#how fucking arrogant do you need to be to think you know batman better than his fans or creators
barid-bel-medar · 10 months
At least Hori is one of the few writers who acknowledges that he should’ve done something differently for the early portions of the story. He acknowledges that he should’ve written Bakugo not as harsh and that Aizawa should’ve different characterization. So there are valid reasons for fanfic writers to reduce the Mary Sue-ness of Bakugo and make Aizawa into a better teacher. It’s just that people want to make Aizawa a Batman-like character without the charm and understanding on how Batman works in his universe, infantiled the other characters and bashed the good ones, and not understanding certain cultural impact in the Japan vs US societies.
This is very true! Like a lot of authors won't say shit or just hope people will accept retcons. Yes Hori's also to some extent doing the second, but at least he's come out and said he shouldn't have done some of the stuff he previously did (though I think there was also the issue of him underestimating how popular both Bakugou and Aizawa would get).
Yeah the attempts to make Aizawa a Batman-like figure in fanon/fic again (much like the Kakashi references I noted in that earlier post) miss why things work for that character. This definitely goes into the desire to make Aizawa a much more competent figure then he is actually written in canon. But like...he's not getting called in as a strategist. He's not getting get in because he's a great combatant. He's generally getting called in because they need his Quirk for something.
I should note this is also an issue Nedzu suffers in fic/fanon. He's certainly brilliant and manipulative. He also still misses some pretty obvious shit or handles it poorly (no matter what, someone as smart as he's supposed to be should have realized immediately how stupid the 'chain Bakugou to the pole' thing was)
(Though also in context of Batman I think it also gets missed a lot that the man himself fucks up/DC writes him as doing things that make no sense. I know I've talked about in the past the issue of how in the Nu52 when he's explaining his take down plans for JL members his plan for taking out a GL is apparently to use a yellow ring. You know, the thing these guys are specifically given training to fight against? And the ring-type that two of them (Hal and Guy) are perfectly capable of wielding themselves? Also in general Lantern rings are much, much harder to use then they seem on the surface, and trying to use one against people, who have the case of the four GLs he would have been setting up the plan against, been using those rings for several years is just stupid. Though also there it's a good demonstration of the arrogance DC also is prone to writing with Batman)
Though to be fair to the cultural impact issue, that's a pretty wide ranging issue in a lot of stuff, not just things related to Aizawa. There's a reason I had it specified in Words May Hurt that the detention thing is a result of WHA standardizing punishments at hero schools, rather than a norm.
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jupitermelichios · 5 years
Batman & Robin is the only good live-action Batman movie since 1966. No really.
(To be clear, when I say good in this case, I mean the only good adaptation, not the only well-made made film. Joel Schumacher has never made a competent film in his life, and while I’m fairly sure Christopher Nolan doesn’t have a soul, he is definitely a skilled technical film-maker).
So a quick run-down of live-action Batman movies to date:
1. 1989′s ‘Batman’ desperately wants to be something other than a superhero movie. This will be a running theme in what follows. The decision to focus on the romance to the exclusion of almost every other relationship was a really bad choice that I can only put down to a strong desire to be making a Bond Film instead. Also that version of the Joker is just... really bad, honestly. Mark Hamill’s joker is creepy, Heath Ledger’s Joker was manic, even Leto’s Joker had a kind of dream-like quality to him (which owes more to the camera work than the acting, but I’ll take it). Nicholson’s Joker is just sort of... there. The only compelling thing about him is the score, which is working so hard to try and make us care. (Seriously, try watching any of his scenes with the music off. What little tension there was vanishes instantly).
2. 1992′s Batman Returns. Why is Batman in this movie? Could Burton not get funding for the sexy mental patient fights freak-show survivor movie he actually wanted to be making? So little would change about this movie if you took Batman out of it, but I guess if we did that we’d have to give Selina Kyle a personality beyond ‘outdated and uncomfortable even for the 90s attitudes towards female sexuality’. (Get it, if a woman is sexually available she must be crazy!) I do fully admit this is a fun movie, and I dig the aesthetic it’s going for, it’s just a bad Batman movie.
