#she the poetall
jude-thedude98 · 11 months
My favorite painter hasn't come out with anything yet but when she does she will burst with paintettic (paint etiquette dont ask how she came up with the word. Shes fire so um yeah the fact that im still texting this and not stop ahhh lol) fire
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haemosexuality · 5 years
I love how after every season the fandom is like "Ok now shell stop being evil and become more depressed right" and she nEVER does like
After season one: ok next season catra wont be so evil right. Shell realize she is sad and she and adora will come back together.
Catra in season two: *is more evil*
Fandom after s2: ok next season she'll go to beast island, stop being evil, get so so depressed, have a change of heart and go back together with adora right.
Catra in s3: *tries to end reality and sends her friend to certain death*
Fandom: oK she caNT go lower than that right. After the whole poetal thing shell get sO depressed, shell stop being evil, and go back together with adora rIGHT. she cANT GET MORE EVIL
catra in s4: becomes lord catra and gets a boob window
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chaoticviolet · 7 years
Treasure chest opened! You recieved: a poetal gun!
Kamia opened the chest and took out the item inside she noticed was a strange gun "I'll keep it, it might come in handy later...weird I wonder what it does?"
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
By Mr. PoetAll
Even Sandra Bullock couldn't see this Blind Side
But I try try
To see sea
Wonders of Rays
Like playing piano keys and harmonica dreams all day.
I pray
That I never end up fully blind.
From a Mr. PoetAll
To a
Mr. Hill
I had to climb that hill
To get to the top of this mountain.
A fountain of youth
I choose
To drink from.
How si
Can you remain young
Question answered -
Speak your life into existence.
Sometimes.. .you gotta be the one to believe
That although the world is painting you dark
Tell them yeah
But I still see the light in the tunnel and even if the rivers may have flooded this earth of mine
I still see Noah's Arc.
And It's high time
That I listen To The Ravens
That fly by
I notice
My iSight
May not be as 20/20 as the next guy
My American Broadcasting Company .is the exact ABC
That taught me to
Because although people can't see me in the Light that He sees
I know that in this legal darkening
I will emerge with the elegan mce of a Phoenix,
The fearless gracefulness of a dragon
And the effect cause of the butterfly wings.
And even in this RP
I promise to be as majestic as a little mermaid.
Wearing suits of birthday
Every day.
Not in a sense of nudity
But in the sense of you get what you are seeing.
So challenging
It is
To not see things
But how vision works
Is foreseeing.
Without the foresight
I could not have the insight
To envision innovation.
So I use my lack of iSight
As motivational foresight
To inspire others with insight
That no matter the challenge
No matter the sense
Or lack of ability
You always must continue to fight.
So a huge part of my story is this: I am legally blind and have been such all my life. At the age of 34, now, I know now that I have to share my story. Not just for me but for others. I've been running from this all my life but the truth is I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa as a kid.
Always have eyesight problems, missing the toilet when I stand up to pee, not cleaning something properly, not being able to see things at jobs i.e. memberships at Sam's Club or barcodes at a trucking company or even more importantly the specific lip gloss that goes with another specific lip gloss at Bath & Body Works.
I have been let go from BBW, quit Sam's Club before they could fire me, quit Quizno's because I couldn't manage working fast enough and trying to see what I am doing at the same time.
Truthfully eyesight has plagued me my whole life.
I've almost walked off the pier in the middle of the night going from boat to pier. And if it weren't for my dad being there to snag my arm and hold me up and keep me from falling over where there was no light or not enough light for me to see my planned footsteps I would've been in the ocean somewhere.
Though I have walked in a pool twice without knowing where the edge was.
I laughed when I watched Taken in the scene where he was taken and in the trunk counting seconds and turns but then i started thinking that it I do that too it could save me. So in Tennessee I used that additive to count my steps. Not just the stairs but everywhere. I counted all the way from my apartment to the field I used to take my dog top to use the bathroom.
I hadn't realized then but I do know with having the same dog, Cocoa for 6 years. She used to buck and pull me and I'd always end up tripping over sticks, lnee buckling in a divitt, or stepping over jagged rocks. I realized soon enough that she was trying to warn me to walk around or a different way. Danger she was saying if you will.
I found it truly a blessing to have her as I said I still do and we are doing better. She is not certified to be my service dog or my emotional support dog but she is both.
Having retinitis pigmentosa taught me a lot about life.
The most important thing that it taught me with the addition of you really find out who's there for you is that even with no sight, some sight, or very little sight you can still see. How you may ask?
Good question and one I used to ask myself and the one I pray to.
The answer is more simple than you might think.
