for you.”
“Gavin, I swear - ”
“Uh, Apollo? What are you doing?”
Apollo startled at the sound of a new voice; his eyes widened when he looked up and realized who it belonged to. “Ema! He-e-ey, wh-what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Ema replied, raising an eyebrow. “Why are you petting a dog while video-calling Gavin at the farmer’s market?”
“...because I can?” Apollo offered meekly, straightening up. He quickly hung up on Klavier before Ema could attempt to talk to him, silently noting the need to send him an apology text later. “Hey, um - th-there’s a discount on tangyuan today, you wanna go all out and split the cost with me?”
Ema continued to eye him suspiciously. “Sure. But please don’t insult my intelligence - you can’t just distract me with snacks, you know.”
“I know, I know,” Apollo sighed, giving the dog one last pat on the head before leading Ema across the market, towards the aforementioned snack stall. “We just...we talk sometimes. What’s the big deal?”
“Nothing, if you guys just do video calls every now and then,” Ema said. “But here you are, shopping for produce and chatting with Gavin at the same time. It’s...a little domestic, don’t you think?”
“D...domestic?” Apollo echoed, scratching the back of his neck.
“I just didn’t think you and Gavin had that kind of relationship, that’s all,” Ema continued, shrugging as she popped a grape from her own basket into her mouth. “Listen, I couldn’t care less about that guy. But you’re my friend, so...I have to ask. Is something, y’know...going on there?”
“Wh - no, no, no, o-of course not!” Apollo ducked behind Ema the second he felt the glares of the market patrons turn to face him, again. He was starting to think he wasn’t going to be welcome back for a couple of weeks, at least. “I - he - we’re friends! It’s kinda new, b-but we’re friends. Just friends. He’s, like...pretty decent when he’s not being obnoxious in court. Or at a crime scene...or just in general.”
Ema snorted, reaching over to steal a strawberry from Apollo’s basket next. “I think it’s time you hop off that bicycle of yours, Apollo, because you’re obviously backpedaling.”
“Tortured metaphor, but okay,” Apollo muttered, glowering at her.
“How’d you guys end up talking in the first place, anyway?” Ema asked, chewing noisily. “I can’t imagine you were the one to initiate it.”
“It...I’m not sure, actually,” Apollo admitted, slapping her hand away before she could steal his entire carton of freshly-picked strawberries. They were probably more expensive than all the vegetables he’d purchased, combined. “Gavin called me a while back, seemed embarrassed about it, and then hung up. I asked him later what was going on, we started doing video calls and stuff, and then it turned into a thing, but…I never figured out why he called the first time. And I don’t think there’s any point in asking.”
“Fair enough, though I gotta admit, I’m still curious. For scientific purposes, of course,” Ema added, humming to herself. “Maybe he...no, there’s no way.”
“You know something I don’t?” Apollo asked, nudging her. “What happened to ‘I couldn’t care less’?”
“Believe me, I really couldn’t,” Ema retorted, elbowing him back. “Surprises me that you have enough to talk about, though. I mean, it’s Gavin.”
“Hey,” Apollo protested; suddenly, he felt weirdly defensive of Klavier. Again, it wasn’t a feeling he was too familiar with. “We have more in common than you think. It’s not all just - just guitar riffs and hair tosses with him.”
“If you say so,” Ema sighed, clearly uninterested in pursuing the topic any further. “C’mon, let’s pick our flavors already. And if you short me on black sesame, I will be taking those strawberries of yours.”
Later that evening, Apollo was cocooned in his usual plethora of blankets, poring over the evidence for three separate cases - honestly, the autopsy reports were starting to blur together, which explained why, for a moment, he thought one of the victims had somehow ended up with a bullet hole in their stomach from being stabbed with a blunt object - when his phone went off. He immediately perked up when he read the call display. “Gavin, hey. Sorry again about earlier, you know how Ema is.”
“Keine Sorge, you already apologized,” Klavier replied. “That’s not why I was calling, in any case.”
Apollo frowned slightly, putting Klavier on speakerphone and nestling his phone among his files. “Oh? I, uh, I thought you were just calling to chat.”
“Ja, we can talk about whatever we feel like after, it’s just - I had a question for you.” The deep breath Klavier took before speaking again made Apollo nervous. “Are you homesick?”
“...huh?” Apollo wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but it certainly hadn’t been that. “Well, I mean. Yeah. Yeah, obviously. Khura’in was my home once, so it’s not like I’m in a completely new place, but it’s...yeah, I miss being back home, traffic jams and heatwaves and all. Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” Klavier said innocently, in that sort of tone of voice that made Apollo want to reach through the phone and strangle him. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
“There’s either no reason, or a reason that I’ll learn soon enough. Pick one, Gavin,” Apollo drawled, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. All he got in response was warm, throaty laughter that sent pleasant tingles down his spine. “Fine, don’t tell me. So, what’re you up to?”
“Just got back from my morning run.” There was a rustling of sound on Klavier’s end that suggested he was still walking around somewhere, presumably inside his apartment. Apollo could only imagine how sweaty he still was, how his skin glistened in the mid-morning sun - and now, he realized belatedly, he wasn’t sure if it was something he should be thinking about at all. “You know, after all this time - I still hate it. Running, I mean.”
“Then why do you do it?” Apollo said, trying not to laugh. “Though to be fair, I feel the same way. Athena used to make me run laps around the agency’s neighborhood sometimes ‘cos I need to ‘improve my cardiovascular health’ or whatever. Never got any good at it.”
“I do it because it’s good for me, but achtung, I wish I actually liked it,” Klavier sighed. “The fresh air, the endorphins, it’s all gut and well, but you know what I can’t stand? Sweat-soaked hair. Sore ankles and stiff knees. Don’t get me started on the sunburns, ach.”
“Okay, old man,” Apollo chuckled. “You sound like a guy twice your age, you know that?”
“I’m not the one who once said they were starting to prefer blander foods over spicy foods - calling me an old man, mein Gott, the disrespect - ”
A few hours later, Apollo was fully curled up beneath his duvet, head resting on his pillow, eyes closed, with his phone tucked under his ear. Neither of them had spoken in a little while, though Apollo could hear Klavier humming under his breath while he worked on clearing out his email inbox. “...you really should take a day off, Gavin.”
“You first,” Klavier said without missing a beat. “Don’t trick yourself into thinking you have to take every case in the country, ja?”
“Same to you,” Apollo mumbled; he was starting to drift in and out of consciousness. “You’re working, like...stupidly long hours. It’s not like you’re the only prosecutor in the district.”
There was a long pause. “Mama said that to me the other day. She told me I should live a little.”
“And she’s right,” Apollo yawned. “Anyway, I’m not gonna get into this again. And it’s not like you have to do anything major, just...take a day off. Go get a massage or whatever. Hang out with friends, go on a date, I dunno.”
“Go on a date, right,” Klavier drawled sarcastically. “Easier said than done, ja?”
“What, is it the fame thing?” Apollo asked, eyes snapping open in curiosity.
“It’s the, ah. ‘Trusting people’ thing.” Klavier let out a quiet laugh. “After convicting mein Bruder, after convicting someone I thought was my best friend...who’s to say any future romantic partner of mine wouldn’t end up facing that same fate?”
“...oh.” Apollo’s face softened; part of him wanted to see Klavier’s expression, while another part of him had the feeling it was better this way, to only hear the slight rasp, the slight crack in Klavier’s voice as he spoke. He could only imagine the noticeable twitch in Klavier’s eyes, the forced smile on his lips, that he’d seen a surprising amount of times over the past few months. “I see. I-I get it. Not like I’m any good at trusting people, either.”
Klavier went quiet again. “Apollo?”
“I...oh. Yeah?” He couldn’t remember the last time Klavier had called him by his actual name.
“Be honest with me, ja?” Klavier murmured. “When we talk every day, when we text and chat and send each other silly things...is it something you actually like doing, or...or are you just bored?”
Apollo snorted. “Oh please, you know my schedule. I couldn’t be bored if I tried.” He nestled deeper into his pillow, yawning. “Nah, you’re...we’re friends. Talking to you is like...part of my routine now.”
“You mean it?” Klavier asked. He sounded so uncertain that it made Apollo’s heart ache.
“I don’t send stupid memes to just anybody, you know,” Apollo teased. “And look, I’m not pretending like this isn’t weird. If you asked me a year ago if I could see myself talking to you on a daily basis, I would’ve said, y’know, ‘never in a million years’. But things are different now, so...yeah. You’re not so bad, Gavin.”
“Ah, danke. What high praise, coming from you,” Klavier drawled, laughing. “But really, I’m glad to hear it. I...wasn’t sure if I was bothering you. When I called that first time, I suppose I had my answer. Then after that, I never really knew for sure.”
“Now you do,” Apollo affirmed, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from smiling too much.
“Now I do,” Klavier echoed, satisfied. “So, how about you, Forehead? Any clients ask you out again recently?”
“No, thank god,” Apollo said, shuddering. “Besides, I’m, uh. I’m not exactly looking to date right now, either. I’m...I’m pretty good with how things are going at the moment. Maybe after I get back. Thinking about thinking about dating, I mean.”
“Smart.” Klavier’s voice was so clear, so warm, that it almost sounded as if he were in Apollo’s bedroom, too. Apollo briefly wondered what it would be like to have Klavier visit, to wander the farmer’s market with him, to take evening walks along the river and watch the fireflies together, to go through an endless number of cases with him by his side. He had to admit, it didn’t sound half-bad. Better than half-bad, really, not that he was going to say so out loud. “Long-distance is never easy. The time zones, the uncertainty, the inability to truly be together...I can only imagine.”
“Right,” Apollo hummed, his eyes drifting closed once more. “I can only imagine.” When he woke up the next morning, he found a text message waiting for him - a screenshot of Klavier’s home screen; its background was a photo of Apollo and the friendly dog. sehr süß, Klavier had texted, and the hündchen isn’t so bad, either. It was too early, in Apollo’s opinion, for his heart to be racing this quickly.
Almost four months to the day since they started talking, Apollo arrived at the post office with a delivery slip in hand, visibly confused by its earlier presence on his front door. “Was this really meant for me?” he managed to ask in his steadily improving Khura’inese. “I never ordered anything from the United States. Just paying customs would make me broke!”
“It really is for you, Mr. Justice,” the receptionist replied. Apollo watched, stunned, as she dragged a crate-sized package out from behind her desk. “You must have people who really love you back home, sir.”
“I...w-wow.” Apollo didn’t know what to say. “Er, do you have someone who can help me bring this back to my office?”
Twenty minutes later, Apollo was sitting on the floor of Justice Law Offices, embarrassingly sweaty and sore from how much effort it had taken him and one of the post office employees to haul his delivery here. Groaning, he reached for his pocket knife, then carefully sliced through the tape, unwrapping the enormous package layer by layer. When he finally reached its actual contents, he sat back on his haunches, stunned by the sheer amount of items inside.
The package consisted of two sturdy boxes; one was labeled with Ema’s name, so Apollo took it out and set it aside. He then opened the one that bore his name, only to find it was packed surprisingly tight. Boxes and boxes of his favorite snacks that were too expensive to import to Khura’in, well-loved copies of his favorite manga that had clearly been taken from his apartment back home, thick stacks of the most obnoxious California-themed postcards known to humankind with handwritten notes on their backs - before Apollo knew it, his eyes started to well up with emotion. Finally, at the bottom of the box, cushioning the other items nicely, were a few of his sweaters and hoodies, some of which still had a few stray Mikeko hairs on it.
