#again i still havent watched it so idk what happens after i only read a summary someone did to warn people and a quick clip
kremlin · 7 months
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@wikwalker hi sure yes anything to give me an excuse to procrastinate the post i should be writing right now. here are all teh drugs and how to manage them. you can trust me, a drug addict
first of all: https://www.erowid.org/ , erowid always
don't be afraid of drugs, if they're the right drugs, you should do them since they will be a blast regardless and overcoming fear is also good (but outside the scope here)
OK to do as much as you want: alcohol - social benefit greatly outweighs health effects, no reason to avoid if predisposed to abuse since that'll happen sooner or later. what can i say? don't be a fucking dork. when you start drinking, really overdo it as much as possible without dying and get a few real nasty hangovers under your belt so you know how much is the right amount to drink.
weed - innocuous enough to be fine but will make you stupid in the long term. make sure to only buy from a real drug dealer and never some legal institution. cut it out when you're a "real adult". don't smoke weed and watch TV routinely, go out and do things so you naturally grow to hate it. good to go through this as early as possible to minimize the time you spend as a cringe weed enthusiast
i guess those are the only two.
ok to do infrequently (annually): "lsd" - or whatever it is, probably not lsd, blah blah blah, if it works and is sold on blotter its fine and won't make you go nuts or whatever. opt for a better psychadelic imo. see psych rule at bottom of section
mushrooms - better than acid since you know what they are. rule of thumb is to always do more than you think you want. minimum 1/8oz. see psych rule at bottom of post
dmt - if you somehow have a dmt hookup you don't need to be reading any of this. lasts 10 minutes which leads to tendency to way overdo it, don't do this, my favorite webcomic artist is permanently crazy from exactly that. using a crack pipe is also not the uhhhh most dignifying-feeling thing to do either. it's harder than you think.
mdma - for use at electronic music event or rave. overuse causes brain lesions or something.
coke - wait until you're in your 20s, have maxed out your roth IRA for a couple of years in a row, and havent missed a car payment in a similar timeframe. better still if you've worked a very shitty low paying job and know the value of a dollar. if you still find yourself buying candy you're not ready. too expensive to be worth it to get hooked on. know that you are VERY ANNOYING to anyone who also isn't high. don't fuck around with the guy selling it to you. avoid discussing or thinking about business ideas. you can't afford to make it a habit + kinda turns you into a piece of shit after a while, but at least a very interesting one
ketamine - another sick drug that rules, but save it for a special occasion. don't try and go into the k-hole your first time
rule for psychedelics - you get one good strong trip a year and that's it, make it count, always opt for doing a bit more than a bit less. but don't make it a habit, otherwise you turn into a very stupid very annoying "hippy" style cliché and believe in ghosts, aliens, crap like that.
ok to try once prescription opiates/benzodiazepine (xanax), valium, this kind of shit - worth trying so you can go "holy shit, this stuff is way way way too good to ever use responsibly" and then never do again. especially if you're white. for some reason we just can't handle this shit. if a doctor prescribes it to you, idk, that's your call to make.
ayhuasca - this is just dmt in a different form. do some other psychadelics a number of times before you do this. once you realize the whole "substantial visual hallucinations" thing is made up, its time. do exactly this: -buy root online (legal). receive box of dirt -boil dirt into "tea" (read erowid for exact recipe) -take over-the-counter anti nausea medicine or anything that will give you a stronger stomach -drink tea (its nasty as fuck, get it down quick) -have someone bigger than you keep an eye on you for the next five hours. -have the experience, which is absurdly intense, has no bearing to the real world, etc etc. don't be a bitch and throw up, if you do it'll only last an hour or so. again there is no way to provide a consistent description of the experience except that you will meet god. you only ever need to do this once and never again. trust me
peyote/salvia/etc - try em if you want, you'll never ever want to again afterwords. these are drugs for idiot teenagers too lame to get real drugs. imagine being very very sick from poison and utterly terrified at the same time. No good
whippets/nitrous oxide - just find a dentist that uses it and don't bother creating hundreds of pounds of trash on your floor for this crap that lasts ten seconds. you have to understand the extremely short timeframe coupled with the cost makes zero sense. go to a phish concert parking lot and do some people watching -- you do not want to be these people. only use is as a motivator to get routine dental exam. also if you somehow manage to make it a heavy habit your fucking legs stop working, no shit, but they start working again once you quit.
don't ever do heroin/meth/pcp - is is truly a mystery why you should never do these 🙄
synthetic weed/k2/shit from the gas station - it is so funny that they sell this as "weed that won't pop you on a drug test". its not weed. it is some dubious chemical sprayed on yard waste. smoke it to have a terrible time and go nuts. only buy drugs from legitimate drug dealers!
kratom - anyone's guess as to why this is legal but it's heroin for pussies. its still heroin
dxm/cough syrup - do you ever wonder why it is exclusively teenagers robotripping? it's because it sucks ass. is like a cheesegrater on your brain in terms of health effects with repeated usage. you're better than this king
inhalants - these are at the bottom of the list for a reason. do not huff gas. don't huff paint. do not consume computer duster. not fun + fastest way to make yourself a complete, uh, (word i can't say anymore) and then dead
not listed quaaludes- unavailable due to no longer being manufactured. these ruled apparantly
sincis2c - unavailable due to not existing, i just made this up
amphetamines - cannot provide objective take here. they're my albatross, lifelong (posted 4:55am natch)
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fandomsoda · 10 months
tbh about the recent Core Frisk posts... I havent re-watched most of Underverse so maybe it's my blurry memory, but isn't CF's actions towards Ink is like a taste of his own medicine, and basically mirroring what Ink did from 0.1 to 0.4? but yeah I don't agree with CF's actions towards Cross.
fully agree with your point that Ink and Cross isn't any better off after said "redemption arcs". Although, CF's line of "You're part of this story now" etc prob means that this is no longer a game for Ink and XG to entertain themselves (and restart all over again whenever Ink is bored like he said in 0.4) idk?? that whole sequence was confusing I agree, maybe it's my lack of reading comprehension talking
Personally I think that calling it “a taste of his own medicine” is not fair at all because Ink never attacked anybody outside of self defense, and even then he never bothered to fully defeat the other, he simply did enough to survive and keep what he wanted.
Ink never degraded anybody, never used anyone’s physical limitations or life force against them, he never did anything to hurt them, he only kept XGaster safe, set him free, and kept Cross under relative control, as instructed. He understood the assignment. Being possessed by a creepy, tentacle-covered, life-sucking parasite is not a fitting punishment for ANY of that and it just went way too far IMO.
I don’t dislike the Fresh!Ink event, I don’t dislike the concept of this whole mess happening, it creates very fascinating and interesting character dynamics and some very unique tension between Ink and Fresh, but framing it as if it’s “deserved” feels… really wrong. Like I can only imagine how horrific that must have been for Ink, imagine being possessed by a deadly parasite while YOU CAN STILL FEEL EVERYTHING, serious yikes.
Not mad at all btw, not attacking you, just offering my POV on the matter. As always capslock is for emphasis not for yelling, I hope this didn’t come across as too aggressive.
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meikostan · 1 year
OK finally watching oshi no ko anime, it turns out all i needed was to go outside for like an hour and im normal again
my thoughts under the cut (writing as i watch) (long) (lots of thoughts) (beautiful and true?) (manga reader) (don't read if anime only) (spoilers) (seriously) (i talk alot) (lots of thoughts)
at this point i've reread oshi no ko enough times that even if i didnt already know japanese i could probably make it without the subs SDJLF but its so cool to see lines and panels that im so familiar with brought to life!! i also liked goro's death scene, especially the way they used static and cut between shots. i keep on pulling out my physical copies of onk (well mostly vol 1) and pointing at my screen and the corresponding part of the book like
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2. AIIIII little known fact about me is that ai is genuinely my favorite character... WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE SHE DIES IN THE FIRST VOLUME. seriously we only ever get to see her after this when a. her name or demeanor is invoked by another character b. aqua has his numerous mental breakdowns or c. flashbacks (including but not limited to aqua's mental breakdowns). i am always down for ai content!!!
3. its so much easier to ignore the weird vaguely sexual stuff from their babyhood because i know the rest of the series is normal and cool and not into that sort of stuff👍
4. speaking of normal yayayay it's aqua back when he was actually normal and not "normal" :D like he is just a baby. do you think now that oshi no ko is popular people will get into internet arguments about whether you can ethically have aqua as your favorite character post-normalification. actually wait this may already have been happening in the dark depths of some discord server out there.. but i dont use discord so im blissfully unaware
5. OH i dont think ive seen all of the OG b komachi before? or at least not in high detail. epic!
6. infant ruby telling people on the internet "kys" before age 2... truly a model twitter user
7. not gonna lie i havent really ever liked the way babies are drawn here (including manga)... idk their heads just look way too big like adult heads drawn on toddler bodies then ""cutified"". but this is a personal gripe
8. do you think because of infantile amnesia the twins forgot about the whole pretending to be amaterasu moment. do you think miyako still remembers. can you imagine being the foster mother of two kids who you believe to be gods sent to earth. do you think she remembers that she was "charged by the gods with keeping ai's secret" and then aqua. you know.
9. imagine: you married the ceo of a mid production company because you want to date hot men. there are no hot men in sight. you have to watch over one of the idol's twin infant babies. they reveal to you that they are divine messengers of god and also they can speak normally. there are no hot men in sight. you tend to their every need because you don't want divine retribution. you explain the intricacies of the idol industry in detail every couple of days when they complain about the injustices of the world. there are no hot men in sight. you become their foster mom after they witness the traumatic death of their mother, whose secrets you where charged with keeping safe. at least 12 years pass. they never mention any of this again. you manage the idol group one of them is in. there are still no hot men in sight. your name is miyako. every day you wake up.
