#she's a pescatarian u see
lilacthebooklover · 2 months
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"hmm,, hng, hmnmnn,, craig is mean :("
you made walroos & her soup spoon sad ]:
"and the soup as well. the soup bOwL"
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kanekoii · 8 months
hi, i dont know if u do matchups but if you do, do you mind doing mine? you obviously dont have to! this is for niji en :)
hi, my name is Hannah. I’m from USA, however ive always wanted to visit London, Australia, and Tokyo! I’m currently majoring in music, i hope to release my own music for the world to hear about. I am 5’2” (157cm) anf my favorite colors are purple and light pink! I’m a mix of both golden retriever and black cat, depends on the day. my love languages are quality time and physical touch 1000% but im not super clingy, if i get to hand hold or just something simple for at least five minutes im happy (preferable longer, though) im pescatarian, i only eat fish and no other meats because i find it cruel but i would never force it on anyone!! its their decision, not mine!! ive done competitive dance since i was two years old, and i have a 20 min jog every morning.
thank you if you do this, and thank you if you dont! i understand if not!
and another dancer??! (i’ve also done dance since i was two)
you didn’t specify wether you wanted a male or female match, so i gave you both!
i’ve matched you with…
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this little cyborg is always SO happy to have you around in any way he possibly can! fulgur would be more than happy to travel with you to all the places you want to visit! if you still do dance, he’s going to be on standby for all of your practices to cheer you on! and as for your dietary restrictions, it’s not a problem in the slightest for him! (i only eat kosher so i get you-)
as for a female match…
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the fairy girl is absolutely SMITTEN with you! she will absolutely bully anyone who talks bad about your dancing and make sure they know you’re the best at what you do! she’ll gladly go on your morning jog with you too and make a healthy breakfast for you! pomu loves you to death and she just wants to see you happy
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svnaslove · 4 years
heyy i saw ur requests were open and decided to butt in hehe 😼😼 so i was wondering if u could do one where tsukishima, tanaka and asahi have a gf w kinda hippie vibes yk? like she is vegetarian, loves all kinds of animals and is always kind hearted towards the earth (maybe add a little 🍃 addiction there idk)!! thank u so much in advance 🥺 i wish u hella success on ur blog bby <3
this request is so cool omg, i hope you like it, i’m not super knowledgeable of hippie things but i tried to the best of my abilities, i hope it didn’t come off as too stereotypical and thank you so much that’s so sweet 🥺
BF HC’s of hippie vibes s/o~ | Tanaka, Tsukishima, Asahi
gn!reader | warnings~ lil🍃 mention on tanaka  | fluff :)
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
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this boy thinks you’re like the coolest human being ever
at first when you told him that you were vegetarian though he was like ???wut ??
took him a while to understand but then eventually he became vegetarian with you too ( on his own accord ofc :) )
but those first couple of weeks without meat he was D Y I N G, you gave him those vegetarian friendly nuggets and ‘bacon’ and he was finally able to survive, poor tanaka
you’re an artist and you like to draw/paint psychedelic art and one time he asked you to paint on him and he didn’t take it off for a whole week flkjdsf
you both  🍃 together and it’s the most hilarious experience ever
if you thought this boi was crazy before the  🍃, you are mistaken.
will literally start talking to you in whale,, and you talk whale back 🤦‍♀️
will go to protests with you ALL OF THE TIME
environment protests, animal rights protests, human rights protests, you two go to all of them
he loves you so much and he thinks you’re so cool he sometimes can’t believe you chose him and is so happy that you helped turn his life around and see everything through a new perspective.
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
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Thinks you’re the cutest thing ever when you start getting all passionate talking about the environment and how there are some many trees getting cut and burned down
To show how cute he thinks you are when you talk about the trees he opens his arms to give you a hug and calls you
“💖 🧚‍♀️✨ my little lorax ✨🧚‍♀️ 💖”
(bonus points to this monstrosity of a nickname if you’re short)
You are Tsukishimas’ Little Lorax ™
Teases you but he actually thinks you’re amazing
Accidently ends up being a pescatarian because of you (pescatarian means basically a vegetarian that eats fish) and he didn’t even notice skfjsldk
You guys meditate every morning it’s just your little thing that you guys do together and it’s so cute kfdjskf
Will deny the fact that he meditates with you to anyone who asks😭
Started getting super concerned with making sure that everything he buys is eco-friendly and isn’t tested on animals since you guys got together,,, like it’s gotten to the point where it’s intense 
Will sing Let it Grow from The Lorax to you on your birthday instead of Happy Birthday, except in this case you are the one that’s growing because it’s your birthday and he gives absolutely no fucks to any protesting to this
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Omg this baby
He loves your hippie vibes so much, he just loves it so much
He adopted your life style so quick i think it was literally meant for him
Homeboi started playing ukelele and now owns a hammock, like im telling you this boi was made for the hippie lifestyle
You guys go on dates at the park and end up making little flower crowns for each other it’s the cutest thing ever istg im about to cry
You two will be hanging out and listening to Bob Marley, all the time, always
Those stone and minerals that give off good vibes~ ?
They’re all over you guys’ apartment
Matching crystal necklaces that give positive energy because yes
You two have your own little garden patch and you two grow your own fruits and veggies🥺
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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grown-clone · 3 years
Hi can I have a romantic matchup please 💕
She/her, straight
I'm 15
I look like this
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Personality: I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. Mostly I am kind and polite, but a I get very sassy moments (I can also be very sarcastic). Im also kind of reserved when I first meet someone and it can take me awhile to show my fun, goofy, happy side to them
Aquarius, infj
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh)
sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
I match you up with.....Inasa!!!
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Inasa and your personality are pretty different, but you balance each other out very well!
You met Inasa when you and the class where going in for their provisional exams, and automatically his large and loud personality caught your attention. You had also gotten into U.A. on recommendation, Your Quirk was called Jurassic Bones-Aqua, and you could turn into any Pescatarian or aquatic dinosaur. So, pretty powerful. You just stared as he cracked his head on the sidewalk as he bowed. He looked vaguely familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Refocusing your attention on your teacher, you walked inside with your class to begin the exam. The doors opened, and you took a step into your future.
"HELLO THERE, FELLOW HERO STUDENT!!!" You screamed and whipped around, facing the tall, boisterous boy from Shiketsu. His faced softened every so slightly, and he lowered his voice. "My apologies!! I just get so fired up whenever I see another hero in training! Especially one with a Quirk like yours!!" He stuck out his hand for your to shake, practically ripping your arm off in the process.
"Oh, thank you. You were pretty cool in there too!" You smiled. Inasa seemed to glow from the inside.
"You really think so!?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with determination. You nodded, giggling. "AMAZING!!! I love meeting fellow students who can see the passion in heroes!!!" Inasa did not leave your side, rambling on and on about passion and righteousness. You were getting exhausted trying to keep up with the conversation, but he seemed happy, so you listened until your ears fell off. In the end you exchanged snaps, you feeling wary of giving him your number just yet. When you got home that night, scrolling through your socials, you immediately burst out laughing at Inasa's latest story.
"And they were Villains" The TV spoke, The camera turned to Inasa, looking totally shocked.
"Oh my god they were Villains." He said, his voice an near perfect imitation of the vine.
Inasa Yoarashi was a Shitposter. From there you begged to see if he had a Tumblr, which he most certainly did. A lot of it was scenic pictures from hikes he went on to train. But the rest of it was pure, classic, Gen Z humor. Memes, vine references, his Tik Tok account which you soon followed. And oh god, his Tik Tok was even BETTER. You decided very quickly that you were glad you let Inasa talk your ear off.
Inasa, however, on the other end was FLIPPING OUT.
