#should he atttack....no....well actually
theladyofskeletons · 4 years
a little message for my friends & followers (and tbh for any foreigner friend of a turkish person)
TW for sexism, murder, abuse, harassment, discrimination etc (i mean this is today’s turkey so TW for pretty much anything)
Friends & people, if you ever notice my account going awfully inactive out of nowhere (especially my twitter accounts ladyofskeletons & voldcat), with no explanation on the inactivity, feel free to assume that I was victim to an assault to the point of hospitalization or murder. I use social media actively and unless I’ve mentioned a camp or a vacation that would mean “low signal” or an exam that requires me to take some time off socmed, my lack of social presence is bad news.
Yesterday with the news regarding of Pınar Gültekin, I’ve noticed that I fear for my safety.
(Normally I identify as a nonbinary person but technically I’m still a cis woman so for the rest of the post, I will use the phrase “as a woman” few times, so it can be easier to write.)
I fear as a LGBT person in Turkey where there are still hatecrimes commited against lgbt people. I fear as an agnostic when the sunnis here are becoming more and more opressive each day (towards anyone that is not like them.) I fear as a woman in Turkey for wearing whatever I want, talking loudly about my opinions in public that may bother some white cis sunni men.
Most importantly; I fear of becoming a hashtag some day.
With news of Pınar Gültekin I noticed once again how easily someone can decide to end my life one day for whatever reason he wishes to use as an excuse. Seeing some people make insensitive comments on how she “smiled”, “dressed” or how she “should’ve been more careful about her choices of men.”. Her murderer is a club owner, married and has a son yet all these comments were targetting Pınar, looking for the blame in the victim, again.
I fear of what I wear some days though I live in the big city. A city where more educated of the population should be living in, instead more and more people come with their ancient beliefs driven by religion and awful gender roles and infect the others with it as well. I feel usnafe walking home some days. I was stopped by random men twice 7 minutes away from my home. Both at the same exact spot. Both asking how old I was. Because it doesn’t matter if you’re an adult, a teen or a child. It doesn’t matter if you’re an animal. They harrass you, abuse you, attack you, murder you and still put the blame on you.
I hate that I’ve gotten used to hearing about yet another woman or a LGBT person being murdered every day. I hate that in Turkey we have gotten so used to getting at least one bad news every day. Yesterday the news of Pınar was not the end. A trans woman was harrassed and beaten in public too. This is, unfortunately, not the first time a LGBT person was atttacked in broad day light simply for their appearance, simply for existing.
I attended a highschool that was in the top5 of the country. I was still harrassed. Few girls from my year, some of my underclassmen (and most likely some of my seniors) went through this too. Even though I attended a school known for its intellectual students with “woke opinions and views of the world”, all coming from good families with good beliefs/ideas.
My friends were harrassed on public transportation. They were wearing baggy pants and sweatshirts. They weren’t being ‘friendly’ with anyone, they weren’t giving anyone ideas. All the other women and men harrassed, raped and murdered by their fathers, brothers, cousins and relatives were not leading them on. They never had a chance to “choose” the person they’re approaching carefully. 
I am lucky in the family department but with the amount of harrassers and attackers they never punish correctly, with all the murderers never sent to jail permanently; I fear one day one will approach me out of nowhere and murder me. Maybe he will do that because of my make up. Or the lack of it, assuming I’m a kid. Maybe he’ll take one look at my clothes or the way I walk, talk or emote. 
the “why” of it doesn’t matter actually. They do the attacking and the killing first and think of an excuse later.
I am afraid of becoming another victim. I am afraid of my life coming to an end when I have just started living it. I am afraid of the years before me being taken away from me one day because one men felt like it. I am afraid of someone finding my corpse (if i’m lucky), most likely severely injured and alerting my loved ones with these news. I am afraid of saying good bye to the things I’ve never got to meet and becoming a hashtag. 
I am afraid of my name becoming a hashtag one day and being forgotten the next day. I am afraid of becoming a part of anıtsayac (a digital counter for all the women in turkey murdered, there is a better explanation on the website in english too.) I am afraid living in Turkey as a LGBT person, as a woman, as a non-sunni. I was never afraid of dying but I am afraid of being murdered.
I didn’t mean to keep this long but please read this if you can and if you have anything to add, feel free to reblog and add your words and thoughts.
