#should be GOTY tbh
aaruaalislost · 10 months
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im done to the last boss of the game. i can’t wait to 100% this one fr i cannot express the love i have for this game and it’s characters and story. i just did a simple P doodle to have an excuse to talk about it more
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serpentmessmer · 1 year
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it's ALWAYS THE GOD! DAMNED! 10 MM SOCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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astrxealis · 2 years
Apollo hi hello, I hope you’re doing well <3
I keep seeing your hades II rbs on dash and I am looking 👀 (I love seeing them sm) I remember wanting to get into hades a while ago but I never got the time <//3
So I was wondering what you like about it the most?? I’m considering buying the first game since there’s a discount going on but I was just curious about how the game is and all that, like your general thoughts on it. Sorry if this is random and coming out of no where :’)) feel feee to ignore this if I’m bothering you in any way
Anyways, remember to take care of yourself. Drink lots of water and eat your meals 🫶🫶 remember to take breaks and try not to overwork !!
- tired
TIRED HELLO HI i am doing WELL RN !! but also not because there's so much reqs bcs final week before break but also i am doing mostly good <3 I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AS WELL !!!!! <33
okay omg YEAH i am currently super obsessed my brain is so -@;!()!-?-&!;/!@,' (sobbing) but TYSM FR WAH ..... >___< and honestly i really do rec hades it's so good (I GET YOU BTW i haven't actually. like got incredibly far in the game but i do have a fair amount of time in it + the only reason why i have it tbh is bcs of a family member <//3)
(OKAY I PUT THIS UNDER A READ MORE IF THAT'S FINE I'M SORRY IF THIS GOT LONG i was just replying normally and didn't realize i said so much oh my god)
OKAY SO. okay. tbh i'm not completely sure what i like the most but it's probably a combo of the art design/style + gameplay + characters. the art i'd say is incredibly beautiful and unique !!! the designs are really lovely and all (esp as someone who is a big fan of greek mythology which is one factor as to why i love the game so much!) <3 the gameplay is REALLY fun. and good. it's a roguelike game and it actually ties to the game's concept of death and resurrection ?? (underworld stuff. zag is literally the god of rebirth) and it's REALLY good at what it does. very addicting. no run is exactly the same and i personally didn't think i'd be fond of roguelike games but hades just really hits with it !! (a lot of people who don't like roguelike games seem to think this way too). tbh if hades is your kinda game then it genuinely is. sort of. really a Perfect Game ?? story + gameplay + visuals are like the three pillars of it and as far as i personally know all of that is just incredibly good. the protag is likeable, the other characters are likeable, i don't know some of the most important story bits yet but so far it truly is very interesting, each run is connected to the last (such that if you get a different boss, zag actually says smth abt that! it is a very fluid game. if that's properly describing it). LOWKEY EVERYONE IN THE GAME IS HOT. most likely bcs of the artstyle which is really just so nice <3 BUT YEAH i don't really like roguelikes bcs you kinda restart progress right? but hades really feels productive with each run (i even look forward to dying in game!!!!!) and there's so much failure but i don't really feel frustrated. it's a really rewarding game imo and no wonder a lot of people considered it to be their goty of 2020 (and it won a few awards for that too i think) <33 SORRY FOR RAMBLING SO MUCH BUT YEAH .... the game genuinely is just so good. also the voice acting is actually great. ALSO the romance options are super cool (AND POLY IS ACTUALLY POSSIBLE I THINK. INCREDIBLY COOL) and yeah the devs are worth supporting from what i know and are very inclusive it seems. might be wrong tho FKHSKDNSJ (EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION THERE IS AN AROMANTIC CHARACTER IN HADES AS WELL. SUPER COOL. actually im not too sure but yeah)
DW THIS IS VERY WELCOME AND I WAS GLAD TO RECEIVE THIS FR !!!!! not a bother at all >;)) lowkey should put this writing for my school work SOBBING BUT NW LOL IT'S JUST A BIT FUNNY TO ME
so yeah SORRY IF THIS IS WAY TOO LONG and TYSM AGAIN !! and for the very much needed reminder gah i should drink water fr >___< <33
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
Atomic heart was spectacular the hype the graphics music gameplay if they’re a competitor it can win
Never heard of it tbh. Again, games that generate a lot of positive buzz around them tend to be the true contenders 👀 BG3 completely took over every platform, and I had NEVER heard of it before it was released. But who knows? I personally think it should win GOTY, but I'm extremely biased 😅
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harristops · 3 years
Okay, change of subject a little bit. Who are your leading candidates for MVP and for GOY? A GK can be on both lists if you like. I know they usually are not but sometimes they deserve to be. Also, do you have a prediction for the Reign game in two weeks assuming everyone who played today, plus Ash, can play. The Pride gave themselves a tiny bit of cushion by getting 3 points today when Chicago only got 1 yesterday.
