#she went to my orchestra concert that is tomorrow and we argued
the-hopeless-haze · 1 year
Friends breakup friends get married strangers get born and strangers get buried trends change rumors fly through new skies but IM RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT ME FOR REAL
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stories-forthe-void · 5 years
Summer Nights and Pool Fights~ Lee Minho
This is the town that I based the landscape off. It’s kind of important to the descriptions. Also, I, ’m sorry for writing so many stories about the beach but it’s where I’ve grown up so my mind kind of goes there when I need a quick setting. Anyways enjoy the fic ^^. Also I promise to make this all look nicer when I get back from hiatus. Only 9 days this time!
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My fingers felt like they were going to fall off and my brain was being fried within my skull from the hours I had spent trying to sight read a 17/8 time signature. Join the state orchestra, they said. It'll be fun. Fun my foot. I'd spent all day sitting in one of my college’s music rooms practising for a massive concert next month and I still couldn't get the last few bars of the flute solo down.
 It’s not that hard Y/N.
I know OK just go away I need to concentrate.
She’ll kick you out if you don’t get it down by next week Y/N.
I get it Ok! I’m trying just-
 “Y/N?” Then the door rattled. Dammit, Minho. You always pick the perfect time to make an entrance. I tried to ignore the banging on the door. “Y/N, I know you’re in there. Open the door.” He rattled the door again. “Please, your mom gave me some of her lasagnas to bring you!” I was at the door in seconds and unlocking it before he could say anything more.
 You lost to pasta again Y/N.
 “Shh, no speaking, now where’s the pasta?” I held out my hand.
 “I knew that would work. Here,” he handed me a Tupperware full of my mom’s famous lasagna. I swear they should make like a black market where children can sell their mother’s cooking. I could make millions!
 “Now would you like to explain why you haven’t come out of this room the whole weekend? Seriously you know there are better places to practice than on campus, right? Like why would you willingly come back here?” He gave me a typical Minho face that said: really Y/N? You could be spending your weekends with your amazing best friend, but no you prioritize your metal tube over me. Oh, the horror!
 “I have my reasons!” I exclaimed, hitting him on the shoulder.
 “Name three decent ones.”
 “Alright, reason one: they have aircon in here and my fan messes with the sound waves.” He shot me another typical Minho look. ”I'm serious! It's a legitimate problem in the flautist community!”
 “Alright, alright, kind of I believe you. Now, two more reasons. Come on.”
 “I, um, yeah, um, ok! Stop looking at me like that. The concert is next month Minho! Did expect me to just sit and do nothing?” I exclaimed
 “No, I don't, but I do expect you to instil some basic self-care! You can't just lock yourself in a music room all long weekend from dusk till dawn and then every afternoon after class. You need a break. Believe me, I need one too. We have a competition next week but I don’t lock myself in the practice room! So, please let me take you out of this horribly decorated room and do something fun with your best friend.” It's not that I didn't want to it was just that I couldn't. I was new in the orchestra. I still wasn't technically an official member, which meant Mrs Walsh could kick me out whenever she wished.
 “Minho I can’t -”
 “Y/N I get it. You're scared. I mean I would be too with a conductor like Mrs Walsh, but you are one of the best flautists I know.”
 “I'm the only flautist you know” I deadpanned.
 “That's beside the point. You need a break.”
 “Okay let's say I agree to this madness. What are we going to do? It's not like we can just take a drive to some magical island in the middle of nowhere.”
 “Oh Y/N, you severely underestimate my connections.” There it was. That was the Minho smile. The very reason I walked up to him on the first day of high school, right after the English teacher found at least 15 paper aeroplanes stuck to the ceiling with increasingly cringy quotes from fanfic.
 “Don’t look at me like that. It makes me nervous!”
“Minho where are we going?!” He had dragged me back to my dorm, made me pack a bag and on top of that insist I leave my flute behind. “Ok no. I’m being serious where are we going. My room mate will kill me if I just run off to some random mountain reserve with a boy.”
 “Calm your farm Y/N. I talked to Yasmin and she said it was fine. We’re going on an adolescent adventure. You’ll look back on this weekend and think ‘wow how did I manage a whole weekend without hooking up with my drop-dead gorgeous best friend’” I punched him in the shoulder.
“Excuse me young one! That is the second time in the past two hours! Ugh, the disrespect for elders in today’s society. Honestly its horrendous” He said it in the most ridiculous British grandmother voice and I honestly would’ve loved to have laughed, but he didn’t need that sort of ego boost right now.
 “You are two months older than me! Come on let’s get going I don’t want to get to wherever we’re going at like midnight.” I picked up my backpack and a duffel bag full of clothes for the weekend and pushed him through the door.
 “Alright, alright, I’m going.” And then we were through the door and in his car. He started the engine and so began the two-hour road trip filled with musical classics such as Gee, Ring Ding Dong and of course Wolf.