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jupitermelichios · 5 years
Batman & Robin is the only good live-action Batman movie since 1966. No really.
(To be clear, when I say good in this case, I mean the only good adaptation, not the only well-made made film. Joel Schumacher has never made a competent film in his life, and while I’m fairly sure Christopher Nolan doesn’t have a soul, he is definitely a skilled technical film-maker).
So a quick run-down of live-action Batman movies to date:
1. 1989′s ‘Batman’ desperately wants to be something other than a superhero movie. This will be a running theme in what follows. The decision to focus on the romance to the exclusion of almost every other relationship was a really bad choice that I can only put down to a strong desire to be making a Bond Film instead. Also that version of the Joker is just... really bad, honestly. Mark Hamill’s joker is creepy, Heath Ledger’s Joker was manic, even Leto’s Joker had a kind of dream-like quality to him (which owes more to the camera work than the acting, but I’ll take it). Nicholson’s Joker is just sort of... there. The only compelling thing about him is the score, which is working so hard to try and make us care. (Seriously, try watching any of his scenes with the music off. What little tension there was vanishes instantly).
2. 1992′s Batman Returns. Why is Batman in this movie? Could Burton not get funding for the sexy mental patient fights freak-show survivor movie he actually wanted to be making? So little would change about this movie if you took Batman out of it, but I guess if we did that we’d have to give Selina Kyle a personality beyond ‘outdated and uncomfortable even for the 90s attitudes towards female sexuality’. (Get it, if a woman is sexually available she must be crazy!) I do fully admit this is a fun movie, and I dig the aesthetic it’s going for, it’s just a bad Batman movie.
3. 1995′s Batman Forever. I think we can all agree - fuck this movie. Joel Schumacher is not a good film-maker on his good days, and this is not one of his good days. The script is weak, Val Kilmer won’t stop pouting, Tommy Lee Jones is trying but he’s the only one who is and he’s not trying very hard. The decision to add a Robin was good, the decision to make that Robin in his mid 20s and easily the second worst thing about the movie was absolutely not. Everything Jim Carey does in this movie is terrible. (Everything Jim Carey does in most movies of this era is terrible, because you should only ever hire Carey if you want the film to be about him and absolutely no one else. He does not share the frame well.) Also this movie fucked over Billy D Williams, who had accepted a bit part in Batman Returns on the understanding that he would play Two-Face in the next movie.
4. 1997′s Batman & Robin. The film so bad Clooney would reportedly refund you the cost of the cinema ticket out of his own pocket if you told him you’d seen it. The only good one. Okay, technically this movie is bad. Joel Schumacher had not got any more competent since 1995. However, a combination of performers alternately chewing the scenery and trying not to corpse and a surreal neon asthetic that no one asked for but which would go on to be ripped off by so many video games, make this one of the very few actually fun Batman movies. But we’ve already established fun =/= good adaptation, so why’s it a good Batman movie? Because it gives a damn about its source material, and that source material is not Batman comics of the 80s and 90s (which is good because they were still letting Frank Miller write for them back then) but the 1966 TV Show/movie. The bad jokes, the sudden inclusion of Batgirl, the leotards, the kooky asthetic and ‘everyone’s at least slightly drunk’ tone, the super-styalised version of the Batsuit (like them or not, Bat-nipples are as memorable as 1966′s Bat-eyebrows), all of these can be traced right back to ‘66. This movie is a neon love-letter to Adam West, and it is the only love-letter in the entire Bat-movie canon, which is why it’s the only good one.
5. 2005′s Batman Begins is what you get when you combine a director who doesn’t like Batman with a writer who doesn’t like Batman and a producer who doesn’t care about Batman. It’s a technically competent (if poorly cast) film, that Ayn Rand would almost certainly have enjoyed immensely, and that desperately doesn’t want to be a Batman movie. This is a Serious Movie you guys, not like Batman Returns and Batman & Robin, this movie is above petty concerns like fun or asthetics. The target audience for this movie a) people who don’t like Batman or superheroes in general and b) the kind of Batman fans who claim Stephanie Brown was never Robin because she’s a girl. The sort of fans who purchased All-Star Batman & Robin and TDKR II. The only redeeming feature of this film is Cillian Murphy.