Tbh my top three for each would be:
I would love to see Mal get MVP too but idk if she would be in the race or not considering Balcer has done so much for the Reign.
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harusha · 5 years
Is 3 Houses "New Player" friendly? I kinda wanna pick it up, but only played Awakening (and that was a few months ago, so not much history with the franchise). Also, how does it compare with Awakening in terms of level up/reclass/skills/etc?
It’s very new player friendly imo! There’s no Phoenix mode or anything, but you have features like the Retreat option (which lets you retain experience and restart the battle with all of your equipment durability set back to before you began) and Casual is back.
I do think there’s a lot of features, and that can be overwhelming, but you’ll pick them up quickly.
Honestly, I prefer Awakening in terms of skills and classes. Three Houses’s system is just tedious on a first playthrough, and the chosen master classes are super wonky. Some feel like a straight up upgrade (ex. War Master) and others are sidegrades (ex. Mortal Savant which is also kinda slow but that doesn’t matter if you have someone like Felix or Hubert who are already fairly fast). Also there’s no grounded mounted class for beginner class so riding is a pain to level up early on.
There’s also less skills (or at least what it feels like) than Awakening which I don’t really care for since I don’t get to customize the units as much. And the Dark Mage/Dark Bishop class is locked behind a certain limited enemy which is annoying. Plus, there’s no flying mage in this game which sucks (I like Dark Fliers and Malig Knights so).
And imo, the maps (at least for Blue Lions) are kinda forgettable and bad for the most part. There’s no gimmicks like Conquest, and Fog of War isn’t utilized enough. And there’s a lot of reused maps. I know they take place at the same location, but imo, the timeskip should have made some changes to the terrain instead of the same map but with more enemies spawning.
Reclassing is also a pain with certification exams because it is a random chance that’s decided as the day begins (so no save scrumming unless you go back to before the week began). You can raise it to 100% ofc, but you waste time if you don’t try every week when the option opens. For a first playthrough, you don’t have the benefits of new game+ to make it easier to get to the classes you want.
There’s also the garden where you can farm stat boosters, and cook to temporarily raise stats if you end up getting bad level ups.
And mounted units are super good with Canto and Dismount, and the size of the maps. The only thing they’re missing is Rescue (carrying units not the spell) and Hunter’s Volley (they restricted it this game). Not to mention the higher level armored battlelions and the Stride command (give all alies within range extra movement).
It’s still a good game ofc, and the lords are overpowered (not a Roy situation where he promotes super late and has kinda average growths across the board). Like... you can most likely solo maps w/ Dimitri by plopping him into a hoard of non magical enemies in Normal. The only maps I had problems with was 12 and 22 (b/c the first one had surprise spawns of certain characters, and I was collecting encounter quotes) and the latter b/c a deluge of enemies pop up.
Storywise, I think it’s fantastic (I have problems ofc w/ it, I wouldn’t call it above Geneology or the Tellius duo, but it’s up there). For me (as someone who started with Blue Lions and still needs to go through the other 3 routes), Dimitri is honestly one of the best lords in the series character-wise. His story is very much “classic Fire Emblem” but it shines in the interactions between the characters, especially Byleth and Dimitri, and on his personality post-skip. It’s honestly one of those routes where I’d recommend F!Byleth over her counterpart to take the Dimitri S-support since it ties in so nicely. I’m still saltly about M!Byleth not having the option to tbh.
That’s another of Three Houses’s strengths, the interactions between your chosen House. It feels very much like a group of friends.
