#she said that she supports 'the gays' but when she was drunk she told me that she only believes in sex between a married couple
tevatron · 1 year
my catholic colleague asked me if my family is christian and when i said no she said "oh, but you seem so nice!" uh oh!
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
so we talked about this and I always make true on my threats
Please give us the funny coming out story they all have!! We’re they called out??? Did someone walk in on a heavy make out session???
I'm gonna answer these in character
Soap: "So, I actually came out to Price, once, and he just kind of stood there and for a moment I was solidly worried that he may have been homophobic. So I was sweating, right? This man looks me dead in my eyes and goes 'Goddamnit, Mactavish, I fucking know already. You're a whore! I've heard so many damn stories of you hooking up with half the fucking barracks. If you didn't have the damn tags, I'd call you a tag chaser.' So, yeah. Wasn't homophobic, but did slut shame me. I'm sure it was meant affectionately"
Ghost: "I've never came out. I just mention past male partners and no one is shocked. Wondering if I should be offended or not."
Rodolfo: "I have also never came out. Do I have to? I joined the military for one man, stayed for one man, got well known for being entirely loyal to one man... I sound pathetic. Anyway- Oh, wait, I did have to come out to said man. He told me I should flirt with this woman at a bar and I will admit to just staring at him in shock for a solid minute and just... kind of quietly going, 'but I'm gay' and he looked so confused. I have to admit, it made me feel a lot better because I genuinely thought he was ignoring my feelings towards him until this point. He looked embarrassed, too."
Alejandro: "I came out to the Vaqueros about five years ago. I was incredibly drunk, which is never good for me, and I walked right up to Rodolfo, I threw my arm around him, and said, very loudly, in front of all my men, that I was 'gay as fuck' and that he was the prettiest boy I'd ever seen in my entire life. I'm loud when I'm sober, I was... LOUD this time. I thought Rodolfo was about to strangle me from how embarrassed he looked. It worked out for me, though, because we got together shortly after and hey, look at us. We're married, now. I guess the lesson here is to always go for it?"
Price: "I come out every damn day, kid. I have to consistently reassert that I'm gay. My entire team should fucking know at this rate but I repeatedly will mention partners and it goes kind of like this: Me: So, I went to a bar last night and I met this guy- Gaz: Guy?! Me: ...yes. I met this guy and we went home Gaz: To do what?! Me: ...To eat cereal, Garrick! The fuck do you think?! We went back to my place to fuck! So, anyway."
Gaz: "I got outed to the entire school. It wasn't particularly funny, but hey, saved me a lot of trouble. My school was fairly supportive, save for some assholes, so I never had to worry about homophobia. My foster parents did find out, though, and yeah that was not fun."
Graves: "We're supposed to come out? Damn, I just... mention it in casual conversation. If they have a problem with it, they can take it up with my gun."
Valeria: "Apparently it was obvious. I went and told Rodolfo, because I was really upset and worried about it and he laughed at me. Worst part was, I didn't even know he could laugh. He said 'you make it fairly obvious' and then mentioned that I talk about women way too much to even have had a thought about hiding it."
Farah: "Haha, I still haven't came out. You either pick it up or you don't. I think it's funny to watch people guess what I mean when I say 'girlfriend'."
Alex: "I also frequently come out. The most notable time being when I came out to the 141, we're all gay I don't understand why I had to do that, and Gaz immediately went 'I have a chance?!' and then covered his face and turned a deep deep shade of red. He didn't talk to me for a week, afterwards, I hope because he was embarrassed, not because he changed his mind."
Laswell: "I came out in college. I was kind of crazy, so I went to a party and at this point, I was trying to get by without anyone knowing and I just- this girl sat in front of me and she was gorgeous. Gorgeous body, her hair sort of bubbled around her head and it would shake when she moved, and she would laugh super loud and big and it was so gorgeous. And I remember I was so drunk that I blurted out of nowhere 'fuck, I'm so gay' and she just started laughing. Anyway, a two for one deal because that's how I met my wife, guys."
Roach: I more got told. When I was 12 this guy came up to me and was like 'you're gay by the way' and then just... walked away. Fucker was right, but goddamn.
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Story time:
There was a kid in my town who sold radios. Home stereos, portable boomboxes, car radios, it didn't matter. You wanted it, it played music, kid sold it.
This is not the part of the story where I sell you an honorable story about a kid earning for a family who can't keep up. Kid had a reasonably secure homelife, just liked having cash on hand for things they wanted. Everyone knew these were not exactly electronics with legitimate provenance, you feel me? But that didn't matter. Kid sold decent equipment at good prices, so if the kid said a case of cassette players fell off the back of a truck, then it fell off the back of a truck.
I get that some people have never lived in communities where the illegitimate market was a staple in community survival, but where I grew up "criminal" was a job title.
Story time:
My mom sold drugs for the cartels. She was a teenager alone in a city where she didn't know anyone, gay as a maypole, school drop out, couldn't hold down a job between the homophobia, the earthquakes, and the severe trauma. So she sold drugs for the local distributer because he didn't care who she fucked or when she needed a day off. Sometimes she spent her drug money on drugs of her own. Sometimes she spent it on expensive sex toys for her and her friends. Sometimes she spent it on food and rent. Sometimes she gave it away to the other queer kids.
The world is a complicated place, and people make complicated choices. Good and bad are rarely what we think they are. We can make that a problem for ourselves by fighting it, or we can accept it and play in the space.
My mom told me about her drug dealer days when she had a talk with me about recreational drug use as a kid. She told me that she tried cocaine once and liked it so much she knew she couldn't try it again. She told me to only ever smoke marijuana if I watched the buds ground up or ground them up myself. She told me not to get high or drunk with anyone unless I trusted them with my life. She told me that if I ever took something and it went wrong that I could call her. And she told me something that she ended up saying a lot: "the only absolute is that there are no absolutes"
Ironically, given my OCD, this was a really protective message. Her point was that doubt, uncertainty, change, difference, were inevitable, and would always take us by surprise until we learned how to internalize that truth. Better to build yourself a comfortable palace of self-reflection in that doubt and uncertainty, and allow the variability of life to be your anchor.
I've been supporting myself since I was a teenager, and maybe one day I'll find something as good as the sound of that giant ass boombox with the batteries the size of a hamster pumping out prince and tracy chapman and the indigo girls under the mulberry tree out front while the smell of my aunties and mom smoking up out back drifts off into the woods. Maybe I'll even find people who see the beauty and humanity in the mess the way I do.
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elliessession · 6 months
𐙚 - This fic is based on a song called "die for you" by the weeknd !! -> cursing ! slight mention of sa ! fighting ! mentions of alcohol !
ೀ - an -> this is my first time writing againn, i quitted writing for like a year agoo, anyways this fic is fluff !! Enjoyy!
Ellie had been always overprotective when it comes to you. Shes also protective to her friends or to anyone she loves but not when it comes to you its just different.
"Where are you going?" The auburn haired girl asked "hm, just going out with my friends why?" you asked while finishing your make up "your going alone?" she said sarcastically "err.. i mean its your day off and you've been working your ass off, i dont wanna bother you" you said finishing your mascara "y'know im not letting you go out without me, right?" She slurs "i know els.. but i just want you to rest okay?" you say calmly your tone so convincing she said "fine, but dont forget to text me okay?" She says "mhm" you hum receiving a text from your friend saying theyre on their way to your apartment, you started getting ready finding the right heels that matches your dark red dress. You go to ellie asking her "hey babe, watcha think?" You say smiling at her "you look great, oh my god i cant let you go out alone wearing that" she says softly laughing "i mean.. you can go with me if you want to, i just really want you to rest for now" you say looking at her "its fine baby, i trust you but send me the bar you're going at and I'll pick you up around 11pm" you gave her a genuine smile before kissing her "alright ill write the bar down on a piece of paper" you say going to your desk to write the bar down, you feel your phone vibrate in your purse, you received a text from your friend saying theyre already outside your apartment waiting for you in the car, "els, here.. heres the bars name, i gtg my friends are there! Love ya!" You say kissing her gently before going to meet your friends.
After 20minutes you and your friends arrived at the bar, you being greeted by the loud music, people chatting here and there the white and red light illuminating. You liked this feeling, the feeling of being out with your friends, drinking with them and just having fun at all.
Your friend scarlet suddenly grabbing your arm "hey! Lets go inside shall we?" You nod while smiling at your friend, you and your 3 other friends go inside the bar and oh it was loud as hell but you just shrug that feeling off and went to the counter with your friends "hey ladies, what drink are y'all ordering?" The bartender asked, your friend layla whos one of your trusted and closest friend said "uhh, we'll have 2 daiquiri and 2 gimlet!" she said. After a few minutes of waiting the drinks were served your friend layla saying thankyou to the bartender and handling y'alls drink, you take a sip from your drink daiquiri and boy did it taste good.