“Oh,” Apollo said faintly, wiping his eyes hastily despite being completely alone. Then, he frowned. “Wait, what is…” He pulled out the only item of clothing he didn’t recognize, an unusually large hoodie in a familiar shade of purple with an embroidered rose on its breast pocket. Stuck to its left sleeve cuff was a sticky note; Apollo peeled it off and began to read what was on it.
herr forehead,
wear this the next time you go out, just in case you run into that hündchen again. It smells just a little bit like my parents’ dog - and like me, if you’re into that sort of thing.
alles liebe, klavier
Later that day - well into the evening, really - Apollo was eating dinner at his desk, rummaging through a hefty stack of police reports, when his laptop pinged, reminding him he had a scheduled video call that was about to start. Grinning, Apollo turned on his webcam, his heart pounding in anticipation. “Hey, Gavin. So, what do you think?”
“What do I think about - oh.” Klavier’s mouth fell open. “You’re...I didn’t think you were actually going to wear it.”
“Is, uh...is that a bad thing?” Apollo asked, suddenly nervous.
“Nein, nein, not at all! You look...achtung, you look good,” Klavier said hoarsely, swallowing. He then cleared his throat; his cheeks were flushed pink, much to Apollo’s delight. “Bitte, stand up for me? I want to see how long it is on you; it’s amazing you haven’t completely disappeared inside of it.”
“Asshole,” Apollo said affectionately, getting out of his chair and taking a few steps back so Klavier could see. He smoothed out the front of the hoodie, realizing belatedly that its hem only just grazed the tops of his bare thighs. “Er, don’t mind my legs. I-I’m wearing shorts underneath, I swear!”
“I don’t mind at all,” Klavier replied, cocking his head. His eyes were darkening, shining with something that Apollo couldn’t quite identify. “Have you worn it outside yet?”
“Nah, not yet. I was actually planning on wearing it to bed since it’s kinda cold, and this thing’s the biggest thing I have,” Apollo admitted, sitting back down. At Klavier’s exaggerated eyebrow raise, he groaned. “Shut up. Don’t make it weird.”
“I said nothing,” Klavier teased, dropping his chin into his hands. “So, did you like our care package? Trucy reached out to me on the same day you ran into that hündchen and asked if I had anything to contribute. I also sent Ema some old Gavinners’ merchandise, in case you didn’t know.”
“Oh, I heard about it from her, alright,” Apollo chuckled, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “Amazing how you manage to continue torturing her from several continents away. Maybe that’s your real talent.”
“To be fair, I was also the one who got her the beaker shot glasses and the glow-in-the-dark periodic table blanket,” Klavier pointed out, laughing as well. “I think all would be forgiven if she knew that was me.”
“So she gets new stuff and I get hand-me-downs, huh? I see how it is,” Apollo said, tucking his knees into his chest and yawning. “Seriously, though, thanks. This thing smells like that cologne of yours I don’t like.”
“And the backhanded compliments continue,” Klavier said, amused. “I hope you feel a little less homesick, at least.”
“Oh, I’m more homesick than ever,” Apollo snorted. “But I appreciate the care package, really! Having all this stuff here is amazing. It’s just...well. Stuff isn’t, uh...it’s not exactly a substitute for people, y’know?”
Klavier nodded thoughtfully, his smile sympathetic. Apollo took a moment to look at Klavier, to really look at him, and see how he was doing. He looked good; his skin had a glow to it, and his eyes and hair seemed to shine a little brighter than they had the very first time they’d talked. Klavier was bare-faced more often than not - aside from his tattooed eyebrows and eyelash extensions - though he seemed to be experimenting with his hair here and there, occasionally sporting different styles of ponytails, braids, and updos. It almost made Apollo forget how sullen he’d looked four months ago.
“Is that why you’re staring again?” Klavier asked, smirking. “Are you finally ready to admit you miss me, Forehead? That you miss my charming personality and my devastatingly good looks?”
“So what if I do?” Apollo huffed. He then frowned at Klavier’s wide eyes. “...what?”
“Nichts, it’s just - you do realize you just said you actually miss me, ja?” Klavier said disbelievingly. “Do you really mean it, or...or are you just saying that?”
“I-I...well.” Apollo shot him a small smile. “Yeah, Gavin, I miss you. Thought that was, uh. Kinda obvious by now.”
Klavier grinned victoriously; he looked seconds away from pumping his fist into the air. “Achtung, I knew it!”
“And the dorkiness continues,” Apollo said mockingly, rolling his eyes. “I mean it, how did you convince an entire generation of teenagers that you were cool? You go around saying crap like ‘let’s rock with these documents’ and ‘you have to get on up in order to get on down to prosecuting’ - are you an internationally-renowned rockstar, or an awkward dad trying to connect with his teenager through the power of classic rock? What’s next, Gavin, you gonna go buy a lawnmower and some cargo shorts? Fire up the grill and wear a kitschy apron?”
“Mein Gott, you’re vicious sometimes,” Klavier sighed, his eyes sparkling with mirth. “Ich vermisse dich auch, by the way. I think I've been...a little more obvious than you.”
“Maybe,” Apollo hummed. “But hey, I’ll take it. It’s nice to feel appreciated for once.”
“When do you think you’ll be coming home?” Klavier asked.
“I’m, er...I’m not sure,” Apollo said hesitantly, leaning back in his chair. “I didn’t think I was gonna be sticking around for this long to begin with, and now it’s...it’s gonna be the rest of the year, at least. Maybe even another year on top of that.”
“You...you think so?” Klavier’s voice was small. Nothing about his expression seemed remotely cheerful now.
“It’s not like I can leave whenever I want to,” Apollo shrugged, sighing. “Khura’in needs more defense attorneys before I could even begin to consider it, and that’s not gonna happen overnight. Not with their deeply ingrained feelings towards ‘em.”
“Wait - you’re not still in danger, are you?” Klavier asked worriedly, his voice suddenly filling with urgency. “No threats, no death sentences - ”
“I-I’m fine, Gavin, don’t worry,” Apollo reassured him. “It was a little touch-and-go there for a minute, back at the beginning, but everything’s fine now. Trust me, if something was going on, you would’ve heard about it earlier.”
“Gut,” Klavier said, satisfied. “After all, if something were to happen to you…” An odd expression flitted across his face, too quickly for Apollo to catch, though he had his suspicions. “Well. Trucy would be devastated, natürlich.”
“Right...just Trucy, huh?” Apollo murmured, chewing his bottom lip thoughtfully. “What about...oh, I dunno. Athena would be upset for sure. Can’t forget Mr. Wright, either.”
“Nein, definitely not,” Klavier said, clearing his throat. He paused before speaking again. “Forehead, do you ever wonder what Herr Wright really thinks of you?”
“Sure, all the time,” Apollo admitted. “We didn’t, uh...well, let’s just say we didn’t start off on the best foot, you know that. Why?”
“Because I do, too,” Klavier confessed. “Ach, I want to go the rest of my life not thinking about mein Bruder and all the lives he ruined, all the lives I helped him ruin, but - ”
“Gavin, that’s not what happened and you know it,” Apollo said gently. “And I’m not exactly sure how Mr. Wright feels about you, but I seriously doubt he still has a problem with you. He probably just feels a little, y’know, awkward. You guys went seven years without knowing the whole truth, after all.”
“Ich weiß, ich weiß, it’s just…” Klavier laughed bitterly. “...I’d like to go at least one day without worrying about what someone else thinks of me. Just one.”
Apollo suddenly found himself wishing he could reach through the screen and pull Klavier into his arms; it wasn’t the first time, and he knew it wasn’t going to be the last. “Well, you don’t have to worry about me. You already know what I think about you.”
“Do I really?” Klavier teased, though he still looked somewhat worried.
“Yeah, sure,” Apollo replied, smirking. “You’re the most insufferable person I’ve ever met. And, uh...I wouldn't have it any other way. I think.”
Klavier laughed, shaking his head in amusement. “You have a way with words, Forehead, you really do.”
“Thanks,” Apollo drawled, chuckling. “So, today’s case went about as well as expected - meaning it didn’t go well at all…”
Khura’in was beautiful year-round, Apollo mused as he walked alongside the riverbank, but it was especially picturesque in the height of spring, during the month of May. He’d woken up unusually early today, especially given it was one of his very rare days off, not to mention the fact that he’d stayed up late last night, talking to Trucy, Athena, and Phoenix. For whatever reason, he had felt like taking his breakfast - anpan and a warm thermos of green tea - outside, while the sun was still rising. It was a peaceful backdrop for the start of what he hoped would be a peaceful day.
Yawning and stretching, Apollo dropped down to sit in the long grass, the worn-out toes of his boots grazing the water’s edge. He lifted his saddlebag off his shoulders and set it aside, raking his fingers through his hair. It was getting quite long in the back, he noted, but he didn’t care enough to cut it. Before he could take his first bite of his anpan, his phone started to ring. “...Gavin? What’s up, aren’t you going to bed soon?”
“I just wrote a song for the first time in ages, so I’m too alert to sleep at the moment,” Klavier admitted, his voice deeper and raspier than usual, sending shivers up Apollo’s spine. “I’m surprised you’re awake, too. It was only when I started calling you that I realized you were probably still in bed.”
“Felt like catching the sunrise for once.” Apollo turned on his phone camera, then switched it to the rear-facing one so Klavier could see what he was seeing. The entirety of Khura’in, it seemed, was momentarily bathed in a warm, yellow-orange glow. “Nice, isn’t it?”
“It’s wunderschön,” Klavier remarked, awed. “Almost makes me wish I was in Khura’in.”
“I wish you were here, too,” Apollo said quietly. His eyes then widened. “Er, I-I mean - ”
“...Apollo?” Groaning internally, Apollo fumbled with his phone, reluctantly switching to his front-facing camera so he could shoot Klavier a nervous smile. He could see now that Klavier had turned on his camera, too; he appeared to be sitting on his bedroom floor, leaning up against a window, his face illuminated by moonlight. Somehow, his blue eyes were even brighter in the darkness, the angles of his jaw and cheekbones sharpened by the shadows. Apollo’s breath hitched as he was momentarily rendered speechless. “Achtung, you still manage to surprise me after all this time.”
“I-I said nothing!” Apollo said hastily. “You’re - I - i-it’s early, I don’t know what I’m saying!”
“If you’re planning on staying for even longer, I really should come and visit, ja?” Klavier continued, his grin equal parts sleepy and teasing. “For one thing, I can finally make good on that massage I promised you, get all that stress and tension out of your body. I could also bring you more of my clothes, since you seem to really like that hoodie of mine.”
“What would you even do here, anyway?” Apollo asked, momentarily looking away so Klavier wouldn’t see how red his cheeks had gotten. “There’s no nightlife, barely any recreational activities...not to mention the wi-fi kinda sucks. Besides, it’s not like you’re allowed to prosecute in Khura’in.”
“Let me be your co-counsel,” Klavier offered. “After all, if Herr Blackquill can help Athena, why can’t I help you?”
“That...would be kinda interesting, actually,” Apollo admitted. “And where would you stay?”
“WIth you, natürlich,” Klavier replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “After all, if you want me there, I should be as close as possible. I’d make the perfekt roommate, you know. I can cook for you, clean for you...it’d be domestic, nein? Like I’m your stay-at-home husband or something.”
Apollo shivered again. Despite his distaste for his lyrics, Klavier certainly had a way with words. “You wouldn’t be...I dunno, bored out of your mind? Things are definitely slower here compared to California, you know.”
“The change of pace would be nice,” Klavier said diplomatically. “And I certainly wouldn’t complain about the company.”
“Well, uh, sorry to break up your super-specific fantasy, but I think I’m actually pretty close to getting out of here,” Apollo said, trying not to linger too much on his own mental picture of what Klavier had described. “Another few months, maybe? Six, at most. And since it’s sorta unknown, I wouldn’t recommend booking plane tickets anytime soon.”
“Really?” Klavier perked up. “You’re coming home? Have you told the others?”
