masquenoire · 2 years
"And I humbly dub you as my lil meow meow." / Sylvia
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“... What the fuck is a meow meow, Dove?”
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yourethebeeskneez · 2 years
"I need you to take me out," Sylvia said, "Not like on a date, but to throw me out in the trash or kill me." @shinebrightsweetdove
"I don't kill people but have you tried asking literally any of my brothers? The chances of them caving are higher and higher every day."
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volucerrubidus · 2 years
@shinebrightsweetdove liked for a JW Tim! 
It wasn’t a rare occurrence for guests to be... apprehensive, when it came to visiting a living dinosaur park-- especially considering the history of the first iteration of that very same park-- so when he spotted the seemingly concerned young woman in the show crowd, he made a mental note to keep the tone light. 
That wouldn’t be too hard, since he was doing the parasaurolophus show, which mostly involved tricks incentivized by strictly plant-based treats.
“Good afternoon, folks! You’re in for a real treat, today!” He smiled brightly, speaking with ease and comfort into the headset microphone he wore for shows. “Our parasaurolophuses are great fun to watch-- and they’re my personal pride and joy. I love working with these guys; you can think of them as extra large horses, or really docile moose-- they’re herbivores from the Cretaceous period, dating back as far as 76 million years ago. Don’t let that fool you, though; the ones we’re showing you today are still quite young! They’re adolescents, only a few years old.” One of the younger ones strode up to Tim, then, nudging him out of her way with her head, drawing chuckles from both the crowd, and the park ranger, who’d evidently been in the way of what was, in the dinosaur’s eyes, the tastiest pile of twigs she’d ever seen. 
“Some of them even show a rebellious streak!” He joked, reaching over to stroke her neck fondly. “She’s going to be getting some treats soon, but we can let her snack in the meantime!” 
Glancing at the crowd with a sharp eye, he continued, “Before we get started, though, I’m going to need four volunteers! Anyone feel like getting up close and personal with these girls, today?” 
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noetic-noesis-noein · 2 years
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  !!!!!! screaming crying jumping for joy- YOU’RE SUCH A SWEETIE WE LOVE YOU!!
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ofviolentdeath · 2 years
@shinebrightsweetdove​ liked for a starter
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Bridget was used to being stared at, but most were able to convince themselves that they were imagining things, that she just had one of those faces, but some weren't quite as quick to pretend otherwise. Of course, she could just be reading too far into it. After all, she handled the dreams of so many children that even she could not keep all of their faces straight, especially once they were adults.
"Can I help you with something?"
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roywillharper · 2 years
It was her idea to take him to the farmer's market--she needed some ingredients for a new recipe she hadn't tried yet. Sylvia catches a glimpse of people buying small cakes to taste from a bakery for weddings. Her eyes look at Roy tenderly, still in disbelief at the engagement ring on her finger. "Roy, when do you want to get married?" - Sylvia / @shinebrightsweetdove
Random Asks || Accepting
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Roy had his fingers intertwined with Sylvia’s as they walked through the farmer’s market. They were having a nice day together while Lian was at school.
He was kind of zoned out, mostly happy to be relaxing with her. Then he hears Syl speak up and pulls him out of his thoughts. His gaze goes to her hand and the engagement ring, then meets her eyes, “when would you like like to get married Syl?”
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chiropterx · 2 years
𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙼 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴 𝙰𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚃𝙸𝙲𝚂. repost, don’t reblog .
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𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴: love poems. flickering candles. conversations in the meadow. roses. midnight meetings. silk dresses. long phone calls. spilling your heart out. curtains blowing in the breeze. cheap paperbacks. the sun’s reflection on the water. smooth jazz. waiting for something to happen. blushing cheeks. kisses in the rain. faded polaroids. noses bumping. floral perfume. a restless spirit. oil paintings on canvas. hiding under an awning during a thunderstorm. candlelit dinners. horse drawn carriages. sunset views. smeared lipstick.
𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: streetlights reflected on rainy pavements. a phone alarm. rapid texting. the smell of smoke. aggression. the natural instinct to fight. dramatic reunions. distant gunfire. funerals in the rain. the coppery scent of blood. solitude. fierce protective instincts. doomed to fail. driving too fast. near death experiences. inner turmoil. running through crowds. expensive watches. tired eyes. overnight plane rides. cold cups of coffee. dangerous secrets. lying through your teeth. bullet holes.
