newestmusic · 2 years
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//Poor Lyra ^^;
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Hey heads up with the list, Kim Possible is 14-17 through the series and Shego is likely in her 30s-40s
Oh I didn't know Shego was that old
Well here's a great time to mention that just because a ship is in the bracket doesn't mean I condone or support it, I literally threw all except that one I talked about a few days ago into the bracket and then some to make an even bracket without leaving people's blorbos out
If there's one you have a problem with, vote for whatever it's against when the time comes up
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niko-jpeg · 2 years
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I did a redraw of a prospect scene from a little over a year ago. I am in shcok that its just that much better now. Like wow. Also sorry if the image quality is bad, Tumblr consumed it and left no crumbs.
Original under the cut :)
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Dated August 2021 :)
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photosfortzatza · 28 days
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Tzatza herself. Tags:
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volublelemur · 2 years
forever pissed that I have to be nice to my sister no matter what she does otherwise she'll act worse
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ashtheketchum · 6 months
ROTTMNT X Cosplayer Reader
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A/N: Because I didn't want the title to be too long, I'll explain it here. How would the turtles react if their s/o cosplayed their childhood crushes? I choose one character for each turtle. (Pic from Pinterest!)
Warnings: GN.Reader, fluff
For Leo, I can imagine Kim Possible as a childhood crush
If you cosplayed her, Leo would probably fall in love with you all over again
Whether you cosplay the male version or the female version, he loves it
He would definitely whistle and grin mischievously
"Can you move like Mrs. Possible?"
He tries to get you to wear her clothes more often, even if it's just the pants
He would brag to his brothers about what a great partner he has and how good you look
Always has one hand around your waist to feel your exposed skin
He would also play with the wig (or with your hair if you have long, ginger hair<3)
If you perform acrobatic moves or fight, Leo will cheer you on as if he were a fangirl
Raph would have had a crush on Astrid
He likes her stubbornness and how she also takes on the role of leader well
So if you cosplay her, he would be very happy (again, It doesn´t matter, if male or female<3)
"How did you come to the conclusion that I like Astrid?"
Leo told you-
If you then behave exactly like Astrid, he will kneel at your feet
But he sometimes tries to act as a leader himself
Raph would also work with you on your cosplay. He would get you an axe, help you sew and also help you choose your wig
He doesn't really brag about how great you are, but he subconsciously mentions it sometimes about how good you look in that cosplay
When you were doing throwing exercises with your axe, he was watching you the whole time (in case you got hurt)
Even though he wasn't so proud of it as a child, he had an incredibly bad crush on Shego back then (Besides Atomic Girl ofc-)
He liked her design and also her personality, even if she was a villain
He was actually working when you went to see him in the Shego cosplay, but when he saw you he dropped everything (again, doesn´t matter if male or female version)
His mouth was wide open, which only made you giggle
"Y/N, why are you dressed up as Shedo?"
He didn't understand for a moment that you wanted to do him a favor, but when he did, he turned bright red and looked at you several times
When he was a kid, he defintely argued with Leo about who was better. Shego or Kim
If you kiss him with those black lips, he will turn bright red and hope that an imprint remains
He could no longer concentrate on his technique, his entire focus is on you<3
If you still knew the fighting style, he would stare at you with wide eyes and probably stop breathing for a moment
Mikey had a crush on Rapunzel then and would still have a crush on Rapunzel
No matter whether you have long or short hair, he finds her incredibly great and pretty
So if you cosplayed her, he would scream super loud and wave his arms wildly
Even though your wig was shorter than in the film, he thought you were incredibly wonderful
"Babe, you look amazing, oh my god!"
He would definitely take selfies with you
He would watch the entire movie with you and act out scenes with you (he would be Flynn of course)
He would smile at you all the time and hug you all the time
When the frying pan scene occurred, Mikey looked at you anxiously and pleadingly while you pretended to consider reenacting that scene as well
You didn't reenact it, but you did the wedding scene<3
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hourglassfish · 1 year
A (long) Aside on 1:7 and 2:10
There are two responses to 1:7 and 2:10 that always quietly horrify me.