“Minho, oh my god this place is amazing! What millionaire cousin are you hiding from me?” I walked through the front door right into the lounge which opened up onto a massive deck with the most beautiful infinity pool I had ever seen. The deck looked out onto the main beach down below. It was decorated in that classic beach house décor that was probably way older than both of us, but it was still gorgeous. The kitchen was small but had a coffee machine. Perfect, I can drag Minho out to watch the sunrise tomorrow morning and he won’t complain.
 The garden and downstairs were pretty spacious but upstairs was much smaller. The house was probably designed with an “all day at the beach then entertain all night and only use the bedrooms for sleep” kind of vibe. The first bedroom was obviously for kids, bunk bed, no aircon, barely any shelving space and was basically being used as a surfboard storeroom. Not. An. Option.
 Please let there be two more bedrooms, please.
 It’s not like I haven’t slept in friends beds before, but Minho was a different story. That smile wasn’t the only thing that drew me towards him on that fateful first day of high school. Can you judge me though? He was an attractive new guy who had just transferred from a school in South Korea. He was an amazing dancer and he could sing. He was any band nerd’s dream. So I may or may not have a massive crush on my best friend...
 I pushed back the thought and continued through the house. I had no idea where Mino was but he could manage ten minutes without burning a house down… hopefully.
 The next room was just a bathroom and the next a storeroom. Who needs that many beach balls? Then at the end of the hall was the main bedroom. Dammit looks like I’m sleeping on the floor.
“Y/N where are you?” Minho shouted from what sounded like the bottom of the stairs.
 “I’m up here,” and a few seconds later he was by your side throwing you a smirk. “Oh, fluff of. I bet Yasmin didn’t agree with this part of the trip.”
 “No, no she didn’t. I didn’t think it was important. Besides, I’ll just sleep on the floor it's fine.” He went to go pull a mattress off one of the bunk bed, but I caught the back of his shirt.
 “Nope, no way. There is no way I am letting you sleep on the floor.” He began to object “Uh uh, no buts, this one’s not negotiable.” And that was that. He knew by now that there was no arguing with me, not unless he wanted to be left to walk to class alone for a week. So he agreed but sulked about it the whole time we were unpacking the car.
 “So, what are going to do for food tonight?” I asked as we sat down on the grass next to the pool.
 “I don’t know. We could go down to the restaurant by the beach. The service is terrible but the food and the view make up for it. Unless you want to go down to the store to buy food and actually make dinner?” The house was on top of a hill that overlooked the beach below. The view was amazing. The lagoon mouth was open and although it was getting late there were still children playing in the granny pool beside it.
 “You know Minho, I’ve been coming here my whole life and I’ve never noticed this house before. We usually stay right down there near the main beach. The house has been in my family for ages.” The question at hand had drifted from my mind as I sat in awe of the small town’s beauty in the fading sunlight.
 “Well, this is actually my elder cousin’s house. He said I could use it whenever I want when I got to college, so last year I got a spare set of keys made and I come here with Jisung and Felix sometimes. But I did ask you about food.” He let out a soft chuckle. I pulled myself out of my trance and looked at him.
 “Oh, right. Sorry I completely forgot. It’s just so beautiful here.” We both started out at the ocean again.
 “Ok stop distracting me from the question! Are you trying to starve me Y/N?”
 “Ok yes. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Um, I don’t really feel like cooking if that’s OK with you? Plus I haven’t seen this place in a while and the beach is calling me.” It really was and I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to get there.
 “Ok, that’s fine. We can go now then!’’
We got to the restaurant and ate a casual dinner, nothing too fancy, and then we got some drinks and headed to the rocks on the side of the lagoon mouth. It was pretty cold at night during this time of year so we sat close to keep warm. It wasn’t unusual for us, but the dark and the beach and everything just made it feel weird.
We sat like that, in the dark, arms touching, looking out at the inky water and the reflection of the moon in it, for a while. We didn’t say anything and yet thousands of words were spoken in silence; without as much as a glance at each other.
It was weird to pull ourselves out of that silence, but we did it and were now walking down the, or rather up the hill to get back to the house.
You know Y/N you really are that idiot. The one thing we promised ourselves we wouldn’t do was to fall in love with the best friend. Now, look. You are completely and utterly whipped. No going back now. So what’s the plan? Are you going to confess in some stuttering mess of a sentence in some dark, ding music room or are you going to keep this from him for forever and die an old crazy cat lady with sixteen cats named Gerrald, Richard Parker, Isabelle-
 “So Y/N what’s the plan for tomorrow?” He nudged my shoulder lightly and pulled me from my thoughts.
 “Um, I don’t know. What do you feel like doing? I mean there’s not much else to do than go to the beach is there?” We got to the top of the hill and stopped to catch our breath.
 “Well there’s a waterpark like half an hour away or an amazing waffle place in the next town, but beach sounds good for the first day. The waterpark will be packed anyways.” We started walking again as it started to get colder.
