#she was nicely like do you think you have perhaps internalized some unfair beliefs about executive dysfunction lol
whentherewerebicycles · 9 months
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ears of the day :)
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Kili x Reader
Could you do a Kíli x dwarf!reader where reader is jealous of Tauriel? Kíli is as thick as ever and doesn’t realize that his flirting bothers reader who gets very agitated and jealous. Some angst but then a fluffy love confession perhaps? ---AmuletofMara
How could you ever hope to compete with such an exquisite creature? 
She's tall, radiant, smooth skinned, has very braid-able hair, and is, all around, perfect. 
Her voice is smooth and sweet like honey; her hair is fiery in the sunlight; her skin is creamy and perfect from all angles; her physique is tall, thin, well proportioned, and flawless; her laugh emulates jingling bells; and her fighting technique is impeccable. 
She is, for lack of a better term or phrase, perfect. 
In every sense of the word.
You've loved Kili for a long time now, you've known him even longer than you have loved him in fact, but that fact only makes seeing him flirt with her so much harder.
Of course, it's only flirting, but it hurts you all the same. Especially since you're in the same cell as him and you have to watch him flatter and woo her. 
Each time she giggles or asks a question and he shoots back with a fond memory or complimenting phrase it feels like a stab to the chest and punch to the gut. 
You truly believed that you had a chance before, what with the words his brother spoke to you as well as his 'apparent' interest made you sure that he would ask for your hand at any time, but now? It seems it was just something your mind made up to smooth over the pain of knowing he will never love you back. 
Listening to their playful back and fourth banter is beginning to make you feel sick, so, not wanting to listen to it anymore, you hiss out, "Will you shut up? I'm trying to sleep." 
At the sound of your irritated and groggy (you managed to force that bit) voice, Kili pauses his speaking and looks over at you quickly. 
"Oh! Y/N, I'm sorry." He looks apologetic and sounds it too, but your expression doesn't soften in the slightest. "I'll be quieter, I'm sorry." He repeats. 
Hearing his slightly frantic apology makes you feel bad for a split second, but then you get a glimpse of the she-elf and all remorse goes out the window.
"Right." Is all you say before closing your eyes and curling up in on yourself in the corner. 
The two then begin to whisper instead of full on speaking, and that positively makes your blood boil...
But you do end up going to sleep eventually. 
When you wake up you're comfortable and warm beyond belief, so much so that you actually forget for a few blissful seconds where you actually are, but it does eventually come back to you. 
You jerk awake when you remember where you are, and you glance around with bleary eyes before you notice that you're pressed into Kili's side. 
At first you smile since it's a nice way to wake up, but then his flirting with the red-headed elf floods back into your mind and your smile drops. 
You untangle yourself from the napping dwarf carefully and walk over to the opposite end of the cell, looking out at the rocky dungeons for a time while your mind runs a mile a minute with various envious and angry thoughts.
You turn your head and see Kili looking at you with confused, unfocused eyes, and while you would normally find it to be a super cute sight, all it does it make your heart ache with the knowledge that such an expression will never be yours. 
"What?" You reply curtly, turning to face him completely. 
He reaches up and rubs his eyes lightly, yawning lightly before replying again, "What are you doing all the way over there? I thought you were tired." 
"I was, but now I'm not." 
Your short and cold answers throw him off guard, for this new behavior is completely frazzling. 
"Is everything okay?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows, pushing himself up to his feet so he can approach you. 
"Yes." Another one word and not ver convincing answer. 
Kili looks at you weirdly for a few moments before stepping right in front of you. He reaches up and grabs your arms lightly, leaning down a bit to look at your face more clearly, "No it isn't. What's wrong?" 
"Nothing! I'm fine." You growl out, stepping out of his grasp with a glare pointed at the ground. 
A moment of silence passes by where his gaze just burns into you, his eyes scanning over you and calculating before he continues, "You're acting strange. Please tell me what's wrong..." 
"Nothing is wrong!" You snap, turning on your heel to avoid his eyes, "I said I am fine, and I mean it! Leave me alone." 
