#she was so hell bent on avoiding his death she didn't think about the rest of his life lol
iamacolor · 4 months
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I'm afraid I might have stolen your joy and you might never get a chance to perform on stage because of me.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙 (𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎×𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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Part Two / Part Three/ Part Four
Pairing: Bad boy! Park Seonghwa (Ateez)/ Reader (Female)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, School AU.
Summary: Y/N never cared about a lot, her only goal was to get through college as quickly as possible. One day, she makes eye contact with the notorious bad boy class and unintentionally glares at him. Did she just screw up her peaceful school life?
Requested by a very close friend who better appreciate this or else :) ♡
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Only 2 minutes had passed since Y/N had looked at the clock, but it felt like an eternity. She always did hate computer science. Not because she felt it was difficult or kept her up at all hours of the night trying to finish the assigned tasks, that was more of a biochemistry thing. It was because although her professor was really excellent at teaching them and helping them maneuver all the software, he had an awful tendency to leave early, sometimes up to half an hour, and just let them do as they pleased. While some decided to watch stupid cat videos, browse through their social media, others went as far as to play video games or even go onto some questionable websites that more than once made her cringe with disgust.
Y/N often just sat there, either finishing up assignments for her other classes or bored to death, waiting for it to be 1pm so she could go off campus and get something to eat. Having forgotten to eat breakfast, even a simple untoasted bagel cause she accidentally overslept through her alarm, she could really use some fuel in her system. She was tired, hungry and therefore moody, which was never a good combination.
She groaned softly and let her head fall back on the head of the chair. She closed her eyes, not caring about dozing off right then and there in front of the whole class. What would they care? They're too immersed in their narcissistic fake Instagram lives or their sadomasochistic porn desires to pay attention to her. In fact, no one ever really payed attention to her and she didn't care. She liked it that way. Invisible, unseen. It meant no one bothered her and no distractions from her only goal in life. No one seemed to notice or even look at her.
That's what she believed. But for some odd reason she couldn't shake off a weird feeling of someone watching her. She slowly opened her eyes and was indeed met with a pair of dark, glassy eyes staring right at her. Dark eyes sitting on top of a perfectly straight nose, small luscious pink lips accompanying a sharp jawline only complimenting the rest of his heavenly features.
Park Seonghwa.
If someone were to ask Y/N her honest opinion of him, she'd probably respond:
"I don't know. Everyone is afraid of him and everyone tells horror stories though."
Yes, he had a reputation for being the school's bad boy. She's personally never actually seen him be violent towards anyone, but she had heard about fights that often happened at the football field, always ending in his apparent victory. She never payed mind to such stories, frankly she didn't even care. She had even forgotten that he was in the same class as her, up until this very moment.
She somehow expected him to look away, but he didn't. He kept his gaze locked on hers. In any other circumstance, she would have looked away, but something about his stare kept her from looking away. The corners of his lips were slightly curled upward, almost as if they were forming a soft smile. That could just be his lip shape though, after all, she's never actually looked at him closely. His eyes as well had a particular glow to them, and if she wasn't in such a bad mood maybe....just maybe, she would have felt her cheeks heat up and turn a baby pink shade. But she simply looked away after a minute of staring into his eyes. Wait...was it a minute?
Yep. Pretty much around that time. 2 minutes left until her torture ended. Maybe if she looked at it hard enough, maybe time would go faster. Foolish thought but it is often said that the mind works wonders. Although in this case it seemed to be doing the opposite of what she wanted. And she still felt the same pair of eyes staring at her. So turning back she found she was correct.
Only this time instead of curled lips and glowy eyes, she was met with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw. Now she felt a shiver ran down her spine as Seonghwa glared at her, almost as if he was threatening her. And it truly was menacing.
The light twinkling of a bell signaled that it was 1pm and time to leave. Y/N grabbed her books that were out in front of her desktop and quickly shoved them in her book bag as if it was an Olympic sport. She nearly tripped as she scurried out of the classroom, ignoring the throbbing pain on her shin which had collided with the leg of the chair. All she knew is that she didn't want to stay long enough to figure out if all the stories she heard about Park Seonghwa were true or not. So she practically ran out of the campus, completely forgetting about her hunger or tiredness. She was fully awake now and her stomach felt sick that she couldn't possibly even think about taking a bite out of anything.
Meanwhile the man she left behind at the classroom stood there in shock, his mouth letting out a soft scoff at her behavior. He shook his head as he picked up his jacket that was hanging on his chair and a notebook that had fallen out a few feet away from the row of computers in front of him. His mind was already working, planning on how to deal with this.
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I heard he was pissed.
Didn't you hear the way he slammed the door?
She must have done something to piss him off.
I don't know, all I know is that Seonghwa was fuming while muttering something about giving it to her.
Whoever she is, she sounds as good as dead.
That's what Y/N overheard some girls gossiping about while she was in the bathroom. Now half of the school was hell bent on finding out who was the mysterious girl who dared glare at Seonghwa and what he'd do to her. That's practically what the school thrived on: gossip and drama. And frankly, she wanted no part in it.
So for the next week, she completely changed her usual routine. She purposefully used routes that she'd never gone through before to attend her classes, she refused to eat at any nearby cafes around the neighborhood, and she went as far as to not physically attend her computer science course. One of the blessings of a course involving a computer was the fact she could do it right at home and she decided to take full advantage of it. And she most certainly avoided any places where she knew Seonghwa and his group of friends tended to hang around in.
She was scared, she was willing to admit that. Scared of whatever Seonghwa was planning for her, scared of it becoming the new school gossip and overall just terrified. So even if it was a pain and hassle to go to such extremes, she wanted to avoid the confrontation at all times and she thought she was doing a fairly good job.
Apparently not good enough.
Having forgotten a few things in her locker, she went back after almost everyone had cleared out, only the staff stayed behind at this hour, locked in the teacher's lounge no doubt complaining about their day's work. She was so distracted trying to organize the books and journals in her arms that she was only brought back to reality when her locker was slammed shut right in front of her, frightening her so much that she dropped all her things to the ground. She looked back and froze when it was none other than Seonghwa who stood in front of her.
"6 days..."
His deep voice felt like ice, freezing her from moving let alone breathe.
"For 6 whole days, I've been waiting for you in class, only to find out you stayed home. Then, no matter where I searched, you always figured out a way to avoid me...."
Seonghwa leaned down, close to her face, smirking right at her.
"Well I finally caught you little one....and there's been something I wanted to do..."
Oh no! This was exactly what she feared. There was no one around to protect her or even witness what was going to happen. So Y/N closed her eyes and braced herself for whatever was going to come. She only hoped that it would end as quickly as possible.
"I like you."
Wait. What?
She looked up in shock, wondering if she heard what she thought. Seonghwa had leaned back up and stared at her.
"I like you. I've been wanting to tell you that. " He repeated himself.
Y/N didn't even know what face she made, but whatever it was, it made Seonghwa chuckle softly at her reaction. Bending down, he began to pick up her stuff that she dropped.
"I don't expect you to confess your feelings for me nor even answer me at the moment." He continued as he handed her the books and journals.
"I know you're confused right now, I would be too if I was in your place. Besides...."
He looked at her and smiled very faintly.
"There's plenty of time to get to know each other. After all, the weekend starts tomorrow."
He picked up his bookbag that he had previously set down on the floor and slung it over his shoulder. Then he took out a baby pink journal with sparkles on the side from his bag.
"By the way, you left this at class when you ran out the door." He handed her what rightfully belonged to her. She recognized it as her sketching notepad.
"See you soon Y/N. Real soon." He winked and waved goodbye at her before walking away.
Y/N stood there, her mouth wide open and looking around, questioning if this was a dream, a nightmare or reality.
What the hell just happened?!
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"Medium hot white chocolate mocha with Irish cream syrup and whip cream."
The customer went up to the counter and picked up their drink, not even bothering to say a thank you or even acknowledge her presence.
"Thank you. Have a very nice day." Y/N repeated the customary line they all had to say when someone left the shop, making sure to add a warm smile and to use a light tone of voice.
Once the customer had left, Y/N turned back to her coworker, Jinhee, who was already groaning.
"That old geezer was such a pain! You're lucky you didn't take his order. I was about to strangle him." Jinhee complained and made a choking gesture with her hands.
"That bad huh?" Y/N asked as she wiped down the counter around the espresso machine.
"It's Saturday Y/N, and it's almost night. What do you expect? Only Karens and their annoying husbands come by for caffeine at this hour." Jinhee shook her head, tired from dealing with so many demanding and pushy customers.
"Look on the bright side, it's almost 7, meaning we get to go home soon." Y/N tried to remain positive.
"Hell yeah! I can't wait. Me and the girls are heading out to that club I was telling you about. You should seriously come."
Y/N expected Jinhee to ask her to join them, she always did. She loved Jinhee, she really did, but her style of having fun wasn't exactly her cup of tea. Y/N did not want to spend a perfectly good night getting shit faced drunk and waking up the next morning in some stranger's bed.
"Thanks Ji, but no. I have...plans tonight." She quickly said, although both knew that was a total lie.