 “Yeah, that sounds great.” I thought about it for a second and then added in my best Disney villain voice: “On one condition.” He almost looked nervous for a second but then slapped on a cocky grin before I could even remember what his face had looked like before.
 “Name anything; this weekend is for you.” Two could play at that game.
 “Ok then, I’m waking you up at six thirty tomorrow to go watch the sunrise.” Now he looked nervous again.
 “I mean um well. Come on Y/N we’ve been best friends for years is this really a necessity?”
 “Yes, Minho it very much is and I will drag you down this hill tomorrow morning if I have to. Thank you for a nice evening but I will now shower and then retire to the floor.” I let out a laugh and then started walking up the stairs.
 “You know you’ll have to deal with me the minute you get out the shower right.” He laughed with me as he started following me up the stairs.
 “Yes Minho, I do in fact realise that, but the fact that I have to see you does not mean I have to listen to you complain about a six thirty wake up call. Honestly, it’s not that bad you lazy ass.” I closed the bathroom door and locked it behind me. I wasn’t trying to be mean; I was just trying to have fun, but I’m bad at working out the difference so…
It was midnight and the floor was cold.
Why he thought that coming to the beach in the middle of autumn was a good idea, I might never know.
At least we haven’t said anything stupid in at least an hour Y/N.
I’ve been asleep!
Yes but we can say stupid things in our sleep Y/N.
Ok no, not listening to you anymore. Goodnight.
It was now half past one. The floor was still cold.
Unless we plan on getting a cold Y/N, we have one option.
What can a cold do to me, come on?
It can turn into a chest infection and then a lung infection and then wow look Y/N can’t play the flute anymore and oh look again we’ve been kicked out the orchestra.
Shut up.
One option Y/N, one option…
 I went to go shake Minho awake. Giving in to the voice in my head was something I was trying to get better at but it still didn’t work that well… most of the time.
 “Come on Minho please wake up!” He was usually a light sleeper, but he was probably doing this just to spit me. “Lee Minho I know you’re awake.” I waited a minute and then gave in to his plan that I knew was most definitely churning in that stupid, amazing brain of his. “Fine, ok, the floor is cold. Please, can I sleep with you?” He smirked but kept his eyes closed. “Not like that you pervert!”
 He stirred, opened his eyes and then sat up and said: “Ya sure. I knew you’d give in eventually. No one can resist this face.” He smirked at me again and batted his eyelashes.
 “Oh, would you shut up and move over.” I wanted it to come out a bit sterner, but I ended up laughing as he pouted at me and scooted so he wasn’t hogging the entire bed to himself. I turned to look at him and, in the most loving tone I could muster for one am, said: “Goodnight idiot.”
 “Goodnight my bestest most loving friend forever.” We both burst out laughing (even though it was a pretty terrible joke) and fell asleep just like that, heads nearly touching but not. Toes tangled by instinct to keep warm. My heart wouldn’t calm down. I thought I might have a heart attack in my sleep. To anyone else (including me) it would have looked romantic. I secretly hoped Minho thought so too.
 My internal clock woke me up at six. I had gotten used to waking up to practice and then going straight to lectures and then going straight back to practice.
 I was about to sit up when I noticed it. Minho’s arm slung over my waist and his head ever so slightly snuggled into my side. I got such a shock when I saw it that I jolted. He started to wake up and I started to panic.
 Oh we’ve really done it now haven’t we Y/N.
You’re not helping!
Hwta are we going to do about this Y/N.
I don’t know! You’re meant to be the logical one.
I’m just a voice in your head. How am I meant to be logical Y/N?
You’re the one always shouting at me!
No, we’re always the ones shouting at us.
What the hell is that supposed to mean!
To late Y/N
“Mm Y/N?” Oh god.
We spent the day at the beach, eating chips and drinking whatever was cheapest. We messed around in the water and read on the sand, but something was always a bit off.
 “I’m sorry about this morning Y/N. I don’t know what happened.” We were walking down to a different beach to go watch the sunset. I had compromised with Minho after this morning’s antics.
 “It’s fine Minho, it was cold. Body heat you know?” I let out a nervous laugh and looked over at him. It was fairly light out, as the sun was just starting to disappear under the horizon. I didn’t know if it was a trick of the early morning sun or if that was actually a blush I saw dusted on his cheeks. “Minho seriously, we’re friends it doesn’t matter. Come on stop looking so embarrassed. If anything it should be me blushing I mean I was the one-”
 “I am not blushing!” He whipped his head towards me and glared.
 “Ok sure mister ladies man.” It was like a whole different person. Minho was never like this. He was always the loud cocky one at the college parties, flirting with all the girls and then passing out on my couch after one to many jager bombs.
 Today he was like a teenage boy going through puberty who had a crush on his older sister’s best friend.
 He likes us back Y/N
Not with you in my head he doesn’t.
Stop denying that you wouldn’t be a functioning human without me Y/N.
Fuck off I’m trying to enjoy the sunset!
Don’t screw it up Y/N.
 We both froze the minute we got out the dune forest and onto the sand.
