#shithead older brother shiro
“Shiro. Shiro. Shiro. I have important information. Shiro. Shiro.”
“Yes, Keith. I’m listening.”
Shiro looks at his dumbass little brother patiently, setting down his knitting. Keith is staring at the space slightly to the left of where Shiro is sitting, eyes unfocused. Shiro lets him sit in the silence for a bit, knowing the meds made him a little slow and loopy. He’ll get there.
He can’t tamp down a fond grin. It happens so often it should be boring, now, but loopy Keith will always be funny. It was like every bit of jadedness he’d picked up over the years melted away, leaving only the awkward, loveable dork Shiro knew and loved.
“I have — I have important information,” Keith repeats haltingly.
“I got that, buddy,” Shiro encourages. “Want to share that info? I’m listening.”
Keith hums. He blinks a few times, gaze finally locking onto Shiro’s, who smiles at him.
“It’s — it’s about Lance.”
Shiro fights to keep his smile from getting mischievous, to keep his expression pleasantly neutral. Oh, this was going to be good.
“Yeah, bud? What about him?”
Keith blinks again, his expression grave. “His tongue peeks out a little when he smiles real big, Shiro. A real smile. The one he gets when he talks about his family.” Keith takes great care to enunciate every word, tone completely serious. “That’s — it’s Very Important, Shiro. Okay?”
Look, Shiro’s a disciplined guy. He has a lot of internal strength. Really. But keeping a straight face as his baby brother looks him dead in the face, eyes as serious as a heart attack, and starts talking smush about how much he loves his crush’s smile?
C’mon. Come on. Of course he laughs a little! It would be weird if he didn’t!
“Shiro!” Keith scolds. “I’m serious! It’s important! We have to make sure Lance smiles like that. He gets sad sometimes. We gotta remind him he’s important, so he smiles.”
“You’re so whipped,” Shiro says fondly.
Keith goes back to staring at the wall, just as serious as before.
Shiro wonders if he’s thinking about Lance’s eyes, this time.
It won’t be the first time Shiro heard about them, that’s for damn certain.
“I did what.”
Keith’s face is so red that it’s concerning. Or, well, Shiro would be concerned, if he wasn’t so busy losing his shit.
“‘We have to protect his smile, Shiro’,” he mocks between wheezes. Keith wacks him full-force with a pillow.
“Fuck off,” he says hotly. “There’s no way I said that.”
There’s a moment of pained, contemplated horror, before Keith looks at him aghast. “Did I?”
Shiro laughs so hard he goes silent. Keith hits him again, but it’s weaker.
“Oh my god, I did fucking say that. I fucking — oh my god. Oh my god!”
Keith collapses back on his bed. He puts his pillow-weapon over his face and screams. Shiro finally gets ahold of himself, forcing his laughter down. He pats Keith on the shoulder, trying very deeply to be supportive and understanding even though literally all he wants to do is laugh and laugh and laugh.
“There, there,” he says, voice shaking.
Keith removes his pillow just to glare at Shiro. “Fuck off,” he says again, but this time it sounds resolved. “God. Do I — do I like him?”
Shiro blinks. Is he — is he serious? “Are you being deadass with me right now?”
“I mean, I know he’s hot and everything.”
Shiro cannot believe his fucking ears. He feels like that stupid Spider-Man meme. ‘Do you see this shit, Daisy?’ -type beat. Because there’s no fucking way. No fucking way this boy does not know.
“Like I’m attracted to him, sure, who wouldn’t be —”
Holy shit.
“— but, like. I don’t like him, do I?”
Holy shit.
“I mean, he’s my rival! How can I like him?”
Holy shit! Holy motherforking shirtballs! This little dumbass has no idea!
“Like, yeah, sure, he’s occasionally funny, I guess. And I guess he’s kind of sweet — did you know he checks on all of us before bed every night? Yeah! That’s kind of cute. And, god, there’s all those little gifts he makes, and he’s so protective —”
Shiro just stares at Keith with a quiet kind of awe. There’s no way his brother is this much of a dumbass. Is that even possible? For someone so smart to be so fucking dumb?
The sigh Keith lets out can only be described as dreamy. “ — and shit, Shiro, you should see him kick ass in training, he’s been working on this insane triple flip maneuver…”
All of a sudden Keith trails off. For the first time since Lance was brought up (by Keith, Shiro might add), Keith is silent.
“Oh my god,” he says, shooting up straight and looking at Shiro with wide eyes. “Oh my god, Shiro, oh my god. I’m in love with him! Oh my god!”