3. 1995′s Batman Forever. I think we can all agree - fuck this movie. Joel Schumacher is not a good film-maker on his good days, and this is not one of his good days. The script is weak, Val Kilmer won’t stop pouting, Tommy Lee Jones is trying but he’s the only one who is and he’s not trying very hard. The decision to add a Robin was good, the decision to make that Robin in his mid 20s and easily the second worst thing about the movie was absolutely not. Everything Jim Carey does in this movie is terrible. (Everything Jim Carey does in most movies of this era is terrible, because you should only ever hire Carey if you want the film to be about him and absolutely no one else. He does not share the frame well.) Also this movie fucked over Billy D Williams, who had accepted a bit part in Batman Returns on the understanding that he would play Two-Face in the next movie.
4. 1997′s Batman & Robin. The film so bad Clooney would reportedly refund you the cost of the cinema ticket out of his own pocket if you told him you’d seen it. The only good one. Okay, technically this movie is bad. Joel Schumacher had not got any more competent since 1995. However, a combination of performers alternately chewing the scenery and trying not to corpse and a surreal neon asthetic that no one asked for but which would go on to be ripped off by so many video games, make this one of the very few actually fun Batman movies. But we’ve already established fun =/= good adaptation, so why’s it a good Batman movie? Because it gives a damn about its source material, and that source material is not Batman comics of the 80s and 90s (which is good because they were still letting Frank Miller write for them back then) but the 1966 TV Show/movie. The bad jokes, the sudden inclusion of Batgirl, the leotards, the kooky asthetic and ‘everyone’s at least slightly drunk’ tone, the super-styalised version of the Batsuit (like them or not, Bat-nipples are as memorable as 1966′s Bat-eyebrows), all of these can be traced right back to ‘66. This movie is a neon love-letter to Adam West, and it is the only love-letter in the entire Bat-movie canon, which is why it’s the only good one.
5. 2005′s Batman Begins is what you get when you combine a director who doesn’t like Batman with a writer who doesn’t like Batman and a producer who doesn’t care about Batman. It’s a technically competent (if poorly cast) film, that Ayn Rand would almost certainly have enjoyed immensely, and that desperately doesn’t want to be a Batman movie. This is a Serious Movie you guys, not like Batman Returns and Batman & Robin, this movie is above petty concerns like fun or asthetics. The target audience for this movie a) people who don’t like Batman or superheroes in general and b) the kind of Batman fans who claim Stephanie Brown was never Robin because she’s a girl. The sort of fans who purchased All-Star Batman & Robin and TDKR II. The only redeeming feature of this film is Cillian Murphy.
6. 2008′s The Dark Knight. You probably remember this movie being fun, and you’re not wrong exactly, but what you’re actually remembering is Heath Ledger. Ledger is fun in this movie, and he’s so god-damned fun he comes really close to redeeming the entire film. With a different film-maker he probably would have done, but this is Nolan, so instead of being a fun stupid romp, this another Serious Movie. The camp is undercut but the seriousness, the seriousness is undercut by the camp, the script makes no sense whatsoever, and the result is so confused that, like Suicide Squad, viewers find they’ve forgotten a lot of what they actually saw and just remembered the points of interest. Every time I rewatch this film I’m surprised by half of what happens in it, because my brain has blocked out everything that it’s Heath Ledger or Michael Cain, and I’m definitely not alone in that. Also it’s a Nolan movie, so it desperately doesn’t want to be a superhero movie. Superhero movies don’t win Oscars and Oscar nominations are the only way Nolan can feel joy anymore. (Obviously that’s a joke. Christopher Nolan has never felt joy.)