 “Omg Y/N! It’s beautiful.” He was right. The sun was halfway under the horizon and had turned the few clouds in the sky the most breathtaking shade of pink.
 “Ok who are you and what have you done with my best friend.” It was both weird and strangely endearing to see Minho so excited about a sunrise.
 “What’s so wrong with a guy liking the sky.” I chuckled.
 You’re whipped Y/N.
Since when did you use stan language?
Since when did we start using stan language Y/N?
Oh, shut up!
 “There’s nothing wrong with a guy liking the sky. I just never pinned you for a sky guy.”
 “Y/N I am shocked, I am such a sky guy.”
 “Ok, no more sky guying. Come on let’s sit down” We both laughed together and as we sat laughing on the sand I realised that this had been the most constantly happy I had been all year.
 Don’t screw it up Y/N
 “Oh, would you shut up!” I immediately clasped my hand over my mouth. Minho looked at me with a look that was somewhere between completely shocked and hurt. “Minho I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to say it out loud. Oh, wait no that’s not what I meant. Um… I’m sorry I was just. I um, I-”
 I told you not to screw it up Y/N
 I could feel tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. Minho was still looking at me with that face. I couldn’t speak.
 Why now! It was going well! You ruin everything.
Not me, us. It’s not my voice Y/N
 I broke down. I was so sick of this stupid voice in my head and now look what it had done. Why couldn’t I just turn it off? Why did it have to-
 I felt arms wrapping around me and pulling me into someone’s chest.
 “Shh, it’s ok Y/N. You’re ok.” I didn’t understand why he was always so selfless. Behind that stupid ego of his, he was just my best friend.
 I don’t know how long we sat on the beach like that. The sun ha set and it was dark outside by the time I lifted my head from his chest and tried to speak but he stopped me.
 “Before you make some bullshit excuse and say you’re fine, you’re not and you are going to tell me what’s going on in that brain of yours because I am tired of seeing the person I love suffer.”
 See look it’s-
 “Please just be quiet,” I whispered into Minho’s chest once again.
 “Y/N please tell me what’s going on. You’re really starting to scare me.” I looked back up at him and the worry in his eyes had my heart crumbling into dust.
 “I just- I don’t know Minho. I just can’t get it to be quiet and it ruins everything.” He looked scared. I hated it, but I didn’t know how to explain it.
 “What won’t be quite Y/N?” I pointed to my head. Realization washed over his face, then understanding and lastly sadness.
 “What does it say” It was barely a whisper. I shook my head. I didn’t want to say it aloud. It made it seem too real. It already at too much power over me, it didn’t need this.
 “Please, can we just go home Minho? I’m fine. I dealt with this since like Grade 8 and I’ll deal with it some more. Just please can we go home.” I hated sounding this needy, but I didn’t want to talk about this now or ever. It was something I dealt with by myself or not at all. Minho did not need to be dragged into this.
 “Y/N I can’t just-”
 “Yes you can Minho and you will. We’re not talking about this. Not in the dark on a beach. Maybe somewhere else and in the far future but please, please can we just go home.” He slumped and gave in. He stood up and bent is legs and gestured with his head as if to say hurry up and get on. I’d didn’t I just looked at him, confused.
 “What? Come on I have to be a good friend in some way tonight. Get on.” And so I did. It was weird but not in a bad way. I felt like a kid. It was…nice?
He somehow carried me all the way home, even up that godforsaken hill. We got inside the house, after fumbling with the keys and giggling for a good five minutes, but he didn’t stop there. He ran through the lounge, me still on his back, and opened the sliding door. He headed towards the pool.
 “Minho what are you doing!” He liked back at me and smirked. He put me down and I made to run but he caught the belt loops on my shorts. “Minho seriously what are you- ah!” He had picked me up in his arms and was carrying me towards the pool. “Lee Minho I swear on my flute’s well being if you dare!” He dangled me over the pool.
 “Are you going to talk yet?” I didn’t say anything. I just glared at him and in return, he loosened his grip on me.
 “Minho stop!” I clung on to him.
 “Talk or swim Y/N, the choice is yours.” He shook me as if he was trying to emphasise his point.
 “Minho, you can’t be serious!” He didn’t look at me only at the pool which was dangerously close to my legs. I realised how he was holding me and a blush crawled up my cheeks.
 Just admit it to him already Y/N.
Not now!
He knows about me now; no point in hiding it Y/N.
Oh, shut up.
 “I am being dead serious Y/N. Talk or swim!” I tried to splutter out anything to try to change my mind but all that came out was an incoherent babble.
 “You chose…wrong!” And with that, he threw me in the pool. The perfectly heated water enveloped me as I felt all my clothes get wet. Thank God for beach holidays where the taking off your costume isn’t an option. I took off my wet top and pants and threw them on the side of the pool.
 I came up to take a breath and saw Minho take off his shirt and bolt towards the pool. He canon-balled into the pool; nearly landing on me in the process.  He disappeared in the inky dark of the water, none of the pool lights were on, I mean we didn’t exactly plan on using the pool other than to wash off the sand.
