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Shogee X3
This comment made me wonder if the Shogun has a name in the book Red Dragon Island is based on:
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So I looked it up:
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No, he doesn't have a name in the book XD He's only known as "Shogun"
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mobagewithweapons · 6 months
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takami is wielding a kyoketsu shoge (i think)!
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CPU: Revolver
Abyssal: Blades on chains
Vitality: (rarely used anymore) Kyoketsu-shoge
Disc: Naginata
Crash: Typically, just uses his fists but does use a spear from time to time
Umbra: Bow and Arrow
Ping: Halberd
Buffer: Crossbow
Forum, Domain, Lil Coding, Plurality: Spear
Cursor: Daggers
Warden: Whip
Supervisor: Meteor Hammer
Database: War Hammer
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theuglymachine · 2 years
Tiny kyoketsu shoge, made from scraps and painted with recycled paints
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omezuki · 8 months
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mizukis main three :)
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rcdiostcrs · 10 months
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sheamus is immune to most demigod weapons. due to having no godly heritage, celestial bronze, imperial gold, and adamantine pass right through him. stygian iron and bone steel, however, can affect him. but seeing as how only children of the underworld can wield stygian iron and bone steel is what the norse use, he's pretty safe.
it's a right of passage for new residents to freak out during war games as their blade passes right through sheamus. he just grins as they panic before stabbing his short sword at them.
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tarpitbell · 3 months
4:42 am
Too much love. Too little of it said to me.
I love you. It's easy to say. Too much. Too little words
I can't describe my feelings to you.
I can't stop the heat-ness I get when I think of you.
Heat in many ways. I love you. You make me anxious. You made me take better care of myself. You-
Cared for me.
I'll always think of you.
Even if you hate it.
I can't stop.
I love you too much.
You cared for me, like no one else did.
I want you to put a collar round my neck, and tell me im always yours. Even if you hate me. Even if you would rather forget me. Because that makes me feel better. I love being a dog
Being your dog is easy. But talking isn't.
I hope you still know I love you though.
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postoctobrist · 2 years
hey I'm moving to a state with lax knife laws, and I use a cane. it's clear I need a sword cane, any recs?
I don’t have any because a sword cane is a special, even more different kind of illegal in the UK. This is because in 1988 the Thatcher government was psychologically obsessed with scary VHS movies and therefore banned every possible cool kung-fu movie weapon. Here’s the complete list of cool illegal weapons:
a knuckleduster, that is, a band of metal or other hard material worn on one or more fingers, and designed to cause injury, and any weapon incorporating a knuckleduster;
a swordstick, that is, a hollow walking-stick or cane containing a blade which may be used as a sword;
the weapon sometimes known as a “handclaw”, being a band of metal or other hard material from which a number of sharp spikes protrude, and worn around the hand;
the weapon sometimes known as a “belt buckle knife”, being a buckle which incorporates or conceals a knife;
the weapon sometimes known as a “push dagger”, being a knife the handle of which fits within a clenched fist and the blade of which protrudes from between two fingers;
the weapon sometimes known as a “hollow kubotan”, being a cylindrical container containing a number of sharp spikes;
the weapon sometimes known as a “footclaw”, being a bar of metal or other hard material from which a number of sharp spikes protrude, and worn strapped to the foot;
the weapon sometimes known as a “shuriken”, “shaken” or “death star”, being a hard non-flexible plate having three or more sharp radiating points and designed to be thrown;
the weapon sometimes known as a “balisong” or “butterfly knife”, being a blade enclosed by its handle, which is designed to split down the middle, without the operation of a spring or other mechanical means, to reveal the blade;
the weapon sometimes known as a “telescopic truncheon”, being a truncheon which extends automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to its handle;
the weapon sometimes known as a “blowpipe” or “blow gun”, being a hollow tube out of which hard pellets or darts are shot by the use of breath;
the weapon sometimes known as a “kusari gama”, being a length of rope, cord, wire or chain fastened at one end to a sickle;
the weapon sometimes known as a “kyoketsu shoge”, being a length of rope, cord, wire or chain fastened at one end to a hooked knife;
the weapon sometimes known as a “manrikigusari” or “kusari”, being a length of rope, cord, wire or chain fastened at each end to a hard weight or hand grip;
a disguised knife, that is any knife which has a concealed blade or concealed sharp point and is designed to appear to be an everyday object of a kind commonly carried on the person or in a handbag, briefcase, or other hand luggage (such as a comb, brush, writing instrument, cigarette lighter, key, lipstick or telephone);
a stealth knife, that is a knife or spike, which has a blade, or sharp point, made from a material that is not readily detectable by apparatus used for detecting metal and which is not designed for domestic use or for use in the processing, preparation or consumption of food or as a toy;
a straight, side-handled or friction-lock truncheon (sometimes known as a baton);
a sword with a curved blade of 50 centimetres or over in length; and for the purposes of this sub-paragraph, the length of the blade shall be the straight line distance from the top of the handle to the tip of the blade;
the weapon sometimes known as a “zombie knife”, “zombie killer knife” or “zombie slayer knife”, being a blade with—a cutting edge; a serrated edge; and images or words (whether on the blade or handle) that suggest that it is to be used for the purpose of violence.