7. 2012′s The Dark Knight Rises is actually my favourite of the Nolan films, despite being technically the worst. The plot is so nonsensical and confused that it actually forgets to be a Serious Movie for whole minutes at a time and becomes something approaching a Batman movie. A lot of that is Anne Hathaway, who is doing the best job of elavating a terrible script through great acting that I have even seen. The fact that you like or care about her character is down entirely and exclusively to Hathaway’s charm and charisma. Apart from that it’s another Nolan ‘Batman is stupid that’s why I made three movies about him’ movie. Also the fight choreography in this is really bad. Like, form an orderly queue inside the shot so we can all atttack Batman one at a time but the audience can see us waiting our turn Bad. The only person doing a good job with the fighting is Hathaway’s stunt-double, who is doing it all in one of the most impractical outfits ever put on screen.
8. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Some people liked this film, and that’s fine. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking a bad film - hell I almost exclusively like bat films. Batfleck was pretty good casting, and Henry Caville looks a lot like Superman. Snyder is for the most part a very good technical film-maker, who has a lot of fun with the camera. Amy Adams is woefully miscast, but it’s not like she’s not a great actor. It’s just... I’m sorry guys, I know that saying a bad film is bad is now seen as a personal attack on the people who liked it, but it’s just a bad movie! The editing is terrible, the script is dire, laughably bad in places, and worst of all, it hates Superheroes. It hates Superheroes so much the only DC canon it could think to adapt was Frank Miller’s extended fuck you to comic-book fans. The picked as the source material for a movie with Superman’s name on it, a comic by a writer who openly hates Superman! Also there’s plot contrivances, there’s plot holes, and then there’s people thinking Superman shot someone. With a gun. When he has lazer eyes. David Ayer has never written a good script in his life, and if he worked in any other industry he’d have stopped getting work two decades ago, but this is probably the worst thing he’s written.
So yeah, Batman & Robin is the only good Batman movie, because it’s the only one that is about Batman. It is totally shameless, high camp that knows it’s high camp, knows Superheroes are inherently stupid and that that’s not the same as worthless or uninteresting, knows Batman is only as interesting as his supporting cast, and revels in it. (And the most frustrating thing is, given a better script this is exactly the kind of movie Snyder would probably have made. More gold and abs and less neon, but kooky over-the-top fun that doesn’t think a film has to be art to be worthwhile. Fucker Ayer and the people who hired him for denying us that.)
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Just a Normal Guy (Part 1)
Fandom: DC, Peacemaker, Adrian Chase, Vigilante
Word Count: 952
TW: Language
Note: Reader is Peacemaker's sister
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“Come on! Don’t go on this date!” Chris grumbled from the couch as you were putting the finishing touches on your makeup.
“Why?” You called out.
“You know why.”
You poked your head out of the bathroom to glare at your brother. “Say it. I want you to say it.”
Chris leaned back, his arms crossed over his chest. “The dude’s a loser! And he’s weird. Why’d you want to go out with him in the first place?”
“Because he’s normal. He’s uncomplicated. He’s not one of us.” You walk into the living room, scratching Eagly’s head as you pass him sitting on the kitchen counter. “I’m sick of screwing around with all these asshole superheroes who think they’re hot shit just because they can run really fast or fly. It’s like, big deal, you have a superpower. Anyone who had that could go out and do the same thing you do. But people like you and me who don’t have anything special and still go out there to bring peace, we’re the real heroes! That’s why I dated Batman for so long. He’s just a guy in a mask doing what’s right, like us. No special powers needed.”
Chris shook his head. “You really need to rethink your taste in guys, sis. Batman’s a jackass and a wimp. He needs to finally grow a pair and just start killing those maniacs running around Gotham.”
“Yeah, well, we disagreed on some of the finer points of hero work, but everyone has their differences. But now for once, I want to try being with someone who isn’t a superhero. Who’s just a normal guy going about his life doing normal things.” You grabbed your purse off the table. “So, how do I look?”
Your brother gave you a once over. “Way better than he deserves. Once again, I don’t even know why you’re trying. The dude’s been obsessed with you since the two of you were in high school. You could wear dad’s full body armor and he’d still probably nut just at the sight of you.”
