ohbae-me · 4 years
HC: Brothers + Dia and Solomon reactions when MC sends a seminude unintentionally. Like, she was feeling herself that day and decided to takes some pictures. However, when she was deleting it, a bug occurred and send it to him. Who would delete it and who would?
I CACKLED when I read this request. I love it. Such chaos. What i wouldn’t give to send nudies to my demon bois
MC studied herself in the mirror. She'd just gotten back from a shopping trip with Asmo and was putting on her own little fashion show. She had to admit, Asmo had not steered her wrong when he took her to that lingerie shop. She admired the intricate detail on the matching bra and panty set. It sat absolutely perfect on her, no awkward bunching or spilling anywhere. And, if she was being perfectly honest with herself, she looked damn fine. Eyeing her phone, she thought what the hell! Asmo would be so proud. Taking these types of selfies wasn't her usual thing, but today had boosted her confidence. She looked fantastic, and it made her feel amazing. After her little photoshoot, she got dressed and decided to scroll through some of the photos. She'd decided that she didn't need to keep all of them, so she selected a few and deleted them before sticking her phone in her pocket. 
Not long later, her phone was blowing up. She'd opened her messages, and to her utter horror, realized that she did not in fact delete any of the pictures. She'd sent them to every single person in her contact list. 
Chokes on his coffee when he opens the message
Blushes a little at first and can't help but stare at the pictures, taking in the details
When he gets your text apologizing, saying he wasn't supposed to receive it, he smirks
Too bad. Picture moved to blackmail folder. Decides he needs to have a little chat with you on being more careful just so he can see you all squirm. Can't help but wonder if you're wearing that same set under your uniform the whole lecture. 
Finishes the lecture and tells you that you look very good in red with that beautiful, cocky ass smirk of his
Blushing profusely, all 2 brain cells have stopped functioning 
Can't stop staring. He thinks you look beautiful. He wants to send a cocky text back but literally can't string three words together. Can't look you for a solid week without blushing like a fool
Is downright livid when he realizes his brothers all saw too
Will never in a million years delete the photos
High-key thinks you should be a model. But then immediately dismisses that because that would mean everyone would be looking at you like that and that ain't happening. Nu-uh, no way. 
Screeching. Literally throws his phone across the room like it grew 3 heads. 
This has to be a joke right?! There is NO WAY you would be sending him those pictures ON PURPOSE?!
When you text him and say you accidentally sent it to everyone, he is disappointed but not surprised. 
He will delete the pictures, but he will certainly never forget them. Can't help but fantasize about you wearing skimpy cosplay outfits and feels dirty for it. Will probably never look you in the eye ever again
Stunned and quite taken aback by the risque pictures he's received, definitely blushing up a storm
He's used to it from Asmo, and the odd crazy fan but he never expected it from you
Suspects it was an accident right away
When you confirm as such and say he should just delete them, he says absolutely not. If you didn't want him to see, you shouldn't have sent them in the first place, and he likes them, what's the problem with that?
Will tease you for life about this. However, if you are really upset and uncomfortable about his response, he will apologize and delete them all. 
You have 34 new messages from Asmo
Yaaassss girl! I'm so glad we have this kind of relationship now~~ followed by many photos of him in varying degrees of nudity
Will keep his favourite pictures, and delete the rest. After all, he needs the space for his own pictures!
Will show everyone the pictures again. Doesn't she just look so cute in the stuff I picked out for her?! Look at that cute little butt! I told her the colour was just delicious on her- queue physical fight with Mammon
Mammon wins and deletes the pictures himself. Asmo says it's fine, he'll just take more pictures with MC~
The sweetest boy. He sees your frantic text right off the bat and deletes them right away
He'll feel really guilty if he finds himself thinking about it. 
Sees how embarrassed you are about the whole situation and will take you out for lunch to make you feel better.
He wants to tell you that you looked amazing, but will keep it to himself. He doesn't want you to embarrass you anymore
Smirks as he checks his phone when he wakes up. 
Takes him time admiring the pictures.
He will find you to tell you not to worry, he enjoyed them very much. As he snuggles up to you, he will forever wonder what you're wearing underneath. 
Is absolutely keeping the pictures for future... reference
Absolutely fucking delighted
Realizes very quickly what happened, and pesters Lucifer for details on how all the brothers responded to the little mishap
Gossips with Barbatos about it as they look through the pictures
Is honesty more amused by the situation than he is turned on
Though, he can't deny that he likes what he sees. 
He will save them all
Also realizes what happened right off the bat when his, Simeon’s and Luke’s phone all went off at the same time (he deletes them from Lukes phone before the poor bb can see anything)
He is definitely keeping these photos, thinks maybe he can use them against the brothers somehow
If you REALLY want him to delete them, you’ll have to give him something in return~
Loves all the drama is causes
Don’t get me wrong, he likes what he sees in the photo, but he is much more interested in how this could benefit him in other ways
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ohbae-me · 4 years
Obey Me Scenario Masterlist
Catching Him Masturbating (NSFW)
Breathy Kiss (Mostly SFW)
Mammon’s Treasure (SFW)
You’re An Asshole (SFW)
Homesick (SFW)
A Breathy Kiss (SFW)
You Said Be Honest, Quit Hitting Me! (SFW) (Sequel to Be You)
Comforting Fem!MC (SFW)
Well Deserved (SFW)
A Kiss Against A Wall (SFW)
How Are You Still Horny?! (NSFW)
Sleepy Hugs (SFW)
Are You Sure You Want To Do This? (NSFW)
Yoga Session (NSFW)
Forget Him (NSFW)
I Told You Not To Fall In Love With Me (SFW - TW Violence)
I wish I Could Hate You (SFW)
Realizing He Loves MC (SFW)
Basorexia/Capernoited (SFW)
Beg For It (NSFW) -- Being Rewritten
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ohbae-me · 5 years
Affection Headcannons:
He’s not a big PDA guy, but if you're dating he will place a polite kiss on your knuckles when he drops you off at class. MAYBE a small quick kiss on the top of your head, depending on who is watching. 
Loves to buy you things. Whether you mention it at some point, or he catches you staring while out on a shopping trip, expect it to be waiting in your room, wrapped perfectly with a bow on top.
In private, he is a bit more physically affectionate. He will brush his knuckles along your cheek. Soft forehead kisses while lying in bed. 
If he is away on business for Diavolo, he will send good morning/good night texts letting you know when you can expect him home.
Physically needy. Please always be touching him. 