10. i like how gotanda gives his business card to a toddler. whats he gonna do, call you on his fisher price dial phone? well actually nevermind aqua is probably the only other toddler (alongside ruby) who could make use of a business card
11. KANAA LETS FUCKING GOOOOO but also nothing will ever top 'lick a lying snitch/flick a crying switch'...... nothing ever... :( also taking the opportunity now to say ive always found it hilarious she assumed 'aqua' is his stage name and not his actual legal name, that's how ridiculous it is DSKLFJ
12. sobbing at the ruby ai dance... dont even have that many words i just really like it.. do you guys think ai was thinking about her own mom [& abuse/lack of relationship thereof]? not even just in this scene but in her more serious moments when she's thinking about her kids it's like "i want to make millions so they can go to the nicest schools and have the nicest things" "i want my daughter to dance freely and happily and i will support her in this" which ig can also be excused as 'thats just what a normal parent wants' but idk i like taking into consideration her own past and lack of parental support when looking at the way she tries to raise her children (not that she exactly got a chance to, even while still alive)
13. also i realized at this point that ep 1 is like an hour long not just because of the whole 'we gotta make sure no one drops this before the reveal that shows what this story's actually gonna be about', but also because it would be kinda awkward to have cut any of these scenes out? or not like out completely but like from each other. like if we had ended ep 1 at for example where they do their silly baby dance and go twitter viral (chapter 5 aka the midpoint of vol 1). that wouldve been terrible. but we can't cut it any earlier, or any later. ai's death feels like the natural conclusion to this problem. also i can't really see much of the other sections being stretched out to fit a full episode length being done very well. having ep 1 be a full 90 minutes lets them be as long as they need to be, aka a 1:1 adaptation of the manga.
14. oh boy chapter 9 time
15. i don't have anything to say about ai's outlook that has not already been said but this is the scene that made her my favorite character. not being able to tell at what point your lies become reality.. not really knowing if you've ever loved or been loved truly because your entire concept of 'love' was based off insincerity necessary for survival.. and now not ever being given the chance to explore what 'real love' means to you. FUCK
16. aww i love all these little family moments they added! very cute ^_^
17. yayy go kids get traumatized ^_^ also for some reason i remember the stalker as having really light hair o-0 fascinating. i remembered his name though!! just like ai fr
18. speaking of hair i also did not realize saitou was blond i thought he had brown hair..
19. hey the bandana (? i forget the word) guy holding the ai fan sign during the news montage is from one of the intros to the vol 1 chapters where hes like 'oh yeah i wonder where those dancing babies are now'!
20. another part of that montage shows a house with a wii in it, which came out november 19 2006. characters are shown using twitter which started earlier that same year; it was a pretty popular website even in 2008, but the mobile app only became a thing in like 2010. i'm seeing a mix of flip phones and smart phones so this has gotta take place sometime around 2010. it's kinda difficult to tell exactly what age the twins are in the main story because like the first page of vol 2 has ruby listing her age as 14, but - and the proof is not at my finger tips rn - i swear to god they're like 16 at this point. i have legitimate reasons to believe this but i need to grab exact proof adding to that we also have 15 years of lies, which if im remembering right would be referring to the twins age? i was trying to logic out exactly what year oshi no ko takes place in even though i already know the answer is 'in the modern day' but anyway yeah i'll just finish my episode and move on
21. THE IPHONE RUBY IS HOLDNIG HAS A HEADPHONE JACK. i want so badly to say that's an iphone 4 but there's like a separation between that and the power button. i also dont have an iphone 4 with me so i cant check it irl :( but anyway the iphone 4 was released in 2010, meaning the evidence is piling up for this part of the story taking place some time around 2010. or maybe i'm looking too deeply into this and should go back to actually watching the episode.
22. this is reminding me i was gonna write a fic specifically about this time period where the twins go to therapy and have to adjust to life without ai, having miyako graduate from fake mom to actual mom, aqua faking being fully recovered from the incident so he'd be released from therapy (fic concept was inspired from him stating this in like vol 6), etc. i never did because i spent like 3 hours researching play therapy and never got anywhere with it.. but maybe...
26. MEM!!!!
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27. AHHH POST CREDITS AI MAKING HER VIDEO FOR THE TWINS "i don't think i'll still be an idol by then" YEAH BUT AT WHAT COST 😭
FINAL THOUGHTS: i liked it alot ^_^ i dont really watch that much anime anymore (not that i watched an incredible amount before, but i am familiar with it) but i really liked this. i think they did a very good job of adapting the first volume! i know the rest of the episodes will be not-film length which does make me a bit sad because i think it would work out well, or at least not badly, if they were. it does also make me really excited for the future, seriously i will actually explode when i see the theater arc in full. cannot wait to see aqua mental breakdowns and ruby evil arc and and and and
the only thing i would've liked is if they could somehow have found a way to incorporate the pre-chapter intro scenes from the manga where they're talking about 15 years of lies, interviews with their pre-school teacher, etc. though both the pre-school teacher and the aforementioned bandana guy appear which may have been their way of doing it? like adding a fun detail for obsessives like myself to point at like 'my god it's those guys from exactly 2 panels in the manga'
tumblr ate my post and erased everything up to #2 while i was writing it and i was about to flip but it turns out that it automatically saves posts while youre writing them now and it was in my drafts safe and sound soooo crisis averted ^_^ anyway those were my thoughts on ep 1
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doodlytoodly · 1 year
i rarely giggle with glee over stuff, its gotta be like absolutely preem stuff to me, so theres this alt history thing (Kaiserreich, Hoi4 mod, got alot of lore in it, basically Germany beat the entente in ww1, France and Britain became syndicalist, Russian revolution failed, the British government was exiled to Canada ((👎)) austria hungary is still around, also the ottomans, Italy is in 2 or 3 pieces cant recall rn, all that stuff, and america is not doing good at all ((I’m a loser btw did y’all know that))) and I just found a youtube channel all about it, with a little series goin on, i think theres only 2 episodes of it? Ive only watched the trailer but its got me all giddy about it, gonna watch the actual episodes tmrw cause its 3 am and i spent an hour typing all this (i edited this part after finishing the rest lol) its about the second american civil war which happens in this world cause america is all kinds of fucked up since they lost the war, i think there was also the great depression still, but theres also black monday after that (german stock market crashes, everyone that isnt syndicalist or whatever gets fucked over), america splits into quite a few shards (im not yhe best source for all this btw cause i like to play the version that is wackier and less realistic) ((i think in normal kaiserreich theres 7 factions in america, maybe 6, in the wackier version there can ve like 11)) anywya im pretty sure its the pacific states, which is the pacifc states of america ofc, they are progressives, social liberals, that stuff, there might be the western command center, that has the rockies, which is a split off of the federal government, same side of the civil war as the federal gov, idk if they exist in normal kaiserreich, (if they dont its just the actual federal gov who control it), they seperate the PSA from the American Union State, who has the midwest with texas and stuff i believe, their leaders huey long, (one of 2 i remember) in game their ideology is authoritarian democracy or smth, i think theres a lil bit of socialism goin on in there, idrk what their deal is in the lore i havent looked at them much, then theres the Syndicalists, who have the rust belt, they are ofc syndicalists, and below them is the constitutional american republic that controls the south, religious, racist, nutjobs, just imagine the confederacy 2.0, very L faction honestly (they usually get stomped in game <3) , in Washington D.C theres the federal goverment, I think run by macarthur after he takes charge for the war, or coups if some of the other factions get elected, they are the legitimate government, macarthur is still macarthur, and finally (if i recall correctly) theres New england, they control the new england area, ( they are controlled by the feds until they ask canada to come help them out, canada walks in, establishes new england ((in game as a puppet usually, once again i. am NOT the best source for this, they are usually just like normalish i think, idk prolly like the democrats in america today, but 1930s (in the wackier version they typically get taken over by hp lovecraft and go insane but thats all very non canon).
I have no idea where j was going with this, uhhh, im just gonna leave the trailer here for it cause why not, did I mention I get no bitches btw? cause this prolly psychically repells people without either of us realizing. anyway if anyone actually reads all my dumb rambling thanks for taking the time, if you didn’t and your only reading this, thanks for reading any of it at all, yeah.
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oncominggstorm · 10 months
My sister & I are both autistic and both share a special interest in Doctor Who (I got into it first, about 3-4 years before she did).
She has a HORRIBLE habit of texting me her live reactions whenever she watches something, even when she KNOWS I have not yet watched whatever it is she's texting me about.
Whenever she does this, I tell her yet again to stop doing it, and suggest that in the future she type her reactions into notes app and then send me the note. That way, she can still share her reactions without feeling like she has to bottle up her excitement, but I can wait to read them until after I've watched the episode so I don't get spoiled. Every time, she refuses and just texts them to me anyway.
She did this today with the new episode of Doctor Who. I've been sick and was still trying to sleep while the episode aired, so she watched it first and I woke up to lots of texts about it. I am HEARTBROKEN that she spoiled it for me. It feels like a gut punch, or like I was a balloon that was suddenly deflated.
I explained to her that I was upset, and asked her to apologize and promise to not do it again. She refused, and got upset at ME and said that I was purposefully trying to bring down her joy and excitement.
