#yes shes selfish and yes she has no issues using her rumour for her own gain
s0fter-sin · 2 years
ua s3 spoilers
i haven’t watched it yet but what the fuck is that scene with allison and luther??
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
the yan teaches with a darling who’s an active delinquent ( possibly due to home abuse ). maybe even more infamous then da twins, perhaps reaching next-little-miss-red level? But it turns out the darling is super cute and mild-mannered looking despite their firey no-nonsense attitude? thx so much!!!!
Anon, thank you for asking this, it's wonderful! I'm sorry but I may have changed a little bit of your ask ;-;
Reader is a bit of a "delinquent" in the eyes of the strict rules of the academy, but I made them focus more on their own self defense rather then causing chaos to others if that makes sense. Like, reader does cause a bit of trouble to the school's faculty, but nothing much inside school (maybe they focus more on doing things outside of school time, idk, I just think I low-key fucked up your ask, I'm sorry ;-;)
(I just really wanted to focus on these two, because I love them so much)
"- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!" [Yandere! Teacher x Delinquent?!Reader - Headcanons]:
→Matthew Robinson:
Oh yeah, he heard about that.
He never really understood what it meant, but he heard a lot of things under the name of Lil Miss Red. Some of the stuff was enough to put someone into jail.
He knew that it was something related to a delinquent from another institution called Saint Bernard, but no one really told him the full extent of the story. More so because no one really knew what happened to that place.
Even though the whole case can be considered a mysterious event, the title of Lil Red seemed to be something well known throughout the whole state. It was a talk subject even in Amaryllis Academy, which hasn't dealt with delinquency ever.
Or at least that's what the school's reports said. Matthew is aware of a case of delinquency really recently in the school, but since it was caused by only one student, the school staff decided that it would be the best to keep that a secret from the general public.
A couple of students know about the incidents, but they have no proof to confirm that a boy really had caused so much problem to the school's faculty.
Stories inside the school get exaggerated to no end, so to hear students say that someone was trying to reach the title of Lil Red inside the school's walls was not exactly a worrying statement. It was honestly kinda laughable, as the first people he thought about were the twins.
They were little troublemakers for sure, but he knows they aren't capable of reaching the level of actual delinquent behavior. And that's when he thought that maybe it wasn't the twins Coldwell, after all, they already have a title of their own, why would they want to change the title of essentially celebrities to delinquents out of nowhere?
And that's when he saw you single-handedly, if you can forgive his English, beat the shit out of some students causing you trouble, students were all around you whispering and gushing at the scene, and only one thing was on their mind.
You were wearing a red hoodie while doing this, so it must be you who is trying to be the new Red.
Now, it's true that any faculty member should be able to give you a punishment for attacking other students, but he decided to take a more delicate approach to the situation as he doesn't know what type of person he would be dealing with.
He demanded that you came to his class after school to have a talk. He was expecting you to tell him to fuck off, so he demanded it in a more affirmative tone. He wasn't expecting you to look so defenseless and almost crying at the thought of getting expelled.
He was so caught off guard by how many times you begged him to give you another chance to stay at the academy and that you were only defending yourself, and that it was an involuntary reaction.
Matthew was just in awe. He was expecting the rudest person to just come in and dictate their rules, not someone so cute, in a way.
All words just flew out of his head. He knew it was self-defense, and he was only planning on confirming if you were indeed the delinquent he was hearing about.
When asked about Lil Miss Red, you're confused, you haven't heard that name yet, he was sure you didn't really know what the title meant in any way.
Relief was clear in his face, he was glad you weren't really the person everyone was assuming you were. Yes, you had started fights here and there in the spend of one week, but you were only defending yourself.
He decided to take his time and pay closer attention to you through the next couple of days. He discovered a couple of things, most of them were really surprising for him.
You didn't care about anyone's opinion about you, you did what you liked and wanted to do, you were confident in your own abilities but also knew when to be humble and ask for help.
These traits were all combined to the fact that you didn't intend on hurting anyone that didn't deserve it. You were friendly despite striking such a stand against those that wished you harm. He really liked that about you.
And then, well, he found out the last thing he needed to know. He should have known this fact in the first place, though.
Instead of learning through exterior methods, you were the one that talked to him about it. You told him how you used to live with abusive parents not so long ago, but when you managed to get enough money and the age to move out, you got out of that hell whole without thinking twice. You learned throughout the years of staying in that house, and then living alone, on how to defend yourself when you needed the most.
I hope you're aware how shocking this is to him. Not only about your story, but the act of you telling him all of this on your own, is shocking to him. He doesn't think he is the best person to talk about personal issues.
But he is glad you told him this, maybe you just wanted to get that out of your chest, right? Or maybe, you saw something on him that you could rely on, to tell him what's on your mind when no one else really understands you.
Maybe he is hoping that it is the latter.
This whole experience is really interesting to him. Matthew still doesn't know who is or was Lil Miss Red, but he got to learn more about you, and that's more than enough for him.
→Madeline Allen:
Oh, dear God, no.
Can we like, not???
How about no? How about she just, pack her things and fire herself out?
She can do that, right??!!
Every single day she hears someone comment something about "Lil Miss Red". Every single day there is someone new trying to be like…. Her!?! Why???
She doesn't understand why she, or more specifically, her ex-title, means so much to people. People never really cared about her until she put some goth clothes and makeup and started calling out her homophobic principal. Or when she dunked her bullies face into the toilet. Or when she burned the whole library and a classroom filled with documents about her. Or when she-
The point is, she is a different person now. It gives her headaches to think about all the things she did when she was inside Saint Bernard. Is, honestly, kinda a traumatic event to her.
