spe!lance should not be at PetSmart stealing all the hamsters
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anon i couldn’t find a photo of petsmart’s hamster section so he is stealing the fish now.
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animemakeblog · 3 months
“Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint” The Manhwa For Gets TV Anime Adaptation
A television anime adaptation of Sing N song's Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint manhwa was revealed at the Crunchyroll Industry Panel at Anime Expo 2024. A photo of the adaptation is seen below. Aniplex and Crunchyroll will produce the anime on television.
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readyfreddy · 6 months
I genuinely hate the kitchener rangers and their fans <3
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liecoris · 7 months
hellaverse!mukuro would have a sort of security system on her door at the hotel that's something like two large snakes manifesting out the door or door frame with one curling around the door handle to prevent the person from opening the door.
As much as it would appear to be that ' one tells the truth and the other lies ' type of deal. It's actually one speaks in Hokkaidō-ben with the other speaking in Kansai-ben, both in heavy, loud tones and with a lot of harsh rolling r's, and rudely informing the person at the door as to what mukuro is doing or where she's at. The snakes will talk simultaneously and sometimes try to talk over the other.
They will, of course, not do this if the person at the door is expected and will instead greet them ( still harshly and with a warning to not harm mukuro or else ) and open the door for them.
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bangjiazheng · 21 days
Mega Drive Longplay [519] Shiten Myooh
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jubileemon · 6 months
Orihime's Powers and Representation
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Orihime's power in regards to her characterization. Orihime is an idealist. She exists in a very violent world, yet refuses to fight unless she's under really terrible pressure. She used to see Ichigo as her Prince Charming, her Knight in Shining Armor, until she realized that is simply wasn't the case. The girl was pretty much living in her own little fantasy world to cope with her HUGE troubles, which is why yanking her out of it and making her face a reality so stange to her own left her so distraught. So what do her powers do exactly? Reject reality.
Also in regards to Orihime, the reason why Loly and Menoly hate her even more after she uses her Reality Warper powers to bring them back to life. is more complicated than just being two ungrateful sadists. To start, Hollows/Arrancar/Espada as a whole are beings that are born when souls don't cross to Soul Society and stay in our world, becoming corrupted with supernatural energies. And here, two Arrancar girls (Hollows who have removed their mask and gained Shinigami-like powers) have witnessed how a lowly human has the power to undo death, pretty much messing with everything they know about their own existence. What is a crowning moment for Orihime, in the view of these two girls (and especially Loly, who had a better look at all of this than Menoly since she was horribly mutilated by Grimmjow yet she was not dead) is like catching view of an abomination, which explains the whole "she's a monster" deal.
Hollows, beings that are born from death, despair and fear, are being faced with a being who can literally rewrite reality so that events do not occur. Taken in this context, Orihime is less like an angel of mercy to these two and more like a God from their perspective. A being whose nature and abilities are so alien that they outright defy explanation. Considering this, its understandable that they would react less than pleasantly to what happened to them.
Further to the above point on Orihime's character in relation to her powers — there's a very specific reason why Orihime actually used to be useless on the battle field, and it's not any kind of limit on her power. It's been heavily alluded to that Orihime's power is pretty much limited by her own imagination. Naturally, when it comes to helping people, her healing powers can reverse pretty much anything. However, think about who Orihime is. She wouldn't hurt a fly if she could help it. She can take down random Hollows like that mook that was attacking Tatsuki in the school because it's monstrous in appearance, and they'll hurt more people if she doesn't attack. Place a humanoid enemy in front of her, and will take her a while to see that she should consider them an enemy, and she simply cannot attack them unless it's really needed. This is why Tsubaki's power will always be the most limited of her set.
