#she said. begone thot! <//3
wulfhalls · 7 months
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hobgoblinbard · 1 year
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"fuck that one up"
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Ohhhhhhhh boy! We have a story on our hands today, Donbura Nation!
Idk about you, but whenever Inoue does his Inoue thing, I get obsessed. This man has a gift for really winding me up, as you've no doubt noticed.
Spoilers, I guess...
-You feel real bad about it, huh Tsuyoshi? It's okay, we might both wind up feeling even worse <3
-Fun fact, before this episode aired, Hirofumi Suzuki and Toutaro (the respective actors of Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa) put up neat little teaser photos. Suzuki's said something along the lines of "You were my best friend, Inuzuka-san", but Toutaro's got mangled by Twitter's into saying something like "Kimono, you were my friend."
-No respect, even from machines.
-Donbura Mutual Support!
-"Ironically, you fucked up the least last week!"
-...what the fuck was that squeak hkjlhjgk
-"Thank you for doing open heart surgery on me, Don Kaito-san."
-Acting very Tarou!
-...interesting how he's not dying there, maybe he really doesn't believe it.
-"I am one of a kind!"
-Say the two boyfriends with difficulties expressing what they really want but a genuine desire to protect others who'd otherwise shun them.
Sononi: Y'know, I could be wrong, but I don't think imitating your weird boyfriend is a good way to impress him. Sonoza: Bro, c'mon, you were way less creepy when you were just hanging around and acting distant to the only two other people who live here. Sonoi: BEGONE THOTS -Oh shit, they talkin'.
-Aw, they gon' eat.
-...this will end in tragedy.
-Awwww, not in the mood, eh? :(
-The cutest monster.
-...ehhhh, not really a Sun Vulcan fan. Carranger though, that's quality television.
-Hug and kiss the bird man.
-Let's see, police siren... wolf head... Doggie Kruger??? Boss???
-This must be the Tokusou-Ki then. Super Cool. Perfect!
-Don Momotaro!
-Let's go, companions!
-Ahhhhh, Haruka called Sonoza "chief editor"!
-Wow, that doggie got jump!
-Ohhhhh, Tiger Jirou.
-Murasame really fucked you up, huh buddy?
-Had the Dragon to come out for his shift, huh?
-Oooooooh, that looks great.
-Oh, you taught Natsumi how to make this huh?
-This. Do not look good. For Tsubasa Inuzuka.
-Oooogh... this hurts.
-"I bet you tell all the girls that." Ohhhhh fuuuck.
-...hey, Tsubasa, buddy, would you like a bit more champagne? Or whatever the heck this is? Not really a drinker, hehe, but y'know, we oughta relax a little, you're kinda... lookin' a little bit like you're about to go a little stir-crazy.
-Oh, we just
-Okay, bye, see you! Have a nice night!
-Where ya goin, Crane Lady?
-I really have to wonder if the kids and parents who were watching this yesterday in Japan feel just as confused and awkward about this as I do?
-Ah, okay! Crane Lady does fully recognize Tsubasa!
-Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhhh INOUEEEEEEE
-Oh... things are going to go very sour very quick.
-I'm gonna be honest, I did not expect to be so invested in the story of two CGI scrimblo bimbos and the woman they both adore above all else.
-That's nice!
-Okay, I think I get the full picture of what's happening now. I think it's possible the Juto's more forceful method of getting Crane Lady to copy Natsumi's appearance affected her a lot more than what happened with Sayama or Mrs. Hanamura, causing an alter to form. I'm, of course, no expert on this subject, but I think that Miho might've formed after Natsumi's no doubt extremely horrible experience of being so violently abducted in front of her beloved fiance and forced to chomp on a paper crane.
-It'd explain why she barely reacted to Tsubasa's presence for so long, even as she was making the dish he taught her right in front of him, but instantly recognized Tsubasa and instantly forgot Tsuyoshi when he said something so personal to Natsumi.
-Hey... Tsuyoshi... are... are you okay? It's okay if you're not, I just want you to think carefully before doing anything rash.
-Sonoi, what
-Dude, your styles are not matching up at all.
-...I mean to be fair, Sonoza's one of those guys who probably has like... the one set of fancy clothes that actually fit him. I'd know, I'm one of them.
-Oden. The next Delicious Party PreCure episode revolves around this stuff, so I am absolutely going insane on the inside when that happens.
-Six whole oden chairs.
-Woooooow, okay Shinichi.
-Everybody loves Oden!
-Mmmm... egg. Fish cakes...
-Oden research!
-Oh. Oh shit, Sonoi.
-He's back! ...did he leave?
-They're so happy :)
-No haiku for you, macaque man!
-We were so close to having a normal lunch today, Tarou!
-"Battle first! Friendship later!"
-Party Time!
-Here comes the Wasshoi!
-Seiya Seiya Seiya Seiya Seiya!
-Let's gooooo
-Get peached, idiot.
-Big Doggie.
-Let's fuckin' goooo
-Ohhhh, we goin' big big.
-GolDon Onitaijin!
-Oh man, I'd have been so mad at you, Inoue.
-Donbros Utopia!
-We win! Big time!
-Sandwich :)
-Oh? What we askin?
-Natsumi Kuramochi.
-Here's the big confrontation.
-Kijino Did Nothing Wrong!
-Alright, what's the damage?
-Christ, how small IS this town?
-...those are origami cats.
-I am going to die next episode.
-Oh no...
-Oh hey, that's ToQ 1gou's Hyper Mode! Omikoshi Phoenix lets Tarou become-
-Ohhhhhh, wait, nope. Nuh-uh, false alarm! It's just his cape. Sorry folks, didn't mean to alarm you.
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First Kiss
Pairing: BNHA Boys x reader
Warnings: The safety of your uwu's. We got stuff from me writing at 3 AM, which is basically Sugar Sap Hours TM, so be warned. Also if you don't like kissing. Idk why you would keep reading if you didn't, but yeah there's some detail.
This is what I mean when I say that I am little more than a hopeless romantic.
If this is bad then that's because the last time I kissed someone was when I was six years old.
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima
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● Boy was so nervous
● Truth be told, he'd wanted to kiss you long before you started dating, but he never knew how to ask
● It had been a month or so into the relationship, and you'd begun to take notice that the two of you hadn't gone any further than hand holding
● You didn't want to pressure Izuku into something he didn't want to do, neither of you did. It was just that—you longed to feel his lips pressed against yours, and with each passing day the temptation only worsened
● One afternoon, Izuku had just gotten back from his hero training session. You had been watching with the rest of the class as he sparred against Tokoyami. After a hard fight from the both of them, Midoriya had finally come out on top and won against him
● He walked back into the observation room, still panting slightly as he adjusted his protective gloves
● You felt so proud of him. That was your boyfriend and he was a m a z i n g
● Most of the class crowded around and congratulated him as he walked in, and Aizawa sensei even gave him an approving nod
● The glow his eyes had taken on pulled you in, and, before you knew it, what was meant to be a congratulatory hug from you turned into a kiss
● It was quick, your lips barely pushing into each other before you pulled away, but it still had a massive impact
● The whole class (minus the few who had left to get ready for their turn) erupted into cheers and 'OHH!'s
● You both turned bright red and jumped apart, Izuku unable to do anything other than stand glued in place and grin sheepishly
● Once Aizawa had settled everyone down, you pulled your boyfriend towards the back of the room
● "Sorry," you apologized immediately. "I got carried away and—"
● "Why are you sorry?" Izuku asked, suddenly incredulous
● "I just wasn't sure if you were ready—"
● "Do you know how long I've wanted to kiss you?" he cut you off, keeping his voice low so prying ears wouldn't be able to listen in *AHEM, Mina and Kaminari*
● Your face flushed a whole new shade darker. "I may have an idea . . . . I've felt the same way."
● Izuku took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the side. "If you want to start now, we can."
● "I'd like that."