Because Shiro loves his dumbass little brother, he holds himself back from saying ‘no shit, Sherlock’.
“Congratulations, doofus. You’re officially the last to know.”
Well. He mostly holds himself back.
Kind of.
He holds himself back a little, okay? That counts for something.
Keith gapes at him. “Everyone knows?”
Shiro nods, because even the allies they’ve only met once know.
“How can everyone know? I didn’t even know!”
“Well, you’re kind of oblivious,” Shiro says.
“Sorry, bud. It’s true. I mean, you didn’t even know you liked Lance until a couple minutes ago.”
“Of course I didn’t! It’s not like it’s obvious!”
Shiro decides it’s in his best interest to keep his mouth shut. Keith tends to get a little stab-y when annoyed. He’s easily provoked, like a particularly skittish kitten.
“Oh my god. Is it obvious? I thought you were exaggerating!”
“Uh, no. Anyone with a basic understanding of human behaviour knows you’re absolutely down bad for Lance, bud.”
Keith makes a kind of squeaking noise, which is hilarious and also makes Shiro wish he had recorded it.
“Holy shit! Does Lance know?”
Shiro can’t quite hide his grimace. “Well, he doesn’t… not know, per se.”
“That’s so embarrassing, god, I am going to eject myself into space —”
“Well, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Lance likes you, too, so I imagine it all evens out, yeah?”
“Lance fucking likes me?”
Shiro needs some shut-the-fuck-up practice. Seriously. He clears his throat.
“Um, yeah. He regularly complains about you being too chickenshit to ask him out.”
“He regularly — I’m too — if he knew I liked him, how come he didn’t ask me out?”
Shiro shrugs, although he’s pretty damn sure he knows why.
“Maybe you should ask him,” he says.
Keith’s eyes narrow dangerously. “Of course I’m going to talk to him. In fact —”
He throws his legs over the side of the bed with a pained grunt.
“Woah, there, Casanova,” Shiro says, pressing a hand to his shoulder. “Back down you go.”
“Absolutely not, Shiro,” Keith argues as he lies back down, “I need to talk to that dumbass. I need to tell him —”
“And you will have your big gay moment,” Shiro promises. “I’ll send him over, okay? After you nap. No need to rip your stitches.”
“I don’t want to nap,” Keith says petulantly, crossing his arms like a six year old.
Shiro pats his brother’s head as he tucks him in. Shiro can’t help but grin to himself. He remembers doing this for a much younger little kid, half the size but just as grouchy. He pushes Keith’s bangs back, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead. Keith grumbles about germs, but allows it.
“Talk to Lance later. Heal for now. Love you, kiddo.”
Keith rolls his eyes, but the corners of his mouth twitch. “Whatever.”
Shiro shakes his head with a grin, flicking Keith on the nose before heading for the door. Just as he’s closed the lights and steps out into the door frame, Keith stops him.
Shiro freezes. Yeah, his voice is a little deeper, a little more grown, but it’s the same little kid who woke him up in the dead of night because he had a nightmare and wanted Shiro to tuck him back in.
“Yeah, Keith?” His voice cracks with emotion, but Keith doesn’t comment on it.
“…Thank you. For staying with me. For, uh, your advice, too, even though it kind of sucked.”
Shiro laughs quietly. “Anytime.”
“And, um. I love you too. Even if you’re a dweeb.”
Shiro smiles so wide his eyes crinkle, and turns back a bit to look at Keith.
“I know, you little goober. I love you too.”
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ao3-feed-shadam · 6 years
far beyond the universe
by ardentmischief
Keith is back. The Castle of Lions is gone. Shiro is alive. They’re going home.
Words: 10079, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: all the ships are main ships i'm here to feed everyone to the best of my ability, Post-Season/Series 06, Season 7 fix-it, uhhh, Team Bonding, Found Family, character arcs that are actually interesting (i hope), broganes, Back to Earth, Adam (Voltron) Lives, Slow Burn, or at least my best attempt at one, supportive friendships, lance getting the good treatment he deserves from the people he loves, allura being treated like a main character and not just a love interest/prop, shiro being an absolute hilarious shithead of an older brother, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/16390886
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ao3feed-safeklance · 6 years
far beyond the universe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CZzp2b
by ardentmischief
Keith is back. The Castle of Lions is gone. Shiro is alive. They’re going home.
