#short and sweet because we're all about positive energy
hi mikey! do you have any new art out recently? how are you doing? hows the family?
i have ADHD too btw :)
ive been feeling a bit bummed out recently lately, mental health wise, so my first thought was coming and talking to you! you dont have to worry about typing out a whole entire response, but your energy just brightens up my day instantly!
ive been struggling a lot with making friends recently. i just started my sophomore year of high school and im at a new school (same students though) and its just been really scary. i have two really good friends that ive been friends with for four years now, but i really want more friends too, y'know? im really awkward and shy and its really really hard for me to talk to people i want to be friends with. i do know other people i get along with, but they arent the kinda people i would actually hang out with, more just talk to sometimes if that makes sense?? its getting to a point where im overly concerned about people liking me. theres this group of people at my school i REALLY want to be friends with, cause theyre the kinda gay emo group that i would fit perfectly in as a gay emo... but that just makes it THIS MUCH MORE intimidating!! theyre so cool and i want them to see that! i just dont know how to talk to them without irritating them.
im just kinda clueless at this point, mike! i know that im a good and cool person once you get to know me but im so awkward around new people that it completely changes the way i act. i kinda stiffen up and talk weirdly formally and quietly and my usual confidence goes WAY down. im normally very outwardly confident (Leo kinnie heree✌) but i become just a bit less so around new people.
well i think im gonna wrap up my little ramble now, lmao. i wasnt planning on writing all this i was just thinking of a short paragraph😭
well again, have a great day mikey! you deserve it!!
I haven't done ANY art besides just chaotic painting on canvas & spraying with @emerson-the-psycho , BUT I have done some nice cooking, which counts as art?
We're doing nicely, I mean, we're still very chaotic & there's trouble here & there... But it's been fun so far!
Also, yaaaay ADHD buddies!!! 🥳
I'm glad I am able to brighten your day 🥰🧡(maaan I need to spread more positivity - I see so many sweet posts & then I'm like 'oh yeah, I should reblog this' & then I don't do it because I thought I already did but I haven't & then the post is gone because I had moved on & the opportunity is gone then too -)
You are great as you are.
If you see people & think 'WOW, they match my energy', go to them. The right people will definitely match your vibe too & you'll click.
And it's super great if you voice your fears. 'Hey, you seem nice, I want to talk to you, but I'm a biiiit anxious, hehe, but you seem so cool & we might share the same interests-'. They WILL see that you truly mean it. And it will brighten their day, believe me. And if YOU are open with your fears, it'll be easier to let your true self show. 😌
I know that society wants people to 'show off', but I think for getting in touch with possible friends it's best to be completely honest. That's what people like. Or should like at least.
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I'm rooooooting for yaaaaa!
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Hi!! Idk if this is weird but i saw you mentioned once that you work out and I wanted to ask some advice. My New Year’s resolution is to work out more. Im not necessarily trying to lose an excessive amount of weight, as I’m at a normal/healthy weight, just want to start a new hobby and be more healthy. I’ve never really been a “workout girly” lol, I’ve worked out a few times in my life, but never consistently. I was just wondering if you had any tips for a beginner, or how to create my own exercise routine, or any exercises for a beginner. Thanks for any advice and happy holidays!☺️
Not weird at all. I love your resolution. ♥️ It's a very healthy one that will benefit your mind, body and spirit.
First and foremost I would recommend priming your environment because it will, in turn, prime your mind.
What I mean is: Post pictures of your ideal body in places you can easily see them. This includes your phone or laptop/pc wallpaper. Just ensure they are images that make you feel good and remind you to exercise,e are not meant to pressure you but rather promot your mind towards your set goal so be careful that it doesn't become something toxic, if it feels off to you just avoid this step. Same goes for everything else I wrote, we're all different.
Move the treats and sweets some place where they are complicated to reach. Notice I didn't day stop eating them, it's important to enjoy the good things in life, just be balanced. If you tend to overeat then make it harder to reach certain foods and set days when you indulge because those are also important.
Set up and area in your home specifically dedicated to work outs and decorate it accordingly.
Ensure your workout clothes, gear and post workout stuff are all easily reachable and preferably somewhere in sight.
Select workout clothes that are fun to you, that you look forward to flaunting.
Prepare a playlist of songs that get you moving, songs you can't resist. Be careful about the lyrics as whatever your hear also affects your subconscious so pick motivating songs with positive lyrics, feed your mind energy basically.
Do a short warm up. Doesn't have to be crazy just ensure you warm up.
Start with small workouts, 5-7 minutes of HIIT should do the trick(you can find so many on Youtube, for example, Lucy Wyndham is a great one), it will raise your heart rhythm and then switch intensity which creates excess post oxygen consumption and this will ensure that looong after your workout your body will be burning even more calories than you did during your workout so you will be raising your metabolic rate. These workouts are actually more effective then drawn out ones.
You don't necessarily need to use equipment, in fact, the best HIIT exercises rely on engaging your core and muscles and require no equipment.
Commit to doing the exercises daily (they are short and easy to include throughout your day so if you feel like doing more go for it) and rest during the weekend. Reward yourself each time you finish a workout, this is important because it conditiones your brain to associate workouts with pleasure rather than pain.
Consider possibly using a printed tracker or a task app and always note the session you complete. Those little victories will energize you.
Hydrate properly. This is key.
First few days even a 7 minute workout will seem challenging if you are a beginner but they will go by very fast and, in no time, you will feel more confident, in shape and your strength and endurance will increase. Your body will feel fit and your mood and energy will improve.
Over time, if you feel inspired to, you can increase the duration but keep in mind that exhausting the body isn't necessary as you can burn more calories by doing a HIIT than by engaging in long work outs precisely because of the heart rhythm thing.
You could also consider jump rope and, if you do, then I would recommend 15-30 minutes per day if weight loss is your goal.
If you love music you could consider searching for choreographies of your favorite songs and commiting to learning those as opposes to doing a regular work out. Bonus is you get new moves to show off during parties.
Swimming and especially pool exercises are fantastic.
Basically any activity that raises your heart rate for at least 30 seconds and then lowers it will help you get in shape so consider what you naturally love to do, maybe you prefer rising a bike or hiking, whatever works for you commit to incorporating that at least 3 times per week and do it for as long as you feel inspired to.
If you plan on losing weight then keep in mind that diet plays an important role so choose healthy foods. I do see you've written you're already at an ideal size so continuous seven minute AMRAPs (as many rounds/reps as possible), HIIT and 20 sec fully engaged 10 sec rest moves (tabata) will help you increase flexibility, strength and endurance and obviously will benefit your mind, heart, muscles and joints not just increase your metabolic rate.
Remember to stretch afterwards.
