#she just .. laying there on her belly in tha forest
ikeromantic · 3 years
A Good Start
A mini-fic for @ivyroseartspace featuring Motonari for my 400 Follower Celebration. Approx 2000 words.
August, Motonari, Spicy and Sweet
Motonari called a halt. The chaotic band of mercenaries and pirates didn’t need to be told twice to take a break. It took no time at all for them to find a spot to sit and crack open a bottle. Harsh laughter and song broke out soon after, filling the forest clearing with mirth. Mouri was glad to see their recent escape from Oda lands had done little to hurt morale.
And why should it have? They left with their packs full of loot - and - their hostage. The pretty little princess recently made Nobunaga’s favorite. She was a spicy one. Hot eyes like dark fire and she could give a tongue lashing as well as any first mate.
Naturally, Mouri went looking for her. He told himself it was just to make sure the cargo was secure, but truth - he wanted to see her again. She haunted him. She had since he’d first laid eyes on her, posing as a merchant while she shopped his fabrics. Taking her had been about pleasure as much as business, not that he’d admit it.
He found her quick enough, and right where expected. Sitting between two of his most trusted men. Her face was lit up in a smile as one of the pirates regaled her with a story. The other was quiet, pouring the girl a cup of sake as if he was a servant. And if that wasn’t enough, fetching her a pillow when she shifted a bit on the ground.
“Hey! Yer supposed ta be guarding her, not working like a house-servant!” Motonari broke in on the three of them, interrupting the story.
The princess glanced up at him, her smile fading to a look of distaste. “Could you come back later? I’m busy right now.”
Mouri was struck dumb for a heartbeat. It had been a long time since anyone - especially a woman - tried to order him around.
His men took the silence as a calm before the storm, and quickly stood. “Sorry. We were just keepin’ an eye on her like ya said,” the story-telling pirate shrugged.
“Yeah well I got eyes on her now. Ya go take a break. Some place else.” Motonari watched as they scuttled off, annoyed to see them glance back at the girl before disappearing in the milieu.
For her part, the princess sat primly, sake cup in hand, doing her best to ignore him.
“Come on princess.” Motonari grabbed her arm and pulled her up. The sake spilled to the ground.
“You could have waited til I finished my drink at least,” she hissed.
“I coulda. But if it’s a drink ya want, I can share my flask.” He grinned and patted his belt.
She frowned at him. “What do you want, Mouri?”
What did he want? Motonari spat to the side. “Fire and blood.” He thought about the great battle to come, when all the strongest warlords would fight and the one with the greatest strength would win. And from the ashes of the old world, make a new one. A better one.
The princess crossed her arms. “Let me rephrase. What do you want from me?”
Motonari grabbed her arm and pulled her along with him. He didn’t like to spend a lot of time on words. Explanations were meaningless. Actions mattered.
The girl gave a little shriek of surprise, but fell into step beside him fast enough.
He let his hand slide down her arm, until his fingers twined with hers. He expected she might pull away, but she didn’t. Her smooth palm lay against his, and her fingers squeezed him back, however lightly. Mouri couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction at seeing her soft skin next to his calloused, sun-brown arm. They fit together like opposites. He wondered if she saw it too.
“I suppose you aren’t going to tell me where we are going. You must like surprises.” The princess still sounded as angry as a hornet, but she was limping a bit. Probably not used to so much walking.
Motonari stopped a moment, just long enough to pick her up.
She gave another little shriek but didn’t struggle. Much. “This is humiliating,” she huffed.
“Better than blisters. Gonna have ta take a look at yer foot. But fer now, I’ll carry ya. It’s got benefits fer me too.” He chuckled and stroked her rear with one hand.
“I hate you.”
Mouri wasn’t sure if she meant it or not. He’d never been good with women. At least, ones you had to talk to before bedding. He didn’t think she did though, not with the way she leaned against him. She even settled an arm behind his neck - and she wasn’t trying to choke him! “Yer not tha first woman ta tell me that.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“Ya are the first I brought here though.” He stopped as he approached a break in the trees. Beyond it, the light wavered and shone from the cloudless afternoon. Beyond it was a narrow band of grass and past that, a cliff edge. Motonari set her down as carefully as he could.
He thought she might take the opportunity to unleash her venom on him again, and was almost looking forward to it. The more fiery she was, the more he wanted her. But her mouth opened only to close again as her eyes went wide.