Once more he doesn't reply, but if you had turned you would've seen the pain and hurt that flashes across his features at your cold treatment. 
When the silence persists you trudge back over to the corner where you had been napping and take a seat with your back facing him and your knees pressed up against your chest. 
The cell isn't very big which only makes you press further into the corner to keep away from him. 
His shoes thump against the stone floor gently while he approaches you, and you can feel his presence looming just behind you. You don't give in to that nagging voice telling you to look at him and instead close your eyes, holding yourself a bit tighter while you mentally will him to go away. 
Kili stares down at you with furrowed eyebrows and sadness in his eyes, and while his brain is telling him to leave you alone and give you your space, his heart is nagging at him to press just a bit more. 
"Y/N..." He repeats your name once more, crouching down and reaching out to place his hand on your shoulder when he does. "You're upset with me." 
This time you say nothing. 
You scoff bitterly and turn your head to glare back at him, faltering slightly when you see how dejected he looks. When your heart pangs with regret you turn forward again and grumble, "Figure it out." 
Kili shuffles closer and rests his chin on your shoulder, "Because I didn't save you from the spiders?"
"No." Why on earth would you be mad at him for that? He did his best, everyone did, so it wouldn't be fair of you to be angry at him for that. 
"Because... hm..." he pauses as he thinks it over before offering, "Because I got separated from the group?" 
"Not even close." 
"Stepping on your foot while we were brought here?" 
"Obviously not." 
He sighs heavily at still not having guessed the right cause of your anger before guessing again, "I don't know what I did." 
"You-!" Right as you're about to let him have it, you realize that you really don't have much of a valid reason to be angry. "I'm mad because you... you were..." 
"I was what?" He presses further, removing his head from your shoulder to move so he's seated right next to you, his gaze trained on your face. 
"T-The elf..." Your voice is weak as you realize you've been rather unfair, and your face has begun to redden now that you know as such. 
He furrows his eyebrows and places his hand on your elbow, leaning closer, "The elf? Did one of the elves hurt you?" 
"No!" You groan and shake your head, threading your fingers through your hair roughly as you will your thoughts to just transport into his head instead of having to explain yourself which is not very ideal at the moment. "T-The she-elf." 
"Tauriel? What about her?" 
God, you just wanna rip your hair out and freak already, but you take a deep breath and say slowly, "I didn't realize... that you were so familiar with the elf." 
Kili just looks at you for a moment with that same confused expression on his face, "Familiar? Y/N I don't..." He trails off and glances away for a moment before realization seems to dawn upon him, "Are you-" 
"No! I'm not jealous!" You exclaim before he can finish his thought, your face going hot immediately.
He just stares at you for a second with a raised eyebrow, leaning back slightly before saying, "I didn't finish speaking yet somehow you knew exactly what I was going to say." 
"U-Uh..." You glance away from him nervously once you realize what you accidentally admitted to, feeling worse and worse as the seconds tick by. "I'm s-sorry." Your voice becomes soft and thick with emotion, and you avoid eye-contact adamantly. 
Kili doesn't say anything right away, and you can only imagine how upset he must be with you. 
The tone of his voice is much more tender than you thought it would be, but though you're tempted to look at him, you keep your eyes squeezed shut while you hug yourself a bit tighter. 
He repeats your name, and when he does he reaches up and places a hand on your cheek, turning your face towards him, "Look at me..."  
As much as you don't want to, you abide by his request and allow your eyes to flutter open. Once you do you're met with what has to be the softest expression you've ever seen on that face. 
A small frown tugs at the corners of his lips and his brows are knitted together, his eyes holding a mixture of sadness and... is that understanding? 
"Why were you jealous?" 
"I-I wasn't." You shoot back way too quickly, cringing internally at how horrible that lie was. 
You reach up and hide your face with your hands, groaning out loud from how unpleasant this all is. 
Kili reaches up and takes your hands in his, holding them down between the two of you, "You can be honest with me...I won't be upset, I promise." He whispers, scooting a bit closer so he can look at you full on. 
"I was... only a little jealous, I guess." You whisper, eyes becoming downcast since you don't really wanna see the expression on his face. 