Have a fallback routine for those days where you don't really feel up to complete certain workouts. For example, I love to use small weights and incorporate self defense moves in my work out when I am uninspired on what to do or can't pick. Also, some days I have long sessions, others I stick to small workouts, it depends on how busy I am and how much energy to burn off I have but please know you should increase duration gradually once your body is ready and also, as mentioned previously short workouts can be even more effective when done right.
Post workout, it helps if you develop a self care routine that will have you looking forward to successfully completing the work out so you can then enjoy those relaxed, self care moments.
If you feel more inspired when doing things with others then consider creating a mini group and working out together, try online over Zoom if covid has you under restrictions.
Some online platforms and trainers offer free workout sessions within their online communities so you also have that as an option.
If there's something particular you want to reach, let's say if you are actor looking to develop a certain body then I would recommend hiring a trainer that will design specific session for you but please know you can absolutely work out from home, without spending money and be just as effective. It's all in how commited you are.
Finally, I would also suggest hypnosis, more specifically work out focused ones as it helps prime your mind and if you aren't into that then simply remember everything you tell yourself influences your body so choose to think empowering thoughts about working out because that instructs your brain into developing the preference. So if, let's say, you hate working out or feel like it's hard then "self hypnotize" yourself by only carefully focusing on thoughts like " the benefits of this far out weigh the effort", "I'm going to feel fantastic while enjoying this and even better after", "My body is incredibly capable", " I deeply appreciate where I am right now body wise and I look forward to the improvements that are coming" etc. because how you choose to filter the experience greatly impacts your body's ability to reach homeostasis and access deeper resources.
I guess I should have just distilled the whole post into one single suggestion: Have fun! 🤣 Because the more engaged you are the better the experience.
It's up to you how often you exercise and how long but I would recommend starting with a daily short work out and then expanding into a more personalized routine once you are comfortable.
Important: There will be days when you need rest and self care more than working out so please ensure you follow your own body's rhythm.
Disclaimer: If you have particular medical issues please consult your doctor before engaging in a particular work out.
Oh and almost forgot, for the ladies, if you are blessed chest wise like I am, then please ensure you buy sports bras that offer high support.
That's all that comes to mind right now, I had replied to this post earlier and had written it much better but Tumblr gave me the "ate your post" error and didn't save any draft but hopefully this is also clear. If not, feel free to let me know.
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soundmelive · 1 year
Short Instagram captions are a great way to capture your followers' attention and get them to engage with your post. They can be funny, inspiring, or simply descriptive, and they should be relevant to the photo or video you're posting. Here are some examples of short Instagram captions: Funny: "I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode." Inspiring: "Be the change you want to see in the world." Descriptive: "Sipping on a margarita and enjoying the sunset." Question: "What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?" You can also use emojis in your Instagram captions to add personality and make them more visually appealing. Just be careful not to overuse emojis, as this can make your caption look cluttered and unprofessional. Ultimately, the best way to write short Instagram captions is to be creative and have fun with it. Experiment with different styles and see what works best for you and your audience. Mastering Short Instagram Captions: Your Simple Guide Hey there, Instagram lovers! Ever found yourself stuck trying to find the perfect few words to go with your picture? No worries, we're here to help you become a pro at creating short and snazzy Instagram captions. Let's get started! Introduction 1.1 Why We Love Instagram Captions You know, a great picture on Instagram can tell a story, but a good caption can make that story even more exciting! It's like adding a cherry on top of a sundae. Captions help you connect with your followers, letting them see a bit of your world and what you think. 1.2 The Magic of Short Captions Short captions are just fantastic – they are like a friendly hi from a friend, letting you share a moment without taking up too much time. They let you share a thought quickly, without making your followers scroll too much. How to Make Great Short Instagram Captions 2.1 Keep it Short and Sweet When it comes to short captions, just remember: less is more. Think of it as giving your followers a tiny, tasty treat that's easy to enjoy. 2.2 Adding a Bit of Fun A little joke or a fun comment can make your caption memorable. It's like giving your followers a little smile with your post. 2.3 Using Emojis Don't forget about emojis! They can add a bit of fun and color to your caption, helping you say a lot with just a little picture. Easy Tips to Make Your Short Captions Stand Out 3.1 Make it Personal People follow you because they like what you share. So, share things that are personal to you! It's like having a fun chat with friends. 3.2 Show Your True Self Don't be afraid to be yourself in your captions. If you like jokes, tell jokes. If you're a positive person, share positive thoughts. It's all about being you. 3.3 Encourage Your Followers to Respond Ask questions or ask for opinions in your captions. It's a great way to get people talking and engaging with your posts. Examples of Short Instagram Captions 4.1 For Selfies Finding the right words for your selfie isn't hard. Just think of something fun or inspiring that goes with your picture. 4.2 For Pictures of Nature Got a great nature pic? Share what you felt when you took it or what it makes you think of. 4.3 For Photos of Food Food pics are so much fun! Share your joy with a fun or yummy caption. 4.4 For Motivational Posts Sometimes we all need a bit of motivation. Share a positive thought or quote to inspire your followers. Developing Your Own Caption Style 5.1 Learning from Others Look at what other people are doing for ideas. It's like learning to cook by watching the chefs! 5.2 Being Creative Remember, there's no one way to make a caption. Try different things and see what feels right for you. Instagram captions under separate groups: Funny: I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode. I'm not perfect, but I am a limited edition. I'm not saying I'm lazy, but I'd rather be napping ri
ght now. I'm not sure what's more impressive, my ability to stay up late or my ability to wake up early. I'm not saying I'm addicted to my phone, but I'm pretty sure it's my soulmate. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Captions for Instagram (@__short_captions__) Inspiring: Be the change you want to see in the world. Don't let your dreams stay dreams. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you can dream it, you can do it. Never give up on your dreams. Descriptive: Sipping on a margarita and enjoying the sunset. Hiking through the mountains and feeling at peace with the world. Exploring a new city and taking in all the sights and sounds. Spending time with my loved ones and feeling grateful for all the blessings in my life. Celebrating my accomplishments and feeling proud of myself. Question: What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? What's your favorite travel destination? What's one thing you're passionate about? What's your favorite book or movie? What's your favorite quote? View this post on Instagram A post shared by BONGOTRENDING HABARI (@bongotrending_habari) Fashion: I feel stylish and confident in my new outfit. Loving the latest fashion trends. Expressing myself through my clothes. Finding my own unique fashion sense. Fashion is my way of having fun. Food and beverage: This food is so good, it's making me cry tears of joy. I love trying new foods from all over the world. There's nothing better than a delicious meal shared with good friends. I'm a foodie at heart. Food is my love language. Travel: Exploring new places and creating lasting memories. Traveling the world and seeing all that it has to offer. Experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. I'm a travel junkie. The world is