#she leavse slots five to six open in case wayne adopt more kids
miss-choco-chips · 4 years
Janet Drake...
and the Orphans. She doesn’t care for them. Except when Timothy does, because then it’s a problem™.
The days following the circus tragedy found Janet constantly wearing a curious accessory. And by that, she means Tim was hanging on to her at all times like a stubbornly stuck belt or backpack, depending on whether he was clinging to her waist or shoulders.
It was a little suffocating at times, but to be honest, the cercany helped her frayed nerves as well as his growing separation anxiety. Because Jack had left, and she was still steaming over the fact.
Her husband, back home for the week, had left for the next dig site earlier than expected, scared away by Timothy’s nightmares and cries. As if it were weird for a four year old to be scared out of his mind by witnessing another little kid’s parents die in front of him. As if it was a minor inconvenience and awkward situation, instead of future therapy material for their kid.
‘Coward’, she thought, full of spite, hand carefully brushing Tim’s hair away from his forehead as he slept with his head in her lap, watching from the couch as Jack trudged down the stairs with his travel suitcase at the ready. 
She wouldn’t ask him to stay, though. Timothy deserved parents willing to stay by their own volition, no some half witted irresponsible man-child who couldn’t deal with a little emotional trauma. 
Like, Janet herself wasn’t the best at reassurance, but at least she was trying, dear god. That had to count more than Jack’s escape act.
But, useless husband aside, she was… worried. About her son.
Emotional trauma wasn’t something she could just intimidate into submission. Some desperate dream, like owning an island, she had the money to fulfil for him. Unknown attacker to eliminate? Sure, there were no lacking meatbags in the market for hire to...make someone else disappear. But dealing with stuff that included heart to hearts and love? Yeah, no. She always thought Jack would be the one dealing with that kind of thing, so she was wholly unprepared for it. It also wasn’t an issue she could just push into her friends; Both Nicole and Lex were equally as unexperienced (inept) in that area.
Though, they did offer some sound advice.
“Take Timothy to see the boy”, suggested Luthor during their weekly business call (or, as Nicole called it, their bitchfest, where they despised together about the concerning lack of braincells flowing in the rest of the corporate world). “He’s probably worried sick about two things: your safety, and the kid’s who he saw become an orphan. Maybe seeing him well cared for by Wayne will be soothing enough for him to relax a little. Fuck if I know. Now, back at my story… You wouldn’t believe what that empty brained, graceless twit Oliver Queen said then.”
So Janet followed his advice, both about the visit to Wayne Manor and not making business with Queen.
After the first uncomfortable five minutes where Tim tried to stutter a condolence out, the kids had taken to one another like fishes to water. The adoration was clear in Tim’s eyes, shining through his nervousness, like that damn bat signal broke through the clouds to illuminate the city.
And Richard, Dick as he asked to be called, absolutely laped at it, doing flips and jumps, each one flashier than the one before, enticing claps from his captive audience of one. He laughed when Tim asked his usual hundred questions, undeterred by her son’s enthusiasm. There were tinges of the sadness and mourning on his eyes, but they were chased away by the four year old’s joy whenever he told a pun.
Sitting at one of the tea tables overseeing the garden where the kids played, Bruce and Janet interchanged looks.
-It was a good idea to bring Tim over, Janet -praised the man.
-Of course -she replied primly, choosing to not inform him it had been Luthor’s suggestion.
-Dick hasn’t laughed at all since he came here… maybe we can set more playdates for them?
Timothy’s laughter in her ears, unburdened for the first time since that night, was all the motivation she needed to nod.
-Why take him in, though? -she asked after a few minutes of watching as Dick did a double flip, to Tim’s excitement.
-Dick… what he went through… it was like seeing myself, back then. I couldn’t just leave him alone.
A sigh, and a sip of tea. 
-Bruce. You can’t adopt every single orphan you come across. 
A little over seven years later, Janet downed a glass of champagne in two long sips, watching from the side of the ballroom as Tim approached the newcomers to his birthday party: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and his newest ward, Jason Todd.
-When I told him that, I didn’t mean it as a challenge.
-Hum? -asks Nicole, sharp green eyes on her godson, tilting her head a little to hear Janet better.
-Nothing. What are you looking at, that focused?
The woman gave Luthor, who completed their little group (god, reminders of high school much?), a side look. He returned it.
-I’m going to get started into the spa gift card -he said, apropos of nothing, before walking away, whipping out his phone and typing like a madman.
-What was he on about?
-Oh, nothing -mused Nicole, eyes still on Tim (who was, as always with the Waynes, a flustered mess, thanking them -and specially, their latest addition- for coming to his party). She took one of Janet’s hands in both of hers, finally looking away from the child to look at his mother. Nicole’s eyes were full of pity and amusement-. Be strong, Jan.
-...the fuck?
-Shhh, darling, breath. I told you, didn’t I? Be strong.
-What. Just… no. No. I refuse -he gestured, as graceful and lady like as she could given the circumstances- this. 
They were currently at Wayne Manor, celebrating with the Waynes the fourteenth birthday of the youngest of them. Tim, who had been very cagey and mysterious the last few months, had brought a potted flower. That, apparently, he grew himself, from a seed to the pretty little yellow sprout.
Alstroemeria, a beautiful flower which symbolises enduring friendship. Each of the flower's six petals represents the characteristics of understanding, humour, patience, empathy, commitment and respect.
That was the flower Timothy choose to gift Jason Todd, explaining as he did how he cared for the flower for weeks, telling it stories about Jason and asking it to give him good luck. Something about plants being magical, able to give off special vibes, and how he ‘trained’ it to do the same for Jason. 
It was adorable, and judging from the brat’s furious blush, he agreed. He took the hand-painted pot with utmost care.
It was revolting. She wanted to claw his eyes out, if only to get him to stop looking at her son like that.
Stop him from looking at her son, period.
-Shh -continued to sooth Nicole, quick hand slipping a card into Janet’s purse- There, an all day, full treatment, already paid for spa gift card, from me and Luthor. You’re going to need it. Timmy is eleven after all, hormones are bound to start kicking anytime soon.
She wanted to scream, especially when Richard, apparently tendered after Tim’s heartfelt gift to Jason, picked him up and started to spin him around the ballroom. Her son’s already rosy cheeks went full red.
-Damned Wayne and his godforsaken orphans. I swear to God I’m gonna sue him if he dares adopt another one.
Nicole, on her part, winced a little inwardly. Perhaps this wasn’t the right moment to tell Janet about her sister Talia’s spawn with Wayne.
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