And minutes later you guys were drunk real drunk to the point all of you are just talking gibberish, you thought everything was going great but boy you were wrong, you guys were approached by 2 tall guys and one of the guys started introducing his self to you and your friend suddenly splurts out "dude, fuck off she has a girlfriend, shes into girls" your friend layla laughing as she says it a guy also tried to flirt with layla but shes just too drunk to talk, plus you also did the same you told the guy to fuck off and just flirt with your other 2 friends, well you and layla are the only gay ones there the other two? Scarlet and Leah well theyre straight but very supportive.
And after you knew it Leah and Scarlet were gone they went with the 2 tall guys and layla? Oh she passed out..thats how drunk she got, you laughed and took your phone out to take a picture of layla to send it to ellie, you looked at the time and it shows "10:36pm" 'ellie is probably gonna be here any minute now' you think to yourself, you just sat at the counter waiting for ellie to reply but she never did, 'she probably fell asleep' you say to yourself and at this point you've kinda sobered out.
A few moments later a guy went up to you flirting and asking you some questions which made you very uncomfortable. You already made it very clear that you're a lesbian and you have a girlfriend "dude, can you leave me alone. I have a girlfriend and yes im into girls, now leave me alone." You irritatedly spurts out "alright, angel chill, i can change you.. you just need my dick and you'll be good" this made you very angry and very very uncomfortable. "Dude fuck off will ya? I do not like you and you are making me uncomfortable." You say, the guy the suddenly grabbed you by the arm and led you to a slightly not crowded area, you tried to get off his grip but you cant. You feel helpless at this point hes trying to kiss your neck until.. there she was, the auburn girl punching the guy so he'll let go of you. "Els! w-what are you doing here?" You screamed "I'll talk to you later baby, gotta teach this fucker a lesson" ellie then punched the guy again knocking him down, ellie then went on top of the guy and started choking the guy. You got scared ellie might kill the guy and you were also crying at this point "ellie! Els! No baby stop you're gonna kill him!" You screamed while sobbing, ellie heared your sobs she let go of the guy and started hugging you "hey baby? y'alright?" She says.
You just sobbed on her arms and say "y-yes im fine ellie... but you literally just almost unalived a guy.." you say, ellie then hugs you tighter "oh angel.. i should've unalived him, he literally assaulted you." Ellie said her voice still filled with anger..
"Oh angel.. you dont know the things i would do for you."
"i would die for you.. i would kill for you my baby.."
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moonriverrise · 2 years
Steddie & Ronance fame au, where Robin & Steve know eachother through a tv show they're both acting it. (Steve is also a model in this au but that's less important) Robin knows Eddie because she acted in one of his music videos, they became friends afterwards since they realizes they're pretty similar. Eddie is a famous rockstar, obviously. Nancy is cc's manager,
Robin takes Steve to a party or something and introduces him to Eddie, they seem kinda awkward. Which makes Robin nervous, since she wants her friends to like each other.
She ends up getting super drunk because of said nerves, Nancy finds her in the bathroom and helps her get home, stays when Robin asks her to.
When Robin wakes up the next morning, deathly hungover, with Nancy still there. She starts internally losing her mind. She isn't exactly open to the public about being gay, but she told Steve one night when they were filming a queer coming out scene for Steve's character for the show they're both in. It was a pretty tough scene to see for Robin, since Steve's character doesn't have a good support system when he tells his parents.
But Robin tells him and he says that he supports her all the way even though he's straight, and then they just became best friends. So, since they're best friends, Robin goes to the bathroom, and calls Steve immediately.
"Nancy Wheeler helped me get home last night- She's still here." Robin says in a hushed voice.
"Really? I'm so happy for you, Robs. But uh- speaking of taking people home-"
"Oh? Who's the girl?"
"Robin I slept with Eddie last night."
"You what?"
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seancoffe · 2 years
Thomaluc HC:
@gay-salt-amber helped me with this
- Petnames for each other:
Diluc to Thoma is ‘Puppy’ and
Thoma to Diluc is ‘Hot Stuff’
- Figure Skater Thoma and Supportive Bf Diluc
- They were highschool sweethearts but then Thoma moved to Inazuma
- Thoma helps Diluc’s maids with cooking and cleaning, they used to try to stop him but then got in trouble with Diluc so they had to let him help. (He also likes to see Thoma in the maid outfit)
- The first time Thoma had wine (which Diluc highly suggested otherwise) he got one glass in and was already drunk
- Thoma mends all the clothes that Diluc tears up while fighting
- Before Thoma came back to Mondstadt, him and Diluc used to send each other letters by Beidou’s ship during the Vision Hunt Decree, and whenever Thoma had to go into hiding/got captured by the Shogun, Diluc got so worried
- Thoma keeps cats at the Dawn Winery to keep Venti away
- When Thoma and Diluc are cuddling, Thoma will have nightmares about being captured by the Shogun in the Vision Hunt Decree and so Diluc will wake him up and just reassure Thoma that he’s ok while Thoma has a death grip on Diluc’s jacket and crying/whimpering
- As soon as Diluc got news of Thoma being back in Mondstadt, he rushed to where Thoma was staying and cried as he hugged Thoma for like 20 minutes straight and Thoma saying “Don’t worry, I’m home now���
- Diluc can try to spoil Thoma but Thoma won’t let him
- One of the last gifts that Diluc sent Thoma before the Vision Hunt Decree started was a golden bracelet that Thoma refused to take off and a promise ring with a note that said “Wait for me”
- Whenever Adeline (Head Maid) scares Thoma, he goes crying to Diluc and she always gets in trouble
- Before they got together, Kaeya and Ayato always told them how cute they look together and it took around 4 months to get them to confess, Diluc confessed and Kaeya owed Ayato a boba for a bet they made
- Once Thoma got kidnapped by the Abyss Order and as soon as Diluc got their letter he raced over there to save Thoma
- Ayato came to Mondstadt and Diluc got jealous that him and Thoma knew each other
- Diluc is overprotective
- Diluc is the ‘not-so-innocent’ protective bf that’s trying to keep Thoma’s innocence but Thoma knows what he’s trying to do and so he plays along with it cuz he finds it sweet
- Thoma made Diluc a handmade hawk plush for Christmas
- Thoma steals one or two of Diluc’s jackets for when he has to go back to Inazuma
- Once Kaeya tried flirting with Thoma and he almost died right then and there
- For their wedding, Thoma insisted he wore a dress and so when he was being walked down the isle, Diluc had to restrain himself from running up to him and just kissing him
- Once for Thanksgiving, Thoma and Diluc invited over Kaeya and Albedo for dinner. There was a huge fight that exploded between Diluc and Kaeya and so Albedo and Thoma had to break it up
- Thoma makes Diluc watch musicals with him
- Thoma can’t sleep unless he hears Diluc’s voice and so whenever he goes to Inazuma him and Diluc will call every night so Thoma can sleep. Thoma apologies everytime cuz he thinks he’s a bother but Diluc finds it cute
- Whenever Thoma gets sick Diluc panics like Celestia is raining down on them
- When Diluc gets annoyed/angry with a client who wants to do business with Dawn Winery, Thoma always hides cuz he’s scared and Diluc feels bad after and tries to find and calm him down
- In Diluc and Thoma’s room, there’s pillows and blankets all over the bed because of how tired they are at the end of the day
- Once one of Thomas ex’s found him in Mondstadt and later that day Diluc said that the ex wasn’t gonna be a problem anymore (he killed the ex)
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panickinganakin · 1 year
stepping stones to hell ch. 3 (ronance fic)
this is chapter 3 of an ongoing fic, you can find all previous chapters here. 
word count: 2,310
After soundcheck Robin made her way back to the dressing room areas. She needed to drink water and ice her wrists with what little time she had left. She knocked on the first dressing room door, hoping Steve would be inside. 
“Come in,” she had heard his voice from the other side. 
Relief flooded through her just at the sound of her best friend's voice. She pushed the door open and groaned. As she shuffled into the room, Eddie was already holding a bottle of water out for her. She grabbed it thankfully and plopped down on the couch next to Steve. “Well, how’d it go?” He asked. 
Robin waited until she had drunk almost half the water before answering. Trying to decide what to say. “It went well. I wasn’t expecting Nancy Wheeler to be there. Why didn’t you say that?”
“Well, I just know tensions used to be high between the two of you. I was afraid you might turn the offer down had I told you beforehand.”
Robin cocked an eyebrow. “What are you talking about? I’ve always liked Nancy. Sure, we may have not been compatible friends back in the day but.. I’ve always respected her as a person and not to mention she’s a hell of a writer.”
Eddie lifted his water, “Cheers to that.”
“It was nice though. Nancy asked me questions that mattered and that were centered around what I had to offer to men. It was a really good environment. I fear the pictures might look… Well, I don’t know.” She looked in the large mirror across from them. The lipstick didn’t look bad. She didn’t look bad. “Okay, fine. I look great. But, I just feel like posing is hard. I probably look like a stiff board.”