my oyster. Nature: Getting back to nature and feeling at peace. Appreciating the beauty of the natural world. Connecting with nature and feeling grounded. I'm a nature lover at heart. The earth is my home. Fitness: Working hard and staying motivated. Reaching my fitness goals and feeling proud of myself. Fitness is my lifestyle. I'm a fitness junkie. My body is my temple. Lifestyle: Living my best life and loving every minute of it. Grateful for all the blessings in my life. Surrounding myself with positive people and good vibes. Creating a life that I love. I'm living my dream. Group: My besties, my squad, my crew. I love them all! Squad goals! Friends who slay together, stay together. Find your tribe, love them hard. Not sisters by blood, but sisters by heart. They hate us because they ain't us. Kind people are my kinda people. We only roll with goddesses. Friends are the family you choose. Life is better with friends. Friends are the sunshine of life. Relationship: I love this person more than words can say. You're my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You make me a better person. I love spending time with you. You're my partner in crime. You make me laugh every day. You're my biggest supporter. I love you more than anything in the world. You're the love of my life. My heart belongs to you. You're my happily ever after. Self-love: I am enough. I love myself just the way I am. I am worthy of love and happiness. I am beautiful and strong. I am grateful for my body and all that it does for me. I am worthy of success. I am capable of anything I set my mind to. I am blessed. I am loved. I am happy. I am me. View this post on Instagram A post shared by BONGOTRENDING HABARI (@bongotrending_habari) Career: I'm passionate about my work. I'm grateful for my job. I'm working hard and chasin
g my dreams. I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I'm always learning and growing. I'm reaching for the stars. I'm unstoppable. I'm a boss. I'm making a difference. I'm living my purpose. I'm doing what I love. FAQs What should I put in a short Instagram caption? Something fun, personal, or inspiring that goes well with your picture. How do I make my captions personal? Share your thoughts, feelings, or something about your day. Can I use emojis in my caption? Absolutely! Emojis can add a fun touch to your captions. Should I try different styles in my captions? Yes! Experiment with different styles to find what works best for you. How can I get my followers to talk to me more? Ask them questions or for their opinions in your captions. It's a great way to start a conversation. 6.1 Wrapping Up So, we've learned that making good short captions is fun and easy. Just be yourself and have fun with it.
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Do fruits reduce weight?
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Welcome to our blog post on the age-old question: Does fruit help reduce weight? We've all heard about the importance of including fruits in our diet, but is there any truth to the claim that they can aid in shedding those extra pounds?
Well, get ready to dig into some juicy facts because today, we're going to explore the benefits of eating fruit and whether it positively impacts weight loss. So grab a refreshing snack, and let's dive right in! You can do fruits online shopping for fresh and refreshing exotic fruits.
What are the benefits of eating fruit?
Fruits, oh sweet and vibrant fruits! They not only tantalize your taste buds but also offer various health benefits. One major perk of eating fruit is its high vitamin and mineral content. From the zesty citrus oranges packed with vitamin C to the potassium-rich bananas that keep our muscles functioning smoothly, fruits are nature's nutrient powerhouses.
But it doesn't end there! Fruits are also known for their fiber content, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. This means saying goodbye to those uncomfortable bloating episodes and hello to smooth sailing in your digestive system!
Additionally, many fruits have antioxidant properties that help fight off harmful free radicals in our bodies. These little warriors protect against cell damage, boost immunity, and even slow down aging - now, who wouldn't want that?
Oh, wait...did we mention hydration? Yes, you read it right! Fruits can quench your thirst too. Their high water content provides vital hydration while satisfying your cravings for something deliciously refreshing.
And let's not forget about weight management! While fruits contain natural sugars, they are much healthier than processed sweets. Plus, their high fiber content keeps you feeling full for longer periods without adding unnecessary calories.
So whether you enjoy biting into a crisp apple or indulging in some juicy berries on a hot summer day – know that every fruity bite benefits your overall well-being.
Does eating fruit help with weight loss?
This is a question that many people have when trying to shed those extra pounds. The answer, in short, is yes! Fruits are delicious and nutritious and can be an excellent addition to any weight loss plan.
Fruits are low in calories and high in fiber. This means they can make you feel fuller for longer without adding excessive calories to your diet. When you consume fruits as part of a meal or snack, their fiber content helps slow digestion and keeps you satisfied. Additionally, the natural sugars found in fruits provide energy without causing spikes in blood sugar levels.
Furthermore, certain fruits have properties that promote weight loss. For example, grapefruits contain enzymes that can help speed up metabolism and burn fat more efficiently. Berries such as blueberries and raspberries are packed with antioxidants that can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting healthy digestion.
Incorporating a variety of fruits into your diet is key for maximizing their weight loss benefits. Some great options include apples, oranges, bananas, kiwis, and melons - to name a few!
To reap the benefits of fruit for weight loss, it's important to incorporate them into a well-balanced diet alongside other nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, etc.
So next time you're looking for a healthy snack or addition to your meals – reach for some fresh fruit! Not only will it satisfy your taste buds, but it may also support your weight loss journey.
What are the best types of fruit to eat for weight loss?
Incorporating fruits into your diet can be a smart choice for weight loss. Not only are they low in calories, but they also provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that support overall health. But which fruits are the best for shedding those extra pounds? Let's take a look at some options.
1. Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries - these tiny powerhouses pack a punch for weight loss. They are high in antioxidants and fiber while being low in calories.
2. Apples: An apple daily keeps the doctor away - and may even help you lose weight! With their high water and fiber content, apples make for a satisfying snack that can curb cravings.
3. Grapefruit: This tangy citrus fruit is known for its ability to aid in weight loss. It's packed with vitamin C and contains compounds that may help regulate blood sugar levels.
4. Watermelon: As the name suggests, watermelon is hydrating due to its high water content. It's also low in calories and provides important nutrients like lycopene.
5. Avocado: While technically a fruit (yes, really!), avocados offer numerous benefits for those trying to shed pounds. They contain healthy fats that promote satiety and are rich in fiber.
Remember, variety is key when getting all the nutrients from fruits while trying to lose weight.
How much fruit should you eat for weight loss?
Incorporating fruits into your diet can be a great strategy for weight loss. But how much fruit should you eat for optimal results? Let's delve into this question and find out.
It's important to understand that the quantity of fruit you consume depends on your individual needs and goals. As a general guideline, most health experts recommend aiming for 2-3 servings of fruit per day. One serving typically equates to one medium-sized piece of fruit or half a cup of chopped fruit.
However, it's crucial to consider portion control when incorporating fruits into your weight loss plan. While packed with essential nutrients and fiber, fruits also contain natural sugars. Therefore, consuming large quantities may lead to an excess intake of calories.
If you're looking to shed pounds, focus on including lower-calorie fruits in your diet, such as berries (strawberries, blueberries), citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits), and melons (watermelon). These options are more filling due to their high water content while providing fewer calories than other varieties like bananas or grapes.