the weapon sometimes known as a “cyclone knife” or “spiral knife” being a weapon with—a handle, a blade with two or more cutting edges, each of which forms a helix, and a sharp point at the end of the blade.
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agronadraxum · 2 months
Good evening to mutant and yokai-kind! …and I guess humanity as well. My name is Agrona Draxum, daughter of the great Baron Draxum!
I have come to this app to learn about other mutants, yokai, and…well, humans.
The only nicknames I will accept are Kame, Tortuga, Tortue, Sulhufaa, Tartaruga, Cherepakha, or any other ‘Turtle’ in any idiom.
I am 14, so no one dare flirt or try anything weird me. On top of that I am aroace, so no.
I am a mutant painted turtle. I like training and pasta. I have two main weapons: a kyoketsu shoge and a fukiya, both coated with poison.
Some singers I like are MARINA and Swae Lee. I have been told I have good music taste, so I am open to recommending.
No t-cesters. That’s disgusting.
Do not, I repeat, do not flirt or make any flirty-jokes with me. It’s awkward for me.
My askbox is open at all times.
#Notes and letters-Talking in general
#Biological family-Talking to my gene-sharing family (Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo and Michelangelo Hamato)
#The smart one-Talking to Donatello Hamato
#Q&A-Answering asks
#Alternates-Talking with other TMNT iterations
#shush the author is speaking-mod talking
#sexual and romantic attraction…is not for me-aroace talks
#my father :)-Baron Draxum
Mod here! This is a 2018-RP blog, featuring my OC! Everyone is welcome to RP with my girlypop!
Anytime ima say something, ima just use these: ((example))
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Random Facts About Luis
Bayverse!Michelangelo x reader
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All Children Sunny
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A/N: Luis, ma boy. Get your four fingered hands out and wave to the people! They want to get to know you😂🧡
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Warnings: None🧡
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Cool Luis, Little Luis, Little Great, King Luis, Sun King, DJ Luis, Luis the Jokester, Lulu, all of those were nicknames given to you and Mikey’s youngest, by all of his family members.
You and Mikey had decided on the name Luis for your second born, because just like the name Sunny, it reminded you of the sun. With a slightly different spelling, your son was named after Louis XIV of France, also known as the Sun King, or Louise the Great. All names that tie back to the nicknames Luis have been given by his extended family.
Being one half of the Sunrays with his sister Sunny, and one of the founding members of The Little Brother Club, that he had with Gerardo and Ragnar, Luis was known as a happy boy. He had a lot of fun with his sister and cousins, and is really good at involving the people around him, bringing them into games and conversations.
Luis’ best friend is Gerardo. Not only are they the same age, but both of them have a happy personality, enjoying the same kind of humor and actions. It wasn’t uncommon for them to cook together for fun, sometimes with Ragnar. Whenever those boys were together, you could hear laughter echo all through the lair, the sound bringing everybody much joy.
Luis was one of the two only children of the whole family, who had four fingers on each hand. Both you and Mikey were somewhat shocked when Luis was born with an extra digit on each hand, but Donnie reassured both of you. He made it clear that there was nothing to worry about. In fact, he had expected that a half human, half mutant turtle would have four digits on each hand. He was in fact surprised that it didn’t happen before now.
Just like his father and big sister, Luis showed clear signs of ADHD. He is very hyperactive with big emotions, and grand body movements that go along with that. He was rarely angry, but could get very, very happy or very, very sad, with sadness often taking the place of anger and frustration.
When the best friends, Luis and Gerardo turned 15, they were given a weapon by Master Splinter. And to say that they were excited, might be an understatement. A whole month before Splinter would grant them their weapons, Luis would talk about it non stop with extreme excitement. And when he finally got his weapon, he was over the moon. It was a kyoketsu-shoge - a chain weapon with a metal ring at one end, and a blade at the other. And just like Sunny, he would take a strong liking to the weapon. And yes, at times he would use it like a swing as well.