Actually, about Tsubaki... think about the Shiten Koushun aka Shield of Four Heavens' Resistance. How is it formed? Via adding Tsubaki to the Three God Reflection Shield, thus making him turn a defensive barrier into an offensive weapon. Tsubaki is the weakest of the six Rikka spirits as well as the one who's less like her, personality wise; and the ones forming the Reflection Shield (Hinagiku, Lilly and Baigon) are relatively similar to her in character. This means that, if she wants to join the battle effectively, Orihime must accept to use Tsubaki yet not by simply sending him off towards the enemy (like many of her haters want her to), but by integrating him to the side that she dominates the most. Only by using Tsubaki in combination with Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon can she draw his attack potential... mirroring how Orihime must now fight alongside Ichigo, Chad, and others if she wants to not stay behind. Also, when was the Shiten Koushun seen first? When she and Ichigo were attacked by Ginjou. Who was actually a humanoid enemy (more exactly the formwr Substitute Shinigami, but we didn't know that back then, and neither did she). This means that Orihime either is working on the issue mentioned above or has already gotten past behind it.
As for her Santen Kesshun (Three God Reflection Shield)? It too, is not the fragile thing it seems to be. It is specifically stated to Reject an attack and its consequences. It stands to perfectly good reason that it doesn't matter if the shield shatters instantly or not — another can always be thrown up. What matters is that whether the shield shatters or not, it genuinely DOES reject the attack that hits it.
Furthermore, it actually makes a ton of sense that it shatters so easily, too. Orihime's powers are a form of reality warping, after all, being what Aizen calls "the Rejection of Events"; she's essentially the Queen of Retcons. When her base shield blocks an attack, it also retcons that attack out of existence. But then, that raises the question... if there was never any attack to block, then why would she even make a shield in the first place? The reason it shatters isn't that it's fragile; it's the shield disappearing in a Puff of Logic because the attack it was meant to block suddenly never existed in the first place.
As for her Santen Kesshun (Three God Reflection Shield)? It too, is not the fragile thing it seems to be. It is specifically stated to Reject an attack and its consequences. It stands to perfectly good reason that it doesn't matter if the shield shatters instantly or not — another can always be thrown up. What matters is that whether the shield shatters or not, it genuinely DOES reject the attack that hits it.
Furthermore, it actually makes a ton of sense that it shatters so easily, too. Orihime's powers are a form of reality warping, after all, being what Aizen calls "the Rejection of Events"; she's essentially the Queen of Retcons. Logically, when her base shield blocks an attack, it also retcons that attack out of existence. But then, that raises the question... if there was never any attack to block, then why would she even make a shield in the first place? The reason it shatters isn't that it's fragile; it's the shield disappearing because the attack it was meant to block suddenly never existed in the first place.
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pikahlua · 9 months
MHA Chapter 411 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 感傷には浸らない かんしょうにはひたらない kanshou ni wa hitaranai "Don't get sentimental."
tagline 1 語る継承者達… かたるけいしょうしゃたち… kataru keishousha-tachi... The speaking successors...
2 元よりこの戦いはもう"後継者"に託されてる もとよりこのたたかいはもう"こうけいしゃ"にたくされてる moto yori kono tatakai wa mou "koukeisha" ni takusareteru "From the beginning, this battle has been entrusted to the successors."
3 死柄木弔を討つ しがらきとむらをうつ Shigaraki Tomura wo utsu "Attack Tomura Shigaraki,"
4 今はこれが僕らの存在理由…… いまはこれがぼくらのそんざいりゆう…… ima wa kore ga bokura no sonzai riyuu...... "This is the reason for our existence now......"
5 っかし…このままじゃジリ貧さ再生の壁を打ち破る手立を見つけねーと っかし…このままじゃジリひんささいせいのかべをうちやぶるてだてをみつけねーと kkashi...kono mama ja JIRI hinsa saisei no kabe wo uchiyaburu tedate wo mitsukenee to "But...if things continue getting worse and worse like this, he'll have to find a way to break through that wall of regeneration."
tagline 2 No.411 史上最悪の敵 堀越耕平 ナンバー411 しじょうさいあくのヴィラン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 411  shijou saiaku no VIRAN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 411 History's Worst Villain  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 四ノ森さん‼︎ しのもりさん‼︎ Shinomori-san!! "Mr. Shinomori!!"
2-3 九代目を頼む! きゅうだいめをたのむ! kyuudaime wo tanomu! "I leave the Ninth to you!"
4 小僧‼︎ こぞう‼︎ kozou!! "Boy!!"