The view. Beyond the cliff, a forested valley spread out below them. A gold-green paradise filled with bird song and the creaking of branches in the wind. It only left the princess speechless a moment though. She turned to face him, one hand to her hip. “You carried me out here for this?”
Motonari sat down, dangling his legs over the edge. He wondered if she would try to push him. “Sure.” He pulled out his flask and opened it. The whiskey let off a pungent, spicy smell. Like cloves and coriander. He took a sip and held it out to her.
After a moment, she sat down beside him, a little back from the edge. She took the flask and sipped at it, coughing as the heat hit her throat. “Th-thanks,” she said hoarsely.
“Don’t get ta share much with my men. They ain’t interested in the view. Just gold.” He shrugged.
“I’m surprised you are. I mean, isn’t this more of what you want to destroy?”
Motonari took another sip and shared the flask again. The whiskey worked quickly to relax him, between the long walk, the languorous heat, and his empty belly. He already felt that lightness of being almost-drunk. “Nah. Tha cities, tha armies, ya ken. That’s what needs ta go. This -” he gestured to the forest below, “it’s still wild. Still . . . good.”
She didn’t reply, but did drink from the flask.
He took out his pistol, fidgeting with the hammer and frizzen. Why should it matter if she understood? She was just a hostage. Not his first, not even the first pretty one. Yet he found himself anxious for her to understand his goal. Mouri glanced over at her.
She gave him a bittersweet smiled and took another dip from the flask before handing it back.
“I guess I understand,” she said after a moment. “I mean, not really - I don’t agree with you - but I can see why you would want to burn everything down and start over. Probably seems easier than trying to fix things . . .” The princess trailed off.
They sat in amicable silence for awhile, listening to the wind in the trees as they drank.
The princess began to relax, probably from the drink, and leaned back against a stone. Her kimono slid down from her shoulder, exposing her collarbone and the top swell of her breast. She didn’t seem to notice.
Motonari did though. He couldn’t take his eyes from the view when he turned to hand her the flask again. He’d seen plenty of naked women in his time. And in all kinds of situations. But seeing her like this, her fires banked, her walls down . . . it made something in him begin to thaw.
“You know,” she smiled over at him, a relaxed, easy smile this time. “I’d almost think you drugged that flask. I feel so sleepy. But I think it’s the heat. And the long walk.”
“That can take tha piss outta any man. Er woman.” He scooted closer to her, remembering he’d said he would look at her feet. He reached for her leg and undid her shoe.
Belatedly, she realized what he was doing and tried to pull back but he wouldn’t let go. “I can look at that myself!”
“Settle down, princess. It’s just yer foot. If I wanted ta see more, I woulda.”
“Hmmph. Fine. Just watch where you put your hands.” She squirmed a bit, which only made her kimono more disheveled.
Motonari hadn’t intended to, but he found his eyes traveling up her bare leg. Her skin looked soft. Like silk before it was dyed, like the petals on a flower. His fingertips traced a line up her calf.
She shivered. “Th-that’s not my foot!”
“It’s not,” he agreed. “But ya don’t seem ta mind it.”
“I do!” Her cheeks were bright pink, her eyes wide.
“So ya don’t like it when I do this?” He walked his fingers a little further up, brushing the inside of her leg just above the knee.
Mouri shrugged. “I can stop then.” He caressed her leg as he slid his hand back to her foot. He could feel the way his callouses lightly scraped her and hear the sharp intake of her breath.
For the next several minutes, the somewhat drunken pirate spent the time rubbing a salve onto her feet. She was soft even there, and despite her protest, couldn’t hold back a little groan of pleasure as he rubbed the tension from the soles of her feet.
Then he let go.
She sat there watching him with heavy lidded eyes. “You know,” she said after a moment. “I didn’t mind you . . . touching my- my leg. Much. I feel better now.”
“I can rub a lot more than that, princess.” Motonari laughed.
“Ugh - and this is why I hate you. I can’t even - can’t even -” she yawned.
Unused to alcohol and a full day’s march, she was probably exhausted and too stubborn to admit it. Mouri scooted closer to her. “Come here.”
“What? No! You - you let go of me!” She slapped at his hands as he pulled her between his legs.