“Chris! Come on. Try to be mature about this, please. Or if that’s too much for you, then just shut the fuck up.”
There was a knock at the trailer door. Walking over, you opened it to see Adrian standing on the other side holding a handful of flowers. They looked like he just yanked them out of your neighbor’s yard (dirt still clung to their dangling roots), but you guessed it was the thought that counted.
He took one look at you in your low-cut, short dress and his mouth fell open as he tried to stammer a greeting.
You smiled, charmed at his awkwardness. “Hi, Adrian. Are those for me?”
He nodded and thrust the flowers into your hand. Chuckling softly, you turned to place them in a glass of water. Chris walked up to the still opened door and crossed his arms as he glared down at Adrian. The younger man blanched. “Oh, he-hey Chris. I didn’t know you would be here.”
“I live here.” He growled.
“R-Right. Ye-yeah, of course. I knew that.” Adrian normally worshiped the ground Chris walked on so it was kind of cute to see him so flustered around him now that he was about to take you out on a date.
Walking back to the two of them, you smacked Chris on the chest. “What did I say? Behave!” He grunted before stalking back over to the couch. You turned back to Adrian. “You ready to go?”
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The night had flown by. Adrian had taken you to the bowling alley, which wasn’t exactly what you had in mind when you put on this dress, but you both had a great time. He was so goofy and awkward that you couldn’t keep a smile off your face the entire time. And his stupid victory dance when he finally managed to get a strike, left your sides hurting from laughing.
Then the two of you had grabbed some hot dogs and went for a walk. You talked about high school, both of your families, your plans for the future and it was all just so easy. There were none of the complications that came with secret identities or rushing off to help someone in danger. There was no ego or arrogance that all the superheroes you dated seemed to have. He was just sweet and cute, and you couldn’t believe you were starting to feel something for Adrian Chase after all these years!
As he walked you to the front door of your trailer, you smiled. “I had a really great time tonight. I don’t usually date…. normal guys like you but honestly, this went better than I expected. I hope we can do this again, soon.”
Adrian nodded enthusiastically. “Definitely! Whenever you want! How about tomorrow?”
You chuckled, “Tomorrow sounds great.”
Both of you just stood there awkwardly for a moment. You could see on his face he wanted to make a move, but he was too nervous. So, you grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a long kiss. When you pulled back, you grinned when you saw his glasses had fogged up slightly. You slid them off his face and began to lift up the bottom of his shirt to wipe them off for him when you noticed something. You lifted his shirt up higher.
He realized what was happening and cried out, “No, no, no, wait!” But it was too late. Underneath his shirt, you saw the familiar blue, black, and white costume that had been plastered all over the news the last few months. Which meant Adrian was Vigilante….another superhero.
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Part 2 and 3 coming soon!
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Hi hi! I was wondering if you could do a dick Grayson x Avatar like fem reader with either a jealous Babs or Zatanna I hope that made sense🥲
True Love’s Kiss
Pairing: Dick Grayson as Nightwing x Reader
Warnings: I don’t think so
Word Count: 4.1K
@writing2sirvive : Hi love, me again but with a request this time. If you have time of course. I was thinking true love’s kiss with Dick Grayson. You can go crazy with it because I know you love Dick Grayson as much as I do. Btw I love your writing so much.
A/N: I think I did it wrong...cuz even though this is a Dick Grayson x reader fic, it’s mostly centred around reader and Zatanna???? Sorry about that???
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You were fine with knowing that Dick was still friends with most of his exes. You completely accepted that he was able to keep functional relationships with most of them. In fact, it showed you how amicable and neutral Dick was and how he never held any grudges against people.
Of course, you were surprised by the sheer number. And the fact that he seems to interact with them practically every day. But eventually you managed not to let yourself get too bothered by it.
I mean, how could you? Barbara was the smartest, funniest, most approachable person you had ever met. She always made sure not to overstep her boundaries and was unusually open with you, given that Dick was her ex-boyfriend.
