#she moved on and this sudden jealousy or whatever doesnt make sense
s0fter-sin · 2 years
ua s3 spoilers
i haven’t watched it yet but what the fuck is that scene with allison and luther??
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justauthoring · 3 years
Amongst Them All, I See You
Prompt: Hey! I saw that you’re taking requests, and wanted to toss one out there for you. Hope you don’t mind. by the way, i absolutely LOVE your writing!! it’s always so heartwarming and nicely worded. Anyways, I had this idea for a Tsukishima Kei x reader where maybe basically Him and the reader have a enemies-to-lovers relationship. and maybe it has something to do with yamaguchi? i was thinking it could be some kind of angst 👉👈 but if you don’t write angst that’s perfectly fine!! it doesnt have to be. feel free to twist this any way you want :) Requested by: anonymous (thank you darling!).
A/N: salty beanpole has finally made his arrival ;) Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x F!Reader
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From the moment he met you, Tsukishima didn’t like you.
Now, he couldn’t exactly explain why. There wasn’t necessarily a real reason for it, just a feeling, an instinct if you will, and Tsukishima felt it best to listen to his gut. It’d never failed him before.
“Tsukki! I brought Y/N!”
By now, this is a common occurrence. Yamaguchi was all but determined to make the two of you friends, though Tsukishima couldn’t even begin to understand why, and it didn’t matter who ended up getting dragged along, the two of you found yourself constantly forced to spend time together.
Today, apparently, is no different. And the apprehensive, hesitant expression on your face is the same as always as Yamaguchi holds tightly to your wrist, you two steps behind him as you’ve probably spent the last few minutes trying to desperately convince your friend that it was alright, you didn’t mind eating lunch alone, you didn’t need company, etc. that Yamaguchi basically never listens to.
After all, you are a lot easier to convince then Tsukishima is.
You can never really say no to Yamaguchi’s soft eyes and hopeful smile, it seems.
Yamaguchi forces you to sit, before taking the spot next to you with a pleasant smile, reaching into his bag as if he hadn’t all but forced you against your will there.
And Tsukishima stares for a moment, one, two, before placing the lid back on his bento box. “I’ll be taking my leave then,” he says simply, voice dull, face blank as he moves to stand.
As Yamaguchi rushes to stop him, a hand over his own, practically pleading and spouting something like we’ve never not eaten lunch together -- something Tsukishima could really care less about, he misses the second of hurt that flashes in your eyes. It’s brief, passing with a blink, and then your face is settling into a scowl, cutting Yamaguchi’s begging off;
“Am I really all that awful to be with?”
Yamaguchi glares at him, to which Tsukishima rolls his eyes, finally sitting back down in his seat with a sigh.
And so, lunch continues on as it usually does. Tsukishima sits there silently, maybe putting a word in or two if Yamaguchi looks at him expectantly, while the two of you talk adamantly amongst one another. You’re loud, painfully so, like you always are, and Tsukishima is all but torturously reminded of Hinata, and he can already feel a headache coming.
He doesn’t listen to the conversation, not really at least. He does take note, mainly because he can’t help to, like he always does, that while you always seem to be loud at lunch, or after practice, it’s only ever when you’re with Yamaguchi. In class, you’re quiet. Almost eerily so. And you’re usually alone. 
Scratch that, before Yamaguchi and him, you were always alone.
Tsukishima pretends like he hadn’t noticed, like when Yamaguchi comes bounding up to him one day, excited to introduce you, he didn’t already know who you were. Because, it seemed like lots didn’t. Your presence is often lost amongst the crowd, and for the longest time, Tsukishima felt like he was the only one who did see you.
Head turned down, arms wrapped around yourself, you so purposely tried to avoid attention but Tsukishima always noticed you.
He doesn’t tell people things very often, and even Yamaguchi doesn’t know the things he swears he’ll never tell anyone. So, for the longest time, you’re like this secret he keeps. He notices you, you don’t notice him, and he sees things that no one else does.
He sees the frustration on your face when you open your locker only to find that your books and homework have been ripped. He sees the way you rush from class to class, desperate to be in the halls for as little time as possible. He sees the way that one girl from class, Tsukishima doesn’t care to learn her name, slams you up against your locker one day after school, and hears the low threats thrown your way, ones he can’t make sense of.
And he sees the way you always wear your blazer, even when it’s blazing hot outside. You choose the longer skirt option, and are always wearing knee high socks. Your skin is constantly covered, hiding something.
But then Yamaguchi introduces you to him one day, like he didn’t already know who are you, and you’re all shy smiles and quiet whispers to him but you’re bright eyed and giggly when you turn to Yamaguchi. You speak to him like he’s a friend you’ve had for years, rather then a few weeks, and Tsukishima jealousy bubbles up to hate towards you for some sick, twisted reason he can’t properly explain.
And it’s just been like that for the past two months.
“We don’t have practice after school,” Yamaguchi offers, eyeing Tsukishima before turning to you. “Would you like to hang after school?”
Tsukishima notices, out of the corner of his eye, the way your body straightens at his words, eyes widening slightly in panic. Panic that’s only there for a moment, something that Yamaguchi completely misses.
“Uh, sure. I just have to, um, uh, drop something off quickly after class. I can meet you outside, by the gym?”
Yamaguchi shrugs, “sure.”
And Tsukishima wonders how Yamaguchi didn’t notice how plainly obvious a lie that was.