"First of all, stop yelling. Its , like, the middle of the night and I'm exhausted from today. She probably thinks its funny. Its not like she's super old or whatever."
"Camie of course! You're absolutely right!" Inasa belly flopped on his bed, furiously typing out a new post.
"Ugh, how do you have this much energy? I'm, like, sooooo tired after today."
A few days later you were chatting with Tsu, talking about meeting up sometime that weekend with the rest of the girls for a day out. School had been picking up slowly, so a group study sesh with snacks at your favorite cafe seemed like a great idea. You all had finally settled on a date and time.
"Hey Y/N, do you still talk to that boy from the licensing exam?" Tsu asked, finger pointing to her mouth. "The loud one, who doesn't like Todoroki?"
"Huh? Oh, you mean Inasa? Yeah, but a lot of it is just memes. Sometimes we get on Facetime and bake together." The thought made you smile, remembering the time Inasa got icing on the end of his nose, and didn't realize the entire time he iced the cupcakes he was making.
"Ribbit, you two must be closer than you think Y/N. You're always texting someone in class, and I suppose its him. " Tsu said, looking at you with those all-knowing eyes of hers. Seriously, she's a genius, and picks up on almost anything. You giggled and looked away, shoving your hands behind your head. "Maybe you should invite him along, Ribbit! I'm sure the rest of the girls wouldn't mind!"
"You really think so? It would be nice to hang out with him without our faces glitching every five seconds."
"I know so, Ribbit."
So it was decided that Inasa, who loved the idea of meeting all your girlfriends and "Seeing what their passion for heroism is!", would join you two at the cafe on a Sunday Morning, when it would be most empty.
The string of bells rung when you opened the door, alerting the owner( Who nobody knew the real name of, and simply asked to be called Clone) that you were there.
"Oh my goodness, Y/N is that you? Oh , you've gotten so big and strong!!!"
"You saw me Wednesday, Clone." You said, shrugging off your bag and setting it at a large table with tall stools. "The girls are coming to hang out, and Momo said she would bring her credit card. Inasa is also coming." You said, hoping she would ignore the last part.
"INASA!!! THE INASA!!!! THE ONE YOU PESTERED ME ABOUT MY LEMON CAKE RECIPE FOR INASA!!!! Oooooooh, he better leave a good impression!!! And a review, my lemon cake is AMAZING." You nodded, laughing. Neither of you heard the door chimes ring again as Uraraka and Tsu walked through the door.
"Hey guys!" You said, walking over to give them a hug. You pointed to the table and they set their stuff down, helping you get enough chairs to seat everyone. Eventually, everyone but Inasa had showed up. You all were sipping on some drinks and munching on snacks, when the door chimes rang again.
"HELLO I BROUGHT CUPCAKES!!!!" A very familiar, very loud voice spoke from behind a large stack of boxes.
"Inasa!" You called, hopping out of your seat and dashing over to help him set down the boxes. Inside were beautifully decorated chocolate cupcakes, with whipped icing and dried fruit sprinkled on top. They looked mouthwatering. The rest of the girls leapt upon the boxes immediately. Inasa looked quite pleased with himself at the sight of you and your friends enjoying the cupcake.
"Awf my gowd, Inafa fees are amafing." You said, grinning up at your tall friend. He just smiled and joined you all.
Put simply, the group loved him. Even Clone! He was boisterous and loud, and maybe even brash, but he was funny and kind. He helped you study, and you helped him study. Overall, the session went exactly as planned.
"Bye guys!!" You shouted, waving at everyone leaving as you ducked back into the cafe to help clean up.
"I think that went well!" Inasa said, saluting you for some reason. You giggled and nodded.
"Very well, I'm afraid they're all going to try and steal you from me." You began moving chairs back in place.
"Awww, don't you worry Y/N, you're my favorite!" Inasa said. And he said it so calmly, like it was a well known fact you already should have known. "You'll always be my favorite!"
The words made you blush, and blush hard. Inasa did have a tendency to say things like that, but you always thought it was just his personality. Clone peaked her head around the corner, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. You made a shooing motion with your hands.
"Aww, Inasa you're so sweet. You're gonna make someone real happy someday!" You set the last chair down.
"Yeah, I hope so." Inasa said. You didn't notice him looking at you .
Clone groaned, smacking her face with her hands. "Oh my god Y/N, he has a crush on you!! God children are so dense! " she made a noise of disgust and disappeared back into the kitchen.
You were a blushing mess, quite positive your skin would catch on fire if you blushed anymore. You risked a glance at Inasa, who's face held no indication of his actual skintone with how red he was. He glanced at you, and made an "eep!" noise of some kind(which, yes, you totally found cute) and turned away. The earthquake-like shaking of your heart let you know that Clone was probably right(she almost always is) and you had to deal with this. Somehow. Your brain was moving at a million miles a minute, so much so that you didn't notice Inasa's hands on your shoulders at first. And then you did. And then you blushed some more.
"Y/N.....May I kiss you?" The question was short and simple. All you had to do was nod. And fuck, you weren't no idiot. You shook your head vigorously up and down, not having any time to react before Inasa just scooped you up into his arms and pressed a deep, fiery, and yes passionate kiss to your lips. He tasted like a cool breeze and chocolate, and you could stay there forever, arms wrapped around his neck as this enormous high schooler held you like a lifeline in his arms.
Then your lungs ruined the moment because the needed air, stupid ass lungs. Fuck you lungs! You ruined it!
You both panted, not quite wanting to meet each others eyes quite yet(because neither of you are good at ANY social interaction, but who is), but you leaned your head onto his.
"So, you're my girlfriend now right?" He asked.
"I...uhh..I guess so."
"....I don't think I'll be able to walk you to classes like I'm supposed to."
You could care less.
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bastardsonofday · 6 years
Im in a soft mood yall so here are some soft lucien hcs
Lucien likes when people play with his hair, but he only lets people really close to him brush it (his mother used to brush it for him, and he wants to hold that memory close to heart, so he keeps that act special for special people)
Lucien hums absently. He's not particularly a good singer, but he likes music well enough so he hums while he does stuff
Lucien knows how to play the flute but he rarely does
Lucien's favorite colors are bronze and yellow
Lucien's clothes are always hand-washed (by himself when he can) and are always extremely soft
Lucien volunteers at elderly homes and has tea with them and gossips. He grew used to listening to things he wasnt interested in during his time as Emissary and still make people think he was engaged, so he always goes to see people whose decendants dont for whatever reason and listens to them even if their stories arent interestig
He also likes to play board game with them
Lucien spends a lot of time at physical therapy centers and he volunteers as a free massuse for those who are in pain but cant afford it
He uses his magic (fire to warm the pained joints, or to suck the heat from inflamed ones; sunlight to help the person feel slightly happier and glow) to help ease them and was trained as a massage therapist previously so he knows what hes doing
He also subsidises prosthetics and other creams and lotions for rash and other issues that come along with ahve prosthetics for those who can't afford. (He uses Rhys' allowance to pay for it, because as Feyre was very Clear on in ACoFaS, Rhys is Very Rich)
Lucien also goes to pet therapy for himself #givelucienapet
Also shameless self promotion go ready Dog Eat Dog World
Lucien has clothes in the style of every court but his favorite are Night Court and Dawn Court because of how soft their natural fabrics are and he really likes the flowy-ness of Dawn
I will die on the hill of pescatarian or vegetarian lucien birdiethebibliophile convinced me in bright eyed and bushy tailed fIGHT ME
Lucien is always warm and Feyre likes to curl up next to him when they hang out cuz she's always cold
Lucien paints his fingernails and toes after Mor convinces him to do it more often (jes used to do it and he hadnt painted his nails since but one day he was feeling particularly sad and did it bc he missed her and mor flipped she loved it so mucj)
Mor likes to paint his nails to match hers so sometimes they enter meetings with matching soft light pink nails and the person theyre meeting Knows Theyre Fucked
Mor, Lucien, and Amren also trade make up tips (lucien is a nude-palette kinda guy, mor likes to blow people out of the water with either minimalist designs or full on face, and amren likes sharp smoky and scary looks)
Lucien makes Nesta a cup of her favorite tea every morning when he makes his. Neither of them mention it.