Word for word copy/paste of our text convo about it under the cut if you want more context/want to see exactly what was said:
Me: Am extremely unhappy because you texted me a million dw things and just from skimming push notifs I can see that SEVERAL of them are things that I would consider spoiler-y which is why I have told you HUNDREDS of times to NOT live text thoughts, and idk why you thought it’d be ok for this episode of all things. Like I have explained to you multiple times that we have very different definitions of spoiler-y Me: Like one of the MANY MANY MANY reasons why I hate when you live text things I havent watched is cuz your reactions to things are very different than mine, and so I see your reactions & make assumptions about what’s gonna happen, and then when it doesnt meet those expectations I get disappointed. Vs if I hadnt seen your reactions I’d have had no expectations & thus would’ve felt ONLY excitement. Me: Your reactions to things are ALWAYS over the top/make things seem even more amazing than they are, so when I see them my expectations get set REALLY high, so then what I watch only ever meets (or in some cases, fails to meet) expectations. Whereas you get the pleasure of having it exceed expectations. But I don’t, because seeing your reactions sets my expectations much higher than they would otherwise have been. Like I get you are excited, I do. But there is absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER that you can’t put your reactions in a note & send me the note, rather than text, so that I can remain spoiler free. Her: My reaction to this was TAME. Me: It feels like you are purposefully trying to miss my point/like you are not at all sorry about what you did, & it is really upsetting me. Like do you seriously not realize how not at all ok texting me all that was when you KNEW i hadnt seen the episode yet? Her: I feel like you are purposefully ignoring everything I said earlier about how I literally felt like I was about to die and needed an outlet, and I feel like you are purposefully trying to ruin my excitement and bring me down so
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salvatoreren · 1 year
guess who's back about to destroy her life once again for the sake of letting a few loose thoughts hereee
apparently i like taylor swift now and me coming back for speak now tv to rant is proof of tha, I JS WANNA SAY IM SO SORRY FOR THAT I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT PHASE, she's literally my top artist now, im so sorry taylor, never again, i dont deserve you
oh and apparently i like game of thrones too, along with hot d which is actually good because my writing actually got better watching them do these deep ass dialogue, it was fun, im either team green or team black bcus imo they both suck, im team strong boys
OH AND I LIKE JJK NOW MOST SURPRISING THING IN 2023, LIKE IT WAS NEVER FOR ME YK? BUT IG IT'S BECAUSE I FORCED IT ON MYSELF WATCHING IT, anyways a megumi edit got me through it, which is rlly cool because he was the only reason i ever watched the series omg so yeah and even when the yk what happened in the manga happened I WAS SO SHOCKED, tbh it was only a matter of time OH AND I READ THE MANGA AND IM IN PAIN OKAY
JJK S2 IS OUT TOO! I APPARENTLY WATCHED THE LEAKED VERSION IDGHJKLJF, THE SUBS WERE WELL SOO UNHINGED MY GOD BUT OMG THE OP AND THE ENDING WAS SOO COOL, THE ENDING PARTICULARLY SOSO CHILL, also i used to think gojo was overrated which is imo true but seeing his thought processes in the manga in his past arc and so on made me change my perspective, what im saying is i actually love his CHARACTER
like hellooo no one is allowed to take youth's youth??? WHAT HAPPENED TO U BB WHO HURT U, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN HIS TIME IN HIS CLAN OR SMTH
i still love eren ofc that never changed, still in tokrev ig im working myself tirelessly on this fic and yeah totally not wanting to kms bcus of it, the ending was a double-edged sword and i liked it tbh but i do acknowledge it has its flaws and doesnt have the best ending, tokrev has so many loose ends, i wish wakui had an assistant to keep him on track like yo i think u forgot to mention this or resolved it and i wish he had more time to work on it but im very grateful for this series bcus it quite literally saved my life.
and yeah i havent gotten into much either i keep visiting my old fandoms bcus im safe with them and then i get burnt out bcus im bitching how it's not the same kjdhbsgj but i am watching shadow and bone it doesnt appeal to me much but hoping i will anways
YEAH IM BACK, cant exactly say ive changed lots either ig, i still dont see it, my character development is nonexistent, i do think my old self here needed to chil kjdshgkjhg, she hated everything and yeah that sucks but ik i lowk i have a changed perspective after actually seeing my friends after the quarrantine and all that, able to feel what human interaction is and it was fun and i touched grass and stared at the sun lots so yeah,
but im actually going to distance myself lotsss in tumblr now, like not interacting much with ppl so i dont get burn out and go batshit crazy, not that i did in the beginning but i always looked for smth to hate so it's all on me, im the problem, but yeah doing it so i dont get burn out and leave again and totally going to have lots of breaks with it
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s0fter-sin · 2 years
ua s3 spoilers
i haven’t watched it yet but what the fuck is that scene with allison and luther??
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Talking in you sleep
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Reader says Beetlejuice's name 3 times in their sleep, but hes already in their home
Idk been thinking about this for ages
Just a small fic
It was an accident
It was no secret to anyone that you talk in your sleep, not full sentences, just a word or two, nothing too abnormal, you didn't know about this little quirk of yours until a certain foul mouthed undead demon wormed his way into your life, he was the one who told you.
"Ya know you chatter on in your sleep?" He'd  chuckle as if he found something truly embarrassing to bug you about.
"How'd you know? Am I that loud you can hear me in the livingroom?"
"Nah, I watch you sleep" he said it so plainly as if it wasnt super creepy.
The ghoul eventually upped his late night habits from watching you sleep, to sleeping in the same bed as you, he did this so often you stopped setting up the couch for him and just accepted your fate to be spooned every night by a creepy old dead guy who you may or may not have a crush on
The nights you've babbled in your sleep always brought on annoying mornings of beetlejuice teasing you, probably lying through his teeth over how you moan his name in you sleep to get you worked up for his own amusement, unfortunately you couldnt prove you didnt since your dreams never really stuck with you long after waking.
Hell with your late night chatter you even manged to summon beej once in your sleep, a night he was spending over at the Deetz, you manged to say his name 3 times in a row, spoken, unbroken, in your sleep, and boy was your face red when you woke up and saw the bastard in question sitting inches from your face with the widest shit eating grin you've ever seen on his face, that was an instance you couldnt deny saying his name in your sleep and dreaming about him, you missed him, of course you think about the demon when you two are apart, even the few days he's with the Deetz and the maitlands.
Tonight wasnt one of those nights, beetlejuice has spent the entire day glued to your side, chatting your ear off about all the scares he and lydia pulled in your absence, his stories always made you smile, the way he practically glowed green with excitement as he retold his showmanship to you.
The night went on with bad jokes and fun stories as the demon filled you in on all the fun you missed while you were doing boring adult breather things and how the two of you should mess with some unlucky breathers so he could show you how amazing he truly was, as if you needed proof that the ghoul was a ham who loved to show off.
As the two of you sat on the couch laughing away, forgetting the movie that basically became White noise to your conversation, a yawn escapes your lips
"Getting tired babes? Am I really that boring" the ghoul teased pinching you cheek
You groan and pull away "well, yeah, unlike you mister freeloader, I worked all day" you shrug before letting out another yawn
"Freeloader? Oh sugar, your words hurt" the ghoul fakes hurt, giving you an over exaggerated gasped face, with his hands over where a person's heart would be "I thought we had the mutual understanding that I was your trophy husband"
You give the demon a soft laugh "you wish-"
"Every night baby~" he purrs pink stripes slowly appearing in his hair
You freeze, it wasnt uncommon for beetlejuice to openly flirt with you, but that doesnt mean it didnt make you freeze up everytime, you werent exactly the type people lined up to date, nor were you very popular growing up, so the sudden and intense attention the demon gave you always made your heart pound.
"Uh, um, I think I'm gonna head to bed" you stammer before getting up "night beej" you mumble before disappearing into your bedroom.
The demon stifles a laugh, god slash satan you were a delight to get worked up, not to mention easy. He loved it, his favourite little breather was always so hot when they were an embarrassed mess.
The ghoul decides to finish the movie the two of you had on in the background, before heading to bed with you, he didn't need to sleep, just enjoyed being snuggled up to that soft warm body of yours, and it was more rewarding to sneak in after you were out cold, bed would be already warm, and with the added thrill of not wanting to wake you.
As the credits roll beetlejuice snaps his fingers and tv goes dark, the ghoul raises from the couch and gives a yawn and a long stretch as if he was exhausted. The demon makes his way to your room, standing outside your door he pauses at the sound of your voice
It was soft, barely audible, but herd it, guess you were still up, beetlejuice phases through your bedroom door, to be greeted by your sleeping form.
He stifled a chuckle, you were dreaming of him, tomorrow was gonna be great, the ghoul was already busy thinking about ways to poke fun at this in the morning, moaning out his name in you sleep? What kind of dream were you having babes? He could see your face now.
"Beetlejuice" you mumble again in a whisper
"Whoa there babes, you know the rule, one more time and I'm out" he whispers making his way to your bed.
"Beetlejuice" you sigh
"Y/N!" was the the only thing he had time to shout before vanishing.
His shout was enough to make wake you, but not enough to clue you in to what you just did, you grumble out a swear before rolling over and going back to sleep.
The next morning you wake up, a tad confused to not have a snoring dead guy weighing you down, normally on nights beetlejuice would stay over he'd slip into bed with you after you've fallen asleep, using your chest as a pillow.
You dont think much of it at first, heading to the kitchen to make some coffee before getting dressed, you did notice there was no beej there either, waiting for you kettle to boil you give your little home a quick sweep for the demon, nothing.
He's vanished to do his own thing before, he was a grown man, sometimes he'd duck out and mess with the neighbors in your apartment complex, but he would at least leave you a note or something.
You started to worry, what if something awful happened to him? Then it clicked, lydia must had summoned him away to hang out, that had to be it, and with that thought all dread left you so you could carry on with your day, since bj wasnt around you took the opportunity to get a few odds and ends done.
The day drags on into the late evening, you were enjoying the peace as you catch up on some reading.
