#she's a big snail mail enjoyer
westrnbound · 1 year
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worm, in the mouth of god
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danyka-fendyr · 5 years
5 Times Dick Grayson Tried To Ask You Out and the 1 Time He Didn’t Have To
Well, everyone, I’m sick, I’m incredibly tired, and this is way shorter than it should be, but you know what? My darling @lexxierave requested this and I am going to get it done tonight even if it kills me, which!!!! It well might. But it will all be worth it, for my muse.
Description: Dick Grayson keeps trying to ask you out and keeps meeting with varying degrees of failure. What will happen when external forces get involved though?
Warnings: None. Fluff all the way.
Wordcount: idk man I’m going to be running a fever imminently do you think I can even read the words blurring on my screen I’m about to start typing with my eyes closed (no seriously I just looked away from my computer screen for a second and my head started spinning and everything went sort of blurry and there was this fuzzy imprint of the glow messing around behind my eyes it was wILD)
The first time Dick Grayson tries to ask you out, it does not go well. This shouldn’t be a surprise, as that’s how these things usually go, but Dick fancies himself an exception to the rules. He is smooth, suave, whelmed, traut! These sorts of things just don’t happen to him. But apparently, they do now.
It started out fine. He complimented your outfit first. That always went over well. Smiled at you very smoothly, because yes he was nervous, but he was also trained to lie by the world’s greatest detective. And then, just as he was asking what your plans for the weekend were, there was an interruption. A small, dark-haired, very angry interruption.
Oh no. That...could not be good.
“Grayson! I need your help at once!”
“What is it, Damian?” Dick was doing his best to be compassionate towards the kid and to be a good big brother but now was really not the time.
“We must leave at once. I have just been informed that there is an animal shelter downtown with a surplus of kittens that need adopting.” Damian’s hands were planted firmly on his hips, trying to make his slight stature take up more space.
“Dames, do you think it could maybe wait, I’m-”
“We must leave at once Grayson! These kittens are in a crisis. There is no waiting!”
“Okay, here we go,” Dick mumbled under his breath, looking up to offer you an apologetic smile. “Hey, I have to go save some kittens. Could we maybe finish this later?”
You couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure. Good luck with the kittens.”
“Thanks. I think I’m going to need it.”
Dick was a little upset, but it was no problem. It was only the first time. Things would go great next time.
Things did not go great the next time.
Dick tried. He really tried. He figured casual was still the way to go, since more flashy methods were likely to backfire on him, and he didn’t want to risk that what with the complications of last time. You were both standing in the manor kitchen talking when he broached the subject.
“So Y/N, there’s another one of my Dad’s endless galas coming up, and I was wondering if-”
“Oh, I am going!” You cut him off. “Damian asked me if he could ‘escort’ me. Isn’t that adorable? We were talking about pets and I said I’m a dog person and a cat person because they’re both great and deserve love and he said I was, ‘quite adequate’. He’s such a sweet little guy.”
“Yeah. Sweet.” Dick might have to have a serious talk with Damian.
Third time’s the charm. That’s what everyone said right? There was no way this could go wrong. Not this time.
This time, Dick went elaborate. Because, well...because he could. At this point, he had nothing to lose. The plan was pretty clear cut. He would use the spare key to your house you had given him, sneak in in the early morning, make you breakfast, and then express his sentiments that he would like to make you breakfast again under very different circumstances. 
What could go wrong?
“Grayson, are those pancakes?”
How. How was he even here? This was more than improbably. This should be impossible. There was no way this was happening to him. Not again.
“Damian, why are you here?” Dick turned his back to your stovetop where he was indeed making pancakes so that he could better see Damian in your doorway.
“Sometimes I come over to Y/L/N’s to do sunrise yoga with her. You should try it sometime Grayson. It really aligns the body and soul. I find it helps me keep my temper in check.”
If it helped keep your temper in check, Dick might need to try it.
Well, if nothing else could be said for this attempt, at least you had liked the pancakes.
