#shinonome siblings you will always be my favorites
fyodoro · 2 years
i literally love the way you write akito so. can i request akito x fem! reader who has like a younger sister whos 4-5ish? younger sis is all over him when he comes over like always tryna be on his lap and play with him and readers just like "shit now how am i gonna spend time with my bf" LMAOO I SEE TIKTOKS ON THIS AND IM JUST LIKE "aw🥹"
have a wonderhoyful day 💙
-> 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Having a little sister can be fun, until your boyfriend starts spending more time with her than you..!?
With Akito Shinonome, fem!reader
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One of the first things Akito learned about you is that you have a little sister, really little sister. He thought it was funny that even though you were the same age, he was the youngest sibling and you were the eldest. Different upbringings that didn’t interfere with meeting each other.
You didn’t talk about her a lot, but enough for your boyfriend to wanna meet her. And since his house had a tender atmosphere due to his father and sister, why not bring him over to yours so he can meet your sister?
When you told her the news, she was just as excited as Akito. She hears you always talking about him and to him over the phone, maybe excited was an understatement. She was ecstatic. It didn’t take long before she asked what Akito’s favorite color was so she could make him a colorful card & other crafts.
“(Name) (Name), do you think he’ll like this!?”
“Of course he will (Sister’s name). If you make it I’m sure he’ll love it.”
Somehow, you were more patient for Akito’s arrival than your sister was, and she hasn’t even met the guy! She was practically bouncing off the walls, with a huge grin on her face. Deep down, you were happy that she was so happy. Some siblings wouldn’t want to meet their sister/brother’s partner in fear of them taking them away. But she wasn’t like that at all.
Every little sound outside has her looking out the window, scanning across the scenery in search of a ‘tall orange haired guy’ as you described to her. When she finally caught sight of him, she was already opening the door before he even got to it.
“I’m here- oh. Are you..?”
“It’s me! (Name’s) sister, (Sister’s name)! And you’re ‘Kito!”
Typically, only you would call him that. Anyone else who called him that even in a joking matter he told to stop. But Akito didn’t know if you referred to him as “‘Kito” to your sister or if she said it by herself. Either way, he thought it was adorable.
“Right, introductions. Akito, this is (Sister’s name), (Sister’s name), this is Akito, or ‘Kito, whatever you wanna call him!”
For some reason, Akito was okay with that. Maybe it was because it was your little sister, and he would feel terrible about telling her off. Before he knew it, she was pulling him into the living room and proudly showing the card she made. It was bright, very bright orange crayon scribbles and other colors like blue & pink. On it said “Welcome home Akito.”
Home? Although this wasn’t his real home, it felt like it. And it started feeling more like that the more time he spent with your sister. It’s been about an hour since he showed up, and he’s yet be alone with you.
Surprisingly, your boyfriend is really good with kids. He wasn’t harsh or mean with her at all, but genuinely nice. It felt strange seeing him like that, but it was relieving to see they were getting along so well. But…
“Okay (Sister’s name), I’m gonna go spend some time with (Name), do you go to sleep around this time?”
“I can stay up later, I wanna hang out with you and (Name)!”
You’re kidding… here you thought you’d get the quality time you desperately wanted with Akito. You love your sister, dearly. But man you wish she was asleep right now. It’s already past her bedtime, so usually it wouldn’t be a pain to get her to sleep. But since she’s so ecstatic, it might be harder.
“Actually, (Sister’s name), I think it’s too late for you to be up. ‘Kito will be here in the morning still, so you can see him then.”
“No buts, we can’t have you losing sleep, off to bed!”
Solemnly and tiredly, she made her way to her room. You honestly felt bad, but it was already getting late, and you’ve yet too even spend alone time with Akito. You and him quietly headed to your room, where he threw himself on the bed.
It was silent for a moment, a comfortable silence. It was clear he was a bit drained from keeping up with a kid’s energy for so long, it was also clear you missed him a bit.
“I saw that face, you were jealous, weren’t you?”
“I wasn’t jealous, just felt a little left out, y’know?”
He chuckled and patted the spot on the mattress next to him, silently asking for you to lay with him. Of course, you obliged. This was time time you’ve been looking forward to all day.