"Yeah..... let me guess, plans that involve packets of ramen, an order of chicken wings, tub of ice cream while you rewatch some anime about a demon butler or about a people murdering journal?" Y/N hated how Jinhee knew her so well.
"Leave me alone!" Y/N threw the rag in her hand at her friend, who was now laughing at her reaction.
They both went back to their usual task of cleaning and disinfecting what was already clean since there weren't many customers when it was nearing closing time. Jinhee decided to go to the back room to make sure everything would be stocked for the next day, leaving Y/N to attend anyone who came in. Since she wasn't expecting anyone, she took out her notepad and began sketching like she usually did. She didn't know why, but the serene, tranquil atmosphere in the coffee shop, the scent of the freshly brewed coffee mixed with the light hint of cinnamon and other spices always seemed to inspire her to draw to her heart's content. And right now, she knew she wanted to draw a face. What face exactly? She didn't know. But she decided to start drawing the outline to give her a base to work with, while she figured out if she'd draw someone she knew or just an imaginary person that would only live in her mind.
The ringing of the bell signaled that someone had come inside, just when she was about to relax. Getting up, she quickly put her notebook out of sight and straightened her apron.
"Welcome! What can I get for-"
She stopped when she looked up to see Seonghwa himself in the shop. He looked at her and snorted softly.
"Don't you look adorable in that uniform."
Y/N pouted slightly, feeling self conscious about the pink and red apron.
"Aww come on, don't give me that look doll. You do look cute." Seonghwa complimented her, making her blush a little.
"Wha-what can I get for you?" She cleared her throat and went back to being professional.
Seonghwa scanned the menu options before looking back at Y/N. He studied her features closely before asking:
"What's your favorite drink?"
"Huh?" Y/N wasn't expecting him to ask her that.
It always did threw her off whenever people asked her what she liked. She hated answering cause customers would always say how boring her favorite drink was or complain it wasn't their type. Well if it's not your type, then why ask in the first place right?
"I'm still waiting for an answer doll."
Seonghwa's voice brought her out of her trance. She pondered over her choices: either tell him and get it over with or just lie and pick some random drink.
"I like a simple hot chocolate with caramel." Guess the first option was the winner.
Seonghwa looked at her endearingly when she answered.
"Not a fan of actual coffee?" He raised an eyebrow.
She shook her head. Ironic how she worked in a coffee shop yet couldn't even down a simple cafe latte cause the espresso felt too bitter on her tastebuds. Seonghwa chuckled softly, muttering a barely audible 'cute' under his breath.
"Well little lady, I guess I'll take a medium one of those and a small strawberry frappe. No coffee in that one either please."
Y/N looked at him with a questioning gaze.
"What? You're not the only one who doesn't like coffee sweetheart."
He handed her a $20 bill, not even bothering to hear the price and telling her to keep the change. He then sat down at the closest table and watched as she skillfully prepared the drinks.
When she heard the sound of the machines working, Jinhee rushed out to the front, thinking Y/N needed help.
"Do you need help?" Jinhee asked as she looked over, trying to see what Y/N was preparing.
"Relax Ji. It's only a frappe and a hot chocolate, not that difficult. It's for the guy over there." She turned her head and signaled to Seonghwa.
Jinhee had to do a double take when she saw him, her jaw dropping. Then she looked back towards Y/N.
"What?" Y/N asked as she piped the whipped cream on the frappe.
"Did one of your anime boys come to life!?" She exclaimed, making Y/N slap her arm and try to shush her.
"Shut up! That's just a guy in my class." Y/N explained as she put the drinks in a tray and maneuvered herself to put them in the front counter.
"Well now I wanna transfer to your college." Jinhee giggled, making Y/N unconsciously smile at her comment, trying hard not to laugh or she'd end up spilling everything.
"Your order is ready." She composed herself and went back to her usual demeanor.
Seonghwa walked up slowly to the counter and took the frappe and straw in front of him.
"You should smile like that more often. Makes you look even prettier."
Y/N felt her breath get caught at his comment and Jinhee nearly squealing in the back wasn't helping. She just blinked slowly as Seonghwa walked away with his frappe.
"Wait! You forgot the other drink!" She called out to him when she remembered how to use her voice.
Seonghwa shrugged.
"It's for you. You did say it was your favorite right?"
He opened the door and took one last look at her.
"See you later." He winked like he did the last time they saw each other and walked out of the shop.
Y/N stood frozen, replaying everything in her mind. Jinhee's loud voice shook her awake though.
"Holy shit! You're so lucky! He was totally hitting on you! Is he like this in class too?! I'm so jelly! Oh my God! I want one of your lover boys too!" She crossed her arms and huffed slightly.
Y/N got flustered at her comment.
"He's not my lover boy....." She whispered softly and started wiping the counter to try and get her mind off Seonghwa.
"Not yet.....but he might be." Jinhee playfully nudged her on the shoulder before giggling like a dolphin.
Y/N rolled her eyes. She still couldn't wrap the idea that Park Seonghwa actually liked her. It was a concept so foreign to her, it didn't make sense. She stared at the hot chocolate in front of her. She contemplated throwing it away, but it was too tempting. And it was for her.....
She picked up the cup and started taking small sips out of it, trying hard not to burn her tongue like she usually did. She replayed the conversation in her head once more and she found herself replaying his last words:
"See you later."
What on earth did he mean by that?
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*Possible part 2 coming up*
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rachaelswrites · 4 years
Chapter One- Gender Swap
Peter Parker x Barnes!reader
Previous Part
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You woke up in an unfamiliar room and you sat up and stretched. You looked around the room to try and find something you recognized. You saw a phone on the bedside table and grabbed it. You caught a quick glance at your reflection on the screen and your jaw dropped. You were Peter. You looked down and saw that you were definitely in his body. 
Peter woke up in a familiar situation. He immediately noticed he was you, since you had a full length mirror opposite the bed. He jumped up and looked around for your phone. He could hear music playing and figured Bucky was awake. He unlocked the phone and called you, or himself.
You got a call on the phone in your hands. You saw it was your own name (or Peter) and answered. 
“Y/n? What the hell happened? Are you trapped in my body? Because I’m trapped in yours!” 
“Yes Peter. It seems we are in quite a predicament,” you tried to remain calm while Peter freaked out. You both agreed to meet up at a park and hung up. You snuck out of Peter’s room and he did the same. 
You didn’t know Queens very well, since you grew up in Brooklyn. You asked some people for help to find your way to the park. After about a half an hour of riding the subway and walking, you spotted Peter. You were surprised he managed to pick out such a good outfit. You didn’t even change out of the clothes you woke up in. 
“Oh my god Y/n!” Peter ran towards you and pulled you into a hug. 
You awkwardly maneuvered out of his grip, since people started giving you weird looks.
“Do you have any idea what’s happening? What’s the last thing you remember before this morning?” you wanted to get to the bottom of this. 
“Umm. We were on the mission and the guy attacked us with the machine. And then I woke up in your room.”
You rubbed your temples in frustration. Peter walked you over to a bench and sat you down, sensing your stress.
 “Damn it. It’s like we’re stuck in that one movie with the fortune cookies.” you tried to remember what is what. 
Peter helped you out, “You mean Freaky Friday?” he asked.
You nodded.
 “True but we don’t have to learn a lesson like they did. Maybe we have to do something else. Oo! Like in Teen Beach Movie! The characters get stuck in a musical and the only way to get out is to finish the storyline. Do you remember that movie?”
You glared at him, “No Peter. I don’t remember some stupid movie because if you can recall, I was stuck in Wakanda for two years and then I had to deal with my dad and my friend’s death. I didn’t have time to watch movies,” you snapped, “And besides. We’re not in a musical so there’s no storyline to finish,” He was taken aback. And quite frankly so were you. You never really snapped at anyone before. You stood up from the bench and Peter followed. 
“I’m sorry Y/n I didn’t realize. Maybe instead of a storyline, we have to live the day as each other.” 
You turned your head and looked at him. It did make sense. You sighed, “Yeah probably. We just can’t get caught. Try to stay away from my dad today and I’ll avoid May.”
“How am I supposed to lie to The Winter Soldier?” he asked. 
“Tell him you have cramps. It always works. Plus, he’s not The Winter Soldier anymore,” you shrugged. 
Peter was about to say something but you were already skipping down the sidewalk back to Queens. 
Peter got back to the apartment complex you and Bucky lived in. He went upstairs and quietly slipped in. 
“Hey sweetheart. Where’d you go so early?” your dad asked. 
Peter hesitated until he remembered what you told him, “Uh cramps!” he blurted. He smiled sheepishly and waited for Bucky’s response. 
He stood up and walked to Peter, putting his hand on his forehead, "Are you feeling ok? Normally you don’t leave bed because of those.”
Peter had to think quickly, "I just uh… needed some fresh air.”
Bucky nodded and left the room. Peter quickly made his way back into your room. He pulled out your phone and called himself. 
“Hey Y/n. Did you get back ok?” Peter asked. 
“I’m on the subway still. I’ll be there in a few though. What’s up?”
“I was just making sure you were safe. It can be dangerous out there.”
