#she just showed up and vox was too scared to tell her go away and val was just hunkered down on his phone
bimobuddy · 5 months
Learning to Trust
SFW Hazbin TK fic
Alright people hear me out with this one
Major Spoilers
CW: Brief mention of anxiety disorders, swearing
Lee!Vox, Ler!Alastor
It's kind of a ship? The Aromantic 'Squish' equivalent of a ship. Well not yet anyway, they're still rivals in this, but I might make a part 2 that explores that a little more
It was gonna be Valentino and Vox, but I'm mad at Val so he got his boyfriend privileges taken away >:(
This might get kinda angsty, sorry in advance
Summary: Vox is glitching out and having connection issues, so he bites the bullet and asks help from the only other demon who can help him. Unfortunately with that demon being Alastor, they run into some issues.
It had started happening after the battle between the exterminators and the sinners. The War between Heaven and Hell. Vox had been watching it all happen on his TV, mostly keeping an eye on Alastor. Originally the plan was to watch by himself, but Velvet insisted they all watch together, and he couldn't really think of a good enough lie to tell her no, so he gave in.
He had spent the whole night playing up how much he hated Alastor, which is easy when your entire life and afterlife, you've been a TV Show Host. Many years of acting. At one point he even hoped if he got too obnoxious, the other two might leave, but used to his antics, they stayed.
But inside he was immensely stressed out. Yes he and Alastor were rivals, but there was something about the rivalry he needed. Something about it he liked. He couldn't really explain it himself, and he preferred not to think about it, preferring to tell himself that he just enjoyed hating the Radio Host.
So when he watched Alastor almost get killed by Adam, seeing him actually vulnerable for once... It scared him.
Then started the glitching. He knew it was from stress, the feeling was very familiar to when he was a human with an anxiety disorder. Only instead of a racing heart and suddenly feeling faint and warm, his anxiety came in the form of glitching, as his mind couldn't process everything, and showed it visibly on his screen.
He had tried for hours to make it stop, to try and fix it himself, but he couldn't see the mirror properly through all the glitching. That and the glitching made it hard to think.
He considered going to Velvet, but despite her phone and social media use, she didn't actually know anything about the tech itself. There was one more option, but he really didn't want to even consider it.
Though as he started to glitch out again, he decided to just bite the bullet.
Vox found himself scaling up the side of the Hotel, climbing toward Alastor's radio tower.
He'd rather fall to his death than use the doors and ask to see him. As he reached the top, he frantically tapped on the window, feeling another glitch about to happen.
He started tapping again, even faster this time.
Still nothing.
He made a fist and drew his arm back to just break the window in-
"Well this is quite the predicament." Alastor said, leaning over the windowsill. "Shut up asshole, just let me in." Vox grumbled. Alastor's grin seemed to widen. "And why shouldn't I just give you a little nudge?" The radio host questioned, placing his cane lightly against Vox's screen.
Vox couldn't help but notice that his cane had been seemingly glued back together and.. bandaged up? He didn't have time to think about that. "I uh.." He trailed off, only for Alastor to push his cane a little harder into Vox's screen. He tried to speak again, but he glitched, losing his grip and slipping.
But he didn't fall. Through all the TV static, he felt his wrists being grabbed, as he was pulled upward. He still couldn't focus much, but he recognized that he had dropped to a hardwood floor now.
"My, this certainly is quite a problem.. For you, anyway, I find it entertaining." Alastor chuckled. Vox pressed a palm to the cool floor to try and ground himself. Gradually, the static cleared itself. "You know what I found interesting? That someone as strong and as feared as you got cut down by an angel." He said, glaring.
The room got deadly silent, Alastor's smile much more strained now.
"... I need your help, okay?"
"And why should I help you? Especially after that nice little comment you made."
"Listen, I'm- Ugh. Forget it, I don't know why I even both-øťhəred-" Vox had stood to leave, only for another glitch to have him leaning against the wall for support.
"It appears neither of us are in great shape." Alastor said, begrudgingly lifting Vox by his upper arm and setting him in one of the swivel chairs. He crossed his arms and waited for Vox's glitching to pass.
After a solid minute, Vox groaned, his head starting to hurt. "So what made you think you'd come to someone who famously hates television boxes for help? Especially when that person is a rival, an enemy, someone you've fought in the past?" Alastor asked.
Vox looked up at him, feeling that pit of anxiety in his stomach again. "I didn't know who else to go to. Valentino is useless, Velvet doesn't know shit about tech, and you're the only other demon who has seen me weak before."
Alastor took a moment to process that last part. He considered it. If he helped Vox, he risked being seen as soft. But if he didn't help him, what if it got worse, and he lost his nemesis, the pettiness that kept him going at times, that pushed him to be the best Host?
He sat down in his seat, across from Vox. "Do you trust me?" He asked. Vox thought for a moment. Did he? He must have if he came here. "I have to."
"Good enough." Alastor went to get started... "Wait how the hell do I do this? I'm more familiar with my own equipment."
Oh, right. Vox sighed. "The back of my monitor comes off. Just open it, and I'll instruct you from there." He said, turning around and removing his hat.
Alastor curled his fingers around the back panel of his monitor, causing Vox to jump a little. "If you want me to help you, sit still-" "I am, shut up." Alastor pulled the back panel off and was met with what to him looked like Alien technology.
After Vox had instructed him on what to do, he got to work. Though he didnt like working in silence, it felt a little too intimate, especially with his hands inside someone else's head.
"So what exactly caused this, if I may ask?" He questioned. "Stress. I start to glitch out when things are hard to process and I overload. Sometimes if the glitching gets too bad, I shut down, which I'd rather avoid."
"Shut down," Alastor repeated, "I thought if you 'shut down,' you'd die or something?" "No, no.. I can more closely compare it to burnout but ten times worse. Last time I shut down, it took me a week to recharge."
"Hm. And what caused you to become so stressed this time? Sure I've seen you briefly buffer and glitch during our fights, but never this bad." Alastor asked. Vox noticed the radio filter in his voice seemed to fade out. He was genuinely curious.
He didn't know what to say. More like he didn't know how to say it. How do you tell your rival of all people you were stressed because you saw them get hurt?
"Well? With how close I am to all these wires, I'd answer if I were you." Ah, his filter was back. "I just.. Got overworked." "Need I remind you how easy it would be for me to unplug some of these wires? Hm, this yellow one seems awfully loose-" "I was worried oka- Aha!"
"What do we have here?" Alastor asked, a smile evident in his voice. Vox froze. He actually didn't know 'what they had there.' That had never happened before.
"I-I don't know, but Alastor I swear to Satan himself- wahait- grr- Don't!" He gripped the armrests of his seat in a desperate attempt to hold still. He worried if he pulled away too fast, he'd accidentally rip a wire out.
It felt so weird. He could actually feel Alastor messing with the wires in his head, specifically the ones down at the bottom that ran down his neck and into his back. Each time the Radio host rolled one between his fingers, it sent what felt like electricity into his system. Thousands of little shocks that made him want to pull away and- No. He wouldn't, it was dumb, it was weak, and it wasn't like him.
Alastor grinned wider, finding it fun to mess with him. "Why Vox, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were ticklish." He said, rubbing the wires again, watching as Vox gripped the armrests tighter and scrunched his shoulders up. Alastor only grew more amused as he heard the other's fans whir to life as his ventilation system tried to cool him down.
Vox, however, felt like he was fighting for his life. His shoulders were shaking, his chest was spasming, and he felt his screen overheating. He was actively fighting back any noise that tried to escape. He refused to be seen as any weaker than he already was. "T-Tickl-what? The f-fuhuck is that? Thihis isn't a vihirus??"
Alastor paused. "You seriously have never heard of tickling? It's childsplay. Children often have tickle-fights with their siblings and friends. You've never even seen it?" "I never really had any friends."
There was a beat of silence.
"What about the other V's?"
"Gross, you think I'd let Valentino get anywhere near me? You know where his hands have been?"
"Where haven't they been is the real question."
Fuck, that got a laugh out of Vox. A real one too, not the fake rehearsed one he used in public or on TV. It was lighter than Alastor expected, genuine, and almost had a warm sound to it if you can imagine that.
And Alastor found himself wanting to hear it again. "I suppose I should get back to maintenance now shouldn't I?" He said, returning to his work, get making sure his hands brushed over the wires and cables occasionally. More than occasionally.
"A-Alastor- fuhuck- wahahait- *wheeeze* ahahahaha!" Vox found himself stomping the floor a little, since he was unable to pull away. He felt light scritching at the base of his neck, obviously intentional. "Yohohou ohold tihihimey prihick! I'll d-dehehe- dehehehahahaha!"
"Oh I'm sorry, you're going to what now? I can't exactly hear you." Alastor grinned. Both hands, or claws one should say, suddenly scritched at the back of his ribs.
Unable to control himself, Vox tossed his head back and laughed, and slammed backward, pressing his back into the seat. Alastor was quick to pull his hands back with a chuckle.
Vox's fans were whirring loudly. "You ahasshole, just finish fuckin' repairing me." "Oh I finished that ten minutes ago!" Alastor answered cheerfully, popping the back panel back into place in Vox's monitor.
Vox groaned, irritated.
"I still find it hard to believe you've never heard of tickling! Everyone knows about it. I'm even more surprised no one's ever found out by accident. Not even while reparing your monitor?"
"I fix myself, I don't trust anyone to touch me."
"You trusted me."
Vox turned his swivel chair around to face Alastor. "I did, yeah.."
Alastor tilted his head a little in curiosity. "And maybe you could trust me again. You never did tell me what got you so stressed." Vox rolled his eyes. "Yeah, because you started assaulting me before I could."
"That's not- Did you just assign me a full name?"
"Yes, now quit stalling." Alastor said, latching a hand onto Vox's side. "WAIT-" He shouted before batting at his hand, huffing out chuckles. Alastor only crawled his hands up Vox's ribs before targeting his underarms.
"WAITFUCKTHATSWORSE!" He cackled out, slamming his arms down, trapping Alastor's hands. The Radio demon only chuckled. "You'll learn that when it comes to tickling, much like real fights, you're not supposed to let your opponent know exactly where your weak points are. Now I can do this." He stated before drilling his thumbs into Vox's underarms.
"FAHAHAHACK!" He shouted, kicking a leg out, much like a dog, whilst also trying to curl up in his chair to protect himself. "Thihihis ihihis rihihihidiculohohous!!"
"What's ridiculous is that you still haven't answered the question."
"Hm, fine." Alastor stopped and pulled his hands away. Vox tried to kick him but of course a tendril came out and grabbed his leg, as he expected.
Vox muttered something. "I'm sorry?" Alastor asked, leaning closer. Vox sighed. "I was worried." "About?"
"About you."
Alastor's eyes widened ever so slightly. Vox had been violently glitching out over him? "Why is that?" His voice was normal.
"You're my rival, so obviously I tuned in to watch the battle. I wanted to see if you'd get killed. Part of me obviously wanted it to happen, but when I saw that Angel snap your cane and actually hit you-" Alastor flinched at the memory, "Seeing you actually vulnerable like that.. I realized I didn't actually want to lose my one and only rival. As much as I hate ya, you do push me to come up with newer and better shows in order to compete with you."
"I... can't say I haven't thought the same thing. Because of you I have to write better scripts and find the best topics for my broadcast. Even though it's no question that I'm the best," he grinned as Vox frowned, "But I am the best because of you."
Vox wasn't sure what to say to that, having mixed feelings. Before he could overthink it, Alastor held a hand out. He took it, as the other demon helped him up. "Now, it's quite late, and you have a tight schedule, I'm sure." He opened the window, as a large tendril waited outside for Vox.
"I do appreciate you coming to check on me." He said before hurrying Vox out the window, as he sat on the tendril. "If you tell anyone I said that, I just might broadcast this newly discovered sensitivity of yours." He threatened.
There was the Alastor he knew and loved to hate.
"I won't, don't worry. I don't feel like explaining to anyone why I was over at your Radio Tower anyway. You hurry up and heal, Alastor, I want you in top shape for our next fight," He smirked, "Even I'm not low enough to kick someone while he's do-OOOWN-" The tendril suddenly dropped, pulling Vox down with it, where it would drop him off safely on the ground.
Alastor shut his window, and watched the TV show host leave down the hill. Never in a million years did he think Vox would ever trust him, nor did he ever think he'd help his rival.
But he couldn't deny that he had had a little fun that night, not only tickling him, but just talking and getting to know him a little.
This night might have made their rivalry slightly more complicated.
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darkwolf989 · 1 month
Butterflies (Valentino x Preschool Reader)
Valentino leaned back on the couch as he watched the night’s news. Not that there was anything playing that he wasn’t already aware of, but he watched out of habit anyway. With his wife away, and Vox and Velvette working, it was nice to have a moment of quiet to himself. The chance to lay on the couch and just be. 
But having a three year old, that luxury never lasted long. 
“Papi?” her soft voice came from the hallway. “Daddy?”
“I’m right here babydoll. Come to the couch,” he replied as he sat up. He opened his arms and she crawled right into him. He settled her against him and stroked her hair.  “Bebita, you should be asleep. You have your first day of school tomorrow, remember? ”
She responded by snuggling into him and he laid back down with her, cradling her tiny body to his. She settled her head just below his ribcage and closed her eyes. He gently rubbed her back and pulled a blanket over them both. With any luck, she’d be asleep in a few moments. 
“Daddy?” she asked a few moments later. “Your tummy is grumbly.”
He sighed, “go to sleep, bebita. Daddy is fine.” 
She was quiet for a moment. “Does your tummy hurt?”
Her words sent alarm bells ringing through his head. He frowned and looked down at her. “No. Does your tummy hurt?”
She nodded. Now he understood. The real reason she was out of bed at ten at night. He gently sat her upright on him. “Bebita, show Daddy where it hurts.” 
She pointed to her belly button and he laid his hand on her tummy. She didn’t flinch away from his touch- that was a good sign. He moved his hand up to her forehead. No temperature. And her coloring was good. She didn’t have the expression she made before she threw up. His mind raced as he tried to think of what could cause her bellyache.
“Does your tummy feel hungry?” He asked.
She shook her head no. 
“Does your tummy feel like it’s going to be sick?”
She again shook her head no. 
He tried to think of anything else that might cause a tummy ache. Suddenly, the thought hit him. 
“Baby? Does it feel like you have butterflies in your tummy?” 
She looked at him in confusion and he tried to explain. 
“Are you worried about starting school?” he asked as he laid her back down against him. “Sometimes when we feel worried or scared, our tummies feel funny. They don’t hurt but there is a different feeling inside us, and it can be a little uncomfortable. Almost like…” 
The Overlord of Drugs and Depravity struggled to find the right words to explain anxiety to his three year old daughter. 
“Almost like we swallowed butterflies. And we feel their little wings fluttering in our tummies. Right here.” He put his hand on his own stomach.  “Sometimes our tummy also feels tight, like a knot. Do either of these sound like the feeling in your tummy right now?”
To his relief she nodded. Alright, this was something he could handle. 
“Daddy feels that way sometimes too,” he said gently. “It’s okay, I promise you- it's normal to be a little scared. But I know you’re going to have so much fun tomorrow, and meet so many new friends.”
To his surprise, she broke out into a sob.
 “But Daddy, I don’t wanna live somewhere else!” She blurted out before he could comfort her further. “I wanna live at home!” 
He sat straight up and sat her up so that she was looking at him.  “Sweet baby girl, is that what you think preschool is?” 
She nodded and he gently wiped at the tears in her eyes. 
“Oh sweetheart, no.  Remember the stories your Auntie Vel and Uncle Vox read to you before bed tonight? The little girl gets picked up by her Mommy at the end of the story, right?
“But Mommy isn’t here, Daddy, so how will I get home?” She hiccuped. 
He held her tighter to him and he could feel the guilt wash over him. No wonder she couldn’t sleep. Silently, he cursed the circumstances that kept his wife away from them. 
“Bebita, Daddy will pick you up. You’ll come home after school, I promise. And then we’ll have dinner and you can tell us all about the fun you had during the day.” He kissed her forehead. “You’re not going to stay there forever, mi amore. I promise. And if you ever need Daddy or Mommy or Auntie or Uncle, how do you get ahold of us?”
“I press the button with your face on it on my watch,” she sniffled. “And then someone will come find me.”
He nodded, “that’s right bebita. That won’t change just because you’re in school, okay? Daddy will always come get you and bring you home, I promise. It’s going to be okay.” He kissed her forehead again  and lifted her into his arms as he carried her into the kitchen. “I know your tummy is nervous, so I’m going to make you something to help settle it okay?” 
She buried her face into his shoulder as he carried her. “No medicine, Daddy.”
“No, sweetheart, no medicine. I promise.” He said softly. “Just a warm baba to help you get to sleep, okay? Close your eyes while I make it. Daddy’s got you.” 
Valentino busied himself preparing her bottle- a task he was an expert in doing one handed and was certain he could do with his eyes closed. Against his shoulder, his daughter closed her eyes and stuck her fingers in her mouth. That’s it, bebita, he thought, settle yourself. You’re okay. 
By the time he sat back on the couch with her, she took all of two sucks of her bottle before he felt her breathing slow. Perfect. He set the bottle off to the side and laid down, settling her on his chest and covering them both with a blanket. Part of him wanted to take her back to her bed, but the other part wanted to keep his little girl safe in his arms, for just a little while longer.
After all, tomorrow was the start of a whole new adventure.
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froggy-demon · 5 months
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Oh, Deer - Part One
A/N: This is going to be a looooooong fic, slow burn AlastorxOC, this is just what I have so far. I haven’t liked how OOC Alastor has been written, so hopefully you enjoy :) Part one has one trigger warning: drugs + date r@pe drugs.
Fic Summary Part One: Lilly meets Angel Dust and after a few close encounters is recruited by him to move into the Hazbin Hotel.
Part Two
“LILLY!” My head snapped around at the sound of Velvette’s voice calling my name from across the studio. I flashed a “sorry” look to the  background actor I was attempting to get the measurements of and went to Velvette’s side. 
“Yes Ma’am?” I asked, standing stiffly, anticipating whatever she needed done that would be too boring or annoying for her to do herself.
“I need that fucking idiot off of my set. Now.” She hissed, jabbing a finger out at the offending party. There was only one person Velvette let boil her blood like that, and I didn’t want to deal with them either.
“Yes Ma’am.”
She mumbled to herself, something about cry babies and professionalism and staying the hell away from her as she stomped off to yell at another assistant. I turned my head to fully size up the situation, across the large expanse of the studio sat Valentino on an over stuffed couch with a hand gripping the upper arm of a studio aid who looked like he did not want to be there. Valentino always has a knack for running anything that isn’t his production off course. I held my clip board a little tighter as I made my way over to him. It was always odd to deal with Valentino, if he is causing big disruptions Velvette will call in the big guns, Vox, but for minor disturbances she seems to have no problem making me try to deal with it. Valentino being bored and taking that out on our crew did not qualify as a Vox problem. The clicking of my kitten heals against the floor stopped as I found myself standing in front of Valentino now, though he had not looked up from his hostage. The studio aid had a nervous smile on as Valentino had not let up his grip on the demon at all and as ranting on about ‘loyalty’ and ‘being respectful’. As intimidating as an angry overlord may be, I am far more scared of an angry Velvette than Valentino. 
“Mr. Valentino, may I steal back my aid? I’m afraid he is imminently needed on set.” I said coolly, it’s best to not give him any emotion he can twist just to get a rise out of you. 
“But then who will keep me company? Plus we are having such a good of a time, get someone else to do his job!” Valentino snarled, looking up at me over his sunglasses.
“Allow me to double check sir.” I replied, rolling my eyes mentally. I made a show of looking at my clip board, tapping my fingers on it, flipping between pages and then sighed. “Mr. Valentino, sir, I’m so sorry it would appear that no one else can cover for him. Maybe I can find someone else to keep you company.” He gave a dramatic sigh and released the poor sinner who quickly got up and scurried away. 
“You can keep me company then since you’re clearly not busy today.” He said as he lit a cigarette and flashed me a toothy smile. Right, not busy, sure. I smoothed out my skirt a little, I knew I didn’t want much alone time with Valentino, but I also still needed to actually get him out of the studio and preferably with something to keep him out. 