As a side note, if you choose Edelgard as your first route, explore at least once every month and make sure to talk to her.
Overall, good game and a contender for GOTY, but also some obnoxious problems like the barren calendar system, split route (a lot of content and replayability but also threads are often left loose or left to epilogue), questionable reclass/skill system, etc.
Absolutely worth $60+,if you decide on the expansion pass which will eventually come with more classes and story, and a return to form after Fates’s kinda lackluster story (though I wouldn’t say it does better than Fates in some aspects like self-contained and satisfactory routes or gameplay at least for Blue Lions). Self-contained as in threads aren’t left too jarringly loose.
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orbsdotorg · 6 years
Games of the Year 2018
It’s December and the game awards are almost here so whatever, I’m gonna do one of these. I’m bad at choosing an actual favorite, so in no real order here’s what I liked.
Spider-Man (PS4) - Not really a ton to say here that hasn’t been said elsewhere, this was just a big sloppy love letter to decades of Spider-Man continuity and a ton of fun to play. It also feels like an amalgamation of everything that’s worked in recent open-world action games, from Assassin’s Creed-style collectibles to a tighter, faster version of the Arkham games’ counter-and-gadget based combat. It wasn’t revolutionary in any one aspect, but it all fit together brilliantly. Yeah, the whole “Spider-Man is a cop now” thing sucked, but beneath that it was a story about how being a hero is good and doing the right thing can be fun, which felt really refreshing in a year full of excessively grimdark protagonists. 
Yakuza 6 (PS4) - I’m gonna talk a lot here about what didn’t work in this game. Namely, that as a finale for Kiryu as the series protagonist it felt less satisfying than the ending of Yakuza 5, which was, tbh, a much better game. Or that it had a really weird attitude towards women, sidelining Haruka for most of the game and including a camgirl minigame that feels like a creepier, more sexualized version of previous games’ hostess clubs. But here’s the thing: it’s still Yakuza, and even mediocre Yakuza is better than most of whats on the market at any given time. The combat felt great, the plotting was as pleasantly baffling as ever, and Kiryu is as lovably oblivious of everything as always. Maybe better Yakuza games came out this year, but this was the one I, uh, played, so it’s the one on my list.
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (PC) - I’m one of those people who only really drops back into WoW for a month or two when the new expansion releases, more out of a sense of curiosity than anything, but hoo boy. There’s no fucking reason a 14 year old game should feel this fresh. BfA is a highpoint for the game in terms of both storytelling and world design, with each of the new zones feeling more well-designed and just more fun than the game has in a while. The Witcher-inspired haunted forests of Drustvar in particular stand out, full of entertaining storylines and cool visuals. Some of the new features, especially the upgradable Azerite gear, feel like watered down versions of stuff that worked in Legion, but it’s already being tweaked in interesting ways, and there’s enough here to enjoy until they work out the kinks.
The Hex (PC) - Maybe this doesn’t have the high profile the other games on my list do, but there’s not much I can say here without getting into spoiler territory. It starts with a group of characters from different game genres gathered at a bar, where the owner gets a phone call informing him that someone will soon be murdered. What spins out from there is a heavily meta story about game development and game fandom, one that’s endlessly inventive both in terms of gameplay and narrative. I don’t want to say anymore because you should really experience it for yourself (it’s dirt cheap), but seriously, it packs more evocative storytelling and fun, intuitive gameplay mechanics into five hours than some other games did into forty-plus this year. Every time I thought I had a handle on what it was, it pulled another trick out of its hat. Cannot recommend this one enough.
Forza Horizon 4 (Xbox One) - I really, really like racing games. There’s something about driving really fast that just hits me right in lizard part of my brain. Forza’s Horizon spinoff series, about a roving racing/EDM festival full of instagram influencers driving ridiculously expensive supercars around stupidly beautiful countrysides, has always been a particular favorite, and FH4 is far and away the pinnacle of the series. It not only added some great singleplayer features (customizable driver outfits, surprisingly fun “stories”, a Halo showcase race that’s imo the best playable Halo thing ever), it completely nailed the multiplayer. Once you’ve proved yourself on your own, you’re dropped onto a live server with 71 other players (who all harmlessly ghost through each other, thank god) who you’re free to challenge or just honk your custom horn at as you freeroam looking new challenges and races. Plus, the in-game season changes every real-world week, bringing new “seasonal” stuff and fundamentally changing how every race feels. There are also hourly “live challenges”, where everyone on the server works together to hit a goal and earn some currency to spend on weekly rewards. Showing up at a live event starting area and doing donuts with a bunch of other people, all complimenting each other’s paintjobs, while we waited for the event to start is probably the least toxic multiplayer I’ve ever played. Honestly, if I had to pick one game on the list to give a GOTY thing to, it’d be Forza. Do not @ me.