Steve laughed then patted Robin’s knee. Robin’s thoughts drifted back to the last question Nancy had asked her. “What do you guys think about me coming out?”
Steve tilted his head but it was Eddie who spoke first, “To who?”
“Like everyone?”
Robin could feel her cheeks heating, “It was just an idea. I just thought maybe,” she started but paused to hear any protests. But they both were silent and listening closely. “Well, you know the point of this is to like, be a role model right? Women for women and such. It’s important for young girls and women to have women in all industries they can look up to.”
“Okay, go on,” Steve encouraged. 
“But, what about queer women? Like sure there’s representation with me doing an article cursing the patriarchy but what about what coming out could do? I just think of someone who was like me. Young, confused and just wanting someone to look to. I just-” she choked. Why was it so hard to say? “I just think coming out could give hope to people out there. Not just gay women, but anyone in our community. I’m just afraid of opinions.”
“Opinions of who? We already know your gay, babes,” Eddie said. 
“Well, what about Nancy? Will she even publish a story focused on a gay woman?”
Robin bit her nail but Steve smacked her hand away from her mouth. “We just painted those.  But, no? Why would Nancy care?”
“Well, because, well-” But Robin had nothing to add to that. Of course an all woman magazine would be progressive. 
“I think you’re more scared of yourself than anyone. Why?” Eddie asked. 
Robin rolled her eyes. She hated when Eddie spoke deeply and started making sense. “I’m not scared.”
“Really? You’ve only ever had one girlfriend and you wouldn't even bring her on a double date.”
Robin threw up a hand, Steve had no right to bring that up. “I was young! I’ve been busy. I’m not dating because I don’t want to. I just can’t right now. I’m focusing on this band, obviously.”
Eddie and Steve exchanged a silent look and Robin groaned. She hated when they spoke with their minds. “Nevermind, just forget it.” 
She stood up and grabbed an extra water. Before she made it to the door Steve stopped her, “Robs. You know we are proud of you no matter what. We will always support you and stand behind your decision. You can come out in this article or months down the road. Don’t ever ask us how you should do it. We are standing behind you no matter how.”
Robin’s chin quivered and she nodded, “I know that. I love you guys and I’m very thankful for you both. I’ll think about it. Maybe I’ll know after the show.”
Robin followed the hall down to where she knew dressing room ‘C’ was located. She tapped on the door twice and pushed it open before hearing a response. Gareth was sitting on the sofa, tapping drumsticks against a practice pad. He looked up and smiled, “Oh hey, Bubs. How did the interview go?” 
Robin took a seat beside Gareth and sighed dramatically. She laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her. She couldn’t remember when Gareth had given her the nickname but it had been years of him using it. Their practice sessions had led to them becoming very close. He was practically her best friend after Steve. “It wasn’t bad, was it?” 
“No, no. It was fine! Nancy Wheeler was actually the person interviewing me.” 
“At least you knew someone. Did they take photos?” 
Robin nodded, “They did. I felt sort of silly alone but I think it’ll be okay. The work they’re doing is great.” 
“That’s good, I know how much it means to you.” 
That was true. Robin was very grateful for all of her bandmates. On more than one occasion they had stood with her, signs held high at different protests. Not only gender equality protests but also LGBT protests. “I think it’s going to be good. Nancy is a phenomenal writer.” 
“One of the best,” he agreed. Robin notes his silence and he knew he was thinking of her article she wrote for Eddie. Truly she deserved a large portion of credit when it came to Eddie’s name being cleared. 
The door swung open quickly and Nancy’s head popped in. Her eyes went big, “Oh, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. I just missed something but,” Nancy looked down at her notes, her brows furrowing. “Uhm, I’ll just find you after the show.” 
She turned and shut the door behind before Gareth or Robin could respond. “That was weird. Maybe go talk to her?” He suggested. 
Robin debated it for a moment then stood up, letting out a small sigh. She exited the room and saw Nancy standing at the end of the hallway. She held the notepad in her hands but was looking straight forward at the wall. “Uh, Nancy? What did you miss?” 
“Oh! Oh, uhm,” she paused. She looked down at the notes and sighed, “Nevermind. I had read it wrong, I thought I missed half of the answer to the growing up question but I drew an arrow to the margin and for some reason I missed that.” She inhaled, “Sorry I stormed in. I didn’t mean to interrupt your privacy. Steve just told me where to find you and,” she shook her head then smiled. “Please tell Gareth I’m sorry.” 
Robin raised an eyebrow. Nancy was acting like she had walked in on something scandalous. “Oookay. It’s not like either of us were offended. He was just asking me about the interview.” Robin took another step toward Nancy, “You said you’re going to stay for the show?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah! Steve said it was fine and I wanted to take some notes to maybe have some stuff to fluff up your article. Is that okay?” 
“Do whatever you want,” Robin gave a smile then thought again about what she had discussed with Steve and Eddie. “How long does it take to run an article?” 
“Well, we’re hoping we get this one bumped to the issue that drops in two weeks but it really depends on the printers. It may be next month's issue.” 
“Okay, cool. Does that mean we could change some things around?” 
Nancy raised an eyebrow, tucking her notepad under her arm. “Like what?” She smoothed her shirt down and Robin noticed now she was wearing a short gray skirt, almost the color of her shorts. “Was there something you didn’t like?” 
“Oh, no! Everything was great! I just feel like I could have answered one of the questions differently. You know,” Robin paused to take a breath. Her chest felt funny as the internal debate with herself started again. What would the outcome of this be? Would it have the impact she thought? And why did she feel the need to have validation? “Maybe I’m just overthinking stuff. Everything was great.”
Robin rocked back on her heels and Nancy looked at her curiously. She needed to change the subject so she clapped her hands together. “Have you ever been onstage before a show? The doors open soon but we have enough time to take a tour. Would you be interested?” 
Nancy’s face cracked into a smile and she nodded, “Yes! That would be perfect!” 
“Come on,” Robin motioned for Nancy to follow her. 
They walked through the hall staying silent, Robin was unsure of what to say. It was nice though, she has to admit. Being around someone from her past and a woman at that. 
As they approached the black curtains that separated them from the stage Robin quickened her step to go and hold them open for Nancy. 
Nancy stepped out on the stage slowly with Robin following. She turned taking in the whole venue. “Holy shit,” she said almost breathlessly. “It always seems so big when you’re out in the crowd but seeing it from this angle?” 
Robin watched Nancy as she stepped towards the middle of the stage. With the overhanging light above, Robin could see the colors she had added to her hair better. There were blonde streaks but also reddish brown ones. “This many people? All around America? Incredible.” 
The room had an upper balcony seating with back of house seating in the back as well. The pit stretched to the seats in the back making the venue able to accommodate nearly five thousand people. Tonight was a sold out show. One of the largest they’ve played. 
Robin took her usual seat at the drum kit, “London. Mexico. Brazil. We’ve been a little bit of everywhere now.” 
Nancy shook her head as she turned to look at Robin. “That’s so crazy. It seems like just yesterday we were still in Hawkins. Now you’re on planes, touring the world.” 
“Plans suck. The worst. I have to be medicated just to step on one.” 
Nancy chuckled, “Really? I don’t think they’re that bad. I kind of like being that high up. It’s nice looking down at the world.” 
Robin shook her head, “You’re bonkers. I can’t even look out the window when I’m on one.”
She laughed softly before sitting at the edge of the platform Robin’s drums were on. She stared out at the empty room for a long moment before Robin saw her shoulders lift in a shrug. “I’m really proud of you and the rest of the guys. It’s so crazy, don’t you think?” She turned to look at Robin and the light caught the glitter in her eyeshadow, “You guys started playing music and now you’re doing it. You’re living out people’s dreams.” 
Robin nodded, “You are too. I mean, you always wanted to write, right? And I mean, all those times you were dismissed and made to be a secretary? Now look at you! You own your own magazine and employee only women. That’s so fucking bad ass.” 
Nancy’s cheeks turned pink and she nodded, “I think we both turned out pretty badass.” 
“Doors in five!” A security guard shouted toward the stage from the back of the room. 
Robin gave a thumbs up, hopping off the platform. She offered a hand to Nancy to help her up. Nancy pulled herself using Robin for support. “Thanks for showing me this. It was super neat.” 
“Are you going to watch to watch the show from side stage?” Robin led them back behind the curtain and towards the dressing room areas once again. 
“Well, I actually got Steve to agree to an all access pass. I’m going to watch from the barricade.” 
“Nancy Wheeler,” Robin said in sort of shocked but delightful tone. “I did not take tour for a barricade kinda girl.” 
Nancy made a snorting noise, “Okay, one thing about me? I love live shows. Another thing? Stepping Stones to Hell? Favorite song ever.” 