“Ms. Velvette has asked me to escort you to your suite, or studio” Or anywhere, but here. I stated plainly, he frowned. 
“So that bitch just sent you to get rid of me? Fuck her! I can do whatever I want, I can go wherever I want, she cannot tell me what to do!” Valentino jumped to his feet and picked a vase up off the table and before I could protest, threw it at the wall in frustration. Standing he was more menacing, it felt as though he was nearly double my height now. He adjusted his large fur coat as he took some deep breaths, if I wasn’t obligated to follow the instructions given to me I would have been anywhere but here at this point. I did not want to be the next assistant he quite literally tore into to vent his anger with Velvette. Despite my anxiety, I stayed poised. 
“And, Sir, where is it that you would like to go?” I ask keeping my tone level. Instead of replying he starts furiously texting on his phone. Satan help the soul in the other end. After a few moments he seemed to give up the texting route as he shoved the phone back into his pocket. He looked back at me now and I attempted to not make eye contact, but also not look like I was trying to not make eye contact. 
“My suite. He should be there soon.” Valentino huffed and I nodded in response, allowing him to lead the way to an elevator that would presumably take us there. He looked back at me and as we reached the elevator placed a hand on the small of my back, a shiver ran up my spine. 
“You know Doll, I know you work for Velvette and everything, but this goody-two-shows, all-serious-business thing you have going on is quite…” he took a drag of his cigarette and then blew the smoke into my face. “...Profitable, if you’re ever looking to be bought out.” He flashed me another wide grin, like it was some great opportunity he was offering me to be a porn star instead of a wardrobe assistant. 
“I believe this is your floor, Sir.” I responded, avoiding the topic altogether as the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened straight to Valentino’s suite, it was massive as well of course, but laying on the largest couch in the room was a white spider demon who looked up at Valentino though his eyelashes and flashed a cheesy smile. 
“I didn’t realize you were bringing company, Val.” he teased and sat up. Valentino seemed very pleased to see him and strides across the room to meet him. 
“I was just ensuring Mr. Valentino got where he was going.” I turned to Valentino a bit, though he could no longer care less that I was here. “Thank you, Sir.” I added and stepped back into the elevator to return to work as moans start to fill the room. As soon as the elevator is back to Velvette’s studio I saw her with a line of models in front of her as she tore apart everything wrong with their hair, makeup, and outfits. Without casting a look my way she calls out, “LILLY! It’s about damn time, fucking hell!” And began listing off all of the things she had thought to tell me to do in the last 15 minutes. And so the day dragged on and on and on. 
By the end of my day I am exhausted and I have the choice between going back to my shitty apartment with my roommate who I honestly think is trying to poison me, or go out and drink that worry away. While my feet are tired of these shoes and I know my hair has seen better days, I’ll take alcohol poisoning over regular poisoning any day. I let my hair down and walk myself to a near by bar that I like, they have the best espresso martini on this side of hell by far. I sit at the bar and order exactly that when I catch a familiar shape out of the corner of my eye, it’s that spider demon that was with Val, small ring of hell I guess. He is sat laughing with a group of demons, I don’t give them much thought though because I hear a friendly voice come up behind me. 
“Lilly, sweetheart, fancy seeing you here!” I swiveled around to be face to face with a long time friend, Cherri. She flashed that trademark smile and I knew she was hatching some kind of an idea.
“Hey Cherri, didn’t expect to see you over on this side of hell, you usually prefer to kick it over in Pentagram City, what brings you out?” I offer her the seat next to me and she hops up crossing one leg over the other. She quickly flags the bartender and orders a double shot of tequila. 
“Oh just dropping in on an old mate of mine, have I ever introduced you two? You know HE knows how to party with me, maybe you could learn a thing or two Little Miss Lightweight!” She jokingly elbowed me in the side and I smiled and swatted her away. Cherri threw back her shot and ordered two more doubles, sliding one over to me “Join us?” Cherri got this glint in her eye and I knew that she had made up her mind: I was joining them. 
“You know I can’t keep up with you, not after dealing with Velvette all day and god the tantrum Valentino threw today-“ Cherri grabbed my shoulder and for a moment gave me a very serious sober look, she glanced around and then looked me in the eye again and very carefully told me, “look, absolutely no Valentino talk tonight, okay?” I nodded yes, a little taken aback. Cherri had never stopped me from ranting about work before, but I trust her judgment if it’s that serious. I downed my shot and grabbed my martini, Cherri already have three more doubles in her hands as she hopped down and sauntered over to the exact demon I had noticed a few minutes ago. I suppressed a smile, they looked like they went together. Cherri shooed away the demons at the table with him and he quirked an eyebrow up at me. 
“Aye, haven’t I seen you recently?” He asked as I slid in the booth next to Cherri, she passed out the shots. 
“Angie, this is Lilly. Lills, this is Angle Dust.” Cherri introduced us and Angel stuck out a free hand to shake mine which I accepted. I don’t love mixing work and fun. I don’t know about having a night out with someone else who works for the Vs…but if Cherri knows him he can’t be too bad, right? 
“I believe, we briefly met this afternoon, but let’s leave the work stuff at work.” I said and gave a small smile, taking my next shot.
“I cannot agree more!” Angel said and Cherri laughed. She pulled out 3 small bags with a couple of pills each and held them up for Angel. 
“I hope you don’t think we’re just taking shots all night!” She sang giving one to each of us. 
“You know,” Angel said, popping it in his mouth and washing it down with his tequila, “Val said you were a tight ass, what the fuck does he know!” Angle and Cherri laughed and I sipped my martini as the music playing blared in the background, seemingly getting louder. Tonight might actually not suck. 
And then I woke up. 
I rubbed my eyes awake, trying to take stock of myself and my surroundings, and retracing my steps. Cherri is next to me in bed, okay that’s a start. Is it my bed? Yes. Okay even better. Angel was nowhere to be seen though. Do I remember him leaving? Hell I don’t even remember leaving the bar myself. But I don’t feel horrific so, things could be worse. What time is it? 6am, perfect just in time for work, ugh. 
“Cherri-berry, I have to go to work,” I gently shook her to wake her up, brushing the hair out of her face. “I have to get dressed, if my roommate offers you ANYTHING do not take it, it is poison.” She groans to confirm she heard me and I set off to get my ass out the door on time. I rip off yesterday’s outfit and replace it with a black sleeveless dress with a high slit, run a brush through my hair, brush my teeth and gently shoo a groggy Cherri out the door while refusing the coffee being offered by my roommate. 
It felt like I had been through this day at work a million times. Sometimes all the little problems in productions and costuming just run together, it becomes mind numbing to distinguish between 666 News, whatever newest sitcom we’re running, daytime talk shows, and whatever trash Vox is pushing to melt the brains of sinners. While trying to track down the extra mannequins needed for the next lineup I was pleasantly surprised to see a white tuff of hair attached to some very long legs rounding the corner down the hall ahead of me, maybe he had a better idea of how last night went, or I could at least say it was nice to properly meet him while it’s just the two of us. 
“Angel Dust!” I called out and walked a little faster to catch up to him. “Hello! I just wanted to say-“ I stopped as soon as I rounded the corner, Angel wasn’t alone, Valentino was with him. Val had one arm wrapped around Angel’s shoulders and I think Valentino is one of the few demons that can manage to make Angle actually look small. They had stopped walking, Angle was still staring a head, unmoving, but Valentino was looking at me with an anger I couldn’t explain. A shiver run down my back and I found myself standing very still, I tried to remember not to show emotion, but it’s different when you’re caught by surprise. I didn’t want to be the first one to speak, but I also knew I shouldn’t leave until the silence was broken. 
“Aw c’mon Val, she must be a fan of mine.” He turned around and gave me that same toothy grin as yesterday with a hand on his hip and another twirling a stand of hair. “Tell me, Doll, what’s your favorite video of mine?” He teased. Val did not seem pleased yet though. 
“Aren’t you that bitch from yesterday? Unless you changed your mind about working for me, fuck off.” He growled, and Angel gave me a look that said that’s the best out I’m going to get. 
“Yes Sir, thank you.” I said with a slightly bowed head, I nodded to Angel and promptly turned around to find my way to anywhere but here. Note to self, try not to make an overlord your enemy. I trekked on to find my mannequins for Velvette and got on with my day.
I wanted to go home and curl up in bed, but if I did that I would only think about how utterly stupid I had been today with Angel and Valentino. Not only could I barely keep my cool, it was ridiculous to even try to say hi to Angel at work in the first place. Nope, I did not want to wallow in my own self pity and hatred at home all night. So I went out, hoping to find some club to lazily move though and let someone buy me one too many drinks until all the sudden it’s tomorrow and I can repeat the whole damn cycle again. I walked a few blocks before I finally found somewhere that looked right, Nightmare Nightclub, and once I was in I made my way up to the bar. I tried to flag the bartender, but she was quite busy. 
“You have such lovely hair, has anyone ever told you that?” I felt an arm snake around my waist as he said it, but I didn’t know that voice. I turned my head to see whoever this stranger is and was met with the sight of a red hell-borne with blue horns just a few inches longer than his hair, and a wide smirk. He wasn’t bad looking, but the night was juuust starting. 
“Y’know I don’t think they have,” I spun around in place so I was at least facing him as he held onto me. “You can tell me just what else looks lovely on me if you can get the bartender to put a drink in my hand.” I smiled and he seemed eager to take on the challenge, puffing up his chest and going to get the bartender’s attention. While he’s busy I scan the room, it’s mostly dance floor that’s hard to see too much though with the mass of people mixing with the low and colorful lights, then booths lining the wall for any interested in a less public place to talk. If it wasn’t proving so hard to get a drink myself I might have walked off in that moment, but I needed something to distract myself. 
“You didn’t say what to get so I figured we’d start off with something quick, a whiskey neat for the lady, and for me” he chuckled as he handed one of of the glasses, not my drink of choice, but that’s what I get I suppose. I knocked it back and set the glass back down on the bar just a step away. 
“Thank you, that’s the least horrible tasting whiskey I’ve ever had!” I smiled a little at my own joke as he drank his and set down his own glass. The demon placed his hands on my hips from behind me, I became suddenly aware of the sharp nails at the end of fingers, more like claws than hands.
“Why don’t you join me at our booth? I know some people who I think would like meeting you.” He said into my ear. Normally I’m more hesitant, but I let him walk me over to a booth far from the entrance and the dance floor, but at least it was a little quieter over here. When we got there there were 4 other similar looking demon men sitting there. “Gentlemen I’ve found a lady willing to keep us company, don’t scare her away.” He teased his friends as we sat down, one of them motioned to a passing waitress and she nodded, assumingely for drinks. “I’m so rude though, what was your name?” he asked me as the other man beside me put his arm over my shoulders and the original demon’s arm found its way back to my waist.
“Lillian, but please, I prefer Lilly, and you?” I asked him and then glanced at the others around the table. The waitress brought over a tray of drinks and some shots for the table and began setting them down. 
“Sebastian, these are just my friends that I’m out with tonight.” He slid a cocktail in front of me, “Another drink? Maybe this one will be a bit better than ‘least horrible’." He watched me try my drink and admittedly it was pretty good, some fruity mix. "Let me know when you want another, you're drinking on me tonight sweet stuff." That, I don't mind. He sipped his whiskey and began to fiddle with the hem of the slit on my dress.
I knew his game, get a couple drinks in me and then ditch his buddies so we can sneak off somewhere, that was also my game tonight. Still it's early, I should pace myself this drink must be pretty strong because I felt a little lightheaded already. I realized I needed to know how to make small talk, neither in life nor afterlife has that been my strong suit. "So, Sebastian, when you aren't buying overpriced drinks for girls what are you up to?" I teased, drinking some more.
He seems to think about it for a moment, maybe not everyone wants to talk about their job, or they don't have one to talk about. "Oh nothing too fun, I'd rather hear about you, I think this lot is tired of hearing me bitch about all the stupid fucks at work." He said earning a couple of laughs from the other demons. I glanced around the table and Sebastian pressed his claws into my side a little, not enough to hurt, but enough to say we wanted a response. He scooted my drink closer to me again, encouraging more. I finished what was left of my drink and more was ordered.
"I don't have time to get up to anything very interesting. I work for 666 News and the rest of the TV studio in wardrobe, or really as a task rabbit for whatever Velvette tells me to do." I say and the waitress brings over another round. Sebastian drums his fingers on me and flashes me another smile. There was a bit of ringing in my ears, maybe the music was too loud for me, but it felt far away.
"Well there are worst way to spend your days here I suppose, they haven't killed you yet so you can't be too shit at the job either!" He says and grabs my second drink from the demon with his arm over my shoulder and gives it to me. "You out here all alone tonight?"
I had to give it to him he was at least charming, scary, but charming. "Well-" I took a sip of my drink, but watched as Sebastian’s face fell into a scowl as he looked out of the booth before I could finish answer. My eyes went to meet what he was looking at, but my ears found it first. 
“There you are tuts! You promised to let me know if you were running off!” It was Angel, but why was Angel here? He looked at the demon with his arm firmly holding my waist, his eyes lacked their usual carefree spirit. “We were just headed out.” Angle Dust reached across the table to grab my wrist, but the two demons had a better grip on me and I was beginning to feel dizzy between my head and the lights. 
I blinked a couple of times trying to make sense of the situation.“Angel, yeah, we wanted some air. I want some air.” I looked back down at my drink and Angel slid it away from me with another arm. He leaned in close to Sebastian and whispered something I couldn’t hear. Sebastian begrudgingly released his grip on me and after a look his colleague did the same and Angel practically yanked me out of the booth. He kept one pair of hands on my shoulders leading me to the door and used the other set to keep people out of our way. 
“You got some self destructive tendencies babe I can tell yah that.” He chirped. I still didn’t feel any better than I had sitting down inside. 
“What can I say, I’m here for a reason.” But I felt far away, and really I was glad Angel was there. We made it outside and I think it is the only time I have been happy to breathe in the ‘fresh’ hell air. 
“Listen I may not know you well, or really even at all, but” he looked away from me, fiddling with his gloves a little. “you gotta be careful going out like that. I’ve seen that scenario play out a hundred times and let me tell yah, 5:1 is not a good ratio. I’ve seen that video babe, hell I’ve made that video. I wouldn’t recommend it.” Angel had one hand on my shoulder and I suddenly felt my face get warm with embarrassment and shame, but I could focus on his words less and less. “You gotta be aware, that guy he-“ 
I'm starting to think he put something in my drink.
I remember being outside and the club had been so hot that the regular air almost stung my skin like the cold. I remember standing up trying to listen to Angel, god he was saying something important too I really wanted to listen. And I remember that feeling of falling, like when you nearly fall asleep and your brain goes into free fall mode. For a second there isn’t really an up or down or left and right, just the air you’re moving through. Luckily I don’t actually remember hitting the ground, judging by my headache though I’d guess it was pretty hard. 
I open my eyes, but this time I’m not back in my room. Is this Angel’s place? It’s…nicer than I imagined. And bigger? I sit up from the couch that I’d been laid on, holding my head with one hand. Hopefully I only bumped the back of my head, Velvette would be pissed if I scratched up my face. Looking around the room, I’m in a library maybe more so a study. It’s me, the couch, a warm fireplace and whole walls of books. Interesting, Angel didn’t strike me as much of a reader. I swing my legs over the side of the couch getting ready to stand up, but my whole body begs me to stay down. I groan as my feet meet the cool floor. 
“Did I hear signs of life?” Thank goodness, Angel. He walked in and leaned down towards me, grabbing my face to make sure I looked alright. I grunted when he lifted my head back and he sighed. “Well you look alright, but you sound like you don’t feel great, huh?” He had this little ‘I-Told-You-So’ look and to be fair he was right. 
“Goodmorning to you too.” I pushed him back and stood up, stretching out the aches on my arms. “Is this your place?” I ask him rubbing the sleep from my eyes. He looks back to the open doorway and then closes the door, as if someone is listening. 
“Yes, and no, mostly no, but I live here!” He said excitedly. He sat me back down and paced in front of me. “So the hotel you see, which we’re in, let’s you stay for free so long as you are ‘working towards redemption’ or whatever!” He explained, using air quotes. Yeah that sounds too good to be true to me. I may be fresh, but it’s not my first day in hell. 
“Yeah and which overlord sold you THAT bullshit?” I crossed my arms, skeptical. Angel furrowed his brow and shook his head. 
“No overlord, it’s run by Charlie Morningstar, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of her. She’s just the Princess of Hell!” That caught my attention. What does the princess care though? “She might be the only actually nice person in all of hell. The rest of the staff is slightly more rough, but not bad.” He sounded like he was building up to something, but how much bigger does ‘You crashed at the Princess of Hell’s place’ does it get? 
“Well I’m glad you’ve got a cool situation going with them, and thank you for looking out for me. You didn’t have to do that, especially since I pissed off Valentino.” Angel looked away from me at that, staring into the fire for a moment. 
“It’s no big deal.” He turned back to me with a wide smile. “My point was though, I was completely under Val’s thumb ‘til I moved in here. You seem to me to be under someone’s thumb too, I’m sure they’d be happy to have yah if you wanted to stay here.” He seemed surprisingly earnest. I mean I pay practically every penny I make to live in a rat infested apartment with someone who I’m pretty sure is trying to kill me, so at worst someone tries to kill me for free right? 
“I don’t know maybe-“
“DID I HEAR A YES?!!” The door flung open and a very smiley blonde stood in the middle, sporting a deep red suit, squealing with excitement. To the side was another demon with long grey hair, missing an eye, but she was focused on the blonde more so than me. 
Angel huffed and tried to shoo the two girls away “NO you did not, you are going to freak her out and scare her away, fuck off!” The Blonde bypassed him and strutted up to me on the couch and held out a hand for me to shake. 
“Pleased to meet you! I’m Charlie! This is my hotel, oh and that’s Vaggie, and you know Angel, and I’ll introduce you to everyone else in a moment, and I can give you the full tour, and we’ll find you a room! I’m so excited!” She grabbed my hands, positively giddy. Can you say no to the Princess of Hell? Would Lucifer swoop in and exterminate me himself? I glanced at the annoyed looking Angel who was staring down Charlie and I smiled.
“I’d love that, thank you.” I replied and she pulled me in for a bear hug, not my thing. She stood back up and smoothed out her suit and I stood too. The other girl, Vaggie it would seem, stepped further into the room and smiled, though it did not seem to come as naturally to her as it did Charlie. I forced myself to stand up and tried to smooth out my hair.
“We’re happy to have you, Angel said it’s Lilly right?” Vaggie asked and held Charlie’s free hand as Charlie had linked our arms. 
“Yes, I’m…happy to be here.” Angel gave me four thumbs up and Charlie lead us out of the room. She excitedly explained her plan, to teach sinners how to be better and get them to heaven in order to avoid extermination by ascending instead. We reached the foyer which lead to most of the main level rooms, and where it looked like she had gathered the rest of the hotel staff. 
“Lilly this is Niffty, our maid-“
“Reporting for duty!” And then she flung a dagger at a nearby roach with a menacing laugh.  
“Husk, the bartender-“
“Nice to meet you.” He did not look up from the glass he was cleaning and inspecting, but it was more than nothing. 
“And, uh-“
I felt a hand land on my shoulder and heard someone clear their throat directly behind me. “I’m Alastor, charmed to meet you!” His voice sounded like it came from somewhere entirely detached from his body, as if it was being filtered in some way. I flinched at the surprise contact and looked up at the demon responsible. 
He had the widest toothy grin I’d ever seen, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes, they carried a sinister look that felt like he was seeing every weak point of mine in that moment. His suit was similar to Charlie’s, though more refined. Really her suit was a less nice version of his. He took a step away, removing his hand and stood by Charlie’s side, smile never faltering. I knew that name, that voice was familiar, why can’t I place it?
“-The Hotel’s manager!” 
“Alastor is an overlord," Angel whispered in my ear "but he just got back from being missing, I can’t figure out his deal, but I thiink I’m wearing tall dark and handsome there down.” Angel threw a wink to Alastor. Of course, that voice. Who could forget his broadcasts, not that long ago it felt like. I can’t believe here he is just standing here, playing with the Princess of Hell. What the fuck is this place?