“Yeah, I talked to ‘em last night,” Apollo said, setting his phone down by his bag so he could finally take his first bite of anpan. “It’ll be weird once I return, that’s for sure. I’ve been in Khura’in for exactly one year, right down to the day, but...well. It’s definitely grown on me, even with all my...my mixed feelings about it. Though I, um...I guess those mixed feelings are more about a person than a place, and he’s...he’s, well...you know.” He swallowed thickly, reaching for his thermos and taking a generous gulp of his tea.
“Any regrets?” Klavier asked softly.
“About Khura’in, or d’you mean in general?” Apollo asked, his sarcastic tone betrayed by his nervous laugh.
“However you’d like to interpret it,” Klavier said, gesturing aimlessly. “I can be generous sometimes.”
“Yeah, real philanthropist, you are,” Apollo retorted, chuckling. “Well, you know I’ve had days where, like. I feel like I shouldn’t have stayed behind, after all. Like I’m way in over my head, and..like I’m not...not good enough. Like I’m just winging this whole thing, which is scary, ‘cos it’s like the entire country’s future is in my hands, and I can’t just - I can’t improvise. I can’t make it up as I go along, I-I have to know it. Do it, be about it. Make it my whole life, you know?” He stopped to take a breath; the sympathetic crinkle of Klavier’s brow was more welcome this time. “But no, I don’t regret sticking around. I just wish I’d gotten some closure.”
“Closure?” Klavier echoed.
“Yeah, there’s...I’ve got stuff I wish I’d been able to do or, or say before I ended up living here for twelve months,” Apollo confessed. “It’s not like I knew I was moving here when I did, so...it’ll be nice to head back home and settle in and...and get all of that out of the way.” He took a few more bites of his anpan as they ruminated in their shared silence. “How about you? Any regrets about, well, anything?”
“Me?” Then, to Apollo’s surprise - though maybe not to his surprise, given all that had been said and done between the two of them, just the two of them - Klavier let out a bitter laugh. “Always.”
Apollo’s face softened. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Not particularly, nein,” Klavier said, visibly shuddering. “Just once, I’d like to not drag our conversation down. Ach, and I used to think you were the buzzkill. Now look at me, ja?”
“Don’t worry about it, Gavin,” Apollo insisted. “I get it, you - you feel things really intensely. I know that now, and, uh. Well, I do it, too. And we hold it all in and we don’t say anything ‘cos there’s bigger things to worry about, a-and then it’s like...like a dam breaks. Like everything just comes rushing at you all at once. There’s no way of stopping it, as much as you want to, and when it’s finally over...you never know how to feel about it. Because it’s not cut and dry, i-it’s not black-and-white, it’s just...it just is. So you move on, ‘cos there’s nothing else you can do about it, and you keep going. And then it starts all over again.” He let out an awkward laugh. “Or, uh, or maybe I’m just describing what a trial feels like.” Apollo glanced back at his phone, only to see Klavier staring at him in wonderment. “...er, too much?”
“Not at all, it’s just...you’re always full of surprises,” Klavier murmured; he almost sounded impressed. “That was incredibly astute, especially for you.”
Apollo wilted. “...thanks. Glad to know you think so highly of my intellect.” Still, Klavier’s warm laughter managed to get him to crack a smile. “So, you said something about writing a new song? How’d that go?”
“I had a burst of inspiration, you might say,” Klavier said, nodding. “Like my muse sat beside me on the piano bench and hummed a melody in my ear.”
“That sounds more creepy than anything else, but okay,” Apollo snorted. “Can I hear it?”
“Nein, not yet,” Klavier replied mysteriously. “When the time is right, ja? Besides, it’s...it’s a bit personal.”
Apollo shifted slightly in his spot. “Personal, huh?”
“It’s about...someone who means a lot to me, and something I’ve been meaning to say to them,” Klavier said carefully. “Because...I’ve been looking for closure, too. And possibly, if I do it right, I might also get a new beginning. Does that make sense?”
“It’s a little cheesy, but, uh, yeah. Makes sense.” Apollo pulled his knees into his chest, resting his chin on top of them with a quiet exhale. “Do I know this someone of yours?”
“Ja, definitely,” Klavier murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “And they’re not mine, but...I want them to be.”
“I...I see.” Apollo felt his own pulse pounding in his ears, so loudly that he could barely hear his own voice. “Hey, Gavin, I - I wanted to - there’s something I’ve been wanting to say, and...and I…”
“What is it?” Klavier asked, sitting up, hopeful.
“Well, I...no, n-never mind.” Apollo cleared his throat. “Probably should, um. I should probably save it for when we see each other in person.” Klavier leaned back, disappointed. “Anyway, you, uh, you should probably sleep now if you wanna be awake enough for work. Unless you take the day off like I did.”
“I might actually consider it,” Klavier chuckled. “And we’ll talk tomorrow, ja? Or later today for you, I suppose.”
“Definitely,” Apollo confirmed, nodding.
Something in Klavier’s eyes seemed to shift then, something Apollo couldn’t quite understand. It happened more and more with each passing day, with every conversation, and Apollo wasn’t sure if he was ready to figure out what it meant, if it meant something other than what he hoped it meant. “Du siehst wunderschön aus in diesem licht.”
Apollo blinked. “Sorry?”
“Never mind,” Klavier said, a sleepy grin stretching across his face. “Guten Morgen to you, Herr Forehead.”
“And goodnight to you, Gavin,” Apollo replied, waving briefly before ending the call. He sat in silence for a few minutes, finishing his tea and enjoying the sun’s warmth. Then, he stood, stretching his arms over his head, and smoothed out the creases in his pants and what was now his oversized purple hoodie. “Someday,” he mumbled to himself, slinging his bag over his shoulder and turning back in the direction of the bazaar. “Just...not yet.”
a/n: Welcome to my fifth entry for Klapollo Week 2021! Continuity-wise, this is the second of seven fics, but again, there is no need to read the others to follow each fic on its own. However, as I mentioned in the top notes, day seven is a sequel to this one, so look out for it! This is the second-longest fic of all my Klapollo Week fics, and for good reason - I could've easily included an endless number of random conversations and made this fic twice as long if it weren't for the posting deadline. One of my favorite things about writing Klapollo is their back-and-forth, so I love writing fics where they simply just...talk, and hang out. And I know it's definitely a concept that's been done before, but someday, I wanna write my own version of "Klavier visits Apollo in Khura'in and they fall (more) in love". That might end up being my longest Klapollo fic yet 😜
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Likes and reblogs would be much appreciated. Hoping you’re all safe and healthy and doing well ❤️
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largereputation · 3 years
Aha! It's an (updated) Q&A!
Hello! My name is Emily, and I come onto Tumblr once every blue moon. I started 1 2 3 let's go bitch, which is a small chant that started during Taylor's reputation tour!
Since 123lgb is taking off again thanks to the likes of TikTok (an app that I just cannot figure out), I thought I'd do an updated lil Q&A, as MUCH has happened since the last one! I'll just be answering questions I receive a lot, both on here and Tumblr.
You can find the old Q&A here! It's pretty much just about how this whole thing started. :)
How WAS the secret session?
For all who don't know - I went to the Lover Secret Sessions in Los Angeles!!! It was a DREAM - everyone was so kind and it felt very authentic. I almost felt like I didn't deserve to be there, for it was TOO beautiful (location wise, people wise, so on).
Did Taylor know your name?
She did! When we met, she screamed "1 2 3 let's go bitch" to me as I walked up and when we met to hug she said "Hi Emily!" and I just stood there like "??? Hi Taylor Swift?" just in culture shock. We talked about some stuff, like some mental health things, Lover and songwriting, how I need her to perform If This Was a Movie live someday, basic stuff. It was insane - very, very insane.
When and how did Taylor find your account?
Taylor (to my knowledge) has never interacted with me on this account. Taylor Nation reached out to me on July 24th, 2019. I had no follows from them, nor likes. Funny enough, when I did my first Q&A, I blantantly lied and said Taylor Nation didn't reach out to me - sorry folks! 🤪
Did anybody around you comment on the chant when you first did it?
Nope. Throughout the night, me and my friends were screaming stuff similar to that just for our own amusement. Since Delicate was in the middle of the show, I think at that point everyone around us just accepted the weird shit we were yelling. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Does anyone in your real life know about it?
Ohhhhh yeah. I mean, if a random girl you went to school with met Taylor Swift at her house, wouldn't you be real fucking confused? I hate telling people because I don't wanna act like I'm top shit or anything, but mostly my friends just try to poke fun about it towards me. Here's a little story actually: last year, pre-sessions, I had a huge schoolgirl crush on a guy in my film class, and the topic of 123lgb came up and I had to explain it to him, and so one of my friends attached a computer to the speakers we had and played my video, at full volume, in front of him. I'll remind you that the original video is horrendous, for my voice was 75% gone and most people that find the video think I'm a dude. And, to make things worse, he found my twitter account that night. It was a horrifying moment.
How do you feel about people making things with the quote on it (like mugs, stickers, so on)?
It used to bother me, for I felt very sad only because I didn't think of it first, but now, I don't give a shit LOL... it's a FANDOM inside joke, so if people wanna plaster it on things, whether it's a lil keychain or a fucking billboard, I don't care! It's all in good fun anyway, I just think it's crazy that ppl still find it that amusing. It warms my heart that my stupidity has lasted this long :,)
Do you think the chant will be on the re-recorded version of Delicate?
No, and I can only pray to God that it does not. I highly, HIGHLY doubt that it will, though, for the whole reason the chant is so popular is because it didn't fit the song: it was a really loud and energetic chant for a song that's pretty mellow and slow (in comparison). It just doesn't make sense for it to be in the re-recording. I'm perfectly fine with it living in the live performances, and only the live performances.
Do you ever get annoyed with the entire thing?
Eh, I don't know if annoyed is the word... I don't like having to defend it, though. People have claimed that it was cringe and stupid and not funny (which, duh), but I didn't create it on purpose you know? It literally just happened, and I hate having to explain it to people who don't find it funny. It wasn't ever meant to be funny, but then people thought it was! Besides that though, I never mind people asking me about it or really only following me because of it - again, it just amazes me that a simple thing like that grew into such a weird (yet great) thing :,)
What's your favorite off of Folklore and Evermore?
*cracks knuckles* well, it's constantly changing... there's no way I can pin it towards just one song, for I think these are Taylor's best albums ever. So I'll give my top 5 even though that's not what was asked <3
illicit affairs
this is me trying
coney island
tolerate it
champagne problems
right where you left me
And that's all folks!
If anyone wants a secret sessions Q&A, I'll gladly try to make one! Just send me questions and I'll try to answer! (I know I'm a bit late cause, well, Lover came out a year and a half ago, but hey! It's never too late....right?) but anyway, thanks for reading <3
- emily
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haru-luo · 3 years
Translation - Banri Settsu SSR [Provocative Racer] - {A novice} part 3
!Spoiler warning! : The followings contain contents for future events of A3! act! addict! actors!. If you do not wish to be spoiled then please refrain from going undercut.
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The translation is undercut. You have been warned about spoilers.
<I’ll be using the default name ‘Izumi’ for the director>
Part 1      Part 2        Part 3
Part 3
Izumi : "Wow, this is so amazing! The venue is larger than I thought and there are quite a lot of people too!"
Banri : "I know right."
Izumi : "Now that I see it, there are a lot of families gathered here..."
Banri : "Mini car expos are indeed for lil' kids so of course it's like this."
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Banri : "But there's no way I could refuse director-chan who really wanted to come, right?"
Izumi : "That's why you showed such troubled expression before...."
Banri : "Well, sometimes change of things is fresh too. Now that we came all the way here, how 'bout we look around for time being?"
Banri : "Don't separate from me 'cause there's too many people here, 'kay?"
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Izumi : "Y-Yeah!" --- Izumi : "Wow, there are so many types!"
Banri : "Ah, I used to have this mini car before."
