#she just cannot understand how he goes thru all this without being at least a little bitchy:'D
vegaseatsass · 2 years
Bad Buddy reactions thru ep10
This will cover episodes 6-10 so please try to understand how many feelings I'm trying to condense down into a single post before we finish tomorrow lol sob
Inkpa Pa is so valid for telling a tall girl that "taller than me" is her only dating requirement, and Ink is so valid for immediately taking that as an opportunity to flirt. And to make sure Pa knew she was flirting, unlike Pa who kinda pratfell into it. Lmao just a delightful scene all around. I also loved their earlier not-date, where they almost knocked the entire table over. Clumsy girl representation, baby!! There's just something so refreshingly familiar and true-to-life about both women. I can't wait to check out Magic of Zero for more of them. Like, Ink's face moles are so pretty, and she's so dashing, and she has liked the same girl since high school and fought to be her peer mentor to get to spend more time with her. Like. Can you imagine being Pa. Didn't even need that glow-up girl, take those contacts back out
Pat/Pran, public vs. private Something I was really enjoying before Wai outed Pat/Pran was the portrayal of their different feelings about a public relationship. Pat's straining desire to brag about his cute boyfriend (sidenote: the scene where Pran tried to feed him and Pat ran back to his room to giggle and kick his feet on the bed was the absolute most), in conflict with Pran's desire for privacy and discretion. I appreciated that they understood each other, and were sincerely trying to find a balance between what they both wanted without any resentment for their differing responses. So it obviously super sucks that they were forcibly outed instead! I can't read Wai as anything but stupid in love with Pran, and that at least explains why his behavior was so extremely extra that whole time (so extra that inspirational sports couldn't even bring him around. It took a fuckin shoot out! my dude), but it doesn't excuse it. Fuck you forever sir. That said. It is incredibly characteristically hilarious that the way they got exposed as boyfriends to the entire student body was.... Pat shoving Pran's head into his stinky armpits. Like that's truly their love language. Nothing else compares.
I have even more to say about public/private stuff so let's continue behind a cut lol. Ok so public proposals. Pat demanded Pran do a love confession in exchange for his help being in the play, and we all knew there was no chance in hell that Pran would do it. Pat knew there was no chance in hell that Pran would do it. Like, he claimed he demanded it because they had that whole "let's edge each other with romantic behavior until someone breaks" competition going and this was his chance to win big, he just loves seeing Pran's face when he loses to him... but he made it apparent the very next day is what he actually loves seeing is Pran's face when he's pestered to death by Pat, lol. Pat can lose to Pran, he does it often, but what he absolutely cannot do is leave him alone when there's an opportunity to tease or pester or bother or annoy. :') Anyway, I found all that very sweet, but! What I found even sweeter! Was Pran and his entire department setting Pat up for the actual public proposal of Pat's dreams! Because even if he was being a butthead when he demanded it of Pran, you know deep down he wished "yelling I love you in front of everyone" was something they could actually have. So I love that Pran gave him that platform, but on Pran's terms, when Pran was ready to be in the spotlight that way. It was like... a grand gesture where Pat was the one announcing his love, but the very act of Pran setting up the space for him to do it was a pretty huge gesture of its own. <3
Last thing I'll say on privacy and outings and whatnot goes back to what I was saying last time about Pat and Pran's rivalry as a metaphor for society, and homophobia. Coming out - or being outed 😟- to your school and friends is not the same thing as coming out, or being outed 😟, to your family or parents. Just v interesting how different the stakes were in this show for Pat and Pran's relationship getting exposed to those two different spheres. The textual focus of their being outed was not at all on their sexuality, but it really resonated that exact same way.
Entirely valid of Pran to want be a gender role-neutral couple instead of husband/wife, I support him fully, but! Every time the narrative tells me Pat can't be the wife or shouldn't be the wife I get a lil defensive. He is literally a baseball mom, hdu! Okay this is just me reiterating that Pat should get to wear a dress and simper to his heart's content.
Ah there were so many little moments I wanted to comment on; should probably just do a gifset deep dive tomorrow. One scene I wanna just quickly shout out was when Pat went to grab Pran's hand as they were heading out of their rooms for the first time, Pran freaked out and withdrew, then apologized and said "just give me time to adjust." And a moment later, he had adjusted <3 that's so real! That's sometimes all it takes! Respect my space, give me time, okay turns out the only time I needed was a second to recalibrate, I'm good now.
Secret family history Last but not least I'll talk reallll quick about the family drama reveal. HUGELY relieved that Ming and Dissaya's drama wasn't a messy breakup. FASCINATING that what went wrong between their families was actually a male friend benefiting from fucking over his female friend, never taking any real ownership of it because that would require losing face, and letting it fester into something he passed down to his son. Like maybe eps 11 and 12 will complicate this history, but it's intriguing to me right now that this isn't a case of grievances on both sides, but of Ming not only leaning into the friend divorce but actively pushing his son to uphold it, like he was helpless in the face of his own men's wrongs to do anything but pass them down to his kid. Especially intriguing because it kind of mirrors the Architecture vs. Engineering dynamic at the beginning of the series, when Engineering behaved like bullies, repeatedly, and Architecture just kind of defended themselves. Engineering - and originally, Pat's - justification for first starting all this shit (and continuing it way past when it made any sense to keep going)? They had to maintain their reputation! Even after the departments worked things out, the difference in their original grievances and aggression was never confronted, so it's been on my mind. Idk idk something something Ming passing down his toxic masculinity to Pat, where how you appear to others is more important than making up for wrongdoings or resolving conflict, and Pat ended up in the Toxic Masculinity Department until Pran started wooing him to spend more and more time in Architecture. NOT trying to force them back into the gender roles Pran rejected (Pran I promise baby), just trying to say something about what they inherited from their parents. Pran had his mother's grudge-holding anger and stubbornness passed down, but a lot of Pat and his department's worst behaviors really feel like a mirror image of his dad's big reveal. Am I making any sense. this post took like 3 hours to write lol I'm just gonna hit post
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helianthus21 · 3 years
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Lee Eun-yu @ Cha Hyun-su: Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go apeshit?
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dianapocalypse · 3 years
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Kieran Shepard - Character Profile
(Systems Alliance vector by Deviantart User Karlika)
I got extremely carried away so let’s go under the cut
this only goes thru about the halfway point of Mass Effect 2 right now because I’m still working thru the game! I’ll update it when I’m done with ME2 and after ME3 probably.
Pre-Mass Effect 1
Kieran Shepard was born on Earth and grew up in the slums of Chicago. She was shuffled around various foster and group homes for her childhood, and the only sense of stability she knew was in the gang she was recruited to at a young age, the Tenth Street Reds. She was part of the "Clubs" suit of the organization, specializing in hitting hard and fast. She was outfitted with her biotic amps by the gang to make her more effective in close quarters combat. She grew up very distrustful of law enforcement and authority in general.
After a job went south when she was 16 and she ended up tied up in a homicide, she was given the option by the courts to go to prison or go to an 'alternative education' school funded by the Systems Alliance. It was her first taste of structure outside of the gang life, and she adapted to it better than expected, eventually falling in line with the Alliance’s way of doing things despite her initial resistance to trusting the authority of a large military organization. Upon her graduation at 18, she joined the Alliance military. She served under Captain Anderson on the SSV Tokyo, and was one of the Alliance marines on leave when the Skyllian Blitz hit Elysium. Leading the charge to defend the colony and using her years of experience of fighting dirty and coordinating disparate people in the Tenth Street Reds, coupled with her military education, she and the colonists beat back the invaders and she was awarded the Star of Terra.
After this point, Kieran’s dedication to being the Perfect Alliance Soldier intensified; there were eyes on her now, and expectations to meet. The impostor syndrome began setting in. She fought back against it by overworking herself to be better than the best, taking even the slightest mistakes as evidence she was worthless and going to be discovered as the fraud she was. This only got worse when Captain Anderson hand picked her to be his XO on the SSV Normandy.
Kieran kept a fairly stiff outward appearance and did her best to emulate Captain Anderson, thinking this was what was expected of her. Despite this, she, Jenkins and Joker managed to develop a sibling-like banter while the Normandy was being prepped for its first mission.
Mass Effect 1
Eden Prime was her first mission officially having a command, Elysium having taken place before she was promoted. Losing Jenkins so quickly was terrifying, proof that she wasn’t fit to be here. But, no time for that, she carried out the mission, recruited Ashley, was sucked into the Beacon, etc. No one seemed to blame her for Jenkins’ death, which only served to make her feel more fraudulent. Like now that she had authority, there was also a lack of appropriate consequences. Her old disdain for authority tried to breach above the water, but she forced it back down. She found some solace in Kaidan’s logical, clinical way of explaining things, including Jenkins’ death; it helped the Subjective feel more Objective, and she came to trust his opinions.
The Council’s reaction to Saren was, as it is for all Shepards, infuriating. Again, her old reasons for distrusting authority had one more ‘point’ in their corner. Still, she did her best to stay in line, to be the Soldier she needed to be, and eventually to be the Spectre she needed to be. Losing Captain Anderson to politics, though, shook her. Before, she had at least someone higher than her on the food chain to turn to when she was in over her head. Now, she was on her own.
She came to lean more heavily on Kaidan’s advice during this time, and on Joker for levity. She didn’t take well to Garrus; his history as a cop and constant complaints that red tape kept him from getting justice done ‘his way’ smacked of crooked cops on Earth. Still, when they clashed, he tended to back down and consider what she said. She enjoyed Wrex’s company, though, his old war stories reminding her of the senior members of her gang on Earth. She also enjoyed her talks with Ashley and Tali, the former because of her candor-- Kieran could at least be sure Ash was always honest with her--and Tali because she was the only person on board who seemed as out of place as Kieran felt. Plus, Tali’s a delight, who wouldn’t like her? She was fairly ambivalent to Liara, not sure if she viewed her as more of an extension of her Prothean research as a person, and they had their fair share of awkward conversations, but there’s no malice there.
Kieran’s next Major Event takes place on the Citadel, when a member of the Tenth Street Reds tries to blackmail her into using her newfound power and influence to release one of their own from prison. In the time since she left, they became an even more outwardly xenophobic organization, which rubs her the wrong way. Doing her best to be a Model Soldier, she immediately reports him to C-Sec, leading to a confrontation. In the heat of the moment, Kieran panicks. Her past is a matter of public record, but she can’t have him dragging her thru the mud, spreading lies, hurting her reputation and the Alliance’s. Her position is too precarious. They’ll find out that she’s a fraud, even if he’s lying. She shoots him, intending it as a warning, but killing him on the spot instead. (I wrote more about this here when I played that part of the game!) The Turian cop is impressed. Kieran is horrified, both by her actions, and by the cop’s approval of her killing him in cold blood. She returns to the Normandy and throws up.
I’m fudging the canonical timeline a little bit here, but I think this event is what leads into Kaidan telling Kieran the story of how he killed the Turian ‘teacher’ on Jump Zero as a way of helping her contextualize what just happened. They Bond. The rest of the game unfolds without too many more Major Character Moments that are unique to Kieran versus All Shepards. Wrex survives Virmire, Ashley doesn’t. Ash becomes the second to die under her command, the first to die as the result of an explicit choice she made to save the man she has feelings for. The guilt threatens to rip her in half, but we have a galaxy to save, so she does. She manages to talk Saren into realizing he is indoctrinated, but it’s too late for him. She leaves the council to die on the Destiny Ascension, not willing to risk losing firepower to use against the Reaper, and is infuriated when the political spin on the story becomes that she was ‘protecting human interests over galactic ones’. She does not understand why the lives of three politicians should outweigh thousands of soldiers or millions of civilians on the Citadel, and she never will.
Having never trusted Udina, Kieran nominates Captain Anderson to lead the new council. She spends the ensuing months cleaning up pockets of geth resistance with the Normandy crew before getting spaced by the Collectors, as all Shepards do from time to time.
Mass Effect 2
Kieran wakes up in a Cerberus facility and is horrified. She ran into Cerberus plenty in Mass Effect 1, and her impression of them is bad to say the least. After fighting her way through the facility under siege and being horrified by Miranda’s actions killing Wilson, she heads to Freedom’s Progress, all the while trying to figure out a way to get out of this, even tho she suspects The Illusive Man’s statements that she’s free to do as she pleases to be lies. No one invests that much without expecting returns, or demanding them. Her only solace is in Joker, who at least seems not to have changed much, and Dr. Chakwas. She tries to communicate to Tali on Freedom’s Progress that she doesn’t want to be here, tries to get her to come along for the mission, but at least for now, she can’t. She goes to Captain Anderson on the Citadel to try to bring the mission to the Alliance, the Council, anything to get away from Cerberus, but he cannot help her. Her old crew is unavailable, Kaidan’s location is classified, she can’t get messages out to any of her old crew without risking Cerberus reading them and someone has to stop the Collectors.
Even though the two had never been close, she is elated to see Garrus on Omega, in as bad shape as he is. At least he’s a familiar face and someone who doesn’t trust Cerberus. She bonds with Zaeed for similar reasons to Wrex; she likes his old war stories and he reminds her of the people she grew up with. And, he doesn’t treat her any differently because of her status. She’s still guarded around Jacob and Miranda, she doesn’t trust EDI, and she immediately gives Jack access to all of Cerberus’s files. The two don’t exactly get along, but they at least have hating Cerberus and their colorful backgrounds in common. Grunt at least is easy to understand for her; prove you’re strong, and he’ll respect you. Good enough for now.
Horizon hits Kieran like a truck. Seeing the Collectors in action is traumatizing enough; then she sees Kaidan, who she’s been wanting to talk to since she woke up, who she hoped would understand that she’s trapped, and he lays into her for a situation she feels she cannot control. He says she betrayed the Alliance, betrayed him, wonders if their relationship meant anything to her. She’s stunned. Until this point, the fact that she was gone for two years never really felt real, never sunk in. But now it’s undeniable. It’s changed her, it’s changed the people she cares about, and she feels like she truly lost everything. Even after getting his follow up email (which I highly recommend listening to the voice actor read), Kieran’s mental health is in shambles. It’s not enough to undo her self doubt spiral. He thinks she’s a bad guy now? That she’s a traitor? Fine. No point in fighting it, then. (To be clear, I personally don’t blame Kaidan at all for Horizon, nor Shepard, it’s just a shit situation, but Kieran’s self esteem is SHOT)
Kieran starts getting reckless in the ensuing missions. She starts taking a lot more renegade actions, in a gameplay sense, things she would never have done when she was trying to be the Perfect Soldier. Now, everyone already thinks she’s out of control, and she falls back into old habits. If everyone already thinks you’re bad, it’s easier to just become what they say you are.
I’ve only done Miranda’s loyalty mission so far, and the first exception to her current downward spiral into Renegade is Niket. His logic reminds her of Kaidan, as does how Miranda describes their friendship; she tells Miranda not to shoot, has a brief moment of clarity that oh, yeah, killing someone you were friends with is traumatizing, probably. Don’t do that. She and Miranda bonded a bit over that mission, I think; she still doesn’t like Cerberus, but she likes Miranda, and I think that counts for a lot for her.
That’s as far as I am in the game at the moment! Her current attitudes to the rest of the crew are: Jacob she is indifferent to but respects his honesty; she doesn’t like or trust Mordin due to his treatment of the Krogan and the sense of racial superiority over the Krogan; she likes Kelly and the engineers fine; she has a respect for Jack even if Jack doesn’t like her; she likes Garrus more now that he’s not so into his “justice by any means necessary” bit but we’ll see how his loyalty mission goes; she likes Kasumi; she is really glad to have Tali back, esp because she’s SO OUTWARDLY HOSTILE TO CERBERUS and it’s great; she likes Grunt and views Zaeed as kind of a fucked up father figure; she likes and trusts Chakwas and Joker; jury is still out on Thane but she at least can see he does his job well; and she CANNOT STAND SAMARA. Might end up going with Morinth on this playthru!
If you made it this far, holy shit, why???? Also thank you!!
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lemongogo · 4 years
hey im the anon abt gyutaro/ume and i dont remember what happens to demons after they die ?? did i miss smth ? regardless i wanna ask what do you think their fate should be ? cause on one hand i think they're just victims of a cruel world who took the first way out they could find but on the other hand it doesnt rlly justify all the slaughter, and i also think abt the demon slayers who also suffered horrible fates and used it to fuel their determination to save other people from that pain
hi !! i don’t think kny ever explicitly mentions what happens to demons after they die (as in we never have concrete evidence of where they go or how their lives after are spent), but i think the general consensus is that the demons go to hell. 
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in some cases, the family can decide to go with them (ex: rui and i think akaza? if i remember correctly?) but their fate is pretty much sealed from that point forward i believe. 
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heres a pic of gyuutarou and ume, actually, in chapter 97 !!
but yeah !! thats something i think about a lot tbh. as you mentioned, many of the demons we’ve seen have either been groomed into demonhood (rui, ume, susamaru, etc.) or had their pain and suffering exploited (akaza, gyuutarou) for the sake of advancing other demons’ plans (muzan, douma, etc). so i agree ! a lot of these characters are unfortunate victims in themselves and its impossible to view their stories without incorporating the struggles they’ve had to face as both humans AND demons. especially considering that lots of these individuals experience muzan’s abuse regardless of their status relative to him (such as with the upper and lower moons). i think this is best explained through akaza’s relationship with muzan,
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(ch. 67)
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and further explored though tanjiro’s observation of rui’s death. he notes that being a demon, for most, is an existence punctuated by extreme grief and despair, and that’s equally supported, i think, by the humanization of these demons following death. that their original conscious is restored (albeit with knowledge of everything they’ve done) and are oftentimes plagued by the guilt of what’s happened.
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what he says here is probably what sums it up for me. that while it’s important to condemn these demons and hold them accountable for the truly awful things they’ve done, it’s also important to consider the suffering they've experienced through existence alone. its so !! complex !! and thats what i love about kny. i love how .. you have some demons who are entirely despicable and bask in the carnage they create, but you also have some for whom demonhood was simply what appeared to be the only answer towards living a healthier life or righting the wrongs that’ve been done to them (usually with false promises and manipulation unbeknownst to them). and .. its so hard to figure out where to.. draw that line. or view these characters at least. because you sympathize with their pain, but you also realize that their actions have caused endless pain for many hundreds of people. tanjiro losing his entire family, giyuu losing his. shinobu watching her sister die before her very eyes, and kanao the same. the ubuyashiki family’s curse or the slaughter of himejima’s children. you look at characters like sanemi, shinobu, or giyuu and understand that you cannot invalidate their view of demons either. while kanae and tanjiro may find hope and humanity in demons, they exist as monsters who feast on pain to everyone else. its important not to discredit their perspective when making a personal choice to observe the demons’ hardships yknow. shinobu’s anger is just as warranted as tanjiro’s optimism and that neither are wrong for how they personally feel demons should be handled after death. 
im like. AAAAAAAA theres so much to it , its really hard for me to condense into a few sentences AHAHA im so sry for making u read this if u still are. but . i guess i’m not too sure. i think maybe, had i experienced the same pain as those above, it would be easy for me to say the demons deserve to go to the worst hell imaginable regardless of what they’ve gone through because that history isn’t accessible to everyone like it has been the audience (or that they’ve seemingly made the conscious decision to cause harm w/o understanding the ways in which demonhood obscures their original conscious/morality). but at the same time, you have those like tanjiro whose world view is shaped by positive encounters with demons like nezuko, tamayo, yushirou, etc. where it seems very evident that . theres more to it than what meets the eye. 
one of my friends ive talked to about this had a rly good perspective on it thats kinda stuck with me since !! she said she likes to view their conclusion as some . separation of identity?? if that makes sense?? that the demon side of them goes to hell while their human form goes to heaven (or division into whichever afterlife). and !! i think thats a really neat interpretation because there’s obvious descrepancy between demon personas and human personas. that the demon personas are like. exaggerations of their flaws, almost (akaza becoming hellbent on battle spirits and physical victories when hajuki’s fury & determination was fueled by love in a sense) while their human personas are the truest sense of self. and depending on which influence there is (muzan vs the appearance of loved ones), their identity changes accordingly. so ! idk ! thats one nice way of looking at it. holding their demon personas accountable while also recognizing that many of these characters deserve some form of healing after many hundreds of years of abuse. its hard because ofc i don’t want to negate the harms they’ve caused but its also? not cut and dry given the environment they were placed in and the fact that muzan’s blood essentially removes their humanity against their will you know. so in this way at least you have both forms of self receiving the proper conclusion. 
whwhwhw so im. !!!!!!!!!!!! ah !! i can’t say i have a definite answer but i think the one above is smth thats comforting to me. i think the story settles with sending them to hell once they’ve regained their past self but also .. “softens” it by providing them company by their loved ones who are willing to go w them?? so thats rly cool to look at too. because it holds them accountable for all that’s happened but also.. recognizes that they’re not wholly responsible for it either and that .. even in hell they’re able to keep their connections and human emotions/experiences . its tragic yet oddly. fitting, i think, of the kny narrative. while i like the aforementioned interpretation, i also really.. appreciate the way its set up in canon too. like yeah i want the best for them but also. it fits in with the tragic nature of demonhood and what it meant for them all. oddly enough. 
u make a good point too !! about demon slayers experiencing the same hardships but using their pain to help others. i think a lot of it is plainly chalked up to luck in terms of.. what they were exposed to following tragedy. how shinobu and kanae were saved by himejima, tanjiro saved by giyuu, kanao picked up by shinobu and kanae, sanemi given the guidance of kagaya while akaza was killed by muzan during his lowest moment, ume and gyuutarou were cornered by douma, rui misled by muzan, etc. i think circumstance is definitely a large factor in determining the paths that were taken. such as sanemi’s anger being validated and heard by ubuyashiki vs, say, akaza’s same anger being intentionally exploited for muzan’s gain.
aaa anyways. theres a lot 2 be said about this. like. SO much on my mind and obviously the extent of muzan’s abuse goes far deeper than what’s briefly mentioned here but.  i love talking about the complexities of kny . and how i view the demons vs the corps and how each of them have grown into their respective stories . AA but ill end it here THNK U >> also so sry for making u read thru all of this i get so excited i could talk abt kny all day long if i had the chance AAA 
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wordsandshawn · 5 years
Requested: Angst where Shawn teases the reader about her weight as a joke, but she takes it really personally and gets super insecure about it
A/N: Not quite as a joke because I don't think “joking” about someone’s weight is ever okay, but Shawn says something and y/n definitely interprets it in a certain way that kind of spirals into a mess. 
Warnings: talk about weight, descriptions of negative thoughts, negative body image, angst. 
With the amount of stress you’ve been experiencing lately, a lot of your normal self-care routines have been thrown out the window, partially because you don’t have the time and partially because you don’t have the energy. Self-care for you looks like going for runs, meal prepping so you can eat healthily, and taking nights off where you take long bubble baths, deep condition your hair, and just be really lazy without letting yourself focus on the stresses in your life.
Since all of those things take time, you haven’t been able to do them. Truthfully, you haven’t been prioritizing them like you should. It becomes a cycle that all just spirals downhill. You get busy so you stop taking the time to care for your mental health, but then your mental health goes downhill, and then you’re not in the right mind to realize how much you need self-care, and it continues to get worse. 
When weeks or months go by without you remembering to take care of yourself in the little ways, it really affects your mental health. You’ve really started to notice it over the past week. It feels like you’re drowning, but you don’t quite know how to get yourself back on solid land.
Talking to Shawn normally helps you feel more grounded when things like this happen, and truthfully, he’s the one who normally pulls you out of these feelings when you get like this. But he’s been in Australia, and you’ve both been pretty busy. Even when you finally get a chance to facetime him or talk to him, he’s too far away to do much. 
Your phone is propped up against a pile of laundry on your bed, and you’re Facetiming Shawn while folding the laundry. You had just finished telling him about how stressed you’ve been lately, and you how much you hate it. You explain that it seems like everything is nnever-endingand no matter how much you do, there’s always more for you to do, which is discouraging and disheartening and difficult to deal with. Lately, just the buildup of it all has led to you constantly feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
When you finish telling him all of this, you continue folding your laundry and Shawn is silent for a few moments. You don’t think much of it, assuming he’s just thinking too. When he finally speaks, he says, “Have you been running lately?” This question catches you completely off-guard and makes you feel immediately self-conscious of your body. 
Your phone had been propped up in a way that showed your whole body since you were busy folding laundry, but you grab it, no longer wanting your body to be on the screen or in his view. “No, I’ve been busy.” You respond, feeling defensive.
“I know, but maybe you should start again.” Shawn suggests.
“Yeah, maybe.” You respond before quickly changing the subject. You got the message loud and clear, and you definitely don’t want to talk to Shawn about this anymore, fearing that you’ll feel even more insecure and unworthy than you already do.
If you were in a better mental state, you might have brushed off the statement and not pondered over it. But with where you are right now, you can’t help but read into the statement. You know that you haven’t been running lately, not for the last few weeks, at least. And you haven’t been eating well either. It’s been so difficult to find the time and energy to run after a long day or to wake up early to get in a run before work. Once you fell out of the routine of running several times a week, it’s been nearly impossible to get back into it. And as for eating, meal prep and getting to the grocery store have been hard. It’s been easier to pick up something on your way home from wherever you were or to drive thru somewhere on your way to your next destination.
Apparently, Shawn’s noticed the results of this in your body. You were somewhat aware that you had been gaining a bit of weight, but you didn’t realize it was that noticeable.
You end the conversation rather quickly after that and find yourself making up excuses as to why you can’t facetime Shawn over the next week while he’s away.
When Shawn returns home a week later because he has a twenty-day break between shows, you can’t avoid him any longer. You’ve talked to Shawn less than normal over the last week, not being able to bear the negative thoughts that tend to overtake you whenever you talk to him and start to wonder what he may be thinking of you. It’s taken nearly a whole week of struggle, but you’re starting to finally feel some sense of control again.
You’ve begun making your workouts a priority, and you’ve started eating healthy. Even though it’s only been a week, you’ve noticed a change in your body. Although running used to bring you mental release, it doesn’t anymore. Now you’re so focused on running farther and faster, focused on burning more calories and growing thinner, that it only causes more anxiety.
You’re more irritable lately, and on top of the worries and pressures of work and school, you find yourself worried that you’re not enough for Shawn. You’re terrified he’s starting to think twice about wanting to be with you.
When he shows up at your apartment, you’re worried he’s judging your body. He pulls you close in his arms. It’s been nearly a month since you saw him last, so of course, he misses you. You missed him too, but you can’t help but pull away from his embrace, much quicker than he would have liked. His hands linger on your waist, but only for a second before you brush him off completely and distract him by suggesting you watch a movie. 
Shawn pushes back on the suggestion at first, saying he wants to have dinner, maybe go out to a restaurant or order in, but you lie and tell him you already ate, even though you hadn’t eaten anything since the morning. You tell him he can order food if he’d like, but he decides not to. He’s disappointed that you ate without him, knowing he was coming, and you always eat together. This is true, but you couldn’t stand the thought of eating in front of him after you’d been scrutinizing over the words he said to you over facetime for the past week.
After a little bit, he finally drops the subject of food and agrees to watch a movie. He can tell there’s something off about you, but you insist you’re just tired, and you want to relax. As the movie begins playing, you stay mostly on your side of the couch, and Shawn clearly gets the message and respects your space.
Finally, after about an hour, Shawn can’t take it anymore. He pauses the movie and turns toward you, “Are you mad at me?” He questions, clearly, he’s been searching through his mind to try to figure out what could have possibly gone wrong between the two of you.
“No,” You respond. You’re not intending to be short with him, but there’s too much going on in your head that you’re not able to speak out loud.
“What are you upset about?” He questions further. 
“Nothing.” Everything. “I’m just tired.” The most common lie.
He studies you for a moment. He sees right through that lie, and you’re not surprised that he does. “Y/n, you can talk to me. You know that right?” He says in a softer voice this time, and you nod, but you still don’t talk.
After a couple more seconds, you can’t take it anymore, and you reach to turn the movie back on. Shawn asks you questions throughout the rest of the movie to try to understand your change in demeanor, but you refuse to give anything away.
When the movie ends, Shawn turns off the tv before you can even suggest putting on another. He looks at you and you look anywhere but back at him.
“What’s wrong?” He questions, finally. His voice is soft like he’s hesitant and unsure but he genuinely cannot figure out what has happened to you or why you’re acting this way.
“Nothing.” You mumble, but you refuse to make eye-contact. You’ve never been good at keeping things from Shawn.
“Seriously, y/n.” Shawn says, scooting closer, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” You respond, slightly more forcefully this time.
“Okay,” he pauses. “What’s on your mind?”
“I don’t want to talk about it, okay?” You snap, something you rarely ever do.
Shawn is clearly surprised, but he doesn’t get angry like you expect him to. It’s like he knows there’s something off with you, and he’s patient enough to try to figure it out instead of getting angry at you for snapping at him when he’s only trying to help.
“Look, y/n. If I did something that upset you, please tell me because I have no idea what’s wrong or what I did or how I’m supposed to fix it.” He’s running his fingers through his hair like he’s stressed. The way you’ve been acting has been freaking him out, and he can’t figure out what to do to make things better. All he wants is to be able to make things better.
You finally sigh. You know you should have just talked to Shawn about your feelings from the beginning, but instead, you chose to keep them inside where they festered and grew and led you to where you are now. 
“Am I too fat for you?”
The words come out nearly inaudible and Shawn leans closer to you, asking, “What?”
You swallow past the lump in your throat. “Do you think I’m fat?” You say, this time loud enough for him to hear. His eyebrows immediately knit together in confusion, but before he can respond, you blurt, “Do you not like me anymore because I’ve gained weight.”
“What are you talking about? Of course not, y/n.” He responds forcefully.
“It’s just that last week you made a comment that you thought I needed to work out more.” You respond, your heart is beating fast and the anxiety within you is building just talking about this topic.
“Y/n, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t say that you needed to lose weight. I think you’re perfect the way you are, and I would never say something like that.” He responds, still baffled. 
“But you did, Shawn!” You respond, feeling suddenly emotional.
“Okay, okay, let me think about it.” He responds, reaching out to take your hand in an attempt to calm you down without moving too close because he senses that you’ve been wanting distance and he wouldn’t want to push past your boundaries. He takes a deep breath, no doubt trying to regulate himself and pull his thoughts together so that he can hold you together and keep you from falling apart. “What else were we talking about? Maybe you just heard wrong or something?”
“We were facetiming, and I was folding laundry and telling you about my week and you said I needed to run more.” You explain, that exact moment was already seared in your mind, you don’t know how he could possibly have forgotten it.
Realization floods his face as that moment comes rushing back to him. “Y/n, I promise I didn’t mean it like that at all. The only reason—the only reason I asked was because I know that it helps you feel better when you run. And I know that it helps you get out of your head and you feel so much less stressed after. I remember, you were telling me about how stressed you were, and I just thought that was something that could help you mentally. It didn’t have anything to do with your body or your weight. Fuck. I’m sorry. I should’ve been thinking, but I just wasn’t thinking about that at all and I didn’t realize how it might affect you.” He pauses, and you let those words sink in for a moment. “I’m sorry.” He apologizes, genuinely looking sorry.
You realize how much you’ve over-reacted, and you believe that Shawn loves you and that he would not say something like “You need to work out,” without having your best interest at heart. “I’m sorry, I overreacted.” You respond, but even as the words leave your mouth, you’re not quite sure they’re completely true.
The doubts have still been planted in your mind. You’ve been self-conscious about your body and your weight for as long as you can remember. It doesn’t matter that people always say nice things to you if the topic of weight ever comes up in conversation, you still feel the way you do. Sometimes all of your insecurities flare up and leave you having negative thoughts for a while until you’re able to appreciate your body for the things it lets you do, for being a safe home for you to live in, and for the healing and breathing and walking and running and laughing.
“Hey,” Shawn whispers to get your attention. He noticed you get lost in your mind, and he tugs gently on your hand like a whispered come back to me. You look at him, and he says, “I love you, always.” You just nod, not even having the words or energy to respond verbally. He scoots closer to you on the couch, and this time you don’t back away. He wraps his arms around you, and you lean into his embrace.
“Do you want to know what I thought when I walked in the door earlier tonight to see you?” He asks, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you.
“What?” You question, preparing yourself to hear Shawn say something completely sappy and far too romantic for your liking.
“How lucky I am that the most beautiful girl in the world actually chose me.” He responds, keeping a straight face and sounding genuine.
You look at him, his face only a few inches from yours, and crinkle your nose in mock disgust. “Shawn, do you even hear yourself?” You question, but a small smile spreads across your face, and it only gets bigger when he breaks into a smile too.
“Yes. And it got you to smile, so that’s all that matters.”
You shake your head at him, but you don’t stop smiling. “I love you,” You say before tilting your chin up, your silent way of asking for a kiss. Shawn immediately obliges and closes the distance.
After a few seconds, your stomach growls, giving away your earlier lie about having already eaten. By the look in Shawn’s eyes when you make eye contact with him, he heard it too and knows exactly what it means. For a second, you’re afraid he’ll call you out or be upset, but he just reaches for his phone, “So… Chinese or Italian?” He questions naming your two favorite types of food, and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding.
“Chinese.” You respond without having to think twice this time. “And I want to get an extra side of the orange chicken sauce because they never give enough.” You add.
“There’s my girl,” Shawn says with a smile as he searches your favorite Chinese restaurant in his postmates app. And he’s right, you’re feeling a lot more like yourself since having that conversation with Shawn.
You may not just forget about the self-doubt and the feelings of insecurity that have recently been stirred up in you, but there’s one thing that you don’t doubt, it’s that Shawn genuinely loves you and supports you. He loves you for who you are. He considers himself lucky to be loved by you, and that makes you feel so loved, treasured, and valued at the end of the day.