“Please to meet you all, I’m Lilly, thank you for letting me stay here.” I said keeping my even tone that I usually save for work. I don’t want to come off cold, but also I also can’t immediately be a target here. I mumbled chorus of ‘Hello’ and ‘whatever’ comes from the staff. 
“Okay babe, I think she gets the idea, let’s try not to overwhelm new guests.” Vaggie says to Charlie, giving her hand a squeeze. Charlie gives her a soft smile and then turns back to me. 
“Ooookayyy! You are welcome to find a room that can be yours and explore the place. If you get lost we are never too far away!” Charlie said and then Vaggie and her set off back to whatever they had been doing before I woke up. Husk sighed in relief and went back to straightening his bar, pouring himself a drink. Niffty scurried off presumably to stab more bugs. I turned to Angel, who I guess at this point is my new friend, and he seemed to know what I was thinking. 
“Yes there is a super fucking cute room across the hall from mine that you should take, I’ll show you the way!” Angel lead me up the grand staircase and we made our way up to the 6th floor. 
It was a lot to take in. Getting roofied, and now I live in Rainbow Hotel with Princess Sparkles and an incredibly murderous deer demon? Cool, that’s totally normal. 
“Angel, can I ask-“ I paused to wait for his confirmation. “-should I never say hello if I see you at work? Valentino seems particularly.. territorial over you. And frankly he is fucking intimidating as shit on his best days.”  I look at my feet as we walk down the hall and Angel doesn’t respond for a moment. 
“Yeah, it’s fucking stupid, but Val has a short temper so I tend to avoid it the best I can. That’s probably the only fucking thing that would make him happy, if he was the only demon in all of hell who got to talk to me.” Angel was pissed off, and he had every right to be. He took a couple deep breathes and smoothed his hair. “So that should work, don’t worry though, babe, that’s just work. Here are our rooms!” Angel beamed with pride at his bedroom door, it was decorated though mostly it looked like with notes from Charlie. He walked over to a blank door just a step across the hall for his long legs. “This one is yours!”
We walked in and it was more than my apartment was that’s for sure. Nothing fancy, a bed with white duvet and pillows, a dresser, and a desk with a lamp, but it was still more than enough. For the first time since arriving in hell I almost actually felt lucky. “Oh it’s perfect! This bed is twice the size of mine back home!” I flopped onto the bed and dust rose up around me, causing a coughing fit. “Okay maybe it needs a clean before it’s perfect perfect.” We both laughed and he walked towards the door. 
“Try to get some more sleep tonight, we’ll worry about how shit it looks tomorrow!” And he went back to his room across the hall. I tried to lay down, but my mind was racing and even though I knew I was alone it felt like I was being watched by an unseen party. I huffed and dragged myself back downstairs, to the bar, what are the odds Husk is still there? If he isn’t is it totally against the rules to get a drink myself? Luckily he was there and he rolled his eyes when he saw me.
“Haven’t you had enough tonight, given you were literally drugged just a few hours ago?” He asked dryly, folding his arms over his chest. I sat down on a barstool in front of him and waved off his question. 
“Oh please, I had one little sip that just put my out of it for a little bit. I’m fine now and looking for something to occupy my mind. Can I please have a drink, Sir?” I smiled unconvincingly, batting my eyelashes at him sarcastically. 
“Ah whatever.” he huffed and began mixing something up for me. I kicked my feet a little in the air as I waited. Why does he work here anyway? Clearly he doesn’t seem to like it. Husk sat the drink in front of me on the bar and I happily took a sip, admittedly this mystery concoction was pretty good. “Anything else you need from me tonight?” 
“Hmm, a vodka double shot to-go should have me set for the night.” He grabbed a second glass and poured exactly that for me. I traced the rim of my glass with one finger and decided to ask one last thing. “Hey I know it’s my first night and all, but…do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you around here?” 
Husk looked side to side and then nodded “it’s because you are. Alastor, he can move through shadows. He could be watching and listening from any dark spot here.” Then he raised his voice just a little. “Which is why I only say the mean things about you in my head!” Clearly directed to an eavesdropping Alastor. 
A chuckle came from the corner and out stepped the Radio Demon himself and his grand smile. “So you caught me! It’s always good to know who exactly you’re getting into bed with y’know! Or in this case in a hotel with!” He quipped, leaning on his cane. Husk wasn't kidding. Of all the rumors and stories I've heard about the Radio Demon shadow walking was not one of them, you would think that would be good to know.
“Well, Mr. Alastor, Sir, do you mind at least leaving me be while I try to sleep in my own room?” I asked allowing a hint of sarcasm to drip into my voice, making him laugh. He walked over to me and leaned down slightly so we were eye level. 
“I’m afraid I am not in the business of making promises that I cannot keep my dear!” He sounded cheerful still but I knew he was dead serious. “Also, ‘Mr. Alastor’ is so formal, we’re all friends here! Please, just call me Alastor, but you can keep the ‘Sir’ if you really want.” Husk rolled his eyes at the ‘all friends’ part, but I am still not going out of my way to anger an overlord, even one who did drop off the map for seven years.
“Oh, of course, yes, Sir. Just Alastor it is then.” I replied with a smile. I finished my cocktail and picked up my double shot, hopping down from my seat which put some needed space between me and Alastor. “Thanks for the company, but I think I should try to get a couple more hours of sleep tonight. I attempted to turn and walk away but Alastor appeared directly in front of me, blocking my path. 
“It might be best if I escort you up to your room, wouldn’t want you getting lost or anything happening to our new guest on your way there!” Alastor insisted, looking me in the eye. This wasn’t a request. I suppose it is natural he would feel a little protective of the hotel if he really does care about this, I’m some stranger who is moving in I wouldn’t trust me either. 
“Of course.” I say. He turns around and starts leading the way, humming to himself. We walk in silence to the elevator, the exhaustion of the night starts to set in and my headache comes back, I drink my to-go booze hoping to hell it will help. Once we’re in the elevator I lean against the wall a bit, Alastor raises an eyebrow at me. 
“Tired now are we? Not sure that liqueur is helping any.” He chuckled, eying me. I pushed myself up off the wall and stood up straight, smoothing out my dress.
“It’s been a long day, and an even longer night. I’m very much looking forward to a couple hours of actual rest.” I responded, watching the numbers tick up to the sixth floor. 
“Very well, sleep tight.” He told me with a gentle push to the opening elevator doors. I looked back into the elevator, but he was gone into the shadows. I just went to my room, tried to floof off as much dust as possible from the bed and got a good few hours of sleep, it felt like the first time in a hundred years I had gotten proper sleep. 
part two
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bratbutcute · 2 months
Some misc headcanons for your enjoymen
Alastor will pull out his meniachal Evil Laughter™ when tickling the snot out of someone, just to freak them out a bit (I imagine it would be both flustering and terrifying)
Angel's six arms are both his secret weapon and his own demise - six arms to pin and tickle with, but that ALSO means six underarms..
Charlie is shameless in her love of tickles. Both in giving and receiving, that girl is anything but subtle lol
Vox absolutely uses his electric abilities to to amplify the tickles inflicted upon his lee
Vaggie isn't much of a lee or ler, but when she does get into a playful mode it is DEVASTATING. She would have even the toughest lee begging in minutes.
Rosie (along with most of the other residents of cannibal town) is a biter/nibbler. Tickle bites and "I could just eat you up!" are her signatures moves lol
Sorry these are primarily ler hcs, but that's what I've got for now :) - 🔥 Flame
Fiejajhridahsi ler hcs are perfect bc we need more of them.
Alastor would absolutely be a ruthless ler. I love reading fics where he hunts down his next victim because I think they’re so in character.
Like horror movie stuff where you’re walking next to an empty corridor and he’s there at the end in the darkness with only his eyes glowing, but the moment you turn to check what’s there he’s gone.
And he would have his voice echo in the Hotel, following your moves and creepily chuckling when you are alone.
I can see him tickling as revenge. But I also can see him tickling someone out of boredom.
Just for the thrill of the hunt.
In the show we haven’t seen Angel and Alastor have that many good interactions but I can definitely see this happening if they ever got closer. (Even though I know Alastor canonically wouldn’t care whether you’re comfortable or not)
Ofc I can see Angel messing around with Husk or Cherri. I can see him trying to tickle Husk and Husk letting him do it just because he was sad.
Like I can imagine Angel had a bad day at Valentino’s set and he needs some physical affection, but he feels a bit uncomfortable by the touch. So Husk offers to stay next to him and comfort him but just sits next to him and doesn’t know what to do.
So Angel just leans over him after a while.
And Husk just wants to help, but is unsure on what to do, so he lightly traces shapes on Angel’s arms.
And he starts to giggle and melts into the touch.
But after a while that makes Angel shivers because it reminds him of the day on set, so Husk suggests to be the one receiving (although he’ll kill him if he ever tried to tell anyone).
And so Angel is super happy and enthusiastic and starts tracing shapes on his paws and on his arms and Husky is there trying not to laugh.
And it’s just a sweet moment because it makes Angel relax and Husk starts laughing because he relaxes too
And it just ends in cuddles 😭😭😭
Okay I got carried away by the sweeties, let’s go back to my fav psychopath.
My dear Vox is a scary ler.
Just imagine having all that power. He creates stuff, he spies on everyone. He definitely knows all your ticklish spots. And he has the perfect tool to tickle you senseless.
And omg the electric abilities. Yess.
But also. I’m gonna offer you… Vox hunting you down.
Similar to Alastor he will SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. But he’d be much more impatient.
Alastor could hunt you and stalk you for DAYS, even WEEKS making you paranoid, making you flinch at every move anyone makes.
Vox would mess around with you for a day.
He’s gonna hack your devices and flash you with pictures of you getting tickled or randomly show you people getting tickled with ‘You’re next’ on it.
And then he’s gonna use his ability to teleport next to you and then disappear. Then appear again and so on. Driving you crazy trying to protect yourself.
«You are fucking hilarious to watch!»
I’m gonna talk about Charlie, Vaggie and Rosie on another post or it’s gonna become too long 🫶🏻 thank you so much for reading this far
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seas-storyarchive · 4 months
alastor getting cast to hell as a child aus
tw: abuse
alastor winds up in hell, because his dad shot his mother and then him when he tried to run away
1. budding deer:
arriving right smack in the center of cannibal town
rosie finds the boy, running from a pack of cannibals that ha now surrounded the boy when he fell
she shoos them off, and takes in the boy
she looks after him, after hearing his tale of terror, saying that she'll keep him safe until he can go see his mama again
2: happy hotel
a young alastor arrives at the hotel, desperate for food and shelter, during the night
charlie is the one to let him in
her and vaggie (not really showing it) have a soft spot for the boy
angel does too, but he's more cynical about it
husk (angel's bf/owns his soul) doesn't want the kid near him
niffty finds him fun, mainly to terrorize with roaches
charlie asks him why he's there
alastor tearfully tells them that his daddy made a big bang noise and that his mama was laying on the grass covered in red - he found them and his daddy took shots at him as he ran and then there was a BANG and then he was here
he asked if they knew where his mama was, cause he was scared and missed her and he didn't want to be trouble for that and he would be really happy if they could spare him a thought
3. deer snake
lucifer finds him, and calls charlie.
because um.. new sibling??
"hey charlie, honey, guess what!! you have a new brother! he just landed on my doorstep!"
"Dad!? what?! get to the hotel now!! this is important! how long have you had him for?!" "half an hour, and I'll end anyone who tries to take him from me and then me!!" "i bet you an ice cream you wouldn't even." "whoa! kid's got a mouth. alright, you little-" "no! just get here as soon as you can, we need to sort this out."
4. abv's:
vox finds him.
its on sight, 24/7 with those two
because al is reminded of his dad every time vox breaths
the other v's hate him. little, good for nothing snot rag
5. my deer kitten, said the spider and the cyclops:
val finds al, not doing anything perverse because he has a brand image and vox wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he did any of THAT
so, he bets him and Angel to Husk. he loses the two. husk decides to keep the kid, because angel and niffty got attached. shit.
huskerdust with a side of raising a kid (alastor) and niffty shenanigans
if anyone knows what good for them, they avoid al - deer ward of husker the gambling overlord and anthony the mobster
they all then move into the hotel, and it's.. chaos
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velvetwarfare · 2 months
Alone and Betrayal for Betty!!
ALONE: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
All the time. Constantly. Because of her loneliness, she puts up a large wall of bravado to hype herself up and become her own biggest cheerleader. Loneliness is CRIPPLING and she often seeks praise and attention from both her peers and audience in order to fill that void — but it’s never completely saturated, as these are not genuine connections. Just distractions. She’s too scared of showing people who she is at her core — hence why she uses illusion magic at all times to hide her nosferatu appearance. Betty wants people to see her as an icon of entertainment and beauty, not some bat beast hybrid that’s been rotting away since she got cursed.
Her longest duration of being alone was when she arrived in The Fated Place ( W.arhammer End Times ) . After being ran out of a few towns for being a vampire, she resided here for the remainder of her days until she got sent to Hell — as this place matched her corruption and deformity. With no one to accompany her and no place to call home, Betty spent the first several years engrossing herself in self experimentation to test the limits of her immortality, then moved on to hyper-studying the skaven race. It gave her a sort of mad scientist trait, getting way too immersed in how mutations functioned in the body, how certain ailments and magic harmed or healed, how her immortality and curse reacted to certain properties, etc. All she had was herself and her studies to keep her from going mad beyond repair.
When no one is around — well. It’s a rarity. Betty is almost always in someone’s presence. She LOATHES being alone. It makes her feel a degree of psychosis. The rare times she’s alone, she’ll probably just curl up and disassociate until someone returns.
BETRAYAL: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Yeah, by her own brother LMAO. Her other brother, Gideon, blackmailed her into telling the entire town she was a vampire when she first took on the disease. He claimed she was now a liability to their family and what they stood for ( proving to the town that the Shavali were not all murderers and thieves to be distrusted ) , so it was either she come clean or he’ll tell everyone himself. Indirectly, he caused her execution. She had thought about returning years later just to behead him herself.
Betty betrays people CONSTANTLY. Whether it be in favor of another or because of her loyalty, she’s incredibly stealthy and persuasive. During the fated era, she collaborated with Clan Moulder in the Hellpit under Throt with furthering her skaven and experimentation studies — they grew closer with similar mindsets, but her allegiance was still for Clan Fester. So naturally, she’s relaying information about Clan Moulder to her boss.
Except, you know. She slipped up at one point because she started to feel REALLY guilty after establishing an authentic connection with Throt. And then he beat her ass for that — near death. Then branded his symbol into her arm with molten iron as punishment. So now she has both Moulder and Fester clan symbols on either arm — one as loyalty, one as punishment for treason.
Nowadays, she’s part of the Vee’s by proxy of being owned by Valentino — and once again pulling her dastardly shit by relaying information about the hotel back to Vox. Good riddance LMAOO
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
Hello! Can I request a Vox machina and Mighty Nein child reader where the reader gets killed and revived? Thank you!!
Hi! Thank you so so much for the suggestion, not gonna lie it was a bit tricky to write because it’s a tough subject to nail… also I may have cried a little making this, but after looking through the tears at the results I’d say it turned out pretty good 😁
No, I will not apologize for the length… Enjoy!
Dancing with Death
Vox Machina, Mighty Nein & Child!Reader
Warnings: Death (I mean it’s in the ask and title so it should be obvious, I guess), may get a slight bit graphic
Vox Machina
Go in, investigate, kill some demons, get out. That’s what you were supposed to do, sure you knew it wasn’t going to be the easiest task but you didn’t expect to see Vecna himself make an appearance. The twisted archlich taunted the party as you all fight off the demons as best as possible while simultaneously thinking of a way to escape. Too focused on not getting hit you didn’t see the devious look that crossed his features when his sights set on you. You fight off enemies as best as your abilities would let you until you find yourself face to face with Vecna, a icy chill running through you as he stared you down. That icy chill becomes more literal when he grabs you by the neck and lifts you into the air, you gasp in shock as you dangle helplessly, still struggling to free yourself, his grip only getting tighter, slowly cutting off your air intake. Everything was going hazing from your lack of oxygen, you felt the cold touch of his hand around your neck, the pain increasing from said cold, you heard what sounded like distant screams or maybe cries of your name, you weren’t entirely sure, there was a sudden pop in your neck alongside a brief second of sharp pain then… nothing.
You find yourself sitting somewhere dark, legs brought up to your chest as you hug them closer to you. Looking around this darkness stretched on and on, with no end in sight. Where were you? What just happened? You felt very confused until you saw the only other figure with you in this dark void. A tall, slender feminine figure stands before you, a dark cloak flowing down her shoulders and a simple porcelain mask covering her face, a hauntingly beautiful sight to say the least. You tilt your head to the side as you stare up at her, trying to wrap your head around what was going on and why she seemed familiar. To your surprise she copies you and tilts her own head to the side, although hers was more subtle, you then tilt your head to the other side and again she copies you, earning a small giggle out of you.
"Wow, you’re really pretty." You, finally finding words, say without much thought, you mind still not fully grasping the situation at hand. She lets out a soft hum of acknowledgment and gives a small bow to you before straightening herself upright again. At this point it’s starting to click why she was familiar, your eyes widening in realization at just who you were talking to. "Wait… you’re the Raven Queen. Does-does that mean I’m dead?" You stare up at her for some sort of confirmation, but the porcelain mask she wore didn’t really help give you any clues.
"Life can be so short and unfair, never caring if they be young, old, good or evil when facing the reality that is death." You blink at her words, it felt like there was some meaning to them but you couldn’t place your finger on what.
"Is-is that a yes?" You ask hoping for a more straightforward answer. She lets out another hum and reaches down to pick you up in a fluid motion, shifting to help smooth back some of your hair the second you were secure in her arms. Her touch was cold yet oddly calming to you as she begins to glide her way across the empty landscape that surrounded you both, you wonder if she was taking you to the afterlife, then she stops. You look at her confused but something else quickly captures your attention, a bright light cutting through the darkness. You couldn’t make direct eye contact but you tried your best to, hearing faint voices emitting through it, you couldn’t make out any words but the voices sounded desperate, pleading. You look up at the Raven Queen and, even through the mask, you could feel her own gaze set on you. You stare at her with curious eyes and once again tilt your head to the side in an almost silent question, as before she copies your action and traces the side of your face, tucking back any loose hair you may have had.
"Sweet little bird," she starts making you perk up, that was what Vax and Keyleth would call you as a nickname. "It is not your time quite yet, you have much more to accomplish in this life and foes whose souls shall be brought to me by your hand." You couldn’t tell if she was trying to be uplifting or something, but you did find some encouragement in her words. She leans closer to you and the cool feeling of her mask presses against your forehead as if in a gentle kiss before your vision turns white…
You open your eyes staring up at the ceiling of your room in Greyskull Keep, you just sit there staring into space for a while until you adjust yourself to sit up. Strangely enough you feel something wrapped in one of your hands, slowly opening it to find a single ravens feather resting in your palm, you examine it a moment before breaking into a cough, a strange sensation in your neck like there was a hand still around it. The sound of your door opening makes you look over to see Pike enter the room and hurry over to you, she helps steady you to your feet, giving a little extra healing to make the feeling in your neck go away and hugs you tightly, you happily return the hug, stashing the feather into your pocket. The two of you make your way around the keep to the dining room where the others were waiting, the instant they all see you you're swept up into hugs and apologies from all of them.
"(Y/n)! You’re awake!" "How are you feeling?" "I’m so sorry we couldn’t get to you in time." "We were so scared, we thought we might not be able to save you." These alongside many other comments were sent your way as you just happily snuggle into each one of their individual embraces. Keyleth and Vex both clung to you tightly doing very little to hold back their tears of joy. Grog easily scooped you up into his arms, being careful not to crush you and just happy to see that you were back on your feet, even if he protested to being worried. Percy and Scanlan both played it neutral, giving you pats on the shoulder or back, Scanlan making a comment that he knew everything would be alright because Pike was amazing at her job, but you could see the relief in their eyes for your well being. Then there was Vax, like the others he was very much happy and relieved that you were alright, wrapping you up in a tight embrace but there was also this faint look of knowing in his eyes when he stared at you. You offer all of them a bright smile before looking back up at the rouge, pulling out the feather to show him. He looks at it a moment, his expression softening a little more as gently weaves it into your hair. You’re about to say something when Percy speaks up, suggesting everyone goes out for the evening to finally unwind and celebrate your recovery. Quick and happy to agree you all head out to Emon, because there was only one thing on your mind now… you were absolutely famished.