Lucien's favorite time of day is dawn (he likes the softness of the colors)
Lucien also always sleeps way past dawn so the only time he ever sees it is when he stays up all night or vassa gets him up to watch it (shes a morning person, Jurian is decidedly not)
Lucien teaches Vassa how to contour and other fun make-up tipd he's learned over time
Lucien's handwriting is neat and caligraphic
Lucien has really long, thick eyelashes
Lucien gets freckles in the sun and his hair gets lighter
Lucien doesn't burn (but all of the Archerons do)
Lucien and Jurian always touch one another when theyre withing a foot of each other, either their fingers are intertwined or one has an arm aroubd the other's shoulders or one is using the other as a footrest or resting an arm on the other's shoulder or
Lucien has inside jokes with every single Court Royal in Prythian. They call think they're the only ones with inside jokes with him like that.
Lucien sleeps with Lots Of Pillows and Blankets
Lucien still has his baby blanket his mother sent it to him after he left autumn
Lucien has a lengthly skin care regimine which is preformed every night and graciously shared with others
Lucien spends one day a year alone where he pretends that Jesminda is still alive and he talks to her all day and 'spends the day with her'
Lucien loves cuddling.... hes much like a cat: easily touch-starved (but also slightly terrified of touch from certain people-ONLY NICE HCS DIANA STAY ON TRACK-), loves cuddling (favorite is cuddle-puddles though he rarely is in them), also saps warmth from those around him because he usually feels cold despite exuding warmth to everyone around him
Lucien likes to keep his hair down, personally, but usually has to pin it up so he found a bunch of half-up half-down hairstyles to satisfy both
Lucien sleeps with his hair in braids though
Sorry just how it is, i dont make the rules
Lucien likes hot chocolate with marshmellows, milk, and sprinkles and anything subpar he wont drink
Lucien likes fruity cocktails but stomaches other ones though usually he just drinks mocktails so he can stay sober and alert while making others unaware he isnt getting wasted
Lucien likes cinnamon and cardmon
Lucien drinks warm eggnog basically every time hes in winter
Lucien's breath always smells like peppermint
Lucien spends time with horses when he has time, not necessarily riding them... just working with them, makes him feel happy (this is heavily inspired by one of my favorite fics in ao3 lately I'm Here to Kick A** by Rose_Eserede, {sorry if u have a tumblr that im not tagging u!! I dont know it!!})
Lucien loves babies. Straight up Adores them. hes a really good uncle to feysand's kids
Lucien always wanted kids but never really imagined he's have more than one--a girl. (Lucien knew what it was like to be a little boy and he never wanted to have that responsibility)
Lucien sleeps on his belly or side (if hes sharing the bed with someone, he clings to them in his sleep like a koala)
Lucien sneezes like a kitten fox
Lucien stretches and yawns like one too
Lucien reads to relax
Lucien likes the outdoors better than the indoors
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kelsenespana-blog · 5 years
I have been meaning to do this for three weeks and am finally getting around to it! I have been living in Madrid for almost three whole weeks now (WHAT). life is crazy rn. I still have so many moments where I can’t believe where I am and that I still haven't gone home and won't be going home for many months still... I flew in the morning of January 14th after a plane ride of not being able to sleep at all. I was so nervous I started crying to myself when the plane took off (lol so dramatic). I got to the airport and was internally panicking and could not understand the guy who asked for my passport and if I had a visa. I also totally got scammed into buying way too expensive of a phone plan in the Orange store in the airport (don't do this learn from me). finally, figured out how to get a taxi and we drove to my host family’s house. was not feeling great at this point bc I had already spent so much money on a SIM card and had 2 Spaniards make fun of my Spanish... I got to my homestay and couldn't figure out what floor it was on so the man in the front office had to help me, but finally I was greeted by my adorable host mother with a huge hug and she showed me around and I got to pick my room. we sat down for coffee and talked for a bit and she asked about what kinds of foods I ate as a pescatarian and what not. this day was so long and so exhausting emotionally and physically. I took like two long naps this day and still fell asleep super early. the first dinner we had together she served chicken which I hadn't eaten in five years and I just ate it bc I was so out of it and so not ready for confrontation in Spanish. 
The next four days were spent in orientation lectures, classes, matriculation, a flamenco workshop, a rundown of the itinerary of the next week’s orientation trip to andalucia and a FEAST at a restaurant with all the people on the program (not using this word lightly; were talking 9 different plates including bread,tapas, main dish, dessert, wine, champagne, shots, anything u could think of). little did I know this was only the tip of the iceberg of Hamilton spoiling us. The weekend was pretty low-key, on thursday night we walked around with local Spanish students and Saturday night we went out with them for tapas and visited the city center. it was quite a rainy, cold night so not much going out happened, but we all figured we have many nights left in the semester. 
On monday morning, we left for Sevilla, a city in Spain’s southern province andalucia. immediately upon arriving, we were all so struck by how colorful, rustic and beautiful this city was, much more quaint than bustling Madrid. we took a walking tour and ate lunch together at another incredible restaurant. after this we walked to the plaza de España and had time to take some pics during golden hour. this night, I was barely hungry so didn't eat a full dinner, me and a group of people walked around a bit and found a bar that seemed to have been there for a long Long time and got some drinks. we ended up going to a second place for tapas and a third bar that had a religious theme and a very creepy owner who served us his signature drink “el sangre de Cristo” or the blood of christ. very odd. our second day in seville we went to the cathedral and climbed up the tower to see amazing views, this was again followed by an amazing meal.
Wednesday morning we left Sevilla and drove to an olive tree farm/restaurant in Malaga. The owner showed us how the olives are picked and all the old school machinery to make olive oil. we ate lunch there as well which was quite good but the restaurant was freezing and the meal lasted a very very long time. we then drove the rest of the way to granada. our hotel was 5 stars (so unnecessary). the rest of granada was a lot of climbing a lot of cool architecture and la Alhambra which is a huge palace with incredible detail. I was thankful to come back to Madrid after the long, tiring week and ended up staying in essentially the whole weekend. Quite the orientation to a very different semester at ham
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Corona Park Jams, By Andrew L. Foster. Creative Non-Fiction, 2017
For Your Entertainment, feel free to analyze, make remarks, ignore, enjoy, or otherwise. roughly 1600 words. about a 10 minute read.
Reflected sunrays pierce slightly bloodshot eyes after a night of libations with friends from out of town. The 1995 Buick LeSabre rattled as though it had bricks for engines. My head ached as if I had bricks for brains. The car would have its 21st birthday soon if it hadn’t had its big day already. That was reason enough for us to celebrate. Last night was the celebration of the Buicks birthday and the squeal of its belts was the hangover to the pounding in my mind. We also had friends in from out of town, we can celebrate over anything.
As if Puebloans needed a pretense to party. I allowed myself to be absorbed into the cushy carpeted seats that were tanned a light grey from years of Pueblo desert sunshine. A smile crept across my face and that lonesome sun smiled right back at me. I appreciated the historic boom district appeal contrasted with the “we never recovered from the Great Depression,” patina. Even the quintessential Pueblo dish of a cheeseburger covered in Green Chile known as a “Slopper” was weird mixed with cool. It’s the kind of college town where the community college does better than the university but they both aren’t that great. The rivalry is strong. The feeling of family is stronger. Puebloan’s need little reason to come together but create lots of reasons anyway.