The first, and you know, I'm writing a multi part series on it, so it's no mystery - is that Sydney was arrogant/a brat/ couldn't hack it/ wrong to walk out, and that the situation as a whole was her fault. Nah. She was right to walk out, the biggest failure of that episode is not fucking pulling the breaks when Richie gets stabbed. The workplace has gone from dysfunctional to dangerous, she has been responsible for that danger, the perpetrator of it, and she is right to leave.
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little bit of an asshole but i love you so i don't care
Carmy sees Syd saying she's going to stab Richie (as she holds her knife to his chest!) while they're up in each other's faces (with Richie goading her) and he does... nothing. He tells them to shut the fuck up and make giardiniera. At this point they needed to be separated! One or both of them needed to cool off. We've seen Syd bodily put herself between a fighting Carmy and Richie. A little reciprocity would have gone a long way here.
It's wild to me that people think that Carmy was justified in his anger and aggression towards Marcus and Syd and ignore that he is aggressive to Richie also! Richie, typically one of the more confrontational characters in the show asks him to calm down, to cool it. That so many viewers so quickly and uncritically accept Carmy's narrative point of view, even while the show actively challenges it confirms something that has been in the culture a long time: that we are much more used to excusing and aligning ourselves with abusive behaviour, than we are at challenging and refusing it. That people - many of whom have received this kind of behaviour themselves - want to defend it, makes me so, so sad.
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It always hurts me a little that in 1:8 Tina tells Carmy that if he 'tries that shit with her, she'll fuck him up'. It's a fun line! But I'm sorry, no she won't. He screams at her too, while chucking bowls around and Sydney's words in 1:7 clearly hurt her. Tina categorically did nothing wrong. She doesn't deserve that shit. But at the end of the day, she is a middle aged Latinx woman and a mother, and so her tolerance level has to be higher. She needs that job! Shedoes not, as far as we know, have a father she can live with rent free, she does not have youth and the promise of exploitable potential to offer to employers in an ageist job market, she does not have CIA qualifications or a CV full of ‘serious heat’.
Carmy. holds. a. position. of. power. over. these. people. He is their boss, not their manager, and he owns the place, mob loan or no. He has the power to sack them all, to cut their hours, to cut their wages; thus the impact of that power extends not just to them, but also to their children and families. Louis being present in Review is not just to add an obstacle, it's also a reminder of those stakes.
Carmy has influence in the fine dining industry, regardless of whether that social and cultural capital is respected at The Beef or not. The very same oppourtunities that he provides them with in season 2 are things he could also lock them out of if he so chose. Any analysis of 1:7 that ignores this power is flawed from its root. When you are a boss, this power is ever present. One of the few things you can do to alter your boss's behaviour is to withdraw your labour. It's not the only option you have, but everything else is at their discretion, or mediated by lengthy, expensive legal processes.
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yeh, i hate this
Carmy knows this, even if you don't! It's why the apology he gives Marcus - which Marcus does not ask for - is so heartfelt. Carmy has been on the receiving end of what that power, wielded cruelly, can do. He does not want to do this to others. We see him talk to staff with respect even while he endures horrid abuse in a flashback. We see him teach and explain himself, we see him listen and invite feedback - ‘say more’. His commitment to being a good boss is sincere, that kindness is in his bones.
The second thing people say that makes me want to die a little inside is that Carmy bought getting locked in the fridge on himself, that he deserved it in some way, and that getting locked in the fridge was him abandoning Sydney.
Oh my god!
He does not have a diagnosis yet - so anything we see is an interpretation. But it feels explicit that Carmy has panic disorder, and perhaps generalised anxiety disorder and CPTSD from both his workplace experiences and his childhood. A couple of things that he says and does suggest ADHD, or some other neurodiversity. He is not very careful with himself, and does not recognise these things as treatable problems (Richie says he experiences anxiety and dread, Carmy's response is 'who doesn't' - wince, cruel to Richie, cruel to himself - vomiting everyday and crying out of nowhere are presented as something 'loads of people do' to Sugar. Tumblr loves to send people to therapy, but I just want to send this man to do a basic google search of more than fun tbh). But they are debilitating for him, especially at work.
What happens to how we read Carmy's behaviour when he is presented as someone with an untreated disability, and absolutely no support plan in place? Does he still get his just desserts at the end of the season?