You giggled at Peter’s protectiveness for you. You two had only grown close over the last day but anything he had done had given you butterflies. 
“I’ll be ok. I was a Hydra assassin for decades, remember?” 
Peter nodded, even though you couldn’t see it. He remembered the girl at the airport. He didn’t want to hurt her. She looked so fragile until he saw her almost take down Natasha by herself. He so badly wanted to pull her away from the fighting and keep her safe. Tony had told him not to. ‘Who knows what Barnes and Rogers would do if they found out you took her,’ those were the exact words Tony said. 
“Also there's a change of clothes I keep under my pillow. Just letting you know so you don’t have to dig through drawers.” 
“Ok thanks Petey!” you said. You had never called him that before.
“Goodbye Y/n/n,” he said. 
You hung up the phone just in time to get off the train. 
The rest of the day was pretty boring for both of you. You had to shoo May away multiple times. Claiming you had a huge headache and just wanted to sleep. Instead of sleeping, you looked around Peter’s room. You studied his photographs and posters and flipped through his books and comics. You pulled down a cardboard box from the closet and opened it. They were a bunch of old yearbooks. You sat crisscross on the ground and read them one by one. School changed a lot since you were last in one. You imagined yourself in Peter’s place and then imagined yourself alongside him. Being his best friend through all these years. 
Peter did the same thing you did. He went through some of your things from your childhood. He was always fascinated by history. He flipped through the clothes in your closet until he noticed a section in the back. The hangers were facing the opposite way as the others. He pulled them back and found a box. He grabbed the box and sat down on the bed. He pulled off the lid and stared at it’s contents. There were multiple journals, new and old. There were also loose leaf papers that looked like they belonged in a museum (which they did at one point). He emptied the box and looked at the papers. Some of them were flyers advertising the enlistment stations and others were photographs of you as a child. Most of them were either taken by Bucky or if he was in them with you, Steve. He saw a picture of just Bucky in his uniform by the train station.
 “This was probably the day he left,” he said quietly.
 He went to put the photos back but the bed dipped and some of the journals fell. He leaned down and saw one of them fell open. 
He grabbed it and read the page it was on:
I dreamt I was on the beach. Dad and Steve were playing catch. I was wrapped in a blanket cause Dad didn’t want me getting sick. I was about three. Before they tried to enlist. I remember Steve was invited but didn't want to go at first because Dad said it was ‘daddy daughter bonding time’ eventually Steve gave in and joined. I don’t remember if this part happened: I was really excited and tried to go swim but dad grabbed me by the waist to stop me. He said I had to stay with him since I was so small. I didn’t like that so I pouted. Then he tickled me and chased me until I was smiling and laughing. I hope that part was real. It was one of the happiest times of my life.
Peter smiled at the thought of baby you being happy and stress free. He noticed a note at the bottom of the page. It was dated the day of your mission. Peter remembered you told him you had a good dream, this must've been it. He heard Bucky’s footsteps down the hall and quickly put everything back in the box and slid it under the bed. Bucky knocked and Peter let him in. 
“Hey I was just seeing if you wanted something to eat. I can make something or I can order in. Up to you.” 
“Uh I don’t really mind. I’m ok with anything.”
Bucky raised his eyebrows, "Really? Normally you beg me to order from Panda Express. I don’t even know why you like that place so much.”
“Yeah I mean I’ll have that. I just wanted to let you have a say also.” 
Bucky chuckled and shook his head. He turned and closed the door. Peter heard him a few minutes later on the phone ordering food. Peter went to go to the bathroom. He looked down and screamed. Bucky came running to the room and opened the door. “Y/n? What’s wrong? Are you ok?” 
Peter walked out of the bathroom and looked at your dad, "I’m...Uh...Bleeding.”
Bucky had concern written all over his face., "Oh. Do you need help with the wound or help cleaning up?” he asked. 
Peter looked at him and realized he didn’t know what he meant, "It’s not from an injury though,” he explained. 
Bucky looked confused. Then it hit him, "Sweetheart. You know this happens every month and is normal. Do we need to have the talk again?” 
Peter was mortified. He totally forgot that he didn’t know that he was trapped in your body. Peter shook his head, "Umm. No, I'm good. It just sur-” a sudden wave of cramps hit Peter and he doubled over in pain, “Shit it hurts,” he mumbled. 
Bucky bent down to pick him up. He carried him to the bed and sat him down. 
“I’ll get you some meds ok. You can eat up here tonight,” Bucky kissed the top of his head and left. 
You had run into a similar situation in Queens. You were laying on Peter’s bed staring at the ceiling, messing with his webs. You were shooting them around the room, seeing what you could grab. You were too preoccupied and didn’t hear May knocking on the door. When she didn’t hear a response she opened the door and went in. You got startled and somehow managed to web yourself to the bed. “Oh sorry Peter. I didn’t know you were doing… what ever you were just doing,” 
“It’s not what you’re thinking Mis- I mean May,” you stuttered. 
“Peter it’s fine. You don’t have to explain. But we do have to get you out of those webs,” she moved over to the drawer where Peter must’ve kept the web remover stuff. After a few minutes, you were finally free. 
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literary-spirit · 3 years
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"I'm sorry we couldn't offer you little more comfort while residing with us." Genuineness threaded itself through Torvi words as she watched while Bonnie settled herself behind Hali underneath the furs of unknown heritage.
A gratitude inspired smile made a conquest of Bonnie's lips. "No need for apologies, Torvi. Fact is, I'm grateful that you've allowed me somewhere safe to lay my head. Especially with everything being so new and unfamiliar."
Truth be sold rather than told, Bonnie didn't understand one damn thing about her predicament. One moment she lay bleeding out in her fiancé's arms in 21st century New Orleans, and the next she lay sprawled on Bjorn's ship during the freaking Viking Era. After some thought she'd begun to believe herself to be on the other side she'd created for Enzo, but there was a few sizable holes in that working theory. One, Enzo didn't hail from the ninth century so why would she tailor the world he'd spend his afterlife in after it? Two, she'd had the displeasure of being dead stranded on the other side a time or two and neither time did the imitation of life after death explode with a passion that could only be rivaled by reality.
No, Bjorn, Ivar, and Kattegat was real. It was all real! But on everything and everyone she loved she couldn't understand why. What did her giving up her mortality to become the immortal witch and finally embrace the prophecy have to do with this particular place in time?
"Bonsie?" The dulcet cadence of Guthrum's voice snatched her away from her thoughts. "Can you tell us a saga about your land?"
He and Hali stared up at her. The gleam of excitement tinkled bright in both of their eyes. She faked a sigh and played at reluctance with a roll of the eyes, all the while a smile twitched at the corners of her mouth for freedom. "Are you sure? Because you and Hali look really tired," she began tickling Hali who squealed and squirmed to get away, "And I don't wanna start one of my dull stories only to bore you both to sleep."
"Please!" They both squeaked in unison. "You have our vow we won't slumber before the end of your tale. Right Hali?" The blonde cherub face child with eyes just like his father nodded.
"Alright, but the vow I want from you is, that if slumber comes for you or Hali while I'm telling you the story you won't fight it," she said, her gaze moving from one boy to the other. "That's the only way I'm going to speak of this saga. I won't waste words on tired ears."
The boys stared at each other for a moment, before Guthrum looked back at her, "If our slumber takes us before the conclusion, will you continue when we rise?"
"Maybe not when we rise. You know, because we'll have to break our fast and I'm sure there'll be chores needing to be done-"
"There will definitely be chores needing to be done," Torvi confirmed as she watched from the bed.
Bonnie shrugged, tapping her chin while staring up at the ceiling of the keep. Her eyes flared as if the proverbial light bulb had erupted into a thousand ideas, "I know! If you fall asleep before the saga is finished, then I'll continue it tomorrow before we go to bed."
Guthrum looked to Hali, who nodded his head, "You have our vow, Bonsie."
"Okay," she held up her pinky. They stared at her finger for a moment then gawked at her as if she'd open a third eye on her forehead, "Well if you're giving me your vow boys, I'ma need a pinky swear to consummate your sworn oath."
"How do you perform such a ritual?" Guthrum asked, cuddling in closer.
"Hold up your little finger just like this." She wiggled her pinky. Once Guthrum and Hali raised their fingers, she entwined both of her pinkies with theirs, tugged and pulled away. "And just like that we have consummated our oath with a pinky swear."
"So, what of the saga?" Guthrum questioned.
"It's a story that takes place in a land where my ancestors once thrived. A continent called Africa," she began, "There a wise lion king was blessed with a cub who too would one day be king of everything the light touched in that land."
For the next thirty minutes or so Bonnie retold the story of the Lion King. By the time she reached the part about Scar throwing Mufasa off the cliff into the surge of stampeding antelope she noticed the boys had fallen asleep. Lowering her voice, she allowed her words to trail off, to avoid awakening the kids.
"Ack! Why'd you stop?!" Bjorn snapped. "Did Mufasa find a way to save himself so that he could exact revenge over his treacherous brother?"
"And what of poor Simba?" Torvi grilled, "What will become of him now?"
