#shiqing liu
chrilm · 2 years
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angryteapott · 2 years
thanks to for the tag @rosyfingered-moon !! this is the last passage i wrote for a reset 2022 fic i didn’t manage to publish in 2022:
She scratches down some notes about historical technique. In the background, she can feel Liu Peng staring at her like a cat watching a washing machine.
After half an hour, he finally pulls up a chair. "Hi, I'm Liu Peng," he says, slightly too intense. Li Shiqing looks at him with faint confusion until she remembers they haven't met in this timeline. He left a strong impression.
"My name's Li Shiqing," she offers, slowly closing her laptop.
"Nice to meet you," he says stiffly. "Did Xiao Heyun have you sign an NDA?"
Before Shiqing can even think of what to respond Xiao Heyun whirls his chair around and glares, swaying. "She's not here to spy on our game, cool it."
"How do you know that!" Liu Peng says hotly. "Out of nowhere a hot girl is dating you? There's got to be a reason."
A flush starts rising in Xiao Heyun's ears. "Why wouldn't she?" he sputters before rolling his eyes. "Anyways, she doesn't play video games. She doesn't know enough to steal anything even if she wanted to."
"That's only what she's told you! Where did you even meet!? Apparently it wasn't at an internet café, and that's the only other place you go!" Liu Peng says, neck taut. Xiao Heyun's flush floods across his cheeks.
"We met on the bus," Shiqing says hesitantly.
"On the bus, sure-" Liu Peng says before the realization hits. "You- he-"
"I can sign an NDA," Shiqing says, scooting out of her chair. Xiao Heyun sighs.
"Here, they're over in the cupboard- Liu Peng, close your mouth and come sign as witness!"
Don’t remember who’s already done it so if you see this and haven’t consider yourself tagged!!
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Just finished watching @traineecryptid's sub of Overworking Man and *whew*, that was good. Strongly suggest it, especially for the Liu Chang aficionados.
Warning, spoilers below
I like the ending and if there's a tiny part of me that wanted Yang Keyi to go back to music, I have to admit his choice makes a lot of sense. He isn't sure of himself wherever he goes and jumping from one thing to another trying to be sure isn't going to work for him.
So headcanon is that while he still works for that company a combination of his changes and the company's means that he's no longer working himself to the bone to please what will never be pleased. And that, in turn gives him time to have his own life and play music with his beloved friends on weekends. Not to mention grow the confidence he needs to understand that he *is* indeed talented.
Also, sooner or later he and Wen Shiqing work out just what's going on between them. (He still doesn't want to be goosed on stage, however.)
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un-jaseur · 2 years
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cat + girl < 3. 
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paintedpatroclus · 3 years
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she’s actually looking at her gf 💗♥️💖💞
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sokkalore · 3 years
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i love liu shiqing so much her expressions are top tier … she also gets the “you remind me of xie lian” badge..
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theburiedgay · 2 years
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Liu Shiqing - Silly Version
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ruhua-langblr · 3 years
GL Manhua
So I’ve checked the tags and I haven’t seen any posts on these two (although... tumblr’s search function is sketchy). These are on Bilibili, but there are more chapters uploaded on Lilycomics. I really enjoy these as a lot of wlw comics can be more for a male audience. The links are for the English translations, but obviously the original Mandarin (simplified) is out there!
人间百里锦 Bai Lijin Among Mortals (alternatively spelled Baili Jin)
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Flower fairy/immortal is banished to Earth and must become accustomed to life there. Both of the main couples are cute with different dynamics! I think it tackles homophobia and coming out plotlines with both accuracy, but not being a source of constant suffering. It is still very lighthearted and comedic. So far there hasn’t been any explicit content, and based on how some things have been censored I would expect that it won’t get NSFW. 
衔蝉奴 Xian Chan Nu
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Going from modern day, Xian Chan Nu is a historical manhua. Liu Shiqing (sometimes mistranslated as Siqing, but her name’s characters are 柳诗倾) is saved by Xian Chan. She’s plunged into the perilous world of demons after being drawn to her savior. Liu Shiqing also happens to look like a princess that sought peace between humans and demons who Xianchan had a close bond with. There is quite a bit of violence despite the initial cute nature!  
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cdramaitalia · 3 years
Reset 《开端》
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Ho letto articoli, nei mesi scorsi, che parlavano di come anche la Cina “volesse il suo Squid Game”, e “invidiasse” serie come Squid Game alla Corea. Cioè volesse produrre anche lei un fenomeno globale che faccia da veicolo per esportare la cultura cinese e farla conoscere al mondo. Non so quanto di vero ci fosse in quegli articoli, ma se veramente qualcuno in Cina sta cercando la ricetta per creare una serie globale di successo, gli direi che la strada da perseguire è quella di “Reset”.