Oh yeah, she remembered when she was going to work at Amaryllis and a biker girl was wearing all red and doing that… Stupid ass pose Madeline used to make when she was younger.
Give her a brake, she thought it was cool at the time.
In a way, Madeline hates to think about her past. She is aware that she made some good things but she did it in a violent way. And when things escalated she should have stopped right there, not continue the whole performance like a goddamn live theatre 24/7.
See? She is even cursing, she stopped cursing a long time ago, but whenever her memories come up she just hates herself so much. She sometimes wishes she never was Lil Miss Red.
You know, she only wanted to find out who was responsible for her best friend's death. Only that.
Something that Madeline doesn't know is how important her title means to many of the people that thrive to be like her. She was someone who standed up to people that harmed her. She would sometimes stand up to people she didn't even know personally. Many people see Lil Miss Red because of her physical strength, but only a couple remember how her strength was directed to, even Madeline herself.
Who still blames herself for not doing anything sooner.
She was really planning on getting out of the academy if the rumours were true. She didn't care that she was only working there for a couple of months now, she really didn't want to see someone acting like her again. She didn't want to look at said student and see herself again.
But, when seeing you, she didn't see that part of herself that she hated. She saw someone who has been hurt, and was now standing up for themselves. Ironically, that's exactly who she was when she was younger, but she still doesn't know that.
She felt like she was being selfish by running away from the academy. She felt like it wasn't fair to judge you only based on flimsy rumours she heard. She isn't like this, she shouldn't be like this!
She makes up her mind, and decided to get to know you better. Just like Matthew, she confronts you and asks about your recent behavior inside the school, to only find someone who is sweet and kind, just standing up for themselves, like she thought it was.
She isn't surprised like Matthew, but still a little bit relieved when knowing that the students were only misunderstanding you.
A couple of weeks later after confronting you, she decided to help you with getting more comfortable inside the school as if you continued to cause trouble, you would be expelled.
And although she was curious, she never really asked how you became so efficient in self-defense, it was you who decided to tell her.
Did you trust her enough to tell her that? Or were you just exhausted from carrying this with you?
When you tell her about your abusive household she was so mad with everyone that decided to gossip about you and make stupid rumours, and so mad at herself for judging you without getting to know you.
She even thought you were still living with them, you needed to calm her down to explain everything to her.
She was, glad, that you weren't in that terrible situation anymore, but doesn't things get too tough for you to be on your own? Without family members or friends? Oh, you poor thing…
She wonders if she can help you in any way.
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gffa · 5 years
You know how some fandoms just keep piling on the fic, so you’re like, “I’ll just wait one more day, so I can read a few more and include them on the list!” and then two weeks later it’s still happening and you finally have to go, “NO, I HAVE TO YELL ABOUT THIS NOW, NOT IN ANOTHER MONTH.” and yet people still keep posting fic? That’s me yelling at STAR WARS fandom about how much wonderful fic there is and that I cannot keep up with it and it’s the best problem to have! Because, oh, this collection has some incredible fic, so many of them that I want to shove right at people and yell at them to read this amazing thing, and how brilliant this fandom is. STAR WARS FIC RECS: TIME TRAVEL RECS: ✦ Legacy by myrlendi (thehistorygeek), luke & leia & obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 105k wip    Three months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes in search of a rumoured Jedi temple in a secluded part of the Mid Rim. He finds within the temple nothing but a strange artifact, which unexpectedly brings him much closer to the Jedi of old than he ever thought he would be. ✦ Let’s Try This Again by Nny11, obi-wan & ahsoka & anakin & cast, time travel, 33.5k wip    Anakin’s life is shaken up when he finds a small togrutan toddler hiding in a dingy alleyway, after all, she did create a Force bond with him and is apparently his future Padawan. Wizard! PREQUELS RECS: ✦ A Constituency of One by victoria_p (musesfool), padme & obi-wan & anakin & cast, 3.7k    Padmé is the one who figures it out. ✦ And the Void Answered Back by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan & anakin & rey & finn & poe & ben & yoda & maz & han & cast, force ghosts, 84.9k wip    (Follows the Force ghosts of Anakin, Obi Wan, and friends getting dragged kicking and screaming through the events of The Force Awakens) ✦ Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi by stonefreeak, obi-wan & anakin & padme & cody & bail & palpatine & cast, 22.1k wip    By an old Republic law, all members of the Jedi High Council are senators in the Galactic Senate, and can thus be voted in as chancellor. ✦ Dooku Deserves a Break by nny11, dooku & qui-gon & yoda & obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke & cast, 1k    Master, it’s time now. The voice was faint and familiar, and it burned. It’s soothing sound eating away at everything. Pain, pain, pain- It went ignored. ✦ The Past Remains by otherhawk, obi-wan & anakin & cody & mace & plo & adi & depa & cast, 15.6k    The war drags on leaving trauma and destruction in its wake. After a bereaved Master is accused of harming his padawan, Obi-Wan is sent to talk to her, dredging up memories of his own past. ✦ Not the same fate as mine by liv_k, obi-wan & anakin, 2.6k    Excerpts from the journal of a newly minted Jedi Knight. ✦ perfect in so many ways by victoria_p (musesfool), padme/sabe, nsfw, 1k    Padmé knows she’s been selfish. