#v; dc
noetic-noesis-noein · 2 years
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From this  @king-crane​
    Sneering, one would think the Super would be used to insults and jeers from the opposition. Though that query felt surgical; right to the damaged tissue that continued to scab without healing.
    The lurch made her hair shoot straight up. White curls hung in the air, free of gravity. “Wouldn’t that be so much fun? If I was here simply for a social visit?” Hands smoothed down the unruly locks as she pouted. No matter how hard she tried to put on a brave face, the cracks in her façade were always visible to those with sharper eyes. 
    Rolling off her feet, she floated eye to eye with him. Clamping her molars together, up her shoulders went towards her ears. Hell, she didn’t even remember how she got out of their scuffle last time. She could feel the fear in her veins and his boot on her throat. 
     Crossing her arms, “I’m not planning on being a copycat of others, when I do, then you can go ahead and dissect my brain from there.” Stop talking you moron, you’re going to get yourself into more trouble. Fingers played with the bottom of a curl. “Gotham is what Gotham is. If it were up to me, I’d be back on the West Coast, but I’m here now.” Leaning in slightly, “And no matter what you want, you can’t get rid of me.” It always brought a little knowing smile to her face to be ‘insulted’ as a hero. “It’s Noetic. Now you know things that I need to know about.”
     Digging around through her utility belt, No produced a blurry image marked with CC TV times. “Heard you have a handshake with someone that goes by ‘The Khemist’.”
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Happy Valentine’s Day, Bruce
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While I was away, I did a small modeling gig and had time to do a valentine’s day photoshoot for you and now that I’m back, definitely will be giving you, your very own shoots in some pieces of clothing. May or may not be any fabric involves. 
Yours truly,  Natasha R.
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mysterycitrus · 2 months
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freefallintothevoid · 5 months
The real reason everyone makes fun of Dicks Discowing outfit is because he's the only one that can somehow pull it off
Every superhero and vigilante has has a costume like that at some point, something daring or a bit ridiculous that in hindsight that they just couldn't make work for whatever reason. Nightwing? The pretty motherfucker not only made it work, he slayed in that outfit. It looks ridiculous by itself on display in the batcave but not when Nightwing puts it on
The only reason Dick doesn't know this is because all his siblings have collectively gaslit him into thinking that it's his worst costume to date.
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sreppub · 2 months
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best part of the night is washing off the sweat and mask adhesive
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It’s been a minute, (both post wise and design wise) so decided to update the fam + a couple additions compared to last time
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we-ezer · 3 months
Tim doesn't think the new kid knows how. . . . sad he looks.
His long hair is limp and he's always brushing it over his eyes like it's a nervous tic. On the rare occasion they're visible, the blue color is entirely too watery and dark circles too pronounced to ignore. They're guaranteed to make you feel like you're watching a SPCA commercial complete with the "in the arms of an angel" soundtrack. It's even more unfair when Steph says the new kid gives him a run for his money.
"I don't look like that."
Steph scoffs, "Yes, you do. Just more unhinged than pathetic wet cat."
Tim decides either the new kid needs to get better or he needs to give up coffee and one of those things is not happening.
i.e. Danny is on the run from his parents and the GIW after his friends and sister were caught in the crossfire. After being on the run for a couple years, he decides it's safe enough to stop in Gotham to finish his schooling (under a fake name). He didn't count on being forcefully absorbed into a new friend group (something he very much tries to resist). It doesn't help that Gotham's rancid ectoplasm makes his temper flare when they get too pushy.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 9 months
Saw a post recently that mentioned how underrated Damian's sense of humor is, so I went ahead and decided to find some of my fave moments, pt. 1
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pt. 2
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frownyalfred · 11 months
okay I know the “do you bleed?” line in Batman V Superman was universally mocked, but imagine if you’ve spent your whole life invulnerable and some crazy motherfucker dressed in a bat suit who brands people for fun and has no problem crashing millions of dollars worth of military grade tech stares at you with a crazy gleam in his eye and asks if you bleed like he’s personally and scientifically invested in seeing you do so. I would’ve shit my pants, super powers be damned.
