9haharharley1 · 11 months
[Hi hello its Ectoplasmicsodaaaaa]
Okay but that accidental first kiss prompt for pompep or blackice would be CHEF KISS
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Pompep it is!
Attending a college Halloween party hadn't been a bad idea at the time. With the exception of that one terrible time his freshman year, Danny had never been to a real party. He wasn't sure if this one even really counted since it was hosted by the college and not some random student ready to get all the co-eds drunk.
Maybe that was why he decided to go.
It felt awkward to go without Sam and Tucker there to back him up, what with his best friends being split all over the country. He didn't even have Jazz to call and come save him if he decided he wasn't having fun, but on the plus side, his dorm was just out the door and around the corner, so really what had been the harm?
Danny pulled up his big boy pants, whipped up a quick costume, and was out the door.
It wasn't much to look at - just some black pants with a cotton ball pinned to the back to mimic a tail, a V-neck long sleeve shirt, and a black and white half-mask that exposed the lower have of his face from the nose down, molded in the shape of a goat's head, with two horns jutting out the sides. He had arranged his hair to tastefully fall in front of the mask, and when he looked in the mirror he didn't hate what he saw. So with a shrug and a steadying breath, Danny attended his first college party.
It was set up in the dining hall, the doors flung open to let attendees roam in and out to enjoy the nice weather - shockingly not too cold this time of year; not that cold weather bothered Danny at all these days. The punch had already been spiked, there were couples making out in the dark corners of the building. Snacks and finger foods had been set up around the punch bowl, and there was a food truck loitering outside next to a snow-cone truck. He could smell weed in the air and briefly entertained the idea of attaining some for himself as he bought a snow-cone.
He was interrupted from this thought by a warmth at his side.
"Enjoying the party?" came a smooth voice over his shoulder, and Danny jumped, whipping his head around to see a man standing barely a foot away. He was taller than Danny, dressed in all black, with a ram's head mask of black and glitter covering his face, the horns curling over silver hair. His goatee and pale skin stood put against so much black.
He cut a handsome figure in the dark.
Danny just shrugged at him. "I guess?" he said, taking a bite of his snowcone. "I just got here."
"Not a party person then?"
"Not really," Danny admitted. He took a seat on the nearby bench, surprised to see the man follow him and take a seat as well. "I've never really fit in enough for parties."
The man hummed. "I wouldn't say it's much of a party anyway. Have you tried the punch yet? Somone decided it would be a good idea to spike it with cheap vodka." His lips twisted into a grimace.
Danny laughed. "We're all broke college students, what did you expect?"
"I expected one of you to at least spring for Tito's," the man grumbled. Danny laughed again, but mulled over the man's words.
"So you're not a student here, are you?" he asked. He took another bite of his flavored ice.
"I use to be," he answered. "Now I'm just a... dedicated alumni." He looked down at Danny, a respectful foot away, but radiating enough heat that he may as well be sitting closer. Danny shivered. "And you? You're a student, correct?"
"Yeah." Danny nodded. The man's eyes were a deep blue, dark as the night around them. Danny could get lost in those eyes if he wasn't careful.
"What's your major?" The man's voice was so charming and silky, Danny almost felt bad for how he blushed over it.
"Oh! Uh... physics and astronomy."
"A fellow scientist, then." The man's lips curled into a small smirk, and Danny may have felt his heart skip a beat. Why was this guy talking to him?! He could be chatting up literally anyone on campus, age be damned, and take them home no questions asked! Why was he choosing to talk to Danny? "A man after my own heart."
Danny's breath came out in a shaky exhale.
He lowered his snowcone, bringing one leg up under him as he turned to face this handsome stranger. His eyes narrowed behind his mask. "Okay, Mr. Darcy. Are you flirting with me?"
The man's smirk widened further, half-turning to Danny with an arm thrown over the back of the bench, a leg coming up to cross over the other. His other hand fell to his lap as he leaned in closer.