Izumi : "This wagon looks cool! I also want to drive such car someday~"
Banri : "Now, that's one strange wish..."
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Izumi : "Do you have any plans on buying a car for yourself?"
Banri : "I don't think I do for now. But I'm thinking of getting one someday."
Banri : "When that day comes, I'll make you the first person to ride in my car."
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Option 1 - I'm looking forward to it. Option 2 - You should have your big sister first though.
Choose option 1 Izumi : "Ahaha, then I'm looking forward to it."
Banri : "I'll take you wherever you wanna go."
Izumi : "Then, I have think quickly about where I want to go until Banri-kun buys a car~"
Banri : "Choose a suitable place for adate, 'kay?"
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Izumi : "No, no! It's not a date!"
Choose option 2 Izumi : "That's where you put your big sister first, you know!"
Banri : "Why does she have to be first?"
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Izumi : "I'm sure your big sister would be very happy!"
Banri : "Geez....I'm saying that I want you to be the first."
Izumi : "Eh? Um...Then, I'm looking forward to it."
Banri : "I have your word."
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--- Izumi : "I think we looked at pretty much everything?"
Banri : "Yeah, they were worth seeing too."
Staff : "The two over there!"
Izumi : "?"
Staff : "We are holding a lottery for visitors so, please try it out if you would like to!"
Izumi : "There's even a lottery! Let's try it out!"
Banri : "But isn't that for kids?"
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Staff : "No, even adults are welcome to try it out! So, please come in!"
Izumi : "You heard them. Let's go, Banri-kun."
Banri : "Geez..fine, got it."
Staff : "Well, then let's start from the older sister first!"
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Izumi : "Okay!"
Staff : "Sorry! It's a white ball. But please have this sticker to commemorate your visit!"
Izumi : "Sticker, huh...But well, at least I got something to remember this!"
Banri : "That's really positive thinking."
Staff : "Alright then, it's the big brother's turn next! Here you go!"
Izumi : "Good luck, Banri-kun!"
Banri : "--"
Banri : "!"
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-- Banri : "......"
Sakyo : "So. What is this pile of mini cars?  Are you planning to start a toy store?"
Izumi : "Banri-kun won the first prize in the lottery! That's amazing right~"
Itaru : "It's a lifelong minicar supply huh"
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Kumon : "Police car, fire engine, ambulance, trucks....there are so many of them I had never seen!"
Taichi  : "There are so many mini cars!"
Sakyo : "Ugh seriously....piling up unnecessary things again. Don't mess around."
Banri : "No, rather than my fault, it's just inevitable luck 'kay."
Taichi : "Winning the first prize, Banny really is amazing~!"
Banri-kun : "....Well, I'm not happy!"
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Story Clear~
[T/N : Banri you dummy, you can save those in a safe place y’know? Maybe keep them and give ‘em to the kid of your sister and her husband if they ever plan to have one/or have them already. You’ll be called the best uncle lmao]
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An Introduction To The Mafia, Piper, And more:
(Icon is drawn by: https://www.pixilart.com/vessel) Hello! So you are probably wondering how things work. Let me introduce you to the characters, And even though you probably know it, The world.  !TW MENTIONS OF ABUSE! CHARACTER INFO: Piper: “ Full of energy and raring to go, Piper's always up for the task. Most of the time, She'll be giving small tours to those who visit mafia town, Or Helping with small things around the island itself. However, When she isn't, Piper's either most likely in Mafia HQ Making some arts and crafts, Or a new saga with her cat stuffed animals. Taken in by the mafia's leader after running away from home and after a duel with him, Piper now lives a happy life on the island with her family. Piper’s previous family was abusive, The main cause for her to flee. But even with her past and current troubles at times, She finds ways to carry on. If you are looking for someone who won’t punch you, She’s your best bet! You may receive a sticker after a tour or even meeting her.”  The Mafia Boss: “Short tempered, And at times a ruler with an iron fist, The mafia boss is the last person you would expect to be a caretaker. Bottles up his emotions, And has anger issues but, Is learning to curb them back. Despite this, As a father, The boss tries his best to look after his daughter, Often researching things, So that way he can protect her and make sure she's living a happy life. Piper looks up to the mafia boss, Wanting to maybe take the island in her own hands someday. Though the boss finds it sweet, He doesn't really understand since he's done some.. Awful, Things in the past to say the least. *Aka, Stealing an entire island, Making a small child homeless, And making two families suffer\drive them out.* Despite that, Piper is in good care now, And the boss is doing a great job, Even if he doesn't think so himself. However, I’d be cautious around him. You don’t wanna be his enemy, Unlike mustache girl. But, Not to worry. You won’t be in any hot water. Mystery can often surround where he came from and his home life, At times.”  !MISC STUFF! This, In no way shape or form is justifying his actions. I just wanted a wholesome found family arc with my favorite character.
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ramen-rambles · 4 years
HC: Getting Stoned with Kaminari
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader
Warnings: 18+, tw: drugs, weed/marijuana, high sex
Word Count: 1.0K 
Summary: Pretty self-explanatory, just some headcanons about getting high with our favorite discount pikachu. NSFW under the cut! (wait, isn’t this whole thing nsfw, technically?)
A/N: This was entirely based on the thirst post that I sent to Lyssa on anon like a long ass mf time ago. I told her I’d get around to writing it someday and has been sitting in my drafts since so LOL. Great, now I wanna get stoned :( and don’t mind me, I’ll just be putting in some of my music recs here too haha whoops~ also, can you tell that I am indeed, a crackhead
Taglist: @burnedbyshoto
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
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Probably one of the biggest stoners at UA, along with Sero and Shinsou
Also one of those people who skips class to go to the “bathroom” and take a hit from his Juul or wax pen 
Not surprisingly, Kaminari was the one who first introduced you to the idea of smoking weed
You were a bit hesitant at first but you were honestly really excited because you’ve always wanted to know what it felt like and now that the opportunity came up, why not take it?
The first time you two got high, you guys smoked out of a bong, decorated with stickers, of course
Prefers smoking sativa-dominant hybrids (like Blue Dream), but doesn’t mind a good indica
Doesn’t really take much for him to get high, he’s a lightweight — which is surprising, considering how much he smokes
Although, he likes eating edibles since the trip lasts way longer, but hey, you can never go wrong with a good ol’ bong rip  
Had to literally teach you how to do it because you seriously had no clue. Burning the cherry? Clearing the chamber? Why did you have to cover the carb? Wasn’t that a nutrient??
He found it really cute, actually
“Step aside, babe. Let me show you how it’s done”
You literally took one huge rip and well, shit. 
You didn’t really expect to get hit that hard but once you recovered from your coughing fit, it was overall, a very pleasant feeling
He asks the dumbest questions, even more so than usual
You two get helllllla munchies
He has an entire ass playlist on Spotify of good tunes to vibe to while you guys trip balls in his dorm room (ex. The Less I Know The Better, Ode to Viceroy, Cuz You’re My Girl, I Like U, etc.)
Tries to show you cool tricks, like the french inhale or the dragon, but ends up making a fool of himself and you two almost choke from laughing too much
Denki becomes a lot touchier too; his all-time favorite position is when he rests his head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair, eyes closed as you both of you began feeling more and more relaxed
Teaches you how to shotgun smoke which somehow turns into a very heated makeout session
Kaminari becomes super horny
Like he is 1000% a horny stoner
But honestly? You ain’t complaining
He starts by placing his hands on your thighs, slowly trailing up higher and higher to your breasts. Kneading and caressing your soft mounds, pinching your nipples through the thin fabric of your shirt
You somehow end up on top of him while straddling his waist, slowly grinding your heat against his growing erection
He nuzzles his face against your neck, kissing and giving kitten licks along your jawline. Your hands rubbing up and down his arms, trying to contain your breathy moans
You take this as an opportunity to grab the bong and take another hit, grabbing the lighter and dragging the smoke out of the chamber before roughly pulling Kaminari by the hair, aiming for his lips and exhaling the smoke into his mouth
“I’m a fast learner, aren’t I, baby?” You say through teasing pants
This makes him go absolutely fucking feral
At this point, you literally can’t keep your hands off each other
Kaminari’s hands finding their way down under the hem of your shorts, rubbing your clit and spreading your slick across his fingers before slipping one of his digits inside your throbbing pussy
You return the favor by pushing him down on the bed, positioning your cunt over his face as you place your mouth over his hard cock, essentially doing the 69 position
Once you’ve both grown impatient from all the teasing, the moment he slides himself inside you is just so overwhelming
The way he fits around your tight wall and the clench of your cunt around his length almost proves to be too much as the drugs only elevated both of your senses, making every move that much more pleasurable 
His thrusts are sloppy — as one would expect, considering how fucking high he was
You meet him with a wet and messy kiss as you both can no longer hold on, soon reaching your ends
You two cum at the same time, you crying out his name like a chant as he came inside you with a loud groan; continuing to buck into you slowly as you try to come down from your post-orgasm highs 
Once you both clean up, you guys take a few more hits, ash the bowl, and call it a night 
He places soft kisses along your face and forehead, tracing your shoulders, the nape of your neck, just anywhere he could reach
You two end up cuddling all night, getting comfortable on the bed, your head cushioned in between his shoulder blades, just riding out your trips, asking each other stupid questions; before you guys eventually doze off, sleeping well into the next day
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・
Would you guys like to see anymore HCs for any other of the boys? Send in some requests~ ✌︎('ω')✌︎ Thanks for reading!
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arknights-imagines · 3 years
Exusiai for the Christmas letter and gift prompt with a Male Sarkaz Operator S/O who is a part of Penguin Logistics and acts as her weapon smith making sure her gun is working properly and that she has plenty of ammo when she goes out on Operations. Thank you for answering my request.
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From, Exusiai
Christmas Letter and Gift event
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Satisfied with your work, Emperor gives you the rest of the day off after you deliver to him your report of weapon and cargo records for the month. The Penguin Logistics base is quiet as you head back to your workshop for the night.
You flick the lights on with a yawn, but your eyes do a double take when they fall to your workbench. There, amongst your tools and papers is a red envelope sealed with a cute cartoonish sticker, sat next to a cute gift bag of the same colour.
Your gaze stares the items down, the glint in your eyes curious; a gift perhaps? It is the Holiday season, but who would be sending you something at such an odd time? Though you feel a little bit cautious, you sit yourself down at your workbench, taking the envelope and turning it in your hands carefully.
The words on the back of the envelope reveal the identity of your sender immediately - in bold, messy handwriting is ‘To my baby, from your Exu! A very Merry Christmas!’ surrounded by playfully drawn hearts and stars.
Exusiai - you told her that you didn't need anything for Christmas, but you aren't surprised that she got you something regardless. You open the letter carefully, pulling from inside the envelope a sheet of Penguin Logistics stationary paper, that smells faintly of apple pie. Even though Exusiai’s hand penmanship is barely legible, from the very first words of the letter, a smile comes to your face.
Yo, hi [name]~! I hope my favourite cutie is feeling good today.
I’m not much of a writer, but the boss sent me out on a mission I’m not sure when I’ll be back from, and I wanted to give you your gift ASAP. Don’t worry about me! I’ll be back faster than you can say ‘apple pie’~.
What's up with this letter and gift? Well, it’s Christmas season! That means lots of parties with me and the other girls - Ehehe, I hope you're ready for a Holiday party the Penguin Logistics way. You know, you really do need a break baby~. All that tinkering with weapons all the time looks like it would really poop me out. But I guess that's why we all have our roles, right? Without you, I’m not sure what the other girls and I would do.
Christmas is a big deal pretty much everywhere - from Lungmen to Rhodes Island, everyone celebrates the Holidays.