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theerurishipper · 4 months
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First <- Part 6 <- Part 7 -> Part 8
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arunneronthird · 1 year
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tell 'em all they'll love in my shadow
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noetic-noesis-noein · 2 years
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   “What, do I gotta submit paperwork when I’m going to kick someone’s ass?? Hello? Is this even Earth?!” Deflating, “This has to be an East Coast thing.”
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Lunch Services || Bruce & Natasha || @potestmagice
It was just a simple gestures and she was a spy of secrets, one of them which is she does knows how to cook, just chose not to show it to everyone. She got to remain as the deadly widow image, cold and stern somehow. Bruce was one the only one that was getting this from her, home cooked meals and baked goods. Now she didn't want to step in Alfred way of bringing Bruce something so this was a surprise visit. She wanted for him to think it's was just a normal routine around 12 pm after a couple of business meetings he was going to get lunch.
The redhead made some пирожки (Russian's version of pierogi) and Sbiten tea (One of Russia's popular tea) to go along with his meals. Now these пирожки are meat(ground beef with seasonings) and vegetable filled, baked golden brown and pretty hefty. Packing a couple of them in a box and wrapped in foil to keep it warm and toasty. Heading into this office building, she was greeted by the front desk, walking towards the elevator with the package lunch bag. Pressing the up arrow to head to his office, holding the bag with both of her hands and the moment the redhead heard the ding that the elevator was here, stepping in and reaching to press the button to his floor.
Located at the very top of the building with three sixty view of Gotham, the elevator finally came to a stop after a couple of minutes and the heavy stainless steel slides open to his floor. Taking a step out of the metal box, her heels roams the hallway before knocking on his door. "Room services, Mister Wayne." She called out, using a different voice, a bit more high pitch to catch him off guard.
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arttuff · 4 months
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popped collar v neck gang
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“Psst! Old Geezer!”
“The fuck did you just call me–!” Dick Grayson was a lot of things–cop, detective, vigilante, handsome beyond mortal comprehension–but he wasn’t old! Twenty-three was not old! When he got his hands on that brat– “Oh, it’s you. You need to knock it off, kid.”
The kid in question had become something of a legend to the Central Bloodhaven Police Department. Detective O’Mallery had dubbed the kid “Stalky,” but Dick thought Lurky was a more accurate name; the kid lurked outside murder scenes, often showing up before the press… and sometimes, before the cops. Lurky was a short kid, easily half Dick’s height, and pale. He practically glowed, lighting up the alley Dick was guarding. He wore a black overcoat that swamped his tiny body, with the sleeves and hem cut to fit the child’s frame and a stiff gothic collar that reached his ears. Lurky’s black hair and blue eyes uncomfortably reminded Dick of—
“Nah, i don’t think i will,” the kid dismissed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “‘Sides, you can’t do anything to stop me.”
“I can arrest you,” Dick said, completely serious. “You’re interfering with a crime scene, again. I’d be well within my rights to do so.” The kid looked unimpressed. 
“Okay, boomer.”
Dick resisted the urge to murder a child. Barely. 
“Besides,” Lurky continued, “I just wanted to do my civic duty and inform you of the bloody knife three alleys over. Pretty sure it could help solve the crime scene there.” He gestured towards the apartment building behind Dick. “Andrew Grant-Williams, age 36, apartment 214. Right?”
“How the hell did you know that?”
“What, that thing with the knife? I looked for it, obviously.”
“No, about the suspect!” Dick glared at Lurky. “There’s no way you could have pinpointed who in the apartment died; did you steal a police radio!?” If he did, then Dick would actually have to arrest the kid. 
“No, I didn’t steal a police radio. Yet.” Dick tried really hard to ignore that last part. He’d done far worse things as Robin, after all. “His wife told me.”
Andrew Grant’s wife, Patrisa, died four years ago in a mugging gone wrong. Before Dick could question Lurky further, Dick blinked and Lurky vanished just like Batman. 
Even worse? Dick bothered checking the dumpster three alleys over and found, underneath a bag of kitchen scraps, a hunting knife, still bloody. 
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sreppub · 6 months
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small guy
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