Words: 10079, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: all the ships are main ships i'm here to feed everyone to the best of my ability, Post-Season/Series 06, Season 7 fix-it, uhhh, Team Bonding, Found Family, character arcs that are actually interesting (i hope), broganes, Back to Earth, Adam (Voltron) Lives, Slow Burn, or at least my best attempt at one, supportive friendships, lance getting the good treatment he deserves from the people he loves, allura being treated like a main character and not just a love interest/prop, shiro being an absolute hilarious shithead of an older brother, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CZzp2b
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ao3feed-adashi · 6 years
far beyond the universe
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CZzp2b
by ardentmischief
Keith is back. The Castle of Lions is gone. Shiro is alive. They’re going home.
Words: 10079, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: all the ships are main ships i'm here to feed everyone to the best of my ability, Post-Season/Series 06, Season 7 fix-it, uhhh, Team Bonding, Found Family, character arcs that are actually interesting (i hope), broganes, Back to Earth, Adam (Voltron) Lives, Slow Burn, or at least my best attempt at one, supportive friendships, lance getting the good treatment he deserves from the people he loves, allura being treated like a main character and not just a love interest/prop, shiro being an absolute hilarious shithead of an older brother, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CZzp2b
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
That moment when you scroll through someone else’s blog and see a post calling everyone who ships incest nasty and problematic and you scroll through the tags to block every asshole who reblogged it and tagged it Ja/ec because hey, that kinda shit makes my life easier...
...and then you encounter the utterly ridiculous paradox of someone reblogging this post that boils down to “incest is nasty. And adopted siblings are siblings too and it’s nasty”... and they have a ton of Westa//en shit on their blog.
Look, I get why people are squeamish about incest ships. I get why people draw the line there. I don’t get why shitheads have the urge to call others out on it and tell them they can‘t ship the fictional stuff they like, instead of just fucking blacklisting the damn ship-tag and leaving people the hell alone about fictional characters and fictional ships.
But I 100% do not get how you can tag Ja/ec and Th0rki on this anti-incest post when in the same breath, you go and ship fucking Westa//en, who are adopted, have grown up together, call the same man dad and thus are just as much the nasty incest you want to forbid others to ship. Like, shut your fucking trap, you utter hypocrite??
Someone actually drawing a line there and saying “No. This is Not Okay and Against My Morals”, I totally get it, but going out there cherry-picking what kind of adopted siblings count as siblings and thus their shippers are nasty while other adopted siblings totally are okay to ship and OTP? That’s some next level bullshit right there. Either you’re 100% against the nasty evil incest, or you accept that every person has different taste and some people might just like ships that you don’t like.
Though the Sh fandom is the one where I draw the line about people giving other people bullshit about “incest” - because y’all antis ain’t hating on Alec for canonically being in love with his brother and thus supposedly being a character you should hate for being “nasty”, nah man, instead you aim your hate and insults toward real people who literally just enjoy some fictional entertainment and are trying to have fun in a fandom. So, yeah that’s the double-standard that pisses me off and leads to a block-spree, I suppose.
The most surreal thing about this little trip however was that I actually blocked two Voltron blogs because they seriously called Sha/adin shippers out... like... They’re not even adopted. They fucking met as teenagers and go to school together and are a team. By absolutely no fucking definition, regardless of how fucking far you stretch it, are the Paladins of Voltron siblings or in any other way or shape related, for fuck’s sake. Just because for some reason the fandom has decided that Shiro shall be “space dad” even though he’s literally just seven years older than the others and that isn’t even a canon thing they call him does not in any way or shape make him anyone’s dad. Antis are fucking wild, man.
Anyway. Yeah.
Everyone can ship - and not ship - what they want. But there is no need for name-calling and insults...? If you don’t like a ship for whatever reasons, just avoid it. There’s no need to reblog bullshit that calls people nasty and makes fun of them and then tag it with your NOTP. That’s just... petty and ridiculous?
But I felt like sharing this for just how out of the world it is that there are seriously people condemning some adopted sibling ships as nasty incest and acting like they have some kind of imaginary moral high ground while going around and shipping other adopted sibling ships as OTP. That’s just too wild to not share.
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“Bah cawk! B-b-bah cawk!”
“Fuck off, Hunk.”
Hunk grins, continuing to flap his arms and squawk like a fool. “Somebody’s a chicken! Bah cawk!”
“I am not going to chicken out this time,” Lance says hotly. He tries to deck Hunk in the arm, hard, but unfortunately he’s currently lugging a crate out of his lion so he has to set it down before he can swing and Hunk has time to dodge.