Raquel was adventurous and fun and you always had a good time when you were around her. She was another one who was respectful of your relationship. She never brought up her past flings with Dick, nor did she ever try and put you down. In fact, she was one of the people who really shipped the two of you.
You liked most of his exes. To the point where it made Dick kind of uncomfortable.
You liked most of his exes.
Ever since you had joined the team, being introduced as Nightwing’s significant other, Zatanna had been a constant thorn in your side. She was nice and sweet but there was something about her that rubbed you the wrong way. You could tell almost immediately that she wasn’t quite over her relationship with Dick. Short as it was.
Or maybe she was just the type of person who didn’t want someone, but didn’t want others to have the same person either.
Nonetheless, being around her put you constantly on edge. You lost count of how many times she redirected a conversation to be about her previous relationship with your boyfriend. ‘Oh, Dick took you to a fancy restaurant for your birthday? Well, I remember back when we were dating, he threw a huge party for me on mine.’
‘Oh, you celebrated your one-year anniversary with Dick in Paris? Well during our 3-month-aversary he bought me an expensive necklace.’
It didn’t bother you in the slightest. At least, not in the way that she hoped. It didn’t make you insecure or doubt or feel intimidated by her. It was just an annoyance that you couldn’t shake off, like the teacher you didn’t like or your annoying neighbour.
Unfortunately, Zatanna couldn’t take a hint that it made you and your friends (Barbara and Raquel included) uncomfortable and slightly irritated. Yet, everyone was just waiting for you to express the slightest distaste, not wanting to step on your toes. However, they were quick to change the topic in case they thought she was going too far.
Dick had been blissfully unaware of everything and you wanted to keep it that way. The last thing you needed was this turning into some sort of issue, especially since Zatanna was still his teammate.
However today you had enough.
You could look past Zatanna’s petty jealousy but allowing the jealousy to come to the forefront during a mission was where you drew the line.
Dick, M’Gann and Conner had been on a covert mission for Batman and out of the country and under team vote decided that you should be made in charge until he returned, since you were the only other older member (other than Zatanna but you were voted leader unanimously. Something you were extremely proud about). That was well and good, until you had been given a mission.
Regardless of how much you did not want to work with Zatanna without the others there to wrangle her, you had to put your personal feelings aside when you had a mission to complete.
You thought you could both be professionals about it and act like mature adults.
You were dead wrong.
If it wasn’t disagreements, it was insubordination. If it wasn’t insubordination, it was blatant arrogance. She questioned your judgment in front of the other members and even had the nerve to argue with you about mission strategies. You were trying to look out for everyone and put yourself in the line of fire since the squad members were better at stealth.
Zatanna seemed to think you were trying to steal the show and insisted that she be partnered with you even though you wanted someone with the younger members to keep them safe.
When you relented and agreed to go stealth, she accused you of ducking out and intentionally trying to put her in danger. The others had to watch as steam practically came out of your ears when you relented once again and decided you’d be with her because you honestly couldn’t argue with her much longer.
As if that wasn’t infuriating enough.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when she refused to work as a team, putting the mission at risk and nearly getting the both of you hurt. She was fighting on her own, not bothering to have your back and going into it alone. Obviously, the two of you were overpowered quickly once they realized that you were pretty much behaving solo.
Luckily, the others pulled through and got you both out of there before anything horrible happened.
You sat in the ship, jaw clenched so tightly that they swore they could hear your teeth cracking, fists nearly white as you tried to control your anger and keep yourself from screaming at her while you were still in the air.
Once the ship landed in the docking bay and Zatanna was the first one to leave without saying another word, you snapped.
“What the hell did you think you were doing today!” You growled out, fisting her collar and stopping her in her tracks.
“What are you talking about?” She feigned innocence and you felt your skin burning. Everything around you faded out and all you could feel was fury. In hindsight, you would have liked to handle this issue in a more refined manner, but you honestly couldn’t care.
