#ship: kit x macbeth
kendelias · 3 years
hugs 16 for kit & macbeth!
touches ask game
kit/macbeth + ‘not wanting to let go’ hugs
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Groggy and confused, Kit wakes up to tapping at his window. His first thought is to wonder if it’s another nightmare, but after making sure he’s aware of his surroundings, stretching his limbs into movement, he can only think about who the hell might be at his window. Weaver is surely sleeping just a room over; Lyon would never be awake at a time like this. Toby, maybe, but more likely than not he’d just use the front door. Curiosity tinges him as he stands and shuffles his way over to his window, sticking his head out and almost immediately smacking it on the wooden window frame. No matter what he’d thought, he’d never be prepared for what he sees.
Macbeth looked up at him from the ground. He looked a little different from the last time he’d saw him; his hair is cut differently, his makeup softer and more palatable, but still quintessentially him. Kit can tell, in the way that he stands unsurely, and the way he averts his eyes, and his hands stuffed in his pockets. Kit could always tell. Still, he finds himself at a loss for words. “What the f... Macbeth? Where did you-- how did--?”
“I’m coming up,” Macbeth says, just before leaping at Weaver’s vine-covered scaffolding. As he scales his way up to Kit’s window, all Kit can think is, Man, Weaver’s gonna be pissed if he tears up those plants. Sooner than he knows it, Macbeth is perched on his windowsill, offering him a tiny smile. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Kit says weakly. He looks Macbeth up and down. He looks real - he’s got dirt scuffing his boots, a blue cloak wrapped around his waist, mascara smudged underneath his eyes. Still, he can’t help but ask, “Is this an illusion?”
Macbeth chuckles. “No. Can I come in?”
Unsure of what else to do, Kit steps out of the way and lets Macbeth jump inside, landing on his feet like a cat. He doesn’t know what to do; what to say, what to ask. He doesn’t know how to articulate every emotion running through him right now. Of course he’s happy to see Macbeth. He’s missed him every day, trying to muddle through without the other half of himself. But he’s confused, too, unsure how he even got here, and kind of scared that he might be harboring a fugitive. But as Macbeth stands to meet his eyes, Kit can’t help but grin and say, “It’s so good to see you.”
“You too,” Macbeth says. “I don’t want to wake... Is your sister here?”
Kit opens his mouth to answer, then stops. “You read my letters,” he says suddenly. How else would he have known about his sister? Macbeth sheepishly looks away, and that’s all the information that Kit needs. He feels the warmth spread through his chest at that; he never got anything back, so he never knew. He refrains from honing in on that embarrassment, and instead nods. “My sister’s asleep in the other room, and she’d freak if she knew you were here.” He licks his lips - there’s only so long they can stall before the hard questions must be asked. “So... how’d you get here? How’d you get out? Are you staying?”
He looks back up and shakes his head, crossing his arms against his chest. “I can’t stay long,” he admits. “I’ll be lucky if I get five minutes.”
That makes Kit’s heart break in his chest, but he should’ve known this wouldn’t last. The phrase ‘star-crossed’ meant nothing until the gods put their paths so far apart. So he nods. “Right. Um, in which case...” He takes a deep breath. He doesn’t know how to fit a lifetime - 12 years worth of words into five minutes, but he’s going to try. “I’m sorry.” Macbeth’s brow furrows, and that small movement spurs Kit forward, his words spilling off his lips before he can stop them. “I’m so fucking sorry, and I know you’ve said it before, but losing you once, then twice, it completely ruined me. I don’t know what to do without you and I live every day regretting--”
Macbeth cuts him off by moving forward to meet him where he’s standing, bracing his hands on either side of Kit’s face. Kit holds his breath, 12 years of tension and longing in one gust of air, releasing only when Macbeth swipes his thumb across his face. It’s only then he realizes the tears that’ve fallen, gathering on his cheekbones and sloping down his face. Macbeth sighs softly and tips his forehead forward. Instinctively, Kit comes down to meet it, cool skin against skin. “No more sorries,” he murmurs. “Please? Enough.” Not a man of many words, but Kit hears the desperation. He nods slightly, biting his lip to stop the flow of words.
He’s content to spend a while in silence, but Macbeth clears his throat. “If anything, I should apologize,” he says softly, as Kit tries to blink his tears away. “For everything. I haven’t said it yet, but I’m sorry.”