This time, Dick was going to write to you. If he wrote out his request, there was no way it could be interrupted. Nothing Damian could do could possibly intercept this heartfelt, beautiful email. It was no love letter, but it was less likely to be intercepted than the actual snail mail alternative. Dick was 3 seconds away from hitting send-3 seconds-when the power cut out, causing his computer to crash and all the lights in the building to go off. When the backup generator kicked in a few moments later, the email it had taken him hours to write was gone, erased completely.
That was it. What had even happened? Before he could ask further though, the obvious answer appeared in the form of Damian in his doorway, hair sticking up in every direction.
“Apologies for any inconvenience Grayson. Drake and I were having a brief altercation and the powerbox may have become involved. I assure you it will not happen again in the future. Next time I will be certain not to miss.”
He was moving back to Bludhaven.
Okay, well, if the third time wasn’t the charm, maybe the fifth time was. Or maybe it was just really, extremely cursed. Maybe he was just really, extremely cursed. Any way you sliced it, Dick Grayson wasn’t a quitter. He would keep trying until he had you.
This time, there was no mistaking it. The rose petals leading upstairs to where he waited for you were a clear sign of romance. The second you got to the manor and saw them, following them upstairs, he would have you. All he had to do was wait.
But...he waited. And then he waited some more. For hours he waited, not moving from his spot, because he had invited you here. You should be up here, by all logic and reason. Maybe traffic had just gotten really bad?
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He headed downstairs to go see what exactly was happening, only to find the house was empty except for Damian reading on the couch.
“Damian, did Y/N come by earlier?”
“Yes. She was looking for you but said she could come back later.” Damian flipped a page in his book.
“But...didn’t she see the rose petals?”
“Oh, those were for her? Unfortunately, Batcow has a strange liking for rose petals and ate them while I wasn’t looking. How unfortunate.”
Okay, that was it.
Dick sat down on the couch at Damian’s feet, stealing the book out of his hands. “Listen, Dames. I know that chances are, you’re not doing this to give me grief. You’re a good kid. But I have been trying to ask Y/N out for months, and every time so far. every. single. time. You have somehow interrupted. So could you please just...try to keep the chaos to a minimum. Please? For me?”
Damian stared at him curiously before a realization seemed to set in. “Oh, is that what that was? A mating ritual? I assumed you were attempting to explain to her that you could no longer be friends, which I could not allow because Y/L/N is a very valuable asset.” Translation? Damian thought you were enjoyable to be around. “I suppose you may carry on as you were then. I shall not interfere anymore.”
Dick wanted to be mad at him for doing it on purpose. He really, really did. But the thing was...if the kid had thought he was keeping you in his life, he supposed he couldn’t be mad about that. Or at least, not mad forever.
Dick was a little bummed, to say the least. He had decided it would be a good idea to allow for a cooling-off period before he asked you out again. Damian or no Damian, he hadn’t been met with a lot of success in that department. He fixed his tie in front of the mirror, getting ready for the latest Wayne gala. Because heaven only knew they needed another one. For some odd reason, Damian had been particularly insistent he look his best tonight. When he had come out in his favorite flower-print button-down, Damian had shoved him back into his wardrobe and demanded he choose something classier. There were several wardrobe changes. Eventually, though, he was released to head downstairs. 
Much to his surprise, he was met by you. Dressed for the gala. Looking amazing.
“You clean up nice, Grayson.” You smiled at him.
You laughed. “Damian said something about you wanting me to go to the gala with you but not having the time to ask?”
Time really hadn’t been the issue.
“Uhhh...yeah. I’ve kind of been meaning to ask you out for a while now.”
“Really?” You blushed.
“Yeah, really. So uhh....shall we?”
“We shall.” You looped your arm through his, and you two headed off into the night.
Dick supposed he had something to thank Damian for after all. Even if the kid could be a bit of a pain.
