#shinji ikari detective diary
ancientevangelions · 1 year
It would be interesting to see how they get adapted and in some cases I would hope for minor/major rewrites.
Covers for reference!
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crystalnet · 7 years
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Mystery Corner #3 The Shinji Ikari Detective Diary
As All-Hallow's Eve approaches rapidly, mystery and murder enthusiasts everywhere are getting extra revved up for this most sacred of seasons. If you happen to be of an Otaku persuasion, then your options for consumable media around this time include one of the many more gothic-tinged bodies of lore out there like D-Gray Man or Full Metal  Alchemist. Maybe Witch Hunter Robin. Or one of the more grizzly cases in Case Closed would suffice. Hey some people even claim Nightmare Before Christmas as anime, and who am I to argue.  But if your favorite series happens to be something like NGE-- a series that is certainly dark-as-fuck at times but couldn't quite be described as gothic or even all that spooky-- Have no fear, because that's why this double-volume mini-series exists-- for the sweet spot of a certain Venn diagram that tracks those who are NGE-heads versus those who crave all things Mystery, and if you are the overlap, then click right on through!
My interest in these NGE spin-off manga started back when I recently got re-obsessed with the anime and was consuming everything I could. The series after all only amounts to 26 measly episodes, a movie-length remix/recap, a minor masterpiece of a feature length, and three re-telling/remaster/re-animations films (which are controversial among deep fan circles). That might actually sound like a lot, but what I'm saying is that it might be easier to be obsessive about a Shonen, so that you don't have to worry about ever even being able to see all the episodes due to the sheer amount (Case Closed is my example of a series that feels Infinite due to its sheer size). It's kind of like some other big animes like Cowboy Bebop-- if you've seen all 26 episodes and watched the big movie, then what next?
Well the answer is the manga. For one thing, the series was adapted into manga by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, and it's excellent and offers a more in-depth look at certain characters and plot-lines which the anime's length didn't allow time for.  It spans 14 volumes and didn't wrap until 2010 and I highly recommend it, but if you aren't in the mood to retread the same story-line once again (especially if you just watched the Rebuilds..) then you still have options. Enter the spin-off manga. It's a weird breed of manga that only seemingly exists only for this franchise. I am probably wrong, but at least as far as selections of manga at American retailers go, I've never to my knowledge seen another series spawn multiple spin-off manga series. 
First of all, the biggest one is the Shinji Ikari Raising Project manga. This is the lowest-brow of all of them and is outright soft-core porn. I could see picking up one issue maybe, but it's literally just a light-hearted romp through what I would describe as a slice-of-life version of the NGE universe. The focus here, instead of on angels and psychological meltdowns, is the camaraderie, and sexual energy between Shinji and his various classmates. Read this only if you're really into this thing and have an anthropological interest. 
Next is the Campus Apocalypse series. This one was serialized into four volumes and an Omnibus, all put out by Dark Horse (most of these are, I assume they sense there is a market, and that's why these are even released here). Written by a certain Mingming, this one is much more serious in tone than SIRP, and focuses on transforming the lore from one centering around mechs and aliens to one that centers around demon-slaying teenagers and powerful visitors from another world. It has a gothic feeling, and so it'd fit in well around this time of year in addition to the one I'll be focusing on. 
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(Legend of Piko Piko is just the latest odd-ball spin-off put out by Dark Horse...)
Besides these, there is the Comic Tribute edition put out by Dark Horse, a collection of NGE satire and the similar light-hearted volume written by a Tony Takezaki. The latest series being released is the Legend of Piko Piko Middle School (two volumes)-- a version of the lore in which the young pilots must hone their skills using video games. And then there is the Detective Diary series. So why so much of this stuff exactly? Well like I said, if you find yourself going down an NGE rabbit hole, then this kind of stuff can be irresistible despite better judgement, and clearly Dark Horse is aware of that. I'm personally grateful for these editions though, despite the fact that a lof of this stuff amounts to fan-fiction that happens to be fully illustrated with often-times lovely artwork. While I recommend the mainline manga series the most, I can also say that both Campus Apocalypse and the Detective Diary are solid, if insubstantial. Detective Diary's tone is somewhere between the seriousness of Campus Apocalypse and light-hearted tone of the comedic and overtly sexual manga series previously mentioned, which puts it squarely in breezy but not-devoid-of-narrative territory. Basically, this version of the universe involves Shinji coming to work for a detective agency run by Kaji, who he starts living with in order to pay off a debt. Instead of mechs, the eva are revealed to be spirit/djinn-type figures who can be summoned by the characters a la Shaman King. 