"Depends," he said, and Danny's cheeks felt like they were on fire, "is it working?"
"Considering I wouldn't call it very good flirting," Danny muttered back, glancing away, "...yeah. It is."
The hand on the back of the bench rose, warm fingers grazing Danny's chin. "Then maybe you'll let me see your face." There was heat in dark eye, and Danny felt caught in their flames. "I'm sure those pretty eyes are even prettier without the mask."
Even as desire and heat settled in Danny's belly, Danny couldn't help but smirk, only slightly rueful. "Nah." He pulled his head away from the hot touch. "I'm not that much of a looker." He stood with his snowcone, brushing off the seat of his pants. "Maybe go find another co-ed to schmooze. I'm sure someone here is up to your standards."
Danny didn't see the way blue eyes darkened, didn't see how the man scowled at the self-deprecating words. He took a step away, fully intending on tossing his remaining flavored ice and heading back to his dorm. He wasn't in the mood to flirt with handsome older gentlemen who only wanted one night and never again.
He took a step away, but a near burning hand on his wrist stopped him back.
He barely registered his own name on a stranger's tongue before he was spun, tripping over his feet and loosing balance on a clump of grass. The older man was sat forward on the bench to stop him from walking off, hand on his wrist, but Danny yelped as he fell against him, catching himself with his free hand on a broad shoulder and a knee banged painfully into the hard plastic of the bench.
Neither of those two things mattered however.
What mattered, was the loud sound of their masks clacking loudly together in the night. What mattered was the wide blue eyes staring at him, nearly crossed from how close they were. What mattered was the fluttering in his heart, the lump in his throat, the heat in his belly as lips, soft and wet and near scalding pressed to his own as Danny stared wide-eyed at the man now practically under him. Those dark eyes fell half-shut as Danny pulled away barely an inch, eyes wide, as those deep blues bled red with barely surpressed emotion.
Danny tried to keep the panic out of his voice as he whispered, breath icy cold against hot lips, "...Vlad?"
His voice sounded so small even to his own ears, and Vlad's eyes darkened further. "I will give you a million dollars if you stay right here," Vlad said, heat and promise masking the desperation in his voice. Danny's breathing picked up.
He shoved away from the older man, Vlad falling back into the bench as Danny phased through his hold. His snow-cone had long been abandoned to the ground, and before Vlad could reach out to him, Danny was gone, invisible in an instant, and nearly three seconds later, fighting back panicked tears in the safety of his dorm, his hand shaking as he held it over his mouth.
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tripcounselors · 1 year
Goa- For Beach Lovers
Goa is, without a shadow of a question, one of the most well-known places in India that one ought to visit while still in their twenties. vivacious and full of life! Goa is one of the best places to visit in India for a holiday since it boasts an exciting nightlife, an extensive range of alcoholic beverages, beach shacks, and prices that are shockingly inexpensive. You might maximize the amount of fun you have on vacation by taking a cruise from Mumbai to Goa if you're interested in seeing the most popular sights in Goa.
Attractions in Goa include beaches such as Vagator, Calangute, Anjuna, Colva, and Benaulim; Fort Aguada; the Church of Mae De Deus; the Temple of Bodgeshwar; the Dudhsagar Waterfalls; St. Xavier's Church; Grand Island (for watersports); and clubs such as Cafe Mambos, Titos, LPK (Love Passion Karma), SinQ, and Club Cubana.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our experienced Trip Counselors if you have any queries about the exciting and reasonably priced Goa vacation packages we provide.
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swynlake-spill · 4 years
Can confirm. Slipped right into those dm’s. Weddings in December 😘
hello, also this was in my inbox (tito appearing to confirm his and gregory’s loooooove connection) sorry for posting it late i was trying to think of something funny to say and then realized this message did all my work for me 
#Gregorito anybody? 
(Gregory, personally, I think u can do better!!) 