Remember that balance is key! Incorporate other food groups like lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables alongside your daily recommended amount of fruit for a well-rounded approach to weight loss. And don't forget about physical activity – combining regular exercise with a healthy diet will yield the best results.
By following these guidelines and listening to your body's needs, you can determine the right amount of fruit that supports your weight loss journey without going overboard on calories. 
Experiment with different types of fruits until you find what works best for you. Stay consistent and enjoy the delicious benefits nature has provided!
Incorporating fruits into your diet can be a beneficial strategy for weight loss. Fruits are low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer and reduce overall calorie intake. Additionally, they provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. If you wanna try fresh vegetables then you can search on google like the vegetable shop near me.
While fruits alone won't magically melt away excess pounds, they can be important to a well-rounded weight loss plan. Pairing fruit consumption with regular exercise and a balanced diet will yield the best results.
Remember to choose varieties lower in sugar and higher in fiber to maximize their weight loss potential. Some excellent options include berries, grapefruits, apples, pears, and oranges.
It's also important not to overdo it on fruit consumption as it contains natural sugars. Moderation is key when it comes to any dietary choice.
So go ahead and enjoy the delicious array of fruits available to you! Incorporate them into your meals or have them as snacks throughout the day. You will nourish your body with valuable nutrients and support your weight loss journey along the way!
Start making fruit a part of your daily routine today! Your taste buds will thank you while your waistline benefits from this healthy addition to your diet!
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paulkariyas · 2 years
heck of a season and heck of a playoff run. so many positives!!
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hanazou · 4 years
𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙮𝙖.
(while being shorter than him)
— a chaos of fun!
Word count : 1.5K
Shelf : Hardback
Genre : Romance and fluff, slight crack
Note : Sorry, anon! There was technical issue so I have to post this without your ask! I hope these are detailed enough to your expectations? I wrote more than I expected I would. Once again, thank you to the-foreigner for helping me figure out the tags!
Please enjoy!
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 Where have you been all his life?
To say that Chuuya would simply be attracted to you because of your height sounds shallow, so let me phrase it this way; Chuuya is so used to having look up to people since many are taller than him all his life, both men and women, so it kind of does something different to his psyche when he sees you, being shorter than him.
Not to sound stereotypical but it's a given instinct that when you see someone shorter than you, you get the impression that they're cute and it triggers your protective instinct, right? This is what Chuuya feels about you. And since this sensation is new to him, he cherishes it.
Also, since Chuuya leans more towards masculinity, in your relationship with him, you're making him feel more manly. To speak a bit bluntly and in a nutshell, you boost his ego.
You make him feel even more confident and comfortable with himself. It's not that he wasn't confident before he dates you, you're just making him bolder with more sense of control and masculinity, making him feel validated. More dominant and more alpha.
But what does all of that mean, you ask? Here's the highlight of this post; Chuuya will pamper you as your prince charming while simultaneously being your playmate. Perfectly balanced.
Why? Because seeing you being petite, smaller than him, makes you appear as someone he should protect, but the romance doesn't replace the fun. When it comes to being Chuuya's darling, things never get overly cheesy. Yes he can be romantic (he is), but he's not the type to use sweet talks 24/7. He uses his "rough" ways to communicate his romanticism, one of them being your equal, hence the "playmate" dynamic.
Chuuya tells himself that you're his cute, little darling. He will say this to you straightforwardly except the "cute" part. If he casually and accidentally calls you cute from a slip of his tongue, you can definitely tease him back to get even.
He can be the big spoon and the "top" of your relationship, but he will be a switch if he's feeling sluggish. Being the "lead" sometimes makes him need a break, not from you, but from the energy it takes. Chuuya is an emotional guy and can be downright hysterical, and that takes energy, so he will turn to you for solace when he's worn out. To achieve that, Chuuya will utilize your height to bury his face into your neck or lean his forehead on your shoulder when work wears him down.
"Stay like this for a while," His voice blurs into mutters with his face on your shoulder. "Just three minutes."
Pat his head. Do it.
If you're the one feeling low, just put your head against his chest when you're both standing. Chuuya will be confused at first, but he'll silently ruffle your hair with your forehead still against his chest. It will be calming, I promise you.
Whether you're Port Mafia or a regular civilian (I find it easier for him to date someone from the PM though), you can count on Chuuya to be protective. He's already a protective guy by nature but when he sees you, his shorter darling, anywhere close to danger, that protective instinct doubles or even triples.
In fact, he wants you to rely on him. It's not that he wants you to be dependent—Chuuya just wants you to know that he always has your back. He's the combination of loyal and protective, so he wants to prove those qualities he takes pride in to you. Trust is a strong element for him, and by letting him know you count on him, you’re already securing his utmost loyalty and love.
One of the highlights of this post is his hat. You're shorter than him and it makes it easier for Chuuya to just plop his hat on your head on random occasions. No words, no thoughts, just putting his hat on you. It's the subconscious acts of love like this that makes him feel whole with you.
Kouyou will like you for colouring Chuuya's life. She'll make comments about how you both are fun to watch at, especially when you're both doing your silly dating antics, such as "My, my, energetic as always, aren't you both?"
Speaking of dating antics--Emotional maturity? We don't know her.
Doesn’t matter if you're only 2 cm or maybe 10 cm shorter than him. He will take any height advantage and have fun with it. A little too much, in fact.
Chuuya is not above using his ability to put objects in places he knows you can't reach but is close enough for you to struggle, just to watch you squirm. Confidence does things to this man, mischief being one of them. On the instances where you really can't reach up and it's not because of his tricks, something like this is bound to happen ;
"Huh, can't reach the top shelf, can ya? Don't worry, I've got you." He says, chest huffing with pride, before getting a ladder himself.
Mostly will lift you up to help since he wants to take the small chances to bond with you over simple moments. Short people solidarity. The height boost isn't much since short + short doesn't exactly equate to being tall, but hey, it's the thought and the comedic moments that count.
Speaking of comedic moments;
"Have you reached it yet?!" He asks loudly, craning his head from below you to see upwards. You're sitting on his shoulders and he's making sure he doesn't move around too much, or else you'll fall.
"Just a little bit more—!" You grunt, arm stretched. "Lift me up more, will you? Jump or something!"
"Do you want to fall? Forget it! Just reach higher!
"Maybe I can stand on your shoulders. Hold still--"
"Oi, this vest is 60,000 yen! And this is already the highest I'm lifting you! That's enough, I'll lower you down and just use my ability!"
"No! I'm already grazing it!"
And then you both will proceed to bicker in that weird, eye-catching position, for at least 2 more minutes. It will end if you either jump off him or he floats you down using his ability, and usually it's the latter.