If dating, he will keep an arm protectively around your waist. Especially if he notices any lesser demons eyeing you up. If platonic, he will casually throw his arm over your shoulders. Will also love if you grab his hand to pull him off somewhere, also grabs your hand to do the same whenever he can.
Will buy and sometimes steal you little gifts that remind him of you
He is equally as clingy when in private. Loves spooning, doesn’t matter if he is the big or little spoon. 
Becomes more affectionate as your relationship grows.
Will melt into a puddle when you hug his arm and use his shoulder as a pillow
Will buy you lots of merch from your favourite shows, and will absolutely stay up all night getting you tickets to see your favourite idol. Will never watch shows without you. No DVD adultery in this house. 
Not really the biggest cuddler while sleeping. He will stick his foot out to touch you, but otherwise likes to be able to move around without disturbing you.
Tries v hard to keep his composer around you. He is not used to having someone be so blatantly affectionate with him. Finds he very much likes it.
Will randomly reach out and grab your hand, just to hold it whenever he feels like it. He will rub your hand and play with your fingers absentmindedly.
Also likes resting his hand on your thigh while sitting beside you
Is very much a morning person. Will have a cup of coffee ready to go just how you like it when waking you up. 
Like Mammon, very physically affectionate. Cannot keep his hands off of you. Likes to be wrapped around your waist as much as possible.
You will be showered with gifts of all kinds. Clothes, products, trinkets, food, you name it. 
Will want to show your relationship off to the world. He will take lots of selfies with you, or pictures of you when you're not paying attention - only to find them on his devilgram account later with a very cute caption about how much he loves you.
Pet names galore. You start to think he doesn’t even remember your real name. 
Just kinda clings to you while sleeping
The King Of Hugs
The big kind that absolutely melts any negative energy. He will hug you at any opportunity, with a big unapologetic grin on his face
Expresses his love and appreciation through food. He will never steal your snacks, and will wait for you to offer him your food rather than stealing it off your plate. He always makes sure his human is properly fed first and always makes sure you’re eating properly
Big Spoon Death Grip while sleeping. Holding you like that makes him feel safe and keeps the hunger away. Will bring your breakfast in bed daily.
Casually affectionate. Will lay his head on your shoulder while linking his pinky with yours.
Hooks his arms with yours while out and about, leaning into you a bit as the two of you walk. 
Loves to put his pillow on your lap and fall asleep, doesn’t matter where you are. It happened once at the dinner table.Loves it even more if you gently comb his hair with your fingers. 
Not overly materialistic, doesn’t buy you gifts unless it's a special occasion. That said, he likes taking you out to eat at nice restaurants. 
Will always have an arm or a leg draped across you while sleeping
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ohbae-me · 4 years
“I Could Get Used To This” Headcannons
Sorry, Anonny. The ask disappeared from my inbox, but here they are! Hope they are what you were looking for =) 
Headcannons - “I could get used to this for Lucifer, Mammon and Levi”
He's had a very long day full of important meetings. He had texted you that he would not be home for dinner, and since you were on dinner duty, to not make him any.
You told him you'd cook for him anyway, and have it ready for when he got home. You added the heart monster emoji
Lucifer's caught himself smiling down at his phone, his chest tightening with happiness.
This did not go unnoticed by Lord Diavolo and Barbatos. He was teased the entire meeting. 
He texted you as soon as he arrived in his study. 
You showed up at his study less than 5 minutes later carrying a tray with 2 meals and wine.
"You didn't eat your dinner yet?"
"Of course not! I thought we could eat together, we never get dinner dates."
He watches in amusement as you make yourself at home. You put a show on TV, pour two glasses of wine before curling up on the couch. Feet up and everything. 
He thinks you look absolutely adorable. You're in your pajama set that's just a little too big for your form. Sitting in his study with one of the strongest demons in the Devildom, looking downright comfortable. 
You turn back and look at him, patting the spot on the couch beside you
"You're going to miss the best part! According to Levi anyway."
He chuckled and joins you on the couch
Later on after dishes were cleared away, you stretch and shuffle, leaning your head on his shoulder. As if on instinct, Lucifer lifts his arm, encouraging you to lay more on his chest. 
With his arm around you, he can't help but blush a little, especially when you nuzzle in to make yourself comfortable. 
He decides that these late meetings might not be such a bad thing. 
As you fall asleep, he tries to think about how he could make this a nightly thing without coming off too strong. Or without tipping off his brothers. 
He just thinks that you fit perfectly in his arms like this
The first time you wear his coat, he thinks his heart is just going to fly right out of his chest. 
You're on the way back home from one of his shoots and it's late evening. He notices you rubbing your arms and he sighed
"Dumb humans bein so fragile! What would you do without the THE Mammon" 
He hands you his jacket and you happily accept it. You ask him how it looks.
Too.fucking.cute. Mammon thinks there is probably smoke coming out of his ears with how hot his face is currently
You laugh and grab onto his arm, hoping to also steal some of his body heat. 
As you're walking, Mammon can't help but think that you guys probably look like a couple. 
He realizes that's exactly what he wants people to think. 
"You know, according to human tradition, once you give someone a hoodie or jacket it becomes theirs officially. So this jacket is mine now."
He mumbles a "yeah whatever" but realizes he doesn't mind. Not in the least bit
He would give you literally anything in the whole 3 realms if it meant you would smile at him like this again.
Will absolutely take a selfie with you wearing his clothes every single time, just to brag about it to his brothers. But mostly because seeing you wearing his stuff melts him into a puddle of goo. He definitely looks at these pictures before falling asleep. 
He calls you at 3AM freaking out, because he just got an early access pass to a game he has been waiting for for MONTHS
You show up to his room a few minutes later, half asleep with a blanket wrapped around you. 
He made an account on your behalf, and pulled you towards the chair and computer he had set up for you. 
As he rambles on about the game, he watches as you nod enthusiastically and ask him questions about how to play
You are both interrupted by Lucifer who is about to give Levi a massive lecture about not only playing games all night, but also dragging you into it
You interrupted Lucifer’s lecture, saying that you insisted that Levi tell you when this particular game was released, because it's one you were super excited for, so really you can't blame Levi! You promise that this won’t affect school the next day.
When Lucifer just pinches the bridge of his nose and tells you guys to get to bed before walking out, Levi thinks that there must have been a mistake. You were clearly sent from the Celestial Realm and are really an Angel in disguise
He is not one to be very physical, but he likes when you sit side by side, and get closer as the night goes on. Arms eventually touching while you sit in silence, both so focused on the game you're playing together
He thinks he likes being holed up alone in his room much better when it's with you.