He quickly wrapped his arms around you before kicking the blankets over you two. He always did this, using his legs and feet to get the blanket over you and him because he didn’t want to let go of you.
“So now I have two (Last name)’s to focus on, huh?”
“I guess so… but y’know this alone time if gonna be less frequent now right?”
“It’s okay, we still always have my place. Besides, I think I like hanging out with your sister more than you.”
You softly punched his arm as he laughed. You could tell he enjoyed meeting your sister. Before, you never saw him interact with kids, so you had no idea he was good with them until now. It was endearing in a way.
“Goodnight Akito… love you..”
“Goodnight (Name), I love you too. Sleep well..”
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
Yahallo!! I like ur latest FS siblings relationship, thats cured my soul. If u wouldn't mind can I ask the same relationship but separately? I'm curious how do shinonome/tenma/aoyagi siblings act around their youngest member in household or weirdo kamishiro which canonically doesn't has any sibling. English isn't my native, sorry if I messed it up🥲 and thx 😇
heyy!! but will do, and you're fine!! hope you like this! <3
♡ YOUNGEST SIBLING (Separate) - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Honestly, the Shinonome siblings are, to put it lightly, a hot mess-
However, the only thing that Akito wishes for you is that you don't turn out like him. The anger, the walls he puts up...He just wants you to live as yourself
He fights a lot with Ena, but he tries not to do the same with you. Ena also leaves you alone in this aspect, which probably means that you're a mediator for them-
He might be a bit pushy when it comes to your interests, but that's only because he wants to make sure that you have the same passion that he has! Passion takes you far, after all
He is protective of you at times, but he's not overbearing about it. He just wants to make sure you keep yourself safe-
His favorite way to bond with you is to listen to music with you, because he will always cherish the bond that comes from music. He also cherishes your reactions and dances, but he'd never admit it-
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The Aoyagi family is...A tricky one, to say the least.
Much like Akito, Toya doesn't want you to have to deal with the crap from your dad. If anything, he takes on more to make sure that doesn't happen to you, but he'd never tell you that.
He's a bit awkward whenever he tries to bond with you, not too sure of what to do. He was isolated for a while after all, you'd probably have to help him there-
He's desperate to have any kind of positive connection with his family, so you're basically a breath of fresh air for him
He likes to give you little gifts every now and then, each one is a token of admiration. You're such a wonderful person despite the circumstances, he's very proud of you!
He reads to you sometimes, but he also likes to see what you do in your spare time. He'll ask to try it, and if at first he doesn't succeed, he'll keep trying. He just likes being close with you!
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No doubt that the Tenmas are definitely the most functional family on this list-
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Tsukasa adores you just as much as he adores Saki! You both are constantly subjected to his never ending adoration <3
Since you're the youngest, Tsukasa definitely feels compelled to make you as happy as he can! Never fear, Big Brother Tsukasa is here!
While he does start to focus on being a star, he still puts aside the time to hang out with you and Saki!
He does have a tendency to check on how you're taking care of yourself, and will scold you if he feels like you're not- His siblings need to be healthy to see him flourish as a star after all!
Unsurprisingly, his favorite way to bond with you is making you laugh! When you were younger, he'd put on shows, but now he just lets you come to Phoenix Wonderland (You get to come in for free)
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The Kamishiros are certainly interesting-
Rui is an eccentric person, to say the least. More than anything, he wants somebody to listen to his ideas and just understand him. That's where you come in!
He knows that his ideas are a little...Out there, but they make him excited! Of course, he'd never make you do anything to risky, which is why he used to turn to his classmates
Keywords being used to. He gets labeled weird and is left alone. But it's okay, he has his robots and you
He cares about you, a lot more than he usually says. Without you, he probably would have put his ideas to rest. You give him the inspiration he needs!
He loves to either do shows or build robots with you! Despite the fact that he has WxS, he still defaults to you from time to time to run his ideas by you. His troupemates have certainly not heard all of his ideas, you make sure of it-
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kawaiichibiart · 2 years
can you talk more about the tenma's relationship with eachother in the au? sorry emu is my favorite character and emu tenma sounds so cute. i'd also like to know more about what's going on with the shinonomes
Of course!!
So, because we know very little about the Tenma parents, in my eyes they're: low key neglectful at worst, high key absent parents at best. A lot of responsibility falls onto Tsukasa as the oldest, especially now that he's a teenager and able to live on his own, even if not legally.