[Sometimes the positions will switch (you lifting him up) but he's a solid 60 kg, it will be a challenge for your muscles and a good workout routine. Good luck getting him to agree to it though.]
[If that happens, chances are your legs will wobble just within seconds from lifting him. Good thing is it increases the humour and mischief in your relationship, downgrade is that it's too silly and stupid to look at to make it feel romantic]
Want to get back at his pranks? Here's a solution. Chuuya will vaporize if you use his clothes. He's taller than you, so let's say his shirt looks like a dress on you.
"W-What do you think you're wearing?!" Is what he shouts, but his flustered face says otherwise. [Bonus: for more critical hit, wear his choker(s). It does ‘things’ to him]
Yeah it's the little things like this that boost his confidence and optimism, and you don't mind him acting like the prince charming in an armour.
If anyone calls you (or even both of you) short, Chuuya will be pissed and defend you and himself since he assumes you also don't like being mocked for your height. He takes it upon himself to "fight" for you too. He has the "we're in this together" mentality.
And so do you. If any Port Mafia's enemies try to waver your confidence or Chuuya's by mocking your heights, it's going to be hell at that point.
If Dazai ever spots you and Chuuya together in public, he will say "Congratulations, Chuuya! You finally found someone shorter to date!" just when Chuuya mumbles "What's that shitty Dazai doing here?" under his breath.
Chuuya will try to kick his face while yelling "Huh?! What'd you just said about us!?"
Don't take what Dazai said personally, he did it to get on Chuuya's nerves, not yours. Instead, why don't you hold Chuuya back so he doesn't chase Dazai?
“Don’t you ever get bored arguing with him?!” You struggle to pull him back. You have to shout to outmatch his shouts.
Chuuya will be interested in height-related shenanigans with you, such as actually reading obviously fake advertisements that promises height growth and asking you if you're interested. He will only do this with you because he knows you won't make silly/berating comments about him. As I've said, trust is the secret ingredient in dating Chuuya.
"Hey, do you think this is real?" He shows you the poster he picked up. The dirt left by his sole on it is still there.
"Chuuya," You try really hard to stop sighing. "At this point, we have to stop lying to ourselves,"
But if the advertisement doesn't sound fake, let's say it utilises supposedly "effective acupuncture techniques", you will lessen the mature act and entertain him a bit.
In short, you and Chuuya will have an energetic and youthful relationship. It doesn't matter where you two are, be it in the cities or the ground zero of battle; if you two are there, people will see one hell of a lively, energetic, short duo.
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📜 ; like what you read? visit my bookshop!
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websleep · 3 years
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hi we're the websleep collective. we are: - an osdd system (traumagenic, bc endogenic systems do not exist) - jewish - not white - neurodivergent & absolutely riddled with mental illnesses this blog is entirely a personal tool / safe space for us. there is no theme and we all share it. there is no byf because if you're a shit person i will literally just block you. i generally try to be respectful and always read abouts/byfs before i follow. anyway welcome to my twisted mind 👁👄👁 ---------------------Meet Us Below The Cut !! ;o)-----------------------
hi we r a polyfrag osdd system with a 23 y/o body and 15 known members right now, but only 14 will be listed / using this blog bc we intend on keeping our little safe. this is us and our signoff/tag emojis: 🧦 Chava | Host | 18-20 | she/her + lesbian ➝ been host for 10+ years, primary fronter, the one everyone pretends to be to stay covert. :) jewish and religious, artist, scorpio, horse girl. lover of bread, bugs (esp spiders), halloween, knight/medieval imagery, coffee, the color brown, and weed.
🧸 Nadine / Nadia | Caretaker, Gatekeeper, System Mom | 26 | she/her + bi ➝ the one who makes sure we don't completely fall apart. kind, gentle, patient, but firm. enjoys swimming and hiking. big fan of dogs and teddy bears. very organized, seems like she can handle anything with grace. beloved by all. keeps us safe.
☕️ Ben | Internal Self Helper, Memory Holder | 19-21 | he/him + bi ➝ been around the longest as far as we know, protects the rest of us from childhood trauma memories. "the older brother who had to become a parent to his siblings" energy. keeps things in order on the inside the way nadine keeps things in order on the outside. holds the most knowledge about the system. tired but optimistic. can be paranoid. means well but is kind of a mess. we all love him tho
♟ Meredith | Jaded Teen | 16 | she/her + het ➝ holds sexual trauma and ed tendencies. very introverted and uninterested in making friends. has a flat affect and can be kinda cold and blunt. not mean, but detached. really just wants to be left alone. self-destructive but misunderstood
🌷 Lily | A Soft Light From The Heart | 16 | she/her + questioning ➝ lily is the light at the end of the tunnel baby :) very sweet and kind and positive, very full of love. bubbly blonde angel. loves everything cute + pink. the breath of fresh air we all need. lola's twin sister!
🔥 Lola | Protector + Introject | 16 | she/her + aroace ➝ fiery, proud, horror-loving lil bitch. not outright aggressive but thinks that aggression is very funny. wants to break the law. is probably biting ur ankles. mikey's little sister and lily's twin, very protective of both of them. puts on an edgy scary goth little gremlin persona to shield from emotional harm. kind of like sanrio kuromi with a knife
🚬 Mikey | Protector + Persecutor | 20 | he/him + aroace ➝ violent and dangerous and not in a quirky or funny way. incredibly cruel to the people around him. thinks hurting other people is funny. manipulative, callous, power-hungry, lacks sympathy and remorse. just entirely an asshole. please don't try to befriend him. we talk about him lovingly/jokingly but recognize that he is dangerous. doesn't front frequently. Lily + Lola's older brother.
🦇 Teddy | Inflated Ego, Vampire Thot | ??? | he/it + gay ➝ teddy (short for théophile) is a vampire and he is obsessed with himself. classy but in, like, a slutty way. thinks he's super cool and hot and is right. flirty but also weirdly wise??? impossible to rile up. doesn't take responsibility for anything but hard not to love anyway. expensive taste. literally just a whore
🍂 Goblin | Manic Pixie Dream Girl | 15-16 | she/they/it + aroace ➝ a little weirdo (affectionate). fits her name perfectly. impulsive and prone to getting in trouble, but means well. just wants to adventure. very experience + action oriented, has a tendency not to think or plan before doing. just kinda a little freak doing its thing! love them
🪐 Artemiy | Dusty Twink | 18 | he/him + gay ➝ our favorite dingy little trans boy. has probably never slept in his entire life and you can tell. very socially awkward. quiet n thoughtful chainsmoking autistic kid who really likes literature and poetry and especially frankenstein. loves history and neutral colors and warm drinks. kind of like those frail victorian boys who look like they could collapse into dust at any second. cultured but needs to take a nap.