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ohbae-me · 4 years
Shep’s Obey Me Weekend Headcannon Event Masterlist
Welcome to Headcannon weekends! Send me an ask with your favourite headcannon pertaining to that weeks theme, and I’ll expand and add my own little headcannons/scenario’s to it! Thank you so so much to everyone who participates, it’s been such a fun way to connect with everyone <3 
1.0 - Angst/Fluff
2.0 - Dates/Special Occasions
3.0 - NSFW
4.0 - Hurt/Comfort
5.0 - Human World
6.0 - Domestic
7.0 - Older Brothers [Lucifer/Mammon/Leviathan]
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ohbae-me · 4 years
“Were you just masturbating?” with Lucifer! like you just caught him because we love a scandal LOL
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When I first saw this request in my ask box, i nearly choked. Absolute perfection. Ya’ll send me the best requests. Thirsty hoes, all of ya! I fucking love it. While I didn’t use the exact quote for the first one, I like how it turned out. Just having it implied made it flow better~~
Lucifer x MC - NSFW. Technically no actual smut? But prepare for masturbation and hella teasing. Pray for MC, friends. 
Lucifer had once told her that his door was always open for her. She knocked softly and waited for a response, but could only hear music playing on the other side. Thinking he may have simply stepped out of the room, MC figured she would just leave her report on his desk. She pulled out her phone to send him a message and stopped dead in her tracks the moment she stepped into his room. 
Lucifer was indeed still in the room. 
He was seated at his desk, his head arched back in his chair. Though hidden under the desk, his current activity was evident - arm pumping up and down in rhythmic bliss. 
Slightly breathless, his face glistened with a light sheen of sweat, rosy pink cheeks highlighted the erotic scene she'd happened upon. MC found she couldn't look away. She understood why Lord Diavolo was so enamored by his beauty and showered him with constant praise. Had Diavolo seen him like this before? Her body warmed pleasantly at that particular fantasy. She didn't think she would ever be able to get this image out of her brain. 
Come to think of it, her phone was still in her hand. Unlocked. Camera oh so accessible. And Lucifer still hadn't realized she was here. 91 percent sure Lucifer wouldn't kill her, she decided to go for it. Fortune favors the bold after all.
At the sound of the shutter, Lucifer's head shot up and his eyes locked with hers. Surprise flashed over his features before shifting into something feral. It would be a glorious death, she thought. Taking one step back, then two, she thought maybe she could make a break for it. 
No such luck. Before she could even spin around, he had clutched her arm and yanked her back into the room. Smoothly locking the door behind her before plucking the phone from her hand and tossing it off to the side.
"Your audacity never ceases to astound me, human." If he was feeling anything other than cool and collected, he hid it incredibly well. 
"I just thought I could use some inspiration for myself later." She'd already dug her grave, might as well jump right on in.
Lucifer seemed to consider her words, lips curling into a twisted grin. MC could smell the Demonus on his breath. She guesses she had that to thank for the fact that her heart was still beating- even if it was hammering right out of her chest. 
"Inspiration hm?" He stepped forward, MC tried to step back but her back hit the wall. "If that's all you needed, you should have asked me sooner." 
His hand slid down her arm and grabbed her trembling hand, bringing it up to place a soft kiss on her palm, then her wrist. 
"It seems as though we can give each other a hand then. So to speak." He still hadn't broken eye contact and MC thinks she hears herself whimper. The look in his eye was wicked, reinforced by his tight grip on her wrist. She couldn't say no, even if she wanted to.
She couldn't even respond for that matter, her mouth felt as if it was full of cotton- her heart leapt into her throat as his free hand began to roam. He leaned down so his face was level with hers, lips just millimeters apart. Despite herself, MC let's her eyes flutter closed. Lucifer's hand was tortuously slow as it pushed the fabric of her skirt up her thigh, the heat of his hand leaving a burning trail in its wake. 
It was almost embarrassing how quickly the heat had pooled at her core. Lucifer's grin only grew as he trailed a finger along the damp cloth of her panties. She was the one who walked in on him pleasuring himself, yet she was the one left flustered and aroused. The beautiful bastard had managed to effortlessly turn the tables in his favour, and he knew it too. 
"Now you're just teasing me." She whined. He pressed his finger harder against her sensitive nub before tracing small circles into the cloth. 
"If you don't like my teasing, then why are you moaning?" He asked against her lips, letting them brush overs hers before pulling at her bottom lip with his teeth. 
"You didn't think I'd let you leave without punishment for entering my room unannounced did you?" His hands left her, and she squeaked when she felt his hand slap her bottom. "Bed. Now. Allow me to show you just what my inspiration was earlier."
Later, MC will discover that in his slight state of intoxication and hornyness, he forgot about the picture on her phone. MC will take this to the grave, and it is definitely used when future inspiration is needed. 
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ohbae-me · 4 years
Shep’s Obey Me Masterlist;
NonPrompt Fics
Wedding Board
Tokyo Rev Masterlist; (Coming Soon)
Prompt Lists
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ohbae-me · 4 years
Hi it's me again! I was wondering if you could do a Mammon fluff based on him calling Mc his 'treasure.' I would do it myself but I'm a lazy author myself ;-; + you're way better than anyone here 💜 thank you!~
A/N:: Ahhh this is the cutest!!! Mammon fluff kills me in the best way. Thanks for the request!! hope you like it! PS hope the angstyness is okay~
Warnings: Lil bit of Mammon angst, spoilers for chapter 16(?)
Words [741]
As Mammon’s eyes traced over the figure lying next to him, his thoughts took him back to how different things used to be between the two of you. Specifically, one of the first conversations he’d ever had with you back in your first couple weeks here in the Devildom.
He had been wandering around your room looking for something. He wasn’t sure exactly what, but there had to be something worthwhile here. Something expensive. Something rare and precious from the human world. Anything, really. However he found the room frustratingly void of anything worth stealing. 
“Hey, MC! Where do ya keep all your valuables?” He rushed to explain when he saw an eyebrow quirk up. “You know, for that human studies class we have to take. Thought you might have some cool human treasure or somethin’.” 
Not looking convinced at his terrible lie, you shrugged. “I don’t typically like material items I guess? The only thing I have that I’d consider treasure is the teddy bear my mom gave me.” 
“That old thing? Come on human, ya gotta have something better that that!” You just shook your head, watching him with a soft smile.
“Sure some people value fancy things, gold, jewellery, cars, stuff like that. But those things never really interested me honestly. My family and friends are my treasures.”