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fightclubexposed · 4 years
[TGA 2020′s GoTY] At Least Games Do Bring Us Together This Year, or Do They?
2020 is obviously not a great for all of us, no doubt about it. Now that this year is coming to an end, I don’t think people expect anything much from 2021 either (but we really hope too). I’m not here to talk about it though, i’m here to talk about something that I’m sure help a lot of people to get through this year (and ahead). As you might guess with the title, i’m going to talk (well tbh, write) about Video Games, specifically about The Game Awards (TGA) 2020 Best Video Games Nominees. 
(Disclaimer: Hereby I’m just sharing my own thoughts regarding the nominees, I’m not saying which one are better than others or what game have to win).
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(Source: TGA’s Twitter)
During this pandemic, people been talking about how much a game can bring us together during this hard time. Especially Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it was out when most places are about to lockdown. Animal Crossing didn’t just bring people together but also become a coping mechanism for those who need distraction from the disaster that currently going. It was calming, fun, and most people are able to play it. As for myself, Animal Crossing did helped me a lot, I was really happy to see it able to be nominated. I honestly can’t wait for the orchestra to play the Animal Crossing: New Horizons theme during the awarding. 
So if a game like Animal Crossing: New Horizons which actually is not a so sophisticated video game, able to make it into the Best Game nominations, what about other video games with more story, content, and gameplay? Of course they won’t miss out and there’s now way they’re missing out. It might be hard for Animal Crossing to actually win the award (I’m not saying it’s impossible. okay?). Doom Eternal, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Ghost of Tsushima, and The Last of Us Part II, those titles are all obviously way more complicated than Animal Crossing. One have simplicity while others are all set for action. Well every games nominated here have their own distinction and that’s what makes them nominated.
I think that’s where things got heated, as TGA announced GoTY’s nominees people start to debate not just about which game should win but also which  actually didn’t deserve the nomination. All games are welcomed wholeheartedly but some are not happy with The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2) got nominated. I personally never play TLoU before, not even the first one. I don’t actually have much to say about the game. But seeing how the gaming communities react back when it was released it was crazy in a way which actually not so good. People were splitted, there are actually those who love the game but there are a lot of people who were outraged about the game. The tensions were high voltage even today people are still mad about the game (And I think the term “mad” is actually an understatement). "The game was filled with so many agendas”, “The story was absurd”, “All the awards this game have won are all rigged” and the list goes on and seems never ending. Again i said i’ve got nothing about TLoU 2, I haven’t play the game so i’m not the one to judge. I know there are those who actually enjoy the game even with a lot of people hating it. You do you, you like the game then enjoy, you don’t like the game? It’s okay, everybody have their own preferences. But with how the tension goes within the community, if TLoU 2 somehow win TGA’s GoTY, the event probably gonna face a lot of heat and backlash afterwards, the same probably goes with other nominations TLoU 2 have. There gonna be people who’s just gonna be okay with it eventhough they don’t like it personally or don’t even play the game, those who loves it well gonna praise the awards, but the backlash might be inevitable so please behave. As for other games, thankfully people are not against them, i guess people won’t have any problem if other nominees win the prize. Remember, just because your favorite game doesn’t win an award, it won’t make it any less good/great. 
After all, the awards are all decided by a majority vote. Everybody knows when it comes to majority vote it’s going to be subjective because people are basically vote out of their own preferences. Don’t get me started on rigged voting because it’s something we can neither deny or confirm. So if you want your favorite game to win, don’t forgot to vote and share, don’t forgot to remind those who also enjoy your favorite game to vote. 