● He bit his lip, blushing again as he put a hand on the back of his neck. "We could do some more . . . once class is out."
● Your eyes shone, already giddily anticipating meeting Izuku in his room. "That sounds wonderful."
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● It was no secret among the Bakusquad that a certain explosive blond had taken interest in you
● It started with Mina noticing the subtle glances (*stares) he'd throw you, then she enlisted Kirishima to ask him, which only lead to a solid confirmation from Bakugou himself (and Eijirou nearly getting his face blasted off), which then was spread to Sero and Kami
● Within a matter of days, Bakugou's crush on you had simply become common knowledge to the four of them, and now they had to decide on what to do about it
● There was some teasing, of course, in the week that followed; Sero or Kaminari lightly jabbing at him with their elbows when they caught Bakugou absentmindedly watching you
● But Mina wanted more than that, and the others were quick to agree
● One afternoon when classes were over for the day, the quartet were hanging out in the common room. You happened to wander by, looking for something to do and they waved you over excitedly
● They invited you into a game of truth or dare, which they had 100% NOT started just because you walked in
● "Oh, (Y/N), just in time," Sero called out to you. No one other than you missed the way Bakugou shifted in his seat across the room at the sound of your name, back turned to the group
● So as not to seem suspicious, everyone went around a few times, playing their turn
● When everyone's eyes turned toward you for the third time, Denki finally took the opportunity to quietly dare you to go over, kiss Bakugou, and live
● Nothing much, just on the cheek if you could
● You, who were blissfully unaware of Bakugou's feelings towards you, happily accepted, already anticipating seeing the look of pure rage on his face
● You sauntered toward the gremlin boy, who was sitting on a couch across the floor, not paying any attention to the game that was going on mere feet away as he read over one of his notebooks from class
● You leaned over the back of the couch, positioning your face at a perfect angle level with his
● "Hey, Kacchan."
● His head whipped around at the name, giving you perfect access to plant your lips soundly on his cheek for a solid half second before bolting off as fast as you could
● Bakugou just sat there for a second, dumbstruck and trying to process what just happened
● Had that been you? Really you? The (Y/N) who had been stubbornly and oh so agonizingly plaguing his mind for the past two months? Kissing him on the cheek and calling him Kacchan???
● Your speedily retreating form confirmed it for him, plain as day, and he wasted no time in jumping up and vaulting over the couch to chase after you
● Your mind and heart raced in tandem as you finally heard his footsteps slapping after you, running barefoot down the hardwood floored hall
● I'mgonnadie I'mgonnadie I'mgonnadie
● You couldn't help but allow giggles to escape your lips, however, especially when you heard little popping noises behind you, signaling Bakugou was firing off tiny explosions in what you could only assume to be rage
● You began to panic as you realized his legs were longer and he was faster than you. You yelped as searing hands grabbed your shoulders and pressed you against the nearby wall, signaling your defeat
● You were uncertain as to what you should do now, having not thought so far ahead. His hands were now resting firmly on either side of you, caging you in as the both of you lightly panted from the excitement of your short chase
● You defiantly shoved down and silenced the voice in your head that was screaming that he would certainly kill you and spit on your grave, opting to instead grin smugly at his face which had curled into a bit of a snarl
● Oh, how handsome your murderer-to-be was. You couldn't help but finally notice the fact now that you had kissed death, both literally and figuratively
● "So this is how it ends," you said, straining to keep your voice steady and the smile on your face. "If it makes you feel any better, I did it on a dare. Denki's fault."
● Confusion suddenly contorted your face as you watched Katsuki's fall. "That didn't mean anything?"
● You blinked. "Uhh, should it?"
● Katsuki's carmine glare never ceased in its intensity. He harshly bit his lip before removing one of his hands from the wall to drag over his mouth; processing
● You stayed in place, mind racing as to what he might mean. Had he enjoyed it? Did he like the thought of it? Had the Bakugou Katsuki developed . . . feelings for you?
● Of course you knew Katsuki wasn't lacking in the looks department. As you made your rounds assessing all the boys in your class, just like most high school girls do, he most certainly crossed your mind as not bad
● His personality had turned you off a bit, but you knew enough about yourself by now that you were a damned sucker for a bad boy
● His red eyes, which had trailed down to the floor as his mind raced through thoughts of his own only made your face heat
● The way his lips pouted ever so slightly, already enticing you to lean back in for seconds
● No, you told yourself. Begone, thot. Thought? Ha ha. This means nothing, you're just overthinking like you always do.
● You shifted your weight between your feet a few times, trying to physically distract yourself from how close his face was to yours
● Katsuki looked back up at you, disturbed a bit by your antsy squirming
● "What do you want me to do?" you finally asked him, wanting to mull over these intrusive thoughts in the silent privacy of your room. Maybe die in a hole later. You never knew.
● "I want you to do it right this time."
● "What?"
● "If you want to, kiss me like you mean it. If not, you can always go." He kept one arm at his side, open for you to slip away from him if you so chose
● But you didn't want to choose that option. Your head spun, trying to keep up with everything that was going on around you
● It was all so fast, and yet—you loved it
● Shutting down your brain entirely, you grabbed at the back of Katsuki's head and kissed him, full on the lips
● His eyes widened in surprise, having half expected you to slide out from under him and walk away, but no, you were kissing him and it was both everything and nothing like he'd imagined and your lips were so soft and—
● He pushed back into you, fisting your hair in his hands. He was rough and unpracticed, but what he lacked in sweetness he made up for in unapologetic passion
● His teeth knocked against yours and your heart soared in excitement, warmth flooding your body in ways you'd scarcely glimpsed the feeling of
● A sudden cheer brought you both out of your heightened euphoria, Katsuki pulling away and whipping his head around so fast you nearly whimpered at the loss of his lips against yours
● You were just able to see four bodies briskly retreating around the corner, absolutely cackling as Bakugou embarked on his second chase of the day; blushing up a storm and screaming considerably louder at his friends than he had at you
● You brushed the tips of your fingers over your still hot lips, still tingly after what they'd just experienced
● Smirking to yourself, you leaned back against the wall, coming down from your adrenaline high as you attempted to slow your pounding heart back to its normal pace
● He would be back. Boys like him always were. You would talk about your status and becoming official then, but for now, you were content to listen to the echoing explosions sounding off in the other room
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● Even after a few months, Shouto was still getting used to the whole idea of 'dating'.
● You were his first s/o, so he wasn't really certain what he was meant to do
● Nevertheless, he tried everything he could think of to be a good boyfriend
● He'd of course noticed that couples kissed, and now that he had you, he wondered if you would like it and what it would feel like
● The two of you were just vibing in your room, doing homework together as you liked to
● Shouto looked up at you to find that you were concentrating on a math equation, nibbling on the end of your pencil
● Your lips suddenly looked so full and soft and enticing, and Shouto couldn't think of anything other than having them pressed against his
● He had been staring at you for quite some time, so you looked up
● "Need something, Sho?" you asked, wondering why he was looking at you like that
● "Can I ask you something?" he asked
● "Sure."
● "Would you mind if we ever . . . kissed?"
● You blinked, taken aback by the completely unexpected question
● "Uhh, like . . . right now?"
● "That would be nice."
● You blushed and smiled. "Sure."
● You moved your notebooks behind you so you could have room to sit close to each other, sliding forward until you were comfortably in front of him
● Shouto felt semi prepared. He had watched exactly five videos and read two articles on this. How hard could it be?
● He touched your cheek, looking into your eyes as he ran his thumb over your skin
● Shouto leaned in, simultaneously guiding you closer to his face
● His nose fell in place next to yours as he gently brushed his lips over your soft pink skin
● You were surprised with how well and confidently he was kissing you, blissfully unaware of his search history
● He left several little pecks against your lips before finally pressing them flush against his in a deeper kiss
● Your eyes had fluttered shut, experimentally pushing back as his lips moved against yours
● It wasn't long before your mouths had opened and your tongues were gently tapping against each other, aching to explore a foreign cavern
● It was only then that you began to notice just how warm he'd gotten—yet simultaneously cold?