This stop light always catches me. Emilio leaned into the steering wheel, elbow cocked into the open mouth of the driver’s window as the breaks pressed us to a stop. One hand clutched the wheel, fingers tapping the rhythm to a Circle Jerks jam, the other hand connected to his resting elbow brought a smoking cigarette to his open mouth. We were all in our cups last night, but we were “on one” and stocking up for more no-excuse-necessary partying. The green light cleared our passage and Emilio sought after parking.
The Pantry is a Seinfeld-esque dinner, though maybe less cliché, which is a wonderful place to fill the old tum-tum. Abriendo Street hosts a series of Roman revival structures, one or two-story buildings connected business fronts with inset window wells that lead to doorways, pulling walker-bys into shops to search for doo-dads in antique shops with no particular end in mind. We pulled up Michigan St. and parked the bucket in front of Tony and Joe’s Pizzeria. The tree-lined streets are triple wide in the Aberdeen district thanks to General Palmer calling this neighborhood home for many years. His old manse was farther up from the shops, at the first corner. A quick walk to the drugstore that has been there as long as the Corona Park and Bessemer districts, near a century. Autumn trees, gold and green leaves shimmer. The air carries the aroma of old money. We walked to the corner and found The Pantry.
Emilio represents the profile of friendships that have enhanced my life. He is unique. His Style is the more independent and classic profile of punk that could be likened to the clash, early on—before they stopped making music with pretense. No need for spikes or studs, just a simple rejection of the common standard. Emo has tackled deep self-reflection and made pertinent life changes that mirror the development of his personal philosophy. This largely consists of him choosing to be a pescatarian—a bit of a contradiction if you ask me, but I let it slide because I eat everything and have no place to talk. I hold him in high regard because he has introduced me to many Pueblo intellectuals whom I have learned and taught with too great satisfaction. Life’s zest can often be found in good company, good food, and good conversation.
Emilio paid for the half-dozen potatoes, egg, and cheese breakfast burritos. Exiting the maze of The Pantry’s tight corridors, I gave a shout out to a classmate I recognized, Anthony. He is both homeless, employed, and a student in the lowest rent city in Colorado. Anthony gave a friendly smile and went back to bussing tables. We had an ancient civilizations class together, his presentation on the ancient Assyrian warrior caste was excellent and marked him in my mind as brilliant, yet his condition remained troubled. He only came to class 1 out of 3 sessions a week. I suspect this wasn’t due to a lack of heart.
It was ten am and the hot September Sunday was well underway. Emo and I sauntered back towards the whip both donning colorized wayfarer sunglasses, like Millennial Blues Brothers, sent on a mission from God to feed our hungry and hungover friends breakfast. Next stop this morning was Hercules Liquor Store, Agent Orange’s “Bored of You” had the energy flowing through us and the breakfast burrito’s smelled like a cure to disgrace. Emilio reeled the clunker away from The Pantry and the general’s old castle and back into Abriendo’s light Sunday traffic.
Herc’s was just another couple blocks up the way on Colorado Avenue. This drag shared a wine and coffee breakfast bar on the corner, next to the Local 1607 Millwright’s office so the metal works could catch a shiner before meetings with the union. Hercules Liquor and the Historic Firehouse Museum shared an alley. Occasionally I would see familiar faces from the firefighter school working in the museum as I went into Herc’s for an evening brew. They always carried themselves with purpose as I slinked by with little pride. Emilio cut a wide U-turn and pulled us into the alley to park behind the spirits house.
This, a small cramped store was absolutely flush with plenty of beer to choose from and an excellent selection of liquor and wine. Mike and his brother ran the store together, owned by their mother who is suffering from late-stage dementia. Despite this, the boys are always smiling and chatty when they see Emilio and I come in. They like us because we drink like their late Slovakian grandpa. Campari and grappa are two of the commonly stocked items at Herc’s we can’t find elsewhere. Because the brothers are 2nd generation Americans, they still have close ties to their Italian and Slovakian family. They have cousins who live on the Island of Crete where the sculptor Pygmalion’s statue Galatea was granted life by Aphrodite because she was moved by his passionate love for the female statue he created. Just so, the Cretian Grappa Mike sold us was the type of spirit that could awaken marble statues. Grappa is what is left after wine grapes are stomped upon. It tastes vaguely like wine, but primarily like pure alcohol. It does the trick. We left the store flush with cheap beer, cheap whiskey, and a bottle of Grappa which may have been cheap or expensive, but we had yet to find another bottle in town to compare price.
As we parked on the too-narrow street in front of the house, Benjamin wore Adidas classics that had looked as though they had been walked on their whole life. His wiry chair leaned precariously back against the stucco wall while his foot pressed against the ever-loosening banister which enclosed the porch. He had a cigarette in one hand while the other cradled an iPhone near his eyeballs. A three-day beard and unruly bed head alluded to Bens Sunday dishevelment. Benji is a Vancouver Canuck. His mother passed several years prior, not long after Emilio lost his father. The two, and their larger group attended St. Mary’s Catholic for primary school and the bonds shared between my two friends were far deeper than I could estimate being a new inductee to an exclusive group.
Before Emilio and I could walk up the concrete steps Ben was laughing and explain the problems that Trotskian economic theory faced after the Bolshevik Revolution and argued that the Soviets picked the wrong guy in Lenin. I smiled and nodded as if I knew anything about Trotskian political theory. Ben was always expansive in conversation and I admired him deeply for it. The first time Emilio introduced us, my misgiving and mistrust of new people was rendered mute next to the backyard fire pit and eager talking points Ben insisted on sharing with me.
I remember that night, he would hardly let anyone say a word as he often does. I interrupted him as he spoke with conviction on the need to rid the world of paper currency to be replaced with a social exchange program in line with “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.” I asked him if he always commanded the conversation and if he ever let anyone else speak. I was instantly mortified at my manners but everyone sitting around the fire began to laugh. Ben’s other half said, “No, this is how he always is.” Ben quitted down a bit and we all shared the conversation. We all picked songs on an iPad adorned in a case printed with an ancient world map and took turns playing obscure music while passing the bottle of cheap around. The grainy taste of the whiskey mixed with the fire smoke's aroma, both gently burning our throats. This was the standard weekend for most of two years, good company seasoning our slowly aging lives within the old, worn town that rested in the fading shadows of old wealth.
As the Sunday star dipped below the horizon, we looked out towards La Vida Pass and the Sangre De Cristo mountains. The buzz we shared reached deeply into the earth and for a moment it seemed like all of us were supposed to find each other, as though no matter how big the universe became this moment would persist as both the flash of a meteorite and the timeless life of a lonely sun. As if we needed more reason for us to celebrate.