6. 2008′s The Dark Knight. You probably remember this movie being fun, and you’re not wrong exactly, but what you’re actually remembering is Heath Ledger. Ledger is fun in this movie, and he’s so god-damned fun he comes really close to redeeming the entire film. With a different film-maker he probably would have done, but this is Nolan, so instead of being a fun stupid romp, this another Serious Movie. The camp is undercut but the seriousness, the seriousness is undercut by the camp, the script makes no sense whatsoever, and the result is so confused that, like Suicide Squad, viewers find they’ve forgotten a lot of what they actually saw and just remembered the points of interest. Every time I rewatch this film I’m surprised by half of what happens in it, because my brain has blocked out everything that it’s Heath Ledger or Michael Cain, and I’m definitely not alone in that. Also it’s a Nolan movie, so it desperately doesn’t want to be a superhero movie. Superhero movies don’t win Oscars and Oscar nominations are the only way Nolan can feel joy anymore. (Obviously that’s a joke. Christopher Nolan has never felt joy.)
7. 2012′s The Dark Knight Rises is actually my favourite of the Nolan films, despite being technically the worst. The plot is so nonsensical and confused that it actually forgets to be a Serious Movie for whole minutes at a time and becomes something approaching a Batman movie. A lot of that is Anne Hathaway, who is doing the best job of elavating a terrible script through great acting that I have even seen. The fact that you like or care about her character is down entirely and exclusively to Hathaway’s charm and charisma. Apart from that it’s another Nolan ‘Batman is stupid that’s why I made three movies about him’ movie. Also the fight choreography in this is really bad. Like, form an orderly queue inside the shot so we can all atttack Batman one at a time but the audience can see us waiting our turn Bad. The only person doing a good job with the fighting is Hathaway’s stunt-double, who is doing it all in one of the most impractical outfits ever put on screen.
8. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Some people liked this film, and that’s fine. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking a bad film - hell I almost exclusively like bat films. Batfleck was pretty good casting, and Henry Caville looks a lot like Superman. Snyder is for the most part a very good technical film-maker, who has a lot of fun with the camera. Amy Adams is woefully miscast, but it’s not like she’s not a great actor. It’s just... I’m sorry guys, I know that saying a bad film is bad is now seen as a personal attack on the people who liked it, but it’s just a bad movie! The editing is terrible, the script is dire, laughably bad in places, and worst of all, it hates Superheroes. It hates Superheroes so much the only DC canon it could think to adapt was Frank Miller’s extended fuck you to comic-book fans. The picked as the source material for a movie with Superman’s name on it, a comic by a writer who openly hates Superman! Also there’s plot contrivances, there’s plot holes, and then there’s people thinking Superman shot someone. With a gun. When he has lazer eyes. David Ayer has never written a good script in his life, and if he worked in any other industry he’d have stopped getting work two decades ago, but this is probably the worst thing he’s written.
So yeah, Batman & Robin is the only good Batman movie, because it’s the only one that is about Batman. It is totally shameless, high camp that knows it’s high camp, knows Superheroes are inherently stupid and that that’s not the same as worthless or uninteresting, knows Batman is only as interesting as his supporting cast, and revels in it. (And the most frustrating thing is, given a better script this is exactly the kind of movie Snyder would probably have made. More gold and abs and less neon, but kooky over-the-top fun that doesn’t think a film has to be art to be worthwhile. Fucker Ayer and the people who hired him for denying us that.)
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trickstersantana · 7 years
Self Para: Just Another Intellectual Debate
Who: Santana and her Law and Society clubs associates. Location: The free Classroom at Ma’at for the club Time: 6th of March, 2017 Summary: Just another club reunion, talks about recent events on campus. Triggers/Notes: Death mention
She entered the class where the club took place, and the first thing she saw was Jerkface looking at her, with that jerk smile of him. She knew what was going to be the talk of today. But before he could say anything, a blond, short young man jumped to met her
“Saint Funny! Do you know why that evil coyote atttacked that poor witch? Motives, reasons, victim, everything?” He asked in a loud voice while everyone in the room both rolled their eyes at the question but also awaited for Santana’s answer. 
"Wh... what? Why would I ... ugh” Santana started saying, she expected passive agressiveness and side comments, but of course the blonde hyperactive boy had to just ask directly. “Oh yeah, Pollyanna, I know eveything about it.” She said with a big amount of sarcasm. “Everything”
“Because your secret trickster net of spies?” He asked excited, believing he would get answers. 