Sometimes sight is touching. Sometimes sight is tasting. Sometimes sight is hearing or smelling. Sometimes sight is in your dreams. But ALL TIMES sight is imagination. If you have an imagination then you have eyesight.
It's funny that I realize that even more as I'm typing this because imagination and eyesight has both 3 eyes.
Don't believe me?
Spell imagination to yourself out loud.
Then spell eyesight.
Even in spelling eyesight the e's cover each h eye. And even more deeper than that if you imagine right eye looks like two eyes and a nose so either way your foresight is fivesight and eightsight with imaginations 3 i's. .now you may think that I'm crazy, high, or off my rocker and you'd be right to think them all hut let me challenge you before you go.
Some say seeing is believing. My question to you reader who stopped by and have made it thus far, why can't you simply believe without seeing.
No one in this world can tell you that what you see or don't see is what it is or isn't what you say it is. Perception is believing. Believing is perception. And how you believe is your own perception. And how you perceive is your own belief. There is no other argument further needed.
I want you to not even think about the box that society tries to put us in. Instead think of an open sky where you are sitting on whatever makes you happy whether it be a cloud, a magic carpet, a dragon, a mermaid, a Phoenix, a football, air alone, or wjateverbyou perceive in your own imagination. With that imagination imagine ONLY the dreams that you have aspired to achieve. Once you do that think not of what you cannot do because I'm a firm believer that you CAN DO ANYTHING. Think more of, "how can I tweak this so it'll work for me and not against me?" Because the idea of working is not to work your ass off (sorry elders) instead it's to make your niche work its ass off for you.
See this come true as I have being an author of a poetry book. See this as I have with have written 7 fiction books. See this as not a challenge but a tool. And even if a challenge that should be more the reason to be a stubborn male to get up the Grand Canyon of Your Success in your own way and at your own speed. As I always tell my friends in the writing group that I have is that you should always remember imagination and opportunities are always endless. So is LOVE. And so is TIME! So find those who love to help you imagine and give you opportunities with their love. Time is inevitable. Be your authentic selves and get out of life what you want out of life because you can. No. You WILL get out of life what you want out of life.
I hope this story inspired you! And if you made it this far please reblog this and share with everybody. I'm just trying to spread love and joy. More laughter produces more peace. So please spread the peace with me.
Thank you and I love you, Reader!
Mr. PoetAll
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jude-thedude98 · 11 months
Sorry in advance if this is way too long and has any types I've been typing this at 6:00 this morning and really gender free excited giddy like a little girl and a little boy and whatever type of place you're imagining a happy child or a happy adult but thank you for everyone who reads this all likes it all messages whatever read logs thank you all for all who have listened to my podcast supported me in my writing Journey and in my life:
Also feel free to ask me anything at any time don't forget to look for the advertising plug about my podcast as well as my other advertising marketing plug for my poetry book that is available email only!
Thanks in advance!!
Mr. & Mrs. R.R. J.J. H.H. PoetAll
Ryan Rainvynbow
Jarel Jude
Harris Hunter
When The Author's Penname comes to you from your own given name to the newly created forming creature you are becoming all you can say is Hi I'm Here!
Hello everyone!
My real name to this date and to poetry publication (pnly) is Ryan Jarel Harris. Coming up with a penname has been super hard. Finding that one that sticks out like hay in a needlestack. It doesn't always fit and it doesn't always give you the writing 'warm' prick of genius. Then again this name didn't really just flush my body with endorphins and electrolytes of energetic creativity juices that surpassed me.
Rather just fell into it and was like oh that makes sense now.
I've always tried and wanted to give both sides of my family respect. Maternal and paternal. So the last names were and will always be a thing for me to uphold. As is never leaving behind my true name. Although withstanding and understanding who I am now and am becoming I learned through my podcast on Spotify (Mr. PoetAll) that that's a fun and cool name to give honorary givings to my favorite poet Mr. Edgar Allan Poe. Which now looking at it I guess I got the All from Allan but truthfully I got the Poe from him.
As also being a poet of my own Right. Then flipping that to say I just wanna PoetAll meaning I just wanna flow-it-all.
Though still in search of a full name for publication purposes I did not want to leave me unsettled, unfinished, undone, and with half a name.
Being a ghost writer has always been my dream but I realize that's not what I'm supposed to be. This gender fluid being is supposed to be the best damn in the lights poet author writer I can ever be.
And I AM.
So why not add a first name to zmr. PoetAll?
How bout Jude!
Little known actual fact. I got the name from Hayley Byerly's character Jude on The Fosters.
Cute that's a me check.
Can be shy that's a me check.
A go getter that's a me check.