Robin felt a small bulb of pride fill her chest. Gareth had actually written that song with Eddie. It was her favorite to play because she had an extended drum solo while the rest of the group paused for water. “Well, Wheeler, that just happens to be the best song we play live.” 
The two them entered a room where there were more snacks and refreshments. They both took a water then sat down across from one another at a table. “Are you supposed to have favorites? Isn’t that biased?” 
“I think you’ll know why after you see it tonight.” 
“Alright then, looking forward to it.” 
“As fun as this has been, if you want barricade you better be getting down there. It’s going to fill in quick once the doors open.” 
She stood, finishing off her water then bowing her head slightly. “Thank you for the advice. Im looking forward to your show.” 
“At least you know it’s mine and not the guys,” Robin said jokingly. 
Nancy shook her head with laughter, waving at Robin before hurrying out the door. 
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realhousewives-fan · 7 months
Honorable Mentions of 2023
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The Bravo year 2023 was actually full of interesting and memorable moments. It was a good year for Bravo.
Not everything could make the top list, but these are the honorable mentions of the year 2023.
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1. Raquel's Betrayal of Sandoval
After everything was said and done with the reunion, Raquel Leviss surprised everybody by returning to Bravo for a final time to say her truth – and by doing that, she betrayed Tom Sandoval.
She revealed how he had wanted them to lie about their affair, and it was eating at her. She knew that if she betrayed him now, she would have no one.
She didn’t reveal any shocking details, but she admitted what everybody already knew: Sandoval’s a liar.
2. Guerdy Has Breast Cancer!
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Guerdy Abraira’s scary breast cancer diagnosis is something that has gripped me, but it’s probably because she’s so scared, vulnerable, and raw about it.
Seeing the way her husband Russell Abraira is taking care of her and supporting her, bring me to tears.
But another reason, though it’s an unfortunate one, why her cancer journey is so upsetting to me, is that as soon as she had told Larsa Pippen about it, Larsa told everyone!
And she had no remorse about doing it either. That’s mind-blowingly rude!
3. Monica's Affair with Brother-in-Law!
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When the newbie Monica Garcia revealed that she’d had an 18-month long affair with her brother-in-law, I was so shocked. Talking about owning your own skeletons in your closet!
Monica was sharing a lot about her struggles and her toxic relationship with her mother, but one of the scenes that stood out to me was this little bomb.
4. Tamra Wanted to Destroy Heather
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RHOC had such an entertaining season this year, but I wasn’t exactly thrilled to have Tamra Judge back. It was obvious she had an agenda and she wanted to take Heather Dubrow down.
As her numerous attempts failed time after time, it became quite tiresome. But at the end of the day, the joke was on her.
5. Denise at Kyle's Weed Dinner
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Denise Richards’ behaviour at Kyle Richards’ Weed Dinner was bizarre from start to finish.
She broke the fourth wall and talked about You Know Who, made absurd faces and made no sense whatsoever.
On top of it all she confronted Erika Girardi about something and wore her jacket upside down. She had a busy night.
6. Mary's Confrontation in the Van
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RHOSLC truly had one of their best seasons ever, and their chaotic trip to Palm Springs was the gift that kept on giving.
After Heather Gay had gotten drunk on Espresso Martinis, and Meredith Marks had mistaken a waiter for security, Mary Cosby and Whitney Rose got into it in the van.
While Heather tried to stay alive, she was able to help Mary with the right word.
7. Gina Called Shannon an Alcoholic
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After Gina Kirschenheiter learned what Shannon Beador had said about her kids and DUI, she’d had enough and said that she needed to check herself into rehab!
“If you can say things that are that fucking hurtful and not even remember that you said it, you need to go check yourself into rehab. And then when you do, and you get to the ‘I’m fucking sorry’ step, I’ll be waiting for that apology.”
Was she wrong, though? Shannon was arrested for hit and run DUI after the reunion was filmed.
8. A Room without a Bathtub!
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This image of Meredith is probably how I felt leaving the year 2023. It had been a rough year, maybe for all of us.
But Meredith is just very unintentional funny to me. She was so emotional and dramatic about her near death experience where she almost drove off a cliff.
The editors kind of ridiculed her turmoil, but I also found it a little funny.
Another unintentionally funny moment for me was when she accidentally took two sleeping pills on their flight to Bermuda and was so out of it, she couldn’t secure herself a decent room.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned that Meredith loves, it’s her bathtub. And the fact that she was furious that no one would give up their room for her, made me laugh a little bit.
9. Dorit Called Erika a Bitch!
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In the premiere of season 13 Dorit Kemsley confronted Erika about her mean comment about her marriage at BravoCon in 2022.
As Erika said she as a showman simply gave the fans what they wanted, Dorit had this to say in her confessional:
“Standing up, going to the center stage, delivering the line, and then flipping her hair, coming back and feeling very good about herself — that’s not a showman. That’s a bitch.”
I thought that maybe shady Dorit was back, but then it quickly turned out to be a little too much, as she belittled Garcelle Beauvais’ feelings and implied that Sutton Stracke had a drinking problem.
It’s fair to say that shady Dorit is back, but at what cause?
10. Alexa, Open Refrigerator!
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The reboot of RHONY was entertaining and interesting, but it had also fun moments.
And when Brynn Whitfield couldn’t figure out Erin Lichy’s refrigerator in the Hamptons, she tried to open it by asking Alexa to open the refrigerator.
Brynn was the breakout star of RHONY, but Jessel Taank and Jenna Lyons also became huge fan favourites. It showed promise.  
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fresiants · 1 year
i'm SO glad i'm not bothering you with all these ideas 🥲 they really just come up so fast, i don't think much about j/ily but whenever i do i feel like they were going to get divorced anyways even if they both lived lol, but i think lily actually having support and good examples of how a loving marriage should've been like would've helped her take that decision faster. in this au i can imagine both her and sev did their potions master together and maybe even talked about working or creating new potions together, lily had dreams and ambitions on her own and they all vanished quietly when she and james got married. then she got pregnant with harry and her individual dreams strayed further from her; james would never say it straightforwardly but he did feel there was no need for her to work if he had endless wealth for any expense, so he wasn't trying to encourage her to do anything other than "being a mother", and she was feeling more and more frustrated with each passing day. the demise of their marriage was going to happen at some point, sooner or later! but ofc james would think it's severus' fault and not his incapacity to see lily as something other than his trophy wife 🙄
omg, so i think gay marriage was already normal in the wizarding world? but i was thinking like, what if it wasn't, with how awful the ministry of magic was and all of that, it gets absolutely legal circa 1988 or something like that, and remus immediately asks severus to marry him, down on one knee and ring ready. severus is speechless for a bit, then goes "where did you get the ring?" and remus explains it's been on his paternal family for generations and how he was waiting for the right moment for YEARS to give it to him. "remember when we were back in hogwarts and talked about marriage and you said you didn't want a muggle ceremony or a muggle government official involved if you ever got married? well. ever since then" when sev is still quiet remus, already a bit hesitant, says he understands if sev is not into wearing jewelry due to potion brewing etc, but severus puts on the ring with uncharacteristic eagerness, stares at the ring, releasing the breath he was holding. then looks up at remus intensely and says "i'm never going to take it off" with that remus has to understand he's saying yes, and they have a small happy celebration (they spend the night tangled in bed and sev is a little drunk with the knowledge that remus has wanted a forever with him since they were in school). the next day lily comes to visit, and she's looking a bit frantic, which is suspicious (but this escapes sev bcs he's nervous himself about telling her his news), she hastily hugs remus hello and drags severus to his working room to talk. sev is rolling the ring on his finger and takes a deep breath with barely contained excitement, just about to tell her, and she drops the bomb of her divorce 🫠 that she comes from telling james and it's all over. then she tears up, and severus is quickly pulling her close and rubbing her back as she cries, good news about his own engagement forgotten 😔
later lily gives remus a somewhat pained smile as she leaves, and remus turns to severus, puzzled "did you tell her? she didn't look very happy. it's she mad at me i didn't ask your hand earlier, or...?" severus groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. "she's divorcing potter." remus chokes on nothing and gapes at severus "she was devastated. can you recall the many times i told you we would open our best scotch bottle to celebrate once she's finally decided to drop potter?..." sev trails off, and remus snorts, already serving him a cup of tea "wasn't as satisfying as you thought it would be, right? that's how life works, love" severus scoffs, and remus continues "you didn't tell her" and to his surprise severus looks almost apologetic "i didn't dare. i knew she would close off if i mentioned it, that she would think she was burdening us, but she needed to vent and—", "of course! you did the right thing", "i also invited her to stay with us during her divorce process. she declined, said she needed to deal with this by herself" sev adds quickly "but i should've consulted you first, i am aware it was imprudent of m— what are you smiling about" remus chuckles and lifts a hand to caress severus' cheek with the back of his fingers "you're such a good friend. such an attentive friend" remus murmurs against his lips and quiets any flustered complain from severus with a kiss.
and so and so, james and sirius turning from him may complicate their incoming marriage, all the more the situation of james and lily's divorce but it's like you say, remus is not sorry to take a distance from them bcs things were complicated already and he's not a teen anymore that will stay quiet when something bothers him to keep on everyone's good side. severus is proud of him, and maybe a tiny part of him is elated remus is chosing him after all, after being so insecure when he was younger, always thinking the marauders would eventually turn remus against him. and this is all so long i'm sorryyy i just love the way your mind works too, i so want lily to get a gf now!!! for her to be in love for real and not settle for a guy that just insisted and insisted 😟💞
Don't worry you're not bothering me at all! Sorry for taking a while to respond, work's been keeping me pretty busy. But seriously, this is awesome! If you ever write a fanfic, I'd be so down to read it.