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whifferdills · 6 years
albums i have enjoyed this year
check em out maybe
(look before tumblr implodes i AM going to use my minimal popularity to attempt to make people listen to my best jamz)
Ariana Grande - Sweetener - maybe you’ve been living under a rock or just avoid radio pop on principle and somehow managed to miss this one, idk. it’s great though and i’m so happy Ari is our main pop girl rn. (choice track: “Breathin”)
Mitski - Be the Cowboy - cinematic and tender and a touch weird. hugely emotional without ever feeling like a drag. it’s got bops, it’s got bangers, it’s got ballads. pop music for sad indie kids. i esp dig the Elvis Costello and the Attractions ish new wave organ that pops up here and there (ct: ”Washing Machine Heart”)
IDLES - Joy as an Act of Resistance - snarling, moody post-punk. doesn’t break any new ground but if you like that kind of thing, boy HOWDY is it good (ct: “Colossus”)
Pusha T - DAYTONA - shame that Kanye is...Kanye, bc his production here is why I fell in love back when “Through the Wire” dropped. the sparse, soulful sample-propelled beats work like *chef’s kiss* with Pusha’s flow. short, concise coke raps from two dudes operating at the top of their game. effortless, no fuckin around, just to-the-point qual la T (ct: “If You Know You Know”)
Iceage - Beyondless - swaggering, woozy rock and roll. idk how to listen to this album during the day. lil bit like a hardcore band tried to do a Velvet Underground album and failed, but like, in a good way ("Pain Killer”)
Brandi Carlile - By the Way, I Forgive You - WXPN singer-songwriter stuff in the best sense. this could be your cool aunt’s favorite album. earnest and heartfelt and yanno sometimes we all need some cheese in our lives (”The Joke”)
Moodie Black - Lucas Acid - backpack rap but the backpack is also filled with angular hooks, gender dysphoria, and about fifty pounds of industrial grime. angry and off-kilter and noisy and anxious. (”Sway”)
SOPHIE - Oil of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides - equal parts abrasive weirdness and deep vulnerability. the very best of ‘what the fuck is this’ future pop anchored by confessional intimacy. lowkey one of the best concept albums i’ve seen in yonks - this is an album about transition, and the fact she just out here not only giving us great music but putting an emotional transfemme narrative into the (relative) mainstream is Big (”Is it Cold in the Water?”)
Travis Scott - ASTROWORLD - ADHD album of the year. this thing is restless, picking up an idea and then dropping it for the next shiny thing a minute later. and it’s all fuckin great, and at some point the disjointedness turns into its own sort of kitchen-sink Vine-compilation flow. also i just like his voice so. (”Stop Trying to be God”)
Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour - COUNTRY POP IS BACK BABEY. a warm summer afternoon of an album. homey and shimmery and optimistic. the songwriting and production are basically perfect, this is basically a perfect album. would be undisputed AOTY for me if it wasn’t currently dark-at-4-pm wintertime thus limiting my ability to listen to anything this comfortable and bright (”Slow Burn“)
Grouper - Grid of Points - speaking of SAD theme music. much like IDLES, this is a ‘if you like the thing then you will like this specific thing’ - it’s a Grouper album, it’s drifty and distant and soothing and slightly unsettling. it does feel a touch less grim than earlier albums but, yanno, is still Grouper (”Driving”)
The Beths - Future Me Hates Me - THE 90S ARE BACK BABEY. this is like, “songs that would have played at the Bronze” type earnest pop punk. catchy, jangly, relatably awkward. songs to put on the jukebox and drunkenly dance and sing along while your friends try not to judge you. (”Happy Unhappy”)