“Because my secret trickster net of spies” She answered, still rolling her eyes but nodding. Maybe it was better this way than whatever way was Jerkface way.
“Campbell, Trickster Spirits dont’t know every other Trickser Spirit, that’s pretty ignorant of you to say” Said Angry Elf, who already looked annoyed at everything. “And for the last time she doesn’t have a secret net of spies! Stop believing everything she said” He complained, but Santana knew deep down he asked himself ‘what if she actually has a net of spies’ every night. Pollyanna shushed at him and awaited for Santana response. 
“Guys, please no. Let’s just start the meeting” Said Triangle, exasperated, but everyone ignored her. “She is just going to lie anyway” 
Santana prettended to be offended. “So Marcos Aguirre and this witch guy...” she started, while she heard someone gasps for the confirmation of the gender of the victim. “...Had a discussion about if dogs could look up or not.” 
Someone slamed their hand on the table. Making silence on the room. “Enough” Said, in all seriousness, a Bloodline witch who she called Bear. 
“Why you tricksters always had to take everything as a joke? It’s a murder attemp. In our school. To one of our dear companions” Said that hot girl with blond short hair who was kind of an asshole, both concerned and furious. 
“Excuse me, I’m not the one who is laughing at every reuinion” Santana complained, pointing at Jerkface, who was laughing at the moment.
“Fellow companions! We should not argue like this, pointing fingers and exhibing  rudeness to each other” Stupid Hat tried to make peace or something, but everyone talked louder. 
“Well, yeah, humor is a common defense mechanism, specially in those moments that we are reminded of how close Death walk amond us” said Six Fingers “Can’t blame any of them”
“Why can’t we just start or end any reunion without senseless talks?” Triangle complained. “Let’s just take this opportunity to debate about all the possibilities of this case.” She loved to turn all clubs into Debate Society Club “Legally, his destiny should be Neutralization, not as a punishment, because I don’t believe the law is to punish the criminals, but to keep the innocents safe.” She said, actually loving the intelectual talk this could start. “And when the criminal is someone who avoided NYADA high security, impersonating someone with the only motivation of destroying a live... it is clear someone like him is a threat, and must be stopped once and for all”
Santana noticed most of the club nodding or agreeing, with maybe two or three doubting. She looked at the other L.Naturae on the room expecting some kind of defense, or anger, but she also looked like she didn’t know what to say. It was a munder attemp, in the end. She was probbly thinking.
“But... is it not jail an option avaiable?” Asked Stupid Hat. 
“How? They are skillful illusionists, they would end up tricking some guard and escaping...” Commented someone. It’s funny how they always undervalue the power of tricksters and illusions, but when it’s convenient for witches, they are the most dangerous monster on existence and they should die for it. 
“There are many ways of cancelling magic, aetherdamnit. Stop understimating what our Goverment could do...” Angry Elf started, and she had an instant of hope.“The thing is, it’s worth the cost of all for a mons-...a murder that’s not going to change? ” It died quick. “In the end we have to think for the greater good”
“What do you think, Lopez?” Asked Triangle, looking at her directly. “I’ll love to hear your input on this” She said. And it was true that even when they didn’t get along, her club companion mentioned that she enjoyed debating with her, that Santana got a different, intelectual, interesting view she usually didn’t hear. “You know I can change my mind if you give me a more logical alternative” Santana could see it in her eyes. She loved intelectual discussions. Because that was it was for her. An interesting discussion that challenged her wit, not a one side talk when the other person demanded a studied, perfect prepared argument on why they shouldn’t kill people like her. And if they couldn’t deliver that, that means the killing was right. Because it was just logic.
And Santana had an argument, she had endless arguments. She could easyly prove her wrong. This was her thing. She knew cases, she knew there was alternatives to neutralization, she had information enough to destroy her oponents logic, she knew about cases of witches with a smaller sentence. She was prepared for this. She knew that was what they were going to talk about today and she prepared herself for it.
And she was going to talk, and explain why people like her shouldn’t be killed. Why she, Santana Lopez, didn’t deserve to die. To try to prove that the world wouldn’t be a better place without her. And then she remembered this was not the first time a woman was looking at her in the eyes, asking her to change her mind. 