Has a way with words...um poet? yup that's a me check.
The strongest in his family because not only is he not afraid to cry but also is everyone's confidant and guard which is our final stopping destination to Me Check City and check out.
So with my real name and initials that I had been using for years for my own RJH quotes to my first published book and first published poetry book 'In The Mirror Naked Self Reflections Poetry Book' by yours truly (message for price for email link (first five (5) FREE GIVEAWAYS) but between all of that to the newgrowth of Mr. PoetAll to Mr. Jude PoetAll. To our last year recent gender disphoria crisis to learning Jude is a gender-free name. To Mr. & Mrs. Jude PoetAll. To not giving my girl side of Jude enough credit to (a lotta personal info llol) sitting on the shattered twice days in a row contemplating The Final R.
We love the name Ryan. Don't get us wrong. And to this date I have only met one female Ryan. And I think she spelled it the same way. I don't remember why I was at the place I was then but let's chop it up to lyffing!
Anyways when Rain came to us the night before last we were like yeah that's dope. That's ine of the names we wanna name our future daughter. Then it didn't fully set right. So more lyffing of errands and honestly being to high to have my own controlled thought yesterday so after throwing away weed for THE FINAL AND LAST TIME, napping for I don't know how long but long enough to come down from our high, to waking up and lyffing with Our Furry Family Daughter and my girl my dog/dawg Ms. Cocoa Dinah Brown Harris PoetAll. We realized oh shoot my baby needs a revamp too. So upon dubbing her with the second H for Hunter and then eating whatever the hell we ate yesterday.
We arrived this morning at 5:45 EST on the naming fact that not only do we love rain, ravens, and rainbows but we are gonna Poet it up by combining all three.
So thereforergo henceforth was hatched Rainvynbow.
Now all the R's J's and H's are a lot to say even with or without the PoetAll. The Mr. and Mrs. can either be combined as one or separate. It depends how he/she/they/we/I/me feel.
But for publication sake and neatness for my OCS Editing Logic side of my body-being we will be and you can thus look for us as:
Mr. H² All R² Poet, J²
Mrs. R² All Poet, ²HJ²
PoetAll in short for messaging purposes but for HARP, J meaning the serene instrument to me and every signing name of either Jane or John Doe to reminders to RAP to my H&H aide also house and home side for anyone everywhere back to me signing my J's for everyone else's signing John's or Jane's.
Love, Understanding, and Peace Is All I Want.
Because I believe with a little LUP we can heal the world.
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
I find myself on rewind every time I pick up my phone. Check the notifs he says. See if someone posted she says. No socials but Tumblr n my tumblr only holds enough room for PoetAll. Over runth is what I'm after. If you can coincide with conversation then I'm writing you out of my chapter. Books. Stories. Love is all I'm after. Romance and harmony. Faith in people following. Hate that word. But it rhymed with supporting. Synonyms to toy either thee. Seems all'thems do is just bother me. Bored of bored niggaz. Probably going to stop trying to date. Probably. Not unless someone worthy of polyculey introduced ye. Self must be gathered with composure silliness seriosity good vibes positive rides road trips on and off the trails that make us both happy. They say for richer or for poorer. I say you better endure your own goals. Driven-oriented. Following your dreams is how it goes. Though I know life can be hard but empathy is understanding and if you lead with understanding then we all will be able to hold each other up when down.
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
A Simple Reminding Poem of My Hopping Dog Cocoa and My Stting Plant Lilipad : Hoppers & Sitters
By Mr. PoetAll
My Hoppers and My Sitters.
One hops and the other sits.
She, both, brings me joy; width
jumping lengths to sit with.
They find each other's gaze
like I do –
in a daze on days; I want to - play
with the keyboard strummings.
Writing books and poetry till my thumbing numbings. And almost forgetting my muse;
never forgetting it truly.
My Lilipad and My Cocoa bringing joy to me.
They keep me Hopping up for peace kisses
sitting down to peace senses.
I cannot tell which one the flower and which one the dog.
A peace lily with the character of cold, stone :
able to be touched and chilled to peace pieces to the bone.
A Corgi-Chihuahua who has the sense of the wah-wah :
able to ripple any effect that she wah-wants.
A Crouching Dog and Hidden Flower.
These two together complete my game changing emotions.
I can wake up in nudes.
Be a chick or a dude.
Be as knowledgeable as the next but as centered as a Buddhe.
simply the serene look and feel -
we all exude
Thank you Creator,
for my humble ferocity,
flaming humor
hilarously fabled hugs.
The Hours of Forever : I Always and Infinitely Love.
My Hoppers and My Sitters.
