#she's so cute tho and kept me company while I was sick and is
honeydrop-sweetheart · 8 months
Hey folks I am not great at sports; can you please help me identify what sort of ball this is????
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Hii- if you're taking any request, could I get one where reader, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima are friends but the reader constantly drops hints that she likes Yams but he misinterprets them as for Tsukki? 👉🏻👈🏻 dkgjsjfje no need to rush yourself tho oki? You can do it in your own time ❤️ hope you have a wonderful day/night! ✨
Word Count: 2,036
Warnings: probably some swearing, a bit of angst but there’s a happy ending promise! 
Pairing: Yamaguchi Tadashi x Fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you for the request! I dunno if I fully got the idea you wanted haha but here you go! (Originally thought @thisnoodlewritesao3 gave in this request but apparently she didn’t!!!! So whoever sent this in thank you so much!!!!). Enjoy lovelies!
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(not my gif, creds to the original creator :))
Today was the day. Yamaguchi had never been so confident with one of his decisions before. But this one. This one he was sure of.
He tucked the broken pieces of his heart into some deep part of him as he stared at himself in the mirror. He stared at himself in the mirror for a second before nodding to himself. Today was the day, he whispered to himself for what felt like the millionth time. Today was the day he would let go.
He knew it was going to hurt, he knew that his heart was already falling apart but it didn’t matter. How can you be broken hearted over losing someone when they weren’t yours in the first place?
The day started like any other school day, Yamaguchi meeting up with you and Tsukishima on the corner of the street where all your paths met. Like usual, you and Tsukishima were already there since you both lived closer than Yamaguchi did.
“Hi Yams!” You beamed up at him and he tried his best to give a genuine smile back. Why did this smile look so much different than the one you gave Tsukki?
“You took longer than usual,” Tsukishima commented, raising an eyebrow at his best friend.
Yamaguchi had hoped he wouldn’t noticed, but it wasn’t really all that surprising that he did, “Just got up late,” he said with a smile, trying to be convincing.
Tsukishima watched him for a moment, raising an eyebrow as if to ask are you sure you’re okay? Yamaguchi just gave a small nod and then turned to you as you talked about the project that was due today.
He wanted to keep walking with you, listening to you go on about your day, about the dog you saw on your way over, about your family and anything else that made you smile. But he kept slowing down his pace, watching from behind what it would look like, you and Tsukki walking together. Why did you two look so much better than he could ever dream?
“Yams?” Your voice drew him from his thoughts, him offering his typical I’m okay smile. “You seem really out of it today, are you feeling sick?” You asked, pressing a hand to his forehead to check his temperature.
He wanted to press against your hand just a little longer, the feeling of your skin on his always made his heart flutter. But instead, he just laughed and shook his head, “I’m alright. I guess I’m still a little asleep!”
You seemed to buy it and nod, linking your arm with his, “Come on then, don’t slow down on me. If you do, I have to walk with Tsukishima and I don’t think he likes my company,” you laugh.
Tsukishima just rolled his eyes and pulled his headphones on like he normally did in the mornings when the three of you walked together. Yamaguchi always wondered if he did this so he could have more privacy to talk to you. Tsukishima had known right away that Yamaguchi’s heart only beat for you. But what else did he know?
Did he know that Yamaguchi would always step back for him? Did he know that you just seemed so much happier with him, the one who was so much cooler? So much taller? So much smarter? That you would be better off with him?
But you just talked on, trying to get Yams back into how he was normally, asking about his weekend and morning. By the time you all got to school, Tsukishima said something about needing to go find the third years and talk to them about something. It was a lie and Yamaguchi was sure of that. 
Tsukishima had been trying to tell him lately to stop being so scared and just tell you how he felt. He even insisted that you had been trying to drop little hints all the time but Yamaguchi was sure that Tsukishima was just exaggerating (though, he wasn’t really the exaggerating kind). But how had Tsukishima not noticed how much time you spent by his side? How had he not realized that you always seemed to try and get his attention, always tried to get him talking?
You had to be in love with Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi was sure of that. Because who would ever go for him, an emotional freckled loser, when Tsukki was around?
“Yams, do you think confessing ruins a lot of friendships?” You asked softly as the two of you walked slowly through the almost empty courtyard, not a lot of students on campus yet.
His eyes locked onto yours for a moment, the surprise in them flickering away as he quickly looked away, “What do you mean?”
“I mean... it’s so easy for friends to fall in love isn’t it? You know everything about a person, see everything they are, the good and the bad, and... you just can’t help it.” There was such a lightness to your voice. Yamaguchi’s heart was pounding against his chest, was this the moment you’d tell him? That you were in love with his best friend? What was he even supposed to say?
“I... suppose,” he mumbled quietly, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Are you in love?”
“I’ve never been in love before,” you admitted shyly, smiling up at his direction but still noting that he was refusing to look at you. “But I think I might be.”
Somewhere, Yamaguchi wanted to tell her that Tsukki would never be interested. Even if Yamaguchi wasn’t in love with you, Tsukki didn’t really seem all that interested in relationships right now. So wouldn’t it be better for you to not bother getting her heart broken? Because his was already breaking and it was hurting like hell - shouldn’t he try to save you from that. He wanted to tell you to save yourself, but instead he heard himself say, “You should tell him then...”
He closed his eyes, ready for you to tell him with an excited tone that you were going to find Tsukki. Tell him how you felt. He saw a flash of a lifetime in his head, what you would look like on your first date with Tsukki holding your hand, how your smile would meet Tsukki’s eyes more than Yamaguchi’s, how you would offer your heart to Tsukki, and not Yamaguchi-
“I’m trying to, but he’s refusing to look at me,” you said suddenly, a laugh in your voice. What was that in your laugh? Was that... nervousness?
Yamaguchi’s eyes popped open, looking down at you with surprise. “W-What?”
“If you’d just pay attention to me, this confession would’ve been over a while ago,” you laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of your head. Now that he was looking at you, your eyes didn’t want to meet his.
“Confession?” Yamaguchi’s voice cracked and his ears were burning with embarrassment now.
You bit down on your lip, a nervous habit of yours, and pulled out a cute little teddy bear plush from your backpack, “I got this at the arcade we went to a few days ago. And that day, when it was just you and me, I realized that you’re the only one I want to be with all the time. You’re always there for me and after meeting you, every one of those songs I listen to just... makes sense.”
Yamaguchi was dreaming wasn’t he? He was going to wake up in a few seconds and be sorely disappointed. He was going to punch his pillow and shed a few tears because this was all just a dream right?
“I know we’ve been friends for like forever, and that volleyball takes up a lot of your time lately. But if... I dunno if maybe you feel the same way, maybe we could go on a date sometime? There’s this cute cafe I heard about nearby and they have these milkshakes that I think we would like-” you rambled nervously, noting his open-mouth expression and lack of response.
There was one thing that Yamaguchi was never able to do during dreams. One thing he always wanted to do but always woke up before. He had to wake up before he fell too far in this dream, he had to wake up before he wasn’t able to and this dream took over his whole mind. Before he could think through it rationally, Yamaguchi took your face in his hands and pressed a quick peck to your lips.
His lips felt like heaven against yours, your eyes widening as he stood there, holding your hands like he was even surprised he had been able to do that.
“Y-Yams?” You squeaked, unsure that that had really just happened.
“That doesn’t normally happen,” he murmured to himself, staring down at you like you were going to disappear in a few seconds.
“W-When?” You whispered back, a little confused.
“When I dream about this,” Yamaguchi’s whole face was going red now. His eyes were widening and his fingers were starting to shake against your cheeks. He pulled away from you, clasping a hand against his mouth realizing what he had just done. “I-I’m not dreaming.”
“N-Nope,” you can’t help but laugh, holding a hand over your lips. “You dream about me?”
“Y-Yea. No. I mean. Not like... weird things or anything I just-” Yamaguchi rambled, shaking his hands in front of him nervously. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I thought, I just normally don’t-”
“You know, when I told Y/N to confess to you today, I didn’t think you’d react like that,” Tsukishima laughed from across the courtyard, grinning bigger than Yamaguchi had ever seen before.
“Y-You knew?”
“Y/N’s been annoying me all week about it,” Tsukishima rolled his eyes, “Something about wanting to know if feelings were reciprocated or something. As if you two haven’t been drooling over each other ever since meeting.” He shrugged like this was a normal thing, like seeing his two friends confess and kiss was just a typical Monday morning thing.
Yamaguchi’s chest was feeling so tight, like his heart had stopped working from shock. Was this a heart attack? Is this what all those people were always warning you about? Was he dying?
“Oi, Tadashi, you haven’t given her an answer yet,” Tsukishima scoffed, shaking his head. “Accept her confession, ask her out on a date, and then let’s get to class. People are going to start staring soon.”
Yamaguchi spluttered out a, “I really like you, Y/N!”, his cheeks burning with embarrassment and surprise, wishing he could rewind and go back. He took the teddy bear that was still in your hands, smiling a little at the cute bow around its neck and the smile on its face that was looking back at him.
You just giggled and rocked on your feet nervously, “Well I’d hope so. You don’t go around kissing girls you don’t like do you?”
“O-Of course not!” He shook his head, letting out a nervous laugh. “That cafe date sounds really nice.”
The two of you just stood there for a moment, shyly avoiding each other’s eyes until Tsukishima sighed while walking over, and pushed Yamaguchi over to you, “Alright, let’s go then.” He said, as if fed up with you both but Yamaguchi swore he saw a smile on the salty boy’s face.
“I really like you too,” you whisper to Yamaguchi later, taking his hand in yours and letting your fingers tangle together.
Later, Yamaguchi would tell you he honestly thought you were into Tsukishima and would laugh when your nose scrunched up, “Oh God no!” You smirked, shaking your head. “I was trying to make sure he liked me. I figured you wouldn’t go out with a girl that Tsukishima wouldn’t at least tolerate.”
Yamaguchi laughed and pressed a kiss to your cheek. He held your face in his hands again, just admiring your face and the way you smiled at him. This smile seemed to be reserved just for him and he wanted to look at it forever.
That was the day that Yamaguchi promised himself he would never let you go. You were his now, and he didn’t ever want to lose you.
Haikyuu Masterlist
Haikyuu Taglist: (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
@scphiredrafts @aurumk @devilkittymusic @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @lucyheartfilias-wife @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Book Drop Boy (Twice x Reader)
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✧ pairing: library student worker!Twice x afab!student!Reader
✧ word count: 9.9k
✧ ao3 mirror
✧ warnings: college au/no quirks, maladaptive daydreaming (twice), twice is chaotic af, commits library related crimes, use of the term sweetheart a few times, smut, vaginal fingering/sex, doggy style, afab terms, no pronouns for reader, gratuitous swearing this is potentially the softest thing I've ever written, like she's pretty tame idk what Twice does to me
✧ summary: In which Twice learns that sometimes dreams do come true, except those dreams are just the maladaptive fantasies of a broke library receptionist and, while sexy, also involve more fraud than he expected.
✧ a/n: Hey y'all, this is set in the same universe as my shiggy college piece, but you don't need to have read that. There are some fun little easter eggs though if you have tho. This is like the most tame thing I've ever written and it's way longer than it was meant to be but oh well. Anyway, Twice deserves some love. Enjoy <3
Logically, Jin was aware you probably had no idea who the fuck he was.
But that really didn’t have any effect on the wildly intricate fantasy life he had created for the two of you during his long shifts behind the library reception desk. That, in fact, was the only reason he hadn’t up and quit just to save himself the embarrassment of another loud outburst in the middle of the most silent place on campus.
What was truly more shocking was the fact that none of those said outburst had gotten his ass kicked straight out the door.
But he held out.
If only for you.
Late nights or lazy afternoons you were always in the campus library—studying he assumed or…
'Studying,' because a lot of the time he noticed you’d show up with a drink from the cafe a few blocks down, set out a line of colored pens and not touch a single one of them for hours, content to stare blankly at the chipped desktop. And even that Jin was more than happy to watch.
He did a lot of watching.
Mostly because he wasn’t permitted to leave the desk unattended unless there were piling up returned books which needed to be replaced quickly.
So instead, he pretended to be busy scrolling through something on his old as hell monitor—which was conveniently set up directly across from the comfy chair/desk combo you always managed to grab—and he indulged in day dreams where you’d bring him a coffee from the cafe when you came in and set it on his desk, maybe kiss him on the cheek, maybe loiter by his workstation and play with his hair and—
It was a lot.
But you were always in that chair, always working or pretending to work and you never seemed to notice the uninterrupted hours of staring Jin did, so what was the harm?
If you never knew, you’d never get creeped out—cause it was creepy, he knew that, oh fuckin' boy did he know it was real goddamn weird.
He just couldn’t seem to give it up. Especially when the conditions presented perfectly for some good uninterrupted, totally not stalker-y at all, fantasizing.
Sometimes he thought you might have some mundane superpower that let you always snatch that perfect seat right across from his computer, and made it so the library was just cool enough that he’d get to watch you shrug on that cute extra sweatshirt you always brought. So he could catch a glimpse of some skin—in a totally normal and not invasive way—when your arms went over your head. So he could imagine it was his ratty old sweaters you were wearing just so you could smell him on you and god he really wanted to get close enough to smell you—was that too weird? No. Yes? No.
Not at all.
But the best part, the part that really convinced him on those awful days when he really just could not be bothered to drag himself out of bed and walk the couple blocks to campus just to sit in awful silence alone, in his head alone with the fucking thoughts that made him want to rip his hair out—
What made it worth it was those times every few weeks when your classes would get new assigned readings. Because then you’d have to check out new textbooks, since you were one of those geniuses that had figured out the library kept a ton of those books in stock. Of course you were, cause you were fucking perfect.
And when you had to check out new books, you had to come to reception.
Jin got to watch as your lovely figure moved through the stacks like you were ballroom dancing along the halls of faded, sea-green shelves, almost floating over the linoleum trying to find just the right volume in the right addition before anyone else beat you to it.
It was one of the most gorgeous things he’d ever seen.
Spinner would call him a fucking simp if he ever dared to uttered any of that out loud, but it didn’t matter.
If it was you, he’d simp for fucking life.
And then, you’d walk that fucking glorious ass over to his desk and plop the books down, smiling—cause you were polite like that, so fucking perfect he couldn’t hardly believe it sometimes—and asking how his day was while he checked you out in every sense of the phrase.
In a completely platonic and not freaky way.
So Jin kept coming to work, to that god awful job he really hated and which hated him just as vehemently. He clocked in every day and waited patiently like a fucking puppy counting the hours till its workaholic owner arrived home, ears perking up when you walked through the door and flashed your ID to the attendant.
If only for that.
He’d put up with his boss’ complaints and the weird stares he got when the thoughts just wouldn’t stay in his head anymore and he had to start talking to himself to fill the silence.
If only for that.
Those few hours when he could lose himself in the fake inner life where you were waiting for him when his shift let out, waiting to gather him, tired and understimulated, into your arms. Where you’d sneak into the back room with him just to chat and lace your fingers with his and maybe sit that fucking wonderful ass up on the tables so he could stand in between your thighs and you’d pull him down to—
That was enough.
It wasn’t until Tuesday when he had to come in again that week, and he already knew it was gonna suck balls.
Friday he’d gotten another round of complaints from some stuck up fucking business students—it was always the fucking business majors with those silver spoons so far up their asses—snitching to his boss that he’s been ‘disruptive’ and ‘disturbing’ during his last shift.
“Not my fucking fault,” he muttered under his breath, kicking a rock along the side walk he’d picked up two blocks before. “Yes it is. No it’s not!”
Jin groaned and tugged at his hair, wishing he’d brought a Tylenol or something to curb the headache that was already sticking it’s ugly ass claws into his temples. He really, really heavily contemplated just ditching, calling in sick or some shit. Technically he was a student worker, so they had to work with his DRS accommodation and he was actually having a bad fucking time.
But one of his friends had already texted to ask if he’d try and reserve them that sweet ass study room on the third floor and Jin wasn’t really looking to disappoint anyone else this week. Besides, it was fun to abuse his minuscule power. Fun to go corrupt for once. Fight the system and all that.
He liked to think you’d be proud of him for it, based on the kinds of texts you checked out at least.
So, he dragged his sad ass back to the looming library looking far too much like a prison than was necessary and clocked in. Actually, the first thing he did was check the chair—your chair and nobody else’s chair, he might actually make a fucking scene if somebody ever did steal it—and his face visibly fell when you were not occupying it.
It was a bit early, Jin supposed as he paused briefly when he noticed the can of Monster and rando vending machine chips sitting next to it by the reception computer. The sticky note slapped to the top read 'For your troubles' in familiar handwriting and that pulled a bit of a smile from him as he quickly rearranged the scheduling of study room sign ups so the fancy third floor room would be free for the rest of the night.
Then Jin sat, staring at the study room schedules for a moment, feeling his eyes softly glaze over until a hand slapped down on the raised lip of the reception desk.
“Hey bro,” Spinner greeted him with a wild smile and a flurry of bright pink hair.
Jin had to blink a few extra times to get his vision to clear. When it did he saw, horrifyingly, that he’d been staring at the fucking blank screen for two hours without moving.
Why was it that his head was either deadly quiet, devoid of even a single errant thought or so loud as fucking shit at all times that he couldn’t physically keep the thoughts in?
“Hey, dude, what’s up?” Jin asked, running a hand through his unruly hair.
“Aren’t you supposed to like shush me or something?”
Spinner chuckled a bit at his own god awful joke and Jin couldn’t find it in himself to be annoyed, too glad for the company.
“I mean,” he shrugged, popping the can of Monster and ignoring the dirty looks he got for the sound. “I would if I was, uh, good at my job.”
“Which I’ve heard you definitely are not,” Spinner wrapped his fingers over the lip of the desk and leaned back on his heels, swaying side to side idly.
“You’re just figuring that out now?”
Jin didn’t bother watching while Spinner nearly tripped over himself fidgeting as he spun to stand at the little gate that corralled Jin inside like livestock. He was too busy glancing over to check you hadn’t slipped in while his brain had taken a trip to the astral plane without him.
“No, I been knew, but my sources tell me you’ve gone off the rails my friend,” long legs stepped over the wooden partition until the only friend he had who was quite possibly more annoying than Jin himself was sat on the counter next to his computer. “Finally been radicalized have you?”
Jin huffed and sipped his Monster, “Guess it fuckin’ took me long enough.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Spinner was messing about with the stacks of multicolored sticky notes littered across the desk before glancing up to wink at Jin. “So what can I get you to do for me in exchange for free food?”
“Now I really am gonna fucking shush you,” Jin smashed his finger against Spinners grin only to get a hand covered in spit for his trouble.
“Right, right,” Spinner held his hands up in defeat, “can’t have you cheating on your sweetheart.”
“Not my—yes I’m in a committed fictional relationship thank you very much—ugh!”
Jin could feel the heads shooting up from laptop screens and textbooks to stick daggers in his back with their angry stares. Spinner at least had the good sense to look a little fucking guilty for egging him on.
“Sorry bro, I had to shoot my shot ya know?” a hand disappeared into the mop of bubblegum locks in apology.
“It’s fine…” Jin trailed off, mumbling and blushing more than a little profusely as he turned to check the book drop box. “Not like I’m ever gonna fuckin’ shoot mine anyway.”
“Oh we are not gonna have that kinda of shit discussion,” Spinner’s hand shot out and grabbed him firmly by the shoulders, spinning Jin in his chair. “On god bro, we’re gonna get you a date one of these days.”
Jin didn’t dignify that kind of lie with a response.
Spinner once again, had the good sense to not push the envelope any farther.
“And in the meantime, you can come to the League meeting tonight!”
“Your gaming club thing?”
“Yeah, it’s Smash night and we need to fill a space sooooo…”
Jin knew Spinner and his roommate—the same friend who he’d gone study room rogue for—had started a gaming club their freshman year. Spinner had been trying to strong arm him into attending ever since. To, as he put it, ‘socialize,’ and ‘make new friends.’ All things which Jin was patently horrible at and avoided like the plague.
Needless to say, he’d refused every time.
It wasn’t just the whole being alone with like two people he kinda knew in a room full of strangers. Games themselves were just a lot for him. The flashing colors and the loud noises made his head—which was already so fucking full all the time and he really needed to keep any extra scrap of space for extra random facts he picked up about you and your future married life together—get a bit misaligned.
They just weren’t his jam most of the time.
“I’m good, thanks for the offer though,” Jin twisted out of Spinner’s grasp and craned his head to check your seat again.