Mighty Nein
Being in a group of adventurers was a risky bet to take, one you took with a smile. It would be fun they said, you’ll get to see new places they said, nothing could possibly go wrong you thought. For the most part it was true, but facing off against a coven of sea hags wasn’t proving to be the most fun to you. Well in fashion for the Nein, it would seem, things only got worse before they’d get better, one of the hags activating an orb-like object summoning a water elemental to the battle. The water elemental lunges at you, sweeping you up in its torrent to keep you from escaping, you only had enough time to take in a quick gasp of air before you’re trapped in the creature. You try to flail your arms to break free of the creatures hold to no avail, it’s not long before you start to have a hard time holding your breath. In a desperate last attempt you try reaching out to grab hold of anything nearby that you could use to pull yourself free, it was a futile attempt, your arms not even breaking past the creatures watery body. Your lungs begged for air and without meaning to you release your breath and take in a water, it burned your throat and lungs when you tried to cough it out only taking more in. Everything around you started to fade away, it was like the elemental itself didn’t exist either, only you and this moment, you couldn't escape and you didn’t know where everyone else was. It was lonely and you were terrified… then the pain disappeared, your vision was still dark but it didn’t hurt to breathe anymore.
You weren’t too sure what was going on, you couldn’t move or at very least you chose not to move and looked every which direction to see if there was anything or anyone else with you. Finding nothing you shakily rise to your feet and slowly move forward in this dark abyss.
"Hello! Is anyone there? Caduceus? Jester? Anyone?" You call out into the darkness hoping for an answer… no response. You keep calling for anyone from the Nein in hopes that someone would answer you, though it felt as though your voice was just swallowed up and reaching nowhere. "Is anyone there?" You repeat feebly. "Please, I don’t wanna be alone." You sniffle and tremble a little, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. A soft light breaks the darkness around you and a feminine figure appears before you. Her hair long and wild, cascading down her shoulders like a waterfall well complimented by the vines and flowers growing among it, a warm motherly smile upon her face.
A comforting breeze, feeling like that of a warm hug, blows around you and words, unspoken aloud but still heard form in your mind. "My sweet child, do not fear, you have never been alone." The words were soft and gentle, easing away your fear and bringing a sense of comfort to you as you stare up at the woman. She gently lifts you into her arms, moving so fluidly you almost don’t realize it until you’re face to face with the deity. Curiously you reach a hand out and touch the various flowers in her hair, a small giggle coming from you at the feeling.
"Your hair's really soft and the flowers a very pretty." You compliment, she hums in response, taking one of the flowers out of her hair and tucking it behind your ear. You carefully place a hand on the flower and smile at her, all the fear you held earlier finally disappearing.
"It is not quite yet your time to rejoin the earth," once again you don’t quite see her lips move but hear a voice carried in the soft breeze she emits. "Your family still needs you, my child. Go. Learn. Grow." Her words brought comfort but you had no idea what she was saying, honestly you still weren’t quite sure what had happened or who she was. She parts her lips and blows air into you, your vision turning white for a moment before you find yourself coughing up some water, feeling some pain in your chest as a result.
"Easy, easy. It’s alright, you’re gonna be okay." You rub your eyes before peeking them open to see Caduceus staring down at you with a relived smile. That’s when it clicked into your head what happened, but before you can make a comment another voice jumps in.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n)! We were so scared when we saw you in that nasty water guy." Jester effortlessly scoops you up into her arms and twirls around, a few tears having fallen at her relief.
"I wouldn’t say I was scared, just… worried." Beau comments, though her voice wavered slightly. Jester places you down and you’re immediately tackled into another hug by Nott. No comment from her, just being held in a tight embrace only a mother could give. When she finally lets go Fjord kneels down to your height and gently rubs your back, having been in a similar experience before he knows how you felt and almost looked guilty for it. You place a hand on his cheek and offer him a closed eye smile, he returns the smile before standing up again. Yasha now kneeling down and taking her turn to wrap you in her arms. You could feel the slight tremble in her body as she held you close, whispering something so quiet you wondered if she was even speaking at all.
Something soft butting at your leg pulled you from your thoughts, looking down at Frumpkin the cat gently butts it’s head against your leg again before rubbing his body against it with a soft purr. You pick up the cat, cuddling him a bit before looking around for his owner, spotting Caleb leaning against the wall his hands covering his face as he draws in deep breaths. You walk over to him and tug at his coat until he looks at you, you then hold up Frumpkin for him. He bends down and takes the cat from you, letting the fey rest on his shoulders then reaches over and gives you a pat on the head. It wasn’t much but you gave him A for effort.
"Alright, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m done standing around in here." Beau speaks up again, making you realize you were still in the creepy sea cave where the coven once resided.
"I second that!" You say, it coming out more hoarse then you’d like. A few more voices of agreement later and your all making your way back out of the cave and towards your ship.
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c-is-for-circinate · 4 years
Man, I liked this episode.
Such great character moments!  Really exciting lore.  Plans for the future!  That ending, though!  Yay!
In no particular order, some moments I really appreciated:
Literally everything at the tavern, oh MAN.  Every single one of those conversations was SO GOOD, you know what I actually need to break this down further:
CADUCEUS AND YASHA, holy cow, right?  (it is late enough at night that ‘holy cow’ is doubly amusing, because Caduceus is, in fact, actually a...anyway, never mind.)  But HER HAIR!!!  Caduceus trying to be supportive, trying to Give Advice (Caduceus always thinks it’s his job to Give Advice, but usually it helps), but also falling just enough into actually admitting some of his own feelings.  Hope and worry.  I love them so much.
Beau and Caleb admitting/reminiscing about the early days when they didn’t like each other at all (except that even then, even when Caleb was being driven up a wall and Beau was angry and annoyed and kind of hated the guy, even then, they always liked each other at least a little bit, they never would’ve gotten so angry otherwise).  You know, sometimes it fades away for a while, but every so often I remember just how much I love Beau and Caleb as friends, because it is such a complicated, layered, hard-won friendship.  They both worked so hard for this relationship!  We call them the empire siblings, and it’s true, sometimes, but also it’s not true at all, because they worked so hard to get here, without any blood or parents or shared childhood joys telling them they should.  They built this friendship all on their own.  (And how often do you see such utterly platonic male-female friendships that are this hard-won and this concrete, in fiction?)
Okay I admit it, I made a NOISE at the unicorn thing.  It was just so utterly sweet, so deliberately ‘I know this little thing will make the person I care about smile,’ with no pretense or requirements after that, just because.  It felt like a little bit of Travis and Laura bleeding through, not in an out-of-character way, but in this bright reflection of all the little moments we’ve seen them just be honestly in love on screen.  It reminds me of the time Travis ordered an entire box of doughnuts via PostMates mid-episode delivered to the studio and didn’t say anything until they showed up.  And yes, obviously Travis and Laura’s characters can do and romance whoever they want--but if the honest emotion is there, it’s there, and it’s adorable.
Likewise: Beau and Jester both giggling and a little bit giddy about their respective potential love interests, both genuinely happy for each other.  Is there a sense of loss there?  Maybe, maybe not, who knows--but that mutual happiness is so genuine, and the “Agh, you know I’m scared of my future!” is so real in every direction, I love it.   
All of the shopping this episode made me really happy.  There’s something really special about a party hitting the level where they no longer have to care about money, and get to run kid-in-a-candy-store wild.  Buy ALL the diamonds!  Buy every piece of wizard-grade paper in Nicodranas.  Buy an entire wheelbarrow of fireworks, why not, just fucking do it, we’ve got the cash.  (Side note: as someone from Illinois, ‘going to Indiana to buy fireworks’ is such a familiar and obvious thing to me that I had a whole disorientation moment of ‘wait, Marisha isn’t from--oh my god people do that from the other side of Indiana too?’  I had not realized Indiana was such a national hub for fireworks, although I probably should have, given Indiana.)  Seriously though, the M9 do not care about money-- ‘here, take some of mine to pay for that thing, I’ve got so much I won’t use, just get it, it’s fine.’  But they get so much joy out of buying hundreds of gold worth of joke shop supplies, it’s so delightful, the entire two-city shopping trip was so delightful and I love them all.   
I covered all of my ‘oh man Beau’s imposter syndrome and self-esteem issues’ feelings in an earlier post, but I’m just going to reiterate: fuck, my feelings.   
I love the Eiselcross hook, and I cannot wait for what they find up there.  For one thing, I love me a good fictional deicide.  (I have some THOUGHTS about any potential god-killing weapons, and their potential uses against, say, life-devouring cities or angry sea serpents with a more than conventional number of eyes.  Also man that would’ve been useful for Vox Machina circa their own episode 109 or so.)  I am deeply curious to see what traveling with Vess de Rogna will be like--especially knowing that she was one of the people dealing with Yeza, and now I’m thinking about the fact that Veth was the only person NOT there to meet her today, which, hmmmmm.  I want to see so many things up there.  
There’s an almost-unfamiliar increasing seriousness and maturity to the Mighty Nein lately, and it’s so fascinating to me to watch.  They named their ship the Nein Heroes.  After the Mistake and the Ball-Eater, they went with a name that, beyond just not being a self-deprecating pun, almost sounds like they’re proud of themselves.  And yes, tonight they bought out an entire joke shop’s worth of magical novelties--but they also Sending’ed ahead to two teleportation circles in a row.  Yes, Jester set off a magical stink bomb in a tavern at lunch--but there were multiple healthy and emotionally honest conversations going on during that scene, too.  They thought ahead about their clothes.  They’re not just respected at the Cobalt Soul, they’re respectable. At first glance it just seems like they’ve learned to plan ahead, but it’s not that, or it’s not just that.  Rather, the M9 are doing things, sending messages, picking names, changing clothes, that affect the way they present themselves to others.  They’re not playing games of respectability politics, it’s not like they’re deliberately trying to convince other people that they’re any better than they are--but I wonder if, maybe, they’re doing just a little bit less self-sabotaging in the opposite direction.  If maybe they’re starting to suspect that they can be respected, and it’s not just a lost cause from the beginning. I really want to see where this goes in the coming weeks, whether they go back to chaos crew fuck-it again or this continues to build.  I’ll be curious to see where (and for whom!) it seems to apply, and where it slips.
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shadowhunter250 · 4 years
His Peace Vox X Wounded Reader
She was his angel craving chaos, he was a demon seeking peace
You were his peace, with you all his thoughts fell silent. He had no anger when he was around you, even if others couldn't tell at first they did the longer you were around him. He would see you enter the room and if he was angry he would fall silent. He didn't want to scare you, he didn't want to hurt you. If he made you fear him like he did with everyone else he would not be able to forgive himself. He didn't want you to be around him or listen to what he ask of you because you feared him. He wouldn't say he was in love with you. He was an overlord for fucks sake's. Saying he had the capability to love was like saying Angel was a virgin because he's never been with a girl. It was ridiculous, I mean it had to be. He just wanted to believe you were someone who could calm him, similar to a mother of sorts. He sighed as he sat on the couch on taking a swing from his whiskey as he glanced over to Valentino who was cuddling up with some chick from the studio. Valentino had his favorites that he would fool around with and occasionally bring here. Vox simply closed his eyes hoping to relax a bit before meeting some of his... clients later. Vox was about to let his mind wander when he felt someone cuddling into his side. His eyes snapped open ready to shove whoever it was off of him when he saw it was his girl. His angel, she looked tired and almost like she was in pain. Vox was quick to look her up and down, he has seen similar expressions on his victims. She was in a over-sized hoodie seeming to try and bury herself in it. Her pants hid her legs and she was in boots but they weren't tied and seem to be a size too big. "(name) what happened?" Vox said instantly feeling his anger rise.
She slowly sat up and looked at him in the eyes, "No need to worry about me Vox. Besides it's three o'clock you need to go to your appointment."
"Not until you tell me who did it to you." Vox said standing up.
By now Valentino sent everyone else out of the room. He knew that when Vox didn't get what he wanted things could get ugly. "Please... just leave it alone. I'm fine really."  She said getting but but winced when she moved too fast.
"Strip." Vox said with a low growl.
She froze and tensed up, "Wha- what did you say?"
"If you are fine show me. I won't touch you. I just want to see if you're telling the truth." Vox said with his arms crossed.
She forced herself to stand up straight and give him a glare. He froze, she never did that, to him, to anyone. She was always calm and collected with a smile on her face. "You are not my boyfriend, you are not my husband. Last I check I wasn't one of Valentino's employees. You have no right to ask me to strip. If I wanted to show you my body I would."
Vox frowned as he approached her and she stood her ground. He was inches from her towering over her. Her glare never left her face as she looked his straight in the eyes. Vox reached for her hoodie ripping it off of her.  She winced and hissed in pain at the rough movement made hot tears fill her eyes. She was in a tank top but her arms were covered in cuts and bruises. The back of her white tank top was soaked with blood. Vox frowned he wanted to be gentle but his anger was getting the better of him. "Who. Did this to you." He growled.
A smirk came to her face, "I won't tell you. You won't fight this battle because of me."
"What do you mean by that? Because of you?" He barked as he yanked the tank top off of her and turned her around to see five long claw marks running for her left shoulder blade down to the end of her back. Anger was building, he needed answers, he needed a name. He needed to kill someone. How dare anyone tough her, how dare anyone touch his angel.
"I'm not yours Vox, I belong to no one." She whispers looking at the wall in front of her. She could have run out of the room. She could have just left but she stayed. She wanted him to know, she wanted him to hold her in his arms. But she knew that wasn't him. She knew he wasn't soft, she knew his temper and to what lengths he would go to get what he wanted. She didn't fear him because she knew what she was capable of, she knew she could protect herself. She could have prevented this from happening to her if she just didn't go to the hotel. She knew Alastor was there, she knew who he was to Vox. She knew he knew about her. She knew what he would do to her. Hell that was why she went. She wanted him to hurt her, she wanted to see how much Vox would care. How far he would go to find out the truth. She wanted to know what she meant to him. I mean she could have asked but Vox always acted like he didn't have feelings. He acted like he could drop women like clothes and kill people at the drop of a hat. She wanted to show him, make him see that she was not like them. That she meant something else to him. But why? She knew there was something about him that made her want to be close to him. He was dark and twisted but she didn't mind. She didn't think she could change him, she was smarter then that. She accepted him for who he was and she didn't expect him to change for her but he did. He tried to be different with her and it surprised everyone. The way he let her cuddle up next to him without promise of sex afterwards or a heated make out session before. Or the way he would see her around and give her some ounce of recognition even if it was small. Or the occasional times when she would be talking to someone and he would rest a hand on her shoulder without saying a word. The way she could grab him in a hug and he would say nothing but give her a pat on the head. Sure it wasn't large amounts of affection or longing gazes but it was the little things he did. He didn't need to say he loved her, neither did she. They both knew but didn't acknowledge it. They forced it down and everyone didn't care enough to notice. They just knew NOT to mess with (name). They didn't know what he would do to anyone who touch you because none of them dared to try. "I'll ask one more time (name). Who did this to you?" He whispered in her ear as he gently ran his hand down her wounds. She winced but turned to face him. The look in her eyes broke him. She had tears in her eyes but he could see her holding back a sob. She couldn't take it anymore as she wrapped her arms around him. He froze, "(na-name)?" He asked, he felt any anger he had fade. He didn't know how to respond, he knew how he should respond but it was still something he didn't normally do. With the wounds on her back he was twice as clueless and just stood there. She didn't need him to hold her, she didn't need him to tell her everything was going to be okay. She just needed him here. She just needed him to not push her away. She knew he was rough on both the inside and out but she trusted him. She slowly regained her composure and looked up at him. He still have a worried and confused look on her face and she let out a teary laugh. "I love you, you know?" She blurted out not caring about what he would say or do. She just needed him to know that she cared, that she still cared for him because she didn't care how angry he was as a person or how violent he could be at times. She trusted him with her life... well afterlife. Even though he was rough he cared. He looked at her as she buried herself in his chest, his eyes were wide as he heard her words. 'Love? Love? No one ever told he they loved him. At least not without a second motive. Hell he's even said those same words for the same reason but this? This was genuine. He could tell, they weren't like the others. There was not flirtatious way with her words, no money, no past fling or needed to get out debt or asking for something in return. The words that were vile for him to hear were coming from her lips. His peace, his angel  and he was saying them to him. To him of all people. He knew he didn't deserve her, he didn't even deserve to touch you, let alone be in the same room as you. He knew that she had done some shit. She had to, to end up down here. But he was glad she did because he was selfish, he has always been power hungry and taking everything he wanted by force but (name). (name) was giving her love to him without asking for anything in return.  This was impossible, this was something he wouldn't even allow himself to think out. As he looked at her wounded but smiling up at him it finally clicked. He wanted her... no he needed her. She was his light, the only good in his messed up life. She wasn't just some woman trying to take something from him or trying to take something away from him. She wanted him in the good and in the bad. There was no need for words between then, they were two pieces of a whole. She was his peace and he was her wrath they were equals. They even one another out. As she looked up at him he was able to move once more. He rested a hand on her cheek and brushed an almost dried tear out of the way. "I love you too," He ran a hand down her back to find her wounds slowly healing, even if they were dead it didn't mean they couldn't die but they each had certain strengths, similar to those in life the powers enhance in death. (name) was caring, and tender to others around her. She was a healer who had a truely dark past. But Vox knew, even if he didn't want to admit that his peace was a storm waiting to be unleashed. He loved her all the same. She healed him in ways he didn't even know were broken and he protected her in ways she couldn't understand. "Now love, tell me who hurt you."
She leaned into his hand closing her eyes memorizing his touch, "It doesn't matter because it allowed us to be together." She placed her hand in his other that hung at his side. She reached up and grabbed the hand on his cheek. "All that matters is that I have you."
Vox smirked, "You have me? Do you?"
"Of course and if someone thinks they can take you from me then they will suffer a pain so great they will beg for forgiveness at my feet without the use of a tongue."
Vox chuckled, there was (name) fire. When she is passionate about something she makes sure to protect it.
"And what are you laughing at Vox? If I catch you giving into their advances you will have hell to pay too."
Vox roughly grabbed her by the hips and pulled her close, "Perhaps I want to see what hell you can put me through." He leaned in placing his lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck gently and he smiled into the kiss. You were so gently with him as if he might break. Protective yet stern, he loved it. When she pulled back she turned away from him. "Where do you think you're going?" He barked out upset that she was about to leave just like that.
"You still have your appointment with that client and I still have my duties to attend to. But don't worry, I'll see you after work." She said with a smirk.
"That tiny red devil better keep his paws off you." Vox said thinking about Blitzo just made him mad.
(name) laughed, "Don't worry, I won't let another man touch me if he's not you." She grabbed him by the tie pulling him in for one last kiss before putting on her hoodie and heading out the door.
Vox smirked, he loved her alright, he loved her badly. Like hell he was going to let anyone take her from him.
Meanwhile at the Happy Hotel
"I feel like I should have killed that little minx." Alastor said with a huff as he began to wipe the blood off his hands.
Niffy growled, "Did you have to make such a big mess of things! There's blood everywhere!" She frantically cleaned.
"I'm sorry dear but I tend to get a bit... emotional when I find a meal."
"Did it have to be (name)? You know what she means to Vox. Even if that idiot doesn't know." Lucifer sighed as he waited for Charlie to come downstairs for his father daughter date.
"Of course it did! That's the best part about it! But I didn't expect her to actually get away." Alastor said with a wave of his hand.
Husk sighed not trying to say anything as he watched Niffy finishing tidying up. "You know if you are trying to overthrow Vox you should try something different then killing his girl." Lucifer said.