“Calm down. I’m not gonna steal yer virtue, princess. Just stop slappin’ me.” He grabbed her hands as he would small birds, his big hands gentle but firm.
After a few more attempts to pull free, she leaned back against him in defeat. “Fine. Then what? You wanted to cuddle?” Her lower lip stuck out in a childish pout.
“Ya know, when ya make that face, all I can think is that ya need ta be kissed.” He let go of her hand to run his thumb over her lips.
“Y-you promised you wouldn’t do anything!”
“That’s not what I said,” he laughed again. “But yer right.” He dropped his hand to her shoulder, and began to gently stroke her neck with his thumb. Small, delicate motions to calm her.
It seemed to work as she relaxed more against him.
“I-if you’re trying to seduce me . . .” she yawned again. “This is . . . a . . . good . . . start.”
Motonari smiled. “Funny thing, princess. I might just be trying to do that.”
She sighed heavily, but she didn’t move. And in no time at all, her eyes closed as she drifted off in peaceful sleep.
Mouri held her close, breathing in the scent of her, enjoying her warmth pressed against him. He didn’t think he’d enjoy this so much. Just holding her. It was a tiny victory in the battle of wills between them, this little afternoon nap. But it felt like so much more. The start of something, though what he could not say.
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New World CH. One
Title: Reunions
Words: 1,347
Warnings: None
A/N: UGH I’ve been WAITING to release this! Most of the chapters have been written already, but only up till just before Negan. It’s still in the works but I’ll post what I have every Tuesday (hopefully). I hope y’all like it!
If you’d like to request something, send me an ask. I’d love to write for you! 
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Next Chapter
New World Masterlist
Daryl Dixon Masterlist
Walking Dead Masterlist
 You had lost track of how many months you had been looking for your family. Two? Five? Had it been years? Time had become obsolete once the walkers came. At first, you were okay. You had your two brothers and your daughter, and that was all you needed. Then all hell broke loose one the highway. You got separated from your family and had been alone ever since. You had tried going towards Atlanta, your next stop, but once you saw it was overrun by the stupid monsters you gave it a wide berth. You didn’t want to risk anything.
 Sticking to the woods, you never stayed in one place for more than two days. When you got separated, you had managed to keep your pack and knife on you and you picked up other supplies whenever you could. All in all, you had managed to get by decently by yourself. Yes, it was hard. And yes, you missed your family terribly. But you were surviving and you knew that’s what they would’ve wanted.
 Then things changed when you found a little girl wandering the woods alone. She was stumbling away from one of the dead, crying out for help. She couldn’t have been older than four and you leapt in to help her without a second thought. Running as fast as you could, you took out the monster and hastily looked around to see if there were any more on their way. You didn’t see any so you turned your attention over to the girl. Tears were streaming down her face and you quickly knelt down to brush them away.
 “What’s your name, sweetheart?” You asked her, voice gentle.
 “Hi, Sophia. I’m [y/n]. Where’s your mom?”
 “I don’t know. I’m lost!” Sophia started crying again and she launched herself into your arms. You held her close, trying to calm her down.
 “I’ll help you find your mom, sweetheart. Don’t worry.”
 A week later, you walked out of the woods and came across a highway. Carefully and cautiously, you approached the road. None of the dead were in sight but you kept your guard up as you checked the cars for anything useful. There were some warmer clothes you found that luckily fit you and Sophia, some unspoiled food, and a water truck full of water. After replenishing your supplies, you headed towards the forest on the other side.
 After roaming for almost a whole day and taking out a few of the dead, you came face to face with a random man. Instincts kicking in, you dropped to the ground and kicked his feet out from underneath him. Straddling his waist, you held your knife at his throat, giving him no way out unless he hurt himself.
“Who are you?” You asked, not wavering for a second.
 “I could ask ya tha same thing.” His eyes narrowed and he shifted slightly. “What’re ya doin’ in this forest? This is private property.”
 “Just passing through. Don’t want any trouble.”
 You could tell he was about to speak but then Sophia spoke up from her hiding place.
 Daryl’s head whipped over to see Sophia and his jaw dropped open.
 “You two know each other?” You asked, not letting up on him.
 “We do. A herd separated us. I’ve been lookin’ for her since then.”
 You glanced at Sophia and she nodded. Reluctantly, you removed your knife from his neck and got up. Daryl sat up and let out an oof as Sophia barreled into him.