● You flicked your eyes open to see that Todoroki's right side had begun to frost over slightly, his left sending waves of heat rolling onto your body
● You reluctantly pulled away, Shouto's lips cutely chasing after you for a second before he opened his eyes
● "What is it?"
● "Is this getting too intense for you?" you asked
● "Not really. Why?"
● "Your, uh, quirk."
● Shouto glanced down, only now realizing how much he'd unwittingly let it activate
● The frost patches quickly receded, and the heat abated slightly, though to say your own cheeks weren't burning in their own way would be a flat out lie
● "Sorry about that," Shouto apologized
● "It's fine," you waved off, trying to keep your giddy expression toned down
● "So did you . . . enjoy it?" he asked
● "Yeah." Your voice was breathy as you ran a hand through your hair
● Todoroki allowed himself a small smile before settling back into his seat on your bed
● "Want to do it some more later?"
● "Of course!"
● Needless to say, it wasn't long before the two of you had become total pros at kissing
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● Kirishima is a very romantic kind of guy
● He'd been thinking about kissing you for a while, but decided it would be more manly to wait for the most perfect moment possible when he could be certain that that was what you both wanted
● You'd gone on a couple of dates together, but he hadn't taken the opportunity to kiss you yet
● Finally, he couldn't get the thought out of his head, the urge to take a step further in your relationship ever-present in his mind
● He planned for it a few days in advance, making sure to get a good time for when you were both free
● It was late when he came to collect you, around eleven o'clock
● He led you outside into the night, making sure the both of you were quiet as he guided you along
● Soon enough, you reached your destination, which was simply a small blanket laid out over a patch of grass in an open area right under the stars
● You both sat down next to each other, the warm night air keeping you just at the right temperature
● Kirishima watched as the light of the stars reflected and twinkled in your eyes, and he thought he'd never seen anything so beautiful as your features lit in their glow
● You began to point out your favorite constellations, tracing the groupings of stars with your finger as you held out your hand to the night sky
● "I love them," you said, referring to the sparkling lights. "Do you ever think about just how far away they are? It's all just so magical and humbling all at once. They may look like little pinpoints of light but we're the small ones, you know?"
● Your voice was so soft in his ear as you scarcely dared to raise it above a whisper. It soothed him, making his eyelids feel comfortably heavy
● Your body pressed closer into his, leaning against him while you looked up and mused
● "They're never gone, either," you continued. "Do you ever think about that? The sun is just too bright for us to be able to see them during the day, but they're there all the same, watching over us."
● Kirishima wanted to be there for you forever, making sure you were happy and safe
● Your wide (E/C) eyes drew him in, your words making his mind swirl
● Before he knew it, his nose had brushed against your cheek, causing your head to turn at the contact
● Your nose bumped against his, and the feeling of his breath fanning over your lips caused your cheeks to warm
● "You know," he muttered, pressing his forehead to yours, "you're more beautiful than all the stars in the sky."
● Before he could close the remaining distance between you, you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle
● "That was really cheesy," you remarked, closing your eyes and letting a small breathy snort leave your nose
● "Aww, what?" Eijirou pulled back a little, causing you to open your eyes again in disappointment at the lack of contact. "I meant it, it's true. And a super manly thing to say."
● You couldn't help but notice the tiny flicker of anxiety in the backs of his ruby red eyes, worried he'd done something wrong
● You couldn't resist that look, the way he pouted ever so slightly, just scarcely able to make out the outlines of his endearingly abnormally sharp teeth
● In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to feel those lips against your own, to feel what those teeth would feel like under your tongue
● "You're right," you finally said, reaching up to hold the back of his head in your hand, fallen red spikes tangling between your fingers
● You pulled him close and let your mouths move together, hesitation quickly changing to courage the longer you left each small peck
● Eijirou was quite possibly the sweetest guy you knew, but you'd never experienced anything so sweet as his kisses. There was no heat behind them, but the passion and love for you was evident all the same
● He eventually pulled away to caress your face, hand cupping your cheek with softest care
● You leaned into his touch and gazed up into his eyes; freckled by the light of the stars. Somehow, the reflections seemed even better than the real ones hung in the tapestry of the atmosphere
● Eijirou pulled you onto his lap and into his chest, where you instinctively clutched and buried your nose into the soft fabric of his t-shirt
● He hummed a little in his throat, beginning to rock back and forth ever so gently as he held you in his arms. You could hear his heart softly pounding deep within him
● His warmth lulled you to slumber, allowing you to slip into the depths of sleep without you scarcely taking notice
● Kirishima allowed you a few minutes to settle, switching between gazing into your sleeping face and back up at the stars
● He finally stood, carrying your limp form back to your room, where he laid you out on your bed and tucked you in
● He felt like he'd done well, and finally went to sleep himself, the taste of your lips still tingling on his tongue
So, uh, I was going to do Amajiki and Shinsou but I low-key ran out of time and ideas so . . . yeah. Maybe I'll do them later, but probably not. Idk. If someone asked for it I would but for now . . . probably nah.
Anyway, I really liked how these turned out! I hope you did too! My favorite is probably Bakugou's, but I also super enjoyed Kiri's.
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4
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She-Ra tumblr au
I made this with @maycombhoney​ at some point and was thinking about it earlier today.
Adora: Has a popular sideblog named She-Ra about her boxing and fighting abilities but very few people follow her main account. Her sideblog is simple, with a lot of self defense tips and stuff, and sometimes people see reblogs of stuff that are supposed to go to her main account show up. They’re pretty boring, so they usually don’t check out the main account
Glimmer: Lots of sparkly moodboards and stuff with a really pretty aesthetic, and that’s all you see when you follow, but once you’re following, your dash starts having a bunch of vent posts about her mom and there’s a lot of discourse. Glimmer gets mad at posts easily. There’s also a lot of anon hate to her. It’s kinda depressing. If she ever posts art, she often has to take it down because no matter how often she says not to, people repost it, and she can’t let her mom connect the dots. 
Bow: He talks a lot about bows. Shows off a lot of his arrow creations and how-to's on making them at home. They’re too complicated to actually work though. Most of his followers find him through Adora’s side blog She-Ra, where he’s often tagged. It’s usually because she posts selfies of their adventures and he’s in them. Glimmer is too, but she’s well known on her own. 
Double Trouble: Their username is from some small fandom no one has ever heard of, their profile pic is from some abandoned cartoon from a year ago, their header is a gif scene from at least three different shows that were shot in the same place, and their line underneath is a quote from an old musical from the 90′s. The blog is about none of those and has a bunch of posts from a show no one can find. They often get asks about what show it is, to which they give a name, and when they’re asked for a link, it never seems to work. People have given up. At some point, someone noticed that you can actually figure out what’s going on in the show if you look at the gif sets and put them together in order of episode (which is labeled at the bottom). See the thing is, Double Trouble is using the mystery and confusion of this blog to advertise the show they wrote, directed and acted out. No one knows how it’s possible, but the people who know what happened are both under oath to not tell anyone and also extremely confused as to how Double Trouble managed it. Including me. I don’t know how it was managed, but I do have a theory that I’m about to send to @sheblah​. This does mean that she’s required to post my thing the moment she sees it.  Edit: She didn’t so I have to take matters into my own hands. Here’s the post I made with it
Catra: Catra’s posts have been a lot of discourse posts, with her being wrong. You can see in the tags that she knows exactly what she’s doing and that she’s making the wrong posts to be a jerk. She and Adora used to be mutuals (no one knows how, there’s no way their blogs should have ever crossed) but Adora saw one of her discourse posts and blocked her for around a month. After that, Catra stopped trying to reconnect. Now! Catra is less of a jerk on her tumblr and posts a bunch of cute photos of her therapy animal, Melog (no one knows what species Melog is but whatever-) and reblogs a lot of stuff about therapy and anger management. One day she put up a post about how she was getting therapy, and people spammed her with congratulations. She told them that she was crying and thanked them all deeply. Sometimes people still bring up how horrible she was and she has to put out a post saying how she recognizes this and she apologizes for everything she did. She nearly never answers the hate asks. She’s getting better. 
