#she’ll go to their rooms to check on them and discover Cassandra missing and that’s something no one wants to deal with
caitlynmeow · 9 months
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Alcina is a clingy mother.
Ever since she had her first daughter, she knew that she won’t find it easy to leave the child behind and get back to work. Luckily, she has an office in her home and can be close enough to check on in her baby whenever she needs it (which is most of the time). Yes, she did hire the best Nannie’s to help look after Bela but it’s not enough because she needs to physically be there and hold her baby and give her all of her love and attention.
Even when she needs to travel for business, she takes Bela with her regardless of how young she is. Alcina isn’t going to sleep somewhere while her little baby is away from her. It fills her with anxiety and she can’t cope with that.
As Bela got older, Alcina’s feelings didn’t go away or lessen. With her walking and navigating her way around the large house, Alcina was worried about her toddler tripping and falling down. Any injury, any scrapped knee always put the woman on edge. She doesn’t handle it well when her babies are in pain.
Generally, Alcina accepted that when it comes to her children, she will always be like this. Yes, she’s clingy and she is always worried about them and it is what it is, her daughters will just have to accept that this is the way she is.
She can sense when something bad is going to happen.
She is aware that it’s a mother’s intuition but she can tell when something is wrong and when one of her children is not okay.
She can tell when a daughter is sick before she even sees her.
One time when Cassandra and Daniela went out and said that they’ll be back later to shopping with their mom, Alcina knew that something was wrong when her twelve year old and nine year old didn’t show up.
Alcina panicked and called the police immediately, reporting her children missing. The police didn’t want to start their search, first saying that it’s not been twenty four hours and that the girls might have fun away. Alcina nearly lost it, telling the police that her daughters were excited to go out with her and certainly not planning on running away. Her anger and intensity made the police start looking for the two girls.
A while later Cassandra and Daniela shows up, saying that they got lost and Cassandra’s phone had died. After the hugs and the tears Alcina looked at the two and
“And you couldn’t find a single building where you can ask to use the phone?! Next time your phone dies I don’t care what you do, you knock on doors you find the nearer person and you make the damned phone call and tell me where you are!”
Even Cassandra would hold back any smart ass comeback because their mother is really mad and she doesn’t want to test that. Because by the age of twelve, she already knows what her mother is capable of and she doesn’t want to get into more trouble that she’s already in.
Back to Alcina, the whole point of this post is to say that she’s one clingy mama and when her kids are away from her she misses them and she always always always knows when something is wrong like all her mama instincts would be screaming at her that something is wrong.
So Alcina is both clingy and has separation anxiety when it comes to her daughters.
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annelixa · 4 years
Trust Chapter 8
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Can also be read on AO3
Summary: Cassandra seeks Varian shortly after she stole the Moonstone so that she can use his intellectual gifts. Lucky for her, no one seems to be telling him what happened at the Dark Kingdom and he still sees her as the wise and trusted person he always knew. Utilizing that image of herself, she takes him for herself while under the guise of protection.
Fandom: Tangled the Series
Before the Sun had risen that morning, Cass had slipped out of the cottage. She wasn’t worried about Varian wondering where she gone at this point. With all she had to do, she didn’t spend too much time in the small cottage with him so he was used to it. Instead of looking for her, he’d go to the kitchen to find a note explaining when she should expect to return. They had started the system weeks ago and it was working well for them.
Not wasting any time, she jumped into the balloon that she had prepared the previous night and slowly rose into the sky with her mentor at her side. Currently the girl was leaning against the side, examining her gloves.
“What is your plan exactly?” she asked.
“It’ll be simple,” the warrior replied, sure of herself. “I know what the Keeper looks like so I’ll disguise myself as him using that cloak you told me about then question her about the location of the Mind Trap. Calliope is easy to fool and if I lure her into a false sense of security, she’ll simply lead us to what we want.” Cass quickly checked the hot air balloon’s controls to make sure they were functioning properly. “We should be in and out in less than half an hour.” She paused for a moment then rolled her eyes. “An hour at the longest. It depends on how much she talks.”
The girl had approved and the rest of the trip was spent in silence.
Sneaking into the Keeper’s home had been simple and the cloak had been spotted only seconds after entering; it was the only cloak in sight. It was slipped on and she felt an odd tingling as her form change to appear as the aged Keeper of the Spire. Her bones lengthened to reach his taller height but also weakened, especially in her back as she hunched over slightly. The form was not comfortable, she felt strange aches and pains all over her body and it kept trying to fold in on itself seemingly only from her meager weight. This Keeper really needed to get some exercise before he dropped, she thought. Trying to hurry things up, she hobbled over to the door and slammed it closed. If Calliope was home, she would surely hear that and come to investigate.
On cue, the short woman suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, running down them.
“Keeper!” she called, excited to see her mentor.
Cass forced a smile onto the Keeper’s face, trying to make it look as sincere as possible as the other woman’s voice already threatened to annoy her.