 “Minho, where did you go?” I couldn’t tell if my laugh was out of nervousness or joy. It was so weird. Maybe half an hour ago I was sobbing into his chest trying to keep this stupid thing out my head and now here we were, just stupid kids again. The same Minho who would contemplate the art teachers seeming immortality is the same Minho who had gathered me in his arms and just been there. The same Minho who convinced me to flirt with the lunch lady was the same Minho-
 “Ahhh!” He had come up underneath me, grabbed my legs and launched me in the air. “What the hell was that for!?” I tried to stare him down but he just laughed.
 “Because I think you needed to smile.” He grinned at me, so I splashed him. He splashed back. And so began a five-minute wrestling match. I won, but I think he would have disagreed.
 “Ok, ok,” He puffed out, he looked out of breath, “Now tell me what was going on with you back at the beach.” He had swum right up close to me.
 “Minho do we have to talk about this right now? Can’t we just be two friends in a pool on a spur of the moment holiday?” His face contorted.
 Ughhhhhh, what have I said this time.
 “Is that all I am to you Y/N, a friend?” I had no idea what he was asking. Was he implying something? Or was he just being Minho?
 “I don’t know what you mean Minho.”
 “I mean what I said. Is that all I am to you and am I really that bad at trying to show you that I might want more?” Ok, so he was impling something. Oh my god, he was implying something.
 “WH-what?” I spluttered out.
 “I like you OK Y/N? And I hate seeing you like this; beating yourself down when you’re the most talented, most amazing, most beautiful human I know!”
 “Minho, I, um, I- I just don’t know what. Oh screw it!” It was now or never. I knew I’d never get a chanc like that again so I just, kissed him. And it felt freaking amazing.
  Let’s just say Mrs Walsh was very surprised at how well I played at the concert.
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halo-of-honey · 7 years
Concrete Jungle
Daveed Diggs x Original Fem. Character
Synopsis: Emerson O'Connor has always dreamed of playing in a Broadway pit orchestra. After fleeing Boston to move back home to New York, she is approached by Lin and her whole world changes. But moving to a new city to get away from her past may not be as simple as she originally hoped.
[[ Read on AO3! ]]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Chapter Four: Yep, Grey
The next day I sorted out the best course of action for getting the few possessions I still had down to my new home. I had been sleeping on my old twin mattress from when I was a kid since my double bed was still in Boston. Most of the things I had stolen away with were piled in heaps or still in the suitcases I hastily threw together the night I left. I could bring a suitcase down at a time, but I was worried what kind of questions Daveed might ask. So I decided, for normalities sake I would need to pack everything into boxes.
After driving to the local U Haul and stopping for an afternoon snack, I returned with a small stack of used boxes and a large roll of packing tape. My mom was home when I came in, struggling to get through the door with the boxes under my armpit. She asked me what I was planning to do with the boxes, if I was going back to Boston to be with my boyfriend. When I explained to her, once again, that no I was never going back to Boston to be with my boyfriend because he wasn’t my boyfriend anymore, things got heated. We argued over the same things until finally Tim came home and diffused things enough to let me shut myself in my room and start packing.
I texted Daveed around 9pm that night while sitting on my floor putting things into my boxes.
- Hey, do you know if there’s a good place for me to park my car for a day down there?
His response came in about an hour later, most likely just getting out of a show.
- Yeah, I know some good lots. Why?
-I want to bring down some stuff in the morning before I play tomorrow night. Maybe paint the room? If that’s okay?
-Oh yeah...let me find you an address. Will you need help bringing stuff in?
I considered it, getting up to lift my boxes. They weren’t very heavy and I only had three. The rest would be my two suitcases of clothes and shoes, my TV which I had returned to it’s original box, my electric and concert cello, my violin, and my grandmother's chair. I figured I’d bring most of it down and then pack a weekend bag to last me until I could get a mattress and some furniture. Once I had someplace to sleep, I could really move in. I opened my laptop to look into Casper mattresses since I remembered hearing good things and I thought their delivery might be quick.
- No I think I’ll be alright...I don’t have much. Thanks tho
I learned there was a Casper mattress store in the city, so I ordered one. When I got to the delivery address, I realized I didn’t yet know it.
- Btw, what’s our address?
Daveed answered moments later with the address and followed it up with another message.
- I’ll be around all day tomorrow if you do need help
I put through the order for the mattress and went to do some more googling. I glanced at Daveed’s message, wondering if it was necessary for me to reply. Finally he texted me again.
- What color do you think you’re going to paint?
I wasn’t going to have time for furniture shopping on Friday with not only with full cast and crew rehearsal but also the show that night. Saturdays were also two show days, which meant I would either have to have furniture delivered or figure out how to get some early on Sunday morning before the matinee. Deciding it was time to take a break from my furniture conundrum, I thought about Daveed’s question.