This is just my own headcanon regarding the wizarding world : Gay marriage may not have been accepted in the wizarding world until later because of the small size of the community and the blood purity beliefs held by some wizards.
British wizard population was about 3,000, one third being Hogwarts students.
It's possible to imagine that gay marriage was eventually approved and legalized in the wizarding world due to the huge amount of support from Muggle-borns and Half-bloods.
Btw Remus giving Severus his family's ring is so perfect — not only does it have sentimental value, but Severus always strikes me as the type of person who wouldn't spend money on things he doesn't need. He would definitely treasure a family heirloom more than a fancy, expensive piece of jewelry.
Since we're talking about Snupin's headcanon, I've always imagined that if Severus and Remus ever became a couple, Severus would be torn between wanting to keep their relationship private and showing the world how happy he is with his partner. In the beginning of their relationship, he would pretend to be slightly annoyed whenever Remus showed affection in public (Remus' love language is 100% physical touch) but deep down he would actually enjoy it. Remus knew it from the beginning that Severus secretly liked it, hence why he never stopped doing it. After a while, Severus would get used to it and just accept it.
Man, I just love these two together since they were always portrayed as insecure individuals, especially Remus. I hate the fact that Remus always feels insecure about his friendships, hence why he always keeps quiet and goes along with whatever his friends want. I find the idea of them helping each other to feel fulfilled and standing up for each other to be very heartwarming <3
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pooopopop · 1 year
You have a very clear, very intentional negative bias against Misha, and Vicki. Of course you’re going to see certain situations and twist them to fit your narrative, often seemingly taking away the agency of the others involved, including (but not limited to) the fans he met at a club (nearly 8 years ago) who were consenting adults.
Regardless, Misha doesn’t have a record of anything with fans — beyond being open and genuine and giving with his time and self. Oh, and apparently the kind of behavior from those who might as well call themselves fans since they’re so obsessed with his every life detail and trying to paint him in a bad light for merely existing differently.
He wouldn’t be as popular as he is, have the stellar reputation in the industry that he does, or have the many fan-beloved close friends he has (Jensen, Jared, their wives etc) if he was truly the horrible person some people seem to wish him to be.
He doesn’t have a stellar reputation but the things he’s guilty of aren’t things that the people around him have any problem with. Misha told a story about Vicki pissing on the side of the street next to a strip club and yelling at the people walking around them “don’t go in there, I’ll show you for free!” While exposing herself and that is enough to be arrested and charged as a sex offender in literally every state. The girls who were at that club and he made out with and tried to hook up with were over 18 yes but they were only 19, teenagers who weren’t old enough to drink legally but we’re drunk by their own admission. Misha is well aware of how little it takes to be black out drunk because his cute little story about hooking up with Vicki for the first time was when they were both black out drunk as teenagers, and she had bruises all over her thighs but neither of them could remember how it happened.
i don’t think being friends with Jared and jensen means anything for his character. Jensen said that he would want Benny to return recently but the actor that played Benny got drunk and made out with people in the audience at the first convention he went to. Rich denied giving him real alcohol so ty accused the fangirls of roofing him. I don’t trust Rich either though because there is there is another fan photo with misha we’re these girls were saying that they found him with Rich at a gay bar, and Vicki’s book gives gay bars as a suggestion to go prowling for the perfect hookups because queer people are more willing to play with the straighties. Everybody is so supportive and cutesy about Rob and Ruth’s relationship but the first photos/videos we have of them where they were looking like a couple was from before Rob got a divorce. Misha’s poetry book talks about being a married man who pursues other women and the title of the book is named for the poem that describes lying to his wife after they both congratulate themselves for being honest with one another. He literally romanticizes cheating on her, doesn’t that sound scummy?
jim beaver is probably the only person that I have any trust in. He posted his condolences after misha said that he got mugged and then deleted that once everyone showed what he was actually doing that night. It makes total sense to me because I just posted two other videos where he is clearly drunk and the fan described him as smelling heavily of booze.
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liberty-barnes · 2 years
nobody asked but here's my opinion on the fitf songs
the greatest: the song that made me and @hellolovers13 become friends obviously I fucking love it. it's just so fucking beautiful and power coupley and ugh I'm love it so much
written all over your face: yk when I first say the title I thought it was gonna be a sad moody song but turns out it's literally just "when you're finished pouting, can I put it in you?" and yk what I'm here for it. the hey babe makes me fucking melt. if sex was a song this would be it. no control's freaky little sister
bigger than me: I would first of all like to acknowledge that my mum loves this song and sings along to it all the title so this is a win. this shows off just how powerful louis' voice really is, something that walls didn't really do, and it's just so great because we've gotten to the point where louis feels confident enough in his voice and in our support to know that he can hit those notes and we will back him up? king shit
lucky again: this makes me want to get into a car and go on a road trip with the windows down just breathing in the late night summer air. I don't have a license. it's also no longer summer.
face the music: again I would just like to acknowledge that my dad vibed along to this song happily (until he recognised louis' voice at which point he pretended he hated it but I fell flat cause now I know he loves louis). I don't wanna face the music but I still wanna dance with you? can you be any more closeted gay coding? gorgeous literally love it so much
chicago: will always remind me of zouis and myri's fic, both of which get me to immediately break down sobbing. so needless to say, I absolutely fucking love it, it's gorgeous. and the I didn't have to search cause I still know. your. num. ber. kills me every time
all this time: i feel like this and lucky again are connected, but that also may be just because they make me feel the exact same things aka get into a car and drive with the windows down while enjoying the fresh summer night air despite the fact that it's autumn and if I got into a car I would most likely crash it
out of my system: scream jump dance pop punk louis stans rise my god it's just so amazing, the perfect jump along song. i wish I had more words other than go absolutely feral but I don't so yeah I leave you with this
headline: this is my wine aunt swaying along to every song dance song. also yes baby you go throw the money grabbers out your life you deserve so much better. just listen and vibe and throw your middle finger up for all the shallow people in your life
saturdays: this song makes me ascend. but also I just wanna stare at a wall while listening to it and hope that somehow the answers to all my life's problems will magically appear because this seems like the song that would do it you know
silver tongues: this makes me wanna have friends and do stupid shit like get drunk and get high. but then it ends and I remember that I can't drink bc I'm on the mental stability tic tacs. and also I hate people and socialising.
she is beauty we are world class: when we first got the track list and said this one would be banger and I was fucking right. gives me very 2010s vibes too no idk why it just does. amazing. tattoo it on my brain pls and thank you
common people: louis just woke up one day and said hmm what if I wrote a love song for Donny and then that's exactly what he did. I wanna live there. this makes it sound so wholesome and peaceful and kind and just ugh I want that
angels fly: myri told me that the first time they listened to it they thought louis said we can talk to mama instead of we can talk tomorrow and I think of it every time I hear the song now. it already got me in my feels before but this just made it worse. literally amazing I have no words. makes me wanna have him as my emotional support friend.
holding on to heartache: the BRIDGE I actually go feral when I listen to it just scream it at the top of my lungs, I fucking hope this is played on tour cause otherwise I might actually cry I fucking need this okay I need my scream at the world like a fucking psycho moment it will be so cathartic
that's the way love goes: beautiful soft princess song gives me be alright by dean lewis vibes it's just so sweet and loving and like it's okay you're gonna be fine, we're all here for you I've never had my heart broken romantically but I can still feel the support healing parts of me I never knew were broken
changes: i need the studio version on spotify Mr Tomlinson but cool I'll just hear it downloaded like that for now it's cool. the bridge is a fucking masterpiece. if you need you can call on me I feel so supported and not at all alone this whole album just feels like a big warm hug from louis
high in california: I have never smoked a day in my life but this goes right next to my chase atlantic songs in my shotgun with a hot girl in my lap playlist. I want a hot girl in my lap. but ig this will do for now. amazing
paradise: this should be on fucking spotify it's literally so good louis what the fuck. it gets me pumped for the day. just so good. literally I have no words it's like musical paradise (HA!) for me. just yes.