His thumb smooths against your cheek delicately in an attempt to make you look at him once more, and while he does that he says, "Why were you jealous, Y/N? Whatever reason you give me won't make me angry or anything, I swear it." 
"B-Because I... don't like when you flirt with others...," you begin hesitantly, glancing up at him briefly, "It makes me... upset." 
"But why?" 
"You know why!" You exclaim, turning your head away from his hand so he can't make you look at him this time. 
Kili drops his hands to rest between you both, his eyebrows no longer furrowed since a small smile has taken place on his face. "I do."
"Then don't make me say it if you don't feel the same." You snap back, trying to scoot away from him. 
"I never said that!" He cries, grabbing your hand so you can't scoot away any further. 
"You don't have to. I'm not stupid." You look at where he grabbed you and glare at his hand, trying to pull away from him as you feel your anger flare again. 
His grip tightens and he pulls you forward sharply, wrapping an arm around your waist when you fall into his chest. "N-No, please, listen." His voice is pleading and frantic, and while you're irritated that he's basically manhandling you, you let him speak. 
"I care about you deeply, Y/N." He starts, holding you tighter against his chest. 
"Yes, you care about me but not like that I know." You hiss, starting to squirm to get out of his grip.
"You're not listening!" He snaps this time, sounding more annoyed since you're not getting his point, "Let me finish." 
"Okay, fine! Sorry!" Your voice holds no actual apols, but you don't care. 
He sighs loudly and loosens his hold on you, though he doesn't let go completely. "I think I might just love you." 
Now that does give you a pause. 
"Y-You what?" 
Kili leans back against the stone wall and drags you over into his lap, rubbing a hand up and down your back gently. "You heard me." 
You're at a loss at the moment, for you're both confused and also in shock at what he just told you. "B-But the she-elf-"
"Is someone I've only just met that doesn't hold my heart." He cuts you off, using his other hand to tilt your chin up, "If I had know flirting with someone else would get such a reaction from you...," he trails off for a second before continuing with a smile, "I would've done it a long time ago." 
"Do you doubt what I tell you?" Kili inquires with a softer tone this time, leaning his face down closer to yours, "Have I given you reason not to believe me...?" 
"W-Well not really but-" 
"Then no more 'buts', take my words and understand that I'm being truthful." He's really making a habit of cutting you off, and you're not too sure that you like that. 
"How do I know you're not just saying that?" You grumble looking up at him with a deep-set frown. 
Kili doesn't respond this time and instead stares at you for a time, then a smile breaks out upon his face and the next thing you know, he's kissing you. 
It's short and sweet, and when he pulls away you're left in awe. 
You look up at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, then you stutter out, "Y-You just k-kissed me-"
Once again with the cutting you off, but he makes good on his promise and smashes his lips against yours, mumbling against them when you return the kiss all too happily and grab onto his shirt, "And I'm going to do it again." 
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olympivnshq · 5 years
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congratulations JJ !  admittedly L & i have always had particular opinions of who HADES should be, how he’d think, how he’d feel and since it’s been years since we used to picture this, for the sake of being open, and this rp, we were prepared to let go of all of that. your updated application however, sent us right back to that time, you plucked all those things we used to laugh about right out of our brains and gave it sophistication and flair. we’re looking forward to seeing more, tentatively with your first choice faceclaim: RUFUS SEWELL.