Bonnie's brows collided. She hadn't realized that they had even gave her a benefit of an ear let alone hung on to every word of the story. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you guys were paying attention."
"Why wouldn't we attend you, Bonnie?" Bjorn shot her one more unit before settling back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. "Are we not sharing the same space?"
"Bjorn," Torvi lightly scolded, cuddling down next to him.
"It's okay, Torvi," she said, rolling away to face the wall, "Bjorn's right. I'm wrong for not considering you both may wanna hear the ending of the story, but even if I wanted to finish it my sacred oath with the boys wouldn't allow me to continue until next eve. So, have a good night's rest and I'll see you both in the morning."
Bonnie allowed her eyes to close and not much later she dosed until squeaks, moans, and grunts ripped her from the verge of a deep sleep. Confused about why the hell she was on the floor instead of in Klaus' Californian King, her eyes darted around and then finally collided with a folded up Torvi getting piled drove by Bjorn.
When Torvi noticed her watching, she blushed and attempted to stifle another moan, "Apologies, Bonnie. We didn't mean to wake you with our coupling."
"It's fine," she said, not knowing what the hell else to say. It's not like she could go in about them banging one out in their own keep. Bjorn's lava hot blues bore into her, while he began to grind slow circles into Torvi. Bonnie attempted to clear her throat, but only managed a super dehydrated cough, "P-please c-continue—I-I mean if that's what you both wanna do. Not that I'm gonna keep watching or anything."
"Would you like to join us?" Torvi offered between gasps and moans. "Bjorn's vigor is insatiable. He would have no issues pleasuring you as well."
"T-That's not necessary!" Bonnie flopped back over on her side to face away from them, "You two enjoy, I'm good." She squeezed her eyes closed and tried to ignore the snickers coming from the bed as she willed herself to go back to sleep.
After daggmal what Bjorn called breakfast, Sigurd offered to be her guide while she explored the forest. They spent almost half the day trekking through the woods gathering recipes she would need for hygienic purposes and basic spells. For the first half of their outing, Sigurd merely helped and watched her without saying anything. When she'd had enough of him side-eying the hell out of her she spun on him without warning and he almost ran her down.
"What's wrong with you? Why do you keep watching me like I'm gonna turn you into horse shit or something?" She snapped.
His eyes flared, and he took a step back. "Can you?"
"Sigurd!" Bonnie stared at him for a moment like he'd left his mind back at Kattegat, before whirling around to continue her descend down to the cove. "Why did you come if you're so scared of me?" She tossed over her shoulder.
"Because I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I was hoping to plow you," he replied, following behind her.
"Men," she mumbled to herself. Then she raised her voice loud enough for him to hear. "So, I guess Ivar's telling anyone who will listen I'm a witch, huh?"
"Ivar?" He questioned as if he didn't know how one thing had to do with the other. "No, what's he to do with anything? It's Margrethe."
Bonnie stopped once more to turn and look up at him. "Margrethe? You mean the poor servant girl you all pass around like a waste bucket?"
"We don't pass her around and she says when you appeared out of air the gods let their displeasure be known by sending a storm to upset the sea," he walked closer, plucked the basket from her hands, intertwined their arms and guided her towards the cove. "She also said that the storm only went away when she mentioned throwing you over."
"You do understand Margrethe is madder than a bag of cats tossed in a barrel of water, right? Anything that comes out of her mouth is nothing more than rantings of the certifiable," she said, filing Margrethe away for a later day's problem.
Sigurd laughed. "Your turn of phrases are cutting. I've noticed that you wield your words the way Hvitserk swings an ax."
"Runs in the family," she said, distracted by the splashing she heard coming from the cove. "Shh," she stopped, halting Sigurd along with her, "someone's down there."
Stunned disbelief flared his eyes and dropped his jaw, "Really? Well, we should go-,"
"Yeah," her head bobbed in utter agreement, more than ready to turn around, "we should."
"And cut down the trespassers!" He finished.
"Wait, what?"
Without even a notion of a warning, he scooped her up, tossed her over his shoulder, and ran down the rest of the way to the cove. Once they cleared the woods and stepped into the enclosure of the inlet, he strode into the water with her. She caught an upside-down glimpse of Ivar sitting on the bank, while Ubbe and Hvitserk chased each other around in the water with long skinny sticks.
"Brother, what took you so long?" Hvitserk snickered as he bent sideways to stare her in the face.
Sigurd smacked her on the bottom. "This one wanted to pick every smelly flower in the forest."
"Sigurd, take me back on dry land," she said, pounding him in the middle of his back with her fists, "So help me, if you fuck around and drop me in this water and my hair gets wet, it's gonna be hell to tell the captain. And just in case you haven't figured it out I'm the motherfucking captain!"
"What's she going on about?" Ivar called from the bank.
Sigurd laughed, "She wants to swim."
Then he tossed her into the biting chill of the water. She emerged sputtering water and spitting mad. Their laughter only served to piss her off more. Hatemakers shot from her eyes like hollow points leaving the barrel of a glock. When she finally had Sigurd locked and loaded in her sights, she treaded water like she had an engine shoved up her crack and Bobby Boucher'ed his ass so hard he hurtled through the air. He smacked the water harder than Angela did Marcus, and he went under. Now it was her turn to laugh and do the fool she did. Ubbe and Hvitserk gawked at her as if she'd sprouted wings and a tail.
Sigurd clawed his way back to the surface gasping and coughing. "Who in the name of Odin taught you how to swim, Thor?"
The sound of laughter and clapping floated from the bank. Bonnie turned to see Ivar's incandescent methane orbs flashing hella bright. Yet somehow the brilliance of his smile rivaled even the bewitching dazzle of his eyes. He'd baited and hooked her without even casting the lure. Now the unexplainable pull between them would reel her in. Pushing the mass of dripping curls from her face, she began to walk toward the shore.
"Where do you think you're going?" Hvitserk whispered next to her ear, before scooping her off her feet, "You've a lesson to learn."
"Oh, Hvitserk, you just better bring it!" She yelled as she bucked and squirmed in his grasp, "That goes for your sisters too."
With that said he dunked her in the water, when she reemerged Ubbe had a hold of her, "Many apologies, my lady. You were saying?" He questioned, regarding her with eyes the same shade as a cloudless sky.
She gave him a closed lip smile, and then slapped her cheeks, allowing all of the water in her mouth to spray him in the face. When he released her, she dove under the surface, grabbed him by the ankles and snatched him off his feet, literally. Then she went after Hvitserk next. Anticipating an attack, he and Sigurd took on a defense stance. So, they planned to make this a joint effort. She gave herself a mental nod, noted. Tired of playing around, she hiked her skirts up just beneath the curve of her ass and knotted it high on her hip. Sigurd and Hvitserk exchanged a smirk. Not wasting a second she struck. First, she climbed, and then wrapped herself around Sigurd. In a maneuver reminiscent of the Black Widow, she used his body weight and gravity against him. Once more he soared through the air.
She turned to Hvitserk and he gave her the smile which let her know he thirst for blood and the rush. Yep, she'd saved the most savage for last. Leaping on him, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He automatically grabbed a fist full of ass. Sexual lust overpowered his blood lust. Big mistake. She snapped backwards in a back bend, the memento snatched him off his feet and he went free falling face first into some rather high-quality H2O.
While the brothers attempted to figure out which step led to their downfall, Bonnie left the water to find Bjorn standing on the bank. His look of indifference remained true to the inner workings of his mind.
"You move well," he said as he reached down to place one hand on a bare hip and the other on the knot that secured her skirt. In a swift tug he released the drenched material. "I've never seen anyone fight that way or toss about men twice their size."
A memory of Bjorn giving Torvi the business end of some serious wood flashed at the forefront of Bonnie's mind. Unable to maintain eye contact, she dropped her gaze to the ground, "It's nothing. We were just messing around; I'd hoped to learn how to manage one of their sticks." Ivar snickered and that's when she realized how it sounded. "You know...for fishing." She added to be Visine clear.
"If you're to learn to manage anyone's stick, it'll be mine," Bjorn stepped closer and crowded her personal space.
The heat which came off of him reminded her of the predicament she now found herself. She was drenched and it had to be every bit of fifty-eight degrees out and dropping. The boys came trudging out the water behind her.
Ubbe walked up on her until the hard press of his chest collided with her back. One of his hands moved to grip her neck, while the other rose to lay possessively across her belly. He lowered his mouth next to her ear, "The gods were with you this day, Valkyrie. Yet, we'll see what the morrow brings." He then released her and moved around her to sit next to Ivar.
"You think yourself clever with that trick in the water, do you?" Sigurd asked, while tugging one of her curls as he passed. "Well, I know a few tricks too and mine are sure to put you on your back as well." With his gaze still locked on her, he dropped down on the other side of Ubbe.
Hvitserk spun her around to face him. "One detail," he snatched her skirts up around her hips and lifted her. Her legs wrapped around his waist. A sliver of space remaining between them provoked him to tug her closer until her naked sex pressed firmly against his bare lower abdomen muscles. On contact, the sinewy tissue flexed against her clit and try as she might, she couldn't stop the groan that burst from her lips. His eyes rolled closed, and gasps of air rushed from his mouth as he rested his forehead on hers. "I had to be certain." After a moment he allowed her body to slip from his.