Troye Sivan - Bloom - THE 80S ARE - anyway. pure pop confection. bops bout bottoming. this is for dancing alone in your room lipsyncing into a hairbrush. (”My My My”)
Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer - this kind of makes me want to go listen to Prince, but it’s still super enjoyable. I love Janelle but i’ve never been a whole-album fan of hers? if that makes sense? and this isn’t an exception. but when it hits, mm. one day she will release an album so good the world fuckin stops for it, but until then, this is p good. (”Make Me Feel”)
Snail Mail - Lush - more 90s alt rock i know I KNOW. it’s solid tho. idk if i’d rate it as highly as tastemakers seem to be doing but it does the thing, it does it well. a really good album for listening to on the train. (”Heat Wave”)
Robyn - Honey - it’s fuckin Robyn. again, this is one of those, like, ‘robyn did a good album, do you like robyn? you’ll love this’ things. a scotch more jittery and confessional than you might expect, but i doubt it’d change any minds, but, fuck dude. Robyn is BACK BABEY (”Call Your Girlfriend”)
Tierra Whack - Whack World - as ADHD as ASTROWORLD but instead of doing ALL THE THINGS ALL THE TIME it does an assortment of things very briefly. like a sketchbook of an album. these are all bops and i can’t decide whether i appreciate every song being a minute long, or mad. (”Fruit Salad”)
Parquet Courts - Wide Awake! - dancey post punk. Parquet Courts remains my favorite, uh, Sound? when it comes to guitar music - the tone, the mixing, they just do right by their instruments. in the grand tradition of Gang of Four’s white people funk involving yelling about...whatever (”Wide Awake”)
s/o to Kids See Ghosts, bc I can only do one Kanye-adjacent album this year but that was p good; the new Mariah, Charlie Puth for “Done for Me”, and all the albums i’ve forgotten about bc 2018 was like four years long. also lemme know what i missed like hmu with your ALBUMS OF THE YEAR
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trendtshirtnewposts · 4 years
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Don t restriction your hobbies and interests as to what you ve investigated in past times. At times you have to drive oneself in new recommendations, and interests are perfect for doing that. The truth is, try out something out which you would have never ever regarded prior to. You might be surprised at how enjoyable a fresh activity could be.
In case you are pushed for time in your life, try out dealing with a pastime that acts more than one function. By way of example, combing the beachfront for shells you could potentially acquire will likely provide you with physical exercise and have you outside trekking will construct muscle tissue and boost your heart. Hobbies will help your life in so many techniques, and in case you re hectic, multi-tasking will continue to work out finest!
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Go driving your motorcycle. Individuals who cycle for enjoyment can perform lots of investigating of the local area. Bicycles may be ridden all through the year in the event you dress properly. This a hobby that has many health and fitness benefits, can boost your level of fitness, and is a lot of entertaining besides.
Seashell accumulating is a superb hobby that can provide fond recollections of seashore vacations. Seashells may be academic for kids and also are excellent decorative decorations to the house.
Through the article earlier mentioned you might be now mindful of countless exciting activities to do in your own home. Everyone can get exciting interests at home the family can take advantage of performing. It doesn t really need to be boring in your own home any further if you add the tips in this article to get that ideal hobby.