The fridge thing is a bit clumsy, I think. It's silly that over the space of three months, no one at any point just takes that job off him as a priority, or at least makes it something where Tony will call the restaurant, not Carmy specifically. It is unrealistic that there would not be some kind of back up safety lock inside the fridge. But you know, they're characters in a TV show, it also does not take two people swivelling around on the floor to tighten the coat hooks on a table (LOOOOOOL) - it's realistic until its not.
But, you know, it's doing a thing, several things - it's Chekov's gun, isn't it, it's the tangible impact of the lapse of focus that Uncle Jimmy is constantly trying to warn them about.
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He wanted to cry here so bad!!! It makes me laugh every time
But umm... guys? What happens to him on that night is so, so horrible. They're a chef down, they're running out of forks, Richie's giving him shit (and Carmy is so susceptible to Richie giving him shit), Marcus and Syd are being all weird. He thinks one of his abusers (Donna) might come, or that she might not come and there will be emotional fallout from that. He thinks he sees his other abuser (Evil Joel Mc Hale) - and he's triggered. He goes in the kitchen and yells, but Syd pulls him back in. Then he goes into the fridge, partly to do chef stuff, I'm sure, but also partly to fucking get his shit together aaaaaand he gets locked in there! He has a panic attack! In a fridge! That he is locked in! And the people he loves most in the world, are the other side of that door, and for five minutes, an eternity in panic attack time, they ignore him! He has no clue what's going on! Last time shit hit the fan, two of his staff walked out (he's still not over Syd walking out cus they never talk about it properly), another one got stabbed and all these new ones are 'emerald green'. And he still thinks evil Joel Mc Hale is out there!
My loves, that shit is the stuff of nightmares! I know he tells himself that he bought this on himself but can we please! stop! uncritically! accepting! his narrative! point! of view!
I don't think anybody on screen recognises that a panic attack is what he's having. That's not their fault. None of them have seen him have a panic attack! They don’t get to see inside his head like we do (which saves them from a lot of R.E.M.) He is locked in the fridge, they just hear the bear banging on the door of his cage! It's not even in the language of the show at this point (though i am curious about how and when Richie came to get his Xanax). But that's what's happening. The team are fine. They do great. He has a terrible, terrible time.
My support worker found 2:10 deeply triggering - and her reason for this, she said, was that a lot of her job was supporting people with panic disorders who are leading teams, and seeing that moment coming, the moment where the panic crashes headlong into their role as leader. Part of her role is anticipating it, and trying to turn it around before they reach the point of no return. And as soon as Carmy thinks he sees Old Boss, he's gone. His body is in flight or fight, and he is alone with that. He can’t show up for Syd at that point, he is in his equivalent of the trenches.
This is also what is happening in 1:7. Somehow his response is often framed as a) rational or b) just an asshole - but it is so outsize to the situation, and to who we know him to be most of the time (quiet, kind, thoughtful, sensitive, BITCHY), that we know it has to be more than that.
None of this is helped by the fact that Carmy's panic attacks are... well they're kind of ugly! His meltdowns are aggressive and shouty, on the edge of physical violence, in an industry where people behave like that because they can. It is hard, parsing through that to the triggers, and fears, and panic beneath. It's scary! It asks so much of people to see that and want to help, not run away. But that is where he's at.
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I do not have language for how much I hate how physical he gets with Marcus here, it is deeply upsetting
I have an access rider, to help me work well with people, and to help them work well with me. My mental health turns up in every job I do. All the time. Has done for years. It can make me unreliable, uncommunicative and absent. It can mean that people have to step up sometimes in ways they weren't anticipating. And one of the things the rider asks for is 'Good Faith' - a belief that I have not shut down because I'm an asshole, but rather because I have some unhelpful coping mechanisms that I am trying to work my way out of, that my triggers are real, not excuses for laziness or an expression of lack of care, that i will give as much as I can when I can.
Syd and Carmy are beginning to work towards this - Carmy says over and over again that he doesn't want to be shitty. Claire fucking muddies things, because I will not meet you skiving off to see your girlfriend with good faith fam. That shit he needs to be held accountable for. Dropping that envelope was a perfect Richie job, I'm still pissed about that. But being locked in the fridge... there's way more going on there.