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS IN LOVE - Chapter 2 - Part 1
BOOK THREE: 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Noah Wright
My head fell back as I let out a groan and gripped his waist tighter.
Pure ecstasy running through my veins at each thrust.
Fuck, he felt so good and to watch him bent over the metal prep table 'knowing we would get fired for this if there were cameras' was a big turn on.
His hand went between his legs to stroke himself but instead of him doing it, I pulled him up so his back was against my chest.
My hand slipped up his shirt to graze over his taut chest, just to slide back down and take hold of him.
"Oh, fuck," he moaned at my touch when I began jerking him off.
"Don't stop, I'm gonna cum."
I kissed his shoulder blade then bit lightly on his earlobe.
"God, you're so fucking hot," I told him, in a hushed voice.
He whined out a moan as his load shot out, spilling onto my fingers 'and a little on the prep table, we cleaned it up afterwards'.
I pushed him back down against the table and fucked him harder before I came into the condom.
"Fuck," I breathed when I pulled out.
"You were right, I feel better now."
I slipped the condom off and put it in the trash, I'd be taking out that night.
Wesley pulled up his work slacks, while I put my dick back in my pants, before zipping them up.
He grinned at me.
"Fucking always helps cure my anger."
"I can't imagine you ever getting angry."
Wesley and I met a while back at a gay club.
We exchanged numbers which I'll admit was shitty of me because I was in a relationship at the time 'not to defend myself but I was very drunk'.
Then a couple months ago 'post relationship' I ran into Wes at a grocery store buying bananas.
We grabbed coffee, I had mentioned I was job searching and he put a good word in for me at Rosemary's a fancy Italian restaurant downtown that he worked at.
I started working there a week later as a busboy 'and sometimes a host' and we hooked up after my first shift.
We've been fuck buddies ever since.
Wesley shrugged.
"Okay, maybe just upset. Either way, fucking is always the solution," he spoke matter-of-factly then leant in to kiss me but I stopped him with my fingers to his lips.
He rolled his pretty, hazel eyes.
"I hate your 'no kissing' rule."
"We're just fucking, Wes. Kissing leads to more. If you want more try Bumble," I said lightheartedly, watching Wesley wipe down the food prep table with a multipurpose cleaning spray and paper towels.
He chuckled.
"I am on bumble."
He grabbed his flimsy cotton bag.
"See ya' Monday," and he walked out the back door, leaving me to shut off the lights and close up.
That was how I spent my summer leading up to my sophomore year of college, meaningless hook ups with Wesley 'some on Tinder' and working non-stop.
Oh and also kicking my roommate's ass in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Which was what I was doing after work.
"Ha. You fucking suck," I exclaimed.
"I hate this game," Ciera grumbled, tossing her controller onto the floor 'she was a sore loser'.
Ciera's been my roommate since June, three months ago.
She's my best friend, my support system, my go-to person for everything in my life.
I wouldn't be alive today without her, literally.
"Alright, I'm going to go and get ready for the party."
"Ciera," I groaned.
"I really don't want to go. It's been a shit day," I whined.
"Plus, if that dickhead, sociopath is gonna be there..."
"Jude's not gonna be there," Ciera promised.
"I already talked to Dinah. He went to the Last Friday party and I guess he's going to a different party tonight."
Then she pointed at me with stern eyes as she spoke.
"And you said you'd go with me."
I rolled my eyes.
"You're the best wing-man."
"Ugh, fine," I complied.
"Great. Imma go shower," and Ciera headed down the small hallway and entered the door to her left.
I sighed.
Whatever, I'll just help Ciera get laid 'as if she needs help, she's hot as hell' and Jude won't be there.
It'll be a good time.
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Here's the facts: pt. 2
10. So earlier, this female up went out. I'm sitting here. I hear what sounded like keys jingling
really close to my door. So, I'm waiting. Nothing! I get up and go open the door. The revers pass by
Revving and goosenecking. After she came back in. The Revving stopped. I mean they revved right
up until she hit those steps. So, I'd be willing to bet she's gone to her unknowing support system
with her innocent Ms. Daisy act, "why, whatever did I do?" Tears! Tears!
11. Although the majority of the harassment has been by Mexicans. They've had a little assistance.
Valley Metro supervisors use to come where I use to sleep. Valley Metro janitorial workers
(Mexican, some whiggers) would come sit out there two in the morning, music blasting. One Mexican
dude (janitorial worker) kept walking pass me at night holding his broom like a weapon and just
glaring at me in passing. They would all wait until I tied down my backpack to my handle of my
scooter. One night this b-otch comes out with music blasting. Sat and started staring at me. I
politely put my backpack on the ground and road up on his ass. He ain't f*** with anymore after
Then there was the drunk ass Mexican janitorial worker who decided to kick me while was sleeping.
I looked for his ass for months. Then they got this alcoholic old gay white man to start harassing
me. He use to have the police come hide until he'd finished working. His drinking partner
(gay ass Mexican) pointed me out to Tempe police. That night shift was placating all the BS that
was going on around there. The harassment of the homeless. Escorting the revers up and down the
street. Then they started running into the train tracks. The train! It got crazy, but that's
What happens when there's no adult supervision.The Mexicans started driving shooting at the homeless
I chased their asses down this little street leading to the area they hung out in at the lake.
Wasn't nothing down there but teenagers and older males trying to get laid. Getting high!
A whore hangout!
They started finding needles around the area and tried to blame it on the homeless.
Knowing that this gay nigga was selling drugs to the Mexican kids and college students.
Dude that use tell come collect his drug money use to stop where I slept and tell me all his
business until they told him what I use to do for a living. That's when I realized just how
ignorant they were.
The main instigator was this Mexican bitch. He really is! The black hellcat. He use to screw with
every night. One evening he followed me into the parking lot as I stopped at Safeway. He parked
behind another vehicle. So, when I came out of the store. He was waiting. So I went, pulled my
scooter up beside him and ate my food. Should have taken a picture of his face when I stopped.
Last time I was him he was at the Marque Theatre. There was some stuff with that place too.
11. Going back a year or so ago. I was rolling up onto the train platform. This black dude was
sitting on his phone. Didn't know him, but I recognized his face. I could hear what he was saying
thou he called himself whispering, "here comes that crazy old lady."
He starts laughing, "take her ass up outta here!" As a suggestion! So when I got to where he sitting
I stopped. Looked right in his face, "you do it!" He got up and left.
Ain't nothing innocent about the bullshit (there, I said it..... It's bullshit) that's going on
in this valley. All you have to do is sit back and watch. Be quiet, mind your business, AND WATCH!
This place where I'm at now, was/is a set up. Racism tries to be cunning. And these demons are good
at playing the victim, and villainizing their prey. And whenever you have young people that are so
socially and self destructive. Look at their parents. I didn't raise mine, and let her experience
doing her little wrong. But I also let her experience a good ass kicking as a teenager. Parents
become their kids friends, and a lot are scared of their kids. That's a lost child. My career
has followed them from court commits (of the wealthy kids, cops kids, street kids), to juvenile
detention, right into the prison system.
95% of the time, it's the parenting.
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My weird feminist moment of Christmas...
So my sister and I attented a ladies' christmas eve drunk-brunch with my conservative mom and her gal pals. I've been thinking about it a lot since then, and i think my experience is one worth sharing. It was such a uniquely american/female moment, i just can't get over it.
We were on a farm in a really rural area, and my mom's friend's son and my daughter were out running the fields with the dogs and playing. Eventually, we heard too many gunshots and i called the kids inside. I was worried about stray bullets. Of course, the other mom agreed and called her son in too. For reference, it was only 11 am.
We got to talking and bullshitting, their husbands popped in but left relatively quickly because the men don't generally want to deal with the wives once they've had a few. Luquid courage makes them ballsy you know. Bitchy or whatever.
We spoke quite a bit about the "good ol' days". My sister is a lesbian so we talked a little about how she was accused of being transphobic because she's a proud gold star lesbian. On tiktok, obviously. We obviously had to explain to my mom's friends what a gold star was, and why people considered it to be a problem. Surprisingly, they were supportive(these trump supporting conservative farmer's wives) of my sister's SSA attraction. Our family, redneck as they were, is and has been full of gay people. I have a fuckload of gay and lesbian cousins even today. My mom's best friend even told us a story we had never heard about her uncle who was murdered in the 80's for being openly gay. He was beaten until braindead outside of a rural florida bar, then died months later in a hospital from complicactions. How had we never heard of this?
We got on the topic of women after a while, and i learned that 2 of my aunts had most likely been molested by my uncle(hidden by my grandmother), and my other grandmother had been impregnated as a 15-year-old by one of her brother's navy buddies. She was sent away to one of those ubiquitous homes and her son was raised as her brother(1950's). My mom's best friend said one of her aunts had beared a daughter that was raised as her sister(also 1950's).