La qualità di questa serie non è una sorpresa, perché Daylight Entertainment ha abituato il pubblico a drama di alto livello (è di Daylight il mio c-drama preferito di tutti i tempi, Nirvana in Fire). Ma era da un po’ che una delle loro serie non mi sembrava così interessante ed efficace.
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Di apprezzabile in “Reset” c’è innanzitutto la lunghezza, 15 episodi da circa 40 minuti ciascuno, numeri meno cinesi (i c-drama in genere superano i 30 episodi) ma più vicini al gusto del pubblico internazionale. Ma è soprattutto la trama, tratta da un romanzo, ad essere il vero elemento di novità.
Senza fare spoiler, “Reset” è una storia di fantascienza i cui due protagonisti sono intrappolati in un loop temporale e costretti a rivivere lo stesso giorno che finisce ogni volta con lo stesso incidente disastroso a bordo di un autobus. Il loro obiettivo è quello di scoprire chi si cela dietro all’incidente per uscire finalmente dal loop. La storia è ricca di suspense e colpi di scena e ti tiene incollata allo schermo episodio dopo episodio.
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I personaggi, in primis Li Shiqing (Zhao Jinmai) e Xiao Heyun (Bai Jingting), sono tutti (im)perfettamente umani, e scritti a tutto tondo come i drama di Daylight Entertainment sanno spesso fare. Al centro di una trama che avrebbe potuto scadere facilmente nel ripetitivo e macchinoso ci sono storie personali in cui ci si riconosce facilmente, e qui sta a mio parere la forza della serie. È la storia di un gruppo di persone dove ognuno è importante, dove non ci sono veri protagonisti e personaggi secondari, ma dove ogni vita conta e ha una storia da raccontare.
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“Reset” riesce nell’impresa di caricare di tensione e di novità una serie che deve per forza essere ripetitiva per esigenze di trama (e i personaggi indossano sempre gli stessi vestiti, la storia si svolge sempre negli stessi luoghi). Trova quindi nei 15 episodi la giusta lunghezza, che dà l’opportunità a tutte le storie individuali di dipanarsi e allo stesso tempo non si dilunga con la trama principale.
Arricchita di interpretazioni ottime sia da parte dei giovani attori protagonisti che dei veterani (uno su tutti Liu Yijun, che è un po’ la colonna portante del drama), questa è una serie che funziona davvero e che consiglierei a tutti, anche a chi non ha mai visto un c-drama.
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ryukoishida · 7 years
“Quan Zhi Gao Shou” Voice Actors Interview: Bao Mu (Han Wenqing), Xia Lei (Yu Wenzhou), San Mu (Sun Xiang)
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《全職高手》韓文清 (VA:寶木中陽)喻文州(VA:夏磊)孫翔(VA:三木)訪問 | “Quan Zhi Gao Shou” Voice Actors Interview: Bao Mu (Han Wenqing), Xia Lei (Yu Wenzhou), San Mu (Sun Xiang)
I only translated the questions and answers from the audio, and have skipped some of the interviewer’s comments (there weren’t a lot of those anyway). At the end of the interview, the three VAs performed short skits portraying the opposite personalities from the characters they voiced.
 Han Wenqing (Gentle) | Yu Wenzhou (Yandere) | Sun Xiang (Tsundere)
The audio link of this interview will be in the reblog!
Q = Interviewer BM: Bao Mu (Han Wenqing’s VA) XL: Xia Lei (Yu Wenzhou’s VA) SM: San Mu (Sun Xiang’s VA)
Q:As the voice actors for these three characters, how do you see your own character?
BM: At the start of the recording, they told me that [Wenqing’s] character is especially interesting; the moment he starts to speak, everyone just feels like they have to hand over their wallets to him. I feel that, due to his upright and frank personality, and he’s very opinionated, plus the fact that he’s such a powerful and skilled individual — all of that genuine self-confidence contributes to that kind of tone when he speaks. That’s not to say he’s a person who rejects others and keeps them at a distance. But the kind of attitude that he exudes makes people feel the urge to hand over their wallets to him.
XL: Yu Wenzhou is an especially calm person, and during our initial discussion about the character, the word most used to describe him is “gentle,” or that he’s a “nuan nan” (lit. "warm man”; internet slang for a man that exudes warmth and kindness). In the end, his state of mind constantly remains calm and collected. Even though his hand speed is not as fast as the other contestants’ in the professional league, he really knows how to fully utilize his own strength — his strength in his temperament. So he’s able to maximize his tactical value; in a team match, his function is even more obvious. As for voicing the character itself, I especially want to display his calm and confident attitude.