Luis has a very great imagination. He rarely gets bored, often finding things to do. And if he for some strange reason had no idea how to spend his time, he would happily go along with something Sunny would come up with. A game or just something to spend time with.
Just like Sunny, Luis LOVES spending time with his grandparents. Just as he likes spending time with Master Splinter, he likes to spend time with his human grandparents. Even in his teenage years and later adult years, he would often go to his grandparents' place, and enjoy his time with them.
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(TW: Blood and injury)
There's hardly time for him to react.
Vitality lunges at Disc, one eye obscured by shadow as she slams into him, full forced. Her claws wrap around his throat, and they both fall.
The portal opens, they fall through, and they're gone.
The portal spits them out somewhere unknown, but Vitality could care less. She and Disc tumble through the air, bodies soon scraping against the rocky ground as they skid down a mountain side.
The Program that was once her brother kicks her off with such ferocity that it makes her fumble. She goes skidding away, pointed stones digging into her shoulders.
She's up on her feet in no time, and her peacock feathers shake. They turn into fox tails, and then into a singular large one. Twenty-six eyes on it glaring with hate at him.
She summons her kyoketsu-shoge, just in time for Disc's naginata to clash against it. Sparks fly as the two former siblings-in-arms glare daggers at one another.
No words are said. They know that one of them will not be leaving alive.
Vitality swings the chain of her weapon. Even if she's the one not leaving alive, she's sure as hell not dying without a fight.
It wraps around Disc, and she sends him flying to the ground. The familiar feeling of flames aches at her.
Disc glares at her, cold as ice.
Vitality glares back, as hot as flames.
Blood, orange and white, paints the jagged stones and cliffside of whatever dimension the two are in.
A large fox tosses a tailless and earless coyote to the wayside. His limp body skids across rocks.
The vixen stands there, panting, chest heaving as white blood slowly falls from her wounds. It drips from her maw as she begins to stagger forward, hearing ringing and vision swimming.
It's too blurry for her to see what's happened to Disc. He's there one moment and gone the next.
Deactivated, Vitality hopes.
She collapses onto the ground, switching back to her regular form. Blood slowly dripping.
A chat box pops up.
Abyssal: Vitality, where are you?!
Crash: Vitality?? Why are 8&9's Admins telling us you just vanished from TCS?? Where are you?
More and more. Multiple messages. Chats.
But Vitality doesn't have the energy to respond. She can't respond, she's too weak to.
But she has to. There's that determination. That pride.
If she's going to die here, then at least her final words are going to be known, damn it!
She pushes herself up to her knees –
Before she collapses right back down.
“Shit,” she mutters weakly, eyelids fluttering.
Vitality doesn't know how long she laid there for, slowly bleeding out. Hours, probably. Chat boxes and messages appeared frequently, but her vision was far too blurry to properly read the times.
It wasn't long until she heard the crack of a portal, and a familiar voice.
“Oh my- Vitality!”
Green and red fills her vision as her friend's model shifts to one from when times were good.
“Gods, you have everyone losing their minds, even ClearAll is worried. Imagine my confusion when he rushed in and was asking if you were at the bar,” Sparks spoke quietly as he carefully picked up his friend.
Vitality hums quietly to let Sparks know she's awake and listening.
Sparks is grateful for that. He feels her body heating up on account of the blessing from FireFox. She heats and heats up, and he can hear the sizzling, the crackle and popping as her wounds heal.
“Do you need to go to him?” Sparks asks, voice a soft murmur.
“I'm okay,” Vitality answers, weak and quiet. “Code can handle it.. gonna need.. a lot of rest..”
Sparks takes notice that her braid has come undone, and he gently weaves it back together. “Adminspace?”
A hum is his answer.
“Should I answer any questions they have honestly?” Sparks asks softly. He knows how she feels about her past.
A pause and then a nod. “They.. deserve to know.. but.. not every.. detail..”
Vitality exhales. The cracking and popping of her code is a comfort. She can feel the heat healing her.
“You had us all so worried,” Sparks murmurs as he walks, probably just to give him time to talk with Vitality. “Me and ClearAll especially. I swear, for a bit, I was convinced you were going to, well.. deactivate..”
“Not.. for a while..” Vitality mumbles, voice fading as she slowly falls into rest.
Sparks lets out an amused but exasperated sigh. “Some things never change..”