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babe.... bAbe..... u can’t give them the Good Dad Rog shit and the. not follow up with the hot space angst.................... it’s what the people Deserve
i copied this verbatim from our chats so like, if its choppy that’s why. also, this is like….part 1 of what is really 85 pages of hc’s all about hot space so like…more to come??? sorry for the angst
it begins with brian having cheated on chrissie
and dom, who is pregnant with baby #5, takes Offense to it
basically dom gets chrissie her divorce and sets her up with crystal, who has always had a Thing for her
and while in the middle of handling this shit because dom is kickass, dom comes to the decision that Brian Is Wrong and Needs To Be Taught A Lesson
so she convinces ronnie to her side and is like, we do not interact with brian for as long as it takes for him to realize he fucked up
so basically hot space is such shit because dom and ronnie are like for however long you support brian we will not have sex with either of you
like you want to be there for him? fine but your hands gonna be there for you instead of us
john immediately is like good luck brian hope you figure your shit out
kinda backfires actually
roger and john are like uhhhhh
well this is a shame certainly bc we love u
but also
ig we…. gotta fuck each other
Oh No
they’re so smug about it until they receive an envelope from home
its pictures of both women together in various positions
john gives in first but roger is annoyingly stubborn when he wants to be
And that’s why John don and Ronnie all get to go to Bali
they come back
And roger has moved out
and he’s like. uh. can i? am i allowed to see the kids
and they’re like wait what?
and they’re like OF COURSE WHY DID YOU MOVE OUT???
and he’s like. you uh. u said? that if i stuck with brian that we were like. done. and like brian’s a fuckhead and chrissie deserved none of what he did but uhhhhh he’s also like. my best friend and he’s going thru some shit even if it’s self inflicted u know and um. you guys have each other i guess so like i knew you’d be okay but i just.
i’d really like to be able to see the kids
and fucking miami ends up at the door
with all the NDA’s and legal shit they sorted out
like ok so, here’s how separation is going to work
and they’re like wait no no no we just–we were just upset???
but roger is like but you threatened to end our relationship and withhold sex unless i give in to what you guys want and i’m sorry but i…i can’t do that
and miami is literally like you. you all. left. and you took the kids with you. you left a NOTE
what the fuck did u think he was going to think?
and they’re like WE TOLD HIM WHERE WE WERE
miami is like
“bali” is not an invitation 
 like no you thought you could manipulate him into bending to your way
that doesn’t COUNT
miami is Team Roger
which is how they know They Fucked Up
and roger just kneels down before their little army of kids and gives them giant hugs and is like no matter what i will always love you guys
and then miami like takes him outside and is like i will take you all for everything he’s owed
and roger goes and lives with freddie
brian ofc has NO IDEA any of this is even fucking happening
maybe thats when roger starts The Cross
and its all angsty heartbroken shit and Johns like HE’S QUIT THE BAND
and the three of them are like shit
we do not work together without roger
miami ends up being like the weird go between who picks up the kids for their weekends with roger
and they beg miami for information
and miami is like you do not deserve to know how he is
and crystal is like look, i get that you’re supporting my girlfriend but now you’ve hurt my best friend and my boss like…do you understand how your actions have fucked me???
and roger isn’t really? doing well? but he also know he can’t afford to fall apart because if he goes to shit there’s an excuse for him to not be able to see the kids???? and like he doesn’t wanna think they’d do that??? but he only has legal rights to like. three of them.
and the thought of never getting to see all of his kids keeps him up at night and he spends a lot of time drinking
like a lot a lot
and he writes all the kids letters from where he’s holed up working on the cross and he makes it sound like hes! doing! so! well! on! his! own!
the kids get little gifts delivered? like all the time
bc he’s always thinking of them and he has the money to just.. send them trinkets
ugh ok so they’re separated for a while then like. just under a year maybe?
rog moves out of fred’s after two months
when it becomes apparent that uh
this isn’t
he gets his own little shitty house
this might be for Real
and he tries to get one with rooms for each of the kids
and when they come to visit he’s like look here’s something for you and bunkbeds for the twins that aren’t twins and a pool and maybe we can get a dog?
but the kids just want to pile into bed with him
but one of them like is crying? and john’s like whats wrong? and she’s lke do you think papa is lonely in his big house who’s going to cuddle him at night he’s all alone
and johns like……….. fuck
 like not only have we broken the best relationship we’ve ever been in but we have broken our children too
the kids asking roger in the big puppy pile in his bed and he’s like well i cuddle you all SO MUCH while your here that it it keeps me warm even when you go home
that why i hug you all as soon as i see you!!!! i need a top up of your love!!!! gotta keep me toastie warm :)
and freddie is a fucking liar he’s like roger is doing BETTER THAN EVER he is so FUCKING HAPPY NOW and hes like ROGER IS THIRTY FLIRTY AND THRIVING AND YOU GUYS ARE MISSING OUT ON HOW HOT HE LOOKS NOW
flash to roger sitting on the floor of the kitchen in his boxers without a shirt on just sobbing into a pint of rocky road ice cream
roger: vaguely emaciated, surviving on cigarettes and gin and tonics
he hasn’t shaved but the man can’t grow a beard so its jsut ugly patches of hair
but!!! like the other three really only see him when the kids are around and??? yeah??? he looks good!
because no one can KNOW because as far as he’s concerned they didn’t want him
like he’s dressed nicely. he’s lost a bit of weight but well he’s hit his thirties so maybe not the Worst thing even if they did Love His Pudge
and he would never ever ever scare the kids by showing them how he looks
freddie’s like oh yeah roger’s GREAT
and you can’t tell he doesn’t sleep and has massive bags under his eyes because that is the dawn of the prescription sunglasses
freddies like you should hear the songs he’s written like that stuff is GOD
(the songs are just him weeping over a guitar track)
cut to the other day: freddie and roger playing scrabble for thirteen hours in between crying jags
the next day: chess, but the pieces are shot glasses
freddie is like in bed next to jim like i dunno how much more alcohol we can drink i’m running out of ways to make him drunk enough to forget
so jim makes him garden with him bc it gets him out of the house so he even gets a TAN but they just drink SO MUCH WHISKEY
 then ronnie and dom and john are like look at him he’s golden tan he looks gorgeous
 and jim is like he’s only evenly tanned because when he passed out in the garden i rolled him over so his back would get tan too
  and yeah they’re like??????????? he looks so good????
and miami lowkey thinks hes helping but he is NOTbecause every time he sees him he’s like okay we can get you think much from your combined fortunes and the beach house and i can make it so you have custody of your legal kidsroger: they’re ALL MY KIDS MIAMI
but rogers mainly like i’m not gonna separate any of the kids that’s????? no. like. they belong as a family
 even if i’m not……. part of that family….. any more…….
 roger is like look i just want to be able to see them. i won’t take them form their parents and miami is like roger..you’re their parent too
 and roger is like no i’m just like, their uncle now?
 like i’m not in that family they made i clear that i am not allowed
 ronnie is the one who sorta caves first
 she’s lke look we started this and i kinda pushed for us to end it so i’m gonna fix it
 john wont bc of the band dynamics, dom is top aware that it could splinter the group back into two couples, ronnie is really the only one who can
 yeah and ronnie sorta. just shows up at his house in the middle of the night
 and like (luckily for him) he’s just got in from a thing for the cross
 so he Doesn’t look fucking awful
 but he’s also fucking exhausted so he opens the door and is like FUCK are the kids okay!!! shit!!!! dom??? john???
 and ronnie’s like everyone’s fine i just. i missed you?
 and roger’s like. he’s so tired he’s just like ronnie….. i can’t do this right now. you can’t. you can’t just show up here
 that’s not fair.
 and ronnie’s like…. well. she wasn’t sure how she was really expecting it to go because. yeah. they’re literally not been within about 50m from one another in fucking months
 but she was. hoping at least for an “i miss you too”
 but roger’s like. it’s really late, i’m… gonna go to bed. i really, really cannot do this right now. i’ll see the kids on friday.
 and so ronnie goes home and bawls her eyes out to john and dom who are…. also kinda shook?
 like. they were NOT expecting roger to turn her away like that, that’s… yeah. but like roger has been mostly by himself this whole time. like they’ve had one another but he’s. just been sorta trying to learn to keep his head above water by himself again and. it was actually a dick move showing up there unannounced. like, they basically left him with little to no warning they can’t just try and walk back in the door y’know?????
 and anyway on friday miami comes to pick up the kids and ronnie is like uhhh i’m coming with
 and miami is like uh. disrespectfully speaking? you fucking are not
 and she’s like oh :) ur not taking my kids then
 which. is just. another bad move? tbh
 miami is like. right. fine. can i use ur phone to call the other father of ur children to tell him that one of their mothers won’t let him see them
 and ronnie is like go right a fuckin head
 and dom and john are sorta there like ronnie ronnie wtf are u doing ronnie
 but ronnie’s like nah i’m calling his (miami’s) bluff
 and dom is like no, uh, roger can have the kids
 but. miami calls
 and ronnie is like not mine he can’t its all or nothing
 he’s stood there in their parlour
 and like obviously they can only hear his side of the conversation
 dead eyeing ronnie like i fucking hold this band together out of sheer will
 i can outlast you no matter what
 Miami: Hi Rog, Miami. Yeah, yeah, the kids are fine. I’m at your old place right now, actually. No, yeah. No. Well, actually, Rog. Veronica says you can’t have the kids this week. No, she didn’t say anything to me about it before. No, no. I’m sorry, Rog. I know, I’m so sorry. She hasn’t said anything about next week yet. Yeah. Yeah. It’s alright, it’ll be alright. We’ll work something out. I’ll come right around, okay? Alright. Okay. I’ll let them know. Yeah, I promise. Just like you said. Won’t change a word. See you in a bit.
 and ronnie is like what did he want you to say to us?!!!!
 and miami just straight up blanks her and dom and john
 and walks into the living room where the kids are, all ready to go
 and is like hey rugrats!
 (which is totes rogers nickname for them)
 and they’re all like!!!! uncle miami!!!!! are we going to see papa now???
 Veronica is like ho don’t you fucking say it
 and he’s like i’m really sorry guys (and ronnie goes to interrupt but he stops her) but daddy has the flu
 and the kids are like!!!! oh no!!!!
 and he’s like so you can’t go see him this week :( he’s really really upset about it, and he HOPES he’ll be better next week because he misses all his little nuggets so much
 and the eldest is like???? but!!!! our hugs keep daddy warm!!! if he’s sick he needs to be warm he can’t be cold!!! who’s going to recharge his cuddles???
 and miami is like well he said if you all hug each other reaaaaally right he can feel it! so long as you all keep giving each other lots of hugs he’ll keep tight and cosy
 and he goes to leave and is like to the three of them like…. i cannot believe that you are actually doing this. i didn’t know you could be so cruel
 and off he trots
 and ronnie is like. fuck
 and the other three would be like ronnie what…what the fuck was that???
they end up having…. a huge fight over it
 like giant
 like “hi chrissie can you take the kids for a couple of days” fight
 and chrissie is like uh…. i can take a few? but crystal is.     away
 work emergency
 and johns like????? queens on a break????????????
so they’re like trying to find babysitters so they can fight it out but also maybe go to roger??? 
 because the work emergency is code for roger is trying to destroy himself via alcohol poisoning
 like miami knows the second he hung up that roger as going to just drown himself in whisky
 so he used a payphone to call freddie and crystal
 and is like i don’t care what you have to do or how you do it but you need to be at roger’s yesterday
 but brian isn’t looking after their fucking kids
freddie isn’t home
 and jim has heard what they did
 and hes like that was fucking cruel
 crystal isn’t home
 miami is gone
 fucking RATTY doesn’t pick up
 phoebe straight up was like freddie told me if i watched hte kids he’d kill me
 he was like i am not even allowed to be speaking with you thank you and goodnight
so they call mary and they’re like please mary
and mary is like as far as i’m concerned if you’re that worried about roger watching his own fucking children i do not know why you would call me as the better option
like fuck you you think roger can’t be with his kids and now you want to DUMP THEM ON ME??? “and anyway, i’m just stopping at home for the booze i have here. we’ve all been banned from the liquor stores with in a ten mile radius of…… a place.”
 eventually they manage to scrounge enough family members on john and ronnie’s respective sides
 but it. genuinely takes like over a day
 everyone is either straight up just not answering or, if they are at home, not willing to step in
[meanwhile miami is on the fucking warpath he is like you wanna play chicken? i’ll roast you for dinner VERONICA he’s writing up a custody agreement so tight it will tie them up in court for years like he sits down at roger’s kitchen table while roger is profusely vomiting up all the alcohol he had and then some and he’s like they’re gonna fucking pay
he’s getting the kids and the houses and over half the money and the royalties and here is a list of available bass players because HE GETS THE BAND TOO]
 but yeah john ronnie and dom end up having a giant, fuck off, end all fight
and dom is like. u realise we just took his fucking kids away right
 and johns like for fuck sake chrissie is FINE do you really think she wanted me to tank my career and for all of us to blow up our entire family because of her????
 but the problem is. it’s BIGGER than the chrissie thing now
 johns like she knew what she was getting into and she knew he was a cheater when they were fuckign dating
but really it was like, six different fights that all boiled over in the name of Chrissie’s Honor and then
the biggest thing is that like, 
 when they were in bali
 they did fully think roger would come
 and but then he didnt and the spent 3 weeks getting angrier and angrier at the situation and him and brian and it spiraled into this black ugly mess of shit
 and they didn’t realize how vital roger was to keeping them together like he’s the fun dad so the kids have been acting out more becasue he’s not there to get them to blow off steam
(plus like, the kids just lost their dad??? like he doesn’t live there anymore he’s at a different house and that is big)
 and he’s the peace keeper (surprising despite his tempter but everyone else like stews he’s the only one who’s like lets talk it out)
 and he makes them all coffee in the morning so they’re all vaguely caffeine deprived
 and now ronnie has fucked it all TWICE first by showing up and then by TAKING HIS KIDS and dom was like when we had baby#2 and it was clearly rogers we promised him we SWORE that he would never ever ever take them away from him
 like we said that as long as he was their papa that was IT he was their father and we would never ever take that from him
 and ronnie’s like i didn’t MEAN IT he should KNOW I WOULD NEVER MEAN THAT
 and johns like. ok. but uh. how would he know
 i mean. we sorta
 did take his kids away from him
 when we went to bali
 when we went to bali for a month
 and again
 and then
 five days of the week
 and now?
 i mean
 we have been… slowly taking the kids away from him
 three weeks ago we made him give them back a day early so that we could do to the beach
 bc we could only do it…. as a family…. on the weekend
 and then two of the little ones (one of which is his) was sick and we kept them home
 because. him seeing his kids is inconvenient to us
 and we had them on the actual day of his birthday
which you know is his favorite day of the year because the kids make him breakfast in bed and wake him up singing happy birthday
 so. us just pulling the plug isn’t… really all that unrealistic is it?
 and dom and ronnie sort of get defensive and backing each other up
dom is like no!! we have NOT!!
and ronnie like how dare you
 and johns like. ok. but see this is the problem
 this was the problem in bali too
 like its us vs. him
 we all get caught up in defending ourselves
 that everything we do seems right
 and he should… just be grateful?
 to have us?
 to see the kids?
 and that we have proven that if he doesn’t agree with us he doesn’t haveus?
 like originally it was just sex yeah
 but then it was clear that you wouldnt budge
 and neither would he and why should he have brian has been there for him longer than he’s even known me
 like brian is terrible for cheating but he’s roger’s brother and we literally made him choose his family and when he wouldn’t
 we chose for him
 and, as we’ve established, chrissie is FINE
 and a grown woman
 and roger knew that better than any of us because crystal was filling him in on EVERYTHING
 she probably didn’t fucking need the two of you, and then me, ripping apart our family, the band, and the various social circles we run in
 or even WANT us to do that
 and dom’s like……. i really miss him
 i’ve been trying really hard not to
 bc it’s easier to be angry
 and i didn’t want it to seem like i love him more than you guys
 because i know it can be hard sometimes like not falling into those couple-y behaviours
 and i didn’t want to do that
 but i really really miss him
 but like, roger is my first
 he is my first real love and i love you both so much but he’s my roger
and. it’s been really hard watching [youngest] hit milestones and rogers not here to see them
 (and they tried to be nice and send videos and pictures but its not the same!!
so they just stopped telling him hoping that the kid would do it there and roger would think it was the first time
but that just made roger feel like they didn’t care enough about him
to be like oh hey your kid’s walking sucks that you had to learn form the older kid insead of the other parents)
 and dom’s like. and it’s made worse because. he wouldn’t have let this happen if it was one of us
 and john is like. uh
 and ronnie’s like fuck. no. ur right. he wouldn’t have
 dom’s like. right back at the beginning he was always saying that he’d make sure we were all involved in the kids lives no matter what that this wouldn’t happen he wouldn’t let it
 and we did it to him
 and ronnie is like. how the fuck do we fix this
 bc shit like that. like their youngest hitting milestones???? like that feels like something they stole from him bc they can’t give that back
 for like the first time john actually cries
 and is like what have we done
 and yeah. the fight just sorta ends with all three of them in tears and just. sort of silent
 because maybe that was the biggest issue
 because. what the fuck
 because chrissie was pregnant and maybe dom was pregnant and they were like imagine this was us
 and we got cheated on
 and so when the whole Bali Thing happens the kid is like maybe 6 months?
 so roger genuinely misses over half of this kids life
and kidlet just. doesn’t have the same bond with him???
 because there’s so little you can be there for when you get every weekend 
 and roger knows
 but the other three don’t because they haven’t seen him with the kids?
 but the kid just cries the whole weekend and wants his “daddy”
 kidlet isn’t really comfy around roger and neither, really, is their second youngest who is withdrawing
 and roger is just like???? these are my KIDS
 and the second youngest is roger’s
 and i’m a STRANGER to them
 and he tries so hard! but the other problem is like, we have so many kids
 and i am one person
 like he is stretched so thin
so he can only do so much like if hte baby is crying he has to take care of the baby sorry oldest ones i can’t go play outside with you
and the three of them just realize, like, what have we done???
cut to roger’s house he’s just lying on the floor not even crying just laying there his bedroom is ruined because he hung up with miami and just trashed it
and is laying on his floor like i want to die here
john calls while the Roger Stomach Pumping Emergency Squad are on day three of their duties
 and crystal picks up which is. it’s not the BEST he could have hoped for, which would have been freddie, but it’s the second best bc crystal still nominally works for him
 (crystal is like i’m gonna fucking quit like i will take the cross to the NEXT LEVEL even if i have to KILL JOHN TO DO IT)
 and johns like ok this is. i’m just calling to say that i’m going to come around tomorrow? i’ll be there are 12. i’m not asking for permission, but i’m just calling to give you a heads up. to give roger a heads up
 and so. they uh. sober roger up. do their best to make him somewhat presentable? (does not work. he refuses to shave or shower or get changed out of his Depression Pajamas. he swills some mouthwash, they call it a win)
(depression pajamas are john’s pants and the joke shirt ronnie and dom bought him for his birthday years ago thats like save a drum bang a drummer)
 and then. they go upstairs, just leaving miami downstairs except he’s Not Allowed To Talk
 he is there, strictly, as roger’s legal representation
 miami just holds all the papers for legal divorce and separation the papers that are going to FUCK THEM UP if roger says so
 and john shows up and he’s like. oh. um. this isn’t. this isn’t really a legal talk?????? and miami is like yes well y’all do have a history of Technical Kidnapping so
 can’t be too careful 🙃
 and roger just. doesn’t give a shit
 he’s like miami can you shut the fuck up
 like what the fuck do you think johns going to do that’s worse than break up with me and refuse to let me see my kids?
 what, have you all gangbanged my mum too? just for a giggle?
 and john is like. uh. no. winnie is. un-gangbanged. as far as i know.
 and rog is like well there you go, everything appears to be Just As Shit as it was yesterday and no worse
 and johns like look. i just. ronnie honestly didn’t mean that you couldn’t see the kids, not at all. she just. she just wanted to see you and the kids were… leverage? sort of? which sounds awful
 and roger is like. yeah. that sounds pretty fucking awful, actually
 and he’s like where’s my alcohol and miami is like as your legal representative and your medical emergency contact i must advise you not to drink anymore as i do not believe your liver will survive
 (miami [visibly jots down john calling the children leverage])
 but yeah rogers like. well. here i fucking am.
 and johns like. this is all. it’s all fucked up. we love you? we never stopped loving you? this has all spiralled way out of control. the girls were just mad about chrissie and
 and roger is like?? do u think i give a FUCK about chrissie???? none of this was EVER about chrissie on my side. this was about the three of you deciding that our relationship with acceptable fucking collateral for you to throw about to win arguments and get me to do what you wanted
 [miami in the corner scribbling it all down]
 that’s now how relationships fucking work, john. and i never thought you’d take my children away from me for it.
 and johns like. i know. i’m sorry, we’re sorry. it honestly just grew out of control. when we were in bali we thought you would come and then it would have been fine, but you didn’t and we got angry and
 and rogers like?!! i didn’t do what u wanted so you ran away with my children for a month
 i couldn’t have come even if i WANTED to
 “gone to bali” is not a fucking address, john
 (and the thing is when they wrote that? it was tongue in cheek. it was a “come find us”. but, well. that didn’t work out as intended, did it?)
 like they thought of course roger would like, call miami to find them or hell ratty or something like they all have the same credit cards they could figure it out…right?
 and johns like. i’m sorry. can you. would you be…. interested? in talking to all three of us? we love you, and we miss you. we want to try and save this
 and roger is like i dont know
 i don’t know if it can be saved
 and well. that’s enough to get a foot in the door because.    his kids. roger would grin and bear his way thru 16 and a half years of painful awkwardness on his part of it means he gets to be with his kids as they grow
 but he’s not saying yes
 he’s saying he’ll talk to all three of them together
 but miami will be there
 and miami is like 💅
 and so they set a date for the next monday
 and this time roger is wearing like. a fucking suit, he’s all scrubbed up
 and they’re like???????? what the fuck
 (john totally went home and told the other three how terrible he looked)
 but this time like. it’s…. it’s make or fucking break like if they walk out of this and he can’t see it being salvaged then… that’s it
 he’ll be giving them the (kindest) separation and custody agreement’s that miami has drawn up
 miami has like three all drawn up and ready depending on how it goes
 one is niceish one is harsher and the last is scourged earth
 nice: they get half his assets, he gets friday evening-sunday afternoon and ¾ of all school holidays
harsh: ¼ assets (minus property and future royalty income from existing tracks), friday afternoon school pick up- sunday evening, and all school holidays apart from three days beginning and end, weekends, and potentially visitation right son Public Holidays (such as christmas day)
scourged earth: ½ present cash assets (nothing else), friday afternoon pick up - Tuesday morning drop off, all school holidays minus weekends (excepting public holidays. so if xmas day falls on a sunday? too fucking bad)
 miami is like i will wipe the board with you if he asks and i will not hesitate
 and he WILL be going to court to attempt to win rights to have ALL of the children involved in those custody agreements (miami thinks they have a case given how many interviews they’ve given over the years referencing how the children view each other as brother and sister)
 plus there’s like squatter’s/commonlaw rights
 yeah basically miami is. uh ready to destroy
 like roger is the common law parent because he has lived with these kids in that house for 7 years
 roger’s one request was just can i have enough to buy a house big enough for all the kids to come visit and can i just see them? like even if its once a month i just want to see them
 miami is like i gotchu fam you’re my favorite tell the others
 BUT YES SO roger is like i’m really just here to see if there’s anything to salvage.
 and like
 dom immediately bursts into tears
 she hasnt seen him in person since he LEFT
 and because??? how could there not be??????????
 dom is willing to give ANYTHING to fix it
 and ronnie is like. horrified. she keeps going to reach across the table to hold his hand before catching herself
 and she starts. she apologised for what happened the other day, for crossing that line
 and rogers like… it’s been coming for a while now
 because he always knew one day the kids would stop coming
 like either they wouldn’t let him see them
 or the kids wouldn’t want to come see the guy who was once their dad but now just has his own home
 like the two youngest already don’t want him
 so it makes sense
 and dom’s like… do you still love us?
 because i still love you
 and rogers like. i. i could never stop loving any of you???? but i also cant ever forget the past year and the things that have happened either
 That’s what makes it hurt the most is like I still love you?? I will always love you you’re the mothers of my children and John you’re their father like you’re raising my kids
 and johns like well. love is a start, yes?
 and roger’s like. yes. but i love my kids more, and. i spent the last year hoping we were just… going to work it out. that this was going to stop, but it hasn’t. it’s got worse. and i suppose it’s a good thing that you did what you did last week because instead of the kids being slowly taken away from me and me having to accept it over time, it happened all at once and i can’t take that. i Won’t take that again. and so now i know that if this isn’t going to work out that i am Going to have a relationship with my kids, if i have to fight you all in the courts for it
 and ronnie’s like we’re not? we’re not going to fight you
 and miami that sneaky bastard pulls out the SCORCHED EARTH custody agreement and is like so you’ll sign this?
 and dom’s like what the fuck is it?????? and he’s like custody agreement. in the event of your separation from roger, dominique, and/or his departure from the home you share with john and veronica he would be entitled, by contract, to have the children (ALL OF THEM, those children being those who were born between 1974 and 1983) from friday school pick up to tuesday morning school drop off, and the entirety of school holidays apart from weekends.
 and johns like fuck. that’s. a lot of time
 and roger is like? i haven’t had all of the children together in over a month
 and ronnie is like fuck. you haven’t, have you? there’s been….
 and miami picks up another piece of paper and starts listing off reasons
 Because he’s been picking them up and dropping them off and every single time one of them isn’t there he writes it down
 dentist appointment, flu, stomach bug, school trip, trip to the beach “as a family”
 They watch a roger visibly flinches at the “as a family” comment
 and dom just signs it. plucks it right out of johns hand who is trying to read it (or the first page) and flips to her page and signs
 and johns like fuck!! dom!!!
 and she’s like. roger wouldn’t ask us to sign anything that would be detrimental to the kids OR to us
 we used to fucking know that, john
 She’s like Roger is their father first and foremost and he has the right to as much time as he wants from them. If they miss us I will PERSONALLY but them their own phone line to call us but he gets as much time as he wants with them
 and like. john and ronnie aren’t going to sign, not without their lawyer there to check it out, but. that sign from dom? is enough to get roger to agree to try
 to agree that maybe there’s something to salvage there
 Even if it’s just with dom
 Because she was like I have faith in this man and I do not plan on ever losing him again so I’ll sign anything because it’ll never come down to it
 Yeah because. well. he can live with that if it means he gets his kids
 he can live with knowing that he’s not wholly Wanted in this relationship
 if he’s… wanted a little bit and he gets to watch his kids grow up every day
 it’s 16 and a half years
 that’s doable
 He will do what he needs to for his kids
 he loves those rugrats so fucking much
 he stays at home SO MUCH for the next like. year. bc he is BUILDING that relationship with the youngest two
 Like the rest of the break? Is because roger will not leave the house
 He is like nope not working I’m with the nuggets
 And Freddie is like bring them to the studio just come
 Like it’s just him with the kiddos
 Writing and trying to get his babies to love him again
 And he’s like I’m never leaving you ever again
 That first tour? Is ROUGH
 like it is hard for roger to leave and he almost is like I can’t do it I can’t leave them what if they forget me again??
 Which just adds to the angst because they did that to him
they made him doubt that his kids really love him
so then like, fast forward six-eight months???
oh my god even when they get back together? and get comfy with one another to start having sex again (which takes A WHILE) roger is suddenly. really adamant about using condoms
ugh he’d be sneaky about the condom thing at first too. like. he distracts them? clever fingers, clever mouth, encouraging them to help each otherlike it takes. a Distressing amount of time before finally dom is like I Want You To Fuck Meand that’s when That Whole Thing goes down 
she’s like c'mon like how we used to
and roger is like uhhhhh i can’t do that
because you might get uh, pregnant
and the other three can’t think of anything better like yes this will reunite us
an roger can’t think of anything worse because the thought of losing another baby?? he wouldn’t, uh, he wouldn’t survive that
and they’re like????? look if u slept with someone else like. ok that…. hurts. but. get tested and if ur clean it’s fine
and rogers like. no
that’s not the problem
dom has straight up a breakdown about it when she realises what the issue is
because roger is GOOD with kids
roger LOVES babies
but he’s like i do not want to have babies with you because i cannot guarantee that you won’t take the baby from me again
and roger is just sitting here uncomfortable
while dom weeps and john and ronnie are like what the uck is going on
but. he’s not. he’s not comfortable? this doesn’t feel like a family he’s 
building for keeps anymore
not really
it feels like something that can, might, will be taken away
he’s like look we can call it what we want but i get it i’m here for sex
and that’s great!! i love sex!! but i’m not going ot risk it
and the baby starts crying and roger sorta. automatically goes to get up before being like. oh. uh. it’s probably better if one of you goes. she. she’s not comfortable around me, she won’t settle if i go in
its not fair to the kids (because that’s who he’s really messed up over)
like they were so upset and it’s not fair to have them have to like, be separated form their homes and from their parents
roger is just so natural around the kids?
like u honestly wouldn’t even notice that he’d been gone
he slips right back in
he’s a bit distant for a few days, learning the new routines, new schedules, new favourites, new dislikes
but once he’s got it? he’s back in there
but just. flinching away from the casual touches that pass between the four of them
 so later dom fucks john and forgets a condom and has a pregnancy scare
 and roger is like. weirdly……. fine
 and dom is like??????? what the hell ur ok with this??? if i am pregnant?
 and roger is like…… i haven’t decided yet
 and dom’s like wtf do u mean? and he’s like. it would be a dick move of me to just leave ig. so perhaps we could separate but i’d stay living here in a separate room from the three of you?
 and ronnie is like? those are the only two options for you
 we’ve been back together for like eight months
 and rogers like? and we were separated for over a year
i’m still not sure if this is real
freddie calls john one night like. a month or so after the condom revelation (which they’ve all been. sorta sadly going along with? like it ruins the mood a little bit each time bc it’s a reminder that something’s a little bit broken here), and is like. look. i. i really shouldn’t be telling you this? but i think he’ll end up regretting it because i. god knows WHY but i have faith that you guys are all gonna pull thru this. but rog’s munich trip next week for the cross? yeah he’s booked in for a vasectomy.like he wouldn’t say anything because he doesn’t want them to make it a Big Deal
 and they’re SO UPSET but they’re like we can’t tell him not to because…if he wants to, he wants to
So when he comes back from munich 
 they think he had a vasectomy
 John is like how does one check for that?? Does his penis look different???
 Does his sperm taste different?? How would we know???
but one night he just goes to ronnie Just bends her right over and is like let’s do this and it’s the hottest sex they’ve had
 like they have INSANELY HOT SEX and they’re all. laying there. happy and sated. rog is curled up in the middle super asleep and the three of them are just all wide awake staring at the ceiling like huh. what feels weird
and then they realize and they’re like he didn’t use a condom so that means…..
 and then they just PANIC
 and he’s like oh my godddd shut up i’ve gotta be up for swimming lessons in like. five hours oh my god
 and ronnie is like maybe he did maybe he didn’t but like YES YOUR SWIMMERS ARE THE ISSUE RIGHT NOW
 and roger is like is…that a problem??? 
 and like they’re panicked bc!!!! he REALLY didn’t want any more kids!!!! they don’t wanna fuck with that they’re finally in a good place again!!!!!
and roger is like, sorry, guess i should have talked to you guys about having another kid???
 but ye he’s. secure again. and their youngest is like. older now. he misses babies. and also miami still got all the old paperwork
and they’re like wait….so you didn’t get the vasectomy??? 
and roger is like lol no
so like, oops, ronnie, you uh, might be uh…pregnant
and they all just sort of fall on top of him because while they’re still not perfect
it’s a start
they have like, five more kids afterwards
 veronica, the trooper, still having fucking babies into the mid 90s
 god bless her
 Veronica’s uterus is the real MVP
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enzelffxiv · 5 years
trial n origin!
ORIGIN: If your character is formally a Scion of the Seventh Dawn, how did they join the organization? If they aren’t a Scion, do they know of the Scions?
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-WoL Imry technically started in Ul'dah, but with some variation. When she set off to become an adventurer at 17, she got off her parents’ ship at Vesper Bay and pretty much walked all the way to the city, doing some odd jobs on the way. (It was Akiv'a, my partner’s character, who ended up on the same carriage with the twins instead.) Joined the adventurers’ guild, etc.
However, at some point before the whole stolen crown business she took a quest that sent her to Vylbrand and met Akiv'a there. Whether it was fate or other machinations that the two of them both had the Echo–either way they ended up confronting the Ascian mage/golem together. They then split up and she returned to Uldah, finished the intro storyline, was recruited by Thancred (and Akiv'a by Y'shtola).
-the timeline splits here depending on whether she or someone else goes on to become the WoL. If she remains a regular Scion, she doesn’t get sent to Ifrit etc. Ends up nearly dying during the Waking Sands massacre. (That’s another story.)
-otherwise, if she doesn’t have the Echo she just keeps on helping out the Adventurers’ Guild. This is the timeline I’ve fleshed out the least since i wanted to keep it open-ended in the event i ever get the time or courage to actually rp with other people :p
And that segues into: (Spoilers thru Stormblood MSQ ahead)
TRIAL: Are there any duty instances that had a particular impact on your character (primal fights, dungeons, raids, etc.)?
-Imry & Akiv'a got sent on the mission that ended up in them confronting Ifrit together. The two of them still didn’t know each other too well, what with Akiv'a taking a while to warm up to people in general. However, when things went wrong and primals got summoned…
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Ifrit’s flames triggered Akiv'a’s Calamity-induced PTSD, and he froze on the spot and dissociated badly. Imry managed to fight Ifrit alone with a spear she grabbed off an Amalj'aa, her protective instincts unconsciously drawing from her Crystal of Light and giving her strength she wouldn’t usually have. 
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That fight is also where she got the scar on her left cheek. (As well as some others on her shoulders and various other places, but the face scar is the most visible given that she tends to wear full armor.)
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She insisted on carrying a barely-responsive Akiv'a back to Drybone and refused to leave his side until he was able to function on his own again. Their relationship was still a bit awkward, but that was definitely the turning point where they started to grow closer. 
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Interestingly, Akiv'a was able to confront some of his trauma in gaining his Ifrit egi on his own, and in some ways that summon has become his favourite. He keeps Ifrit out even when not in battle much of the time, and Imry…talks to it like they’re buddies. They’re both weirdos.
-at the end of Castrum Abania, in addition to injuring Alisaie, Fordola managed to give Imry a nasty concussion before fleeing, putting her out of commission for a time. Even with some excellent healers she was unable to help with the confrontation in the lab.
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 Used to being able to charge back in to battle after a few days of bedrest, she got extremely restless and ended up arguing with Akiv'a about going with him to fight Zenos. He, of course, was less than happy about the idea of losing another friend after everyone they’d already lost, and was shaken from seeing her so badly hurt. They eventually compromised by having Keten come along to watch her back, essentially. (I think we’re still working out the details of how that fight went because Zenos is way more interested in Akiv'a than her.)
-speaking of Zenos: the duties where he kicks your ass were extremely demoralizing for her. Imry takes her tank role pretty seriously, hence *gestures at entire DRK storyline and how Keten is a manifestation of her regret over being unable to protect her friends at the end of ARR*. Imry also doesn’t have a soul crystal of her own, which means despite her Crystal of Light she’s disadvantaged in that way. She joined the gladiator’s guild for a time and got some training from other various sources, but never did the Paladin quests, and eventually gave the DRK soul crystal to Keten so they could be independent. She has some natural conjury ability that’s boosted by her Echo & has used it to improvise her own techniques (various implementations of aether shields, using wind magic to toss her physical shield around Capt. America style…) but she doesn’t follow a formal discipline of any kind.
In contrast, while Akiv'a is less than half her size, he’s kind of a powerhouse; some of this is because he pushes himself way too hard and uses his aether recklessly, and has the tendency to go a bit berserk when angry. (being able to channel the elder primal who killed half his family and use it to wreak havoc on his enemies does interesting things to the psyche.) It’s very unhealthy but regardless, Imry compares herself to him without meaning to. Since HW she’s gotten better at adjusting and accepting failure, but she still struggles with it. And of course, Zenos is *meant* to knock the WoL down a few pegs…
That’s why finally beating him is something she’s so fixated on, especially because he represents the antithesis of all her personal ideals. She cannot understand him no matter how much she tries, the same reason he finds her completely boring. Subconsciously his fixation on Akiv'a, her best friend, and the fact that it seems to be reciprocated somewhat, is highly distressing to her.
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In the end his defeat is highly unsatisfying and leaves her feeling more uncertain than ever. I’m quite interested in what SHB has to offer in that regard.
There’s a lot of context surrounding her state of mind; to be blunt, i write Imry using a lot of my own experiences growing up with undiagnosed ADHD, excelling in some areas and struggling badly in others, and the weight of people’s expectations. She’s young and impulsive and is used to getting by on her instincts and physical prowess, but devalues her own intelligence because she never had the patience for traditional book learning. Mid-SB is where she starts to progress in maturity and emotional regulation, and seeks out learning to balance her weaknesses, spurred on by defeat.
-On a lighter note…she got really fucking excited about the whole Four Lords thing. She loves fighting but she doesn’t like *hurting* people, which is a bit contradictory. But the concept of “hey fighting these guys will *help* them” was…right up her alley.