5 四ノ森さんがーーー しのもりさんがーーー Shinomori-san ga--- "Mr. Shinomori is---"
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1 "危機感知"が "4TH"が "4th (read as kiki kanchi)" ga The 4th (read as: Danger Sense)
2 奪われた‼︎ うばわれた‼︎ ubawareta!! was stolen!!
3 連綿と受け継がれた力…… れんめんとうけつがれたちから…… renmen to uketsugareta chikara...... "A power that's been passed down repeatedly......"
4 先生が難儀した力か せんせいがなんぎしたちからか sensei ga nangi shita chikara ka "So this is the power that gave Master difficulty?"
5 まア maA "Well,"
6 執着はないけどお前を壊せるならいい しゅうちゃくはないけどおまえをこわせるならいい shuuchaku wa nai kedo omae wo kowaseru nara ii "I'm not attached to it, but if I can destroy you then it's fine."
7 こんな…呆気なく…! こんな…あっけなく…! konna...akkenaku...! "Like this...so suddenly...!"
small text イスが… ISU ga... "His chair..."
8 こじ開けてきやがったさ…!俺たち全員分の意志をーー こじあけてきやがったさ…!おれたちぜんいんぶんのいしをーー kojiakete kiyagatta sa...! ore-tachi zen'inbun no ishi wo-- "He was somehow able to pry open [his way in]...! All of our wills--"
9 軽く凌駕してるってのか! かるくりょうがしてるってのか! karuku ryouga shiteru tte no ka! "he's easily surpassing them!"
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1 (黒鞭 発勁)+変速‼︎ (5TH 3RD)+2ND‼︎ (5th (read as: kuromuchi) 3rd (read as: hakkei)) + 2nd (read as: hensoku)!! (5th (read as: Black Whip) 3rd (read as: Fa Jin)) + 2nd (read as: Gear Shift)!!
2 黒鎖‼︎ こくさ‼︎ kokusa!! Black Chain!!
3 へえ hee "Ahh,"
4 こりゃずっと凌がれるワケだぜ! こりゃずっとしのがれるワケだぜ! korya zutto shinogareru WAKE da ze! "so this is how you could stave me off!"
5 "危機感知"を使われてる "4TH"をつかわれてる "4th (read as: kiki kanchi)" wo tsukawareteru He's using "4th (read as Danger Sense)."
6 一番邪魔なお前からだ いちばんじゃまなおまえからだ ichiban jama na omae kara da "You are the one most in my way, so"
7 崩壊を始める ほうかいをはじめる houkai wo hajimeru "I'll begin [your] decay."
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1 「泣いてた」⁉︎「見なかった事にはしない」⁉︎ 「ないてた」⁉︎「みなかったことにはしない」⁉︎ 「naiteta」!? 「minakatta koto ni wa shinai」!? "'I was crying'!? 'You won't pretend you didn't see it'!?"
2 おまえまだ omae mada "Are you still"
3 敵を人間扱いしてンのか⁉︎ おれをにんげんあつかいしてンのか⁉︎ ore (read as: teki/VIRAN) wo ningen atsukai shiteN no ka!? "treating me (read as: villain) as a human?"
4 まだそんなとこにいるのか緑谷‼︎ まだそんなとこにいるのかみどりや‼︎ mada sonna toko ni iru no ka Midoriya!! "Is [that me] still there, Midoriya?" (Note: He means "Can you still see that crying boy there inside me?" basically.)
5 ちゃんと見ろ‼︎ ちゃんとみろ‼︎ chanto miro!! "Look carefully!!"
6 そこに俺はもういない‼︎ そこにおれはもういない‼︎ soko ni ore wa mou inai!! "I'm not there anymore!!" (Note: He means "That crying boy isn't there anymore!!" basically.)
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1-3 ハッ HA "Hahh" (Note: Speech bubbles #1-3 are all heavy panting/breathing noises.)
4 黒鞭を幾重にも巻きつけて防御だけに徹すれば…まだ致命傷は避けられる… 5THをいくえにもまきつけてぼうぎょだけにてっすれば…まだちめいしょうはさけられる… 5th (read as: kuromuchi) wo ikue ni mo makitsukete bougyo dake ni tessureba...mada chimeishou wa sakerareru... If I wrap 5th (read as: Black Whip) around me over and over and focus on only defense...I can still avoid fatal injuries...