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oliversaluki · 4 years
Dog Piles {Ollie & Tito}
Ollie had stood in front of the door of the guy’s apartment for nearly ten minutes before he had gone inside. Of course they saw each other and they checked in but now that the night was done. The night turned to day, Ollie could only imagine that the guys didn’t want to see him.
They would - Ollie didn’t even know but what if they didn’t want him anymore. Had Ollie turned too much into Roscoe? His first answer being violence. Unless it was this morning where he was more than calm and caring. Either way Ollie didn’t know if they still wanted him.
Eventually he mustered enough confidence to step inside, the apartment too quiet for what it should be.
Tito wasn’t facing Ollie when he walked in so the boy just walked over slowly before sitting on the ground just far enough that if Tito didn’t want him to touch him then he wouldn’t be.
“Cuddle pile?” Ollie asked softly and cautious preparing for a no.
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Bright & Early Hangovers {Melody & Tito}
Melody should have probably adopted an older dog. As much as she loved Reggie already she couldn’t take him out for her runs in the morning. She couldn’t wait until he could join her.
If not only because of the company but also the fact she could have that backup and friendship she needed so early in the morning without actually having to talk to someone.
But that’s also why she ran first thing in the morning. She didn’t expect to run into many people.
Melody didn’t always get so lucky.
But he looked lost and well Melody felt bad.
“Tito right? Do you need help?”
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titoist · 2 years
do you happen to know any films that actually have a focus on the serbian national psyche's relation to yugonostalgia? i am open to anything but if its borderline incomprehensible to nonserbs thats perfect. thanks!
unfortunately, i am completely out of touch with the serbian cultural zeitgeist - mostly because the wide majority of modern serbian media is complete trite, masturbatory nationalism or equally-masturbatory reality tv - and am, for for all intents and purposes, an inner immigrant. &, thus, am absolutely *not* an authority on this. though i'm sure some underground films exist, the national mien would generally just not be accommodating to that type of work. i would defer to my pal @vetulicolia, since she might know of some ex-yugo film along those lines that i don't. every day i pound and scream because the "2 hour black and white film about the serbian government shown through the eyes of a pigeon" thing isn't a real film. but i do have a few recommendations for movies that were made *during* the existence of yugoslavia, which i find to be somewhat prescient, & which still hold up shockingly well. among them would be Balkanski Spijun(The Balkan Spy), Davitelj Protiv Davitelja(Strangler VS. Strangler), & Varljivo Leto '68(The Elusive Summer of '68). of course, Ko To Tamo Peva is a classic & the most popular among them, but is not particularly relevant. Tito i Ja might be fun if you can find it, also. though hunting down english subtitles for all of those might be... a tad hard....
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postalenha · 3 years
Board exam anon from before !! c00vid legit put my future in a precarious place online classes are not working for me I've lost my attention span bc of social media I'm back to obsession over kpop and cdramas to find some sort of relief from the stress and I just think it's so unfair that we're expected to perform the very best and be cheerful and motivated when the economy and the world is in shambles and you're from a third world country where getting good grades is crucial to get into a good reputable uni / job . Shockingly my teachers warned that our board exams are gonna be harder bc the institution that conducts the exam (idk how to explain help) wants to bring back their reputation ( bc last year's exam was cancelled and students instead passed with individual schools results instead of the boards) . Like,,, it's so obviously just a business that has never truly cared for students .... Just to make them machines for generating wealth :D.....
Now can I please seduce jay and become his sugar baby /j
YES OH MY GOD!! i'm guessing you're already a college student?? god i can't even imagine trying to study a course in the middle of this shit show of a pandemic. my cousin actually stopped, should already be in third year college now- reason being she won't be able to study nursing ONLINE. and i totally get her, because imagine having someone's life on your hand and you won't be able to know what to do because you just learned it online and only have demonstrated on teddies. is education a joke now???
and i totally agree with the attention span thing 😭 i spend most of my time using my phone to the point that i forget to do all my tasks and assignments. my time management is shit too, i don't even know what to do with my life.