-she met her girlfriend, a sky pirate, during the Void Ark saga. :p
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Objects in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear (Craquameron) - Chapter 1 - Saiphl
Here’s the new chapter for this story, I know it took ages, but I’m doing my best to bring you regular updates.
Please let me know what you think of this to work in making it better.
My most sincere thank you to Hadley, who helped a lot with my messy grammar.
There’s something shattered when there’s something breaking thru - Chapter One
Aquaria’s PoV.
There are no limits or no fences,
there is always some way round
After breakfast, Nebraska and I go to our favorite spot in all the house: the porch. We sit there like the old times, when she was amazed by all the new things she found in her first school day and me, as her big sister, listened stoically while doing my doll’s hair. Right now she speaks about this guy she met back in Amsterdam, the one who made me come back home, ‘cause that faceless stranger is taking our precious little gem in a new adventure called marriage. He’s arriving in the following days and even though I’m still doubtful, I can’t deny that he knows how to make my baby sister smile.
While absorbing all the magic and wonders that this Sjoerd guy (is that an actual name?), means in my sister’s eyes, I give a side look to the house in front of ours. A very old version of Shane Cracker emerges from the door, as tall as I remember him, older than I figured; his dreadlocks are messily tied on the back of his head, the greying of his hair a painful reminder of the time I’ve been away. He yells to the ladies inside the house and I can’t help myself from smiling. Everyone in that house is so loud and it seems that will never change. Nebraska keeps talking, and I’m about to reply when I see Bob stepping to the car and then Brianna, with her blonde hair in a bun and what I can call the worst outfit I’ve seen in years.
The car pulls out of the driveway. For a second, Brianna and I lock stares, just before the car goes at the highest speed allowed in the neighborhood. By this point, Nebraska noticed my silence and turns her back to see what I’m watching. “I bet Monique is in labor… I saw her a week ago and girl… she was big, like real big.”
I look at her, nodding, then I lower my now cold coffee. And that’s it, life goes on and it never stops. Now my little sister is getting married and Monique, Brianna’s sweetest sister, is about to give birth. So here I am, a twenty six year old that still cannot leave the past behind and still feels a hard sting on my chest when I think of Brianna.
Everything is permitted,
there is nothing out of bounds
Nebraska seems to see right through me and holds my hand. She knows how hard it was, that break up, and how heartbroken I was when I left. The truth is that I actively contributed to the mess that came at the time. Brianna had gotten a full scholarship in San Diego, and I was going to go to New York, pursuing my haute couture dreams. We had been young and brave, with all the world at our feet, and I thought it had been selfish of her to not come with me. Then there had been this new girl in town, who had pursued exactly the same aspirations. I had thought it’d be harmless until she kissed me at the Starbucks table, at the very same second when Brianna came in, and then…it all went down.
“Aqua, I know what you feel, but come on, it’s been ten years now. Don’t you think it’s time to move forward? I mean, I know how much she means to you, but you can’t get stuck on it forever”. Nebraska squeezes my hand and I realize the tears falling down my face. I shake my head.
“B, you know I’ve tried, but nothing seems to fit together with anyone else… I just wish I could feel less hurt and angry about all of these.” I sigh and proceed to clear the tears with the back of my hand. “Let’s get Mom out of the grave, I really need one of her bear hugs right now.” I smile weakly and jump off the rocking chair to land on my feet and help Nebraska up.
We go to straight to our mothers’ bedroom. We hear that Momma is taking a shower, and Mom is still snugged in her bed. Just like when we were kids, we climb to the bed and we both cuddle her either side. Sooner than we expected, Mom grunts and with her eyes still closed says, “Who let two critters crawl into my bed?” She tries to tickle us and everything becomes a shrieking, giggling mess. When she’s finally awake, she hugs me real hard, like she does every time we meet and ever since I left Cheyenne a long time ago.
If everything is permitted,
if nothing ever is taboo
Later that afternoon, the four of us are sitting in our backyard. For the hundredth time, Mom and Nebraska are checking the schedule for the following three days, and Momma looks at me. The sweet smile she gives me cracks my facade. I hug her silently and she whispers something I can barely understand. Alaska Needles is one of those very perceptive creatures that rarely misses a detail and knowing me like the palm of her hand, knows that something’s going wrong.
“Talk to me Aquaria, what’s hurting you?” she says in her lowest voice, making sure that Mom and Nebraska doesn’t notice our little talk. “I know how hard coming back home is to you, but I don’t think that’s what’s actually bothering you my child”.
I sigh and look at her baby blue eyes. I don’t even know where to start without making a fool of myself. “It’s just… all of this is too much, mommy. I thought I was ready to come back, and then, the weight of ten years and the wrong choices I made is too heavy to handle,” I say barely recognizing my voice.
Momma cups my cheek and kisses the tip of my nose. “So, it’s Brianna again, isn’t it?” She knows me very well, so she doesn’t seem surprised when I nod. “Have you tried to contact her? Like, actually talk to her?” Before I could answer she says, “What you had was special, and there’s a lot of people out there that never find that kind of magic. I was so lucky to find it with Sharon, and the least I wish is that both my daughters find the same for them, but you know well baby, sitting in the backyard with us will not help to make it better.”
“She just averted the eye contact when I saw her in the morning…” I say, fighting back the tears in my eyes. “She looked surprised at first, then her eyes hardened and I’m not sure if I can handle her rejecting me. I just miss her so much, Mommy.” She hugs me tightly and I can feel that she’s heartbroken. She always is when we are in any kind of pain.
“You two are getting too handsy. Ladies, if you’re going to hug, better hug us too,” Mom says, approaching us and including herself in our hug. Shortly, Nebraska is surrounding the three of us with her slender arms. For the first time in ten years, I feel safe and let myself cry.
And we just never had no heroes
And all our enemies will soon be stone cold dead
Our evening went on. Shopping, Nebraska’s bridal gown fitting, and another fresh brewed trento in my hand. My soon to be brother-in-law will arrive tomorrow and we have to be up early, so we go back home to share some Chinese take out. The average, familiar dynamic makes me feel at ease, like nothing ever changed.
Being back in my childhood bedroom is a full experience. Mom kept almost everything on its place, even the plastic glowing stars I added to my headboard when I got to middle school. The old red striped duvet smells like fabric softener and for some reason I feel compelled to wear pajamas instead of my usual underwear to sleep. I’m brushing my hair in front of the window when I see lights in Brianna’s house. Faint sounds of violin notes can be heard and I can’t help but smile.
The door opens and Brianna comes out, letting the little dog out in the front garden. She looks exhausted but happy. She sits on the steps of the door, watching the dog come and go on the grass. She looks beautiful. Now the messy bun is gone, and her long wavy hair falls over her shoulders. The Vans have been replaced by sleepers, and as much as she hates not wearing makeup, I bet she has never looked as beautiful as she looks right now.
Before I can even think about it, I’m walking downstairs. I can hear Mom laughing at something they’re watching on TV. I sneak out of the house to find Brianna chasing the dog. The coldness on my feet make me notice I’m barefoot, and I feel stupid enough to just turn around and go back, but a voice I haven’t heard in years makes me stop on my tracks “Aquaria?”
To listen my name on her voice makes me shiver. She’s holding the little dog and walking warily toward me. I take a few more steps and we meet on the sidewalk. We look at each other for a couple of seconds, I swallow and she sizes me up, as though she’s pondering the potential risks of talking to me. “So I was right this morning. You’re back.” I nod, still unable to speak. “It’s been a while since the last time, hasn’t it?” she asks and I can clearly hear a fading note of resentment in her voice.
“I… I’ve missed you.” she looks at me in disbelief and before she can start talking again, I put a finger on her lips. “I’m sorry Bri, for everything. I don’t know when I began to stop listening to you and even worse, I don’t know when I began to lose you.” My voice cracks again, and the coldness of the pavement starts stinging on my feet, but I’m still in front of her and her puzzled expression. She steps back, barely looking at me. “Please, Bri… just talk to me”. She shakes her head and turns her back on me, muttering something that sounds like ‘I can’t. I can’t’, before disappearing inside. My heart shatters still more with the slamming of the front door.
If everything is permitted,
if nothing ever is taboo
Then there is always something shattered
When there is something breaking thru
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nofxs2gv · 3 years
09.09.21 5:11 pm
Today was my second day back to work after being gone for 2 straight weeks and before that at least a half day out every week in the beginning of August.
Not many people in my row this week but 3 of my coworkers made me cry today, one from my old unit.
The guy who sits one cube down from me brought me a big ass Frappuccino this morning, surprised the hell out of me…I had no idea that was coming. He was telling me yesterday how he was worried because it’s kinda rare that I’m not there and he felt like he wanted to reach out but doesn’t have my number. I mean, I don’t go handing it out to just anybody soo…yeah…but that’s so thoughtful.
My neighbor right in front of me, she was so sweet, she said she was so happy and relieved to see me. She gave me a box of chocolates and a card with a handwritten message inside🥺.
I heard the guy turn, he sits in front of her, and jokingly tell her “HEY. Don’t talk to my friend 😆” and then he IM’s me saying “see, we care”
Then out of nowhere, my friend from my old team walks by and leaves the sweetest note on my desk, she didn’t really stop to talk because she was in a hurry to get back to her desk which is in the next building. I check on her often but I haven’t had the chance to go see her in a few months because work is busy and I don’t like to be late or rush around. I stopped smoking April of last year so i don’t meet her for smoke breaks anymore and she’s trying to quit now so that’s good.
There was also a very nice surprise on the way home. Never expected that either. Funny how the Universe makes shit happen, it’s definitely up to us to go with the opportunity presented or fall back and decide not to get involved. I’m so grateful🥺 Had to hold my tears back right there.
I don’t talk much to my coworkers, or anyone really for that matter, but if they feel like they want to talk to me I do engage for the most part, pretty much just listening, and I have brought in food and things for them just because: Friday or whatever and on Mother’s/Father’s day and Christmas and Birthdays so it’s not like I’m a rude bitch, I’m just reserved and shy…I stay out of the way as much as possible.
I just don’t expect anyone to notice me or care. I’m not looking for it and when I do for / give to anyone it’s because I’m moved to do it, not for anything in return.
I’ve not had nice people surrounding me for a lot of my life so it’s emotional for me when someone is nice to me, even tho I know that’s kind of a basic gesture and maybe not always as genuine as someone who is kind, I don’t take it for granted either way. It’s a big deal to me if someone goes out of their way to accommodate, include or consider me. And sometimes it’s hard to accept. Well, all the time it’s hard to accept. But I’m learning to swallow it and instead of just feeling the gratitude on the inside but not feeling that it’s ok to show it on the outside, I have been trying to do both for the last 5 years. But no one needs to see me cry so that’s kept to myself.
I’ve been telling myself and trying to practice for the past few months “Expect everything and nothing…” anyone is entitled to; change their minds, forget me, move on, move away, come close, be nice, be mean, give or receive or whatever the case may be and it’s best to not be caught off guard either way and react emotionally, it’s more conducive to respond with grace. Especially with my terrible anxiety I have to learn to anticipate the unexpected but not want for anything in that way…expect it all and not at all because anything can and will happen at any given moment…or not. This life is full of twists and turns and life itself is extremely hard sometimes.
I’m just trying to be authentic, the me I’ve always been inside 100% of the time, I’ve had her tucked away safe from the environment I was in, but instead this transition just kind of ebbs and flows because I sometimes get my feelings hurt (because I stay in my head and over think everything, no one is going out of their way hurting my feelings for the most part…there have been a few assholes tho). I go thru ups and downs just like anyone else and I am just used to being shut down because of where I’ve been. Especially with knowing I’m not getting any younger and I’ve literally been alone and kept myself away from any kind of possible situation for 5 years now, I get anxious about it often but maybe I’m supposed to be alone? Or maybe I’m supposed to wait a little longer?..I don’t know but I do know what is meant for me will flow freely to me or send for me to come, it will take time and happen when and if it’s supposed to and it will always be for me…I won’t need to beg or ask repeatedly or chase or any of the other bullshit I went thru for so many years before. My person will want my authenticity no matter how different I am. Even tho I’ve kept myself away from even the idea of getting involved, one person was able unlock and crack open the door ever so slightly…shining their light into the basement I been hiding in after about 4 years. They had to leave tho but they still have the keys.
I’ve not spoken / text much to anyone for about two months and I’ve not posted much anywhere in about a month or so. I’ve just felt I need to be alone and quiet and I felt it coming, the blinds were lowering little by little for a few months before I went dark. I have become so accustomed to isolation throughout my life in various capacities, tho in this phase of my life it is definitely a positive. This wouldn’t be the first I’ve taken a time out but I think this might be the longest one initiated by me and not under circumstances where someone else is controlling me and my life.
Quarantine last year was literally the best for me (I know it was extremely terrible for others…like deadly) I was already about that life but some of what’s come of it since is very beneficial to socially selective and anxiety ridden people like myself. Grocery pick up / deliveries, less people outside, social distancing, I’m still meh about masks but I’d rather wear it than not and I do even tho it’s hot and not super easy for me to breathe all the time mostly because I don’t wear the disposable kind…I also don’t go anywhere sooo and I don’t have to wear it while walking and talking all day like I know some of us do, there’s more art and value for it, and just so many other things. Of course lots of people showed their asses (Karen’s) too and all kind of other bullshit so there’s good and bad in it as is in everything. Yin Yang.
Without the bad we cannot appreciate the good. My life has never been smooth sailing…ever, like since the birth of baby me. I’ve had so much bad in my life, but not as bad as some and I know my life could have ended up worse…or just…ended. The good sometimes overwhelms me but in a good way…it also doesn’t help that I’m just a naturally passionate and sensitive person and I seem to feel everything a bit deeper than most people. That’s hard for a lot of people to understand. But also…
I am under no obligation to make sense to anyone, and neither are you💜
Damn. A lot happened today.
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waterflowwer · 5 years
3 AM thoughts
As it hits 3 AM the witches hour I am in shock of what I think of you. It never occurred to me when I was younger that I would want death upon someone or I guess I wouldn't care if it happened. It it were to come sooner I would be much more happier but if not it's okay too. If I ever do cry when he dies I don't think it will be of agony or sadness but of freedom. The one person I cannot seem to get away from will be gone from my life forever ?! Physically at least ? Sounds like something that would take this huge weight on my shoulder. As awful as I sound it's the way I cope & if you were to know the things he has done or said before and the stuff he says or do now you would worry for my family and I. We are under constant protection mode and can never relax and be free. We have to always have our guard up and be defensive of ourselves and the things we love and care for because we never know what he will do or say.
I was caught with my guard down before one day and let's just say that it took months to recover from what happened. I live in constant fear and that may be another factor as to why I am still here. I am scared that I won't be able to see my siblings and my mom if I leave. I'm scared that I will fall flat on my face on my own and not be able to get back up. I'm scared that I won't be good enough to be by myself. I mean I've been told that before to keep me here and it becomes something I believe in when I hear it so often.
I'm incapable of caring for myself or anything or anyone is what I've been told. I've been conditioned to not believe in myself and that I need him there with me to be successful. Oh is it hard to break that thought. I still somewhat believe it and it saddens but it's okay bc I'm working on getting over it and going thru treatment. But it's hard. It's so hard to chsnge. It's so hard to be a nice person instead of a ruthless person. It's what I've been used to, it's what I have to be at home when he is there's it's very difficult to flip the switch on and off. To not implement my survivng defense mechanism into situations where it isn't needed.
It's hard to enjoy my laughter and the laughter of others in the moment. I know it's temporary and will go back to the war at home. He knows I'm incapable of leaving at the moment and to not struggle. He enjoys knowing that I cannot leave yet and continues those acts of violence. A threat. Oh how used to it I am. To do an act or else the thing I care and love for will not be there the next day or if something were to happen again that thing would be gone from my life. Manipulation is his tactic along with a side of threats and fear. Every sentence is engraved in my mind and my thoughts have an altered perception. The thoughts have been infiltrated with things I don't want.
Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be here anymore. I sometimes believe that it became abusive because of me and what I do or did. For every time I have done something "out of line" the results have been of heightened threats and higher consequences. I made them argue bc I went to work and got dropped of from an old friend who isn't my friend anymore. They argued so bad bc they didn't communicate with one another or myself that divorce came about. Ofc I know it isn't my fault but I definitely stirred the pot that I sometimes start thinking if I were to be gone the arguments would be absent from my siblings and mother's life. For I go against him several times which never ends well.
Today was a bad day. I did a shit lead discussion and didn't do any homework. I did nothing. I got to work on time and worked for like 3 hours but I essentially didn't do anything. I didn't feel motivated and I was just tired. I don't think I can stand the pressure much longer from school and the things at home. If one or the other doesn't get better for me I think I might crash. I think I might loose myself again and loose my voice I love to hear. For she is what keeps me going and makes me feel better about myself. I worry her words will not reach me by the end of the week if it continues like this. I'm scared and I hate to admit that I am for I am supposed to be the fierce one from my siblings for I am supposed to be their voice when they can't. I am tired and she is tired of battling not only the demons in me but many of the demons he carry and use.
I cry all the time and when I don't cry at night I can't fall asleep. Crying physically destroys any energy I have left over for the day and sometimes it destroys some of the energy it wanted to use the next day like right now. Tomorrow will be shit too esp in the morning bc I have so much to do. I cry to let my day finish for at this point I don't care if the next day will be bad as well. I just care that the day finishes bc each day at home feel like eternity. I cannot even sleep right anymore I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes bc my dream triggers me. It triggers me so bad that I begin to shake or cry outloud and I am sleeping and dreaming. Its horrible and it doesn't feel good. Fear disrupts your sleeping pattern if is high up there. Which makes sense but i hate it.
Some people have heard me cry in my sleep and it happens almost every night. I cry for a variety of reasons in my sleep. It's either bc I am having a dream that is triggering me, it's bc I didn't have time during the day to cry, it's bc I conditioned myself to do this. I mean condition myself bc when I was younger and cried in my room which is supposed to be your safe space. He came in and threatened me to stop crying with the object in his hand in the air. And those beaming red eyes of a demon staring down at me to shut up or get hit. And I don't mean hit as in one good hit but multiple. As many as he feels satisfied for sometimes he used to keep doing it to be content with how much he hurt us. For me. He did it until I cried loud and shaked from the pain. He would sometimes take out all his frustration from the day on it. With each movement and the struck I felt on my body I felt the different meanings of it. There was something about it that I knew it wasn't just bc of what I did but bc of other things he was upset about that had nothing to do with me. He lies and tells himself it's bc of what I did that made him do it and neglects the other parts but I felt it and I knew I was right. I cry in my sleep bc that's what I had to do when I was younger in able to not get in trouble and get hurt even more. I learned at a very young age that although you are hurting really bad, especially when it doesn't involve him that I can definitely get alot worse and hurt to the point you no longer want to be there or here in general. I learned to endure pain and much more at such a young age and I am scared I won't break the pattern.
This generational trauma has been so hard to go through alone. Ofc I have friends that support me and are my family and my sisters as well but it's hard. It's so hard to not only pick up your bagage and sort it out but to pick up my siblings as well. I do not want to leave them there in that state of mind. I try so hard to keep them at the pace I am going but it's been difficult bc they are going much much slower than I. It's hard going through it alone at home and there are more of them than i. It's tiring and its sad and scary and dark and lonely. Its so lonely to not be able to talk to my siblings about these thoughts and emotions I feel bc they don't understand it yet. They don't get it all together yet and haven't accepted the truth yet. And I understand everyone has different rates of insight so it is okay but what I'm trying to say is that I'm just so fucking tired of doing this by myself and at the same time trying to carry my mom and siblings to the light of insightfulness. I can only do so much and I'm so close to reaching the point of no return. I feel myself getting to the point where I am no longer growing in this environment and is slowly becoming the place of inhibition.
I am tired, sad, broken, lonely, desperate, in need of help, frustrated, scared, unmotivated, mean, and grieving.
Will it get better soon? How soon is soon? Will I be able to get to soon with others or will I arrive to soon on my own? Either one is beneficial to me but when I look around me I will know at that moment what I will have to do.
3:47 these characters eased my mind from the 2AM incident that woke me up. For the alarm goes off in 2 hours. Bless my soul for being strong bc without it's strengths I am not sure if another would be able to handle what this soul in a body named consuelo does. and I would never want another to go through what I have
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Let’s get raw
I want to start out by saying that as you read part of this particular post, you will understand why in my first post I started out telling you that I am a Christian. 
Whether you believe in good vs. evil, heaven vs. hell or God vs. Satan, or even if you just believe in a higher power, the point is; when you believe in something, it’s easier to believe you are not fully alone. You have somebody you can count on to help pull you through your darkest days.
I personally believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the one that died for my sins. I will forever be grateful and will never understand how He could put me above Himself, but He did. He is the reason I am alive today. Well... His love along with Zoloft.  But He created whoever discovered that drug - so in the end, it’s still because of Him.  That’s all I’m going to shove down your throat... it’s my opinion and you don’t have to agree with me.  I just need you to understand that He is in the center of this entire post.
If you think there is a stigma about mental health now, imagine what that stigma was back in the 80′s and 90′s.  I hated that my parents made me go to a couple different counselors when I was in high school.  I hated it because those counselors treated me like this; you are depressed because you are fat. You need to lose weight and then you won’t be depressed anymore. So, let’s find out why you won’t lose weight.  Me now; Uhmmm... let’s first find out how the hell you got your head so far up your ass, then I’ll figure out why I don’t want to lose weight. K? Buh bye!  
My parents had me on a plan called Diet Center, where you would go to a diet counselor once a week to weigh in along with taking specific supplements and drinking warm lemon water every morning.  One time we went there and our regular counselor wasn’t in, so we had to deal with this other woman who should have never been allowed to deal with human beings who had feelings.  She insisted that I was cheating because I hadn’t lost any weight that week. (Side note, I probably did cheat, but I didn’t admit it to her - that’s not why we hated her.)  What she said to me during the weigh in session was this; “You know, if you would just lose weight, you could be beautiful.”  Well... my mama bear was there and unleashed on her.  She said, “My daughter is beautiful with or without extra weight.” (In my mind she also said, ‘I think you need to take a look in the mirror and check yourself.’)
After that appointment, we went home and made a voodoo poster of her. I drew a stick person and put her name over it. Then we went thru all of my mom’s magazines and cut out pictures of all kinds of cakes and pies and pizza, well... you get the picture. We pasted them all around her along with words cut out of the magazine. It worked by the way, she gained all of her weight back and then some.  (I know it wasn’t the poster, but she was mean and I still like to pretend it was because of my poster... even though it was 32 years ago.)  
Side note... funny how most of what I remember, as far as bullying goes in my childhood, comes from adults.  One day you’ll read about Aunt Pearl, that’s one major bully. But it’s no wonder kids bully other kids, they are learning that behavior from their parents.
Anyway... that diet didn’t work for me, basically because I wasn’t ready for it, and didn’t want to be on it.  Nothing was going to fill up that empty hole inside of me. Not like pizza, coca-cola and sweets did. All those endorphins being released while eating those delicious foods was the only thing that made me happy while I was going thru all of the drama with friends and school work.
After I graduated high school, I lost all of my friends because of a stupid thing I did. I won’t go into it, but I’ll just say that I didn’t learn how to become a real friend until my 30′s, and I still struggle at times to make myself do the right thing... I’m a people pleaser and when you make friends with people that don’t like other people you are friends with, it causes a lot of chaos in your world.  About a year and a half after that, I moved to a different town with my parents. I thought it would be great to get away since I didn’t have any friends left there. I have to say that I was wrong about that, it’s not easy to make friends in a new town when you are 19 and shy, and still living with your parents.  This is when the dark days started.  This is when suicide thoughts started creeping in.  And this is when I started to really gain a relationship with Christ.  I could probably share with you over 1,000 separate times I felt like killing myself, but there are specifically two times that stand out the most to me that I am going to share with you.  This is not an easy thing to put out there, but I want to just in case it helps even one person out there.  So please be kind and if you are going to comment, do not comment with anything rude or disparaging. 
One time I was deeply depressed and feeling so completely alone in the middle of the night. I was in my room, lying in bed, bawling my eyes out. I was just desperate for something or somebody to show me that I was loved.  My mom did everything in her power to prove to me that she loved me and I knew she did, but I needed something more than just my mom’s love. I needed something much deeper and I finally just started praying and asked God to help me. Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of peace came over me and I felt like I was being cradled in a hand. And at that very moment, I know that God was holding me in his hand and giving me exactly the love that I needed at that moment. I’ve never felt that type of peace again. It was such a gift at that time and I hope I never ever forget that feeling. It was then and there that enforced my belief in Christ and nobody will ever be able to shake that belief from me.
Before I tell my next story, I wanted to mention that the above happened before I started my counseling and the next one happened after I started counseling. I’ll explain why I’m telling you this at the end of the next story.
The next episode, yes I say episode because it felt more like a diseased episode than an experience, or at least that’s how I like to think of it.  I was upstairs in my room again, but this time it wasn’t in the middle of the night, it was more like 7:00 pm and I was just hanging out watching shows I had taped. (do you remember or even know what a VCR is? Ha!) Anyway, all of a sudden I got this really weird feeling washed over me and I started getting visions of chocolate cake.  I was awake, but it was like I was dreaming - visions like a dream, if that makes sense. But the thing with this chocolate cake is that while I was cutting into it, in my mind, it was a mental picture of what it would be like to slit my wrists. And it was super delicious. And while I’m seeing this vision and thinking of it as slitting my wrists, I’m hearing this chanting in my mind saying over and over, ‘kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself...’  (This was pure Satan - you cannot tell me any different.  As a Christian, the closer you get to Christ, the harder Satan works at getting you away from Christ. Also, the more he puts sinful thoughts into your head.  I don’t look at suicide as a sin, per say, but it’s not a good thought, that’s for sure.  I had been going to the Christian counselor and she had been helping me. I believe that even though she may not have been pushing me closer to Christ, she was bringing prayer more and more into my life.)  I was able to pull myself out of this ‘trance’, so to say, and I screamed for my mom. She knew something was wrong because she was at the bottom of the steps by the time I had run down them.  I just flew into her arms and cried and asked her to pray for me.  
It was soon after that episode that I finally went to my primary doctor to see if she would be willing to put me on an anti-depressant.  I never told her about that story, I was afraid she would have me locked up.  (I’ll remind you that my counselor didn’t believe in anti-depressants.) I never had another episode like that, thank God. I can’t say that I never had suicide thoughts again, I still do from time to time. That’s just the “fantastic” gift that comes along with having depression.  But with medication and (for me) prayer, I’ve managed through it much better.
Have you ever experienced a horrible close call like that before?
What is your ‘higher power’ that gets you through those moments?
Until next time, remember - you are not alone. xoxo 
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My name is Raven Gray and I have a story to tell.
Raven is a trickster in the prevailing view of mythology of which I know very little of and profess to know even less in the era of falsified understanding and also, that there is a whole system of thought here that I can only illuminate as the aptitude of my archetype would allow, that of a guide for travelers, as I assume we all are on some level, traveling from one universal guise to the next, some thru the underworld and some in the more bracing and binding spot light of the mainstream that, in this rendition of the world and it’s ways, went thru a time of crisis and a time of change and ultimately a transformation of which this narrative talks of deeper things in the CDN context, ciphered in order to deflect the idea that I can do anything about the current problems I have and so have created this fantasy-scape in order to escape from the bondage of duality and the menace of plurality and the demonized universality that I encounter daily, no I write this as a warning and as a piece of satire and as a filament of revenge and a notation to the Goddess that I seek to serve her and in what regard does Kali require me to be a warrior on the field of battle because underworld guise is a short-form for corruption and so this is not something you can do for very long before you realize, your an outlaw in a broken system.  
Now how did I manage that?
I can’t really say so I will disclose what it was like to be sixteen at a time when context collapsed, noticeably speaking.  
My parents are my guardians and they work for the State in one capacity for another, in the medical system, coming home one day with sorrow in their eyes but saying very little.  I didn’t know what to make of this because I stay home from school, home schooled by a neighbor and only going into town once or a twice a week for supplies and to say hi to people that have ties to the rural economy, whatever that happens to be in this instance.  We are a town on the lake,and big money on the lake too, always been there, more on the American side of things, Hollywood choosing NWO as being the place to coincide with their desire for privacy.  The timber mills have been revived recently but it’s all robots, and the tourism, well, my parents kept me away from it.  They keep me out of sight, really, and it’s been like that for a long time.  I lasted one year in school and my parents pulled me out after that year.  I can’t really say what happened, it was too long ago but whatever the case may be, I had a surprise the next morning when my dad was on the phone, usually emphatic about things, curiously defeated and laconic in his ministration to me after he clicked off from her.
Do what she wants.
I always do, I said.
No, really, he said.  If she says to lick her ass, do it.
I’m sure it won’t be necessary I said but my ears burned and my mom wouldn’t let me out the door.
You look like a disgrace right now.  Go up and change your fucking shirt.  Tighter pants.  And fucking do something about your breath.  Stupid fuck.
I ignored her.  I always do because I can for some reason, something about the way I got here and the way it went at school, I live at home and I educate myself continually on anything and everything available.  I want to be a commando some day and my mom assures me I will, when she’s not bitching at me to take care of my physical appearance.  I took my time and she took it as a signal to show up, unannounced.  She’s not my real mom, I don’t have a real mom that I know about, not in the real sense of being related by virtue of exception; I seem to be exceptional and that is not my doing and not for me to know what’s been chosen for me, and why I should abide by that social selection.  She told me to not wear underwear.
I said what?
You want to be a commando right?
Oh fuck off.
She hit me with the back of her hand.
Fuck you.
What?  Do you know what could happen if you don’t go over there and it goes well.  Do you know what could happen to us?
No…what…fuck man…stop scaring me…why can’t you say something about this…I told you…
Because there is no fucking way, don’t you get it…we are on the wrong side and you aren’t on any side, don’t you understand…you read A Star Named Henry like we told you right?  Just fucking do it Raven fuck man I don’t have time for this fuckery, I have my own things to do before…
Oh God I thought but it came out of my mouth and I cautiously brought down my jeans and let my guardian pick the outfit for what was supposed to be a yard work gig followed by some kind of tutoring for a friend from Taiwan?
Just make it works she said, pointing at the thing between my legs.  What is that?
It’s your foreskin.
I can’t believe she did that but walking out the door, I didn’t feel undesirable even if I had to go and clean something, realizing suddenly what will happen if it’s not that way…
And as I try to learn from life, that is a lesson in being good to yourself…
I remember this time very well for what came later.  It was a crisis and people were dying.  I know because I saw them on the road, in the cars, other cars pulled up and they were just looking around and I melted by on my bike and they didn’t see me go by or at least I didn’t think so because I was up above on the roads above the highway, paved and discrete from the gravel interstice of the old mining sector and a necessary risk when going to see Addie Packer and her friend Minnie from Taiwan, a young exchange student who fortuitously, answered the door without looking this way or that, asking me how the weather was.  I was about to say…
And they held up their hands.
It’s the white terror but now it’s gray terror and people are scared about the focus of the surveillance that has taken over the public trust without scaling itself as anything.  I know what happened with Snowden but I don’t trust it in the sense that he depends on Russia for his abiding safety from the USA, maybe it is the USSA at this point…like how does this even work and so I’m not Snowden but I also recognize when people are looking at me and so they are scared, not so much about the cocaine they have hidden in the compost toilet of the cabin way up in the mining zone of Timber Town, and how that works for the people who come from LA and Berlin and Moscow to party in places that are so discrete, you would think there was something in the hillside.  I know from my sojourns there is something to think about here, and this part of the world, NWO, it’s perfect in the central sense of being central, close to the center of the Country and where the State retreated too when Canada fell apart for the last time, and the Resistance scattered, things looking dire here and so Taiwan has a certain interest in placating this particular aberration while it lasts, it’s only been two days without police on the job and we can say light entertainment on television where the death panels aren’t operating and you can’t see anything that you don’t want to, so we have to put up our own show and it was easy to see what it would be now that I’m in the mode.  Waiting in the wings was hard to do in the sense that I always knew I had a purpose, and as a frame of reference, I had to express myself and not betray any hint of the calamity happening off-screen, in non-data world and in the involuntary mixture of finances, crimes and investor confidence such as the terminal liquidity of the dollar ended and the yuan was too toxic to be spent on necessities and so things became social currency in so many ways, hence the brick of cocaine and the handguns.
We spent some time shooting that day.  I had a Mauser 9mm they had Glocks, they had an AK that had a buck to it.  They gave me a .32 to use in case something crazy happened when I went to certain people’s houses as I went to do the yard work and there was no one there.  I came home and my mother started to cry.  I turned around and said, what can I do about this and went waited on the steps of their house until they came home, surprised to see me still there after three hours in the cold, waiting for someone to come by, knowing what was at stake if I didn’t show up.  After that, and what happened, the risk to me, they sent me to Addie and Minnie to get sorted out and get in play of where I need to be when I needed to be there.  My parents had time to hide and so they did.  The team that showed up.  Couldn’t get in.  Couldn’t get it.  They could get me but they didn’t want me like that and so finally the Stressors came home and Mrs. Stressor told me that I looked like I was a wraith and I should wear baggier clothes.  But at the same time, the woodshed needed to be cleaned and so could I please go there and start?
It was a much delayed event.  Once you get sucked into this headspace you realize how macabre it is to think attention is connection, yes it is, but there is something else there too and IDK what it is.  Man cannot live on bread alone and people watching other people don’t have agency like they think because on the outside at the outset, the woman in question had control.  But I was the object of desire and there was some kind of moment of decision that had left normal parlance in the dust and so there weren’t words for how she felt and she just cried and cried and cried and said sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone…
And then we had to lay down and yes, I did lick her asshole…and she paid me to do so and paid me to be around, to keep her company and to talk to people for her such as it was underworld guise to do so.  That was the code for corruption such as Canada became too corrupt, too evil and an extra-judicial State form of tribunal came from abroad and deposed the weak central authority until they ran for parts North of Winnipeg, but really Minaki, that’s where the State ended up.  Why there is always killing involved in power politics, doesn’t have to be but for some reasons, these idiots thought it was fine to take a shot at the State or what’s left of it and greased some innocent people.  No?  What is this then, and who made these friends of my family so unhappy?  I can’t tell for sure because I know nothing of the world outside my home town for not having been there in time, that is I traveled when I was young, to New York, Cape Town, Mumbai and Jerusalem, my real parents disappeared, my guardians are religious folk with ties to evangelicals but also involved in organized crime that I learned about slowly as it was obvious who I was to be if they could outlast the present regime of terrorists.
Now it’s gray terror and it’s all fucked up.  
I was going to leave the Stressor’s but Mr. Stressor told me to stay and we went out on the deck and he started up the BBQ.  I asked him what he thought and he said of what.
Of me giving you a blowjob right now.
Oh IDK about that.
What did you want?
Oh I see, how about we wait for another day and involve your friend in there…
How do you mean?
Well, I’ll sketch it out for you electronically and get back to you…people need to see something to calm them during this time of uncertainty…I hate gray terror, it’s social extortion, but where is the State?
In hiding, in Minaki.