“Anyways, um,” you move to gather your stuff, quickly, movements stiff. “I have to talk to the teacher before class, so I’ll just meet you guys there, okay?” And you’re standing before Yamaguchi can really say otherwise, waving at him, before your eyes fall on his, as if debating, before turning, rushing off.
Yamaguchi turns back to his food, completely obvious.
“I’ll be late after school too.”
“Oh?” Yamaguchi mumbles, obviously confused. “Is everything okay?”
“Fine,” Tsukishima nods, “just got to grab something.”
“Ah, here you go, Y/N-chan! I’ll need them done by tomorrow!”
Your jaw all but falls to the floor.
“T-Tomorrow?” You whisper, hesitant, voice shaky. “But... this is like three days worth of homework, Suzuki-san, I couldn’t possibly--”
“But you will,” she cuts in sharply, your own eyes falling on her with a blink of surprise, wincing slightly at the deep frown on her lips. “Because you know what will happen if you don’t.”
Fingers tightening around the stack of papers, you sigh, trying to stop the shaking of your limbs as you numbly nod. “Of course, Suzuki-san,” you whisper, “I’ll have them done by tomorrow morning.”
Her hand raises in your peripheral and you flinch, expecting the worst, lips parting to apologize for whatever you did wrong -- but her hand simply falls on top of your head in a mock pat. “Perfect.” And then she’s turning without another word, not even a thanks, and as you watch her walk off, you feel your vision blur.
Your grip on the paper tightens, turning painful as you curse softly to yourself, turning around so your backs against the hall and you hastily rip open your locker to hide yourself the best you can. Luckily, everyone’s most gone off now, so there’s no prying eyes watching you cry to yourself.
Not like anyone ever notices anyway...
“You shouldn’t let her talk to you like that.”
Jumping at the voice, the eerily familiar one, you spin, wiping at your eyes desperately as you peer up at Tsukishima, shocked. “Tsukishima!” You gasp, shaking your head. “You scared me,” you try to laugh off, pressing a hand against your chest and pretend like you hadn’t just been sobbing to yourself seconds prior. “Did Yamaguchi send you to find me? I’m surprised you agreed, but i’m almost--!”
His hand slams against the locker next to yours, causing you to jump once more, blinking up at him as he glares down at you.
“Cut the bullshit.”
Laughing nervously, you shake your head; “I-I don’t know--”
“I saw everything Y/N,” he cuts in, “don’t lie to me.”
And sudden anger flares in you, frustration from before, and frustrated at him, at people constantly interrupting you, walking all over you like you were nothing but dirt. “What do you care,” you hiss, voice low as you turn, ignoring him as you grab the paper, slamming your locker shut. “You hate me.”
And there’s a pause, Tsukishima blinking in surprise that you don’t notice, before the papers ripped from your hands. You spin back around, ready to yell at him, before you notice him moving towards the trash and all but dumping the pile in.
You try to stop him, to no avail, and your eyes widen as you lean over the rim of the garbage can, eyeing the papers that have spread amongst the trash, rotted food and spilled drinks, soiling the paper.
Eyes wide, disbelief flooding your entire system, you turn to Tsukishima. “Why would you do that?” You whisper, shaking your head. “You don’t understand, she’ll--!”
“She’ll what?” He asks bluntly, gaze never wavering.
Swallowing thickly, you shake your head; “it doesn’t matter. Just-Just help me get the paper, most of it might still be okay--”
Tsukishima grabs you by the wrist, halting you from grabbing the papers.
You spin, blinded by your anger, and shove at him in the chest. But Tsukishima barely budges, just staring down at you as you glare at him, the tears now falling once more as you feel your emotions that you’ve been hiding and building up inside of you, finally come pouring out.
“What do you even know!” You yell, voice booming. “Why do you even care? Don’t you hate me? You only tell me how annoying I am every day, constantly, and now she’ll... Suzuki-san...--”
“Y/N,” grabbing both your wrists, Tsukishima pulls gently, pulling your eyes on him. You find yourself surprised at what you see when you meet his gaze, baffled by the softened look in his gaze -- and... is that? Guilt? “Just look at me.”
You fall silent, puzzled.
“You don’t have to worry about her,” he says simply, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
How does he...?
Lips parting, you try to find the words, bewildered, at a loss of words.
Pushing at his chest, you stumble away from him, shaking your head. Eyes blurred, watering, you glare up at him, while he simply stares back down at you, that same stupid guilty look on his face.
“Tsukki? Y/N...?”
Blinking, you both glance back, Yamaguchi having come to a stop before the two of you, clearly confused.
That seems to snap you out of your stupor. Wiping at your eyes, you turn, “I have to go home,” you whisper, voice quiet. “Sorry Tadashi, but I won’t be able to hang tonight.”
And then you’re taking off into a sprint, desperate to get as far away as possible.
“Tsukki?” Yamaguchi whispers after a moment, turning to look at his friend imploringly. “What happened--?”
Scoffing, Tsukishima just shakes his head. “Nothing.”
“Take your hands off of her.”
Blinking, you shift, enough to glance at the shadow that has fallen over both you and Suzuki, bewildered at the sight of Tsukishima.
But he simply ignores you, keeping his gaze trained on Suzuki who seems just as confused as you, though more angry. It doesn’t phase him however, and he simply stands there, one hand in his pocket, the other clutching his school bag tightly, as the glare on his glasses stares her down.