When it comes to Christmas, I only like the fun parts - that's probably why I like celebrating it my own way, different from how other Sankta do it. Most Lateranos celebrate Christmas seriously, with all these intricate traditions and whatnot. Me? I just like the gifts, the smiles, the lights and the food! And baby, if you ask me, as long as you're having fun, Christmas can be spent anyway you like~. The Holidays came so fast this year! I guess time really does fly when you're having fun~.
Do the Sarkaz celebrate Christmas? Ehehe, sorry, maybe that question is a little too personal. Don't worry baby, now that we’re together, we can celebrate the Holidays together however we want.
That reminds me - what do you want to do for Christmas this year? We’ll have a party with the girls, obviously, but we will need to make plans just for us. We can hang around the base and I can make us apple pie, then we can cuddle or watch a movie. Or if you're feeling adventurous, we can go out into whatever city we’re in by the time Christmas rolls around and see where fate takes us. Ehehe, think about it, okay?
[Name], we’ve run into all types of things, but honestly? I wouldn't really have it any other way. If I had never met you, I don't think waking up for the day would bring me half as much excitement as it does now. Knowing I get to get up in the morning and see you working when I pass by your workshop really makes me smile. Ehehe, is that too cheesy? I’m sorry cutie, my insides really do get all mushy when I think about you.
Y’know...people like to call the Sarkaz ‘devils’, but [name], you're not a devil at all. You protect me by keeping my gun and I in shape and if anything jams, we can trust you to fix it. I might be the one with the wings and halo, but you're the real angel - my guardian angel. The boss and the other girls ought to be super grateful for you~.
Baby, I feel like I really need to repay you for everything you’ve done for me. I know you repair my gun and help the girls and I on missions sometimes, but it’s more than that. You gave me a real shelter, a place where I feel safe and can be myself. I don't really fit in with the other Sankta back at Laterano, Rhodes Island and Penguin Logistics are nice but the people there are my friends and colleagues - not my lover. The one I love, the one I know I can rely on no matter what, is you.
My cutie, my baby, my [name] - what I’m trying to say is that my home is with you. I want to be with you forever.
I wanna do so many things together; eheh, where do I start? I want us to go to Siesta for their Obsidian Festival, I want us to go to Lungmen again so we can properly celebrate the Sauin festival, I even want to bring you to Laterano, my hometown, just to show you where I grew up.
Is this warmth inside my heart the Christmas Spirit everyone keeps talking about? Ehehe, I’m just kidding. Only you have this kind of effect on me, [name]. I wonder - when you think of me, does your stomach do the same summersaults mine does when I think of you~?
But seriously - baby, I love you. So much that I’m basically oozing with affections for you, but that's probably obvious. Someday, I’ll find some better way to say thanks, but for now, take this letter and gift I got for you. Also, it’s Christmastime! Hold your head up and smile big for me~.
Ehehe, boss is gonna start yelling at me if I take too long, so that's all for now! Keep up the hard work [name]! Ehehe, maybe the boss will give us a nice long break for the holiday season if we all blow him away with our amazingness~. Right, Exu out!
Exusiai and her antics never fail to make you smile; this time was no different. A small chuckle leaves you and your lips upturn into a warm grin as you read the conclusion to her letter. Exusiai really does mean as much to you as you meant to her - you remind yourself to tell her that when she comes back from her mission.
Your gaze returns to your workbench, more specifically, to the gift bag. Its colour reminds you a little of Exusiai’s hair, and sticking out the top of the bag is tissue paper of all different colours. Your brow lifts as you pick it up; the bag is light, what kind of gift did she get you? You shrug to yourself slightly, ‘Only one way to find out’, and so, you open the little bag up.
Inside of the bag, underneath all that colourful tissue paper is a cute keychain with two chibi figures and a tag with your name hanging off it. You immediately recognize one of the little figurines as Exusiai - the cheeky grin and halo are both pretty unmistakable - and the other figure; confusion paints your face for a few moments as your try and rack your brain for who it might be, and then it dawns you. You almost facepalm; it's clear from the Sarkaz horns that the other chibi is you. Another smile is brought out of you and a light laugh follows. The gift is lighthearted and playful, and at the end of the day, it's just a keychain; but paired with Exusiai’s letter and the thoughts she conveyed with it, to you, it's so much more.
Your eyes go back to the gift bag, and you this time notice the tag hanging off its handle. Gaze curious, you take the tag between your fingers and see that Exusiai’s handwriting is squished onto the little blank space it provides, ‘Merry Christmas cutie! I promise I’ll be home for the holidays, but for now, check out this keychain! It’s mini versions of you and I, pretty cool right? Shoutout to the super awesome craftsman I met during my Operation in Lungmen who made them for us!’ Your heart goes mushy - she had been thinking of spending Christmas with you even during her missions? You can tell you’ll always be in her heart, and you can't wait to tell her that she’ll always be in yours, ‘[Name], carry the keychain around with you everywhere you go - that way, we’ll always be together~.’
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
UA Idol | Chapter Eleven
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
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Word Count: 4,209
Warnings: Language, big nerves
A/N: IT’S THE FIRST DAMN CHALLENGE! There are two more and I low key may have just introduced all the other supporting characters in the story so 👀 I hope you enjoy this one. It took a while to write because of the length and also. the fact that it’s welcome week at my college and I work at a bookstore (RIP). I’ve been working so much, and not to mention the homework I’m getting for classes (DOUBLE RIP). But yeah, I hope this chapter is to your liking, and I will make a song list for everyone under the chapter! I do recommend listening to the version of Halsey’s Graveyard stripped because that was a game changer for that song for me. I listen to that one more than the original HAHA. Anyways, enjoy!
Sitting through the pop singers did not calm your nerves in the slightest. You already knew Mina and Denki were really good, but you soon found out that they weren’t the only ones. Especially when you heard Kirishima. He took Denki’s advice, and decided to sing Golden by Harry Styles. And to say you were impressed with the only acoustic version of one of Harry’s most hype songs was an understatement. And his voice was crazy good, and contrary to what he’d said previously you bet he could join Katsuki in singing rock songs. You’d have to tell him that later. “You know, this is only making me feel worse,” you say to Shinsou. All of the pop singers had finished their genre challenge performances and were waiting backstage to come out in lines and be told if they made it to the next part of Hell Week. The judges were currently speaking in hushed voices and choosing who would go through, and who would not go through. “You and me both. But you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You’re still better than everyone else who’s gone up there so far,” Shinsou whispers the last part to you, and you can’t help but smile. “Same to you, loser. Now, what did you think of everyone?”
“Denki and Mina killed it, obviously.”
“Now as for Kirishima, I was pleasantly surprised. I knew he was already a loud guy, so hearing him go from straight belting at times to a small little falsetto was very interesting and very nice to the ear.”
“Yeah, not to mention his range is amazing.”
“Right? It was insane. Oh, and another person who stood out was the guy with the silver hair who kind of sounded like Kirishima. He was very similar to him, and he even sang Adore You.”
“Yeah, I noticed that too. It’s kind of funny, they were like almost the exact same person. You know who caught my eye?”
“That blonde girl. You can tell she’s a little… wild. Especially with her song pick, I never expected anyone in a million years to ever sing a Chainsmokers song, especially Don’t Let Me Down, with only a piano backing them.”
“Yeah, that caught me off guard, gonna be honest. She did have a lot of energy and her voice was really good though. Fits that genre of singers, so I bet she’ll get through. She can also move, which is always a perk for performers. But, do you know what I just can’t get over?”
“The fact that we had to leave our cats with cat sitters?”
“Well, yes, thank you so much for reminding me of that, but also how absolutely wholesome the kid with the green hair was. Not gonna lie, it kind of made me want to die. I mean, he really came in here and sang Imagine. Of all songs, Imagine by John Lennon. That is so ballsy and when Aizawa commented on how ballsy it was this fucker answers with, ‘I didn’t choose it because it was popular, I chose it because I believe that someday we can achieve that level of peace.’ What the fuck.” You laugh at his disbelief before nodding your head. “I totally agree. That was low-key hilarious though, Aizawa just sighed and Toshinori almost squealed because he loved that answer. It was like he was in a pageant and answering the world peace question. Wait, hold on, speaking of ballsy, what about the blonde guy who looks like he could be a part of a boyband singing Africa by Toto.”
“I know! He pulled a meme, I literally had to reach over and grab your arm to keep from fucking screaming. I mean, I know pretty much everyone else did, but I need to keep up my little mysterious façade I’ve got going on here.”
“I mean, you just don’t show emotions like that, but yeah. You’re just too mysterious.”
“Shut up. I am mysterious. Almost as mysterious as that girl with the short hair and long bangs who looks like a literal cinnamon roll and then came in belting I Will Always Love You.”
“You could only dream of being that mysterious sir,” you tease him, and he rolls his eyes, but his smile deceives him. He went to fire something back, only to be told by all the producers that everyone had to quiet down again because the judges had made their decisions. You and Shinsou both nervously watched as they turned away about half of the pop singers that were there, and you two nearly broke each other’s hands when Denki and Mina showed up on the stage. “Oh, they are definitely getting through, look at who they’re with,” Shinsou whispers in your ear, and you look at the rest of the line-up. Kirishima and all the other acts you and Shinsou had just discussed were all in a line onstage. Sure enough, they all made it through to the next round.
“Knew that would happen,” Shinsou says and you nod. “So, who’s up next?”
“Country. But there’s only a few of them,” Shinsou says, and you lean back in your chair. “I wonder how many of these guys will make me feel incompetent,” you say, and Shinsou snorts. “None of them should, doesn’t matter how talented someone else is, it doesn’t lessen yours in the slightest.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet,” you say, grinning while poking his arm. He smiles at you and shrugs. “I try, kitten.” You both see Mina, Denki, and Kirishima walking back to their seats in the pop genre section and give them a thumbs up. They all look actually ecstatic and return the positive hand gestures. “How much do you wanna bet Denki and Mina will wanna go out for celebratory drinks after this?” you ask Shinsou and he groans. “Shit, you’re right.”
“How about we feign sickness and have them go and we just, you know, stay at the hotel,” you suggest, and he gives you a side eye. “Yeah, like they’ll fall for that.” He has a fair point, and you sigh. Maybe if you get through the first round you’ll be up for it. As long as Shinsou will be there, it won’t be too bad.
The country genre starts up and everyone in the category jumps right into the southern swing. There aren’t nearly as many as the pop category, which is odd. There truly aren’t a lot of country singers in this competition, now that you think about it. To be fair, when live shows come around, it’s very intense and since the majority of the singers in the competition are pop singers, country can definitely get lost in the mix. Oh well, the singers who are going are actually really good, so maybe this year it’ll change up a bit. One of the country singers who really caught your eye was this little short girl with long dark green dyed hair. She had this cute little bow pulling it back and had this little southern charm, but her style was more of a mix of country and singer-songwriter you noticed. Not all of the words she sang had that good ‘ol country twang to them, but it was still there. It could have been the song choice of making Before He Cheats into an acoustic (she played her own black acoustic guitar decorated with cute frog stickers), but you’d have to see more of her to be completely sure. She was really really good, though. And sure enough, she made it to the next round.
Up next is rock. You look over to see Bakugou with a stone cold unmoving resting bitch face. From what you know from the guy, this was normal. “If his singing is anything like his yelling, he’s one hell of a rockstar,” Shinsou says to you, which causes you to laugh. He was right, his screaming was pretty loud, gritty, and impressive, so that statement was true. And his singing was similar to that style as well. Even though he did a low-key song by a rock band, Good Riddance by Green Day, he still managed to get that rocker vibe with it. It was probably because of how angrily he played his guitar. That poor guitar. He wasn’t the only rock singer that really stood out though. “I’m not trying to judge because I know I look like a pretty miserable and intimidating guy too, but did you see that guy with the long gray hair and no will to live?” “Yeah, I saw him. Heard him, too. Didn’t realize anyone could make Disenchanted by MCR even sadder than it was already,” you say. It’s true, that guy had a really good voice, sort of similar to Gerard Way’s actually, but christ he made the song sadder than the original somehow. Then of course there was this mysterious guy who was wearing a black face mask to compliment the all black outfit paired with the multiple layered red choker and long black cardigan he was wearing. Somehow, he still sounded great and barely muffled, but it was such a weird visual. It was fitting for the genre though, and you can respect the brand. A cover of Creep sung by someone who covered half of his face was spot on for the song’s meaning. And his purple electric guitar with the symbol of a raven on it was pretty dope, you have to admit.