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amattox82-blog · 6 years
My Mom has always been hella protective of me. That's hoenstly y I don't have many friends. I used 2 resent her, but I see how she was protecting me. While she was guiding me 2 stay away, she also tell the trickery of humans. I'd argue whenever I felt the need. Which was often. She don't think I listen. But I do. In my own way doe... My Mom's always been able 2 read any man like a book. Especially my King. She decided 2 get close w/him when she realized that even thru all our drama, I picked him. @ 1 time, they were so close, they conspired 2gether 2 surprise me. I'm hard @ work in my room. Bonnet on, lookin hella mean & focused. N kinds crazy. My Mom has me look in the office & he was sitting in the chair. Just like in my dreams😍😇. Their relationship was tested when she accepted me & the children moving back 2 his Mom's house. Knowing the drama this situation presented has froze her heart 2 genuinely love him anymore. I kinda feel like she's tryna support me cuz I don't get mad enough, long enough. I'm sure it hurts my King 2 feel rejected. If she considers his own desire 2 protect me was rooted in his fear,shame & guilt, maybe she's see what they have in common. She knows how special I am & is pissed she trusted him & he failed. Y'all kno about all the drama. Our current reality is unfortunate. I accept their choices. And still intentionally b deliberately create in my mind's eye😉 Ladies, let's stop using our family members 2 boot out negative energy 2 our ex's. Every1 is doin the best they can. Not being 2gether should be celebrated, right? If u mad, u should meditate & see urself healin ur chakras. Ur perception will strengthen & so will ur relationships. Healin is optional. The current, popular route is a ticket 2 man made dis-ease neva neva land. Remember, death is an option. Follow @TwerkNTone 4 lifestyle health tips 👽😘 Thx 4 accepting my words. I got some mo💕 #ElectricLady #TwerkNTone #TeamAlchemy #LuvNLite #HealChallenge #motherhood #breastfeeding #bonding #deep #justsaying #this #art #realtalk #vegansofig #paleo #vegetarian #pescatarian #vegan #animallovers #seafood #veganism #catholicconnect #catholic #catholicism #tolerance
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nomunun · 7 years
6, 15, 22, 34, 41, 53, 62, 79, 81, 99, 107
6: Aliens or ghosts?ALIENS ALL THE WAY!
15: Last song I listened to?linkin park - no more sorrow
22: A good quality of mine?i’m a good listener and always try my best to give actual advice
34: Someone I always think about?my ex girlfriend lmaooooo she’s in my mind 24/7 and i hate it
41: Do I have any strange phobias?being ignored deliberately ((actually got it tattooed on my arm whoops))
53: What makes me smile?my doggo, haikyuu, one piece
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?i was vegan for a long time but rn im mostly veggie bcuz my mental health doesnt allow veganism atm
79: Sunsets or sunrise?sunset!
81: Story behind my last kiss?well okay so it was my last day at my ex gf’s place and we went onto the rooftop of her house and watched the sunset and then she kissed me and i almost(!) cried bcuz we wouldnt see each other again for 6 months but jokes on me we never saw each other again at all lmao b y e
99: 3 things I hate?
myself lmao #LivingTheEmoLife
having a hiccup
the internet at my mom’s place
107: Guilty pleasure?every fruit u can think of covered in peanut butter ahhhh
send me a number!
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transssexualheart · 7 years
Do all, entertain me so I don't have to do hw
ah man i was actually doing hw for once
1- my name?rain
2- do i have any nicknames?my mom calls me rainbow, my brother calls me ron, my friends don’t really call me by any nicknames anymore
3- zodiac sign?leo, borderline virgo 
4- video game i play to chill, not to win?animal crossing
5- book/series i reread?harry potter
6- aliens or ghosts?uhhhh ghosts
7- writer i trust enough to read anything they write?idk if there’s any
8- favorite radio station?i don’t listen to the radio much
9- favorite flavor of anything?watermelon or blue raspberry
10- the word i use all the time to describe something great?idk, i say hell yeah a lot
11- favorite song?robbers by the 1975 probably (im listening to it now lol)
12- the question you ask new friends to get to know them better?i usually ask what they’re doing when we text and they tell and through this over time you hear about their family and intrests
13- favorite word?either “soft” or “gentle”
14- last person who hurt me, did i forgive them?not sure, i think i was the last person to hurt me, and i don’t really forgive myself for anything
15- last song i listened to?robbers by the 1975
16- tv show i always recommend?rick and morty
17- pirates or ninjas?see on one hand i have gay pirates and on the other i have nsp so idk
18- movie i watch when i’m feeling down?probably some pokemon movie lmao
19- song that i always start my shuffle with/wake up song/always on loop song?my alarm is nine in the afternoon by p!atd, i usually shuffle the fiddler on the roof soundtrack starting with the wedding dance song or now i have everything, on loop i usually have do i wanna know by arctic monkeys or sarah smiles by p!atd
20- favorite video games?any pokemon game
21- what am i most afraid of?the people i love secretly hating me or abandoning me or dying
22- a good quality of mine?uhhhhh,,, i guess um. my hair is dark? so it makes it easier to see facial hair and shit on me which is helpful for my trans ass
23- a bad quality of mine?i can’t shut up about anything i’m interested in bc i obsess myself with things that make me happy and always want to talk about them because they’re the the things that keep me alive but it gets annoying and i get a lot of “would you shut up about this subject”
24- cats or dogs?how could i CHOOSE
25- actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in?i don’t pay a lot of attention to the actors for ppl in movies, i think the only actor i was willing to go see whatever they were in was u lmao
26- favorite season?spring/autumn
27- am i in a relationship?no
28- something i miss?the way things used to be sometimes
29- my best friend? i’ve considered u my best friend for a long time, if i didn’t delete messages u could probably find me talking to newer ppl (mainly chloe, who was that girl i asked out and rejected me) being like “yeah so she’s my best friend and she’s great”
30- eye color?brown
31- hair color?dark brown
32- someone i love?diakjgbjfgvldgjh
33- someone i trust?i trust u and zee the most
34- someone i always think about?Get Out Of This Home
35- am i excited about anything?dying
36- my current obsession?playing amazing grace on the piano
37- favorite tv shows as a child?i loved sesame street
38- do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to?not really
39- am i superstitious?idk
40- what do i think about most?what the fuck do you think 
41- do i have any strange phobias?i don’t think so
42- do i prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?not sure
43- favorite hobbies?drawing, writing, playing piano
44- last book i read?the great american whatever, great book btw, read it if ur looking for more gay books. warning though for death (that’s not really a spoiler i promise)
45- last film i watched?blue is the warmest color, didn’t finish it tho
46- do i play any instruments?piano
47- favorite animals?cats and dogs
48- top 5 blogs on tumblr that i follow?@ dreamts@ maroonracoon@ hugables@ roswater@ fauning
49- superpower i wish i could have?to pause time
50- how do i destress?what
51- do i like confrontation?no
52- when do i feel most at peace?when i sleep
53- what makes me smile?hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
54- do i sleep with the lights on or off?off
55- play any sports?no
56- what is my song of the week?idk the week just started my guy
57- favorite drink?grape juice
58- when did i last send a handwritten letter to somebody?idk
59- afraid of heights?not really
60- pet peeve?when u tell someone to stop fuckin touching u and they keep doing it immediately after
61- what was the last concert i went to see?the 1975!! just last night
62- am i vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?no 
63- what occupation did i want to do when i was younger?i really wanted to be a singer
64- have i ever had a friend turn into an enemy?i’ve had fights with friends but we either made up or stopped being friends but aren’t enemies
65- what fictional universe would i like to be a part of?idk
66- something i worry about?friends when they’re sad, i know some of them probably won’t but i still worry about them hurting themselves
67- scared of the dark?yeah
68- who are my best friends?you, zee, shannon, spencer, i could go on but there’s a lot
69- what do i admire most about others?musical abilities, especially with singing
70- can i sing?idk, logically i have no reason to think that i can’t because literally everyone that’s ever heard me sing says it’s not bad or that i have a nice voice but i’m still unconvinced
71- something i wish i could do?sing in front of people without having an anxiety attack, speaking of singing
72- if i won the lottery, what would i do?buy myself and my friends a ton of shit probably
73- have i ever skipped school?i’ve faked being sick to get out of school
74- favorite place on the planet?idk man i haven’t been many places
75- where do i want to live?kinda wanna live in nyc
76- do i have any pets?cat named danny, two fish one named goldy and the other shaneeta dee
77- what is my current desktop picture?an nsp concert but i’ve been meaning to change it for a while now
78- early bird or night owl?night owl
79- sunsets or sunrise?sunsets
80- can i drive?no
81- story behind my last kiss?it was so long ago man i can’t really remember
82- earphones or headphones?earphones
83- have i ever had braces?no
84- story behind one of my scars?idk if i have any but i have a scab that i picked at until it bled in piano class because i was Not Ok and many times after for the same reason and that’s probably gonna scar now
85- favorite genre of music?idk
86- who is my hero?idk
87- favorite comic book characters?i don’t really read comic books much
88- what makes me really angry?when people hurt my friends 
89- kindle or real book?real book
90- favorite sporty activity?idk man
91- what is the one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be???????