Your phone rings, looking at the screen you see its lydia, that's odd, she normally texts you if anything
"Y/n I need to ask beetlejuice something"
"Isnt he with you?"
"What? No-"
Dread returns to you chest, you havent seen him since last night, he left no note, he wasnt with lydia, did something awful happen? was he bored with you? You felt like you were going to be sick
"I gotta go" was all you could say before hanging up,
Again nothing, he normally came after the second yell, anxiety for your dear friend make you since to your stomach in fear for the worst, you steady yourself and take a deep breath and say it for a third time
With a puff of green smoke there stood the ghoul, unfortunately sporting a purple hue
"It took you that long to notice I was gone?"
"No, I-"
"Why did it take so long then? Enjoying your time without me?!" Red streaks began to show up amongst the purple
"I thought lydia summoned you back-"
"And you waited till now to check?!"
"I DIDNT WANT TO BOTHER THE TWO OF YOU" you yelled back, beetlejuice is taken abck by your volume, you take a deep breath "if I knew why you were gone I would have said something sooner, what happened?" You say calmly gently taking the demon's hand, red now fading away, though the purple stayed
"You sent me away, you said my name 3 times in your sleep and sent me back to the netherworld" he refused to look at you as if you did this on purpose to mess with him.
"Bee, I'm sorry, I would have never done that on purpose, i- i love having you around, and I, god, i miss you when you're not here, with me" now it was your turn to refuse eye contact, admitting such a cheesy thing, you wanted to just die, not that it would help.
The purple hue is quick to leave the ghoul's form in replacement with a much softer pink, you missed him, music to his ears.
"Sugar" beetlejuice grabs your chin and forces eye contact
You give him a soft smile seeing that he was no longer purple, but also when he pulls you into a rather over exaggerated dip and sloppy kiss "so how bout we make up for some lost time and you can make this little misunderstanding up to me, what do you say babes?~"
You only stutter and choke on your words as the demon spins you around
"Would you like to scare some delivery guy and watch a bad slasher?" You finally get out
The demon pauses for a moment, as if to think about this offer.
"Normally I'd be delighted honey, but I think you owe me~ how bout you have to sit on my lap the entire film~" he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at you, you swallow the lump in your throat, this was gonna be a long night
The two of you were snuggled together on the couch, Beetlejuice's arms were around your waist, his head on your shoulder, your bum on his lap.
"So babes, whatever you dreaming about last night?"
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tiktaalic · 3 years
since you're the ceo of gay dean, do you have any fic recs? i have trouble finding anything good besides yours, ao3 user saltyfeathers and wtf gay little jack :(
ceo of gay dean??? oh boy the gay dean economy must be in shambles if that’s me. and i don���t have any specific recs, sorry! idk if you’ve already checked the gay dean tag on ao3? i sorted by kudos and excluded That pairing but oof these pickings look slim... i personally dont read aus (and havent read any of the fics that i’m about to link so i can’t vouch) but here r some canonverse works in the gay dean tag. cut for length
dean winchester really needs to make some gay friends - “Like, I’m trying to think if I’ve had, I don’t know, crushes. If I ever had a gay thing before you came along and just didn’t notice,” Dean said.Cas suddenly looked down, and away from Dean. If Dean didn’t know better, he would swear Cas looked guilty.“What is it, Cas?”“You have had several… gay things before.” Cas still wouldn’t look at him.“What? When? How come you know this better than I do?
something on your mind? -  Sam and Dean are cursed to have personifications of their minds following them around. That's shouldn't be too bad of a problem. Just another day for the Winchesters. Except for the part where their minds speak every single thought Sam and Dean have.
the other sides of the story -  Sam and Dean go check out portals popping up in their world to make sure no more monsters cross over. They meet alternate versions of people they know and there seems to be one common thread-Dean and Cas are together.
doing life with me - He remembers the rules. The same rules set by the most beautiful drag queen in all of Alabama, spoken to him while he hid his tear-stained face, cowering on the grimy floor of a rest station bathroom: don’t talk; don’t ask for money, because most of the time, they won’t pay him anyway; don’t cry; don’t let them kiss him; and most importantly, don’t get attached. For the first time in two decades, Dean breaks the cardinal rule—and opens his mouth. “I’m too old for this.”
how many more times -  After a hunt that forces Castiel to admit his feelings for Dean, more than one truth comes out. Desperate to right the wrong he allowed to happen 26 years ago, he travels back in time and stops Azazel from murdering Mary Winchester. John never becomes a hunter, and Dean grows up a normal kid while Castiel deals with the aftermath of his decision in Heaven. When the war dies down, he comes back to Earth to fulfill a promise - a promise he made to come back for Dean one day. They fall in love all over again, but just when Castiel is finally happy, they're thrown back in time once more. How many times will Cass and Dean need to find each other before they figure out who’s screwing with them, and more importantly, how to stop them?
psalm 40:2 - “How the fuck do you know my name?” Dean hisses. The man doesn’t look scared. He is watching Dean like there is nothing else worth watching, lips a little parted, eyes a little soft. And blue. Real blue, like the ocean on a postcard. The ice spreading down Dean’s spine makes him shiver. “I suppose you could say I’m your guardian angel,” the man murmurs. His breath fogs pale between them. All of him is unnaturally warm, like Dean’s touching somebody with the sun sewn up beneath their skin. “I have known you, Dean Winchester, for a very long time.” * Dean meets an angel who says he's from the future. It all gets a lot more complicated from there.
just trying to shake off the shame - “What, you don’t think this warrants any kind of discussion?" Or: Sam is nosy, Dean is uncooperative.
tell me i’m an angel kick me like a stray -  Pain is the first emotion Castiel, angel of the lord, feels. If only it had ended at pain. Castiel documents every new emotion that nestles its way into his stolen heart. As time passes, he realises how truly fucked he is, how human he has become.
best of both worlds -  Dean is very jealous, Cas is finally getting the love he deserves, AU Dean is a badass little bitch, Sam is done with y'all's shit.
through mine, you were looking in yours -  A missing scene from "The End". In which Dean realises things, another Dean struggles, and Cas is being just a bit of an asshole
when angels fall -  On a hunting accident gone wrong, Dean accidentally shoots a creature instead of a fleeing monster. The creature in question turns out to be Castiel, an angel assigned to the Winchester's, tasked with watching over them. The bullet, engraved and imbued with magical properties, clips Castiel’s wings and leaves him grievously injured and unable to return to heaven. As such, Dean takes him in and cares for him.
the savior, our wedding, & a pizza surprise -  As Castiel Winchester slept with his head resting in Dean’s lap in the Man of Letters bunker, Dean looked lovingly at two framed photographs proudly displayed on a nearby table and wistfully remembered how Dean had begged Jack to rescue Cas from the Empty, how elated he had been to have Cas back, how their relationship quickly escalated as if they were trying to make up for years of lost time, and what a spectacularly fun adventure their wedding and honeymoon had been. A kiss from Cas brought Dean back into the present, and is followed by a pizza surprise in a way which Sam hopes to never see photographic evidence of, although it sparked Eileen’s interest in receiving helpful tips from the infamous pizza man.
what is the truth -  Dean and Sam, after knowing about Huntercop and their other self from an another universe, were willing to help them to find a place in which they can stay. But suddenly, Castiel cames and met them too, and this other Dean can't stop to flirt with him. Our Dean is not so happy about it
again, i haven’t actually read any of these, just skimmed the summaries as i copy and pasted em. my taste is pretty specific and out of step w other ppl’s, but the ones i put in my marked for later list were something on your mind, the other sides of the story, doing life with me, psalm 40:2, just trying to shake off the shame, through mine, you were looking in yours, and when angels fall. 
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lilysdaydreams · 4 years
→ Pairing: Corpse Husband X plussize!Reader
→ Request: hello i love you and your writing (firstly) i was wondering if you could write a corpse husband xfem reader who is plus size? i havent seen any of those lol but maybe she gets hate over it and wants to start eating better and working out with him?? you don’t have to if you don’t want to tho!!
→ Warnings: chubby reader, insecure!reader, Body Image issues !!! Swearing, Descriptions of Readers feeling really sad about their body + online hate comments on readers body.
→ A/N: Idk what happened with this. This past week has been hard and I've been really tired but I forced myself to write something. I dont really think its goof but I hope the person who requested it likes it :(((
You fell into bed, wrapping the blanket around you and rolling over onto your side. Work had been hard today, your manager getting mad at the smallest of things. You could hear Corpse in his streaming room, talking to the viewers. You and Corpse had been together for 2 years now, and both of you had finally decided you were ready to reveal your relationship to his fans. First, you'd simply joined him on stream, talking at some points. Then a few weeks later, he'd posted a photo of him holding your hand and tagged you in it.
Your followers had gone from your 450 friends to 53 000 strangers. And that was only on the first day. You hadn't been on Instagram for a whole week, too overwhelmed about all the attention. It was a Friday today though, so you decided you might as well.
You opened up Instagram and clicked on your profile, eyes widening as you saw the 500k written above followers.
"Five hundred thousand?" You whispered to yourself, not even being able to comprehend the number. Like sure, if you compared it to Corpses 2 million, it seemed small, but it's not as if you did anything! What reason would they have to follow you? You only had two photos posted as well, an outfit photo from your sister's weddings, and one of you drinking a bubble tea.
Quickly clicking on the bubble tea picture, you opened up the comments smiling when the first comment  that caught your eye was "Woah shes so pretty." You scroll slowly, your  smile growing bigger at all the  love that Corpses fans gave you.
The amount of "CHOKE ME" comments were hilarious.
You chuckled at a few and scrolled again, reading another one.
"Why did he have to pick a fat girl?"