Still empty.
He sighed.
Spinner continued to ramble and Jin continued to only half listen. It wasn’t as pleasant to day dream when you weren’t there for the added visual aesthetic. And he was trying to not be a dick and ignore the one friend he had managed to keep around over the years. But it was hard when his mind had a mind of its own.
The voice—deep and dark in such a dramatically ominous way it might have been funny if it didn’t belong to his permanently disgruntled supervisor—interrupted his already derailing train of thought.
“Oh, uh, hello sir,” Jin stuttered, turning to find Kurogiri leaning against the reception desk with one arm, turning only slightly to accommodate Spinner’s form bolting over the gate and out the library doors.
He did manage to throw a fading, “See ya later, bro” over his shoulder before he disappeared around the corner.
Yeah thanks for the warning, bro.
“Aren’t you supposed to be reshelving the books from the drop box?” Kurogiri sighed, perpetually disappointed in a way that had Jin’s face burning and shame bubbling up in his throat.
He hated this job. He was objectively terrible at it, and so usually he wouldn’t give that much of a shit at not doing it well. Kurogiri just had some type of vibe—like daddy but not in the sexy way Spinner always joked about—that made it really, really upsetting to let him down.
Father figure? Yeah that's what it was called.
“Right, yeah um, sorry,” Jin nodded quickly and leapt from his chair, only mildly bruising his knee on the desk as he reached to empty the book drop.
Another incorporeal sigh was the only acknowledgement he received as he loaded the cart with wheels louder than Jin on a particularly bad day and rolled the pile of books back to the stacks. He paused once more, just before the sea green shelving units swallowed him up, to sneak another futile peak at your chair. But it still sat empty—empty and lonely with no you and cold without your body pressed against the worn upholstery.
Jin felt a chill too, a slow tingling thing that worked its way up from the base of his spine. It drove him deeper into the walls of books, away from the empty spaces.
It was harder to look.
Harder to be reminded of what he did not have.
Of what he’d never have cause he was too much of a goddamn pussy to ever just fucking talk to you—
But then what if he did? What if he did talk to you? What would happen then?
Those were the types of questions he tried to avoid when crafting your intricate, fictional lives together. Precisely because they were the easiest to answer.
You’d realize within the first five minutes or so of conversation—if Jin could even make it that far without embarrassing himself—that he was just a generic brand weirdo that all your pretty, normal, aesthetically pleasing friends would warn you to stay away from and because you were also pretty and normal and not a fucking idiot, you’d have the common sense to listen.
He’d lose you in the blink of an eye.
Your chair would sit cold and empty forever and the imaginary garden he’d been planting for you to come imaginarily home too would wilt and die like all the other happy thoughts in his head.
It was quite the conundrum and one Jin was not keen to solve soon.
Not that things ever really went his way. Cause problems could only be avoided for so long before all that time spent ignoring them came back to bite him full on the ass.
Which, apparently, came this time in the form of what had to be quiet, muffled sobbing drifting in between the shelves from the back hallway.
It was dark here in this section of the building—free of most windows so as not to cause any sunning damage to the books—and Jin had seen more than enough horror movies to know that it was a horrendous idea to follow the ominous crying sounds coming from the bowls of this old as fuck building. But even as he made up his mind to ignore it, the hand currently working one of the returns back into its proper place dropped the book to his cart as his feet slowly turned to face the corridor.
He looked around skeptically for a second, not entirely certain his poor brain hadn’t simply malfunctioned again, as it was wont to do, and fabricated the sound entirely. But as he peaked out from between the stacks, and down the dimly lit hall, he heard it again.
Echoey and soft in the wide, empty space it—was definitely coming from the hall and it was definitely a person.
Jin caught himself moving without ever meaning too, the books laying forgotten as he crept towards the source of the noise and paused just before leaving the stacks entirely. This hall was full of small alcoves built into the centuries old walls and led to the lesser used storage portions of the library that only the janitorial staff and the university librarians ever entered. He really didn’t want to stumble across someone from the special collections department bawling over a damaged or lost manuscript.
But his wayward feet pushed him forward, too sympathetic for his own good. He found himself shuffling down the abandoned hall, peering into each small dip in the walls to find the source of his distraction.
And when he did, Jin was—for once in his life—thankful for his lack of self-preservation instincts.
And cursed his blatant lack in interpersonal skills.
Because it was you.
You curled with your knees to your chest and your head in your hands, shoulders shaking, as you cried into your palms.
The universe had handed him maybe the only golden opportunity he would ever get on right on a platter.
But Jin didn’t have a fucking clue what do with it.
And there certainly wasn’t much time to formulate a game plan as his nervous breathing and sudden intake of breath upon discovering his imaginary lover sniffling right in front of him, had certainly alerted you to his presence.
Your head shot up in an instant, knocking dully against the stone wall with a thud.
“Shit,” you cursed and hands flying up to cover the area as Jin jumped on the spot at your outburst.
“Are you okay?” he asked lamely as you glanced over at him, eyes red and wet and so fucking sad oh fucking god, widening as you realized you’d been caught.
“Huh? Ye—oh uh, yes,” your words came out jumbled, legs unfolding quickly to push yourself off the bench and hands wiping furiously at your eyes. “I’m fine, sorry.”
“You sure about that?”
Jin cringed visibly and frowned at the way you deflated under his stare. God the first fucking time he actually talks to you and he already made an ass of himself.
Spinner’s roommate was such a liar, it really fucking sucked to be right sometimes.
“I mean,” you crumpled back down onto the ledge and Jin took a careful step closer, “no, but yes. Like I’m definitely having a breakdown in the back of the fucking library but I don’t wanna, uh, bother you with that. So, yeah I’m good.”
“You can bother me,” he replied way too fucking quickly.
But he couldn’t really be embarrassed about it. Your voice was just so captivating, and you weren’t talking to him in that raised pitch anymore like you usually did—the way everyone does when they’re trying to be surface level and polite. No this was your voice how you sounded when you were relaxing with your friends or making breakfast in the morning or talking to yourself in the shower (he liked to think you did that, or sang maybe as you worked the soap into your skin, one of the two but he always imagined you filled silences with how fucking pretty you were).
“No, really. That would be weird, right?”
Jin grimaced as you fixed him with a watery yet suspicious stare.
Yeah it was weird.
Everything he did concerning you was weird, objectively. He was definitely being over-familiar and too eager, especially considering you didn’t fucking know him.
But he knew you.
Jin felt like he’d known you for all months he’d spent pretending to be by your side.
And you were crying and he had to do something.
“I mean, yeah I guess,” he mumbled, taking a risk and plopped down on the opposite end of the alcove and resting his head on the wall. “But not any weirder than having a breakdown in the employees only section of the library building on a Tuesday.”
You kept staring blankly for a few moments before the most miraculous thing happened.
Jin had to physically stop his jaw from hitting the floor when the quiet giggle bubbled up from your chest and spilled out into the hall, warm enough to melt even the freezing linoleum floor.
“Yeah, you’ve got a point,” your voice cracked a bit as a few more tears slid like pearls down your cheeks.
“My name’s Jin,” he said, shocked stupid both by your laugh and the apparent success of his comforting methods.
“Oh, hi, well I guess I don’t have to call you book drop boy anymore,” you rubbed at your face again and tucked your legs back into your chest, though it looked a bit more relaxed this time.
Not so trying-desperately-to-fade-out-of-existence.
“You called me that?” Jin asked, brain still functioning at half capacity, only shocked at the fact that he existed as a concept in your head enough to have a name and realizing a bit too late how accusatory he must have sounded. “Shit, I mean it’s totally fine I just didn’t think you, uh, well I mean, like, knew about me I guess?”
You finally smiled and his brain power cut out another fourth at being personally graced by the expression this close up.
“Yeah, you always check me out—fuck sorry not that you check me out, just you scan my books and I just called you ‘book drop boy’ in my head cause I never got a chance to ask for your name but I have it now so that’s cool….”
Your head dropped back down to your knees as you groaned and Jin suddenly felt a lot less nervous than he had a few seconds ago.
You were weird too.
For so long you’d existed on this pedestal thousands of feet in the air, and now you were stepping down from the heavens and onto earth. Not in a bad way! Just, Jin had never really stopped to think that you might be a person too.
No, he knew you were a person, just he never thought you might get flustered and ramble and be nervous in front of him.
Cause he was a fucking train wreck—the bar was so goddamn low.
It was almost as comforting as your smile.
“Oh, yeah sorry I’m not the best at customer service if you couldn’t tell,” he sighed and ran a hand through his wild hair.
You looked back up with a wry grin, “I don’t know, I’d say you’re going above and beyond right now.”
And you were funny.
He was gonna fucking combust.
“Ha, yeah, I try,” he trailed off for a moment before glancing back at your curled in your corner, fuck he could just imagine sitting behind you, your head on his chest while you—”So uh, did you wanna talk about it or…?”
“Uh, yeah,” you picked idly at the grouting of the stone and mumbled, “I guess it’s not so weird if we’re on a first-name basis.
And that was how Jin discovered that you’d been hiding in the back of the library bawling your eyes out for hours—since even before his shift started. Apparently you’d gotten here extra early, even skipped a class, to snag some super specific required text for your final thesis and right before you got to the shelf some jackass swooped in, effectively hit and running with the only copy of that book on campus.
The book in questions was one of the newer additions that had special added footnotes you needed for your paper and was a whopping 500 fucking dollars to rent from every other place online. You couldn’t afford it, and honestly what fucking student could? But you needed it to complete the paper or you’d fail and Jin very much understood the need for a good breakdown after a catastrophe like that.
“Damn, that’s uh, fucking awful,” he frowned on your behalf as your head hit the wall a second time in frustration.
“Yeah so, I’m like royally fucked either way. Now I just gotta decide which hole I’m taking it in I guess,” you groaned.
Jin’s eyebrows raised at your choice of words but they were apt, he supposed. People really do get comfortable with each other pretty quick when bonding over shared institutional rage.
“Well,” he began, wringing his hands nervously at what he was about to suggest. “You might be in luck cause I’ve recently decided to abuse my library powers for good and I maybe, possibly, could try and see if there’s some strings I can pull?”
You perked up a bit, looking at him incredulously.
Jin felt comfortably full under your stare.
The word was soft and it bounced off the walls just as much as it did the inside of his skull.
Swapping study rooms to help a friend out was one thing. But falsifying checkout dates for someone he barely knew—had essentially married in his maladaptive fantasies—could get him fired.
He hated this job but he needed it.
Were you worth the risk?
Of course, he found himself thinking without hesitation.
You were everything.
“Yeah, sure,” he nodded, any lingering uncertainty washing away at the way you looked at him through your lashes. “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t mean it.”
“Are you always this nice?”
Jin didn’t answer right away. He was too caught up in how you’d leaned forward on your hands across the bench, peering like he was some exotic animal or a stray cat in the parking lot—all soft wonderment with fingers curling like they ached to grab hold and rescue him from this parchment scented monotony.
“Not always…”
“Should I feel special then?”
If his face wasn’t red before, it was now. Red and blistering under the summer campfire heat that radiated off you—woodsy and warm and so painfully familiar like an old friend’s hand.
“...I guess you—fucking definitely, ” he quite nearly shouted the last bit, startled by his own volume and already mortified at the outburst but then you chuckled again from beside him.
He turned to see you standing and offering a hand which he gladly too if only to feel the weight of your palm against his.
“Well, you’ll have to let me pay you back then.”
“Oh, no you don’t actually—”
You held a hand up and the words turned to ash on his tongue in an instant, mouth glued shut by your gesture.
“Coffee on me or something, there’s a nice cafe a few blocks from here,” you dropped your hand and your eyes were clear now, no sign of the previous afternoon sobbing alone in the hallway. Jin felt a surge in his chest knowing he was the one who did that. “You gotta pass off the contraband anyway, and I don’t think it would be that great of an idea to do it here.”
God you were fucking perfect.
“Can’t argue with that.”
Jin was sweating profusely as he snuck past the library attendant, totally inconspicuous and not not all looking like he was doing a single thing wrong in the slightest.
Yeah they definitely didn’t suspect a thing.
The process of fraud was actually a lot less complicated of an undertaking that Jin had expected. All he had to do was search up the book, find the student that had stolen the success of his sweetheart’s educational career and flag his account. They’d get an automated message about the flag, instructing them to return any borrowed items or they’d be forced to pay fines while the account was examined.
Technically he needed administrator credentials to report student accounts, but luckily Kurogiri had his login info written on a sticky note hidden on the back of the monitor. All in all it was a pretty easy job.
The whole thing had taken only a matter of days, in which time you had returned to the library only twice—the first to get confirmation on the success of Jin’s newest descent into low level crime which had set his heart thundering in his chest as you bent conspiratorially over his desk, your face just inches from his.
The second time, Jin had horrifically been absent from his desk, however he was met with possibly the most wonderful sight of his life upon returning from the labyrinth of shelves.
On one of the hundreds of post-it note pads that littered the library reception area, there were scribbles that he was sure hadn’t been there before. He almost tossed it, but upon closer inspection, you’d written your number there and signed just below it. In the cutest fucking handwriting he’d ever seen—cute not for any stylistic reason, but it simply felt that way just by virtue of it being yours—was written the digits and “-for book drop boy”
The noise he made reading that turned more than a dozen heads and almost got him fired there on the spot before any of his indiscretions were even discovered, but he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it.
So, nerve wrackingly, Jin texted you as he nearly sprinted home from his shift after that piece of shit asshole who made you cry had trudged angrily in and dropped off his ‘stolen’ book.
— from the library
— shit sorry that wasn’t meant to be in caps
— n e way….
— I’ve intercepted the ~package~ so whenever you’re ready for the hand off, I’m good
Most perfect fucking human being to…
Oh my god thank you so much!!!—
Is tomorrow at like 5ish good for you?—
Also send me your order—
so we don’t have to do that awkward waiting in line for drinks bit—
Holy fuck you multi-texted too! Spinner would roll over in his fucking grave, he hated when Jin did that. But there was always so much to say and he could never think of it all at the same time. Plus, you wanted to save him from that god awful silence where you both stand in line next but he can’t talk cause he has keep repeating his order in his head over and over or he’ll blank when he gets to the register so it’s just this painful weird glancing back and forth—
Ugh, maybe all the shit about manifestation that girl who always loaned him exacto knives in his sculpting class always talked about was real.
Cause there was no way you weren’t just heaven-sent, handcrafted especially for him and all his general brand of weird.
The hours which usually flew by without Jin’s notice dragged all that night. He was so full of excess energy that made his hand shake and his thoughts race, not sure what to do with themselves now that they didn’t need to fantasize about you.
He decided to use all that extra motivation to vacuum the kitchen at 4:30 in the morning, much to his roommates' chagrin. She liked to get a nice solid eight hours every night and constantly reminded Jin of this, trying to sell him on that sleepy time tea before bed, though he really hated the smell of camomile.
Magne may lose out on some of her beauty sleep—not that she needed it and Jin would tell her that constantly, even if he did have some patently horrible judgment most of the time so he wasn’t really the best at offering reassurance—but the kitchen would be clean when she woke up so win-win really.
When she did wake up—wandering out of her room looking effortlessly put together in a way Jin could never hope to emulate—she sat at the table, sipping her tea and appraising him worriedly.
Jin was still in his jeans from the day before, hair spiking in every direction but down, and chewing his nails nervously despite losing most of them to the hour or two of early morning floor scrubbing.
“Babe,” she shook her head slowly, “take a breath.”
“Yeah okay,” he sighed and inhaled deeply, letting himself slide off the couch cushions and to the newly sparkling floors on the exhale.
“There, now wanna share what the hell is going on?”
He glanced up at her from the hardwood and groaned as she looked back down, brows furrowed over her glasses.
“Huhh, okay. So that absolute work of art from the library is meeting me for coffee later cause I have trade over this book I sort of stole, it’s a long story, and I don’t know if it’s a date—it sounds like a date, cause that’s where people go for dates and shit—but it might just be to pay me back for stealing the book. And if it is I’ve only ever been on that one date before which was with fucking Spinner like two years ago so—”
Magne held up a hand to quiet Jin before the speed of his words tied his tongue in physical knots. She looked contemplative, taking another soft sip of tea and nodding her head for a moment getting up to crouch on the floor by his head.
“You think too much for your own good, but never about the right things,” she mumbled, smoothing some of the hair from his face. “Does it really matter if this is a date or not?”
Jin blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” she chuckled in that way people do when kids ask them obvious questions—kindly, appreciative of the curiosity, “either way you cut it, you’ll be spending time with this person you like, yeah?”
“Mhm,” he hummed and sat up to face her as she stood.
“A date is just hanging out with a special name anyway,” Magne’s hands were firm but gentle as she hoisted Jin off the floor and onto his feet. “You’ll be fine.”
His shoulders slumped both in mild relief and dejection that he’d waisted so much precious time he could have been preparing possible topics of conversation or strategies to ask you out for real date on worrying over how this first time would go.
How did Magne always fucking know all this stuff?
Other people were such a mystery to him.
To be fair, though, Jin was a mystery to himself most of the time as well.
“Thanks, sorry for not saying anything about it earlier,” he sniffed as she smiled and pinched his cheek way fucking harder than necessary.
“It’s alright, I’m only a little insulted you waited until now to tell me about this massive crush you’ve developed.”
“Yeah it’s got its own gravitational pull at this point.”
Magne laughed at that and Jin felt the room lighten.
“I do expect details when you get back though,” she said pointedly, finishing her tea wandering back to her room to grab her bag. “Spinner asked me, very begrudgingly might I add, to fill in at another of his club tournament things tonight so I’ll be out late.”
“Really? I didn’t think you liked that stuff.”
Jin shuffled over to her doorway and peaked into the neat little space. Magne was rummaging through the meticulously organized closet and frowning as she answered.
“I do, Spinner just doesn’t agree with my battle strategies,” she huffed. “My alignment is far too ‘chaotic’ and ‘recklessly violent’ for his tastes apparently.”
“Oh, yeah that makes sense,” Jin laughed this time just envisioning the two of them stuck on a team. “Well have fun with that.”
“Yeah well,” she brushed by him into the hall, keys jangling as she went and calling over her shoulder. “Text me how it goes, and wear that new button up you got last week, it looks good on you!”
Much to Jin’s surprise and delight, Magne was right.
He was fine.
He was fine.
Fine was a bit subjective—as he was most certainly still highkey panicking on main as he got out of his last class and walked the short few blocks to the cafe on campus—but regardless he was perfectly okay.
Of course that all went right out the fucking window in the split second between him walking in and you already staring at the door as he entered. Your eyes widened just a bit and this smile broke out slowly across your cheeks when you waved him over and it was like suddenly every single creepy as hell day dream had just become reality.
It was a little overwhelming to say the least.
His heart may have actually stopped in his chest for a bit and he did contemplate the possibility that Kurogiri might have actually discovered his little plot, murdered him in cold blood and stuffed his body in the records room. This might all just be the afterlife, but that would mean that Jin had gone to some kind of heaven which didn’t really add up with his current tract record.
But it was fine.
Because you were really fucking easy to talk to.
Like, really fucking easy.
It was sorta strange actually, how you seemed to know all this shit he was into before he even really mentioned it.
After you traded off the goods, you both sat in the big comfy couches upstairs in the loft and you listened to him info dump, inevitably getting lost down innumerable unrelated tangents. You managed to keep up well enough though and not question the winding conversation.
“Damn,” he said, sipping at the last dregs left behind in his cup. “How do you know about all this stuff?”
“Uh,” you paused then, looking maybe just a bit sheepishly into your own drink. “I may or may not have spent a considerable amount of time eavesdropping into your conversations while you’re on shift.”
He saw flashes at that moment—dial up sounds going off between his ears.
Jin.exe has stopped working.
You grimaced and hid your face in your hands for a moment, “I know it sounds really creepy, my friends just sorta made a, um, game out of it? They tease me a lot about going to study at the library just cause of the cute guy that works there, so we all kinda stalk you a little bit just—wow this is sounding exponentially worse and worse every second.”
He gaped a bit despite himself as you cringed visibly and Jin tried to discreetly pinch his thigh to make sure this really wasn’t some sort of cruel, cruel fever dream.
“You think I’m cute…?”
He blinked once and your eyes shot up to meet his, a pained, half smile caught between your teeth. “I mean, yeah. I kinda thought I was being a bit obvious, sorry.”