92- what was my favorite subject at school?idk man i guess art is ok but i’m not the biggest fan of my teacher
93- siblings?two, one brother and a sister
94- what was the last thing i bought?probably food
95- how tall am i?i think 5′5
96- can i cook?i can make grilled cheese and also pancakes
97- can i bake?if u give me a recipe then probably
98- 3 things i love?my friendspianosleeping
99- 3 things i hate?donald trumpdepressionanxiety
100- do i have more girl friends or boy friends?idk a lot of my friends are non binary or i don’t know their gender
101- who do i get on with better, girls or boys?im tempted to say girls but that’s just bc i have a preference for girls romantically in reality it doesn’t really matter as long as u aren’t a dick
102- where was i born?albany
103- sexual orientation?pan, probably somewhere on the ace spectrum bc sexual attraction is so so rare for me so if i think ur hot u better believe u are
104- where do i currently live?new york
105- last person i texted?you
106- last time i cried?not sure, i think last week when i had that big meltdown that y’all saw where @ hero-art was sending me asks through it
107- guilty pleasure?hhgghg,,hggg, watching vids of u singing
108- favorite youtuber?probably still the game grumps
109- a photo of myselfdamn bitch just search the tag # rain shows you his face
110- do i like selfies?i take a lot, usually just because my makeup looks cool that day, but they’re mostly shit
111- favorite game app?i don’t play game apps
112- my relationship with my parents?:/
113- favorite accents?idk man
114- a place i have not been but would like to visit?metropolitan museum of art
115- favorite number?five
116- can i juggle?no
117- am i religious?no
118- do i like space?it’s cool
119- do i like the deep ocean?it’s pretty
120- am i much of a daredevil?lol no
121- am i allergic to anything?i think grass
122- can i curl my tongue?yeah
123- can i wiggle my ears?no
124- do i like clowns?don’t really have an opinion on them
125- the beatles or elvis?i don’t listen to either of them
126- my current project?my dumbass lab writeup
127- am i a bad loser?i don’t think so
128- do i admit when i’m wrong?yes
129- forest or beach?beach
130- favorite piece of advice?“love everyone, forgive everyone, especially yourself.”
131- am i a good liar?i think so
132- hogwarts house/divergent faction/hunger games district?i’m a gryffindor and i didn’t read divergent or the hunger games
133- do i talk to myself?all the time
134- am i very social?no
135- do i like gossip?maybe? idk as long as no one is hurt
136- do i keep a journal/diary?i guess my writing blog is kind of an over exaggerated diary
137- have i ever hopelessly failed a test?i got a zero on a quiz once if that counts
138- do i believe in second chances?depends
139- if i found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would i  do?get my mom to turn it in to ppl who know what to do with it
140- do i believe people are capable of change?yeah i suppose, but depends
141- have i ever been underweight?no
142- am i ticklish?very
143- have i ever been in a submarine?no
144- have i ever been on a plane?when i was seven
145- in a film about my life, who would i cast as myself, friends, and family?ah man idk i don’t have an extensive knowledge of actors
146- have i ever been overweight?no
147- do i have any piercings?one in each ear
148- what fictional character do i wish was real?idk
149- do i have any tattoos?two, one on my ankle and another on my ass
150- what is the best decision i have made in my life so far?to realize that i fucked up and to apologize
151- do i believe in karma?i guess
152- do i wear glasses or contacts?i need glasses but don’t wear them much
153- what was my first car?none
154- do i want children?depends on who i’d have them with
155- who is the most intelligent person i know?idk man it’s kinda subjective isn’t it?
156- my most embarrassing moment?my whole entire life
157- what makes me nostalgic?old songs
158- have i ever pulled an all nighter?oh yeah
159- which do i value most in others, brains or beauty?brains
160- what color dominates my wardrobe?idk actually
161- have i ever had a paranormal experience?not really
162- what do i hate most about myself?i’m stupid, i hurt and bother others way too much 
163- what do i love most about myself?ok i’m honestly not being a self loathing dick on purpose here i genuinely can’t think of something i love about myself
164- do i like adventure?yeah
165- do i believe in fate? maybe
166- favorite animal?question already asked bro
167- have i ever been on radio?no
168- have i ever been on tv?no, but yesterday i got asked to be (i declined because of anxiety)
169- how old am i?fourteen
170- one of my favorite quotes?“and you know that it’s not good, that there is no good, that nothing good can ever come out of it. but you do it anyway. and then... well. and then you burn.”
171- do i hold grudges?depends
172- do i trust easily?i don’t think so
173- have i learnt from my mistakes?yeah
174- best gift i’ve ever received?well my computer was p good though i payed for part of it
175- do i dream?yeah
176- have i ever had a night terror?yeah
177- do i remember my dreams, and what is the one that comes to mind?i do, and i just remembered the dream i had where there was this weird ass magical storm by my school that happened once thousands of years before on the same day and ppl thought it was a myth but it wasn’t, it was controlled by some ghost of a little girl and it lasted for weeks and eventually within our small shelter by the school people just died arbitrarily and some died from the storm who went out to try and get food and some starved, and soon all that was left was me and three others and it was horrible because every time we closed our eyes we were afraid we were going to open them and someone would be dead
178- an experience that has made me stronger?idk. probably my dad dying?
179- if i were immortal what would i do?try and undo that immortality or send myself into a coma forever because god i already want to die having to live forever would be the biggest curse ever
180- do i like shopping?sure
181- if i could get away with a crime, what would i do?idk man i don’t think about a life of crime much
182- what does family mean to me?people who care about me and love me and that i care about and love back
183- what is my spirit animal?im p sure that as a white person i’m not supposed to have one
184- how do i want to be remembered?for kindness
185- if i could master one skill, what would i choose?being better at piano
186- what is my greatest failure?everything
187- what is my greatest achievement?don’t know, i’m not proud of many things that i do
188- love or money?love
189- love or career?love
190- if i could time travel, where and when would i want to go?nowhere, i don’t want to spoil the future for myself and i don’t want to fuck with the past
191- what makes me the happiest?FUCK off
192- what is “home” to me?being with someone i love
193- what motivates me?i don’t know. not much anymore
194- if i could choose my last words, what would they be?idk, it depends on who i’d say them to
195- would i ever want to encounter aliens?if they’re nice then yes
196- a movie that scared me as a child?coraline
197- something i hated as a child that i like now?idk
198- zombies or vampires?vampires bc baz
199- live in the city or the suburbs?city
200- dragons or wizards?wizards
201- a nightmare that stayed with me?so this is from when i was little, my dad was driving my brother and i to the park and i was in the backseat bc i was tiny. so i said something to him and got no reply, i looked over and he wasn’t in the front seat, he was gone and nobody was driving. i look out the front and we’re headed for a part where we were meant to turn and there’s a giant steep hill and the car just keeps going forwards. it drives up the hill then flips over and crashes and rolls back down the hill and then i woke up
202- how do i define love?oh gosh. it’s in trusting other people to tell everything, even if they don’t “get” you, even if they won’t understand what you mean or how you feel because you trust them. it’s in the way you feel accepted around them. and all the inside jokes and knowing glances and doing everything you can to help when they’re down and feeling at home around them.