For a second, your heart completely  stopped.
"What the fuck," you muttered.
You quickly clicked on the replies, wanting to see what others had to say. There were people defending you and arguing with the user, and there were others who agreed with them.
“Yes omg do you se ever stomach? Ugh how can Corpse stand staring at that the whole day?”
“Bruh her legs 😂😂”
You sucked in a breath.
You’d never been thin, always a bit chubby and with a bit of stomach fat. You’d been very insecure in high school, always wearing baggy clothes to hide your body, but who hadn’t felt that way in high school. After it though, you’d been okay. You felt happy and Corpse always let you know that he loved your body just the way you were. You were pretty confident normally. Today though... today it felt like all of that confidence has crumbled. You kept scrolling focusing on all the comments that talked about your weight.
Throwing the phone on the bed, you got up and moved to the mirror you have in your room. Grabbing the cloth draped over it, you pulled it off, looking at yourself in the mirror. You can see every flaw the comments talked about. You can see your double chin, your huge stomach, your big thighs. You held your arms up, wincing when you see the fat on them. Your probably looked so bad when you waved bye to someone. Tears now gathering in your eyes, you moved the cloth back over the mirror and then went back to bed, using the pillow to muffle your sobs.
You knew you were being a bit stupid. Random people on the internet and their opinions shouldn’t matter to you. But for some reason, the words had really gotten to you, and all you wanted to do was cry.
A few minutes later, you heard the door open, and knowing it was Corpse, you pushed your head into the pillow even more, not wanting him to look at you like this.
“Babe,” he whispered, coming over and patting you on your back.
“Baby,” he repeated when you refused to say anything and that he could hear was your sniffling. “You okay?”
You sobbed in response and he let out a “Oh” and then pulled you away from the pillow.
You looked down, refusing to look at him because you would look like an absolute mess.
“God I look so bad right now, he’s gonna see me and realise how big of a fat mess I am and leave me,” you thought.
“Hey baby, what’s wrong?” He asked again grabbing you in a hug.
“Was it work?” He asked when you didn’t answer. “or did your mom call again?"
When you stayed silent, he let out a sigh and let you go, getting up from the bed.
You immediately looked up, and asked “Where are you going?" because for a second you felt like it was true.  Maybe Corpse was leaving you because of how disgusting you were.
He looked down at you, startled by your sudden question. "Just to get some chocolate and a blanket."
"No." you said voice shaking a bit from the crying, "I don't want chocolate."
"What babe, what the fuck?" He said softly, dropping back down next to you. "Baby what's going on, just tell me, I can't do anything if you can't tell me."
"You-You know your fans? They're amazing, right?" you finally said, hesitating a little.
"It's just, I checked some comments on one of Instagram posts and there's so many where they're just talking about how fat I am, or how big my stomach is, or how ugly I look," you said, your voice lowering to a whisper at the end.
A beat of silence and then;
"Oh baby noooo," Corpse whispers, grabbing you and pulling you into a hug.
You cant stop the tears from leaking out of your eyes and you bury your head into his shoulder. His hoodie smells like the bodywash he uses, making you calmer in a second.
"Sweetheart, you are absolutely beautiful," he begins, whispering into your ear. "Did you know that when I first saw you, I couldn't even speak? Like I legitimately felt like my mouth had been glued together, I couldn't form any words."
Heat rose to your cheeks as he continued on.
"You were like an angel, literally glowing, and guess what, I still feel like that whenever I see you now. When you come back home and you're wearing that huge hoodie and you just have the hood pulled up because its cold and the little pout on your face, guess what you look fucking gorgeous to me like that. And when you're in our bed, wearing shorts and a crop top with your hair in a bun waiting for me to make popcorn so we can watch a movie, god you look like an angel then okay?"
"Oh ah, when you're on your period, and seriously bloated and eating all the food, you fucking look beautiful to me then as well. Your tummy- Your tummy makes me so happy like look at this soft little baby. And guess what? I fucking LIVE for your thighs and you know that baby, like I will die for them okay? Your ass- well, we both know what I feel about that so I won't say anything." He ended with a chuckle.
You moved back a little, and he grabbed your face and rested his forehead on yours.
Taking a deep breath, he started whispering, eyes locked onto yours.
"Every single part of you is perfect. And I love it. I find you so sexy that I literally cannot breathe sometimes because of your presence. You're amazing and I fucking love you. What those people say on the internet, why the fuck does it matter huh? They obviously can't recognize the absolute fox in front of their faces."
Slowly he wiped the tears from your face, and returned the watery smile that you gave him.
"Chocolates?" he asked, still whispering.
You nodded your head, giggling as he ran to get them.
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raspberryranpo · 4 years
hey!!!!!! idk if request r open rn but!!!!!!! if they are, can i suggest first date hcs with the blue lion boys?? since theyre the only house you havent done?
their first dates with you
fire emblem three houses: blue lion boys
DUDE i have no idea what happened overnight but i woke up with like 60 notifications lmao
& thank you so much!! yes requests are open lolol
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not only would this be yours & dimitri’s first date.... but it would probably be dimitri’s first date EVER
he had no clue what you’d even do on a date so he had to resort to asking sylvain (but that didn’t go so well)
luckily he had mercedes and annette to turn to, and they just told him to be himself
which he didn’t quite understand but he just went with it
anyway..... he’d probably show up to your dorm with a boquet of flowers (lavender ones) but they’d probably be a bit crushed at the stems due to how nervous he was
but he’d hold them out to you anyway & apologise for his nervousness
dimitri’s face is definitely red for the whole day too
he was very desperate to hold your hand (since he’d seen sylvain doing it) but was afraid that he’d crush you
so he resorted to offering you his arm instead
he probably took you on a walk through the forest near the monastery
he wanted to use that opportunity to learn more about you, but it instead ended up being him telling you all about the different types of trees you could see
i bet he knows literally everything about trees and plants ok (thank dedue)
annette and mercedes gave him a little picnic to have with you & dimitri was very excited to show you the cute little sandwiches they made
he’d talk to you about something you’re very interested in (he did a lot of research) and then watch as you rambled on about something he has no idea about
he has the cutest look in his eyes, too full of love
throughout the entire day all he did was make sure you were smiling too, and he was constantly trying to make you laugh
he told a few jokes (probably about something actually really sad) but they didn’t go too well. you laughed anyway though
either way you had a really fun time, mostly because of how cute dimitri was being
dedue has also never been on a date
but he has more common sense than dimitri so obviously he doesn’t go to sylvain for advice
dates with dedue probably don’t go how dates are supposed to go - you guys just hang out together, maybe you kiss, maybe you just hold hands
you quietly sit in the greenhouse together, tending to dedue’s flowers
you’re probably one of the only people he lets touch his flowers, seeing as though he loves you a lot
it would be peaceful & quiet, and the only times either of you would speak would be when you’d ask about a certain flower, or when dedue would tell you about the plant he was looking after at the time
maybe after you both finish watering & weeding all the plants, you’d just sit there in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s presence
i’m sure chef deddles (love chef deddles) would bring you a small sized version of whatever dish he was working on at the moment
or he’d bring you something he’d made up himself for you to try first
anything he makes or does, the first person he’d show is you
dedue brings a blanket or something to wrap around the two of you as you sit later on into the night
he worries that doing this is too boring, or it’s not a good enough first date
but you just have to reassure him that it’s nice & that you enjoy it :(:( he’s too anxious bless
as he’s walking you back to your dorm, he’ll gently take your hand & tell you that he’s had a very nice time
maybe he’ll just gently kiss your cheek, or if he’s not feeling that confident, he’ll just squeeze your hand & give you the gentlest smile
sylvain has been on many a date so he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing
he takes you to a cute little cafe in town
he wanted to take you to a restaurant at the start, but decided against it since he had no idea if you’d like that or not
but everyone likes a little cafe date... right?
since he’s actually bothered to formally ask you on a date & is serious about you, he’d probably bring you one or two of his favourite books
because we all know he’s actually a smarty pants
he’d hold your hand or have an arm wrapped around your waist on the way there, & he’d point out all the places he’s been kicked out of for flirting with the waitresses (or even the owner) because he knows you won’t judge him for that
anyway. when you get there, he insists on sitting on one of the couch chairs (or whatever they had in the 12th century) and at first you sit opposite each other
he likes it that way since you can both talk to each other face to face (and he can playfully tap your feet under the table)
the day is full of jokes & weird stories that sylvain has
somehow he’s met literally everyone and anyone and always has the most wack story for any situation
he also playfully flirts with you - it’s not serious (even though he means it) but it’s so cheesy it’s funny
after a while, when the cafe is quieter, sylvain comes and sits with you on your side of the table
he just wraps an arm around your shoulders using the old yawn & stretch trick
leaning over, you feel his lips on your cheek & he just whispers a little “thank you” for allowing him to have a real date
felix is born different. he’s a different breed
he does not have any experience since he’s NEVER HAD A CRUSH. or so he says
and he’s too stubborn to ask anyone for help so he just does whatever he feels like
by that, i mean you guys definitely stay in the training hall for the entire day
if you accepted felix’s feelings you knew exactly what you were getting into, so deal with it
he forces you to spar with him for most of the day but he cares about you too much to overexert you
when you both take a break he sits really close to you for no particular reason other than to sit close to you
this is felix’s romance. sharing sweat (aw)
he also goes easy on you when you’re fencing
not that he thinks you’re incapable of fighting at his level, but that he just doesn’t want to accidentally stab you
sometimes he lets you win & really sarcastically says something like “aw, damn! you’ve won again...!” with this really soft smile on his face
only on the premise that nobody else is around
on the way back he won’t hold your hand or anything but he’ll constantly look back at you with the fondest look in his eyes
he probably looks down at your hands wishing he has the courage to actually hold them too
at the end of the day when he’s walked you all the way back to your dorm, he’ll very spontaneously kiss you right on the lips
he’ll have a very firm hold of your face but all of a sudden he’ll just let go & run off with his face bright red
sylvain probably saw and that’s why he left so suddenly looool
i was going to say something stupid like ghost hunting but ashe would probably rather die
he’d probably just sit in the library with you and discuss books with you for a few hours, nothing too major
but ashe has a way with words & can tell old tales as though he was there (even if i’m remembering his character wrong, let’s just pretend)
you’d ask him about the book he’s currently reading & he’d tell you the plot of it (without spoiling it obviously) and the way he’d word it would make you want to pick it up immediately
the both of you just sit in the library quietly for hours, reading a book each
the only time either of you would talk would be when either one of you would laugh at something in your book & you’d have to explain the joke to the other
obviously ashe won’t allow either of you to stay up really late (no later than like 7) because the monastery gets dark at that point
and you know what comes out when the monastery gets dark?