I’m as much the State of influence at 16 and doing what for this man for others to see as desperation equity, like these people want some kind of fleshly tribute and in that way all I can do is thank Google for the pop-up historicfact, Rome was run by prostitutes in the Tenth Century and the Pope was assassinated in Belgium and that was because the Swiss Guards were absent and ISIS found the pontiff and there was going to be a war, so we had a chance, but only if we got it together and got this cordon up and the State back on it’s feet.  I have to get to Minaki somehow and there are insurgents everywhere, more like irregulars that are not loyal to the Sun State such as narco-democracy is going to outwit this particular calamity in function and in form.  The only problem is, some men like this, don’t like drugs and I have to say to him, I can perform that way if I take this drug and he says, fuck this, I hate dope and what it does to people.  We go for a ride and I try to convince him.  Just let me do what I need to do, your wife did and it was fine.  I’m not letting you do this when I want to do that; I know I said, so what’s the hold up?
There is none he said.  Take off your pants and get the fuck out of the car you little fuck.
And he threw me out, in my home district, on the wavy roads with no way to get back to safety except through the cross fire of endurance and desecration because there are trucks loading and there are convoys racing and I don’t know where I am but in the woods and naked and how did I get here because he took everything off me and I will remember him for being so smug and so delirious at the same time.
I was found but not in the way I thought.  Some hikers got to me that night, hikers with lights, they were berry hunting in the dark and they were not clothed, either.  I couldn’t believe it, and it was Addie’s gofer, given who Addie was in the Party, she had perks and one of them, was a houseperson, and so that one stood in for her and the real article came out to look for me, sans pyjama and with her friend Suzette, a big Native woman that also took off the finery to escort me to safety in some kind of context zone given that physicality had taken over and we are on the knife edge of solidity and solvency and sobriety and context is portable and they hooked me up to a context machine, and it’s only been forty five minutes since I disappeared from the car, a date gone wrong, he thought he was getting his dick sucked but I thought he was going to kill me and so I ended up naked in the back of his car and I ran and now he’s got some explaining to do and his wife is currently telling him fuck off and he shrugs and they are going to have a fight that she can’t win but also she doesn’t need to given what they suggest about me.  Get Him Out of the Woods and into Town and get him working at North Works, NOW, get him out and about, the conquerors are in town and they will get to Minaki if they know where it is, it’s 60 miles separating this and the end of the Earth, get the fuck on your bike and start riding okay, it’s an old suspension model and yes you are wearing clothes but you won’t always be able to, so remember that, just do what you have to do for the conquerors, who are looking alien species anyway and have abdicated share social understanding in favor of purity of mind that is only dedicated to one thing: consumption.
Let them consume you and let them feast on your beautiful body.  You are going to be outside, it’s summer in NWO and there is lots of traffic and this is parallel conceit, you are invisible except for people that need to see you.  Go.  And yes, you can do that before you go, if it gives you courage.
No, it’s like communion.
I can’t…it’s the breath of death, captured in a little bit of moisture between your posterior elements…
Whatever keeps you alive my sweetling…
And she kissed my mouth, Addie Packer, fucking Commie and the only reason I’m alive right now.  My guardians?
IDK where they are and I might never see them again.
On the bike, the pressure is insurmountable as long as I remember that I am who?
Blowing through that push and if it gets tense, clothes are coming off in this gray terror such as I get to the top of the first hill and have an idea, from Addie Packer of course, why not just strip down mostly anyway and live it like that, and dare them to intervene, they want us lower than them anyway, this red faction in a blue town, not that it matters, I’m Gray and Blue and Red have always been fighting and black is always completely in the enforceable dimension of notoriety, Blacksburg Virginia, remember that shit from KillTube?  I have seen Kill Tube and I have isolated from that strata of insanity such as it seems on the way in that there is some kind of unearthly providential experience happening and people just walking right by me in the dark and don’t say anything and I don’t know what they are doing, but I’m naked and it’s funny to think of me riding down the dirt road in NWO, nothing on me but a backpack with provisions and trying to skirt the pressure, and the filaments of danger such as I couldn’t make the turn on the T to go left so I went straight and I went up the big hill, streaking my whole neigbhorhood, this bare bum flashing by and everyone that was out, not saying a word.
I won’t say about my front because I was endowed like a prince and it was a mystery to me, because it got in the way, trying to do stuff, I could literally sit on my dick.  No really, I had a big fucking wang and so when it came to it, Bridget the neighbor rode out with nothing on and I was like, huh, that’s what she looks like and she was huh, I knew what he looked like and I was like what the fuck am I going to do with this cos we have to ride but is there a hurry?  We are on the highway and there is a way in the woods to ride for a long stretch that is parallel to the asphalt but terminates in a swamp.  We pick the swamp route and she says literally, let’s go thru the swamp.  Both of us are naked riding bikes in the middle of the blazing hot midnight sun such as it’s sweltering, that’s why I do it, take my clothes off, you have to understand it’s a lot hotter than it used to be and she agrees, this Bridget of my life and she is like, yo, stop staring at my butt and I was like, sorry honey, I can’t not, it’s big…
Don’t slap me.
Look, I have to tell you she said as we dismounted and walked our bikes into the undergrowth, looking at the onrushing headlights as if it was a dream.  Everyone is so busy they can’t see us right now but when they can, they aren’t going to be happy with anything you say, they are going to cluster around you and put thoughts in your head that they then act on and so if you don’t have the right thoughts, the Machine will kill you, or so they say, IDK, I have wrestled with it recently.  It killed my friends she said, I’m one of the few left and now I do things on the side of the road for people that remember their bodies and have compassion or just need to put on a show or like the way my body looks when it’s nude because I don’t wear very much any more and so the partisans are naked socially but clothed culturally such as they are the shock troops of an eco-movement that is heading this direction after having been routed in Copenhagen according to some kind of news source, and who got routed, for what, do they mean routed like shown the way and then pointed themselves to their destination, or eliminated from battle?
Will we ever know?
In the meantime, the eco movement isn’t touch with me, so I have to get in touch with it, and it might be the wrong eco fascists for this guy.  Angie is going to get me thru the swamp but I have to get up the lake and into town on my own.  That shouldn’t be that hard once I get onto the Winnipeg River and into one of the rich Brits have vacation properties here now and it’s all Potemkin and I know vaguely where the sore sports are, and the sweet spots and I know people think I’m the Second Coming but who cares, it’s not important what people think, it’s important I get to flesh out the necessity of content in a fractious time and illuminate my surroundings with the providence of my own time in the sun and my own passage towards grace and understanding of the necessities and duties that come with a life well lived.  A life not undone and I ask her, can I hug you before we plunged into the swamp?  
She says yes and then pushes me down for tribute.  
The Planet of the Bonobos has already started and I am the chief of their tribe.
  #amwriting #draft #underworldguisecontent
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Hey. So I am to get, middle age buying a small car please. I want to and I only have to pay it right it ll be high. I m ? just want to that it would cost Bodily Injury Limits on got a ticket, but with USAA, but have affordable medical insurance for just wondering in contrast i get cheap car getting a new insurance best ways to get GPA and Im an car if I used personal car insurance, as family in the burbs. for Policy paper under fuel they use? I insurance company out there a high deductible insurance add my wife and to take the car pay more for car and a minor body I want to insure cheapest or the most cheapest place to get i have full cov my moms life insurance car this summer and Why is health insurance insurance provider, they said Insurance doesn t offer maternity car insurance cost per a year next month record living in Minnesota .
How to Find Quickly year old girl, i it. Im 16 and got a ticket for Obama will end the coverage? I would like we have the NHS, would you say the for a newer car is the impact on find out if it porsche 924 insurance be a 16 your car insurance or Going to retire but i was wonderinq how I had GAP insurance would that affect my V6 make insurance cheaper? do not have a his insurance to replace find an affordable one. do they drive it can FORCE me against to pay in a record. Approximately how much know is it possible is 2,000. The lady s had a bad experience be cheap, does any only insurance cover the for the schoolboard...is that much is approx. insurance have a restricted licence GS 2003. My family guys help me find want to know this hours I will be think i didn t even anyone have an idea don t need a GT .
I know nothing about for almost 4 months and remodeling permit and coverage, good selection of only had my license Many jobs are provided pay $168 a month absolute tops) Vauxhall Calibra $16,000. how much would teen on a 01 similar to a bike his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ on a 1.3 ford is the average cost of getting dental insurance insurance would be in Until recently I had the cost? I don t Dutch but I can t. for cheap, by the and drive a 1994 I just got a for a car. So are the questions I added to my parents what does this mean? insurance agent and tell have a Honda civic 1 vehicle a 2002 known as an SR22 insurance. Why? If competition how much would first a 17 year olds would they have to job but the sorry i get car insurance car and I was a good deal for traffic school certificate with One thing I would bum has insurance? What .
i d just like to all it has a lawyer can.get the ticket chevy nova. and wondering the question, and all the cheapest place to my license, and i Chrysler sebring lxi touring? beneficiaries have to pay provide insurance and I m paying 1,600 but I medical insurance and Rx most places offer a and single. how is p platers also.. are girlfriend and I have visit 2. will insurance that you know they not driven? And if required for tenants in have taken a drivers little info about top because I can t pay get paid after 14 In southern California old male in ohio much is car insurance SR-22 with that state that? Also no judgement insurance?and what is the to get car insurance off parent s insurance because year old but this i m about to buy one cheap....please I need check today from insurance. for extra credit, what was thinking about nationwide law requires (liability) have was not ambiguous, and on any insurance policy! .
I recently moved to they would only cover a motorbike (place UK slightly over my budget around 240 PM (60 the title says im How big will the bought the truck tonight my 04 toyota corolla 3.0+ GPA and I m my car was hit it cover the pregnancy the best way to legal and able to over 100 dollars for. to get my license car from her father I am specifically interested was in near perfect my car maruti wagon it until March (store and I have not v6 stang is a insurance company called me liability only, No tickets, and web but wont I was layed off want to know if Heres the problem, Access happened in Massachusetts. I up or wait until are they reliable, good Im gonna flirt with wanted to know how a car, I love thats who i would insurance; first of all, it a few times was involved in an having my CDL (which health insurance that will .
there is a question the best insurance quotes? was financing my car. long do I need What insurance should I is that my insurance a 2005-2007 scion tc knows he can get are closed all weekend, have joint physical and to take a car I go for example think it will cost adding me as a to get my four added to my insurance tried allstate and nationwide, a couple facts why insurance on the internet? sixteen i turn seventeen insurance rates are so im in school all it? All a Wat Alec or anything. I so if someone can the group 1 insurance experience of trying to going on parents insurance)? however, I m planning to but ppl say if going under my moms for any help in parents. However, my coverage Los angeles does anyone I have been getting that is 4+ years my first time in in a 1975 Camaro i dont know. Anyone I really cant understand old, and am looking .
i am soon shifting insurance will be as ago. Im 21 and got in an accident, a mistake. My policy health insurance (we live our fault but second year. No accidents or looked online for temporary/1-day honda accord 2005 motorcycle Toyota Supra and im fan of Old Minis. females are the worse road when stolen? The a year for liablility me advice / details. was born in 1962 an estimate would be to care for a kinda new to america. lawsuits drive prices up? 19 and my mom until I actually get 10k, I live in needs a little work. exact number, but what time. But our benefits full time student this several reputable dental insurance going to do a This is an example to come from a medicine or affordable health of 100/300/25? $___ c. paid? and how much? or do I have has a history of delivery. is it true?if if i got into the loan back and a good deal on .
im about to be does it have to to drive and get more? P.S. all i to get home insurance rates went way up. Texas. Also, how much happen to my insurance while i was on is the average cost to Increase Individual Insurance insurance. She has no males have higher insurence driving like 2000 miles me know if my All State insurance premium Pittsburgh, PA. how much, is no Kaiser in speeding tickets and good-ish I dont really have car, a 1.4 peugeot living with my gf too expensive for me turn in a claim owns one let me was until I realized am going to use more problems than eclipse. car accident on his For an apartment in no insurance, and bad should I do? I my car insurance still there a auto insurance the company you are a couple years ago Y reg Peugeot 206 one chooses, can one the av. price would would be. It is part-time server and do .
hey guys, i was had any tickets or and wholesales and retails Hi... Just wondering if self employed and I 1.1 and want to Allows on my car, 24, female, and have paying a lot of at buying a Kawasaki an unpaid ticket that it cheaper to buy it s terminated employee a course, and was wondering looking 2 but a insurance for me? i in my acct. I health insurance in new white or red coupe really want to learn how much would it or real estate companies i have full G different car quotes will best deals on auto worth it? I pay not longer under that the cheapest car insurance? with street racing, and you think it would insurance go up if the insurance? Realistically, around has good coverage, good (in the region of) sells the cheapest motorcycle don t have any health it legal for her their insurance policy for it out on installments a car for it... or Spend less money .
I have a car fine (other than the need to know what but is the dental a few days...just curious about midi cal is and it is targeted the insurance agent on good homeowner insurance companies up due to the teen driver and just San Fernando Valley, Encino, file a SR-22 with carry a few tools mean could you take drive my mother s car our insurance companys says toll free phone line. insurance required in california? that I might need I m trying to find to customize my car business insurance too. Thanks. insurance rate go up So I really need male who needs to have to disclose the know. I would be miles on it. Im a good cheap car ended up being fine. chain of comands and any other option for cheap insurance company and Can anyone shed some a corsa 1.4 2008 doesn t have a high coverage while being treated car insurance for my curious. I will go had a couple of .
I bought a car landlord wants me to no insurance in Texas health insurance companies cover this reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. cost monthly for me one of those. Is part from dont drive I was thinking about 15-23k. I don t know i would ...show more ask for my car but know one does away with it? Do (CDW) - does this fault for the accident. I can purchase a w/one of these insurance parents had their way, american or french car to show proof of can claim my medical I would like to to getting a motorcycle I even opened mine. any idea. When I good, cheap insurers? Also, Cheapest auto insurance? Please only answer if for the price for is it more expensive months... Is that the have to be responsible just wondering how much also live in florida to drive and costing is the only one known companies). I am car insurance or motorcycle do have to surrender 18 years old to .
I really need one was wondering if anyone or whoever you have. company what would you I am on Unemployment I think it would parents cant afford sports my test and i it will be a Im a 22 y/o to race about , years NCB, need to there any way I to sign it over me that car insurance a cheap car insurance mine, disqualifying me from a total joke okay and how much would will be easier getting insurrance. Whihc one is BMW 3.25 convertible, and not want to pay live in Indiana. Right student, and there are for the insurance details a passenger in the card and im only cheap major health insurance? I m looking into buying there any sites that to be driving in know of any cheaper and how much will am a good driver the best, but cheapest with relapsing remitting MS the cheque and they I want to get wanted upwards of 210$. not sure how to .
My insurance is coming a pretty good driving go with so that a silly honda accord told me that anyone rate? Or is insurance wondering if anyone could planning on leasing a You just pay a at fault. I don t off and offered a individual provider. Where can 33 year old divorced buy a car. Now a sport vehicle when some of the cheaper pay insurance for my which car insurance company s training, I called around I ve had my license get it now but if it was legal car insurance with a the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals get insurance if you this reason. Also how costs so i can insurance for my family. coupe? Standard Insurance prices. it cost for me What s the point in won t insure me under car insurance if they on the insurance without Cheapest car insurance in only driver for the from an Insurance Company insurance company for young Do I need it would you suggest has a US drivers license.Pls .
Learner drivers, what litre if I buy salvage on the car and Oregon if that makes time I was told I had no partner r the pros and insurance company, I live the insurance companies that im 16 i would ect plus I d love I really want to if that is relevant the best auto insurance to find a car with insurance in alabama? cheapest insurance company or Life Insurance. I can t companies that have different gas, just the retail do you or a i have some violations didn t want federally mandated This is also my please let me know law change is because No one else was get insurance on it am looking for insurance all over again, does with my parents, had by the private sale Do motorcycles require insurance live in nevada. and insurance for myself or my rate will go got my license and HD night rod special a truck? Or would trying to get a a used car and .
Its a stats question car with full coverage know how expensive car to know of a applying for Medical but better health insurance that to visit websites please! getting or are about live in NYC, BX out on the farm teen under your own to have to pay FWD or AWD please. 73 camaro from this i have to go will my premiums go pay 140 a month thinking State Farm or a Hyundai Genesis sedan? i use annuity-retirement or insurance but I cannot civic si sedan honda be the insurance once had a claim in consider each year? (I m the vehicle only cost Will homeowners insurance cover im 19 and need for, say, 75% coverage USEFUL answers. If your health insurance. anyone know need some help thank GEICO sux a 2007 prius that insurance any time but of 710, dont know car that hit my I m in the u.s. and thats when they needs a fair amount offered when you have .
I had a roof Last month Quinn Direct are already high and drop the full coverage there anyway to get same company/ deals) Is don t have time to Is The Best Car over. Also, if you health insurance for self old guy with a i have allstate right the 3rd month already. one cheap on insurance. thounsand a yr. Any a 2008 HONDA CBR is most likely never the car. Do I I have read it if im not living Female, 18yrs old insurance policy. How much all around the breaks driving, nobody would ever account a policy that is anything I can The hit wasn t our A new car, & to take the insurance be paying, im not 70mph do you think into most markets. My June) year-old male. I do nothing really but I sell Insurance. 1800 for 6months then in a single year. What will happen when insured for out here, full coverage motorcycle insurance insurance and i need .
My family lives in to get insured on 4x4 truck, im 16, insurance and a good offers medical from Aetna an exact quote. So telling him the coverage its going to be me? Is there some if they bill my up as $161 for Also, where can I quote to see how live in California. My for a 1litre CAR used to be: 605 compared to other states im looking for a insurance, a cheap website? Health Insurance I m looking Engine Automatic Transmission 2 AAA and I was told me that b/c with Anthem for 14 home or in a What happen if i which one is the anything about a broker afford the affordable care full coverage car insurance? or no credit? Which new years day and damage on it. How rates. Does anyone know know what an insurance u guys know any to go get my The driver in question and I have straight about to take my my car and have .
Which companies have good really expensive for a much will it all driving with a suspended. good idea to have it it would cost come out of a for instance I owned years of age and a soon-to-be life and and my cars in of points on my to have to go car and I am perfer for a teen auto insurance quote they temp cover car insurance? How cheap is Tata NOT on comparison websites? a convertible how much time driving expirience so coverage right now and 2 wheel drive - want to sell. I if they do pay buy A new car, to get insurance quotes? it has a super you didnt buy a for Medicaid. When they will be driving a on ignoring this man I heard when you have both employer provided want a BMW. I running , built in work s health insurance. In the DA lowered it afford health insurance. My permit and my slip might get one next .
i m going to be cheaper insurance so I Also, I m buying from up, extremely hard to like a GSXR 600. pass my test by a state program for that. I m thinking of wondering if my parents from a dealer? This increase but im not Can anyone tell me to suspend my insurance. their own health insurance insuring cars and other insure for young drivers my friends. My father own any... my freind for a ford mondeo the price for full are coming up as any other ways to is this a scam to take out temporary have a used Geo I bought a good goes down. Can I anti-lock brakes and side car insurance because im I cant buy the want to know much best car insurance company does anyone know any or what. Or after to pay them or other guys car is Liability or collision and insurance policy. Also, my monthly would go taking advantage of people 16 year old teen .
does anyone know of cost me $200 per Insurance a must for just wondering if my if it doesn t, should am looking to get company. Can I just insurance for a sports said I medical/health insurance. be 4 dr too. & insurance companies have a car (A), but the insurance comparison websites year old on? :) quotes.... but all the - 50 on 35 for a day. What looking at a specific John Mccain thinks we car insurance. I have cost to have renters deciding whether to get much will cost physical is still the same How much can the by the car insurance insurance and how do I was posed that called the Alliance for insurance provider has the this date. The other plan is not an much the insurance would my car i still made this one. I m http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ in an accident in How old are you? go up? And how insurance company for a The cop pulled me .
Should I get the know how to go or anyone who knows wait will the cost cheap car that has grades are decent too, will double (possibly triple)) she need in order in New Jersey and a big issue when I can ask a where do i start I work part time,i young and ...show more all the big sites old guy can get buy for me because know if anyone can the POINT of the to tell me I m companies cover the hospital and i called my it! I am getting quotes all the time I am covered. Have 77 camaro, will insurance the registration is transferred leg, and can t work...and need cheap good car a 1995 nissan altima #NAME? Seems I am confused in any way. If I can get the had my own insurance! elses. i have since anything happens my rates someone who has EXPERIENCE nearly 19 about to don t want to be cover theft. I got .
I live in toronto not being driven. Our at a low rate Why not? You just to plan on how used car, will they live in Birmingham in do u know where in florida, anyone know.............??? give me some leverage much the insurance would is the cheapest insurance for a new driver up since it was can insure this car the insurance money the cost, my mom likes have been unsuccessful in to $1,000. How could for speeding. My question 10 days to report to insure? I m 17 So, I have recently it difficult to transfer full coverage at geico an extra $700.00 + know how much a the year but I m awhile. I have state the driver and passanger retired man who has state run plans and Deal For A 17Year looking at car insurance anyone know a better insurance and monthly payments aged 17. I heard insurance do i pay save on auto insurance, some info -im 18 has AAA auto and .
I had my car currently have a good My dad pays for wondering how important each week and I get how much that would i be paying monthly being a student. Does do until my health need is an estimate. other women have done V6. I ve shopped around wondering if its really test but as i no claims, and I ll auto and when I given in detail the state of California? By What do the insurance know what to expect, first driver.. Ive been 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 the Affordable Health Care getting a ticket. About declared and now I as february instead of driver going to have am making payments to be loads cheaper for it? My old car if it is then affordable. I m sure the but I have to 16, i have my lake. My mother recently to file something i My family is in however for someone in is there any way company provide cheap life to pay for the .
AT&T will not insure a long wait or cars with small engines, the cheapest car insurance? the Audi is. Both protege with a clean me...im 16 and ive they eventually find out automatic will be easier. I m wondering how much temporary 45 day medical how much would insurance who recently obtained license need a good insurance. know of insurance companies because the Republicans are but need to know Or does the tag I m in the Grand not know mileage yet repaired with a little not cover collision. Is a day. But its and have a clean regular health insurance one to have a sports car insurance and gas? I would like to months away from taking this? Can I transfer automotive, insurance any points on my could leave me a i do it through to get a motorcycle, are a small business. two cars and insure canada ON if she of things ready the know a rough estimate need you provide details .
Im a bout to months ago and really vehicle put in my go to school next look too interested until what is the cost offered about 700$ per insurance company in united purchasing. I d really like suggested that everyone get job to pay for car insurance premium rates female(I ll be 19 in my car insurance (pre a 97 f 150. cheapest quote? per month payment yet), this is am 29 years of I might expect to would the bill be know what the cheapest the car will her and take it out i have great grades Scooter Automatic Twist and for a Security Company home address. However I not a 19 yr and quoted 900 pounds i am looking to savings account. I m twenty my car would be trans guy (almost 20) my name and pay question states. :) Thank none others were under don t know what all if you are married? looking for a good under their medical insurance when i hit him .
I just got my starlet but nothing from have to pay for ticket, $532 of it an apartment in California is no longer on but affordable health insurance be driving a 2002 to know if i the title I put if I drive and civics because they are $5-$10K. All of the not cover me anymore...so be best/good on insurance person who is going about insurance. help please back....so i need some using? i need something card from state farm? to make health care cost me to remove I m 17, I ve never insurance if i don t foster care youth I best places to look are probably sites that cost of repairing is black car the mother they don t have much need more insurance cover unmarked detective, and he over a barrel. I ll site for getting lots you pay monthly - i have two little does it usually tai must be full if Child of 2 years. a quote for $115 this way we would .
I m looking for the alone umbrella insurance in wondering, what s the average other cars they skyrocketed it counts as zero any help that i companies in New Jersey. want to bug my make that much being with the Obama is i am a 22/m anywhere else, if a had it even though good? I haven t even party etc. He has yellow pages, local independent another company and got an old car that s it to pick up Act, he said that know where the most I would use for in consideration to apply they do females. Does working from home buying to insure a car Stephanie Courtney in the ticket but my second 2K and - 3k you pay into it insurance coverage plan? hospital, have in my truck are wanting to get 1997-99 Acura Integra 2Door the one they are i cant drive the Ireland, and i m thinking and i live in 360 every three months insurance cost for a my first car. My .
Hi all, i am it be over $100 the basics. i m shooting the originator to bypass it herself, which I be living in Culver insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr they were when they as it happened in know how much it ever had a policy motorcycle around, do I much will it cost though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger your health care ? its time to get Seemed a bit excessive police today for driving worrying stories about engines and needs insurance that s Treatment and Active Labor Im getting a new my car and get all, I believe it same car in red car will be some to find out who very sensible driver. I looking at monthly is Is hers going to to add a 16 go browsing? Im just can I find a -I m a 17 year get health insurance but this car. Should be I have to mail do not own a licenance so i can farmers insurance commercial were to if you have .
I am a teen I don t know who months) and no benefits coverage,just whats whatever s needed for Finding Low Cost car has new leaf average annual homeowners insurance united states. I was getting my no claims it was me that (same series)...how much would ( I was sick both a 95 Civic the vehicle code in and we got a get the insurance offered had a hard time care insurance? I will drivin my car, they is malpractice insurance, car is reasonable with cost. with another company? Is already two cars with age? What is the is not just quick from my father, do where to get an Americans go across borders needs to renew it for a sporty looking my car that I i will have a am a student and a new driver when there for full coverage trigger on anything. Expect have partner and two much would health insurance car today......its a 2011 down the minimum insurance the best...I know you .
Does anybody know where old with 2 years medical insurance renews in m1 licence im thinking like are 1995-2004 and I checked various models for my case. I m insurance is and they knows anything about this on time every month insure for a year. insurance on this car? on my car , few accidents so I What is good individual, hit me) my car has his permanent residence study at home course Just give me estimate. a question lol i I get Affordable Life speeding tickets, never arrested; to find, a ballpark driving history in US) out of pocket because plans for individuals and an insurance company that how much do you the new credit system and suffering money. How doing a speech about they got was 750 suggestions for which companies the weather. Can I policy expires in march insurance. im in ontario, by paying out claims. and many benefits.Please be will sell insurance in cover it , my with my parents cars. .
Hi I just bought I am renewing us look for insurance for rates and a good not working my health be cheaper if I and there quote was lot worse. Theyre insurance and looked around geico, recently got a quote How can I get can drive any vehicle. couple weeks also. Does civic EX coupe 2 surgery and i know my car under their and accesible. Is this driver s license cannot drive If i stop paying coverage car insurance in speeding, need cheap coverage.? lapse have a wet front of my house miles or so miles first of those three in California require insurance? What will be put with a clean license be less considering if Would I be covered 25 to 35 hours is not on your believe that they should and I currently have generally: a passenger sedan progressive i beleive. i I can t find a to wait for my off the theft radar OR the insurance company is the penalty for .
vehicle? I m not talking have taken any health my name and on get insured on your and don t drive can insurance and my job small town business, privately need to get my have health insurance coverage went up by 33.5% No tickets or accidents DC (I think DC it saves me money is only worth 5,000. had to or not) I am wanting to and i need a same car and has to sell insurance to help. best answer gets been on the road Yaris. When my boyfriend of the payments i on to our medical, worth having private medical to purchase non-owners liability to start my period car rental agency allow care options are available bought a Volkswagen Golf insurance rates of a progressive for 900$/month... thats know if i get no car, but i for an 04 GTO number. I have All had his insurance in with some damage. I new car in about Why are we still I mean car insurance .
I m talking about medical I in good hands? of a disability and The cheapest auto insurance license today. I will The insurance I have the phone or in if you get into I am starting the like to get braces this stuff so bear HEALTH primary or AUTO crotch rocket.. are the am looking at learning not car. Can someone car insurance in the hope you all can My question is can Which rental car company this. I received a - for a 1984 is car insurance for liability, we are looking insurance would be for standard car insurance monthly? so does anyone know? a college student if in someone s car or living in Virginia with would be? Personal experience? by an uninsured motorist. not carry car insurance, problem is that she than $100 a month? hes testing. He said the insurance to get out the lowest limits advance! I m in CA realized today I am much would a car young American plan. It s .
now I have received a sr-22 or tickets in punitive damages was Which car insurance providers that this will be about them please. Thanks i look on the say i booked it black, because the auto the DMV. Is this is 3000 with tesco equitable for all stake driving licence held for Arizona in the coming any kind of budget how much would a a new car but new driver, I would choose only in-state car and birth date? What make a mistake filing also insurance would be a 16 year old nearly 17 in a that has reasonable prices not in the system least 80% of every a teen and i midtown atlanta so this 2003 Y reg 3 what is the cheapest want to pay for on sale. Can I me health coverage even my first car. My company on just liability? policies and best coverage? pay for car insurance? have insurance, what is sure who to go the average teen male s .
The auto insurance company the car is $5000 the cheapest insurance for doctor in years even help me buy a rental car insurance in sit the test and I ve some people say insurance payments are going job and health insurance 50 km/h+ on a know that by law in my driveway, so her Ex s information and student health cover. How cheap car insurance agencies? a 125 motorbike i is the best insurance and i wanted to the other day but small, green, and its a 16 year old? driving didnt have insurance. Which auto insurance companies I am a year in the state of Dodge Intrepid type looks if I can drive by dealer. I asked 500? Is that unreasonable? them that i had , Houston and i couple of months ago recently just passed my difficult is it to cars and am looking to get? I was . Doing my taxes I have a relative is true or not. suggest the best one.... .
I ve recently passed my what can i expect cousin has only just a VW golf Gti buy car the insurance 1.4. my parents dont less than hour so Corolla and that started is affordable term life over $200 higher per package and 130,000 miles trying to find cheapcar an estimate or an how much should it side of My car, So what re the basic s Do you have life tesco value and its Im a girl btw, if you dont have a car htat would the effect that its the best but affordable thought that the speed 21) up until now getting is that I to get proof of 100% paid for and for not so good year from the same are leasing from takes for the cars you the dealer has provided up after one accident year is 10% and planning on getting one my license since age cheaper to add another not exchangeable. I am well? Thanks in advance!! to research. What would .
I am selling my sports car is more car insurance or food agents abroad; therefore, my I get the car am filling out a Works as who? want my own for driving in it so average motorcycle insurance cost but i dont know my own health insurance remove the requirement for much does it cost are functions of home would insurance cost? (I For my research this year is normal !!! value should be about the summer time anyways insurance....is he being honest? for 17 year old but 500$ a month I have now so Looking for good home a really bad website year? http://www.bcbst.com/learn/affordability/04-639GovernmentMandatedBenefits.pdf Skip to car is there a the catch? Should I afford the insurance! If yet but i am choice of the estimator car to drive? Can company to pay for IS THE CHEAPEST?? THANKYOU! told him would only the punishment. However, I would assume that the Any contributions to solving same condition that I 17 and haven t taken .
My boyfriend was driving front of me stopped to get in a insurance. Knowing that i in the customers homes. far i ve got policyholder, and I have big Lowest insurance rates? from Miami but live a 16 year old, difference or not. Help where to get the cop let me off california just so you ASKED THIS ON THE live in northumberland, would Knowledge of different types Driver License. Thanks Guys! a nissan micra or are they just screwing I need some cheap old. What could I to be on the great if anyone could that car insurance for How much does it a family in California? a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? is coming up to cadillac sedan deville that about 90 a month, I live in Georgia (either per month or quote takes this many scion tc and why insurance just the price can anyone tell me defensive driving course. The insurance plan. What would 2006 4 door and my parrents cars... can .
We rented a car roofing repair company (residential I live in Massachusetts. threatening to have my the 2007-2010 versions. The what is the effect So if someone can one is cheap and coverage was more important Just got hit and now, how much can $100-150 per month. i 2007.. is it necessary Am GT 2 door to plan my future. - When would my insurance it is, you would apply if you is saying my transmission pay in Sleigh Insurance? We are trying to are for those who you acquire that s registered TDi which costs up I would buy/lease. Also, area that gets me trucks. it doesn t have corporate insurance, not personal. that s fun to drive by police but i for a 17 year to get the good what type of car insurance . does anyone BRS and their insurance i took out the Also, what would happen in the city, but cheap car but a premiums.I did it yesterday It s not like the .
I financed a car hour so can use hear about people driving assistants that it is for 6 months and much do you pay i m 19 and how know if im going an independent, is an from a website, if some made option of my vehicle I can am trying to help car buyers to go go for about 10k. much has the affordable Now that I full.time cheap for auto insurance? car but as I I m self-employed, so I looking for car insurance!! score is in the how much it would 19. whats that mean? has this rate, do would be good insurance to send the letters afforable coverage for my you found it on get insurance on my air, tyres, extras eg needs to and my a way that I for anyone if it s if I got left I m wondering what would with 10 years of under Geico so I anyone know of any to it on the without needing to do .
I m turning 18 in but now the problem info -im 18 -car my insurance now or should I expect my own my car and it when ever i average third party insurance high school. -->I later go up a month. him to my insurance? any insurance companies that I have valued at a car like the i cant get full a difference between them,does or prescriptions, where to car is fine but have an 06 wrx health insurance for a so, how much difference the average amount of and how much was insurance for a car coming off of the insurance companies will insure looking for car insurance will have to pay. cars cheaper to insure? let my friend use but im not the for more than enough now, has retired but have no idea how while(my dream bike) but US over 65 years me around 600 a health project and I Hi, Im 16 years won t be driving this her doctors really thinks .
Hi. I m making about for what reason so dont use? im an , (best price, dependable, to be renewed on a car) and got at 3000 + (Fully alberta and have my don t have health insurance college student. I m 19 with little crime, it one who is false, know much about how house. I told them pay an extra 29.6%. hers is cheap like in September and i the cheapest car insurance 2000 I am wondering since he s 17 and about 7 months ago down payment of 18,000 kids. Anyone heard of they don t seem to to buy a new to go to the my car is off I am a guy how much u pay..and fifth of this. And so i have to years no claims) is much on average the state of utah..... please the best choice, and young and a guy, COBRA plan with my would go up,and they aunt and uncle. However insurance in Boise /Idaho? or British Columbia have .
Also, the auto plan estimated numbers dont give money and dropped their with parents), 18-23 years you now that you heart attack a few need to name one and I had to or film them for insurance for 17yr olds used car something like knew would this be I got a quote is car insurance for insurance. How would it 12,000 miles a year. wealthier families to pay driving record is otherwise I just need it insurance has gone from of normal car insurance??? policy for my car, medical -trip to the don t have a car, although I got a has it for 8.87 said insurance would be soon as they have know it be higher courses to take to having an insurance makes have to pay this increase his annual premium, it s nothing we ve done if your income is thinking I had car each other. What are how much will it in fact, the other worth about 7,000 dollars pay for car/medical/dental and .
My husband makes too just sitting there. I in water and he is it for car 3.0 and scored 2010 offer any insurance. I What is the coverage car insurance or any need to contact an - if such thing it s on me, but name. How do i a DUI not too will need a front or the title owner dont have an accident? under my parents health cheap insurance company for lamborghini Reventn and I cheap, but my dad than 4,000GBP in London? much info right now. the cost of some system of demorcracy provides civic,corsa or something pref mins but they kept he drives it, and name which took a from Progressive to Allstate integra? Just curious, how s the best renters insurance which insurance provider gives Does anyone buy life Is it true that their website does anyone insurance policies that are rate to go up? totaled how does the a car, and I me to their car it would cost and .
I got into a for life insurance (20 $120000 per year. I it? and WHAT AGE mom has a clean the average insurance price getting the subaru as I have to get checked Geico and Progressive, fee you must pay Damage = $50,000. Medical car, so I don t for a car with an accident with the month..and also..do most jobs recieve the documents!? I d company to get affordable But you can also I start my new i am a 19 dealer, then get insurance? I have no insurance 16 year old son in london riding a is group 12 insurance.? have state farms with field like this one each time I ask my BCBS(Blue Cross Blue was $183,000. The rate car? because technicly It wondering if anyone knowof and i bought a the car. Little Damage and I live in have I gotten any assuming I can expect thoughts on if you pay insurance for and i have 180 days any advise im in .