𝙷𝙾𝚁𝚁𝙾𝚁: a distant farmhouse. congealed blood on the hardwood. ice picks. tilted headstones. bare feet on the carpet. splintering wood. masks that hide who you really are underneath. quiet summer camps. ghost stories. locked rooms. sharp knives. a full moon. the scent of rust. grasping hands searching for something to hold. last minute decisions. bags under your eyes. a cross hung on the wall. crawling maggots. the carcass of a dead animal. an abandoned hotel. blood-soaked clothes. broken bones. the sound of glass shattering.
𝙰𝙳𝚅𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙴: gnarled rope between your fingers as you hold on for dear life. glittering gold in a dark room. snakes. an incoming sandstorm. the consequences of your actions. hidden secrets. an unopened door. a leap of faith. squeezing your best friend’s hand. shelves of dusty books. ancient curses. the smell of fire. crumbling buildings. complicated puzzles. mystery novels. footsteps echoing in a large room. smudged lenses on glasses. warm skin. doing what’s right. dirt under your fingernails. scribbled notes. cobwebs blocking your path.
𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴𝙳𝚈: friends you’ve known for years. crowded comedy clubs. crescent moons. open mics. out of tune pianos. a messy desk. leather messenger bags. stacks of papers. huge sweaters. bitten nails. ordering takeout every night. dog-eared pages. unmade beds. hand movements and broad gestures. the smell of the subway. colorful graffiti on brick buildings. big dreams. enthusiastic phone calls. rejection letters. the heat of stage lights. pulling pranks. restless sleep. cold showers. laughing until you’re crying. half-finished ideas. tiny apartments. velvet curtains. cheap alcohol.
Tagged byStolen from;; Somewhere... Tagging;; @ahellicn, @arkhampsych, @babydxhl, @brutalscaled, @desmuerte, @elisethetraveller, @eyeless-smiles, @of-quinn, @riddlethat, @sanguine-salvation, @shinebrightsweetdove, @the-arkham-librarian and anybody who'd like to do this?
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iamdarcylewis · 2 years
Once you’re Stripped Clean, What’s at your Core?
spun gossamer
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the easiest thing to do is stay quiet when something’s up. you’re not bothered, and you know what? you shouldn’t be! it’s none of your business, even when it’s entirely your business. it’s difficult (read: impossible) to tell if your cheery demeanor is a cover-up for something sadder, or if it’s simply your natural state of mind. you see a lot of things: people coming through town, people leaving the house and never coming back, lies and deceit of the highest degree. what happened to you? will you ever be that kid again? your presence smells like cotton candy, and your fingertips sparkle like stars. whatever white rabbit you’re chasing isn’t going to lead you to wonderland if you don’t start reaching out when you’re not feeling okay.
tagged by: @onlylivinboy tagging: @ejjxnes @sah1x1s @wildcxrds @masteredlegacy @shinebrightsweetdove @huntingbounties or steal it.
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cxptaincxrter · 2 years
hey yall! sorry for my absence and overall being super slow! i’ve been really busy with work/outside life. also i’m just putting myself on semihiatus! an emergency happened within the family. the same goes for my two other blogs:
@shinebrightsweetdove & @thecxrsedthechxsen
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 2 years
"I fought god once and would do it again." - Sylvia at any of your muses @shinebrightsweetdove
❝ Sorry, Syl, for what's about to come out of my mouth. But goddamn, I wish that was me. I'd give them a few choice words on these Markings, screwing over humanity, and celestial absentee parenting. Especially concerning the mcbroody duo. ❞ Irate huff. Brow furrows, overall neutral expression. Wasteland stretches to horizon. Vega in distance. Uniform, handgun and sword beside -- within arms' reach. Legs hang off jeep-bed. Shake of head. Just....disappointed, inside.
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deciphertheriddler · 2 years
Sylvia looks at the Riddler. "Okay, since you wanna marry my sister I gotta make sure you aren't up to any silly business--that means no breaking her heart, playing with her emotions, or like, giving her easy riddles to solve. Better make one that's kind and funny. Anyways, she likes you. I trust her. But I'm watchin' you." @shinebrightsweetdove
"You think I would give my wife easy riddles? I would give her my best work, only."