☆゚*・゚  OOC INFO. Hey there.  It’s JJ  (PST)  In consideration of the updated application, I decided to resubmit.   ☆゚*・゚  DEITY  —  GENDER. AGE RANGE. HADES —  MALE. 40ish. ☆゚*・゚ MORTAL NAME. JOB/OCCUPATION. BOROUGH/NEIGHBORHOOD. Robert Adrian Strathos.  Wealth Management (with a bit of 'old money’ thrown in?).  Staten Island/Oakwood. ☆゚*・゚ AESTHETICS. Cold Night Air.  Gray Skies.  Straight Lines and Monochrome.  Dark Chocolate and Espresso.  Bespoken Suits.  Bad Horror Movies.  Late Nights and Early Mornings.  Coffee.  Lots of Coffee.  Remorsefully Dead Houseplants. ☆゚*・ PLAYLIST. i. Oh, cause they will run you down, down til the dark ii. I’ll wait for you there, like a stone iii. My lover’s got humor//She’s the giggle at a funeral ☆゚*・ HOW WOULD YOU PLAY THEM? The reality of Hades’ existence is isolation. And it shows. Out of touch with society, and more alarmingly, with people, he is usually perceived as cruelly indifferent, pitiless, and unreachable, all byproducts of his lack of 'human’ connections.  True, this makes him very successful at his job; unbiasedly ruling the Underworld, but it also makes him a very difficult individual to connect with. To those who fall into his realm, the terms overly serious, defensively sarcastic, and inherently stubborn would not be unfair Hades’ descriptors.  It’s only the other denizens of the Underworld, and later, his beautifully patient (equally stubborn) wife, are granted some clemency from this surly disposition.  Those who have the stomach for it, will find him to be clever, darkly humored, surprisingly patient, and deeply loyal.  The Underworld has a reputation for being rather ride or die, and it is not an unfounded one. Because of his unpleasant, and often cold, first impression, Hades is often misinterpreted as a villain, but that’s assuming he operates on the same misguided principles that govern most of his extended family.  When it comes down to it, Hades is simply not very a selfish creature, he’s just a grumpy guy doing a thankless job.  He struggles with separating himself from his work on most days, especially pre-marriage.   Post-Persephone, there are definitely a few things he’s more invested in, and slowly there becomes more definition between man and realm.  He remains though, the same cranky workaholic he’s always been. ***** Rob had the privilege of growing up in a large house with wealthy parents.  From a young age he was given every opportunity imaginable, but this was more a technique to keep him unseen and unheard by disinterested parents, rather than any investment in his future. This produced a young man that was very intelligent and motivated but ill-adapt at relating to other people.   Rob may not have had the literal isolation of Hades, but that didn’t keep him from to finding out isolation isn’t reserved to being by yourself.  The world is overall just all too bright; too crowded; too loud for him, and those connections he may have entertained the idea of wanting, turn out to be disappointingly hollow.  He just can’t seem to relate, and he soon turns away from trying. After those same absentee parents pass in a tragic accident, Rob’s apparent lack of concern cements him as someone to be avoided in the workplace.  He’s too hardworking, and too successful, to be ignored, but he’s definitely the one his coworkers warn new hires about. His reputation ranges from stern and cold to neurotic and weird, all of which are true. He works too much, sleeps too little, and can probably count casual acquaintances on one hand.  He purposefully doesn’t devote much time to investing in other people, and they are happy to return the favor. The few unlucky enough to have to known him professionally, may be surprised to learn that under the serious and a surly disposition, he could actually fairly be called down-to-Earth.  Rob likes nice things well enough, but  he doesn’t particularly need them, and is quite generous, if people can get pass his initial bite.  He’s most content with a simple, practical existence and a few weird hobbies. By his work’s insistence he has a residence in Soho for appearances, but he actually lives out in Oakwood , in a historic colonial that may or may not be haunted, with one too many rescue dogs.  Some days, they’re the only reason he comes home.  Other days, they’re the reason he can barely bring himself to leave.  Maybe one day he reach his true potential and turn into the eccentric recluse he was always destined to be. answer these questions: 1. are they more likely to stand with the pantheon or against it?  ( if you are choosing a god they may endeavor to dismantle it for whatever reason ) Hades is very neutral on the pantheon.  It’s just really not his business. 2. what is their stand on mortals? Everybody dies. ☆゚*・ SAMPLE PARA (OPTIONAL) There’s a memory of another time that overlaps the scene before him; a familiarity to the trembling intern that can barely speak in his presence.  What has he done to warrant such a fear?  He doesn’t know.  More than likely, the boy trembles at the thought of the institution he represents.   And he should. Contradictory to popular belief, Rob doesn’t delight in the suffering of others.  He doesn’t particularly want to see anyone fail, but he isn’t so naive to believe there isn’t consequences to people’s actions. This boy is lazy.  In his position by the good graces of his parents only, and prone to taking credit for the work of others.  He’s not remorseful for the deeds he’s done.  He’s remorseful for being caught, and is now only grovelling in an attempt to save his own face. There’s a place for people like that.  There’s a place for everyone. Rob doesn’t need to be the one to speak the intern’s sentence for him to know who’s idea it was.  Perhaps his brand of tedious punishment is unmistakable.  The intern looks at him, fear wresting with disbelief and anger for dominance.  He won’t be 'treated with such indignity.'  Rob’s certain though, he’ll live.  