 “Come on, kiddo. Let’s getcha back ta your mama,” Daryl said. He looked at you.
 “Can ya use that?” He asked, looking at your knife.
 “Yes. Why?”
 “There’s a group I’m a part of. We could use someone who knows how ta defend themselves like that.”
 You looked at him suspiciously. “Why should I join you? I’ve gotten by perfectly fine on my own.”
 “Ya don’t gotta,” the man scoffed. “But it’s a safe place. And I’m pretty sure Carol’s gonna want ta thank ya for savin’ her daughter.”
 “[Y/n], come with us!”
 You mulled it over in your head. He could be lying and luring you into a trap, but he could also be telling the truth. Biting your lip, you decided to go with him. If it wasn’t a safe place, you’d be able to get out before something happened and if it was, then you hit the jackpot.
 “Fine. Lead the way.”
 It was almost sundown when you got to the farm. It looked safe enough, but you were still wary. Your senses felt like they were on fire and you were very tense. It only got worse when you saw people running towards you and the man. Then, you noticed who it was.
 Standing rigid, your breathing picked up and you couldn’t move. It was only when one of them called out did you move, running as fast as you could.
 “[Y/n]!” Sam yelled. His long legs were going almost comically fast and he crashed into you, silent sobs wracking his body. Another body hit yours and you saw that it was Dean.
 “Oh my god, you’re alive,” Sam breathed, hugging you. You sobbed and hung on to them as tightly as you could.
 “I thought you died,” Dean said, pulling you into his arms.
 “I thought I’d never see you guys again,” you cried. Eyes widening, you pushed them both back. “Adeline! Is Ada alright?!”
 “Ada’s fine, [y/n]. She’s with the rest of the group.” Dean kissed the top of your head and led you towards some tents. “C’mon, let’s go see her.”
 Your brothers never left your side and didn’t let you get too far from them either. A woman came up to you too, and you saw that she was holding Adeline’s hand.
 Adeline yelled happily when she saw you. She ran towards you and you scooped her up, tears falling down your face as you held your daughter close.
 “Oh thank god you’re alright,” you said, not letting go of your daughter. Your brothers were still hovering and you looked up at them before pulling them close as well.
 “Thank you for taking care of her,” you said to the woman. “I’m [y/n]”
 “Lori. Now let’s get some food in you and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the group.”
 She walked away and Sam put his hand on your shoulder, leading you to a little camp of tents. The rest of their group was there and you gave them a small wave.
 “I’m [y/n], Sam and Dean’s sister. Nice to meet y’all.”
 You were introduced to the majority of the group and they took to you immediately. Carol was over the moon about her daughter being back and she pulled you into a hug while thanking you over and over again. Adeline never let you put her down and your brothers were hesitant to let you out of their sight. You didn’t mind in the slightest. You were just happy to see your family alive and safe.
 Soon, it was nighttime and you were sitting around the fire, Adeline in your lap and your brothers on either side of you. You had a belly full of food and it was making you sleepy. Before you could nod off, Dean helped you move a sleeping Adeline into the tent. Once she was tucked in, you laid down next to her. You had a feeling you wouldn’t be leaving her side for a while.
 “Get some sleep, [y/n],” Dean said to you. “I bet you haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in a while.”
 “You’re not wrong,” you said with a small laugh. Looking at Dean, you smiled.
 “I’ll sleep in a bit. Just wanna watch her for a minute.”
 “Alright. I’ll be outside if you need me.” Dean kissed your forehead and left the tent. Laying on your side, you stroked Ada’s hair softly. She shifted and curled into you with a slight whine. Wiping away tears, you kept watch over your daughter until you fell asleep.
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stardewshanebae · 4 years
It’s so fluffy Im gonna die
Stardew Valley had been blanketed in night. Dark clouds rolled overhead, blocking any view of the starry sky. Rose loved walking in the woods south of her farm. There were few people and she could sit on the edge of the cliff and stare at the horizon. Her stomach churned as she approached the cliff. She knew what lay ahead. She held her breath even though the stench of beer already made its way into her nostrils. Her heart was either racing or stopped entirely as she waited to see if the familiar shape was breathing. Shane coughed and sputtered.
“Man, what’s to stop me from rolling off this cliff right now?”