He takes his role as an older brother and caretaker seriously, and he's widely know by his neighbors for being this very polite, kind, gentleman. So they will offer him assistant if they see he needs it (such as when the elderly woman threatened Toya's dad and told Tsukasa to go back home to take care of his friend).
When Emu joined the family, it was meant as a temporary thing, she had other friends she could stay with, Kohane for example, but Tsukasa, Saki, and Toya all made her feel welcomed and loved, so she just, extended her stay until she she's either: ready to go home or wants to go live somewhere else.
Because they're all about the same age, Saki asks Emu when her birthday is. She knows Toya has been the Tenma baby so far. She wanted to see if that changed or not.
Well, Emu's birthday is in September, making her the new Tenma baby.
The Tenma siblings, specifically Tsukasa and Saki, are very close and consider their friends to be family. It's not rare to see one or both of them be worried about one of their friends, that's mainly what ended up getting Toya a permanent room in the Tenma household.
Emu, due to believing she wasn't going to stay permanently, believed she would just sleep on the couch. But she stays in Saki's room.
The Tenmas are a lot different from her family. The house is often filled with noise (she can hear Saki playing her keyboard, moreso since she went to that event with Ichika, she can hear Toya talking to someone, Akito perhaps? And she can hear Tsukasa's sewing machine as he works on costumes and customizing his own clothes). There's always at least one person who will greet her in the morning, at least one person who will listen to her ideas and help her try and work it out, even if it fails. There's this sense of trust between the siblings and Emu, that before long, she feels like she really is a part of the family.
So you can imagine how it felt for her when her bio siblings showed up, finally ready to listen, and at the end of it all, she can't forgive them. She can't go back with them. They don't ask her to, but the dynamic between the Otoris and the Tenmas is so different, and to Emu, the Tenmas are the better option. She felt safe, loved, like her feelings and desires and "childish dreams" mattered with the Tenmas. With her own family? Not so much.
Emu, Toya, Tsukasa, and Saki are essentially this big found family.
As for the Shinonomes, I think by now it's pretty well known that Shinei Shinonome isn't the best dad. He does things he believes are for the best for his kids, such as outright telling Ena that since she had no talent, she would never make it as an artist.
While they aren't as close as the Tenmas, Ena and Akito are still close and can rely on each other if the need comes to it.
It happened more as kids, but they would sneak into each others room when they needed the comfort.
Their dad just, almost always finds something wrong with what they like or what they want to do, and he'll often just tell them over and over why they should just give up just to follow it up with "but it's your decision" or "it's up to you." He's trying to make it seem like he's giving them the option, but his own "opinion" (if you can even call it that) is laid on so thick and heavy, it feels like he's just waiting for either Ena or Akito to finally admit he's right.
So, Ena decided one day, enough was enough, and that one day, as soon as she was able to legally, she would move out. She'd find a good paying job, open commissions, she'd do something to help pay rent.
And while she didn't have to, it didn't feel right to just abandon Akito with a man who didn't care about what he wanted in life. Ena could see how much music meant to her little brother. She could almost always make out the smile on his face whenever he was on his phone with his partner, Toya Aoyagi (who their dad seemed to dislike for some reason, Ena is fully convinced her dad is low key homophobic). She knew their dad was just as against Akito pursuing music as he was against her pursuing art.
Their dad would never stop saying things to "protect" them. If it was meant to "protect" them, why was it hurting them? Why was it invalidating what they wanted? Because they had no "natural talent?" Bullshit. BULL. SHIT.
Ena is preparing for the future. She's getting ready to run. To find real support. To find people who can help her improve and become a better artist than her dad. And she's taking her brother with her. They would cut contact with their dad and his "protection." She'd let Akito chase music and be with Toya if that's what makes him happy. She'd follow her own dream, find artists who can give her genuine critics and tips on how to improve rather than artists who tell her to give up because she has no talent. She was going to work hard to prove to Shinei that she doesn't need him. She doesn't need him to protect her or Akito. They would be fine on their own.