- That question is too difficult for me to answer right now. Please check back later...
He replied quickly, despite the fact that it was getting very late.
- You don’t have much time to decide
I huffed and went back to my boxes, replying without thinking.
- I know this. But...this is a big deal for me
-Why’s that? Because you’re moving in with the hottest guy on Broadway?
I flushed bright red. I hadn’t expected that.
- No...
Fortunately he was merciful and let me off the hook.
-Aight aight...I’ll let you get to bed. I gotta get some sleep myself!
I finished my packing and then loaded the boxes, my TV, and my grandmother’s chair into my car. I realized I wasn’t going to be able to fit both my cello cases, my violin case, and my large suitcase with the majority of my clothes in it. I could only fit one cello and my violin. But at least the suitcase and my electric cello would be easy enough to get on the train on Friday morning and I could call an Uber from Grand Central to get me to the theater. I went to bed that night formulating a plan for my day in my head.
First thing in the morning, I initiated my plan. I got the last of my things squeezed into my car, put together a change of clothes for work, and then drove to the hardware store to buy a can of paint. I stood in front of the wall of paint sample chips for ten minutes, pulling up colors and putting them away before I finally decided on a simple, neutral grey. I didn’t know how much paint I would need to cover the room, so I settled for enough to cover at least the wall opposite the brick wall. While the store attendant was mixing up my paint, I walked through the aisles getting some paint rollers and other painting necessities.
By the time I was done at the hardware store, Daveed had texted me the address for the parking lot. I thanked him and let him know I was on my way down, bracing myself for my first drive in NYC. I had driven a few times through downtown Boston and hated it every time, but I had never anticipated ever needing to drive in New York. The closer my GPS told me I was getting to Manhattan, the more anxiety I began to feel. When I finally pulled up in front of Daveed’s house, I was practically shaking.
I double parked in the fire lane in front of the house, taking the risk that I’d get ticketed or possibly towed, and pulled out my cello to bring that inside first. When I unlocked the door and stepped inside, I could see Daveed down the hall in the kitchen. He was sitting at the table, eating what looked like scrambled eggs on toast and reading something on his phone. When he heard me come in, he looked up and grinned.
“You made it!” he called.
“Oh yeah...barely.” I mumbled to myself.
“Where did you park?” he asked.
“I double parked in the fire lane.” I answered.
He stood up quickly and came down the hall, “Shit, well then definitely let me help you get your stuff at least in the door so you can go move it.”
I nodded, giving in, “Thanks.”
He followed me outside and made quick work of my boxes, “You weren’t kidding about not having much.” he said, going back out for my chair while I retrieved my violin, the can of paint, and the painting supplies.
“Yeah, I had to leave my suitcase of clothes at my mom’s and my other cello, too. I’ll bring them down on the train though tomorrow.”
“Oh, right right.”
We dumped everything in the foyer and then I pulled my keys back out of my pocket, heading back for the door. I took a deep breath, steadying myself for another drive through the city. The parking lot was only a few blocks away, but it was far enough for me to feel anxious all over again. Daveed seemed to notice and leaned over to look at my face.
“You alright?” he asked.
“Oh yeah. Totally...just trying to grow some balls so I can go drive my car around the city again.” I answered.
He laughed, “Do you want me to go with you?” he offered.
I shook my head, “No...I don’t know...maybe?” I stammered.
“I’ll get some shoes. Don’t leave without me.” he said, running up the stairs two at a time.
A few moments later he jogged back down the steps, now with sneakered feet. We headed out of the house, Daveed locking up behind us, and I climbed in behind the wheel of my car. Daveed came around and climbed into the passenger seat, buckling up before adjusting the seat back a bit. I started the car, took another deep breath and then looked over Daveed’s shoulder to make sure I had room to pull out onto the street. No one was coming, so I started off.
“So I take it you don’t drive a lot in the city?” he asked.
I shook my head robotically, looking around the corner as I followed the GPS to the parking lot, “No, not really. I thought Boston was bad...but this...this is on another level.”
Daveed chuckled, “You’re not going that far.”
“Not right now. But I already had to drive through like the whole city to get here. And later I’ll have to do it in the dark .”
“I think you’ll be alright.”
Trying to distract myself, I changed the subject. “I ordered a mattress. I think it’ll probably be delivered today or tomorrow. I’m hoping they’ll give me a time.”
“Do you have a bed frame?”
“No, but that’s fine for now. I’ll order some furniture from IKEA tomorrow or something.”
“You don’t have any furniture?”
The conversation was edging dangerously close to things I didn’t want to get into at that moment, “No, I had to leave it behind in Boston when I moved back to New York.” When I decided this answer might bring up more questions, I added a small white lie, “Wasn’t worth the cost to put it in all storage since I wouldn’t have room for it at my mom’s.”
“Oh that’s too bad.”
I nodded, “It’s alright. I’m sure my first paycheck from Hamilton will be way more than I’ve been used to.”
“My offer still stands if you need help getting some furniture.”