Suzuki lets go of you, and you crumble to the ground in a heap, turning to Tsukishima with a scoff. “Who are you to tell me what to do?” She laughs, shaking her head with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, this is the girls washroom, you’re not--”
He catches the hand that she waves lazily at him, and it doesn’t take a genius to know his grip is tight. She gasps in response, her face falling in pain as he glowers down at her. “I’d say bullying is worse,” he mumbles, and somehow the drawl, the uninterest in his tone of voice is even more terrifying then him being actually angry. “And I’d wonder how your teacher would feel if she knew all your perfect grades were because of Y/N?”
Suzuki’s eyes widen, clearly scared, before scoffing. “And what proof do you--”
“It’s mine and Y/N’s word against your own, Suzuki.”
She turns to you then, and so does Tsukishima, and your lips part, unsure.
“Like Y/N will say--”
“I’m done with warning you,” she whimpers slightly, and your eyes fall to the grip he stills hold of her, a hand going to your lips. “Either leave and never bother Y/N again, or you will regret it.”
He lets go of her, and there’s a pause in which Suzuki sends one last look at you, before rushing out of the bathroom without another word.
“Here.” Tsukishima’s grabbing ahold of you before you even notice, gently pulling you to your feet, and helping set you against one of the sinks before he turns, locking the bathroom door.
“Thank you,” you whisper when he turns back to you, hugging yourself.
“I told you,” he shrugs, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
Looking down at your feet, you bite your lip. “How’d you know?”
He blinks, turning to you; “yesterday--”
“No,” you shake your head, turning to him sharply, “before that. How’d you know? No... No one ever notices. No one ever sees. Not even Tadashi.”
And Tsukishima tenses at the mention of him, the way you regard him on a first name basis when you said it right there and then -- he’d never noticed. No one did. But him.
“I noticed,” he whispers, “and I should’ve done something about it earlier.”
“It wasn’t your problem,” you shrug, before letting out a short laugh, “besides, you hate me, right? So it makes sense--”
He’s before you in seconds, shocking you to silence as he stands close, desperately close, but avoids your gaze, head tucked in, shaking his head. “I don’t...” And the words seem hard, forcing them forward, and Tsukishima suddenly seems less scary then and just... awkward.
Like he doesn’t know how to express what he’s feeling.
“I don’t... hate you.”
And you pause, letting the word sink in, before letting out a giggle, one that has Tsukishima glancing up at you in bafflement.
“Well, I’m glad,” you smile at him, the first time you’ve ever smile at him so... genuinely. “Because I don’t hate you either.”
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imaginethisbts · 7 years
Out of the Blue 03
Rated: M
Warnings: Explicit vulgar hybrid smut, knotting, dirty talk.
Summary: Jungkook has only ever thought of his breeding clients as just that - clients, and he’s always quite indifferent to them since he only ever knows them for a short period of time. But then you come along, and he starts experiencing feelings that aren’t being manipulated by your heat. Real feelings, that he has never harbored before with anyone else.
Notes: finally part 3 is here!! this one was really tricky. i edited it so much in terms of adding parts, then turning around and taking them back out and just completely removing an entire scene and replacing it with something that flowed better. ugh. i have mixed feelings on this, but it is what it is lmfao i mean all it is is smut so i guess it really doesnt matter. enjoys babes <3
Words: 6.3k
01 | 02 | 03 | 04
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It was odd, Namjoon thought, at how comfortable you and Jungkook seemed to be around each other, having only known each other for a little over a day. He couldn't even begin wrap his head around the way 'natural instincts' and 'pheromones' worked between you two, but then again, he was merely just a human. Last night was weird and he couldn't exactly say he liked it, as he slept alone again for the first time in a very long while, having to keep himself warm without you there being his little heater. 
The first night here was hard, but there was something about last night that was almost unbearable. 
He got little sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about you, and how you were dealing with sleeping without him these past two nights since you had never done so before, but then he realized you were probably perfectly fine - curled up beside Jungkook, sleeping peacefully with the other's arms tightly around you. His arms were probably so tight because he was probably afraid someone would try to take you away from him in the middle of the night while you two slept.
Well, that was if you even got any sleep, did your fevers subside long enough for you to get some shut-eye? Or were you two at it all night?
Namjoon shook his head in mild disgust, trying to clear his mind of the unwanted images that started popping up and he looked out of the window, down at the pool where you and Jungkook were playing in the water together. He watched on, a strange sort of jealousy planted in his chest. Could he really not even get one moment alone with you? He just didn't quite know how to cope with that - didn't understand how Jungkook could be that possessive.
But again, he was just a human. How could he possibly understand?
"It doesn't matter if you just want to hug her or check up on her, Jungkook sees it as a threat - it makes him anxious and upset, because to him he think's you're going to snatch her away from him and try to make her yours. You may not understand, but please, do try to respect them."
Seokjin had explained to him rather firmly earlier today after he had said something offhandedly bitter about Jungkook's possessiveness over you.
It was true, he didn't understand one bit, but he decided to respect Jungkook anyways like Seokjin had suggested. After all, he had agreed to this and paid the large sum of money for this to happen. The only thing was, at the time of the agreement he didn't know how strange it was going to be.
It'll be over soon.
Snapping back out of his thoughts and looking out of the large window down at you and Jungkook, he noticed during his bout of reflective thoughts that the playfulness in the water you two had been enjoying had quickly turned into something.... else, to say the least.
You two had gotten out of the water, stark naked, and Jungkook already had you on your hands and knees in the grass area next to the pool, closing in behind you on his knees as you arched your back and-- Namjoon widened his eyes, quickly turning his back to the window before he saw something he didn't quite want to see.