Perfuma: She has a cottagecore aesthetic account, it’s really pretty. She once made a cactus hating post and it blew up. She gets anons making fun of her for it to this day. Very annoying. Most people follow her for the discourse she participates in. It can be quiet for weeks, months even, and then she’ll find some idiot saying something dumb and will fight for, days sometimes, to set them right. It used to be Catra that she would fight with a lot. They ended up becoming enemy mutuals, following each other in order to mess up the other’s discourse post. This also meant that Perfuma was the first to see and cause change in Catra’s way of thinking and actions. Perfuma always reminds herself of the fact that she helped someone change for the better once. She’s proud.
Frosta: Is not legally allowed to be on tumblr. It’s a problem. But at the same time she just? Doesn’t seem to follow anyone at all? Sometimes people will send asks about a post that went viral, and she never seems to know anything about it. She hasn’t been affected by tumblr at all, and seems to post something, answer questions, and then log off to make her next thing. It’s... kind of strange, actually. Everyone knows she’s underage, but has no proof, so they can’t tell her to get off tumblr or anything. And if anyone asks how old she is, she gives a random number (A few favorites are “69,” “420,” “I stopped counting after the first hundred years,” “It’s a bit of a pardox actually, because in total I’m around 80, but I’ll be born in three years so... I’m -3 apparently,” “Old enough to beat you in a drinking contest,” “I’m a god, and have no beginning nor end,” and the best of them all, a video of someone being thrown into the air by a pillar of ice with the caption, “Begone thot.”) Frosta picks and chooses her battles when it comes to answering asks. No hate is ever seen on her blog and no one is sure whether it’s because she never gets it, or because she never answers it. She doesn’t get it. 
Entrapta: A lot of cool videos and vlogs and experiments. After about three months of being on tumblr, someone said they had an experiment she might like, and asked if they could send an ask about it and have her try it out. After that, she made it her pinned post to say, “Taking experiment requests! Have something you want me to try out?” She’s always tinkering now, and she loves it! Someone once asked her to explain one of her videos more simply, and she did! But it was too simple, and the person who asked thought she was making fun of them. A helpful follower of Entrapta’s made a better explanation in a reblog and was seen as better, so Entrapta now lets her followers explain how they see is best! She’ll reblog it onto the main account so everyone can see. If they need help, she can always take back the reigns! 
Mermista: No one is quite sure what her blog is about. There’s a lot of posts about this really obscure murder mystery book series. The ones made by the blog itself are videos of arson and mild theft. The videos are horrible quality, and no one knows what’s going on until at the very end of this three minute long vid, the camera stills, zooms in, and shows a boat on fire. It’s not on the news. Sometimes you’ll see a reblogged post that seems eerily relevant to the posts before and after. The mood the entire way through is basically just this meme
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She once made a uquiz that told you what crime you committed. It is... scarily accurate. The questions had nothing to do with the answer at all. You are horrified. There was once an audio that was basically just running for three minutes with sirens in the background (the post has gone viral and people are beginning to wonder if the sirens are actually mermaid type sirens. It’s becoming more and more likely every time it’s addressed). The audio was a voice reveal. It was one word, and it just made everyone who heard it pause for a moment and sit in complete confusion and mild fear before scrolling further, because they live in the lie that perhaps if they go further, they’ll understand what’s going on. It was just, “Fire,” in the most astonished voice, and then the crackling of a flame. The blog never seems to end. After hours of scrolling, you finally reach the end, and there is and never has been context for a single thing the blog has done. You are slowly filled with dread and anticipation for the next post as you hit the follow button.  
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merlybird500 · 4 years
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sometimes, when you want fem!sides content, you make it yourself.
i wrote a little fic to go along with this, it’s under the cut: prinxiety, intruality, loceit
“Come, wait upon him,” Romaine ordered, “Lead him to my bower. The moon methinks looks with a watery eye; and when she weeps, weeps every little flower, lamenting some enforced chastity. Tie up my lover’s tongue, bring him silently.” With the final line, she strode offstage, and her entourage escorted Morgan off after her. 
“All right, good work everyone!” Mr Sanders called. “Take five, and then we’ll run Act 3, Scene 2.”
Romaine dropped the regal air that she’d been projecting and held her hand up for a high-five. “Nice work dude, could totally believe that you’d been turned into a donkey.”
Morgan obliged with a grin, and their hands smacked together. “What can I say? I guess I’m just an ass.”
A high-pitched cackle echoed across the room as Regan tackled Romaine to the ground. They hit the mattress propped against the wall with a loud thud.
“Regan, please do not injure our Titania a week before the performance,” Dee smirked, brushing past them to stalk up to the tech booth.
“You’re just jealous that I got Hermia and you didn’t!”
“Hardly,” Dee scoffed, and slung her arms over her girlfriend’s shoulders. Logan looked up at her with a slight smile curling at the corners of her lips. 
“You are aware that you’re not supposed to be here,” Logan said, but made no move to remove Dee from her person. Dee snatched her hat off of Logan’s head and placed it back on her own, nestling her face into Logan’s ginger curls. 
Romaine shoved Regan off and got to her feet, very pointedly not looking at the tech booth. She wasn’t jealous. She wasn’t. She’d gotten one of the lead roles in the senior production, was one of the most popular girls in school despite her theatre kid status, and had been out and proud for almost three years now. There was nothing to be jealous about. Except for the fact that she was very single, and had been for almost three years now. She’d broken up with her boyfriend at the time as soon as she realized that she was a flaming homosexual, and still hadn’t managed to find herself a girlfriend. Even Regan had found a girlfriend before she had, in the form of the sweetest person in the school, a raven-haired girl called Payton. 
She was pretty sure that like, a good eighty percent of the school’s gays were in the drama class. There were twenty-six students in the senior drama class, and she knew of maybe three that were cishet. The rest were either out or ambiguous. Romaine definitely got vibes from most of the others that weren’t open about their sexualities, but she wasn’t one to force her opinions onto people. Anyways, all of her real friends were in the drama class. All… four of them.
Regan and Logan and Payton and Dee. No-one knew Dee’s real name. There were rumours going around that she’d hacked into the school’s systems and deleted all her real info, but Romaine didn’t find that likely. It far was more likely that she’d convinced Logan to do it for her. 
She was broken out of her thoughts by Mr Sanders’s voice. “Could I talk to the lovers for a moment please?”
Dee brushed a kiss against Logan’s forehead and strutted over to the teacher. Romaine elbowed Regan in the side. “Begone thot.”
Regan flipped her off and went to join Dee and the two boys standing with their teacher.
Romaine flopped onto the ground and crossed her ankles. After a moment, Payton approached and dropped elegantly to sit across from her. “Hey Titania.”
“Greetings Cobweb,” Romaine said, saluting her friend with two fingers. 
“How are you doing?” Payton asked.
Romaine shrugged. “Eh, I’m okay. Little tired. It’s been a long day.”
“You know I got offered a job at a mattress factory the other day,” Payton said lightly.
Romaine gave her a look. “Is this going to be a pun?”
“I asked them if I could sleep on it.”
Romaine sighed heavily, and someone snorted from behind them. 
“Oh, hey Virge!” Payton said, lips turning up cheerily.
Twisting around to see who Payton was addressing, Roman could feel all of her blood rising to her face. Standing next to them was Virge Adler. Again, like Dee hardly anyone knew her actual name, everyone just referred to her as Virge. And Virge Adler happened to be Romaine’s most hopeless of crushes. If Romaine was one of the most popular girls in the school, Virge was the most popular. She was untouchable. And also in tech. Which was an oxymoron in itself, but Romaine was getting off track. 