🌈 Marcello | Memory Holder + Sensory Seeker | 19 | he/they + aroace ➝ dreamy soft gentle soul. shy and occasionally nonverbal. loves nature, animals, photography. stims a lot. lower "mental age" / cognitive functioning than the others (but still just as capable and important!! >:/ ). Really enjoys live theatre, children's toys, long hair, soft blankets, and ghibli movies. brave and playful and creative, very kind person. frequently fronts during psychosis. definitely holds trauma memories but not sure what kind.
🐞 Laike / Ladybug | Trauma Holder, Ghost | ??? | they/she + ??? ➝ very detached and difficult to communicate with. a ghost. nonverbal. holds beliefs that the body is already dead and infested with insects, and that it doesn't need to eat. not a frequent fronter, still have more to learn about them.
👑 Abraham | God's Favorite Power Bottom | ??? | he/him + gay ➝ hypersexual + narcissistic, expects to be treated like a prince. very, very gay. explosive temper. thinks that literally every single person is beneath him. flirty little brat who expects to always get what he wants. holds grudges. wants a man to spoil him.
🎭 Ah-Choo | Teeny Tiny Clown | ??? | he/him + ??? ➝ we don't know a ton about ah-choo yet. he is non-verbal and manifests as a clown-like or mime-like little dude.
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papergirllife · 5 years
Cheers To Us
Mark Lee Oneshot
Part 2
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It was a nice change, to see him leading instead of you.
" What do you want? "
" Champagne. "
" Because it's the Christmas season? "
" No, it's a celebration for meeting you. "
" We'll have two flutes of champagne. " Mark told the bartender.
" To us. "
" To us. "
As I finished my drink, a man walked over and took a seat.
" Can I buy you a drink? "
" She's with me, go find someone else. "
" I'm much better than your boyfriend, I can show you a good time, I promise. "
Mark downed his drink and dragged me out of the club.
" Wait, Mark. We haven't told the others we're leaving yet. "
" I'll send them a text, don't worry. "
Mark led us to his car and opened the for me.
" Mark are you sure you can drive? "
" Yes, I'm very much sober right now. "
" Mark, are you mad? "
I asked as he got into the drivers seat.
" Yes I am, I'm pissed at the way he looked at you, he looked like he wanted to take you right in front of me. "
I must've been smiling like a goof, because Mark looked even angrier.
" Are you happy that he looked at you that way? "
Okay, he was genuinely pissed now.
" No, of course not. I'm smiling because you're jealous and that you looked like you wanted to kill him with your bare hands back there. It's been a long time since someone stood up for me that way. "
" Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were happy because of that. "
" So, where are you going to take us? "
" This might be too soon but how about my place? We can just cuddle, we don't have to be doing that. We can take it slow, I don't really mind. "
Here comes the shy, stuttering Mark I was used to.
" Mark, I'd love to cuddle and do other things too. Now hurry up and drive. "
" Yeah, yeah. On it. "
Mark quickly manoeuvred the car out of the parking lot, speeding towards what I assume is the direction of his home.
" Nice place you have here. "
" It's not much. "
" I don't expect over the top things from you. Like a Tiffany and Co. ping pong table set ? That's just a waste of money and overrated, all that hype beast shit. "
" We'll get a long really well then. The most basic thing I have is an Adidas jacket I think. "
" Why don't we see if we have good chemistry then. "
I wrapped my hands around his neck once again, I didn't know why I kept doing it.
Maybe it's the way he holds onto my waist when i lean forward to stable my weight, or the warmth of the nape of his neck.
" Can you help me take off my heels? "
Mark tightens one of hand's his hold on my waist, his other hand lets go.
" Leg up. "
I lifted up one of my legs to let him take the heel off, then the other leg.
I became significantly shorter next to Mark now. I tilted my head to look at him.
" I can't really see your face nicely now. Why don't you carry me up? "
" Jump, princess. "
So that's what's he's calling me now huh. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his thin waist.
He didn't really consider how he'd carry me, choosing on settling his hands on the underside of my thighs.
Mark's eyes looked nervous, they look like they're constantly asking if whatever he was doing was okay.
I gave him an encouraging smile, my hands on his nape slowly play with his hair, soothing his nerves.
After a minute or so for staying like this, he started getting tired.
" Why don't you lay me on your bed, so you can keep looking at me like this without carrying me. "
Mark let out a small laugh, sensing where this is leading.
" Sure, princess. "
During the process of going to the bedroom, Mark's lips looked too irresistible not to kiss.
Mark's hands started to wander, from my thighs making their way to my ass. Mark gave them a nice squeeze, surprising me mid-kiss.
Mark swallowed the moan I let out from his naughty enthics. Mark laid me down his bed gently, moving his lips from mine to my neck.
I started unbuttoning his shirt, when his hand shot up to meet mine, stopping what I was doing.
" We don't have to do this if you don't want to, I didn't bring you back to my home and expect sex. I'm serious, Y/N. And I'm serious about you and me. "
" Mark, I know you are. But I truly want this, I want to do this with you, I want you. "
Mark lets go of my hand and rises up to his full height to take off his shirt quickly.
" I wanted to do that. "
" There's always next time, princess. "
His hands inched towards the end of my crop shirt next, eyes focused on mine, asking for consent.
" Can I? "
" Take everything off. "
He took off my shirt and my bra, eyes focused on my bare breasts. He lightly pinched both of my nipples, then cupping them both in each hand.
He started to give the right side kitten licks on the nub, then taking it into his mouth, sucking harshly.
" Mhm. Mark. Keep going. "
I held onto his hair gently, keeping him against my chest. He then switched to the left side, giving it the same treatment.
I just love the way he pampers my body, the way he bites and sucks just has tingles shooting down my core.
After he finished playing with my breasts, he rises back up to take off his jeans.
It is then I realise how defined and toned his body is.The sight had me drooling for want.
I quickly took off my shorts, leaving myself only in my fishnets.
Mark's eyes went big when he saw.
" Fuck princess. No panties? You planned this all along? "
" I only planned on getting laid, not with anyone specific. Though, you were constantly on my mind. "
" Didn't know I had that effect on you, princess. "
" You don't. But you have time to find out more. "
Mark spread my legs and kept them apart with his hands. His head lowered down to my pussy, and gave it a big fat lick.
It had me squirming on his bed, the fishnets just added slight more pressure to what Mark did.
I made a first with his sheets and let out a high pitched moan.
Mark looked up to me with a smirk on his face, then dived back down to business.
He spread open my folds with two fingers and slided in his middle finger, giving my pussy a good pump.
It was a sight for Mark, the way my juices dripped down my net clad thighs onto his sheets.
He slid in another finger and opened up my pussy by doing a v sign, the air gushing in made goosebumps rise on my skin.
That is until he put his tongue in.
