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“ you’re safe with me, you always will be. ” SAYID from @fantasywritten misc prompts for feels!
For a moment, a fleeting moment, the scared, trapped animal look was there, and Emma very much felt like one. But she knew it had nothing to do with Sayid himself, at least. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that with everything Sayid had gone through in his life, and with him having been so forthcoming about information and his regrets, he should be made aware that she was the one who was messed up. It was a matter of fairness. It was a matter of not wanting to hurt him. So Emma first kissed his cheek, lingering, trying to convey just how much she appreciated that. "Look... I know this is going to be... difficult to understand, probably, because I can't actually explain, I won't explain... I can't." She looked at the sea and took a deep breath, because she had damn nearly panicked just by saying that, and tried to reign in the tremble in her voice. "But I trust you with my life. And I really... really care about you, and you are... you are so sweet, Sayid," she whispered the last words daring to look at him again, "And that's also why... sometimes... I'm going to look at you like I'm scared of you. So I need you to... really believe me, I need you to take my word for it, when I say that it's not you I'm afraid of, it has nothing to do with you, alright? Not ever. It's not the... Republican Guard thing, it's not the torture thing, it's not the... It's not about you." And if they had still been in Sidney she'd have taken her first plan out of there the second she had realized she was getting attached to him, but that was out of question there. So she had to deal. "It's not like I don't try... Though the last guy who was so sweet to me kinda stabbed in the back the moment I let him in so it sort of feels like the universe is sending me a message there..."
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fishamongfoes · 3 months
had a .nas.ty .nigh.tmar.e las.t.nigh.t, .eugh! shi.t sucks
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sissymonicasaska · 3 days
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Pls print my ex whore wife and crush her under your sexy shoes or use her as your shoe insole mmmmm , You can also pee on her, cum on her ...even shi.t on her mmmm
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sweetesdenka · 1 year
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So that the account doesn't go to shi.t, take a curi edit that I did a year ago I think xD.
an edit made as a joke, don't kill me xd'nt, because it seems strange to me that shozo and ajia interact... I'm one of those types of people who need context for everything...
I haven't been so active because my cell phone was stolen, important things were right there, when I have a new cell phone I'll post more ugly drawings of mine xD
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theauthor27 · 10 months
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hhholy shi.t... @white-void-oddities reference???
You forget that I myself am a canon character in the white void.
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stclker · 1 year
I still have one muse to add here, an original. Xenomorph Queen, or more familiarly The Banished Queen who once ruled and mothered a huge hive in mines of one of human planet colonies. Unfortunate location she had been living and served by her drones and guards since her birth from the first host. Wonderful hive connecting each part of the colony - yet what became almost her death prison, when it was raided.
Sole survivor had to leave evreything behind. Her drones fought to death, the eggs consumed by earthand fire. She has nothing - but desire to live and build another hive- yet wounds heal slow, and she hasn't found a place of hive near hosts. To once more build a flourishing hive. But unable to lay eggs now - dealing with other species invading her territory and and some of her kin hostile towards the lone queen, she waits in shadows. The planet is almost dead. Her resources are few, and they.... they want her head. The more she kills the more they are after her. And more she has learnt, to be deadly, independent - always on survival mood.
She is old but far from weak. Her size is notable, her instincts and wits sharp. She has seen sh.it and will cause shi.t. s. One thing is for sure: The Queen shall once more reign.
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sumbier0 · 2 years
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Ouhm shi.t
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yoshi-self-ships · 2 years
(Sorry for the watermarks. Video programs are pieces of shi.t that try to make everyone pay for features that should be free)
So, here's my animation.
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toxic-gin · 1 year
Don't think ill be able tonpost tomorrow's entry its a bit spicy and Tumblr don't like that but it is just wholesome couple shi.t at the same time my favorite kind of art to do of Toxi and Gin. It will be on my Twitter.
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oh. oh m.y god emu is so. so. holy shi.t wowowowo
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wowowowo emu
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15ktherapy · 1 year
Ough c!dnf was so good!! But even more i miss c!xdnf. I loved XD, and him trying to learn how to be a human from George was one of my favourite story lines ever even if it was a little memey
CDNF IS CRACK TO ME. I coundl snort that shi.t. ywha. xd was fun too but cdnf outsells everytime. those crazy bastards.
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murray---adam · 1 year
I nee.d my me.dication .i need my medication, shi.t
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not-museing-around · 1 year
Open to F
“Shi.t- shi.t, sh.it, shi.t, fuc.k!” Jamie muttered as he frantically climbed from his bed, throwing the blankets fully over the top of the female next to him. “Janet is going to kill me-” Stumbling out of bed, he groaned at the pounding hangover making the sun's assault on his eyes that much more vicious.
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khanartumentary · 5 years
những thứ em thích làm-những cái này cho anh
ôi không, cậu bé này, cậu flower king này, over the moon này,
tới đây nào sau đốm mưa nhạt
còn ai chờ đợi ta để nhạt
chỉ đợi anh nói một câu, nói một câu
mềm mại hơn nước, diễm lệ hơn EZBiotiteH3O2WATER4thPHASE, vì chẳng còn ai hơn
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whywomenkillgifs · 3 years
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Happy to help. But if you tell Rita I warned you, I will denounce you as a liar.
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ihavenoside · 6 years
((I’m watching ‘cops funniest wild moments’ I’m crying. I don’t know if Connor could handle being a beat cop LOL))
Connor: where’s your wallet? guy: I don’t know man. Connor: -runs a scan- “okay mr. name.” Guy: I tell yeah man, you got the wrong guy! I don’t have crac.k! Connor: .... I never said anything about that. Guy: Tell yeah. You got the wrong dude. Connor: .... I don’t think I do.
((if he wasn’t a deviant as a beat cop, he would be after dealing with enough humans trying to evade and lie about clear evidence lol))
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