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brittnyz04128-blog · 5 years
Playing Casino Online- Tips For A Safe Play
Write a letter (by hand) - Grab some stationary or a simple notebook and create a letter to someone. It's usually a blast to receive snail mail, so feel totally free to deliver your letter to the post workplace when you're finished. If you don't want to display anybody the letter (occasionally it's good just to create and get issues off your upper body), you can stash it absent or discard it when you're completed creating. Creating by hand is a soothing activity and engages your mind. Steve Lewis ran below forty-4 seconds once. On September 28, 1988, he sped forty three.87, to win the gold medal at the Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea. This performance established and stays the junior globe record. Aclipse is looking for people who want to educate English in both Seoul, Beijing or Tokyo. You don't need a teaching certification, but they do prefer individuals with a bachelor's in Liberal Arts, International Studies or English. You don't need educating experience, unless you pick China. They will teach you. English should be your initial language. Andrew Lawrence proposed the Skyscraper Index in the aftermath of the 1998 Asian Contagion. His concept says that the world's tallest structures have risen on the eve of financial downturns. That is, nations that put up the world's tallest buildings enter an economic downturn korean casino site soon thereafter. False fall and hold are the two factors that have brought new considerations in the casino business. Although they are not new ideas, their influence on the sport ought to be reconsidered. Therefore, it will be wise for gamers to take note of these. The blind (small blind or large blind) - this is a pressured bet that substitutes the antes in conventional poker. The blinds are bets positioned by the persons left to the vendor: the first individual will wager the little blind and the second one the big blind. 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milrobin420-blog · 5 years
The Internet's Dirtiest Secret - Khrystell Dizon
A social media moderator in Manila One woman wanted to quit her job as a moderator for an unnamed tech company during training, after hearing descriptions of the content and images she was likely to see. Once she had started, she came across pictures of a six‑year-old girl having terrible things done to her and asked to leave. Her manager told her this was what she had signed up for and sent her back to work. Her story was preceded by footage from testimony before a committee on child abuse images and exploitation by Nicole Wong, then a legal adviser at Google. The Internet’s Dirtiest Secrets: The Cleaners was an episode of the BBC’s Storyville strand that masterfully wove together two indictments – personal and political – to damn the efforts of firms such as Google, Twitter and Facebook to protect the people who work for them and to damn the socio-political infrastructures that are still the best ways we have found to keep us safe. Let us turn to the human misery unleashed at the individual level first. The moderators who work for these third parties – their names are not revealed, nor which companies they work for – are based in Manila, 7,000 miles from Silicon Valley. Here, there are two main options for employment. You can sift through garbage, scrambling over colossal heaps of the stuff and selling whatever you have scavenged at the end of each day until your body sickens, or you can be paid to sift through the online equivalent every day until your soul dies. Some moderators have a target of deleting 25,000 posts a day from the thousands identified as questionable and sent to them for adjudication. “It damages your brain,” said one. “It’s like a virus in me, slowly penetrating my brain and changing the reactions of my body,” said another. One moderator, who specialised in judging live videos of self-harm, hanged himself after asking three times to be transferred. You can try to skip or avert your eyes, but managers review samples of everyone’s decisions to make sure they are correct. If your scorecard suffers, so will your chances of continued employment. This article was amended on 1 April 2019. An earlier version implied that Facebook owns YouTube. Rather it is owned by Google. SO WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE INTERNET IN OUR SOCIETY? ADVANTAGES: Ability to connect to other people all over the world - One of the most obvious pros of using social networks is the ability to instantly reach people from anywhere. Easy and instant communication -Now that we're connected wherever we go, we don't have to rely on our landlines, answering machines or snail mail to contact somebody. Real-time news and information discovery - If you want to know what's going on in the world, all you need to do is jump on social media. An added bonus is that you can customize your news and information discovery experiences by choosing to follow exactly what you want. Great opportunities for business owners - Business owners and other types of professional organizations can connect with current customers, sell their products and expand their reach using social media. General fun and enjoyment - You have to admit that social networking is just plain fun sometimes. DISADVANTAGES: Information overwhelm - Becoming overwhelmed by too many Facebook friends to keep up with or too many Instagram photos to browse through isn't all that uncommon. Over time, we tend to rack up a lot of friends and followers, and that can lead to lots of bloated news feeds with too much content we're not all that interested in. Privacy issues - With so much sharing going on, issues over privacy will always be a big concern. Social peer pressure and cyber bullying - For people struggling to fit in with their peers — especially teens and young adults — the pressure to do certain things or act a certain way can be even worse on social media than it is at school or any other offline setting. Online interaction substitution for offline interaction - Some people argue that social media actually promotes antisocial human behavior. Distraction and procrastination - Browsing social media can also feed procrastination habits and become something people turn to in order to avoid certain tasks or responsibilities. Sedentary lifestyle habits and sleep disruption - Likewise, staring into the artificial light from a computer or phone screen at night can negatively affect your ability to get a proper night's sleep. So meaning we should always do what is right though we can't avoid doing such thing in the SOCIAL MEDIA, but always remember that we should always think a million times if we think that we are helping our society to give more importance and value in our technology. There is always a saying that how will are technology will improve if we are the ones who is damaging on it. So we need to THINK BEFORE WE CLICK.