The last thing he wanted right now was to see one of your little 'sessions' as Seokjin always referred to them as. Lord knows he had heard enough, even with how big the mansion was. No matter where he went, he was always conveniently near an area you and Jungkook decided to get busy in.
And this was only the third day?
Namjoon let out a long sigh, running his hands down his face tiredly and when his eyes shifted up, he jumped a bit when saw Seokjin standing at the entrance of the room all of the sudden.
"Oh, Seokjin ssi. Didn't hear you come in," Namjoon chuckled, scratching behind his ear and feeling heat rush to his face for whatever reason.
Truthfully he didn't know what to call the room they were in, a sitting room maybe? It had plenty of couches and chairs, with bookcases lining most of the wall space with one large window and two medium sized ones on either side taking up the span of the back wall. And through the glass there was a perfect view of the lavish backyard, which had a patio with a mini bar, a rock pool and perfectly trimmed trees and freshly mowed grass.
"I was looking for you to tell you lunch was ready if you were still hungry. I know earlier you mentioned how you were, so," the other smiled, stepping closer until he got to the window, the one which Namjoon had just stepped away from.
"I wouldn't-" Namjoon began, trying to save the other from seeing something he probably didn't want to, but Seokjin was already looking through the glass, an amused laugh leaving his lips when he spotted you two, Namjoon assumed.
"They really can't control themselves, can they?" He sounded so amused and there was a slight hint of fondness in his tone.
"Uh, yeah, doesn't seem like it." The amusement and fondness didn't quit reach his voice like it did with Seokjin's. Oh well, he supposed he just didn't see the 'cuteness' in it like the other man did.
"Honestly, I've never seen a heat session so extreme like this before. And it's only the third day - this is a first for Jungkook," for some absolute unknown reason, Namjoon's eyes got caught on the other's lips as he spoke, and he couldn't for the life of himself look away, almost as if he was mesmerized by the plushness of them and how soft they seemed like they would be against-- whoa, wait a minute, where the fuck was he going with this?
He blinked in shock at himself, averting his widened eyes to some other place, and that some other place wasn't exactly any better than before. At all, in fact. It just so happened to be the broad expanse of the other's shoulders. They were tucked in firmly in a white v-neck t-shirt that stretched across his back to accommodate them and Jesus Christ, you could land a Goddamn plane on those.
When he caught himself biting his lip at the sight, he just about slapped his own face in disgust at how out of it he was being and he quickly turned away from Seokjin, trying to regain his fucking sanity that somehow seemed to leave him whenever the other man came around.
This was not him, Namjoon was not like this. He has always prided himself on being a levelheaded man who knew how to take control of situations and be able to make sense of them - of why they're happening and any possible solutions them. But right now... right now Namjoon was so lost with his emotions and whatever the fuck was happening between him and Seokjin that he didn't even know what to think or feel. He was confused and a little irritated with himself because he's just met the guy and Namjoon's already allowing him to manipulate his emotions with a simple smile.
Jesus fuck.
"They'll be done down there soon probably. I’m gonna ask Somi to go take a towel out there for them to rest on afterwards," Seokjin spoke as if he was speaking to himself because it didn't really sound like he was talking to Namjoon directly.
"Somi?" Namjoon repeated the name in slight confusion, not recognizing the name.
"She's a maid here."
Oh right yes, of course. He almost forgot he was in a mansion bustling with servants. 
“I’d do it myself, but if a male were to walk up to them right now, Jungkook would not be a happy camper. Probably won’t be very happy with Somi either, but oh well.”
The other man finally looked away from the window, directing his gaze to Namjoon now with a smile on his face.
His smile could probably heal a wound, Namjoon suddenly thought to himself in exasperation as he rushed to return the smile. Although it probably looked more on the lines of a grimace - what with his train of thought and everything.
"Anyways, if you're hungry there's something real good waiting in the kitchen. Care to join me and find out what it is?" Seokjin winked playfully and walked passed him towards the door, brushing their shoulders together lightly as he went, not even waiting for his answer.
Namjoon gazed at his back as he headed for the door, in a daze, his shoulder tingling from the light contact.
Something real good waiting in the kitchen? Was it going to be Seokjin?
No, you fucking idiot, he already said it was food.
If Seokjin were a food, Namjoon couldn't decide if he'd be a juicy rib-eye steak with lobster tail on the side, or a perfect slice of cherry pie with a dollop of whipped cream on the top.
No, he'd be something more fancy than either of those things, Namjoon concluded. But Namjoon couldn't really think of much fancier foods - he wasn't a fancy dude, didn't have a fancy vocabulary full of delectable dishes.
He continued gazing, only snapping out of it when the other turned around in the door frame, raising an amused eyebrow.
"You coming?"
Oh my God, did he really just zone out and ponder about which type of dish Seokjin would be while said-man was standing right in front of him?
He's fucking lost it.
But his feet begin to move of their own accord, following Seokjin out of the sitting room anyways.
Of course he was coming.
The blades of grass started feeling like needles on your hands and knees, chafing your soft skin as Jungkook incessantly pounded his way into you from behind. You let out a high whine, dropping onto your elbows and spreading your knees further apart, trying to get some sort of relief. Jungkook was forced to lean down over you now in your new position and he did so with a reverberating growl in his chest, hooking his chin over your shoulder and nipping hard at your ear, making you tilt your head away and whimper.