Kit just smiles. “You said no more sorries, right?” he asks. His voice is thick and stuffed, the tears catching up with him. A sob breaks through, and he hears Midnight sigh sadly. “So no more.”
“Okay,” Macbeth whispers.
After another moment, Kit can’t hold it anymore, and he wraps his arms around Macbeth’s shoulders. There’s a pause, and then Macbeth hugs him back. They know they can’t stay here forever - Macbeth has to leave to go... wherever he’s going, and Kit has to go back to his life with his friends and his sister - but they hold on as if they can. As if letting go won’t be one of the hardest things they ever have to do.
“I’m sorry,” Kit breathes, and he feels chest hitch when he does, but he can’t stop himself. “I know, but some things just need to be said. I’m so, so sorry, okay?” He takes a deep breath, and runs headfirst off the edge. He can’t go another five or seven years without saying it. It’s now, or it’s never. “I love you, and I didn’t know what I was doing at eighteen, and I don’t know what I’m doing now, but if I could do it all again I wouldn’t let you go. I lost you and again and now again - please don’t go. Please, stay here, with me, because I don’t know how to be me without you, and every day I pretend like I do, and it’s selfish but I need you. Please don’t go.”
Reluctantly and not without protest, Macbeth pulls back, still within reach. Kit doesn’t budge, arms around his neck still interlocked. “I have to,” he says, “Trust me, I... I have to go. And I know you can’t leave, otherwise I’d... I would never--”
“I know. But it was worth a shot.”
Macbeth just smiles. And lets go.
Kit watches as Macbeth steps back, his arms pulling back into his jacket as he goes. Then, he moves back over to the window and perches on it. Kit pretends not to see the red in his eyes, and if he does see it, pretend that it’s from something in his eye. “I’ll be back,” he promises. “Soon. I promise we’ll be together. Okay?”
It sparks a little hope in his chest, but he knows it won’t last. Still, he smiles softly. “Okay,” he murmurs. “Soon.” And with that, Macbeth drops backwards off of the side of the building. Kit doesn’t watch him go before closing the window.
He wonders if they’ll ever see each other again.
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ocsandallthatjazz · 4 years
💞 + weaver!
I’ve been afraid of going too long for some of these asks, but I gotta let myself freely speak for her, for us.
💞 Kit Varga
Serotonin is stored in the Kit and Weaver. It’s all in Them. Weaver has a lot of dynamics I love, but Kit is her entire world. She tries to follow tradition and guidelines and the rules to the best of her ability, but she’d tear everything apart and go for blood the moment something is hurting Kit. And he becomes chaotic enough to willingly go the same lengths for her too. But I’ll always be weak for the domesticity of their homelife and the family circle they carved out for themselves and their select group at the guild - the homecooked meals and teasing stories and a door that is always open and warm and welcome for any who wants to walk in. And it’s Weaver actively choosing to toss aside her protective and accusatory tendencies to watch Kit go his own way and grab his own happiness - effectively finding more happiness for herself, too.
💞 Jura Neekis
Wizard dad! (No disrespect to Mr. Teal, but look at Jura) Weaver’s looked up to him for as long as she can remember and when he was younger, Jura was happy to spend his off-time playing with the daughter of his guildmate and show off magic for her. Jura was the perfect role model and led to Weaver picking up such precise mannerisms when doing magic and conducting guild business. Jura was always a shining star that Weaver felt was waiting for her to climb up and meet - and he’s always remained a calm, motivating presence for her in that way.
💞 Lyon Vastia
Yeah....Anyway onto the next name- No, how do I put into words the way they affect me? You already know...The way I know so much about them yet they always find a way to stay unpredictable to me - the ridiculous amount of yearning, the hot and cold back and forth of their years of friendship, the fast and dedicated nature of their relationship once they got together....these are all integral parts of them and while at first I went “really? the long road?” it feels right now. Their similar yet opposing aesthetics...spring and winter yet both looking so refined (but also being really dumb in their own ways). It’s how they will claim to not understand each other so often but to anyone else wow they’re really the same person huh. It’s the entire guild sitting around waiting for the inevitable that is this pair of soulmates.