“Thanks. I’ll see.” I said as we pulled up to the parking lot. I turned in and rolled down my window to speak to the attendant, “Hi, I’d like to park my car for the day.”
“No problem. Drive on in, we’ll take care of it.” the man said, pointing farther into the lot.
I drove in and put my car in park, leaving the key in the ignition as I checked to make sure I hadn’t left anything important. Daveed climbed out and walked over to talk to the attendant as he came over. By the time I had gotten out and searched through my purse for my wallet, Daveed had already paid the parking attendant. Flushing and awkwardly putting my wallet back into my purse, I confirmed with the attendant that I would be back before 11pm that night to pick it up. Once everything was arranged, Daveed and I headed off to walk back to his house.
“You didn’t have to do that.” I grumbled.
“I wanted to.” he answered, grinning coyly. “So what color did you decide for the room?”
I nodded, “Yep, grey.”
“I would not have picked you for grey.” he said.
“Why is that?”
“Because of the three times I’ve seen you in person, you’ve been wearing yellow.” he said.
I looked down, realizing I had pulled on my yellow Patagonia fleece that morning, “Oh well...this was unintentional.”
He grinned, “Is yellow your favorite color?”
“No, green is my favorite color.”
“Well, yellow isn’t too far from green.”
“I guess not.” We continued walking, not far from the house. “What is your favorite color?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.”
“Your house is mostly painted teal.”
“I guess I like teal, yeah.”
We turned onto our street and a few moments later passed through the gate and up the stairs. Once inside, Daveed insisted on helping me carry everything upstairs. Inside the big empty room, my few boxes and my chair looked somewhat pathetic. I tried not to wince at the sight of it. Fortunately Daveed left me to go for a run and I got started painting. At two o’clock I got an email saying my mattress would be delivered within the hour.
When the doorbell rang twenty minutes later, I did not hear Daveed answer it or come up the stairs because I had my headphones blasting. I didn’t even hear when he called out my name in the hall before pushing into the room. It wasn’t until he finally dropped the box that contained my mattress on the floor did I realize he was there.
“Oh! God you scared me!” I said, scrabbling for my headphones.
Daveed was grinning, “I called for you like four times.” he said.
“Sorry...I tend to zone out with my headphones on.”
“I got you.” he said with a shrug. “Signed for your mattress. Told the guy I’m your landlord. It was kind of cool.”
“Oh yeah? Well thanks.” I said.
I felt wet paint drip onto my hand and realized I was still holding the roller, quickly putting it down into the tray. “Wow! You work fast! You’re almost done.” Daveed said.
I glanced back at my now mostly grey wall, “Yeah, I’ve done a lot of room painting. It’s kind of relaxing.”
“You sounded like you were enjoying yourself. I could hear you singing when I got back from my run.”
I flushed, “Ah...yeah...can’t help myself sometimes.”
“You have a good voice, have you ever thought of going into music?” he joked, nodding at my cello.
I rolled my eyes, “You know I haven’t yet...”
“Did I hear you rapping under your breath just now, too?”
I turned even redder, “Maybe?” I said slowly.
“Wait, do you got rap game, too?”
“Really? I would have thought Lin’d shown everyone that video.”
“There’s a video ?” Daveed exclaimed. “Oh I gotta see this!”
I wanted to die, “Do I have to show it to you?”
“Yes, absolutely you do.”
I sighed, it was my own fault for bringing it up. I wiped my hands on a paper towel and pulled out my laptop. I brought up the video and pressed play, leaving Daveed to watch it while I finished up painting. I winced as he hooted over my minimal rap skills. When the video was over I heard him click through to more. Three videos later and the wall was done.
“A’ight. I thought you were good before but now I’m like shell shocked. What are you?”
I shrugged, gathering my supplies, “A person I think.”
“You think?”
“Yep, pretty sure.”
I went to go wash up in the bathroom and Daveed followed me, “So do you have much more stuff to bring down?”
“Nope, just my electric cello and my suitcase of clothes.”
“An electric cello? They make those?”
“Yeah, I use it to practice when I don’t want to make too much noise. I can plug headphones into it, so it barely makes any sound. Kind of like playing an electric guitar without an amp. It was great in the dorms in college.” I explained.
“That’s really cool.”
I did my best to rinse the paint roller thoroughly before propping it up in the shower to dry. We went back into the bedroom and I went to tackle opening my mattress. I searched around until I found three printed directions. Step one, open the box and remove the mattress. I did as I was instructed and then propped the box to read the next step. Step two, remove plastic covering and allow the mattress to expand. I ripped open the plastic and watched as the mattress filled with air and unfolded itself across the slippery wood floor. When it seemed done, I checked the last direction. Step three, enjoy your new favorite mattress!
“Well, there it is.” I said.
“Very nice.” Daveed answered. “Are you hungry? I was going to order some food before going to the theater.” At that moment my stomach growled loudly. “Sounds like it.”
“Ah...I think I forgot to eat today.”