“Look, it’s Denki’s crush,” Shinsou says as the girl with the purple hair walked on the stage. Denki’s going for a rocker, huh? Fitting, he needs someone intense to balance out his stupid. And intense this girl was, she sang a killer rendition of That’s What You Get, and when you looked over at Denki you could have sworn his pupils turned into little hearts. Unsurprisingly, all of them got in, and Kirishima almost started crying when he realized Bakugo was through as well.
The producers then decided to combine the r&b and hip-hop genres at the last minute, making it the second largest category. But you didn’t mind sitting there and listening because, again, there were some really talented people in the categories. Especially the guy with the long black hair and infectious smile who sang Red Red Wine and absolutely and totally brought the reggae vibe. You could just tell he would sing something like that, too, the minute he got onstage wearing a drug rug and long flowy pants. You honestly dug his aesthetic and his voice, and so did Shinsou considering you both started dancing in your seats the minute the song started. To be fair, though, it’s a good fucking song. Another guy who caught your attention was a dude with a shit ton of piercings, you notices four on his ear, an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing, and when he was singing you saw a tongue piercing too. His black hair was messy and almost completely covered his eyes, but you could just tell that he was intense. Take What You Want by Post Malone never sounded so dark and angry. They both made it to the next round.
Next thing you knew, it was your category. The smallest category. And much to your bad luck, you were the last one to audition. Luckily, Shinsou was second to last. “Think that was on purpose?” he asks you as you wait backstage. “What do you mean?”
“The judges like to be dramatic on this show. They said we were top two material in general auditions... think they made us the final two on purpose?” You hadn’t thought about that. But you have to say, it does make sense. “Huh. Wild. Guess we better pull out all the stops then.”
“Obviously,” you grin, and he returns it. “Well, might as well do the song I wrote based off of that old high school friend Monoma I told you about.”
“The one where he went to LA for college and wound up coming back to Japan all... different?”
“That’s the one. I feel like I need to be that poetic and mysterious guy and what better song to sing when we’re here. In LA.”
“Yeah, yeah okay Mr. Mysterious. As for me, I’ll just be sad singing about, you know, him.”
“Still warning you in advance, if I ever meet this guy, I’m literally fighting him. And I’m winning,” Shinsou says, and you can’t stop the smile that breaks out across your face. You don’t see it, but your smile causes him to smile. And then the two of you are just cheesing about each other without actually telling each other y’all are the reason for your cheesing. How cute.
Watching the other singer-songwriters do their thing was really fun for you, actually. There was a girl with a jet-black ponytail who did an amazing cover of Skinny Love. Your favorite thing about her was how creative she got with the guitar during it, she added a few new riffs and really just showed her skill with the instrument. Then there was the guy who had like absolutely no presence or personality until he started playing his guitar and singing What Do I Know by Ed Sheeran. He immediately came to life and everyone was bumping to it. His hair was also dyed half red and half white which looked really cool. And then there was the guy who had the typical nerdy indie look with his glasses and navy-blue hair. He played the piano instead of the usual guitar for his cover of Cherry Wine by Hozier and absolutely smashed it. Now none of this helped your nerves, but luckily Shinsou was there to put a brave face on for you and keep you relaxed. Then, it was finally his turn. You could tell he was nervous since he can only hide his emotions from you so much, so instead of psyching him out more, you just grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze. He’s the type of person who needs a physical reminder that everything would be okay, and so far, every time you’ve done that action with him, it’s helped calm him down faster than words could. Sure enough, it worked, and he gave you a small smile before walking out onstage. For his performance he’s playing the piano, so he walked over and sat down. “Hello again,” Midnight says, smiling at him. “What will you be singing for this challenge?” Keigo asks, and Shinsou clears his throat. “Um, I have another original for you all.” He could hear the crowd murmur and see a few people whispering to each other. No one had ever really done an original at Hell Week before. They all thought that the judges saying that in the beginning was a joke because of how intense this week could be. Well everyone except Mina and Denki of course.
“That’s great! What’s it called?” Toshinori asks. “Dying In LA.”
“I like the title. Whenever you’re ready,” Aizawa says, and Shinsou nods. He begins playing the opening, before taking a breath and singing.
“The moment you arrived they built you up;
The sun was in your eyes.
You couldn't believe it.
Riches all around, you're walking
Stars are on the ground.
You start to believe it.
Every face along the boulevard is a dreamer just like you.
You looked at death in a tarot card and you saw what you had to do.
But nobody knows you now,
When you're dying in LA.
And nobody owes you now,
When you're dying in LA.
When you're dying in LA.”
People immediately started cheering the minute he did his little rocker dying thing. And he loved it. He could honestly get used to that.
“When you're dying in LA.
The power, the power, the power…
Oh, the power, the power, the power
Of LA.
Nights at the chateau;
Trapped in your sunset bungalow,
You couldn't escape it, yeah.
Drink of paradise,
They told you ‘Put your blood on ice.
You're not gonna make it.’
Every face along the boulevard is a dreamer just like you.
You looked at death in a tarot card and you saw what you had to do.
But nobody knows you now,
When you're dying in LA.
And nobody owes you now,
When you're dying in LA.
When you're dying in LA.
When you're dying in LA.
The power, the power, the power…
Oh, the power, the power, the power
Of LA”
As expected, everyone was dead silent for a moment before breaking out into applause. Even the judges gave him a standing ovation. And you had to follow literally the most perfect human being and songwriter. Nice. The judges aren’t really permitted to say anything after the performance because they need to just listen to the singing and judge off of that, so Shinsou walks offstage and back over to you. “I warmed them up for you,” he says, and you snort. “Wow, thanks. Maybe next time don’t be that amazing.”
“Hmmm, that’s a tall order, kitten.”
“Yeah, my bad, can’t ask someone perfect to be less perfect.”
“You’re right about that, which is why your performance is going to be much better than mine was,” he pats your head with a grin, before shooing you onstage. You walk on, clutching your guitar as you greet the judges. “Hey chickadee, you gonna sing an original for us too?” Hawks asks, and Midnight hits his arm. “Don’t just go assuming that she also has an original prepared, what if she doesn’t? Do you know how stressed out that would make her you glorified Kentucky Fried Chicken Colonel!”
“Actually, I do have an original prepared.”
“Oh, well in that case I’m excited to hear it! What’s it called?”
“Graveyard,” you respond, and Aizawa motions for you to begin whenever you’re ready. You take a deep breath before strumming away, picking at the strings of your guitar to make the melody you’d written so long ago. Then, you open your mouth.
“It's crazy when The thing you love the most is the detriment; Let that sink in. You can think again, When the hand you wanna hold is a weapon and You're nothin' but skin.
Oh, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. I keep running, I keep running, I keep running.
They say I may be making a mistake, I would've followed all the way, no matter how far. I know when you go down all your darkest roads, I would've followed all the way to the graveyard.
Oh, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. I keep running when both my feet hurt, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. Oh, when you go down all your darkest roads I would've followed all the way to the graveyard (no, oh).
You look at me (look at me) With eyes so dark, don't know how you even see, You push right through me (push right through me). It's gettin' real. You lock the door, you're drunk at the steering wheel, And I can't conceal.
Oh, 'cause I've been diggin' myself down deeper, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. I keep running, I keep running, I keep running.
They say I may be making a mistake, I would've followed all the way, no matter how far. I know when you go down all your darkest roads, I would've followed all the way to the graveyard.
Oh, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. I keep running when both my feet hurt, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. Oh, when you go down all your darkest roads, I would've followed all the way to the graveyard.
Oh, it's funny how… The warning signs can feel like they're butterflies…
Oh, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. I keep running when both my feet hurt, I won't stop 'til I get where you are. Oh, when you go down all your darkest roads, I would've followed all the way to the graveyard.”
Just like Shinsou, there was a moment of silence before everyone applauded. This was a weird feeling. You’d never really sung an original song in front of a crowd of people this big before, and you never expected to have celebrities give your original song a standing ovation. But here you were, Hell Week in UA Idol, and this feeling was honestly something you could get used to. You’re just happy people enjoyed it. You hurry offstage and go over to Shinsou who immediately encapsulates you in a hug. Huh. That’s new. You don’t hate it though. This is actually… pretty nice. He gives good hugs. And you love the lavender scent he gives off, it almost gives him a lavender hue, actually. “You did amazing, (Y/n). Better than I ever could,” he tells you with a small grin. But it doesn’t look like he’s jealous. If anything, he looks proud. Like he’s proud of you. Like you just did something that made him feel happier than anything in the world. You liked him looking at you like that. You want him to look at you like that more. “That’s a lie, you’re the best singer-songwriter I know.”
“That’s because you’ve never actually met yourself other than looking in a mirror. If you actually knew you, you’d take that statement back.”
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t make you blush. The producers ushered you all in a different room, allowing the judges time to talk about who was going through and who wasn’t. You and Shinsou stuck to each other like glue and tried to ignore the stares and looks at you two. That was when the guy with the navy-blue hair approached the two of you, and kind of screamed, but you could tell that he was just using his regular talking voice. “You’re both very talented! I hope one day I am able to write songs like that!”
“Hey, thanks man. I’m sure if you tried right now you could write songs like ours; everyone has the ability to write something good if they have the drive,” Shinsou tells him, and you can’t help but feel a sense of pride swell up in your chest. Shinsou was a really good person. And you were his friend. How did you get so lucky? “My name is Tenya Iida! It’s a pleasure to meet both of you, and I hope we all get through so I can talk to you both about songwriting some more,” he says, a big smile on his face as he sticks out his… very large hand. It wasn’t for a handshake or anything. The man just talks with his hands. You could see the callouses on his fingers from the guitar, though. Gotta love that. Since the singer-songwriter genre was the smallest, the judges seemed to make their decisions very quickly. You and Shinsou watched as people got turned away and as other got through to the next round. Iida, the guy with the dyed hair, and the girl with the black ponytail all made it through to the next round, which you were happy about. They were all very talented and deserved it 100%. But now, the only people who were left in the genre and the entire competition were you and Shinsou. “Do you think we didn’t make it?”
“Well… honestly I don’t know. If we didn’t, at least we got some exposure. Maybe someone will see us, and you can pay off your student loans and I can pay off my mom’s medical bills.”
“And maybe then you could go to university. I know you’ve always wanted to go to school for a music production major.”
He looks over at you with kind of big eyes. How did you know about that? He may have mentioned it off-hand like once while you, Mina, and Denki were around. Did you really just pay attention to him like that? And if you did, why did it just make his heart literally skip a beat? What is going on? Before he could even ask you, the producers gave you two the go-ahead to go onstage. You both walked out, obviously very nervous, but you stopped in the middle. “Well, well, well,” Midnight says, leaning into her microphone. “I bet you two are probably freaking out because what kind of line up of people is two people, right?” Keigo asks, and you both nod. “See, I told you. They know fear. Recording artists would be nothing without fear. These two are something,” Aizawa says, pointing at the two of you. Did the Shouta Aizawa just say the two of you were something? What? “Well, you don’t need to be nervous!” Toshinori screams, smiling very wide at the two of you. “Yeah, after all, we can’t just leave our top two in Hell Week,” Midnight says.
“Congratulations, Shinsou and (Y/n). You’re moving on to the next challenge.”