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kathleengage696 · 7 years
New Post has been published on Power Up for Profits
New Post has been published on http://www.powerupforprofits.com/2017/07/authors-gain-lots-of-free-publicity-with-media-releases.html
Authors: Gain LOTS of free publicity with media releases
“I don’t have a budget for marketing,” I’ve often been told by authors when I ask what they are doing to market their books.
My response to this is two-fold.
You must budget a little something to market your book. Part of marketing is sending out review copies, inquiries to the media, press kits, and time.  It may not be a huge budget, but a budget none-the-less.
Find ways to get your message out that don’t require money such as converting all your marketing material and your book into an electronic format.  This allows you to have inexpensive ways to distribute your material. Even when you minimize hard costs, it will still require you put time into the marketing.
You may need to rethink your thinking around real costs for marketing. After all, when done right, marketing gives your book visibility that often equates to great sales. You’ve put money into the cover design, editing, publishing … don’t skimp on marketing.
Why market?
The primary reason for marketing is to gain visibility for your book and you, the author. The more publicity you can get, the better. Add to that the many ways to obtain FREE publicity with the many avenues available online, when done right, your book will get noticed.
A simple way to gain free publicity is to write and distribute a well-written and well-formatted press release. A good press release is one of the most effective, and yet, most underutilized, of publicity tools.
What is a Press Release?
A press release (media release) is an announcement you send to magazines, trade journals, newspapers, and newsletters. Also to radio and television. Often what you send to radio and television are referred to as a PSA (Public Service Announcements).
I have one client who hosted an event and submitted one well-written and well-distributed press releases to the media. When the release made it in print, they went from having a 50% booking for their event through some direct mail efforts to filling up the entire room in less than 48 hours. This was worth a substantial amount of money to them.
Necessary steps
Prior to writing a press release, determine the following:
Who is your target market?
What is your target media?
Who is the contact person at the media outlet?
What is the time-frame for submission?
Do you have an attention-grabbing headline?
Do you know the who, what, when, where, why, how?
Do you have good quotes, research and technical date if appropriate?
Develop a system for writing and distribution of releases. Stay organized. Know how to send the press release to a specific media outlet and person.
Each has their own preference as to how they want to receive it. It will be to your benefit to find out. In the past, you often had to contact the media source to find out how they wanted the information sent; fax or snail mail. Yup! That’s how we did it “in the day.”
Today, most media sources will have something listed on their website. You can also use paid services such as PRWeb.com to distribute your release. There is a hefty cost for some of these services, but when you look at the reach, it can be worth it.
If you’re doing something locally, put a couple hours into creating your list in a spread sheet and then sending your information out. Once created you can use the list over and over.
If you want a wider reach, such as nationally, a paid service may be the way to go.
Allocate a budget
With my upcoming memoir, we are allocating a budget to post a few releases with PRWeb. Their reach can’t be matched. To achieve the goals I have with the book, it’s necessary to budget for media and marketing.
Make yours stand out
Editors are inundated with information. If you want their attention keep the release short and to the point. During busy times, like before a huge event in a city, they will be on information overload.
Avoid using massive amounts of buzzwords such as all-new, interactive, cross-platform, new multimedia solution. Avoid jargon. The public will have no idea what your industry jargon means and editors rarely will take time to find out.
Link to enhance interest
Enhance your release with links to relevant information. Links to video clips, websites, images, and other engaging information goes a long way to increase interest. For your book, you can link to the book on Amazon, B&N or other locations it is available.
The 5 Ws of writing a press release or PSA
Give them the who/what/when/where/why as articulately as you can. Make sure your information is complete. Incomplete information is far more likely to get your press release in the trash bin than anything else.
Who is the release about? Who is the information for?
What is taking place? What is being promoted?