These 3 conservative women have an incredible amount of respect for me because they believe i've conquered a male-dominated field. I'm self-reliant and a single mother. I explained to them, that in my opinion, all of women's rights and progress since the 1950's can be singularly owed to scientific advancement in the fields of contraception and abortion, and women also being allowed to divorce. If so many families have stories of one teenage girl being sent off for getting pregnant, its not an anomaly but a pattern. "How can we really know if it was a rare, shameful thing if we all have stories of some girl who was sent off and forced to deny her own child until her deathbed? It was probably a lot more common that anyone's ready to admit." I said it was sex based opression and homophobia. They readily agreed. We talked about child support, the men in our lives who were all so eager to walk away. They really knew.
"When you guys go on Facebook and talk about the good old days, you need to think about this. The family members that were hate-crimed for being gay, and all the women and girls that were sent away for getting pregnant as teenagers." They agreed to that as well.
Not even half an hour later, these same women were lamenting that men are not allowed to be men anymore. Because one of them has a son who constantly gets in trouble for being a bully. In his defense, he's seven and got written up for calling someone a booger-butt. He ate boogers lol. They just went right back to defending their men. Their sons. Their husbands.
I'm not really sure what the lesson is in this anecdote, but maybe you'll learn something from the conservative women in my family.
They love their husbands, they love their sons. I think, they love their daughters too. I just don't know.
Maybe i should give them all some Andrea dworkin books.
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Heart Me? 03
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Pt.1 Pt.2
Heart Me? Series Masterlist
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst if you squint, college au, non-idol au, f2l
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Your life is pretty boring. Good at studies, a tiny, no wait, a big tiny crush on the campus sweetheart, but that’s normal right? Wait, till your ‘boring life’ get off the track!
Warning: None
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‘Party was lively and fun’ wish you could say that, and you could but you hated anything that included hundreds of humans you barely knew. People chugging down drinks as fast as the bartender made them, conversations loud, the usual flirting going on. The loud music was banging from the speakers and the dance floor was filled with sweaty bodies swaying to the rhythm. But there was no sign of your best friend. As soon as you guys stepped into the club, he disappeared into the crowd, probably busy flirting around with the hot chicks.
“Hey Y/N.” not expecting anyone to talk to you, you were really taken aback, instantly bringing your hands in a fighting position. “Hey, calm down, it’s me from your class, remember?” the poor guy said not expecting you to be this defensive.
“Zeha right? I’m so sorry, I was deep in thoughts, when you suddenly scared the living daylights out of me.” You said finding the situation embarrassing.
Zeha, the nerd of your class, the one who knew answers to each and every question the professors threw at the poor students. You never really saw him interacting with girls which almost got you believing that he was gay. You never really saw him up-close until today. He was adorable tho.
“You look really beautiful today.” He spoke looking into your eyes. “thank you so much zeha, one of my friends said I looked just fine, so I was a bit worried.” hours of hard work finally paid off.
“Fine? C’mon is that even a word. No offense, but whoever said that is an absolute stupid.” “I know right.” At least this guy’s got a brain.
“By the way, not gonna lie but you should smile more, you look handsome.” You said complimenting his gummy smile, which you didn’t know existed until today. He looked even cuter with the bright shade of crimson now embracing his cheeks and gums at full display.
The next few minutes passed with both of you getting to know each other. Whoever said that nerds don’t know how to have fun was totally wrong. Zeha was the living evidence, he was fun to be around.
“Wanna have a drink?” zeha suggested out of the blue.
“No, maybe I’ll skip that one.” You were so not the ‘I’m great at drinking’ person. You were a cheap drunk when it came to alcohol intolerance. and the way you became all talkative and rowdy was like a cherry on top.
“Oh, c’mon stop being the party pooper. A shot or two won’t hurt. Besides it’s my first time.” He stated, whispering the latter part into your ears.
“Believe me or not she’ll really get on your nerves once she’s drunk to the point that you wished you hadn’t known her.” A familiar voice came trailing from behind.
“Nobody asked for your opinion, Mr. great-at-everything.” you retorted back at Jimin who was now standing in front of you and Zeha, finding his statement a little too offensive.
“you know what, zeha, let’s get drunk because party isn’t a party until you have a drink or two.” You stated, ready to show your not-so-supportive best friend, you’re better off even without him. This gal right here is a rebel.
It was way past midnight. More than half of the population now having left the party, it was just a few people here and there in the club including you and Jimin. Zeha left midway between your so-called round of shots saying he had his midnight study session to attend which he couldn’t miss at all cost, but not before apologising to you to leave you hanging. (Told you he’s a nerd.) but that didn’t stop you from drinking.
Jimin came from time to time to check up on you, telling you to stop drinking but you ain’t listening to anyone tonight baby. This girl is gonna have a blast.
Jimin’s POV
I’ve been sitting here for the past 2 hours doing nothing. I could’ve left hours ago had it not been for Y/N, drinking as if these were gonna be the last shots of her life. I went to stop her so many times, but who are we even talking about, she didn’t even listen to me.
“Y/N?” I shaked her passed out body a bit.
“Hmm?” she said lifting her head, squinting her eyes at the figure now standing in front of her.
“let’s go home.”
“Who are you? Wait are you kidnapping me?” there goes her dramatic a**.
“it’s me Jimin, and I’m taking you home no matter what.” I said stating the obvious.
I lifted her up on my shoulders because there’s no way she’s coming on her own. I could hear her protesting and hitting me, but nothing’s stopping me tonight.
In the car
“Jimin-ah, did you know my favourite band are having a comeback on Feb 30. I’m so excited, I even saved up money to buy their album.” She has been babbling about whatever however ever since we entered the car.
“Jimin-ah why did Cedric have to die? I miss him so much.”
“Why did Voldemort kill him? You know what, stop the car right now, I’m gonna kill Voldemort for killing Cedric, he doesn’t have the right to live.”
“Woah, woah calm down. No one’s killing no one. And first of all, stop crying.” You weren’t the type to cry easily, but right now you had no control over your emotions, it was the alcohol in your system that was getting the best of you. The mascara that you spent a good time to apply perfectly, was now sliding across your face along with the tears, making you look like one of those ghosts on Halloween.
Time skip
Author’s POV
“We’re here.” You watch your best friend, humming to himself, go around the car to open the door for you. But the place, it was different. It wasn’t your home.
“Home?” was all you said before coming out exploring the place with your own eyes. It was a mountain top. It was different, a good different. The place was beautiful, it was serene. You had the access to the view of the entire city illuminated with lights, now staring above at you.
“let’s hangout for a while.” He said to get rid of the confusion in your mind.
You two sat down taking in the alluring view before you. Soon you found Jimin taking off his jacket and handing it over to you because the night was getting colder and he didn’t want you catching the cold.
Maybe it was the alcohol but you found the confidence to stare at him wholeheartedly unlike your unusual self who would just steal glances at him. The moonlight softly kissing his face, creating a warm silhouette enveloping his ethereal features. His smile: infectious and gleaming, etched on his lips. his eyes: puffy yet mesmerizing. It was moments like these where you regretted him being your ‘just best-friend’.
“This is my hideout. I come here whenever I feel like I want to escape the reality.” He broke the silence, turning his face to look at you to find your lingering gaze. It was your turn to speak, but the alcohol in your system made you too weak to even process what to say so you nod at his confession instead.
“Hey Jimin.” You call to the guy sitting right beside you to catch his attention.
“If I hadn’t met you in the library, do you think we’d be friends?”
“Nope.” He stated not even hesistating before giving his answer.
“Woah, that’s mean.” You said placing a hand on your heart.
“Because if you weren’t my best friend, I’d have you as my girlfriend.” You swear for a moment you felt like your heart stopped. For a split second you wonder if this is what a cardiac arrest feels like. Even in your drunken self, you reach up to check your pulse and thank God your heart is still pumping.
But soon he breaks into fits of laughter looking at your reaction. “I was kidding pabo.” He said earning a smack from you.
“Yeah, I know.”
“My life is too way too sad for you to be confessing to me.” He raises a eyebrow at your statement.
“And why would you say that.”
“C’mon, leave it. Even if I told you, you won’t be able to do anything.”
“Are you challenging THE Park Jimin, there’s nothing I won’t do for my best friend.”
"what if I said, I love the person sitting beside me, not as a friend but as a man?"
“I love you.” There, you said it. The three words that hold the power to create thousands of butterflies in someone’s stomach and can also break someone’s heart. For you it was the latter case. You were heartbroken because you were afraid to say those specific three words to Jimin. You were afraid to lose him.
You fell in love with your best friend and that's where the problem laid.
You didn’t miss the shock on his face at your confession. He looked as if a deer caught in the headlights. Poor guy didn’t see it coming.
“Yeah, crazy right? I told you, you won’t be able to do anything. Should’ve listened to me. you know, if I was sober, I would have killed myself for saying this to you.”