“Good morning, Calliope,” she called kindly. “I came to check in on you. I’ve heard rumors of thieves in the area and wanted to make sure and our artifacts were safe.”
“Thieves?” the student cried indignantly. “Well I can promise you they haven’t gotten in here. I’ve been keeping everything safe.”
She started to walk around the room, indicating and explaining several items. Starting to lose her patience, Cass cut her off.
“It does seem that all seems to be in place here but what about in the Spire? You are aware we keep the most important and dangerous artifacts in there. If any were to go missing, it would be disastrous.”
She tried to mimic the way the other believed the word was meant to be pronounced. It seemed to work because Calliope didn’t comment on it or find anything off. Instead, she hurried to lead them to the top. Lucky for Cass, she seemed to have learned a faster way up from the real Keeper and the climb did not take nearly as long as the previous trip.
“Here we are!” she announced, stopping in front of the large doors. A key was pulled off her belt and used to unlock the doors. They stepped inside and the pair started to check that nothing was missing. Cass picked up a small box and behind her, her mentor confirmed this was the box they were searching for. She called the woman over.
“Calliope. We must make sure that the Mind Trap is still here. We cannot allow it to fall into the wrong hands.”
Nodding, another key was fished out and the box popped open only moments later. A fake sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she stared at the object she had come to steal. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her mentor reach forward and knock one of the artifacts to the ground. Surprised, Calliope spun on her heel to see what had happened. Using her momentary distraction, the warrior slipped the blue stone from the box and hid it under the cloak. Closing the box, she set it back on its shelf and approached the student.
Calliope was picking up a small orb and setting it carefully back on the correct shelf.
“Thank goodness that didn’t shatter,” Cass called.
“Seriously,” Calliope agreed, going on to explain what the artifact did but Cass didn’t pay attention. She had what she came for and was ready to get back before she was discovered.
“Everything appears to still be here. Good work, Calliope. I feel the Spire is safe in your hands.” Brightening at the compliment, Calliope didn’t even think to double check the box she had opened. “I must leave you here though. I still have much to do and you have to return to your studies.”
The pair left the large vault, the student securely locking the door once more, before separating.
A grin crossed Cass’ face as she returned to where she had stored the balloon. All went according to plan.
* * *
The Sun was high in the sky as she stepped back into the cottage. Once again, Varian was waiting for her, Ruddiger wrapped around his neck.
“Good afternoon,” she greeted which he returned.
“I’ve been working hard,” Varian started. “I designed some new halberds that shouldn’t break so easily.”
Smiling at him, she ruffled his hair.
“I look forward to seeing it.” From a pocket of the cloak she still had draped around her shoulders, she retrieved the large stone. “We need to keep this safe. My father snuck it to me this morning. He said that it’s an old royal family heirloom that they were worried could be stolen. It’s a very powerful magical artifact that could be devastating if used against them.” She held it out to him and he was able to study the stone closer. It was light blue with a symbol of some kind etched into it. It seemed familiar but he couldn’t place it. “Since we are in an impenetrable building they thought it would be safe with us. Can you put this in my room while I see what you made today?” she asked sincerely.
Excited to be trusted with something so significant, Varian grabbed the stone and hurried to her room. It was carefully placed on what he assumed to be her desk. He started to turn to leave the room when something caught his eye.
Something was laying on the floor, somewhat concealed by the bed. Normally he wasn’t one to dig through other people’s belongings but an odd thought was nagging at him.
Crossing the room quickly, he grabbed a crumpled piece of paper and straightened it out.
His own face stared up at him under the word ‘Missing’.
Shocked, he nearly dropped the paper.
“Varian?” he heard Cass call from behind him and he turned to face her in a daze. “You did a good job today. Can you help me move it to the door so I can take it to Raps?”
The young alchemist’s mind didn’t even register what she had said, too focused on the paper.
“Cass, what’s this?” he asked slowly, afraid of the answer.
“What?” She looked at the paper in his hands. “Oh that?” She laughed. “It’s nothing! You left suddenly and since you’ve been here for the last few weeks, people haven’t seen you in a while and some got nervous that the Saporians had gotten to you. Rapunzel smoothed the whole thing out. Don’t worry!”
Still confused, he asked, “Then why do you have it?”
“I thought it was something you might want for later. Something you could laugh at once the Saporians are caught. The rest were all torn down already and I was lucky to find this one.”
Sensing his unease, she continued, “Come on. Let’s get everything moved then we can have some dinner. That’ll make you feel better.”
Nodding, he watched Cass leave the room. He took one last glance at the paper and shoved it into his pocket before hurrying after her.
All that he had created that morning was dragged to the door while Cass moved it outside to where he assumed she would store it until she could get it to Rapunzel. After everything was moved, Cass thanked him and closed the entrance. With a smirk, she walked to a large shed also constructed from the rocks that was out of Varian’s sight.
She parted the rocks and smiled.
In front of her, stretching for hundreds of yards, was everything that Varian had built so far. Things were going smoothly.
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