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strangermask · 1 month
Thinking about ninjago fusions of the main four elements
Like making up lore for it kinda think
Some of the elements are mostly based on ship names such as:
Lava - Lava
Plasma - Plasma
Bruise/Geode - Crystal
For the others, I have these for now and might change in the future
Techno - Cloud(?)/Weather(?)
Opposite - Temperature(?)
Glacier - Land(?)
Rn, I’m thinking of when the fusion elements of the main four are created, they got their own version of golden weapons. Not sure if they would still be gold or a different kind of metal, but definitely better made than the golden weapons (personal hc that FSM focused too much on the power of the golden weapons and less on the weapon stability. Blacksmith stuff).
The fusion weapons, with help of a blacksmith and a sorcerer, ended up with two forms. There is, of course, the weapon form. And then there is the everyday object form called “hidden form”
Rn, I have ideas for the only confirmed fusion elements of what their weapons are
Plasma - Lantern/Kyoketsu-Shoge
Lava - Vase/Tsukubō
Crystal - ???/Kusarigama
Once I get everything figured out, I might make separate posts for each element
I am open to suggestions if y’all have any
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Hey, out of curiosity, do you have any ATLA ocs, and if you do, for your main oc[s], lore?
Also, any hc's about Azula, cuz I think she's my favorite character in the series :DDD
One of my fav headcanons is that Zuko and Azula were very very close as kids, even closer than normal sibling pairs But then Ozai began to mold Azula, causing her to become distant, and even cruel enough to the point she’d hurt Zuko just to gauge his reactions
you are going to regret ever asking about my oc lore :D
okay okay so basically
We have 7 ocs (<33), all based in a modern AU for ATLA. Its in todays world, so we have all of the tech of today. In this world, benders are the minority and the subject of a lot of prejudice. Some people love em, most hate them because they’re far more powerful than the average human and everyone is threatened by them. A few smart people make friends with the benders (big brain) but most everyone is terrified by them (peasants).
In Tabs' words:
"Benders in the modern world are a minority and are oppressed and demonized. Any person known to have bending powers are locked in jail, killed, or sent to illegal bending arenas to fight to the death. 
The Avatar spirit has been missing for generations. There is no hope, there is no brighter future for benders. 
The Avatar is gone. Lost. 
Until he was found in the body of a man named Revon.
Revon, forced to hide for the entirety of his life, seeks not to bring benders and nonbenders together, but to eradicate every last one of the benders so that he alone holds all the power.
He will unite the world, under his rule. 
That’s where a small rebel group, known as the Steel Hearts, comes into play. A vigilante group dating back to the times of Avatar Korra, it is led by a young waterbender. Once, her parents led the group, before they disbanded under mysterious circumstances. 
For five years, the waterbender has languished in hiding. Once a formidable assassin and a powerful bloodbender, now only a tender of a tea house.
Her tranquil life is flipped on its head one day, when an airbender running from her past seeks the waterbender out, begging her to pick up the pieces of the decades old rebellion and put them back together. 
And here is where our story truly begins."
Put simplistically,
nonbender government: bending is bad kill all benders avatar: non-benders are bad, benders are bad, kill all of the benders so i can be the only bender and threaten the non-benders the group: hey what the fuck
The characters are based off of my best friends, the people in the infamous Infinity Gauntlet GC, and the adults are based off our teachers (they love it i swear)
Characters below the cut!