“What no, holy fuck,” he spluttered, face on fire and legs bouncing restlessly against the couch across from you. “Don’t apologize, I have a, uh, staring habit too I guess.”
“I know,” you rubbed at the back of your neck and Jin didn’t think it was possible for you to be anymore endearing. “I’ve noticed, that’s like the whole reason I insisted on buying you a drink.”
“So wait is this a date?”
Jin wished almost immediately that he hadn’t asked, because Magne was right, it super didn’t matter but fucking shit on a stick he really wanted it to be a date!!!!
“Yeah,” you nodded. “If you’d like that.”
“Yes!—ah, I mean, uh yeah mhm,” Jin choked on his spit with enthusiasm, but it did earn him a concerned shoulder pat so he’d take the win.
It also afforded him the opportunity to walk you home after hours chatting until the streets were lit by burnt orange lamps and the cafe was closing. You didn’t live all that far from him actually and when you stopped to point out your door, the two of you were overcome by that telltale, charged silence.
Filled with potential.
Like a gas stove waiting for a spark to go up in flames.
It was you that struck the match.
“So, um, I promise I don’t just, uh, do this with everyone but, do you wanna maybe come inside,” you let your hand trail down his arm and slip into his palm, “I don’t feel like you’ve been properly compensated for saving my ass.”
Jin’s mouth was watering at the thought. He nodded slowly, eyes like saucers as you pulled him up your steps and through the door which shut promptly behind him.
Your place was nice in the sense that it fit you. He wasn’t really paying all that much attention to his surroundings as you locked the door and squeezed his hand in yours, leading him towards the end of the entrance hall.
When he stepped through to your bedroom, you toed off your shoes and he did the same, staring nervously and waiting for you to show him what exactly you meant by ‘further compensation.’
It was exactly what he’d hoped.
You approached him, still in the doorway, and stepped close so your chests brushed together. It was soft, the way you looked at him, sort of fuzzy around the edges while your hands trailed down his arms to place his palms at your waist.
It wasn’t like Jin hadn’t done this before—he totally had and definitely remembered all of it and wasn’t shit faced at all nope—but it hadn’t really mattered before. He knew in theory that he should take the lead, be a gentleman and make the first move and holy fucking god he was dying over there with the desire to finally live out his months and months of fantasies
But what if he did it wrong?
What if he ruined it now when he was so close to the finish line?
He’d never fucking forgive himself for it, and he could goddamn hear Magne in his head.
“You think too much for your own good.”
And he did, and he was right now, cause the room was only dimly lit by the street light streaming in through the window and you were reaching out to loop your arms behind his neck.
Should he lean down now?
Tilt left or right?
What if he clacked your teeth together?
What if—
Your lips were soft and hot against his, rubbing at the stubble on his chin before pressing close in that precious, puzzle-piece way human bodies fit together. He didn’t do much thinking after that.
His hands were too busy digging into the flesh of your hips separated by way to many fucking layers of fabric, and he couldn’t quite stop himself from indulging just a bit. Jin sucked gently at your lower lip, knees going weak at the glorious fucking sound you made in the back of your throat as he licked over the taught skin and tugged it between his teeth.
He could feel you smiling into his mouth, sharing breath and raking your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. Jin groaned and you—fucking cheeky little bastard—slipped your tongue right past his lips and licked at the back of his fucking teeth like a popsicle in July.
Your hands in his hair hard tugged and his breath was coming faster, lips gliding against yours as the room turned to steam around him.
Through the haze he clung to the few remaining seconds of clarity.
Jin pulled away for one painful second to mumble against your lips.“You meant have sex, right?”
“Yeah,” your voice was barely more than a whisper, but you nodded frantically and rolled your hips against his.
“Ohh fuck, ‘kay good, thank god.”
For once Jin had nothing more to add.
And you weren't exactly willing to give him back his tongue long enough for any interruptions anyway.
“Holy fucking shit, look at you,” Jin gasped into your ear.
Both of your clothes had been discarded long ago, and he had your bare back to his chest while he sat propped against the headboard with your legs hooked on either side of his knees. It didn’t afford him the best view, but he got your head resting on his shoulder and pretty moans spilling right into his ear.
He didn’t need to see your pussy anyway.
The slick pouring out of your pretty fucking hole and coating his fingers as he pumped two of them into you was more than enough. His other hand wandered in the lovely expanse of space between your chest and your waist, running softly over the skin and pausing to pinch and roll your nipples just to hear you whine.
His cock was so fucking hard, trapped between your ass and his stomach, twitching every time you thrust your hips to meet the movement of his wrist.
“Jin, fuck please-”
You used his name every time you begged him for more and it was really going to his head.
“You’re so goddamn perfect, I’m gonna fucking ruin you,” he groaned and sunk his fingers deeper into your soaking cunt while his mouth dropped to your neck and sucked hard to mark you lovely skin.
He licked at the indents of his teeth, tasting your sweat on his tongue that tangled with yours again as your hand reached for his cheek and pulled him in. It was less of a kiss and more of a sloppy forming of your mouths that left you connected by a silvery string of spit that flashed in the low light. Jin sighed at the sight, rutting his hips against the cleft of your ass.
Your thighs twitched where they were spread and your hips lifted off the mattress to meet the languid thrusts of his fingers that curled up on every push in to hear the hitch in your breath.
He took pity on you and brought his other hand down to rub circles on your clit, listening for the telltale whimpers and the way your nails dug into his arm to find the perfect rhythm.
“I don’t really—mm, there fuck—feel like I’m paying you back right now,” you mumbled nipping your own trail of stepping stone bruises onto his throat as he picked up the pace and held steady on that sweet bundle of nerves.
“Are you fucking serious?”
He didn’t really mean to full on growl at you then, but just the thought that you’d really believe he wasn’t about to fucking drown in ecstasy just from watching you get off—just from touching, speaking, being in anyway acknowledged by you at all. Jin nudged your head to the side and bit down harshly into the crook of your neck, shuddering as you moaned and arched against his chest.
In any other scenario, he could never really find the right balance between too many words and not enough. The sheer volume of thoughts and interjections that raced like cars reaching the end of rush hour traffic made the formulation of any coherent conversation impossible, but now—
Now with your body so pliant in his hands, so willing and sweet and wanting him.
Wanting him.
What a concept.
He needed you to understand, to know how fucking over the moon, sunshine bright you had him burning.
And for once, he finally had the words to do it.
After all, he’d had months to prepare.
It was surprisingly easy to change your positions, to pull away from you for just a moment so he could roll and cage you on your hands and knees under him, ass in the air nestled against his cock.
“You really don’t think I’m getting anything out of this?” he groaned into you ear, rocking his length against you both for emphasis and because it felt so fucking good.
“Ah, well ya know,” your voice was so wrecked he was desperate to find out how much it would take for you to lose it entirely. “When you put it like that—mmh—I just feel bad you’re doing all the work. ”
You had this cheeky fucking grin on your face when you rocked forward so back so his cock slipped down to your dripping lips. The heat of your cunt was mesmerizing and it took a fuck ton of self control Jin was unaware he possessed to not ram straight into you right then.
“Yeah cause I’ve wanted to for fucking months goddamn it’s driving me insane.”
Now that he’d started, Jin couldn’t find it in himself to stop. His hands dug hard into your hips, rocking so the tip of his dick caught your clit and you shivered below him, hot skin sliding with the motion of your bodies.
“It’s all I think about whenever I see you,” he was shaking when his hand reached down to grip himself, spreading your folds and soaking his length in your slick. “When you come in to work I just fucking lose myself thinking about how bad I want you to be mine, my pretty fucking thing to bring me coffee while I work and let me fuck you in the backroom.”
You whimpered under him, face pressed into the mattress as he draped himself over you, chest to back with his breath ghosting over your ear.
“Literal hours I just sit there at that awful fucking job and I only keep coming cause of you, cause I can watch you sit all cute in your chair and watch the way your cheeks squish up when you put your face in your hands and imagine they’re my hands and I’m about to spit in your fucking mouth so you remember who you belong too.”
“I—” you were nearly choking on the drool that soaked through your sheets as Jin lined himself up with your pretty little hole, pressing just the tip into your heat. “I didn’t think you ever—nggh, shit—noticed much about me.”
The corners of his eyes burned as sweat dripped down his forehead, he had to hold back a sob as he sheathed another inch into those perfect walls.
“Notice you? You’re all I fucking think about,” he pressed his lips softly against your shoulder, hands running from your chest to your sides as you took his cock and every word that slipped from his lips without complaint. “I could take such good care of you. I just fucking know it, just please, let me take care of you?”
“Fuck Jin,” your voice was closer to a sob than anything else but he needs you screaming. “You don’t really have to convince me—”
His patience had run out long ago, not even willing to let you finish before he’d sunk in to the hilt, spearing you on his cock with one final thrust. You ass was flush with his hips and his balls hung heavy and tight against the back of your thighs. The strangled little cry that worked its way out of your throat had gooseflesh erupting across his arms where he held you to him.
Jin couldn’t really be sure—it wasn’t like his brain was all that functional on a day to day basis and it most certainly was not now—but your walls clenching around him and that addictive warm, wet feeling milking his cock was on a whole other level than any fuck he’d ever had before.
There was something about the curve of your back against his chest, and the way you seemed to suck him in, drawing his length back in just seconds after he’d pulled out. Some about the feeling of your chest in his hands, of the sweat on your skin that he licked off in a long strip up your spine. Like you really were made for him. As though all those months spent in dream land, concocting your pretend lives together had spilled over into reality, molding you into the perfect shape to take him deep and hard and cry while you came on his cock just like he knew you were meant to.
“Oh, fuck yeah, gonna make you feel so good, I promise,” he mumbled, forehead pressed to the nape of your neck as his hips drew back and he sunk into you over and over again.
He needed you to moan louder, needed your neighbors on the other side of every wall to hear what he did to you, how he fucked you dumb on his cock and made you drunk with the pleasure of it—slutty and perfect and better than any fantasy he could ever concoct.
The room was filled completely with the wet slap of your bodies—his balls tightening up just at the squelch of you taking him—leaving only enough space for your cries and his grunting, no room left for any bitter doubt to creep in and ruin the sweetness in the air.
He could feel the surge growing in his stomach, the tensing in his thighs as his hips stuttered, but he needed you to cum first. Wanted to tip over the edge to the feeling of you spasming around him, so he let a hand slip from your hip to your folds. Jin only paused for a moment to run a finger around your stretched hole, feeling himself plunging into you, before drifting back up to your swollen clit and working the sensitive bud.
The mattress creaked and rocked along as Jin increased his pace, shifting his hips until his tip knocked against something that had your hands fisting in the sheets and your tongue lolling out in between cries of his name.
You didn’t give him much a warning, not that he minded really. Just a muffled shout with your head smashed into the pillows and the tightening of your walls surrounding him before he felt your whole body wracked with tremors so hard he had to wrap both arms around your middle and hold you while he rammed into you.
Jin wasn’t really keeping track of the filth that was pouring from his lips as he brought himself closer to release. A lot of encouragement, that you were taking him so well, cumming so pretty for him, mixed with a lot of thanks—for letting him have this, have you, for not casting him aside like everyone else always inevitably did.
He did have the clarity to drag one arm up and link your fingers together, pressing hard into the bed while blood pounded in his ears and his hips stuttered in their relentless rhythm. When Jin did finally cum, it was a strangely silent affair, all the words and sound that usually roared inside him dying on his lips as his cock spilled milky release deep inside you and your walls fluttered at the fullness.
And then it was as though every muscle in his body changed physical states.
Boneless, he collapsed onto you with a little huff. You didn’t even complain, just squeezed his hand tighter in yours and hummed at the weight of him.
“Well I think that was a, um,” you panted while he nuzzled his face deeper into your neck, “pretty equivalent exchange yeah?”
“I don’t know,” Jin kissed and nipped at the sweet skin of your shoulder, “I think you might have over paid a bit.”
You laughed, the joyous movement of your chest jostled him from your back and had his soft cock slipping from you in a gush of combined release. “I doubt that very much, I didn’t know I’d be getting to take your fucking load as part of the deal.”
“Shit,” he felt his heart seize in his chest, raising up on his elbows to look down as you turned to him. “I’m sorry, I should have asked.”
Your hand came up to stroke his cheek, clammy but welcome. He sat up enough so you could lay on your back and pull him back down to your chest amidst the sweat and cum slicked sheets.
“Don’t worry about it, I would have asked you to anyway,” you kissed the baby frizz at his hairline and if Jin hadn’t already melted into a puddle, then he certainly was now. “If I’d been able to talk at all.”
“Ha, yeah….”
A short silence descended in your dark bedroom. The noise of cars and the occasional shout filtered in through the window, but there was no other sound than your evening breaths. Jin tried not to ruin the peace while he had it.
It was such a rare commodity.
But he couldn’t say he mourned the quiet when you finally spoke.
“Did you wanna stay the night?” you asked in that soft way he always envisioned you would.
Soft so he’d know it was just a courtesy.
That you didn’t want him to leave.
“Uh, yeah, yes I would,” he stumbled over the words a bit, trying not to sound too eager but wanting you to know he would work a thousands shifts at the reception desk if it meant you held him for just a second longer.
“Good,” you sighed.
He felt you scoot down the bed and flopped onto his back so you could settle your head on his chest and drape an arm across his stomach. After another few minutes he felt you go limp at his side, soft and relaxed as you slipped away into dreams.
But though his muscles ached and his eyes felt heavy, Jin resisted the call to sleep.
He didn’t need to now.
You were here, in the flesh, and he could study you intently while his eyes were open.
No need for his brain to conjure up scattered images of you.
Because he had you now, tucked safely under his arm for him to keep and hold and fuck and love the way he wanted.
So there was no more need for sleep.
And no need for dreams.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
ɴᴄᴛ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂️
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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sanccharine · 3 years
21:18 | gf/vvz sinb
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pairing: idol!sinb x producer!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 0.5k
warnings: none :]
a/n: uh i’m feeling,,,not as sick and i really wanted to post something so tada :D also if you see any spelling and grammar mistakes, no you don’t >_>
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Through the small screen poised on your knees, you observed Eunbi as she moved across the floor. A lethal gaze accompanied with meticulous movements practised over and over again. She was lithe on her feet, seamlessly melding with the song blaring in the practice room. You didn’t miss the subtle smirk of pride that crossed her face whenever she caught herself in the mirror. It was deserved because her performance was captivating—much like her.
This is why when she finished with her chest heaving up and down, you found yourself joining her uneven breath, although you did nothing but record her performance. The subtle smirk you kept witnessing transformed into a satisfied grin before Eunbi crumbled to the floor. A chuckle escaped you as you switched off the record button, to finally look at the hard-working performer without a screen between you.
Eunbi laid with her eyes closed, savouring the hours she spent and finally feeling the pain blossoming down her back. Only for a moment though, because in an instant she was up and sliding across to you.
“How was my formation? Did I do that move right?” She snatched the phone from you, eyes already scanning the video for any flaws that could be fixed while blabbering on, “That! That hand move–I think it was better this time. It was better this time, right?”
With much eloquence, you answered, “Uh… ”
Eyes bulging, she turned up to you. “Why! Was it not good? What was not good–?”
“No! I have literally no knowledge about dance, but!” You raised your index finger and Eunbi followed it with anticipation… to her arms. “You have some really long limbs, like freakishly long, like longer than your torso–hey!”
The comment earned you a hard smack to the shoulder but you only chuckled at the cute pout she wore. Thus earning you another smack from the performer. Before you knew it, the two of you were fooling around, unable to suppress the laughter bubbling out as the tension ebbed away. It was likely the two of you would have spent the night in the practice room, completely unaware of the time passing. Only had it not been for her manager’s message, reminding her of the early schedule the next day.
Sighing, she placed a hand on your shoulder as she said, “Thanks for keeping me company.”
“I’ll always be here for you.” Scrunching up your nose, you took her hand and squeezed it, “Rest well tonight, okay?”
Eunbi only hummed in response before letting go of your hand to shoulder her bag. Walking backwards, she headed to the exit as she said, “Promise you won’t run to the studio but will go rest too?”
It was hard to promise something you had no desire in following. You couldn't just go home and rest, not when unedited lyrics and an enchanting melody kept replaying in your head. You simply couldn’t… especially when they were about her.
With a pout, Eunbi waited at the door for your word. Sighing, you raised your pinkie and said, “Promise.”
Scoffing at your childishness, she raised her pinkie as well and consolidated your promise. With a warm smile, she wished you goodnight and disappeared behind the door, leaving you with much to think about in the empty practice room.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: but seriously tho, if you see any mistakes please let me know ! hope you have a good day/night <3
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tagging: @its-a-me-mario-hihi​​ @luvlyyrv
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eeunoia · 3 years
TXT Mini Series
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Tomorrow x Together (teaser)
pairings: txt members x reader
summary: five boys, five stories.
a/n: this will be my first mini series for TXT! Yehey! I’m really happy and excited. I hope you guys will support this and my upcoming works for them. I actually got the ideas from their songs and tried to give a good teaser but then i think i failed at some point hehe. The lines at the beginnings were lyrics ksksks Also, I used didn’t put Kai’s surname in the pic, it’s bc his name is too long:( Anyway, enjoy and have a nice day! 🌸 (tag-list is open!)
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“my heart sank into a maze of memories.”
— do you have someone you value the most? someone you feel like you can never lose in your life.
— well, for soobin, yes. you are the most important person in his life. he can never look forward for tomorrow without you.
— just like any other stories, yours and soobin’s didn’t started in a good way. he was the type of person who don’t express himself much. always, quiet and just preferred to be left alone.
— but that just made you grow more interested and curious of him. that’s why despite his rude remarks, you stepped in and finally earn his attention
— from being the person he hates the most to the person he cherishes more than himself. it was the glow up you never expected to get.
— you two became close as your relationship grew stronger and your feelings became deeper. and soon. you’ve became inseparable. 
— “Don’t go breaking my heart.” soobin whispered over at you, lips softly touching your ears. a smile grew over your face as you slowly face him.
— “I will never do that.” with a soft caring touch, you cupped his face.
— soobin was contented as long as you’re beside him, assuring him that everything will be okay. he was so sure that you two will be together forever.
— and that’s why when he lose you, he was broken and his heart sank into a maze of the memories of the two of you.
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“Run away with me.”
— nothing’s more hurtful than to not be with someone you truly loves. and for yeonjun, he will do anything just to be with you.
— ever since, your mother wasn’t really fond of your relationship with him. she wanted somebody else for you and since you’re madly in love with yeonjun, she cannot do anything about it.
— it came to the point that she started interfering between you. started to forbid you from seeing him, always telling you bad things about him like as if she really wanted you to call it off.
— the situation was clearly giving you a hard time because it’s like you are required to choose between two important things over your life--family over yeonjun.
— you love your family but you can’t afford losing yeonjun as well and so you had decided to go with him.
— yeonjun starred at you while you’re quietly sitting at the passenger seat of his car. a small smile spreads to his face, happy that despite of all the chaos, you are there with him.
— he slowly reached out and held unto your hand. it caught your attention as you turn towards him, showing off a small smile.
— “Are you scared?” he asked softly. you pursed your lips as you held unto his hand as well after giving him a nod.
— he let out a small chuckle, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”
— your eyes never left his as you nodded afterwards entrusting everything to him. you are indeed afraid but knowing that yeonjun was there for you, makes you feel at ease.
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“I don’t wanna be just friends.”
— having both of your parents close to each other, beomgyu and you grew up together. you had known him ever since you were born.
— he was your best-friend and also your greatest enemy. always there for you no matter what. eventually, the comfort you felt whenever you’re with him slowly turned into something deeper.
— you started developing feelings for him and without you knowing, it was the same for him. 
— you were a bit worried because beomgyu was very good-looking that made most of the girls in your school to like him. he was basically very popular but it seems like he don’t care so much about it
— being close to beomgyu also means that you’re always with him as well, so not just once had you witnessed him turning down every single girls who confessed to him
— you gulped as you carefully watch the newly rejected one walk sadly away from where you were sitting. you felt bad for her but also delighted because beomgyu didn’t return her feelings
— your eyes soon darted over to the boy beside you who was quietly reading his book like as if nobody just confessed their feelings at him. 
— “Why you kept on rejecting them? S-She’s beautiful.” you said trying to start a conversation. he lets out a small sigh before he looks up at you.
— you felt your breath hitched a bit as your eyes met his. they always look blank and cold whenever his talking to other people but when it’s you, it’s warm and expressive.