💞 Shellia Blendy
That’s her whole daughter, your honor. Especially after Sherry was gone for a few years, Shellia really latched onto Weaver as a role model - a little like how Weaver looked up to Jura - but Shellia was talented and worked hard and it wasn’t long at all before they were both strong wizards at the guild, but Weaver gets scared about her little sibling figures having to grow up a bit too fast, so of course she’s going to worry and tell her to slow down all the time. But they’ll do their hair together or Shellia will run up to Weaver first thing in the morning at the guild to show her a new song. And while Weaver is scared of Shellia growing up too fast, Shellia is just as intimidated of Weaver going her own way too, choosing other people, closer family members to love a bit more, and Shellia’s the type to let people walk away towards those bonds, ut Weaver is resolute and isn’t going anywhere, so that’s nonsense.
💞 Macbeth
So much of Weaver’s opinion on him was built up on hearsay and the grudges of seeing what he and his group put her loved ones through...and the anger of still seeing Kit rip himself apart over it all...And she spent so much time building all of this frustration up (while Macbeth probably just got random normal facts about her via Kit’s letters) that then when she finally meets him, he just isn’t the Same Dark Person she taught herself to expect? The early days of Weaver being so angry at someone who is willingly just going to accept that penance, so they’re on this little island of “well what do we do now?” It’s Weaver actively deciding one morning that she wasn’t going to be mad anymore and she’d make him the place in their family that Kit always wanted for him. It’s Mac (bc i love that she insists on that) being confidante-shaped to her after awhile, just like her brother always found with Lyon...Yeah I like their dynamic a lot.
Honorable mentions: Hibiki Lates, Dimitri Keyne, the Teals, Wendy Marvell, the rest of Lamia Scale
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send me 💞 + an oc for their top five dynamics
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kendelias · 3 years
multiples of 7 + kit and macbeth!
7. would they hate-fuck if they were mad at one another? if they had a falling out?
DEFINITELY NOT AKNDKFNKNF macbeth for some reason is like “sex is about LOVE also i could never hate kit???” and kit’s like “aww :’) i’m gonna fuck him stupid”
14. who grieves more when the other is away?
honestly it’s a pretty close call but i think im gonna say... kit. whereas macbeth gets more angry.
21. what’s the thing they miss most about each other?
macbeth misses the way kit soothed him, and kit misses the way macbeth was so passionate it made him passionate too
28. who’s the first to distance themselves (if either)?
macbeth, always. kit’s always chasing him lmao
35. do they have any regrets (regarding the other, or just in general)?
oh these two ABSOLUTELY have regrets lmao. kit regrets leaving him the first time, and then letting him go to prison, and then letting macbeth feel like it wasn’t safe to come to him when he first escaped. macbeth regrets almost everything he said to kit during their big fight, especially when he accused him of abandoning him bc now he knows that wasn’t true. he also regrets hurting richard to manipulate kit. tbh they’re both in pain all the time <3
42. if one of them gets injured, who worries more?
macbeth is more of a worrier for sure; like kit gets worried, but macbeth gets Insane
49. do they think about each other a lot? does it affect their performance/schoolwork?
absolutely and Yes DNKFNKNFKL kit spends five years planning his life/missions around finding the tower, and then after that spends a majority of his early adulthood working on prison reform All For Macbeth. meanwhile macbeth loses his fight against erza bc of his love for kit AND reforms for the same reason!
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kendelias · 3 years
❝ I close my eyes and you’re still here. ❞ My brain said kitnight so do with that what you will <3
kitnight +  I close my eyes and you’re still here.
There’s a chill in the air tonight. The breeze nips at his shoulders, his nose, the tips of his ears. It’s nice; as they move from winter to spring, he’d rather be comfortably cold than frozen. The warmth at his side keeps the edge of winter out of his bones, and the stars in the sky keep his thoughts, anyway. He attempts to count them. 1, 2, 3...
Macbeth speaks suddenly. “Do you regret it?”
Kit hums. The sound reverberates through his chest, and surely through Macbeth where they’re pressed against each other. “Yes,” he says. “And no.” Macbeth knows what he means, too.
Macbeth’s boots scuff against the tiles of the roof as he stretches out his legs. He wonders idly if Weaver’ll be upset. “Do you blame yourself?”
“Yes.” The answer’s more instantaneous this time, at the tip of his tongue. Macbeth clicks, sounding disappointed. Kit looks over at him, but he’s turned away, so he returns his eyes to the stars. 9, 10, 11... “It’s nice night to see you here again.”
Macbeth nudges him with his shoulder. “That wasn’t what I asked.” Kit finally does meet his eyes now. The dark hoods of his eyes sends a jolt of panic through Kit’s chest. He says something, and Kit can see his mouth move, but he doesn’t quite understand it. It sounds for a moment like he’s underwater.