In the two volumes that make up the series, Shinji interacts most heavily with Kaworu, and the specific kind of yaoi-type energy between them is played up very heavily, so that this almost functions as the coded, gay version of the Raising Project manga. It never goes that far though, and the students are mostly busy solving low-stakes mysteries, none of which get nearly as involved or complex as something in say Case Closed. 
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It's still a relatively fun--if light and low-calorie-- read though. I wish that this was on-going, and that they really honed in on what an NGE detective series could be, because if it had mysteries that were as satisfying as Case Closed, that'd be something I'd be willing to come back to again and again. As it is, this is low-ambition enough to go through once and that's about it. I was left wanting it to have been even just slightly more serious, and wouldn't have minded if it was a little closer to Campus Apocalypse, but I can't complain. 
This is one of the more satisfying re-imaginings of the NGE lore, and while I'd rank it third-place overall (behind the mainline manga and Campus Apocalypse), I can't deny that I got a kick out of seeing Shinji, Kaworu, Rei and Asuka and the rest of the gang (Toji and Kensuke are here too) in a more light-hearted setting, and it's fun to see what all the evas look like when rendered as humanoid spirit-beings. If you're just a mystery-fan and not so much a hardcore NGE-head, then I'd stay away from this, but if you like NGE too much and also sort of like detective/mystery-type narratives, then this is a fun distraction. 
Anyway, next week we'll be talking about my favorite historical fiction/mystery series but for now, I hope everyone has a great week on this most spooky of weeks, and as for our spotlight detective this week, it's going to none other than Inspector Zenigata of Lupin the Third fame!  Zenigata-kun has always made an excellent cat to Lupin's mouse (or is he the mouse?) and his skill as a detective is just adequate enough to keep him hot on Lupin's tail, but never hot enough to actually catch the guy. In fact, some of the more interesting pathos in the series revolves around the feeling that if Zenigata could actually catch Lupin, that it might not actually be as satisfying as the chase itself. Indeed, the man's entire raison d'être seems to be chasing after Lupin and in a way, his sheer verve for catching Lupin seems to be the thing that has kept him going all these years, just as Lupin's desire to escape his grasp similarly becomes a way-of-life for Lupin.
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I'm just fascinated by these cat-and-mouse relationships in which two figures are thrust into an unending rivalry by which their lives are both threatened and also preserved-- like a nemesis and their prey locked in an endless waltz, desiring only the destruction of their opponent while also loving the enemy for the very unending purpose which they provide one another. Batman and Joker, Sherlock and Arsene. Cicero and his dear Catiline. And of course, Lupin and Zenigata. We see it time and again, and Inspector Zenigata sure makes one great side to the coin that is the Lupin/Zenigata dynamic.
Last week's spotlight on Goro Akechi had us talking about the great Kogoro Akechi of Japanese mystery fame, and Zenigata is similarly named after a character from another big name in Japanese mystery novels-- Kodo Nomura. His wildly popular stories starring a certain Zenigata Heiji are set in the Edo period of Japan, with Zenigata being a crime-solving policeman who throws coins-- or zeni-- at the criminals he investigates in order to subdue them.  
That will tie in with next week's look at the under-rated historical-mystery genre, but for now let's give a tip of the hat to Inspector Zenigata, and wish that his designs may always be adequately foiled! Happy Halloween Detectives~
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jhessail · 5 years
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Hey! I’ve watched all of the show, the nge movies (rebuilds included) and the nge manga and I was wondering if you know of anymore canon/offical nge stories or content. I’ve seen some light novel series at my local bookstore but in general idk if there’s more Eva stories and series out there and what’s actually worth reading. Thanks! I love your blog!
short answer: there is SO much (too much) nge spin-off content and for the most part all of it is both non-canonical and unnecessary. off the top of my head the only thing I wholeheartedly 100% rec is khara’s ‘until you come to me’ animation (amv?), which is really beautifully done and, also, free.
