tatsugiriroll · 1 year
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happy wet beast Wednesday my friends, from the wet beast himself: da joker
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pac1fythehunger · 1 year
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today's doodle dump, all in one for once
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ribcageteeth · 2 years
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hydro-city-zone · 1 year
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Lore under the cut
The rest of the au can be found here.
Ranchhand and slave to the Hemospectrum, sees himself as just a cog in the Alternian shitmachine.
Witch of Void, wielder of Ironkind and Fistkind
A particularly poignant target of Kanaya's meddling on account of his disturbing apathy towards life, but her own status as a highblood prevents him from seeing her as an equal.
Loves horses despite his association with bulls, covets their empty roads in shameful secret.
Strong, but because he's built like a jackhammer from hard labour rather than highblood super strength.
Vriska often terrorizes his farm, having done so once to try and sup the technicolour blood from his livestock. It's a thing between them now, and she wants to see his stoic face break down (as depicted in the dramatized image of them together in this post).
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lensman-arms-race · 1 month
I thought these were the same man until people on Tumblr said they weren't:
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Alpha Hills poster from episode 70 (referring to the tall guy).
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Dave from episode 73.
Now that I see the pictures together, I can see that they're not identical. But it amazes me that people can just tell 'nah, that's two different people' that easily without having to see them side by side. I was fully convinced Dave was Secret Agent.
(To give you an idea of how face-blind I am: when my mum picks me up from work, which she occasionally does if she happens to be going past my workplace at the right time, I have to look for her car reg plate because I can't recognise her by her face. People just all look the bastard same to me! I assumed it was an autism thing but one of my friends is also autistic and he has 0 trouble telling people apart. It's just the shitmachine in my skull.)
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asexualzoro · 2 years
tagged by: @thewrongshop​
Relationship status: aromantic
Favorite color: red
Favorite food: probably chocolate ill be honest
Song currently stuck in my head: im currently listening to music so... GMF by John Grant
Five favorite songs: hmmmm. i guess ill just pick 5 songs i added to my spotify playlist this week. GMF by John Grant, Not Havin’ a Blast by Demi the Daredevil, Talk About by Dear and the Headlights, Shitmachine! by Days N Daze, White Noise by Will Wood
Last thing I googled: "hypnic jerk” tho i think its worth noting the search immediately proceeding it was “waking up feeling like you’re falling” because i was looking for the term 
Current time: 9:44pm
Dream trip: been noticing lately i dont really dream too much of travel honestly. ive been realizing lately im a bit of a homebody. id rather just take walks around me
Something I want: like in general? ice cream. every place near me has stopped selling the specific type of ice cream i like most and i miss it
Currently reading: uh. okay. i could give you a cop out answer and say like, The Secret History by Donna Tartt, bc ive been meaning to finish it for a while and its been on my nightstand for a month now, but ill be real with you. ive been reading a lot of third life fic this week. like, opening the 3L/LL/DL tag on ao3 is the first thing i do in the morning. was late to a class on monday cuz of this
Last series: ...i watched third life again two days ago. grian’s series. made my 9th grian watch. think that brings me to like 16 total third life watches. the feeling of insanity experienced hitting the ending of grian’s 3L series after watching the whole four hour thing in one sitting is simply unmatched 
Last movie: genuinely no idea. i dont watch a lot of movies. it was probably something i watched w my roommates
Currently working on: .......these last few questions are really committed to making me talk a lot about third life on main, forcing you all to see the shit ive kept to a sideblog. i read a bunch of amnesia-ish “only the winner / one person remembers” third life fic and now im trying my hand at one. no one addresses martyn in these that ive seen and i think we’re missing out 
i. am not tagging anyone in this. watch third life 
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saudade-hiraeth1 · 11 months
“This is a shit show, it’s a disaster. But, it’s everything I’ve ever wanted and I wouldn’t trade it for the world”
shitmachine! By Days and Daze
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bootlegmozart · 1 year
tbh i think my biggest gripe with dog people is that they don’t train their dogs. like 90% of the time, they dress their cute little doggy up in some stupid little outfit and let it run around wild, don’t socialize it, and get upset when you want nothing to do with their barking monster.
dogs are good pets. I had a big dog. He was 150lbs of Dog. He had a mane. His name was Simba and we got him from the pound the week he was supposed to be put down. We housebroke him, and I trained him to walk without a leash (would always leash him though) because getting dragged from him going after a squirrel was Not On My ToDo List anymore. Taught him how to behave around other dogs. Taught him to come back if I ever dropped the leash. Taught him to stop jumping on people. Taught him when to bark. Taught him to play gently with us. He broke my little brother’s arm with a bite before that, so we made sure it never happened again. Yknow... we trained him. Other people don’t do that. If you own an animal, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your animal, and the animals your pet interacts with. I was never worried he’d play too rough with other dogs or nip at someone because I trained him to not do those things.
If I, at 13 years old, could train my 150lb mutt to be a good boy when he was already 5, then you and your 30+y/o ass can train your little purebred covidpuppy shitmachine to heel and not go after my cats. It’s not that hard and there’s plenty of resources online. You literally have to work with your animal. You can’t do training sessions once a week and expect that to be fruitful. Owning a pet is a responsibility, and if you don’t have the time/resources to do that, don’t fucking get the animal.
bUt hE hAs A StRoNg PrEy DRiVe aNd YoU sHoULdN’t WaLk YoUr CaTs
fucking train him so when you inevitably let your dog off the leash again, they don’t go after a rabid animal and die. My cats behave better on a leash than your dog, so maybe I’m not the problem here.
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trollcafe · 2 years
♪♫ Thunder send me those tracks
Cold Cold Cold - Cage the Elephant 
Nothing Changes - PUP 
Shitmachine! - Days n Daze 
Coming Clean - Green Day 
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papi-the-guinea · 3 years
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bangitsbing · 6 years
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my intentions
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nic-vicious · 3 years
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Until the engine blows up, or we run out of gas
then we’ll pick up some booze, and get drunk off our asses
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thesingalongsong · 4 years
“This is a shit-show, it’s a disaster
But its everything I’ve ever wanted
And I wouldn’t trade it for the world,”
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amarteeus · 7 years
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folkpunkdreamboat · 7 years
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lampurple · 6 years
Me @ Zackley, after learning implications of what he wanted to do to Eren: BITCH AS IF YOU COULD TOUCH EREN YEAGER AS IF EREN YEAGER WOULD LET YOU WHAT A FOOL REST IN PIECES
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