"Oh I have big plans! Big plans!" Alastor say not daring to say more and spoil the "fun". Charlie entered the room with a smile. Lucifer gave Alastor a warning glance. While he may not approve of this hotel he does want to make sure his daughter is happy. So if Alastor does anything that would put Charlie in danger Alastor will have to be forced to deal with some dark consequences to say the least. Alastor wasn't fazed as he watched the two leave the building. "Well I must say that was the most fun I had in a while. I can't wait to run into that dame again. She is a hard one to crack but I will get to her eventually. After all I am a patience man."
"Is there even a reason as to why you hate (name) so much? " Angel said slightly terrified about the mess he walked into earlier.
"Of course there is!" Alastor said before turning away and walking out of the room. Angel pouted, "Of course he's not going to tell me." Husk rolled his eyes and poured himself a drink hoping not to get caught in the crossfire.
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thinkyoureholy · 4 years
Vox Populi [6]
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Pairing : Park Seonghwa / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Post Apocolypse/ Dystopia! AU
Words : 3.6k
Previous Chapter. - Next Chapter.
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-Back In Liszto, Marcus’ P.O.V-
I pushed open the door in my way with my shoulder, my eyes glued to the report that was in my hands. It's been a few days since we sent that medical envoy over to that village and everyday I would get a report in the morning over how things were going but things were looking bleak. More people had gotten sick and a few had succumbed to the illness, soon the people we have there will be too overwhelmed to help. I’m sure some of them are already feeling some of the early symptoms of the illness but are keeping it to themselves. I know my subordinates well enough to know they’ll hide any kind of ailment for the sake of the mission and their mission right now is to help the medical staff that went to that village. 
I raised my head at the sound of my name, drawn out of my thoughts. Junhyuk furrowed his brows, confused as to why I was just standing in the middle of the room without saying anything. I shook my head to compose myself, gathering my thoughts. 
“Are you alright?” He asked, standing up like he was about to walk over to me but I stopped him before he could. 
“I’m fine. Just lost in my thoughts, nothing to worry about.” I reassured him, running my fingers through my hair as I remembered why I came in here in the first place, “I have the report of the day. Things don’t seem to be going any better…” I trailed off as I chewed on my bottom lip before saying what was on my mind, “I’m thinking of sending more people, more help.”
Junhyuk shook his head, already rejecting the idea, “That’d just expose more people. Besides...that won’t be necessary. I already have something planned.” He said with a knowing look in his eyes.
I furrowed my brow in confusion, “I don’t understand. Why won’t it be necessary?”
The corners of his mouth curled up into a small smile but that smile held something that had my stomach churn at how unsettling it was, “That’s on a strictly need to know basis and unfortunately for you...you don’t need to know.”
I frowned at his words, taking a step forward, “My wife and daughter are over there and you’re telling me I don’t need to know when it includes them? Your only son is over there too, just what the hell are you scheming, Junhyuk?”
He grinned maliciously but feigned innocence, shrugging his shoulders at my accusation, “I can’t believe you’d accuse me of scheming.”
“We’ve known each other our whole lives, I know you like the back of my hand and I know when you’re up to no good. How you got your position is beyond me because I sure as hell didn’t vote for you.” I said with an edge to my voice but I was trying to keep myself under control.
Junhyuk chuckled darkly, a shadow seeming to cross his face, “It's nice to know how loyal my friends are. I’ll keep that in mind, Marcus. I earned my position fair and square, I didn’t cheat like you’re implying. If all you came here to do is insult me I suggest you leave before you really piss me off.”
I grit my teeth and swallowed the words that wanted to come out instead I only said what needed to be said, “If my family is affected by whatever you have planned I won’t sit idly by. If they don’t come back without a single hair on their head out of place I swear to you and all that is holy there will be hell to pay, Junhyuk. Don’t fucking test me.”
That was all I said as I threw the report down onto his desk harshly, the folder opening up from the force I used, a few papers falling to the floor. Without even giving him so much as a salute or goodbye I turned on my heel and walked out of his office. I clenched my fists at my sides as I walked, my face taut as the gears in my head started to move. I recognized the look Junhyuk had in his eyes, it’s one I’ve seen over the course of our friendship and it never led to anything good, in fact it only led to chaos and destruction. Just as I was thinking that I spotted a few of the members of the guard that had been walking by. I called out to them, the three immediately standing at attention when they heard my voice. 
“Good morning, sir.” Zuri Abebe saluted, standing at ease the moment I signalled for her to relax with a simple raise of my hand.
“Is there something we can do for you, sir?” Nobuhiko Hanae asked.
“There is, and only you three can do it. But I need you all to promise that whatever I tell you stays between us.” 
Jongho raised a brow, speaking up, “Are you sure I should be here for this, sir?”
I gave him a soft smile, placing my hand on his shoulder, “You more than anyone else should be here. You’re one of Seonghwa’s only friends and you’re also quite close to Y/N and what I’m about to tell you concerns them both.”
He straightened up the second he heard that, giving a resolute nod. I looked around and over my shoulders, signalling for them to follow me to a private room so I could tell them the plan.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
“What do you think of my new pelt?” Nikki asked, showing off the fur that hung from his shoulder.
“I think it looks stupid...like your face.” I said, sticking out my tongue at him as I walked out of the tent.
The smile I had on my face disappeared the moment I walked out or the tent. I knew the sick wouldn’t get better in just a few days but they’re getting worse instead of getting better. And its spreading, more than eighty percent of the village is infected, Anibal and Eliza now a part of the sick. I sighed heavily as I thought back to when I went to visit the two, a frown finding purchase on my face.
-An hour ago-
I reached over as we walked and fixed the mask on Seonghwa’s face, pulling it up a little higher so it doesn’t slip below his nose. Before I pulled my hand away I ran my fingers through the hair on the back of his head gently absentmindedly, letting my hand fall back to my side. I missed the way his lips curled at the subtle display of affection, the mask hiding it from my view. We turned towards a familiar tent, about to walk in but before we could I felt a hand grab my arm and jerk me back. I stumbled over my feet but managed to stay standing, immediately yanking my arm out of Tony’s grip.
“What the hell are you doing?” I asked, trying to remain calm.
“You’re not going in there.” He all but growled out, taking a step towards me in an attempt to intimidate me but I didn’t even so much as blink, “You were supposed to help us but you haven’t done shit. I knew I should've never let you in here.”
“Do you really expect us to miraculously come up with a cure? In four days? Are you out of your mind!?” I exclaimed, the anger clear on my face, “You’re lucky we’re even willing to help! If anyone else found your village in this sorry state they’d probably burn the place to the ground to stop it from spreading any further!”
 “Lucky? Nothing has changed with you being here and you’re saying we’re lucky you’re even here in the first place?” He asked, taking another step forward until he was in my face.
I stood my ground, not moving a muscle. I couldn’t blame him for being frustrated but it's not fair that the blame is being put on us when we’re doing our best. I know our best isn’t enough in this situation, I know that more than anyone but dammit, we’re trying here. Just as I was about to voice these thoughts I heard the sound of a gun being cocked just inches from my head. I looked to the sound only to see Seonghwa had pulled out a pistol and was aiming it directly at Tony. Tony and I fell silent, neither of us said a word.
“Oh, don’t mind me. Keep talking as if I’m not even here.” Seonghwa said, his voice with a chilling edge to it, one I’ve never heard before, “Keep sprouting that same bullshit you were a second ago, come on now don’t be shy.”
I was too stunned to say anything, the look in Seonghwa’s eyes sending a chill down my spine and not in the usual good way. The attitude he had right now was one I had never ever seen before, the dark shadow that was now looming over his shoulders was foreign to me. I’ve seen him angry before but this--this was more than just anger, it was pure unadulterated rage. This rage was silent, calm, collected, and beyond terrifying and I don’t scare very easily. 
“We’re exposing ourselves and our entire city to be here and help you out as much as we can and this is the thanks we get? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re not even asking for thanks but a little fucking gratitude would be nice,” He growled out, the grip he had on his gun tightened, the vein on the side of his neck looking like it’d pop at any second, “I know how frustrated you’re feeling but we’re not the ones you should be taking it out on. Grab her or any of my people like that again and I won’t hesitate to shoot you where you stand. I’m tired of your tantrums.”
“You have no idea just how frustrated I am. You’ve never had to watch your family or the people you grew up with in pain and be powerless to help them.” Tony said through clenched teeth, his eyes glazed over with unshed tears.
I cursed under my breath the second he said that, knowing what kind of nerve Tony just hit. I was about to step in but Seonghwa moved faster than I did. He dropped his weapon and thrust his hands forward, grabbing onto Tony’s collar, pulling him towards him roughly.
“I have no idea? I have no idea how you fucking feel!? I know more than anyone! I watched my own mother die when I was five years old, a fucking child! I watched her get worse and worse until she took her last breath! Don’t you dare try and tell me I don’t know how you feel-”He cut himself off, swallow the lump that had undoubtedly formed in his throat, the tears that always came when his mother was mentioned fell from his eyes, “Don’t think for a second I don’t know the pain of losing someone I love because I know it all to well and that pain never leaves.”
With that Seonghwa pushed Tony away from him and stormed off. I called after him to try and get him to come back but he was out of sight within seconds. I sighed heavily, wanting to go and calm him down but I had to check in on Eliza and Anibal and I had others I had to check in on for the day. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, turning to Tony and glared daggers at him. He had the good senses to avoid my gaze, looking as if he at least felt bad about what he said.
“Next time, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and help out around here. Your frustration at the situation is understandable but your frustration with us, the ones trying to help you, is not. You have no idea what kind of cord your words can strike because you have absolutely no idea what we’ve been through as individuals. You’re not the only one that has suffered and or is currently suffering.” I said as I walked passed him into the tent that held his family members.
-Present Time-
I should really look for Seonghwa now...see how he’s doing. I knew the topic of his mother was a sensitive one. I set down the bucket of water I was carrying, wanting to go find him when I suddenly felt light headed. I shook my head to try and shake the feeling away but that only managed to make it worse, two of everything dancing around in my vision. I swung an arm out to find something to lean against, feeling like I was going to collapse any second but my hand only met air. What the hell is going on? I wasn’t feeling all that great for the past few hours but I didn’t pay any mind to it. I had attributed it to my exhaustion but I’ve been exhausted to the point of passing out before and it had never felt like this.
I heard my name being called from somewhere behind me, immediately recognizing the voice. My body turned to face him reflexively but the moment I did my legs gave out, my vision going completely black for a fraction of a second before coming back. I squeezed my eyes shut, starting to panic a bit when I felt something wet, cascaded down my cheeks and drip from my nose and the sides of my face. I began to fall forward but I didn’t meet the hard ground, feeling strong arms wrap around me, turning me over so I was facing the sky. I furrowed my brows and brought a hand up to the side of my face, dabbing my fingers on the spot just below my ear. I opened my eyes, but just barely, only enough to see what the liquid was that my fingertips came away with. Blood, all I saw on my fingertips was the daunting color of blood.
“Y/N...Y/N hey, look at me. You’re gonna be alright…” Seonghwa’s panicked voice reached my ears as he placed a hand on my forehead, “Shit, you’re burning up...”
He mumbled that last bit under his breath, probably hoping I wouldn’t be able to hear him but I heard him loud and clear. Wait...fatigue? Bleeding from the eyes, nose and ears? Burning up? Ah, fuck. I let out a soft breath through my nose as I realized what was going on, trying to push him away.
“Get away from me…” I let out in a voice barely above a whisper, trying to push him away again but he wouldn’t budge.
“What the hell are you saying?” He asked, sounding angry with me.
“You’ll get sick too…”
-Seonghwa’s P.O.V-
I ignored her words as I hooked an arm under her knees and lifted her up from the ground, securing my other arm around her shoulders. I rose to my feet, staggering for a moment before finding my footing. I glanced down at her when I suddenly felt her go limp in my hold. I knew she probably just lost consciousness but the way my heart fell to the pit of my stomach was an all too familiar feeling. Just as I was starting to panic I was snapped out of it when I heard Yunho shout out to me from somewhere to my left. I shook away all the negative thoughts that had started to creep into my head, ignoring Yunho and quickly headed over to the medical tent. We weren’t too far from it so it didn’t take long.
“I need some help over here!” I shouted, drawing the attention of everyone that was inside.
I caught a glimpse of Nikolai’s face among the faces that were inside the tent. I could hear everyone murmuring  amongst themselves as I set Y/N down on an empty cot nearby. I had just set her down when their incessant murmuring finally got to me.
“Did nobody hear me!? I said I need some help! Quit standing around and get somebody in here that can help!” I shouted as I faced them, finally realizing that the only ones in here were members of the guards, the nurses and doctors out on their own runs for the day.
They stood in shock, not moving a single muscle and just as I was going to continue shouting at them Nikolai stepped forward, “Are you all deaf or something!? Bring a doctor in here, now!”
A few of them jumped at the sound of his booming voice but they got moving. As they all ran out of the tent I saw Yunho come inside but again I didn’t pay him any mind, my eyes on Nikolai as I watched him take a step forward. He reached out a hand to touch her but before he could I reached out and stopped him. I wrapped my fingers tightly around his wrist, squeezing harder then I needed to. He moved his gaze from Y/N to me the second I touched him, a look that could kill in his eyes as he looked at me.
“Don’t touch her.” I said, sounding more threatening than I had intended.
He raised a brow, turning to face me as he reached out to grab ahold of my collar, yanking his wrist out of my grip in the same moment, “Really? You’re going to play jealous boyfriend? Now of all times?” He asked, his voice low as he tried to remain calm but the facade was slowly slipping away.
I set my jaw, trying to keep myself calm, “You’ll get sick and I know for a fact that’s the last thing she’d want.” I spat through my teeth, pulling his hand off of me.
“You just carried her in-”
“Because I saw her when she collapsed! I wasn’t going to leave her there!” I shouted, cutting him off before he could continue with his ridiculous arguing.
“Get out…” 
Just as we were going to go at it again her voice reached our ears. We froze at the words we heard come from her lips, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach once more.
“Lucia...Yunho...get them out...of here…” She said, glancing past us to the two who had silently been standing by the entrance of the tent, “That’s an...order…”
I looked from those two back down to Y/N who gave me a reassuring smile. Ah...she wants us both away from her so we don’t get sick. I get it, I understand completely... but I don’t want to be away from her. Images of my mother on her deathbed flashed in my head, my body jerking away from Yunho’s touch reflexively. Nikolai was struggling with Lucia as she tried to escort him out the same way. The two of us pulled away and pushed at the two trying to take us away from her, both fighting to stay for the same reason.
“You’ll both face severe punishment if you keep trying to drag me out of here!” Nikolai shouted, the authority in his voice oozing out with every word.
Yunho and Lucia didn’t say a word, sharing a look before directing their gaze to Y/N who gave them a nod. Yunho gave up on me and grabbed one of Nikolai’s arms while Lucia grabbed the other. Nikolai would’ve been able to overpower one but their combined strength was too much for him as they dragged him out, kicking and screaming. I knew they’d send others in for me and I was right when two other members of the guard walked in.
“Change into...another shirt...and thoroughly disinfect...your hands…” Y/N managed to get out when they other reached me.
I shoved their hands off of me but they were quick to restrain my arms behind my back with zip ties. I struggled against them even with my hands tied behind my back, refusing to leave. 
“No no no no, you—you can’t keep me away from her. Y/N! Y/N, please, tell them to let me stay! I promise I won’t go near you or touch you, just, please don’t force me to leave you!” I shouted, my voice breaking as my eyes blurred with tears. 
She didn’t utter a word as they continued to drag me out, anger replacing my desperation. I continued to fight until they forced me to sit on the floor next to Nikolai who seemed a lot calmer than when they forced him out of the tent, or that’s what I thought. Nikolai had his hands tied behind his back much like how mine were, the zip ties digging into our wrists. I took one look  at his face, the look on his face was as frightening as a lion staring down it’s prey. If looks could kill we’d all be dead ten times over. I imagine the look in my eyes matched his own. 
“So are we just gonna sit here and do nothing?” He asked, not even bothering to look at me, looking forward.
“You’re dumber than you look if you really think I’d sit here and do nothing.” I replied as I stared forward, a menacing glint in my eyes.
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angelfire115 · 4 years
Part 44
It was official, both Alastor and Charlie have now spoken their hearts to each other. They have now become something more then just friends or business partners. It was a strange situation but they both seemed happy, after a few days after the confession, Charlie had already told Vaggie. Vaggie was happy that her friend was happy but she still worried for her and her safety. The others still didn't know, however. Alastor had no business or any reason to tell Nifty and Husker and they both knew what Angel dust would do if he knew. They didn't want the relationship more awkward then it already was.
Although everyone wasn't stupid, the chemistry and aura both Alastor and Charlie gave off was obvious. Their close proximity to each other and their happiness on being around each other was obvious. Alastor walked to the bar after a delightful chat with Charlie. His face was beaming with joy and light which annoyed the hell out of Husker. Alastor: "Hit me up with my usual, my good man". Husker rolled his eyes and grabbed a bottle of Alastors favourite whiskey, poured him a glass which he took and took some sips, the bright grin still on his face. Husker: "So, you and the princess are together, huh?". Alastor hummed in response as a yes to it while taking a sip. His eyes shot open as he realized the question and spat whiskey everywhere. Husker backed up and spoke under his breath as he watched the powerful radio demon cough and choke. Husker: "F***in idiot"
Meanwhile Charlie walked over to Angel and Tia as they sat on the couches in the lobby while Nifty stood nearby, "cleaning". She sat down with some cookies and milk, offering some to her friends who politely declined. As she sat eating her cookies Angel dust was obviously irritated but with a deep breath, he put on his most mischevious smile and looked to Charlie. Angel dust: "Soooo, you and smiles hit it off, huh?". Charlie hummed in response as a yes to it while she took a sip of milk. Her eyes shot open as she realized the question and spat milk everywhere. Now both couples sat choking amd coughing while everyone seemed to think in mind sink. Everyone: "So obvious". Nifty dropped her things as she ran up to Charlie, her excited behaviour scaring the demon princess. Nifty: "So when did you guys realize you liked each other? Did you guys kiss? Did you hug and hold hands?". Angel dust: "Did you two have sex?".
Husker: "So when the f*** did this happen?". Alastor stopped his coughing and cleared his throat. Alastor: "I don't think that's any of your business". Charlie: "Guys, can we talk about something else? It's really not a big deal". Husker: "Whatever, just curious is all". Angel dust: "Oh come on, you guys have been like this for days, even before that it was obvious". Charlie looked at Angel surprised, they knew? For how long? Was it really obvious? Tia: "I'm glad you guys got your hearts through this, ever since me and Al went to that cafe, we were close to talkimg about, hehe, till Vox showed up". Charlie was even more surprised, he was gonna talk to Tia about it? Charlie: *So they really are friends". Charlie smiled gently at Tia which she sort of looked confused at the gesture. Charlie: "Anyway, it's me and Alastors business so no more questions".
Everyone was silent for a moment, including Alastor and Husker who have been listening. If not for what Charlie said in that last sentence, he would have come over himself to deal with Angel... Accordingly. Angel dust:"Does Vaggie know?". Charlie didn't look up but looked down, a bit sad. Charlie: "Yes, she does know". Angel dust: "So you told her but not me". Charlie looked at Angel angrily. Charlie: "Well of course I did, she's my best friend". Angel dust: "Well-". Before the argument could continue, the front door suddenly had a knock. Charlie got up quickly and rushed to the door, glad that something stopped all this stress. She opened the door, seeming a bit exhausted. Her tiredness however, got washed away in an instant as she saw who was at the door.
Her father, Lucifer, stood at the door staring at his daughter. Lucifer: "Ah, Charlie, how have you been my dear?". Charlie couldn't speak or move, she hadn't seen her father in well over a year. She hadn't spoken too him either, not since their argument. Lucifer pushed right past her to enter the hotel, he eyed around the hotel, looking at it's decor and more. He smoothly turned to her, his smile plastered on his face. Lucifer: "So, I know you must be confused on why I'm here, don't worry so was your mother when I told her, but all I want was to see how your going my dear". Charlie took a deep breath, put on her best face and smile she could conjure up in this moment and stood properly in her fathers presence. Charlie: "Well, father, we've gotten some progress, a lot of people have come by and we've been talked about a lot lately and, oh, we have a new guest-". Lucifer held up his hand to stop her from talking.