The idea that Carmy should, and will, leave the culinary world keeps coming up in various metas. But... the problem isn't cooking? I think Carmy loves cooking, still. I think he likes being part of a team, and wants to be good at it. I think he likes teaching, and he is good at that. I think he likes picking the right silent plates and having his CDC in Thom Browne. I also think he likes being there a lot and being absorbed by his job.
The problem is that the workplace he is in is not one that is set up to his needs right now - it's not set up so that he can rest enough, so that he can eat well, so that he can exercise, or whatever he needs to do to help him manage his brain and nervous system. It's not set up so that if he is triggered, he and his team knows how to keep going with the service *and* not abandon him to the worst of his brain.
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Ohhhh it's bad
Carmy ignoring Claire's call and not calling Tony feels bizarre stripped of the context of his panic attack that morning. But we know that anxiety and panic and executive dysfunction take simple things and make them insurmountable. It's not about Sydney in that moment, or even really about Claire*, and self sabotage feels so weighted with judgement when I think about what those frozen moments feel like from the inside. And I've had my diagnoses for 12 years! I've been doing that work, the long slog of trying to make sure my employees know enough context that my MH doesn't fuck up their day, whilst also maintaining my own dignity and right to privacy.
The disentangling of symptoms from personality traits is so hard - fuck ups from trauma responses, what was preventable, and what might have happened even if you did everything right. I never want to lose sight of compassion for Carmy, and the reality of how long it takes to break those cycles.
I also never want to stop seeing the power that he has over the people that he works with, and how, unfortunately, one of the responsibilities of leadership is that you have to be trying to get your shit together, you have to know yourself, and know how your baggage, combined with your power could be creating harm. It’s hard, but there’s not way around it. It is essential that he gets the support he needs, and puts the measures in place that means that he can also be vulnerable, not just for him, but for the team as whole. The power and the lack of framework together are so very harmful for everyone.
makes for delicious tv though 😉
I think a lot about the ticket machines in The Bear. I'm not thinking about them as a former line chef, cus I'm not that, I'm an artist and writer, that waitressed for a while (while a lot of chefs did a lot of coke out back!) and The Bear is fiction, not a documentary. Those little tickets are used for so many things. They're the sound of pressure. They're where a bunch of intrusive thoughts get flashed up on the screen. They are the presence of tech and of speed and alienation. They are the gap where two human beings, one asking for food, and one cooking that food, become consumer and producer. They are a presence of the machine in the workplace, and they stand in for Marcus's machines in McDonald's and for Evil Joel McHale and for financial failure.
One of the things that capitalism demands is that we always listen to that machine. That when we are making a choice, between the people stood around us, who we work with daily, who we live massive chunks of our life with, and the demand for production for go go go - that we choose the latter, even if it harms the former. That we open for service, even though one of our oldest friends just got stabbed. That we prioritise getting the service turned around on Friends and Family night (the easiest night of the year to go out, pour more wine, and say service is a little delayed, but we've got this), rather than maybe asking Fak or even Claire, to come and talk to Carmy through the door, as well, make sure that he's OK. That we just keep going.
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And there are so many really important reasons to do that! Keeping going is how we learn and grow, it's how we make sure that we can pay the bills, how we provide beautiful experiences for customers and guests who are more than consumers to us.
But at some point, we have to ask at what cost. When do we stop and make different? When do we try something else, make new systems, that work for us?
A moment - a small, tiny moment - of triumph for me, is when Richie and Syd turn the table around. So rather than one person, facing the tickets alone, with their back to the kitchen as they yell out orders, the person on Expo faces in. yes they can see the tickets, but they can also see the people they are working with. They can see stress, and worry and joy. They can see how hard they are working. They can see that they are not alone, not just in a promise before service, but during service, when you need that connection most.
My hope is that Season 3 will have more of them making these decisions - ones that lean into seeing each other, where their relationships keep growing, and they build a system where the love and care they have for each other is truthfully at the heart of it.
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Richie is not my bag, that's just for me, personally, but I get how much he means to others, and he's beautiful here.
*Man, I do think the romance subplot was a bit of a misstep. Pop always feels like such a waste of the audience's time, time not spent with Ebra and Tina, time spent on a presentation of romance that has been done to death and is never especially satisfying. Truncates a lot of empathy for Carmy. Boo. Hiss.