absolutely nothing. but it’s funny seeing ashe scream at shadows so don’t say anything
i imagine that your first date goes so well, ashe forgets about the time & you both come out of the library at like 11:00
it’s a wonder seteth hasn’t found the two of you
anyway. your date actually turns out to be a ghost hunting trip (alternate title: ashe runs away from the ghosts while you laugh at him, and neither of you can see where your dorms are)
it’s fun anyway. well, not in ashe’s opinion
at some point you see this really big shadow that’s moving towards you and you both scream thinking it’s a really evil ghost
suddenly a torch is lit on the wall & turns out its seteth
“i knew i intimidate many students, but surely i don’t elicit a scream that loud!”
seteth quietly escorts the two of you back to the dorms and it’s really awkward
he eventually leaves you both alone & ashe sighs the biggest sigh of relief you’ve ever heard
he quietly thanks you and, with the most courage he’s ever had, he pecks your cheek & runs off
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my first ask 🤪🤪 thank you so much!!! ah this was fun to write
requests are still open by the way!! for any of the fandoms on my rules page lolol
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
for the asks: 14, 34, 46, 48
14 - when did your glow up happen?
i havent had one yet; i genuinely still look the same i did when i was 6... just bigger and that's not even an exaggeration 😭 i posted some baby pictures i scanned on instagram and a friend of mine commented that i still look the same it's insane.
34 - describe your haircut:
uuhh i dunno im black and i dont have straight hair so i dont really get haircuts i just kind of get this one protective style but it's cool because my hair grows weirdly and i have natural curtain bangs. like the hair that falls into my face is naturally shorter than the hair at the sides and the hair at the sides is shorter than the back.
46 - what are your unpopular opinions?
i think miles morales should have a nightwing-type mask. frank miller's cool but it's a bit weird reading born again and watching him reduce karen to a drug addict in love with matt while simultaneously making matt one of the best characters marvel has ever laid eyes on. i dont think trust is inherent with friendship like ofc i trust all my friends & mutuals but generally i think there are too many kind of trust and too many kinds of friendship; surely they clash sometimes.
48 - what was the most formative album of your youth?
im only eighteen i still feel like im in my youth lmao but! til shiloh by buju banton was a staple when i was like idk 7 and i was emotionally attached to the days we had by day wave when i was 13; i wholeheartedly believe day wave & hazel english along with wallows' first album are all responsible for my current music taste; also lemon demon's done a number - lots more 'electronic' music being added after he became my favourite.
⟳get to know ya questions
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soulwillower · 4 years
when richie met y/n • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested: idk if your taking requests rn BUTTTT could you do a richie fic that’s like when harry met sally? if you’ve seen it that is 🌟🌟🌟~🤍
warnings: mentions of sexist stuff, bc richie is a dick, mentions of sex, slander of the name sheldon (sorry), talking about the plot of casablanca but you dont rly have to have seen it lol
ok so i know i havent finished tozier but i just recently rewatched this movie and figured i’d write the prologue for this planed series n post it <3
[losers + reader have just graduated college in this. ]
2.3k words
it’s after graduation '92 when y/n y/l/n first meets richard tozier. 
the trees are turning red and crusting off the tips of branches, the bitter cold of the university whipping around your car even though it's supposed to be nearing the end of spring. you're sitting awkwardly now, with your window cranked down, eyes glued to the couple at the edge of the sidewalk. they're entagled with each other enough that all you can make out is wild dark and curly hair, a sharp jawline, and the girl’s blonde hair gathered in a fist of the mysterious boy. but you'd notice your friend amanda anywhere, even if her back is turned and face occupied with another’s. 
you clear your throat, but they ignore you, the boy whose hands are wrapped around her waist tilting her jaw to kiss her even deeper. "i love you." she whispers. you feel awkward, and roll your eyes. it's still seconds later and so you clear your throat, muttering, "amanda." 
she jumps apart from the boy. "oh, hi y/n. um, y/n, this is richie tozier. richie, this is y/n y/l/n."
you lock eyes with the boy, who's got a smirk on his lips as he wipes his mouth. you watch as amanda's lip gloss rubs off his bright red lips, "nice to meet you, y/n." 
you nod back at him, antsy to start driving and nervous for some reason. "hi. you want to drive the first shift?"
he laughs slightly, shaking his head as his wild dark curls bounce around. he’s devastatingly handsome, and you’re not surprised amanda loves him so much. he pulls his crewneck's sleeves over his hands and shrugs, "no, you're there already, you can start if that works." you nod, slightly put off, but shrugging it off. 
"okay. the back's open." you watch awkwardly as the boy lifts his belongings into the space in your trunk, amanda coming up and hugging his tall, skinny frame. "please call me." she whispers. he nods and you watch from the rearview mirror, "call you as soon as we get there, baby." he says. your friend amanda whines, "oh, please call me from the road. "  the boy, richie, cracks a charming grin, "i'll call you before that."
almost gagging, you turn your attention to the radio and fiddle it, waiting for richie and amanda to finish making out against the back of your car. 
it's awkward once you start driving, richie tapping his long fingers against his knee as you stare at the road ahead of you. you clear your throat, "i have it all figured out. it's an eighteen hour trip, which breaks down into six shifts of three hours each. or, alternatively, we could break it down by mileage-" but while you're speaking, richie's leaning to fiddle around with a bag in the back. you blink, "er, there's a...there's a map on the... visor that i've marked to show the locations so we can change shifts." 
richie barely hums and crunches on something, making you turn to look at him. he lifts his brows, "grapes?"
you lift a brow, "n-no. i don't like to eat between meals." you say, eyes going between him and the road, where he spits out the grape seeds. "alright, y/n. why don't you tell me the story of your life." his sentence makes you do a double-take and you almost laugh. 
 when he sees your bewildered expression, he shrugs, "we've got eighteen hours to kill before we hit new york." 
shaking your head, "the story of my life won't even get us out of chicago." that makes him laugh, a sound that was shockingly unexpected as it cuts through the stale air of your car. a light, excited and shocked laugh that makes you smile as you watch the road, your eyes stealing a glance at the abrupt and disheveled boy lounging in the passenger seat. 
it's four hours later, and richie's convinced you to pull into a small diner on the side of the road. "-you're wrong." you shake your head as you enter the lot. "i'm not wrong, he wants her to leave! that's why he puts her on the plane." richie insists. you shake your head, "no, i don't think she wants to stay."you insist.  richie rolls his eyes at you, "of course she wants to stay. wouldn't you rather be with humphrey bogart than the other guy?"
you shrug, "i don't want to spend the rest of my life in casablanca married to a man who runs a bar. i probably sound very snobbish to you, but i don't.” 
richie looks shocked and annoyed, slamming the car door shut to catch up to you as you walk towards the front doors. "you'd rather be in a passionless marriage." you nod, "well, yeah, and be the first lady of czechoslovakia."
"really? that rather than live with the man you've had the greatest sex of your life with, and just because he owns a bar and that is all he does."
 you glare at him, "ingrid bergman is sensible, okay? that's why she gets on the plane at the end of the movie. she knows better, just like i do." 
as a waitress takes you to a booth, richie hums behind you with amusement laced into his voice. "ohh, okay. okay. i understand now." you look at him, "what?" but he shakes his head. "nothing." "tell me."  "no. forget about it." "forget about what? tell me." you insist.  richie's pushing up his glasses and staring at the menu, grinning. "it's not important." "-just tell me!" you hiss.  richie pushes his menu down and looks at you cockily. "obviously you haven't had great sex yet."
you blink, staring at him in shock. this stranger, who you met hours ago, is telling you that you haven't had good sex yet? you scowl, "yes i have." you snap. 
he laughs, looking at the menu still. "no you haven't."
you accidentally project your next words loudly, "it just so happens that i have had plenty of good sex."
 it goes silent at the diner, all the eyes on you. the waiters and workers stare, the other patrons watching with wide eyes as richie just grins at you. you feel yourself go red with embarrassment. what is it about this kid that gets you so mad?  
richie seems unphased. "well, with who?" he asks. you mutter, "whom." to correct him, and so he folds his hands and tries again, "with whom are you having this fantastic sex?"  "i'm not telling you that."  "fine, don't tell me." richie says with a shrug, reading over the menu once again. you study his face, the light smirk that seems to be plastered onto his lips permanently; the freckles over his cheeks, forehead and nose. something about him makes you feel like you have to prove yourself.  "shel gordon." you say after a moment. 
"shel? sheldon?" he asks, eyes dark blue as they lock with yours. he laughs, "no, no, you didn't have great sex with sheldon."