also ive drafted this post like uh......4 times now and kept accidentally losing it so VERY sorry for the wait!! if it seems a lil slapdash i was tired of writing the same stuff again and again lol
extremely long answer under the cut (and links will be in a rb). somehow this became a fully fledged field guide to nge spin off content bc i am physically incapable of brevity so w/o further ado or whatever:
ok so i’ll try to make this as comprehensive + comprehensible as possible but,as I said, there is a loooot of content and I, shockingly, have thoughts on most of it. let’s organize by categories
Every single nge spin off manga is bad in shades and variations, ranging from ‘just kind of uninteresting’ to ‘genuine human atrocity’. Raising Project is probs the most well known and is one of my least favourite pieces of content that has ever been put onto this earth. it coalesces all of the worsts parts of both evangelion and evangelion fans and can’t even manage a decent art style on top of that. there is nothing redeemable about raising project.if you see a copy out in the world please do me a favour and tear it apart w your teeth <3
Aside from That, the other big ‘alternate universe’ manga are probably Angelic Days, Campus Apocalypse, and maybe Petit Eva. I do not care much for Angelic Days or Campus Apocalypse but they are definitely not as deeply repellent as sirp. Petit Eva is, as far as I’ve seen, kind of your usual chibi comedy stuff so if youre looking for something extremely lighthearted that might be for you? I havent interacted w Petit Eva pretty much at all frankly so I’m not exactly sure whats going on there.
Shinji Ikari Detective Diary is another AU manga which I have actually been meaning to read for like......ages but have never gotten around to. It’s (as you can probably guess) a mystery series, which I’m usually into, and I havent personally heard anything bad about it, so I’ll cautiously rec looking into it. if you do and find some good scans feel free to send me way <3
finally, there’s Tony Takezaki’s parody manga, which is just like...a bunch of parody/satire comics. I do actually own it (bc I loooovvveeeee genocyber) and the art is great and its genuinely funny (given you like takezaki’s weird, kind of raunchy humor). He has a comic making fun of fan service that ends w fuyutski beating the shit out of gendo as ‘real fan service’ so like. I do genuinely recommend this one.
Not a true ‘novel’ but Eva 1 + Eva 2 is an anthology featuring some essays, as well as comics and illustrations. It is a lot of silly shitty fanservice though, so ymmv. I dont own it (yet) but its on my radar literally exclusively because of Obata’s fucking incredible cover art.
The actual ‘novel’ that youre probably talking about is ANIMA, which is a canon divergence exploring a future where Shinji managed to completely circumvent Instrumentality. I haven’t picked up the last volume since it came out last year, so I can’t speak on it as a whole, but I like ANIMA well enough to recommend it. It reads kind of like an extremely dedicated sci-fi/cyberpunk fanfic, frankly, with that same kind of wildly convoluted but entertaining plot and much more of a focus on idealised character interactions and the ‘wow cool robot’ of it all. Actually, its kind of entirely ‘wow cool robot’ tbh, or at least the best parts are, but Ikuto Yamashita (the writer) was nge’s mech designer so that’s no surprise.
the writing is nothing stellar and it can get fanservicey in a very eyeroll kind of way, but if you go in w reasonable expectations it’s pretty entertaining. like i said, it feels very fanfic but in a ‘200k wordcount crazy worldbuilding fix it fic’ kind of way.
ANIMA expands waaaaaAAYYY more on the evas, which can be cool but does definitely indulge in some ridiculous mecha shit and, i cannot stress this enough, a lot of deeply convoluted and absolutely fruit looped sci-fi plot shit. it does actually literally feature something called ‘Super Eva’ and iirc mari is a cat girl who pilots some kind of wolf robot so yknow... ymmv
theres a buuunch of illustrations included and all the concepts for the evas are very cool and the concepts for the kid are very bad. probably it should be illegal for him to draw asuka ever again
Video Games:
there are too many nge video games. way too many. did you know about the typing game??? what about the multiple STRIP mahjong games???? or the pokemon/tomogatchi game where you hand raise an angel from birth while playing as KAJI???? the detective game where kaworu straight up fucking human murders gendo???
they wrung nge for everything it was worth in the 90s, though ig having a million fucking titles was probs super useful for all that tax fraud
some highlights:
Battle Orchestra: this is the only one i’ve ever really played and it is very fun and very of its time. a pretty straightforward fighting game but ft a big combat polygon
Second Impression: this is the second nge game to be released and i am fucking obsessed with it. what i would not give for there to be a translation available. as far as I have ever been able to tell its sort of a vaguely canon ‘side story’ about joining a band and also befriending a new girl who eventually transforms into a giant fucking horrifying bug angel. its a kind of proto kaworu storyline but gross and i want it so SO bad.
rei ayanami raising project: this is I guess basically a pet raising game except the pet is pre-series rei ayanami. you get to choose what clubs and hobbies she has and the coordinating pictures are genuinely incredible and ill 100% be posting some later. nonsense but there IS a dress up portion so like. might be worth.
