#shin shimomachi
myloh · 5 months
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Please Level-5, I’d give you anything if you canonize the idea of Shin and Keizou being friends,,,,
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bearlycute-art · 3 years
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Chapter 10 of MS5 is the origin of how Cubbonyan got his second guardian!
I am upset about Target not selling Pokemon cards anymore so I made a new card collection, Yokaisona Helpers (based of baseball, pokemon and Monsters University scare cards from the movie)
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cadinmingming · 5 years
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Youkai Watch: Forever Friends.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 5 years
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y’know, when i thought it was a cool idea for a human to become lord enma while watching this movie, i was fucking KIDDING
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fighterxaos · 6 years
Yo-Kai Watch 4 Delayed to Spring 2019
Level 5 has announced that the fourth main game title in the Yo-Kai Watch game series has been delayed to Spring 2019. The game was initially set to release this December, however they have stated that they will be working to improve the game.
Yo-Kai Watch 4 will feature Nate/ Keita, Keita’s daughter, Natsume, and Shin Shimomachi. Natsume first debuted in the Yo-Kai Watch Shadowside: The Return…
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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Level-5 has released the third official trailer for Yo-kai Watch 4 and revealed the game’s official Japanese subtitle, Bokura ha Onaji Sora wo Miageteiru (We’re Looking Up at the Same Sky).
Additionally, following a leak from Monthly CoroCoro Comic earlier this week, Level-5 officially announced that Yo-kai Watch 4 will launch for Switch on June 6 in Japan for 5,980 yen.
Here are the latest details, via the game’s newly relaunched website:
■ What is Yo-kai Watch 4?
Four worlds cross over in Yo-kai Watch 4.
Keita’s World
The world in which Yo-kai Watch series protagonist Keita lives alongside yo-kai. Featuring Keita Amano, Whisper, Jibanyan, and more.
One day, Keita receives a strange key from the Crank-a-Kai at the Omori Shrine. When Keita arrives at the strange “door” he is guided to, he steps through it to a world 30 years in the future…
Natsume’s World
A world set 30 years after Keita’s.  Here, his daughter Natsume and her friends solve the mysterious incidents occurring around town as members of the Yo-kai Detective Team. Featuring Natusme Amano, Junior, Jibanyan (Lightside), and more.
Keita appears in Natsume’s world through a mysterious door.
Shin’s World
The world from Yo-kai Watch the Movie: Forever Friends. Featuring Shin Shimomachi, Nekomata, Suu-san, and more.
Freely explore 1960s era Sakura Old Town. Feel the cold temperature as snow falls just like in the movie.
A luxurious, gorgeous, and slightly mysterious world that unfolds before the player’s eyes. What kind of adventure awaits? Featuring Enma Daiou and more.
■ Game Introduction
New Battle System – Read our previous coverage for details.
Evolved Graphics – Full 3D graphics on Switch. Explore towns with depth while controlling characters that move as if they are in an anime.
Various Characters and Yo-kai – All sorts of characters and yo-kai appear in each world.
Change Characters – Switch between the controlled character as you play. By switching between characters, your location and available Yo-kai Watch will change. Control multiple characters, including Natsume, Touma, and Keita. Read about the Naviwolf system here.
Watch the trailer below.
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch News: Yokai Watch 4 & Forever Friends
With both Corocoro coming out, and official websites updating with new information, there is some Yokai Watch News to go over.
Beware of spoilers, naturally!
I will go over the Yokai Watch 4 news first, then Forever Friends (the upcoming 5th movie), and then some merchandise-related information.
I will mostly translate directly from the official websites, since they cover most of what is in Corocoro, too.
Whenever Corocoro has something that the websites don’t seem to cover, I will make note of it.
Yokai Watch 4 News:
You can find the official website here.
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Nintendo Switchにて 2018年冬発売予定!
To be released on the Nintendo Switch in Winter 2018!
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ナツメの世界 さくら元町
Natsume's World Sakura Motomachi
Here we get our first screencap of Yokai Watch 4, you can see it in higher resolution of the website itself.