“What’s that?”
For some reason, Macbeth smiles, blackened lips twisting into a curve around his face. “You miss me,” he says, and it’s not a question.
Kit sighs. “Sometimes,” he admits. “But then I close my eyes and you’re still here.”
Macbeth shakes his head, and looks back up. “You’ll never count them all, you know,” he says.
Kit looks back up, then closes his eyes, the night sky replaced with the blackness of his eyelids. “Yeah. I know.”
When he opens his eyes again, he’s in his bed. Someone softly breathing beside him, soft and steady, sunlight streaming through the window. He sighs and puts his head back down onto the pillow. Maybe if he goes back to sleep, he’ll dream a better dream this time. One that doesn’t seem so far out of reach.
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kendelias · 3 years
‘ yo, sleepyface. ’
Sunlight filters softly through the window, a late morning halo around everything it touches. The air smells of sticky sweet syrup, and the house is nice and quiet. Floorboards creek quietly as Kit creeps across them, and the door squeaks as he shoulders it open softly. He mutters a swear - he made it all this way, he can’t mess it up at the last minute.
Well, it really doesn’t matter. He could probably drop an anvil through the roof and Macbeth still wouldn’t wake up.
He gently places the platter down on the nightstand, and looks over at the bed. The only reason he can tell Macbeth is there is the lump wrapped under blankets and the gentle chainsaw snoring. He sighs and crosses to him, moving the blankets down just to find exactly what he expects: Macbeth, face down, arms above his head, snoring a mile a minute, mascara from the day before smudged on his pillow - well, his remaining pillow, anyway. The other one’s fallen to the floor, as if he’s wrestled it in the night and it lost horrendously. Kit sighs softly, but smiles all the same.
Kit reaches down and presses a kiss between his bare shoulder blades. “Yo, sleepyface,” he murmurs. Nothing; the revving continues. He kisses up, one each as he continues. “Time to wake up... Come on, baby, as much as I’d love to stay in bed all day...”
Eventually, by the time he’s reached his neck, the snoring’s gently dissipated. Macbeth grumbles and turns over, blinking in the sunlight and stretching like a cat; he feels his chest tighten, love warming him all the way through. “Whassah,” Macbeth mutters intelligently, shaking his head.
Kit smirks. “I made breakfast in bed for you, dummy,” he says.
Macbeth blinks. “Did I forget something?” he asks. That makes Kit laugh.
“No,” he assures. “Just a benefit of having the best boyfriend in the world whose hobby is making French toast from scratch.”
Finally, Macbeth smiles, a warm and bright one. “All true,” he murmurs, then leans up to kiss Kit sweetly. “Thank you.”
He grins against Macbeth’s mouth. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he says, before standing and retrieving the breakfast platter and returning it. Macbeth’s always looks like he’s starving in a desert and Kit’s food is a feast fit for a king; a side effect of going hungry most of his life, Kit supposes. Still, he waits patiently as Kit sits down on his own side of the bed, then hands him a plate before ravenously digging into the other. Kit just holds back a laugh. Instead, he politely tucks in to his own plate, then says, “Oh, you remember we’re going to Weaver’s, right?”
Macbeth stops mid-shovel and looks at him from the corner of his eye. A man of few words, Kit can read the side-eye by now: Really? Lyon’s still pissed about last week when you and Toby took shots every time I revealed a new felony I’ve committed.
Kit rolls his eyes playfully. “You’ll be fine,” he says. “You gotta stop worrying. If they even get to see half the person I think you are they’ll fall in love with you, alright?” Kit leans over and presses a kiss to his bare shoulder. “You’re gonna be fine.”
When he pulls back, it’s to see Macbeth making a face. “Maple syrup,” he mutters, and Kit’s surprised into a laugh when he sees a smudge of maple syrup indeed left on Macbeth’s shoulder. Still, as Macbeth goes back to his food, he says, “Love you too.”