“Shane, please! We’re having a baby, you were excited for this!”
Shane stood, this tall, looming figure and stumbled toward the edge of the cliff.
Thump. Thump. THUMP!
Rose lurched out of bed, panting and heart racing. 
What the hell? She thought. Who is here this early in the morning?
Rose quickly threw one of Shane’s hoodies on over herself before answering the door.
“Good morning, babe.” Much to her surprise, Shane stood before her clean shaven with a bouquet of roses and a to-go container.
Still half asleep, Rose took a moment to collect her thoughts. “Oh umm do you want to come in?” Rose stepped aside to let Shane in the farmhouse.
“Thanks, I won’t be long, since I have to get to Joja on time, but I wanted to ask you something.” Shane stepped in and set the container and flowers on the table. “First,” Shane kneeled down and kissed Rose’s belly, “Good Morning baby” Rose giggled. Shane stood up. “Rose,” Shane put his hands on her waist and pulled her in closer, “make yourself available tonight at 6:00. I’ll meet you here. “ Before she could reply he leaned in and kissed her. Before pulling away he smirked and whispered, “I’m not asking”.
Rose smiled. “It’s a date then.”
Shane pulled away and turned to leave. He commented, “By the way, you look good in my shirt”.
Rose laughed as Shane closed the door behind him. She couldn’t help but smile to herself. 
It was just a bad dream, Rose. He’s better. He is. 
It was so good to see him on the upside. He was even beaming since they found out they were expecting, though they hadn’t told anyone yet. Since that day he always brought her breakfast and dinner, often staying over, and helped her with the farm. 
She turned to the to-go box on the table— inside was a delicious homemade breakfast scramble of eggs, sausage, peppers, cheese, and tomatoes. Shane was a phenomenal cook when he set his mind to it. Those Rose still struggled with food, she couldn’t bring herself to turn down such a kind act from Shane
After her breakfast she cleaned up and went to tend to her farm. She started by letting all the animals out, grooming, and collecting, then proceeded to work in the fields. By the time she was finished, it was well past lunchtime. Rose decided to head inside and shower to wash the grime off herself. 
As she washed her hair, she wondered what on earth Shane could want. He looked so excited, and confident. She smiled. He has been gaining confidence recently. A part of her always worries though, she knows what that darkness feels like, and how easy it is to relapse. 
Rose stepped out of the shower and dried off. Looking through her wardrobe, she tried to decide what would be best to wear. 
She looked through her drawers until she found a long brown skirt, a white shirt, and a soft blue cardigan. She cinched her belt around her waist. She was starting to notice the baby bump, but it was easy enough to cover up. She pulled up some socks and tied up her boots. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. It’s been a while since she’s gotten all dressed up, but she was happy to be dressed up for once.
 She didn’t love wearing makeup, but the occasion seems to call for it. Rose dug around in some of her boxes until she found it. “Aha! The makeup pouch”
Rose looked at her reflection and applied some light makeup. She dabbed some blush, added some mascara, and finished by applying some light lipstick and smacking her lips together to fade it out. She reassessed herself. Now for this hair. She brushed her hair out, and pulled two of the front pieces back with a blue ribbon. 
A few minutes later, Rose heard a knock on the door. She opened the door to see Shane with yet another bouquet of flowers, dressed in jeans and a grey button down shirt. His hair was combed back and he stood in the doorway. “Wow” he breathed. 
Rose blushed and smirked. “You should wow yourself” 
Shane handed her the flowers. “I know I already got you flowers, but I really wanted to get you more.”
Rose took the flowers and put them in a second vase. “Thank you so much” She kissed Shane on the cheek. He was warm. “So where are we going tonight, Mr. Bossy?” 
Shane held out his hand for Rose. “I suppose you’ll have to trust me”. He walked her out of the farmhouse and down toward Cindersap Forest. 
They strayed from the path to a small clearing in the center of a grove by the lake. There was a blanket with a basket in the center. Bowls with candles were scattered around the clearing. Some string lights were strung from the trees. Some throw pillows were scattered on the blanket. Shane led Rose to the blanket, took a seat and patted the blanket next to him. Rose obliged and joined him on the blanket. Shane opens the basket to reveal an assortment of fresh foods and artisan goods. He moved the basket off of the wooden board and started spreading the food out. Shane layed out various cheeses, crackers, cut bread, oils, pepperoni, pepper jam, grapes, sliced oranges, and deviled eggs. Shane held up an egg to Rose’s mouth. She took a bite. It was so good. The filling was creamy and flavorful. Shane smiled “Charlie lays the best eggs.” Rose smiled back, “She sure does, huh?”