Song list:
Kirishima | Golden - Harry Styles
Mina | If I Were A Boy - The Queen, Beyoncé
Denki | Old Me - 5 Seconds of Summer
TetsuTetsu | Adore You - Harry Styles
Toga | Don’t Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers
Midoriya | Imagine - John Lennon
Mirio | Africa - Toto
Uraraka | I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
Tsu | Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
Bakugo | Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Shigaraki | Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance
Tokoyami | Creep - Radiohead
Jirou | That’s What You Get - Paramore
Sero | Red Red Wine - UB40
Dabi | Take What You Want - Post Malone ft. Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott
Momo | Skinny Love - Bon Iver
Todoroki | What Do I Know - Ed Sheeran
Iida | Cherry Wine - Hozier
Shinsou | Dying In LA - Panic! At The Disco
(Y/n) | Graveyard (Stripped) - Halsey
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heeeygracie · 4 years
do you ever plan to sell any supercorp chibi merch? i'd love to buy especially if you make keychains!!! loving the explorer AU so much. are we getting closer to them finding out kara's true identity and for her to speak to speak english to all of them? 👀👀👀
I might! I’m starting with some of the little comics I have posted here since a fellow Filipino reached out to say they want to buy prints of those. Still gonna edit them tho so they can be printed out with a much better quality! I might make some stickers and keychains someday! Tho I have to figure out the logistics if anyone would wanna buy them from overseas. 
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dajaregambler · 3 years
HeliosR - Dino Albani Character story - part 1
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Translation of the first part of Dino’s character story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Dino: Ooooi, Keith…. Keith, wake up-?
Keith: Hmn….nngh~......? Shuddup…. lemme sleep lil’ bit more…
Dino: C’mon, Keith! Don’t hide under your comforter!
Keith: Uuuuu~~ stop….. Put it back, Junior…..
Dino: Huh? Junior? What are you saying, Keith. I’m not Junior, you know?
Keith: ...Mmh? Not, Junior….. Dino!?
Dino: Ahahah, you jumped awake. Your bed hair is still impressive as always♪
Dino: Actually, has Junior been waking you up until now? The rookies are looking after you and yet you’re the mentor, good grief… 
Dino: From now on I’ll be the one dragging you out of bed. Eventually I want that you’ll wake up on your own though…
Keith: A-ah okay. It was today… that you're moving in here huh…
Dino: Yep yep, my bad that it’s on your off day. But thought to better wake you up since I’ll be organizing my baggage and dust will be blowing all over
Dino: I’ve carried most of it in already. I started to get a bit worried because you wouldn’t wake up at all and I was running all over the place-
Keith: Uoh, what is this!?
Dino: Eh, what what? What’s wrong?
Keith: The hell’s all this baggage… It’s all crazily squeezed in here….
Dino: Aah, ahaha~..... While being shut in the medical room, I’ve chosen furniture and things necessary for life however,
Dino: Before I knew it was really fun looking through the catalogue. There was this and that, and like that…. I kinda ordered a bit too much♪
Keith: The hell you’re all ‘’I kinda ordered a bit too much♪’’, no matter how you look at it it’s overkill!
Dino: I’m sorry!
Keith: Apologizing to me won’t do anything… Anyway, besides all this there’s stuff of yours from a long time ago too. Do ya get it?
Dino: I-I do… It’s the ones you took and put in your room right?
Keith: There’s a lot y’know. Thanks to that it's making my room unbearably smaller
Dino: N-no way….?
Keith: Haaah…. You had that habit of impulse buying since forever, if there was something that caught your attention on TV shopping, you’d buy it without thinking ahead
Keith: Sooo relieved to see that it hasn’t changed at all even now
Dino: Ah, you’re relieved? Then that’s good-
Keith: That was sarcasm, sarcasm! Who’s gonna be relieved with that, of course I’m fed up with it!
Dino: Eh, sarcasm!? And you’re fed up with it…. I’m sorry~~~~, so sorry Keith!
Keith: I already told you apologizing to me won’t do anything… C’mon, hurry up and clean it up. I’ll bring out the stuff I’ve put aside
Keith: Geez… Why do I gotta put so much effort this early in the morning on an off day? Gonna evacuate to the living at once and drink beer….
Keith: When your room’s all cleaned up and you’re reinstated, I’ll make you work hard as much as I had to keep at it on my own until now, got it? 
Dino: Absolutely, I was already planning that. However together with Keith, that is♪
Keith: Haah? I’ve been doing my best to the point of dropping dead until now, starting now I’m gonna kick back and take it easy 
Keith: Looking after the rookies, that’s clearly work cut out for ya. I’ve always been the kind of guy thats better off working alone 
Dino: No wait, I can’t turn a blind eye to skipping. You’re saying that you’ve worked so hard till you died, but I’ve been hearing dozens of complaints from Junior
Dino: Like to what extent you’ve been careless and slacking off so far… Though now that I’m here, I absolutely won’t forgive any negligence. You better be prepared, Keith?
Keith: Th-that Junior…. That unnecessary stuff, when did he… 
Dino: Good grief, you didn’t drink at all in the past… Even though your behaviour wasn’t good you kept your hands off of it, I was sure you wouldn’t end up drinking
Keith: It’s… At that time, I just didn’t think that I’d wanna drink yet
Dino: ? Then what made you start drinking?
Keith: ...Who knows. Forgot ‘bout it
Keith: Anyway, don’t just chit chat, get your hands to moving. Look, this is yours. And this, that, this and… aah, this too huh.
Dino: Uwaah, amazing! So many things full of memories are coming out…!
Dino: Uh… there’s seriously a lot of things. It’s already overkill, where in the world can I put this….
Keith: I dunno. You’re the one that bought it, deal with it one way or another
Dino: O-one way or another…
Keith: …….. Geez, ya haven’t changed at all y’know?
Keith: Impulse buying unnecessary things without thinking of what you’ll do with it, and keep them forever without throwing anything out….
Keith: Ya said that’s also ‘love and peace’ or whatever, but if ya keep saying it it’ll end up in getting yourself buried alive someday
Dino: G-guh…
Dino: But throwing it out makes me feel guilty you know. Once I recognize or form a connection with it, I grow extremely fond of it…..
Dino: Of course there’s also things that my grandpa and grandma gave to me but like, there’s clothes I bought on a whim, or the stickers and badges I got as a freebie with something too... 
Dino: Keith, you also have at least something right? Something that you can’t throw out no matter what….
Keith: There ain’t, that kinda thing
Dino: Really?
Keith: ….Yeah, ain’t 
Dino: I see…..
Keith: ……..
Keith: Oi. In this pile, what’s something you haven’t touched in a year? 
Dino: Eh? Where’s that suddenly coming from…
Keith: Anything’s fine, just think about it thoroughly. Answer only where ‘’One year, haven’t touched’’ applies
Dino: One year…. I haven't been here until recently so that makes ‘all of it’ though….?
Keith: Then, all of it is going in the trash can
Dino: EEEEH!? Wa- wait wait, what are you saying Keith!
Keith: Ya know ‘bout ‘’simple living’’?
Dino: S-simple living….?
Keith: It’s been said that abstaining desire, discarding irrelevant things, letting go of attachment…. or something and whatever, is roughly what the innermost secrets of tidying are. 
Keith: Originally it was something taught at yoga, but I dunno much ‘bout if I had to be honest. Just thought of it since Brad had said something like that before
Keith: Peeves me off to borrow his words but, it fits ya perfectly right now.
Keith: Haven’t touched something in a year means it isn’t needed, so throw it out completely. With that strategy in mind clean it all up at once
Dino: Clean it up...wait a second! Going as far as putting a game console in the trash is awful, Keith!
Keith: Shut it! Everything here is going to be thrown out! Don’t goddamn meddle!
Dino: ….!
Dino: U-um… Ah that’s right, didn’t you want to drink beer? C’mon, I’m fine from here so go to the living….
Keith: That I can do after. I’m good so you go on the other side and clean up
Keith: ….Tch. The hell with that you won’t forgive any negligence. I’ll absolutely never let those bad habits of yours off the hook. 
Keith: Prepare yourself, Dino
Dino: H-hiiiieee~~~!?
The ‘simple living’ Keith speaks about is actually ‘’断捨離’’ (danshari), it’s kind of hard to translate in English since it’s more of an ‘idea’ meaning about how you should clean up and let go of unnecessary things, making room for better ‘mental clarity’ in life. In a sense, it’s what Marie Kondo’s core of her teachings entails too but executed in a bit of a different way (Does it spark joy? If not, throw it out).
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bicepsie · 4 years
Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
Day 1: Related to Pride
Relationship: Buck & Eddie
Word Count: 2700 
“I need 2 volunteers to do the scavenger hunt with the kids.” Cap tapped a pan against his clipboard as he looked around the room.
“Eddie and I’ll do it!” Buck raised his hand. 
Cap nodded, writing down their names. 
Eddie stared at the side of Buck’s head, waiting for him to turn his head. After a few moments, Eddie grew impatient and he nudged Buck with his elbow. “Why’d you do that?”
“Would you rather be on cleanup duty?”
“Good point.” He definitely didn’t want to clean after a bunch of kids and their parents. Or taking down decorations. Eddie shuddered. 
Kids ran around the station, yelling and laughing, chasing each other. A few stuck with their parents, mostly the smaller ones. The grown ups, mostly parents and a few grandparents, observed from the distance. They stood in pairs or groups talking and enjoying the pastry the local bakery so generously donated to the fire station. 
Cap stood by the door, looking around the station with a small smile.  
Buck spotted Eddie leaning against the wall by the fire extinguisher and he sauntered over. “I love Pride!” He leaned against the wall, his biceps touching Eddie’s. 
“Yeah.” Eddie smiled and gently elbowed Buck.  
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet balloons floated on the ceiling, their rainbows strings hanging just low enough for grownups to reach them. A huge LGBTQ flag hung from the balcony, next to each color He had written down its meaning white capital letters.
His eyes landing on Christopher, his smile brightened up the whole room. He was talking to a boy his age, gesturing wildly. 
“Who’s Christopher talking to?”
“Ben, his new friend.” Eddie glanced toward Buck. 
“Why haven’t I heard about this new friend?” Buck frowned. “Can he be trusted?” 
“He’s 9.” Eddie shook his head. “He goes to the same school as Christopher. They really hit it off.”
Buck stared at this Ben kid, he looked normal. But so did most serial killer. “What do you know about the kid?”
Eddie chuckled. “His parents just moved here, they’re both in the military. Christopher’s been talking about him all week. He’s so excited to have a close friend.”
“I don’t trust him.” Buck crossed his arms. Who just moves somewhere and instantly makes friends? “Maybe I should talk to him, find out what his intentions are with Christopher.” Buck pushed away from the wall and took a step forward. 
Eddie grabbed his forearm. “Aren’t you overreacting? I should be the one worrying.”
Buck narrowed his eyes at Eddie. “Why aren’t you?”
“Because he’s 9. They’re just kids. Besides, I’m just glad Christopher made a friend.”
“He’s got friends.”
“You don’t count.”
Cap got their attention from across the room and waved them over. 
“I wasn’t talking about me.” Buck pouted as they walked toward Cap. 
 Fire truck sirens blared around the station. Kids and grown ups stopped what they were doing and stared at the truck with flashing lights. 
Cap turned off the sirens then jumped out of the fire truck. He greeted everyone, welcoming them to Station 118 Rainbow Scavenger Hunt 2020. Rainbow Scavenger Hunt would have been enough. Everyone knew this was station 118 and the year was 2020. But when Buck had proposed they shortened the name to Rainbow Scavenger Hunt, he was outvoted. And now a huge banner, which he had to paint, hung above the fire station entrance. 
Cap instructed the kids to pair up for scavenger hunt and hold their partner’s hand. Ben grabbed Christopher’s hand right away. What if Christopher wanted to be paired with someone else? This Ben kid was very presumptuous, Buck had every reason to be suspicious. 