Just tell me one thing, Santana. One good thing you had done. One is enough. One selfless, kind act you did without expecting anything in return or without any second intentions. Just one.
But like that other time, it didn’t matter what Santana would reply. The woman in front of her already made their mind. 
“I think you are a hypocrital piece of shit” The trickster answered, and she could heard Jerkface laughing in the background. 
“Well, true, but that’s irrelevant to this debate” Jerkface said between laughs, for Triangle annoyance. 
“Take this seriously, Lopez, I’m letting you talk”
“You are letting me?” Santana asked back. She looked again at the room, a room filled mostly with law students, filled mostly with people who found it all so intellectual interesting and so few people who actually wanted to help others. 
“It’s Audra”. Stop calling me Triangle” Triangle replied. 
“I’m not in the mood for your ugly face and your overly high pitched voice saying bullshit.” Santana said “I could say something clever, but I wanted to keep it simply so you could understand, you blind moronic idiot” 
She went back to the door for where she came from, ignoring Triangle’s protests about her getting kick out of the club or whatever.
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salty-spriggan · 7 years
Fairy Tail 518 Reaction
OK, so we’re back into the action with Eileen vs Erza ( with the convenient removal of Wendy...)
Erza’s in her Nakama Pants, so this fight shouldn’t take long, and will include a lot of BS.
I’m not too sure how many people know this, but Erza’s Clear Heart Armour (Her Nakama Pants) is just a pair of pants and breast bindings, it doesn’t offer her any kind of protection or magical enhancement, it’s just plain clothes. There’s nothing particularly special about her katanas either.
OK, does anyone know how Erza manages to always jump out of explosions unscathed, I mean that’s not how explosions work Erza! That huge blast should’ve done massive damage. Ugh!
So, erza’s dodging Eileens atttacks one after another. Eileen really needs some target practice.
Why’s Eileen still having a tantrum?
Erza’s taking the higher moral ground, as any good manga main character should...
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but does anyone else feel like Erza says “ I can’t afford to lose!” way too often? It’s kind of lost it’s meaning.
Oh I see, the classic two people going through similar troubles, ending up differently trope.
Eileen tantrum continues, as she morphs into a FUCKING DRAGON! Erza just give up ,there’s no way you can beat her (well, that’s what i want to believe...)
Eileen’s Dragon form does look pretty badass though, I’ll give her that.
Haven’t you been listening to a word that Eileen said Erza?! YES she’s a bloody dragon! (I swear she was too busy preparing her nakama speeches).
FINALLY, someone’s actually taking some real damage this arc, at least dragons are still living up to their monstrous hype. (It doesn’t look like she’s got any extra injuries though, no compound fractures or any kind of extra bleeding)
Eileen’s a sage dragon, sounds pretty cool.
So she can Master Enchant, (basically using Heavenly body magic...) Lets add that to the list of Eileen’s vast and varied abilities.
She’s using a powered up Sema on an immobilised Erza, overkill much? You literally could’ve just stepped on her Eileen, and prevent a lot of collateral damage in the process
Oh no, she can move her right hand, here we go...
And with this one hand she can launch her body tens of metres into the sky, makes sense if you ask me...
Insert obligatory speech before heroic action here.
There’s no way on earth that Erza, in her current battered state, can slice a fucking meteor! with a fucking katana! I know it’ll happen (cuz she’s Erza) but it makes no sense whatsoever. 
What’s this light she’s surrounded herself with? will we get an explanation? nope.
I think it’ll be quite hard for Makarov to give you his power Erza, as he’s quite dead. But knowing mashima, I wouldn’t be surprised.
So, the problem with this fucking meteor,  if Erza DOES manage to slice it/ blow it up or whatever, (which she’ll manage to do, against all logic) it’ll produce a whole lot of smaller meteors, which’ll still fall and wreak havoc over Ishgar anyway. And also what’s stopping Eileen from sending another meteor afterwards, it’s not like she can only do one, so Erza’s fucked either way.
 All in all this was a rubbish chapter, Eileen’s very very quickly lost her hype and this Erza vs Eileen debacle is getting stale. I’ll only be satisfied next chapter if Erza gets squished by the meteor, which I know will obviously not happen, but I can dream.
Sorry, for the late reaction, 519 will be up soon
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