Across the lake, Rose could see the pier where she and Shane shared so many memories together, drinks, making out like reckless teens, swimming, their first time… 
Shane has always had a warm aura. He was the kind of warm that Whiskey made you feel on the inside after a shot. He was warm in the way that the sun warmed the floorboards of the farmhouse in the afternoons. He could also burn you like a hot pepper if you didn’t know how to cut the heat. His cold front never got to her though. 
Rose and Shane snacked on the board as they talked. 
Shane looked across the lake at the pier. “You know, I’d like to say I knew you were different the moment I met you, but that would simply be a lie. I didn’t know you were different until we sat on that pier and drank beer together with our feet in the water. You sat with a depressed drunk everyday, even when I gave you the cold shoulder and cut you short. You were always there. You saw me on that pier and you sat with me. No judgement. Just kindness. It sounds pitiful that kindness is what made me see you differently. It wasn’t that I didn't feel anything for you, I was scared of getting my hopes up. So I tried to push you away. But it didn’t deter you. “ 
“Of course it didn’t Shane. You’re special and I love all the parts about you, even when you’re a grump.” 
“Rose, I love you so much. You are a light. I chose this spot for our date tonight because, well, that night you joined me on the pier, for the first time I could see past the night through til tomorrow. I started to look forward to seeing you in passing, even if I couldn’t express it. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself or ruin the friendship. But you kept being kind, you kept going out of your way to see me, and you melted me. It wasn’t until you helped me get to Harvey’s that I knew I couldn’t live without telling you how I felt. I was so scared but you smiled and loved me more. I didn’t deserve that from you. You gave me tomorrow over and over and over again. ”
“Of course you did Shane. You’ve always deserved love. Even when you were at rock bottom, you deserved love. And I'm happy to love you.” 
Shane smiled and cupped Rose’s cheek. “I love you.” 
“I love you too”
Shane reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a necklace with a small blue shell at the end of it. It shimmered and glowed before Rose’s eyes. “Rose, I can’t imagine a day without you by my side. I know I still have a long way to go and grow, but I want to grow with you. I know you’re going to think this is because of the baby, but I’ve had this planned for a long time. I love you. Jas loves you almost as much as I do. I want tomorrow with you, forever. Rose, will you marry me?” 
Tears welled up in Rose’s eyes. She was feeling a rush of joy and excitement, “Yes, yes of course. “ 
Shane fastened the necklace around Rose’s neck before pulling her into a kiss and wrapping his arms around her. “I promise to love you and cherish you and grow with you as long as I can”
Rose pulled away and cupped Shane’s face in her hands. “I promise to love you and our babies as best I can.” 
“Babies? Plural?” Shane looked worried. 
Rose smiled and nodded, “Jas and our sweet baby girl.”
Shane smiled and grabbed Rose’s hand “I don’t want to wait. Let’s get married in 3 days. We can get everything together for it by then, hell, the only thing you’ll need to do is get your dress ready. I think Emily could certainly help you with that.” 
Rose laughed. “Yeah, she’s gonna be so excited too. Say, did you tell anyone you were doing this?” 
Shane smiled, “Well, I did talk to Emily about it, and I asked Jas about it about 4 months ago. “
“Four months? But tha-”
“I told you, I’ve been planning this for a long time, Rose.” 
Rose leaned into Shane. “Spend the night tonight?” 
He smiled and hugged her. “Of course.” 
They cleaned up the picnic set, and started to stroll around the lake, just enjoying each other’s presence. 
“I’ll have to call my parents and let them know we’re getting married. “
Shane smiled. “Yeah, you’ll be Mrs. Caulfied come Saturday.” 
Rose blushed. Her fingers intertwined with Shane’s and everything felt right. The cool fall air nipped at her cheeks and the leaves crunched under their feet. 
Shane dropped the picnic basket off in front of the ranch and they walked to the farm together. 