5 ボロ… BORO... Crumble... (Note: This is the sound effect of Izuku's mask breaking to bits.)
6 あっマスクが a MASUKU ga Ah, my mask...
7 オールマイトが拾ってくれたマスク… オールマイトがひろってくれたマスク… OORU MAITO ga hirotte kureta MASUKU... The mask All Might retrieved for me...
8 高波に呼吸を妨げられないよう装着したのがついさっき… たかなみにこきゅうをさまたげられないようそうちゃくしたのがついさっき… takanami ni kokyuu wo samatagerarenai you souchaku shita no ga tsui sakki... "You only just equipped it so your breathing wouldn't be obstructed by the tall waves..."
9 かと思えばこんなところに……何というデタラメな力だ… かとおもえばこんなところに……なんというデタラメなちからだ… ka to omoeba konna tokoro ni......nan to iu DETARAME na chikara da... (Literal) "If I think about it, in a place like this...that's a bullshit power..." (Contextual) "Thinking about it, in a place like this...[he's got some] bullshit power..."
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1 …富士山…こんな近くに… …ふじさん…こんなちかくに… ...Fuji-san...konna chikaku ni... "...Mount Fuji...we're this close..."
2 "変速"が切れる頃だ… "2ND"がきれるころだ… "2nd (read as: hensoku) ga kireru koro da... "It's about time the 2nd (read as: Gear Shift) is cut off..." (Note: He means they are reaching Gear Shift's activation time limit.)
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1 奪われたのは"個性"のみ うばわれたのは"こせい"のみ ubawareta no wa "kosei" nomi "All that was stolen was the quirk."
2 身体強化に影響はないようだな しんたいきょうかにえいきょうはないようだな shintai kyouka ni eikyou wa nai you da na "It doesn't seem to have any impact on your physical strength."
3 力自体は各因子ではなくOFAに蓄積されている…回復まで耐えるしかない ちからじたいはかくいんしではなくワン・フォー・オールにストックされている…かいふくまでたえるしかない chikara jitai wa kakuinshi de wa naku WAN FOO OORU ni SUTOKKU (read as: chikuseki) sarete iru...kaifuku made taeru shika nai "The strength itself is stored in One For All, not in each factor... We have no choice but to endure until recovery.*" (*Note: I'm not completely sure what is meant here by "until recovery." Maybe he means "We have no choice but to tough it out until you recover from the Gear Shift blow-back"?)
4 …その力で…今の内に奴から逃げるべきじゃないか…? …そのちからで…いまのうちにやつからにげるべきじゃないか…? ...sono chikara de...ima no uchi ni yatsu kara nigeru beki ja nai ka...? "...With that strength...shouldn't we use it to escape from him now...?"
5 煙…‼︎ えん…‼︎ En...!! "En...!!"
6 さっきのは"危機感知"だったから俺たち助かったんだ さっきのは"四ノ森さん"だったからおれたちたすかったんだ sakki no wa "Shinomori-san (read as: kiki kanchi)" datta kara ore-tachi tasukattanda "We were saved before because of Mr. Shinomori (read as: Danger Sense)."
7 また九代目が一瞬でも触れられたら またきゅうだいめがいっしゅんでもふれられたら mata kyuudaime ga isshun demo fureraretara "If the Ninth is touched again, even for an moment,"
8 今度は誰も逃げられないかもしれない…! こんどはだれもにげられないかもしれない…! kondo wa dare mo negrarenai kamo shirenai...! "maybe this time no one will be able to escape...!"
9 全員奪われてお終いだ! ぜんいんうばわれておしまいだ! zen'in ubawarete oshimai da! "It's all over once everyone is stolen!"
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1 見えてるぞ幽霊!逃げる算段でも話し合ってたか⁉︎ みえてるぞゆうれい!にげるさんだんでもはなしあってたか⁉︎ mieteru zo yuurei! nigeru sandan demo hanshiatteta ka!? "I can see you, ghosts! Were you even discussing escape plans!?"