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kendelias · 4 years
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oc trope challenge: love across battle lines → kit varga and macbeth
“ If the tower was destroyed, and Macbeth never left… The idea gutted him. His heart was destroyed when he’d heard about the tower. For thirteen years of their lives, he and Macbeth were the only ones they could turn to. Kit was the one who laid awake with him, counting stars through barred windows. Kit was the one who wiped his tears. Kit was the one who held him as he wept. If he had died in that tower, a piece of Kit had died with him. ” [UNDER THE CUT] [AO3]
Kit feels the dusty air enter his lungs, inhaling sharply as another attack lands just behind him. Still, he’s not sure if that’s why he can’t breathe - it could be the pressing weight of anxiety on his chest, too. He’s terrified. He knows Macbeth won’t hurt him, but it’s come close… too close for comfort. As the smoke clears, he sees him: his friend, his best friend, sneering at him across the battlefield. It’s been years - but it’s still Macbeth. He knows it is. Macbeth may have hurt Richard, but he wouldn’t hurt Kit. That he knows is true.
He clears his throat. “I’ve noticed none of your attacks have hit me,” he says, aiming for nonplussed, coming out strangled. The hand at his side grips the bag that’s usually attached to his hip. He could attack now, take the initiative, even pull one of his stronger cards and get the drop on him. But he doesn’t want to win; neither of them winning will really do them any good. All he needs to do is to keep him from going after Lucy and Gray - that, he can do.
Macbeth - Midnight - whatever it is he’s going by now - shrugs. It’s practiced nonchalance; Kit knows the motions well. As someone who’s been haunted by the Tower of Heaven all his life, he knows how to fake being okay. It just takes someone who knows the right buttons to push to send you over the edge. “So I’ve got bad aim,” Macbeth says casually.
There’s a long pause, where Kit considers him. As he said, the casualty isn’t novel to him; he does the same thing every day. Unfortunately for Macbeth, Kit knows the right buttons to push. He juts his chin out and declares, “I know that’s not true.”
As expected, Macbeth’s smirk contorts back into a glare. His handsome face tinges with red, a bright, angry burn on his cheekbones. His anger is rolling off of him in waves, and Kit only briefly thinks to prepare to defend himself from an oncoming attack. “You don’t know anything,” Macbeth spits. Venom laces his words, and if tone could kill, Kit would surely be dead. Macbeth gestures to behind Kit, where Nirvana stands, tall and menacing in the distance. Kit doesn’t bother to look. “If I lose, my father will think I’m unworthy, and abandon me!” He drops his arm, putting his hand on his hip instead, his mouth pulled into a thin line. Then, he adds: “Like you.”
It only makes sense, he supposes. If Kit knows how to push the right buttons, Macbeth does too. Kit feels his composure slip. He almost drops the bag in his hand with the sudden urge to ball his hands into fists. “I never abandoned you,” he yells back. His voice shakes with force and urgency, he knows, but he no longer cares. It is more important to him that Macbeth hear him out than whether or not he shows any weakness. “I would never abandon you!”
Macbeth barely lets him finish. He turns his head away, seething. “I was in Hell - ”
“You don’t think I know?” Kit cuts in. “I was there.”
“Not as long as I was!” Macbeth replies, looking up sharply.
“You told me to go!”
They fall silent, suddenly, the air going still around them. Macbeth freezes, looking at Kit in anger and surprise. It’s almost like he didn’t believe he would ever bring that up. Meanwhile, Kit feels his eyes begin to burn, tears threatening to spill onto his cheeks. His hand grips harder around the bag, and he swallows, willing the tears away. “I never wanted to leave you,” he whispers.
He sees the past in flashes, sometimes, and he certainly sees it now. He wonders if Macbeth sees it too: Kit, gangly and awkward at the age of thirteen, running, bare feet skidding against stone. His blonde hair was dirty and ratty, arms bruised by the grip of the guards from just the day before. There was blood pouring down from his nose, angry and red and raw, but that hardly mattered when the door was just in front of him. The only thing keeping him going, the only thing spurring him on, was the shrieking call of “Go!” from just behind him. Macbeth, gathered in the guards’ arms, was certainly not going anywhere. He didn’t seem to care, though; not if Kit could make it out.
“You told me to run,” Kit says now, the children they once were still dancing in his memory. “To go on without you, so I did.”
In the present, Macbeth’s face softens, ever so slightly. Kit can feel his lip quivering, his voice much softer and shaking more harshly than before. He tries to smile as he recalls what happened just after his escape. “I ran all the way to a guild,” he says. He thinks of his sister, who, after this, will welcome him home with open arms, waiting to share the stories of her own mission; he thinks of his parents, who will be glad to see him home safely. Lyon, Jura, even Sherry - they’re all his family. “And a family - my family - took me in, and I found a home.” The fact that that was all due to Macbeth goes unspoken - by the way that his mouth tightens, his lips pressing together tightly, Kit thinks he knows. Macbeth saved his life. He was his best friend. He’ll never forget that. Which is why he says, his voice more clear and confident than it’s been since they’d set sights on each other again, “I thought I lost my home when I lost you.”