Girlfriend of Steel 1 & 2: GOS 1 has the rando brunette that you see all over the place and so like idk shout out to her i guess and if you want to know the context behind that feel free to check it out, but it frankly seems extremely fucking boring and also has GOD awful asuka characterisation so. pass.
GOS 2 is the one where you can kind of date kaworu and afaik thats the only notable thing about it
Angel Rising: this is the pokemon/tomogatchi kaji game and despite how baffling it is conceptually i do actually love the artstyle and am deeply considering playing it myself. also, it does apparently give some good insight into Kaji. a new english translation came out last march so its like actually one of the most accessible of all of these somehow.
Evangelion 2 has the ‘Classified Files’ which is a tenuously canon supplemental info dump, but god is in his heavens and thats all fully available + translated online so we do not have to bother playing Evangelion 2
Secret of Evangelion: I actually know almost nothing about this but ive heard it may have some interesting info on instrumentality? it is very VERY much On My Radar and may be worth checking out 
there are so, so many others but i am just so tired.
There are a few Petit Eva OVAs which are all in the same silly slice-of-life style and seem mostly whatever except for an episode which is, as far as i can tell, entirely about up-skirting asuka so like. yknow what actually fuck petit eva
MORE IMPORTANTLY in like 2015ish Studio Khara had the ‘Japan Animator Expo’ where they released anime shorts made by a bunch of different people. it’s actually where me!me!me! came from, and plenty of other very very cool shorts were put out during the expo’s run. Another Impact and until you come to me were both part of the Expo and are extremely fucking good. Another Impact got a lot of hype, which was well-deserved but DID briefly spark a whole ‘live action nge’ thing which is, actually, my manchurian candidate sleeper cell trigger phrase. until you come to me is much less ‘flashy’ and didn’t get as much attention, but its so so beautiful and you should all go watch it immediately.
if you have managed to bear reading through this whole thing just know that you are my favourite and im giving you a lil kiss on the forehead
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ephemereos · 3 years
I'm so mad they really never did Kaworu any justice in like what 26 years?
Spoilers for the 3.0+1.0 movie, i just need to rant about this shit
Like they really said "we will not give this guy any fucking peace and happy ending through any of the media he will appear in."
And yes I am mainly thinking about the relationship he has with shinji. The only medias I can think of where he doesn't end up dead and has somewhat of a happy ending are that one obscure video game I can't remember the name of where he is a romanceable (I think?) character in his route or in the Shinji Ikari detective diary manga where he doesn't end up dead. That's it. All over he continuously got killed and yes, sure, in 3.0+1.0 he gets freed from the loop and how wonderful, we basically have a love confession where it's said Shinji was his happiness, but I still consider it a shit fucking ending since to me Shinji was not behaving like himself at all. And kaworu got relegated to the side.
Maybe I read too into it but it upsets me a bit how he's been treated in the franchise, especially in some spin offs or extra content where he's just... called the f slur, called a pervert and a weirdo by other characters.
To wrap this up: I love Kaworu. I am salty over how he's been treated. I think they did him so bad a lot of times. Yes, I wish that some way, somehow, he could have gotten a happy ending with Shinji. People say their relationship would have been unhealthy, but is any relationship in evangelion healthy? In a way they at least had a sort of unconditional love.
Anyway fly high my angel victim of homophobia </3
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diko-from-the-sea · 4 years
Hey there Kawoshin family,
If anyone is looking for the English version of Shinji Ikari Detective Diary vol. 2, a website called Archonia.us has it in stock!
This volume is ridiculous hard to find, it’s been out of print/out of stock literally everywhere...and I was suspicious of this online store because of the .us in its name. It’s a fandom store here in LA and I ordered it online over the weekend and just got it today!