"Of what?" She questioned, slightly swaying as she shifted her skirts back in place.
"I was home," he said, before stealing a kiss and darting away.
Something a breath away from recognition flared within her. She pressed to fingers to her lips to help preserve the feel and weight of Hvitserk's mouth on hers. Where the hell did she know his kiss?
Bjorn shot his younger siblings hell bred units. "Come, Bonnie. It's almost time for second meal and Queen Aslaug would like for us to attend her in the great hall...again." She didn't miss the annoyance which saturated his again.
"Alright, let me just grab my basket," she strode to pick up the wicker carrier and the world turned upside down.
Then it overturned and became consumed by Ivar's sculpted to perfection features. When she'd sacrificed her better judgement and walked too closed to him, he'd snatched her off her feet by an ankle. Once down on his turf, he'd flipped her over and yanked her to him like a virgin slated for sacrifice. Now he loomed over her larger than life. She'd played herself by forgetting he was the one to watch. The most dangerous of them all.
"I can see in your eyes you know your error is grave," he spoke to her in that soft accented tone that all ways fucked over her senses. "Next time you will not dismiss me so effortlessly because you believe me to be at a disadvantage, hmm?"
The sheer beauty of him outshined the ever-radiant torch she still carried for Niklaus. And Ivar the Boneless was right there! Right there in front of her! If ever there was a pass to be given for one indiscretion in a relationship, surely this was the time. Ignoring all the legitimate reasons as to why she shouldn't, she reached up and ran the pad of her index finger over one smooth brow. The perfectly arched hair felt silky to the touch.
Stunned, he stared down at her, confusion bunching those very brows while slightly parting those luscious lips. Her gaze flicked to the bottom one. It drew her thumb like a super magnet attracted to a pile of scrap metal. First contact almost made her swallow her tongue. Nothing could've prepared her for such fleshy softness. You'd think his lips had never known a day without Carmex. Damn, she had to know what it felt like to have his mouth on hers! Cupping her other hand around the nape of his neck, she used the hold to guide his lips towards hers even as she arched upwards to meet him halfway.
"Ivar, we have spoken much on you remaining free of mischief," Bjorn said, yanking Ivar off of her and plopping him back down on the plot of grass next to Ubbe.
Bonnie climbed to her feet, dusting herself off as she went. For a moment, their she'd almost pulled a damn Elena. Acting first and thinking never. Difference was she didn't have a scrappy side-chick running to have her back when she wrote a check her ass wasn't equipped to cash out. No! She needed to stay focused and figure out why the hell an immortal witch spell brought her all the way back to the Viking era. And it wasn't even the real Viking era. She was trapped in a television series loosely tailored after a raider who lived over a thousand years ago.
"Thanks for helping me today, Sigurd," She said, while allowing Bjorn to take her hand. "It would've taken me longer to locate the things I needed without you.
"You're welcome to my help whenever you have need of it," He said, grinning up at her.
Bonnie nodded then looked to the other brothers. "Ubbe, Hvitserk...Ivar," she held Ivar's gaze a moment longer than called for, before continuing, "thank you for being superb stress relievers." She wound her shoulders in counterclockwise circles as she cocked her head from one side to the other until she heard the pop. "Didn't realize how backed up I was until you guys worked me out a little."
"Then you should prepare yourself," Ubbe said, giving her a sideways glance, "for stress will no longer be a worry of yours." His bottomless cobalt glare, glanced down the length of her body before returning back to her face. Hvitserk and Sigurd snorted.
She held his gaze until Bjorn guided her from the enclosure of the cove back into the woods. Once out of his and Ivar's soul disturbing stare, she exhaled. For the next several minutes, she and Bjorn walked back to Kattegat in silence. After fiddling with the handle of the basket, attempting to work up the nerve to find something to say, Bjorn spoke first.
"I spoke with Floki today and he told me the fleet I commissioned won't be ready to sail until next Spring," he said, bending to pick up a stick from the path, "which is just as well, since Torvi is carrying again. I've already sent a messenger to King Harald."
"Wait," she stopped mid-step, "Torvi's pregnant?"
He walked a little further before he realized she'd halted. Once he did, he turned back to face her, his expression unreadable as ever. "Yes."
"C-congratulations, Asa's gonna be beautiful," she said, without thinking. Her mind to set on the fact she was adrift somewhere between season 4 part 1 and 2. How the hell would she navigate over the course of the year without knowing what happens from one moment to the next?
Bjorn cradled her face in his hands. "Are you saying this babe will be a girl?"
Damn! Well, the cat has left the bag. She nodded and a brilliant smile that could put the sun out of business blossomed on his face. His joy even provoked the corners of her mouth to travel north. "I'm very much proud to have boys, but after what happened to my first child...Siggy, it is my belief that by blessing me with a girl this time, the gods have shown me favor."
The blend of his happiness and vulnerability disarmed her defenses. She leapt into his arms, hugging him tight to her. The best her lack of height would allow anyway. All she wanted was to give him the comfort and support he'd shown her since her world went bat-shit. Bjorn, however, must've misread into things, because he had her pinned to the nearest tree attempting to raise her skirts.
He pressed kisses into the side of her neck as he worked to hike up her skirts and wrap her legs around him at the same time. "My man stand has nigh burst awaiting consent to plow you." He grind an oversized bulge into her bare center, and she squealed, not sure whether it was in delight or protest.
"Bjorn, I'm so sorry," she gritted through clenched teeth. Not trusting what would come flying out of her mouth if she opened it fully. "I didn't mean to lead you on. I'm a hugger." She babbled. "I only meant to offer you a hug of friendship."
He stilled and leaned away to peer down at her with a scrunched red face. "What?" Backing away, he let her feet drop to the ground. "Who in the name of the All-Father offers passionate embraces as a form of friendship?"
"Look, Bjorn," she lifted her chin, ready to no means no, his ass. "I'm sorry if you misread things, but you're married-,"
"Misread?!" His eyes nearly leapt from their sockets as he snorted his disbelief. "And what of all the lusty ways I notice you watching me when you think I don't see?"
She lied with a straight face. "You're mistaken."
"I'm not mistaken," he backed her into the same tree, "just last eve your eyes pleaded with me-,"
"And that's another thing," she said, cutting him off. "Don't take this wrong, because I'm grateful for you and Torvi's kindness, but when can we start on the restoration of Rollo's house?"
He stared at her a moment without saying anything. "We can begin soon after we finish daggmal on the morrow." Her head bobbed, and then she moved to step around him. He grabbed her arm to halt her movements. "Are you leaving my keep because I chose to lay with my wife?"
Her eyes bucked and she shook her head until she thought it would fly off her neck, "Of course not. I'm leaving because you both deserve privacy and not some stranger interrupting your lives."
"You're not a stranger, Mystical One," he rested his forehead on hers, "we're bonded by the oath we swore. You and I are a part of each other until one of us enters Valhalla."
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storybookhall · 4 years
The Journey Pt.4- Survive
A/n- This is a difficult part to read.
Summary- while being tortured you start to lose hope, but your people never fail.
Trigger Warning- Detailed depictions of rape and abuse, death, strong language.
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“Let me out you fucking bastards!” you scream, slightly hurting your own ears because of the echoes in that metal hell.
“ Ain’t nobody gonna hear ya darling, save those pretty vocal chords for later.” Merle almost purred to you, making your stomach turn.
“ Merle, what would Daryl say if he saw this. You really think he’d have ANY respect for you. He’d fucking hate you!!” you say getting aggited and spitting at him from your chair.
“ Listen here you bitch, you’re lucky the governor isn’t letting me have my way with you. You’d be bent over a table. Got that?!” he half yells as he grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks until they hurt.
“ Ain’t I fucking lucky.” You say under your breath.
Merle walks behind your chair and takes the bindings of your hands and feet. You stay put slightly confused as to what this psychopath is doing.
“Stand up” He hisses through his teeth and he looks at your body.
You don’t move. Partially in fear, partially because fuck him.
“ I said stand up you little bitch!” He yells as he cocks his gun and points it at your head.
You stand up and your legs begin to shake, but you lift your head not showing fear to this asshole.
“ Strip.” He said plainly while gesturing with his gun.
“ Please… Don’t.” you shakily say hearing the fear in your voice.
“ Oh no little girl, your chance to be nice is gone. Now strip” he laughs as he sees your face contort in disgust.
You begin to quickly take off your shirt as he gestures to you to slow down. So you slowly take off your shirt and pants. Keeping a strong face and never letting your head hang to the floor. You stand up straight in just your underwear and bra. 
“ Who the fuck said to stop?!” he barks in your direction and cocks the gun.
“ okay! Okay. Fuck.” You sheepishly say as you choke back tears.
Slowly stripping the last articles of clothing you stand covering your breasts with your hand pressing your legs close together. Still not showing weakness to Merle.
“ So what are you gonna do now, you gonna have your way with me like you said?” you try to say it confidently but it falls short.