— “With my two eyes, I can only see you.” you blinked twice completely surprise at what you just heard. you tried searching for a slight hint of chance that he was just kidding but none.
— his face was dead serious that it actually made you feel nervous and shake a bit. you were a dumbfounded by the sudden indirect confession.
— “I don’t want to be just friends, y/n.”
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“Melt the cold me.”
— taehyun was known for being an introvert. he preferred to be by himself all the time and really don’t mind being alone.
— he was always quiet and refused to talk to other people. he was always cold to everyone, thinking they’re not really worthy of his attention.
— you on the other hand, was the complete opposite of him. you just recently moved into their town and so everything was new to you.
— you felt really excited even if it was all new for you. as you enter your new school, your eyes was filled with amusement because it was really beautiful.
— eyes darted at you as you enter the classroom. smiling, not even slightly bothered by their stares, you roam your eyes around. trying to see the faces of the students that you will be with for a whole school year.
— “hi, i’m y/n. please take good care of me!” your soft but energetic voice reached taehyun’s ears. he wasn’t paying much attention. not really interested.
— he raised his head and met your eyes. both of you kept your stares with each other, didn’t really catch what the teacher was saying.
— you were captivated by his beautiful eyes, it did look cold for some reason but something about it attracts you. with a small wave at him you even smiled.
— taehyun was already used with the attention from the opposite sex so it wasn’t really a big deal for him. he kept his straight face then starred back down over his textbook.
— you pouted but smile right after, he was cute for you. luckily, he still don’t have a desk-mate so you were told to sit beside him.
— and just then you learned that taehyun was originally a quiet and cold guy. it didn’t stop you tho, to try to get closer to him as to leads to the journey of you melting the cold in him.
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heuning kai
“If we are together no matter where we are I still feel summer.”
— for heuning kai, summer was his comfort weather. whenever he’s sad or scared, he always thinks about anything that reminds him of that weather and he will be okay.
— he grew up in a place where he can fully enjoy the summer. house at the country side, away from all the pollution of the city. he thought it was really relaxing.
— the place was perfect for every summer activities that’s why he really likes it there.
— but then when his parents announced that they had to move over to the city because of his Dad, he became so sad but he knew he have no choice.
— kai was uncomfortable by moving into a new place, he wasn’t used to all the noise and pollution of the city. he wasn’t enjoying it.
— not to be exaggerated but the sudden change of environment was making heuning kai feel sick because he wasn’t used to it.
— he thought he could never enjoy there until he encountered you. 
— the moment he first saw you, he was amused at how beautiful you are. you were always smiling brightly that kinds of reminds him of the bright sun every summer. you were always kind that makes you seem very warm.
— he was obviously having a hard time but you were there to help him every time. he clearly enjoyed your company since you were so nice to him.
— it was just a matter of time when you two slowly became so close to each other. heuning kai didn’t even notice how he was slowly adapting to his new home.
— you were the one who managed to show him that the place were not so bad at all. it was you who made him appreciate these new things.
— kai slowly found something that comforts him in that new place, you became his summer. 
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atsunflower · 4 years
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Rated: SFW
Author notes: *sigh* for the third time the damned app ate up the tags. This one took me too long and I'm excited for write about my man suna again. This is also pretty different from what I'm used to write, but why not? Please enjoy your reading.
Warnings: cursing, substance usage/mentions, break-ups and me trynna be funny.
I – Cancel me.
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He looked at them with expectation as the beats smoothly faded, indicating the song's ending. 
If he were to be honest, the pair before him was a pain in the ass, but their opinion was that important because, when it came to music, they were the best at it. He felt no shame nor jealousy in admitting it.
"Dunno, the hook sounds like a Vice headline ta me." The bleach-haired male said, hearring the song's outro blaring through the studio speakers.
"Isn't it a Kid Milli reference, tho?" The other asked while munching a chip. He frowned at them, not understanding their point.
"Whatever. You two are no help anyways." Hearring their bullshit, the brunette already regretted this collab. He paused the queued song, turning to the other two with a blank stare.
The twins before him snickered, knowing they successfully hit a nerve. They couldn't help it, provoking Suna was one of their favorite hobbies.
"The song is good, but I gotta tell ya this butt hurt phase of yers is pretty lame." The faux-blond opened his mouth again, spinning around the studio with the desk chair. 
"Fuck you, Atsumu" He snapped, almost giving in to the desire of decking them both on the face.
"Tsumu's right, ya Lil Peep wannabe. Can't believe this break up ended up that bad." Osamu said in mockery, throwing the empty Lay's wrapper at him. He scoffed, disposing the wrapper on the bin before getting back at the screen to look at the FL studio interface.
"It's not that I have a broken heart. I just wanna know what's wrong with my life" He shrugged, blindly tacting over the desk in search of his Juul.
"Yeah Samu, he's just grieving over those fancy ass Dior Jordans. Sunarin is incapable of mundane things like a broken heart." His blond friend was partially right.
Suna Rintaro was many things: alt model, music producer, cloud artist and a decent volleyball player that almost went pro. But if there was something he could never be, it was a lucky man on love matters.
With his fair share of failed relationships, the artist could never pinpoint when things went wrong. It would always be the same: he would meet a girl, they would have a good time and then, the chick would turn out demanding as fuck.
In the end, every single one of them would slap him across the face and leave his life banging the front door shut like crazy — last week, it was Mika who broke things off, but not before setting his limited edition pair of jordans on fire. He would never get over those sneakers.
"Good for him, those kicks were kinda ugly." Osamu said in a bored manner. Suna felt his soul leaving his body.
"The hell, Osamu?" He was ready to fight, deeply offended by the attack at his taste in fashion.
"Yo, you two." Atsumu butted in, checking something on his phone "Y'all are drifting away from our problem."
"That is?" The other brother asked.
"Cheer up Sunarin before he fucks up with the Album." If Suna had the energy, he would kick both Miyas out of his studio "And I gotta the perfect thing. Let's hang out at Akagi's tonight, he just invited us." The already distressed musician felt the soul leaving his body for the second time that afternoon. He was sure both twins wished his death.
"Not a fucking chance. Last time I went there I almost died because of that weird stuff we smoked." 
"Aw, Sunarin, Kita'll be there too." The faux-blonde tried to persuade. The mention of their older, responsible and straight edge friend made Suna look at them with interest. But he needed more, though. Based on the last experience, he didn't have the will to risk his life going to Akagi's house once again. A shiver descended his spine as the male recalled how much he threw up that night.
"Suna, man, I gotta agree with Tsumu. Yer feelings are showing in your music." Osamu said as if he was some kind of genius.
"Isn't art about it, tho?" He deadpanned "Expressing feelings and shit?" He asked, staring them dead in the eye. The males before him shivered because of its intensity. Suna snickered.
"Man says art, but most of his songs are about the Nikes on his feet and the Tesla in his garage." Atsumu mocked "What the fuck?" The blonde barely dodged the moleskine thrown at him.
"Don't chew on me when you do the same, asshat. This is called character development." As unnerving the twins were, he felt a whole lot better in their company "Just lemme produce my sad stuff in peace."
"Cut us some slack, ya dumbfuck. We're just worried about ya." Osamu protested " 'Sides, no wonder no girl sticks by yer side. You know what the chicks find sexy? Seizing the means of production, not yer dumb car."
"You two are so la—" The musician was interrupted mid sentence, startled by the blond figure clutching his phone with enthusiasm.
"Oi Samu," Atsumu's loud voice startled the other two, as he excitedly fisted the air.
"What the fuck?" Suna asked, dropping the Juul on the floor.
"She'll be there tonight." The blond said, looking at his brother with a new wave of joy.
"The fuck? She who?" The brunette frowned.
"Ya gotta go and find out, man." The gray haired twin said with a knowing smile, matching his brother's excitement.
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The night out felt somewhat draining. The booze, the music and the company were great, but his lack of energy was a mood killer.
Cheer me up my ass, Suna cursed internally as he observed everyone getting wasted all over the place. He grimaced at the sight, realizing the meeting with the twins was enough social interaction for the day.
He didn't know what's gotten into him. The male knew it wasn't necessarily caused by the break up, but he couldn't help the feeling down.
Right now, life just felt lowkey suffocating. 
Being a public figure meant being under the spotlights the most of time.
People talked.
People assumed.
Media was all over him, ready to catch a scandall.
And of fucking course his name was on gossip headlines. It even occupied a spot on twitter trending topics for a day or so.
"Fuck me." He said before the lukewarm beer went down his throat.
"Sunarin!" He heard Atsumu shouting from his right "I want you to meet someone!" And only now he noticed the blond had his left arm over a girl's shoulders.
Oh, that's the one they were talking about, maybe? the brunette realized. What's the hype, tho? He asked himself, eyeing your figure.
"[Name], this is Suna. Sunarin, this is [Name], best girl ever and the mastermind behind the visuals of mine and Samu's last album" The bleach-haired male said with a proud smirk, ruffling your hair. You were obviously shy.
How cute, the brunette thought.
"Dumbass, don't embarrass me in front of others!" You nudged the Miya with your elbow "Nice to meet you, I saw your name on TMZ last week—" You said beaming and he grunted.
I take it back. Not cute at all, the man internally screamed, not ready to talk about the recent events. He didn't even want to listen to the rest of your speech, your cheery voice went through his ears in a white noise.
"And this makes me really excited for your album. The interview about the collab with dumb and dumber was lit." You continued, the words were genuine and you seemed really interested "And I also relate on a spiritual level because I know working with them is hell."
Oh, she's talking about the album. He realized in relief.
"Yo, I heard good things about you too. The design of their album was hella sick, even though they two suck ass." Suna snickered when he heard Atsumu protesting. You only left out a giggle, joining him on the teasing.
The blond kept ranting about how bad of friends the two of you were.
"I didn't introduce y'all ta gang up on me. Bye, I'm finding another company. Ya two suck." The blonde Miya said, leaving only you and Suna in the sofa area.
"Uh, so…" He drifted off, trying to start some small talk
"Yeah..." You both giggled at the awkwardness "Not enjoying the night?"
"Too much happening right now. Lots of people talking shit 'bout me." He sipped the beer, grimacing at the stale taste of the drink "Hope they cancel me already. So all this shit dies down." Suna looked away, suddenly shy for opening up to a stranger.
"You're a famous guy and the break-up wasn't that scandalous. It'll be over eventually, just beware the sneaker cult." Your amusement was comfort enough. You didn't make intrusive questions about the events and merely joked it off. He felt so worn out by the situation but, at least, your presence wasn't overbearring.
"How is it everyone knows about the jordans?" You shrugged it off, laughing at the distressed face he mocked. Sighing in relief, Suna couldn't deny how refreshing your presence was. Not to be a jerk, but usually, the girls either were all over him or judged every single move he made. You were just that easygoing.
"Well, I don't think you came here to sulk on the sofa all night long. Why don't we join them by the pool and down some shots?" You hopped off of your seat, pointing to the glass doors. All the boys were waving at you two and suddenly, Suna felt a wave of joy run down his body.
Atsumu was right. Best girl ever.
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At some point of the night, everything became about you.
All he could hear was the sound of your voice and all the time, his eyes were drawn to your figure. He couldn't figure out a reason for it, but the rapper wasn't complaining either.
A sharp pang at the side of Suna's head broke the trance he was in. Osamu had a shit eating grin on his face, eyeing the ravenette with amusement.
"We told ya so." The younger twin mused whilst he handed a long neck of vodka to the other.
"Stop. This is dumb."
"Yer dumb. But you ain't that dumb ta dare ta mess with her." The gray-haired Miya squinted at him, menacingly pointing the bottle in his hand at the brunette. The latter shrugged it off, opening his drink.
"Nah, I'm good." And he meant it.
But how could he explain the situation he was in?
Lips and hands wandered over the expanse of his skin. Everything was too hot and too good at the same time. Overwhelming, even.
He wanted more, more and more. There wasn't enough of you.
And if it wasn't unfair enough, his body felt lethargic. He was desperate, but couldn't keep up with the rhythm you imposed. Be it the alcohol or the stress, his body gave up and blacked out, even before you could undress each other.
In the morning after, a pounding headache woke him up. Suna didn't dare to open his eyes, but the morning breath fanning over his face was unbearable.
"I can't believe a cutie like you have a stinky breath like this." The complaint came out in a raspy voice, accompanied by an annoyed grunt.
Someone snickered on the other side of the room.
"Man, I didn't know you had the hots fer Samu." Atsumu was somewhere across the room, laughing at him.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Hearing the other, Suna's body jolted, dizziness made his head spin in the process. He felt sick in the stomach and the morning light made his eyes sting. "When did I get back here?" The male looked around, realizing he was sprawled over Akagi's floor, right beside Osamu, who didn't even squirm at the loud voices in the room.
"What do ya mean? We never left" Atsumu frowned, uncaping a water bottle he was holding "Ya puked on Kita and passed out. The boys were too wasted ta drag yer sorry ass back home so we all crashed here." The blonde was dumbfounded, trying to figure out how wasted Suna got last night.
Suna wanted to know too. After all, there was no way the events envolving you were a product of his drunk mind.
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• Suna's artist name is yosemite.
• He has a Tesla Model S because of Frank Ocean.
• He takes his Nikes very seriously.
• No, not all of his songs are about the car and the kicks.
• He and the Miya twins got a sports scholarship because of volleyball, but they dropped out of school to make music.
• The three of them created Inarizaki, the label they're making music under. Kita and Aran manage it.
• Both Miya twins are beatmakers and music producers. They recently debuted as artists and now are making a collab EP with Suna, thus Atsumu's concern about the album.
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killerhatcanons · 4 years
Could u do a childhood friends hc with Trapper, The Shape and Ghostface?? 🥺🥺
Of course my friend! uwu
So we can imagine most of Michael‘s and Trapper‘s childhoods but I don’t think Danny has much of a background lore going as far soo I‘d personally also put him into a difficult household (even though I wish it were different) I also think I’ll put this one into a text form
TW: idek what to tag this with but I’m guessing abuse/domestic violence
The Trapper (Evan MacMillan)
Evan had always in a way idolized his father and his father had never deemed anyone worthy to get close to his son. Needless to say Evan didn’t have many friends at all when he was young. The other children were scared of his father and the stories their parents had told them about the MacMillan family. They were gruesome, as much as a parent would allow their child to hear but enough to ensure they would never want to get close to the MacMillan child.
You had always thought it was unfair. It wasn’t Evan’s fault that his dad was mean and you didn’t want him to sit alone over something he wasn’t responsible for. So you approached him and you kept approaching him even as he tried to push you away. He knew about the stories and he himself knew very well that his father wasn’t the kindest person. Time and time again had his father hit him for not following his orders, had thrown away his sketches and sent him to bed on an empty stomach as a punishment. He understood why others feared his father and he didn’t blame them. Even though he loved his father, he also despised him. He knew no one but him would endure his father’s punishments so when the tiny you approached him he tried his best to push you away. You were far too fragile, you couldn’t get close to him or his father. 
But you didn’t care. No matter how many times he rudely sent you away you always returned. And as time passed he felt himself slowly growing fond of you. You were nice to him, the only person that made him feel warm and he didn’t want you to leave him anymore. He wanted to keep your kindness, to keep the warmth you made him feel through the utter coldness he was accustomed to. So he allowed you to stay if only for a while which soon became longer and longer.
You played together in elementary school and he would protect you from anyone that even attempted to bully you. Or ask you out for that matter. He soon had to realize that he grew more and more possessive of you, that he didn’t want anyone to take you away from him. You had been with him since the beginning, had shown him kindness and understanding, had been there for him and took care of the bruises his father kept giving him. As cheesy as this sounded you had been his sun all along, naturally and selflessly giving him warmth without ever being asked to. His one and only friend.
Shit I might need to turn this into a fiction maybe? haha we’ll see
The Shape (Michael Meyers)
Michael had always been the silent child in your kindergarten group. First everyone thought he was just a little shy but you soon realized that he simply refused to speak. Of course your teacher tried to convince him to talk, even had a meeting with his parents but they assured that he learned speaking, however at one point simply stopped any form of communication. To the adults he was a hopeless case. They tried desparately to change him, but he wouldn’t budge. 
To you he was a welcome friend. You didn’t mind his silence, you knew he was listening to you and you could still play together. Well, it was mostly you telling him what to do with the toys, because he himself wouldn’t do anything besides holding them in his hand, but that wasn’t much of an issue to you. 
Of course you tried to get him to play with your other friends too, but his lack of enthusiasm often got in the way and the other kids got scared of his silent and emotionless behavior. However, even when they told you to, you refused to stop playing with Michael. Yes, he was a little odd, but that didn’t make him a bad child (killing his sister later lowkey did tho oop) so you didn’t want him to be alone. Everyone needs some company, right? 
Over time you noticed, that he would remember what you had told him to do with the toys, instead of simply holding them, to which you would give him a big smile.
This improvement you saw in his behavior made you even sadder when one day he stopped coming to the kindergarten. At first you had thought he was sick, but weeks went on without a single trace of him or his parents.
Upon asking you own they had told you he was sent to another kindergarten instead, that was specialized on children like him. You were sad of course, but you accepted it, hoping he would find more friends to play with now. 
You only later found out he was sent to an asylum instead of another kindergarten.
The Ghostface (Danny Johnson)
Danny Johnson did not have the nicest childhood imaginable. After her divorce his mother didn’t become directly abusive to him, more so the alcohol. 
He liked to think that the slurring woman bruising him wasn’t his mother, that it was simply someone else, someone more aggressive trying to be her. He didn’t want to think his mother hated him, he didn’t want to believe she would bruise him, would shout at him and blame him for what had happened to her marriage. 
Even as a young boy he knew to cover his bruises. He loved his mother, he didn’t want her to be alone even though the woman the alcohol brought out of her hurt him in every way possible. But it was his fault right? His dad didn’t want him so he left him and his mother. He was responsible and the least he thought he could do was let her let out her pain on the person responsible for her misery.
In school he didn’t talk much to anyone. He was a rather shy kid, not wanting to cause anymore trouble for anyone. At lunch he sat alone, but he didn’t mind. He also didn’t mind being called weird or gross for his greasy long hair or the bags under his eyes. Not that he wanted to talk to anyone about himself anyways. Not even to you as you approached him. 
You had watched him sit alone for a long time. He looked sad, restless, sometimes even scared and despite not even knowing him, it hurt you to see anyone in this state. So you went to talk to him. However, it took a while for him to stop avoiding you as best as he could and he eventually opened up to you a bit. He still didn’t tell you about the abuse until you reached middle school, but when he did you were determined to help him, to clear his understanding of him not being responsible for anything and to get him a new home. 
With the help of your parents you were able to get him out of his household and soon find a acquainted family that was willing to take him in. The Olsens tried their best to provide him with everything he needed. And while you knew it would take time for him to heal, you were relieved he was part of a loving family now, that would help him back onto a safe track. 
You couldn’t have known that the damage to Danny’s brain had already been done and there was no way of saving him from the twisted prison of his own mind.
I can attempt to make it more wholesome a second time if you want these were just the most logical things that came to my mind haha... honestly idk but I usually think that someone isn’t just yk born a killer (except Michael maybe pfft) so I came up with some uhm logical upbringings to the boys haha yeet..
Anyways I’m considering turning the Evan and Ghosty one into their own separate story thingsies. Kinda hard to do something with Michael bc uhm Psychiatry but possibly something with a reader that’s also in treatment or we pull a Harley Quinn sometime who knows! 
For now I hope you aren’t too mad that this was so... dark instead of cute oop >:)) if you’re mad just let me die on the hook next time pffft
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coinofstone · 4 years
3x12 The Coming of Arthur pt 1
The title is such low hanging fruit I feel bad cracking a joke about it.
It's a quest episode! I love a quest episode. Srsly feel free to send me any and all Merthur quest fics. I can't get enough 😂
This is the episode responsible for the lovely Leon fanon headcanon that he's immortal. Always handy in an Arthur Returns fic.
Uther: you must go on this mission alone
Arthur: *brings Merlin*
I do love Merlin being being a smart alec and nagging Arthur while packing. Excellent banter.
Arthur said
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Arthur threatening a young boy like this is such an ugly and uncharacteristic action it makes me angry.
Merlin tending to Arthur while he's sick and injured 🥺
Also I'm sorry but Merlin shows fuckin Gilli his magic but he's hiding it from fuckin Gwaine while Arthur is suffering? Silly.
Cenred's massive army makes me wonder if it's a result of his tolerance of magic or lower standards than the knights of Camelot, or some combination of both.