“Whaa- people can’t be treasure. That’s just stupid.” He scoffed as he flopped on the bed. 
He slowly realized exactly what you’d been talking about. His feelings became more and more apparent for her every single time he had to patch up his dumb human because one of his brothers tried to kill you. He began to realize he didn’t like the idea of losing this human forever.
Then it happened. He sat cradling an almost lifeless body in his arms, not hearing the yelling amongst his brothers and he silently pleaded to any entity who would listen. He would have given anything, anything in the world to change this. Sell everything in his room, chop up Goldie, find him every witch in existence. Hell- he’d march up to the Celestial Realm if he needed to and beg his Father's forgiveness. Beg for your life in exchange for his if it would bring them back. He’d realized this all too late, he would never get to tell you. 
But by some beautiful, twisted fate his pleads had been heard and you stood in front of him again. Breathless, but very much alive. He barely even registered your explanation about Belphegor and Lilith. All he knew was that he had to tell you this time, only waiting until he had you alone.
You’d come back to his room with him, immediately changing into one of his T-shirts to sleep in. Flopping yourself on the bed and curling up under the covers, the adrenaline from the day's events seeping out as you got comfortable. The bed dipped as Mammon crawled over you and he propped his head up on his elbow as he watched you relax. He reached out and gently ran his hand through your hair, letting it rest on the back of your neck while his thumb brushed your cheek. His hands shook a bit, but he needed to know you were really here. 
“You were right ya know, MC.” Mammon’s voice was quiet, but it pulled you back from falling fast asleep. You peeled your eyes open and met his stare. Seeing Mammon serious was something you’d probably never get used to. He pulled you in for a tight hug, both wanting you close but also wanting to hide his bright red face. “I- I’d give up everything I own if it meant I got to keep being with you like this. I don’t need it all, I don’t need Goldie, I just need you. You’re my greatest treasure, ya dumb human.” 
Mammon felt his heart flutter and squeeze in his chest when you pressed your lips to his skin and nuzzled in closer. “You’ve always been mine, Mammon. No need to sell everything, you’re stuck with me.” As he felt your breathing level out as sleep took over, he finally let himself relax. He never in his life wanted to experience the events of today again, but now he had you here with him. Not only did he finally tell you how he felt, but the feelings were reciprocated. For now, that was more than enough for him.
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ohbae-me · 3 years
I've redone my rules since it needed updating anyways, and since we have a lot of new people since I last posted! So for those who are new or want to send a request:
A little about me: You can call me KC or Shep, She/Her, 27, Leo, INFP, I have lots of furbabies and love animals in general, my favourite colour is pink, and I could eat pizza everyday of the week 🥰
Requests are open unless stated otherwise in my bio. If my requests are closed, any new ones will likely be deleted to keep my inbox organized.
I take sfw/nsfw, I prefer to write gn as much as possible though so that more people can connect with the writing. But you can send gendered requests too.
I typically will not write noncon, unless in certain situations. Referring to it happening past tense is okay with me, or even maybe even in a 'mc is about to be in a bad situation but one of the other characters will help before the bad thing happens' type scenarios, but I will not write noncon involving any of the main or side characters directly
I will also not write for any of the characters cheating on MC. Past cheating or reference to is fine.
I also do not write underage, vore, or any kinks that could be actually harmful.
Pretty much any kink is fine with me otherwise. BDSM, marking, daddy/mommy, femdom, edging/overstim, scenting, toys, etc. It should always be implied in any of my works that anything nsfw is done with explicit consent even if it's not necessarily discussed in the fic. We stan consent and safe sex here. Always have a safe word or an out friends!!
Please do not ask when your prompt will be done. I write in my free time and will do it as soon as I am able!
If sending me a prompt from one of the prompt lists, please include the entire prompt not just the number!!! I have multiple similar ones I write from so it really helps me
I will usually only do 3-4 characters at a time for headcanons
I write for all characters, but will not write Luke as anything but platonic
For matchups, the more info you can give me about yourself the better!
Anything that does not follow rules is simply just deleted!
If you're not sure, shoot me an ask/message and I'll be happy to let you know.
Also, my ask box will always be open to chat or if you have any questions about anything at all! I'm a fairly open person and I like to help however I can :)
Tags I use if you'd like to block:
All NSFW will be tagged as 'thirstyshep', f!mc, m!mc, obey me asks, sheptalks for personal posts, obeymetheanime, obeymeviplounge, obey me spoilers, om spoilers, I also try to tag trigger warnings as much as possible such as 'tw death, tw anxiety, etc. If you'd like me to tag anything in particular, please just let me know.
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ohbae-me · 4 years
"and then i knew that i could become homesick for you too" or "I missed being with you like this" with mammon, please !
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Hope it’s okay I combined these two! They just worked so perfectly. Again, this ended up longer than planned, and I even had to shorten it down and stop myself from adding on another couple thousand words. I have too many Mammon feels. I hope this one is okay! I had a lot I wanted to add, but felt like it was too much..
Mammon x MC; SFW, fluff
Ever since MC had gone home, an air of gloom had stuck around the House of Lamentation. No one had talked about it, but it went without saying that things were just much less interesting without the constant shenanigans MC used to rope them all into somehow. 
Lucifer had expected there to be an adjustment period after she left, seeing how close all seven of his brothers had gotten with her. Even the eldest himself had to admit that he missed her. But what Lucifer hadn’t anticipated was Mammon’s reaction. He’d known his younger brother was closest to the human, and that he’d cared for her a great deal. However, Lucifer had known him for thousands of years. Watched him chase many romantic feats, for better or worse. Mammon had always lost interest quickly, pursuing his next venture with renewed vigor. Whether it be his next money making scheme, or his next fling, Mammon never sulked for long. It was probably the one aspect of Mammon’s personality that Lucifer actually admired. 
It had been several months now since she’d returned home. It was time for Lucifer to step in. Discreetly, of course.  
As he’d made his way around the rooms for surprise inspections, he’d casually let it slip to Mammon that he’d be gone the next day as he had important business in the human world. And it just so happens that it’s in the same city as their former exchange student. 
Lucifer put on a good show of initially denying Mammon the chance to accompany him. He let him beg and plead his little heart out before the first born oh so graciously agreed to let him come. 
Mammon had been laying on his bed, aimlessly flipping through various apps on his phone. Nothing quite seemed to peak his interest though, he thought with a sigh. His eyes fell on his home screen, a photo of him and MC with the alien-panda stuffie she had made. The one still sitting on his bed that he often woke up clutching. 