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, obi-wan & bant, 1k    When Bant steps into Obi-Wan’s room in the Halls, it’s like a balm to his nerves. She’s one of his oldest friends, and her familiar presence is so very soothing. He really has missed her, they see each other too rarely these days, what with the war. ✦ Villain of a Different Story by HiNerdsItsCat (HiLarpItsCat), obi-wan/satine & anakin & cast, 73.2k wip    It turns out that there are some perks to being the Chosen One: Anakin finds himself transported five years into the past—only to discover that it isn’t his past, but a completely different one. One where Obi-Wan Kenobi left the Jedi Order, where Qui-Gon Jinn survived… and where Anakin Skywalker is the galaxy’s greatest villain. ✦ Accidental Baby Acquisition: The Obi-Wan Kenobi Way by kitkatkaylie, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & cast, 8.5k wip    Shmi Skywalker was desperate, so when she saw a Jedi in the marketplace of Mos Espa she did something that many would judge her for if they knew but just as many would understand. ✦ A Personal Touch by DragonHoardsBooks, obi-wan & anakin, 6.2k    New jedi padawan Anakin Skywalker realizes that there is more to being a jedi then he tought. Discovering a completely new culture will take time and effort, but maybe he’ll make some friends along the way. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, mace & cast, 1.2k    “News, I have, from the investigation into the altered mission reports from the Senate.” ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, anakin & ahsoka & background obi-wan & cast, 2.4k    The past and the present blurs together, Anakin can hardly breathe through it. Too many thoughts crowd inside his head and the more he tries to sort himself out, the more of the past he remembers and the more fears for the future it brings up. ✦ Passing by Nny11, ahsoka/barriss & luminara & anakin, modern au, 18.3k    Barriss claims she’s dating Ahsoka, Ahsoka agrees to go along with it, and both of them spend the next 6 months worrying the other will discover their crush on the other. Nobody is really surprised about this fact besides them. ✦ Jedi of Light by Sannah, obi-wan/anakin/padme & mace & yoda & plo & even & jocasta & cast, 9.4k wip    Out of irritation with the war and with permission from the Council, several talk show hosts create a show that airs weekly about the Jedi. They name the show *Jedi of Light,* and go around following Jedi and asking them questions. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ And yet, somehow, a happier ending by liv_k, obi-wan/anakin (pre-slash?), ~1k    He had always known that there would be no happy ending waiting for them at the end of the road. And yet, somehow, he felt that this was happier than what could have been. ✦ The Missing Part by Nightstar269, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & palpatine, NSFW, modern au (of sorts), 109.3k wip    Anakin Skywalker, a student of mechanical engineering, has always felt that his life was lacking something, a feeling that was made much worse with the deaths of his mother first, and of the woman he loved some time later. Still haunted by the pain and heartbreak, he tries to go on with his life as well as he can. When an initiative of the director of the university has the students attending the classes of another degree so as to enrich their knowledge, he will meet someone that will turn his world upside down. ✦ my push and my shove by victoria_p (musesfool), obi-wan/anakin/padme, nsfw, crossdressing, d/s, 1.8k    There wasn’t much Anakin wouldn’t do to make Padmé and Obi-Wan happy. ✦ Collar by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 9.4k    “You have to be sure, Anakin. Once we’re in, we’re in.” “I think I can handle being your sub, Obi-Wan.“ ✦ Shaak Herding for the Troubled and Lonely by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & ahsoka & plo & cast, au, 34.3k wip    Disgraced Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was content to live out the rest of his life as a hermit until the Prime Minister appeared at his door, begging him to attend the Skywalker clan’s annual party. ✦ Solstice by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, 8.9k wip    After the events of Equinox, Obi-Wan and Anakin find themselves back at war with enemies both seen and unseen. ✦ Home by little_tales, obi-wan/anakin & qui-gon & shmi & cast, time travel, 6.4k wip    Time travel fix-it story with a bit of a twist. After his death, Obi-Wan wakes up on Tatooine, in the body of his padawan self. But instead of trying to prevent Anakin from Falling, he decides to change the future by stopping Qui-Gon from ever meeting the little Ani. ✦ Tidbits by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Things go a little bit differently when Anakin sees Obi-Wan off on his mission to Utapau. ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin + implied obi-wan/anakin/padme, nsfw, 1.6k    (The easiest way to kill someone? You just need to kill what they love the most.) ✦ 36 Questions by kenobiapologist, obi-wan/anakin + background anakin/padme + implied obi-wan/anakin/padme, 30.7k    In a study by psychologist Arthur Aron, they found that strangers would fall in love when asked to answer 36 questions together. ✦ Let’s Be Wrong Together by bluebell26, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3.1k    Anakin Skywalker had a dark secret. He’s been in love with his Master for several years now. He is attached. Yes, attached. It was bad, he shouldn’t, but what his former Master didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. ✦ Untouchable by Blu3sc0rpion, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, non-con issues/themes, 64k wip    A mission on Kraysiss-Two takes a turn for the worse. Ancient Sith designs work against both Obi-wan and Anakin as they desperately try to find a way off world. In the throes of confusion their relationship begins to spiral. They might be able to escape, but can they ever truly be rescued? ✦ Seed by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin + anakin/padme, NSFW, 44k    When Anakin falls prey to a lethal poison, Obi-Wan has no choice but use all his resources to heal him– no matter how reluctant he is in administering the antidote. ✦ Miasma by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & cody & rex & & kix & cast, dark themes, 20.6k    Obi-Wan never believed his best friend and lover Anakin would die first. But he has. ✦ [iasip music] Anakin Explains to His Darkest Timeline Son That He’s Gay by destiny919, obi-wan/anakin & luke & ahsoka & cast, 2.2k    "Ah, Padawan,” said Qui-Gon. “The crux of the matter lies in that our world is prey to the spectre of compulsory heterosexuality.” Obi-Wan gasped, horrified. “No! Not that!” ✦ Swear On It by dirkygoodness, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s undertones, 6.5k    He squeezes his eyes shut tight against it and holds his breath for a moment, trying to get himself under control. Tonight it doesn’t seem to be working, though, because the images of people he knows and loves hurt and bloody and dead just won’t get out of his mind. ✦ Unexpected by planetary_retrograde, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.1k    