“You forgot?”
I waved my hand loosely, “Yeah...”
“Well, what do you want to eat? You choose, I chose lunch.”
“Hmm...” I said thinking. “Tacos?”
“Tacos it is.” he said, heading out of the room. He called from the hall, “Steak, chicken, veggie?”
“Sweet potato, please!” I called back.
I decided to get changed, putting on a pair of loose black tulip hem gaucho pants and a fitted black v neck tee. I had messily knotted my long auburn hair behind my head, so I took a moment to brush it out and tie it into a neater pony tail. I heard Daveed answer the door for the delivery guy, so I went downstairs to join him. I found him in the kitchen, laying out our meal at the big wood slab table. There were two tin take away containers, a handful of cardboard tubs, and a few small plastic containers with salsa and guacamole. Daveed went to the fridge and pulled it open.
“Beer?” he offered.
I shook my head, “Water is fine. I want to be sharp tonight.”
He pulled out two glasses and filled them from the tap on the fridge door, then came to sit down with me, “Are you nervous?”
“No, not really. Mostly excited.” Daveed opened one of the cardboard tubs revealing dirty Mexican rice. He dumped some into his tin tray with his tacos and then pushed it towards me. “Thanks. Were you nervous for your first show? Acting for the first time?”
“Oh yeah for sure. Completely terrified.”
“Somehow I can’t picture you getting scared of anything.”
Daveed paused and I could feel his eyes on me, working out what I just said, “Well I hadn’t really sung before. Only just rapped. So that was new.”
“I can hardly tell now. You seem to blend right in with all the other theater kids.” I replied, trying to sound polite.
“Thanks, it’s a lot of fun. A change of pace from my other work.”
We chatted a little longer, then cleaned up and put the leftovers in the fridge. Daveed and I went upstairs to our rooms to gather our things and Daveed called an Uber to take us to the theater. We met it outside and I loaded my cello into the trunk. The driver was chatty, making polite conversation, so we patiently responded to him. The line outside the theater was busy so Daveed and I had to rush in and I wondered if anyone would recognize me from the day before.
As soon as I was inside, Daveed went to his dressing room and I went to go put my cello in the pit. No one was there yet, so I made my way back to Lin’s dressing room. I knocked lightly on the cracked door, “Hey Lin.”
Lin was sprawled out on his couch, reading and he looked over his shoulder at me, “Hey Em! Come in, take a load off!”
I let myself in and plopped down on the chaise pulling a pillow into my lap, “How’s it going Lin?”
“I’m good. How was your day? How was your lunch yesterday?”
“Good, good! I decided to move in to Daveed’s place. It’s really nice...I don’t think I could’ve said no if I tried.”
Lin laughed, “I can understand that. When do you move in?”
“I actually drove in this morning with most of my stuff. Couldn’t fit a few things. But it’s stuff I can bring down on the train tomorrow.”
“What about furniture and stuff? You couldn’t have fit all that in your car.” Lin pointed out.
I shook my head, squeezing the pillow, “No, I don’t have any. I had to leave it behind when I...when I left Boston.”
Lin squinted, clearly noticing my hesitation, “Oh that’s too bad. Do you at least have a bed to sleep on? A chair to practice?”
“I bought a Casper mattress, had it delivered today actually. And I have a vintage Dutch modern chair my grandmother gave me. I’ll order some stuff from IKEA tomorrow or something.”
“Well I’m happy for you!” Lin said, nudging me with his foot.
“I painted a wall grey today. I’m kind of excited to get everything together. To have my own space again.”
“Don’t you have your own room at your mom’s?”
“Yeah but after I stayed in Boston, she repainted, moved a bunch of her stuff in. Even before that, in Boston with my ex, it wasn’t really my space.”
“You’ll have to invite everyone over, throw a party!”
I grinned, “It’s still Daveed’s house, you know.”
“Oh he won’t mind.”
“What won’t I mind?” Daveed asked, his big head of curls sticking around the doorframe.
“If Em throws a house party at your place.” Lin answered.
Daveed raised an eyebrow at me, “Don’t look at me. It wasn’t my idea.” I said, putting up my hands in defense.
“No, I think it’s a good idea. Been a while since I’ve had a good house party.” Daveed said.
“See! What’d I tell ya?” Lin said, holding out a hand.
The two men fist bumped, “So are we sticking with those adjustments from last night?” Daveed asked.
Lin thought for a moment, stroking his chin, “Yeah, man. Keep it. I think I liked it.” he answered.
Daveed nodded, “Okay, gotta get into costume. Catch y’all later.” he said, holding up a hand as he left again.
“So are you two already like totally best buds?” Lin asked as he got up to move to his dressing table.
“I don’t know. I wouldn’t know what constitutes ‘best buds’ in the world of Daveed.”
“Ah well you’ll get there. I’m sure.” Lin winked at me in his mirror.
I crawled to the end of the couch to reach for the xBox controller, turning on the TV, “If you say so.”
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