He had been so lost in thought, he almost hadn’t noticed Lucifer enter his room for inspection. He barely acknowledged his elder brother as he went about his business, until he heard Lucifer mention that he’d be visiting the human world. Specifically MC’s home city. 
Mammon couldn’t fly out of bed fast enough to block Lucifer from leaving the room. He’d begged and pleaded and made more promises than he’d probably ever be able to keep, but Lucifer had finally agreed. 
He would get to see MC again!
Mammon spent the rest of the night outlining how he’d wanted it to go. He’d planned the perfect lines. She’d be so impressed by how suave he was! He wondered if she’d hug him tight and tell him she missed him, like he himself has been so desperate to do.  He hadn’t gotten to say everything he’d wanted to before she left, and the regret seized his heart and mind every single day that she’d been gone. 
He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
The next morning, Mammon beat Lucifer to his study. He’d been leaning against the doorway, tapping his foot when the eldest turned the corner, eyebrow quirked. He knew Mammon would be eager, but it was almost unheard of for any of his brothers to beat him anywhere. 
Lucifer, deciding not to push to matter, simply handed Mammon a slip of paper with an address written on it. 
“Don’t forget, if you do anything to cause Lord Diavolo or myself any problems whatsoever-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mammon waved it off. He knew his punishment if he caused any trouble, and he certainly wasn’t going to risk never being able to visit MC again. “Best behavior and whatnot.”
Lucifer sighed. He hoped he wouldn’t regret this.
It had been a while since Mammon had last been allowed to roam the human world, but he found it familiar still. It was a lot like MC had described to him. He found a taxi easily enough, and gave the driver the address. 
Mammon’s heart raced as the cab pulled up to an apartment building. It looked classy compared to some of the other places they had passed, and Mammon was impressed. Once he was standing outside her door though, Mammon felt himself falter, mind blank. Damn it! He’d planned this out so perfectly too! Every last line meticulously devised to impress MC when he finally saw her again. 
His heart stopped altogether when he heard the lock click and handle turn. He stood there frozen, arm raised like he was about to knock, face to face with a wide eyed MC. 
“Mammon?! You scared me half to death! What are you doing here?!” She stood there in shock, hand over her chest trying to calm her heart. She hadn’t expected someone to be standing right there, let alone a demon. 
Words, Mammon, words! He scolded himself.
“W-well, I happened to have some very important business here, and I figured you must be dyin for a visit from THE Mammon! You should be honored-”
He was cut off by a squeal, followed by MC throwing herself at him, her arms locking around his neck in death grip. 
“I’m so happy to see you, Mammon! I missed you so much.” He thinks he hears her voice wavering, like she’s about to cry. He feels something bloom deep in his chest under her warmth. He lets himself drop the act, wrapping his arms tightly around MC’s waist, burying his face in her hair. It felt so familiar, and just so damned perfect that it hurt. 
He doesn’t know how long they stood like that, but he felt her pull away and reluctantly loosened his grip. She took his hand and pulled him into her apartment. Her place was nice, he thought. Clean, spacious, and very much MC. 
“You should have told me you were coming! I would have planned something fun to do." 
"Nah, we don’t have to go out or nothin’, let’s just hangout here.” Mammon said as he took in the surprisingly lavish apartment. “Nice place.”
“We’ll I had to find somewhere new after I got back seeing as my old apartment was occupied. At least Lord Diavolo and Barbatos had my stuff moved to storage while I was gone so I didn’t lose my things. Turns out I had a fair amount of money in my account when I returned, and this place just kinda fell in my lap.” She shrugged. 
She gave him a quick tour, and he couldn’t help but smile when they got to her bedroom. She had modeled it to look almost identical to the one she lived in back home. Just more human-like. Instead of enchantment lanterns, she’d hung coloured string lights above her bed. Various plants bloomed all around the room, and there was even a desk and bookcase that looked like they were pulled right out of the Devildom. 
“Should we order food and watch a movie then? Just like old times?” She asked him. “On me, of course.”
“Woohoo! That’s a good human.” She laughed as he ruffled her hair and he felt his body warm at the sound. He didn’t realize just how much he’d missed it. How much he needed to hear it again. 
As the night went on MC told Mammon all about her new life in the human world. She had made new work friends, and one gentleman in particular had seemed quite sweet on her. Mammon didn’t like him. But, she seemed happy and enthusiastic, so he listened, interjecting his own opinions when needed. He could listen to her talk about anything, honestly. All he really cared about was that they were cuddled up together on her couch, eating pizza like they always did. 
It was late when they’d finally gotten around to watching the movie. He’d noticed MC kept looking over at him throughout the film, then she’d look away quickly and busy herself by picking at loose threads in her blanket. It was starting to make him anxious. 
“Ehh, you keep staring at me instead of watching the film. What’s up?" 
"It’s just… it doesn’t feel the same here anymore. The human world I mean. I’ve tried so hard to make it feel normal..” She avoided his gaze, back to picking at her blanket. “But you being here with me, it feels like home." 
Mammon’s heart skipped a beat. He wanted to say something cool, but found he couldn’t. He took in the sad expression on her face and reached over to grab her arm, pulling her onto his lap and wrapping his arms around her. Had she been just as troubled as he had been since she’s returned? The thought of her sitting here sad and alone felt like someone was ripping his heart right out of his chest. 
"I missed being with you like this, too.” The rest of the movie went forgotten as they snuggled into each other, both unwilling to let go for fear that this might have to end. 
Mammon always got what he wanted, one way or another. He was going to find a way to bring MC back to the Devildom where she belonged. 
And he’d promised her as such as he slipped the ring off his pinky and onto hers. 
He’d figure out the details later. Right now he just wanted to enjoy this. He wiped away the tears that had slipped down her cheek and finally got the rest of those kisses he had missed out on that day on the balcony.
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ohbae-me · 4 years
mammon #5 for the prompt list? 👉👈
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5. Forget it, you're a fucking asshole; Mammon Angst Prompt
&& kisses meant to distract each other.
@maywish27 hope it’s okay that I combined these! If you had something else in mind, please let me know~ 
Angsty Mammon hits me right in the feels. Someone give my boy a hug.
Mammon was having the worst day already, and it was only lunchtime. First off, he woke up late and got yelled at by Lucifer. Then because of that he'd left all his homework in his room, causing him to get yelled at yet again by his teachers, which would surely only lead to more yelling from Lucifer later on. Secondly, Levi had accused him of stealing more money, and this time he really hadn't done it! 