Obi-Wan’s first instinct when Anakin is hiding something is to help. ✦ Hidden Treasures by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, 3.9k    Ben Kenobi doesn’t look like the type to have tattoos, and Anakin badly wants to see his hidden ink. ✦ He Is the Chosen One by wearethewitches, obi-wan/anakin & cast, fem!anakin, 17.8k    Darth Vader dies. Then, Anakin Skywalker wakes in the body of a dead slave woman in 31 BBY, a year before the Occupation of Naboo. ORIGINAL TRILOGY RECS: ✦ Maker by ambiguously, luke & r2-d2 & c-3po, 1.8k    Threepio’s processor has an error. Luke and Artoo have to figure out why. ✦ does it bother anyone else that someone else has your name? by suzukiblu, multiple pairings across all of star wars, soulmate marks, 2.9k    Drabble series about various soulmates in the Star Wars universe. ✦ brittle, break by glorious_clio, leia & luke & han & chewbacca & rieekan & cast, 8.2k    They’re not on Hoth very long, but Leia stands still long enough for it to leave an impression on her. A very cold sort of impression. ✦ sand into glass by glorious_clio, luke & cliegg & owen & beru, 2.2k    AU where Cliegg is around for Luke’s arrival at the Lars homestead. Luke has a lot to learn from his grandfather. REBELS RECS: ✦ The Starry Crown by bedlamsbard, ezra & kanan & sabine & zeb & chopper & cast, 8.8k wip    Months after Ezra Bridger vanished into the depths of the mysterious Jedi temple on Lothal, he reappears – with Kanan Jarrus in tow. All Hera Syndulla and the other surviving members of the Ghost crew want is to retrieve their missing teammates, but a Jedi who can raise the dead is a prize too great for the Empire to pass up. Palpatine will do anything to get Ezra and the secrets he carries – secrets that may allow the Emperor to control reality itself. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE!
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hello! I wanted to ask something! Is the relationship between Keiko and Wakana deteriorating after they joined fiction junction and kalafina disbanded? Is this just a rumour or is it true? :0
Ughhh, it’s not your fault anon but I am sick and tired of this question. I feel like I have talked so much about this topic already but somehow people are still eager to discuss the issue.
Let me start by clarifying something: Due to my intense engagement with Kalafina and everything related to them I might have more insight than most fans but I certainly do not have any sort of secret intel. Just like everyone else, I have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes. Do I wish we knew more? Of course! Do I constantly complain and demand more insight? No! Why? Because I respect everyone’s decision to lay low. They all have their reasons, they are doing what - in their mind - is necessary, who am I to complain about that? I have faith in them and their judgement. 
In one of her fan club magazine interviews Wakana explained the situation very well. Find my translation HERE. Keep in mind that she is being quite vague but still, the message is clear. Basically what she is saying is that she is aware people are gossiping, she is aware fans are worried. Her reassurance that she is doing fine seems genuine to me, I have no reason to not believe her. She emphasises that she has always been honest with us but she concedes that there are certain things she cannot and will not share with the fans. She points out that we are all adults and as such we should be able to understand and respect that decision. I am not sure about other fans but for me that’s more than enough. If you have trouble understanding that explanation, you are most likely immature and/or selfish. 
As for your question:  At the risk of repeating myself, no, I do not believe their relationship is strained or “deteriorating” as you put it. I believe their bond is as strong as ever. I have no proof of course but neither do all those drama-hungry fans who do not tire of making up one crazy theory after the other.  There is one thing I have in abundance though - I alluded to this earlier - it’s CONTEXT. Countless interviews, every single video, 10+ years worth of context, all of that has given me an idea, an insight of who they are as people and what they mean to each other. While I do not presume to actually KNOW them I think I can say with some certainty that the love between Wakana and Keiko has always been REAL. You cannot fake that sort of relationship unless you are an A+ actor (which neither of them is).  I am not denying that people do drift apart, that they do have “falling-outs” (things like that happen in life) but there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that Wakana and Keiko would ever break up over something as silly and mundane as Wakana wanting to go her own way. It is beyond me how anyone could even THINK that something as beautiful and natural as wanting to follow your own dreams would cause any sort of drama among strong, experienced and dignified women like Wakana and Keiko. Fans really don’t give them enough credit, they project their own immature character onto Wakana and Keiko.
By accident I stumbled across an old interview quote by Wakana today. It’s from Kalafina Record which was released back in 2011. Even then she had known that there would come a time when she would want to explore her “own music”.
私はたぶん、35歳とか40歳ぐらいになってやっと自分の音楽を見つけることができるかもしれない、って思うんです。自分の音楽とは自分が好きな音楽ではなく、自分自身で作り上げることができて、自分自身の魅力を出すことができるような音楽。( Kalafina Recordより - 2011)
For myself I think that I might probably finally be able to find my own music when I’m about 35-40 years old. What I mean by my own music is notmusic that I like but rather music that I am able to make on my own that is able to show my own type of charm. I think the time when I am able to understand what that is on my own is much, much further on.(Kalafina Record - 2011)
Her prediction was right. She dedicated a decade to Kalafina, now she is in her mid-30s and finally finding herself. Wakana and Hikaru wanting to pursue their respective solo careers is not something that came out of left-field, that has always been their dream and I am sure they talked openly among each other about those aspirations. Keiko would NEVER fault them for fulfilling their dreams and she would not judge them for making the necessary choices to reach their goals. She would push and support them - even at the expense of her own happiness. In her YKL#15 pamphlet interview Keiko talks about following the careers of both Wakana and Hikaru so she is definitely staying in contact with both of them. She also alludes to the disbandment having been very rough on her and feeling kinda lost because it was Wakana and Hikaru who motivated her to be a singer for the past decade.