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moonlitgleek · 7 years
I LOVE your takedown on Rhaeger and Lyanna's 'relationship'. The more I see/read about him, the more he reminds me of Joffrey. He starts out handsome and charming, but then we get to see the entitlement and manipulation (his actions leads to the Death of a Lord Paramount and his eldest son, he humiliates his intended and then sets her aside, doesn't give one single shit for the consequences of his actions). The only consolation is that they both died choking and clutching their chests.
Hmm, on one hand, I see your point about the points of correlation (though I do not think that Rhaegar set Elia aside to go with the parallel to Joffrey and Sansa. That’s a show-only contrivance), but on the other, this is a very unfair comparison. The Targaryen that is truly paralleled with Joffrey is Aerys, not Rhaegar. Murdering a lord paramount in a sham of a trial, escalating the conflict into an outright war with no hope of conciliation, the crown promising leniency in Ned’s case and safe conduct in Rickard’s case only for Joffrey\Aerys to breach it, taking pleasure in hurting people, hating and deliberately humiliating their Hand (Tyrion for Joffrey, and Tywin for Aerys), sexually assaulting their Hand’s wife, etc. There is a reason Tyrion called Joffrey Aerys the Third in his pov in the books, and that’s because the similarities are numerous. But when it comes to Rhaegar and Joffrey, that’s a different story.
Comparing Rhaegar to Joffrey is extremely harsh imo, whether on a character level or based on how the characters were presented to us. Rhaegar, for all his stupid blunders and the heavy cost they had, did have a valuable purpose: saving the world. That does not absolve or excuse him by any means, neither does it make his actions defensible or acceptable or right, but I will give him the recognition that his intentions were not malicious. He was not acting out of a sense of entitlement that his crown allowed him to do whatever he wanted with no consequence (despite projecting exactly that to the rebels), but out of a misguided belief that magic would ensure that everything turned out alright and he only had to focus on actually making the third head of the dragon. Terribly short-sighted, unbearably dumb, callous and irresponsible his actions may be, but he did not do it to cause harm or pain, neither did he delight in subjugating people or killing them. He simply thought that the ends justified the means, and as long as he was after the worthy end of saving humanity, it was worth whatever measures he took to ensure it. In that, he is not at all different from Melisandre or Bloodraven, all three aspiring to a higher purpose and showing willingness to do whatever it took to get there on the belief that the goal makes their questionable means worth it, and that the coming fight would exonerate them.
That is in no way comparable to Joffrey who did think that his crown gave him the green light to do what he wanted and who internalized the Lannister ideology of fear and violence, which was not made any better by having an abusive father who gloried in violence. Joffrey had no higher purpose, no real motivation but to assert his power and feel kingly and strong. He was a sadist who found pleasure in subjugating people and causing pain, and who saw people below him as insignificant livestock. Joffrey routinely dehumanized people and found it empowering and satisfying to do so. He showed a degree of cruelty and of delighting in others’ pain that is simply not there in Rhaegar who, despite his many blunders and the toll they had, seems to have been a relatively decent person, albeit a dreamer willing to cross the line ~for the greater good~. But at least Rhaegar, unlike Joffrey, did have a greater good he was pursuing.