Not only that, but thanks to all the mornings events, he had missed out on walking to RAD with MC. 
He'd heard her enter the cafeteria before he'd seen her. Her laugh never failed to perk his ears up. For once though, he didn't want to see her. It would mean he'd have to tell her why he was so moody and she would realize how big of a screw up he was. 
"Hey, Mammon!" She said as she sat across from him. Deciding it was better to say nothing, Mammon just stabbed grumpily at his food. 
"Is everything okay? I missed you this morning and you don't seem too happy.." She reached forward to touch his arm, concern etched on her face. 
"I'm fine." He spat. 
"You don't look fine-"
"Just knock it off will ya? I don't need some human nosin' around in my business. Just stay out of it for once!" He knew he was being harsh, but his mouth always seemed to work faster than his brain. Her surprised expression melted into a sad look and Mammon faintly registered the stabbing feeling in his heart. 
"Mammon, I was just trying to help…" 
"Yeah well I don't need your damn help! Are all humans this stupid? Save your pitiful look for someone who gives a shit and stop treating me like a fucking child!" His fist hit the table and they stared at each other, mirrored faces of anger. 
"Forget it. You're a fucking asshole." She grabbed her bag and stormed out of the bustling hall. Mammon shoved his tray away as he rose, ignoring the angry questioning of Asmo beside him as he stormed out in the opposite direction. 
Screw this. He was calling it a day. He didn't have it in him to deal with anymore bullshit. 
With an exasperated huff he collapsed into his bed. He let himself stew awhile before he fully comprehended exactly what he had said.
Fuck. Lucifer was right. If there was anything Mammon was good at it was being an idiot. It was his own fault he overslept and was unprepared. Then he went and took it all out on the one person who was always on his side. This was exactly what he'd been trying to avoid. He didn't want to tell her he'd messed up, but managed to make it ten times worse. He wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to speak to him again. 
He kept replaying the way her eyes flashed with hurt at his words. He thought about how MC had once told him that he was the one brother she was most comfortable with because he had never snapped with her, never resorted to his devil form to threaten or intimidate her. He fisted his fingers in his hair and curled up tighter, hot tears falling freely onto his pillow. 
What a stupid way to mess everything up! He couldn't have just told her he was having a bad day and left it at that?! He was greed, not wrath for fucks sake. 
Lucifer was right again- he really was the worst of all of them rolled into one. 
He felt a sinking feeling in his gut as a knock sounded on his door, pulling him up from his spiral of self deprecation. He figured it was Lucifer- ready to finish off his punishment for the days' events. This time Mammon knew he deserved it, and resigned himself to his fate when he heard the door click open then close again. 
"Mammon." His eyes flew open in surprise. The last person he'd expected to come see him was MC. "You missed dinner."
"..." Had he really been in his room that long?!
"There wasn't much left thanks to Beel, but I made those noodles you like so much…" Her voice was tense, guarded- but not unkind. "We don't have to talk right now if you don't want to, but you should eat."
"Quit bein’ so nice to me will ya?" Mammon grumbled as he shifted in his bed. He heard her sigh, then felt the bed dip as she sat on the edge. 
"Come on, Mammon. This isn't like you. Can't you just tell me what's up?" 
"It's nothin'." He mumbled. 
MC was quiet for a moment before she spoke. 
"Look. I'm used to your little tough guy act, and I'm used to you referring to me as a weak human but you're usually not this much of an ass about it. Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you somehow?" 
"No, no nothin like that. It's my fault. I-I'm sorry. It's just.. it's just ugggh!" Mammon sat up and scratched at his hair in frustration. "I screw up a lot. I know that- but I just screw things up so often that no one believes me when I'm actually innocent! Somthin’ goes missing and everyone assumes it was me and-" As he rambled, MC listened. She let him pour his heart out over the whole situation until he started to spiral towards a darker place.
MC grabbed his cheeks and placed a kiss right on his lips, effectively stopping all brain function. 
"Wh-what was that for?!" She still held his cheeks and he wondered if she could feel them burning under her palms. 
"To distract you from shitting on yourself so much." She said firmly. "Look, Mammon. Maybe they aren't completely unwarranted in their blame- which doesn't make things right on either side. But they are certainly not perfect either. I get that none of you can help it. It's just who you are. And I love all of you regardless. All these flaws are actually kinda endearing in a way. You steal, sure. But you are also the mediator. You care deeply for your family and it shows. You hold them all together. Plus, you are incredibly kind, even if you try and hide it." Her hands moved to wipe a remaining tear away, then to push his hair back.
"And I could go on and on if you want. Next time, just talk to me okay? You big dummy." Mammon just nodded as he processed her words. He didn't really know how to feel about what she'd said. Despite everything he had told her, she still said she loved him? Well, she'd said all of them but he wasn't going to linger on that part. 
"Now, go eat your noodles before they get gross and soggy. I'm guessing you missed breakfast this morning as well as lunch and dinner. You must be starving. I'll put a movie on. I'm picking though, since you were still a jerk earlier." 
He watches her move around his room as he eats. She knew exactly how to hook up his complicated sound system for their movie. She pulled the comforter and pillows off his bed and nested herself right into the couch like the room was hers. His heart warmed at the thought that she was still comfortable here with him. 
When he was finished, she leaned forward and patted the spot on the couch behind her and he didn't hesitate to crawl in and wrap his arms around her as they got comfy. He couldn't focus on the movie though. His mind was still reeling from everything that had happened today. So instead he sat with his arms around MC, his head resting on her shoulder. 
"Thank you." He whispered. He wasn't entirely sure if she'd heard him, but he felt her squeeze his arm before taking his hand in hers. If she noticed the tears dripping on her shoulder, she didn't say anything. He'd pick himself up tomorrow and find some way to thank her properly, but for now he'd let her hold all the broken pieces. 
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ohbae-me · 4 years
Against a wall kiss with mammon🤩
I seriously can’t write Mammon enough <3 I love him so muchhhh
“This way!” Mammon called out as he pulled MC down another dark alleyway. He dragged her behind a large dumpster and pinned her between his body and the wall, his hand covering her mouth. They stood for a moment, perfectly still as they listened. Soon enough, they heard the three men chasing them run right past their little hidey-hole. They seemed to be sticking around the area, searching for them. Mammon could hear a set of footsteps trailing back towards them, so he pressed himself closer to MC hoping it would both shield her and mask her scent from the other demons. Mercifully, the other demon deemed it a dead end and turned back. 