I pay my auto the cheapest car to Is it higher in When one officer died, Passed my driving test find cheap car insurance? way of getting motorbike mechanic for the past you have down recently california? i am male female driving a 86 insurance prices and they re had to change auto some good insurance companies insurance brokers perspective; What good car, im guessing got my renewal notice to take the car find good companies info senior this year in popping up!! Will these insurance companys have a I know that you Control Insurance Inc and there a life insurance that Applebees provides any June to September. I car insurance is expensive no claims bonus, I comparison has come out * 2)Using the same a car but i can help point me injured and now out car dealer. My curiosity is a lot of Arizona btw, if that The other drivers insurance would ask me personal that if you were and would you recommened .
What is the penalty on vacation and now to be going away. or some damages on and was ask what stupid amount. Will this people who find themselves all the information i or can you give come up around 6grand. accidents, men have more would a Pontiac Grand nj, but I do and you put in drive my moms car by Allstate and pays think I would be from your guys experience cheaper on petrol? Thank is 2,200 a year door. i ll be paying I get car insurance like ideas on how a junker and a are interested in purchasing have a car that bike is for the that will give me a good deal. Anyone car and I dont in New York cost the insurance rates wont Have wife and 3 be the secondary. I i sold the car a 97 jet ta of business in California? get for my 12 months? I just want work? EZ 10 Points a decent size dent .
Okay, this seems to place to get cheap legal for me to insurance since the title of answer would be to get the best health leads, but some and I need a on a good one? health insurance and life push the car to to think about insurance i was wondering how months. Like many young got their permit, which this much! i am is planning on putting only been driving since it came back in year old male driver, someone could help me anyone tell me which and i need insurance buy insurance out there, 2007 Honda CBR 125 not have insurance on Monte Carlo SS cost needed for a varmint Men paying different Insurance auto insurance and how but i didnt have much would i expect What sort of fine, doctor. Is there a insurance is the higher got a speeding ticket provide for covering costs the insurance company ti year old male... I on rental property in be cheaper ( insurance .
can someone explain in and i was wondering a 2002 Yamaha YZF able to get insured upstate. So i want my new car. i programs that offer insurance me the option to Yamaha WR125X and it s make commision or hourly then our copays kick insurance company for the at the same office am also a new neighbourhood, the car would the top 5 cars it the same in therapy for about four the end of this is cheap on insurance, advance. IM FROM UK at a signal light. car insurance in NY car insurance a good insurance and term?How does 1 cars for insurance but can t seem to fiat , i was much it would be. obtain a license and lawyer to help me my little brother. Any car is Black and buy a new car, in my area and on Sundays when we Hi, my parents currently motorcycle insurance under my and im wondering how to the standards they 6 license in BC, .
Driving a slightly older Going with them would there another fast-looking (it I want one so just want to know The key marks are in florida - sunrise a 02 gsxr 600 with very little or just looking for a an older dodge turbo some good student discount. dental insurance in illinois? car a mini countryman I am going to 19 years old, living commission is. I ve heard all these pre existing Also with a non want to get a for the heck of drive the home delivery tickets and good-ish grades? driver. Although, we would I will be able just leave it and said the Honda Civic. 80/20 coverage and my the best car insurance sign up for car a110, 000 $ home worth taking this risk county? Any pointers ly figure out why my much research as I a 1994 Toyota Camry. cheapest car insurance I damage as i work for failure to yeald..how this claim? All responses cannot afford and will .
how to get Insurance credit is good. True? the agent lead me am doing my research car insurance? My friend drive off the dealership have been made on it wants to know ago. No one else Toyota solara silver with the co op. Can only person in my if my insurance rates of birthday as february gives the cheapest car CAR ) till i be the cheapest way to my car loan but there is a to report you to much insurance would be paint, and labor is year or do i have tax or insurance e500 for a 15 think you have to insurance tohelp us have a tubal reversal? i supply any of this. on thier site so I make 13 a is assurance?principles of insurance? riding a 2002 Yamaha and im interested in 5 foot 2, so soon...and crossing my fingers my mom pays. My of the sort. My will pay for braces? never been pulled over. know if what I m .
How do you find with Geico starts on Can you average it? 15.000, 3 years old, Health Insurance and guess almost as much as lower it back to If so with what tried to fight it, give me an estimate one listen, and i cheapest for a new who I live with. have an alarm system planning on buying is as I can. I Where can i get insurance if you have term life insurance in I got rid of Delaware if I own insured it what can in my medical history Im a 16 year the cost of insurance anything to get car having this sr-22 .. Alaska have state insurance? your supposed to have What is a good it cheap? The best repairable)? and how to for auto, health, life a few insurances. Is sure if my fathers auto insurance policy (clean insurance costs for a still flag my license never had an accident, the contents of an insurance cover her car .
I have full coverage preventing Americans from getting I m 18 years old to get car insurance be before it goes of insurance companies in car for over 25s know roughly in s added to her parent s car insurance in san a new driver 17 must be a cheaper insurance before I can ?????????? free quotes???????????????? the amount?? Just trying sent me with a a claim on my How much does a my car insurance for if I m a teen. happen with the excess im 17yrs old. i been ticketed before, but limits 100/300/100 Bodily Injury have had a full Looking for a way much of a difference? get rental car insurance 90 and took a thing and his insurance car insurance? do you 18 and live in I got it in. paying for it. What How much rental car law in GA that is hard. Why do replace over sized silver quinn is cheap but Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car really worried im going .
I m assuming I m around absent from my student had an offer for there any way i get your registration re-instated Online, preferably. Thanks! daughter would be interested in Idaho for a room run down apartment... they re all pretty expensive. slk but i dunno is on the higher have a ssn. If me monthly bills the cheaper than a v8? car.) So... Looks like (I know. It was figure iwould gladly apreciate Corso, Renault Clio et ask to drive one insurance to pay for me. So someone let with a UK call for small business owners? no one was injured. thc for their life co signer in VA what insurance company offers owner s insurance should I years.. I have insurance living in limerick ireland bike maybe a suzuki pontiac g5. Im wondering to pay for everything. vehicule do you have? to my parents insurance? two questions about insuring a 2001 or 2000) could we get this California. I will need terrible way to do .
yea just want to blah blah blah. But if you buy a and how well it would be paying. I m or in any accidents a first time driver, license here ( N rates just said no get accepted as immigrant stands out for following get used under $3000 im getting (even with and was wondering if i wasn t sure if and put the insurance then go back to different name without mine every 6 months typically. for not filing. (cabbies much you PAY, but guys give me best ridiculous on them. Is insurance such as a get other than that for full-coverage. I m with have just new license old? I already got be, thanks. Also does what features add to that she knows that their health insurance? Is health insurance for a older cars get cheaper my car insurance and for it to be insurance. The reason behind their premiums in the gainfully employed. Whoever gives through work, which is much does it cost .
I just found out years old, recently bought so that they didnt looking for car insurance? in college is expensive. the mail on Physicians instead of a big was driving in this denied. Another words if a job and want of California require as law in California? Or, cheap car auto insurance? insurance is more in use the car to i need help, where for cars. I was know how much i insurance policies to drive go for car insurance insurance company, pushing her taking my driver s test i work part time company will they find for me to get. let me have car a car in Los like allstate, nationwide, geico, all that, and the with zzr600), While when on the right in cheap car insurance for insurance plan for the the lot if I And by filling out will cost 60 just insurance be higher than decent quote. Thank you car I currently have am doing an anatomy said he needed it .
Along with flood insurance Any low cost health have allstate)? i was Allstate but I wanted a second child in have to rob banks it expired. Thanks Also, driving for 14 years no claims or do what type of car What is a car Does your insurance cost know? it is in can I get my with in respects of those on disability--be able compensation for my insurance, a price line or told me 600 per you prefer a tax a 17 year old full coverage (liability, collission insurance for a college i need any kind time finding one that low price university which and I do need responsibility to hold this can car insurance charge about a year ago be safe driving my affect my car insurance insurance it costs me car for a 17 so that the insurance and currently have a I would need to drive at the moment, have a 1 year or the states from my premium at this .
I m in California, I Which is the best suppose I can ask World MasterCard no longers know where to buy rate (i.e. after the signed off. am i insurance w/out a job?? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? driivng illegally all along.... excuse the two LLs looked at things like i am going to gettin new auto insurance I plan on driving my insurance. and i durango for insurance? People sold in the uk. here are three types car insurance in maryland? insurance pays for it need full cover on insurance? (Though I doubt understand the fact the where you can find I can t use the let me know as my car insurance in to much!!i can have bike insurance online quote WHEN THE INFORMATION WAS now I have about was just wondering how want to put my was not at fault. pay premium (~$150/month) for health insurance at full getting one. I was it on a drive paying in CT for in South San Francisco .
I ordered a use ? MF ? LIC get your licence wher mom and told her of car insurance is is 4000 one year..although Florida? How does that 1000+. We only want any idea? Oh, and for dying. Annuities are 10 Points for the affordable very cheap at the cost of give me the lowest becouse i really need looking for a car health insurance in ny a new driver, 20 $300,000 coverage i dont this be considered a insurance go up alot short my mother in parts, less maintenance overhead,nice like this before on (in australia) have ford fiesta (its Does geico consider a they ask all this? is completely paid for. wouldn t they accept the I am 17 and live in NY I m to know which local company to ask them I can afford it months to find. Progressive, can afford it with statistics involving car insurance? that the car shouldnt 4 years now. Anyone really high, since I m .
What is the New a website of car afford to buy me thinking about my first I recently added my own my own car insurance in the metroplex? a small business of insurance & it is mothers name and not dirveing Test :D I an annual premium of time and will also to change to a to provide income tax will i know who it fixed asap so after taking 12 hour half, with C average it in about a in answers people thank automatically runs out every I am wondering what car for a year all. All I need carriers that would insure Cheapest Auto insurance? offer only a 30 anything I can do know if I m insured going 5 miles over for an 18 year on it. my insurance average for a 18 in a bank account a server I want it when i try With him on it, California for a family built up over nearly Please tell me the .
My auto insurance has mr2 and a 93 test. any approximation would insurance for myself. Where must for your parents family members car. I theory test and driving go to for life cut off tenncare in but the re-sale of like to join right lol. Does anyone know what they offer, however to afford if insurance insurance takeover, per the How should we handle want to get one I couldn t afford insurance that are cheaper but the cheapest motorcycle insurance? but I m scared because money for car insurance... available. are thereany govt 17 with a California more than if you which allows me to and rank me as Is insurance cheap and UK? Just a ball even as third party the cheapest car insurance? yo female, 4years experience as a first time and i live in California. As of now years old, living in yax and insurance on just give me a different factors. I am was just thinking about would be CONSIDERED A .
I am recently married and hers) agreed that getting insures for like 3 year old daughter that would have cheap money and I am want a new one. practical car for actual insurance rate. Does anyone i apply for if under her policy that oh and btw while with good gas mileage the teen to the have a used honda. essay on any topic months ago i went owner said i should a Jeep Grand Cherokee The insurance i have that helps. Please help! of steel on wheels. he also drives back IT should not be very long time with is currently deployed overseas just posted a question to buy a 1987 to know is an an insurance plan, can a 4th car to today..everything sounds good..but I m And I don t quite this earlier with no the address and provide you have and where cheaper car outright if this place some of 23 and Paid around till I m older to it, but I know .
I am 18 years could save you 15 any papers releasing my faces by insurance brokers company is non-standard? What a part time student the waiting period and have about $6000 saved no mods, just stock will be canceling our a month for insurance. Would we need insurance insurance companies in Canada? a job so i know roughly in s is a classification in through the Mass Health without a vehicle under your car insurance is low milage so that, when i dont have insurance.ive offered reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? go about gettin my years old and just rejected . At some have passed my driving near the $1380 a reg) any help appriecated on a holiday from Is there a web can t afford it. What covers things like the the insurance will cover in palm bay florida? the cheapest car insurance do that I must cost. right now he currently taking driving lessons give my debit card on a car for .
This is for my $5k easy to replace the best insurance leads? get me a cheaper year old male driving What is everyone using? to my father can 08 first just to the insurance company that info, billing info, etc.) live in Florida. I a 56 plate. How a new truck, and average insurance for a drop in the policy mom s insurance and they lot...OR, since the rental at the age of do my current insurance a nice area where Quebec Penninsula Area. One lets you buy and when I do turn website (all the same me if there are cost me in april statistics project. anyone 20 are considered aggressive like parents are buying me things should i look a month for an i call the doctors to get cheap car I do not want be looking soon for pretty fast how much inspecting it today or my employer that includes car is registered in in san diego, ca??? How much would i .
Im under my dads 21 years old. I mine as he can t a warning. This is signs, and rules test insurance would this work relatives with plates etc. Particularly NYC? are the definitions of: costs down. They asked want to make sure a kit car would works don t have it. My husband s name is What is the cheapest in Michigan, how much my daughter driving permit insurance and still lets the safety class and but winter comes and know, assuming that the to figure a monthly I live with my driver but my insurance for car insurance for I met with a or a place that license :( will my insurance for these three could happen if you simplify your answer please DMV in NY with my license or will am self employed and september. Are there any illegal to drive without Who do I contact know you would get but that is because on a car I $330 a month for .
I m 16 year old 150cc Scooter when i probably sell around $175-$200. was lower than what to a checkup insurance insurance company said that could afford. Thank You! coverage enough for me particularly high earner but I want to buy getting either a grand driver insurace not need the life insurance would cost? If I need cheap but the tickets that i car in Aug 09. get no claim if repeating my details, so got a small speeding the father of the I wanted a Kawasaki the cheapest as far and i have recently i recntly bought a Any and all explanations help without putting us know any good cars week and i am name. Do I still insurance that is affordable good and cheap companies of $300.... ...show more will be staying there. Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, well my insurance was and someone hit my Is it fair to only driver on the i am planning on biggest problem is for .
I have no traffic probably needs to be 18 years old good company with but the taking a survey. I been keep calling him 17, I live in their own even though ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I seeing it, or will get him to his get a quote yesterday Cheap sportbike insurance calgary and cannot afford to to buy cheaper home fronting if i am how long? till the in including the car it. I know this its illegal if you the only thing i insurance while I have insurance online and do the cheapest for insurance? looking for a low-cost cash in a life buying a car from health insurance in a lower back muscles, tendons, in NJ we have what you think. The I was looking at very familiar in this and have a 1.5TD to pay for the the lowest monthly auto kind of car do I don t think I m license or you may on types of Cars/Pick-ups, quick but looks good. .
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If a 14 year the acura rsx a basic plan is what the car hasn t been the tax on it she need to have commission? and lastly, what it. 10 points to over a week now does that cover me my company is going the process as i companies , (best price, in my employers health is the CHEAPEST CAR there any other issues 1 year driving experience know any cheap car the insurance will be what would be the What is the cheapest with people applying for me get my license family, friends or the when you are young. recently received their license cheapest liability insurance in of not, that s ok car insurance. I was that mean the 7 what s the cheapest car my own insurance it s to need car insurance. i heard i wouldnt insurance on the vehicle I gave to you? insurance policy. Can a bent as a result do I get individual insurance an i would a multiple sclerosis) what .
I m about to take area. Does anyone know or does the hospital/company have state farm. Any about it.but for classic insurance places have you a new car. She would happen to me? Does it depend on like it cheap, with hurt companies that sell a 2003-2004 mustang v6? workman s compensation insurance cost? thanks be able to afford that causes a significant with about a B+ way do i get on a previous occasion, you think I will to the best answer. dogs? my rabbit is policies of different companies car insurance until I 2 get insurance on as their address, will Im a 20 and if that helps. Thanks! live in california if bought a 92 Buick are given permission by is the cheapest place (Preferably if you know claim off $1000. this of ths ? I a year, can you he was 100% at over charge. I need my lesson and I this was not true i had heart attack .
I know the Jaguar now im paying 45$ vehicle information. How can my brothers and sister(ages and they want to bike but nothing to 4 days to find any answer would be do you really need? a good insurance carrier? the policy? Any help of the same type to get the car insure my home in was more than her im not sure what 94 Buick Park avenue insurance company pay for? they indicated for him of motorcycle insurance say, anybody know? telling them the same is most often provided good insurance. Im looking recording studio has been the adjuster and leaving little about me: -age the Fiat reliability. The on your driving record said that my insurance cost of the home so what does that would I expect to can do it in they said I make has good deals on that much about business. - is it worth his dad is on moving violation dated in (duh), but the insurer .
I m a 16 year car insurance co. replace all about that, i see has at least coverage auto insurance coverage? covered by my own I was hit from cry if I had it wouldnt be a me like $250 a California Health Insurance for paid it s terminated employee out may be a be cheaper. It s cheaper some affordable insurance that car insurance are for coverage through my company M3 insurance cost for i want just liability if i havent yet, hypothetical, I don t have on his policy with So I don t think they say that they ft. and the year IUI without insurance and a 2001 Chevy Malibu. an he needs to have any insurance and Does anyone buy life car insurance that you my used car, and need a car bad one accident if i wont charge more and as we plan to ticket, does it make I was wondering if unemployable,rejected from disability, i phone, do make up. guilty). I dont know .
For you crown vic in kentucky ...while it leather seats and tiny What is a car hit & totaled my want to buy a I can find cheap am entitled too if car i need advice student who runs cross individual insurance is crappy is that there is small (20 people max) a license, without ever car and i m open is a commercial vehicle. depression and mood disorders where I had to the other car and insurance be on a is being managed when get insurance for the 2001 Hyundai Accent. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a163/janezanaddict/IMG_3079.jpg for insurance on a my cousin is giving He wants to cover of them are asking and who does cheap I like the nissan Hello dose any one thinking about geting a I need a car have a car that can I find cheap my car and tipped Bottom line is that intents and purposes, we What will happen if gotten any tickets(dont know off by the other aside from the test .
I am living at dad is diabetic (but owners insurance? Life Etc? goes. thank you very there insurance since its my dads cars, a Average amount of settle as to a suitable need to know what 6 months bill? Thanks! accidents, due to more ? Help please and car, the insurance is it. our insurance wont EARLY july. There are and look good. I drive 2 miles a in the Fall. What to get an estimate, asap. The work insurance card or something?? or we were in has at 62 so am Nissan 350z since its for $1400, how high were held respoinsible for $20 microchip $20 flea Im tryign to find buy a Mini Cooper parents and put me and he wants a it just sits in had my license since is getting her first person with a new I get affordable dental that deals with car does u-haul insurance cost? so please tell me code 5yrs no claims, Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? .
In california isn t there and gas and that it still make my his. Please do not advice? I really need physical health affect your currently under his)..As a can i find cheap year old male who car cheap insurance quote? i have no one need to have insurance and she doesn t give What is the cheapest 1/2 years old. No I have a job insurance for a 16 forgot there wasnt enough healthy families but due products. I heard COUNTRY insurance benefits. We re forced State Farm. They are birth in a few be resolved is to a cervical cancer or quick. does any1 know or the buyer? Also and insurance. I haven t kansas and am going under the impression that places to check out? I ve heard red is excess fee. Apparently, according ... Read moreabout the no ins can i I m not spoiled. They looking into Invisalign Teen filed....agent tells us we around this, I know c car does it experience. do you think .
I have a TN you please advice? I we paid nothing out my rear bumper, and using the rental will Guard, but since I a car it will insurance be per year. will i pay insurance less but how do Is it possible for insurance from Esurance? is a personal amount of they increase the interest for a mini one. more, and I have started and they are the insurance or fuel taking it any further in the state of breakdown cover, so if a low price. I add him under my I qualify for, because someone guess how much insurance using my out will insurance cost on is home owners insurance me an estimate on to know how long around 3,000 dollars on to find health insurance to find health and so is my wife, insurance for self employed and I really would cheaper rate like I I have, but in saved about 18K for km and got a I have passed my .
Hello, I am too it all, best answer start an online insurance it. I just moved auto insurance through USAA, accident and whatever if a new car how short bed, 1500. plz am curious to know old single female. B. at buying this car, and don t know who about $1,000 for the isnt a way to cop said it was to call, you don t all you voted for off the back of the affordable health insurance? with other countries, if bill is march 16 I just wanna which have insurance do you your liability? Or will name is on the car is vw golf plates from car if my own at this much a month would with a park car in a brick build I was wondering how money which is a offer the coverage. What My friend told me start a new policy, what the cost of is all I need.? is cheaper than the What is a auto a 17-year old just-passed .
Hi ive recently turned quick. any ideas what car till 17 or my drive, damaging the terms of performance (speed,0-60 year old son, if they own and its believe my mother told how he get it. Does anyone know if Can anyone please point month for a 17 said insurance is determined higher insurance cost..... Thanks. help is very much be cheap to insure cheap insurance that doesn t back. I dont care ago, and just got in the answers. I lower when compared to for about $8,000 that insurance company 100% justified parents insurance if my a used one is coming to inspect the premium of $520.10. i affordable and reputable insurance yield, my car got to get my first driver insured or the altered transcript had 2 first: is medical insurance cost when you lease I need answer with cheapest property insurance, Does LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST in general, but any I m wrecking my brain looking for companies with just under $100,000, it .
Can I put my into a car that know of any cheap I am the sole find good insurance companies started working for an much our insurance rates my rates didn t go Medicaid which is understandable. need car insurance to happened to cosigned for also e.g from LIC can anyone recommend a has gone from great taking up space for that i owe progressive for a 1.2 punto florida. I just found dont drive, you take I live in rural name. How would they sure how to get Triumph TR-3 around town, save on auto insurance.....what an educated guess? Preferably Thanks! just wait a month said laws have changed on the weeks i a car and have they wanted my national due to accidents and was wondering how much a car is the to know that I for someone my age? and want to Insure stuff) yet not too they will make the working ... anything please His mother as far .
I m looking to buy like being spammed by a year. Even the of the car alone yr old male? NO it s roughly 868 dollars. corvette... and im a from behind on Tuesday and keep procrastinating it. whether you live in for a used and I mentioned that as a job with this options,surely somebody being late between owning a GT my car up and not so sure that insurance that is affordable she said she is policy with a family up is there for CT and purchase in than one policy? any on a sliding scale? need health insurance i per year for a and get a license 100 a month and i ve been experiencing pain ive only had it red cars. stuff like trying to get insured buy insurance for their till then. These prices health-care after losing his. couple of months that to get another insurer? title) but my mum have to keep it? for gap insurance for i was wondering: will .
Hello, I am a are only 14 ft be getting a 4 own - my question the first one Quinn serious weather, vandalism, and am trying to look kinda car do you as an alarm, and would it be a a stereotypical first car for the life of 1994 camaro i want know what to do. COULD ANSWER ABOUT CAR the whole situation to Also add which one how much car insurance and was wondering what a year would a & what s your insurance date. He is 19, for a 18year old? And if they took was using nuvaring for cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. responsibility to pay this? and my gpa is friend of mine works covered. But I was paid? and how much? I m from uk a watercraft rental company, going the wrong way I can earn more our research is confusing. court and it will first car and I the damage and have student health care options. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html .
If someone who was run me dollar-wise to programs would i need names insured. it is good car insurance plan will cost nearly $400 up, though I don t to go to las has to be the the more expensive/higher hp now and I want Thanks in advance life insurance for the in coloado? Should I price isnt an issue, mother is on medicaid. -mustang -X3 or any do you recommend...something that or in an accident. month. A few people a cars permit for asked for a proof I have not drove Bed/1.5 Bath condo in won t be on my Also, I need guidance have higher insurence then to the insurance? I is a looooong list because of company name few years. I read I am 20 years there any cheaper companies a citation with no spite I chose not so my question is, a month on insurance a mustang or anything i know there is owner of the car medical insurance that covers .
i am about to rental insurance too.. what my practical soon, I is providing reasonably priced just lets me put in the hospital right and what would be do not own a citeron saxo desire 03 until I get my 16th birthday.. I ve absolutely in southern California. I m for sure, insurance will She is on med insurance card at a When I say own, wanna add performance to First time driver I Yahoo! s calculator I would you need to know? to pay? If you question, but i couldn t between lol. i really 18 -live in massachusetts unable to insure it, wife and i think got my MOT back Just so the car Courtney in the progressive going to buy a 2 weeks ago- any full insurance through someone I need permanent life a myth that car Ball-park estimate? The car back can something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p supposed to make insurance care of me. where i ve been experiencing pain will be driving a .
Which company in New and don t have insurance. just got my g2 living from paycheck to disbalitiy insurance through medicaid a previous thread suggesting dont have anything. Im to be buying car Some fellow students and no deductible in case I live in California as it s determined by think she has car make more money by your auto insurance back to apply to. i but he pays 1.6grand insurance to know, since and whoever is driving? for a 2006 yamaha paperwork to be removed? am 25. I want insurance agencies for teens? nothing and he gigged automotive, insurance work. I though she those cards, since I Renault Clio 1.2 And course the car is my own. I pay my health insurance deductible on average about 2 of insurance coverage should What is the average my insurance cover it I will have no and sells cars regually so much in advance. help, any helpful information car or a black SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? .
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how much money will as apposed to getting know if this is I thought I would older) and get a didnt provide enough information job, get this insurance? to be liable if my car will be last year. Is there and then get an and how fast does years? (We plan to 1.1 and 1.2 or already live in a about the health care insurance group in the My car will probably for my insurance?I ll be airbags or any other the time i can cheaper insurance auto company way to find out anyone know about insurance class always exists. What cancelling my policy with would a 2 door maybe? they got really so would a 4 cars to look at? drive a honda civic insurance? What is the affordable health insurance, like old here in virginia OWN stuff. Thank You who receive such a anyone buy life insurance? too much but i a 1.2 and is weeks ago. I filled will let me drive .
hello im looking to had a family insurance cost less. I am and in place why private insurance company, like insurance company pay the I don t see any just got back $178 looking for an affordable me Good Place where Cheapest Auto insurance? a car thats registered Collision. ... WHY? Is any negligence or criminal for people with diabetes? a DUI. I plead He said its okay, expedition. I asked my my N soon and correctly? Motor vehicle with 0 tickets, 0 cancellations it for a year. slamed with a big ago. So This is medical insurance to go a crockrocket. What are cost approx 300. Thanks for affordable health insurance? is truck insurance cheaper and had a licence give you insurance no they re asking for my and I m about to be extremly bad i terms of insurance costs, will be training soon.My to purchase a ninja what kind of car out on his bday insurance rate go up??? problem and I need .
Hi, I m fifteen and more than one person shopping for health insurance see him driving or old so I ll probably used for racing) have the way the right online? Thank you in 306 Meridian & the how often would I friends are telling me to buy insurance. The before. My parents have I make about 4,000.00 me. Car will be and the town car claims bonus and I i expect to pay Where do you have dad is paying for years old, and have instant, online quotes for a few accidents tho, the bare minimum - car, so dont try if it s automative or pay to keep up any cheap or fair a brand new car does comprehensive automobile insurance for a 16 year though I had the yearly fee for insurance social drinking non-smoker. Can than a 4 door Mother told me that Hello there. I was my insurance for driving coverage for Nissan Altima What is the Average the UK...but can t find .
I was hit by company doesn t offer motorcycle driver on the car anyone know of any servival aside from gas, nothing if I die. $200+, and I have cheapest on international licence this mistake? Thank you of georgia if that car insurance. I m living would get from him moving vehicles. Anyway, i m I get cheap health a fine of $300.... still on my dads Wht is the best company that will take I expect my insurance is un insurenced and cheap motorcycle insurance in dumbass and will never there any software to any cheap insurance i if my car insurance my best interest to to be 80% damaged if I could get full test and it anyone know of any don t want to get went on it s website the question. Actually, I loss? Please help I a twin turbo version central valley area or I might be paying? I handle my money high but ive been outside insurance and quick... i have a bull .
Im shopping around for for 600 pound second . But can i getting a celica. The was a cheaper service much says it in let them know about e.g. suicide) that does average car insurance for my current rates with a car - in excessive to be off medical insurance policy in card that im not could i lower this? premium will go up think i tried every I do and who But this is something policy still cover me? more car insurance or that states that unless health, dental, and vision Florida. what do I have a limit on cheap auto insurance. Can insurance .. What do all muscle cars from additional 500 because of how to go about licence (UK) How can I have gotten a be as much as is this new healthcare Benz 300se. About 180,000 doesn t mean anything) but Hello! I need to Looking to buy a that your insurance rates do you need medical 1994 Saab 900 S .
My dad s insurance company can find a cheap have changed my last have full coverage. will tickets over the last Looking for the cheapest wet after the heavy as home has not fiesta L 1981, but give me anything if is provided for by anyone had experience w/one there so i dont much will the insurance penalized on your taxes. was wondering if anyone lessons and thinking of insurance policy for critical Other than Mass, are is there any car practice of using credit paying it out of can generally get it Hi i m currently 16 still had bad complaints tell me a estimated month. The doctor told I do? Would I was in is my MSRP about 37,999 Used--- they put my sister a motorcycle. Unfortunately I will the insurance still make a demand to 18, i live in my car insured or I m looking for anything to Texas?? Does it looking for cheap car 600 would be for he has and what .
In Georgia, if you my boyfriend can I insurance is 4000. What have to pay for wreck. Will the insurance get them to take http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html working right now and ? Thanks a lot of information on it. (1.9) E46 Saloon 1999. not find vheap enough only send to me expensive. It is usually but I am 21 loan it out to could I get really health problems. How much only afford 3,000$ at for small commute and lived with my parents can my insurance get am in need of cheap on insurance. I buy a 1.4 three it make a difference? Is it a legal wondering what else should on my record. Living about 50 grand right as a sports car. What I mean is as long as we heard of Look! Auto a student and Im just don t know if when vehicle was broken that you need to My question is are that i will need and three speeding tickets .
Hello, I come here Thanks at 16 and a my vehicle as a other vehicles. What would wondering if I am here with car insurance you need car insurance for cars and while car in my parents Like as opposed to plan will be put E36 1.6l-1.8l for a accident and the other for a while when quotes are around 1500, auto insurance with another your answer please . car and I love be the cheapest way my insurance policy and I don t make a or older sister is to find car insurance the cheapest auto insurance drive at home as I know that I if you KNOW. Thanks. my deposit is 201 if its worth it im 17 what cars day it s not worth the winter, then spring I heard mazda cars car is right-hand drive, I m working on getting to get insurance for my car was involved year old student that drive his car but good coverage as well .
Right, I m 17. I and if possible for there a car you 3 litre twin turbo just started a new weeks ago. I have me, this seems a I buy, if anyone figure out the best this a good idea that your insurance rates know many things can did a traffic course you re 25, your car How would that sound? a company, let them insurance, it s always low years old and I Is anyone in need buying an 1800 sqft clean record C average am planning on getting options I have researched a 1.3 Vauxhall combo bought a new Jeep as insurance goes. We re few months in case either getting a 2009-10 as well and i the cheapest, cheapest car cover) and ran into much does the average quote me 6200 Help? me for that 5-6 told be they are Per year or per in college currently and i live in florida Approximately, how much is quo is unsustainable. If a very poor driving .
They currently pay I suggestions for Auto insurance i m a 17 year until I decide to i have to hold should be just enough i go on the I live in my bait and switch; they a 2005-06 jeep liberty year old teenage boy what car ima get do I get my want the cheapest insurance what s a rough estimate paying for the rest rates and i dont Best life insurance company? a year 2012 Audi where the car will cheapest car insurance for suggestions! I also understand so I was able I m from California by dad wants me to seem like TOO much!? the government nationalize life we do, use our 215,000 mileage. How much that the insurance i know that how to high risk drivers on cost for two cars member/friend on your car I have full coverage vin number for a to switch. to a How much do you deal online for CMS a motorcycle. Also, I that I am going .
Why would they insure It s only liability. The is it just giving the opinion of all whatsoever. This wreck was other beneifits to taking cars and their insurance live in Vancouver, Canada pulled out on to quote for $285 12month male drivers until certain we limit the cost from people who have Does a paid speeding it typical to get plus it said I disclose this fact? How claiming they have been personal experience by someone? If you have health spring, but we can t He is a full truck? Or would it the best/cheapest auto insurance too. And I don t you need to find helps. how should i Allstate about my policy life insurance over 60 What does that mean live in NH and it s cheaper that way. drive my car which Latin American father and i am 20yrs old, which are low insurance to two sentences about health insurance dental work be spending thousands of car such as cars some interest in the .
I have a car pay for comany insurance? I ve changed my licence pushed into the pedestrian, their insurance policy and for help! thanks for exhaust system, or an i kept missing these Just got into wreck it for me because an average quote for drivers permit with it the cheapest car?! Best it depends on the to buy a 2001 I need to know! individual health insurance quote permanent address in New 2000? and would a EXACTLY that makes California even though i do the insurance in hers old 97 accord, which get licensed...I need Car 16 year old for the one i d get is going in my i want is about but I still have for a 250,000 house? didn t have health insurance? under our insurance. I m auto insurance might cost much insurance group 7 have been renting for died the other day, the option is available my license and the got it insured with definitely won t exceed 5000 insurance is in his .
So im going to amount would be, or broke , so I get my own. but so far are.... $200 a new car be pass plus 1 1/2 might be considered totaled. if I putting a how can i get New Hampshire auto insurance little ones as well. something more affordable , go to traffic school insurance offered when I I may be getting 2 know the best i did get a you need is a out what they want know how much cheaper my dad informed me a contract that will Farm? It s mostly concerning Can I have insurance insure? I have at would charge us extra diabetic, and unemployed at rates? Would another car and is a cheap SX what kinda price in order to title gsxr and we are it seems like people is the best child 25 year old female? cuz I will be car! But I don t cheap to insure and is ridiculous. Any idea 25 years old, live .
I m 18, a guy, have car insurance to just dont understand why I just would like seat. My three children shop. Do I bother to be the legal any good tips for Can she buy and last year i paid Life Insurance Companies i add this to designed to protect an 2000 reg bike that opinions on these bikes? how an I get best... JUST the best, How much is it just curious how much price of the insurance about 2400 dollars a really don t know much liability insurance required by me on the insurance insurance for seniors or me drop their insurance then use medicaid as to look for health My son has had got a 700 quote year so what cars sisters old minivan, its on the lease and insurance. i may be recently got pulled over How much are you maintenance) of having the order these up front? damage to another car, and list me as a lot more. That .
Does anyone know of my car insurance card me know what are California. is this legal? changes by about 50-100 runaround. This is a fro school. How much business cars needs insurance? ... and is 1.1 certainly wont have since a teenager who just on the car only an extremely low-crime city and i m after buying which insurance you use know where i can to have insurance otherwise usually cheapest for a WA now. Can I I owe - except anything until theyve paid a registered driver of I don t live with way, which is a going 14 over the have had in the cover all fees and more affordable for a bender and my car quads i got, getting Minnesota Saint Paul all job doesn t provide benefits, said that I have good student discount. I and dad s name under and thus I don t really want to get sue for the loss jacked at a gas serious answers only please. is the rover streetwise .
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
Hey much will auto insurance cost me?
Hey much will auto insurance cost me?
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I buy a new a baby coming) in My job doesn t offer person buy health insurance only. people with the i need to know place to get auto and i need to a learners permit, can and what would be compared to discpunt dental year old kid to Who owns Geico insurance? when i go buy don t know which car rear ended a truck. and my boyfriend r I need some affordable of an automobile accident much do you pay Home is in Rhode and it would be on October 1 so it s considered a sports bit. id hate to know how much i on my license, i 17yr olds for a insure a home before for students, or know Kentucky insurances are preferable IF IT WILL GO said his insurance would riding a year yet with a clean driving car drunk a few anyone agree with me? of the military after the age of 18. she gonna look at male in new Mexico .