Before I end this article, i just want to say that since 2020 already do us bad, let’s try to be nicer. If video games really gather people for a greater good the so be it. Differences within the community are all okay, there’s nothing wrong with it. Let’s try to respect other preferences. I hope every video games in all of the nominations in TGA  win their deserveable award per se. 
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colorisbyshe · 4 years
Oh I totally get the logic of seeing ff7r as just one part of a larger thing! I didn’t acc finish Hades as I found it a little repetitive but I honestly might pick it up again thanks 2 how enthusiastic u seemed about it!! :)) I also agree that it’s incredibly impressive that the devs even managed to create an original that’s on the same level as smthn w as much backing behind it as final fantasy. Do u hv any opinions about the other noms?
And yes **FF7R SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER** I was losing my mf mind every time Zack was on screen but when I saw him still alive carrying cloud?? Lit screaming at the tv 😭😭
Hades can absolutely be repetitive if you don’t get into the gameplay loop but tbh I loved it so much I completed every prophecy, maxed out every bond with every character (including my bf and gf), and won with every weapon type. If you get into the goals like “collect all the boons,” suddenly it’s like gambling as you try to get the “right” result to fulfill the prophecy. That’s probably part of my addiction to it and why my interest waned onc eI finished bonding everyone.
I haven’t played Doom/Ghost of Tsushima, so I don’t have strong opinions there.
I think Last of Us being nominated isn’t surprising but I’ll be pissed if it won because it was a narrative travesty that spat on the original game and couldn’t ome up with any thematic depth besides “the violence this game forces you to commit to survive/win is like... bad actually?” I think it made Ellie a less interesting character, ruined her dynamic with Joel for no GOOD reaosn, and ended up being transphobic/homophobic in its attempt ot be diverse and got like DEFINITEVLEY racist in that same atempt (whereas the transphobia/homophobia is more arguable, grey).
And I guess my most controversial GOTY opinion is Animal CRossing DOES deserve the nomination. Not the win but it DOES belong alongside these games. People EASILY sunk hundreds of hours in the game and it helped a lot of people cope with a really shitty time in all of our lives. The emotional security of this game, its popularity, how it brought in NEW games.. that all makes it a game of the year. It is the game of 2020 in many ways. I think more casual games should be nominated and i don’t see anything wrong with that.
That said, it is an incomplete game. Lots of features were missing that were slowly reintroduced. And its lacking a lot of QoL fixes that could’ve made the game last longer for a lot of people, whereas most peopel I know abandon it outside of seasonal updates.
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fenharel-archived · 7 years
ALRIGHT you’ve come into the right place my friend!! okok ok you’ll gotta start with the first witcher game ofc, it’s only 1,29€/1,49$ on gog currently link, it’s only available on pc though. you can get it for free though if you sign up for the gwent newsletter on gog btw! imo the first one is def not the strongest one of the games, but it is worth it to get the full expierence out of the game series!then, the second game is on sale as well (85% lmao) you can import your choices out of your witcher 1 playthrough into your witcher 2 game, which is pretty cool! if you dont play on pc, witcher 2 is also available on xbox :PAnD THEN!!!!! witcher 3 with all its dlc’s is on sale as well here (i would highly recommend to get the goty edition of the game because the dlc’s are def worth it,!! and you save money, ofc. witcher 3 is also available on xbox and on ps4, whatever u prefer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
this is just my opinion, but i think the third game is the strongest of them all, if u arent sure about the games, then u might as well start with the third one (because it will most likely get u hooked lmao) and then once you’re obsessed, play 1 & 2!! this is really up to u though!
IF you like reading as well, i would totally recommend reading the book series the games are based on (before playing the games, but if u cant wait to play them u dont have to! the games will be understandable on their own as well!), because they are really good and you obviously will have more insight into the characters and feel more strongly towards them. ALSO the games are full of book references, and sometimes they talk about book events for example, which u will recognise if u read it! its really fun tbh!!) here is a guide
and then, once you’re obsessed and can’t let go of the witcher universe (like me (: ) then i would also recommend to play gwent. its a really fun card game, full of book references as well and its free!!
anyway, i hope this helps u!! the witcher is amazing and i think u should just try it out and let it suck u in lmao
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hawkeyedflame · 7 years
I think it fits perfectly in those categories, but it also should be nominated for GOTY. I would nominate it just based off it's soundtrack tbh
It motherfucking better win Best Score because like hoooooly fuck, Keiichi Okabe and Emi Evans are just.. holy fuCK. DEITIES AMONG MEN.