Her face was hot. 
Virge looked down at her, her purple bangs hanging in front of her heterochromatic eyes. 
“What’s up, Pat?”
“The ceiling,” Payton replied without hesitation. 
Virge smirked. “Why did I know you were going to say that?”
“You just know me so well,” Payton said cheekily.
“You, uh, know each other?” Romaine asked. When both parties looked at her, she could feel her blush deepening. 
“Of course we do,” Payton said, “We were neighbours for ten years, weren’t we Virge?”
Virge hummed in agreement. Romaine blanked out for a second. How didn’t she know that?
“So, Romaine, I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me on friday?” Virge cut in smoothly.
Romaine blinked once, twice, three times. “Sure!” 
“Cool, I’ll text you the details.”
Romaine nodded numbly. “Sounds good.”
Virge gave a crooked smile and turned, making her way back to the tech booth. 
It was at this point that Dee and Regan returned, flopping onto the ground to sit with the duo. Romaine’s face was hot. 
“Yeesh, what happened to you?” Regan jabbed. “You look like your face is going to explode.”
Romaine lifted on hand to frame her face. “I think I just agreed to a date with Virge Adler.”
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#3-4 and 29-29 I'm not anon cause I'm not a coward
(Edited: 28 is suppose to be in here. So I added it in.)
I would have called you out if you were on anon >;)
3) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?
Onyx: Well, Onyx gets flattered by just about any romantic gestures. If she figures that the person who’s trying to woo her is well meaning enough, then she would enjoy it but wouldn’t entertain them. She only has one person in her heart and she doesn’t want to give other people the wrong impression. But liking and loving are two different things. Onyx likes receiving flowers, candy, and other traditional goods just as much as the next person. But when really sets Onyx ablaze is how Echo shows his romantic gestures. Just by him chasing after her and refusing to back down when she tells him too is enough to find his actions endearing. But when she found out that Echo took secret photos of her to put up in his room and took some of her stuff, oh ho ho boi. Onyx thought her heart was about to jump out of her chest from joy. She knows better than to encourage this sort of action from Echo but she couldn’t help but feel loved. She never imagine that anyone would love her this much. And seeing Echo covered in blood after killing someone who tried to get in her way? Shiiiit, he got Onyx sweating like a sinner. 
Echo: Echo is just about the same as Onyx, in that he doesn’t care what sort of romantic gesture is presented to him. The only thing he really cares about is who’s presenting it. If it was any other ordinary person, Echo wouldn’t be all that impressed and tell them to bug someone else. If it’s Onyx? He would be happy with ANYTHING. Give him flowers? Who said that guys can’t receive flowers? Take him out on a date? He would be happy even if Onyx took him to McDonalds. Slap him? Oh damn… Onyx never told him she was into BDSM. But what Echo really loves is when Onyx acts heroic. Saving him from a near death experience. Taking a bullet for him. Watching over him while he sleeps. How can a girl be both cool and cute at the same time?! And when Onyx pining for him? The boy melts. 
4) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?
Onyx: As stated before, Onyx appreciates most gestures. It’s the thought that counts. But if she finds out that there was a double meaning behind the action or it was a cruel prank, then that person better watch out! Onyx doesn’t appreciate being played with. And while Onyx would like receiving anything, she personally finds receiving jewelry to be a waste of money. She prefers more practical gives like weapons or food.
Echo: Again, if it’s Onyx who’s doing these romantic gestures, Echo would love them. If it was from someone else, he would never give them the time of day. But the romantic gesture that random people would do that would really piss him off is for them to expect Echo to take the lead. How arrogant. He was never interested in them in the first place, so why coax him to do something he doesn’t want? He hates it when random people pretend to be in trouble to give him “the chance to swoop in” or when they try to seduce him. BEGONE THOTS.
28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?
Onyx: Honestly? Onyx finds every action Echo does to be extremely romantic. Taking pictures of her when she’s not looking then pinning them up on the wall. Taking her stuff to collect them. Sneaking into her room to watch her sleep... even joining her in bed. When Echo gets mad jealous when Onyx is giving her attention to someone. When Echo puts some of his saliva in her drink or tries to get an indirect kiss by sharing their drinks. The list goes on with Echo’s “creeper actions”. While most people find this disturbing, Onyx finds it extremely sweet. Nobody has ever love her this passionately and no one could ever beat Echo in his passion (probably). Onyx also finds it really romantic how Echo trains everyday just to met her strength. The only reason Onyx acts like his actions are a pain is because... well, she’s a tsundere and she gets easily embarrassed by his sweet actions. Also, she’s training Echo how to appear normal to everyday people.
Echo: Onyx really doesn’t do any “out of the norm” romantic gestures... unlike Echo. I guess what Onyx does is out of the gender norm for romantic gestures, which Echo absolutely loves. Onyx acts like a knight in shining armor while Echo is the “helpless” princess. Onyx would fight an army for Echo then give him flowers afterwards. She even held Echo in a bridal hold (which was the first time Echo felt genuinely embarrassed). Picture a classic knight and princess love story, reverse the genders, and you got Onyx’s typical romantic gestures.
There is one dark side romantic gesture from Onyx that Echo loves but will never share with anyone. It’s when other people try and flirt with him. Usually, Onyx would give them a warning. If they leave, they’re fine. If they persist... well, they wish that they were dead once she’s done with them. Depending on how stubborn they are, they can leave with just a broken wrist or horribly disfigured or crippled... so don’t push your luck.
29) What is your OC’s favorite love song?
*Me googling a list of love songs*
Onyx: Can’t help falling in love with you (The classic and cliche lol)
Echo: … Paparazzi by Lady Gaga? (LOL)
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pyrrhe · 6 years
Another Munday Prompt Except This Was Made On a Sunday Because I’m a Rebel
Remember to repost, not reblog!
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Name: ramiel/rami
Prefered pronouns: she/her or he/him
Selectivity: i’m selective because this is my hobby and comfort space! i support it and reserve the right to keep it fun and safe. that said i do also support anyone who wants to block me for their comfort
Favorite animal: dragons and cats.
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: UMM.... shouto’s up there but my fave is and always will be @ikisats. horrible truth gremlin deity child. ive written it for about four years on and off so ofc its my fave.
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: jupiter from wktd but there is no fandom for that. cries.
Most identifiable fictional character: shouto, mikan tsumiki (who has the same Tragic Backstory as me h elp) and asuka langley soryu. also hollyleaf from warrior cats iufhfdsihfsiu
What color your aura is/think it is: blue or red!
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): mbti is my Jam i love it. also dnd alignments
Do you think you’re a good driver: i don’t have my license yet bcs ive been.... busy this year and im a mess 
Favorite minor discourse (pineapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc): crocs. just crocs.
Favorite vine and/or meme: this for the vine and begone thot in all its pure iterations for the meme
Why did you choose this muse: i love shouto and hes really relatable to me and i just. wanted to put my spin on him. this is also secretly a vent blog shhhhhhhh
Favorite rp memory: once me and two other rpers reenacted frozen in one thread with our muses. it was wild.
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: this fic im so proud of it
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: anything margret atwood has written. specifically morning in the burned house my fave poem ever
Give a shout-out to someone: @tsplash !!!!!!!!!!! a good friend and an excellent tsuyu. scuttles.
Tagged by: stolen from the dash.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it. just say i tagged you <3
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cybr-grl · 6 years
Ah...Okashicon 2018...
Just thinking about it brings a smile on my face (◡‿◡✿)
I have been to my fare share of anime conventions. Some small and some so extremely large that halfway through the day you just pass out from trekking miles and miles in 6 inch tall platform shoes. 