When is it happening?
Where will this occur?
Why would people be interested in the information?
Sending press releases
Nowadays, the preferred method of delivery is either email or submitted through a form on the source website. A service like PRWeb.com can be a huge time saver. The release goes over the news-wire. Once on the news-wire it can be picked up by dozens, hundreds, even thousands of outlets.
E-mail should be sent as a plain text file: the simpler, the better. Do not send a press release via email with an attachment. Most media people will automatically delete due to the concern of a virus.
When an editor calls for more information, respond to their call as quickly and professionally as possible. There is no substitute for building good relationships with the media. Never assume you are too busy for them.
By making yourself available for the media, they tend to make themselves available for you. And what more could you possibly ask for?
The following is a release for an event I am hosting. It’s simple and to the point. In that it’s for a local event, the focus for distribution is media in the Portland, Oregon and surrounding areas.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Kathleen Gage – 541.746.5551
Smart Entrepreneurs Use Video to Gain Massive Visibility – One Day Workshop Shows You How
Portland, OR July 29, 2017, Visibility experts, Jeany Park and Kathleen Gage, have joined forces to teach entrepreneurs how to gain massive visibility through the power of video.
Join Jeany and Kathleen on September 12, 2017 in Portland, Oregon for a one-day experience where you will learn exactly what you need to do to create power-packed videos and get lots of visibility in front of your ideal clients.
Information and registration at www.PowerUpThinkTank.com
You will learn:
How to do DIY video yourself, and make it look professional
The right mindset behind visibility for video
How to write copy for video
How to brand yourself on video so you don’t sabotage your business
Where to get the greatest results on visibility for your efforts
How to avoid the most common mistake entrepreneurs make when trying to become visible
Step-by-step implementation strategy to gain massive visibility
Hands-on video instruction, with YOUR SMARTPHONE
FACT! Enjoyment of video ads increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139% ­- Unruly 
FACT!  By 2018, 79% of all Content online will be Video ­- ReelSeo
FACT!  Social Video gets shared 1200% more than links & text combined ­- Brightcove
FACT!  96% of B2B organizations use video in some capacity, of which 73% report positive results to their ROI ­- ReelSeo
FACT! Smart entrepreneurs are getting in the game of using video to market their businesses.
If you’re an entrepreneur who is ready to gain lots of visibility through the power of video…this hands-on workshop is for you.  Information and registration at www.PowerUpThinkTank.com
Jeany Park is the CEO and Founder of Compass Rose Video, a boutique videography agency based in Portland, Oregon, that helps small businesses to connect with their tribe and create massive lead generation by creating polished & effective marketing videos. She leads a team of talented videography professionals who are passionate and dedicated in their craft, and under Jeany’s leadership, partner with clients to help realize their vision into reality. Jeany started out as on camera talent for 15 years, was in the Acting Company of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and is also a certified Life Coach. She lives in West Linn with husband Geoff, who’s the CTO of Compass Rose, and with their daughter, Hannah, who’s a Junior at Oregon Episcopal School.
Kathleen Gage is a woman of a certain age who is known as the “no-nonsense, common sense” online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist, and owner of Power Up For Profits. Kathleen works with other woman of a certain age who identify as conscious entrepreneurs who are ready to quit playing small in order that they can get their signature message out in a BIG way through speaking, writing, information products and a targeted online presence.
Her clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice. As an early adopter of online marketing, Kathleen is known for cutting through the fluff and helping people leave their sob stories behind so they can stop focusing on the past and start looking towards the future. She speaks and teaches about what she believes are the core elements of a successful life: accountability, integrity, honesty, and living with passion and hope.
Are you using this powerful method?
If you have yet to get in the game of media release, this is a great time to start. You never know what will happen as a result. At a minimum, a few outlets will post your information. You may also create interview opportunities, sell books (if that’s what your promoting), fill events and, best of all, get some free publicity.
Be sure to join the Power Up for Profits Facebook Group
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