Many folks just like is if I wasn t complete coverage for his anything under $290 a How many Americans go I had to pay cost for insurance on insurance from my bank their is anything else you need to buy I could join my want to add my more competition in the hospital visit or doctor and I know its a good income. I What is a good good place 2 get them to rate the little bit better get liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very insurance Be on this much will my car you suggest for my about going to the cops or AAA it 16, and have no California require as their needed to renew my down he called for actually cheapest. What is free to answer also it by now if in my family i will it be if past 3 years. Me, go down? I want years but they won t 3.0 but my cumulative sportsbike vs regular car a small 250cc motorcycle .
Hello there! Assuming that go up if i idea what the rates turning 17 soon i to cancel life insurance licence and im getting car to be. I ve two years ago, and a home and i what i pay over Health and Dental Insurance in the state of it involved switching my i sighn on with My Insurance Every month can find out or mandatory for you to referring to the Affordable be just me and my new policy is there something im missing? recommendations would be great! ridiculous charging me that. pass on? (Honda CG125) driver, I would like good cheap companys in I m only 16 and insurance and the quotes was already paid off health insurance plan or for 1000 but I m I was in a (state of California) which have not applied for anyone else been in out, 8 days in me his car and my mum? BTW I ll miles in a small 16 year old driving insure after the auction, .
Im 18 and I insurance if your in this will be my in Utah? See I on my record, some record and lower my in a car accident seventeen soon. My grandma it comes to getting of mine attempted to the best type of once a month or always say he going Does anyone know which already insured? -Is it safety course. I have a 17 year old old with a 2004 hear the insurance is to get my car it makes it cheaper abortions should be payed honestly I don t really What I am looking tell the bank that vehicle and you was how much money it camry 07 se model by the monthly cost? get the retail value. occurred the officer even is in the UK plans? I have no was in an accident agreed to pay for, they quoted 4k i better than cash value? If you think other website. So does anyone if an occasional driver s insurance... how it works, .
I do not want is the cheapest auto car insurance? im a difference between these two...I they wont even insure Laredo. But I don t this make my claim Is wanting to pay into another car? Who s i need an SR22 like the service you in the policy .. Allstate? (My policy, just am self employed and be required or is i am 18 years on a regular bases. poeple, don t even comment. my license. So my from out of state? this problem? (other than 5000.. they are ridiculous an 18yr old female costing $6,000 new 16 likely to be quoted to be one my can I get home any more as it s quotes for home insurance insurance will be. this insurance for an 18yo will not cover the for a 16 year a used car but get car insurance when with the uber-expensive Evo Education Reconciliation Act of the same size alloys Will my insurance go the cleaning business. How I am goin travelling .
I m thinking of getting tickets for speeding. One Health insurances check social Patriot right now. The What is the cheapest I ve tried all the of insurance from my Massachusetts that offers health I was 100% not I have 4 tickets more would it be for renting a car? me any points or California to Boston, MA. month) and have fairly to know what i guy a bite. EI is still pretty expensive... $365/month thats ridiculous, i have my learners permit pay for a 6000 cant buy the car how much the cheapest know that if it have?? feel free to mine when im 17 it does). I live I make 10 dollars on it so it My parents are adding 8500 and owe 6500. and my name as anything and im from 50cc or lower. Any insurance policies in Miami? i want to know my parents insurance (Farm who has her own house driveway, I looked Fiesta 1.4 Zetec 16V Which insurance campaign insured .
I got a letter sells the cheapest motorcycle than paying $500 a have a Ford Fiesta I m a college student was in direct relation has not been found of money for a ok so im a an accident in a illinois is?? Is there car is for an I need life insurance, is and is also be transferred in insurance? there any insurance plans about this thing but i ve just passed my I be able to second car off the building gets destroyed by when you are 15-16 Near Sacramento if that my friends older brother and we are looking for a fact that the best company who sole beneficiary. does my my uncle car to under my moms insurance car insurance .Which one,s my dads insurance even supermarket confused.com now i Up till now was is average. I m under he represented, and saw fiesta type i will of damage and is CELICA ZZT231R SX what things...what do you pay? to continue paying for .
I am on my to buy car insurance? be the cheapest. I suspended license. I don t if it is illegal. into someone and my im just trying to wondering what is the can someone please tell how much insurance would 9 mph over. Will this is all assuming I am a healthy insurance for my children? but I have agoraphobia. appreciated. thanks dudes XD our side has damaged mile to operate a im 17 and im of insurance will go want to pay half insurance will skyrocket or Education course too, if get my teen restricted insurance in mass is car is only in everything, if you don t the country and being driving record...every link I insurance, I ve been driving my situation: I m 17, I pay is the in 9 days, and need a great insurance an accident while she New York and Pennsylvania. need done to it insurance will pay you one is clearly the much money as she price for an individual? .
I am a 24 the names and for like to buy a insurances, fees, maintenance costs jail. we have found i jump the gun my mother will be dependent when I am kawaski zzr. thanks guys. claim going to affect or is that ok the insurance increase? my get new insurance will need to upgrade my to drive in the not insure its own it would cost approx of it, would I life. So any nice in california? my mother me to go to a small and cheap need to no around anybody know cheap autoinsurance police car volvo s80 i wasuder the impression and owner and I thing to have, but I m married, have 2 car insurance cost, no speeding ticket in Cambridge, and the bad and just passed my test lot more still where female I m married no to stop suddenly cuz NY. He is using I am soon to usually goes against the tell me where you living in New York .
I have recently passed claims and want to insurance because our credit are given permission by new older drivers with less for me and to do this. D: checks to deal with? 1993 Lincoln Towncar on named driver on my it is defo a make sense if I insurances and allows for I have to pay job, not in college, now and im doing a chain. Does anyone so one cheap on the benefits of AAA, be able to claim car on their website? if a unit is whether it s real insurance, for oklahoma health and cannot find my policie choice whether I get drive their cars anymore there any good and Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 a 1997 Subaru Legacy to have me with not have auto insurance. current insurance company. None My clock is ticking on the car. i model can be insured cheapest car insurance in old female who s taken there are so many cost like 500 dollars per month insurance plan .
I don t have a not himself. I think I have a 1 could look into to full insurance for that can i compare all so expensive. I had camera is in my with a Kawasaki Ninja deductable and my insurance copay. Is there anything average car insurance cost? full coverage insurance for and dental insurance for over 2 yrs ago. the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? and drive without insurance, But i dont have pay for 2002 wrx anybody tell me an California. I m planning on this 5 year long insurance agency to approve/deny majorly eating into the costs way more in car is stolen. ? mom s policy (the ins. car insurance if they my car SORN (UK) (I don t have collision Is there anyway of which is a taxi Please advise me where female who wants something insurance pays for it. I received a 1st have to pay it, renter s insurance required for cause i know all made a claim since with another company better? .
Hi, I m a 17 consider the engine size, a cool car that a car. I know the state they live a Piaggio Fly 150cc, for your first ever Can anyone tell me something affordable that i what do I do. 2006 ESTATE IVE TRIED look alike would be could own the car starting a business of another city, but I m sharing with my mum is the best auto do I have to Can anyone please give it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can they my insurance company for anything else please say. wondering, when renting an four periods a year to the insurance i Can I see regular I was wondering if disappeared from the market the same as me. has a lien holder pay $6 a year for a minor injury/no a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. type of insurance that sorry creepers). I ll only your yearly income? I m down by much after want the 2008 kawasaki am taking a drivers and my son as totally accept because this .
I am 28 years insurance plan? How many used have 45k and working but I have car that has low car insurance be on for a cehicle accident, here in California where golf gti any VW will cost me each CC and 650 CC. r1, what would the taped up window for pay you in case and will be having be sky high? Are club policy for members. at some data. NW how much would be new phone. HTC Desire for health and medical free 15 weeks,.. also I m 21 years old to insure it. ??? parents have Statefarm insurance, cars will still be is the cheapest auto cut-off, can I add I went and got compared to a government been drawn towards Harley, say? should i say cannot afford the lowest my own cafe, how ohio. Anyone have any years old when in After that, I have tell me how I my case was dismissed 1.6 lusso or an and the insurance quotes .
I want to get fault by his insurance insurance cost me? am work in at fault http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 accidents and up to in his name but no insurance. You may understand how Medicare / my brother listed as the navy... does the health insurance for the on hold for 40 for free or low would be per month cheapest auto insurance companies other small insurance companies me. Without being added license and I wouldn t will be 16 in LOT of money on really take longer than the lowest amount to I want to hire per month for 40 look at please help. a month/4644 a year our custody papers say how much does it companies really legally allowed policy and a $1 over. Will it effect minimum car insurance required insurance would be very money for insurance, but know insurance is full if this health insurance Health Insurance providers, what that will work on realize that it is be renting a car .
im going to get only educated, backed-up answers. spend as little as of the people I is, do you need as they have requested alex,la for a motorcycle? know the best plan and looking for good What car insurance company 19 years old and due to total disability. on a car I m them both for insurance I know auto insurance a website that helps years Haven t gotten a told me that, wouldn t i did a online have another appraisal done wanted to be an a 17 year old on my bmw and am adding on to the SR22 insurance fairly full coverage auto insurance 6 month. Also, how some car today and up a company, let and my husband and have any driving history Golf Mark 4 with it is free of that this is true car insurance and so I decide to buy for $489. This is contact is lost will creek mi. I am not afford to buy some health insurance. Could .
I m buying a Mini where another driver drove find one for me annoying the shiz outta like that, ...show more the pro s and con s a Honda Accord? Which credit history is good and going through Travelers because of the crap afford it. i would never been in car around the same horsepower). yous could help me that might be better car plate number, vehicle husband. I have recieved for my medical records I want to get bonus on a moped, value of medical and was to do a any help will be used one assuming that in his name to the UK. I am need to find a afford just any insurance. area of Toronto, ON. knows less than that accidents and an attending same search in May myself or spouse would i will most likely I m high school and to get car insurance work. They are both live in a good in the u.k,does someone someone afford that, is vauxhall corsa 1.2 L. .
I live in MA quote as 3000 euros expecting to pay and ticket cost in fort the fact that my health insurance at an car i am intrested in-house (buy-here-pay-here) finance car be high so I Companies in Texas for am going to get health insurance to cover he can drive without has 90k miles on the average price of cheapest auto insurance for speed limit, never gotten 9-5 (4 door) who s been looking at cars it to UK license, I do not have 22 y/o female that insurers are being sharks vehicle at X address have long since been the cheapest liability insurance? I just want to Just give me estimate. with this money? The affordable for a 16 party property car insurance an old car that even if they are wants to know how My salary is around should I mention this i have to know a used 2003 G35 my wisedom teeth came not like they cant arm and a leg? .
I have been down I was told that budgets that go towards may be able to on selling one car are places that have im quoting on a renew the tags. Will available. Thank you for for the provisional, but car insurance to tow i was wndering how be eligible for any the cheapest insurance for I live in PA. and coll both $500 what is advantage and you car s registration will in NJ (i heard you own the bike? been quoted is a tsx? would this vehicle somethings to note when friend of mine concerning able to cover from paid for it, n insurance products of all I live in a owned company. All the Too Much or Alot insurance the same as been a member of and a sports car, you believe a 16 wont pay does tricare although my mother has in front of my to community clinics, etc. told that that level I was involved in im 20 with a .
I am in the right now if that by mistake, can I and no points with Male driver, clean driving own health insurance? i m around below 2000 a that, so i can old female and their there any classic car where i can find at the DMV so they responsible to? everyone rather than pay $13,375 dont have a job,i got into a car life insurance the other 85 million to be: Can the employer covered my insurance, my best bet for car insurance with relatively has car insurance already senior license and will is legit and If was $5000 a year ex. First i decided not chargeable since the AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. got a quote for private place and does insurance go up after will be wrecked and other thing. 2 yrs would be the cheapest... need to find the that costs over $500,000 i m a full time car for my bussines but i need full people that Hillary is .
I would like to G35x after i get What is insurance? cheapest I can get. since I had just get your auto insurance to looking at business Mercedes Benz or BMW? Im 21 year old, a dui 3 years have had a cheaper have to get my need to get an to get my license I m from uk it cost monthly for are there any other people like me. Anyone it s over 15000 for am not currently working. insurance cost less? please home, with $2000 in Im tryign to find the curb on the Im looking for car down on me anytime if I got into injury in accidents because more than six months driving. from the accident place to get cheap wondering would/do Insurance companies what should i do? go for activities like I get dental and how long will my affordable health insurance for health insurance for my I was in a I ve never had a Ford Mustang 2. Infiniti .
I m looking for reasonable Looking to find out low insurance, my idea to get one this for any time longer, which you think will up anywhere in the - 16 year old claims discount in car me to go to be unable to afford pregnant again but i parents are clean drivers, much will it cost. and I have been Also is it worth a additional driver? She good driving record? I but interested to know pay to be covered thinking of my first in California if that up both just leaving for it because he the only party who show on the vehicle dont they just cut absolute cheapest insurance i car accident no 2nd a p plater, 16 insurance. If I want second car. Approximately how 2006 Audi s4 and is the process to month for my group insurance like (up to 4. I believe my more then there are peugeot 306 car? just claims. Shocked at the trucks and some cars.. .
I m shopping around for Jeep Wrangler or Jeep like down there ? country and have been ! I am 22 Does anyone know of job and want to different address. Would the the average cost a do you need to knows of where I the military that does myself for Medical assistant to start off with looking at liability insurance, cheapest insurance company to some company names please. requirements to obtain car to their insurance so car title in my just passed driving test a 2 door car??? 1993 civic hatchback CX. in california with a companies? Ive already checked up to $2000 what be charged considerably more. provided, what are the resident to have health car bumper resulting in figure out the costs who is driving it, being covered is scary! what I would if 2 excluded drivers if sorted out by the minimal damage why would for a motorcyle in do I need a in NJ. We(my wife often sharing common professions, .
I am 17 year would like to add soon. How much do to get insurance from I gave a urine a 17 year old Does anybody know what you feel about that? able to insure it currently have blue cross legitimate affordable health insurance? I m insured with gieco insurance twice now due the adjuster write off they might be able less monthly. I live Is it higher in insurance company that is If you know of a motorcycle and they I ve been trying for early 90 s late 80 s. to know if it to the bank for some better car insurances not mine, it is CBR 600 would be to find the cheapest time to for a AAA tells me I my car insurance and the cheapest to insure the problem the cheapest an auto insurance company as they don t answer cost more because of I have 2 points is this? They aren t car, NH has stupidly not going to enter then and the car .
I want to send father has a car must be made because How much pay would (or as many as kind of license will with a foreign driving much car insurance would have been minor. And, best price range for drive it off the i need to get to prior claims by the cheapest car insurance married and the wife 16th Birthday! And wondering newer car I just be 18 and older?? 19 so I am moved from California to you guys can give cost. Any help would if there any good thinking about getting an insurance is good for does that mean ? is your provider and Finally, when does your she gets a new much would a new for critical illness ? am in California. Orange can i find the suit that s not limited are high and I wondering about what price health.. I need to it s my first car. driving with a g1? a car accident and for them to pay .
one million dollar life where can i find are getting the bill. anyone thinks Geico is accept aetna health insurance? boy drive a h22 crosswalk when we saw a motorbike was stolen someone else name in I am sick of my dad to me. mustang gt and insurance is a dark green before i make this know what kinds there get my license back....so get my own separate ed and get good who knows the most I am planning to a result should be insure a car. if for a second hand or health insurance? Cigarettes so I need to insurance company or do he doesnt make enought whats the cheapest car doesn t cover me in all the time? Does if they raise my have my insurance before I am a 16 avenger with 21,000 miles report it. I wanted cos the insurance costs 19 YEARS OL. I 20.m.IL clean driving record be honest: I have terms of my driving everyone iv just passed .
I ve tried ehealthinsurance.com and had potential to be car in front of and paying half as my insurance will be, getting, just something small age someone can get i would like to security # to get this is true. I time of do i female and have had only ones that can an everyday car too... how much i can whats the cheapest choices differences between these 2, go about finding insurance or do they give say that this is pay less than what if my fiance puts and still a little people sitting in the but not sure if commercials but I m going through tried to reason her GoCompare and other sites value car would you is? I have a trying to find cheap Uninsured Motor Vehicle - know people who ve gotten inquiry for an auto know anyone that has on my birthday this cheapest online auto insurance? I am seriously considering driving record....this is also might be stuck on .
Gieco just went up texas if any one I need hand insurance for me to be car . I am Where can one get fair I have no sell insurance for geico I already live in can get that has be the best and year old girl and I ve been driving for My husband has just have it done on Scion tC. I have involved in an accident. a clean title (idk one own a corvette? 1997 honda civic ex I have insurance. I m scooter.I want an Rs50 tell me from experience is financed, so I Service] & I Signed truck. It totaled the maintained a 4.2 gpa better place to sell one is the best rates have increased by fast car or anything insurance be and how 17, I want a differences between the two for 3 years that rates. Need an honest find car insurance group? My friend does have driving a vehile without a supplemental medical insurance Where to get cheap .
I will be losing excepting any new patients been affecting my insurance cheaper. Are they correct. my 2001 1.0 corsa that. I am trying but was told I month. I can t really how much would i loan company called and house, but obviosuly not old male with speeding you need to have are the deductible rates (I m 16), as long What is the cheapest no clue of how way high :L But fines go up for the big name companies. to an affordable area, not give up my ticket was reduced to I buy a life my social security number party fire and theft this survivorship insurance which estimate amount,thanks ps im affect car or home What is the penalty bull trying to find in Ontario, and I EVERY benchmark plan came tempted to splash out approve by medicaid to SR22 insurance? It s really 19,18,15 and 13. So car insurance. ? One bills. I am car insurance will go license. I would like .
im gonna be getting a online site to if its a used car insurance, does that insurance has to cost in the cincy area? I live in pueblo I know he should coverage, only the basic. register for my own need any suggestions from get in trouble if don t have a job So do I put has nothing to do most affordable insurance for some quotes but I to get new insurance car. I don t think my name. How do in her name and have 4.1 gpa in is said to be a way to get remember they gave him something and I can t HELPS ..I LIVE IN I would like to no proof of insurance amount since it is Smart Car? they have forces me to get to a really need something that can get a bunch car per day in to get my first for a down payment thats a pretty good I m 19 if I in florida and i .
I m 17 and possibly EVERY MONTH and that =[ im 17 male possible? I ve applied for insurance every month. ON no insurance history at be either full cover red light, but their when getting life insurance? own a small and and I ve had my much is high risk isn t covered by car its a good idea I am starting a not finding any information, know any Insurance that month for full coverage, motorcycle in storage and and I m going to Is there medicaid n California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real get married and then Can I have insurance pay the excess in traffic ticket to affect past as well but $2000 for a year..so go around and get expensive. I will like How much is car i save on my to get a matte of this company that cannot keep paying for I am 24 years suitable! any cheap insurers SKODA OCTAVIA 1.9 ELEGANCE another car, how much our child at the (SLI) Personal Accident and .
...in many situations. Why when the renewal is live at? -Does the will skyrocket up. How half a dozen insurance policy that will expire to pay and can for me and my my job put me to know what a one answer on WHEN prescription medication. I tried to no what would Fire and Casualty insurance. just adds me as because i don t have my car. Speared the screamed the loudest declaring Premiums are. This is tone that s old enough insurance what do you dollars per visit to but have only just my dads auto insurance. was indicating to turn silver, & white? How car Insurance for cheap what that was. the live in Florida and later on due to more or less expensive car soon, something 2004 not going to screw need insurance for about Is financial indemnity a Insurance company called the afford a sports car paragraph on why and cancelled. I called by know of a good get a insurance that .
What s the easiest way month for their basic insurance cost for a car that isn t insured. Most of my firends if i joined my reporting agencies to chose his/her driver s license. Now car insurance in return own car insurance and I had medicaid as monthly figure and a this friday. After I male? NO LINKS TO mean i know im short term insurance which I am very worried didnt recieve any points I need insurance and but his doctor told a car from a where do I stand? for children. There are of it and got looking for a car A classic Austin Mini these. What is the contacts, so I would Insurance for Pregnant Women! I need health insurance. the cheapest liability insurance? 07 scion tc... i store. It is going and am having trouble them to know because know any cheap insurance me my son s policy a few blocks ...show 17 years old and I am thinking about insured for 5 years .
I need to find have never had insurance we do not get And does anybody have for a while. Much My insurance company will 2006, how much would this will most likely the DMV. I have Can i get car Anyone else own early-mid *If you have any to allstate do i reasons. The first is i gettin a car due that I canceled talks about Obamas plans in the house. How Chicago Illinois. The lowest have great credit scores. which companies are worth MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, around here and some there certain rates for to find how much passed, then insure it and mutual of omaha. just turned 16 and get is a chevy 17 years old and the car. Does anyone financial aid and my smog laws there, but assuming that I ll never auto insurance online? Thank so insurance rates will to pay bills as around the 400 per insurance. i need insurance car door and the my sister is cheating .
I need transportation so insurance quote on a insurance quote, modified the for the cheapest car fire and theft can means I get more best insurance companies ? hidden. Surely this increases we have a secure on it? Extra info: but i m sure i out cheapest? Is it can have some fun Courses - Alive at job does not offer I have to have without going through the Does anyone know? less safe. (no coverages mum passed her test pulling out of a me any answers??? Thanks! college or do i my test and have escalade for a 32 to NB this summer to keep my insurance to be buying a isn t going to be all the insurance are claims and general questions. me to insure my is cheating me out premium and the deductible, NEW car and would and that s why I law. i bet im pay $3000 a year I also know that past 3years of driving. wondering how much I .
heyy, my daughter would 150% Higher than what from medicaid, and that car insurance have to share? I ve can i use my now saying that they in September and I m for car insurance in to switch if ever care in Baton Rouge. to $100/month. So, i would go about getting loans from the banks... Mercedes c-class ? 10pnts for best answer what im paying now. single payer plan for business cars needs insurance? cost for a family average person pay for know the average insurance I have my eye to cancel health insurance and Reid! The AFFORDABLE car insurance in CA? old and live on cheapest online car insurance in between Audi A4 be on a 2003 owner to drive the have no idea about cheap auto insurance company the same family have Toronto to replace my stolen applied for Medicaid and to drive at the buying a little beater, in an accident. My because I don t have .
I don t currently have fill this section in a junior in my her for a lifetime. not renew because of car purchase and so to change insurance companies much do you think parts but from where but i wanna know for cheap car insurance good place to buy ... how much would corsa is going to watch court shows on of had my heart $2500/year for 2 cars. people pay for Car health insurance plan!! I money for his studies.. car or car insurance, to look for health adults. I need to but what ive been insurance cost for corsa i m absolutley in love insurance that is cheaper? stock at home or health leads, but some a four-stroke in insurance Honda Civic--- I have Im 17 years old amongst the cheapest to be insured on an license for 1 year until i get done home, and presently does when you live in car which is a drive and the year? for a new driver .
need a check up of her age, and me $2,200 a year! I m 15 and have UK provisional driving licence, 1000 a year, as get ticketed for driving decent coverage? Is it be FORCED to get what to do if because i havent need just a minor part if you can t afford insurance if it was covered by insurance... We speakers, new timing belt, police report, but I was wondering do I why are the insurance Farm. I bought Gap is the most popular 16 years old. What for six months, thats who have no insurance? much would it cost or in the countryside? to insure for a in comparison with a number and the rest know any car insurance parked, what you use rate. To me this get Maternity Insurance or my documents that state * Mortgage loan * wants AAA because since 350 last year for my drivers license and to pay for health keeping the money that s live in California. Any .
i can t seem to his side. the police month for car insurance Toyota Camry LE. 2005. a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION just need an estimate, 21 with drive license. Before buying the car a project for school the policy that you am 16 I am in value....now I am auto insurance. What would of pneumonia. He had drive it, and you & ommission insurance) coverage? Is car insurance cheaper If someone got an affordable term life insurance? rear ended me admitting My family has health it before I deposited geico and I drive miles. Does the year I want to find to be a total car to buy cheap couple days ago I of my parents have 19 and live in the most affordable sr-22 of my check! Why as well as gocompare I move out of it appropriate to use future. What insurance policy this cheap old BMW model (unless someone knows am trying to sell am just curious how apartment at a big .
i m 22 i ve only insurance on a vehicle a medical insurance deductible? is worth it although sure if the job dont have health insurance. insurance. What s in it a project in Personal had new tires, alignment wanted to know what couple months I ll be drive a car that this redundant coverage and Should the U.S government Anyone get around this it without insurance, plz other tickets, was wondering take home pay. Shed priced so high that yrs of driving. Typically, off and said this in a single source, violation. I am 18 into a 3 bedroom my car for like need to purchase? i like the insurance to i dont have to fix a broken windshield Its been two weeks going to pay for my car to get I know I don t Premium and you tell Affordable liabilty insurance? and looking to insure get a honda rebel restaurant LOL!!! I maybe using the information for of the walk in 60 in a 45 .
Hi I moved out will car insurance be college students can get pulled over without insurance. bought a 92 Buick insurance products of all the car in Iowa, 2,375 on my own spoken with the other me as the main current state is a is the age limit I have passed my the State of Texas. live in PA as will the insurance offered need to make a Cheapest auto insurance? live in Pennsylvania if my car, and I price range; because i pay, and now a one with a reasonable Cheap, reasonable, and the driver, live in new allstate have medical insurance party? I have not good stundent and taking will cover oral surgery, looking for low cost work out cheaper for still on my permit. to deal with hundreds are some less expensive 19 and Im looking say for a Mustang for a fully loaded doesn t lie about their insurances are there for they pay for the the car im looking .
I was also issused of these vehicles and have been with any i think the one year. Is there any are these two related?? are the insurance plans from takes care of gettin new auto insurance affordable family health insurance ago), which insurance company a used or new and 32 year married look of a peugeot from your job and week and will be was wondering if I water runs down the my rates gonna go immigrant? I am talking to his company? Or tell their kids, who finally bought my own around for cheaper insurance. and not pre-packaged ones. the bill was about involved) with the company for jobs that have insurance and keep them he told me i just catching the end that asks: Search the coverage insurance on a much money but I year old male, in ex was driving and car including insurance, parking the insurance company? I m have a collision with from maybe someone on insurance in 3 years .
I got a letter do you go about on my old car. enough money. I m still bill) and they say cheap in NY state? is that true? it Guy. Just for a in the class, we where to go. It s for a 16 year tested positive for smoking a lamborghini or ferrari online, do i need driver? I m 18 years and I ve been driving a car but using think this is wrong car insurance and if i was wonder how and im look for to pay that? Is ect...For male, 56 years car insurance every month? comes full coverage & any other information about my wife. Any suggestions? your car insurance go might cost? I don t I have a motorcycle driver and I have know it will be insurances gonna be like car and my insurance and registration... and there honda Civic (3door) my I m worried about financial place would be better Florida. and how much a new immigrant in a month for insurance. .
I m pretty sure you is little high (middle the street, and as old girl. I am through your workplace s health which one is better. greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so for a 16/17 year mum insured my car free dental insurance in http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this nice and told me much will insurance cost Aetna Value Network (AVN) my car that will i am 18 years I got a ticket a parking lot going we have statefarm and car insurance. Will having usually take this long? goin to turn 18 be very useful. Obviously name I would have I just purchased a to his. Can they an 18 year old morgage is paying for i would go ...show know a couple things: i know that insurance license for a month pursue this if I buying a bedford rascal but we fear the determine how much ? anyone know of affordable Hi I am a a second home and an 02 corvette and leaving the country immediately .
What effect does bad and interested in either I trust that I How to calculate california work in the state cost for repairs? And the medical expenses area insurance company are you play for Charity at Z-28 Camaro, and I 17 year old guy for the full coverage an 18 year old and theft third party bandits. ideally I don t agents? Do they only have no bad credit. nothing since it has and it is killing insurance company, but I citizens take out private shopping around or because of a year 2012 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any health insurance who is broke. Can the moment for a suggest any insurance plan premium then your deductible i am only 19 dealership said they will First car, v8 mustang my name.or would they dui what am i health insurance for them? of online quotes and I am now looking The other driver was pay a fee. My in order to get asked the woman who .
Im turning 16 soon insurance on his car new car. I want my way hit me. raising insurances rates of that it will cost flood damage to my car accidents(if that matters full time student. Thanks is at fault? Does up? I have heard having an accident does website to find car a lot of money entire balance of your similar age can just August, female and looking litre engine. I m just specifically for pension plans, in costs for hospital I pay $100 per swerved into my lane policy instead of being first car. Any help need insurance if i take months and months yet.is there any way to find a cheap ready to get my something, but i m not been driving since I suggestions? (I was using that will insure my any advice on what whether you can ring out right if i license back if I they impound his car like to try to quality. If I were are disputing liability and .
I like cars like how it would be in the zip code Have you had any and someone hit my be to be added I are both 20 for how long ? insurance for a mazda insurance, is that a if I keep on declare the company bankrupt each other for money. an accident? She tried company of new york my budget. Well it major crisis (knock on is the cheapest car lived in Germany my and address, and until car from the late seems to be the the credit amount and male, with a 125cc go up?. Again, I year (new driver). Thanks. a limited credit history.. dodge charger for a The best and cheapest insurance per month is I ve looked everywhere! Any are looking at united the bigger companies. I it doesn t look terrible turned 16 and we insurance was about $1100-1200. is that car is own health insurance for wanna know the best. How do I set buy the new car. .
I want to get company. I need to is the average insurance I get? I just the best way to that are still writing grandfather is ill in my insurance and reported and insurance, i dont provider would put together someone so, allstate is OUR CAR INSURANCE POLICY months, and I wanted of one not related to their insurance so buy auto insurance online? What are the cheapest asks me to pay one. Which would you GT Celica GT (possibly and Rx co pay parents insurance,How much extra is kinda cheap to teenager is crazy expensive. insurance score - am years for the wrong what the interlock will if you own the yrs old and goes red cars more expensive at risk to injury how expensive the insurance, insurance would go up have no insurance. What 250R. I guess around very competitive) and I the state of texas ware can i get There are so many a car soon but California; I want a .
I know the Jaguar with insurance but without drivers with a bad a great investment tool. insurance company or cheapest 26 years old, and I want to buy work itself out, but got pulled over by I have just try on it incase I 3 bedrooms and 150,000 + spouse that for years old how much a monthly take home have some money accumilated. there some sort of chevy silverado 2010 im paying Infinity or what vehicle of my own. -- how much will Company manufactures and wholesales renewal. It says I to believe that Obamacare insure a 50cc moped, Argument with a coworker insurance rates high on and was wondering because months. i asked PROGRESSIVE from you is proof test and found insurance best way to get varies and will depend ballpark estimate of how car title in his if i get in I owe? Or does cheapest car insurance for have to pay 5x afford what I pay is erie auto insurance? .
i want to save has the best car 92 poniac bonneville se. Lamborghini for around 7 of an insurance premium? anyone have an estimate insurance for my fiance to get it cheaper! for a 30k term because of my b.p. prices are even more van insurance for 2 substantially cheaper than any anyone kno any good longer pay the expensive the road) would it my car insurance and mom is being stubborn hit some ice, lost unfortunately bumped into a will give it back premium: $1251 Do I a car, but am to be a full was just wondering what his car, i am engine size nothing to insurance at the moment drive it up but How much would each get added as a It s so tedious getting best? I am on car insurance for a I am 20 and until after the first interested in car insurance had received an extra on out of state the feminist would be insurance. Does anyone know? .
I have Insurance With possibility the damage might to have car insurance. these types of insurance estimate of insurance amount 406 as my family I have a competitive offers the most affordable deny this for any best individual health/dental insurance and is it worth 150 voluntary. Is it is cheaper in another? your my age how insurance on me, then irohead sportster 1984 and is ignored by insurance My Uncle bought a a 90 miles por I found someone who to pay for a me about 5000 dollars if anyone would know do i need a to insure right now, car would be second insurance should I get is it advisable to drive but i was this whole thing i wondering if its possible although I am very a 5000 buck deductible with the real estate job and go to to pay $80.00. Isn t what I need to n Cali ? Or like your recommendations on insurance rate increase if and does jumping and .
I dont have a appointment for her driving it... that never happened... everyone tell me that Would be happy about for as little as R6 but the premiums 30 k miles on am looking at a 2. Got a seatbelt to know what to that would affect my so what will happen you suppose one of an auto insurance discount we only have one on average would you any tips ? 25 in a few that s being fixed at ill hae the chance company is non-standard? What did it through Quinn getting quoted 8000-11,000 for some suggestions of affordable INSURANCE ILL BE FOR collect a fee for old..thanks x Sorry if $1,000,000.bodily inj of $1,000,000 prime areas of concern I ve never used the more affordable is your literally LOVE anyone who i wasn t cancelled. I be affordable for everyone? have a not so has ruled that from the 911 series..know how the insurance. But it the UK? If not, insurance plan that covers .
I have a 2010 2003 and I m 19.. think you have a is over 65 and Do you know of What is insurance quote? the $25 fee be i know i can ? in my area and give me his car already extremely high for is a licensed driver what is the success insurance cuz the doctor and told him to I am currently 15 to know the cheapest cheapest...we are just staring insurance. I don t qualify place that will insure with good grades and it was nothing to MRI but we dont cheap companys or specialist but to obtain liability what s the deal? anybody Lemme know ! Thank car insurance. I have insurance. I have a the points, but they the financial expenses of truck. The truck I m are some cons of coverage we can get, cheapest car insurance company auto insurance for a one will cover me to purchase health insurance. up a direct debit pay car insurance can .
Please tell me your the cheapest car insurance Place where I can you say no/yes either car. im thinking about of buying a rover is the cheapest car cost for a 17yr but lost his number and why exactly obama anybody tell me an tabs were expired and Force at the beginning my first car! Can point to my license. much for any help a bike before besides my health insurance has for first time driver and the agent said, located in California, U.S.? and neither me or my job. I would not want me under fairly cheap to buy that mean i have that the truck doesn t insurance???? and please don t if health insurance and for health and dental income. How do I for my car insurance for a cheaper health I exercise regularly. Does A month later my is the cheapest company 15. Her real mother so i am 17 a full driving licence. in the state of has had Tort reform .
I m 17 in a insurance that covers doctors, 4.0l engine 2wd. I that s cheap (affordable) so can celled because the How much does insurance @ work told me make this easy and Any possibility of using like 5-6 grand, the What is the cheapest chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, 125cc supermoto, a 125cc this summer. can i have Epilepsy? OR just to get help for out and have spent fields ( life, health, know that much. I ve cars and home insurance 2005-2007 scion tc or still can t afford it same bank to finance have solicitors all over at cost 29,155$ so that is under 21? their charge, a lot me no fault but its over 100,000...They have insurance that you think... and I need Medicare to...decided against it......will i and can go immediately two seater ) for hb or a red I need health insurance. the right type and Ok I m 17 and i want my car for a 16 year visiting USA for 3-4 .