Okashicon was not like any other con that I have been to. This was their very first year but surprisingly it was so well run that you might have thought that they had been doing this for years. Nothing was delayed, badges were handed out promptly, volunteers knew what was going on, there was a great lineup of panels, etc. The only complaint I might have was that I wished there were more people to enjoy everything Okashicon had to offer but of course since this is their first year they’re not going to have a hundred thousand people show up. But even though there wasn't that many people, the few artist alley friends I spoke to said they still made a good profit and everyone seemed to have a dandy time. Many people called it “Chillcon”. Which was very true. Usually at cons I’d be running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off trying to get to my next desired panel or getting bumped around in the sea of people in the dealers room. So much so that I wouldn't have enough time to hang a nice conversation to any of my pals that I bumped into. But I spent most of my time at Okashicon just chillin’ with my friends because it’s exactly that: Chillcon.
I also especially loved the fact that Okashicon really cared about the J-fashion community as a whole. There were many panels that catered to J-fashion folks and the mixer at the end of the con welcomed all types of J-fashion style which really warmed my heart. ALSO ALSO THE MIXER WAS CALLED “CLUB KONPEITO PONPON” WHICH I THINK IS THE CUTEST THING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WOOOOOOORLD!!! ( ;´Д`)
Day 0 was spent at model fittings for mother freakin Listen Flavor which HOLY COW I AM SO HONORED TO BE CHOSEN AS A MODEL FOR THEIR RUNWAY SHOW THANK YOU FAKE STAR THANK YOU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am not worthy (☉‿☉✿)
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On Day 1, I also spent the entire day preparing for the fashion show and hanging out with good friends that I had not seen for a long time! I even got to meet Kurebayashi, one of my biggest inspirations in life, again!!! The first time I met her was last year at San Japan and we got to trade kandi which I still have and treasure so so much! I almost cried because she actually still remembered me and was even wearing the bracelet I traded with her. I was so star struck, I felt like I was in a movie. Haruka Kurebayashi was one of the guests of the con and is an image model for Listen Flavor so she walked in the fashion show as well. 50% Dangerous was also showcased in the fashion show! They are an American based fashion brand that create the dopest clothing I have ever seen!!! The fashion show went spectacularly without a hitch thanks to all the models who put in all their hard work, the amazing people who helped with hair and makeup, the spectacular Rubab, and many many other people who helped backstage in one way or another. Texas J-Pop Idol, Galaxy Girl Paida, even made an appearance halfway through the show and everyone loved her! After the fashion show, a few of my close friends and I headed to a nearby sushi place for dinner which really hit the spot because I only had a cucumber sandwich to eat all day (sorry, Mom). And then we went back to the con for a bit to participate in the K-pop random dance panel. I recently just started listening to K-pop so I had no clue what any of the dances were so all I did was just flail my arms around while my amazing friend Sam literally WORKED IT (she knew the dance moves to every song, I felt like a proud mom).
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Day 2 was when things really got poppin’. In the morning I cosplayed as Kanna Kamui (don't lewd the loli please and thank you) from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and had a fun little group photoshoot! Afterwhich I changed out into a more colorful Decora look and headed to the guest autographs session to give Kurechan her gift which funny enough she was wanting to buy already so I’m glad she loved it. Then I headed to the J-fashion Swap Meet which was CRAZY PACKED. I spent most of it sitting on the floor eating a melon pan and drinking Mango Calpico but all I remember was an endless amount of lolita dresses from the windooowwww to the wall. Then we quickly made our way to the Cosplay Contest which was AMAZING. Everyone was super talented at their craft and Moderately Okay Cosplay was hilarious. Galaxy Girl Paida even made a special half time appearance and we were all super gung ho and cheered her on!!! After that, the gang and I were hungry so we drove all the way to Kura Sushi for some delicious revolving sushi where they were super nice to us and gave us all free Gachapons!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ IT FELT LIKE CHRISTMAS. Then we checked out Kinokuniya til we were the last ones left in the store (sorrymasen). We went back to the con and hung out at the pool til it was time for the rave which was super fun!!!! God bless Tina (who is one of the designers for 50% Dangerous!) for taking care of us and showering us with love and hydration, WE APPRECIATE YOU ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ
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And last but not least, Day 3! My last day was completely dedicated to the Club Konpeito Ponpon (try saying that 10 times fast) J-fashion Mixer where everyone was dressed up in the cutest looks!!! I walked into the event and my eyes were hit with so much color and happiness that I started crying tears of joy. The guest DJs, Drop Team Epic, were even playing while the festivities were going on so not only were my eyes happy but my ears were as well. We were served some delicious and really filling sandwiches! And the mocktails...oh the mocktails...my mouth is watering as I type this but they absolutely blew my mind. I’ve never had one in my entire life but I am glad that I am alive to experience the wonders of a mocktail. I ordered this blueberry flavored one and they added a cute little shark gummy candy in it and the whole time I was just singing the Baby Shark song in my head (Baby Shark dodododododo). They even added some pop rocks in it but my dumbass choked on one because I’m a 5 year old that needs supervision at all times. While we were eating, they did some raffles and thanks to the lucky ticket that Tina nicely got for me, I actually won something! I’m wearing it right now but it’s this soft fuzzy Little Twin Stars blanket cape pillow thingey that Kinokuniya graciously sponsored! And then they had the guests, 50% Dangerous and Kurechan, choose their favorite looks and they chose my beautiful gorgeous amazing friends Van and Meci which was so well deserved! I LOVE MY FRIENDS SO MUCH ꒰๑˃͈꒳˂͈๑꒱ノ*゙̥ After the prizes, it was selfie hour and kandi making time! I made a neon rainbow kandi bracelet that reads BEGONE THOT on it which I will pass down to my future grandchildren who will then pass it down to future cybr family generations to come. 
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All in all, Okashicon 2018 was a FRIGGIN BLAST and I will 10000000% return next year and wholeheartedly encourage others to attend as well! I am so so grateful to the entire team who made Okashicon a reality and give them a gazillion claps for all their hard work!!!
Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope you have a swell day! (^з^)-☆
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Act 3, Chapter 4: The Replaceable
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(Thanks so much to @brains-a-stormin for the amazing cover art! It's a million times better than I dreamed it being!)
Restaurant.. Adult Contemporary playing in the background.
“Hello, Rustbolt,” said Professor Brainstorm. “So glad you could see me on such short notice.”
Rustbolt bit his lip, nodding. A nervous smile crept onto his face. “Uh-huh. Yeah.”
“I wanted to discuss something with you.” Brainstorm swished around the wine in his glass. It was such a dark red that it was practically black, except at the top, where just enough light could pass through that you could tell it was an actual freaking color. In the background, a TV on the wall was showing the Zomboss speech.
“What would that be?”
Brainstorm, still swirling the sweet-smelling beverage around, spoke in a serious tone. “Your affiliation with the plants.”
Rustbolt felt all eyes on him. The music stopped. All conversation ceased in the whole establishment. “What ever could you be talking about, dearest friend Brainstorm?” He said in the Fakest  Voice Imaginable™.
Slowly, all activity resumed to normal. Brainstorm simply eyed the zombie on the other side of the small table. “I know what you’ve been up to. Talking to Green Shadow, spending time with Rose, that affair with Solar Flare. Even your little fistfight with Grass Knuckles. My zombot drones caught it all.”
“Wait, you watched the affair?”
Blushing, the professor chuckled evilly. He pulled out a CD labeled “RustBalls.”
Rustbolt snatched the disc and shoved it in his mouth, nonchalantly chewing it and swallowing it.
“Darnit. Nonetheless, you’re a plant now.”
“What? No, I’m still a zom--” Rustbolt was promptly cut off.
“You betrayed us. You betrayed Zomboss, and zomkind. You betrayed yourself and the natural order. You betrayed your friends, Rustbolt.” With the push of a button, several teleports descended and zapped all the other Zombie heroes there. Directly behind Brainstorm were EB and Neptuna.
“You betrayed us….” Said EB.