Rhaegar and Joffrey were also introduced to us in vastly different ways in the text. Joffrey was the handsome prince Sansa fell for pretty much immediately, the excellent match that was only belied by Lysa’s accusation that the Lannisters murdered Jon Arryn, but we got warning signs that this was not the case immediately afterwards, starting from Joffrey’s arrogant superiority with Robb in the training yard to his reaction to Bran’s fall to the incident with Mycah at Darry. From the moment Joffrey interrupted Arya and Mycah, none of us were under any illusion as to what that kid was, and he only got steadily worse from there. So while Joffrey was that handsome charming figure for a hot second, he quickly showed his true colors not even half-way through the first book, and continued to grow nastier as the books progressed. But the main thing about Joffrey’s story wasn’t about how the readership viewed him or even about breaking us from the opinion we formed about him - the truth about Joffrey came far too quickly and was alluded to before that for this to be the case - that was more about breaking Sansa from the illusion she built about Joffrey and what he was, not the readership.
But it is about the readership with Rhaegar. He was not introduced as a remotely nice figure, but as a violent rapist who carried off Lyanna out of personal pleasure and incited a war that cost Ned nearly his entire family. But as the story progressed,Robert emerged as an unreliable narratorand a hypocrite with a tendency to romanticize and alter narratives to fit his view, and Ned’s lack of animosity towards Rhaegar was noted, which was a pretty clear neon sign for us not to take Robert’s story at face value, which some took as evidence that the true story is the total reverse of what Robert said it was, and that perhaps Jorah and Dany’s account of the noble Rhaegar was much closer to the truth, despite both Jorah and Dany being even more of unreliable narrators than Robert. But of course, Jorah’s and Dany’s truth - later supported by Barristan Selmy - was that Rhaegar loved Lyanna and died for her, which falls right in line with courtly love conception of romanticism that tends to absolve the characters on the grounds of love being so pure that it makes up for everything else.
Also, note that the one person who disparaged Rhaegar died in book one, and since then we’ve had nothing but people who romanticize Rhaegar and are invested in the idea that he did no wrong, or that if he did, it was out of love and love forgives all. For multiple books, the narrative only tells us that Rhaegar died for the woman he loved, and that “Prince Rhaegar loved his Lady Lyanna”, and other similar sentiments. Rhaegar crowning Lyanna at Harrenhal (something straight out of a chivalric romance), taking her away from an unwanted marriage, and dying on the Trident with her name supposedly on his lips paints a rather romantic picture. Even the imagery used by the narrative is romantic: “rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman’s name”. It’s all terribly tragic and terribly romantic. It’s not hard to see why many people believe in that version of the story, had come to expect it even, and have come to analyze Rhaegar’s action through that lens, even though it still does not change the power imbalance in the story, or the glaring consent issues, or Rhaegar’s political stupidity. So Rhaegar’s image actually started as very bad and steadily got more and more romanticized as various characters added to the description of the chivalric prince. It’s only when you look closer and beyond the usual romantic tropes that the glaring flaws in that narrative emerge, and you notice that the actuality of Rhaegar’s actions, even if they were solely out of love which I highly doubt, are disturbing.
That does not mean that there is not an in-universe disillusionment coming, but I’m not sure how much it would revolve around Rhaegar. Dany is going to have to face the truth about her family and the rebellion at one point, but how much that pertains to Rhaegar’s image in her eyes, I don’t know. For better or for worse, and no matter what Rhaegar’s motivations were, the fact remains that Dany already knows that he insulted Elia publicly and that he made off with the intended of another lord paramount. Believing it was out of love gives this story a noble veneer in Dany’s eyes, but so would the revelation that Rhaegar was trying to save the world, which makes me wonder whether Dany would fully grasp the ramifications of Rhaegar’s actions, especially with her romanticizing tendencies (though who knows what will happen when Jon discovers his horrific origin story and how that reverberates through whatever relationship he has with Dany at the time) But I fully believe that Dany’s disillusionment would be mainly about the collapse of the image Viserys sold her of Aerys and the nature of the rebellion, to parallel Sansa’s own revelation about Joffrey and who the Lannisters truly are.
Whether Dany’s revelations would solely be about Aerys, though, with the part about Rhaegar being kept for Jon’s own story remains to be seen. Hell, whether GRRM would actually address the consent issues in the story of Rhaegar and Lyanna remains to be seen. I do have my fears tbh because his track record in dealing with consent is not exactly the best, and he has been known to play his tropes straight.
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