SM: From the first glance, you’d think, “Is he actually a villain?” But when you watch until the very end, you’d feel that he’s the kind of person with a youthful attitude. Even more of a coincidence is that he and I are both Sagittarius. So there are times when I feel the same way and somewhat understand this character’s thoughts. I think he’s the kind of person that would work very, very hard when it comes to things that he enjoys — just as I do. He might be a bit of a tsundere, but he has that shounen and hot-blooded mindset; it’s quite adorable.
Q: While recording for the donghua, are there any scenes that are especially memorable?
BM: In the scene when [Wenqing] first appears — when he’s running on the treadmill — and comes out after his training to discover that people are discussing Ye Xiu… Not discussing Ye Xiu, but saying that someone amazing has appeared in the new server, and everyone suspects that it’s Ye Xiu since his achievements are already at the same level as Ye Xiu’s finest back in the days. About 12 seconds. And then Old Han said, “Hmph, if that’s really Ye Qiu, then that means he’s gotten worse.” You’d feel that Old Han is that kind of person, that… “Tch, it’s Ye Xiu — only I’m allowed to criticize him; others aren’t allowed to do that.” Right, because after all, he was a strong opponent in the past. I respect this opponent, but once this opponent regresses, I’d feel troubled as well. Since we’re both well-known in the game, if you regress, I wouldn’t feel proud either. But other people can’t say that about him! Only I can!
XL: The most memorable scene for me… Actually, when I was reading the part in the book when Yu Wenzhou is analyzing with only a few limited clues — for example, the reason Liu Hao paid so much attention to Lord Grim, or some of Lord Grim’s abilities and new records etc. He immediately comes to the conclusion that Lord Grim is Ye Qiu. And so during this scene, I feel that this person is really too amazing.
SM: The most memorable scene is… ah, taking the account card, because this is probably everyone’s first impression of Sun Xiang’s character, and they just decided from the beginning that he’s a villain because they haven’t read the latter part. At the time when I was voicing this character, that was also my first time trying a “heel” character type. And at the time, does anyone remember the scene with Excellent Era’s manager Cui Li? He’s voiced by my teacher Mr. Shang Hong. I have a teacher complex, so when I acted scenes with my teacher, that feeling was pretty awesome. But the most important thing is that this character… I think this character is very charismatic, and so my first impression of him is quite deep. The most interesting scene… Since I’ve also read the novels… I’ve read through “The King’s Avatar” once already and am now reading it for the second time. The most interesting scene with him — two, there are two. The first scene is during the All-Stars Game playing against Han Wenqing, he said, “I’ve lost this time, fair and square, but this may not be the case next time.” That is the moment when I feel his character’s attitude and spirit burst out for the first time. Another scene is when he calls Xiao Shiqing “little/insignificant matter” (note: they have the same pinying). Hahaha! Very interest, very interesting, right? His character is really adorable.
Q: Next, I’d like to ask Mr. Xia Lei and Mr. San Mu, which lines did you find the hardest to voice act?
XL: The most difficult lines… Well, I can’t say it’s the most difficult since Captain Yu’s entire fundamental — as I’ve mentioned before — is his calmly confident attitude. So when he’s analyzing tactics or his opponents, his mentality remains composed. I remember in episode 10 when he figures out that Lord Grim is Ye Qiu — that line is short, something like, “This person is Ye Qiu.” I recall it’s a line like that, so under normal circumstances when we’re trying to figure out someone’s identity, we might use this kind of tone, “This person… is Ye Qiu?" Or something like that. But this doesn’t apply to Yu Wenzhou; he’s especially calm and confident. So this line, though very short, left a very deep impression on me while I was recording it.  
SM: There’s a very classic scene in the first episode, in which there’s a very memorable line; it’s “I’ll let the title of Battle God resound in the world of Glory once more.” This is Sun Xiang’s first well-known quote from the novels. While recording this line, and since this is one of the first few popular lines Sun Xiang has, this line has to be recorded many times. First was because I didn’t have a complete grasp of this character yet, and second was the importance of this line, so this line had to be recorded many times. When the line comes up again while people are watching the first episode, everyone will type this line on the screen, and I feel very satisfied when I see that. It seems that I’ve met everyone’s expectations. “I’ll let the title of Battle God resound in the world of Glory once more.”
Q: Another question for Mr. San Mu. Before voice acting for the donghua, have you ever read “The King’s Avatar” novels?