There is no doubt in my mind that Keiko and Wakana still love and support each other, they may not be able to show any of that publicly but who cares about that? Public displays only serve a single purpose, they cater to fan needs/demands. The girls don’t have to showcase their relationship in order to be happy and content.
Yes, it hurts to not see them together anymore but I find comfort in the thought of their close bond - a bond that cannot be easily severed.
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dogcircle-scans · 6 years
Natsume Yuujinchou: “BEAUTIFUL DREAMER” Summary (Chapter 99)
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Even silly normal days can be special to someone…
For the first time in a while, we get a chapter featuring a short heart-warming story centered on a random new youkai.
Also, the chapter title this time is written in Katakana (basically the phonetic characters used to write out foreign words like English), so I decided to write the title in caps to differentiate it lol.
Next issue of the magazine (coming out on 24th Feb) will come with a free Nyanko-sensei ballpoint pen. There won’t be any Natsume chapter next issue, but there will be a Nyanko pen.
As usual, special thanks to Jessica for editing the post~ The print this month is pretty bad, so the photos look bad. I may replace them when I get the scans lol.
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! (to all those that celebrate it lol)
- Niji
[Everything under the cut.]
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Nishimura: —tsume… Natsume! Natsume: Nishimura, what is it? Nishimura: Just now, I walked past this girl and… Hm? What are you holding? Origami…? Natsume: Yeah… And the girl? Nishimura: She was super cute! Kitamoto: Her uniform’s from a prestigious school though. Nishimura: Dammit— Why didn’t I call out to her? Natsume: Haha! Nishimura: It’s not funny, Natsume!! Her hair was so long, so smooth as it swayed, so radiant… Nice to be trim and proper isn’t it, Natsume!? Natsume: Haha, yes it is.
Natsume parts ways with his friends, and walks along the field alone. He looks up to the sky—
Natsume: ——It’s so red. So beautiful… ——Oh yes.
He takes out the origami.
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Natsume: Here. Sunset. Beautiful, isn’t it? ——Ah, but… I’m sure you’ve already seen many more sunsets that were much more beautiful than this——
Nyanko-sensei pops out from the grass, warning Natsume about taking the origami outside. The origami is a rare type of ayakashi, and frequently gets targeted. Nyanko-sensei then quickly rushes Natsume, saying that there’s sukiyaki waiting for them back home.
Flashback to a few days before…
Natsume returns a name to an ayakashi. The ayakashi introduces himself as a traveller without a destination.
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Youkai: I heard a quiet rumour that it is now possible to have our names returned, and flew over here to meet her, but… I see. You’re Reiko’s grandson. Human lives are so fleeting. But because you are a human child, you are unable to drink this sake that I brought along as a gift. That’s too bad…… Natsume: Yes. Nyanko: I CAN DRINK IT! I CAN EVEN DROWN* MYSELF IN IT!! Natsume: ——Travels, huh…? (With no place to return to or any destination in mind——…) Doesn’t it get lonely? Youkai: Ufufufu, I’ve never said that I was alone. Natsume: ——I see.
[* He literally says “bathe”, but Jessica said this was funnier so I am keeping it lmao.]
That night, Nyanko-sensei enjoys the sake, talking about how the world must be filled with many delicious things, and decides to set off on a journey the moment he has settled some minor business.
Natsume: Minor business? Nyanko: WATCHING OVER YOU AND GETTING THE BOOK OF FRIENDS!! Natsume: —Oh, that.
Natsume thinks about the ayakashi they met earlier, thinking that it might be lonely to go on an aimless journey, but if he wasn’t alone like he said, then it could sound a little fun.
In the middle of the night, Natsume hears someone sobbing in his dream, and sees his own yard. The next morning, he and Nyanko-sensei go to investigate the place where he had heard the sobbing, and finds an origami in the shape of a person.
Natsume: An… An origami… doll? Why is something like that here…?
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Natsume: ……… Were you the one crying? Nyanko: It’s a meaningless thing, just throw it away. *swipe* Natsume: Hey! It might be bad for us to throw it away too. Nyanko: Hmph. Natsume: Let’s take a look at it first—
Natsume takes it inside the house with him, as something flies towards the house. It’s a kite with a face, and it slams right against the window.
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Natsume: A kite…!? Kite: Please excuse me for last night… Natsume: (This voice is from yesterday’s ayakashi——…) Kite: When I was here, I seem to have dropped an origami doll. Did you find it? Natsume: Ah! That was yours? Kite: Ah, thank goodness. That’s my travelling companion. I had him in my breast pocket but he must have fallen out. Natsume: That’s your travelling companion…? Kite: He got a little moody and shut himself away into a paper doll. I would love to come get him right away, but I am currently unable to move from where I am. That’s why I used this kite as my vessel to talk to you. He is a rare being with special spiritual powers. There might be a few small fries interested in him, and they may attempt to steal or attack him. So until I come and get him, please protect him for me. Natsume: What!? Nyanko: I thought it was getting noisy over here, but how selfish of you! We have no obligation to do so! Kite: Please, I’ll entrust him to you. *scatter…* Natsume: Huh!? Wait…
The kite scatters away and disappears. Nyanko-sensei swats at the origami, thinking nothing of it. Natsume quickly picks it up, glad that he had found the origami earlier. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the origami is able to speak or move. Natsume lets the origami rest on top of a towel while they go to bed.