Steel Hearts
Kara [she/her] (me) -> Waterbender, Bloodbender, trained assassin, weapon of choice: throwing knives <33, Orion's S/O
Akira [she/they] (@tabsters) -> Firebender, Lightningbender, (lore to be revealed), weapon of choice: pistol, Rexen's S/O
Rexen [they/them] (@iirexenii) -> Earthbender, Metalbender (second to only Ren), (lore to be revealed), weapon of choice: dual scythes, Akira's S/O
Ren [he/him] (@halfghostlyfires) -> Earthbender, can literally bend every sub-element, most powerful earthbender right after Toph Beifong, resident rich guy #1, weapon of choice: Kyoketsu-shoge (“KNIFE ON A ROPE” according to tabs)
Amara [she/her] (@serenaisproblem) -> Airbender, hacker, weapon of choice: pocketknife (violence when she has to)
Artemis [he/him] (this is the Artemis that Tabs and I refer to) -> Waterbender, resident rich guy #2, weapon of choice: handheld dagger (only resorts to violence when he has to)
Zephyr [they/them] (@im-just-here-for-the-comics-r18) -> Non-bender, absolute badass and will not hesitate to kill, weapon of choice: a goddamn flame thrower
Akio [he/him] (@tdog451) -> Firebender, one of the most powerful in the group, weapon of choice: also throwing knives and his firebending, if you haven't guessed by now, this is Kara's lost lost twin brother
Orion [he/him] (@yourlocalapplejuice) -> Airbender, doesn't do violence except to protect those he loves too, weapon of choice: airbending, Kara's S/O
Revon: based off of my humanities teacher, has some history with Kara (we literally dont know what yet), the Avatar and Kara’s direct opponent, weapon of choice: throwing knives
Vexx: based off of no one because Vexx is creepy and weird and none of us like him, weapon of choice: literally any kind of knife and gun, Artemis’ direct opponent
Lilith: also not based off of anyone because she is terrifying, runs an illegal bending arena, both Rexen’s and Akira’s direct opponent, weapon of choice: gun
Those are the three main villain as of now, we’re still developing Amara’s and Zephyr’s
Kara: parents were assassins, bloodbenders, and leaders of the Steel Hearts, passed that down to Kara. Her parents ended up killing each other (no explanation yet <33)
Akira and Rexen: both were kidnapped at a young age and forced to fight in a bending arena. Rexen escaped first, but was forced to leave Akira behind. Akira finally escaped, met up with Kara's gang, then finds Rexen, and now those two make out at every opportunity after 6 months of being apart
Ren and Artemis: their stories are intertwined. Both were best friends in their youth, but Artemis’ parents being killed led to a rift in their friendship (if you want more on this specific one, tabs and I have a ficlet)
Ren: abusive parents, rich dude, but runs away, ends up getting kidnapped and arrested, his parents have put out a bounty on him
Artemis: actual loving parents, but they’re dead now (heheh) so artemis is forced to live on his own at 12, ends up being successful but chooses to look for his parents’ killer
Amara: oldest kid and has to take care of her siblings. After striking a deal with some pretty shady people, amara shoves her family in a safe place and runs. She is the first member of the steel hearts, and she is the one who encourages Kara to restart it
(We’re still figuring out Zephyr’s backstory lmao but I will put it in here soon)
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rottmnt-honeybea · 9 months
What are Jennika’s and Venus weapons of choice?
Any excuse I can take to talk about my fic-canon!!!
Jennika wields a number of weapons because [REDACTED] but her go-to and everyday weapon is a set of steel claws. Kinda like:
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Venus has two weapons, a bladed fan and a Kyoketsu-shoge (basically a big ol' knife attached to a chain).
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sapphiclvrgrl · 6 days
Maybe I should shoge my fingers into you and make you ride them like a good girl
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Venus de Milo - We Need to Talk
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Because I'm desperate to see Rise of Tmnt get a third season, I need to talk about it more. And for that, I must ask this question: What do you guys think of Venus de Milo?
Honestly, I think she could be a great addition to the series. Pretty much anything they do with her would be better than the disgrace that was The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.
I feel really bad for her because the writers never gave her a chance to be her own character. They just fell back on a bunch of period-typical tropes for female characters and never even utilized those tropes in an interesting way.
So if Venus was in ROTTMNT, here are the questions/ideas I have for both the writers, and the audience:
Since the boys are all four different species of turtles, what kind of turtle would she be?
(Maybe a diamondback?)
What color should her mask be?
It shouldn't be just a lighter color of one of the boys, she needs to be distinct.
I would say yellow, but that's Jennika's color.
Maybe silver?
Should they change her name to an actual female Renaissance artist?
If so, what would it be? And if not, what is the backstory of how she was named "Venus de Milo?"
If they keep her as the long lost sister of our main 4, how did she get separated from them in the first place?
Did Draxum keep her separated on purpose before they all got mutated?
Was she thrown out because Draxum no longer thought she was a suitable candidate for his experiments?
What was the reason?
How would they all meet each other?
Probably fighting each other, if I'm being honest. That's basically how they've met everyone in this series.
What would her weapon be?
I would say a fan, but people might be bothered that they assigned a traditionally "feminine" weapon to the only other girl in the group.
Maybe the tetsubo?
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The kyoketsu-shoge?
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Either way, she needs her own weapon unless they want to keep her magical powers from the original show, which would actually work really well in this particular series.
How would the creators revamp her personality?
Raphael in this series is kinda like a den mother already, so if they keep that aspect of her character the same as she was in The Next Mutation, they may need to dial that back a notch.