“How could you do that? I actually liked you, Rustbozo.” Nep crossed her arms and turned away, walking out of his peripheral view.
“You betrayed everyone, Rustbolt.” Brainstorm threw his wine at Rustbolt, the red sinking its way down his eyes and flooding his vision with a blurry, cherry-colored tint. Everyone became silhouettes, and their eyes were a glowing, foggy white; like looking at a BEGONE THOT meme under kool-aid.
“You betrayed ME.” Brainstorm lunged at Rustbolt.
Rustbolt’s eyes flung open. He was on an air mattress in SF’s living room. Suddenly, the realization hit him: It was a DREAM. And one of those dreams that puts fake memories in your head. He had talked to Green Shadow last night, yeah, but he had never spent any legitimate time with Rose, and he never had sex with SF. He had a small confrontation with GK at the big debut, but it wasn’t necessarily a FISTFIGHT. All this hit him at once.
“Rustbolt, you ok?” SF was right next to him. “I uh. Used the TV remote to hook up your helmet to the television. I saw that whole thing.”
“God, I didn’t DREAM about the affair, did I?” Was his first reaction.
She blushed intensely. “N-No. You didn’t.”
“Oh, thank God…”
“Uh, Rustbolt?” Asked Solar Flare, face still Kabloom red.
“The speech. It's about to be on.”
Rustbolt glanced at the TV. Sure enough, it showed an empty stage. It said “LIVE” in the upper left corner.
“It’s tuned in to ZNN,” said Solar Flare. She laughed. “Haha. ZNN.”
“Forget that crap. Zomboss News Network is bullshit.” Rustbolt tuned in to a different channel. Zomboss was ALREADY giving the speech.
“My fellow Zombies,” Zomboss started.
Rustbolt laughed. “Yeah. THATS not familiar.”
“I wanted to come out in person to address this. For the first time in Zombie history, I am not behind a camera and on a screen. I stand before you today to remember Rustbolt. He has been causing alot of trouble lately. ALOT.”
“Can you believe this shit?” Asked Rustbolt.
“Nope,” SF said.
“And that trouble has finally ceased.”
EB and Smash looked over at each other.
“He was Hearty and Brainy. That was his class combination. So, here we have a problem. We no longer have a Hearty and Brainy hero. Well I come to you with a solution!” Zomboss held up the handheld Hero-tron. EB’s jaw dropped. Smash’s ponytail spun around.
“Not good,” mumbled Smash.
EB gulped. This spelled disaster.
“Don’t ignore such a serious threat. Ever. Really.”
“He literally spent time making a phrase for disaster.” EB facepalmed.
“So, I have a solution!” Zomboss looked into the crowd. “Rustbolt had the most sports zombies. Any sports zombies? Any at all? Ah, yes! You! Pole Vaulter! Come up here!”
A Pole Vaulter Zombie walked onto the stage.
“Introducing…” Zomboss blasted the zombie. “Your neeeew, Hearty Brainy sports hero!”
There was a flash of light. The Pole Vaulter looked almost like he was straight out of the Olympics. Like, the ORIGINAL Olympics. He had an olive branch crown, a toga, and Greek sandals. Even his POLE looked Greek.
“That’s the name of a mushroom!” Shouted Nep.
“Any relations to plants or fungi, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Just let me have my pun fun.”
“The hell!?” Solar Flare was pretty mad too.
“We shall resume work as usual tomorrow. For now, come give him a warm Zomwelcome. I will be holding a meeting for all ten Zombie Heroes tomorrow morning at 11:00.”
EB and Smash watched Zomboss walk behind the curtain, then walk away in a Zombot 1,000.
“What do we do?” Asked Smash. “Do we follow Zomboss? Warn Rustbolt? Talk to Z-Mech or Super Brain?”
EB narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “Nope. We give him the warmest Zomwelcome the undead’s ever seen.”
AN: Thank you guys for all the support in this story! Sorry I couldn't post it, my tablet is apparently only comfortable with the wifi in my house.
Next chapter will be told in the perspective of EB.
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alllbimyselff · 6 years
Thanksgiving day quotes
Cousin: “ I was so drunk and I said to this group of girls “Begone THOTS”’
Random person that is there idk how: ohhh Thots and prayers
2. *girl cousins posing for pics*
Nico: ohh they are doing the college girl pics, fake laugh for fake photos
3. My cousin is going though a breakup and asked me to get her food
-“can you get me mashed potatoes?”
-“but it’s so far”
-“but I’m going through a breakup”
-“well I’ve been through 16 years alone so I think you can handle it”
4. Apparently my cousin got drum ink a while back and was dancing on a bar, this is the same cousin from quote 1, and his sister was send all of us the video of him dancing on the bar. She even sent it to their aunt
“Who the fuck do you think is talking to you”
6. “My life is like a CW show, I’m almost 30, single, have 3 cats, and am hitting life advice from a 6 yr old”
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animalfarm2018-blog · 6 years
week 1// cows n sh*t
(day 1) on monday, day 1, i was introduced happily to a group of people i either knew fairly well, or new faces i had to get used to. as everyone was hugging, and talking, and having fun, i was sat there, completely spaced out, chilling with my closest friends. yes, i did drama before this whole finasco took place, but only for the long period of, 5-6 weeks.. i know its sad, but i had a fair idea of who everyone was by the end of the day. for the wrecked first morning, we played name games and working on our “animalistic movements”, which was basically making complete fools of ourselves by crawling, growling, kicking, pecking, clucking (?) and other things animals seem to do, i guess. oh, and i accidentally tripped someone over, so if you’re reading this, yeah i’m sorry. after lunch, we began to read act 1 from our clean scripts, now either in folders or covered in dirt and/or some liquid stain. we all took a line each, which was basically our “auditions” as we needed to show off our acting talent, by being hunched over and really tired. it was a mood (note: i call everything a mood because i have no idea how to form a sentence)
(day 2) i walked into the rehearsal room with the worst throbbing headache, and, once again, i was spaced out. i was really out of it for most of the day, so i had to leave to go home, but i did stay for the first half. we began the day by reading act 2, and choosing the top three roles we wanted, in no particular order. after finishing reading the extremely well written production, we did a few singing exercises with our music coach, eadaoin, following a (fairly cute) jam session of all the people who wanted to sing, to sing! i appreciated and was awed by all the talent i was surrounded by, and how similar of a music taste i have with do many people, which was pretty cool. from what i heard when i went back home, after lunch they continued with acting out scene 4, and practising the dance off. everyone who did even one step complained.no offence to our choreographer, but the amount of people that had opinions that got flung back to me, was slightly comedic. 
(day 3) we got our roles!! i assumed everyone was happy with their roles, which they were. we did a run-through of the entire show as our characters, which was interesting to listen to everyone really delving into their characters, and really bringing out the defining traits in their speech. after the reading, we all got into groups to come up with, unique, titles for each scene. my group, personally, had the most creative titles (even though i can’t remember them for the life of me lmao). i had to go up and write the majority of voted titles, which were official. with some of my favourite titles being “THE THICCCCC HARVEST”, “begone thot”, “old major gets fuckin’ merked” and personal favourite, “minimus smokes a PHAT joint”. then, in our same groups, we had to make up a tune for a song in the play called, “do nothing”, which we had to perform the following day. during these two group actions, we were all measured for costumes, which was extremely enjoyable as the costume designer, karla, was such a bubbly person with so much enthusiastic energy! she would just make me feel so happy, even when she was asking for me to measure my thighs. once again, mood. along with the costumes, we were also introduced to the stage setting, which was so impressive and innovative! 