Poor Leon, though. He's just got back from near death in that forest and Uther sends him right fuckin back in 😂
Looks like they snuck in to Camelot via the dragon's cave. I doubt that was the intention but I still approve 😂
Knowing he's on a suicide mission, Arthur gives Merlin an out, knowing he'll never take it, knowing he doesn't even want him to: he still presents him with the choice.
How come literally everyone else gets a crown that fits them but Arthur walks around looking like he's wearing hand-me-downs?
Morgana might be evil but she looks damn good on a throne.
3x13 The Coming of Arthur pt 2
There's a post going around Twitter about ppl who nitpick at TV shows... this comment falls into exactly that category 100% but I'm sorry, I cannot just ignore the fact that Morgana's got these massive banners and an entire army's worth of uniforms, I mean look:
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Every guard with the sigil on his uniform and half a dozen banners in the council chambers alone. That's to say nothing of the ones outside. I mean look at the sheer fuckin size of these things:
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Look how tiny the ppl are next to em! They've gotta be at least 15 feet long, at least. Where did they come from? Were they all magicked into existence? Who designed that sigil? What does it represent? Is it Gorlois' banner? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
Leon isn't someone I've ever been particularly attracted to, personally, but his defiant shout of "Long Live the King" in the face of Morgana's threats, is sexy as hell.
Depressed Arthur is such a mood.
So. Gwen. Originally in 3x12 when Morgana essentially invited Gwen into the fold (insofar as a Queen's servant can be), it seems to be a set up, because Morgana has been treating Gwen like shit for ages, why would she suddenly want her friend back? Especially since Morgana knows something is going on between Gwen and Arthur - there's no way she believes that they were actually under the spell of some random sorcerer, that just doesn't make any sense. So you kind of assume - or at least I did - that Morgana is keeping Gwen close knowing that she'll be useful as bait or a hostage, just essentially as a person of value to Arthur. She's known Gwen for too long to actually believe she'd cross Arthur, there's just no way someone as machiavellian as Morgana doesn't see Gwen's 'loyalty' as a simple survival tactic. All of this is to say, when Morgana and Morgause eavesdrop on Gwen's conversation with Sir Leon, Morgana is just like, 'welp, she's betrayed me. Guess I'll kill her in the morning.' as though she was actually expecting Gwen to do anything else?!?! Like, why? It would've made so much more sense to just cut that line entirely and go straight to something like
Morgana: it's as we suspected, she's betrayed me
Morgause: yes, now she can lead us straight to Arthur
And it would've made so much more sense than the weird sort of purgatory they've implied where Morgana changed her mind about Gwen very suddenly the night before she took the throne. It's not a super important detail in the overarching story but it's another example of how carelessly their story has been handled.
Me rn:
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I do love that they made Freya the Lady of the Lake, and that she kept her promise by telling Merlin how to defeat the army of the dead.
How Merlin really sees Kilgharrah:
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Gwen really is the smartest of all of them.
I do love that Merlin's first undead kill with excalibur is entirely an accident lol
The subtext between Morgana and Morgause is really gross. I haven't said anything before because I generally don't approve of ship shaming but the not so subtle subtext gives me the heebies.
This is such a great shot
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Everything about it, his woman at his left and his man at his right, his romantic rival opposite him on his wife's side, as directly opposite her as possible at a round table with an uneven number of placements. It's a really beautiful shot, fitting for an equally beautiful scene. It's a very moving scene, the music really adds the exact emotion you'd expect for this moment we all recognize... and I feel like the knights' oaths are very well matched. The snarky part of me wanted to make a 'call me maybe' joke about Percival, but he's so sincere I just can't do it. The moment of levity added by Merlin's banter with Arthur is really, really well paced. Honestly I think it's probably the next perfect, iconic scene since Gwen and Arthur's first kiss. Hats off to this crew.
(Don't worry dear reader, I'm sure I'll get back to complaining shortly)
Santiago is so dreamy. I'd share his bedroll any day.
I like that despite all the talk of equality and doing the thing Uther wouldn't approve of, Gwen still worries about the company seeing her and Arthur kiss. Like, he's planning an insurrection with a bunch of commoners and two dudes who've been officially banished from Camelot, but she's internalized the classism and the rules of royalty so deeply that even amongst friends she instinctively keeps their relationship hidden. I'm not sure how intentional that was but it's brilliant.
The fight big fight scene with Merlin just barely missing the cup while the knights are cornered, and Gaius showing up like the brilliant deus ex machina that he is, honestly makes the previous budget-slashed episodes more bearable. Because this really is great, even knowing it's great at the expense of those others.
Morgana's screeching is eerily similar to Aithusa's.
I wonder if they knew they were getting renewed for a fourth season when they wrote this. Because you know, it really could've worked as a series finale as well. An open-ended series finale, but a series finale all the same.
As a Queens kid, I cannot explain to you the joy it gives me to watch Arthur and Merlin just chillin on the steps to the castle as tho it were a stoop, which I suppose, in a sense... it kind of is. Ahhh youthful days.
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Commentary is Jeremy Webb and Julian Murphy.
And this kids, is why we're watching with commentary! They've just explained that Morgana's sigil is supposed to symbolize the Rowan tree that's supposed to be at the heart of the Isle of the Blessed. That suggests she designed it herself, so there's at least one of my earlier questions answered.
They talk a lot about how Emila Fox was very pregnant when they were filming her in this season, and they shot entirely around it - and I can't help but feel anger toward Joss Whedon and his 'handling' of Charisma Carpenter's pregnancy during S4 of Angel.
One of them called the round table scene 'curiously moving' and I think that is really fitting. They'd had this in mind for about two years, which is probably why it's so extraordinary. That's a great gestation period for a scene as iconic as this.
One final tidbit: the sword in the stone was filmed in France, and made it back to Wales intact. I guess nobody wanted to take it out. That's kind of an interesting thought, like a little set superstition or something. It's kind of cute.
The DVD extras/special features will get a separate post if I feel I have comments worth sharing.
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Hello! I’m a different anon than your usual for the bruabba parents headcanons, but I was wondering if I could request something for them? Where they’re basically in the place of josuke’s mom when he got the terrible seemingly life threatening fever, but with y/n. Like, they’re unable to leave the house, snowed in, and she’s got that same awful fever and literally when she can walk just climbs out of bed to lay down anywhere cold(er). Feel free to ignore this tho, love your stuff!
I’m always open to new requests from anyone! This was a cute idea! I kinda got carried away and just made it a 1000 word cute sick fic, hope that's okay
It was absolutely miserable 
You had been stuck inside the house with the gang, several feet of snow blocking off the doors, for only an hour or so when your fever began to strike 
You swear up and down that whatever this is, it’s the worst virus/flu you’ve ever gotten 
It felt like you were dying, and honestly you might have been. But there wasn’t any way you were leaving the house, so you were stuck with it
Bruno tries to help you move to your bedroom but you protest, the upper rooms of the house always feel stuffy to you 
So you’re currently hunkered down on the couch, thick quilted blanket over you and a fussy Bruno checking on the washcloth covering your forehead every few minutes 
He keeps sending you that signature ‘it’ll be okay’ smile of his. Although it does make your heart feel a bit lighter, it doesn’t do much for the sheen of sweat covering you and the discomfort resulting from it  
Around dinner time, your symptoms are still going strong 
Bruno glances at the clock and back at you 
“Are you feeling up to eating something?” 
You hummed, assessing if you could feel any hunger pains through the weird temperature fluctuations of your body 
“Not really…”
His eyebrows furrowed. He hated seeing you so sick like this  
“You have to have something, Y/N. Maybe some chicken and noodles would help you feel better?”
You honestly weren’t hungry at all, but you were going to try if it would wipe the worry off of his face 
“Okay,” Bruno’s shoulders sagged in a moment of relief and his lips turned upwards. “Leone! Can you watch over Y/N while I make her some soup?” 
Leone emerged from the hallway at the sound of his name, looking equally as concerned as Bruno when he saw the state you were in 
“Uh-what do you want me to do?”
“Just, make sure the washcloth doesn’t get too dry and keep her company, okay?”
Bruno stood up and moved away so Leone could take his place on the ottoman beside you 
“Yeah, okay.”
He didn’t seem very confident, but nonetheless, Bruno left to make your meal and entrusted you to your adoptive dad fellow mafioso 
Leone’s eyes softened as they took in your scrunched up face. 
Another subtle wave of uncomfortable warmth rolled through your body and caused a whimper to leave your lips
Leone brought his hand to your forehead to feel the washcloth, which had mostly acclimated to the same temperature as your skin, and wasn’t doing anything to soothe you. He took it off to dip it into the water, wring it out, and put it back where it was 
The cool material made you sigh, as did the chilly hand that Leone rested on your cheek 
“Fuck, that is a bad fever. Do you remember what temperature you were last?”
You scrambled for the answer in your muddled mind 
“Uhh, maybe, 103? Or somethin..” 
You’d never really seen Leone so openly worried about another person like this 
If you were in a joking mood, you might ask if he was feeling unwell
But you also didn’t want him to realize and go back to his whole detached “i don’t give a shit about anything” persona 
“Do I need to get you anything?” 
You noticed your throat felt hoarse when you tried to speak 
“‘Hem, maybe some water?”
Leone nodded, stood up, and made his way to the kitchen dutifully
The heat that had subsided once again flared up in your veins when you had nothing to distract yourself with 
You hurriedly kicked off the thick blanket that was so lovingly laid onto you, but then you started to feel a weird chill, so you brought it back on 
The worst part about fevers was never being able to get comfortable 
Feeling a surge of strength, you stood up, off the couch 
And you promptly laid back down on the wooden floor 
The cold planks felt so nice against your limbs and cheek, while the quilt you brought with you kept it from being too cool. You felt yourself drifting off, finally able to relax  
Leone, who took longer than he had wished because he and Bruno were talking about you, stopped in the doorway when he returned 
At first he feared that something happened to you 
But as he went to your side and noticed your peaceful face, along with the blanket, he realized with a sigh of relief that you were just sleeping 
He sat down on the ground with you, placing the glass of cold water on the nearby end table, and put your head in his lap 
Leone always tended to run cold, so he hoped it wouldn’t bother you too much 
As he wet the cloth that had fell off your head, he mused
Bruno said there was still a while to go until he was finished with the soup… 
Leone quickly used Moody Blues to check that no one was in the hall 
And then he began to hum a song to you
It was something his mom used to sing for him when he was sick or sad 
Leone didn’t have nearly enough confidence to actually say the words, but he let himself softly hum the melody  
If Bruno had almost walked in on the middle of the song and hid behind the wall to listen to the rest of it, he wouldn’t ever let Leone know 
He waited until Leone’s voice came to a stop to actually enter the room 
“Hey, her soup is read--”
It appeared that Leone hadn’t stopped because he had finished the song, he stopped because he had fallen asleep too 
Bruno’s heart leaped at the soft sight before him 
He quickly returned to the kitchen to put the bowl of chicken noodles in the fridge 
He came into the room once again and gently pressed a kiss to both of your foreheads before sitting on the couch behind you with a book to pass the time
Your fever was already broken when you awoke to the sound of Leone’s snores
Bruno smiled down at you, putting the novel down 
“Hey, you want that soup now?”
Your stomach growled loud enough for him to hear 
“Yes please,” you sheepishly answered 
You then both broke out into a happy laughter that woke Leone up too 
“You look like you’re feeling better, so why are you still on my lap?” 
You and Bruno just laughed harder
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ramenandchill · 4 years
Hey! I had an idea (not that original but still!) - could you do team 7 boys (sasuke, naruto, maybe even sai) sparing when a crush they all have comes to watch and they are all trying to impress them. :D
OMGG, ofcccccc! Thanks for the request 😘 so I’m gonna write like a small Drabble.
Naruto drabbles💴
The 3 team 7 boys all have a crush and you and try to impress you when you come to watch them spar
You were once a ninja in Konoha. So many people told you that you had some great potential, but you gave up fighting to be a medical nin instead. Unfortunately, your father was sick and only you would be willing to care for him. You didn’t mind giving up fighting to protect your fathers life, you still had your old teammates.
You were best friends with all of team 7, as they were your former comrades. Kakashi-sensei was like your 2nd father. Sakura was like your sister. But Sai,Naruto, and Sasuke were far from being like your brothers.
There was some kind of sexual tension between you and each of the 3 of them. They all wanted you, but you couldn’t choose. Sai was sweet and honest, Sasuke was gentle and protective, and Naruto was well, Naruto. They were all lovely in their own special way.
You were on your way to visit your friends. You hadn’t seen them in a really long time. Also, you had an important message for Sakura. The only one you’d really seen was Sakura, and that was because you both worked together. You both always had a good laugh with eachother and enjoyed eachothers company.
But you hadn’t seen the 3 boys in a long time. You all had gone different ways and your professions didn’t allow you guys to interact often.
You walked into Konohas woods, knowing that team 7 would be training there, just like you did when you all were kids.
You crept closer towards them. You knew it was them, you could sense their chakra.
Finally, you jumped out at them, startling them.
“Surprise!” You yelled.
“Y/n!” Naruto exclaimed, as he ran up to hug you. He was holding on a little bit too tight. You actually felt like you were being strangled. Still, you were happy to see him.
“Naruto...too....tight.” You barely choked out.
“Oops, sorry.” He said, letting go of his hold onto you. You kissed him on the cheek and patted his head full of blond hair.
Then there was Kakashi sensei. He walked up to you with open arms, hugging you tightly. This time, he patted your head of h/c hair and smiled underneath his mask.
“How have you guys been?” You asked while Sakura moved next to you.
“We’ve been great. The real question is what are you doing here?” Sasuke stopped brooding in the corner, and started talking to you.
“Well to see you guys of course. Oh and, Sakura don’t forget about the deadline at the hospital this week. It’s really important.” You cautioned. She nodded her head yes.
Sai finally walked up to you and hugged you gently. He smiled his trademark smile and kissed you in the cheek. Your cheeks flushed a deep red. You hadn’t expected your friend to kiss you!
“Well what are you guys doing now?” You asked,rubbing your now kissed cheek.
“We were just sparring. Oh, Y/N I have an idea! You should spar with us, for old times sake!” Naruto suggested. You smirked and nodded your head yes. You didn’t have a problem with this. Though you had given up fighting, you still had your skills. You were still the best taijustu user on the team.
“Now Naruto, I’m sure Y/N has business to attend to.” Kakashi sensei protested.
“It’s fine, Sensei. I have plenty of time. Today, my sister is taking care of my father, so I practically have all the free time I want until 5 pm.” You reassured your white haired sensei. He nodded his head and sent you off.
“So who am I sparring with first?” You asked, stretching out your arms and legs.
“Me!” Sakura yelled and raised her hand.
“Of course sister! Your going down!” You playfully joked.
“We’ll see about that!” She retorted, smirking.
You both began sparring,Clearly being matched to eachother in raw ability. You were quick with acting and thinking. Sakura was the same way. Finally, the spar ended with both of you winning and being tired.
“Still got it.” You said to your self, wiping sweat off of your forehead. Sai, Naruto, and Sasuke just stared in awe at your still sharp skills. They thought you would be out of shape by now, but you weren’t.
“I wanna see you guys spar now!” You exclaimed, pointing a finger at the 3 boys, who were now startled again.
“Sure I guess.” Sasuke said. He really wanted to impress you, after seeing you fight Sakura like that. He and Naruto began sparring.
Naruto kept looking at you. Every time he did, he would become even stronger. Sasuke kept eyeing you too. The both of them kept staring at you while fighting, taking them to new heights during the fight.
Sai walked over to you and placed his hand around your waist and snuggled up to you a bit. You leaned into his touch, but you began blushing. He was being extra affectionate today, and you hadn’t known why.
You could see a rage, a fire, light up in both Sasuke and Naruto. They both started playing dirty in the spar, trying to beat eachother. Finally, they stopped, realizing that they were a match and nothing could change that.
They both exchanged looks with Sai, visibly fuming at him touching you in such a way. You realized it was time to go, as you couldn’t stand the tension between your 3 friends. So you did something to settle the score.
“Jesus, you guys went really hard on that last spar. But anyway, I have to go now, I just remembered something. I love you all, and we will hang out again sometime. Thanks for the spar Sakura! See you at work.” You said in a mouthful. You hugged Sakura and Kakashi, tightly liked you’d never seen them again.
You walked over to the 3 boys, hugging them all simultaneously. You kissed the 3 of them each on the cheek, causing them to blush. You thought it was cute. You didn’t want to choose between your 3 friends, so you gave them enough love to share between themselves. You walked off and waved good bye, leaving them all alone together.
(Omg I know that I wrote this horribly, and I’m like sooo sorry. But I didn’t know how to write it properly 🥺 and when I was literally writing it at first the entire thing didn’t even fricken save lmao. Love you tho and your request was good, I literally just didn’t know how to write it properly. I hope you like it though❤️”
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r-e-b-a-l-a-n-c-e · 4 years
Are you ever filled with a sense of wrongness? It’s that feeling in the pit of your stomach and it feels like you’re internally twisting and squelching the urge to scream? That’s me writing this post right now! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I missed a few days and now the posts are out-of-order and if I ever decide to post about the missed days in the future and it kills me inside... OMG, I think my eyes are tearing up. SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME A MAN WITH BIG, STRONG ARMS TO ROCK ME! This is not a drill! 😭 
Let’s move on. 👉🏾👈🏾
Today resulted in a shift in my lifestyle that will hopefully be used as a benchmark for the many days to come. For the past 2 weeks, my sleeping schedule has been so unhealthy to the point where I’ve been consistently sleeping through 3+ alarms. Never in my life had it gotten so bad and a bish could only admit she was sick when she was would stare at herself in the mirror at 4AM while taking a piss. 😫
But today was different! Lemme give you the rundown:
Slept at 1AM which is amazing for me LOL.
6:30-7:30AM: Woke up and worked out (arms)! 
Cardio (20 mins): Ran 1 mile in 15 mins. 
Did a cool down for an additional 5 mins listening to my bihh Bree Runway. 
Daily Arm Workout (7 mins): Holly’s Quick + Intense Arm Workout
Arm Workout 1 (10 mins): Pamela’s Toned Arms Workout
Arm Workout 2 (7 mins): Tracy Campoly’s Bat Wings II
Stretch (15 mins)
7:30-9:00AM: Made cute egg sandwiches and a superfood smoothie with my Mom. 
First thing she said to me this morning was that she was proud of me. That’s all an immigrant’s daughter wants to hear! 😭 
9:00-9:30AM: Met my “buddy”/mentor at work and he’s amazing. 
Imma be honest... My last internships onboarding sucked and it followed me throughout the year. 
My first day consisted of setting my environment with tools I’ve never heard of. A lot of information was thrown my way and it went over my head. That’s normal.
However, what wasn’t normal was that I was watching Udemy courses for 1.5-2 weeks! Like COME ON! You really don’t know what to do with me!
And then I get my first task in the infamous backend with no understanding of the technologies used and how to build/test. I was assumed to know...
It was so bad... How do you ask for help when you don’t even know where to begin or how to articulate the question? I never received a proper full demo of the product and was never given a walkthrough of the codebase. 
This pissed me off later because I saw the same buddy I was assigned to on my first team give a demo and multiple codebase walkthroughs with a new hire. So they were worthy of it but not me? OK, I see what’s up.
Overall, my onboarding killed my confidence and made me scared to ask anything because I felt like such an inconvenience. It took me months to break me out of it (although I appeared confident and happy). I sometimes get sad thinking about it now, but I’m not solely to blame. Took me a long time to understand that. 
It helped when I compared my onboarding with the other intern group that came later and led some of the workshops. Saw how clueless they were too and how I was never given the same opportunities to learn in a guided environment.
My manager (who was so kind and genuine) saw how bad it was and apologized for it. He was the only one who pushed for me to have ownership on a project, and my buddy even protested giving it to me. Why did they underestimate me so much... 
But for my current internship? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G so far! 
I have already received two demos of the product.
I’ve been told specifically about upcoming projects the team will be undertaking and given expectations.
Have a couple of codebase walkthroughs already scheduled! 
Given quick, easy-to-digest resources for serivces I am unfamiliar with. 
And the best thing... My buddy doesn’t assume any of my knowledge and I know I’ve been impressing him with how quick I’ve been so far (it helps when you’ve worked at the company before LOL). it actually boggles my mind how much support I’m getting from him and I’m so appreciative.