Maybe she could be very shy, skittish, and awkward, but once she warms up to her family and friends' love and acceptance, she gets more excitable and fun.
Also, maybe replace "motherly" with just "very formal," as in she speaks very formally and has a hard time loosening up around people.
She can still have that somewhat oblivious nature when it comes to references and cultural idioms, like she did in The Next Mutation, but not too much to the point that it becomes annoying. She just doesn't know how to interact normally due to her upbringing.
I've seen art and a few stories like this before, but what if before Draxum became a good guy (or this could be Big Mama, whoever works), he created Venus by mutating her with a small sample of Splinter's DNA?
If not a baby, then a little girl? Around 10 years old or so? Just throwing some ideas out there.
Which goes into my next question: Should Venus be older or younger than Mikey?
We all know that Mikey is baby, and people might want him to stay that way.
Unless they want Mikey to be the older brother for once and be the best and awesomest big brother ever!
I'd say this is less likely to happen though.
The most likely option is Venus being older than Mikey, but younger than Leo and Donnie.
I can dig the awkward big sister and excitable little brother dynamic.
Another idea that I saw was making Venus the same age as Leo and Donnie so that the three of them could be "triplets," and personally, I love that idea.
Speaking of Big Mama, I saw some people speculating that this person:
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Might be Venus, who works for Big Mama.
That could be an interesting take on her.
Maybe after Draxum threw her out, she was found by Big Mama or one of workers and now serves under her.
Building up relationships
This is definitely going to be a separate discussion for another day, but Venus' relationships with everybody could be an awesome topic to explore.
The personalities of every single character in this show are very distinct and they bounce off each other very well, so what would happen if you throw Venus into the mix?
First off, getting rid of the idea of Venus as a love interest is a must since she will be revamped as their sister.
The boys are used to having a older sister figure in their lives because of April, so how would having a younger sister work?
Raph would obviously be a bit overprotective as usual, making sure she's comfortable and feels safe around them, which depending on her personality, she could appreciate it immensely, or not, but for the sake of his feelings, she doesn't say anything.
Donnie would be happy to have another person to show off his inventions, and they could bond over her actually taking interest in what he has to say.
Leo would be the one she talks to/is the most comfortable around, since he's pretty chill and understands that he shouldn't overwhelm her like Raph or the others tend to do. That said, Leo would be siked to have another sibling, and would show her all that she needs to know about their family, their favorite pizza places, and how they work together as a team.
Mikey would be the top brother excited to have a sister. Younger or older, he'd drag Venus around like a ragdoll to show her anything and everything! Pizza, games, arts and crafts, the Jupiter Jim movies, everything! He might be a little annoying when he gets like this, but that adorable smile on his face breaks down any resistance Venus has.
Master Splinter is an interesting one. He might feel guilty for essentially abandoning Venus, leading her to work for Draxum, Big Mama, or whatever villain she serves, if she serves anyone at all. Maybe she'll be a bit resentful of him for that, and avoid interacting with him for a while, until he eventually apologizes and makes an attempt to kindle a father-daughter relationship with her. Once they get there though, it's very sweet, with Splinter promising to be there for her and make up for lost time.
GIRLS NIGHT WITH APRIL AND SUNITA!!! This needs to happen! All three girls banning together and having little adventures of their own. If Venus is the shy one of the group, April and Sunita can show her the ropes and help build up her confidence. Positivity is a must! 🌟
And, of course, like every character on this show, we need some trauma. Paranoia is her worst enemy.
A plausible reason of why Venus is so quiet is because she was order never to speak out of line or she would be punished. She was like a robot, who never gained her own identity as she was only seen as a tool.
She's so afraid of making others upset to the point that she overthinks everything and just stops talking altogether.
Sometimes her fears and ridiculous assumptions about what could happen can be played for laughs, but her anxious nature is just...not fun for her.
Which leads to everyone helping her break out of her comfort zone and become more comfortable with the family and the outside world overall.
They might be too pushy at times, but they only have good intentions. However, these things take time, and they must learn to be more patient.
All in all, I think that Venus could be a splendid character if the people in charge of TMNT actually TRY to play with her personality and backstory, and not just let her become a walking don't list for how not to create a female character in a male-centric franchise.
Soooo...that's it! If you made it this far, first of all, thank you so much! And second, let me know how you would interpret Venus' character. We NEED this show to come back, and I want to give this girl justice!
Once again, thank you all so much for reading! Stay safe out there! And I'll see you later! Byeee! 💗
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