Macbeth seems surprised by that. He steps back a little, his former confidence shaken by Kit’s admission. Softly, he says, “You said you’d come back - ”
Kit throws his arms up, angrier now than ever. “You don’t think I tried?!” he shouts. Macbeth stops again, his mouth screwing up in a grimace. Kit barely notices; the heavy thump of his pulse against his skin is deafening, silencing everything else around him. “There were months I would go on missions, dangerous ones, trying to find the tower, and I never did. They hid it from me.”
It was ridiculous, he knows now, but he would be damned if he didn’t try. For months at a time, his room would be covered in maps - all missions he’d been on, places where the tower wasn’t. There were red X’s and notes on each of them, talking to himself, telling himself where he’d been and how he could retrace his steps. Sometimes, Weaver would have to draw him out of his room to play games or sit in the garden with her. She never asked, bless her, and he probably wouldn’t have told her at the time if she had - he didn’t want to drag his new family into this mess, too. But for five years, he searched for Macbeth. He’d never wanted to let him go.
Macbeth is shaking his head now though. He seems as if he’s trying to convince himself, to reaffirm what he already knew to be true: that Kit had left him. It makes Kit’s heart plummet in his chest, but he stays strong, refusing to back down. “You ran away,” Macbeth mutters. “You were scared. You’ve been gone five years.”
“And there was never a day I didn’t look for you,” Kit says. His voice is raspy, raw with unshed tears. He swallows and tries again. “When I heard the tower was destroyed, I…” His voice shakes, he knows. He can’t think of that time without feeling the loss all over again.
If the tower was destroyed, and Macbeth never left… He could barely stand to think of him, trapped under all that rubble, or vaporized, or even dead somehow in the five years between then and now. The idea gutted him. His heart was destroyed when he’d heard about the tower, completely ruined, doomed to carry the thought of what could have been forever. For thirteen years of their lives, he and Macbeth were the only ones they could turn to. Macbeth had his pseudo dad, sure - but Brain was terrible. He mocked and jeered him, making him feel like he was worthless. Kit was the one who laid awake with him, counting stars through barred windows, bare arms pressed together, murmuring softly until Macbeth could finally fall asleep. Kit was the one who wiped his tears as a bruise formed on his cheekbone, a harsh hit from a guard who thought he was being mouthy. Kit was the one who held him as he wept, the sounds of Sorano screaming just one room over ringing in both of their ears. If he had died in that tower, a piece of Kit had died with him.
Kit clears his throat again, willing the tightness away before he continues. “I was so scared,” he admits. Macbeth’s resolve instantly softens, his mouth going lax and brows tightening. It almost looks like worry. Kit could laugh. “I’ve always been scared. I was scared of losing you and now I lost you and I’m terrified.”
His admission hangs between them, a vicious pendulum in the makeshift arena they’ve built. Macbeth looks confused, and hurt, and sad - and Kit can’t say that he doesn’t feel the same. After a long moment, Macbeth nods. Then, he stands his ground, his stance shifting to attack. Kit feels his heart stop for a moment, terror racing through his veins as he realizes the fight has to continue. One of them has to win. “I won’t let my father down. Not after all he’s done for me,” Macbeth says. His tone is firm, and cold. The passion of just a few moments ago is almost completely gone.
Kit squares his shoulders. “I can’t let my guild down,” he says, evenly. “Not after all they’ve done for me.”
Macbeth nods in acceptance. This is the moment - the moment that draws the lines in the sand between them. Quickly, Macbeth begins shimmering out of existence, disappearing, his magic just as Kit remembers it. Well, it takes two to tango. Kit retrieves his cards from his bag and activates them. He feels the game magic thrumming through him, each of the cards in his hands coming to life. The magic is clearly tinged with concern for him. The cards are stiff with worry. They feel his distress and he can’t blame them for being afraid. He can hardly keep the shake out of his voice when he says, “I’d like to play a game.”
His magic prepares itself, golden, shimmering lettering appearing in the air above him. He hears Macbeth growl, “No,” before Kit speaks again.