9:30-10:00AM: Met the rest of the team. Again, this meeting was facilitated by my buddy and he warned me about the questions they would ask me. I don’t deserve him 😭 ACTUALLY... NO, I DO HAHA! His investment will pay off. 💪🏾
10:00AM-1:30PM: Intern Orientation
This was lowkey painful as it was so long and it repeated a lot of information I already knew.
It picked up near the end as the interns got more active in the chat and created a discord server and a few slack channels. 🤗
I ate food somewhere in this time frame...
Worked on fixing some of my backend problems with my buddy.
Finished a training video for new hires.
Made a record of all I did thus far on GitHub.
The remainder of my day:
Spent time in the backyard with the fam. Today is a celebratory day for my people in successfully overthrowing a terrorist regime in Ethiopia.
My mom decorated the backyard. My parents were forcing me to take videos/put them on live to share with their friends LOL.
My mom dressed a life-sized ratchet Barbie doll in the Ethiopian flag and Akira (my dog) was running for his life away from it. 🤣🤣
I played one game of skribble.io with some interns. They were so cute and one of the girls reached out to me and recognized me from a panel. 🤪 She kept saying it was my energy/style that made me recognizable and I was so flattered. 🥺
Finished the group registration for Ada’s Team (something I forgot about and was putting off. Finally did it though!)
Caught up with people from the Ethiopia COVID-19 Response Team slack and gave updates.
Some random person reached out to me and was gushing how amazing I was. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I looked into him and he works at Amazon -- a bish wasn’t ready for the love! 
I wrote so much WTF. WHY THO?!
Whatever, this was therapeutic. Starting this internship and comparing it with my previous one has has reignited the toxic resentment I have towards my onboarding experience. Thank you Mimi, Aysha, and Tumblr for facilitating my healing as now I realize I have a problem I need to deal with LOL.
OK, that’s enough! Goodnight. 😘
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ladynuwanda · 6 years
A Ride on the Other Side (Sub!Duncan ShepherdXDom!Female Reader)
A/N: (Thank you @alexcornerblog for trusting me again with your request, Babe! <3) Bored Dom!Duncan wants to try something new, and luckily he has his Bestie to teach him “the ways of the Force”.
Warnings: Smut. DomXSub play. Unprotected sex (as the Spice Girls would say, “be a little bit wiser, baby, put it on”). And, since I wrote this, get ready to watch some feelings being felt! ;)
Word Count: 4,5 K.
I had been friends with Duncan Shepherd for most of my adult life. We met at College, I noticed he was one of the brightest students in class, a real teacher’s favourite, and decided to get close to him. That’s how my competitive thinking works: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If I wanted to be the best, I’d better join the best... instead of fighting them. There was nothing even remotely romantic about our relationship. Except for that one stupid night, in freshman year. But once we got the sexual tension out of the way, with disastrous results for everyone involved, we were free to be good friends.
After graduation we moved to DC together. Duncan had always felt a burning passion for politics, I was just in love with the city. We both got our internships during the same Summer, him at the Capitol, me at the Smithsonian. And all these years we’ve lived in Washington made us develop a few weekly rituals. One of my favourites was going to his apartment in the morning when we both had the day off. I’d take fresh brewed coffee with me, and some pastry for Duncan’s sugar cravings. We’d have breakfast together and then he’d let me enjoy the view from the balcony of his penthouse while I read a book. He was pleased to share the comforts his family’s money could buy with a friend, and I was glad to keep him company.
“‘Morning, Shepherd!”, the more hungover he looked the more I’d use an annoying sing-song tone to greet him.
“Really, tho? Are you sure it’s already morning?”, I had grown desensitised to Duncan’s attractiveness over the years, his baby-blue eyes and light scruff felt simply mundane to me.
“It’s almost afternoon, to be honest...”, I let myself in, while he sleepily rubbed his eyes, “they were out of cherry danish, so I got you cheese, I hope that’s ok.”
“Cheese is fine... please, come on in.”, that was his attempt at sarcasm, I was already halfway into the kitchen.
“For the love of God, drink your coffee, you’re grumpier than usual this morning... and that’s saying a lot!”
I’d never have to worry about walking in on him with company. He’d rarely take his hookups to his place, he preferred expansive hotels. That way he could show off his wealth, estabilishing dominance, but also “avoid giving off a false sense of intimacy”, as he said. “So who’s your date this morning? Fitzgerald? Yeats? Or are you back to your goth phase with that Poe compilation?”, he seemed instantly more alive after his first sip of coffee, he was almost smiling. “Shakespeare. I felt like revisiting Hamlet... sometimes you just gotta give your first love a second chance.”, I smiled showing him my old leather-bound copy of Tragedies by Shakespeare.
“But I’m expecting an e-mail from work... do you mind if I use your computer? I thought my phone was charging last night but it wasn’t, it’s dead as a doorknob...”, I was already walking towards his home office, without waiting for a reply.
“Sure...”, he mumbled while taking a cheese danish from the paper-bag I’d brought, “good morning, you beauty!”. “I’m gonna pretend I’m not offended that you’re greeting your breakfast with a lot more enthusiasm than you greeted me...”, I shouted towards the kitchen, while I was sitting on his desk and pulling the laptop open.
The computer was already on, it was just closed, and that was unusual for someone as highly organised as Duncan. “You forgot to turn it off last night, are you ok...”, I was saying when I heart a loud “OH SHIT” from the kitchen. I looked at the screen and “oh shit”, indeed. There was a cheap-looking porn video playing in full volume. I’ve always thought Duncan was a man of more refined tastes, but that was not the weirdest thing about it. The leather-clad couple onscreen was already going to town but it was the girl, wearing a stereotypical dominatrix outfit and a harness, that was thrusting mercilessly into a guy on all fours, with a ball gag in his mouth.
Duncan shot into the room, now fully awake. His eyes were wide and his mouth agape, looking more terrified than I’d ever seen him. He hastily shut the laptop again, not daring to look at me. I just sat there with a blank expression, looking at my old friend, waiting for an explanation. “I’m gonna lend you a chord, you can charge your phone and check your e-mails... ok?”, with the most awkward little grin he left the room, blushing bright-red. I followed him, still unable to speak.
The thing is, Duncan had always been a proud Dom. It was part of who he was, being an influential man, from a prominent family. He had a reputation. The girls who threw themselves at his feet were already expecting that from him. He had things done his way in absolutely every aspect of his life. Always. I think he actually got off on that power. It seemed impossible that the famous Duncan Shepherd would be fantasising about being pegged by a girl in what could only be described as a dominatrix costume. And we were both very similar in our tastes that way, and we’ve always respected each other too much to try and change one another. That was also part of what made us incompatible in the bedroom, and kept our friendship safe from any unwanted sexual tension all these years.
“Duncan, what... why... are you ok?”
“Can we just... never talk about it again, please?”
“Yes.”, I lowered my eyes in second-hand embarrassment.
“I’m just... I’m so tired!”, he ran his hands over his own face, and sat heavily down on the couch.
“Of what? Not having your ass split in half?”, I chuckled, he didn’t, “come on, Duncan... it’s me! You know I won’t judge... I just wanna understand.”, I sat on the couch by his side, and I though about putting a hand to his shoulder, but decided against it. For some reason it felt inappropriate to touch him now.
“It’s just... it’s always the same, y’know... all those girls, always willing to lick my boots on command, all of them so eager to please...”
“Poor you, Duncan! It must be a nightmare...”, he narrowed his eyes at me, “I’m sorry, go on.”
“You really are a pain in my ass, you know...”, he sighed deeply before continuing, “I’m just sick of standing up to other people’s expectations... I wanted to know what it’s like. The other side. To be free to just... enjoy the moment. Does that make sense?”, his clear blue eyes fell on me, full of honesty, in a way I knew he wouldn’t with anyone else.
“It does make sense. I just... I don’t understand why you wouldn’t talk to me about it, instead of resorting to cheap internet porn. That’s so tacky, Duncan...”
“You’ve always made it perfectly clear that you found me the most unappealing man on Earth... I saw no reason to.”
“I never said you’re unappealing... I said you can’t handle me.”
“Oh, I can handle you.”, he smirked trying to regain the upper hand.
“Oh, really, Mr. Three Minutes? I don’t think you can...”
“It was just that one time! I was very young... and I was drunk.”
“Finishing early was not the problem... but did you have to go and fall asleep right afterwards?”
“I was tired! It was exam week!”
“You’re always tired, grandpa! Were you too young, or too old... you gotta pick one!”
We just laughed it off, as we usually did. That’s how this conversation always ended, it was our way of not letting that incident get in the way of our relationship. And it also worked to ease the tension from what had just happened. We were ok, again. The awkwardness was gone.
“Anyway... that’s not something I wanted to discuss with the only girl who will never let me forget how completely unsatisfied she was the one time she shared my bed.”
“Or you could use this opportunity to clean your reputation...”
“Are you serious?”
“I could be.”
“My best friend is willing to... dom... me?”
It was just too cute, the way he called me his best friend! Duncan could be so precious when he thought no one was paying attention...
“Why not? We’ve known each other forever... We trust each other. You’re decent looking, if I squint my eyes and forget you’re a Republican. If you don’t find me completely repulsive, this could work!”
“I don’t find you repulsive at all.”, and at that, the bastard unleashed the full power of his gaze on me. And I realised that it wasn’t that I was desensitised to his charms, he’d simply stopped trying to seduce me. Until that moment.
“Ok.”, I took a deep breath, steadying myself, “how about I come back here tonight, and give you a tour on ‘the other side’, as you called it?”
“You would do that?”
“It doesn’t have to be such a big deal... we could just play a little, get you a taste of it... we don’t even need go as far as undressing, if it feels too awkward! I think I’ll survive without seeing those cute little buttocks... again.”
“Sounds like a plan...”, he nodded thoughtfully, a familiar crease between his eyebrows, the one he had when he was already thinking about a thousand future scenarios for something.
I got up from the couch, surprising even myself, “ok, so I’m gonna take off, now... I’ll come back later?”, he just nodded and I did the last thing I thought I would do when I entered his apartment this morning. I leaned over, running my fingers through his soft curls, still a little disheveled from sleep, and kissed him full on the mouth. His soft lips parted a little in surprise, and I pushed my tongue between them, massaging his. I tightened my grip on his hair, our tongues still pressing flat against each other, and heard a soft moan vibrating on his throat. I ended the kiss nibbling gently on his lower lip, and flashed him my brightest smile, “see you tonight, Big D.”
It was just so Duncan how he made a project out of it. If he was going to be a Sub for one night, then he was going to be the best Sub in the entire history of Subs. He spent most of the afternoon texting me, asking questions about the proper attire, music, lighting... he asked me if champagne was ok, or did I prefer something stronger. I felt tempted to reply “black Earl Grey tea”, just to mess with him. On his latest text he was asking if I thought scented candles were better than unscented ones. I texted him back saying he should buy the ones that melt at a bearable temperature. He could just go to the candle shop and bother someone else, I was beginning to feel a little nervous with all those texts, and that was not part of the plan.
I arrived at the building precisely at the arranged time. I wore a trench-coat over my black dress, and thigh-high black stockings under it. If he was into the stereotype, and judging by the video he’d been watching he was, I didn’t want to disappoint him from the get go. He opened the door and I wondered how I could’ve ever thought I was immune to this man. There was no other word to describe him, he looked perfect. The hair, the clothes, the expansive fragrance emanating from his body in just the right amount. And the gorgeous smile he greeted me with was just the cherry on top!
“You look very nice... the trench-coat was a nice touch!”, he took my hand after shutting the door and gave it a gentle kiss, his eyes fixed on mine. After a second of intense eye-contact, that felt like it lasted for at least a couple of weeks, he started leading me towards his bedroom by the hand he had never let go of. Duncan’s bedroom: the Final Frontier. I was about to boldly go where no girl has gone before. The room looked carefully arranged to be seductively comfortable. His attention to detail was truly remarkable. The candles, the cloud-soft bed linen, the fire crackling pleasantly in the fireplace, my favourite flowers everywhere and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. The butterflies in my stomach told me that maybe I should have chosen the “something stronger” option of beverage, after all.
He poured champagne in two crystal flutes as I left my handbag on an arm chair and began unbuttoning my trench-coat. “What’s in the bag?”, the deliberately cool tone he used suggested that he might have been feeling just a tad more nervous than he wanted me to know. “Stuff. You know. Things.”, I gave him a half-smile raising an eyebrow.
“A mysterious handbag... You’re like a naughty Mary Poppins!”, it was his time to look at me with an eyebrow raised.
“Whatever flies your kite... so to speak.”, I took the flute he offered me and was already about to down its content when I realised he wanted to make a toast.
“To the bonds of friendship... and new boundaries.”, he smirked lightly.
“To not limiting yourself.”, I added clinking the glasses.
I emptied the flute a little faster than what would be considered elegant for a young lady, and handed it back to him for a refill, “Safe word?” I asked taking the full flute back. He pondered the question for a moment, his face lighting up when he found an answer “Kite.”, he gave me a most devilish grin, before he began to drain his second flute of champagne as well.
“Should I call you by any particular name?”
“Sure. Call me Madam President.”
“I’m kidding, Duncan, relax... Ma’am usually does it.”
Setting both empty flutes aside, I approached him. I pressed me whole body against his, and grabbing a fistful of his hair I kissed him again, I used my teeth this time and I sucked hard on his full lips, until they were red and slightly swollen. “Shoes and socks off. And be a darling and remove that overpriced shirt you’re wearing, dear.” I took my time walking around him, my fingertips barely brushing his naked chest and back. His skin was so smooth and slightly tanned. I stood behind him and left a wet kiss in the middle of his back, my fingers ghosting the length of his arms, and he shivered in a very satisfying way “Your belt.”
I tied the belt he handed me around his wrists, behind his back, and went to stand in front of him again. I slowly removed my lacy black panties and placed them inside his front pocket with a wink, then I took a candle in one hand and the bottle of champagne in the other. I blew the candle out slowly, watching the flame reflected in his eyes wavering and being extinguished “I hope for your own good that you got the right kind of candle”, and I let some of the wax drop on Duncan’s naked chest. He hissed and I poured some of the icy cold champagne over the wax, and licked the droplets of the cool drink off his nipples, suckling and biting ever so gently on the sensitive skin. Looking up I saw him biting onto his lower lip to try and muffle a moan. “Do you like it?”, he merely nodded in response, “you better start using your words, Shepherd.”, I dropped some more wax, on his shoulder this time, and poured a little more champagne over it, stopping the liquid from dripping down his arm with my tongue. “Yes, Ma’am. I like it.”
“So you like a little pain, hm? I always thought that was a healthy mindset...”, I picked a riding crop from inside my bag and, without a warning, his the back of Duncan’s thighs hard with it. He gasped loudly in shock. “Now, don’t be such a baby, that can’t possibly have hurt that bad. Not with your pants on.”, I hit him again, “Tell me: Did I hurt you?” - “No, Ma’am.”, I used the leather tip of the crop under his chin to make him look at me “Do you want me to?”. He looked in my eyes like he was seeing me for the first time, his cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink “I do. I wouldn’t want anyone else to.”, the way his eyes widened told me he wasn’t expecting this answer any more than I was.
I undid his pants and let them fall to his ankles “Step out of them and bend over the edge of the bed.”, I was sure the skin on the back of his thighs was stinging pretty bad, now, every blow of the crop was marking him in a vivid red. But Duncan took it like a soldier, barely whimpering at all. I was surprised to see that he was actually bucking his hips against the bed, trying to get whatever friction he could, between the hits. “Shepherd, are you really humping the bed? Like a dog?”, I did my best not to laugh at his embarrassed expression, “Maybe. Would that be... wrong?”, I had to actually bite on my own tongue to keep myself from laughing. “Kneel on the floor, Shepherd... Away from the bed!”
I kicked my stylettos off and went on my knees in front of him, running my fingernails over his inner thighs while kissing his neck. I deliberately avoided touching the hard bulge in his boxer briefs for now, and felt him softly nuzzling the curve of my neck, dragging his nose over my jawline, his lips desperately searching for mine, his chest heaving more with every breath. “Please”, he whimpered in my ear. “‘Please’, what?”, I pulled back to look at him. “Please... touch me. Ma’am.”, his voice was just a breathy whisper.
“Oh, I don’t think so.”, I got up from my knees and sat on the bed right in front of him slowly removing my stockings, my parted legs giving him the front row view as a touched myself, instead of him. He exhaled shakily, incapable of shutting his plump lips again, a feverish look in his eyes as he watched my fingers working. I took one finger from my core to his lips and he obediently sucked it clean. With one hand in his hair, I pulled his face towards one of my thighs. He left a trail of wet kisses as he went, the grazing of his stubble on my inner thighs almost enough to send me over the edge, before his lips connected to the wetness between my legs.
So Duncan Shepherd could eat pussy, after all. Who’d have thought? And he wasn’t bad at it, either! Lapping up my juices like a starved puppy, eagerly pushing his tongue between my folds... if he felt like hitting my cervix with his tongue, I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him he couldn’t. By all means, young man, try! But I had to use one of my feet against his chest to gently push him away, pulling on his hair to make him look at me “Will you stop dry-humping my leg like a mongrel, Shepherd?”, he just nodded his parted lips deliciously pink and wet, and I allowed him to go back to work.
With his soft lips closing around my clit, suckling hard, and his tongue giving hungry licks to the sensitive bundle, it wasn’t long before I was rocking my hips against his face, my entire body shaking in a toe-curling orgasm. I came back from my high to find a very satisfied-looking Duncan smirking at me from between my thighs “And you thought I couldn’t handle you”, he wiggled his eyebrows. I didn’t know if I wanted to slap his face or kiss him. So I did both.
Tasting myself on his lips and tongue, I helped him get rid of his boxer briefs, running my hands on his round butt-cheeks, letting my fingers slip between them and teasing his entrance. He jumped and broke the kiss, his eyes round “Whoa!! What the hell?!”, his voice an octave higher than usual “Are you serious?!”, he was staring at me in startled disbelief. “Duncan, I’m a Dom, not a rapist... I won’t force anything upon you.”
I made us both stand up and removed the belt from his wrists. I held him from behind, pressing my body on his back, running my hands over his chest and belly, feeling the muscles of his abdomen flex at my touch, while he ran his own hands over his bruised wrists. “I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to. But I am here to help you experiment things you would never allow yourself to try, otherwise... those who have experienced prostatic orgasm say it’s a most extremely intense sensation. It’s a powerful source of pleasure you know nothing about.”, I ran one hand over a soft butt-cheek again “Aren’t you... curious, Duncan?”, I asked in a whisper against his ear, letting my lips touch his earlobe, one finger brushing the crease on the curve where his butt met his thigh.
He turned around to face me very slowly. His eyes burning on mine. He simply let out a sigh and cupped my face in his hands, kissing me slow and deeply “Yes.”, he whispered against my lips. I could not believe this was actually happening. I was in a dazed dream-like state as I walked to my bag and picked up the strap-on, feeling slightly light-headed as I adjusted the harness around my hips. Duncan poured more champagne in the flutes and we drained three of them without a word. I pointed towards the bed with a tilt of my head and he laid himself on his stomach, obediently.
I applied a generous amount of lube to my rubber appendix and joined him on the bed. I couldn’t help saying “Now... let’s pop that cherry, shall we?” and giving him a light slap to his ass, to try and ease the tension that was building up inside me as well. Unsuccessfully, it only made me more nervous and I’m pretty sure it didn’t have a calming effect on him, either. I lifted his hips slightly towards me, and pushed the piece of rubber into him, as slow and gently as I could. He moaned very softly, but the knuckles of the hands that grabbed the sheets were already white. I pulled out a little and pushed back in a few times, before I felt his hips trembling under my hands and heard a louder moan escaping his lips, and I knew I was finally hitting that sweet spot inside him. Duncan turned his head around a little to look at me, a fire I had never seen before - not even on election night 2016 - burning in his eyes. With that piercing blue gaze staring into my soul, I heard his voice in a raspy tone that was completely new to me “Harder.”
I turned Duncan around to make him lie on his back, and lifted his hips, so I could keep fucking into him from between his legs, facing him. I wanted to look at him. I wanted to see his pleasure building up. To see the surprise in his eyes at the new sensation, the way he was biting onto the back of his hand to muffle his moans. I thrust hard and steady, watching the mighty Duncan Shepherd coming undone beneath me. Writhing his entire body in ecstasy, his eyes shut tight, his full lips curling up when an animalistic groan escaped him during his climax.