“ No, no, no darling. The Governor said I can't remember?... That doesn’t mean my friends can’t have some fun. Come on in boys!” He yells and bangs on the metal door.
You watch 3 men stride in laughing. One of the men walks forward as you back up into the wall. As this is happening Merle leaves and shuts the door behind him. The two watching had their guns on you, in case you tried something. The man kept getting closer looking up and down your body licking his lips. He grabbed you by your hair and shoved you into the table so you were propped up for him. In a split second you kick your leg up and kick him in the balls, not hard enough… He dragged you back up by your hair and once you were standing he punched your face, hard. You begin to cry but he grabs you by your hair and shoves your face into the table.
“ Please stop! I’m begging you!” you exclaim screaming and fighting against him. 
He enters you hard and you cry out in pain, the first few minutes you continue begging. After a while you go silent and just stare into the wall as he has his way with you. Once he finishes he grabs you and throws you back into the chair putting your restraints back on, still naked. You prayed this was the only time. It wasn’t. For the next week they came in having their way with you. Until one day you hear a familiar voice in the unit next to you.
“ Please don’t hurt Maggie” Glenn pleads as you hear his captures walk out and close the door.
“GLENN GLENN!!!” You scream praying he hears you.
“y/n is that you?!” he says, sounding completely confused.
“ Yes it’s me. Oh my god you're okay!” You let out a tear at the sound of a friendly voice
“ Are you okay?” he asks, sounding worried.
“ Yes, I’m okay. Is everyone okay?! Is Daryl okay?” you ask through your tears.
“ We lost a few at the farm, but Daryl is alright.” He says hearing the pain in your voice. 
You smile for the first time in the last week, knowing he’s okay will keep you going. You hear footsteps walking up your door and thought today you’d fight back. Yell, scream, do anything you have to. As they walk in you lower your head.
“ Well hello beauty, seems like we'll have an audience listening in today.” Your assalent says loud enough for Glenn to hear.
“What are you talking about? Don’t fucking touch her.” glenn screams and you hear him fight his restraints
“ Too late for that.” He says proudly 
After undoing your restraints he slams your face into the wall between you and Glenn. 
“ Glenn don’t listen! I’m okay! Don’t get yourself killed!” You yell to him as your assalent starts to enter you.
Screaming in pain from no lubricant he starts going, grunting and enjoying himself as you scream and cry. Closing your eyes you pray for Rick Or Daryl or fucking anyone to save you. Once he was done, you heard Glenn crying loudly. Throughout the night you hear them doing unspeakable things beside you. Then you hear gunfire, you perk up in your seat. Knowing this could be them. You get slightly embarrassed for a moment knowing your savior will see you… all of you. You hear screaming in the streets and begin screaming yourself. The door next to you opened and you hear Rick yell that they found Glenn and Maggie. You start smiling wider than possible as you sit there knowing it's time to go home. 
“ The one next to us has y/n!” Glenn says to rick as he begins to open all the units.
Rick opens the door and walks in looking at you, avoiding your body. He takes off your restraints and sees how weak you are. Taking off his button up he puts it on you and helps you button it.
“ Come on y/n, stay close. Oh. we thought you’d like these back.” He hands you your father's bow and arrow as well as your pistol and knife.
“ Thank you Rick.” You say with a beaming smile, the biggest you’ve adorned in a long time.
You follow close behind Rick as you make your way out of woodbury, he has to help you walk out of the gates. As soon as you’re safe you drop to the ground exhausted. Rick insists on continuing to the cars. So using the last of your strength you get up and walk the road to the car. You hear the rest of the group making their way out of the wall, not able to see them yet. You get to the car and Rick get’s water and hands it to you. Drinking it down feverishly you thank him and wait for the rest of the group. As soon as Glenn gets to the cars he looks at you with the most pitiful look you’ve ever seen and gives you a hug. Michonne was up next, pulling you into a tight hug and lingered. Maggie came up and you both knew you went through similar things, so you express how sorry you both were and embraced. You then stood up out of the car and saw Daryl about 20 feet from you. Up until now you hadn't cried, but seeing him made you break down. He drops his bow and runs over to you holding you close to him as you both cry softly. You hold onto him tighter than you ever have and never want to let go. 
“ What the fuck did they do to you?!” He aggressively asks as he sees all your bruises and the fact that you have no clothes other than Ricks shirt.
You can’t bring yourself so say it so you said the only thing you knew was right.
“ It doesn’t matter what they did, I did what I needed to in order to survive.” you quietly say looking to the ground.
The whole ride back to the prison Daryl was watching you, protective as ever. As you start to yawn he picks his arm for you to lay on his lap. You fell asleep while he played with your hair.
“ I will never let anything like that happen to you ever again y/n” you hear him whisper seconds before slipping into unconsciousness. 
Daryl gently wakes you up once you pull up to the prison. You grin seeing your friends, no, your family waiting for you. Getting out of the car you look over to Beth and Carl while Judith is sound asleep in Beth’s arms. You walk up looking around for Lori, you missed her almost more than anyone. 
“ Where’s Lori?” you ask, still half asleep.
“ She didn’t make it…” Rick says as he places a hand on your shoulder
“ Oh my god… I’m so sorry.” you look at him empathetically, seeing a slight coldness you didn't recognize.
“ Carol will bring you to the showers and will get you some clothes to wear” Rick says, changing the subject quickly.
As you feel the water on your skin, you feel grateful to scrub off all of the filth of the last week. You begin scrubbing harder and harder, almost trying to scrub off the feeling of the hands all over you. You don't cry though, you finish washing up and you get dressed in black shorts and a light blue tank top. Throwing your dads crossbow over your shoulder and putting the gun in it’s holster you walk outside. You walk up to Rick and the others as you hear them planning a strategy for when they come. The crowd gets quiet as you approach.
“ y/n you should be sleeping” Carol says as she tries to usher you inside.
“ No… I’m gonna fight.” you state loud enough for everyone to hear
“ but…” Glenn began to speak but you cut him off.
“ No fucking butts! You don’t know what they did to me! I want them to suffer…” You raise your voice and make your point. 
a/n- Holy shit that was a hard one to write. As a rape survivor i want to do a little disclaimer. I am not glorifying rape, it’s a horrible thing women and men have to go through daily.
@aquariusfangirl​ @mysterious-398​ @onlydarylnormanfic​
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takadasaiko · 7 years
Such Great Heights: Part Nine (a Wynonna Earp fic)
Part Nine
Blue eyes blinked sluggishly open and he felt like he was trying to wade through a thick fog, every thought taking a little longer than it should have to sort through. It took a moment for him to piece together that he wasn't laid out on the main street that cut through the middle of Purgatory, but rather on what felt like a metal floor and was staring up at a ceiling rather than the sky above him. It was freezing, his breath showing as a groan escaped him as he shifted, every muscle in his body fighting the movement. He got turned enough that he could see what looked like the inside of a walk in freezer and the rest of Wynonna's friends and family in various states of wakefulness. None of them looked too worse for wear, even if chilled same as he was.
"Oh good, you're awake."
He turned, finding Wynonna herself standing over him with her arms crossed and the question died before it even made it to his lips. Willa. Grace. He'd lost them, or maybe hadn't even had them at all. That family that he'd been so certain that he loved had been bait, dangled in front of him and he had jumped at a dream life that he wasn't sure he'd even known he could still want. He'd been played for a fool and when he got his hands on Clootie he was going to tear him to pieces.
"Yeah," he bit out, forcing himself to his feet and he reached a hand out, half-frozen fingers outstretched and splayed in front of him, and the door began to rattle. He felt the metal react, the world around him tinging red with the effort and it gave.
The heavy door slammed forward and there was a yelp from the other side as it collided with a Revenant that had been left on guard duty, little good that he did. Bobo was first out and he growled lowly, catching sight of the second guard. He recognized him. Jim… No, Jon, he thought. It didn't matter. He could feel the brand burning his back as he swung the door around and into Jonny boy, slamming him against the wall.
"Where's my gun, asshole?" Wynonna demanded and the Revenant stared up at her with terror in his eyes even as the Heir took hold of the front of his shirt.
"He won't tell you," Bobo grunted, looking around. They were in the back kitchen of a restaurant just down from the sheriff's station. It looked like Clootie had had them dragged in there after putting them under the dream spell, and likely planned to let them freeze to death while they'd happily lived out their last breaths in the dream world, oblivious to the fact that they should have been fighting for their lives. It had kept them placated and given him time to… Bobo still wasn't sure, but he really didn't care. He'd stopped caring a great deal about the people caught of this town long ago and his goal, his one aim, was ripping Clootie to shreds now.
"Bobo, are you-"
"No," he snapped, cutting Waverly's soft question off. He didn't have to hear it to know exactly what she was trying to ask. "No I'm not." He blew past her, heading for the restaurant's exit to the main street.
He didn't quite make it, though. His hand touched the door as he felt the change in pressure, pure power throwing him back not unlike the Revenant that had been caught in his own escape just moments before. Bobo hit hard, snarling as he kicked the newly broken wood door off of him. Clootie stood in the opened entrance, much more whole than they'd last seen him, and a ring resting on his finger. So that had been it. This whole bag of chaos had been so that he could steal that damned ring back.