“You are so,” Hunk taunts, shifting a safe distance away from Lance because he knows Lance and he knows Lance well, and so he knows the next thing he has coming is a swift kick to the ass. “You chickened out last night, and the night before, and the night before that —”
“I’m gonna do it this time,” Lance insists. “I am. I’m gonna make a move.”
Hunk shrugs, insufferably smug. “Sure, Loverboy.”
Any further attempt to argue with him is futile. He responds to every single thing Lance says with more chicken noises, to the point where Lance is ready to kill him for real, and then he books it when Lance’s brown eyes tip into something a little crazed.
“Get back here, you dick! Square the fuck up! You slanderer! You shithead! You three-cheeked buttface!”
Hunk cackles. “Bah-cawk! Chicken! You’re chicken!”
Lance snaps. He drops the crate, barely glancing behind him as it clatters to the ground, and starts really sprinting. Hunk, glancing behind him with a mischievous grin that drops into a look of pure fear when he realizes how fast Lance is gaining on him.
“Shiro! Allura! Somebody!” he screeches, stumbling over a rock. “Lance is trying to kill me for no reason! He’s gone insane!”
“Yeah, that’s right, you dick, you can run but you can’t run far —”
Lance finally wrenches his bayard from where it’s clipped to his belt, setting the power to the hardest stunner — painful but not lethal, because that’s what Hunk’s annoying ass deserves — and taking aim. Hunk glances behind him again right before Lance squeezes the trigger and screams at the top of his lungs.
“Coran! Help!”
“I’m gonna fucking get you —”
Biceps of steel — well, one bicep of steel — wraps around his waist, plucking him from the air kicking and yelling.
“Woah, there, Jack Nicholson. Cool it a second and remember Hunk is your best friend.”
“Hunk is my worst enemy,” Lance spits. He glares at the asshole in question, cowering behind an amused Allura, who glares right back. He has the gall to stick out his tongue, yelping when Lance lunges forward, Shiro’s admittedly strong grip the only thing holding him back.
“Don’t you two love each other or something?” Allura drawls.
“He called me a chicken!” Lance shouts. “And squawked at me! Like a four year old!”
“You are a chicken!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am —”
Shiro shakes Lance like a rag doll. “Shut up,” he says mildly. “Use big boy words, both of you. Why is Hunk calling you a chicken?”
Lance looks away, cheeks suddenly hot. “Nothing. No reason.”
“B-bah cawk!”
Shiro quickly holds down Lance’s wrists so he can’t shoot a cackling Hunk. Lance struggles for a moment, but sags eventually under Shiro and Allura’s curious looks.
“I’m — gonna try to make a move,” he mumbles. “On Keith.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“Oh,” Allura says, voice trembling. Her hand is clamped to her mouth. Lance can feel Shiro’s whole body shaking. He wrenches himself away, scowling harder.
“I hate all of you,” he snaps as the three of them collapse into giggles. “None of you have any faith in me. My friends suck. I want new ones.”
Shiro tries desperately to reign himself in. “S-sorry, kiddo, it’s just —” he can’t even finish his sentence, laughing so hard he’s hunched over. The worst part is that the sound makes Lance smile involuntarily, so he can’t even look properly scorned as he stomps off.
He runs into Coran and Pidge on his way to the clearing they’ve decided to camp in for the night. Pidge doesn’t not hesitate before dumping her armful of equipment on him — chairs, sleeping bags, pillows — and frolicking off like a nature sprite ahead of them. Lance rolls his eyes affectionately, adjusting the new load of stuff in his arms and striking up conversation with Coran. The two of them chat idly as they take their time to get to the clearing, talking about some of the cool birds they’ve been seeing flying overhead every once in a while. (They’re fuckin’ massive — Lance has been calling them pterosaurs in his head. He hopes he gets the chance to pet one.)
“You’re quiet, dear,” Coran comments. He nudges Lance’s shoulder teasingly. “For you, anyway.”
Lance huffs a laugh, nudging right back. “It’s nothing, really. Just a little nervous.”
“I see.” Coran hums. “Would those nerves have anything to do with our passionate black paladin?”
“Got me,” Lance says, grinning slightly. “I’m, uh, gonna try and make a move today. Hunk called me a chicken and I won’t stand for that.”
“That’s the only reason, of course.”
Lance laughs. “Of course, Coran. Whattaya take me for?”