That night, Natsume sees a beautiful scenery in his dream.
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A starry sky.
Natsume wakes up the following morning to find Nyanko-sensei in a good mood. Nyanko-sensei explains that he had a beautiful dream of a starry sky, and Natsume replies that he had the same dream too.
The following night, Natsume sets the origami to bed on his towel again, while Natsume and Nyanko-sensei head off to sleep. Once again, they both see a beautiful scenery in their dreams.
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This time it’s a scenery full of sakura flowers.
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Natsume: ——This is… Nyanko: I doubt it’s a coincidence. Natsume: —Yeah. Nyanko: Alright, Natsume. Bring that flimsy thing over. Natsume: Huh? Nyanko: I’ll try speaking to it. Natsume: Huh!?
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Nyanko: Oi. Are you the one giving us beautiful dreams these last few days? ——… Origami: *silence* Natsume: (——I guess he’s not replying……) Nyanko: Hm hm, so it really was you. Natsume: Huh!? Sensei? Nyanko: So you can’t hear him. It seems like an ayakashi really is inside this doll. And those “dreams” he gave us are his way of thanking us.
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Natsume: Thanking us? Nyanko: As thanks for taking care of him, he’s sharing with us memories of some beautiful sceneries he’s seen on his journey. Natsume: Is that so? You’re amazing. Thank you.
Those nights of beautiful dreams continued…
Back to the present, Natsume heads back home with Nyanko-sensei. It turns out that he had brought the origami out with him, so that he can return the favor and share some beautiful sceneries with him too. But Natsume realizes that the origami must have already seen many more beautiful sights on his travels.
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Natsume: By the way, what’s your name? Nyanko: He says, “I’ve been told that I should be careful about letting others know what it is.” Natsume: Urgh, that’s true… Nyanko: Well, I’m sure either Origami or Flimsy-san would be good enough. Natsume: ……… ——Then “Origami” it is.
Natsume wonders if the usual beautiful sceneries he sees in his town would seem boring to Origami, who is used to seeing beautiful things.
While Natsume, Nyanko-sensei and Origami are out on an errand, Origami begins to speak.
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Nyanko: Hmm, hmm. Origami asks, “I’ve been curious about this for a while, but what’s that red box standing beside the street?” Natsume: Huh? ——Oh that. That’s a “post box”. People put their letters inside it.
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Nyanko: “Writings?” Natsume: That’s right. People send letters to contact each other, to find out if they are doing well. Nyanko: “What about that little hut that’s full of flowers?” Natsume: That’s a florist. They sell flowers. Nyanko: “Why would anyone buy flowers? You can find flowers anywhere.” Natsume: Hmm… I think it’s also nice to buy flowers as gifts.
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Nyanko: “Flowers as gifts? Why? But I have heard of a practice where people give flowers as offerings to the dead.” Natsume: Yes, there’s that too… But people also give flowers away when they want to thank someone or as a way of showing goodwill.
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Natsume: (Origami’s voice…) Nyanko: “What’s that?” Natsume: That’s an art museum. That’s a bookstore. (As usual, I’m unable to hear him. But faintly, I can see him sparkle.) Nyanko: That’s a taiyaki shop!! Time to run, Natsume!! Natsume: Wait! I’m in a mood for dango today.
The following day…
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Natsume: Good morning, Origami. Thanks for the dream again last nig… Hm? (——What is that? I’m not imagining it, am I…? The area around Origami seems a bit dirty.)
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Nyanko: Haaah! Once again, there was such a lovely view last night! I wonder if that was a foreign country, or a deity’s village. Haah~ I would love to visit there myself. Natsume: Do you plan on traveling by yourself, Sensei? Nyanko: Of course. My heart is free. Natsume: That’s true.
As Natsume heads home from school that evening, he realizes that these bright days will surely come to an end someday. As he gazes up at the evening sky, he wishes he could burn those memories into his mind the same way Origami does.
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Nyanko: A strange presence? Natsume: Yeah… It felt like something was there.
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Nyanko: So someone who is out to get Origami, has finally appeared. I’m sure it’s just some small fry. If you see it again, use your Bean Sprout Punch to pulverize it! Natsume: ———… Sensei, let me know if you sense anything as well. …… ——You too, Origami.
The following morning, Natsume wakes up to find Origami surrounded by dirt again.
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Natsume: The area around Origami is dirty again……? (Is something happening around Origami?) ——I have to protect you until your friend comes to pick you up. (And then Origami will set off on his journey again, and he will once again get to see numerous, beautiful sceneries and burn them into his mind.)
At school, Natsume is off to return a borrowed key, when he senses the presence again. And this time—
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Natsume cries out in surprise, but the youkai vanishes.
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Natsume: (——Just now… Was it trying to get Origami——…?) ——… (——But that was…) ……
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Nyanko: What’s wrong, Natsume? Why the long face? Natsume: ——Ah, yeah… Nyanko: Hm, Origami is saying something again. Hmm. He says, “My travelling companion should be coming to fetch me tomorrow. I’ll be staying with you until tonight.” Natsume: Really!? That’s great, Origami! Nyanko: ——… …Hmm… ——… …Oi, Natsume. Natsume: ……Hm? Nyanko: ——Nope, it’s nothing. Natsume: ——… Is that so?