“Rule number one,” he announces. “You have to stay where I can see you.” Macbeth reappears out of thin air, his eyes wide as they dart around and survey the area for an escape. Kit pays no mind, continuing. “Rule number two - ”
“I have to prove to him that I’m worthy!” Macbeth screams suddenly. Kit swallows, watching as the golden writing in the air pauses, waiting for his next command. “If I don’t, he’ll cast me out!”
Kit ignores him, moving on to announce the most important rule. “Rule number two: neither of us do anything we’ll regret.”
Macbeth looks frantic now, stumbling closer and holding his arms out. “He’ll leave me, Kit.” Genuine fear is behind his words, and Kit feels his heart break all over again.
“And rule number three,” he says finally, “we both walk out of here alive.” His magic is confused by that, he can tell; the gold script wavers in the air, writing out his final rule hesitantly. With his magic, Kit’s rules must be obeyed by everyone playing the game. He’ll be damned if he lets Macbeth die on him again. He pulls a card - the Jack of Clubs. Perfect. This will distract him. He throws it out, activating him and watching as he takes shape and stands between them. “Rise, Jack of Clubs!”
The Jack takes his clubs from his sides and plunges them into the ground. It rumbles angrily, shaking as it begins to crack beneath them, out towards Macbeth. Macbeth groans, an angry guttural noise from his chest, as the attack throws him back into the air. Kit merely prepares his next move.
The battle lines are drawn. It’s a shame they couldn’t be on the same side this time.
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kendelias · 3 years
6-10 for kit and macbeth!
6. How do they react to casual eye contact? Do they tend to initiate or avoid it?
honestly they’ve known each other for so long that macbeth, absolute awkward asshole, doesn’t care about eye contact with him. for a while, when they’re on opposite sides of the battlefield, he does avoid it, but then once they reconcile it all falls back into place!!
7. Describe how they walk together (i.e., matching strides, holding hands, etc).
they’re usually matching strides!! kit with hands in his pocket, relaxed, macbeth with his arms crossed. macbeth’s not one for pda, even hand-holding, so they’re usually just walking close and keeping pace and probably talking to each other all close.
8. Do they ever share (or steal) each other’s food? How do they act/react to it?
i picture them very casual about this, bc, living the life they did for the first... thirteen years or so, the two of them especially were never in a place where they had enough food to be overprotective of. as kit spent his young adulthood in lamia scale, he was always making more than enough food to share with his family and friends, and macbeth definitely shared with the oracion seis even if he was a bitch about it, so i imagine them just... offering without asking. taking with only a nod as thanks. not rebutting when the other takes from them. especially kit cooking for macbeth like i just know it’s what happens
9. How do they react to the other not realizing danger (ex: oncoming traffic)?
kit, god love him, is a huge ditz, so i could absolutely picture him just talking to macbeth and weaver and lyon and he’s about to step in front of a carriage and macbeth just kinda yanks him back by the collar. and kit’s like “whoa that was close! thanks babe!” and macbeth goes on for HOURS about how he should be more careful but really he’s just... worried. i think if the reverse happened kit would just make fun of him SNDLKNFLKFNN
10. Would they believe it if someone told them the other secretly hated them?
kit wouldn’t (he just knows macbeth doesn’t have it in him), macbeth would (he believes he’s a horrible person and deserves that)
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kendelias · 4 years
Kitnight im in a kitnight mood too dont question it akhfjsks
(i won’t question you being in a kitnight mood if you don’t question me being in a kitnight mood *plays evermore on repeat*)
Gives nose/forehead kisses: kit loves forehead kisses... so much. also macbeth is the perfect height for it. and he’s always very tender and soft, especially when macbeth is asleep. nose kisses are also fun and he’ll do them to everyone (toby, weaver, lyon, even jura if he’s feeling ballsy enough), sometimes as a joke.
Gets jealous the most: macbeth but like... barely. he just gets annoyed and then kit gives him that look (it’s like this: (。♥‿♥。) wait this gif) and macbeth is like... nvm.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: macbeth has definitely carried kit home after a night out with lyon and toby. he waves to weaver, who is dragging lyon home, from their doorstep.
Takes care of on sick days: macbeth just said “trick question, i don’t get sick” and then kit looked at me and said “he’s a huge fucking baby when he’s sick it’s me it’s always fucking me”
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: kit will only drag him out if it’s not like... 90 degrees because he burns easily. but yes it is kit and macbeth tries to stay on the beach like with cat claw marks to his towel.