"just to make them machines for generating wealth." LOUDER!! god i can't even remember how many times my titos and titas (aunts and uncles) and my parents have told me, "make sure you graduate so you'll find a nice job that pays well" WHY DID WE EVEN LIVE TO SUFFER@&?@^**!? WHAT IF I WANTED TO STUDY ART AND NOT ACCOUNTANCY
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notmuchofatail · 4 years
Gifts From Greg!
For Tony:
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Happy Christmas Tony! I hope you have a really great holiday with Ian & Eilonwy!
Dropped with the card were: 
Jammy Dodgers
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A lil pocket needle-felted Frito that Greg made him
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For Ian:
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Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas Ian! Thank you for everything you’ve been doing at the shop! I really appreciate it! You’re amazing! Happy Christmas to you and your family!
Enclosed in the card is a  £75 Christmas Bonus & homemade cookies 
As well as some Journaling inspo
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For Tito:
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Happy Christmas, Tito. I hope you and your family have a really great Holiday. Hopefully we can do something again soon :) Maybe Ice Skating? I don’t know how to, but... I don’t think you do either and.. it’s a little more adventurous (just not jumping off the roof-level). 
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For all Ruff to Fluff Employees (assuming these are my employees I don’t KNOW anymore):
@lostinthewoods-kristoff​​ @alwcys-with-you​​ @ianthedisastrous​​ (but you already got yours with a different card)
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Happy Holidays! Thank you all so much for being the best employees during such a ‘ruff’ year. I hope you all have a very safe and happy holiday! 
[ enclosed in the card is a  £75 Christmas bonus & some homemade cookies ] 
For the Breakfast club - As promised a long time ago, little Needle-felt versions of their characters with the colors/hats they typically would wear. As a joke, Ian also got the dead version of his character.
@ianthedisastrous​​ @rydinger-tony​​ @moon-yeongtae​​ @ashlee-inperfection​​ @justkeepdancing-nemo​​
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For the Dog-Owners:
His close friends with dogs got a custom doggie-danna with their pup’s names on it in the colors/styles he thinks fit them as well as a bag of homemade pup-treats! 
@rydinger-tony​​​ @ianthedisastrous​​ @shockingly-tito​​ @exsqueak-me​​ @singingonthese-streetsofgold​​ 
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olaf-likeswarmhugs · 4 years
Shocking, isn’t it? | Otito
So, as far as Olaf understood it, Swynlake had created a temporary alternate reality, transforming the town into an island port in the early 18th century during the height of the piracy era. Everyone had gotten temporary identities! No death stuck and no harm was done! 
That was all very interesting and Olaf thought he was probably a big fan of this kind of mighty display of magic--it was like a town-wide team-building exercise! 
So...why wasn’t he included? 
See, he hadn’t gotten a temporary identity. He woke up on the Queen Clarion’s Revenge as his same old Olaf, with no idea what everyone was talking about. Maybe it was a fluke, Sindri said, but it got Olaf thinking about Tito, the electrician he met on the street, who apparently shocked him. That’s at least what he claimed. 
What do you mean, yous didnt feel anything? 
And so it was time to experiment.
Olaf called Tito up, reporting an electricity issue with his microwave (which Olaf caused by...unplugging it) and soon there was a knock on the door. He opened up and grinned. “Hello! Right on time!” 
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frostskader · 4 years
Gifts From Peri!
To All of Pixie’s Staff + Greg ( @notmuchofatail​ )(any dietary restrictions are taken into consideration)
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@alana-the-badbitch​ (Dietary restrictions considered for the snacks)
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(there’s also a small heart charm attached on the inside of the bracelet)
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@shockingly-tito​ @oliversaluki
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Rita’s Presents
Roscoe: ( @roscoesykes​ )
This year for Christmas, Roscoe received a plethora of new pins that Rita had seen throughout the year and thought of Roscoe. Yes, it’s one of the staple gifts she gets him because she knows how much he loves his jacket pins.
In addition he got:
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A new rosary because she knows he prays a lot and she saw this and thought he’d like it because it’s also #tough looking.