Your wet hair stuck to your face and you could feel water droplets from Jungkook's body drip onto you, and then roll off of you onto the grass in what seemed like an endless cycle. He kept growling harshly in your ear as his hips slapped rapidly into your ass, the sound of wet skin meeting skin over and over again joining the other outside noises of the backyard - like the sounds of birds chirping and the trickling of water from the waterfall into the pool. You arched your back even more, trying to make sure the position was perfect for his knot and the action earned you another nip on the ear. Oddly one of his ways to show his approval.
In the blink of an eye, it had gone from innocent playing in the swimming pool, to a shiver running through your body and Jungkook being on you within seconds - tugging you out of the pool and into the grass where he could mount you properly.
It was indescribable, the feeling that rushed through your body and into your brain whenever your fever returned, consuming every inch of you. It was an extreme desperation and yearning, one that would become physically unbearable if not taken care of within a reasonable amount of time. But it was the most wondrous, perfect feeling ever, how Jungkook would immediately become aware of your desires and give you exactly what your body so desperately needed.
God, you loved being under Jungkook, having Jungkook inside of you, having his mouth on some inch of your skin. You felt like you belonged to him, and he to you.
Just as you could start feeling Jungkook's knot swelling, a strange scent filled your nostrils, but after sniffing at the air for a moment you realized it was female and non-threatening so you decided it wasn't anything for you to fret over. However, you could feel Jungkook tense above you immediately and his chest begin to rumble from a deep, possessive growl. You couldn't see his face, but you knew for a fact there was a snarl on it, his hips gradually slowing down and his knot continuing to inflate.
He straightened up on his knees again, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable now that he wasn't covering your body with his own, but you assumed he did so in order to look at the oncoming presence and appear more intimidating, no doubt puffing his chest out.
"Mr. Jeon, I was told by Mr. Kim to bring a towel down for you two to rest on, after you.." The voice trailed off when Jungkook let out a particularly intimidating growl and then he was on you again, bending down to nuzzle his way to your neck so he could lick at it. One of his favorite ways to show his claim over you, despite the fact you two were currently knotted together - his claim quite obvious.
He was still growling lowly in his chest, and whoever the person was threw whatever she was holding - the towel, you assumed - down beside you two and then she retreated back to the house - her scent becoming weaker and weaker until she was behind a closed door again.
Since his knot was almost fully formed he couldn't thrust anymore so he just opted to grind against you, making you whimper from the slight stinging pinch it caused and then shortly afterwards you could feel his warm seed splash within you. The sensation drew a moan out of you suddenly, loving that feeling more than absolutely anything. It made you feel blissful and fulfilled.
You lifted your head and turned it to the side, whining in your throat for Jungkook's attention. He leaned his head in quickly, making a tired noise of question as he brushed his nose against yours and you licked at his mouth helplessly, the taste of him sending a jolt of pleasure throughout your body. To your delight he licked back, your tongues lapping at each other earnestly and you whimpered when you felt another spurt of his cum inside, brought on by another surge of excitement no doubt.
Licking Jungkook with his cock nestled firmly inside of you, still leaking from uncontrolled excitement and arousal.
It was perfect.
After awhile, you worked together on spreading out the towel the female had brought to you and then carefully laying down on top of it on your sides to rest. Jungkook held you close to him, back pressed firmly against his chest and his hips were flat against your ass, keeping his knot from tugging and hurting you. He languidly licked and kissed at your ear and you closed your eyes and smiled, enjoying the feeling of his mouth and the wonderful weather outside. It was such a beautiful day, you hummed happily in content.
Once his knot deflated enough to pull out and you exchanged respectful licks, you decided to head back inside for something to eat and drink.
You were snuggled into Jungkook on the big bed that you two have just about ruined over the past couple of days as you watched a cartoon television show called Bob's Burgers. You had never seen it before, but Jungkook said it was funny and probably his favorite show, so you decided to watch it while snuggling and eating your chicken nuggets.
A laugh came tumbling passed your lips at a random thing the character Gene had said and the sound made Jungkook shift, tugging you in a bit closer and resting his chin on your head.
It was silent as you both watched the TV and it was a slight struggle to eat your chicken while being in such a tight grip of his, but you were not complaining at all. It was the most comforting feeling you had ever experienced. Struggle be damned.
"How long have you-- been working, you know? Working at a place, at an actual job and everything." Jungkook suddenly inquired, taking you a bit by surprise - so enthralled in the show that you weren't expecting such a question. And by the way he said it made him sound like he had been thinking about it for a little bit. Trying to think of a way to say it, to word it perhaps.
Craning your neck, you looked up at him. "Ever since I was a little pup. Why?" Setting your chicken nuggets aside, you scooted up some on the bed, prepared to talk about this if that's what he wanted. It would be tricky since the subject was closely related to Namjoon since it was his cafe you worked at, but you would try to avoid explicitly bringing him up if possible.
"Nothing, I'm just--curious, is all." He responded, raising his hand to brush a strand of hair out of your face, making your ears flutter from the gentle action.
You looked up at his own ears and noticed that they were both slightly flattened instead of one perked up and the other being flat like they always were when he was 'curious'.
With your own curiosity piqued now, you moved out of his arms and up onto your knees on the bed. He rolled fully onto his back, arms held in the air in slight confusion as to what you were doing, but that was before you swung a leg over his waist and settled your weight onto him, putting his confusion to rest.
"Tell me," you grinned down at him, "what are you thinking about? What's going on up there?" You knocked lightly on his head with your knuckles, playing with him.