Gives unprompted massages: kit! he’s very physically touchy so it’s not weird for him to just slide up behind macbeth and be like “stressed huh, stupid?”
Drives/rides shotgun: macbeth is a gay who cannot drive. kit is the only motherfucker who might have a license. #breadmobile
Brings the other lunch at work: macbeth, casually walking into the guild hall with a bento box: hello is my stupid husband here bc he’ll skip lunch if i don’t bring it to him.
Has the better parental relationship: kit!!!!!! kit loves his parents so fucking much. and macbeth... anyway stan the teals!
Tries to start role-playing in bed: i really think kit would cry laughing if they even tried and macbeth doesn’t know what that is
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: kit. absolutely kit. you think he and toby are not giving it their fucking all on that dancefloor? you think he is not dragging weaver out there to do “the living room routine”? you think he does not cry while drunkenly hugging lyon and swaying along to hopelessly devoted to you? anyway macbeth has full home movies of just drunk kit dancing.
Still cries watching Titanic: macbeth openly weeps and kit is like “........... we were enslaved and you think this is sad?”
Firmly believes in couples costumes: kit, rolling up to their house with matching devil and angel costumes: ......... hey how much do you love me
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: macbeth but not because he thinks they’re rich but because he doesn’t understand the concept of money very well so he just ends up stealing things
Makes the other eat breakfast: kit, putting down a full loaf of bread he baked himself and a plate of butter to the side: ONLY HOMOPHOBES AND RACISTS SKIP MEALS / macbeth: .... *grumbling, sitting down* fine
Remembers anniversaries: macbeth tries his best but barely knows what day of the week it is at any given moment so it is kit that’s like “*clears throat* so this red mark on the calendar..... interesting right?” and macbeth is like “.... ah YES”
Brings up having kids: absolutely kit. he sees some kids up for adoption and is like “...... im................ hello?” and immediately enters dad mode
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kendelias · 4 years
1, 4, 6 for the oc x canon ask meme with kit/macbeth!
1. How did they first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?
they’ve known each other since they were... basically toddlers! they were both taken from their families when they were kids. so, pretty sure they were just excited to see another kid around; they were best friends from that point forward.
4. When did they realise that they have feelings for each other?
kit realized when they were like... ten, but figured they had bigger things going on, so he wasn’t gonna worry about it. macbeth didn’t realize until they saw each other again, so when they were like 18!!
6. Who says I love you first? What was the other person’s reaction?
oh definitely kit. it take macbeth completely by surprise bc, tbh, he wasn’t aware he could be loved! :) <3 (pain)
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kendelias · 4 years
Kitngiht kitnight kitnight
oh you full blown SIMP i see you!!!! it’s the wanting to have someone love you, then see all of your flaws, then STILL CHOOSE to love you for me! ah the mortifying ordeal of being known... yo stop thinking about the past and how things could have been unless you’re gonna DO something about it come on man... anyway how many found family fics do you read regularly hm
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send me a ship you like and i’ll roast you for it
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kendelias · 4 years
Famous Last Words by MCR
kit varga x macbeth
i am not afraid to keep on living i am not afraid to walk this world alone honey, if you stay, i'll be forgiven nothing you can say can stop me going home
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kendelias · 4 years
Kitnight 🥺
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks: hmmmm honestly no idea??? i think kit though, reckless lil dum dum!
who worries more about the other: kit, CONSTANTLY, 24 fuckin 7
who is more afraid about the other leaving them: oh i think we been knew that macbeth has abandonment issues lol
who is more likely to leave (for any reason): also macbeth kit is in this for the long haul babey!!!!!
who is more likely to drunkenly confess: kit tbh
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason): macbeth bc trauma again!
who picks fights more often: macbeth bc... see above!
who usually apologizes first: kit usually does!
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other: macbeth has and would again
who is more likely to lash out at the other: macbeth for sure but he’s managing it
who gets more jealous: neither really they be vibin??? i guess kit jdnfknkf
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”: honestly both of them would do some stupid shit like this
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send me a ship for the angsty ship meme!
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kendelias · 3 years
oc asks: which of your oc x cc ships// oc x oc ships does this line most apply to? || “okay, so you’re a monster. so am i. lets be monsters together.” ||
ohhh this can apply to a couple (luciana and hector, murphy and scott, kit and macbeth, etc.) but this MOST applies to teddy and james! she finds out he’s evil and she’s like “cool... i can make this worse”
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