"fuck you." you spit. he's still chuckling as he says, "no, no. sheldon can do your income taxes. if you need a root canal, sheldon's your man. but humping and pumping is not sheldon's strong suit." you wrinkle your nose at his vulgar language. "it's the name. 'do it to me sheldon, oh, you're an animal 'sheldon.' it doesn't work." he says, moaning loudly and making you red. you swat him and he laughs. 
 you're furious, but the waitress shows up and asks for your orders. "hiya doll, i'll have the number three, please." richie orders. the waitress looks at you. you smile, "i'd like the chef salad please with the oil and vinegar on the side and the apple pie a la mode. but if possible, i'd like the pie heated and i don't want the ice cream on top i want it on the side. and i'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it? if not then no ice cream, just whipped cream - but only if it's real. if it's out of a can then nothing."
the waitress looks at you and you can feel richie's eyes on you in the silence following your order. "not even the pie?" she asks, while writing. you shake your head, "no, just the pie, but then not heated.” she looks at you slightly but nods,  "noted, coming right up."
you look at richie, "what?" you ask as he stares at you. he shakes his head, "nothing, nothing. so how come you broke up with this sheldon?" he asks. 
you stare at him, irritated and regretting agreeing to this road trip. "how you know we broke up?" you say. richie grins, "because if you didn't break up, you wouldn't be here with me, you'd be off boning with sheldon the wonder-schlong."  "richie."
the next moment you know you shouldn't have agreed to this is an hour later, back on the road. you can feel richie's eyes burning into your head, so you stop singing.
 "you should probably keep your eyes on the road." you suggest lightly, making the boy crack a smirk. "you're a very attractive person." he says earnestly. you look back down to the map in your hands, "thank you."
"amanda never said how attractive you were." richie says, as if he's just saying whatever he's thinking. "well maybe she doesn't think i'm attractive." you say with a shrug.
 richie hums,"i don't think it's a matter of opinion," you can't help the butterflies in your chest at the compliment. "y'know, like...empirically you're attractive."
you frown, distrustful that richie's being so flirty with his girlfriend's friend. "amanda is my friend." you say. 
richie looks at you with a tilt of the head, "yeah, so?" "-so, you're going with her." "so?"  you scowl, "so you're coming on to me!"
richie's eyebrows shoot up and he looks defensive, "no i wasn't- what?" you're unimpressed, eyes widening and jaw dropping. this boy is full of shit, and the smirk on his face proves it. you don't think you're much of a big fan of this richie kid. 
"can't a man say a woman is attractive without it being a come-on?" he asks with a blindingly charming smile that makes you glare. "-alright, alright, let's just say just for the sake of argument that it was a come-on. what do you want me to do about it? i take it back, okay? i take it back."
you cross your arms, staring out the window. "you can't take it back." richie groans, "why not?" "because it's already out there." "oh god, what are we suppose to do, call the cops? it's already out there!" he yelps, swerving on the road and making you grip your seat. "just let it lie, okay?" you say, annoyed. "great! let it lie. that's my policy. that's what i always say, let it lie." richie mutters, and you shoot him a glance before looking back at the rolling greenery outside the window.  it's quiet for a moment, then, "wanna spend the night at a motel?"
your jaw drops, richie beating you to speaking as he laughs at your reaction. he finds it so funny, but all you do is glare. asshole.  "see what i did? i didn't let it lie." "richie." you say. "i said i wouldn't and i didn't." he adds.  "richie." 
"in fact, i went the other way, i-" you cut richie off, "richie!"  he looks at you, "what?" you shake your head, huffing. "we're just going to be friends, okay?" 
"fine by me. friends, it's the best thing. " he says.
it's silent for ten more minutes, and you almost get to sleep until you're jolted awake by a voice you've been forced to listen two for six hours straight. "-you realize, of course, that we can never be friends."
his words, while irritating beyond belief, do capture your attention. "and why not?" you say. 
he swallows. "what I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.”
its silent for a second as you take in the stupidity of his words. "jesus, richie. that's not true, i have a number of men friends and there's no sex involved.”
“no you don't.” he says matter-of-factly. you scowl, "yes i do.”  
“no you don't.”  “yes i do.”  "you only think you do.”
"you're saying i'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?" you sass, rolling your eyes so hard it hurts. richie huffs a short laugh, "no, what i'm saying is they all want to have sex with you." 
you wrinkle your nose. "they do not. that's really disgusting."  "maybe it is, but it’s true." "they do not!" you insist, turning in your seat to stare at him. "do too." your jaw goes slack and you narrow your eyes, "how do you know?"
"because. no man can be friends with a woman he finds attractive - he always wants to have sex with her."
you feel like punching him in the face. "so you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive." you say, feeling disgusted by his sexism. "we- uh, you pretty much wanna nail 'em too."
you groan, "well what if the women don't want to have sex with you?" you say. "well, sure. but it's still ruined because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that’s the end of the story. men are very stupid and painfully simple creatures."
"well i guess we're not going to be friends then." you snap, turning to look back out the window. he's such a fucking douche, you can't believe you're trapped in this car with him for ten more hours. 
"guess not." he mutters.
you sigh, "that's too bad. you're the only person i knew in new york."
you slept for eight of the ten hours left, and when you’re unloading richie's luggage from your car in front of a small apartment, he nudges you slightly. you look up at him as he towers above you, raising a brow. you hate to admit it, but this asshole is awfully cute when he’s not being the devil.  
"thanks for the ride." he says with a soft smile. 
you nod, "yeah, it was... interesting." you say. he smiles, "it was nice knowing you." he offers his hand out to you, and you grip it, his hand warm and rough in yours. "yeah." is all you can say. 
richie steps away, grabbing his things. "well... have a nice life." you say as you get back into the car. 
"you too, y/n." 
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
tag list:  @gabiatthedisco  @blisshemmings @stenbrozier  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby  @daughter-of-the-stars11  @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @chl0bee  @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @diegos-knives @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec
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goldenroutledge · 4 years
hear me out okay. qb!topper gets injured and the reader is in the stands of course watching the game and they are trying not to freak out because topper is taking a little long to get back up. basically what i'm saying is something along the lines of what happens in high school musical 3 when troy gets hurt
man down
pairing: qb!topper x reader
word count: 0.5k
warning(s): mentions of injury, swearing
a/n: thanks for requesting tori!! i havent even watched hsm i had to look this scene up
topper thornton masterlist
© goldenroutledge || do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my work in any way
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Cool, fluorescent stadium lights shone on the Kildare Academy’s football field. It was the last homecoming game for you and the rest of your senior classmen, and they all came out in droves. Most of your classmates, you included, wanted to soak up every last bit of the high school experience before graduation.
Of course you just wanted to see Topper play, him being the center of your thoughts most of the night. Currently the scoreboard read ‘4:25’ left on the clock in the fourth quarter. Kildare was down 42-38, and all you could do was hope they would bring it home. Kildare had possession of the ball, and it seemed like everyone was on the edge of their seat watching their team intensely.
The ball was snapped back to Topper, who was just lining up to throw the ball to his wide receiver. All of a sudden, he was sacked by a lineman from the opposition. The crunch of the tackle could be heard throughout the stadium, the opposite side cheering as Topper hit the turf.
You gasped, followed by a few curses under your breath as your vision focused in on Topper. “Damn, he was hit pretty hard, huh?” Kourtney commented nervously from beside you.
You hummed in response, your eyes not being able to peel away from the scene. The other players had backed off as Topper layed on the ground, breathing heavily. A coach ran to his aid to check on him, and you could only wish you were able to hear what the conversation consisted of.
There were many pairs of eyes on Topper, but yours filled the most concern and worry. Your eyes carefully followed his movements as Cody helped him up, and he was back on his feet. People were cheering around you, now hopeful again that they could win the game.
You let out a huge sigh of relief once Topper looked your way and nodded, a silent gesture telling you he was okay. Nerves calming down, you were able to sit back a little and breathe. Unbeknownst to you, during the remainder of the game you had zoned out a little bit, the image of Topper on the ground replaying in your head on a loop. Sure he had been tackled before, but each time he hesitated to get up, it rattled you.
The rush of Kildare students cheering at the end of the game brought you back to reality, happy your boyfriend was able to make it through without severe injury. You met him in the hallway outside the locker rooms like you always did, throwing your arms around him once he was in reachable distance. “Congratulations, baby.”
He pressed a wet kiss to your cheek “Thanks, darling. I can’t believe we fucking did that.” You only nodded your head in response, arms still around him as tight as you started. “You good, babe? You never wanna be this close to me after a game.” Topper quipped. He frowned at the expression on your face.
“I’m fine. You just scared me a little, that’s all. Glad you’re okay.” You gave him a sympathetic smile to which he returned.
“Aww, I’m okay, baby. Just got the wind knocked outta me, that’s all.” He rubbed his thumb over your cheek, admiring your concern for him.
“Okay.” You settled, lips curling into a smile under your boyfriend’s touch.
“Now, cheer up, mama. We got a win to celebrate.” He winked, slinging his arm around your shoulders and leading you out of the building.
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a/n: y’all idk much about football so don’t come for me. im thinking about writing an alternate blurb where he actually is injured, would y’all like to see that?
taglist: @ilovejjmaybank @rosylinn @nxsmss @cameronsrafe @msgorillagripcoochie @bibliophilewednesday @tovvaa @freddymaybank @annab-nana @babeyglo @sunsetholland @moniamaybank @outerbankspreferences
topper taglist: @vintageobx
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oncominggstorm · 10 months
My sisters are on the way to the hospital right now with my mom, we’re worried she’s had ANOTHER stroke, and I’m just really freaking out.