Jungkook snagged your hand and he held it as he scooted up further on the bed to where he was half-sitting up against the pillows with you in his lap.
"Don't hit me." Maybe the words could have been threatening or even a command, if it weren't for the big grin on his face and the amusing tone of voice he used.
Jerking your hand out of his grip, you slapped it onto his arm to be funny and stubborn, but you were almost jarred at how hard it was. There was no give, at all. You looked at his bicep, eyes widening a bit as you marveled at the sculpted piece of flesh and muscle beneath. Jesus Christ.
"Jungkook..." You breathed out, barely audible, but you bet your ass Jungkook heard it plain as day. As he was suddenly hyper-aware of your every movement, word, breath. You ran your fingertip down the ridge of a highly defined spot, swallowing the gathering saliva in your throat at the amazing feeling. "You're so strong..."
Licking his lips, he flexed, making it ten times more defined and you just about swallowed your fucking tongue at the feeling of the rock-hard bicep beneath your fingertips.
It was so hot, God it was so fucking hot that it had you whining helplessly, leaning down and nosing at it before poking your tongue out and licking a defined ridge. Jungkook made the most delicious sound, a deep growl of disbelief and arousal delightfully shaking you to the core.
His hands suddenly found purchase on your hips, grip tightening and fingers pressing into your delicate flesh when you decided to squirm slightly in his lap. Your tail wagged submissively behind you from the strong hold on your body, the reminder of Jungkook's strength and dominance sending a jolt of excitement straight in between your thighs.
You stroked your cheek against his bicep, eyes shifting upwards to look at him only to find that he was already gazing at you with a familiar darkness in his orbs that was not there moments ago. His jaw was clenched and nostrils flared slightly from his breathing becoming more worked up and heavy with every passing moment. So from that and his dark eyes, it gave him an overall wickedly lustful expression.
A familiar fire began to spread throughout your stomach, arousing your lower region as you felt yourself beginning to produce slick in response to the current situation. However, it was a bit different from when your fever caused it. Instead of feeling frantic and wanting to race to the finish line, you felt like taking it slow, building things up and reveling in the emotions without rushing. You lifted your head to place a gentle kiss to his tense jaw and then moving up, you touched your lips lightly against his. So light that it was almost teasing.
Jungkook let out a small deep growl in the back of his throat, tilting his head forwards, putting more pressure into the kiss. But you pulled back a little when he did so, not allowing him to intensify the kiss, keeping it featherlight.
His grip on your hips tightened even more, almost a warning to not tease him as he tried once again to put more pressure into the kiss. But you just grinned lightly as you pulled back once more, wanting to see how worked up you could get him over this.
Your stomach tightened and burned when he growled in warning, the sound so deep and intimidating that it had you flattening your ears and suppressing a whimper from falling out. You were soaked between your thighs by now and you could feel the heat radiating from Jungkook's hardened cock, which was so close to your pussy but just barely missing it.
He tried one more time at kissing you more forcefully, but you were too quick and tilted your head back just in time, this time with a little breathless giggle. However, Jungkook was having none it - finding nothing amusing about your game at all.
Expecting him to just growl at you again, you were taken by surprise when he suddenly had you pinned to the bed in what seemed like the blink of an eye. He was on top of you, strong grip trapping your hands against the mattress above your head and you whimpered, baring your throat in submission and Jungkook leaned down, nipping at your neck hard in punishment from teasing him.
You let out a pained whine, keeping your neck bared, a gush of wetness leaking out of your throbbing entrance as a reaction to his delicious dominance. Glancing up, you saw how tensed and defined his shoulders and collarbones were from the strength he was using to hold your arms to the bed. It was so unbelievably arousing that you couldn't help but to shift your hips, needing some sort of friction. Some relief.
Jungkook breathed in deeply through his nostrils, smelling the wonderful, heady scent of your slick and he groaned, dizzy and overwhelmed with the intoxicating aroma.
God, he had to fucking taste. He had to get some of that sweetness on his tongue, had to drink you up and lick you dry just for you to soak yourself all over again.
He licked frantically at the little red bite mark he created on your neck from his punishment, whimpering an apology that was acknowledged with a whimper of your own.
Unable to wait any longer, he gave one final lick to your mark before he let go of your arms and began moving down your body. Backing up until his face was right where he wanted it to be. Needed it to be. He parted your legs and the cool air of the bedroom hit your wet center, making you tremble and try to close them again. But Jungkook growled and forced them open, holding them apart so he had room to work for his head.
Down here, he was so intoxicated by the smell of your aroused pussy, so wet and swollen, that he had to shake his head to try and regain some semblance of straight-thinking and control. Thinking back to your first session together, and how he had ate you up in order to prep you for his cock, his mouth literally starting watering when he remembered how good you tasted.
You shifted your hips and another trickle of slick released from your hole as you did so, making his cock pulsate and mouth salivate so intensely that he was afraid drool would start leaking out of the sides of his lips if he wasn't careful.
He watched a droplet of slick slide down one of your swollen lips and you seemed to have clenched in anticipation, being so wet that it literally made a squelching sound when you did so and suddenly whatever control Jungkook had over himself was no more. Completely and utterly gone.
With no refrain, he dived straight in, shoving his tongue in between your folds and gathering some of your juices, slurping them into his mouth and sucking on your swollen, dripping lips. He had you squirming and whining, your thighs trembling so badly that he almost felt guilty for a second, but he just gripped them harder to try and still them, no doubt leaving bruises in his wake.