Mark ate me out like I was his last meal. His tongue was going in and out at a rapid pace. While he kept moving his head up and down, his nose brushing against my clit.
I sensed the familiar coil in my stomach, my high coming soon.
" M-mark, stop. I'm going to cum soon if you keep doing this. B-but I want to cum with you. "
Mark stopped eating me out and quickly took off his boxers. His cock was standing painfully tall, with pre-cum leaking out of its head.
I started getting up, wanting to repay him of what he did to me.
" No, princess. Next time okay? I really want to be inside of you now. "
" Okay. " But my lips were in a pout.
Mark leaned down and pecked it.
" I promise you'll get your chance next time, princess. "
He reached towards his drawer and bought out a condom.
" Mark, I'm on the pill. "
" Guess we won't be needing this then, since I'm clean. "
He tossed the condom on the bedside table.
Mark used both his hands to rip a bigger hole into my fishnets, right at my entrance.
" Mark! These are expensive. "
" I'll keep buying you more, don't fret. "
Mark positioned himself, and pushed in slowly.
Mark must be one of the thickest I had, after he was fully seahthed in, I felt so full, so complete.
He gave a few light thrusts, while his hands held onto mine, giving me a sense of security.
" Mark, you can go faster. "
Suddenly, Mark snapped. His thrusts were hard and fast, hitting places I never knew existed.
His hands were holding onto my hips now, keeping me in place.
The whole house was filled with obsolete sounds. The banging of the bed frame to the wall. The sound of skin slapping skin. The way I screamed Mark's name. It was full of sin.
" Mark, I'm close. "
He then lifted up both my legs and placed them above his hips. He pulled me closer and resumed his thrusts.
It was bliss, the higher position made him hit my sweet spot over and over again.
" Fuck! Mark, don't stop. "
He slid his hand in between our bodies and placed it on my clit, rubbing circular motions on it.
" M-mark. Cum inside me. "
He gave one last thrust and the both of our highs came.
It hit me like a truck, none of my exes or one night stands ever fucked me this well. This orgasm was truly mind blowing.
After Mark ride out our orgasms, I felt really tired. As if my energy was fully drained from sex.
When Mark pulled out, the mixture of our cum started leaking out my pussy.
" I know this might be weird, but can I take a photo of your vagina leaking out our cum? I just find it really sexy. "
I was still too tired to answer, so I just nodded. Hearing the sound of a flash going off.
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vnl1 · 4 years
Midnight summer
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June, Azukizaka territoriy
The day had been hot, and while ir was better being near a corpse of water than inside a castle. Roads where always a problema, specially for a women.
The Young woman knew that when she had decide go solo in that misión, she was no fool , so as the 3 men approached her, the fan on her left hand open wider.
"Look what the river has brought us boys, a lovely kitten" one of the men said.
"Sure she looks delicious, are You alone love?" Other said.
The woman turned around with a smirk on her beautiful face.
"Oh, what a wonderfull timing, to meet you all gentelmen" the words carring the promise of sweet nothings.
"I'm afraid i loose my way. I'm sure any of You knows how do I find the nearest castle"
"Of course we could guide you but first what about having some fun with us" the third man who had been in silance spoke while his hand reach for the woman wrist.
(How predicable they are) the woman thought.
Life in a castle was never easy, that was a common knowledge, and for that motive the young princess of the Li clan opted to have a much quiet life in the service of the gods. Jirō was her name.
She didnt like summer, not only the heat that year was really strong but ir was also a remainder that had passed at least 4 months since his father had commited seppuku.
(I shouldn't be thinking that, Lord Imagawa decided not to finish the job, he should not know that I still remember).
"A good walk near the river should clear My thoughts"
The first man fell on his knees.
"Damm You" were his last words as he joined the other two dead men in the floor.
For her that had been in self defene, ir was so common to deal with that kind of things.
The woman heard outside the nearby forest, from the shadows of the green, alone figure appeared.
"You there, what has happened here?" (A Komusō Monk, how odd) the woman thought.
"Bandits, your excellency, they...they try to protect me..." The woman started to clean the little tears clouding her red eyes. "That is terrible, let me help..."
As the Monk came closer, not only the voice was soft and elegant, the movement was also like a delicate dance, definitely a young and naive person was a hidden inside the Tengai.
As closer the Monk went , the woman before seemed more and more astounding, until the reflexion of something metálic in her hand cathed the Monk attention.
A soft bresse pased between both chaeacters.
The Monk with a Swift movement took the woman wrist that had her hand with what it looked like a kunai and with the same swiftness put her arm behind her back, to the woman surprise.
"SO now, My friend what made you kill those soldiers of Lord Imagawa?"
The woman passed her suprise took the question with relative calm
"I didnt know that the Komusō where taking the táctics of the Ikko Ikki, but You know, when a woman like me has to face dificulties like these three or how do I put this sweetly, a extranger in a mask...well"
Sudenlly the woman crashed her head against the closest part of her captor making the Tengai fall from it's user. The Monk stepped back and ended up in a defence position.
Dark hair moved with she brezze pasing by.
The young woman inhaled deeply first before restoring her calm and confident smirk
"A woman...and I thought I have seen everything" she whispered almost for herself.
"What about that?" Jirō asked while she returned to an active pose and showing a assertive smile.
And with that both Charged against the other.
Some years later
Summer Nights in linoya castle we're warm, but tolerable
"Auntie Jirō, when I grow older , I want to be as firence as You" he stoped a little bit with a tiene of doubt and look at her. "Do You think the Tokugawa will accept me?"
Li Naotora kindly smile to the boy as he claim his desiree, she knew he Will be doing an exelentee job but still, those words only Made her anxienty grow a little bit this time, time was flying, in two or tree years his little love, that cute and shy boy would be sent to be a New retainer. While the young lord of the Tokugawa was somehow like her an knew how to suvrive and was less sadistic than her late Lord Imagawa, there was something in him that Made her reflect the same coutesy he always showed. Her baby boy surely will have a hard time if he still show that true heart.
"Lady Naotora a message for you" a voice sound behind the paper door, silk and alluring sound, yet she knew better.
"Toramatsu, dear, You are already strong enough I know You will impress everyone, but right now I think your lessons are over. Go, rest and we Will ser each other in the morning." The boy bow and prepare to go
"Please come in" she order to the messenger , subelty taking a short knife and preparing one of her common work smile with the idea of who she was going to see.
A beautifull women with brown hair entered the room and Made a respectfull bow for both of her audience, but hold for a little more time the boy, who started to get red by the gase he was reciving.
They were interrumped by the lady of the Castle who michevelus smirking the boy tease him.
"Really this weather is warm, darling You are turning a little blushed, go to rest now"
The boy almost rush of the room with a little bit clumpsy steps.