Mammon listened closely for the next few minutes until he heard their voices and footsteps fall away completely. He sighed and removed his hand from her mouth as he leaned his head against the cold stone wall.
He felt MC’s hands rest on his sides as she giggled.
“What are you laughin at, we almost got caught that time!” Mammon looked at her confused. She was smiling brightly at him, eyes alight with amusement. “Shouldn’t ya be a bit more worried when you're being chased by demons?!”
“Nah, I’m never worried when I’m with you.” She said honestly, running her fingers through his sweaty locks. “I just realized that our last three dates have ended with us getting chased. First it was Levi, then there were those witches, now this!” 
Mammon looked at her curiously - still hung up on the fact that she felt so safe with him that being chased throughout the Devildom by demons was funny to her. Not to mention that all the chasing was purely his fault in one way or another. Yet, here she stood with him. Every single time. Not only has she not once blamed or chastised him, but she even defended him repeatedly when his brothers got on his case. 
He probably didn’t deserve her love and kindness, but hell if he was going to let her go. 
“Come here you.” He said as he snaked an arm around her waist, his other arm leaned against the wall over her head. He tipped his head down and caught her lips in a long, sweet kiss. 
“The Great Mammon loves ya, ya know that right?”
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ohbae-me · 4 years
for the list of smooches prompt : 17 with Lucifer!
Lucifer x OC
17. Tucking their hand beneath the other person's shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of warm/cold on their skin. 
Warning; suggestive themes. no smut tho. 
Lucifer’s just horny okay
Lucifer would never tire of seeing that blush grace MC’s face. Especially if it was brought on by something he did. It had become his own personal little game, one he’d slowly become addicted to. 
He liked to catch her by surprise. 
A kiss on her shoulder as they sat on the couch together on family movie night. Reaching out to tuck her hair back as she was rambling on about something his brothers did. A goodnight kiss right on the lips as he walked her to her bedroom after one of their late night strolls. He reveled in the swell of pride he felt at knowing that she enjoyed every bit of it. He could tell she was trying to hide the blush that dusted her cheeks every single time, and all he could do was smirk when she failed. But he hadn’t missed the mischievous glint in her eye lately. The one challenging him to step up his game. 
So he’d made up some poor excuse to have her stop by his room that night. When she’d arrived, he’d asked her a bunch of trivial questions, feigning Diavolo’s curiosity. She confirmed that she was happy to be here still, and yes, the human food at the cafeteria was up to her standard. Eventually Lucifer ran out of questions to keep her there. He wondered what kind of reaction he could get from her tonight.
As she was getting up to leave, he met her at the door. 
He lifted her chin with his knuckle.
“You look tired. Are you having difficulty sleeping?” He asked, taking in the tired lines under her eyes.
“Perhaps if I didn’t have these 7 demons summoning me to their bedrooms at all hours of the night..” She teased. 
“Hm. Forgive me?”
He leaned in and let his lips catch hers in a kiss that was much more passionate than he’s ever shared with her before. The others had always been quick and mostly innocent. This one felt hungry, even to him. She responded in kind, and he wanted more of her. Instinctively, his hands reached out to pull her against him, hands squeezing her waist. He found his hands looking for the hem of her shirt and seeking the warmth of her skin underneath. MC gasped against his mouth as his cold fingers met her flesh. At the sound he had to take a small step back, lest she see just the effects she was having on his body. That sound he definitely needed to hear again, for much different reasons. 
“If you’d like, I can help with that,” He said, voice low. “I’ll ensure you have pleasurable dreams tonight.”
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ohbae-me · 4 years
✮ with Levi? Is this how I ask?
Levi is such a qt! Thank you for this request!! Sorry it took so long to get out <3
Levi x femMC - fluff
23. sleepy hugs
MC is not quite awake yet when she makes her way into Levi’s room. She doesn't bother to knock or use the password, seeing as it was almost 4AM and it was Levi who demanded she come to his room right away.
“Leviachan, what's going on? It’s too early.” MC whined as she stumbled in sleepily, making her way over to the couch where he was seated. 
Leviathan was practically bouncing up and down on the couch with excitement. “Look, look! It’s finally heeeerrreeee!” On the screen MC recognized the title screen for the game he’d been talking about non-stop this whole week. She couldn’t help but smile sweetly at him. His enthusiasm was contagious, however MC could see how red and bloodshot his eyes were. 
“Levi.. have you slept at all?” 
“No! I wanted to be the first one in game as soon as it went live!” 
MC sighed as she shuffled forward, wrapping her arms around a still-buzzing Levi and nuzzled into his warm body. Levi stopped buzzing as his whole body stiffened, a deep red plastered his face.
“How about we get some sleep. It’s Friday, so we just have to rest up for classes today. Then, we will come straight back here and play it non-stop all weekend. I can order us food and snacks, so we don’t have to leave this room. Then you can enjoy it properly without Lucifer breathing down your neck.” 
Leviathan stuttered a bit, wanting to disagree. But it didn’t sound like a bad plan honestly. He looked down at her, her arms wrapped loosely around him with a content, lazy smile on her face. She would stay with him tonight, AND he would get her all weekend long? Doing the things he loved most with his favourite human certainly sounded like a good plan. 
“O-okay..” He mumbled, still not sure what to do with his hands. 
“Good. Come on, bed time.” She yawned as she shoved him towards the bed. As she crawled in beside him, she wrapped an arm around his middle, and snuggled her head into him. In less than a minute she was out cold, and Levi relaxed a little. Her soft snores reminded him how tired he actually was. As he falls asleep, he realizes that he didn’t mind waiting to play in the least bit. This feeling was pretty hard to beat.
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ohbae-me · 4 years
the kissing prompt ; 19 with Satan :0
19. One person stopping a kiss to ask "Are you sure you want to do this?" Only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss. 
Satan x MC
Warning:NSFW, Satan gets spicy, Satan is a devious little shit
A/N-- Freaking loved this one. I hadn’t initially intended for the kiss prompts to get smutty but i my brain is a thirsty bitch.
Satan was not pleased, to say the least. He’d noticed lately that the first born seemed to be trying to get closer to MC. He had seen the way he’d been looking at her, eyes softer than he’d ever seen them. He hadn’t missed the way his hand lingered on her shoulder either. While MC just brushed it off, saying Lucifer was simply just being friendly, Satan knew better. Lucifer had probably caught on to their new relationship, and was undoubtedly trying to sabotage it.