That night, Natsume and Nyanko-sensei have the same dream again. However…
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Natsume: —Huh? (This dream is——… This sunset is———…)
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Nyanko: ——Hm… That is… Natsume: ——… ——… (That is… That presence is…)
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Natsume: ——I’m sorry that I cried out in shock. Even though… you finally showed me your true form. (——That’s probably…)
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Natsume: Origami. (He came out of the doll he was possessing. This is Origami’s true form——) Why are you standing so far away? I won’t be surprised anymore, so come closer.
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Origami: ——— If only I… …… …… If only my long hair was smooth, as it swayed, or radiant, that would have been great.
[Origami is echoing the line that Nishimura said about the girl he saw at the beginning of the chapter… I’m trying to understand what the significance is here, but it probably relates to Origami’s fear of being seen. Perhaps the reason why he shut himself away in the paper doll isn’t because he was throwing a tantrum, but because he was self-conscious about his appearance? In which case… Aww, poor Origami. I wanna give you a hug. ;-;]
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Origami: Goodbye, Natsume. Thank you for giving me this beautiful sunset.
Natsume and Nyanko-sensei wake up from the dream, and…
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Natsume: Drawings of flowers……?
Natsume recalls the conversation he had with Origami about giving flowers as gifts, and smiles to himself. The dirt that was previously around Origami was just him practicing how to draw flowers. Origami has already left, and since the window is open, they suspect he must have left through there.
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Natsume: (Goodbye, Origami—— Maybe we'll meet again, someday——) Hm……… Am I able to show this to Touko-san and Shigeru-san? Nyanko: Impossible. This is ayakashi ink, and it will fade away with time. Natsume: ———Is that so?
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Natsume: (In that case, I shall firmly burn it into my mind.)
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foxydivaxx · 6 years
Project Titans Chapter 1
What would it take for the Robins and the Titans as a whole to reunite? Well this....
Oswald sighs as he downs yet another bottle. Project Titans was an awesome dream
So there we go. I edited this chapter again.
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Gotham s5ep3 “Penguin, Our Hero” Personal Review
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 “His methods will be our salvation.”    Warning spoilers below   
“Mr. Penn´s head” So MR. PENN shielded Oswald from the state of things? “I simply couldn't stand seeing you upset while you were recovering.” Which really makes me wonder, either he did it before too, just not wanting to deal with Penguins outbursts which would partly explain Oswald´s distorted view of what´s going on but with the way he was pressing on the issues of food, starvation, failing bullets in 5x01 that seems highly unlikely, which either means the outbursts got to a critical point where it was unbearable or he actually cared about Oswald´s well being? Which kind of fits that he apologized to Oswald after being shot but that means that it must have been terrible difficult for him to work for Oswald, Sofia and Carmine at the same time also why? How did Oswald win him over? I wannt to know everything, and as far as I´m concerned he is still there.  Also Penn still directing the (former Gertrud Kapelput Memorial Choir) choir might suggest he had a leading role in getting the people to Haven? I´d really like to have seen him in a position of reason that gets people out of a precarious situation but the episode made it look like he only did it because now it was specifically his head on the line. (Unless, that was something that Oswald said every 27 minutes, which .. is also likely) OSWALD COBBLEPOT okay so looks like Oswald wasn´t at all meant to be cruel, merely delusional? It seems Oswald really cared about Penn, thinking it would have been good for him to stay with him. He really believed his people were in a better situation than the slaves of other gangs.  He genuinely doesn´t seem to get why people would prefer Haven instead of his territory.  //  “I'm sorry, Mr. Cobblepot.” “You fool! This never would have happened if you stayed with me. Why did you leave?” “Everyone hated you.”  // “They probably go back to being slaves, I guess. My people, on the other hand, will go back to their regular lives, with their bellies full of gruel and their heads full of wonderful thoughts about their grand protector, me.”  //  “I kept people safe. I protected them from chaos. They should have loved me. Instead, they came here, to this pigsty, to be covered in fleas and filth. Why? What makes this place so special?” Oswald does´t think he´s a dictator or authoritarian he thinks he is living the “Great man theory” I´m glad that history moved past this and recognized that there is so much more to reality than a “great man” after another. Sadly that notion is one that´s hard to kill. You still have people thinking they benefit from a “strong” leader ruling with a firm hand. A strong man that´s guiding the nation is the only way to be protected and thrive. Someone that does act, someone that does do something! Not that It really matters much what that something is, as long as it isn´t weak. That way you get people praising Putin instead of being worried about the devaluation of democracy, that way you get orange fools that scream for a great wall instead of caring about facts, that way you get people saying Duterte doing good for his nation while soaking it´s soil with blood.  At leas the show didn´t portray his underlings buying into this, they just showed Oswald believing it. Which is still .. ?? Oswald was living the “Strong man politics” (okay with the cult of personality tuned up on the higher setting) and I´m kind of glad they showed how there´s nothing behind it but I can´t believe that Oswald wouldn´t know that, that people need more than someone to praise and the general assurance that yes they are a strong nation, be proud and quit complaining!  I like that Oswald not understanding why his approach didn´t work could maybe be meant to be a faint warning for people who call for men that lead like that? Okay I´m reading too much into this but can´t you see Trump being like why U no love me when I want the wall to protect you, when I kept your bellies full with the best fast food  .. ?  Just that it´s not a good fit for the Character previous Oswald was perceptive, seeing what people need and want and love. It wasn´t just about what he needs “the love of the people”, even when it was about his selfish gains he still had a strong grip on understanding the needs of others (and better than a bland abstract “they want safety and protection”) and used them.  