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snapppeedpie · 8 months
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I made this drawing at the beginning of the year, with my Oc Shedo and Horangi, Shedo is not originally Japanese, it is South Korean, like Horangi, they are brothers by birth, twins to be specific, I wanted to do this because... It didn't seem cute to me
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ryuatewater · 5 months
okay guys if lightbulb does win wtf would shedo after, yeah I dont like baseball that much but i feel like baseball has the most potential out of everyone,,, also knife lets go knife 2024
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nethhiri · 4 months
Idk know if I missed it or something but does she have any weird behavior things for being alone for so long?
It’s super random but I thought I’d ask :)
I don’t know which one you’re referring to but I’ll answer for both bc it’s a fun q! And I love questions! I may not have really touched on it.
For Marooned: Reader definitely still has a habit of talking to herself. She would talk to Mini on the island but she would also narrate what she was doing sometimes. I think she also still overeats. She did it on the island because she didn’t know when her next meal would be and she does the same now even though she knows she’ll be able to eat.
For Siren Charms: Reader is not alone persay, but doesn’t spend extended amounts of time I. The company of others. Shedoes not have a good handle on human language. Yes she can speak it, but idioms or sarcasm are taken literally. She also mixes up words that sound similar. And the more obvious things like not knowing how to act appropriately in public.
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mathewharris7703 · 1 year
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Myself and my friend, Hakai Shedo visits the Urskog–Hølandsbanen, taking photos with Høland, Bingsfos and Setskogen. The latter wasn't too pleased to see me and Hakai, heh...
Hakai and Setskogen's face drawn by @sonisis
Characters by @little-red-toyota / @norwegianrailwaystories
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volfoss · 11 months
🦈 hi!! i'd like a volfoss character!
YIPPEE ok :3 under the cut for spoilers and important plot details but there are actually 2 i think youd like so itll be a bit long :)
the first is turi-marrya :) ill include pics as well so here ya go :)
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shes a water maiden and she is such a fucking badass its insane. shes part of one of the sides in the war (long story. the politics of volfoss is something id have to give a like 30 min powerpoint presentation to get into thoroughly so i am not subjecting you to political talk) but shes one of the strongest fighters. but why i think youd like her is her morality and her role in the story. shes one of the characters that is involved in the war and shedoes NOT want to be, namely because she honestly feels very guilty about it.
in the route ive finished, she discusses w shalvas (the protag) how she feels guilty healing the soldiers because they are just going to go back into battle and die. and she feels just overall very hesitant on it because she knows about all of the death that is going to happen. shes kind of forced to provide moral support to the soldiers but really has a hard time doing so because she cannot mask her true feelings that the war isn't a good thing and that she's really unsure she's doing the right thing by aiding them. there was a very good scene where she talks to shalvas (who as a trooper, he has no choice but to follow the requests he is given, no matter how bad they are) about how she envies his ability to have no hesitation when making choices and she wishes she could have that simplicity with choices (bc she well. has a billion important things on her shoulders). and shalvas is like. not a guy that talks a ton ever. but he explains that he really doesn't have choices to make with his job like she does and comforts her by saying he can't really compare his job to the weight she has to carry on her shoulders. its a very sweet moment and she's honestly such a well written character (unfortuantely a lot of her plot is tied up in the very complex politics but i think that you'd like her a lot because she is just overwhelmingly kind and has a lot of issues because of that. and she is also so strong and cool <3)
next up is my bestest friend rially.
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so shes someone who you meet really early on, as her parents are kind of worried about her running off (she is prone to doing this. like very often) bc theres been a lot of burglars in the area, so they get shalvas to come and make sure shes ok. which i PROMISE it is not a damsel in distress situation (i was worried abt this when i first played it but i promise its not), she literally can handle her own and IS doing so when shalvas finds her. she helps him fight off the burglars and then gets a massive talking to from her parents but well. this does not stop her from coming by to visit a ton. shes just like. spunky i guess as a character, but what i like about her the most is that shes just genuinely very silly but cares a ton about mistos and shalvas. she has a much bigger plot in routes i havent done but shes genuinely so swag to me. she literally has a line in game that says she's getting too butchy so i am choosing to hc her as butch personally but she is genuinely just like. a very silly and fun character and i love her a lot :)
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rippilie · 1 year
hey hey !! i'm not sure if you're taking questions on antebellum, but i wanted to ask if the characters have official gender identities and sexualities revealed?