Lucifer: "My dear, I asked how you were doing, not this hotel". Charlie was stunned for a moment, she had never heard that from her father before. Charlie: "Well, I'm doing great, thanks for asking". Lucifers smile became wide, almost losing it's terrifying tone which made Charlie's heart beat slightly. This situation got weirder and weirder. Her father had never done this before, they even had an argument about a year ago about the hotel and such, so, it was really strange how he's different now. Everyone in the hotel were watching from a distance, their fears and curiosity grew every second. Lucifer: "So, where are your body guards Razzle and Dazzle?". Lucifer looked around, when he turned everyone except Alastor ducked away. When Lucifer saw Alastor he gave him a wide smile and terrfiying gaze. Alastor had apparently attracted the bad sides of both parents to his dismay.
Charlie: "Oh, Razzle and Dazzle, I think they're up stairs, I'll be right back". Charlie sped past her father and climbed the stairs in a panicked rush. Everyone else took care in avoiding the demon king as he entered the lobby area, still gazing at the decor. Alastor stared daggers into him, his suspicions growing, the king of hell wouldn't be here without a reason, and that reason being something different then wanting to see his daughter. What was he up too? Charlie quickly returmed with Razzle and Dazzle, the second they saw the king, they both saluted and stayed in that position, waiting for any orders.
Lucifer approached the two little body guards looking down at them. Lucifer: "Report". This order gave Charlie a chilling feeling, the report order was a command that everyone apart of the Magnes family had to follow, it meant that the demon or demons in question had to tell him everything that has happened. Razzle and Dazzle both took turns on telling him any information that was deemed important to tell. Razzle: "Here is our report sir, Charlie has been significant in the hotel as one guest has joined". Lucifer's eyes widened in interest, he didn't expect that. Lucifer: "Really now?". Dazzle: "Yes sir, that persons name is Tia Charlise".
Lucifer immediately turned to Tia, making her jump, her presence was more knew so it had to be her. Tia started to sweat as he stared and she immediately bowed in respect as she did the same to Lilith. Lucifer excepted it and turned back to the two little demon guards. They both continued to prattle on about certain things, like the fight Vaggie and Alastor had, that one time Charlie stood up to Alastor which made him chuckle, the fights that Alastor had and more. Everyone thought it was over after that but, it wasn't. Razzle: "We have one last report sir". Lucifer hummed in interest, apparently everything that's been going on here has been one excitement after another so he was intrigued on this last one. Dazzle: "Apparently Lady Charlie has made a couples relationship with one of the staff".
After saying that, everyones hearts stopped, he couldn't believe what he was hearing and neither could Charlie. She begged in the back of her mind that this isn't what she thought it was. She thought maybe Razzle and Dazzle had no idea but apparently they did. She looked to Alastor who also seemed nervous. She wanted to go over there to hold his hand or give him a hug but she couldn't move. Lucifer however, aura changed from bouncy and intimidating to out right rage and fear. Lucifer: "Who is it?". His tone was vile and strainned, he was definitely ready to rip someone apart. Razzle: "That would be the radio demon, Alastor, sir". Their fears were realized, the second he said his name, Lucifers blood boiled, his eyes glowed a deep red.
Before anyone could move or speak, Lucifer rushed at Alastor. He held his throat and picked him up high. Lucifer maybe short but his strength was exponential. Alastor grabbed at his arms, trying to break free as he choked. Charlie immediately ran to her father, grabbing him around the waist. Charlie: "Father, please, don't do this, please". Lucifer ignored her and stared terrifyingly at Alastor as he enjoyed watching him squirm. Charlie: "Father please, I LOVE HIM!!!!". Those words shocked him into letting go, Alastor fell to the ground, coughing amd heaving as he caught his breath. Charlie let go and immediately went to Alastors side, seeing if he was okay. Lucifer watched the two, their feelings for each other could be seen in this moment. Lucifer: "I see, so your captivated by him".
Charlie looked to her father, he seemed to calm down, only a little bit though. Charlie nodded to her father as an answer. There was a moment of silence until Lucifer turned to walk out the door, everyone quickly moving out of his way as he did. Charlie was about to follow him but was stopped by Alastor. He looked into her eyes while cupping his hand onto her cheek. She leaned into his touch, understanding him. Alastor got up and followed Lucifer. As he made it out to the door, he saw him about to enter his limousine. Alastor: "Lucifer!". He called out making Lucifer stop before entering. He looked to Alastor with a small glare. Alastor: "I ask for your permission to court your daughter".
Lucifer stared at him for a moment then left the car to approach Alastor. Lucifer: "And why should I give you that permission?". Alastor stood there for a moment, his smile almost faded off his face. Alastor: "Because I love her and I would do anything for her". Lucifer glared at him more, processing his words, seeing if there was any lies in his face. He leaned in, staring at him directly into his eyes, fury burning into them. Lucifer: "You better". He said it darkly and coldly but his words meant that he cared for his daughter and was giving him a chance. He turned away and went back to his car, he stopped before he entered.
Lucifer: "She is my daughter and hier to the thrown, no one means more to me then her and Lilith, I'll give you a chance but only one". He turned back to Alastor, his eyes turned a terrifying colour as his fangs showed themselves. Lucifer: "So if you hurt her, you'll have to answer to me". And with that, he entered back into his car and drove off. Alastor stood at the front, quite startled but also relieved over his answer. He looked to the sky as he calmed himself. A gentle smile came over his face as he thought about the wonders this could give in the future. It was something new and a hope in his chest bloomed. He would be with his love, forever.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Inside Alastor’s Head (sensitive content warning)
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Part 1
 “Use the princess to convince Lucifer to hand over Hell to me. Get to know Charlie and her family, see how this so called Happy Hotel works. I can’t wait to see her face when she realizes it’s actually the Hazbin Hotel. Has a better ring to it, anyway. May as well speed up the process by bringing in Niffty and making grumpy Husk join in. It’ll be everything Charlie’s dreamed of…and when it all blows up in her face, I’ll be enjoying my popcorn.”
 “So Charlie likes music and dancing, too? How marvelous! These hotel residents can enjoy my singing and illusion magic. (They won’t know what’s coming next.)”
 “Who, me? Evil? Why would you think that? It’s totally unlike me to broadcast my massacre of demon citizens who stand in my way. (Except it is.) Man, seeing them running and sacred…reminds me of game I used to hunt when I was alive.”
 “The demon princess wants to redeem sinners. Ha! Probably the silliest claim I’ve ever heard. A nice refresher from the usual grim news on the Picture Show. Her singing was a nice bonus. Oh, the good old days of being on the air…basking in the attention and glory. I told jokes, advertised shows, announced fun events. I even got to report on murders for the news, probably my favorite part. Soooo close to being able to advertise Jambalaya. Several other announcers got the part, so I wore a disguise, snuck in one day and sliced their heads off. Still loved the expressions on their faces. Here in Hell, I have no opponents in the radio business. ”
 “Those overlords look scary and cocky, but they’ve heard the tales of me…they’re scared deep down, for good reason. Sir Pentious didn’t stand a chance when I summoned black tentacles to wrap around him and his ship. Along with my powers, I have shadowy spirits to do my bidding. That’s why you can sometimes see them when I attack. You don’t need brute force and insults to win someone over. All it takes sometimes is some illusions, a little help from the Loa…and just smiling all the way through.”
 “My microphone cane surly comes in handy. It’s what allows me to project events in front of me and broadcast them on the radio. It has a life of its own, but I’m in control, of course. All part of the magic deal with the Loa.”
 “I enjoyed watching the picture show and going to the circus when I was a boy. Watching the animals and the performers was lots of fun. I may have burned down the circus tent after being rejected from a comedian role. But it was only an accident: my fingers slipped when I was getting cigarettes for father. Whenever I got sad, my mother told me “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” Her motto still rings true to this day.”
 “I enjoyed hunting deer in my human life, yet I also feel some connection to the animal. They’re majestic, agile, and are free to travel pretty much anywhere. Though they’re often attacked by hunting dogs…or in my case, police dogs. The beasts mauled me just before I died. It was back in 1933. Thus, for my so called evil deeds, I arrived down here in Hell. And I gotta say, it’s quite a fun place to be!”
  “Sex and romance don’t interest me. Don’t get me wrong; Charlie is a charming demon belle, and Vaggie is adorable and feisty…but they’re just a means to an end. Maybe I’m too self-absorbed to want to deal with being judged by others. More fun, less responsibilities when you’re on your own. Though, I’ll admit, I did meet a lovely lady in my human life, but, certain circumstances led to a tragic end. Don’t get me started on Angel’s disturbing sexual remarks. That gross stuff makes my skin crawl. (Heh, that stuff bothers me but seeing the blood of my victims does not. Go figure.)”
 “When I smile and touch people, I’m in control. It’s the quickest and obvious way to show my dominance. Frowning shows doubt, weakness, and I can’t afford to appear weak. When other’s try to touch me, it’s always unexpected. I can never tell what it will feel like on me. My space, my rules. Touch me too much, and I hate it. Like when he…my father…did things to me…in front of mom. Abuse, molest, he did it to both of us when the drinks were in his system. You can see why I was shocked and overjoyed when I finally stabbed the life out of him. I fled into the woods in the hours before dawn, the police hot on my tail. Saw the faces of deer before I got shot in the head. The dogs came upon me and…nothing.”
 “I got my love of cooking from my mum. One of her favorite things to make was jambalaya. A tasty cuisine of rice, chicken, sausage, shrimp, a whole bundle of things. She added so much spice to it (and accidentally burned herself making it), it almost killed her. I thought it was fabulous, the heat invigorating to my taste buds. The secret spices she used by accident? Ghost peppers and Wasabi. It reminds me of home in New Orleans…a world of music, daily life, and alas, racism. People who didn’t know me at the radio station, white people and sometimes black people, badmouthing me for my mixed Creole heritage. Once I perfected my shooting with my rifle, well…they got what they deserved in the dead of night.”
 “Ah, I loved the stock market crash of 1929! There were so many orphans, so many kids in distress! Perhaps it made me feel better to know that there were those who had it worse than me. I’ve had my share of bad luck, it was about time for others to experience some of their own.”
 “I sometimes kill people at random, when I’m especially mad. It’s sort of like a game: the more you kill, the more dominant you’ll appear. I’m not fond of killing innocent children or chasing people, I mostly prefer to catch people off guard. To slaughter them behind the curtain, if you will. I would never rape or eat another person…such uncouth, disgusting behavior. Chasing my victims takes too long. Best to go at my own pace and decide their fate for them. But no worries; for women and innocent strangers, I make their deaths as painless as I can. Gotta keep being a gentlemen in some aspects.”
  “Voodoo had been practiced by my ancestors, way back in Africa. I read about the Loas and many of them were just like me: well-dressed, powerful, lovers of food, wine, the good life. From what was passed down to me, I was able to communicate with them. They granted me their powers to use in my afterlife…but only if I was willing to suffer an “early, gruesome death,” along with the loss of a potential lady partner… you know the rest. I know some of the symbols and they provide me with visualization of the spells I want to conjure.”
 “Singing, swing music, the radio, dancing, and dad jokes…those hobbies brought light to my otherwise mundane, grim human life. Even if other people don’t find those jokes funny, I always get a kick out of them. They’re so simple…a basic for any comedian. Though I do wish I knew how to tap dance. Maybe my magic can help me out...”
  Part 2 (Sensitive Content Warning)
 “Hello mortal humans, wherever you may live. For those who may not know me, I’m Alastor, the Radio Demon from Hell. Thank you for tuning in to 66.6FM, the only radio station in Hell and the only one I can talk into in your world.
 You may be thinking, demons aren’t real. Hell and Heaven aren’t real. He’s probably just using a low radio voice for effect. Well in a way I am, (laughs). But I can assure you…I’m very much real, though not really alive anymore. You see, with the help of some imps from Immediate Murder Professionals, my shadow has access to portals from Hell to Earth. He is Rotsala, and he can travel through radios like I can. He’s been lurking everywhere; in your car radios, those alarm clock radios you have in your homes. And recently, (with Vox’s help), he’s figured out how to access online podcasts, if that’s what they’re called. Thanks to him, I’ve gotten updates on your modern world. It’s very strange and very wild…I’ll never really understand it. Mostly because I’m from the early 1900s and I’ve been in Hell for decades.
 Now, if you remember from last time, I discussed my thoughts on the Hazbin Hotel in Hell and Charlie. About how she was a lovely friend and you she would be of great use to me to take her father’s place on the throne. And you got a glimpse of my love of cooking, sewing, singing dancing, along with the obvious killing and eating people part. I could talk for hours about myself, but not this time. On this broadcast, I’m here to talk about all of you.”
 “No, no, no, don’t try and turn the radio off. I have it stuck on full volume, so much that even covering your ears won’t do. You probably already know that I constantly smile to show my dominance and power. Frowning indicates weakness. But…I have learned there are a few exceptions when it comes to showing other emotions. I am…actually upset. Very rarely do you find me in this state. So unless you want my shadow to rip you apart from your insides, I suggest you listen very, very, carefully.”
 “First, let’s discuss this global pandemic that you all are dealing with right now. You refer to it as the corona virus or Covid 19. It seems that everywhere, people are dying right and left as this virus rapidly spreads. Jobs are being lost, entertainment sites shut down, people stuck in their homes for months, wondering if they’ll make it through all this.”
 “I’ll admit, this pandemic is just as entertaining as the Stock Market Crash of 1929. So many orphans, so many hungry people waiting in line for food, or not being able to be with their loved ones. Mostly it’s fun to watch because I’m already dead and I like watching others suffer. (sighs)”
  “But yes, it’s also a mixed bag. When I took a peek at modern New Orleans I was frankly stunned like a deer in the headlights. (audience laughter). How utterly lifeless it was! Bands not playing live anymore, restaurants closed. Even more shocking, Mardi Gras was cancelled! I grew up with the parades and the laughter and music in my previous life. To have all that taken away…I might as well have died sooner. It really is a shame how we take everyday life for granted…we’re not concerned about death or loss until it hits us right in the face. Trust me, I’ve been there. Back when the 1918 Spanish Flu killed my mother. Back when I cried at her gravestone even with a large smile on my face. That day that I lost all sense of humanity and became the demon I was destined to be.”
 “But what of you folks? You wear facemasks every day, you wash your hands, you pray every day that somehow, you and your families and friends and loved ones will get through it in several years. Maybe you will. Maybe you won’t. One good thing about the pandemic: the enforcement of the six foot rule. Social distancing is essential, and I think it should be mandatory in Hell! I hate being tainted and touched, that’s why I wear my gloves all the time. If only Angel Dust had that rule drilled into his head, it would make my afterlife so much easier. I always wash my hands before and after cooking, and especially after getting my victims blood all over them. You should too. Pure common sense. You can never be too clean and careful no matter where you are.  But enough about that.”
  “Hell is being more overpopulated than usual, and now I can see why. Thousands of people dying and being sent down here…I bet that stuffy hothead Stolas is having a party now that he’s not lonely anymore. You all are careless fools. You huddle close together during protests or pool parties or fight each other in grocery stores. All you think about is yourselves, hording toilet paper and food and not thinking of those who might actually need it more than you.”
  “That drama gets old fast, even for me.”
 “Many believe they have their rights taken away just because they can’t go to the Picture Shows anymore. Well let me tell you this: nurses, teachers, policemen, caregivers…they’re all risking their lives on the front line trying to heal others and slow down the spread of the virus. They witness deaths all the time and for every person they don’t manage to save, they feel guilt that will weight them down for weeks, months or even years. And the majority of you laze around, too absorbed in your own worlds to take notice.”
 “Want something to do to cure your agonizing boredom? Well, sadly, killing and cannibalism isn’t recommended as you would put your health at risk. But you can try new recipes at home. Learn how to make classic foods, especially good Creole dishes like Jambalaya. If you can make it better than me and my mother, I’d be impressed but we all know that’s not going to happen. Sing along to some songs. Listen to the radio. Watch some classic musicals.”
“Or for the online folk, watch the Hazbin Hotel! Make art and stories about me torturing my enemies. Laugh at all those who ship me with other characters because we know that I’m not interested in sex and romance. But to be heard…those who attack other people in the fandom over tying me down with Charlie and Angel and whoever else…stop it. Enough is enough. Respect other people’s fan works and let them indulge in their crazy imaginations. I belong to no one and I will befriend and flirt with others however I see fit. “Some asexuals and aromantics can still fall in love and enjoy sex.” Yes, that’s true, but my standards are different. Back to the virus…there are some people that deserve to get sick from it. The whole world could get infected and die but I’ll still be thriving in Hell…provided that I don’t get killed.”
 “I don’t really care about any of you. I’m just here to bring you the harsh truth. Doctors and essential workers are trying their hardest to make sure you all and enjoy your mundane lives. There’s no need to glorify them as heroes either. Just treat them with respect and move on. Patience is a virtue…I know that many of you need to go back to work, but putting others and the community at risk will just create an ongoing vicious cycle of misery. But if you want to expose yourself in the name of “making America great again” or wherever else you are, then be my guest. I’m always up for more prey to hunt down here.”
 “Now, onto the second topic: protests. Believe it or not, I, too, was saddened and shocked by the death of African American mortal George Floyd. He’s up in Heaven, not with me, so don’t fret.”
 “Yes, I’m entertained by the violence, cars setting on fire, the screams and yells, very thrilling! But to be honest, sometimes I feel safer in Hell in comparison to what’s going on in your world…and that’s saying something.”
 “All the riots going on, protesters being sprayed with teargas, being hit with batons. Looting, shooting, all of this madness going on. Charlie says that inside every demon is a rainbow, but I say inside every demon is a lost cause. Perhaps we’re both right. Though they’re may be some good inside everyone, we’re all imperfect lost causes. We’re subject to sin, violence, discrimination, and endless chaos. We are failures. It’s inevitable. There was no hope for me, and now there’s no hope for any of you.”
 “Police brutality needs to end. They are supposed to protect you folk, not use power to push everyone back for no reason. The rioters who looted stores, set cars on fire and put others in danger like that, need to take full responsibility for their actions. They don’t need to unleash their pain and rage onto the city and others. Killing and chaos is my job, no theirs.”
  “Racism, sexism, homophobia, they’ve been around since mankind became civilized. Black Lives do Matter. Those who have been downtrodden, beaten up, pushed to the side like dirt, need to have their voices heard. Otherwise, those in power will keep using and abusing their power and authority until there’s nobody left.”
 “Just take those white police and your president for example. The policeman arresting George Floyd and pressed a knee onto his neck for no apparent reason, other than he was a person of color who so happened to be caught doing something wrong, at least to them. He kept saying “I can’t breathe” and no one stepped in to stop the situation. The policeman was arrested but that’s a mere slap on the wrist in comparison to a life lost. The cops involved need to experience the same fate.”
 “And don’t even get me started on this Trump. A narcissist who sees himself as America’s God and has a cult of brainwashed voters and supporters. One who throws tantrums whenever someone disagrees with him. He sees women as sex objects and minority groups as tools and trash to be disposed of. Tear-gasing innocent protesters while holding a Bible posing for pictures. Satan himself would be shaking his head at this. Life on Earth was Hell for me and apparently it’s gotten even worse.”
 “And not to mention Trump boastfully claiming that he’d unleash vicious dogs and military force on protesters. Only a few people would see that he inadvertently made a reference to when African Americans and ethnically diverse people were attacked by police dogs when protesting and trying to make their lives better. As a biracial French Creole who was mauled to death by dogs, I’m offended and appalled.”  
 “Oh but I’m just a fictional character who can love or hate anybody. I bet I love Trump and Angel and world suffering and sex just because I’m a crazy furry demon. Right? Right?”
 *intense static and screeches*
 (deep breath) “Apologies.”
  “All Lives Matter? Wrong. A pathetic way to derail from the main problem and include white people so they can play the victim. The truth is, no lives matter except my own. Second to my life is my mom, Charlie and her friends. (Except Angel). Charlie’s project of rehabilitating sinners will eventually come to an end when humanity suffers a Greater Depression and all fall down into Hell. I have all of eternity to witness the end.”