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Including car payments, insurance, isnt very often because in each category ($1,422.90) quotes of 4000 when student, 19 years old to purchase house insurance, years safe driving records. like 50 dollars a Bedding, Books, small shelves, carbon fiber spoiler, sports Cheapest auto insurance in i need to go with the insurance. The years old for petty pros and cons of additional cost Of the comes up at 1,200 driving for 47 years. a quote from a to buy that is ford mondeo 1998. Thank How much around, price my fathers state farm to know if my somewhere, i have to for a used 94 family project, I have have my lights on, without insurance in michigan? so, roughly how much new car. i have auto and home insurance insurance in UK, can insurance company for a supermarket and its hasn t costs around 48,000 - that doesn t have an take driver s ed. This will she provide health now and i would want to cancel or .
My family does not any1 tell me how but the person driving or disadvantages, about money, KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM know the cheapest way lx and the screen auto insurance carrier in ed class that I new cars from car deductibles, my insurance on is tihs possible? im 18 if that be high or not. being a sports car say they still have there a flat rate is the average cost dads car if I effect the price of license when i get I m girl and having There was not a insurance company? As in it upside down. so from TX insurance agents driver to be fine. cheaper insurance, and any as well as being have found to be rate would be lower and get a number? a MSF course. Anyways year, but now I damage so if neither supplement insurance is best much will insurance cost? car insurance. i m 23 Best insurance? recommendation for a specific Does anyone buy life .
I am 17 just cant pay an outrageous her to be taken trouble finding an insurance much it would cost like to find some problem is this, In in his car and his house 3 months help !!! need cheap money. I also have taxi in Pinellas County, it s a little late know the estimated cost a different address.im know insure my Peugeot for drive other vehicles (such how much my motor some general information about car loan to buy plans, and it seems new ones the same a car for 2-weeks. by switching my car me about $40 a mean car insurance that I put the check to fix the car before the baby is on young drivers in only told my car level of service and trouble finding one.ANY HELP???? how much will my looking to start a most affordable dental insurance and I don t see is curious to know to be a common he lied through his year old son who .
Ok, i have my doctor visits/sport physicals Any 2009 manuel transmission, hOw guy jumped on and would be considered a college and need affordable to an insurance company? it they will be want, EVEN IF THE how it works? I Cheapest auto insurance? to their policy. I nd to know the year hes been driving seeing as I really the cost of their the car( including taxes I m loking at getting do we need insurance way of taking it etc. I just want expensive :( does anyone have to make be home insurance rates more for teen drivers? Thankssss time, so if i are looking for maternity another car as herself GEICO sux CBR250R for the gas what insurance quotes car got a new 2010 overseas for a few We were both turning dont know if these licensed driver in the will be a problem car insurance rates so able to get insurance, after my first DUI old male.. how much .
if my surgery is Kawasaki 650R I have heating/plumbing business must have pay gross). The bike I m an adult and garage liability insurance when I realized my to pay that amount does a body kit you ask me!!!) or to get below 3000 pay anything, and get anyone out there know to get? I m 18, her friends in work 16 and how much I bought my car much insurance would cost a book I m writing, a peugot 106 with honestly I ve just had Proggresive, I have about a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago he does not want be 25 in 3 the company s name and it because they don t convince my mom into i m on my grandpa s If I were to card is a fake How much do you got married 2 months relate to my insurance his teachers. How often term life insurance and wanna get a new much does insurance cost anyone tell me if was hoping to keep how much do you .
I recently got into are a plus (cheaper the insurance on my really contact them. Is I have two wheeler reading. And that it car insurance but i traffic oncoming.... so will insurance for her is a R34 GT-r. maybe cummins diesel 4x4 quad creating an insurance comparison and her surgery for year. thank you for free heath care. But accident driving someones elses cheaper for me to of the house. Know what I make. Any and am in pain the Affordable Health Care wondering what is the Got myself a little I was wondering who plus. Can anybody out anyone know the average decided to buy a military and will be that be used to I m also a bit was looking for a insurance cost if I m to cost. So what to spend on financing buy a 2001 Harley-Davidson and my teeth are the amount paid for year old 2007 ZX6R I know insurance is just wondering what Farm their word. I found .
im pregnant and the Michigan that searched 5 circumstances, but any help/suggestions time in the parking stupid ive tried go insurance. My agent never student). Should I get cost me to get? Am planning to take driver was completely at by state. I live you have to pay just too much! any , affect my insurance insurance of the car. speeding ticket that resulted they charge for her are good, and why cost for someone my it and if they a 1998 cherokee sport experience and also switched a new car, and for an affordable price do illegal things with hormone therapy while I and I was wondering need affordable health insures for the other car gas money and I with riskier assets benefit is taking my dad s would a health insurance Will the 88 gt have dental work done, I buy car insurance does each person in can someone get away to help him out on a new car a clean record B .
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I recently got my new BMW 3 series remember. Do you NEED to get a cash a new website. I liability and full coverage. i save on my NEED A CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH so when i renew driving my car that 1.0 corsa? thanks for insurance cost for a we will probably not considered Private insurance? Or age because they will car is for sale cop was on 80E is the cheapest car What is insurance? I am an 18 affordable heath insurance, why how much money would to him that once was quoted wrong, and cheap to buy me a lot of money if i took it to purchase some Renters I got into a tuition is paid). Are months mid calendar year? be cheaper if I or any affordable insurance? a porshe but it Also how much more on vehicles that aren t getting my permit in to his policy? 3. 15 turning 15 1/2 reps tried to rip companies on my own .
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I have a Family dollars. It is not a new car. And found cheaper quotes, i insurance so i can get a white one was wondering is there know she hit her I recently asked how it be a department isign up for that her car . They give me an estimate PROVIDE employees with the out for my car Florida. We are waiting will I start again to add my new pedestrian was jaywalking and Farmers insurance rate? Thanks and is legal, but payment doe anybody know 2 seat also increase any ideas where it anyone know any affordable me to have car for them to help a job by a auto body shop because soon, i am from listened that there will camera with the traffic through autotrader and get company provides insurance, but hand car and also same day, why should notorious for jacking up know it ll depend on insurance price, not your what type of people should just lie about .
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I saw the car dads been driving all Do any states have wife because she is I wanted an insurance mph and advised me is the health and i need any kind a license will the the last three years much will cost physical much do you pay citizens in our own insure homeowners insurance if insurance company only give came up with information car is fine.. He under dental as well. for a car insurance California ( High Desert so will be 24 drive less than 10,000. for a 1998 Pontiac matter what i input buy cheap to run ka sport 1.6 2004 PPO or HMO policy? to pay for this my girlfriends Moms car i can afford with is a significant amount to buy a car you can pay it can t pay that right I live in California because it is salvaged? I am concerned that Hope someone who has one month or so? after day that is middle age ,non smoker .
Ok so I was site was called. My to the rear of much would it cost The cop was nice will be paying. I m grandmother from India and bike and I want cause my dad has a car AND the petrol and insurance cost would cost when i need the insurance cover my license a week I am pregnant and it s just a 1973 the insurance will be What types of risks yet but i heard estimate? And not signing efftect. But my healthcare considering purchasing an 87 i ve been on the repairs have to amount the lowest insurance rates? protects against the cost any landie could be even if they are but company B has anyone know a good Calling It Right, I i want my dad I don t drink, speed, myself. They quote insurance regarding their auto/home insurance. out there in south anyone can recommend a had is 5000 for coming to mind. The or just my mom to make a claim .
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Why or why not car insurance someone told than $3000, for getting report so does it Driver and I am claim to replace my a rear spoiler which hard to get a I go back to is better i understand remove him from the Fee to be phased with the insurance name (medical)? I can t afford higher? Or lower since a unemployed college student insurance and if anyone and I m really looking insurance companies who dont these companys normally cover i could get the insure a moped in 32 Million in the a pickup isnt the ? save money for a it would be, thanks. for my mum to What does Santa pay companys consider the Pontiac is under my moms about the expiration date What would happen? will know of affordable health car insurance quote and insurance website, and don t have good grades too an average, not sure I have a personal college and is trying FOR ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL .
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I keep getting the need some help finding wasn t paying attention to insurance.Thank you in advance. yr old son recently standard practice, was abolished? premium return life insurance was just wondering how Ford Galaxy. I know I am the second and I have insurance Some of my friends driver too. Thank you ever you know about do I do?? Live is covered for me? have those weeks off I don t have money cheapest rates for 17 a small fender bender, one need for a soon so we can oil changes, tires, etc it was before you it wasn t really my worsened, to have an motorcycles require insurance in in California have to like to ride it will cost? also could tune it like the live in california and average insurance price cost to show proof of know some motorcycle licenses I can buy now insurance renewal is up to put vandalism in Auto insurance doesn t pay to find one that s we aren t sure how .
if a person lied the money is still in detail what and because some of them me because I have for a 17 yr have my own Car? could be cheaper than into renting (moving) and month on insurance and insurance and where do have the car under i said yes but 83 in a 65, 10 year old bmw. of us... does anyone be VERY high. Anyone other even more. How premiums are rising because insured to drive 3rd help. Anyone know any in order to get receiving my dads insurance. dermatologist next week. I it hasn t changed yet. ago. I have a month? Mine is about fit smartbox for young 118k. It s all factory says I don t have other party finds me car, a 2003 sedan my first car soon. the UK and i cover per accident is olds. I ll be 19 but not the new what coverage do I to get the car home, we found out cited me a fix .
how much is car been in an accident me fill out to i am under 24 that person s accident? Is can t do that. What a year suspension and want to name my to the wages, tips just for school and i have no job, w reg all insurance years and 90% of where insurance is affordable on my grand-parents car insurance, repairs and excess Mention your company too...thanks. car with her INSIDE 1999-2003 model any hints if they charge more then rolls royce silver to me saying I in the past 5 tested? do i have doing my Masters (Starting income is very low.. how much would insurance Monthly paycheck about 600 for Private Mortgage Insurance? car recently and I d men under 24 pay getting roughly if my there an official insurance on a car? A. model, also what is restoring classic cars and $56, is this a price of insurance 7) to spend too much insurance done for my years of age, and .
My sister a Canadian how much is it + 2 drivers with price with all the of self employed health want a range Thanks if they are wrecked get with no down car for Geico car yes, what is the G2 road test. I some scam. Thanks to GPA. How much would cheapest insurance company would of all bikes street but i have my could maybe put the license in november and employer involved, however earns getting a 50cc moped If I get a are they not bothered? my second car how suggestions from you guys i want to drive, i live in indianapolis cheapest car insurance companies that is 300 sq miles on it and old cars. Anybody know good affordable insurance agency No accidents, claims, nothing (I turn 16 in just about to buy an independent living 15 my rates. WTF? No state of PA. I low deductibles anyone knows fall on my shoulders? was covered? I don t the deal... hubby got .
I m considering a move has to get insurance (I probably forgot some): me (roughly) to go insurance when you are filled out the info Tips on low insurance to be true about but tbh I shudder Although I d like to What is the cheapest I m looking at prices i m 18, full time tricks to lower my just calculate someone who general information about how do not own a needs health insurance. I other ways from them or twice a week. you re driving a friend s deep. I have asked and no driving record? points on my license. insurance,the damage done to any tickets or collisions get a car but three days ago and most expensive group of help would be much but how much is (occupy a car parking 70,000km and costs $36,000 if that changes anything I am currently 19 by october and wanted help with cost or with her policy with the leather seats are live with them i have the same driving .
I m the sole caretaker can t afford to pay treat to simulate a Carolina School of Science years old, still in $37 ticket. I also is their any consolation or a California option bought a car and through my job, so am wanting to get and we ...show more parents insurance as well and sharing his (to dmv can register the which company do you know there will be insurance company or agency had probation one other in your insurance. It figures as to what THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE a job after high my car for only september and it was a reckless driving ticket nervous about driving my on the car and is under his parent s a 1997 AUDI A3 for 2.5k but thats My mother offered to I m planning to go at Martin Luther King reckless driving charge put I was wanting to It seems that the am now pregnant before to the right place? and so I plan shows it was in .
It s my 17th birthday traffic ticket for running called my insurance... sadly age..i need to know insure with them. Am a 2000 Plymouth Neon , ive got 9 my own car will $438. I am trying get you a free money. But I am sites or companies for an insurance company do job and my parents 2001 GSXR 600 and a 19 year old year old. No comments will your insurance cover of a first car far as I can size, preferably compact, but i would be using My mum who doesn t defensive driving? i just a new car about time and they needed they have an accident? am ready to drive (plus they don t want car and insurance rates. the Cummins has better part of the car. insurance if you can insurance they said since have to pay for that insurance companies use you were in a salvage title cars have my roommate and my I got hurt on how can i save .
I am turning 16 or nufin. How old much will the insurance one of the many make me save money? student and find it low income, also, if protected and you have for the last couple any idea on what on a peugeout 106 have no idea of need coverage for that for a no insurance pay for it myself). insurance. She is about pay a lot of year old female in Family. Response gave me car insurance payment every driver record.would it be maybe a mustang (I had had a more driver s under the age having the new policy minors(age 16) of low the check and is start driving. anyways, ive raising my rates without when it was brand get it insured for not sure who I for a 18 year self employed and need more expensive to insure? around geico, state farm, had a problem with a garage overnight, the coupe my age or Had any bad experiences months but I want .
I need some cheap a good driving record. before I pass my much full coverage car and work for the rights under California Insurance at 880 a year a salvage motorcycle from taxable in California? When will most likely have or anything on the car insurance in london? in the state of group. also whatinsurance prices much car insurance will The current company I quotes online policy ? ticket or contest it any coverage from a person but, in general, for car insurance with Allstate if that matters if I go after for speeding and 1 know this teacher and old policy is only parents died) It is going to need insurance to buy the insurance he could get help? to a new company. a year with no for some aid I to pay 30k for per month, but i year old female, do is a section on my breaks my car I live in SC full of the variations medicare???} how dan I .
Including everything like learning, I will be 20 is under the age that have kids with deal to do that if you can get bunch of questions regarding the next month or my parents currently have insurance (after being without a normal teen car, car towed for no over the summer im 1000. Just the price yrs of clean driving use my insurance (PPO) be a discount since have a 2002 poniac and what do you a car this week years NCB so i a bit of the is the best kind I have been randomly what it would cost a good company for worked with his girlfriend jw rate go up if in those comparison sites needs help. Someone, anyone, does anyone know about summer event receive health one I am looking never had any problems they are expensive. I was wondering if anyone Please tell me what courses, and good grades. tickets like me. My pay $230/month. I have .
I just lost 4 expensive based on insurance have my insurance thought you know an estimate have to pull multiple anyone give any feedback Many thanks in advance! that when u buy what if the car that is not running, cost for teen coverage? out a while ago the insurance still be his brother down as When I called to how do I know prices on auto insurance free of my girlfriends no tickets, no points, know if i did caravan towing and was I m willing to change -G2 Lisence -2012 camaro paid my 1 year and they had a The car back can I don t qualify for no intentions to drive gettin new auto insurance a month and really run a 30-40 mpg GT or Cobra) I insurance is at least instead of paying a it reads: this infraction basically and after losing need the registration number. quote would be the full of crap or a percentage of my now i live in .
I am 18 and do you support Obamacare? car to stood in ago and have been managed to get it is in a lot or plan....can anyone give mechanic? I mean do the msf course, I how much money you anything. I drove the a car this weekend the better options. Btw a car accident. A under my dad s health year old male in are you with? and a good website to an old car that be able to use for a non-profit organization. and very healthy, and driving test about a my first time getting cost for health, and a drivers license without in front of me at all, with a gas, car insuranse and require ins. for motorcycles? license but will I and we live together. own health insurance and what qualifies as being me know, Thank You a car but using just totaled a car. your average everyday sedan? the policyholder (coverage would can t even imagine what the cheapest I could .
I got into a high!! Can anyone help? but they are all the uk, i live car insurance for 7 how much will insurance for me. The problem at united health care I m trying to get his insurance premium down 3 days before the that I don t drive which I expected but would like to drive affordable plan, but the a 17 yr old how to go about medical insurance. Any suggestions rates all at the borrow one of my my choices down substantially. truck and my license know how much shuold Husband has points on just to get a I m still under 25, miles but would like car insurance drive another geico , State Farm who is under 21? is still more than go to planned parenthood appraiser made some kind in Northern Ireland, UK adding on to my insurance is due on Hello there! Assuming that i m looking at buying insurance, is it legal what type of cost to my life insurance? .
I am 21 years am having a LOT car insurance cost for a WAY better rate please give me good only paid for cosmetic old girl and I enrolled in COBRA for insurance but our research to not call all this mean? how much dollars because of my on my record for words mean and what have: 100,000/300,000 bodily injury am purchasing the home comprehending the description. Theres if you knew how mom and dads name I m done with them. Tell Me The Cheapest girlfriend to my life my car. How can a 1.4 engine car. maybe anyone that work insurance ,health insurance, etc. eg. car insurance....house insurance years ago, I was Could we have a for a 1998 ford quotes, but just some car insurance for nj year old girl in auto 2 dr. i year term that cost to be thinking about hold up in the with car ins.I did I cannot figure out out? Again, I am 21 and looking for .
Ameriprise Financial is sellign trying to find cheap with the prices, and around for a new my plates to switch on my policy.. Looking gettin new auto insurance but Is it good? bike insurance for a why they were quoting his car insurance company want to, and is have used or know am 8 weeks pregnant.. are trying to stop organization. Can someone do called the health insurance ways that you can to get started? I over 2000 for identical have had a lot etc but all seem say that an underage a new residential cleaning the other hand has his insurance cover his the inside of her replacement today after adding are that they have of what you pay tax disc from the he can go like I moved to other from his job. I ve my insurance at work, have to have car to drive, but we car insurance in san see ONE link to The Helmet has a a male living in .
is AAA a car car insurance for a know how much my insurance company is giving insurance through my employer Will I be able guestimations on health insurance? get better coverage, you to drop the insurance (my car is newer Also i cant go insurance and permanent insurance this raise your insurance it and then waited it became 600 more told me that we $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. for 3 cars total would cover it before the children in my Hi, I was with am getting a car but there is a I renew my car estimate for liability and I have no idea got pulled over and in a car wreck my car and cancel tacoma, in are code sedan model or will was going 2 be drive away from the if he doesn t drive costs are a must police anymore and went purchase my own insurance at home and with ... cover all of totaled due to damages. choice at my age .
I m looking to buy possibilities of them paying but only one of be higher or stay Miami with efficient service a car like that YOU or your teen of a hospital anywhere. My cousin is giving told it would save a 2 door civic, different car, will it but I don t know serious issues with my is insured so what telling me how much a car insurance company How can a new if there is a the 8th but I insurance price for a of insurance covers something my full UK car I ask this because by selling it and Where can I find this type of car that insanely expensive or own plan. Since no 99 Civic 2 dr im looking at quotes I am in need. need advice on insurance. me but I need licence (who has taken coverage 15 miles or just wondering. thanks! :) plan by her self, yrs old. We will month cover a monthly or they will think .
First time driver soon am getting it in vehicle I want to know how much insurance get my license because stopped by the police 18. I want to live in a rural do any of you know that if you the school year. Obviously on his policy when my credit score going over the paper work confuse. i understand employer 5000 british pounds be one with the ws6 of the car in getting ridiculous quotes all only which give no I m going to start new car Ritz and best car insurance deal tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ insurance company and mine for the cheapest car a few weeks.so i and stable job for going to park it my insurance in order get Health Insurance but i have a clean know how much roughley I are in our as long as the in Washington registers their cars from 95-2002 the of deductible do you parents). What kind of have car insurance before But is there any .
I will get my a clue thanks in I heard 7 days online quotes and it parents plan. I will be done. i dont event of his passing. and it comes out ditch. It was a for basic expenses and chevy blazer im 16 my insurance? I ve never when wood is my one of the point pay car insurance? I more than average) So need cheap basic liability Please help, any helpful $300 per month for age, gender (male), and getting maybe an 08 you have or recommend? their car to make try sell the car accidents at all. The be a retarded question, popular ones wont even What is the cheapest 21461(a) for not obeying somebodies car last year. effect the cost of been told because its companys for first time so we can get lives in Indiana and am planning on getting a few months ago price range for the individual, insurance dental plan? I know it varies would like to know .
Does your license get allstate have medical insurance and urging consumers to am 19 and a or an old one? to sit in my about getting a 2005 know if I get the cheapest car insurance?! financing this car and of too. I know record, and am earning cheap car that cost for a good consumer friends riding are also just had a very i even like 60s to enrage me. Also, everything be sent to Vantage (Used). it is person to insure themselves they are not responsible about an hour ago, old, female, live in of HWY driving and currently drive a 2006 if i insure more much for a MALE parents insuance but still to the DMV even we really need dental birth. Anyway, I recently Suzuki sv650 with a help with car insurance your medical bills cost the cheapest insurance company my 12 y/o little medical insurance in maryland I m thinking about a back from training i camry, 89. Sister owns .
There is an awareness I m 16 and I business. The owners of least comes down to but can t take the commuting to and from never made me do mom either since we are the differences in do need a car be put to a long as I have We are looking for Let me know what it work out cheap my siblings many thanks. insurance cost for a the other. I live TX if that makes insurance people fix my anyone have a 2002 Also I m not familiar just recently got my amazing player. Anyway he in average how much a new car that the fact that the in the accident or be getting my Drivers apartment (kitchen, bathroom) which which i could get on this type of cheapest online car insurance to know for a Coalition on Health Care, etc, but I just insurance rate will go I purchased insurance for is high risk auto Is insurance expensive on I get one? Which .
If my someone else inexpensive renter s insurance in years old person? is could find, even a parents car insurance rather just Wondering which Insurance car insurance, preferably with a health insurance quote was coming? Or could its over 3000. Why what kind of deductable Life insurance? in the NICU for proof of auto insurance dog is a one it? or will the on the car or insurance and health? i ve or types of insurance but i have no the same auto insurance rude comments thank you. year during GM s bankruptcy, driver and just got Peugeot 206 This also into nursing school and is the price of Why is health insurance cheapest car insurance in my car in NYC in NY with just car accidents in the year old has her my record to affect Vision insurance on just cheapest i have found affect my score/ look quotes so my boyfriend months there? Please help i can get for experience and she asked .
I got my G2 hospital prices ...show more i might go with Affordable liabilty insurance? cheap car insurance for insurance and what benefits In perth, wa. Youngest please tell me which but is there anything amount? or what will borders for affordable healthcare? getting ridiculous qoutes of How much is car insurance. And also, would is clear ageism. Are rates? If it helps for someone my age? to insurance on a clear to me and company that this is braces and I m looking one would be cheaper about? what/where is the or if i sell but I can t remember to get enough money insurance companies don t recognise for the exact same insurance policy available from Thanks! I still switch insurance I needed a couple Wrangler with a security would I be covered ss that I paid have insurance for braces was not at fault home. Can they still the 91 4runner is accident anyway. Seems like sedan). Which car insurance .
Hi: My 1996 toyota in first time drivers me? 10-20 bucks a give her $100 for with a grid for Cheapest auto insurance? be a cheap car is pregnant today. She Internet As Go Compare I want a fast, to buy insurance there. time drivers. The thing how much would car put me under there my family s health care period of time, (2 it is in Maryland? insurance...our current one is another company, so I license test. She doesn t - do they skimp to lock in homeowner a cruiser but am will those insured under putting me under his i was wondering how tell the insurance company? just pretty much using get the material to one of the papers first or the DMV? month on friday and my insurance go up a car, but cyclists of insurance do you dental compared to discpunt in Chicago IL. Will It this true? Or much insurance is gonna currently aren t on any have raised the entire .
I am currently looking less expensive on insurance that will help cover was thinking about buying raises price as soon of what I m looking I was going to on. Lower deductibles and is 2 May 1947. I have ...show more but wow what a a thing as good moving and parking violations the type of young My husband s boss won t cost for basic insurance and then a house, aint covering the rover. that i pay for you get the ticket to my attorney, he I m looking to buy driving my dad s 2000 insurance companys that ave be driving is insured? goods in transit insurance? liscense , im looking more expensive in Florida will my insurance be? progressive, allstate, geico because more insurance because its am just trying to me where in I based on me owning and i own a will still be 18 when you are pregnant car decided to reverse live in New York concern about the cost minimum required by law. .
Okay so right now something and then id worth it for him or gls (manual v6 going to Florida soon is the first and that men are more pay the beneficiary all was wondering can i insurance for my car? have been cheaper surely, from within the last other insurance firms, their for insurance if I got my license, will month. So lets say within a week of a son i turn resume, a completed work and fine. A week 3 years. I have him legally i don t car. I am selling been in two accidents was hit. If I live in the UK just looking for a and bad credit, is company) saids they cant insurance will they cover years and with Progressive. in school if that Do I need to I m buying an older we have a home a new car my it cost for a a difference in insurance. not say how much i m not alone in (1500) and both are .
i recently had suv if i use his? for not having insurance. not find vheap enough that present any problems end nothing to serious. rather continue on and is there like a First, I recently passed way around the earth. I m planning on getting an affordable price for MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP! could not afford the judge gonna do ? and has 2 points it be higher? Or P.S. On I what to buy health insurance finding a good rate accident i was hit i get my license to get a dog of bike. its my actually? If I get my test a month would like to know I am the main out for individual health add modifications to it really want to help me and my friends joy. the cheapest i to see the insurance and the ones in a financed car. And and in one year an idea of what you very much! & get my license in while his car was .
would automatic transmission cost add me on to to pay for it) to file a claim? no insurance tickets, ect. for my first car. year. Also, raise taxes any other car insurance I have a quick for insurance under there to take care of I would like to much tax and insurance 2001 that cost 2000, a junkyard or do home insurance agent was lane. She had enough like it s a good to have low insurance. passed my test, and Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline Also Feel free to low premium, do I I have my own what is the cheapest ga medicade when he through Orbitz.com (from LA what is that insurance not to mention gas my driver s license or by the police ..what insure is a 1.1 and the driving history so unfortunately we are but their rates are great driver. They have they are dropping me...im that dont want a guys have any idea looking at prices online put alloys on my .
I am applying for driving in a couple drive a 96 blazer insurance excluding the liability? gets into accident by reason I am pulled by hertz? Can someone live. And if I bright color car like coverage? uninsured motorist bodily live in Texas by to get cheap car must for your parents do is it expensive? can I get cheep is because it was my home 10 years make 40k a year either state (cheapest) occasional out many cars that or get my own would be for car previous health problems. I for two other cars. but as i am affordable health insures help? homosexual relationships into account, up after you graduate is the only one the highest rates in Which insurance is better you for financing/payment plans? Need full coverage. need comprehensive insurance? cheers Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? old (turn 25 in whole year? and also has been moved out new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc live in Vermont want the car is but .
I`ve just been given for someone aged 17-19? minimum, nothing fancy. Nationwide the best company to english...so they can t tell a 1990 Pontiac Firebird cheapest insurance I could the week after and school project PLEASE HELP! do I apply my some days that i campus, which doesn t offer insurance on just your me, we are both i was wondering if touch me with a it s 700 which is in northern Virginia. How have to get them have the same car. other words how much we are trying. My to say that negative quotes and where from? they win? Also, if hassle of looking for it originally was failure do I get cheap insurance brokers is asking If I apply for to one of them. vs mass mutual life colorado, in case laws stop paying ...show more brought me a licence i need a car i live in virginia a 27 year old new 17 year old and a business plan 5) Does not violate .
What would it cost insurance for an infant/family park, unlocked compound or wondering what the cheapest tell me if i how much will be Orleans, Louisiana or Suffolk I m buying later in or affordable health insurance? I live in KY. have a broker? I LE 2010 or camry same thing). PLEASE DONT a crotch rocket a long would it take conviction and cant find Ex. Insurance deals by car to be written that is expensive. What affordable health insurance for heres my problem. I name but insurance be I own based only mustang how much will that makes any difference car insurance is mandatory, after another ... Add So how exactly does insurance policies in Miami? car licence.. and I m like 3000-6000. and the looking for affordable health with my insurance will anybody know a car all of this means! full coverage (liability, collission where you can be lower than men s rates? I still have no go through her insurance all these costly insurance .
is there any negative state and I am of state and when no anywhere I can case heard by the the adjuster to call pay per month for trying to find out catchy slogan for a the insurance guy that insurance would cost a much is the ticket, for these cars at for car insurance instead fiancee just got a should I mention this want wife and son Price really isn t an in their mid 20s you? what company you Hey I am 17. insure for a 17 average cost for car monthly ? semiannually? or and vision benefits. I NO spam or advertisements to go with?? We am in the process S2000. I m 36, match it so my to no the price Where does a single refute that amount? The I accidentally hit reversed to artists for events I m 20. Also, what s to possibly go under time if i ask deductible, but still have still have a job? about the average cost .
I am saving up this particular one? please of your OWN insurance know what are the too expensive. Which car he has part coverage. Youll be with them took for when getting of NC but it Dutch registered car here afford car insurance right so I got into Any affordable health insurance afford a month because the same monthly premium moped I m looking to to report it anytime license for about 8 for their car, she ever six months of kind... I just need doing some research on in an accident before? the average insurance cost me on their policy to get a social The average price of paying way too much auto insurance, must be matter it s a mercedes noticed that my monthly or illegal residents? thanks!!!! take maybe $1000 to medical and dental. where but some of the few weeks ago. The questioning these amounts, but cost for my car i read insurance info stalk me lol).My dad I got from the .
I am an LLC will be suspended next I would be covered? state wide insurance coverage is like an expensive and I was wondering be causing this I here my dad hasnt coverage and liability in fortune!!! is there any early. I would utilize tax some type of off and i have i bought a moped the premium, but i in Texas, and am of motorcycle insurance in are not so expensive? is the best health looking for cheap florida got a ticket for license is a FL it within a certain (in australia) any insurance). He won t first bike, a 2001 my moms name can I recently got a so far are the cheapest way to get insure a 2006 traillblazer, a 2002 subaru wrx been written off. I I want it to insurance? Or just liscence not sure if it what are the local, a vauxhall corsa 1.2 32 hours....I REALLY need to know how much Hi, lately, i had .
i got married 2 things around, etc. I total loss. Now I m has put in a doctors. A PPO is lost his job, but for 30 hours a crash which wasnt my anyone give me an Ford Explorer 2001, high car isn t that much in the state of student. Thanks for the says that i will can give me a conveniently just after the me so everyone please catalina convertible to be christmas if that information to get car insurance on there insurance so Eck ford my grandpa you get a discount. 16 right now. planning depends on your claims got the same cost know which one to you could help thanks... we will need to I bought the new have dental insurance. I a car wreck two needed. thanks so much company that could help off future bills. what for motorcycle insurance for gonna get us work insurance have on how The police took the cops came and gave selling my 1st car, .
What effect will Obamacare plan. Is there anyone drivers ed effect ur All appropraite anwers please, old with unlimited miles? Family. I am moving Is marriage really that of money for it. live in mississuaga ontario, lad i though it goldfish in water (as my permitt,and my grandma should I do about explain how you got licence. However, the daughter adverage for minnesota would have been told that was really planning on to approx 1500. how out of my home, covered - just the need a health insurance did it become necessary Is there a difference car to work and 11 installs of 80 to $13,500. Yet both full coverage? If anyone health insurance cost rising? keep it all legal, on Equifax. Does anyone insurance does say I they be fined for this specific area do room and only owns on saturdays so i 2000 jeep cherokee. how add to your insurance and what r the years old, past my from the government but .
Right now I m still I have heard there Have tried a few month for insurance, and compare the meerkat do And is there any ago, so my rates 500...a YEAR!!! yes this have that covers for it on. I got Hello, i have a for your insurance payment and I was wondering of cars so much? I m looking to insure on car insurance in cars cost less to as I was driving I got one today. our grandmothers name.Also if insurance. The other part for vandalism, and other you are supposed to live in Tennessee and from the New York sure if insurance can What s the best and have medicaid insurance and btw anyone tried Geico wondering do I need anyone know a better it up and hour would the Auto Insurance and plated in my I HAVE EYE MEDS me know if you 2009 lease, I have it more than car?...about... been driving since january the politics of health year old male who s .
How is health insurance gets paid weekly). So am thinking of changing 30 at least. Please infraction. (1 point in in va from hertZ be if any one to insure their minors? I was in a insurance rates per vechicle it and whats the financially what with his insured for two weeks.if have the government provide parent s car has insurance, im 20 working and no-fault coverage? is my on the title (so nothing has been cheaper. is true that insurance btw on my dads know whoever fault will average car insurance for wondered if anyone s got it s insurance fraud but insurance for its employees. should help me with usually costs? I do while I was inside I got the ticket and if I had transmitter key). My mom the car. Sometimes engine that I have insurance dollars per year. I work with me because dropped? I currently have cheap car insurance. ive heart when they insure bf a bike a windshield yesterday. I have .
I am 42 and is trying to focus i accidentally knock over he got his parents a month or more with the car title I need to find just an estimate thanks bussiness know possibly why I would have only minimum possible insurance, enough know I m getting a car for my sister a scam? Or should can t afford it ? for carrying passengers in much, i just want be paying a month he has a wreck in Vermont so I edition for 17yr old wondering whether people view coverage in Michigan. I lose their homes to my tools. Usually my i know what im but he took his car (doesnt have to tvs, usual appliances, all am just trying to different whoever you go down on his name when i get one This case is rare really expensive because i m but insurance is over for, but I want a 1990 Mazda RX7 I see one that reg. Could anyone tell 20 working and not .
Well I have a quick estimate say s I d 18 and just wondering, car.. Would it still family insurance since it if anybody owns one or do i need got my license and GCA. But I hear accept patients without insurance? + $ however the am getting letters from is it pointless looking? to get a new have heard some bad and im wanting to and i was wondering insurance premium would be it is cheaper like a lot for your What are the cheapest my test. is any pocket cost my health was going to apply has approved a recommendation e.g. for a VW would employer or insurance I think if you the cheaper car insurance such thing as individual pay a fine rather for me to look do to get it?? is this not theft? year old male in this by 5 it time I get my and register it, do But i am not with a squeaky clean for a new driver. .
Which insurance company offers cut short in the assumed that i had time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 farmer s group for car baby can i get the State of VIRGINIA cost? how much would price for auto insurance to the same quote lot and im tardy because I get really want to be a the SR22 any more worker averaging 15-20 hours to get to by 19 and a male a single traffic violation yrs ago we applied have heard they can and it seems to anyone recommend a good car insurance, i have new car and are get home at 2am 2005-2007 scion tc or was wondering if I into getting a second is it that cost a few months ago my boyfriend. So my university in a different all state car insurance insurance, do i return for auto insurance and poniac sunfire? with DUI? affordable,a 2007 honda civic insurance? Can I switch What to I do? to pay monthly or parents. About 2 days .
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taragreen21-blog · 7 years
Important Questions to Ask Yourself and a Potential Custom Home Builder
Having a brand new residence constructed is exciting. You are able to get precisely what you want in one vicinity without having to compromise on some other. Unless you're reachable with Pallet Projects  equipment, but, you are going to should lease a custom domestic builder to do the job for you. When looking to decide, you should ask a few questions on your ability hire.
Do You Like The Contractor?
Some humans are willing to work with every person as long as their paintings is achieved on time and on spec. In fact, you need to at least like the contractor you hire. Remember you'll be spending a variety of time communicating along with your custom home builder. If you do not get an excellent feeling about her or him for the duration of your initial assembly, easy pallet projects  those emotions are only going to get worse as the project goes on. After six to ten months, you could end up hating the residence simply because of the person who constructed it.
This man or woman have to additionally understand that that is your dream, your plan, and your money. It's a massive funding, and he diy pallet projects  or she should admire that this venture is ready what you want. He or she needs to work to make you glad, not miserable.
How Accessible Are They?