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sonic06apologist · 7 years
Bubsy and Shaq Fu will be GOTY
tbh i plan on getting the new Shaq Fu
but bubsy should stay dead
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therealdaemon · 7 years
Not a fan of Zelda or Nintendo but cool I guess. #NotMyGOTY
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My thoughts on the new AG stuff
I’ve seen like everything already, but I’m liveblogging my look at the website anyway because why not.
Checking the BeForever section first ‘cause that line is my favorite.
...okay, so I LIKE her accessories and her undergarments set, but why’s that all poor Lissie gets?
I’m glad they’re selling her meet seperately, though, so people who already had her can get it.
Maryellen’s swimsuit is so adorable aaaaaaa
Julie’s bathroom is... why? Why? She’s one of the dolls getting the “permapanties”, why give her a bathroom NOW? I like it, though, weird as it is. It’s very ‘70s.
Her peasant blouse outfit is PERFECTION. So are the accessories but they should really be cheaper for what you get. I’m gonna get both for my sister’s Ivy doll at some point.
Couldn’t care less about her basketball stuff though. I’m glad she has it back, but that’s about it.
Not sure I’m feeling Kit’s play dress. But I like the hat, socks, and shoes.
Her mini golf set - both the outfit and the accessories - are ADORABLE though. I want the accessories, I might get the outfit later but I don’t have Kit yet so probably not for a while.
FINALLY REBECCA GETS A NON-COSTUME OUTFIT!!!!!! The accessories are adorable too.
Oh, hey, the new mysteries are out. I’ll get the Melody one, because I plan to read every book she gets.
Addy and Samantha didn’t get anything. I assume they’re on their way out, then. I’m ok with Sam leaving, but why Addy? (I mean, I know why, it’s tokenism. But still. Why?)
Moving on.
Gabi didn’t get anything new. Because OF COURSE she didn’t. *glares at AG*
I love her guitar... but I don’t want to support these two, and even buying their stuff secondhand on eBay or something makes me uncomfortable.
The top from her spotlight outfit is gorgeous. But I hate the rest of the outfit and I can make a similar shirt myself anyway.
ARGHHHH. SHE REALLY WAS GOING TO BE GOTY WASN’T SHE. Her stage is like a fancier version of Gabi’s. If I had the money, I’d get it for my future Gabi and redo it to suit her more. But I don’t.
Logan’s drums are meh. I can get similar ones somewhere else, probably, if I ever decide I want doll-size drums.
Okay, the human-size version of her slippers would be tempting, they look nice and cozy. But I can get my own somewhere else. And her pajamas are downright ugly.
Her dog is cute though.
I love her picnic outfit. But I can probably make something similar myself.
Her picnic set is cute bc doll food, but there is plenty of other doll food sets out there.
Looking at her books makes me sad. Jaya is STUNNING. I wish she’d been released instead of Tenney, or at the very least instead of Logan.
Onto Truly Me, thank god.
That spring dress... no, that must have been a mix-up. That CAN’T be for Truly Me, I refuse to believe that, it looks way too early ‘60s. I’m getting it for Melody.
The Easter basket is cute. I like it.
Not feeling the tankini, it’s too bright for my liking.
The sports outfits are meh. None of my dolls do either of those sports, anyway.
So yeah that’s my thoughts on what AG released today. Stay tuned for whenever the hell Z comes out (it can’t be that far away... they did say “spring”) and I can fangirl over her.
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ednadoorly6185-blog · 7 years
They Shall Not Pass DLC Testimonial.