  “Onto the last topic. You know that I secretly desire to take over Hell and spread chaos to Earth and Heaven, yes? If Charlie behaves, she’ll get to rule by my side along with Husk, Niffty, Mimzy and Rosie. Will that happen? Who knows? You’ll have to stay tuned for the next episode, if it even comes. (laughs). You’ll never know what happens next, just that everyone enjoyed my jambalaya at the hotel.”
 “Oh dear, did I strike a sensitive nerve? Did that hurt your insides and your mind more than our previous topics? You’re even more pathetic than I thought.”
 “But have you ever considered any underlying reasons as to why I enjoy spreading chaos and destruction? I may not be God but I do have god-like powers.”
 “The obvious answer? Sheer absolute boredom! I’m always seeking new forms of entertainment to enjoy. And what better way to do that then to watch sinners scream and tremble at my presence? Of course, I would always like my friends to smile and have fun with me, singing dancing, making deals, or whatever.”
 “But let’s say I was God? Why send Exterminators to reap Hell of demons every year. To curb overpopulation, yes, but to also remind demons of their place. God and the angels and the chosen reside in “paradise.” Only those who are fully “good” and devoted to helping others and believing in God can enter. It’s the perfect fear tactic: remind demons that they are lost causes who deserve to suffer and potentially met their end.”
 “Perhaps I do want to help Charlie with the hotel. Not just for entertainment but to introduce her to the way real life works. Seeing others fail will happen no matter what and that will be a pleasing sight. Demons reside in Hell due to the lives they’ve lived before. There’s no undoing what is done. Even if she does manage to redeem a sinner or two, there will always be those who try to claw their way up and then tumble back down to failure. I am a deal-maker, perhaps the most untrustworthy one in Hell. I want to test others, see how powerful and smart they really are.”
 “This all ties in to a larger lesson that is bigger than any of us can comprehend. With the pleasures of drugs, sex, killings and sin, comes the cost of knowing you are seen as outcasts deserving of death by those in the heavens. Whether it’s Angels, Exterminators, Overlords or people in politics and management, the elite have always used power, fear, rules, and any means necessary to keep people in line in the name of “order” and “God’s will.”  Lucifer would explain this better than me as he has centuries of experience. I’m willing to bet that Charlie will learn this the hard way, sending off sinners to “paradise,” only to find that she and her parents are stuck down here forever. Earth is between Heaven and Hell; it is full of good and evil, the sins and freedoms of Hell but also the passiveness and illusions and sheep mentality of Heaven. It’s all too easy to blame others and deny what’s going on around you. Go to Heaven for an enlightened life and forget about the criminals, the homeless, and the misfits below your feet.”
 “Let me tell you what my name means. It means “tormentor,” “avenger.” I’m a seeker of entertainment who loves to torment others to boast my status. But I am also one of vengeance. Retaliation against anyone who takes advantage of others. Those in Heaven, Vox, Valentino, Lucifer, my father, all of those who treated me like dirt for who I was… my magic is there to benefit myself…but it is all used to teach others a deeper lesson in mortality and what one believes.”
 “And me being an anti-hero could somehow lead to my redemption? Ha! No. As long as more episodes don’t come on the air, then I will continue my rampages and broadcasts in Hell. And if anyone lays a hand on me, my mother, or Charlie and my friends, then they will wish they had met their fate from the virus instead.”
 “Agree or disagree with me. I don’t care. Thank you for listening and as always, stay tuned.”
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vexing-imogen · 5 years
hide your face (so the world will never find you)
Masquerade! Paper faces on parade Masquerade!
They’re the guests of honor tonight.
Fjord guesses that’s what’s supposed to happen when you’ve saved the world about half a dozen times and counting. It is a bit surreal though. Looking down at the sea of people crowding the Lavish Chateau and knowing they’re there for you, because of you.
He hasn’t joined the party yet, choosing instead to watch the revelry below from one of Jester’s childhood hiding places. He observes the masquerade through a simple face mask; a deep forest green, dappled with lighter greens, decorated with kelp and colorful sea glass, and held in place with a piece of the red cord he’s carried with him since his time on the Tide’s Breath. Jester had insisted that they all keep their masks and costumes a secret until the party, so Fjord makes a game out of searching the crowd for his friends.
Nott (Veth he has to remind himself. Not Nott anymore. Veth) er, Veth is easy enough to spot, leading Yeza around the buffet table. She’s wearing a pretty yellow dress, embroidered with delicate flowers. Her dark hair is braided into an elaborate updo, dark eyes sparkling with excitement above her broken porcelain mask.
He picks Caduceus out next, his firbolg form towering over most of the guests, but especially the white-haired gnome he’s conversing with. The beetle mask he’s wearing should be creepy as fuck, but his soft, floppy ears and long waterfall of hair soften the edges and make him look only mildly disconcerting.
Yasha would be hard to miss in a crowd, even without the large white wings that sprout from her shoulders. Her dress is midnight blue, embroidered with silver thread in patterns reminiscent of a lightning strike. Fjord thinks her white avian mask might be an eagle of some kind, but it’s hard to tell with her head ducked as it is, eyes on her dance partner.
Her dance partner being Beau. Beau, who Fjord wouldn’t recognize if he didn’t already know what her mask looked like. They’d gone shopping for masks together (Jester had pouted for hours when she found out), and he’d been the one to find the elaborate owl mask that looked a little too much like Professor Thaddeus. She’s dressed in a charcoal grey suit trimmed with blue. It has sleeves. Beauregard Lionett is willingly wearing sleeves and dancing and isn’t trying to start a brawl with the goliath from Vox Machina. He’s so proud he could cry.
It takes him a while to find Caleb. He’s sequestered himself in a dark corner (another one of Jester’s favored hiding spots), like Fjord, keeping himself separate from all of the attention and praise that none of them are quite sure they deserve. His cat mask is pushed up so he can better focus on his conversation partner. Essek, Fjord realizes with no small amount of shock. They’d invited him of course, at a banquet in Rosohna celebrating the end of the war, but none of them had expected him to actually show, Caleb especially.
Fjord searches the room for Jester fruitlessly. She isn’t by the stage, where a family of gnomes called the Shorthalt Seven play song after song. She isn’t sitting down with Allura Vysoren and her wife, Kima, who have abandoned their masks (a golden swan and a silver dragon, respectively) in favor of wine and ale. Nor is she at her mother’s side as Marion flirts with both Lord and Lady de Rolo. The Lady’s bronze dragon mask does little to muffle her laughter as her husband flushes a brilliant crimson behind a raven. She isn’t pestering Taryon Darrington, who is wearing a garish mask that can only be his construct, Doty. (the construct is wearing a mask, too. A truly horrifying thing that Fjord can only guess is supposed to be a likeness of Taryon.) In all of the music, laughter, dancing, drinking, mischief, and general chaos of the evening, Jester is nowhere to be found.
“Looking for someone?”
Fjord nearly cracks his head on a low beam jumping at the soft voice beside him. He’s halfway to summoning the Star Razor before he thinks that it might not be the best idea to run a random party guest through with a sword. He does spin towards the voice, and comes face to face with Keyleth of the Air Ashari and Vox Machina. The Voice of the Tempest. The powerful as fuck archdruid that could level the Chateau if she really wanted to.
Her rabbit mask is pushed up between her antlers, so he can see her wince and blush. “Sorry,” she says. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He waves off her apologies. “It’s fine, really,” he says, taking a breath and willing his heart to stop racing. “I just wasn’t expecting anyone else to be up here, that’s all.”
Keyleth nods, her mask slipping a little with the movement. “I get it,” she says. “Don’t get me wrong, I love getting dressed up, and the free drinks are always a plus, but the whole socializing part of events like these have never been my forte.”
“It’s not the socializing I mind,” he says, searching for the right words. “It’s being the center of attention that bothers me, I suppose. Especially when-”
“You feel like you don’t deserve any of it, and you’re terrified that everyone will realize all at once how much of a fuck-up you truly are and throw you out on your ass?” Keyleth finishes, giving him a wry grin.
Fjord laughs. “Um, yes. To all of that.”
“Unfortunately, that feeling never really goes away,” she says, shrugging. “Sorry.” She’s quiet for a moment. “Having friends helps,” she says eventually. “Getting to see the positive impact of something that you did? That helps, too.”
“Thank you,” he says. “I think it also helps knowing that you aren’t alone in what you’re feeling.”
Keyleth grins. “Don’t mention it. Now, did you need help finding someone?” Her fingertips spark with magic as she wiggles them at him. “I probably have a spell that can help.”
Fjord shakes his head. “Thank you, but sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and watch the crowd.”
She likely sees through the lie, but she doesn’t push it. “Okay,” she says awkwardly. “Well, I should probably get back before my friends send a search party after me. They can get kind of paranoid sometimes.”
He nods. “It was nice talking with you, Miss Keyleth.”
He’s turning back to search for Jester when Keyleth calls his name. He turns back to her, about halfway down the stairs, an unreadable expression on her face. “Yes?”
“One last piece of advice?” He nods. She takes a deep breath. “Don’t wait until it’s too late to tell someone how you really feel about them. It works out for some,” she adds, eyes darting to Lord and Lady de Rolo, now dancing close, lost to everyone else but each other. “But, the more time you get with someone you love, the better.”
He swallows past the lump in his throat. “Thank you,” he says quietly. “I’ll take that into consideration.”
What he doesn’t say is that he was already almost too late. They’d lost Jester during one of their recent battles. She’d gone down and Caduceus was too far away, too focused on keeping Caleb and Beau alive. Fjord and Yasha’s meager healing abilities hadn’t been enough, and, for twelve agonizing hours, Jester was lost to them. Cad was able to bring her back with Beau and Nott’s help. Fjord’s too. He’ll be damned if he can remember everything he said, but he knows he’d whispered his love to her, for only her to hear.
Keyleth is long gone when Jester’s voice interrupts his thoughts. “Fjo-ord, where are you? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. The party got too stuffy, so I went to my momma’s balcony for some fresh-”
He chuckles as her message cuts off. “Message received, loud and clear. Stay where you are, Jessie, I’ll be right up.”
Fjord finds Jester right where she said she’d be; in her mother’s room, out on the balcony, staring up at the night sky, the ocean breeze gently ruffling her hair. He stops to examine the mask that she’s left on the table before going out to join her. It’s a full face mask, styled after old theatre masks. One side laughing, one side crying; comedy and tragedy in one. The laughing side is a deep emerald green, the crying a jewel-bright pink, all accented with gold.
As he sets the mask aside and moves to join her on the balcony, he sees that the colors perfectly match her dress. The sleeveless bodice is patterned with harlequin diamonds, green, pink, and gold. Her skirt flares out, layer upon layer of emerald green tulle. She looks like a princess, and Fjord, in his simple mask and pirate costume, feels every inch a pauper.
The moment he sets foot on the balcony, she turns to him, and the smile she gives him wipes away any momentary insecurities.
“There you are, Fjord,” she teases. “It feels like I’ve been waiting forever.”
He grins, moves to lean against the railing. “Please accept my deepest apologies,” he says. “How ever can I make up for such a grievous error?”
Jester giggles. “Wellll, for starters, as cool as it is, you can take your mask off. This balcony has officially been declared a “no mask zone”.”
“Is that so?” he asks, smirking when she nods seriously. “I suppose I should comply, then. I wouldn’t want to break official rules.”
He unties his mask and hands it to Jester, watching as she runs her fingers over the sea glass. “This is really cool, Fjord,” she says, rubbing her thumb across a piece of kelp.
He blushes a bit, ducking his head. “Thanks, Jes. Yours is...gorgeous,” he says. “The wh-whole ensemble, really. I mean, gods, Jester, there’s rarely a day you don’t take my breath away, but tonight...gods, tonight...”
Her eyes are wide when he finally dares to look up at her, mouth hanging open just a little, a purple flush coloring her cheeks and chest. “Fjord...” She laughs a little, breathless. “Fjord, I...”
She’s speechless, searching for words, but she isn’t panicking. There are tears starting to gather at the corners of her eyes, but she’s smiling, and not the sad, pitying kind of smile she’d given Freddie de Rolo when he’d tried to kiss her, and she had to turn him down. He steps a little closer, gives her time to retreat if she wants. She doesn’t move.
He reaches up to stroke her cheek, and she leans into his touch, eyelashes fluttering. “We never did have that talk about the day you died,” he says softly. “Or about the day we brought you back.”
“No, we didn’t,” she says. She bites her lip. “What...what did you want to talk about?”
He has to close his eyes, can’t watch her face as he says what he’s about to say. “I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t been able to bring you back, Jester.” His head drops until his forehead meets hers. “Losing you would have destroyed all of us, certainly, but you can ask anyone, Jester. I was useless. It was only twelve hours, but it felt like a lifetime.”
She lets out a shaky breath that he can feel wash across his cheek. “And all of that stuff you said during the ritual?”
He pulls back just enough to look into her eyes. “I meant every word.”
Tears are flowing freely down her face. “Even the part where...”
“Especially the part where,” he says. “I’m in love with you, Jester Lavorre, and it shouldn’t have taken you dying for me to admit it.”
Her answering smile knocks all the breath from his lungs. Or maybe that’s her jumping to kiss him, throwing him off balance with her enthusiasm. He ends up on his back on the floor, Jester sprawled on top of him, both of them laughing hysterically.
“Oh gosh, Fjord,” Jester manages between giggles. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Jes, don’t you worry.” He pushes himself to sitting, giving her the chance to climb off of him. Instead, she settles more fully in his lap. “And you don’t ever have to apologize for trying to kiss me, alright?”
She grins, leaning in to kiss him. “Good,” she says. “Because I’m going to want to kiss you a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. I’m talking an obscene amount of kissing here, Fjord.”
He laughs, winds an arm around her waist. “I think I can live with that, darlin’.”
She rests her forehead against his. “Will you say it again, Fjord?”
He kisses her again. “I love you, Jester.”
“I love you, too, Fjord.”
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kittycatgundam · 5 years
A Hazbin Christmas
You may not think hell celebrates Christmas but you be wrong, there was even snow if you could imagine that. Everyone in the Happy Hotel aka Hazbin Hotel were very busy put up Christmas decorations, helping what little guest they had, and deal with threats to the hotel. Demon in hell still through the hotel was a joke.
Charlie and Vaggie were putting ornaments on the giant Christmas tree in the lobby. Charlie is the princess of hell. She and Vaggie a moth demon own the hotel. There 3 Christmas trees in the whole hotel one in lobby, another one in the dining room, and the last one was in the ballroom.
Angel Dust a spider demon and porn star, Husk bartender/front desk, and Niffty the housekeeper decorated the tree in dinning room. Well Husk and Niffty were there not only to help Angel with decorating the tree but to also keeping Angel from putting on any inappropriate decorations.
Alastor The Radio Demon and Pixie The Siren decorated the tree in the ballroom. These were Overlords, very powerful demons and deal makers. These were the demons other demons would warn you about. They could just snap their fingers and the tree would be done but they decided not use any of their voodoo magic. They were putting up the ornaments by hand.
"It been awhile since we anything like this Al."
"Very true my sassy songbird!"
Pixie and Alastor were best friends. A lot of Male demons came to the hotel just get a look at Pixie. She is has beautiful as she was powerful. Alastor wasn't happy when this happened. Not one of these demons wanted to check into the hotel and they were treating Pixie like she was some sideshow attraction. He didn't have problem scaring them away and as long Pixie didn't know the better.
Soon all the trees were finish and the hotel was now decorated for Christmas. Everyone was back in the lobby. The conversation went to Christmas events. They decided on a Christmas party on Christmas day. This started a argument on who was cooking Christmas dinner. Alastor, Pixie, and Angel Dust were the only one who knew how to cook.
"Come on I'm a great cook! Al, you and Pixie have to let me help out with Christmas dinner!"
"I don't know Angel. Al and I been cooking together for a while now and I haven't seen you in the kitchen that much."
"We don't need Angel in the kitchen with us, My sassy songbird! Besides from what I hear he only know how to cook pasta dishes anyway!"
"So what Alastor? Pasta dishes are still cooking!"
"Al just let Angel help with Christmas dinner."
"I don't think that be a good idea, we don't know were Angel been and who he been with. He might be too dirty for the hotel kitchen!"
"You two stop this, Angel if you can keep yourself clean then you can help with dinner but you do what Al and I tell you got it."
"No, problem!"
"Fine, Angel can help!"
This was Pixie first Christmas at the hotel and Alastor want it to be perfect. He want her to be happy and Christmas had been one of her favorite holidays. Singing songs, cooking dinner, and put out decorations. He remember when they were alive how much fun Pixie had around Christmas. He want this to be the best Christmas Pixie ever had.
Most demons through Alastor and Pixie were dating. No one ask either of them if they were a couple or not but they would always say that they were close friends or best friends. Pixie was always under Alastor protection even though she didn't need it.
Ever time Pixie was seen together with Alastor on their many outings she was smiling, talking, and laughing at his jokes. Alastor was never seen without a smile but since meeting Pixie again his smiles were brighter and wider. They both seen happy together and most demons left it at that.
There some demon who were jealous of one them or both. These demons try to pick a fight with them only to be squeeze by tentacles or to be play with like cat toy by a giant Shadow Cat.
Charlie had a idea and it a good one too even Vaggie agree. The idea was to have a Christmas ball. Angel and Alastor were of course going fight about the music but it would get figure out by Christmas day hopefully. Niffty got right work cleaning the ballroom as Husk look over drink lists and check the bottles of alcohol.
Of course the girls needed dresses and the guys need tuxedos. Charlie and Vaggie went to see Lilith Charlie mom. Angel was getting his own tuxedo. Alastor and Pixie went to Rose's Boutique. There they met a couple of old friends Rose and Mimzy. They hug Pixie as soon as they saw her. The four of them talked over coffee and tea.
As soon as they finish their tea and coffee the girls went to the back of the store while Alastor look around. They decided on a dress and Rose help Alastor find a tux.
At the ball the girls show off their dresses. They all had ballgown. Charlie had on a white and pink gown with red poinsettias on it. Vaggie had purple gown with sliver snowflakes on it. Niffty had on a green gown with Christmas presents on it. Pixie gown was red with green holly leafs on it. Angel, Alastor, and Husk had on tuxedos with gold and silver designs on them. Angel tux was pink and white while Husk tux was black and Alastor tux was red.
Charlie had asked both her parents the king and queen of hell to come but they both too busy. Most of the overlords didn't come with is good because Angel didn't want to deal with Valentino and if Vox came he and Alastor wouldn't get along. Both Rose and Mimzy Came to the ball. Cherry Bomb came with Angel. Sir Pentious came to the ball too as long as he and his Eggboys was on their best behavior. Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench decline to come. Lots of unknown demons came as well.
Charlie dance with Vaggie, Angel dance with Cherry, and Pixie dance with Rose and Mimzy. Soon everyone was dancing and having a good time. Niffty clean when need to but did dance some Husk just stay at the open bar and pour drinks and when he wasn't he was drinking.
Pixie dance with Angel a few times. His hands were always trying to go place they shouldn't but Pixie eyes started glowing blue tell him without saying a word that his hands need to back in the appropriate places.
Pixie even dance with Sir Pentious at least once. As well as few other demons. She was having a great time and so was everyone else.
A Christmas jazz song come on it reminded Pixie of Alastor. She wondering if he ever dance with her before the ball ended. Other male demons want to dance with her as well but a male demon had beating them to it.
Alastor had walk up Pixie and bow gracefully and extended his hand toward her.
"Would you like to dance my beautiful princess?"
Alastor love teasing Pixie and was entertain by her reactions and snappy comebacks most demons took it as them flirting with each other.
"I would be delighted my handsome prince."
As they were dancing Pixie's gown seem to be making dancing difficult for both her and Alastor.
"I think you need a dress change something easier to move in let's see what a little of my voodoo magic can do."
Alastor spun Pixie around and as she twirled her dress change magically from a gown to a red and green short flapper dress with a red boa around her body and red high heels. In her blue hair was a jeweled Holly barrette with emeralds and rubys that sparkled.
"Now that what I call a dress!"
Pixie and Alastor danced until the ball ended. They help clean up and put food away. Angel help Husk put away the bottles of alcohol that he hadn't finished off. After opening presence everyone but Alastor and Pixie went to bed.