Like I could get that he´s just done, paranoid and afraid and just not able to deal with the issues, brushing the needs of others aside, everyone can get to a point where it´s too much, but this way it just looks like he really did care and believed he was doing good .. which  means he was just being stupid.  On the other hand when Oswald went into politics he had to be convinced that people want him there and genuinely like him. Granted there was plenty of reason for Oswald to not quite believe this. Now we have him not believing that people hate him. Which is a nice circle but the second half doesn´t make any sense.   “Hope can only go so far.” And sometimes it runs circles. They really had JIM GORDON give another unreasonable promise to a CHILD but now he had BRUCE WAYNE sitting on his side, not only going along with it but with asking Jim to talk to the boy kind of being the reason for that to happen. I´m sure there´s more to say about this .. * “That's a good point. We didn't really think this through.” Street Demonz guys really got a talent to get to the heart of things with stating the obvious. “Well, whoever did just started one hell of a war.” (Tank 5x02) * Same with the “But, uh, they have guns.” comment “So do I and mine is most certainly loaded.” And I really thought, uh Oswald do you really want to point a gun on all the people round you? But wow he got a point with that. * I know it was short lived but for a moment I was like awwwww not both Oswald and Edward have their own personal STREET DEMON(Z) * What I liked is that they still have OSWALD COBBLEPOT be damn good at reframing and changing narratives. He´s out of people and needs others? Ah, nope wrong they are actually lucky to help him, let me tell you why “You're in luck, my friend. .as our interests are now aligned, I have decided that you may live.” * “You return our people and Edward”  I´m kind of ehh with the dog thing but that distinction made me giggle. *  “Rumors say pup went willingly.” Oh Olga  “I'm not yours to lose. You can't stop me from going after Jeremiah. But I am asking you for help.”   I saw that SELINA KYLE line somewhere online and thought oh no but turns out she teamed up with BRUCE WAYNE and it was actually nice. For a while. Sure that Selina getting murderous business is going to be a problem but I´m gonna ignore it as long as possible. Also yes! Jeremiah shot her because of Bruce .. rubbish .. I live for Selina rejecting the whole premise of that. I´m not overly fond of revenge but I like that they made it hers and not about Bruce in any way. (well, for now. Selina wasn´t too keen on Bridgit Firefly Pike roasting that kidnapper ring alive I guess that kind of reservation is over now) I feared that the line might be in the context of them going different paths but that it was followed by them agreeing to work together just made it more impactful. There is a possible relationship there but it´s not on these icky anyone belongs to anyone terms! I also liked that Selina didn´t just go out into the chaos but investigated. “These people come from all over Gotham, Bruce. Someone has to know something.” For all her reclusive attitude she obviously networked back in the early seasons, so she got to have a talent to talk/connect to people, I´d like to have seen more of this in that episode.
* “You didn't have to hurt him like that.” “He was trying to kill me, Bruce, just like Jeremiah tried to kill me. So as far as I'm concerned he got off easy.”  Bruce subscribed to the JIM GORDONs way of things Selina to HARVEY BULLOCKs [“Three months ago, I would’ve lost my badge for that.” ..  “You want rules for this game? I’ll tell you. I’ll make it simple, okay? You win or you die. Next time, shoot to kill.”  5x01]  * Selina´s fight choreography against the Mutant Leader was awesome! A catoreography! * Selina sweeping a curtsey and playing along with the The Church of Jeremiah Valeska theatrics was equally awesome.  * Oddly I didn´t like ECCO/HARLEY, her eyebrow is cool but for once I thought he acting was not stellar .. but that´s probably just me? The Ping didn´t impress me .. * One of the church boys is wearing a skirt, least their dresscode is better * Whoever blew up Haven: Fuck You! * CRACK THEORY:  It might be Jeremiah acting through the Mutants. The Mutant leader said “Kill you. Kill Jeremiah.” but elaborated  “Old Town North, okay? We don't mess with him.” so a contradictory statement. I guess the first was just posing, trying to keep the threatful appearance and the second statement the truth. They might still work for him, refusing it might count as messing with him?  Oddly they guy talking to Selina about the rumours said that: “If you go to the Dark Zone, Jeremiah is the least of your worries. Everyone there is insane. Look at what they did to my friend.” which would suggest Jeremiah is less of a threat but that might just be perspective, Jeremiah might cultivate his church/cult image, laying low on the chaos and mayhem front for a while, while still having others creating it for him in that area.  What I want to say I don´t think the Mutants have a motive for the destruction of Haven but I need them to be connected to it because I found it odd that they chased a person with an explosive device and watched that guy blow up in the same episode. They, if Selina is right are also responsible for the carved up person in Haven “Now we know who carved "kill" into that guy's chest.” So I´m naturally suspicious. What if the “kill” carvings were just meant to conceal the cuts where someone put explosives into that person? People bombs! (With Pyg we already had a grenade in a belly) Problem1: This needed more people like that. Which someone might have noticed, also why would they have been spread out in the buildings, I guess the medic area was just in one place. Problem2: I think Jeremiah has a motive, he put Gotham into this state and Haven is trying to remedy this aka. undoing/undermining his work, to it would naturally be a target but why would he not just do it himself? Problem3: The “Edward” and Street Demonz thing got Oswald to got there, it would be odd if an explosion right after that issue would be an unconnected coincidence * BARBARA KEAN remembers Season 1 and undermines the (repeated) Jim the Hero narrative, although there would be better arguments even talking to Harvey Bullock. “He, the idealistic rookie. You, the cynical veteran.” “You were sane.” “Now you carry his laundry. Do you ever wonder what your life might've been like if you'd never met Jim Gordon? I'd be dead, or wishing I was.” “You're delusional, Harvey. Just like all the sad saps who think the government is just gonna sail in and save them.” “Maybe.”
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