"J-Jungkook," you whined in that pitiful voice of yours, bucking your hips weakly. He suctioned his lips around your entrance and sucked, drinking in your slick, tasting the sweetness as it passed over his tongue and down his throat deliciously. Precum beaded at the tip of his throbbing cock, neglected and yearning for your tight heat to be clamped around it.
His nose was dipped between your folds and tickling your clit in his head's current position and he was going at you so wildly and messily that his entire mouth, cheeks, nose, chin, were just glistening and wet.
Jungkook ate you out so well that by the time he was finished, the only wetness that seemed to be left was his saliva, as he had sucked and licked and drank up every ounce of slick you had produced. He had even spread your ass cheeks apart in order to lick up the juices that had slid in between them, licking over your puckered hole as you squirmed more frantically, the sensation nothing if not foreign and strange.
When he finally deemed himself done, he crawled back up your body and shoved his tongue into your mouth, making you taste yourself. His cock was pulsating so intensely now that it was becoming unbearable, he had to get it inside of you or else it was going to fucking explode.
So he grabbed your waist to flip you over on your hands and knees, but you gripped his arms, stopping him. "Wait!" You suddenly exclaimed. "Wait, can we--can we fuck like this?" Your voice was shaky but you stared up at him with pleading, urgent eyes. "Please?"
Taken by surprise, Jungkook sat back and looked at you quizzically. Face to face? He cant say he's ever done that before, or that he's ever wanted to. Because not only is it odd, but he doesn't think he can get a good enough hold on you in this position. Can't grip your hips and jostle you around like he needs to.
"I want to see your face," you whispered, chest still rising and falling heavily from how he had just licked you up and ate you out. Timidly, you reached up with your hand, brushing your fingertips against his cheek and then placing your palm onto it.
His ears twitched from the sudden soft touch and he looked down at you, at your beautiful face and your breasts, nipples hardened and in perfect condition for your future puppies. His chest tightened with adoration at the sight of you and he realized maybe fucking like this wouldn't be so bad, if he had this view.
Instead of giving you a verbal answer, Jungkook decided to just grip underneath your thighs and shove your legs apart and upwards to where they were crowding towards your stomach, rougher than necessary. But the roughness seemed to only arouse you more, as he smelt a fresh stream of slick leak out of you afterwards.
Bending down, he licked your lips before pressing his into them - kissing hard, with enough pressure to have your head pressing back into the mattress slightly. This was for teasing him earlier. His heavy cock was resting against the juncture of your thigh and pelvic bone, throbbing and drooling, impatiently waiting for that hot, tight heavenly wetness.
He took one hand off of your thigh in order to grab his thick length, dragging it down through your wet folds slowly and to your raw entrance. You winced when he poked the tip of his cock inside, sensitive from the way he ate you so roughly and the sudden stretch had been anticipated, but unexpected at the same time.
God, had he gotten bigger since the last time you fucked? Or maybe you had gotten tighter somehow, but anyways the stretch this time around caused for a lot more effort than the times before and you whimpered as he pushed more of himself inside.
Jungkook looked at your face, watching it scrunch up cutely as you tried to take him in your pussy. Something you had done many times before with no issues at all, so he shoved the rest of himself inside of you with a jerk of his hips, balls pressing into your ass.
Throwing your head back you let out a whine, one that made his ears twitch from the pitch of it and he growled lightly at you, nosing at your cheek for a moment and then licking it to try and placate you.
Your pussy pulsed around him, hot, tight walls clenching and releasing as you tried to accomodate his girth and holy fuck, it felt so fucking good. Better than he could have ever even hoped for.
Knowing very well you could take his cock, he started thrusting his hips without any concern, growling in warning when you tried whimpering pitifully at the movements. Your hands made their way to his lower stomach, applying pressure as if to try and get him to pull out or something, but Jungkook was having none of that and just grabbed your wrists and trapped them above your head like he had done to you earlier.
There was something different about this time, the sensation of having him inside of you was so overwhelming and you could feel him perfectly within, could feel the tip of his dick close to your cervix and feel how it throbbed in pleasure.
The pace of his thrusts started to increase, catching up to how strung out and worked up he has been for the past while, and you squirmed beneath him, whining and trying to pull your arms out of his grasp.
Jungkook's grip tightened and he kissed you roughly again, swallowing your whimpers when he started fucking harder. "Stop that, I know you can take my cock." He growled deeply against your lips, fucking you into the mattress deliciously. "Can't you?"
You nodded your head eagerly in response and pressed your lips together again, enjoying being in this position with him right now despite how overwhelming it was - your inner walls had never been so sensitive.
But suddenly it occurred to you - you were not in a heat fever. This was not a breeding act. You were currently fucking Jungkook out of your own utter desire, in a recreational type way, not with the endgame hoping to be tied up and plumb full with his cum. Maybe that was why the sensations were a bit different, your body wasn't as naturally prepared for a fuck. When your fever came around, your entrance would practically gape in anticipation, so that could be why the stretch was so intense this time.
Pressing your wrists into the mattress with force, Jungkook used the leverage to really start fucking you hard and fast now. His pelvis and balls were covered in your wetness, making the sound of skin on skin contact more loud and prominent. His lower stomach began to burn and tighten, signaling his approaching climax, but it was odd because his knot hadn't started forming yet and it was always almost half-way inflated by now.