Since both Alastor and Pixie were powerful Overlords they would check the hotel any demons troublemakers who were hiding.
After they check the whole hotel the last place to check was the ballroom. When they were done and they felt the hotel was safe Pixie smile.
"This was the best Christmas I ever Al."
"I'm happy to hear it my beautiful songbird but it not over yet!"
Soon jazz music filled the ballroom and Alastor grabbed Pixie hand for one last dance. As they dance the ballroom filled little lights like little fireflies dancing around them. Her eyes never left his. He hug her close and she put her arms around his neck.
Pixie knew two thing about Alastor. One he not interested in sex. She felt sex was not important in relationship to begin with. Two he didn't like been touched. Pixie never had a problem with Alastor touching her.
Alastor seem ok with Pixie arms around his neck which mean that he truly trusted her. She also trust him. He give her a sweet kiss on the forehead as they continued to be in their own little word dancing the night away.
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otdderamin · 5 years
Analysis: The hidden pain of Jester and Scanlan – CR C2 Ep76 and CR C1 Ep85
Spoilers for Campaign 1 through episode 85 and Campaign 2 through episode 76
One thing I really love about Critical Role from both campaigns is the way they show that the seemingly happy, jokey, funny, delightful people are really using that as a mask for a lot of pain and insecurity that they're either hiding or repressing and that can't last forever.
Scanlan was hurt and angry that no one asked about his issues seriously or asked what he needed, but he also buried everything and deflected when they did ask about him. He wanted to be seen and understood, but all he gave them was a facade of being fine. Until he broke.
Jester's playing with the same idea in a different way. She learned being seen is bad and her purpose is making other people happy. Her own desires aren't really important. She's afraid she'll disappoint everyone if she admits she's not okay (even to herself), so she buries it.
Both The Mighty Nein and a lot of the audience are kind of infantilizing her, largely ignoring her pain and complexity. Laura does not get enough credit for her roleplaying because I think that's the impression Jester is intentionally cultivating out of deep insecurity.
Misogyny is also a factor. She leans into a lot of ditzy, simple, girly tropes that are largely written off by men and many women as shallow. Laura is really playing with them to show there actually is a lot of depth there. But you have to be willing to deconstruct her to see it.
Jester wants to actively bring joy to people's lives because she's afraid that she won't be wanted if she doesn't. So, she's cultivated this happy, mischievous mask to hide behind and she's trapped herself behind it. She doesn't even want to see herself without it.
Just as much as Fjord trapped himself behind the faux-Vandran mask until he had a breakdown. Or Beau trapped herself behind the no-fucks-given mask she's been working really hard to set aside. Or Caleb trapped himself behind his bandages and bum disguise until his cover was blown.
But Jester's mask is harder to see around. She seems open and carefree and happy. Almost everyone in the Mighty Nein wants to feel that way and they're invested in the aspirational illusion. They really want one of them to be okay because maybe then they could learn, too.
 T: Full scene from Campaign 1 Episode 45
2:30:57 Vax: "How do you do it? You're risking your life as much as anyone in this group. You're almost dying every day. You're fucking smiling all the time. How do you do it?"
Liam: "I'm kind of asking as Liam to Sam, as well. But mostly as Vax to Scanlan."
Vax: "How do you do it? You almost died yesterday, as well. Or two days ago, fuck. Why do you do it?"
Scanlan, as if it's obvious: "Vax, I… I don't know. I mean, I just… I like you people okay. Everything before this was not as good. This is better, that's why. It's very simple. You had a shitty childhood, didn't you?"
Vax: "Yeah."
Scanlan: "You and the sister."
Vax: "Yeah."
Scanlan: "I think Grog had some troubles. We've all had our share of shit, before we all met. Now we're together. We're a family. This is better, that's how I smile. It's better than it was before. That's it."
Vax: "We're probably going to die in the next month."
Scanlan: "Yes, but it's fun while it lasts."
Vax looks at him in disbelief and bewilderment.
Scanlan gives a contented sigh.
Vax, dubiously: "Alright. I thought I might…"
Scanlan: "Glean some wisdom?"
Vax: "Yeah, but I'm just as confused as before."
Scanlan: "Listen, I'm older than you."
Vax: "How much older?"
Scanlan: "A bit. I've seen more than you have, and… it's all shitty, so it just depends on how you look at it. You can dwell on the shit, or you can just leave it behind in people's beds and keep going."
 But of course, Scanlan couldn't do it forever. He couldn't actually just leave all that shit behind him. He couldn't laugh all of it off. He reached the tipping point where he was too scared and hurt and angry to keep going.
Beau's started to see Jester's cracks and say something, most notably in episode 45 (4:55:48) and 46 (1:25:15), but she doesn't seem know how to address it without Jester pushing the concern away and deflecting, and I think she's scared Jester will pull away from her if she presses the matter. Beau might have the best chance, though.
Caleb tried to talk to her In episode 42 (1:08:49), but the conversation derailed almost instantly. She did express her fear she would never see her mother again, and that she was unsure about her feelings towards Fjord or his towards her, but again the conversation turned to other things fairly quickly. Still, it was more than she'd really shared before.
Jester actually showed her vulnerability and insecurity to Fjord in episode 72. but he was too up his own butt focused on his own rapidly spiraling break down to really notice or address it. Hopefully he keeps it in mind and circles back now that he's pulled through it.
 Campaign 2 Episode 72
2:49:51 Fjord: "I just feel like there's more out there. It's always more. Even Port Demali and before that, my world just got bigger and bigger and bigger, and more time goes on the more you realize there is and the more that we affect and the more we can be affected. And there's a part of me that wants to leave it all behind..."
Jester: "And just somewhere quiet and disappear, and hope that it never bothers you again?"
Fjord: "Yeah."
Jester: "yeah, I understand that."
Fjord: "I just don't think it will let me."
 Caduceus might be able to help if he understood, but Jester is baffling to him.
 Talks Machina for Campaign 2 Episode 50
0:51:24 Taliesin: "[Caduceus] hasn't figured out that Jester is an adult yet. He doesn't regard her as an adult. I mean, which is, he kind of, his whole thing with her is very childish and playful and is not really... [...] He hasn't figured out that she's probably got-- I mean, he's aware that there's other stuff going on, but he hasn't really gone looking for it yet, so... He's like, 'Aw, she's happy and fine. Good. Thank god somebody is.' And obviously that's not true. And he should know better, but he hasn't gone looking for it."
Dani: "He has bigger fish to fry at the moment."
Taliesin: "I mean, the angsty boys are very angsty, and they currently have one emo girl to deal with as well."
It appears from the last episode that Caduceus has finally figured out there's more going on with Jester and is trying to make up for what he didn't see before. He let her know he saw through her sadness. Maybe he'll be able to be someone she can come to when she's ready to talk.
Campaign 2 Episode 76
4:44:05 Caduceus: "You okay?"
Jester: "Me?"
Caduceus: "Yeah you."
Jester: "Oh yeah. I'm fine. I'm always fine."
Caduceus: "Well…"
Jester: "That's a lie."
Caduceus: "Nobody's always fine."
Jester: "That's a lie, Caduceus."
Caduceus: "You do a lot."
Jester: "Yeah."
Caduceus: "And I don't think you necessarily get as much credit as you deserve, as often as you should. You deserve… more pastries."
Jester, laughing: "Everybody deserves more pastries."
Caduceus: "Yeah, but you do."
Jester smiles sadly: "Thanks, Caduceus."
Caduceus: "Well, we'll be figuring out your Traveler Con soon enough, I'm sure."
Jester: "Yeah. We're gonna work- that's gonna be really cool, right?"
Caduceus: "You got a good crew for it, so…"
Jester: "Yeah."
Caduceus: "We're here for you."
Jester: "Thank you."
Caduceus: "Thank you. You've done… I don't even know how to tell you what this has meant."
Jester has been ignored in part because she seemed… not fine, but less of an immediate and impending disaster than the others. Now that things are settling down with everyone else, I think they're trying to do right by her and support her better. Time will tell if she lets them in.
No one in Campaign 2 is playing an easy character. No one is playing someone who's well adjusted and fine. No one has their shit figured out. At best they've learned pieces or ways of learning how to be more okay with the tumult. Jester is far come complex than she tries to appear.
Her arc is coming up soon and whatever happens will come with big growth and change for her. The big difference (or similarities) in how the stories of these two characters will play out will come down to how well their friends see behind the mask. Vox Machina didn't until it was too late. The Might Nein might be beginning to, and if they keep at it, that will make all the difference.
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pikelanette · 5 years
The Wake of Vox Machina (chapter 2)
Chapter 2 is finally here! Sorry for the wait, guys, it wasn’t working for me for a few months. But here it is! Much pikelan, with a bunch of Grog! 
Pairings: pikelan, vaxleth & perc’ahlia Words: 2621 Rated: M Link: ao3
a multi-chapter godlike vox machina reunites AU - chapter 2
Even before she opened her eyes, Pike was struck by the smell of the place. She had been in a fair share of battles in her time, ones where countless lives were lost and entire cities were levelled, but she had never gotten used to the way the rest of the world seemed to disappear on a battlefield. Places like this, they were black holes – they sucked in all the light and life around them. Their energy spread like a cancer. They oozed despair like the Shademirk Bog had oozed in the Feywild before they cleansed it.
The smell was one of blood and metal, fire and gore, fear and piss. Human remains in every sense of the term. She gripped Scanlan tighter in the moment before she opened her eyes to face the carnage.
It was past midnight where they were now. They were standing in a field that was covered, covered, in bodies. There were remains of creatures of all races, together with mounts, discarded weapons, banners, keepsakes, rags… Bodies were piled together like rocks. Whatever battle had taken place here, it had been recent, and it had been huge.
Pike felt the weight of every single lost life come down onto her soul and it almost sent her to the ground. Her knees buckled, her stomach lurched, and she remembered that right before they came here Scanlan had said something about the place being nauseating. He had been absolutely right. It was horrible.
Scanlan was gripping her as tightly as she was holding him, but he was looking around analytically, scanning the landscape around them. Pike followed his gaze and now noticed that there were still people moving around over the field. Some of them were walking regally, their hands up in the air, magic coming from their fingers tips. Clerics, she knew instinctually. They were performing after-battle rites. Probably trying to help the souls of the lost move into the next world – or at least keep their bodies from being taken into un-life. She had performed those rites countless times. She had carried their burden. Her heart ached for those who were carrying it now.
There were also skulkers, though. Creatures that were stealthily making their way through the area, reaching down and grasping for things. Collecting things. Looting.
Another wave of nausea hit her and she felt the anger rise in her chest. Disrespectful, vile, horrible people. This was not a place to gain favour from. This place should not be fertile ground for anything.
Before she could do anything, though, Scanlan tugged at her and nodded towards a small group of creatures a couple of hundred feet away from them. Four skulkers, it seemed, with one of them in a very precarious position – two feet off the ground, held up by the scruff by a man far larger than him. A man whole-heartedly familiar.
Pike’s heart cried out for Grog the second she saw him, but she also realised that he was about to make a mistake.
No more death, something inside her lamented, this place needs no more death.
Pike and Scanlan glanced at each other and then set off running, as fast as their gnomish legs could carry them.
It was hard – between the body parts they almost tripped over and the remains they had to swerve around, their way was far from straight and simple. Grog’s hand had moved from the skulker’s scruff to the base of his skull.
“Grog!” Pike yelled out, putting all of her breath and power behind the word as she shot it out into the darkness.
Grog’s head turned towards them at the sound of her voice, but Pike could tell from his stance that he was just so angry, and it was hard to get through to him at times like those. Hard to break through that red-hazed tunnel vision.
Pike pointed at him as she ran, panting. “Put that down!”
Beside her, Scanlan led out an astonished chuckle at her shout and she was brought off balance by it for a moment as well. It was so simple to yell for Grog to stop acting like a doofus. It was so familiar. Like they’d spent no time apart.
“You heard her Grog!” Scanlan followed up her shout with his own, “Put down that disgusting creature! You don’t know where it’s been!”
Grog’s face, which had been twisted with rage, smoothed out into something of a blank slate before his lips formed into a trembling pout. He dropped the man he’d been holding and turned his back on the three others around him without concern.
“Pike!” he roared out across the field, capturing the attention of some of the clerics that were a little ways away and making them jump, “Scanlan!”
He started bounding towards them, showing next to no care for the despair he trudged through. He was too focused on his two favourite people coming towards him. He ran so fast he almost tripped and Pike choked back another sob as she sprinted towards him. Soon enough, they were upon each other and Grog dove to the ground to sweep both gnomes into his arms and up to his face.
“Grog!” Scanlan said with a big grin, “Oh, I’ve missed that handsome mug of yours!”
There was something painful about having this reunion in the middle of this field, with the smoke still rising from small fires and the souls of the lost soldiers hardly across the borders of the afterlife. This place needed no more death, yes – but this felt strange as well. This happiness.
But how were they supposed to be anything but ecstatic?
Scanlan laughed, but Pike said nothing and just cried into Grog’s shoulder, hugging him tightly to herself. She was emotional to an extent that she wasn’t entirely comfortable with. Too much was happening. She couldn’t keep up.
“I wasn’t sure where you guys were,” Grog said, sounding slightly out of breath, “I went looking for you, but I couldn’t find you.”
“I’m sorry, Grog.” Pike sniffed loudly. “We were a little ways off. We went to sleep in different places, remember?”
“To sleep?” Grog frowned at them, looking confused.
Pike felt like a trickle of ice water ran down her spine. She just stared at him, speechless.
Scanlan was a little more put together. “You don’t remember?”
Grog looked them over for a bit and then shrugged his shoulders. “I know we did that spell or whatever. To kill Vecna. Little bitch. But then I was here, in the ground.”
“In the ground?” Pike asked, her voice trembling.
Grog nodded. “Yeah. I woke up in the dirt.”
Panic rushed through her as she tried to imagine what that would be like – waking up disoriented, in the ground, in a place like this, with no sense of time or what had really happened, and no one around him. It must have been horrifying.
Scanlan was just nodding. “Yes. We were trying to put him to sleep, remember? We put all of the gods to sleep, and that way they’d never fuck anything up again.”
Yes – that had been the plan. It was a good plan. Solid. The right thing to do. The heroic thing. The only catch was that they’d had to go to sleep as well. And that was a sleep… a sleep they weren’t supposed to wake up from. It was like death. They had died for this.
Pike was struck again by how they probably didn’t deserve this kind of happiness – this reunion. Their family, together again. That was not the deal they had struck.
Grog nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I remember. Did it work?”
“It looked like it,” Scanlan said, “But if we’re awake now, then who knows. Vecna might be too.”
That was a scary, scary thought. Could all of their work really have been for nothing? Was Vecna just… back? Had he broken through?
“I don’t… feel like he’s around,” Grog said.
Pike blinked at him. “What do you mean?”
Grog shrugged again, jostling the gnomes in his arms. “You know. It doesn’t feel like he’s up, is all.”
Scanlan nodded slowly. “Yeah, I… I think I get what you mean.” He looked at Pike. “I don’t feel his presence here. I used to – before we went to sleep. He always had this sort of stench around him.”
Pike frowned and thought about that. It was true that when Vecna was around, there had been this… fear in the air. Something almost tangible. But if no one knew he was back then it made sense that no one was scared of him. He was probably no more than a story to the people who were alive now. Although that was underestimating the life span of a lot of creatures, maybe. Gnomes could live hundreds and hundreds of years. Keyleth was supposed to too, originally. There might be people who remembered to be afraid.
“We can’t be sure,” Pike said finally, “There has to be a reason we’re awake. It might be Vecna.”
“It could be anyone.” Scanlan bit his thumb again. “If one God wakes, they all do, maybe. Then we’d wake up with them.”
“But then Vecna is awake, isn’t he? By that logic?”
Scanlan hesitated. “Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe we’re just the first line of fire. Since we’re the ones who put them all to sleep, if one of them is waking up that would undo our feat of power and un-godify us. That could be why we’re up. Doesn’t mean all of the gods have to wake up immediately. We could have just been demoted once there was a crack in our system.”
Pike tried to wrap her head around that. It didn’t seem right, but she couldn’t put her finger on why exactly. It was hard to think of herself as a god, but still, there was… There was something fundamentally different about her. There was a part of her that she didn’t recognise – something new. If that wasn’t godhood, then what was it?
“I have no idea what you just said,” Grog told Scanlan.
Scanlan shook his head, clearly still thinking about it. “Let’s just find the others first. They might know something we don’t.”
That seemed unlikely to Pike. If Scanlan couldn’t figure it out, she doubted whether any of the others could.
But… She did want to see them. So very badly.
She was about to agree and tell Scanlan to take them to the next place when her eyes fell on one of the bodies on the ground. Very briefly, from the corner of her eyes, it had looked like it had moved.
Pike froze in Grog’s arms and stared at the limp remains on the overturned earth. Nothing moved.
Suddenly, she felt this need to do something. She wasn’t entirely sure what, but her body was itching to make something happen. And she thought she’d better let it.
“Can you let me down for a bit?” she asked Grog, “Before we go?”
Her brother seemed reluctant to let go of her, but he did as she asked and put her down on the ground. Now she was out of the comfort and warmth of his arms, she could feel the icy cold of this place again. Their shared happiness had been a moment’s respite – this place was too full of agony to sustain it. But… maybe she could do something.
She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind to the places around her. There was light, still, hidden in the wreckage. There was always, always light. And where it wasn’t, she would bring it. She would gift it to this place.
The time of dying was over. The healing started now.
Light gathered around her small body. She pulled it out of the ether – she dragged it out of her own soul. She took some from Grog, and from Scanlan, and from the clerics walking the grounds. She took some from memory and some from hope, and she made it all into a little sun that she carried inside of her chest. From there, she let it shine – she let the light pour out again and touch the world.
She was a vessel. She was a star. She was a conductor.
Pike felt spectral wings of light sprout from her shoulders and she wasted no time before lifting up into the air. From that position, the light could touch even more space and she put everything into making it as strong as possible.
There would be no death here. No un-life. This was the start of recovery. This land was for the living – or it would be again.
She breathed in the darkness and breathed out light, and once she was satisfied, she came back down to earth.
She became aware that some of the clerics had stopped to stare at her. A few of them had gone to their knees. The power that flowed through her was intoxicating, but she felt clearer-headed than she had since she’d woken up in her tomb a while back. She felt, strangely, like she knew what she was doing.
Or she did, right until the moment she saw Scanlan and Grog again.
Grog was merely grinning and gave her a thumbs-up when he saw her looking. He looked at her like he always had when she did something cool – just like she did something cool and he thought it was cool.
Scanlan, though, looked at her like she had just put the sun back into the sky after an age of darkness. His gaze was bright and awe-filled. His entire focus was on her form as she slowly drifted back down to them and she noticed that his third eye had peeked out again, as though he hadn’t had enough eyes to see her with. As though he needed to become more just to grasp what he was seeing.
She was a little self-conscious by the time she touched the earth again and she wiggled on her feet for a moment, trying not to look at Scanlan but finding herself unable to look away for long. She kept glancing at him and seeing her own power reflected in his eyes, and it was strange, and exhilarating, and she wanted more of it. She wanted to look at him until the dawn of another age.
Finally, Scanlan cleared his throat. “Still gods, then,” he said hoarsely.
Grog nodded like that made perfect sense, and Pike felt a blush rush onto her cheek. She felt a little proud  of what she’d done – she knew this place needed no more rites after this. She had cleansed it entirely in just a few minutes. Deep down, she knew that what Scanlan said was true – no mortal could do the thing she had just done. They were still gods. At least she hoped they all were. It would be incredibly lonely to be the only god amongst them, now.
But one more glance at Scanlan’s third eye and she thought she knew better than to think herself alone. None of them were mortals now.
Scanlan shook his head for a moment and then clapped his hands together. “Alright then! Time for another magic trick. A bit less impressive, of course, but we can’t all be angels of light and healing.”
He wiggled his fingers and, around the three of them, the arcane runes started appearing in their sparkles of golden and purple light. His hands went through the somatic motions of the spell and Pike quickly turned to Grog.
“We’re jumping,” she said quickly, trying to prepare him, before they blipped out of the world in a spark of magic.
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