Gabriel Agbonlahor has actually related to appear like one thing of an antique at Suite Playground in recent opportunities, an obscure suggestion from much better opportunities when he and Aston Manor sprinted exhilaratingly in the direction of the best echelons from the Premier League. Permit's face this, Game of Thrones is irreplaceable, however if HBO could determine a technique to let us stay the Seven Empires a little bit much longer, we'll merrily bend the knee and settle in for a handful of additional years from blood and also fire. If you desire to save the video game personally, you need to push the Beginning switch come to the pause menu and also off there you can easily go out the video game, at which point the video game needs to ask if you want to stop and conserve ... nod" to save. article (C) fotki.com" style="max-width:450px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">Apparently Game from Thrones showrunners Dan Weiss as well as David Benioff will definitely be affixed to the four tasks alongside Martin, although the last will not really create any one of all of them. Reviewing and also Language Arts by Level: Gaming that assist strengthen reading, punctuation, foreign language arts, science, and arithmetic. Now would be actually a happy times to bring up exactly how the only thing that heavy-handedness that steered me nuts additionally helped make guide extremely predictable (b/c DUH, obviously Evil Stepmother eliminated the Queen). Just so no one resided in any type of doubt as exactly what reveal they were actually viewing, the third incident of Video game of Thrones came barking from the gate in unabashed Greatest Hits mode. Since this is actually given more information, the game acquired me. But not at a point to pre oreder. Coming from the Period 7 promotions, that is actually clear the White Walkers are on their method, and also they are actually probably bringing a great deal of rotten perspectives with them. This is actually a particularly appealing title since that's certainly not a single of the 1st available world video games to become launched on the brand new creation from consoles, however also has a couple of brand-new auto mechanics that our team have actually certainly never truly observed in an activity just before. . In incident 8 of season five, Hardhome, Game from Thrones audiences were actually dealt with to a terrible Wildling carnage, courtesy of the Evening's Master, the White Pedestrian forerunner (played, as described above, through Brake). Past that, the book was actually ONE HUNDRED% foreseeable, and the procedures used to topple the corrupting government were equally as reprehensible as the authorities on its own. The PS3 Slim is 29cm wide, 29cm deep and also 6.5 mm, so this's actually a little larger and also fatter in comparison to the PS4. Characters Regarding Literature, financed by the Center for guide in the Public library from Congress, promotes students to contact authors. That's not to say that the journey hasn't observed its allotment from incorrect begins as well as detours: Video game tourneys date back to the early 1970s, as well as attempts to switch them right into watchable cinema started as far back as the early 1980s. Video games do not need scholarly validation to sell, yet academic community must engage with games if you want to modernise its own approach to public past. The form of foolish mathematics video game you could possess played in your head before cellphones emerged to soak up all our mind, Threes! There are two sort of activities, exterior activities that are actually used huge fields, and also in the house video games that are played in the 4 wall structures from the property or classroom. In 1999 the couple had their first youngster as well as he began to spend additional opportunity playing games as a means to loosen up. March 22nd 2016 Update: The premiere of The Walking Dead Game's Time 3 are going to broken later in 2016" (Q4 2016) baseding on Telltale Video games Chief Executive Officer Kevin Bruner in a Mashable job interview today. Should you have any questions regarding in which as well as the way to use similar site, you possibly can call us at our own site. Sony likewise carefully redesigned the shoulder as well as trigger buttons on the DualShock 4 for less complicated gain access to and better responses for games like shootings or racers. I also feel Microsoft stated outdated activities are going to need to have spots to run far better on Scorpio compared to the X1. Good updates is actually NEWER GAMING will certainly give the sophisticated increases on launch, s' all I truly respect tbh. Without any expertise of exactly how the game need to finish, they innocently topple rashly into affection. One more impressive little bit of information is actually that the 3rd time will be actually checking in on follower preferred Clementine, 'œseeing where she goes to and what's continuing her, which is actually heading to be great'. What Paruna is actually pointing out is actually that on COMPUTER (or even a minimum of Heavy steam) when the enhanced edition from the game has actually been discharged players who possess the initial duplicate recieve a totally free upgrade to the brand new enhanced GOTY variation. He doesn't-- that is actually where the community can be found in Continuous problems, headlines, and also video game updates are actually curated by lots of fans which explain gameplay and development on the World from Minecraft discussion forums, the Minepedia (a wiki-style information where very most visit learn the best ways to conform), on Reddit as well as on other off the record niches.
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