Vent under the read more
So a little bit of backstory: I have a twin sister & a younger half sister (same mom, different dads, her dad has never been in her life). All three of us are late-diagnosed autistic & adhd, and all 3 of us are in varying states of autistic burnout (I in particular am like, basically unable to function at all rn, like to the point where I’m not sure it’s worth continuing to try to live cuz what kind of life is this). I HIGHLY suspect my mom & grandma are also autistic & adhd, but were never diagnosed (& my mom is not willing to even entertain the idea that she might be autistic).
My grandma has moderate to advanced dementia. My mom & younger sister live with her, and my mom is grandma’s primary caretaker (grandma can’t speak in full sentences, can’t tell us what she needs, and needs help bathing, remembering to eat, cooking, etc.). We do not have any other support. There’s no family who are willing/able to help, and we’ve contacted every help agency we can to try to get help with my grandma, and have basically been told that there is no way to get help for my grandma unless we enroll in a program that will take her house when she dies to pay for the care they give her, which would effectively make my mom & younger sister homeless.
My mom had multiple strokes at the end of September 2021, and then had more strokes AGAIN at the end of October 2021. And while she did recover somewhat, she’s still been struggling with both physical & cognitive symptoms ever since.
After her 2nd round of strokes she was diagnosed with anti-phospholipid syndrome, which is a somewhat rare blood clotting disorder that makes blood clot easier & puts her at higher risk for strokes (and she was already at a higher risk due to her smoking, and also family history - my grandma also had multiple strokes when she was around my mom’s age). She has to go to the anti-coagulation clinic & get warfarin shots weekly. Today when she went they said her blood was much thicker than it should be, and gave her more warfarin than usual.
Today my twin sister was driving my younger sister back to grandma’s (in my car, my sister doesnt have one) when they noticed my mom in her car, driving EXTREMELY slowly, and going through stop signs without stopping, etc. They tried to flag her down but she didn’t stop. My sister ended up pulling in front of my mom to try to get her to stop, & my mom rear-ended my car (thankfully since she was going so slow there was no injury and minimal damage). My mom said she couldn’t remember how to stop the car, and she was very loopy & out of it, and not making a lot of sense.
So yeah. We’re very worried she’s had another stroke, ESPECIALLY since the coagulation clinic said her blood had been unusually thick (aka prime for forming clots that cause strokes for her).
My sisters are with my mom at the ER now trying to find out what’s happening. I’m at grandma’s house watching her cuz her dementia is at the point where she needs 24/7 supervision.
I’m just really worried. Idk what we are going to do. We barely survived last time mom had strokes, and we’re all doing even worse now than we were then.
My sisters & I are all unable to work. My mom was recently fired from her job (due to not being able to keep up after her strokes). My twin sister & I live with our dad for free, and him (plus SNAP & medicaid) are the only reasons my sister & I are getting ANY of our needs met. My mom, little sister, and grandma are all barely getting by with grandma’s social security as their only source of income. No one has any savings.
We’re all like, struggling just to take care of ourselves. Like, I havent showered or brushed my teeth in almost 2 weeks. I havent done laundry in 3. I have verbal shutdowns literally daily. I can’t make even the most basic of decisions. How am I supposed to help take care of my mom (and grandma, since mom was her caretaker and obviously won’t be able to if she’s had another stroke. And caring for grandma is a BIG job).
But there’s just NO help out there, we have tried everything. And even if there WAS help (which again, there’s not), there are SO many barriers to getting help. You have to jump through so many hoops, make so many phone calls, fill out so much paperwork, talk to so many people, etc. It’s like a catch-22; in order to start getting out of burnout & doing better, I need support. But in order to get the support, I need to be doing better so that I can handle doing all the stuff that needs to be done to access help. It really fucking sucks.
Like. I CANNOT handle the higher level executive functioning tasks. I can’t navigate phone calls & paperwork & bureaucracy without help. I can’t do any of it. But I’m going to somehow HAVE to. And I just don’t know what to do. We need help.
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smolsix · 4 years
The LTNM 2 analysis that specifically does its best to debunk the loop theory
I’ll preface by saying i still havent seen the mobile game so RIP me. [i can’t download it and never have the attention span to watch a video of it]
Oh and I haven’t seen the new comics either I wanna buy em and read em in person first WEYHO
Little Nightmares 2 is NOT a loop or time loop. 
We’re shown Mono at the start of the game appearing from a TV, implying based on his later ability to teleport between them that he teleported there somehow. Where he got this ability is never implied, but I believe that because he is a resident of the pale city or near it that TVs have a certain affect on him. Note how Six is largely unaffected by the TVs throughout the whole game and makes an effort to pull Mono out of them. The Viewers are continually captivated by them and the TVs have some sort of affect over them. 
Likely the Radio Tower’s signal warps people into being affected by the TVs, and Mono living in proximity was also affected by it.
Six also has her hunger again, although it’s only seen at the end of the game. I believe Six was already a resident of The Maw. In the room you find her in the radio tower you’ll notice on the wall a painting of a girl in a yellow dress with the face scratched out, which is also located on The Maw in the lady’s quarters. I also do NOT think the Thin Man created this room for her to calm her down, but rather this room was created by Six’s mind. If Mono is to be believe to be the Thin Man caught in a loop, he would have NO idea about this painting. And if he did, why would he put it there for her? I bring up her hunger as a possible correlation to Mono’s abilities, and that her hunger is a product of The Maw and likely its food has this affect on people, same way the Radio Tower has its affect on the residents.
So Six already having ties to the maw could imply ltnm2 is either a sequel or prequel, but w the presence of dark six from the tv appearing in this game w such a loud presence im highly leaning on prequel. but i know that some creators said a while back it’s a sequel??? idk
For a time loop to take place the radio tower or thin man need some control over time, which is not shown in the slightest. How could he possibly turn back all the events, and for what purpose? To prevent himself becoming the Thin Man?
I’ve seen a lot of people mention that the Thin Man specifically goes for Six in the first encounter w him, but I honestly think it’s just that he sees Six first. The pulse that goes through the room when he enters causes her to fall out from under the table, and if you specifically do not hide under the bed he will capture Mono first, completely contradicting this idea.
So why did Mono become the Thin Man? I believe that the radio tower simply replaced the Thin Man after he was destroyed. It needs to keep status quo and as a result, found and locked away a suitable replacement. I know people think he was trapped in there for a long time based on the sequence where we see him slowly turning into the Thin Man, but consider how long Six was also in there and how fast she turned into a creature as well. She was in there maybe a few hours, it’s likely that the sequence was a creative choice to get you confused and invested in what’s happening to him before giving the final reveal, not as a means to show a long time has passed.
Obviously because of this, it’s likely that this ending is also alluding to Six’s fate at the end of the first game. After she kills the lady and consumes her, she gains her ability to suck the life out of people at a glance. It’s entirely possible she will replace The Lady as a result, should The Maw function the same way.
Also, Six is NOT a monster, she is NOT “evil” and whatever else you want to call her. She is a child who is only 9 and she is a product of her environment. In this world the slightest mix up means death, and she has grown up in this world. When you first meet her she’s very apprehensive in helping Mono until she needs help, too. In the playground she hardly plays, opting for standing around areas [like standing up against the goal post instead of playing w a ball or anything] or vaguely doing things. This can imply that despite the fact she is a child, she hasn’t been able to have a childhood. She still enjoys childish things like toys [implied by her room], and has a sense of curiosity [how often she plays w the x-ray whenever you’re around it and her animation showing her looking at the toy she’s holding or at herself], but hasn’t been able to actually indulge in child things most of her life.
Her letting go of Mono was a case where either:
A) she wasn’t sure they’d both make it out in time and decided to save herself
B) she knew she was getting hungry and would kill Mono when they left together
I’ll honestly take either of these, they both make sense. 
I also want to touch on the idea that the hanging man is either mono as the thin man, or original thin man, and here’s my ideas as to why it’s neither:
For it to be the original thin man, we need to assume he wasn’t destroyed by Mono. If he wasn’t, then why did Mono replace him. If he was, he couldn’t have gotten to the maw to hang himself, and why would he leave a note.
For it to be Mono as thin man he needs to have somehow gotten to The Maw before Six, and then killed himself there in that specific area. I want to mention that the Thin Man’s appearance outside of TVs is distorted and not at all solid in the same way as normal people. For mono to get to the maw he either had to have taken the normie way there on ship, or teleport through the TV. But based on what we saw, his teleport ability can only be done through TVs already turned on by the outside, and they must be near each other [he never goes great distances]. It also makes sense that he could possibly not even affect TVs too far from the radio tower where the thin man stays, and where the frequency reaches. Basically I’m saying you’d be hard pressed to make it all the way to the maw in the middle of the ocean [or where ever it is haha]. 
The only TV we see within the maw itself is in the library and must be turned on. so we can’t really guage TV population within the maw. and should the TVs affect people as they do in the pale city, i highly doubt they’d be left on carelessly should they warp the guests. 
oh yeah and
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the chair sizes are completely different, since i’ve noticed people saying they’re the same chair.
ANYWAYS all else i wanted to touch on was that it’s very very likely the bosses in the maw are actually puppets! in the hospital you will see their faces pinned to the wall, fitting for the mannequin area! not sure why the mannequin’s are affected by light but the puppets on the maw are not, who knows.
that’s all i got, i’ll post any changes i have to my ideas after the comics/vln
EDIT: I just remembered that we DO see the thin man in a TV at the end of the DLC for ltnm1, but it’s unclear if this takes place in the maw or the pale city. 
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This means that either he does have more power and is capable of jumping farther and that point is moot [but then that means he didn’t get here till after the events of the maw so, it still doesn’t line up w hanging man], OORR it was just in the pale city and was a simple teaser.
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