Happy hunting, lovelies!! ❤️❤️
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quantumkaworu · 7 years
Me: I want to read everything that has to do with evangelion!!! I want to know all about it!
me: *sees shinji ikari detective diarys*
Me:Never the FUCKING mind
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legend of the Piko Piko Middle School Students, Vol. 1
By Yushi Kawata and Yukito. Released in Japan as “Shin Seiki Evangelion – Pikopiko Chuugakusei Densetsu” by Kadokawa Shoten, serialization ongoing in the magazine Young Ace. Released in North America by Dark Horse Comics. Translated by Michael Gombos. Adapted by Carl Gustav Horn.
For the most part, if I have reviewed any of the endless Evangelion spinoffs at all, I’ve reviewed them as Briefs, mostly as for the most part it’s very difficult to try to work up 500+ words on the topic. The Evangelion manga is excellent, but its spinoffs and side stories have amounted to a creepy shoujo supernatural comic that barely felt like Eva at all (Campus Apocalypse), a Lowest Common Denominator romantic “comedy” (Shinji Ikari Raising Project), a mystery with BL overtones (Detective Diary), *another* lowest common denominator romantic comedy (Angelic Days, if anyone remembers it), and various gag anthologies. This new title is definitely on the “gag anthology” side, being a spinoff of one of the stories from the Evangelion Comic Tribute that was popular enough to get its own series.
In my review of the Comic Tribute anthology (which I guess I did give a full review to), I noted that the stories by these creators were the best part of the book, so it makes sense that they’d get a chance to add more wacky humor and dense references. The “plot” is mostly irrelevant, but essentially we see NERV trying to defeat the Angels by training gaming nerds to defeat them, and Shinji, Asuka and Rei are the three biggest. What follows is a string of gags, both visual and verbal, which range from average to quite good, though I don’t know that I laughed out loud. Characterization is, for the most part, exaggerations of the “fanon” view, so Shinji is a bit meek and overserious, Asuka’s angry all the time, Rei is stoic, and Kaworu is super gay. But above all else, there’s the boke/tsukkomi comedy we’ve come to expect from Japan, and everyone (well, OK, just Shinji and Asuka) are quick with the retorts.
Those with an observant eye may note that Carl Horn adapted this himself, and it’s very much an adaptation in the nature of his Excel Saga work, i.e. he takes the original and crafts it into something else. If you like overly literal translations, you’ll hate this, but for the most part it works out very well, especially as the original is there to help, being filled with fourth wall breaking, bizarre gaming references, and stupid running gags (it’s just a t-shirt!). Adapting manga that’s solely devoted to comedy can be tricky, but they do a good job. Of course, the drawback is that there is only comedy here – if you like Evangelion for literally anything other than gags, you’re wasting a purchase with this. But the comedy is finny, everyone is exaggerated but not totally loathsome (except Gendo, of course), and the fanservice is surprisingly minimal, something actually pointed out by the characters as they lament their lack of a beach episode. Piko Piko Middle School Students is here to crack dumb jokes and chew bubblegum, and they’ve run out of bubblegum.
By: Sean Gaffney
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makiizushis · 9 years
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It's also the second spin-off I've read that plays with the idea of Kaworu/Asuka.
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ancientevangelions · 7 years
Results of the Fandom Survey
So I put out a fandom just for fun survey a while back. The results are as follows Top 3 AMV’s Bohemian Rhapsody beat out everything,  Three way tie between Oh No!, Radioactive and Beautiful World. Some write ins included Numb,  Virus (Beethoven), 99 Red Balloons and Comfortably Numb.
Asushin came out on top, with Kawoshin and AsuRei getting some love. AsuReiShin and Main CHaracters x Happiness were write ins. Angelic Days was the most written in spin-off, Campus Apocalypse was second. Re-Take, The Blue Rose and Shinji Ikari Detective Diaries also were mentioned.  I will leave this survey open until Animethon. If you want to do it still click here
-Mod Asuka 
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crystalnet · 7 years
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Mystery Corner #2- The Phantom of Baker Street and Cyber/Steam
Hello to all mystery-heads out here, I hope you’re all thoroughly enjoying your spooky Octobers as optimally as possible... In this second and very late addition of Mystery Corner, I want to discuss the sixth Case Closed/Detective Conan film The Phantom of Baker Street. It’s currently on youtube in its entirety in decent quality (link below) so if your in need of an extended Conan mystery, this one is perfect (and basically amounts to a 5-part episode after all). Now I’ve only seen 5 of 16 of the films so far, but this has me convinced I’ve been missing out, because it is easily my favorite thus far.