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ofemeline · 7 years
A RUINED QUEEN | self para
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there is an EXCRUCIATING burn in the side of her abdomen. every part of her is telling her to SCREAM for help, call out to someone, anyone. though her  h u b r i s  refuses to give her assailant the satisfaction of seeing-- hearing-- her so distraught. a broken queen... ruined, she thinks, forever.
a red flower is pinned between her locks. she smiles, remembering the gift clara had given her. the innocent child caught in the midst of a battle. though emeline refused to leave her behind in dracborough without a mother or father. she deserved to be here with matthias, to be with her father, no matter the circumstances. the queen envies him in such a sense. to be loved forever by such a small being. she wishes for her own children and while she loves rick-- they both know it is but wishful thinking to desire children. their situation would allow no such thing. though, she supposes that she already has her own child. ysellian. a sigh escapes her mouth, thinking of her beloved dragon. he had yet to return to her and she has not felt the same. she no longer felt the security she once did with her dragon present. 
pulling herself from her thoughts, she scans her surroundings, her eyebrows scrunching in confusion. not minutes before she was taking a small stroll in the gardens. perhaps it was her own thoughts that distracted her from her destination. she no longer has view of the ocean, nor does she hear the crashing waves or the small chatter of the castle. in fact, the castle was not in sight. emeline knows not of the land enough to make a discovery of her whereabouts. all she sees are trees, bushes with herbs she’s seen some nurses pick at. it takes her less than a moment to realize that she has no memory of which direction she originated from. 
“gods be damned,” she curses under her breath though fear is not evident in the queen. she knows of the pirates. she knows of the dangerous animals hidden inland, the poisonous plants that all threaten to end her life. yet she stands tall, trying to make the best of her surroundings. she begins walking north, green irises squint to make the best out of the little light that seeps through the trees above despite knowing that it is far from dusk. 
she takes no more than one hundred steps before she hears a rustle in the forest that holds her captive. the dragon queen is suddenly aware of the knife that lay idle on her thigh. what is a dagger to a blade though? her pace quickens, pushing the bushes out of her way as she begins to jog. her brown curls whip around as she turns to see if anyone follows her. there is no sign. but the anxiety, the adrenaline, it builds. her jogging soon turns into running which morphs into sprinting. 
light floods her vision, the castle in sight-- the ocean, her ocean. she is safe, she is home. she will see reyna, rick, nate. she is fine-- there is a sound. though it’s muffled by the sound of her heart beating in her ears. it takes her some time to realize there is a pain in her stomach. her hand automatically touches the area, feeling the wooden stick glued to her side. seconds pass before the pain begins to spread, it becomes unbearable as she leans against the tree. emeline forces herself to look down, finding an arrow pierced into her. her blood is masked by the crimson dress she bears. a whimper escapes her parted lips as fear finally conquers her. 
her strength staggers, she feels her grip slipping from the tree. all she can think about is ysellian. where is he? will he return? unable to hold herself up any longer, she FALLS. the dragon queen attempts to catch herself though she knows that there is no use. instead, she lays there, her face against the ground, silently encouraging her assailant to finish her off. what kind of queen is she? to not bring her guards, such a foolish decision. dracborough deserves better, they deserve reyna. what a weak queen. she wants to laugh, finding it suddenly comical that she claims to be a strong queen and yet here she is-- face down, unable to get up, taken down by one arrow. dracborough deserves no queen such as herself, she reflects just as her breathing evens out.
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tealightguestcorner · 4 years
Enter Bartholomew Wood (aka Seeking the Boggart)
Written by Kristopher Lewis on deviantART
    Bartholomew knelt and rolled a ball of detritus between his thumb and forefinger, breathing in the earthy soil while his eyes scanned the clearing ahead. The boggart had passed this way—far too close to the Amaranth farm for his liking. Boggarts never maintained amicable relations with their human neighbors. If they weren’t souring milk or making off with livestock, they were in the house throwing things about, screaming and yelling and scaring the wits out of the unfortunate family cursed with their presence.  And when boggarts grew bored with their tantrums...  Bartholomew shut his eyes and pushed the horrid images from his mind.
    Peeking through the tall grass at the forest’s edge, he scanned the sunlit pasture before him where Mathias and Viktor Amaranth practiced their swordplay. They could hardly be called children now, more like young lads with the promise of being skilled swordsmen.
    “Is tha’ wha’ ye call a lunge?” Mathias asked his older brother.