From Mason:
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A bracelet with Mason, Ollie, Rita, and his name on it so he always has his family close.
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A personal lamp that features their wedding kiss from their wedding in Italy before Mason was born.
Ollie ( @oliversaluki​ )
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A personalized camera case to go with....
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A brand new camera with all the attached gadgets and...
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An elephant onesie for mommy’s baby elephant.
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A lot of new outfits so he can be the fly small fry he is. And more toys than I can legally post on tumblr. We’re talking a SHIT TON of tons.
Dodger: ( @streetsavoir-faire​ )
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Probably more for Peri but it’s fine. Definitely has a little card attached that reads:
Do your part. Keep your boys clean for the good of everyone.
xx Rita
He also gets a gift certificate for Sunburst
Tito: ( @shockingly-tito​ )
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Totally given as a joke with a note with instructions on how to find his real gift.
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Einstein and Fagin:
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This lovely gift basket with tons of food in it, as well as multiple gift certificates for the businesses of Swynlake, and a coupon book that allows them an entire year worth of favors and date nights to be used whenever their sons have to obey it.
Greg and Aubrey: ( @notmuchofatail​ )
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An assortment of baked goods (all vegan of course)
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A little gift box for Tucker. As well as a little something for the rescues at Ruff to Fluff. And also lots of homemade treats for Evie
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swynlake-spill · 4 years
Yo let’s shout out Greg, lachlann, Dodger, Ollie. the Jones household, uh.... The Court and Rita. Still fuck u Roscoe. Oh! And Tiana cuz that Thanksgiving dinner was the shit
Oh my, lots of love from today’s founder of the #SM tag. (That’s Soulmate, not sadomasochism, despite popular belief smh)
@notmuchofatail, we’re still thinking about you!
@lachlann-macnab, hope ur driving safe !! 
@streetsavoir-faire, i would still eat you like a hot cake! 
@oliversaluki, how’s it going! 
(who the ef r the jones?)
@singingonthese-streetsofgold, i think you’re amazing ! 
@almosttiana, you’re one of my fave people!! 
Oh, and of course, fuck you Roscoe, from the bottom of Tito’s heart. 
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roscoesykes · 4 years
Roscoe’s Gifts
For Oliver:
Apparently these things are like... as close to an actual pet as you can get. So it’s basically your pet for when yous away from home. Careful I hear theys can be real fuckin’ dumb at first and’ll try and jump off your desk. 
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For Mason: 
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(Couldn’t resist that one it matches his NY-themed room okay) 
For Rita: 
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More of those chunky knit blankets that she loves so much
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A new journal for her music 
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A music box that has their vows engraved on the inside & plays their wedding song. 
Also a date-night mason jar that’s filled with chocolate as well as with gift cards to local restaurants & places (Remy’s, Hatters, Sunburst, etc) for days when they need a break with just each other. 
She also gets other gifts but... I’ll talk to you about those personally since they’re.... adult ;)
For DeSoto:
Just kidding - he got his bro a new pin for his jacket (he knows he’s not as big on them but it’s something subtle), a gift card to Sunburst, A new knife engraved with skulls & their family crest, a few bottles of whiskey & their dad’s old brass knuckles that he’s been holding on to for way too many years. 
For Claude
Maybe you can use this to find your head from your ass. 
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For Tito, Dodger, Toulouse. (Tito’s and Dodger’s were signed by him, no shame. Toulouse’s obviously were not, but he felt compelled to spread the holiday cheer.)
@shockingly-tito @streetsavoir-faire @lou-bonfightme​
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For Vinny & Duchess: He poured out an expensive bottle of Scotch for Vinny and a good Wine for Dutch & prayed for them - telling them he still misses them and that he’s sorry for what happened. 
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jashasedai · 4 years
Lonely and Unfulfilled- AU Tame Racing Drivers
I keep telling people that you’ve got to write what you WANT to write, if you’re feeling blocked.