2 おまえたちは逃げて強くなってきたから おまえたちはにげてつよくなってきたから omae-tachi wa nigete tsuyoku natte kita kara "You all ran away and became stronger, so"
3 逃がさずに壊す にがさずにこわす nigasazu ni kowasu "I'll destroy you without letting you escape."
4 逃げる場所も壊す にげるばしょもこわす nigeru basho mo kowasu "I'll destroy even the places you would escape to."
5 俺がつくる"地平線"をさ…スピナーが楽しみにしてたからさ おれがつくる"ちへいせん"をさ…スピナーがたのしみにしてたからさ ore ga tsukuru "chiheisen" wo sa...SUPINAA ga tanoshimi ni shiteta kara sa "The 'horizon' I will create...since Spinner was looking forward to it."
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1 富士壊してから沈める それこわしてからしずめる sore (read as: Fuji) kowashite kara shizumeru "I'll destroy that (read as Fuji) and then sink it."
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1 坊主…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! ぼうず…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! bouzu...! koitsu...WAZA to koko e...! "Kid...! This guy...came here on purpose...!"
2 崩壊が山に届いたら噴火しちまうぞ! ほうかいがやまにとどいたらふんかしちまうぞ! houkai ga yama ni todoitara funka shichimau zo! "If Decay reaches the mountain, it will erupt!"
3 与一さん… よいちさん… Yoichi-san... "Mr. Yoichi..."
4 こいつは…AFOの"後継者"なんかじゃない… こいつは…オール・フォー・ワンの"こうけいしゃ"なんかじゃない… koitsu wa...OORU FOO WAN no "koukeisha" nanka ja nai... "this guy...is not the 'successor' of All For One..."
5 壊すことが愉悦ーーー… こわすことがゆえつーーー… kowasu koto ga yuetsu---... [He takes] pleasure in destroying---...
6 破滅そのものだ はめつそのものだ hametsu sono mono da He's destruction itself.
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1 それも全部 それもぜんぶ sore mo zenbu "All of that, too,"
2 連なっているんだろおまえの中の…どこかに…! つらなっているんだろおまえのなかの…どこかに…! tsuranatte irundaro omae no naka no...doko ka ni...! "is connected inside of you...somewhere...!"
3 私はまだ わたしはまだ watashi wa mada I still
4 あの"人"の"当たり前"を知らない あの"ひと"の"あたりまえ"をしらない ano "hito" no "atari mae" wo shiranai don't know what's 'obvious' to that person.
5 人だよ ひとだよ hito da yo "You're a person."
tagline 壊れゆく日本…デクはあきらめない‼︎ こわれゆくにほん…デクはあきらめない‼︎ koware yuku nihon...DEKU wa akiramenai!! Japan falling apart... Deku won't give up!!
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magicalgurls · 4 months
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Senshi x Shitenou at the curtain call 💓
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tapwater118 · 5 months
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featuring everyone’s third favorite characters:
Trevor, Mark, Big Hole in the sky, Shitening, Fanner, Pee, and Remo-HOLY SHIT HATSUNE MIKU
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allofthebees · 6 months
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I am once again drunk and thinking about Orihime and how we never really got to see her powers used to their full potential here comes a poorly constructed finger painting presentation I conjured up of potential power ups for Hime bc while Shiten Kōshun was a step in the right direction for her, she only gets to use it like ONCE in the fuckin manga and I'm going insane over that!!
First one utilizes 5 of her Shun Shun Rikka, all but Tsubaki. Shunō on top. Shunō has always felt like a bit of the leader of the fairy group so I felt her to be the most fitting to be at the top, providing the healing. Baigon, Hinagiki, Lily and Ayame on bottom providing the shield. Ayame is usually helping with the healing, but with this ability she lends her power to Shunō so she can help with the barrier, considering Sōten Kisshun has been shown to be kind of a barrier along with a healer, it isn't too farfetched to assume Ayame can shield too.
This ability would allow Orihime to heal, as well as protect, at a larger scale. We've only really seen her able to heal two people at once at most, and I feel like having a mass healing/barrier ability would have been SUPER useful during TYBW, considering the, you know, thousands of injured and casualties. Plus, while this barrier is up, she could use Tsubaki outside still. Idk Japanese but considering the order of her ability names this would be like. Goten-something lol. "Go" meaning both 5 and protect could prove to make a nice punny name probably lol.