"Yuki, it's your estartegy to distract me with that tea color of yours...I mean in your hair"
"You didnt like it? Silly me I tought You will be having the same taste as that young son of yours, having You following me with Your gaze always send me shivers" the woman now silver Blonde spoke sweetly with a mischive smirk in her face.
"Anyway, I Will not take much of Your time, tell the little Tanuki boy that Iga is interested in his proposition" after handeling the other woman a scroll she take two steps back and gray smoke start to surround her but before she could do more Naotora had reach for her wrist again. She turn sofly and with care and quicky took a look.
"This time You didnt have to face anykind of dificulties"
"Well as You Say Even here the weather is warm, not many pose the energy in those actions" Yuki avert the eyes of her wrist.
"True, Care for a drink? It's still a early midnight.
A) Azukizaka was part of Mikawa province, but also this territoy helds at least 3 mayor Battles. The first two we're Imagawa clan vs Oda Clan, the first one was a Víctory for Nobunaga father Oda Nobuhide, but the second one Imagawa defeated Nobuhide in the Second Battle of Azukizaka and continued to expand his territory until 1560, when he faced Nobunaga and was killed in the Battle of Okehazama.
B) Li Naotora ( 1530?- 1583)was a daimyō of the Sengoku period. She was the daughter and only child of Ii Naomori, the eighteenth head of their clan. She was primarily the head of Ii clan and retainer of the Imagawa clan, because of her efforts, Ii Naotora becomes a daimyō and received the title "Female Landlord". After the Imagawa clan killed several members of the Ii clan, Naotora became one of the last survivors, She adopted Naochika's daughter and son, Takase and Ii Naomasa. Naotora secured Naomasa's future successful career when he succeeds her. She managed a small province that was surrounded by some of the most powerful clans of its time, Matsudaira, Takeda and Imagawa. WEN she was young ir was Say that her name was Jirō Hoshie.
C) The komusō were a group of Japanese mendicant monks of the Fuke school of Zen Buddhism who flourished during the Edo period of 1600–1868.(I know we are in 1500 but probably they we're there but not that popular. Also I took the liberty to Say a woman could use the store, not really sure) Komusō were characterized by a straw bascinet (a sedge or reed hood named a tengai) worn on the head, manifesting the absence of specific ego but also used for being able to travel incognito.
D) Li Naomasa (March 4, 1561 – March 24, 1602): also know as the cute one in Ieyasu's route. Was a general under the Sengoku period daimyō, and later shōgun, Tokugawa Ieyasu.He is regarded as one of the Four Guardians of the Tokugawa along with Honda Tadakatsu, Sakakibara Yasumasa, and Sakai Tadatsugu.
E)Chapatsu literally "tea hair" in the Japanese language, is a style of bleaching (and occasionally dyeing) hair. This fashion started i'm 1990 aprox, but at least in this fiction i Will use it. In anciebt times people use plants and henna. In the 1661 book Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art & Nature, various methods of coloring hair black, gold, green, red, yellow, and white are explained.
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pirate-kid2k19-blog · 5 years
Dumb thoughts and images that come to mind when i try to sleep after a near overdose on caffiene
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Putting that in bc its a big mood right now
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My brain @ sleep
Yall theres motorcycles oyu at 5:25am i-
I wish my friends were up and that it was like 3pm and i slept but that sounds like a dream world-
Smoke or Fire's song called 1968 both intensifies my existential crisis and helps it feel better at the same time.
If history doesnt repeat itself, why do we have blonde ass toupe wearin hitler as the us president??
"Im in a position thats so uncomfortable its comfortable." - some random dude on youtube like 3 years ago
Im not saying its impossible for an insomniac to fall asleep after 5am, im just saying its impossible for me to do so.
If ive got nothing to do today im gonna listen to music, draw, and nap all day. Those make me happy.
I say that last sentence knowing full well imma be up at 3am runnin to the medicine cabinet to down a bottle of melatonin.
Seriously though im either gonna draw, listen to music, or hopefully ill be able to nap but idk. If i cant nap i'll likely just be talkin to my like,,, 3 friends i think it is that i have left.
So here's my outfit plan if i have to go anywhere:
Hollywood undead shirt (desperate measures or V whichever i find) or my reel big fish shirt and a hawaiian shirt over it
Black or baggy camo jeans (cutoff jean shorts if its hot enough)
Whatever shoes i can find to slip on prolly my slide on vans
My camo hat that i almost always wear lol or my dogtooth print old man hat that works with a rude boy outfit well even tho i originally got it because some sweet old lady at the thrift store reccommended it to me because she thought id like it (shes not gonna see this but i did like it i did buy it and i do wear it)
Energy drink can lmao
Who needs a backpack or anything like that when my eyebags can hold all my shit :)
Black or checkered belt
So like,,,, its 5:38am and im still wide awake lol
I'll be fine tho guys normally i pull an all nighter friday night or am up super late, am up all day saturday til like 1-3am then i go to sleep and sleep for like 12-15 hours on sunday, and have a normal sleep schedule (i count it as normal because i still get enough sleep) monday-thursday. I guess im a normal person because like,,,im so like,,,chill during the week then i have like a crazy fuckin weekend that leaves me sleeping all day sunday. Either this is normal fr or normal on tumblr. Idk.
I wanna watch a candle flame buuut im not gonna get up bc i think my granddad is awake and he'll hear me walking around and come tell me to sleep. Though, i do tell him if its past 6am that i woke up at 6, had to use the bathroom, and couldnt go back to sleep after, but its only 5:43. Time to watch candleflame gifs lol
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I love that one because it doesnt have any sort of like eerie vibe its literally just 2 lit candles and i love it.
So heres 5 of my current favorite reaction images rn plus a bonus cursed image:
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Btw this post will go on til my clock hits 6:00am lol msybe before maybe after hut around that time.
Time check:5:47am, my left arm is asleep like the rest of me zhould be but i kinda layed on it for like a solid 2 hours and 48 minutes.
I wonder what long stiletto acrylic nails would look like on toes. Will google it now but if nothing pops up im photoshopping it when i get my phone bc that would be super cursed
High thoughts but the high is sleep deprivation will be the theme of my next blog.
Yo what if it was normal to put acrylic nails on ur toes instead of ur fingers
If we're in a simulation, we wont know until the world ends and we all get minecraft hard mode game over screens.
What if ehen you got ran over irl the last thing you see is your vision goes black and white and red text appears. "Wasted."
I might convert my most unused blog into a blog for sleep deprived and shower thoughts, seeing as literally almost wvery day i put my phone in a ziploc bag snd take it into the shower
I kinda feel calm now. Like...if i felt this calm 2 hours ago i wouldve been dead asleep lmao.
My right finger hurts from how i gotta hold this tablet lmao.
Me: i kinda wanna like,,,just kinda draw but idk what to draw and ive had art block for a few months now...*talks about art block*
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