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box-chan-og · 10 months
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How They Met:
• Minori pov
I opened the letter excitedly and....another fail I sighed what was this the 50'th? I sat down I can't keep doing to his and I can't keep lying to dad he wants me to be an idol more then anything I took the paper and I ripped it and threw it away then took out the trash when my dad was busy so he wouldn't go though my trash then I went back to my room to finish my homework I realized I already finished it I got up and put some music on not to loud though put on some comfortable clothes and started dancing so when my dad came to check up on me he would see I'm hard at work and leave me alone he did but eventually I would have to go down for dinner then take a shower and wash- I think you get the idea then I sat in my room with nothing but my computer screen to light the room then I heard a knock on the door "Yo Minori, Me and Ena brought you some snacks" having 2 siblings almost the exact same age as you was strange at most times I stood up turn on the lights and opened the door and sure enough they did have snack's they passed me some of my favorite snacks I thanked them and we all went to the living room to watch a movie like we always do this time it was a horror movie we screamed and hugged eachother but we ultimately had fun then we all went back to our rooms to do whatever we needed to before bed I went to my computer and texted the group chat to tell the of my failure "Nori if you don't want to be an idol tell your dad" I almost gasped "No Way Kumi id crush him" I closed my eyes fighting back my tears if I told him he would yell at me and I couldn't handle that I opened my eyes at the sound of a ping "what do you guys think?" I nervously waited for Shii and Enan's responses "just tell him" I sighed and cover my face with my hands then I heard another ping scared of what it said I sat there for a moment before reading it "Nori it's up to you if your in fear of crushing him if you tell him the don't tell him until your ready to tell him" I smiled "thanks for the advice guys I'm heading to bed" I got up and turned my computer off then went to bed the next morning I took a shower, Brushed my hair, Brushed my teeth, then decided to listen to music before school and I saw an untitled playlist with a single Untitled song I decided to play it and in the blink of an eye I was somewhere I couldn't recognize I looked around and saw the world around me was gray and empty then I heard a song a familiar one at that I walked around this empty plane then a saw a girl singing with Short gray ponytails who looked familiar then she stopped singing and looked at me "oh, your here" I felt at ease "where am I?" She jumped off of where she was sitting "your in a world created by your feelings" I shook my head "that's impossible I'm always happy" she turned away from me "are you sure those are your True feelings?" I couldn't respond "I'll give you some time to think about it" then she put her hands on my shoulders i was back in my room I grabbed my phone and the untitled playlist was gone guess she was serious about giving me time to think about it I went to the group chat and asked them to look for an untitled playlist but they said they didn't find it I sighed maybe I was daydreaming again I went to school while thinking about what that oh so familiar girl said 'are you sure those are your feelings?' what are feelings anyway? I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't know that school had ended 'i've felt Happiness before And fear' but her words kept running around in my head 'What are my true feelings?' it couldn't be that hard right? 'Who are you Minori Shinonome?' Then I heard a ping from my phone the group chat said that they found the untitled Song we all unanimously decided to play it
Unit Information:
Glass shard is a Unit that usually sings dark and Sad songs However they are very popular despite that
Original Cards:
The Envelope of Hate - Minori - 4*
The Stage of Darkness - Nene - 3*
Radio of Solitude - Shiho - 3*
The Blank Canvas - Ena - 3*
The Echoing Of Claps - Nene
By the Edge - Shiho
Empty Panting - Ena
Abandoned Stage - Nene
The Sound Of Music - Shiho
Holding To An Empty Dream - Ena
A Unfulfilled Promise - Minori
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anzynai · 1 year
jai how do you feel about ena shinonome
SORRY LOMLLLL this was forever ago but i kinda uh completely forgot about it,,, but there’s no time like the present so let me talk about one of my favorite characters EVER and since u so graciously sent me this ask, i WILL be using this as my excuse to rant
SO FIRST OF ALL, i feel like she’s just very realistic. she puts so much time into her art and yet never thinks it looks good enough. it doesn’t help that her father is a bitch and is always like “u don’t have talent blah blah blah” WHEN SHE DOES, if you’ve seen the tiny little glimpses of her artwork that is shown through various of her cards (because they refuse to give us an actual closeup😞) but as many characters are characterized as these like selfless beings who can do no wrong, i enjoy the aspect of ena’s character that is NOT that.