In that vein, here is another Colin-Edwards-Is-Dad-Shaped story that no one asked for.  (Dad shaped, not dad-bod)
Lonely and Unfulfilled
Alternate Universe- Tame Racing Drivers
Fandom- MotoGP
In an AU where a secret species is used as Racing Drivers, confinement and boredom are a way of life.  The only relief has traditionally been to race.
Tito is one of Colin’s special students- the Racing Riders who are deaf to telepathy.  As a young teenager, Tito struggles with the life choices that are set before him.
Tags: MotoGP, Colin Edwards, Tito Rabat’s Racing Rider, AU Tame Racing Drivers, Alternate Universe
Lonely and Unfulfilled
World Motorcycle Center- 2004
Colin was flopped back on the couch, flicking through the pages of a magazine.  The door to his stall opened.  It wasn’t Rasoio, Valentino, or any of the little foals.
It was Tito.
He hadn’t seen Tito, except in passing, since he’d left for the matchable wing.  He was standing, in his silver toned grey leathers, and his silver helmet hanging against his chest.  He pinched his gloved hands together.  He didn’t look up.
Colin revved, “Are you alright, little one?”
Tito washed his hands over each other and shrugged.
“Come over here and tell me about it.”  Colin folded the magazine and set it on the floor beside the couch.
The fourteen year old hesitated, and then came over and knelt on the couch.  He put his arms out, like he was going for a hug and then stopped.  He turned his head to the side, and unstrapped his helmet.  His turning made Colin sure he wasn’t going to try to match, but he looked at the other wall while Tito took his helmet off.  Then Tito buried his face against Colin’s chest.  Colin put his arm around the colt’s back and felt the shuddering rolling through his body.
There was no sound, but Colin had held Rasoio enough to know silent crying when he felt it.
He leaned his cheek on Tito’s hair and began a gentle rocking.  “Can’t talk about it, huh?  That’s okay.  You just feel it.”  He revved a soothing, humming song.  “I’m here to feel it with you.”
Tito wrapped his fingertips around Colin’s shirt, squeezing and moving with the rocking motion.
He gestured something, but his hands where pressed between his own chest and Colin’s ribs, and Colin couldn’t begin to understand it.  It was plain enough that he was distressed.
They rocked for a long time, while Tito’s grief moved from silent shaking to quiet sobs completed by little gasping breaths, and then some hissing inhales, and then he quieted.  They rocked in silence, until Colin sensed that the colt was ready to be still.
They sat in stillness.
“I am so sorry you are unhappy,” Colin whispered.
Tito looked up at him.  They made brief, startling eye contact, but Tito’s emotion had been expended and he was in control of his faculties, and looked away without reaching for Colin’s mind.  His left hand reached out and twisted the strap on his helmet, keeping his eyes to the side, now.
[I have more,] Tito enhanced his signs with the sound language he had helped Battler, Colin, and Animal develop, [More in me, than I am allowed.  I am MORE than standing in a stall, waiting to ride.  It sounds arrogant to say, but I am more than this.  I am smart, I am determined, I could do more things, and be more value, if I was allowed to...LEARN.  I could figure out why the sky is blue, but sometimes grey.  I could understand why the stars are bright.  I could understand, and help others understand, but I am put to this WORK.  I am MORE.  More than riding.]
He hung his head.
Then his shoulders dropped in shame and he bit his lip.
[I am grateful, Stallion has given me this chance.  I will be a strong rider.]  He looked towards the false window in Colin’s wall.  [I could be more.  I feel sad that my herd will never benefit from what I could do.  I feel sad that I will never be allowed to have the satisfaction of learning.  Sad.  Sad.]
He sat back on his heels, and then slid his legs out from under him, sitting properly on the couch, angled towards Colin.