203- do i judge a book by it’s cover?a little
204- have i ever had my heart broken?yeah
205- do i like my handwriting?not really
206- sweet or savory?sweet
207- worst job i’ve had?never had a job
208- do i collect anything?ramune bottles and pokemon cards 
209- item of clothing or jewelry you’ll never see me without?don’t think there is one
210- what is on my bucket list?kiss a girl
211- how do i handle anger?vent to a friend
212- was i named after anyone?not with my first name, but my mom gave me my middle name after her friend from college
213- do i use sarcasm a lot?no.............of course not
214- what tv character am i most like?not sure
215- what is the weirdest talent i have?talent. What Is That
216- favorite fictional character?how could i choose one
thanks for asking  
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boxxkitt · 7 years
Questions #1-216 please.
1: My name? My name is Kitt!2: Do I have any nicknames? My nickname is Kitt owo” I don’t use my real name anymore.3: Zodiac sign? I’m a Leo but I was born on the Cancer-Leo cusp4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? Dragon Age: Inquisition/Hollow Knight5: Book/series I reread? Fullmetal Alchemist, Hotblood!, Tsubasa.6: Aliens or ghosts? Ghost! I feel like I’ve seen them before and felt them before. Aliens are cool too.7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?I dunno, I don’t read too much.8: Favourite radio station? 107.5 XM9: Favourite flavour of anything? Favorite flavor of ice cream is Rocky Road and Coffee.10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? Rad, Snazzy, Groovy.11: Favourite song? [This one!] I promise it’s not a Rick Roll.12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? Who do you think you would be in a zombie apocalypse and why?13: Favourite word? Not too sure, probably Snazzy.14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? Dunno, forgive and forget my dudes.15: Last song I listened to? This one .////. I like it too much.16: TV show I always recommend? Brooklyn 99, Parks and Rec, Stranger Things, Ald.Noah 017: Pirates or ninjas? Pirates?18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? The Star Wars Trilogies or Marvel movies.19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? I usually start my shuffle with my most recent favorite song. Wake up song is definetly “I’m walking on sunshine” or “On my Way.”On loop is you guessed it, [X]20: Favourite video games? Dragon Age: Inquisition, Uncharted series, Witcher Trilogy, Titanfall, Overwatch, Telltale Walking Dead games.21: What am I most afraid of? Living an unfulfilled life full of regret and the dark.22: A good quality of mine? My undying compassion and patience for others.23: A bad quality of mine? I can be stubborn and lazy at times.24: Cats or dogs? I love kitties!25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? Oscar Isaac, Matt Damon26: Favourite season? The Fall and Winter, I have terrible allergies. Like people say that a lot but, I’m allergic to about 48 of 50 plants in Vegas [where I live] and on a scale of 1-4 most are 2-3 with some being 4.27: Am I in a relationship? >;3c28: Something I miss? Being able to see my friends everyday like back in High School.29: My best friend(s)?@air-a-shii@bigsasuke 30: Eye colour? Brown or Hazel?31: Hair colour? I have graying black hair with flecks of white.32: Someone I love? Too many to chose from [like 4 people]33: Someone I trust? My cat, Princess.34: Someone I always think about? My cat and how much I miss her.35: Am I excited about anything? I’m going to a Panic! At the Disco concert in 20 days!36: My current obsession? Cowboy Bepbop37: Favourite TV shows as a child? Drake and Josh or The Price is Right.38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? @air-a-shii​ @bigsasuke​39: Am I superstitious? I believe that most “superstitions are based in some kind of fact.40: What do I think about most? How fickle some people's beliefs are, I won’t challenge or question people's beliefs too much if I think they are being good about it. When people start preaching how that I’m gonna go to hell or other such place because I don’t believe in their religion, I get mad. I was raised Catholic, I like the ideas that Catholicism put out, like the 10 commandments are a good list of rules. But I think people should believe in ideas and not a faith, Catholics preach loving your neighbor but some believe that being gay is a sin, others hate people of the Islamic faith because of their so called, “terrorist faith”, or they believe a country built on the very concept of immigration should wall off their borders because of [insert “Non-Racist” complaint]” Believe what you want, but just remember, faith is still an opinion, treat it like so.41: Do I have any strange phobias?No, don’t think so?42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? I like saving a moment but I also like being the one in the moment. So either is good enough for me.43: Favourite hobbies? Drawing, amateur story writing, video gaming. 44: Last book I read? HOTBLOOD!45: Last film I watched? Disney(1999) Tarzan46: Do I play any instruments? No I do not but, I would love to play the flute and viola.47: Favorite animal? Fox, Dumbo Octopus, and Cat.48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow!@air-a-shii@bigsasuke@princessharumi@8owties@ahegao-queen49: Superpower I wish I could have? I dunno, maybe something like Doctor Strange where I have mystic abilities.50: How do I de-stress? “That’s my secret Cap. I’m always stressed.”51: Do I like confrontation? I don’t mind it when it’s called for, I try to defuse before it gets there.52: When do I feel most at peace? When I’m with close friends.53: What makes me smile? Friends telling me they love me, hanging out with good friends, dancing.54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? It needs to be dark when I sleep but I can sleep with the lights on. 55: Play any sports? I don’t because I have asthma, I like biking though and volleyball is always fun.56: What is my song of the week? Remember '0857: Favourite drink? LEMONADE58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? Like in the mail, never? By hand like59: Afraid of heights? Yeah.60: Pet peeve? When people apologize “too much” or for things they can’t control. 61: What was the last concert I went to see? Big Bad Voodoo Daddy62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?Nah. I think it’s good in concept but I could never do it.63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? Veterinarian64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy?Yes, many.65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? The Marvel Universe66: Something I worry about?Yes.67: Scared of the dark? I’m more scared of not being able to see.68: Who are my best friends?@air-a-shii@bigsasuke69: What do I admire most about others? Their personalities and precious time that they spend with me.70: Can I sing? Just because you can sing, doesn’t mean you should. I am the definition of that phrase. 71: Something I wish I could do? Maybe travel around for awhile with all expenses paid.72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? Donate a lot of it while putting some away for my own personal use. I would buy land from private owners then give it to the government so that they can turn them into parks/national parks, have them make it in my name. Pay off all of my parents debts as well as my own, then reap all the tax deductions based off my newly founded parks owo.73: Have I ever skipped school? Yea u//w//u74: Favourite place on the planet? The forest or the arms of my friends as they hug me.75: Where do I want to live? Maybe some where that rains often.76: Do I have any pets?Yes, I have a cat named Princess that lives with my parents.77: What is my current desktop picture? Pictures of Peridot, Nepeta and Pidge from the tumblr.78: Early bird or night owl? Both owo” I stay up late and wake up at 900 am - 1030 am every morning.79: Sunsets or sunrise? I like both, I like seeing the new day arrive and I like seeing the day leave us with hopefully good memory.80: Can I drive? I can but, I don’t have my license.81: Story behind my last kiss? I don’t remember my last kiss.82: Earphones or headphones? I like headphones better, better sound quality.83: Have I ever had braces? Yeah, for 7 years. owo”84: Story behind one of my scars? I have a faded scar behind my right ear, Ipicked up my at time friend Jessi up, she started so slip and trying to not drop her I accidentally grabbed her butt. She dug her nails into her my neck out of shock and scared me on the back of my ear.85: Favourite genre of music? Alternative rock!86: Who is my hero? I dunno.87: Favourite comic book character? Daredevil and Captain Marvel [Carol Danvers]88: What makes me really angry? Ignorant religious people, ignorant people.89: Kindle or real book? I like Kindles, they reduce paper waste but, I like holding books.90: Favourite sporty activity? Biking and Volleyball91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? School lunches.92: What was my favourite subject at school? U.S. Government, and World History.93: Siblings? I have a younger sister and a baby brother, my cousin grew up with us so her too.94: What was the last thing I bought? Salsa and Ice cream95: How tall am I? 5’ 9 last time I checked.96: Can I cook? YES! I love cooking.97: Can I bake? YES, I love baking too!98: 3 things I love? Friends, Animals, Rainy Day naps.99: 3 things I hate? People who are dicks, domestic assault rifles, the belittling of people.100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? Girl friends101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? Girls102: Where was I born? Las Vegas103: Sexual orientation? Bi curious104: Where do I currently live? Las Vegas105: Last person I texted? My house mate messaged me they touched down at the airport106: Last time I cried? owo” dunno107: Guilty pleasure? Not sure. (Selfies)108: Favourite Youtuber? Markiplier109: A photo of myself. Maybe later.110: Do I like selfies? Love111: Favourite game app? 1010!112: My relationship with my parents? Better now that I’ve moved out.113: Favourite accents? East coast accents and Korean accents.114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? Seoul, Korea and Kyoto, Japan115: Favourite number? 