Coran keeps ribbing him gently as they walk, but it’s different from everyone else’s teasing. Not that Lance really minds the other teasing, honestly. He knows they’re only joking. But Coran’s teasing only serves to make him more confident, not nervous. It reminds him of the teasing his Mamà would do, when he came to her complaining about how horrible his siblings were being. The encouraging kind of playful. It makes him smile, remembering that. He’s going to get it all again soon.
They’ve barely stepped foot into the clearing before a voice is calling out, loud and excited.
“Lance! Hi!” Keith’s smile is huge, wide and taking up his whole face. He waves Lance over, patting the chair he’s got set up next to him.
“Go on, Number Four,” Coran says, switching his armful of equipment over to one hand and scooping up Lance’s easily.
Right. Altean superstrength.
Lance grins at him again, then jogs over in Keith’s direction.
“Hey, Lance,” Keith repeats, much softer this time. “You wanna sit?”
Lance nods, slowing down to a walk. He stops barely a foot away from the foot of Keith’s chair as an idea hits him.
“Yeah,” he says coyly. He pivots slightly, facing Keith’s chair instead of the empty one next to him. He shivers exaggeratedly, rubbing his arms and saying brr (out loud, with his mouth, dear God). He takes a millisecond to steel himself and then crawls onto Keith’s chair, wedging himself next to him and wiggling around to make himself comfortable. His heart pounds, and the muffled sniggering he hears around him does his already burning face no favours. “Whew. This planet is frosty, huh? I’m cold.”
Keith sounds so enlightened that for a brief, stupid second, Lance is convinced he’s gotten the hint.
But no. Of course not.
Keith scrambles out of the chair, Lance yelping as he nearly gets shoved right off it.
“I’ll build a fire!,” Keith exclaims. He looks at Lance with maybe the proudest look he’s ever seen on him.
Shiro lets out a loud, ridiculous “Ha!” and then the rest of the team — all five of them, even Coran — burst into hooting laughter.
Keith shoots them a weird look. “What’s with them?”
Lance sighs. He buries his face in his palms, something like hysterical laughter bubbling up his throat, and he barely shoves it down. “No fucking clue.”
Evidently Keith decides to drop it, patting Lance on the knee before taking off into the woods, presumably to grab some firewood.
“Oh my God,” Pidge guffaws. Shiro makes a strange sound, choking on his dramatic ass hooting. There’s a thump noise as he literally rolls off his chair and hits the ground. Hunk and Allura aren’t far behind him.
Keith spends the next varga lugging around giant logs of fallen trees, chopping them into firewood — which, Lance will admit, is most definitely a positive side to this whole shitshow. Keith might not quite have Captain America’s rippling muscles, but he’s most definitely got that ass, and Lance could watch him chop wood for days — and arranging them into a neat pile. He’s thankfully focused enough to be completely oblivious to the crew of dumbasses making endless horrible jokes and continuously cracking each other up at Lance’s misfortune.
Keith stands proudly at the frankly roaring fire when he’s finished, looking between it and Lance and smiling broadly.
“That better?” he asks.
Lance smiles, fond and exasperated all in one. “Yeah, Keith,” he says. “It’s awesome. Thank you.”
He pauses for a moment as a thought crosses his mind.
Wait a second. He might be able to turn this shit around after all.
“I’m really grateful,” Lance repeats. He scooches back into the chair and pars the space in front of him. “Come sit.”
Once again, though, the hint flies right over Keith’s head as he walks right by Lance, cuffing him on the shoulder, before sitting on the empty chair next to him.
Lance deflates. The rest of the team loses their shit.
“What is with you weirdos?” Keith demands. He looks at Lance, arms spread in confusion.
You’re such a fucking dumbass, Lance thinks. I love you so fucking much. Please use your brain.
“Who knows,” he says instead.
Keith nods. “Let’s just ignore them and enjoy the fire, huh?” He stands up, moving his chair a little closer to Lance before sitting back down. He’s silent a moment, face screwed up like it is right before he’s about to do something unbelievably stupid and reckless on a mission that he knows Lance will scream at him for.
But he doesn’t do anything stupid. Instead he reaches forward, determined once he convinces himself, and wraps his hand around Lance’s.
Lance holds his fucking breath, forcing himself as still as possible. He’s terrified that if he so much as thinks too loudly Keith might change his mind.
“Yeah,” he breathes, once he’s sure Keith isn’t going to pull away. “Let’s enjoy the fire.”
based on this video
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