(day 4) we began the day, not in the rehearsal room, but the theatre room, first performing the songs we produced the day before, we then spent a lot of time on the rough first draft of the dance off, which, since i wasn’t there i was completely dazed and confused, so i just, tryingly mimicking the movements everyone was doing. at lunch, a new feature to the whole production was introduced. the video diaries. it was a go-pro in a cute little telephone box, with questions taped on the wall. each individual had to answer the questions, and since it was completely confidential, all of us could be as bitchy as we want. then, after the diaries, we all hunched together on the theatre chairs, and watch a bbc movie, “pride!”, which was based on a true story, which inspired our director to get our whole, punk vibe that was introduced that day, to the show. the movie was about the miner strike in 1984, where a group of lesbians and gays formed a support group to the miners to help them get money during the strike. after the movie, we all went up to look at the idea of all of our costumes, which was pretty cool. i found my costume to be one of the favourites i had. 
(day 5) farm trip!! we had to leave garter lane at 9:30 (which is far too early for me goddamn) to go to two farms, both in kilkenny. before we reached the farm, we got lost, in the middle of, quite possibly, the smallest village in ireland, with around 2 houses and a shop. the first farm we reached was an all-rounder, laid back farm, with the nicest dog, peggy. there were chickens, peacocks, pigs, sheep, goats, a calf, and even alpacas. we got to feed the animals (or get our hands completely consumed by the animals) and learn loads about each said animal. after saying goodbye to the dog we were all fascinated by (we’re all 5 i swear), we headed off to the next farm, a dairy farm. to make a long story short, someone in the group became a love interest to the cows. he began ‘moo’ing at them, and t-posing at them until he became encircled by (a shit ton of) cows.i got to pet a cow, which was pretty fun as they’re somewhat soft, and there was another dog there, issy. she was just as good as peggy. i learned a load about cows, like how they have best friends, how they judge gingers, and how they dry hump each other to get bulls attention. once we went back to waterford, it was straight to lunch. once we came back, we had our first welfare meeting to close the week. 
it was an amazing first week, that had plenty of new experiences i quite enjoyed. i became close with new people, and got better with friendly relationships as the week passed on. not a minute was wasted where i felt like i was regretting my decisions, because its something to be going into town each and every day doing the same things, day in and day out, but its something else to be working so hard with the nicest group of people, to get something out of it and go “yeah, i did a production over the summer”. the summer project is something i’ll have to continue doing, no matter what the circumstances are. 
- tara x
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bladeoftruths · 7 years
fate/stay night (vn) - ren’s review
welp, i’ve been inactive these past few days bcos i’ve been picking up fate/stay night vn since last week. i guess it’s about time i review it before I forget everything.
also, it’s been sometime since i last reviewed stuff.
ps: there’s spoilers inside so proceed with caution.
i finished saber’s route in just a week, rin’s route in 3 days and sakura’s route today and boy, it feels so satisfying. tbh i’ve never finished a visual novel game this fast but hey, i did it (as i procrastinated over printing my portfolio, ren pls print that damn thing tomorrow).
anyways, that being said. i know i used to believe that fate/stay night has a cruddy story just bcos it was originally an eroge but damn, the moment i watched the UBW anime by ufotable, I was completely wrong. i fell head over heels with this series and out of nowhere, i decided to pick up the visual novels just to experience the full story, and even picked up fate/grand order just to get used with nasu’s storytelling. welp, i must say, I’m impressed. also, i think most of you know this but fate is somehow inspired from evangelion and utena, and the writer, kinoko nasu is a big fan of the two series.
also, just to let ya know, i’m playing the game in this way, fate and heaven’s feel in realta nua version, while UBW, i played them uncensored bcos i’m interested in how my otp played the lovey-dovey scenes out in canon :^) (you know who i do i ship if you’ve been following me all this time haha)
speaking of the story, i’d say, i enjoy heaven’s feel the most (if not why does it take me a day to finish this route, tho i skipped thru the first 7 days bcos i’ve gone thru it and got into one of the bad endings). 
fate route is ok tho but i didn’t really like unlimited blade works story-wise. seriously, shirou’s ideals are just too stupid for me.
the romancing part, well, i couldn’t agree more but heck yes, i live for rin and shirou. they’re a dorky pair, hands-down. also, without these two dorks, type-moon will never design gudao and gudako after them.
i could only see saber and shirou like aigis and makoto/minato’s relationship from persona 3, while sakura and shirou, i couldn’t really see much as a couple but i’m really glad bcos of this, rin gets a happy end with sakura (as [spoiler alert] siblings)
alright, now i wanna talk about my opinions on the casts so here is it.
shirou is a good boy, though he can be stupid and reckless sometimes, he’s still a good boy. with rin by his side, i just don’t want him to end up becoming a broken man like archer emiya.
rin. I LOVE HER. she’s cool, badass, pretty and cute. AND A TOTAL DORK. i’d jump off the cliff to get her nendo and figma, alongside with shirou’s. also, she’s very cute when she sings; bless her seiyuu, kana ueda.
saber’s a good servant. she’s badass when fighting but she can be wholesome outside battles, especially on the daily life scenes with taiga and sakura and in UBW’s dating scene. but i’m kinda sad that she died early in heaven’s feel and ended up becoming saber alter and killed by her previous master in the end T_T
sakura, well, uhh I WANT TO PROTECC HER SMILE. she’s good and all too, but somehow when she reveals her dark side, she reminds me of akechi from persona 5 tho, idk why. (my head is still processing lots of stuff rn so i couldn’t really say why)
shinji, ugh, this charming jerk. HE DOESN’T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE. when i first watch the UBW anime i’m kinda neutral towards him but at that scene where he almost did it to rin i wanna kick him in the balls. HE DESERVE TO DIE. thankfully he did. in saber and sakura’s route. i don’t get why this jerk is even shirou’s close friend but thanks to him, shirou knows her. he’s the second character voiced by kamiya hiroshi that i hate (the first one being izaya from drrr)
kirei. ahh the fake priest. he’s a jerk tho, that’s why he’s cool as a villain. ‘nuff said. YOROKOBE will not get out of my head. jouji nakata’s voice will never get out of my head. (fun fact, his seiyuu also voiced as the monk in houseki no kuni)
lancer. he might be a jerk at first, but i really like his role in UBW and heaven’s feel tho, although he’s really short-lived in the latter route thanks to true assassin.
rider. i must admit, she’s cool. tho she wasn’t that much of use in fate and UBW, i really like her role in heaven’s feel. that sister quality in her is A++
archer. he’s cool as a servant, but he can be a jerk. idk why did he give me godot from ace attorney vibes.
gilgamesh. seeing him just gets me that ‘BEGONE THOT’ screamed into my face. he’s a jerk, but his smug and attitude makes him a good villain. shame that he didn’t shine that much in heaven’s feel tho.
speaking of servants, as much as i love saber, i like lancer class the most, then assassin and saber goes the third.
anyways, i did say i play fate and heaven’s feel clean and UBW uncensored. i’m not into eroge honestly and the reason for me to play UBW uncensored is bcos it’s the rinshirou route so i’m interested to see these two playing out the lovey dovey scene. yeah, obviously i like it tho :^)
i didn’t play the other routes uncensored bcos well, i’m not the person who’s interested to see other pairings that aren’t worth my time’s kinky scenes.
yeah, i know most people avoid playing the vn bcos it’s really wordy but hey, if you want a full story experience of fate/stay night, this is the only way you can do it as of now. i heard the studio deen adaptation of f/sn wasn’t that good and the UBW movie is also not worth watching bcos it’s not beginner-friendly. 
if you insist on starting from the anime, then you should watch the UBW anime by ufotable then pick up the vn, before proceed on watching/reading fate/zero bcos heaven’s feel and fate has a lot of connections to fate/zero especially, while UBW doesn’t hold a lot of impact.
there’s no official localization of this game so the only way you can play it is thru the fan-translations of the PC port of realta nua (aka the remastered version of the game, complete with the options to turn on/off the sex scenes in which they cannot do it for the consoles version since sony doesn’t allow eroges to be played in their consoles.)
anyways, that’s all i want to talk about. i must say that, this series really have captivated me in the end even tho ironically i detested it for being too silly haha.
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