7 and 8116: Can I juggle? No.117: Am I religious? Eh.118: Do I like space? LOVE.119: Do I like the deep ocean? DEEP FEAR120: Am I much of a daredevil? Yeah I love to try new things.121: Am I allergic to anything? A lot of plants.122: Can I curl my tongue? Ye.123: Can I wiggle my ears? Yeah, when I get peeved my ears perk up apparently.124: Do I like clowns? Fuck no.125: The Beatles or Elvis? Elvis to be honest.126: My current project? A story called, “When All are Gone, Who Will Remember?”127: Am I a bad loser? Sometimes.128: Do I admit when I wrong? I try my hardest.129: Forest or beach? FOREST, the Beach is scary to me.130: Favourite piece of advice? “Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.” and “Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but they won’t. This is what love it.”131: Am I a good liar? Yeah.132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Ravenclaw, Erdite, District 2133: Do I talk to myself? Yeah I do.134: Am I very social? Yeah! I like talking to people but I do burn out.135: Do I like gossip? Just a tad.136: Do I keep a journal/diary? I do but it’s only when I need to vent to someone and I can’t do it to a person.137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? Yeah.138: Do I believe in second chances? Depends on who and how bad the first chance was.139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? I dunno, try and find the person whose it is. Maybe keep it.140: Do I believe people are capable of change? Yes, people can change.141: Have I ever been underweight? Nope, I’ve always been overweight.142: Am I ticklish? [No comment]143: Have I ever been in a submarine? No, I’d rather not ever go in one.144: Have I ever been on a plane? Yes, a multitude of times.145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family?Dunno, that’s an odd question.146: Have I ever been overweight? I’ve always been overweight.147: Do I have any piercings?No but I do want some. I want an industrial, 2 hex, and maybe a tongue bar.148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? No clue, maybe Captain America. We need him now more than ever.149: Do I have any tattoos? No but, again I want some.150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? Moving out.151: Do I believe in Karma? I believe that if you put bad into the universe it comes full circle.152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? Yes I wear glasses.153: What was my first car? Never had a car.154: Do I want children? Maybe.155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? My housemate.156: My most embarrassing memory? Dunno.157: What makes me nostalgic? Pokemon games.158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? All the time.159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? Neither.160: What color mostly dominates my wardrobe?Army Green, Red, Grey, and Black161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? YEAH. My Great Grandma lived in a house that belonged to her one of her grandkids, it was an older 70’s model home with tall metal fences. Whenever I went on to the property I would always have an extremely bad feeling, there were bad feelings everywhere in the grounds except the kitchen. Especially in this large tree outside where there was a treehouse, I swear people were murdered their. 162: What do I hate most about myself? How I can be so unemotional or that I find emotions hard.163: What do I love most about myself? How that I can be very kind, compassionate, and easy to talk too, I’m told I can be.164: Do I like adventure? I would love to explore more.165: Do I believe in fate? I believe in it to a certain extent, fate is life up until you decide to take control of it.166: Favourite animal? Fox, Dumbo Octopus, and Cat.167: Have I ever been on radio? No I have not.168: Have I ever been on TV? Yes! I was on the news for a thing for a program I was in for school.169: How old am I? 18 turning 19 in July170: One of my favourite quotes? “Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but they won’t. This is what love it.”171: Do I hold grudges? Kinda but, I don’t like to.172: Do I trust easily? Fairly173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? Always try to take something away from it.174: Best gift I’ve ever received? My life to be honest, close second is a Poe Dameron Jacket175: Do I dream? Yes176: Have I ever had a night terror? Often177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? There are some that I remember because they were so real feeling but they were so outlandish that I couldn’t believe I even dreamt it. 178: An experience that has made me stronger? Going through high school made me a better and stronger person, I know more socially than I did before.179: If I were immortal, what would I do? Try to stay low key, try and enjoy everything that I can.180: Do I like shopping? Yeah! I’m not the best at it though, I usually buy only like 3 things.181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? Tax evasion.182: What does “family” mean to me? Family isn’t just those who share the same blood in your veins, being family is a symbolic gesture. Family is those who you share bonds with, my family are my friends just as much as my blood family is. “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”183: What is my spirit animal? Not sure, I think maybe a fox if anything?184: How do I want to be remembered? Fondly, with good regards and as a friend. 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? CYBERNETIC ENHANCEMENTS/PROSTHETICS186: What is my greatest failure? Not trying as hard as I could of and not asking more questions along the way.187: What is my greatest achievement? Surviving everything up till this point.188: Love or money? Love189: Love or career? Career190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? I don’t know, I think people shouldn’t want to go back in time or forward in time. I think everyone should live for and in the now, trying to make sure there is a future worth seeing.191: What makes me the happiest? Being with people who enjoy time with me and company.192: What is “home” to me? Where my heart is.193: What motivates me? Knowing that I can always do better, and that the future is out there.194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? “Remember, give reason a shot. It has never, not once in history, worked. But it might just work this time.”195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? If they were friendly I would wanna know all about their political and cultural histories.196: A movie that scared me as a child? Sleepy Hollow.197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? Mustard.198: Zombies or vampires? Vampires.199: Live in the city or suburbs? City.200: Dragons or wizards? DRAGONS!201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? Dude I can’t even explain it, I just know it was too much for me to handle at the time.202: How do I define love?Whispering a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but they won’t. This is what love it.203: Do I judge a book by its cover? Sometimes, the title is on the cover so I usually start there.204: Have I ever had my heart broken? Yes, I have many times.205: Do I like my handwriting?YES. I love hand writing it is one of the most interesting things about people. 206: Sweet or savoury? I think Savory207: Worst job I’ve had?BOXLUNCH, working their blew ass. 208: Do I collect anything? I collect bottle caps I find on the street, stones, and bullet casings.209: Item of clothing or jewelry you’ll never see me without? Some kind of hoodie.210: What is on my bucket list? Publish a story/comic.211: How do I handle anger? Yes.212: Was I named after anyone? I was named after an actor.213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? It’s pretty much the only form of communication I know.214: What TV character am I most like? I don’t know, I haven’t really seen a character on TV i’ve related to on that level215: What is the weirdest talent I have? I have almost no gag reflex? Is that a talent? owo’’216: Favourite fictional character? PROBABLY, Nepeta Lejion from homestuck.
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