Touma seems to be the one controlled by the player here, while Natsume, Jibanyan, and Komasan are seen in the distance.
Akinori’s dialouge at the top reads:
早く来いよ〜! 事務所で待ってるから! Come on, get going! I'm waiting at the office, you know!
The little message on the right displays the objective:
妖怪探偵事務所にいこう! Go to the Yokai Detective Office!
Also, note that さくら元町/Sakura Motomachi is not the same as what Springdale and Old Springdale are called in Japanese, which are さくらニュータウン/Sakura New Town and 桜町/Sakura-machi respectively. However, Sakura Motomachi could still be a part of the larger area of Springdale for all we know.
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つながる3つの世界! 全く新しい「妖怪ウォッチ」!
Three worlds connect! A completely new "Yokai Watch"!
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ケータの世界 妖ウォッチシリーズでは お馴染みとなった、 ケータが妖怪たちと暮らす世界。
Kēta's World The world we've come to know in the Yokai Watch series, where Kēta lives toegether with yokai.
ウィスパー Whisper
天野ケータ Amano Kēta
ジバニャン Jibanyan
Amano Kēta is called Nathan “Nate” Adams in English, of course.
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ナツメの世界 ケータの世界から30年後、 「妖怪探偵団」として、娘のナツメたちが 街の怪奇案件を解決していく世界。
Natsume's World A world, 30 years after that of Kēta, where his daughter Natsume and her friends solve strange cases around town as a "Yokai Detective Team".
ジュニア Junior
天野ナツメ Amano Natsume
ジバニャン(ライトサイド) Jibanyan (Lightside)
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シンの世界 2018年12月14日(金)公開予定 「映画 妖怪ウォッチ FOREVER FRIENDS」の舞台となる世界。
Shin's World A world that will be the stage for the "Yokai Watch Movie: FOREVER FRIENDS", scheduled to be released on December 14th (Friday) 2018.
下町シン Shimomachi Shin
スーさん Sū-san
猫又 Nekomata
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詳細は統報を待て!! Stay tuned for more details!!
This is it from Yokai Watch 4′s official website, but this page from this month’s Corocoro issue has two details I want to mention:
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First is this little snippet that points out that the Arcs seem to be the key to open the mysterious doors:
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This may have been obvious from the teaser, but here we have them reinforcing that information.
And this next part kinda has more to do with Forever Friends rather than 4:
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This part mentions that Shin’s world is “60 years before Kēta’s world”.
However, Forever Friends has been stated to take place in the 60s, which in turn would mean Yokai Watch 1-3 take place in the 2020s.
But, that also can’t be true because Shadowside is very much implied to take place in the 2040s, and it is supposed to be 30 years after Yokai Watch 1-3, which means they would be in the 2010s, as people always assumed so far.
My best bet is this is probably just some kind of error, like someone somewhere down the line wrote down the wrong time.
Alternatively, it could be a case were these dates are just being rounded up a lot.
Yokai Watch Forever Friends News:
You can find the official website here.
The most notable update is that we now have a character page.
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下町シン 母の魂を取り戻すため、玉藻前退治に向かう。 妖怪ウォッチを使える…?
Shimomachi Shin In order to take back his mother's soul, he sets out to exterminate Tamamo no Mae. He uses a Yokai Watch...?
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高城イツキ 玉藻前に姉の魂を奪われてしまった少年。 悪い妖怪に強く復讐を誓う。
Takashiro Itsuki A boy whose older sister's soul was taken by Tamamo no Mae. He fiercely vows to take revenge on evil yokai.
In this bio, Itsuki is referred to as "少年" ("boy"), but the furigana above those kanji read "ようかい" ("youkai")  instead.
This could be foreshadowing, but it could just as easily be a simple typo.
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有星タエ 妖怪を見え、妖術を使う一族・有星家の娘。 妖怪情報にもくわしい?
Arihoshi Tae The daughter of a clan that can see yokai and use sorcery, the Arihoshi family. She's also well versed in yokai information?
I mentioned it before, but note that while Tae is very likely related to Akinori, sharing his family name and powers, she is not his grandma, as his grandma’s given name is “Mitsue”.