Colin nodded.  [You are SO smart, Tito.  You are good at analysing.  You...would be admirable at figuring things out.  I…]  He rested his hand on the colt’s shoulder.  It was a disgrace that this brilliant little person was going to live his entire life without reaching his potential.  [Riding is not the only thing.  What you can do is special, and is great value.  I am sorry you...struggle to find a place for it.  It is sad you are not allowed to use this tool.]  He hugged Tito.  Then he leaned back, hands on the teenager’s biceps.  [Maybe there is?  Ratchet finds strange places for Trainers, who learn…] Colin wasn’t totally clear on what the differences were, but he knew that what people like Casey did was somehow shockingly out of line with what most people thought a Teaching Trainer was, [Unusual skills.]
Tito’s eyes widened with a spark of hope, then it faded.  [I am not matched.]
Colin touched his hand.  He kept his eyes down, but he gestured.  [The chequered flag waves when the race is over.  Don’t stop before the last lap.]
Tito’s mouth dropped open.  [A BOY?  There is a boy for me??  You know?]
[Not supposed to tell you that,] Colin half smiled, [I will tell you that many races are won at the last corner.  I know a skill you have is bravery.  True?]
Now his big mouth was spread in a wide grin.  [I am brave!  I wait.  I will have a match, and…] He made a calculating expression, [He is like me?  He will help me understand things?]
[Who can know?] Colin smiled.
Tito laughed and hugged him.  [What should I do to ready myself for him?]
Colin leaned forward.  [I know some boys like books, and maybe...thinking about the moon and stars.]
[Like ME?!]
He hugged Colin again.
Colin smiled and held him tight.  When the colt had put on his helmet and gone back to his wing, Colin turned on his laptop.  He found a series of astronomy discovery books, and a small, portable, high quality telescope, and marked it for delivery to Esteve Rabat.
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💔 A deal-breaker in relationships.🐍 An animal they dislike/fear.
💔 A deal-breaker in relationships
🐍 An animal they dislike/fear.
Anthony- none. The animals should fear HIM. i suppose he dislikes werewolves though. Those are mutts. Arthur- don’t think he has one? Ashley- s p i d e r s. yes she is the girl that screams when she sees them Celia- she likes all animals really. She’s a science teacher, she’s not squeamish. Clarion- loves all animals. How can she not? Fflewddur- snakes, frogs. etc. Finn- none that I know of. He loves animals! Kanga- she doesn’t really like dogs tbh. Louie- he would never admit to this, but he finds swans terrifying. They’re psychotic okay? Sora/Roxas- None. They’re both pretty chill with most things animal wise. Wilbur- he’s not a fan of opossums. or rats. Or other weird crawly things.
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mrsrcbinscn · 4 years
🎸 Their least favorite songs.🎨 Their least favorite kind/genre of art.
🎸 Their least favorite songs
Franny: Only play Mrs. Robinson in front of her if you are trying to die, she’ll make sure that happens. She also hates Luke Bryan with a passion, pretty much any bro country song she’s all hissss 
Marlin: Touch Love by Yoon Mirae just makes him think of So-yeon and makes him sad, and he found ‘Happy’ to be super annoying
Reza: Landslide. Its his mother’s favorite song, she would sing it to him and his oldest sister as a lullaby when they were children. It’s a song forever attached to his mother. And when she left he hated p much anything that reminded him of her. NOW he and his mom are on great terms, but that song specifically just reminds him of the hurt he’d felt when he was a teenager and his mother left Tunisia to return to Austria. He can’t listen to it.
Marisa: Bury A Friend - (it’s creeeepyyyy - Marisa)
Adella: she thinks Don’t Rain On My Parade is overrated
Elena: Despacito. She used to fuck with it but it got so overplayed and now it makes her want to explode her eardrums 
Tigg: Firework by Katy Perry
🎨 Their least favorite kind/genre of art.
Franny: Abstract 
Marlin: he has no strong feelings
Reza: uh, also no strong opinions
Marisa: Statues freak her out
Adella: Abstract, makes her brain hurt
Elena: Picasso...she just doesn’t think he was that great
Tigg: no strong feelings
Violet: eh, no strong feelings either
Mei: no strong feelings lmao
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