    Viktor swatted him on the thigh with the flat of his blade. “Made ye flinch, didn’ I?”
    They fell to arguing, and Bartholomew’s mouth upturned into a half smile. Skilled swordsmen or no, they were still his little brothers.  He wouldn’t allow the boggart to trouble the children.  
    Still hunched down in the tall grass, Bartholomew unslung his bow, knocked an arrow, and crept along the edge of the pasture. In the distance, sheep grazed on the spring-green grass.  Behind them was the Amaranths’ stables where the horses nickered loudly, already aware of the boggart’s presence.  A trail of smoke wisped from the chimney of a small farmhouse on the horizon. While Bartholomew had ‘adopted’ the Amaranths as his own, he’d never call the farm his home, just as he could never truly call the forest home though it was more familiar to him than an old friend. As a half-breed, Bartholomew would forever straddle the human and elven worlds without belonging to either.
    Dead leaves stirred in silence as his feet sank into the soft ground. Shadows flickered through the brush from the corner of his eye, small animals, and humanoid shapes dodging through the forest.  The little bugger was going to use shadow glamour was he? Bartholomew heard a small, twittering laugh from behind him and whirled, drawing the string taut as he brought his bow to bear.  Nothing.  
    “Bloody hate boggarts,” he whispered.  
    He took comfort in knowing that his brother Leif lay in that direction; if anything, Leif would flush the little bugger back toward him. There was another laugh from the other direction, this one light and sweet, and Bartholomew’s muscles tensed as he turned and crouched lower to the ground. He breathed deep at the sight of the girl sitting beneath a lone ash tree in the pasture. Her knees drawn up to her chest, the girl tucked a strand of long brown hair behind her ear. Bartholomew admired the way her hair seemed to shimmer in the small motes of sunlight that filtered down through the tree’s leaves.  She had sad brown eyes and a smattering of freckles on her face. Bartholomew closed his eyes, listened to his pulse race. The boggart forgotten, he set his bow down and parted the grass in front of him for a clearer view.
    Sha Amaranth was a regret that Bartholomew would never forget. The first time their lips met, he should’ve known—should’ve felt the warmth in his belly and admired the softness of her lips. Instead he had spurned her; she was child then, he thought. She couldn’t have known what love was. But now that she was older—that they were both older—he wanted to go to her and tell her what an arse he’d been.
    A young man stepped from behind the tree and settled down next to her. Sha gave him a wan smile as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Black-haired and handsome, Steven Gayle was any young girl’s dream.
    Then why’d he pick Sha?
    Bartholomew’s jaw clenched as Steven leaned in, caressed Sha’s cheek with one finger before their lips met in what seemed to be a gentle kiss. A shadow fell across the pasture, and Bartholomew stole a glance upward. Dark, heavy clouds covered the sun. The grass waved as a chill breeze blew through the forest into the pasture.
    Chewing at his lower lip, Bartholomew watched the couple intently. None of this was right.  Steven wasn’t part of this equation; he was an outsider who’d pushed his way into Sha’s heart, even as he pushed Bartholomew out. He was everything Bartholomew wasn’t: inconsiderate, self-centered, and boorish.
    Their lips parted and their gazes lingered on each other.  Bartholomew cursed, pounding his fist into the ground and a peel of thunder rolled through the sky before the clouds opened up.  Through a wall of rain, Bartholomew watched Steven laugh, even as he helped Sha to her feet.  Hand and hand, the couple ran for the stables.  Bartholomew watched them until they were out of sight, then reached for his bow with a shaky hand.  
    “I don’t much care for him either,” a voice said, and Bartholomew blanched.  
    “Ye want I should shoot ye?” he said as he whipped around.  “Don’t sneak up on me like tha’.”
    “He ran right by ye, an’ ye didn’ even notice,” Leif said.  He pointed deeper into the forest.  “Tha’ way, far’s I kin tell.”
    “Aye, then we best git to the task.”  Bartholomew stood slowly, stretching.  He glanced over his shoulder at the lone ash where Steven and Sha had been sitting, now awash in sunlight.  The storm had gone as quickly as it had come.  Leif shot off into the forest, on the boggart’s trail.  
    “Learn ta reign in tha’ temper, Wood,” Bartholomew muttered before chasing after his brother.
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