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猫又 大きな耳とふさふさの毛が特徴。 可愛い容姿と裏腹に、性格はひねくれ者!?
Nekomata His big ears and fluffy fur are his characteristic features. In contrast to his cute appearance, he has a twisted personality!?
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スーさん シンに守護霊としてとりついている、 頼りなさそうな落ち武者風の妖怪。
Sū-san A seemingly unrelieable, ochimusha-like yokai, who inspirits Shin as his guardian spirit.
An ochimusha is a defeated warrior who has fled the battle and thus is considered a low-class citizen afterwards.
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河童 生真面目な会社員みたいな性格をして河童。 一見、強そうには見えないが…。
Kappa A kappa with a serious, company employee-esque personality. At first glance he doesn't look strong, but...
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玉藻前 人の魂を食らう恐ろしいの魔女。 日本古来から存在して町に潜んでいるという。
Tamamo no Mae A terrifying witch who devours the souls of people. She is said to have existed in Japan since ancient times, and is lurking in the town.
Tamamo no Mae is a figure from Japanese mythology.
She is often said to have been an evi fox spirit, as well as one of the “Nihon San Dai Aku Yōkai”, the “Three Great Evil Yokai of Japan”.
Corocoro’s information on these guys is virtually identical, so I only have a few small things to go over.
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First is this blurb for the movie:
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人の魂を食らう恐ろしい魔女・玉藻前。 コイツを倒すため、 主人公シンとイツキ、 そして妖術を使う少女タエがチームを結成!! 頼もしい(?)ともだち妖怪たちも協力してくれるぞ!!
The three main characters and three yokai will stop the dangerous witch!!
Tamamo no Mae, the terrifying witch who devours the souls of people. In order to defeat her, the protagonists Shin and Itsuki, as well as Tae, a girl who can use sorcery, form a team!! Their dependable (?) yokai friends help them, too!!
Next, the little “titles” for Itsuki and Kappa are interesting.
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妖怪を 憎む少年 A boy who hates yokai
It was stated that Itsuki holds a grudge towards evil yokai, but here it says he outright hates yokai.
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水辺なら 最強!? Near water, he's the strongest!?
Kappa’s bio implied he might be stronger than he looks, and this title implies that maybe he is stronger near water, which would make sense, given that he’s a kappa.
Nekomata’s description here is something I want to point out in its entirety:
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反逆の ネコ妖怪 猫又 外見やしゃべり方は ジバニャンにでいる が性格はひねぐれ者!?
Rebellious Cat Yokai Nekomata His looks and the way he talks is similar to Jibanyan, but he's got a twisted personality!?
The website version did mention he has a twisted personality, but the version of Corocoro specifically notes that it’s unlike what Jibanyan is like.
Him being called “rebellious” is also interesting to me.
And of course, the big one here is that Corocoro actually revealed a new Yokai Watch, which isn’t mentioned on the website as of right now:
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シンが妖怪を呼び出すために使うのが、 この「妖怪ウォッチエルダ零」!! 通常のエルダに似ているが、なにか秘密が!?
New Yokai Watch Discovered!!!!
In order to call yokai, Shin uses this "Yokai Watch Eruda Zero"!! It resembles the regular Eruda, but hides a secret!?
“Eruda “ could technically be romanized as “Elder”, and most fans choose to do so.
Aside from all this, both Corocoro and the website feature information regarding the ongoing designing contest tied to the movie.
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The contest isn’t something any of us outside of Japan would be able to participate in, so I chose not to completely translate the information here.
Basically the idea seems to be that you are supposed to draw Nekomata together with a yokai you like, and the 1st price will include getting your design become part of the official Arc.
The best 11111 participants will all receive a copy of the final Arc.
Depending on your eventual ranking, there will be additional prices too, like Yokai Watch Eruda toys, and even one copy of Yokai Watch 4.
Merchandise News:
This brings us to the last bit, this page of Corocoro that introduces a new kind of Yokai Arc that will appear in the second set:
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超激レアランクに 光る妖怪アークが出現!! 第2弾に登場する妖怪のアーク2個に、 光るギミックが搭載されてるぞ!! Glowing Yokai Arcs appear among the Super Extreme Rare Rank!! In the second series, there will be two Yokai Arcs with a light gimmick!!