SM: Yes. I’d done some online voice acting before, and I’ve acted in a few works related to “The King’s Avatar”. For example, in a few radio dramas, I voiced Luo Ji and Lu Hanwen, and in order to understand the characters better, I read the novels. The novels were quite good, and so I just kept reading. Coincidentally, while I was reading it, the work was still being serialized. When I got to the last chapter, that was when the series just ended, so I felt honoured to have finished the entire series; I felt that the series was really good, really amazing.
Q: Another voice actor’s previous performances are very different from his current role in the series. Mr. Bao Mu, what do you think about that?
BM: The characters that I’ve voiced previously are rarely the cold and haughty type; they’re usually warmer, older characters — perhaps teachers who displayed a caring nature for the younger characters, to teach them patiently, or to be friendly to others. Of course, Han Wenqing might also actually be quite friendly, but he only shows his cold and haughty side, like, “[Give me your] Wallet!” It’s pretty amusing. As well, his type of personality is especially good for us voice actors, makes it easier for us; it’s the fact that he doesn’t shout or scream, so for us, that’s especially good.
Q: At this point of the story, all three captains have come into contact with Lord Grim, and lately many people have started paying more attention to Captain Yu after his introduction. I’d like to ask Mr. Xia Lei: What do you expect from your character from this point on?
XL: There are many popular characters in “The King’s Avatar”, and each of them has their own charismatic traits, so I believe fans of those characters will especially look forward to their appearances. Captain Yu has a lot of fans as well, and in terms of Yu Wenzhou’s plot development, and his character’s portrayal, fans will have their own preferences and thoughts. From what I understand, I believe Yu Wenzhou’s future appearances will be very satisfying. Even though Yu Wenzhou’s character itself… he was portrayed as crippled in the novels, but I don’t really agree with this point. His so-called crippled hand speed is still considered too fast compared to the average players; it might just be that he’s a bit slower than Huang Shaotian and Ye Qiu — it’s merely that. But I hope that everyone will pay more attention to his character’s control of the bigger picture, his tactics used during team matches, and his overall abilities. I also hope that, through my voice, I can bring more colours and life to this character.
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Correlation between HBV protein preS2 and tumor markers of hepatocellular carcinoma
Publication date: Available online 25 August 2017 Source:Pathology - Research and Practice Author(s): Fang Luan, Bin Liu, Junguo Zhang, Shiqing Cheng, Bingchang Zhang, Yong Wang BackgroundAlpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and Glypican 3 (GPC3) are both oncogenes and reactivated in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). PreS2 has been proved to be an important transactivator in HCC. In this study, we aim to provide evidence that HBV protein preS2 is responsible for AFP and GPC3's reactivation in HCC.MethodsTotally Sixty-three cases of HCC, aged 34-79, who were surgically treated and pathologically confirmed were enrolled. The levels of AFP in peripheral serum were detected with electrochemical luminescence method before surgery. Levels of GPC3 in HCC samples were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Luciferase reporter assays were used to measure the effect of preS2 on AFP and GPC3 promoters.ResultsAFP level and GPC3 but not albumin were significantly higher in preS2-positive HCC samples than preS2-negative HCC samples. And the preS2 protein expression was positively related with serum AFP level and GPC3 expression. Furtherly, dual luciferase assay showed that preS2 activated AFP and GPC3 promoter activity.ConclusionThe expression of preS2 protein relates closely to HCC markers AFP and GPC3. http://ift.tt/2vf3Cqo
from OtoRhinoLaryngology - Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2xAEcAf
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petroleumebooks · 10 years
Ultrasonic Technology for Desiccant Regeneration
Ultrasonic Technology for Desiccant Regeneration
By Ye Yao, Shiqing Liu
With global warming and the rapid improvement of people’s living standards, energy consumption by air conditioning (AC) systems in buildings is on the rise. It has been noted that the dehumidification process accounts for a large proportion of energy consumption by an AC system. In southern areas of China where the climate is very hot and humid, the percentage of energy to…
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theburiedgay · 2 years
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Liu Shiqing from Xian Chan Nu
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sokkalore · 3 years
Your profile pic 😯 What did dianxia do to be put in time-out? 😕
it has nothing to do with him liu shiqing is just a little lesbian disaster look at her
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her crush said her outfit was lovely and she like immediately confessed her feelings
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(her crush is also a cat demon, the big kitty part is literal)
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sokkalore · 3 years
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new episode of xian chan nu proved that liu shiqing is perfect actually
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sokkalore · 3 years
liu shiqing icon until i get new donghua xie lian screencaps. this is a manifesting technique.
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