Out of nowhere, your body seized up as a lightening bolt of the purest form of pleasure jolted throughout your body. The same feeling you experienced whenever you would feel Jungkook's cum spurt inside of you.
The blissful release had you spasming around his cock, pussy clenching and unclenching rapidly. "Oh, fuck, J-Jungkook," you breathed heavily against his mouth, panting from the intense sensation.
Unable to withstand the squeezing, Jungkook surprisingly pressed his hips into yours and blew his load inside of you, with no knot present at all. Giving himself some time to bask in the aftermath of his pleasure, he would deal with the strange occurrence in a bit. Laying down and resting some of his weight on you, but not all of it of course, he continued giving you some small thrusts, just riding out his high until he became too sensitive to keep doing so.
The two of you were breathing so heavily and your skin was stuck together like glue from all of the sweat, he could feel your hard nipples pressing into his chest and strands of hair were stuck to your sweaty face, making you look completely fucked and spent. Driven by an impulse urge, Jungkook leaned in and kissed your lips and you hummed tiredly as you kissed him back without hesitation. 
After awhile, he shifted his hips experimentally, feeling his cock slip half-way out of you, something that would never have happened if his knot was plugged within. His movement would have caused you great discomfort, and probably would have earned himself a pained whine. But you did nothing of the sorts.
"I-I didn't knot you," he mumbled in confusion, looking at you and seeing on your face that you looked a little confused yourself.
"No knot?" You questioned, tilting your head to the side, one of your ears flopping with the movement. "Do you think it might be because... I don't have a fever right now? And I didn’t throughout this whole time?"
Jungkook was at a lost honestly, but the reason sounded plausible enough maybe. He had never cum before without being driven by a heat fever - actually, he had never had any sort of sexual interaction without being driven by a heat fever. So, this could very well be a normal occurrence that’s he just never experienced before.
Wow, he thought, how strange. Never before had he wanted to fuck one of his clients during one of their down-times with their heat. However, you seemed to be the first of many things for him, and he didn’t quite know what to think about that.
But as he looked down at you, his precious bitch, at your beautiful form that he just got done using and fucking and taking for himself, he realized he liked it. He liked it a lot and for some reason he couldn’t really explain, it felt like that's the way things were supposed to be.
The room was on the tip top floor of the mansion and it was large, containing many different types of machines, weights and other related equipment.
After you recovered from your previous fuck, Jungkook had said he wanted to show you something. A part of the mansion he hadn’t shown you yet. 
"A gym," you commented out loud, looking around the space until your eyes landed on Jungkook.
Upon your focus, his ears flattened as his tail began to wag. "Yeah. I spend the majority of my time in here," he said, ducking his head a bit in an endearingly bashful way.
He can be so cute, you wanted to squeal.
You stepped up to him, looking up at his face and grinning as you squeezed his muscular arm with your small hand. "I don't doubt that for a single little second."
He smirked, ears perking up, giving a little flex that had your mouth almost watering before he walked off to a machine you didn't know the name of. "What do you know about gyms?" He asked, throwing his leg over the bench and sitting down, his comfort with everything making it obvious he did in fact spend a lot of time in here.
Walking over to him, you shrugged and sat down on another machine's bench next to the one he was on. "Not much really, just that Na--" you caught yourself before you spoke one more syllable of his name and you gulped, trying to play it off by giving a rather unconvincing cough. Well, actually, you guessed it had to be a little bit convincing because Jungkook didn't seem to get riled up, he just stared at you waiting for you to continue speaking.
"I pass one everyday going and coming from work. Whenever I look through the window, the only thing I see is just a bunch of people in there doing stuff really fast and sweating like, buckets of sweat."
Jungkook grinned so widely he thought his face was going to split in half and then he genuinely laughed in amusement, wanting to pinch your cheek or something along those lines. "You know that's called exercising, right?"
"So I've heard," you said, a thoughtful look on your face as you cocked your head to the side, one of your ears lopsided.
Despite how stupid it was, he felt somewhat proud that he was more knowledgeable about something than you were for once. Mainly because so far you seemed to be rather educated about a lot of things in the real world while he himself knew very little about anything outside of these mansion walls.
Ever since he was a pup and Seokjin bought him from his original owner - who was a real shithead, he might add - Jungkook has always been sheltered. And while growing up he couldn't help but to feel like some outsider who didn't belong anywhere in the world. Of course most hybrids probably shared those feelings, but as much as he loved Seokjin, the man never tried to help him fit into society, instead he tried to make Jungkook feel as if he was too good for it.
Which wasn't true.
Sure, he may be some acclaimed hybrid that people knew far and wide, with more money than he literally knew what to do with. But deep in his heart, all he really wanted to do was find his mate and settle down, keep the pups he made with her and just live like normal in the real world. Go to a regular gym, maybe have a friend or two, see some inch of the world that wasn't this God forsaken mansion.
But then you came along, and you had a real job and you knew things about the world - generally just not as sheltered and ignorant as he was. You had asked about his interests, trying to get to know who he was other than his lionized dick and Jungkook didn't even know what to think about that because it has never happened to him before. The only person who knew what his favorite TV show was, was Seokjin. And it wasn’t even because the man cared to know or had inquired about it, it was just that Jungkook watched it so often that it was impossible not to notice.
Truthfully, he felt a little inadequate to be around you, but the hope for something more in this life was finally ignited once again and he knew that was all because of you.
Jungkook was still grinning from your words and he shook his head, chuckling. “Aish, you’re really cute, you know that?” 
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