Bobo hauled himself to his feet, Wynonna close enough that he could speak lowly. "Get Peacemaker."
"What about you?"
"We'll see if there's enough left for you when I'm through."
His blue eyes flickered to the entrance, catching Clootie's golden gaze, and he could hear the screams from beyond the door. The demon's smile was twisted. He always had enjoyed torturing the citzens of Purgatory. "Have a nice nap, Robert?" A deep, rumbling growl escaped Bobo as he bent a little, ready to spring into action, but that only seemed to amuse Clootie more. "After everything, I would feel let down if you just stepped aside."
"There's only one way this ends."
"That's a severe lack of imagination." Clootie chuckled, his boots sounding against the wooden floor of the restaurant. It was empty, just the two of them, and Bobo imagined he'd sent a collection of Revenants around back to head off any attempt at escape by the Earp clan. "That's not something I would expect from you, especially after all the years and all you've seen. Tell me, how was Willa?"
Hatred boiled him over the tipping point and he leapt forward, a snarl on his lips as he had to cut sharply right to avoid a blow aimed at him. Clootie had barely twitched, but power that looked like a streak of blue cutting through the air left the floor where Bobo had just been smoldering and he couldn't move fast enough to avoid the next one.
The hit took him off his feet, slamming him hard and he rolled to a stop, the pain on par with crossing the line. He lay there for a half a moment, coughing and sputtering against it, but a single image pushed through the blow, and he remembered Willa's determined expression as she had held tight to Grace, letting him go to escape the destruction of a world that had been falling down around them.
He grimaced, pulling himself up to his knees, and he held onto the memory like a lifeline. Slowly his gaze focused in on Clootie who had a twisted smile played out across his features now as he moved towards the struggling Revenant. He tilted his head just a little as he reached out, taking hold of the strip of hair and pulling back hard. "Stubborn, but you always did look better on your knees. Stay."
"No," Bobo snarled and the world went red as he pulled hard for anything metal that his powers could reach, and the restaurant was full of it. Tables and chairs, knives, and even a framed piece of art flew from the wall and while Clootie was able to deflect most of it, he couldn't stop the angry Revenant that came at him, knocking him into the ground as hard as he was physically capable.
There was a loud cracking sound as the demon that was responsible for the Earp Curse hit the unyielding floor beneath them and Bobo's hands went around his throat, palms pressed hard enough against his windpipe that he choked against the pressure.
"You," Bobo snarled, and the pain unbearable. Every time he thought he'd hit his threshold, something pushed him past it and brought a new level of anguish into his life. It was the only constant in his life. Everything and everyone else left him, but the one thing that he would have happily let go of - the one thing that he'd tried so hard to let the numbness of time and everything he'd done to survive ebb away at - remained steady and growing. There was always pain, but this… this was too much. "You made me think-"
"Oh no, Robert," Clootie choked out. "I didn't make you think anything. That life, that was all you. And her, of course. She had some part in it dreaming up a world where she didn't… suffer quite like she did."
"That wasn't Willa."
"Was it not?" the demon asked, that terrifying smile back and Bobo wondered when he'd let his grip loosen enough for the other to speak. "Do you really think that a dream could create a person that you loved so clearly? No, she was real, Robert. Real as you are, and you left her there."
"Willa died."
"So did you. Curses are funny things, aren't they?"
The truth of what he was saying sunk in and Bobo felt a terror spread through him. His Willa. She'd been his Willa. Of course she had, and he'd left her there. He'd…
"You never learn your lesson with those Earps, do you?" Clootie asked and Bobo didn't have time to react.
Power slammed into him, picking him fully up and throwing him back hard enough that he went crashing through the front window of the restaurant and into the street. He laid there, sprawled out against the asphalt and staring up at the sky above him, the colours strangely beautiful. It hurt, he knew that on some level, but the physical pain was nothing compared to suckerpunch of knowing that all he'd had to do was drag her with him to save her. He'd failed her again.
He could hear the sound of Clootie's steps and the raspy chuckle. "I'll give you this, Robert, you've always been determined. It's impressive, really. I wondered that day what Wyatt would have seen in someone like you, but I do see it now. That's why -" he lifted one boot and set it back down on Bobo's chest, the pressure causing the Revenant to cough against it - "it's good to see you like this. Broken. It had to happen sooner or later, wouldn't you say? With everyone that's left you, abandoned you…"
"Get outa my head," Bobo managed, but the fight hadn't quite made it back into him yet.
"They're gone. The Heir? She's not going to risk her life to make sure you stumble away from this. All you've done is sacrifice yourself to make sure another one gets away. Same story. Gets a bit dull, doesn't it?"
A shot rang out and he watched Clootie's eyes widen from above him, dark blood blossoming from the exit wound in his chest. It wasn't a kill shot, but it was the first time since Wyatt that anyone had been able to get a bullet past the demon's defences.
The second shot wasn't so lucky, but it did cause Bulshar to release the Revenant under his boot and Bobo turned on his side, wincing against the back-to-back blows he'd suffered and he saw Wynonna moving towards them, Peacemaker in her hand and the shots going off. Doc, Dolls, Waverly, and Nicole were behind her, even Junior with his plastic gun in determinedly steady hands.
"Get the hell away from him," Wynonna said, pulling the hammer back on Wyatt's gun.
Bobo managed to sit up to see Clootie slinking away, finally at a stalemate with the Heir. He was injured, and the moment that he dropped his defences to attack her she'd finish him off for good. It wasn't a risk he'd be willing to take.
Several long moments of silence followed Bulshar's retreat and Bobo leaned against bent knees, feeling sick. He didn't look up as tassled boots stepped into his line of sight. "We've gotta do some damage control," Wynonna murmured awkwardly. "Are you….?"
"I'll meet up later," Bobo managed, still not bothering to look up.
"You want someone to stay with you?"
He snorted, finally letting his gaze travel up to the fifth Heir he'd known. "I'll manage. Run along."
Wynonna rolled her eyes a little at him and turned on her heel. He didn't need her pity. He didn't want it. No one could give him what he wanted. It didn't exist anymore.
"You look like you could use a drink," Wynonna said, trying for a smile and failing miserably as she leaned against the bar next to Doc. He was staring at a shot glass that he'd already finished off, but he didn't seem inclined to move to refill it.
"More 'n one," he mumbled and she rounded the bar to grab another glass.
She could feel his eyes on her the whole way around, but she didn't say anything as she grabbed for the whiskey bottle and filled both glasses neat. They drank, set the glasses down, and she filled them back up again.
Doc cleared his throat. "How's, uh, everythin' goin' with the clean up?"
"Well, he trashed the place pretty good," Wynonna grumbled, thinking back to the chaos that they'd found the BBD offices in. Bulshar had torn through it as he looked for his ring that Widow Mercedes had stolen from him and that they'd tried to keep from him. The fact that he found it was just another setback in a collection of them, but that would be a battle for another day. For now, they'd all gotten out alive and… mostly intact. She winced a little at the utterly destroyed look that seemed to be resting on Doc's handsome features. "You okay?"
He shrugged and pulled in a deep breath. "It was nice," he admitted softly. "You 'n me 'n Alice like that."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Wasn't just my dream, Wynonna. Took both of us to make that."
Her lips tugged down and she took another long drink from her glass. "I really don't want to think about that right now, Doc."
"You never do."
"It's hard. I miss her…. so much." She couldn't look at him as she spoke, her eyes focused on every marking in the old wood that made up the bar. She jumped just a little as his hand covered hers and squeezed.
"Me too, darlin'."
She turned her hand over in his, feeling his fingers brush along the skin on the underside of her wrist and she tightened her hold, finally meeting his gaze. "We're going to beat him, and when we do, she's coming home."
"Best do it soon or she ain't gonna remember our faces."
"Yeah." The door to the bar opened and she looked over his shoulder to see Bobo Del Rey shuffling in. It had been hours and no one had had any idea where he'd gone to, but there he was, snow covered and the shock of white hair spiked up from the wind that had started howling outside. Wynonna sighed. "Time to handle that," she grumbled.
"Hey," Doc called, stopping her in her steps. "Go easy on him, huh?"
She snorted a short laugh. "Who are you and what have you done with Doc Holliday?"
He rolled his eyes and waved her off, reaching for the whiskey again as she turned.
Bobo was knocking his boots off at the door as she rounded the bar and steeled herself for the mood that he was bound to be in. She couldn't blame him, not really, but a part of her hoped that the outpouring of rage he'd given Bulshar had helped balance him out a little bit at least. As much as she hated to admit it, he was now an integral part of their team, and this was far from over. "Yo, dummy," she greeted, immediately kicking herself for the teasing greeting that she'd used so often in the dream world. Damn. This was going to be harder than she thought.
He pushed a short breath out through his nose. "Wynonna," he greeted back, those sharp blue eyes no longer hidden behind glasses as he looked over to her. "I take it you managed to get things back under control?"
"More or less. You know how Purgatory is. They prefer an answer that will let them ignore what's really going on even if it's crazy."