As you can see from the pictures, these Arcs will feature a small lamp below the artwork that, just like described, will light up when you use them with the Yokai Watch toy.
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召喚時に妖怪アークが 眩く輝く!! During summoning, the Yokai Arc shines brightly!!
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酒呑童子 鬼族の大妖怪。 なにかを企み人間界に姿を現す!? Shuten Dōji A great yokai of the Oni tribe. He is planning something and showed up in the human world!?
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蛇王���イラ 妖魔界の王の座を エンマ大王と争った妖怪。 Kaira the Snake King A yokai who fought with the Great King Enma over the throne of the king of the Yōmakai.
Both Kaira and Shuten Dōji feature unknown tribe symbols on their Arcs (and so does the Arc features in the design contest), but I am not sure of these will actually correspond to additional new tribes.
While an “Oni tribe” is mentioned here, that term has been used in Yokai Watch before to simply refer to oni in general.
It’s possible these symbols will correspond to “special” tribes that work different from normal ones, like the Enma tribe or Hagure tribe.
And that’s it for this month (presumably).
Corocoro did have some more info on Yokai Watch World, but it seemed to mostly be on how to get some special yokai and the like. I haven’t seen good snapshots of those pages either.
Anyway, as always I hope you’ve found this useful/interesting!
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intacodez · 6 years
Yo-kai Watch 4 – El tercer tráiler oficial japonés
Level-5 ha publicado el tercer tráiler oficial japonés de Yo-kai Watch 4 con el que ha sido revelado el subtítulo oficial: Bokura ha Onaji Sora wo Miageteiru (Estamos mirando el mismo cielo).
Yo-kai Watch 4 cuenta con cuatro mundos que se cruzan entre ellos: el mundo de Keita, el mundo de Natsume, el mundo de Shin y el mundo de Yo-Makai.
El mundo de Keita es el mundo en el que vive el protagonista de la franquicia Keita Amano. Un día Keita recibe una extraña llave que encaja en una grieta situada en el santuario de Omori. Cuando Keita abre está extraña puerta llega a un mundo 30 años en el futuro.
El mundo de Natsume es el que está ambientado 30 años después del de Keita. De hecho Natsume Amano es la hija de Keita. Como miembros del Equipo de Yo-kai de Detectives, ambos tienen que investigar misteriosos incidentes que ocurren en la ciudad.
El mundo de Shin está ambientando en la década de los sesenta, donde vive Shin Shimomachi, protagonista de Yo-kai Watch La Película: Amigos para Siempre.
El mundo de Yo-Makai es un precioso y misterioso mundo en el que habita Enma Daiou (el Rey del Infierno en el folklore japonés).
Yo-kai Watch 4 debutará el 6 de junio de 2019 en Japón como exclusiva Nintendo Switch.
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La entrada Yo-kai Watch 4 – El tercer tráiler oficial japonés se publicó primero en Noticias.
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x-fi-blog1 · 6 years
Nuevo tráiler gameplay de Yo-kai Watch 4 para Nintendo Switch
Level 5 presenta un nuevo tráiler de Yo-kai Watch 4, su esperada aventura de acción y rol para Nintendo Switch que va a permitir a los seguidores de la franquicia explorar cuatro mundos: el del protagonista principal, Keita, así como su versión 30 años en el futuro, el universo de Shin Shimomachi en el pasado, y el mundo de Yo-makai. from 3DJuegos.com https://ift.tt/2W0vOWV via IFTTT
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cadinmingming · 5 years
Yo-kai Watch 4:
The human protagonists:
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cadinmingming · 5 years
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Yo-kai Watch 4.
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cadinmingming · 5 years
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Nate Adams (aka Keita Amano) from the original Yo-kai Watch games and anime, Natsume Amano from the Yo-kai Watch Shadowside anime, and Shin Shimomachi from the fifth movie Yo-kai Watch: Forever Friends, all doing their invocations as seen in the trailer for Yo-kai Watch 4.
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