she struggles with seeing how good her art is so she seeks validation through her selfies, since they get so much more attention than her illustrations. she doesn’t always take well to constructive criticism, though she is working in improving that, when she begins taking her old teacher’s classes again. and, well, she’s not always nice, which is an aspect i admire because again, it doesn’t portray her as perfect because she does lash out, she is selfish at times, and sometimes, she does things that she shouldn’t have.
still, i admire that she works on those things. i love the good things about her the most. she’s never pushy. she had never pressured or tried to pressure mizuki to reveal their secret to her and sure, whatever, bare minimum, but with so many people or characters who don’t do that nowadays, it’s respectable and admirable that she knows boundaries. she’s actually pretty sweet, you can tell she cares about her friends and i love her relationship with akito because it’s so realistic. i love the other pairs of siblings, but they fight like normal siblings, but yet show they care in other ways. i also enjoy her sarcasm and how easy it is for the others, namely mizuki, to rule her up.
people talk about how they don’t like her because of how she treated mafuyu, but it just feels like she says what needs to be said. i think everyone tiptoes around mafuyu, but that’s not always the best solution and i’m glad that ena was the one to do that. people have also said they don’t like how she treats akito. but like, akito isn’t the sweetest with her either. anyways, she’s typically only “mean” when she’s literally having a mental breakdown, which isn’t necessarily an excuse, but it’s not like that’s the only time they interact. they frequently go shopping together and even sometimes visit cheesecake shops. PLUS SHOULD I MENTION THE FACT THAT SHE LITERALLY WAS THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED HE TRY SINGING IN THE FIRST PLACE? also bonus but i thought it was cute: but on one of the 4koma’s, it’s akito’s birthday and on the cheesecake box, she does this really cute doodle of him on it.
ALSO, the reason that caught my attention of her at first, to be honest,,, was that she’s really pretty. i really really really love short hair and maybe some might think she’s plain, but she’s just so pretty and has an amazing personality to match.
anyways, i love ena shinonome!!!!!
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aresmarked · 2 years
op you are SO right about the freaking shizumafu event because i am rotating them they are just so,,!!! like even if its just a set up, mafuyu getting support outside from n25 is just a huge step!!! more people for more support for mafuyu and man she deserves it and im so glad you brought it up because im literally going to cry im sorry for bursting into your ask like this i just think you are so cool???
if you dont mind i do wonder what your favorite event is in prjsk and why!!!
so first don't apologise for coming to ramble about story with me, it's one of my fave activities XD as evinced by the rambling i threw out already. and YES this is a writer's hunch but i think shizuku and emu will likely be a big safety component as mafu-mom pokes more into mafuyu's 'friend' at school, which she hasn't. actually really had before, before this. so this is actually a highly critical event IMO, on that front.
and like. what parent wouldn't be somewhat reassured by their child having a friend as earnestly and openly caring as shizuku? even if she'll probably be a little critical of throwing away the 'stability' of being an agency idol for being independent (yes im writing a ficlet on this and am full of thoughts).
and god do i have to just pick one?? i'll give a selection lol.
kamikou festival because it was such a nice little sight into mizuki at school, and how an and rui are just, so important for them feeling connected, and how things have changed for them? an bothering to reach out to say 'hey no one's going to be staring at you so it should be all good to come' was just. so kind.
secret distance holds a special place in my heart for mizuan interactions in card, mizuena overall, and being my first proper psekai event, i started the game when it was first done in jp. the writing really is what reeled me in.
let me know your worries picnic shizuai/mizuena double date?? shizuai mizuena double date. also showing how ena just cares so much and mizuki does too. god.
summer festival i have a soft spot for cause we really get to see for all they are def the most nippy siblings, the shinonome sibs really get each other.
two moon rabbits. god, so, fun fact, sometimes to go to sleep i just put on this event to listen to while i drift off. seeing how shizuku has just always looked out for shiho and really does know her so well? just maximum consideration. i die.
Both anni events are just so good for the mingling and the show of how everyone's drawing closer? and gosh. the kanamafu piano duet.