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He drops his tone to a more monotone one. "It's ok. You can watch me. If I mess up with her, I would like someone to make me pay. You can kill me if I hurt her... It would mean I failed in the only thing that mattered."
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yourethebeeskneez · 2 years
Everyone knew that Alice hated Gotham. Tommy knew, the rest of Secret Six knew, Constantine definitely knew, random people on the street who heard her complaining as she walked knew. Even if she kept her mouth shut the constant unimpressed and displeased expression on her face easily would have clued everyone around her in on it. It wasn’t just that it was dirty. It wasn’t only the continuous gloomy weather. If she was being honest the crime didn’t even bother her that much. Her problem was the smell. There was no way to get used to the particular type of horrible that was Gotham’s smell. Rot. Deep rot from old magic, a curse that could never be lifted. Decay. The city smelled horrible on its own without the addition of the dark magic curse beneath the city. For her it was everything she could do to stop herself from gagging. 
There were moments of relief of course, Poison Ivy and her earthy dirt smell were always a gift from the gods. For all the talk about Batman and how he doesn’t like people in his city there seemed to be a revolving door of magic users entering and leaving the city, most leaving Alice with little itch to pull the magic away, but also relief from the smell of death. The smell of brown sugar was new. It wasn’t unwelcome but it wasn’t something Alice trusted either. It was strong, too strong, the kind of strong that Zatanna or Constantine would recognize off the top of the heads, the kind that Raven would already know how to approach. Alice wasn’t them though. She didn’t study magic, she barely knew the extent of her own powers let alone the powers of others. Against the better judgement all the aforementioned magic users, Alice could sense their disapproval through the universe, they might not know what she was doing but they would hate it, she moved toward the smell. Alice narrowed her eyes a few minutes later when she found herself standing in front of a too happy blonde in the library. She looked like she was about to say something to Alice cut her off first, wanting to get right to the chase, “who the hell are you?”  @shinebrightsweetdove
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volucerrubidus · 2 years
( Sylvia from shinebrightsweetdove made Tim a bday cake. )
"happy birthday! Im bad at piping ducks or animals in general. So here are 2 frogs. Stay swag."
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Promptless II Inbox: Open II @shinebrightsweetdove
Tim perks up, immediately eager to see her handiwork. "Dude... this is amazing. Oh my god, and I just know it's gonna taste even better. Thank you, Sylvia. Seriously, thank you."
He cants his head, eyeing her with mischief. "However-- I will only accept this on the condition that you have some, too. Stay a bit with me?"
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noetic-noesis-noein · 2 years
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@shinebrightsweetdove​ continued from here
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    “So were you born with white hair or did yours like, fade over time? Because I was mostly a super bright blonde when I was a kid, and then poof! Basically became ivory overnight.” Granted it was only a slight lie, but it was the one she had to keep up with.
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oftomorrow · 2 years
@shinebrightsweetdove​ ( plotted )
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Even though the little bakery near the Planet had only opened a few months ago, Clark had already established himself as one of its regular customers. Sometimes he needed to escape the hustle and bustle of the bullpen (and the hero life) for a little while, and few places served that need better than a cozy corner seat in a small cafe.
The owner was nice, too -- Sylvia. They’d sat and talked a few times. Clark caught her eye as she passed him and remarked, “You know, I think I’m morally obligated to always think my mom’s apple pie is the best. But this,” -- he held up a forkful -- “this is a very close second.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
"happy birthday," Sylvia whispers to Roy as they're comfortable in bed. Morning sun tickles her skin while she smiles at her fiance. "One of my gifts is that we can do whatever you want. It's gonna be a treat yourself day because you've been owed one of those for a long time." // @shinebrightsweetdove
Roy’d been lying there with his eyes closed, cuddling Sylvia, happy to have a lazy morning with her. As she first speaks he peeks an eye open to look at her, being reminded it’s his birthday and realizing he’s actually happy about it this year thanks to being able to spend it with her.
After a moment he speaks, his voice still gravelly with sleep, “what if I just wanna stay in bed with you until Lian decides it’s time to party?” He pauses a moment and turns look at her better, “I can think of a few things we could do right here in bed.”
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