“I-I don’t know wha-what to say.” He was still in shock. Well, who wouldn’t be? Even you were shocked at your courage. The power alcohol holds.
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usercelestial · 3 years
Heyy I don't know if you take prompts still but could you write something about Mickey loving on Ian a whole bunch <3 Thanks
This wasn’t the plan. Not in the slightest.
When Tami asked Mickey to go out and get drinks with her, he wasn’t expecting to get this shit-faced.
Nevertheless, here he is, swaying back and forth in a bar he doesn’t recognize, knocking back beer after beer, only thinking about one particular red-head.
“Mickey!” Tami shouted over the loud music, drunk herself, “Mickey! I hav’ta go to the bathroom, ‘k? Watch my shit,” she stumbles away to the bathroom in her three inch heels while Mickey watches her carefully, making sure no men are creeping on her.
Then he notices a guy staring at him. His immediate inebriated reaction is to sneer, assuming the man wants to fight. Then that little Ian that lives on his shoulder tells him to turn away. And he’s about to do so when he sees a glint in the man’s eyes.
The man walks over to him, sliding into the seat beside him. Mickey slaps his palm over Tami’s drink and pulls it towards him.
“Hey, I’m Michael,” the man juts out a hand.
Mickey eyes him but eventually takes it, “Mickey!” He shouts though he realizes that the music got significantly quieter when the man winces.
“That short for something?” Michael leans onto the table.
“Uh-huh,” Mickey doesn’t elaborate, he just sips his beer while keeping his palm over Tami's cup.
“So, what brings you here?”
Mickey isn’t sure how to answer that, “Well, my friend had a baby, and her boyfriend-partner? They call themselves partners. Anyway, her baby daddy doesn’t drink but Tami-my friend's name is Tami, she’s gorgeous, you probably saw her. She’s super tall but she’s wearing heels so it makes her even taller, it’s insane. She went to the bathroom so I’m watching her stuff so no one like you,” Mickey points his finger at him, almost touching his nose, “does anything creepy.”
Michael stares, “Right, so you’re out with friends-”
“How’d you know that?” Mickey tilts his head, it feels heavy.
“Doesn’t matter. Your friend isn’t my type-”
“No way!”
“You on the other hand, check all my boxes,”
Mickey gasps, he’s not sure what he means but something far away tells him to say, “I’m gay, too!” He laughs and tilts his head back, closing his eyes.
“Really?” Michael says like he’s discovered something new.
“Ian told me I’d meet other gay guys here. He’s been here before!” He vaguely remembers Ian telling him about it. He told them both to be safe, pecking Mickey on the cheek and taking Freddie from Tami’s arms to babysit him for the night. He also remembers thinking about how cute Ian looked holding little baby Freddie close to his chest like he was the most precious thing in the world-
“Is Ian your friend as well?” Mickey’s not very happy that his thoughts were interrupted but he giggles.
“My very, very best friend. Even better than Tami but shh, don’t tell her that,” he puts his finger to his lips and looks around for Tami again, “Or Ian for that matter. Issa secret.”
Michael chuckles, “My lips are sealed. Have you come here before?”
Mickey shook his head vigorously, “Ian has though, he’s been to a lot of places but that makes him sad so he doesn’t like to talk about it. I don’t like it when he’s sad,” Mickey suddenly feels very sullen, his lips pouting, “I hope he’s not sad right now.”
“I’m sure he’s fine. What about you? Are you having fun?”
Mickey nodded but started to pull out his phone, “I should check in with Ian. He told me to check in with him when we got here. How long have we been here?” He asks Michael, who shrugs.
“You’re not very useful,” Mickey bites his lip and sends a quick text to Ian.
“I can be,” Michael slides closer to him, Mickey thinks his breath stinks. He also thinks back to Ian, cooking dinner right before Tami picked him up. He’s so good at cooking, he’s been getting better at it ever since he started his own garden. He’s good at that too. He’s good at a lot of things.
“Ian’s great at cooking!” He shouts again, Michael’s face scrunches up. Mickey takes it to mean he doesn’t believe him, “It’s true! You should fucking taste his cooking, he’s amazing at it. He grows tomatoes and basil and shit in our garden. He has the greenest thumb on the South-err, shit, Westside. He can cook anything, I mean it!” Mickey nods, sure of himself.
“That’s nice. Uh, so-”
“He’s so good at so many things! He used to be an EMT, did you know that?”
Michael shakes his head, “I did not,” his face falls, like he’s disappointed. It reminds Mickey of something else.
“He’s good at making people smile, too. Not just laugh, like a real smile. It’s like-like,” he burps, “A gift. He’s like sunshine! Or a puppy, or cake. Oh! He used to be an EMT, real official and shit, he used to save people! I didn’t get to see it, but when he talks about it, his face lights up and gets so happy, you know?”
Michael nods, “So what do you do for work?”
Mickey shakes his head, “He’s trying to get his job back. I mean, he doesn’t want to tell me that, but I know, you know? I’ve known the fucker for eleven years, of course I know when he’s sad. I don’t like it when he’s sad.”
“So, you’ve said.”
“And-and I want him to get the job back but-we work together, by the way-I don’t wanna stop working with him. But you should see him-he’s so happy. Do you wanna see my favorite picture of him?”
Before Michael can decline, Mickey’s pulling up a picture on his phone. It depicts Ian, topless, laying out by the pool underneath the sun. He’s scrunching his nose up and peering at the camera, smiling,“I love this one. Oh, I have other good ones, too, but those are just for me.”
Michael nods, “That’s great-”
“Hey!” A loud, familiar voice rings through the air. Mickey turns to see Tami, throwing an arm over Mickey’s shoulder, “Are you ready? I’m ready,” Tami pulls on her coat.
Michael shrugs his shoulders and perks up, “Hey, do you think I could get your number?” Maybe we could hook up sometime?”
“Gross!” Mickey screams, looking around to Tami, who snickers.
“Sorry,” she says, also obnoxiously loud, “This one’ssss taken.”
“Uh huh, by my stupid redhead,” Mickey closes his eyes and leans on Tami for support, “He’s so stupid, and petty,” he giggles again, “And smart and charming. And strong, did you know he can fucking pick me up?” Tami shakes her head in disgust, “Ahh, he can and it’s so hot. Bet Lip couldn’t do that.”
“Call Ian to pick us up, I don’t think I can walk,” Tami pulls back and tugs Mickey with him.
“Bye,” Mickey waves back at Michael who sits slumped over and frowning.
Mickey dials Ian, who picks up immediately, “You picked up!” Mickey says fondly into the phone.
“Course I did, you sound drunk, are you okay?” Ian’s voice, while hushed, raises slightly, “I’m at Lip’s right now, dropping off Freddie. Do you need me to pick you up?”
Mickey nods and when Ian doesn’t answer, Tami says, “You need to speak into the phone, idiot. He can’t hear you nodding.”
“Fuck off, asshole. He can, like, read my mind, can’t you, Ian? Cause you’re better than Tami’s stupid life partner or whatever the fuck.”
Tami punches his shoulder and he punches right back. They continue play-fighting until Ian speaks again, “Stay where you are. I’ll come pick you guys up, alright?”
Mickey nods again and Tami rolls her eyes.
They wait almost ten minutes until Ian drives up to the side of the street, “Need a lift?” Ian walks over and helps them both in the car. Mickey gushes over how sweet Ian is for picking them up while Tami asks about Freddie.
“You’re so pretty, did you know that?” Mickey asks, tracing Ian’s jawline as they drop Tami off.
“Gross,” Tami says as she gets out of the car.
“You’re just jealous cause your boyfriend looks like a frog,” Mickey says, a bit rudely even in his own opinion.
“God, you’re drunk, aren’t you?” Ian sighs.
“Am not!” Mickey crosses his arms, “Fine, whatever, you’re ugly, too,” they wait a few beats in silence, “No, wait, I’m sorry, don’t be mad.”
“‘M not mad, baby,” Ian says gently.
“Mhm, love that about you,” Mickey closes his eyes and reaches over clumsily, grabbing at Ian’s hand and playing with his fingertips, “You’re so sweet, too sweet sometimes but that’s okay. I like it, it suits you, like you were made to be nice and shit,” he’s not sure what he’s talking about but he doesn’t want to stop, “You were made to be an paramedic or whatever the fuck. You were made to help people, and be kind to them, and be happy ‘cause, like, you make me happy, you know that?” Mickey looks up to Ian, he’s tearful and biting the inside of his cheek.
“Why are you crying?” Mickey hugs Ian’s hand to his chest, “I don’t like it when you’re sad, please don’t be sad.”
Ian laughs breathlessly, “I’m not sad, honey, I just- I love you, Mickey.”
Mickey smiles, squeezing Ian’s arms tighter, “‘Love you, too, Gallagher. Love everything about you.”
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