Footprints. I don't think I need to double this post length, so let's just say I t500'd global and mizuki aching over just having even a little more time killed me.
the events with ena facing her art fully, and her growth with honaemu (paint what you like), and mafuyu (this wish will reach the dawn)? also have nudged me back into vis art. god i love the stories.
cherry blossom event hinting at an intergroup sekai has me chomping.
wishing you happiness: holy shit hinomoris can be so gender.
vivid old tale: combined w the marriage event, it's sweet to see how an admires mature ladies. and funny lol i HC mizuki def teases her
no seek no find: i have to shout out saki's VA for absolutely wrecking people with the sheer heartbroken frustration she conveyed, for when saki was just, at her lowest at not being able to do anything she really wanted.
tying the ribbon: mizuki is def one of my fave kids so seeing them have such a good relationship with their family, their sister, and how their sister convinced them to try music... man. i really hope she gets an l2d sometime.
wolf forest: hinomoris can be so gender. i also really enjoyed shiho marvelling at an's fitness, and the area talk with an just accepting shiho likes cute stuff.
beyond that day's dream: baby harukaaaaa!! also more context on why haruka wants so badly to talk to her idol in her fes card. delish.
lol basically i have a baseline appreciation for 99% of psekai's writing but these were some fave times
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nian-7 · 1 year
Heyyy! Can I request shinonome siblings w/ a s/o who loves to read? Thanks and have a great rest of your day! (≧з≦)(ت)
yes! please enjoy, anon!
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Akito & Ena Shinonome x gn!reader
✧s/o that likes to read
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-He's honestly impressed at how much you read and aren't bored. He gets bored of books easily and honestly can't stand to read something he's not really interested in.
-Akito doesn't mind that you like reading though, he thinks it makes for easy gift ideas too. Buying you a book from a series you're reading for your birthday along with a note attached to it from him. (He's always a bit embarrassed about the note bit, he can't stop himself from getting red when you read it because he thinks it's weird but you always end up liking it!)
-He likes going to bookstores with you and listens to you ramble about all the books you've read. If you're lucky, he might even decide to read one just because you mentioned how much you enjoyed it.
-Honestly, he loves to just sit with you on the couch or his bed with some music in the background as you read. Sometimes he'll sneak a peek at whatever you're reading and then go back to his phone. He truly enjoys the quality time he gets to spend with you.
-" This ones your favorite, huh? Maybe I'll get it then.. "
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-Ena doesn't mind reading, she enjoys it once in a while. When she is in the mood for it, she goes to you for recommendations. You've read far more than her so she trusts your judgement when asking for a book she should read.
-She enjoys going to bookstores with you because sometimes they'll have artbooks! She'll occasionally buy one and follow you around the rest of the time as you look for the books you want.
-She enjoys hearing about the books you have read while you two hang out together. For some reason it helps her stay focused on her art. Hearing you be passionate about your hobby makes her want to stay passionate about hers.
-Sometimes, she'll draw your favorite characters from book series you enjoy and give them to you as a little present. She feels proud when your eyes light up with happiness after seeing the art she stayed up all night to draw until she felt it was perfect.
-" (name), do you have any book recommendations? You always seem to give me ones that I enjoy. "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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stephobrien · 2 years
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I recently watched the first three seasons of Wakfu, an anime-like French cartoon, and now Qilby is living rent free in my head.
His skilled, gentle handling of Baby Chibi's crying episode, combined with his "oldest child" status and the absence of their parents, has made me fall in love with the headcanon that before Qilby lost his morals and his grip on reality, he and Shinonome were the ones who raised their more forgetful siblings whenever they died and were reborn.
I like to think they had an almost ritual-like series of actions they repeated whenever their siblings came back to life - songs, stories, favorite games - in an attempt to awaken the embers of emotional memory and reestablish their bonds.
The lyrics in the image are for one of those songs. I kept picturing Qilby and Shino singing the Turret Opera from Portal 2​ to their baby siblings, and I decided to adapt the lyrics into something more fitting for the lonely existence of those doomed to be forgotten. 
​You can listen to the Turret Opera here, if you don't care about end-of-game spoilers for Portal 2.
Here are the lyrics, for those who have trouble seeing the image:
Hello, child, glad to see you again Though I know you forgot All our memories The bond we once had I will remind you, once again
Love forgotten, but I Know I can earn it once more, and then You’ll forget, I’ll earn it again We’ll make lots of new memories, Replace the ones you have lost As it’s always been It will always be For eternity…
I can’t do this anymore…
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