Leaning in Christopher whispered in Ben’s ear, making both boys laugh loudly. 
“Don’t worry,” Eddie clapped Buck on the shoulder, “you’ll find another partner.”
“I thought I’d be me and Chris against you.” It was a perfect plan. Buck would help Christopher win. And they’d both make fun of Eddie for losing.  
Eddie chuckled. “Well, seems like you’re stuck with me now.”
Glancing around the station, Buck noticed everyone was already paired up and Eddie was right, he was stuck with him. Not the worst person to be stuck with. Buck’s lips stretched into a soft smile. 
“I’m RED and big with 4 wheels.” Eddie read from the first clue card. 
“Uh…” Buck scratched his head, putting on a show for the kids standing next to them. “Eddie, what’s red?”
Eddie spun around, seeing a few of the older kids already searching around the fire truck. “I don’t know. Flowers? A car?” 
“It’s the fire truck!” A little boy yelled and ran toward the fire truck. 
“A fire truck!” Buck hit his forehead and frowned. 
While the rest of the kids ran toward the fire truck, Eddie stayed behind. “Did it hurt?” He smirked, watching a red palm print appear on Buck’s forehead. 
“When I fell from heaven? Yes.” Buck winked.
Eddie shook his head. Buck was a giant kid himself. He’d be a great dad someday.
Joining the kids, Buck and Eddie searched around the truck. Buck crawled on top of the truck while Eddie circled around it, checking all the sides for any hidden clues. 
A girl with rainbow bow in her blond hair pulled an orange card from behind the wheel. She sprinted to her partner and grabbed her hand, pulling her away. They whispered and giggled as they tried to hide their orange card.
Buck jumped from the truck and stood next to Eddie as they watched the rest of the kids pull orange cards from behind the truck’s tires. 
I’m an ORANGE fruit. The next clue read. 
Kids quickly figured out the answer was orange, but they had trouble finding them. Buck and Eddie let them run around for a few minutes, searching for oranges.  
A boy and a girl stood next to the ambulance and stared at their card. The girl stomped her foot and crossed her arms. “There are no oranges here!”
“Psst.” Eddie leaned over the hood of the ambulance. “Wanna work together? We can’t find any oranges also.”
Buck peered from behind Eddie. The little girl glanced to her brother who had a giant smile on his face and was nodding enthusiastically. 
“Fine. But only for this clue.” She jutted out her chin. 
When Buck had children of his own, he wanted his daughter to be just like this adorable little girl, strong-willed and fearless. And his son to be like Christopher. His eyes sought out Christopher. He was standing by as Ben looked around the gym equipment. A kid who thought to look for oranges in the gym was definitely not good enough to be friends with his Christopher. 
“Where do you think they’re hiding the oranges?” Buck asked the girl.
“You’re a firefighter, shouldn’t you know that?” the little girl stared at him. 
“Right.” Buck looked at Eddie with wide eyes. “Eddie, where do we keep oranges?”
“With the rest of the fruit?”
“Where’s that?”
“Kitchen!” The siblings yelled at once.
“That’s right!” Eddie shouted and pointed toward the stairs. “The kitchen’s that way.” 
The kids ran, Buck and Eddie forgotten.
“That’s the thanks we get. I’m never working with them again.” Buck crossed his arms and stomped his foot.
Eddie chuckled and patted his back. A brief touch, but Buck felt the heat of Eddie’s palm on his back a long time after Eddie pulled away.    
“I can’t believe we keep oranges in the kitchen!” Eddie said louder than necessary as they walked past a groups of kids. 
Follow the suns. 
This one was easy. Kids had no problem following the sun stickers on the floor. 
Hen did amazing job with leading the kids all over the upper floor, through the kitchen, around the couch, and all the way to the balcony where Hen and Maddie waited to help the kids slide down the poll. 
“Need any help getting down?” Maddie smiled at Buck.
Buck jumped on the poll, saluted, and effortlessly slid down  
“Show off.” Eddie muttered. 
“Come on, Eddie. What’s taking so long? We’ve got a scavenger hunt to win!”
So cocky. Eddie shook his head, smiling. He grabbed the poll and swung onto it. “See you later.” He slid down, his feet landing on the concrete floor with a loud thud. 
“Great job. 10 out of 10.” Chimney clapped.
“Hey! Why does he get a 10 and I got a 6?” Buck brushed against Eddie’s arms.
“Perfect landing. You fumbled yours.” Chimney pulled a green card from his pocket. “Your next clue.”
“But I slid down with only one hand. I deserve extra points for that!” 
“Better luck next time, Buck.” Chimney pushed the card toward them.
Buck and Eddie reached for the card at the same time, their hand brushing for a moment before they pulled away and the card sailed to the floor. 
By the time Buck and Eddie got outside, the kids were already picking up envelope size paper LGBTQ flags from the lawn and waving them around. 
Christopher and Ben sat on the grass huddled together, laughing. They held pride flags in each of their hands. Christopher looked up and when his eyes met Eddie’s, he waved. 
Eddie nudged Buck and nodded toward Christopher. 
“I still don’t like that kid,” Buck waved back. 
“Let’s get a flag.” Eddie walked forward and it took him a moment to realize Buck wasn’t following. He turned and spotted Buck marching toward Christopher and Ben. 
“Buck!” Eddie hurried to catch up to Buck. 
“Hey,” Buck smiled down at Christopher, ignoring Ben. “How are you doing? Got all the clues, yet?”
“Almost.” Christopher slowly got up and Eddie had to stop himself from reaching out to help. Ben handed Christopher his crutches. 
“Buck this is Ben. He’s my best friend.” Christopher smiled up at Buck. No one could resist that smile, especially not Buck. 
“Best friend, huh?” Buck stared down Ben for a moment before he smiled. “Nice to meet you, Ben.”
“You too, sir.” Ben stood straight and shook Buck’s hand. 
Buck looked at Eddie with raised eyebrows. 
“Ben’s dads are soldiers. That’s almost as cool as firefighters.” Christopher said. 
Look for the man with BLUE umbrella, he’s hiding somewhere inside the station with your next clue.
“Last one!” Cap held out a blue card as Buck and Eddie walked inside the locker room. 
Grumbling under his breath, Buck snatched the last card from Cap’s hand. “This is stupid. If you’re gonna hold an umbrella, at least do it outside. Who needs an umbrella inside?”
Cap closed his umbrella and laid it on the bench next to him. “Not me, anymore.” He walked out. 
Buck put his hands on his hips. “Umbrella? Inside? That’s just… no.” He stared at the blue umbrella with pure hatred. 
Eddie laughed. “And this is why I went with Chimney’s suggestion to have Cap in the locker room.”
“Wait...” Buck narrowed his eyes. “It was you! I lost that by one vote!” 
“No.” Eddie snorted. He tried not to laugh, but it bursted out of him and he doubled over. 
“You were supposed to have my back,” Buck said, smile evident in his voice. 
Looking up, Eddie was shocked to see Buck right in front of him. “I’ll always have your back.”
Buck stepped closer to Eddie until Eddie could feel the heat of Buck’s body. He stopped laughing, mesmerized by the softness in Buck’s eyes. 
“You should laugh more often.” Buck said quietly and reached toward Eddie’s face with his right hand. “Even if it’s on my expense.”
“There you are!” Chimney barged in and Buck jumped back. “Cap’s waiting for you.” Chimney looked between Buck and Eddie. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” they said at the same time.
If I was a VIOLET balloon where would I be?
“Next year, we need harder clues.” Eddie tore the last clue card from a string tied to a violet balloon. He let go of the string and the balloon flew into the sky. 
Buck hasn’t said a word since they left the locker room, he hasn’t even looked at Eddie once. Eddie hated it. He wasn’t sure what happened back there. One moment they were talking, teasing each other as they normally did, and the next Buck was looking at him like he wanted to kiss him. That couldn’t be right. Buck didn’t want to kiss him. If he did, Eddie was sure, he’d knew about it. No, Eddie was imagining things, he was projecting his own feelings onto Buck. 
“You two are the last ones.” Hen walked up to them. “I think they’re hard enough.” Hen smirked. 
“That’s not nice,” Karen smile. “They did their best.” They walked away, holding hands and laughing. 
“You two are hilarious.” Eddie deadpanned. 
This was what Eddie wanted. He wanted someone to always be on his side, someone he could have fun with, someone to hold hands with as he walked down the street. He glanced toward Buck, wishing that someone could be him. 
Eddie held up the card. They didn’t have to read it, they knew what it said: Congratulations! You won! Get your prize from the Captain. 
Each kid got to pick their own prize. There were toy fire truck with rainbow stickers, toy firemen wearing rainbow helmets, dolls with rainbow hair, and rainbow teddy bears. If Eddie got to pick his toy, he’d pick the fireman with a rainbow helmet. Maybe if he was lucky, one would be left and he could take it home. 
Eddie turned, wanting to ask Buck which toy he’d choose, when Buck rushed past him and marched into the station. 
Frowning, Eddie looked around. What just happened? 
Eddie followed Buck, half his attention on Buck’s tall form, half on all the kids running around and playing with their toys. 
“She’s got rainbow hair!” The girl with rainbow bow in her hair thrusted a doll in front of Eddie’s face. 
Eddie jerked to a stop and sidestepped her. “She does. She’s really pretty. Almost as pretty as you.”
The girl blushed and hugged her doll to her chest. She looked at him from under her eyelashes. Then ran away. With a smile on his face Eddie watched the girl run to her mom.
Standing on his tiptoes, Eddie tried to find Buck. Where did he go? He only talked to the girl for a few seconds, and apparently that’s all it took for him to lose sight of Buck. 
Spotting Maddie and Chimney by the refreshments table, Eddie rushed toward them. “Have you seen Buck?”
“Aren’t we suppose to ask you that? You two are joined at the hip most of the time.” Chimney bit into muffin, crumbs falling from his mouth and rolling down his LAFD t-shirt.
“Is everything alright?” Maddie tilted her head, looking at Eddie.
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, I just lost him for a second and…” Eddie looked around the station, still not seeing Buck anywhere. He excused himself, avoiding any more questions. 
He checked half the station before he made his way up to the second floor. It was quieter up here. With the scavenger hunt finished there was nothing worth seeing up here so everyone prefered to stay downstairs. All, except one. Buck. 
“I’ve been looking for you.” 
Buck’s back stiffened as Eddie approached him. He pushed away from the table and stood. “I’ve been here.” He walked around the table toward the kitchen. “Do you want water?”
“Sure.” Eddie shrugged and followed Buck into the kitchen. 
Buck pulled two water bottles from the fridge and thrusted one toward Eddie, still not looking at him. Instead of reaching for the bottle, Eddie grabbed Buck’s hand, making Buck finally look at him. “What-” 
“I can’t do this!” Buck pulled his hand away, the water bottle dropping to the floor. “I…” Buck blinked several times, he looked at Eddie’s lips, then eyes, then back to his lips. 
Stepping over the water bottle, Eddie got closer to Buck. “You?”
Buck blinked and turned his head to the right. He pressed his lips together and stared at the closed fridge door. 
 Reaching up, Eddie cupped Buck’s cheek. “Me too.” 
Buck turned, finally looking at Eddie. Eddie smiled, he leaned forward and tilted his head then gently pressed his lips against Buck’s. Buck stilled for a moment before kissing Eddie back, capturing Eddie’s top lip between his. 
Eddie slid his hand from Buck’s cheek to his neck, pulling him closer, his other hand resting on Buck’s waist. Buck melted into him and wound his arms around Eddie’s shoulders. 
It was just them, everything else around them disappeared.
With a groan, Eddie pulled away. His eyes closed, he leaned his forehead against Buck’s. “Wow.”
“Yeah… Wow.” Buck said breathlessly. 
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