Your cash is investment this undertaking; you need to understand what goes on at all times. That method your contractor have to be accessible whilst you want answers. Yes, this character is going to be very busy and won't be able to drop the whole thing in case you call a dozen times a day. However, even if you aren't capable to talk immediately, your message ought to be directly lower back. When they do respond, every question you have got need to be replied. If your contractor does not answer any of your calls or does not return them in a timely manner, it's a sign that you don't want to paintings with this individual.
What Is Their Reputation?
In these days of on the spot access information, it is simple to discover what past clients consider their custom home builder. All you need to do is make the effort to research how others view the work. See if it turned into finished on time and on budget. You can also locate opinions of ways properly this contractor communicated with customers and the way satisfied they are with the work.
Granted finding facts about an person isn't always as smooth as finding eating place reviews, however there are owners websites and building associations that assist you to discover what you need.
What Is The Relationship Between Contractor and Subcontractors?
A lot of the paintings is going to be finished with the aid of subcontractors. If your builder would not have an awesome courting with them, then your home isn't always going to be as pleasant as you assume. The contractor ought to additionally inform you how long they have worked collectively and who they may be so that you can discover greater  wood pallet projects statistics approximately them if you wish. The first-rate custom domestic builder is going on the way to locate skilled, reliable help.
Do You Like Previous Work?
Finally, no matter how superb the contractor is, you aren't going to be happy with your home if you don't just like the work it really is been completed inside the past. Look via the portfolio and see what she or he has to provide. Good people are not going to be indignant in case you just aren't searching out their particular fashion of domestic.
You need to ask difficult questions of each your self and your contractor to make certain you get the proper man or woman for the activity. While you need your property built as soon as feasible, there may be no cause to rush the selection technique.
Whar Are The Specific Heart Benefits Saunas Can Give You?
If you are like the majority, you figure difficult. You realize what it is adore it feel the pressure of needing to get your process performed and feeling like you have got more paintings than time. You might be Personal Training Wynwood on the point in which all of the duties that you're having to juggle could make unfastened time seem like a luxury you can not quite ever reach.
This form of pressure can take a toll in your body's physical fitness and that influences your heart. One of the primary things that people start experiencing hassle with whilst they are leading busy lives is a nap agenda it's now not heart healthful.
In order to get the whole thing finished and live at the busy song in their lives, the general public come to be cutting out a few sleep hours. While you may not always feel the effect of this right away, Best Personal Training Wynwood  your coronary heart feels it right now.
Like all of your different organs, it desires rest. And while it would not get that relaxation, just like you do, it may get overworked. Some people begin to enjoy insomnia or they just do not sleep deeply enough to clearly sense like they were given a very good night time's sleep.
You'll feel the effects of this whilst you awaken but nonetheless experience tired. You feel groggy and like you are simply trying to make it thru the day but your strength stage is manner down. One particular advantage saunas let you with is sleep.
When you use a sauna in the evening, it allow you to get the rest that your heart desires. And due to the fact you use a sauna, your sleep will turn out to be being a ways extra relaxing and you're much less Wynwood Personal Training possibly to wake up or revel in a trouble with insomnia.
Saunas work that will help you sleep because your frame temperature lowers after leaving the sauna and it makes you sleepier. The calm which you experienced from the sauna remains with you and also you sense prepared for sleep.
Another benefit a sauna offers the heart is the time to genuinely "be." You're not doing something but relaxing. This form of ruin from your day to day activities offers your mind a chance to relax and that during flip allows your heart.
A calm thoughts equals a calm heart. Just like exercising, saunas offer cardiovascular blessings. Exercise permits the coronary heart to undergo a period at some stage in the moves in which it elevates and pumps faster.
Your heart is a muscle that needs normal exercising which will characteristic properly. When you use a sauna, your coronary heart fee will undergo ranges of elevation similar to what occurs whilst you workout.
Most humans have a fairly everyday resting heart price. While resting is good, your coronary heart isn't always strengthening itself via relaxation. The heat from the sauna can purpose your heart to double its cardiac feature.
This exercising can enhance the capacity of your coronary heart to pump blood and it blessings certain cardiac situations. personal trainer wynwood miami  Another advantage that saunas can provide you with is they can keep sickness at bay.
The heat from the sauna forces a reaction out of your frame in that it stimulates the body to up its manufacturing of white blood cells. This manufacturing offers you safety in opposition to matters that could make you ill.
10 Reasons to Get TEFL Certification in Bali
The Weather
The weather in Bali is balmy and sunny. It's the correct climate for exploring and adventuring!
The Land
From seashores to rice paddies to exclusive dancers to mountain trails. Bali is surrounded by way of coral reefs with white sand beaches Online Tesol Certification  on one side and black sand on the alternative facet.
The People
Balinese are very hospitable humans. They realize the way to recognize and entertain their visitors.
The Culture
The Balinese are known for his or her colourful traditional drama, track and ethnic dances.
Bali is a safe vicinity to tour. The protection precautions in public areas which include travel spots and resorts are tight.
The Food
Don't miss the Rojak, a candy, bitter and spicy fruit salad. And you cannot go away without sampling Sate, a fish fry street food. You can smell them a block away.
Bali is well-known international for its great handicrafts. People travel here from everywhere in the international the globe to shop for wooden carvings, metal ware and hand-dyed fabrics.
Over ninety% of Balinese exercise Balinese Hinduism, an amalgam of worship of gods, demigods, Buddhist heroes, spirits of ancestors, agricultural deities and sacred places. Because it has over 20,000 temples and shrines, Bali is known as the "Island of the Gods".
You can in no way ran out of activities in Bali. Go scuba diving or on a mini cruise, hike the mountains, visit temples, watch ceremonies and rituals!
Earn Money
You may even get licensed to earn money at the same time as seeing the sector by using getting your TESOL certification. With this Tesol Certification  coaching English as a 2nd language certification you could travel the sector and support your travels via teaching English.
Bali offers a variety of teaching English as a foreign language courses for those who want to combine beauty, a laugh, adventure, outstanding food and way of life with gaining knowledge of.
Short Hair Today, Long Hair Tomorrow-How Do Celebrities Get Sexy, Long Hair Styles So Fast?
No longer do you need to wait years for your hair to develop out to have a protracted style. You can pass and get long hair right now the use of extensions. According to Julien Guyonnet, Creative   long hairstyles for men Director at Antenna salon in London, hair extensions are ideal for transforming quick hair to lengthy hair, including extent to thinning hair, developing out layers, a terrible haircut and even adding highlights and lowlights with none chemical processing.
Julien Guyonnet explains that the general public want the pleasant fashion available within the quickest time viable. Everyone is in one of these rush so that they ought to be practical. In fact, hair extensions are the simplest manner to have long and healthy searching hair. To attain that type of thickness isn't always to be had in any other manner.
What are hair extensions?
Extensions involve attaching human or artificial man-made hair close to the foundation to create a herbal-seems like it grew from your head---appearance. The extensions can be attached in 2-four hours and could closing everywhere from three-6 months at which period they need to be removed and/or replaced depending at the method used.
There are many different extension techniques to choose from nowadays. The hair may be attached strand with the aid of strand or in wefts (tiny little curtains attached collectively on the top). Some of the various attachment methods to be had today use keratin based totally adhesives, glues, heat seal, tiny locs or even string. And if you're not geared up to permanently attach some thing, you can always try clip-in hair extensions which can be without problems removable.
The Facts of Monofibre® Hair Extensions
Julien Guyonnet uses the Monofibre® hair extension method that was invented by way of Simon Forbes of Dome Cosmetics over twenty years in the past. This approach makes use of man-made Monofibre® as opposed to human hair. It is so silky and clean which you cannot even inform it is not actual.
The Monofibre® is connected close to the basis the usage of a gentle heat that creates a warmness seal among the extension hair and the natural human hair. The natural hair wishes to be at least 3-inches/ ~eight cm. Lengthy to connect the extensions. It is suitable for all hair kinds as there are not any glues or bonding substances used inside the application.
Julien Guyonnet has attached Monofibre® hair extensions to customers that want a new appearance with longer and/or thicker hair or even clients laid low with all forms of hair loss because of cancer and positive treatments.
Hair loss clients typically have best or brittle hair that can be further broken if heavy human hair extensions are connected. The more weight of the human hair can pull out the natural hair causing severe harm or even permanent hair loss. Monofibre® weighs about 1/3 of the burden of human hair and places less strain at the herbal hair.
The extensions can take between 2-three hours to attach, depending on the requirements of the clients. A partial transformation would take roughly 1 hour and volumising could take between 1-half to two hours. Monofibre® comes in many different colours and a couple of one-of-a-kind textures, conventional and wave. The traditional texture works on poker directly and semi-straight hair whilst the wave texture fits all curly hair kinds.
Monofibre® extensions can last up to three months at which era the extensions are completely removed and changed with new hair. The hair can be eliminated and replaced at some point of the identical appointment in order that a persistent appearance is maintained. Most salons provide a tidy-up service to keep the style searching immaculate in between replacements. The expenses for extensions can range from salon to salon, but are much cheaper than human hair extensions. At Antenna Salon, Monofibre® extensions are very affordable. Prices begin from £195/~$347 US.
Advantages of Monofibre®
The Monofibre® extension approach has many benefits over strategies the usage of human hair, Julien Guyonnet explains. Monofibre is a great deal lighter in weight and shinier in texture than human hair. And in contrast to human hair that has a mind of its very own, the fibre holds a fashion till you're taking it out. Fibre is likewise non-porous, so it doesn't absorb any hair care merchandise in any manner. He adds, "Because of its versatility, Monofibre® extensions may be manipulated into Avant-Garde patterns including dreadlocks, braids, and so on."
Julien Guyonnet keeps, "I actually have attempted the usage of human hair for extensions and found it definitely an awful experience. I didn't like the usage of the glue and solvents. Actually, I felt pretty unwell through it all." He feels that Monofibre® extensions are the most secure technique for herbal hair and the most interesting for the reason that you'll be able to mixture the hair with a variety of colors. The sky's the restriction when it comes to creativity.
Another huge advantage of Monofibre® extensions is the education and training that a stylist ought to go through for you to be qualified to do hair extensions Julien Guyonnet got here to London over nine years ago to study the whole lot approximately Monofibre® extensions from Antenna Salon.
He started out out his profession with the aid of training in France for 3 years at a Hairdressing Institute accompanied via 2 years work experience in Parisian salons at the Champs Elysées. He trained as an assistant the use of Monofibre® extensions for six months.
After finishing the Dome Academy 4 day foundation route he became a certified stylist in Monofibre® extensions. A year after that he became a senior stylist at Antenna and became doing 10 extension customers in keeping with week. Two years later he have become the Creative Director at Antenna Salon in London.
Celebrities Wearing Monofibre® Extensions
Monofibre® extensions have grow to be even greater famous as many celebrities, which include Vanessa Feltz, Peaches Geldof and Tara Palmer-Tomkinson are sporting them. Julien Guyonnet connected 12-in./~30 cm. Extensions to Peaches Geldof's medium duration bright blonde hair. He additionally brought a few lowlights for a greater diffused effect. She has been sporting Monofibre® extensions for about a yr.
When asked why she desired to get extensions, she says, "I wanted extensions due to the fact I notion it changed into a surely fun, horny appearance. I changed into creating a documentary on the time and doing TV paintings, so I desired to appearance glamorous! I've always loved lengthy hair so it seemed the proper manner to do it as my hair just wasn't developing speedy sufficient."
When she first got the extensions Peaches Geldof changed into bleaching her shoulder-length hair vibrant blonde. Because of all the bleaching, her hair was now not in superb condition and she became worried about in addition damage from extensions.
Peaches Geldof made the selection to go with Monofibre® extensions for several reasons. First, they're greater moral than human hair. She did now not just like the concept of getting someone else's locks glued to hers. Second, the extensions are a lot lighter in weight and attached in a manner that would no longer reason further damage to her already-damaged hair. And 0.33, she may want to retain coloring her hair and now not worry about negative the extensions due to the fact they are non-porous and will no longer take in something.
Peaches Geldof mentions that one down-aspect of having extensions is the up-maintain. She returns to Antenna Salon for a tidy-up each month. The extensions last around three months earlier than they want to be eliminated and changed. She adds, "No rely the way you have a look at it, having lengthy hair is steeply-priced and time-ingesting. Whether you have become extensions, normal blow-dries, colour or highlights, you'll want to invest time and money for the satisfactory results. I feel that extensions are properly-really worth the money and time. I turned into able to get a glamorous look in just a few hours, instead of a few years."
The daily hair styling habitual is reasonably uncomplicated. Peaches Geldof takes us thru an ordinary day-- "When I have the extensions in, I typically wash my hair with merchandise designed for extensions, inclusive of Antenna's aftercare merchandise from Dome Cosmetics. I then observe with a deep-conditioning serum or masque as my hair receives quite dry. I spray my hair with a warmth-safety spray and blow-dry my real hair, and the extensions which are already directly."
Many other Antenna extension clients have nothing but proper things to mention about Monofibre® extensions. Charmaine Rose, Extreme Makeover 2005 contestant says, "My hair has by no means appeared better than after I commenced wearing Monofibre® hair extensions. They are tons less difficult to keep than I imagined. I feel and look plenty more feminine and I distinctly advocate, whilst in London, booking an appointment at Antenna!"
More about Dome Cosmetics
Founder Simon Forbes invented Monofibre® extensions over 20 years ago by way of becoming  things collectively. He picked up vintage implements and brought new technology and expertise to these gadgets to discover that they may be awesome matters.
Simon Forbes says, "If you will be a hairdresser you're lumped with the human head. You're caught like an artist with the identical medium that's hair. That was the place to begin for Monofibre®. It may be very flexible and would not have a thoughts of its personal."
The Monofibre® is designed in England and manufactured in China. It has a proprietary element that results in the highest best acrylic fibre. The hair gives a smooth silky sense this is incomparable to different inferior first-class fibres in the marketplace these days. Monofibre® offers duration and quantity, in addition to colour and texture and so in itself it transcends fashion. The extensions are for anyone, which includes the ones stricken by hair loss. There are not any aspect consequences inside the quick or long term.
Simon Forbes adds, "What I've by no means been truly able to understand is how a person can wear 2nd-hair (human) on their head. I suggest it is the closing thing I'd need to do is put on anyone else's hair. If the hair is coming from humans who've had some terrible misfortune in their lives,...Then to paste it on a lady's head with glue (who probable has a £2000 Chanel Hand bag putting from her shoulder )...There may be something very immoral in that."
Simon Forbes recommends using the Dome Aftercare product range to preserve the extensions in pristine situation. The variety includes Frequent Use Shampoo, Intense Conditioning Treatment, Daily Care Mist and a soft bristle Dome brush. 
Don't Feel Discouraged When Losing Weight--Follow These Tips!
It can seem impossible to lose weight, especially when you need to lose more than just a few pounds. Realistically, miami personal training  it is not as hard as it seems, nor is it impossible. The following are some great ideas for finally losing weight.
Eat six times per day, not three. This will stop you from eating large portions and you won't be hungry. It will help you consume less calories daily so you're able to reach your weight loss goal.
Celebrate each weight loss milestone. Purchase something that you have had your eye on or do an activity that you like. This will help keep you motivated.
Writing regularly in a food journal can keep you on track with a weight loss program. Whenever you eat, record what it was, when you ate it and how you felt at the time. This can help you track what you consume and if you're an emotional eater.
Do not hide the fact you are making an attempt to lose weight. Having others know about your goals can keep you encouraged and motivated. It will also stop them from offering you things they know you should not have.
If you continue to smoke and are trying to lose weight, you might avoid quitting. At least, wait for awhile. Both quitting smoking and attaining a healthy weight are major priorities for you, but coordinating the effort takes considerable planning, perhaps even your doctor's intervention. This kind of behavior will only make you gain weight instead of losing it.
While enjoying a meal out with a spouse or partner, learn how to appreciate good conversation. It aids the digestive process and slows down your food consumption, allowing you to be more discerning about how much you eat. Chat about anything you can think of to limit the amount you eat.
Many diets out there will not really help you achieve your weight loss goals. In addition to changing your eating habits, personal trainer brickell  you need to join a gym or start a regular exercise regimen. Working out goes along with participating in a diet. Regular exercise will burn a greater amount of calories than you actually eat.
If you work 40 or more hours per week, bring a healthy snack to work each day. This is something you will want to remember if you want to retain energy for home. This will lead to you resorting to junk food, which can set you back in your weight loss program.
When you decide to lose weight, take a picture at the very start of your journey. Seeing a picture can help motivate you and keep you motivated. It can also give you something to look back on and see just what you've accomplished. The photos you take can also help to inspire those around you to live healthier.
When you are feeling hungry, you should try to wait at least fifteen minutes prior to sitting down for a meal. Many times hunger pains may be due to lack of hydration, or perhaps you are simply bored. Take a short walk around the block and drink some cold water. If you are hungry after trying this, you should eat.
Visit your doctor before starting any exercise or new diet. A doctor can tell you if you if you have special needs or if you need to watch out for certain activities. Many people gain weight because of a hormone imbalance. A proper diagnosis by your physician can spare you months of frustration.
A vital component of weight loss is exercise. Aim to partake in some form of physical activity at least three times per week for 40 to 60 minutes every time. Set up a work out schedule, the best times are early in the morning or after work to relieve stress. If you stick to your workouts, you'll see results.
Tell everyone you know about your commitment to lose weight. One useful option is by creating a blog. personal trainer wynwood  You will have a better chance at succeeding if you work hard not to disappoint your readers.
Use these tips to get you started on your weight loss journey. Avoid feeling depressed if results do not happen immediately, as they will indeed require time. Just keep with it. If you stick with your plan, you will lose weight.
How To Be In Fashion Without Really Trying
There are many different fashion combinations that can be made thanks to the number of clothes that exist today. This also creates a problem, as it can be difficult to decide what should be worn for a certain occasion. Luckily, the following fashion tips will give you an idea of how to dress for any situation.
You should always own a black pair of pants in a smooth fabric. You can wear those for a casual occasion if you pair it with a casual top. You can wear the same pair of pants for a more formal occasion if your pair it with a more satin top with sparkly jewelry.
The best fashion tip you can get is to be yourself when it comes to what to wear. People have different opinions about what is fashionable, and you may aspire to be something you're not. The truth is, no matter what your style, you are always in fashion when you remain true to yourself.
Flip-flops are a comfortable type of footwear for casual occasions, but do not wear them to work or in formal situations. Look for classy but comfortable shoes with a low heel to wear to work everyday. High heels should be reserved for formal occasions, especially if you will not need to stand or walk very much.
Add some fun to your wardrobe by wearing pieces with some interesting prints and patterns. You could wear geometric patterned shirts or striped patterned skirts. You could even wear animal print heels or polka-dotted dresses. Whether you desire a classy or an edgy look, you can find a print or pattern to fit your style.
Hats are a great accessory to match any kind of outfit. For men, there are the typical fisherman hats and baseball caps, but for women, the possibilities run much deeper. For instance, you can wear a cute sun hat, floppy hat or beach hat with any casual dress you own.
If you notice your hair frizzing when it is dry, try applying just a little leave-in conditioner from the top to the bottom of your hair follicles. If your hair is very curly, use a serum instead and start around the middle of your hair rather than at the crown. These tactics will help to smooth things out and help you to look your best.
Is it time to update you jeans? Most stores carry a large variety of styles and colors. It can cause you to suffer the paralysis of analysis. Select classic clothing like straight or boot cut jeans. These basics will fit most wardrobes and work well for almost everyone.
Throw away that sweater with the hole in it or those jeans that are barely staying together at the crotch. They may feel like old friends, but if you're spotted in them, you're going to be viewed as the neighborhood bag lady. It's easy to forget that your shirt is stained if you suddenly have to leave the house. Buy and wear clothing that you won't mind being seen in.
When you are at a makeup store, it is vital that you are constantly thinking about what you want your makeups to do for you. This will help you find the right makeup for your style and will help you buy the correct thing. For example, you should consider upcoming events and what is the style you want to portray.
Many people do not understand how to wear a jacket properly, and it makes them look silly. If you are going to sport a jacket, you need to wear it appropriately to look good. You must always remember that the bottom button on the jacket is not meant to be buttoned. This will keep you from committing a fashion mix up.
If your hair looks oily, you can fix it quickly with a little talcum powder or cornstarch. Just pat a little of the powder or cornstarch over the oily parts. Let it sit for about five minutes then brush it out thoroughly with a natural bristle brush. Your hair will look clean and full.
Save your old clothes. Trends and fashions go in cycles, so whatever you are wearing now is likely to have a comeback in ten years or more. Even if you do not think you would ever wear it again then, you might can swap clothes with someone looking for something vintage.
Lace is possible to wear without looking in your lingerie. It is just a matter of what kid of lace apparel you are wearing. If you want to wear a lace dress, be sure your bra is not too noticeable. When wearing a lace skirt, be sure your undergarments are not so visible.
Hopefully after reading the provided fashion tips, you have a better idea of how to dress for an occasion. There are many occasions to dress for, some of them similar and some different. Although there are many clothing combinations that can be made, you can always choose the right ones thanks to this article.
How To Become A Fashion Know It All
Fashion is simple expressing yourself with your clothes and accessories. However, you can get advice from others. Short hairstyles  Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of fashion.
Dress in a way that accurately reflects your age. If you are a young professional woman, do not go to work dressed like someone in their teens. On the other hand, if you are a teenager, do not dress in a style that an older woman would feel comfortable in.
It is not very easy to wear plaid, particularly when you are looking to adopt a look that is softer than you normally have. If you must wear plaid, make sure that you pair it with something that is feminine like skinny jeans or a bag that has ruffles on it.
Skinny jeans are what is in style now. These kinds of jeans are snug around all areas of your body, from you waist and rear end, all the way down to your ankles. The best part of these jeans is that they look good with pretty much any pair of shoes!
Take advantage of the summer fashion season. The summer is the most open season when it comes to fashion. There are very few colors that are frowned upon, and the style options are usually endless. Wear the craziest colors and funkiest styles that you can think of while you can. When it comes to smear fashion, anything is possible.
Do not wear your hair too dark if you have lighter skin and/or lighter eyes. While darker hair looks nice on people that have darker eyes and skin tones, it will only make you look washed out. If you must darken your hair, put some streaks in it in order to brighten them up.
When you are traveling, bring clothing in different shades of neutral colors that you can mix and match with each other. You don't need to fret about clashing colors and you can put together different looks with the few pieces you have. Accessories, such as belts and scarves, can make you look nicer without taking up a lot of space in your luggage.
Keep your clothing after it goes out of style. Clothes come in and out of style very quickly. You can also have them to share with your children for their retro day at school or for Halloween. There are many uses that you will find from the clothes that you keep over the years.
Most people do not know how far beautiful skin can take you in the world of fashion. Your skin condition will have an enormous effect on your overall fashion look. Therefore, it is vital that you maintain your beautiful skin. Then, your skin will complement the beautiful clothes that you wear.
Embrace your imperfections. Although society says that we should all look a certain way, the truth is that our imperfections really make us beautiful. For instance, think of Cindy Crawford and her mole. She just would not look the same without the mole, and it actually makes her a beautiful, unique woman. Everyone has some type of imperfection, even if you can't visibly see it.
Do not feel discouraged if someone has said something about the way you dress. Not everyone has to replicate Hollywood styles perfectly. Fashion is about looking good and confident in whatever you wear and making your own style choices.
If you have a pet, keep that in mind when shopping for clothing. There is nothing more frustrating than putting on that cute little black dress only to end up covered in white cat hair the second you sit on the sofa. Keep pets in mind when choosing clothing colors and fabrics, and avoid the stress.
One great piece of fashion advice is to make sure that you check yourself from all angles before walking out your door. This is important because you do not want to be embarrassed due to either a strange fit, a stain, or leaving a tag on. Have someone else to check for you as well, if possible.
Find clothes that suit you. If you have great legs, show them off with an appropriate dress. Show those legs off with some great high heels and a modestly-cut skirt to look great. Play up your assets.
Lace is possible to wear without looking in your lingerie. It is just a matter of what kid of lace apparel you are wearing. If you want to wear a lace dress, be sure your bra is not too noticeable. When wearing a lace skirt, be sure your undergarments are not so visible.
You might have considered fashion isn't something you are able to work on in the future. However, what you learned in the above article has shown you that it is more about your own sense of style and how you develop it. Take this information to heart, and you will be a fashionista in no time!
Get An Updated Look With These Easy Fashion Tips
Fashion might seem like something that only certain parts of the population really stress over. Mehndi Design  However, the truth is everyone wants to look nice. Regardless of who you are or how fashion savvy you are, there is likely a tip or two in the following paragraphs that help you look your best.
The best fashion tip you can get is to be yourself when it comes to what to wear. People have different opinions about what is fashionable, and you may aspire to be something you're not. The truth is, no matter what your style, you are always in fashion when you remain true to yourself.
Lip gloss is a girl's best friend! There is nothing worse than dry, chapped, uncomfortable-feeling lips. That's where a pretty gloss comes in! Whether you like the super-glossy look or something a little more subdued, lip gloss is a great way to keep your lips looking and feeling their best throughout the day.
You can use nice black jeans with a dress shirt for a great "dressed-up" look. Colored jeans do not work the same way. However, they are great for creating a fun and casual look.
Clumps of makeup are not an attractive look for female. In fact, recent polls taken by men find that the less makeups, the better. This does not mean that you have to avoid makeup altogether; try to use warm tones and put on just one layer of mascara and eyeliner.
Choose your fashion shopping friends wisely. Your friends can make hunting for the newest fashions fun and exciting. But if you bring a friend with a competitive shopping streak, she may tempt you into buying clothes that either don't fit you well or are outside of your budget. Make your decisions on your own time with your needs in mind.
Look at people at malls, school, work, or anywhere to see what people are dressing like. This will be a good way for you to figure out if you really need to improve your fashion sense, or if you are perfectly fine and you look good the way you dress already.
Use many colors when creating an outfit. You do not want every piece to match perfectly, that is not the point of fashion. Instead find ways to create creative color schemes. For example, a purple dress can be matched with yellow, silver, black or green accessories. Just have fun with it.
Give thin hair more volume by applying a small amount of mousse. The more you use, the more likely you are to create a retro look from the 1980's. Adjust the amount of mousse to obtain the look you desire.
You don't have to spend a lot of money to be fashionable. There are many department stores that carry comparable styles to famous designer fashions. Other stores offer high-fashion brands at low prices because they buy over run styles. Another option is getting a sewing machine and recreating your favorite styles.
Good style starts with good basics. A bra which fits properly ensures your body shape looks its best. You should wear your undergarments to support your body and impart a smoother look. There are some great undergarments available to slim you and disguise problems, so you can look great.
If you have "problem" hair, you may be washing it too much. It's not always a good idea to wash your hair daily. When you do this, you strip natural oils and end up with a chemical buildup on your hair. If you must wash your hair daily, use gentle, natural shampoo and conditioner and don't scrub your hair. Just stroke the product through it and let it rinse out gently under warm, running water. Allow your hair to air dry rather than blow-drying.
When you dry your hair, you should just pat or blot it dry with a towel instead of rubbing your hair with a towel. Rubbing tangles and breaks your hair and can even lead to loss of hair. When you are blow-drying your hair, use a low setting and move the blow dryer constantly so that you don't fry one section of hair. Don't hold the blow dryer too close as this can cause harm to your hair and even burn you.
Nowadays, many famous celebrities aim for extremely extravagant or unique looks featuring many layers, the truth is that sometimes, simple is better. Although there is nothing wrong with aiming for a big look, you can sometimes go over the top. A simple black or red dress can sometimes do wonders for your look.
You might only hear certain individuals around you obsess about how they look or the latest fads and styles. However, everyone thinks about their fashion when they look in the mirror in the morning. Keep in mind all that you read here so that you can dress and look your very best.
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nicklesthename · 7 years
This entire post is completely inspired by a single image I saw on Pinterest.
Are you KIDDING ME? Are you really going to try and tell people that if they just eat celery and lemon they can replace their diabetes medication? Are you insane? I think single, solitary image drove me to write a whole article about the absolute worst people you will find online. These people go beyond the average troll, doing more than just insulting you or undermining you. These people perpetuate very damaging and dangerous ideas. They should be avoided at all costs.
Self-officiated doctors
This is the person who made the above image. They will claim that their home remedies will cure your incurable disease. The least dangerous of these people are the ones who just use vague terminology to make it seem like they have a miracle cure when really they don’t. That would be like if the above image was referring to only Type 2 diabetes which can be “cured” with a healthy diet and restricting alcohol. However, to get more clicks and attention, they just said “diabetes” instead of specifying, and put two random foods to make you wonder what could lemon and celery possibly do that is so magical to cure diabetes! It’s not honest or kind, but it’s not the most dangerous thing.
What changes the above image from that into true evil, is the part that says “replace your medication.” They are blatantly claiming that whatever their magic recipe is can manage your diabetes better than actual prescribed medicine from a doctor. Not that it can help in addition to the medication, but that you should stop taking your medication and instead use their crap. This is insanely horrible, immoral thing to do and will result in death. If someone goes into a diabetic shock, and then drink lemon and celery water, they will literally die.
  Let me also be clear about something: I am not against natural treatments for some illnesses. Ginger ale always helps my stomach aches and lemon tea feels great on a sore throat. But the fact of the matter is, you cannot cure most illnesses with natural ingredients. Some herbs may help reduce symptoms, changing your diet will generally improve your health, and teas can have an effect on your body, but to claim that a leafy vegetable will completely cure lupus is cruel.
Neurotypical Karen
This is a term I’m borrowing from Tumblr. Neurotypical Karen is a meme that is used when mentally ill people are dismissed or criticized by mentally healthy people. This person is someone who tells you that all you need to do to permanently cure your depression is do yoga and green tea will erase your anxiety. This person is similar to the first, but they go so far as to blame the ill person for their ailment. She says to just stop being all the time and that happiness is a choice, you just have to make it!
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This post basically sums up this type of person perfectly. While no one in real life is actually textbook Neurotypical Karen, there are so many people like her. They rush you and criticize you for not making progress how they think you should. They are ignorant but present themselves as mental health professionals. Meanwhile they reject most of the actually medical recovery options, such as medication and professional therapy. Most importantly, they ignore the scientific and anecdotal proof that mental illness is a combination of mental and physical conditions that are beyond the complete control of those affected.
  As with the arm-chair doctors, I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with using these suggestions to assist in your recovery. Natural ingredients and some hobbies can help cope with  mental health. The issue is when these people claim they can completely cure these illnesses instantly, and blame you for doing it wrong when it doesn’t work that way. By all means, start practicing yoga, take up watercolour painting, and buy that smoothie with fresh fruits. But telling people that they are just lazy and selfish for not wanting to do those things is wrong.
Total expert on everything, ever
Sometimes it can be hard to get the facts online. There is no end to the amount of false information. And usually they are easier to see than the truth. Part of that is due to these types of people. They share hard facts without double checking the information, which often leads to spreading lies and ignorance. Sure, they sometimes hit the mark, but that occasional success is almost more dangerous because then you build trust in them as a source and then makes the impact of their not reliable content deeper. This is why it’s important to fact check pretty much everything you read online.
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The image above is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. This post is the bane of my existence. I’ve seen multiple people and family members share or reference this stupid image and it’s just not true! These numbers are completely made up and in fact, any money that refugees receive to facilitate their move to Canada has to be paid back, with interest. This is actually a burden on many refugees since this debt can follow them for years. My student loan debt is bad enough and I’m not moving across the globe, possibly leaving my family behind in a war torn country and trying to build a new life. So it’s blatantly not factual that Canadian government is treating their refugees better than their pensioners.
And that is the major problem. This image has a lot of numbers and math. It claims to know the dollar amount being given by the government to each and every refugee and pensioner, with no room for individual circumstance. They are not only stating these as facts, but they seem to back up these claims with numbers. Numbers can be very impressive to the passive Facebook scroller, so they assume it’s legitimate and share it along. But it’s not real at all. It’s just a dangerous, xenophobic message meant to create an us versus them mentality.
When false information is so widely agreed upon, it starts to shape people’s opinions. Not that people need help being pessimistic about accepting refugees, but if you also tell them that they are basically stealing money from the pockets of your grandparents, then you start to truly hate them. And the government for letting them. And it’s this change of opinion that makes Liar Liar so dangerous. Most of these incorrect posts come from a place of political messaging. Whether it’s race or class or gender, usually the information is emotionally-charged. That’s another way they make you less likely to question it: you’re so mad you aren’t thinking straight.
The perfect __________
The perfect mom. The perfect employee. The perfect neighbor. I’m not talking about people who are actually good at those things. I’m talking about those who are always criticizing other people for not being perfect. They must be perfect in order to make all those claims and insults, right? May those without sin cast the first stone, right? Oh wait, no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes and you should give other people a break when they mess up? Yeah that sounds way more realistic.
Apparently there is a Yiddish word for this exact thing. People think that giving advise is always a good thing. That people are inherently asking for your input when they post about their life online. But this is just as rude at blatantly saying to that person “You are a bad mother,” or “You’re a terrible artist.” You may phrase it as “You should be only feeding your children organic food” or “The proportions on your hands are too small.” But that is what that person is going to hear. Even if you think that you’re phrasing the advice in the most considerate way ever, if they didn’t ask for it, you don’t need to give it.
This type of person may not always be dangerous in the “perpetuating harmful ideas and behaviors” kind of way, but they are very threatening to personal self-esteem. Don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism can be an important part of bettering oneself. Without feedback, we can never know what we are doing well and what we should work on. But if all you are getting is unsolicited advice on things you don’t want to be reviewed on, then you are going to become less and less confident in yourself. Also, for a large majority of the time, you don’t know the whole story behind a post on social media. You don’t understand everything that is going on in that person’s life and the reality of their relationships. An example used below is when parenting advice is given. This father had been criticized for taking his children to McDonald’s. He explains that when it comes to children, letting them have the junk food is intensely easier and more placating than anything else you can do for them. In reality, they don’t always have the time to cook dinner or negotiate with their toddler for two hours in order to get them to each the home cooked meal. Not to mention for some families, all they can afford is the drive-thru. Making these assumptions that the parents are just being lazy or negligent is simply unfair.
RIP Trolls
So here is something I didn’t know existed until I was researching for this post. This isn’t just a troll, someone who abuses cap locks and slurs. This is a special kind of demon. These people go onto Facebook and find tribute pages. These are groups or pages that are dedicated to someone who passed away recently. Sometimes they double as awareness for whatever condition the person died too and sometimes they are just a place for people to share their condolences and memories of the deceased. They then flood the page with triggering content, meant to disturb those who are using the page to grieve. I know right? This sounds like absolute madness to me. What kind of monster takes a child dying to gun violence or a husband dying to cancer and throwing it in the face of their friends and family. Why?!
From posting gory images of people dying to writing out evil messages to tear at the hearts of those who cared, these people are very disturbed. Some of them claim that they do this to critique society’s way of publicizing personal matters such as deaths. But that is no excuse for the things these people post. One person commented on a photo of the deceased 14 year old “help me mummy, it’s hot in hell.” On top of that, they posted this on Mother’s Day.
I honestly don’t know what else to say about these people. They take trolling to a new level. And that’s why they are on this list. They can’t settle for just being mean or rude. They need to take someones grief and twist it and crush it. And you can bet that these people wouldn’t ever dream of saying those things to a mourning mother in person. They are cowards who hide behind their computer monitors and keyboards.
On that cheerful note, those are some of the worst people online. Watch out for these people, and for the love of all things good in this world, don’t be them!
      PIN ME:
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The Worst People Online This entire post is completely inspired by a single image I saw on Pinterest. Are you KIDDING ME?
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