Second ability uses all 6 fairies, shaping them into a six pointed heart and shooting a deadly Cero/Cero-like beam(fullbringer powers are hollow-like so why tf not). Extremely powerful and a last resort bc it would take a massive amount of energy. Similar to how Tsubaki is only as strong as Orihime's drive to harm, this would only be as strong as her drive to protect the ones she loves (six pointed heart, six hearts beat AS ONE?? LOOK AT MY VISION BOY) and why not have her magical girly pose, pointer finger and all while she shoots it in homage to Ulquiorra 👀👀
That concludes my "Orihime's powers were interesting and she deserved to have her powers develop Kubo fr" presentation I'm going back to my drink and finger painting my love for Orihime yea yea
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1000-skulls · 8 months
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Shiten-Myooh aka Shadow Blasters (1990 - Mega Drive - Sigma Pro-Tech)
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Spe!Lance shouldn't be sending asks on Tumblr
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softandslow · 11 months
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printed one of my favorite fics as a paperback! what an honor to be able to have a physical personal copy, i'm so happy to be able to hold it in my hands. as someone who grew up watching/reading naruto from around the age of 13, and came back to it as an adult years later, this beautiful story healed a piece of my heart. it was so fun to design and format the look of this physical version. thank you @sasubaeuchithot for giving me permission to print this!
in case someone is interested, printing process details are below the cut. ✨
fic: Kizuna Hikari, combined with its companion second piece, Kizuna Shiten, both by YoungAndOverIntelligent
summary: The only reason Sasuke keeps coming back to Konoha is because of that mattress. The bed is his only respite. And perhaps the dumbass who owns said bed might be worth it, too.
Or, another canon divergence 699 that showers Sasuke with too much (deserved) love and attention that we all need for these unprecedented times.
Title means "Bonded Light". It'll make sense when you're about 100K in.
if you also print a physical version and use the cover design linked below pls tag me, i'd love to see!
full front, back, and spine cover design spread PDF can be downloaded here
fully formatted text PDF can be found here
i used barnes and noble press' "personal use" feature
for anyone familiar with the paperback version of "priory of the orange tree" by samantha shannon, the physical copy of this fic ends up being a similar size!
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eschatonjudge · 1 year
Disufiroa and Shiten Disufiroa
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sasubaeuchithot · 3 months
Hi, hello!
Sooo, as I've informed you a while back, Kizuma Hikari is hands down my all time favourite sns fic. Hands. Down. (And I've read a lot of those)
I'm so in love with the way you characterize the entire cast of characters, and ofc, especially Sasuke.
I've reread both fics a genuinely unhealthy amount of times.
And usually I hate asking this question to people, I do, but I can't HELP MYSELF I'M SORRY.
But do you by any chance know if there will actually be that sequel to Kizuna Shiten, that you beautifully set up?
But after like nearly three years of rereading these masterpieces I genuinely cannot. Can. Not. Stop myself from asking anymore.
In any case, of course, I just also wanted to remind you that your writing gives new meaning to the word scrumptious and I'd sell my kidney, soul, left pinky and my five first children to experience your fics for the first time again <3
there will eventually be a sequel! I apologize for stringing y'all along for so long about it lol. the problem is just my mental health. i have no time or energy right now to write it- and i really need it to live up to what I want it to be. i have grand ideas for it! but part of making sure it's great means doing a tonnnn of research. 🙏 please allow me a while. once I can actually start writing I'm imagining it'll probably take a year (that's how long the original took), so it definitely won't be soon.
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ninelanguages · 4 months
Kanji for "store", "shop", "place of business"
店 = ten/ mise
喫茶店- kissaten - a tearoom/ a café/ a coffee shop - きっさてん
店員- tenin - a shop assistant/ a sales person/ a clerk - てんいん
店- mise - a store/ a shop/ a stall/ a booth/ a kiosk - みせ
書店- shoten - a bookstore / a bookshop - しょてん
支店- shiten - a branch store (office) - してん
商店- syouten - a store/ a shop - しょうてん
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