Appreciates and
Accepts the Change
That YOU Both
frogily hopped and sat upon
The membraning memory of my heart.
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
S.C. Says it's time to write a new one
And I guess I'm due one...
But truth comes through self reflection.
I need a made a mess in my life
That's why everyday I work like Cinderella's step child
Burning the midnight oil
Because I can clean the outside of me but no amount of spic n span is going to clean the inside turmoil.
Until I turn foil
Over aluminate
I pledge allegiance to this day
That on this time when i
Take a swing
I won't strike out
Getting down because I'm lost in the crowd
Depending on the wow's and the woah's
But these woes that follow me down
Drown me out.
How can I expect to know who I am when I can't even hear how I sound?
So let this day be a reckoning
Not a threat but a calling.
Because the phones been ringing my whole life
I've just been too scared to answer it.
Maybe because of what the he said she said
Or the he thinks she thinks
But I got four winks
And one stinks
And I'm not saying that I don't know my shit don't stink
I'm saying I know that in between curled toes and bathroom magics
Comes the cracks of asking
When is this all over?
When does my season my time change?
The answer like S.C. Says
When I stop depending on Everybody's approval
Fuck their approval.
Not sittin and waitin
Wishin you could jack my johnson
Nah I got two hands more than capable and versed well.
Look at these lines
I find the times in between Why's wise
I get HI's
Not on Cloud 9's
More like Eleven's.
Eleven Reasons to take care of myself
And Eleven More Reasons Not to Ever Go Back To Old Mt Old Self
Because my Old self would have deleted this poem by now
In fear they were hurting somebody's....well
It's time to overcome thyself.
Because I'm tired of sitting and talking to my therapist
Sounding pathetics because I already know the answers they gon give.
You may not like giving up or quitting
You have to stop giving your all to someone who doesn't deserve it
Quit thinking that you're never going to get out of this.
Because you being here in this therapy sesh
Is the next and the right
And the best step
I have take for me.
Get medicated when you need
Get into your word - I mean yours not someone's already written
And set yourself free.
Because like S.C. Says
There is no time like the prezz.
To Whom It May Concern, There is No Time Like The Prezz by Mr PoetAll
Inspired by S.C. Says
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
Time 4:45 A Happy Poem / Me n U so Happy Together! / Imagine Me n U / Happy Together / So Happy Together
By Mr. PoetAll
Dedicated to his Dog daughter- Cocoa the Poet
When I wake and stretch
My hand always grazes your
Yes it is your breast
That holds your heart
But is your breath that makes me fall apart.
Because I simple blow from your smiling face
Is enough to push me, steer me, guide me, motivate me
All throughout my day.
I wish that dog's and I, too, could last forever.
But what gives me hope and joy
Is knowing that All Dogs Go To Heaven.
So baby girl,
My brown eyed Cocoa beans
I know you love to squiggle and do the rutabaga thing
So I only say this as love
I will cherish every moment that lasts between us
Until our final hug.
But this is a happy poem so baby girl
I hear your snore
Please snore more
And I'm sure I'll snore snore.
That means two
To you
Who are too
Me and my girl are living young, naked, and free.
Wild life
My Cocoa girl
Has taught me not to worry about strife.
And for those who aren't as easy as spreadable butter...
Cut them off with a knife.
No need to vigorous or violent
Walk away knowing I've done the rigorous in silence.
Done everything but they still tried me.
And now I say pridefully
I love myself first
Because my Cocoa Pie she makes me Happy.
So Together we sing
Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl l, ya love; and hold her tight
So Happy Together!
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
Take A Chance On Me by Mr. PoetAll
Inspired by the Take A Chance On Me slide on Tumblr
Take a chance on me like a rosebud does a bee.
Take a chance on me like the water does to seed.
Take a chance on me...
Instead of watching me bleed, let me be;
Yours. And I'll forever be -
Faithful. But what is the word?
Full of faith?
Loyal to a touch. Without,
A question of trust (although I have many answers of why not to) -
I love without fault!
Like the sun does its children, waiting;
Wishing that they too would shine like she.
Sitting is an appropriation, appreciated only
By the rocking motions.
See, this chair that I sit in is waiting for me.
To get up, and go see what's out there because it too feels,
As stiff and numb-butted as I do.
But I don't-
Want to go away for when,
I do; I will never turn back to you.
You the air that I suffocated my excitement.
You the striking blues, I get so anxious in
Typing. This is hard. And,
You make it harder because with every word that, I l
Feel you tearing down walls,
Barriers behind build back up. So
Again; I say - take
A chance on me, because what if the very fear you and i both
Fear, folds?
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