Sure!!! In terms of the main characters- Shinku is Pansexual Ismene is Pansexual and Demiromantic Dracul is Bisexual Maiko is Biromantic and Heterosexual Eiichi is Gay! Yui is Staright Taka is Bisexual (He's also a trans guy!) Emilia is a lesbian Mint is Gay Alora is Aroace Kiyoshi is straight Asuga is uhhhhhh I'm not really sure they're a bit tooty fruity though, the specifics? Not sure. She hasn't had time to think about it. They use They/She pronouns and identify as a Demigirl! Kotaro is Panromantic and Asexual Lyra is Bisexual Rei is Bisexual(?) Takiko is a lesbian In terms of sideee charactersss- Akari is questioning Ichigo is a homophobic homosexual (Unlabelled) Yume is demiromantic Asexual who uses they/them pronouns! Lavender is Straight Kohana is trying his best Callum is Demiromantic Heterosexual Micha is Bisexual and a trans woman! Amie is Straight (Disaster closet lesbian with the biggest girl crush on Micha) Asteria is... I could go on a whole essay when it comes to Asteria's sexuality becaUSE I DON'T KNOW Reecey is straight Sachiko is a Lesbian Shedo is a Criminal Lillith is SSByZWFsbHkgc2hvdWxkIGZlZWwgZ3VpbHR5IGFib3V0IGl0Lg==
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Genuinely adore Bonnie and Damon in tvd, delena's absoluteness a constant canon reminder that they're friends and they say i love you if anything happened to her he would loose his mind shedoes everything for him but is the first one to tell him he's out of line, favourite friendship in the whole tvdverse i adore them
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curious-minx · 1 year
I don't suckle on Mother, The Pop Maven, instead; I treat her as Friend, Not Foe.
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It's silly season. It's TMI season It's unfollow everyone you know from social media season. Yes girlies, Roisin Murphy is not your friend. She's a Narsty Womxn! By Jove, I think she's probably a bit of a meanie and a rude. But my oh my-sweet heavens- she keeps making hell of amazing pop records.
I am alone while my partner goes and celebrates her best friend's one year old birthday. Newborns becoming other borns. The sisterhood of friendship persisting against the diverging lines of womanhood. And here I sit as a cis, twit scum. Wanting to dance with myself in a room with other shiny happy people. Roisin Murphy's newest album Hit Parade is giving me life. An insatiably replayable, playful master stroke of Arty, Dancey Pop. And yet we must get political.
She's only a couple years younger than my own mother. And it chills me to my compressed bones that I have noticed my own mother whom also twiddles away on Facebook, she too, has inherited other opinions about Trans People. It's unfortunate that it seems like older, occasionally bitter women are getting jittery and angsty over matters that don't concern them. And Roisin Murphy despite being a woman, a diva, shedoes not make blunt, political feminist music. But her music is always feminist, subtly subversive and alien. She comes across as a woman comfortably Alone, but not lonely. Making oddball dance fantasias for other lonely sorts. And Hit Parade does not change that. In fact it only enhances that notion. And I choose to believe that the music speaks to a truth deeper than any annoying shared opinion on social media. I believe that this conversation should transcend. "Did I disappoint you? Did I get it wrong? You sent certain signals to me." - Hurtz So Bad
The House. A track that opens with a distorted transmission of a talk show reminding Roisin Murphy that all the host knows is that she is a woman. Always being reminded that you are a woman. You are mother. Despite the fact you don't want to be a Mother. You are a TERF even though when in fact is all you are is an annoying wanker (sometimes, that should stay off of Facebook). If anything I choose to be more mad at The Zuck for making people zonk out, lose themselves in Anger, Confusion and other dumb emotional manipulation. Roisin Murphy is not your friend. She's not Mother. She's probably not much of An Ally. But she's still a hell of a heartfelt, Real Artist making music that ignites all the pleasure call centers in my head. Ring Ring! "Hello, You Are Destined To Live Your Life On Hold." Hit Parade is a tracklist brimming with one bop after another. A totally beautiful mind meld between Murphy and DJ Koze. A stunner that is bigger than the discourse.
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