For one thing, the plot’s tone and subject matter right out the gate is more mature than some of the dark moments of the show and certainly of prior films. This may have something to do with a change in directors and the fact that it was the last done in a traditional anime style (prior to full digital). It’s a fantastic note to go out on for this era though because of how unique and slightly off-the-rails it is. It simultaneously features a cyber-punk tinged plot with the likes of AI and VR featuring heavily while the film also culminates in an extended sequence set inside of a fictional version of Jack the Ripper-era London that includes a certain Sherlock Holmes himself.
By using virtual reality in its plot, the show is able to go all out and set a mystery inside the actual O.G. detective universe, and that in itself is kind of sick and worth mentioning. The movie also features somewhat heavily two of my favorite characters: Booker Kudo and Anita/Ai Haibara. It’s cool to see the latter especially, because the funimation dubs end currently at episode 130 and she shows up much latter before the soft-reboot, so I’ve personally never seen her in this animation style. I also thing it’s worth mentioning that Conan’s dad and Richard/Kogoro at this point have developed a video game (I mean I know Richard was involved with the development of one based on him at least)? That seems notable.
It’s just a really cool plot for a Conan movie, and has me wanting to go through all of them to see what kind of unique settings they might feature that might compare to this one. I figure this one has most beat in terms of sheer strangeness-- that is if you consider virtual reality-simulated steampunk worlds strange. I’m sure there’s other examples I’m not thinking of, but this feels a bit like the first time I’ve seen Cyber/Steam-punk together like this. I’ve seen fantasy/cyber stuff but I can’t think of other Victorian/Romantic-meets-The Matrix types of worlds, so this at the very least is quite novel.
If I have any criticism, it’s that the central murder suffers slightly for being up-staged by the virtual-reality narrative, but by the time Conan is facing off against Jack the Ripper himself (or, an AI version of Jack) and his friends are digitally “dying” left or right, the stakes feel way higher than ever before. Seriously, this pre-dates SAO by a lot and comes out at about the same exact time as the Dot Hack series as far as doing the “stuck-in-a-game/simulation”/”dying in-game=dying irl” thing first. I know that probably first shows up in some boring American sci-fi novel in the 80s or something and is sort of in Matrix, but I’d still like to know who actually originates that deathless concept.
But to get back to my one criticism, this seems to be the case for most of the films. Because they feature something bigger than just a ball-room murder (ie a bomb, or a virtual AI run wild), they don’t have the spookiness of a good 2-parter from the show. But I’m sure there’s some that follow that formula more closely, and it’s my job to sniff them out... it’s going to take a while though. Until then, this is a pretty good mystery-related consumable that I highly recommend as all Hallow’s Eve draws ever nigh.
For now let’s turn our attention to this week’s Spot-Light Detective who is none other than Goro Akechi-kun, the prodigal wunderkind junior detective of Persona 5 fame!
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By name, this guy is a clear reference to Kogoro Akechi, the central detective of the stories written by Edogawa Rampo, a Japanese mystery writer. And of course, Conan Edogawa is named after him while his father Richard/Kogoro is named after Rampo’s detective! My head is spinning with all the references. But as for the guy of the moment Goro Akechi-kun, I love what he brings to Persona 5, and if I’m honest, I feel like the game’s plot doesn’t really get cooking proper until he shows up. Every detective you add to a plot makes said plot better for it and this is a principle I believe in whole-heatedly.
That’s it for Mystery Corner this week, but we’ll be sure to pack some more in before October is done. Next week we’ll discuss the Neon Genesis Shinji Ikari Detective Diary manga mini-series. Until then, keep solving those cases detectives!
Phantom of Baker Street: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySTjZnpUO5s
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senjogahara-hitagi · 9 years
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poptartmochi · 9 years
this manga omfg
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homingpigecns · 10 years
i’m crying i bought the first volume of shinji ikari detective diary and i knew it’d be cheesy but wOW i cannot this is literally a shojo manga he’s working for them because he BROKE A VASE like dude. kiss kiss fall in love
also he is being forced to live with kaworu more like i’m going to puke this is ridiculous and adorable what were you thinking gainax. what ran through your mind as you published this? what do you fear???
also, important line: “i tell myself i mustn’t run away… from my intense housemate, a dude by the name of kaworu nagisa.”
is this manga even real
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makiizushis · 9 years
And then there was the time that Evangelion had a Persona AU.
And Shinji got roped into it Ouran-style (by breaking a million-dollar vase).
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