I pulled out and threw the strap away, laying myself by his side and kissing his lips, one gentle hand caressing his face. He looked completely fucked out and that was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. His hair was sticking a little to his sweaty forehead, his cheeks were adorably flushed. His eyes were glowing on mine and an awed grin was dancing on his lips. “That was amazing!!”, his voice came out a little louder than usual between sharp gasps, and I kissed him again. “You know, it doesn’t have to be over, yet...”, I ran my fingertips over his cock, still impossibly hard after his dry orgasm.
The look of surprised wonder on his face when I straddled his hips was just priceless! I pulled the little black dress out above my head and eased myself on him, letting Duncan fill me up for the first time since that one night, all those years ago, and I wondered what had taken us so long to get there. He sat up, one hand firm on the small of my back, the other entangled in my hair and looked into my eyes, for what felt like a very long time, before whispering “Finally”, one corner of his mouth going up. I felt tears stinging my eyes at the intense feeling that was held in that single word, and I heard myself whispering “Welcome home, Duncan” back at him.
He thrust his hips up, eyes still on mine, and buried his face on my breasts while I bounced on his lap, and I cupped his face in my hands and kissed his lips while I rocked my own hips against his. I felt myself clenching around him at the same time his throbbing cock released his warm load inside me. I could have screamed from pleasure, and I’m pretty sure I did. And so did Duncan. We held each other in our arms for a long time after I felt him go soft inside me. We just wouldn’t dare to move, we were too comfortable like that: Finally where we belonged. Running our fingertips over each others backs, giving each other soft kisses on shoulders, necks and lips. Just listening to our own breathing growing steadier in unison, and the gentle crackle of the fire.
I fell asleep in Duncan Shepherd’s warm embrace, something I would have said was absolutely impossible, if someone had asked me twelve hours before. We’d have to go out to get coffee and danishes together the next morning. But if this was to become our new weekly ritual, I thought I could live with that.
Taglist: @1-800-bitchcraft @antichristinq @are-you-lilith-or-eve @babydollcake @bbyduncan @ccodyfern @cocosfern @hellxblade @langdonsdemon @langdonsinferno @langdonsoceaneyes @lathraios @mega-combusken @michael-langdon-appreciation @sojournmichael @queencocoakimmie
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The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 13: Hunting for Love)
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Author’s notes: Hi! Sorry this took so long! As I told a lovely anon, I had been working on it for a while and it was deleted so I had to recover from the frustration. 
Thanks to the people who like, reblog and/or comment. You guys are the reason I’ve kept going <3 Huge thanks to @starstruckzonkoperatorbat, @notoriouscs, @simplyaiden-blog, @snyggflicka, @asprankle, @speedyoperarascalparty, @mirivalencia, @mymandrake and @asobigokoro2018 for asking me to tag them!
Love you guys <3
Rating: T
Pairing: Drake x MC
Words: 5,943
Drake retired to his room early, not feeling up to enjoying the festivities. 
God, this sucks. I have to get this under control. Am I just gonna feel like shit all the time now?
Out of a sense of self-preservation he reflected he should probably keep his distance from Riley for the foreseeable future. He was shocked to realize that the thought of not being around her was more painful than seeing her with Liam. 
I guess I do want Adams to be a part of my life...
He flopped down unto his bed, trying to think of something that could distract him, when he felt his phone vibrate twice in his pocket. 
He pulled it out and read, “Hey, Drake! Where did you run off to?”
And then a separate message, “It’s Addams 😊”
His stomach did a somersault, seeing her call herself the nickname he called her. He’d already known it was her; Liam had given him her number “just in case”, as he put it, but Drake could never bring himself to text her. It would have felt like an even greater betrayal of Liam’s friendship. He had, however, spent more time than he cared to admit with his fingers hovering over the keyboard, staring at her picture and holding himself back from typing. 
“You know me, Addams, always sneaking off”
“Yeah, but you could’ve asked me to come with you ☹️“
Right, like she wasn’t having fun with Liam. 
He was wondering whether there was a way to phrase that so it was less obvious how bitter he was and then she texted again.
“You’re welcome btw”
“For what?”
He noticed she was already typing the moment he sent it. He was glad she didn’t play games with texting, didn’t wait long to reply, didn’t mind double-texting.
“For not making you my court jester! You would’ve looked cute in that cap tho lol”
“Funny. So why didn’t you?”
“Well, you only made that bet to motivate me”
The three dots were still on the screen so he waited. She seemed to be thinking especially hard about this text, as she took inordinately long typing it. Drake’s palms were sweating.
“And... tbh, as soon as they said a cup-bearer is someone you trust I knew I had to say you”
Drake was thankful he couldn’t choke or stutter through texts. He threw his phone on the bed and put his head under his pillow, completely overwhelmed. He couldn’t stop smiling, yet he felt close to tears at the same time. 
Pull it together, man.
He took a few breaths to steady himself and grabbed his phone. He caught a glimpse of his dopey smile reflected on his phone’s dark screen before he unlocked it. 
“You’re making me blush, Addams”
“You’re going soft on me, Drake ;)”
“Hey, thanks. I trust you too”
“No prob, I’ll have plenty of chances to beat your ass lol”
He could practically see her smirk.
“Ha, we’ll see about that”
“Well, I'd better go to bed, my alarm clock is waaay too chipper in the mornings”
“Is being queen even worth Maxwell waking you up every day?”
“I’m starting to doubt it haha”
He knew she was kidding, but he still couldn’t help the stupid, senseless hope he felt at that.
She texted once more, “Thanks for everything, Drake, I mean it. See you tomorrow?”
“Any time :) see you tomorrow”
He set his alarm for the next morning feeling a little more optimistic. That was it, he just had to find the right balance with Riley. He could give her a break, for starters. Since his feelings would not be ignored, he could use them to be nicer and act like a real friend to her, for a change. Yes, instead of wallowing in his unrequited crush, he would try to grow and improve through this. 
With this in mind, he turned the lights off and went to sleep.
The next day he got up unusually early, determined to be a better version of himself. He started by finding Liam, who was enjoying a rare quiet moment in the stables.
“Hey, Liam!”
“Drake! This is a pleasant surprise! What brings you here so early?”
“I don’t know, we haven’t hung out in a while and I thought...” he trailed off. 
I really have to get better at this friendship thing.
Liam looked touched, so much so that Drake felt his embarrassment grow.
“I’d like nothing better! How are you? Any news of Savannah?”
“Nothing. Radio silence. And her trail’s gone cold so...” he sighed.
Liam put a supportive hand on his shoulder, “Listen, if there’s anything I can do, all you have to do is ask. I’ve asked Bastien to look into it, but he seems to have a lot on his plate lately.”
“Oh, so it’s not just me?”
“That he’s been short with?”
“Short? More like a dick! Do you know he yelled at me yesterday for no reason?”
Liam raised a skeptical eyebrow, “No reason?”
“Okay, so I teased him a little but Liam, I swear, it was nothing compared to the pranks we used to pull on him!”
Liam chuckled. “Remember when we locked him out of the training room?”
“Or when we put those balloons behind the door?” Drake snorted.
“He was so startled when they popped he pulled out his gun!”
“Yeah, in retrospect I can see how that was actually pretty dangerous and not super fun for him,” admitted Drake, though he was still chuckling.
“It was very irresponsible,” agreed Liam. “We should really show him some sort of appreciation soon, especially if he is under pressure.”
“Good idea, but you should leave that to me; you’ve got enough shit to do.”
“Do I? Other than choosing a queen for Cordonia and my lifelong partner, my schedule is wide open,” Liam joked.
They heard footsteps getting nearer and Drake peeked out to see King Constantine approaching the stables. That’s my cue.
“I’d better take Morello, then.” He strode to one of the stalls, where a jet black horse whinnied excitedly. “Hey, boy.” He led him gently outside, grabbing a saddle on his way back to Liam. “Well, if there’s any way I can help you, just say the word.” Drake clapped his back.
“I know, Drake, thank you.”
Drake waved goodbye and exited, his horse walking behind him. He briefly stopped to give the King a perfunctory bow. He ambled around the grounds, at peace for the first time in what seemed like ages. He’d missed Liam’s company. He was used to long periods of only seeing each other for quick conversations, but lately, his once-easy friendship had felt anything but. Now, with a clearer mind and knowing what he intended to do about his silly crush, it all seemed as simple as it used to be. 
In a secluded spot, he saddled Morello. He caressed its muzzle and the horse nickered affectionately. “I missed you, too, buddy. It’s been busy around here, you know? Busier than usual. New people and everything.”
He scratched behind its ears, lost in thought. He looked back towards the stables and saw most of the group already mounted. “All right, seems like everyone’s on their horses. You ready?” 
Morello neighed, which Drake took as a yes. He swung expertly onto his saddle and took the reins. “Now listen, if there’s ever been a time when we gotta look good, it’s this one, okay?”
The horse snorted and Drake patted its neck. 
Nothing wrong with trying to impress the suitors. It’s not like I’m making a move or anything. I just want her to know I’m good at something.
He directed Morello at a slow gait toward the others. He’d decided to stay in the back, should anyone need any help. 
Nobles don’t tend to be good at much. 
He smiled a little, remembering when Tariq had gotten his foot tangled in the stirrup a few years ago and sighed contentedly. 
Yeah, today might be a good day.
He saw Riley up ahead and had already raised his hand to urge Morello forward with the reins, then thought better of it. 
You’ll go up to her if it’s natural. Stop forcing it.
He settled in the last spot. After a few minutes of riding at a ridiculously slow pace, his gaze started drifting more and more often towards Riley, until he was fully staring at her. 
I’m such a creep. 
Try as he might, though, he couldn’t help looking at her, the shapes her lips made when she talked or smiled, how beautifully her hair moved in the breeze... 
I’m gonna make myself sick.
She was currently having what looked like a surprisingly civil conversation with Olivia. 
Yuck. She’s such a better person than I am.
A few minutes later, Hana was the one to approach her.
Lovesick idiots that we are. 
He shook his head fondly at Hana. 
God, I hope you come out of this better than me, kid.
Hana moved back to talk to the rest of the suitors. At the same time, Drake noticed Lady Kiara trying to catch his eye and ignored her as politely as he could. 
Out of desperation – fine, and also because I really, really want to talk to her – he called out to Riley, “Addams!”
She turned towards him, grinning. He returned her smile and waved her over. She immediately slowed down and let others pass her until she was at the back with Drake. He was pleasantly surprised at how well she commanded her horse. 
Okay, here we go. Friends. We’re gonna be friends.
“There you are. You look like you actually know how to ride a horse.” 
That’s something a friend would say, right?
One of Riley’s hands flew to her mouth in mock surprise. “Oh my gosh, opening with a compliment?”
“Careful, don’t want you falling off your horse now.” Drake smirked, though he still regarded her uneasily. 
Friends worry about their friends!
“I’m surprised you’re out here with all the nobles today.” It was phrased like a statement, but there was a question behind it. 
Well, obviously the truth is out of the question. 
“Turns out, I had an opening in my schedule today.” He grinned. “And there’s something oddly satisfying about watching nobles fuss over their stuffy blazers.”
Riley giggled. “Is this why you’re not frowning... as much as usual, anyway.”
Drake didn’t know whether to shake her or kiss her. 
It’s you! You’re the reason! Okay, how do I make that friend-appropriate? 
“It has more to do with the company I keep.” That was probably the most sincere he’d been in the past year.
“A second compliment!” This time, Riley didn’t pretend to be shocked, she actually was. Her eyes shone as she looked at Drake, delighted.
“One more and you win the jackpot,” he winked. 
If only I could actually give her anything.
“I hope it’s all your whiskey,” she teases.
It was Drake’s turn to act horrified. She pushed his shoulder and he smiled with a sigh.
“You know, when we first met, I wanted to dislike you so badly...” He was not sure why he was saying this. 
I guess I want our friendship to start on a clean slate.
Riley’s eyes were wide. “You WANTED to dislike me? Why?”
Of course she finds it unbelievable that anyone could dislike her, cocky jerk. 
He smiled to himself.
“You were crashing Liam’s bachelor party! It was supposed to be our last night out together before all of this... We’ve always been like brothers, doing everything together...” He thought of that morning, how spending a few minutes with him had felt like a privilege. 
“Now I’m lucky to see him for five minutes without a noble girl throwing herself in front of him,” he finished bitterly. 
After a moment of silence, he realized she might think he meant her and hurriedly apologized, “Sorry. I didn’t mean...”
She put her hand on his for a second, her eyes understanding, “I know what you meant.”
Drake could not comprehend how the smallest of her gestures could calm him, make him feel better, like he mattered. 
I have to stop getting so pathetically emotional over every little thing she does. 
He cleared his throat. “Anyway, I know we got off to a bad start, but somewhere along the way... things changed.” 
Okay, stop it right there or you might go too far. 
“Hell, Addams, I don’t even know why I’m telling you any of this.” He rubbed a hand on his face, embarrassed at this outpouring of honesty.
Riley spoke, “Drake, I wanted to dislike you too.”
He looked up from his hands, taken by surprise, although he had no reason to be. “You did?”
“Yeah, I mean, you were a total jerk to me!” 
Understatement of the year.
“But now...”
Drake hated how his voice practically trembled with hope, “Now?”
“It took time... but I figured out that you’re actually human under all those scowls,” she poked him.
Of course. She barely even sees me as a friend, how could I have thought... Well, it doesn’t matter, being friends is already more than I deserve after the way I treated her.
He spotted Liam with his parents ahead. 
There’s someone else I need to be better to.
“This has all been touching, but I need to rescue Liam from his family for a couple minutes.”
He heard Riley utter a small “Oh” as he rode ahead, and felt a twinge of guilt coupled with that insufferable emotion he’d been feeling constantly as of late, hope.
He reached them just in time to hear Queen Regina sing the praises of Madeleine, much to Liam’s apparent chagrin.
“Do you see what I am saying, Liam? Wouldn’t you agree that she is the superior choice?”
“She would certainly make an excellent monarch, son,” chimed in the King.
“She is a lady with many merits, yes,” replied Liam diplomatically.
“So is she the suitor you are most leaning towards, then?” prodded the Queen.
“Liam!” Drake called, startling the three monarchs, who had been so absorbed in their conversation they had not noticed his arrival. “Wanna race ahead?”
“Loser does 30 push-ups!” Liam exclaimed, already urging his horse forward.
Liam was, of course, an accomplished rider. There really weren’t any rich people things you could afford to be bad at when you were a royal. However, Drake had spent more time in the stables than he had. And so, despite Liam’s exceptional instruction, he didn’t share the bond that Drake and Morello did. 
All this to say, by the time Liam caught up with him, Drake had time to pretend to be looking at an imaginary watch on his wrist.
“Liam, Liam, Liam,” he said, with shakes of his head. “You’ve really got me to thank for your abs, you know that, right?”
Liam chuckled. “That’s my secret; I lose on purpose so I can stay in shape.”
Drake snorted. “You keep telling yourself that, buddy.”
“Drake, thanks for that.” Liam’s relief was palpable.
Drake sobered. “No problem. You looked like you’d rather be at the bottom of the canyon so...”
Liam gave a humorless laugh. “Not quite, but almost. I don’t think they understand that I’m conflicted enough as it is.”
Drake perked up at this, “Are you? I... thought it was a done deal. That you were choosing Riley, that is.”
Liam shushed him. “Not so loud!” He ran his fingers through his hair. “What can I say? In my heart, it is, but unfortunately that is not nearly enough.”
Drake’s heart sank. 
Even if he doesn’t choose her, he’s in love with her. And he’s your best friend.
“Stop worrying so much, man, what’s that gonna do? Look, let’s just enjoy the feast today, huh? You still have a few events left to decide. Not to mention a Beaumont party to look forward to!”
“I’ll try. Although I must say, I am definitely looking forward to that! Their parties are really unparalleled.”
“That they are.”
He and Liam rode on in companionable silence until they reached the mountain village. It was charming and rustic, with its little cabins and huts surrounding a vast filed in which long tables had been set out, laden with food.
Once everyone had gathered round, King Constantine welcomed them, “Everyone, we’ve reached our hunting lodges. Our forebears would dine on the day’s hunt here, and though we no longer hunt, we will still have a great feast. But first, we race to celebrate our ancestors. The first to reach Prince Liam will be served first at the feast! Begin!”
Drake was torn between wishing he could participate – he was starving – and excitement at seeing the suitors race and possibly make a fool out of themselves. Except Hana, obviously. And Riley, he hoped... though that would provide an incredible opportunity to tease her.
No. Friends don’t want their friends to look dumb. 
He needn’t have chided himself, for Riley did well. She didn’t win – predictably, it was Hana who did – but she did a good job for her first time, in Drake’s opinion.
An image popped up in his mind, uninvited, of himself teaching Riley how to ride properly. They were all smiles and laughter... 
Stop it, brain.
He forced himself to concentrate on what King Constantine was saying, “That’s superb horsemanship in action. Servants, prepare the first plate for Lady Hana. Now, then. Let’s all take some time to rest. Dinner will begin shortly.”
The crowd broke into smaller, more relaxed groups. He dismounted Morello and tied him to the hitching rail where all the other horses were drinking water and chewing on oats or grazing. He saw Riley talking to Tariq, weirdly. Liam was engaged in conversation with Olivia – no, thanks – and then he spotted Maxwell and Hana.
“Congratulations, Hana! That was some riding,” he admired as he approached them.
“Yeah, you kicked ass!” Maxwell agreed enthusiastically.
She blushed, “Thank you. I am glad I could put something my parents made me learn to use. If only to eat first.” 
“I think that’s the best prize you could get, I’m starving! Right, Maxwell?”
Maxwell was looking out at Riley, who was talking to Liam, with an uncharacteristically pensive expression on his face.
Drake waved a hand in front of his face. “Maxwell? Everything okay, man?”
“Wha–? Oh. Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine.”
“Sure.” Drake eyed him suspiciously and shared a puzzled look with Hana, who broke the tension.
“Why don’t we go see what they’re up to?” 
The three of them walked over to Liam and Riley. Liam was, as Drake had come to expect, smiling widely, completely engrossed in whatever Riley was saying.
“Hey, the feast is being put out.” Drake pointed out when they’d joined the pair.
“And they’ve got dishes supposedly blessed by the spirits of the nearby ruins,” Maxwell informed them.
Hana’s face instantly lit up. “Oooh! I’ve heard legends about those ruins! They sound magical. People travel from all around just to see them.”
“It’s a shame we’re not scheduled to see them,” Liam frowned.
Thank God! Bunch of old rocks.
Hana’s face fell as fast as it had brightened before. “We aren’t? I was so hoping to...”
Maxwell put a comforting arm around her shoulders and suggested, “Why don’t we just go anyway? Sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to miss out on delicious food, maybe. 
“Are you sure we should?” Hana asked, cautiously eager.
“It’d be nice to spend some time together without this crowd around,” Liam said. As always, he turned directly to Riley and asked, “What do you say, Riley?”
Riley had that familiar mischievous look she got when she was ready to break the rules. “Let’s have an adventure!”
Drake came close to protesting this decision, until he noticed that her face was practically glowing with excitement. 
Fiiine, I’ll go. Crushes are so stupid. 
He shook his head at himself but kept quiet, not wanting to spoil the others’ fun.
“Alright!” Maxwell fist-pumped.
“I’m excited to visit another piece of Cordonian history,” gushed Hana.
Liam took the lead and gestured for them to come. “Follow me. I know how to get there.”
They walked away from the crowded field and into the adjacent forest. At least this I can enjoy. Drake took in the lush trees, the leave-strewn path they were following and the mysteriously soothing sounds of nature surrounding them. He tried to see if he could spot any forest creatures, but aside from a few shuddering bushes, he didn’t see any; they had probably been spooked by the humans’ presence.
He breathed in deeply, feeling a bit better, despite the hunger. He realized he’d been walking next to Maxwell, who had been quiet the whole time. 
What the hell?!
“Hey, Maxwell, you know I’m not buying that ‘everything’s fine’ bullshit, right?”
“What? Why? Everything is–”
“Stop it. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Maxwell sighed. “Okay. I need someone’s opinion on this, anyway. You know how I’m sponsoring Riley?”
“You can skip the intro, Maxwell, I am the same guy who’s been here for everything,” Drake rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, sorry.” Maxwell was cracking his knuckles nonstop at this point. Drake grabbed his arms and forced him to stop.
“What is it? It can’t be that bad.”