Sure, Satan and Lucifer’s relationship had improved since MC had come to them, but old habits die hard. Satan wondered if Lucifer was doing it out of sheer spite - he always loved seeing his little brothers squirm- or if he had a genuine reason for it. Perhaps Lucifer took a more intimate liking to MC himself? Or maybe after the whole Lilith situation, Lucifer was upset another one of his siblings was falling for a human? 
Whatever the reason, Satan didn’t care. It was time he made it very clear to Lucifer than MC was his, and he had no intention to share or give her up in any capacity. When Lucifer had announced at breakfast that he would be home very late that night due to a meeting with Lord Diavolo, Satan had gotten an idea. 
Casually, Satan had called Mammon to ask how he’d managed to break into Lucifer’s study, and the stupid second born was all too happy to brag abut how he’d managed it. Mammon had begun to ask why Satan was asking, but he’d already hung up the phone and gotten to work on the door. 
Turns out Mammon was good for something after all, Satan thought as the door to the study swung open for him. 
Satan did a quick search of the room, just to make sure Lucifer hadn’t placed any surprise curses or booby traps. Satisfied there were none, he texted MC to meet him. 
“Why did you need to see me here?” She’d asked, both intrigued and nervous. All the brothers at some point had roped her into some ridiculous scheme that always ended poorly for her. 
“I have a point to prove. Come here.” He held his hand out to her from where he was leaning on Lucifer’s desk. As she crossed the room and took his hand, Satan pulled her in for a desperate, heated kiss. He knew full well how easily turned on she was by the prospect of someone catching them together, and he couldn’t help but smirk as she moaned into the kiss. 
Satan hoisted her up and sat her down on Lucifer’s desk. His hands ran up and down her thighs, appreciating the fact that she was still in her school uniform. The skirt was going to make his job much easier. 
“Satan, we can’t-” 
“You were so eager at the library last week, darling. This is really no different. And just look at how excited you are.” He cooed as he traced his finger over the growing wet spot on her panties for emphasis, earning him a whimper from his lover. 
“But Lucifer-” 
“Lucifer needs to understand that you are mine.” Satan growled.
“We could get into a lot of trouble for this, are you sure you want to do this?” MC asked breathlessly. Her question was answered fervently as he captured her lips again, his fingers fisting themselves in her hair.
MC’s body betrayed her better judgement. Her hands busied themselves undoing Satan’s belt. 
They spent the rest of the evening finding every possible surface available in Lucifer’s study to express their passion. Satan couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of this sooner. The smell of lust hung so thickly in the air, mixed with a scent that was so beautifully MC that Satan was certain his plan would be a raging success. 
He was proved right the following morning. Satan entered the dining room, and the wave of anger coming off the eldest brother was palpable. It was perfect. Lucifer couldn’t say a thing about it. His own damn pride simply wouldn’t allow him to admit he knew exactly what Satan and MC had been up to in his absence, let alone that it had any effect on him. 
Lucifer couldn’t even look at MC as she rushed into the dining room, before squeaking out a quick excuse on why she had to take breakfast to go today. As she scurried out of the room, Satan oh-so-politely asked Lucifer how his meeting went last night. 
Satan doesn’t think he’s ever been happier in his life. 
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ohbae-me · 5 years
Relationship Headcannons- Lord Diavolo
Soooo I only intended this to be a couple points long, but things kept popping into by head! Hope this is what you were looking for!
Anon Headcannon Request - Lord Diavolo in a Relationship with a gender neutral MC
Thank you for requesting this! It was actually really fun to write and now I kinda want to make it a fanfic?? 
Diavolo is amused by you the second you wake up in the Student Council room
He watches as you interact with the brothers, stand up to Lucifer and handle all the crazy things the Devildom threw at you with a bold determination
He was intrigued by your wit, intelligence, and apparent ability to get everyone to like you
You were exactly what he was looking for in this exchange program
He started to tease you more, and then moved on to flirty compliments, he was enamored by the flush that would grace your cheeks whenever he had your attention
When you first started your relationship, he took you to all the fanciest places. He would have Barbatos buy and tailor you all the most expensive dresses/suits. He admired how elegant you looked in them, and the grace with which you held yourself when you were out together
He showers you with expensive gifts. Whatever jewelry he saw and liked, it was yours. That new novelty item that everyone seemed to have? He’d buy you two. Super rare magical artifact that may or may not be dangerous? It’s on display in your room when you get home
You had to tell him to stop. You told him you didn’t need any of it, as much as you appreciated the gesture. Material things weren't all that necessary to you, and you just wanted to spend time doing normal things with him. 
He didn't know what to do with that. So you planned the next date.
You kicked Barbatos out of the palace, and decided that you would hold a cooking class for two and cook some of your favourite human dishes with him
He decided you were much more beautiful with your messy bun/hair unkempt, wearing a frilly apron (he absolutely is down to wear the matching one you bought him btw) than any of the outfits he had made for you.
It’s around this time that he realizes that his feelings for you run deeper than a fleeting infatuation
You start to read his moods better, you notice when his smile isn’t quite genuine. 
You bring it up with him later in private but he waves it off, saying it's nothing you need to concern yourself with.
You don’t push for details, you just pull himself over to the bed and get him to lay his head in your lap, first running your fingers through his hair, then massaging his scalp. 
He’s tense at first, unused to this type of physical affection, but he soon relaxes into the touch as your hands work all the tension out.
You start spending more and more time with Diavolo like this. You become his comfort. He appreciates that you don’t pry, or ask a lot of questions. 
Though eventually, he just starts talking. He leans on you more than he thought he ever would
Around others, he is his usual joyfull self. In private, he will confide all his worries, all the pressures that come along with his title. 
He loves when you come up behind him while he's working and wrap your arms around him
He’s not a jealous type - in fact he loves how close you are with the brothers, Barbatos and even the Angels. He’s not possessive either, but he loves showing you off as being his other half. 
It would take a LOT for him to bring out his overly protective side, but he sure as hell will make it clear to anyone wishing to push the matter
Barbatos and Lucifer are still his go to for advice and to help him run things, but having you waiting for him after meetings makes him feel like he is on top of the world
He can’t help but buy you nice things that remind him of you, but you two make cooking together at least once a week a priority. You admit you really like the fancy wine he manages to acquire for you
You understand his life, his schedule, and the position he holds. You never hold it against him. 
He asks you one night as you two lay in bed if you’ll make a pact with him. 
He trusts you unconditionally, and it is the only way he knows to express that to you. By giving you all the power in the Devildom.
You giggle and accept, but say a ring would have done just fine.
The next day he asks Barbatos for all the information he has on human weddings
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