Bobo gave a short shrug in response and started for the bar. He didn't acknowledge Doc, but instead grabbed a bottle of liquor without bothering with a glass and found a table in the back corner to sit and sulk away from the others who had started to come in. Wynonna knew the intention had been to drink alone, but she'd never been good at doing nothing before, and right then drinking with Bobo and his problems seemed a lot easier than drinking with Doc and the one that they shared.
"What do ya want, Earp?" Bobo grumbled as she pulled a chair out.
"Oh, you know, to drink away that entire world, mostly," she answered and snagged his bottle, taking a long swig from him.
He grunted a response and took it back the moment she set it down. Wynonna watched him as he drank, set it down, and slid in his chair, slouched and angry looking. She chewed on the inside of her cheeks a little, searching for something, anything, that might help. She wasn't very good at comforting, but she didn't like seeing people she cared about in pain either. Well, that was interesting. She cared about Bobo Del Rey. As much as she'd like to blame the lingering memories from the dream spell for that, she knew it had come before that. "Listen," she started, a few quick drinks back-to-back on an empty stomach leaving her a little more open than normal, "I know this… sucks."
"The depth of your understanding never ceases to amaze, Wynonna girl," Bobo sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose. "Could you let me drink in as close to peace as I can get?"
"No, because I get it." She leaned forward and he leaned back. "That world… that life that we all lived, it felt hella real. Everything about it. I think we lived it in a way and we all…. Saw what our lives could have been." She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and all she wanted in that moment was her daughter in her arms to tell her not to cry. "We all lost something."
"Difference is you got a chance to get it back."
Wynonna grimaced at the words and for just a moment she couldn't help but think of him laid out in the snow, face half blown away by a grenade, and neither had believed the other truly loved Willa in the end. She knew now. She knew that he loved her, even if this life had been more complicated than the other. Wynonna swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah, well, I just meant…. You're not alone. Just because we're back doesn't make you any less family. She loved you there and here."
He looked at her like she'd taken a shot at him, pain so deep that it actually hurt her and she didn't want to imagine what it was doing to him. Bobo stood, grabbing the bottle, and she remained rooted in her seat as he muttered something about a cigarette as he walked past her.
She heard Doc scoot his stool away from the bar after the front door closed and she finally turned. "I don't think he's in a talking mood," she warned.
Doc offered a smile that didn't reach his eyes as he followed the Revenant out into the snow.
The snow hadn't let up in the five minutes that he'd been inside Shorty's, not that he'd really expected it to. He had hoped that Wynonna and her little band could leave him alone long enough to actually get something of a buzz going from whatever Holliday had in stock under the bar. No such luck, though, so it looked like he got to freeze his ass off while he drank. They'd be less likely to follow him out into the building mess.
Bobo shoved a hand into his coat, looking for his cigarettes and coming back empty. He checked the other side and his jean pockets and loosed an angry snarl, eyes flashing in irritation. He couldn't catch a break.
The door opened behind him and he whirled, ready to let Wynonna have it if she'd been fool enough to follow him, but Doc Holliday held a pack of cigarettes out as a peace offering. Bobo sniffed, taking the pack and knocking one out, switching the pack for the lighter next and he felt the smoke travel down his throat with the first drag. He took a heavy seat on the curb of the sidewalk outside the bar and gave a lazy motion. "Figure if you share your smokes I'm expected to share my booze."
Doc took a seat next to him. "I do believe you mean my booze, as it came from my bar."
"Which I never saw a dime for."
"Happens when someone kills ya."
Bobo shook his head, a strained laugh escaping him despite everything. It was strange, he still hated Holliday in a way, but when he looked at him he could also see Hank and all those memories of a friendship closer than either of them had ever had even with Wyatt swirling around and fighting for space in his head. It made hating him a little harder.
"It's funny," Doc chuckled, though there wasn't a great deal of mirth in it. "I remember you bein' there when my mother passed. Sittin' out on her porch like we are here, drinkin' and smokin'. Ain't nothin' to say to ease somethin' like losin' someone you love."
"That didn't happen," Bobo huffed.
"Felt real enough to me. Like raisin' Alice an' watchin' those two girls grow up together." Doc sniffed hard, running the back of his hand along his nose. "Spell or not, it happened. Not gonna do any good to deny that."
"'Spose not." Bobo took a long drag from the cigarette and let the smoke escape into the cold night air, a confession riding out on the breath. "I let them go."
Doc didn't answer right away, and that was much more the Hank he knew than the man that Robert had left down at the bottom of the well so many years before. Bobo closed his eyes and dug the heel of one hand into his eye, hoping to alleviate some of the building pressure behind it. "Willa was real. Clootie, he…. I knew it before he said it. Didn't wanna admit it, but I knew it."
"How's that possible to bring her back like that?"
Bobo shrugged. "How's any of this possible? Damn curse."
"And Grace?" The question was half swallowed, like he regretted it before he finished asking.
The Revenant shook his head. She couldn't be real, not from what he knew. Revenants and humans couldn't have children, but… He sighed, reaching for the liquor. "We loved her more 'n anything. Can't love a dream like that," he managed, Willa's words hurting more coming from his lips.
"I am sorry. For what it's worth, we're gonna need you in this fight."
"And here I am. Ain't never gonna catch a break for it, but here I am."
Doc made a small sound of acknowledgement and took hold of the bottle, lifting it. "To…. Willa."
He'd frozen, Willa's name on his lips and Bobo was about ready to tell him to drink or give it over, but he saw how Doc's gaze was focused in on something behind him rather than on him. He turned, squinting against the bright snow, and he saw a figure moving towards them that he'd have known anywhere. Those hazel eyes staring straight at him and her long, dark blonde hair tangling around itself in the winds. Bobo forgot how to breathe.
"I'll be damned," Doc managed. "Are you…?"
"Hey boys," she greeted softly, though her eyes never left Bobo. "I like the new hair."
Her voice shook Bobo from his stupor and he stood slowly, afraid to break yet another spell. There she was, her boots leaving tracks in the snow and she inched towards him almost hesitantly. She stopped, not quite touching him, and stared up at him. "I had the strangest dream."
He reached out, his fingers trembling fingers touching her cheek and she was solid. Real. They were awake and she was real. "How?" he choked out.
She tried for a smile, leaning into his touch and turning to kiss his palm just as he had hers before Doc had dragged him through the portal back to the waking world. "I don't know for sure. Everything was crashing down and then suddenly I was just… waking up at the edge of town."
Willa's expression fell and she shook her head. "I was alone."
He nodded, trying to keep perspective. Grace had been something that they had created in that dreamworld together, just as they would have here if given the chance. It didn't make her any less real. Just not yet.
Bobo pulled her forward, wrapping Willa up in his arms and he felt hers go around his waist, her cheek pressed against his chest. "We'll get her back," he swore, kissing the side of her head. "You 'n me, we're gonna get Gracie back and then little Wyatt. We're gonna get 'em back." He pulled back so that he could see her clearly, focusing in on every detail of her face. It was her. He was sure it was her.
"I'm here," she promised, reading his anxiety, and she gave him a strained smile. She reached up, one hand on either side of his face and her voice held that determined tone that he loved. "And we will. We're too damn stubborn to let this curse take anything else from us. We're gonna make it happen."
"Wouldn't bet against you," he chuckled roughly and she tipped up on her toes, her lips soft against his and he lifted her up into it, feeling more right in that moment than he had in some time. He wasn't going to let her go again.
They broke after a long moment, her hands still holding him close and his wrapped around her, even as he set her down slowly, leaning down so that their foreheads were resting against each other. He breathed her in, focused, and his teeth clicked lightly as he opened his eyes to look at her. She was smiling a little mischievously. "Looks like we spooked Doc."
Bobo chuckled, kissing her lightly. "Nah, but we're 'bout to have an audience."
"Everyone in there?"
"Just about." She hummed softly, her expression turning a little worried. "Willa?"
"You think they'll forgive me? For what I did here…. We were so close in the dream. I don't want to give that up."
He snorted, a low growl accompanying the almost-laugh. "They do love their second chances, and they saw how much you can love 'em."
Willa shifted her grip, arms around his neck, and he didn't mind pulling her close again. "And you?"
"Nothin' to forgive."
"You sure?"
"I'm in this for life, remember? Ain't nothin' changed with that."
"Except that I died. You don't have to-"
He didn't let her finish as he leaned down and kissed her. He could feel her grin against him and he knew his answer was clear enough. He'd died too. This wasn't then, it was now. The dream had been their own new start and they were too damn stubborn to give up what they really wanted. Freedom meant the power to choose, and Bobo chose this. He chose her. The kiss lingered even as he heard Wynonna barreling out of Shorty's, and he held onto the moment that he and Willa had alone together as long as he was able to.
Notes: Oh wow, that was such a fun ride. I'd love to know your thoughts now that it's done XD
And, for those that are interested, I'm thinking of doing a few one-shots in this 'verse, both during the dream state and after, so if you have scenes you'd like to see (either from offhanded comments or just in general) just drop me a line here or on Tumblr and I'll add it to the list :D
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