“It’s not bad, it’s complicated. Riley might not be sure about this whole thing anymore.”
Maxwell looked so conflicted that Drake put an arm around his shoulders and said, “Well, being queen is a big deal, dude! Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll come around!”
“It’s not that. Or at least, not just that. It’s... it’s Liam, too.”
Drake almost stopped walking and had to remind his feet to keep going.
Maxwell kept talking and Drake listened to him half-heartedly. “So I don’t know what to because on the one hand, she’s my friend now. I don’t want to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to! Especially something so big! And I know she feels pressured... I mean, who wouldn’t, with Bertrand? But on the other hand, House Beaumont desperately needs a win, now more than ever... er, for no particular reason.”
Drake was busy trying to calm his buzzing thoughts. 
She’s not sure about Liam! Could it be that–? 
No. There’s no way it’s because of you!
You can’t know that!
So what? Even if it is, you think she’s gonna give up a kingdom? 
His internal argument was interrupted by Maxwell taking a huge breath and continuing, “And then there’s Liam; he really, really likes her and he probably thinks she likes him back and I know it’s not my place to tell him but I feel terrible.”
Right. Liam. You couldn’t do that to your best friend, either way.
There was no argument there.
“Drake? Are you going to say anything or...?”
“Oh, uh, yeah! I don’t think there’s that much to say except, Addams is going to choose whatever she chooses, okay? Even if Bertrand is pressuring her, she’ll do whatever she wants; she’s stubborn like that,” he smiled fondly. “And I guess you gotta trust that she knows.”
“Knows what?”
“Well, that she understands both the reason you brought her here in the first place and that you’re her friend. I’m sure she’ll do whatever she can to help House Beaumont and be happy. She’s one of those people that always finds a way, you know what I mean?”
“I do and I hope you’re right.”
“Psh, when am I not?”
Maxwell pushed him away. “When you said I wouldn’t dare ask the Queen to breakdance with me.”
Drake snorted, “You got me there. I underestimated how inappropriate you can be. And this is from a commoner.”
“I still think she secretly wanted to.”
“Right, maybe she just needed a few more glasses of champagne. Why don’t you try again at the next Beaumont party?”
“Don’t think I won’t.”
They spent the rest of the way laughing and coming up with stupid plans to get the Queen to breakdance.
“Here we are,” Liam announced from ahead of them.
The group moved forward out of the trees and into a clearing. Imposing, mossy stone ruins littered the place, most of them unrecognizable as buildings after so long.
“It’s so beautiful and serene,” Hana breathed out.
Without distractions, Drake’s hunger had returned with a vengeance. “Yep... sure are a bunch of old things here,” he shrugged.
Liam shook his head at him. “It’s so much more than that. There’s something so calm about this place. Can’t you sense it?”
They stood there for a few seconds, their own silence swallowed by the noises made by thousands of bugs and other small critters accustomed to their solitude.
As he’d come to expect, Maxwell broke their silence first, “The only thing I sense is about a million snakes and probably a couple of rock monsters getting ready to attack us.”
Hana’s eyes widened. “Rock monsters? Do you have any rock monsters in Cordonia?”
“It was a joke... just forget it.” Maxwell sighed in defeat.
“I want to find some ghosts,” said Riley, putting her arms up in a “spooky” stance.
“Ghosts?” Hana looked worried, again.
“Maybe one will tell me my future,” piped up Maxwell
That’s not how ghosts work.
“Or devour your soul,” Drake replied in a creepy voice.
Riley shot him a look, “Drake.”
He smiled at her and shrugged. “I’m just saying, that is the likelier outcome!”
“Since some of us,” said Riley pointedly, “seem determined not to take this seriously, why don’t we split up? That way we can all explore however we want.”
“Or not explore,” grumbled Drake.
Riley rolled her eyes at him.
They went their separate ways. Too hungry to be curious, Drake found a rock that looked like it might be halfway comfortable and slumped against it. 
Hana’s already quiet footsteps were further muffled by the leaves and dirt, so he jumped when she addressed him, “Hi, Drake.”
“Hana! You scared the crap outta me!”
She giggled, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to.”
“Yeah, well, next time clear your throat or something.”
She slumped – somehow making it look graceful – next to him. 
“So how are you?”
“Same old. Acting like a dumb teenager with a crush, you?”
“Me too... although I never got to be a ‘dumb teenager’ so I wouldn’t know.”
“What are you gonna do about it? I just... I have no idea how to act or what to say or not to say.”
“I don’t think I’ll do anything about it at all. I am here as a suitor and that is something I must keep in mind. Not only that, but she’s my best friend... I don’t think I am prepared to risk our friendship.”
“Well, at least you have some sort of claim, you know? She’s your best friend. I’m... what? Her boyfriend’s best friend?” He scoffed.
They settled into a gloomy silence until Drake spoke again. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’d be risking your friendship. If she doesn’t... feel the same way, I’m sure she’ll understand.”
Hana thought about it for a long moment. “You may be right. I’m not certain I’ll have the courage, though.”
“Are you kidding? You came here from so far away and you’ve tried so many new things; of course you do! You have more guts that Liam, Maxwell and I combined. With Addams you might be evenly matched,” he chuckled.
Hana smiled. “Thank you, Drake. I only wish there was a way this could end favorably for everybody.”
Drake didn’t think that needed an answer. They all wished that. Hana patted his shoulder and left as quietly as she’d come.
Almost as soon her barely audible footsteps receded, Drake heard somebody else approach.
“Hey, Addams,” he greeted her.
She stood in front of him. “You look like you’re having a good time exploring,” she said with an arched eyebrow.
Drake grimaced. “Archaeology isn’t really my thing.” 
Plus, I’m fucking hungry. Bordering on hangry.
“You could at least look around.” Riley gestured at the ruins. “It’s not like you come here often.”
“I looked around. There’s some old buildings. That’s about it.”
What happened to being friendlier, dammit?
“Hmm...” Riley considered what he’d said as if he’d actually made and interesting point instead of just sarcastic whining. 
“Don’t you want to know where you come from? And what about insight into how people lived long ago?” 
She sounded so fascinated it was almost enough to get Drake interested. Almost. “They could’ve ridden dragons for all I care. It doesn’t mean much now.” 
There’s enough shit going on in the present, and shit to worry about in the future. Why look at the past?
He could see Riley was getting tired of his attitude. 
Hell, so am I. 
She put her hands on her hips. “So why did you come out here if you don’t really care for these sorts of things?”
Because you looked adorably excited about it? 
As had become common for him, he went with a different version of the truth, “I don’t think we’re going to get many more times like this.”
Riley tilted her head, “Like what?”
“I mean... Liam is going to be king soon.” He swallowed painfully. “And you could very well be his queen. Everything’s going to change.” He bit the inside of his cheek and looked down. What was he going to do the day of the Coronation if he could barely handle the thought?
To his surprise, Riley’s next words were, “You know, you’re right.” 
He looked up to see a fierce look on her face, “We don’t need to associate with the riff-raff. I mean, really, what could you even provide for us? A sense of grounding and humility?”
Drake shook his head but couldn’t help smiling a little. “I see what you’re trying to do here. It’s not going to work.”
“Or maybe someone to sneak us out of the palace? Why would we want that when we’re drinking champagne and shaking ambassadors’ hands?”
She sounds so sure. There’s no way Maxwell’s right, he probably misunderstood. She’s gonna be queen. 
His stomach clenched and he had to make an effort to focus on their back and forth.
“Yeah, yeah. Keep on punching down.”
Riley’s voice softened and she stepped closer. “Or maybe we’ll need a reminder that no matter how tough someone may seem on the outside, there’s a big, lovable softie on the inside.”
She put her hands on both his shoulders and gave him a goofy smile. “Come on, Drake. There’s a smile inside you somewhere.”
Drake gave up and smiled with a laugh. “You’re the worst, Addams.”
“Would you have me any other way?”
She’s gonna make me say something I’ll regret if she keeps asking those questions. Fuck no, I wouldn’t have you any other way. You’re amazing.
“Addams... We may have had some ups and downs between us, but I want you to know that I’ve enjoyed this little adventure with you. Not just the ruins, but the whole thing since I walked into your bar in New York.” 
He looked her straight in the eyes and tried to say something nice in the least romantic way possible. “You’re... you’re not bad.”
Riley seemed more moved by that than he’d expected. 
Maybe she understands I mean so much more than that. 
“Awww, Drake, I care for you too.”
Goddamn. I care so fucking much and I can’t stop.
“Addams... I...”
Don’t say anything. Think of Liam.
He shook his head and sighed. He let himself meet her eyes; there was such an intense, yet soft look in them. He felt his gaze slowly make its involuntary way down to her lips. He couldn’t remember wanting anything as badly.
“You’re something else...” he choked out. 
He heard her inhale sharply through her lips. She blushed, breaking their eye contact and putting her arms down.
I went too far.
“Now, we really need to get you out of here before you completely lose it.” The conversation was light-hearted again. “All this reflecting isn’t healthy for you.”
“You’re right. If I stay much longer, I might melt into a big ball of mush,” he shuddered. He had to stop putting himself in these situations; he’d come so close to saying or doing something he shouldn’t...
“Let’s go find the others.” He started walking towards the edge of the forest without looking back. Everyone else was already there.
“That was lovely,” said Liam.
“There weren’t any ghosts,” Maxwell complained.
“Why are you sad about that?” Hana seemed to grow more confused by Maxwell the more she knew him.
He shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m kind of curious what a ghost would have to say. Would’ve made a good story.”
“You can always lie. I’ll back you up,” offered Drake.
“There’s an idea!” he exclaimed.
Unexpectedly, Riley wrung her hands nervously, “Maxwell, please don’t tell me any ghost stories.”
“I won’t tell it to you. You’ll be a supporting character in the story.” 
“Do I survive?” she asked with hope.
“Hah,” Drake mocked her.
Maxwell put an arm around Riley and reassured her, “Drake is the first to die, though.”
Liam chuckled along with everyone but Drake, and then said, “Alright, everyone. It’s time to head out.”
Riley took one last look at the ruins, sounding resigned, “These ruins were bigger than I thought.”
“Could’ve used an open bar in my opinion,” muttered Drake.
Maxwell, who apparently was almost as hungry as Drake, urged them on, “The feast is waiting for us back at the village! Let’s go!”
“That’s the best idea you’ve ever had. Including sponsoring Addams,” said Drake, earning him a push from Riley.
The walk back to the field seemed much longer to Drake, eager as he was for something to eat. 
When they eventually reached the banquet tables, he was relieved to find them still heaping with food; he’d been anxious it would all be gone by the time they returned.
“Wow... That’s a lot of meat!” Riley’s mouth was watering as she looked at the many cloches piled with different types of roasted meats.
“It’s not exactly a feast without it.” Drake said this as he loaded his plate with everything he could reach.
“A little more fruit couldn’t hurt,” Hana murmured, eyeing the comparatively few options a little sadly.
“I wouldn’t mind putting a bunch of fruit on a stake and waving it around like a sword.” Maxwell was already looking around the tables, trying to find something stake-like.
“Alright, let’s grab our food before Maxwell gets any other crazy ideas,” Drake interrupted.
Maxwell spotted a watermelon and grinned. “And then I could wear a watermelon as a helmet...” He smirked. “I’d be unstoppable.”
Drake had to forcibly remove Maxwell from the table before he could carry out any of his plans. Riley got him a bit of everything – except for watermelon – and brought both her and Maxwell’s plates to where Liam and Hana were already sitting. 
Maxwell revealed a champagne bottle he’d managed to swipe from the table before Drake took him away. 
“I’ll go get glasses!” Hana volunteered, and darted to the table to get five of them.
Maxwell popped the champagne and poured some for everyone. He then stood up and raised his glass.
“A toast to all of us and to our friendship!”
“To friendship!” chirped Hana.
“Ugh... to friendship,” agreed Drake reluctantly. 
It’s only all I’ve thought about today.
Liam smiled at them all and said, “To friendship.”
“To friendship!” exclaimed Riley.
They clinked their glasses and drank. 
Damn, if I didn’t get lucky with these people.
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After their disastrous "dinner" with the Brat Squad, Levi had returned to their room to find Eren sitting on the end of the bed. His teen's hands were clenched into fists as he stared off into the distance, not even noticing Levi or Hanji had entered. Leaving his dinner on his desk, Levi placed both twins down on their bed, before kneeling in front of Eren. Taking both his hands in his, the teen jumped as he finally realised he wasn't alone "Levi?" "Yeah, brat. Want to tell me what you're thinking?" "Things aren't the same" "What things?" "Everything. I tried to pretend it was, but I felt like... like I was walking eggshells around the others. They kept talking around me, like I couldn't hear them" "What did they say?" "Just stuff about the twins. Like how they couldn't be mine because they're cute and shit. I know it was joke, but I'm so fucking done. I don't want to be treated like this. I don't want things to be like this and it's fucking frustrating" "I'm sorry I had to talk with Erwin" "No. It's your job. I should be able to put up with the people who were supposed to be my friends for longer than five minutes" "You had a big day..." "Don't do that! Don't try to blame the fact I'm tired. I might be fucking tired, but I thought they were my friends, you know? I know I'm useless and I've been gone, but... I still wanted to try" "I know you did. Do you want to take a shower? Or start packing?" "Don't go in the bathroom" "Why not?" "I took my frustrations out on it" "Did you hurt yourself?" "No... I kind of ended up screaming at the mirror and throwing stuff" "Did it help?" "No. As soon as I was done, I wanted to clean it all back up, but I think I over did it with all those stairs" "It's fine" "It's not fine. It's a mess" "Which I'll clean up. It's not like I don't have to sort the bathroom out before we leave" "Levi, do you really want to go?" "What do you mean?" "You could stay here. You could be safe" "I've told you I want to this ocean of yours. We're going together. Rilee and Eli are both going to see the ocean, and we're going to be right there with them" "Is that what you want?" "I want to be with you. I want to see just why so many people had to die, and what this "world outside the walls" is really like" "I'm sorry. I keep making you look after me or making you repeat yourself" "I make a special exception when it comes to you" "Don't. Don't go easy on me. I don't know what to do when you're not acting like yourself" "I'm still me" "I know you are. I'm just... a mess" "A shitty mess" "Yeah. Fuck. Why couldn't they just accept the twins? Why did Armin have to keep asking Hanji if Rilee was ok? Jean kept teasing me about my arse. Mikasa kept telling him off. Sasha was looking at the twins like they were food, while Connie was teasing her for it" "Did Mike or Hanji say anything?" "Hanji told them that fluid in the lungs isn't all that uncommon. Mike just hung back, kind of, I think he found the beer better company" "At least they got to meet the twins" "Yeah. Fuck. I hate this so much. Everything has fucking changed all over again. I want to be out there. I feel like I'm a prisoner here. I feel like there's this knife against my throats and with one wrong step, everything's going to break" "We'll be gone soon" "And then what? What do we do when we reach the ocean?" "We'll figure it out when we get there" "I hate how patient you are with me" "I can yell if you want me to" "No. I'd probably just start crying and feel even worse. I hate feeling like this. I couldn't even fucking eat. Not with them all watching" "I had Hanji bring mine up. You should eat" "You should too. I'm healing. And you must be starving" "I'm not actually. It's weird. Maybe it's because of the kids?" "What? Like their smell? Or like your instincts?" "I don't know. I just haven't been that hungry for blood" Part of it was his instincts, the other part was the fact he couldn't get the mental images of Eren's blood over everything after the birth. It was enough for his stomach to tighten, and kill the desire to feed "Is all this too much? Me. Rilee. Eli?" "No brat. You and the twins give me a purpose" "You're a really good dad... when Mikasa mentioned Grisha, I wanted to vomit... I don't know what I'd say or do if we found him out there" He could think of a fair few things he wouldn't mind doing to Grisha... all them ending with the same send off Kenny got "And you're a good mum. You could have made any wish you wanted, and I would have found a way to make it happen. But you wished for your daughter. Our daughter" "I don't want her dying here" "We don't know she's going to die" "Everyone dies eventually..." "Why don't you finish my dinner? I'll clean the bathroom up, then you can take a bath. I have to finish up those papers, then we'll start packing" "Can we go along the top of the wall?" "If that's what you want" "I do. I want to be free" * It'd taken two full days to finally get everything sorted. Levi couldn't just waltz in a take all the supplies he'd wanted for his family, and the pile of papers on his desk had required him paying more attention to them than he'd thought. Eren quietly accepted it all, almost as if he didn't really believe they would actually leave. With both their bags packed, Levi had let Eren sleep until the very last minute. They were leaving just before sunrise, with the intention of hitting the wall around noon. He knew the grounds around the castle like the back of his hand, so the only real danger came from pushing out and into the unknown. With their arms filled with sleeping twins, Eren was slowly stumbling along side him. Every few seconds his fiancé would stop to yawn, despite the fact they'd had a most peaceful night. With all this yawning and stumbling, each step down the stairs that Eren took, left his heart stopping and starting, and by the time they hit the ground floor, he was amazed he hadn't had a heart attack. He knew Eren was strong, but his boyfriend was still recovering, both mentally and physically. The birth having seemed to send Eren's mental health spiralling again. So caught up in his worry, he barely noticed Erwin standing near the door that would lead them towards the stables. He hadn't counted on that. He'd left a letter to Hanji, explaining that they were going to take Rilee to the ocean. But he hadn't left an explanation for Erwin. Catching sight of them, Erwin closed the door with a loud bang that echoed through the deathly quiet castle, and caused Eren to whine in fear "What do you two think you're doing?" Instead of cowering away like might have been expected, Eren stood a little straighter "We're going to watch the sunrise" "With two backpacks? And two newborns? I don't think so" "We're going to watch the sunrise, and have breakfast out there" Erwin wasn't buying it "Then why do you have the twins?" "Because Rilee is sick. She's sick and she's going to die. I want my daughter seeing everything and experiencing everything she can before that happens" The look on Erwin's face was priceless. Anger, confusion, sadness, pain, all flickered across his features before he schooled them into a slight frown "I'm sorry about Rilee" "Like that changes anything. We all know how you feel about me. We all know the only reason I'm here is because you can't let Levi go. Well guess what, he's my fiancé and we're taking our twins to watch the sunrise. We don't know when Rilee's going to die, and I don't want to waste the time we have her, standing here and explaining to you why we should be allowed to take our own children out to watch the sunrise... not when any breath could be her last" Eren's brave words trailed into a broken whisper as he readjusted his hold on their daughter "What you're going through isn't fair. And despite what you've got into your head, you being here is for the protection of all four of you. I can't say I understand what it feels like to be the parent of a sick child, but I can say that I did see you after birth. With the sheer amount to blood in that room, there's no way you should have survived. There are others with the intent to spill just as much of your blood all over again. So while you're watching the sunrise, don't forget that not everyone here is your friend" "So, we can go?" "Of course. Just watch your back" It sounded more like a threat than warning, but Erwin slipped past them, disappearing towards the stairs. Letting out a long breath, Eren finally shook his head "Let's go" "I think you hurt his feelings" "He doesn't have them. He just had eyebrows and douchebaggery" "I didn't expect you to stand up to him like that" "It was for Rilee. And I knew her being sick... he wouldn't have listened otherwise. Him letting us go was an act of pity" "Whatever it is, no ones going to expect us back for a few hours at least" "You're not mad I lied?" "No. And it's not like you specified where we would be watching the sunrise" Eren gave him a small smile "That's true... I just hope he doesn't try to follow us" "He's got better things to be doing with his time" "Yeah, like coming up with new things for you to do" "I already apologised for the paperwork. You could have helped me get through it" "What was I going to do? Forge your signature?" "I would have let you" "Whatever. Can we just go? I don't want to be caught by anyone else... what was he even doing down here?" "He likes to walk the castle at night" "Spying on everyone probably" Eren let out a groan of disgust "What? Worried he watched me fucking you? Or sucking you off" "Ew! Gross. Not in front of the kids. And no... you're supposed to be my fiancé" "I am your fiancé. That doesn't mean his tiny pecker didn't get up for you" His own teasing of Eren angered him. Eren was his and he was the only one who got to see him like that "He probably came in pants just looking at you. You have no idea how hot you are" "You're the hot one. I'm short and cranky" "He probably had all sorts of nasty dreams about folding you up and fucking your arse" "I thought we agreed no more?" "No. But I don't want to think about it anymore" "You know I'm yours. Don't you?" "Yeah... maybe. No one ever said what was going on in my head made sense"
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bitx-me-blog · 7 years
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