So, you didn’t notice the rest of the team, along with the a few members of the Justice League watching you chew Zatanna out.
Whatever would keep you from lighting her on fire was enough.
“I’m talking about putting the mission, not to mention ourselves in jeopardy, all because you can’t stop acting like a spoilt brat!” You hissed.
She rolled her eyes and you and the thought of strangling her briefly crossed your mind before she shoved your hands off her, dusting herself off like your fingerprints were dirt, “You need to stop blaming others for your inadequacy.”
She turned on her heel sharply and walked away. Blood pounded through your ears and your fingers twitched by their sides before you formed a whip of water from the bay and lashed it against her feet.
Zatanna, caught off guard, was thrown across the room before she caught herself with a muttered spell and turned around, glaring at you furiously.
“We’re going to settle things, right here, right now!”
“If you would stop being so insecure, then we could sort out our differences like mature adults!” She screamed back at you and before you could control it, flames erupted from beneath your feet and raced towards her, scorching the ground beneath it.
Each puff of breath you took released sparks. Zatanna immediately got into an offensive stance, levitating one of the weapons crates and chucking at you. You blocked it effortlessly using a wall of earth before throwing an inferno at her.
You kept fighting, flames and splashes of water going into the air every time you collided. The others watched in fear as you both raced towards each other, it looked like neither of you were holding back.
Before you could strike her again, you were being pulled away by Superman and as Zatanna was by Batman, they both pulled you yards apart. Even with his strong, authoritative grip on you, you couldn’t stop thrashing in his arms, throwing gusts of air at her.
“(Y/N). Enough.” Superman spoke in your ear and you calmed down, relaxing in his grip. He let you go after and you winced, feeling your skin bruise where he grabbed you. He gave you an apologetic glance at that.
“You both have to put your differences aside and work as a team or you won’t be allowed to go on any more missions.” Batman told you, voice firm but it didn’t shake you.
“No, Zatanna is going to have to put her issues with me aside and learn that when I have been elected as leader of the squad then you are supposed to put your petty jealousy aside and know your place.” You spat.
“You weren’t right for the position!”
“I did everything right! And if it hadn’t been for you, we wouldn’t have been under open fire tonight!”
“You’re not the boss of me!”
“When I am the leader of the squadron then I am! And you’re meant to listen and not question my judgement because you’re being blinded by your pathetic jealously!”
“I’m not jealous of you!”
“Oh, please! That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve heard from you and it was all proved today! Admit it! You were immature and fucking stupid because you can’t get over that fact that you dated Dick for what? 3 months?”
“That’s because he’s supposed to be with me!” 
“LIKE HELL HE IS!” You roared.
Batman felt a little helpless watching the two of you scream at each other. All this fighting? Over a boy? His son, no less? He had other sons and you were free to have your pick. But at this point, he wasn’t even sure what to say.
“You just can’t seem to accept the fact that he doesn’t love you anymore! Get over it! Because he certainly has!” You shouted, spinning on your heel and stomping away from her, determined to have the last word. Superman sighed in relief. He thought another fight would break out.
“You’re just insecure because you know that if he had the chance, he would come crawling back to me!”
A chill went done your spine and you felt cold fury run through your veins, turning around to glare at her murderously and clenching your hands tightly. You were so angry your feet were rooted to the floor, body seizing up slightly.
The others looked anxiously between the two of you as you glared at each other for a minute before you spoke with the calmest, yet most terrifying voice they’ve ever heard from you.
“Zatanna, you can try your damn hardest to win him back. But I promise you, you’re never going to get what you want.” You told her darkly, before walking away.
As Zatanna glared at your receding figure she decided she was going to prove you wrong.
To keep you from fighting with Zatanna again, when Batman came to you with a solo mission you couldn’t agree fast enough. Even though you knew you’d miss Dick’s homecoming, you still wanted to get the hell away from here. Not like you’d be missing anything important, other than Zatanna fawning over him.
You’d get to tell him how much you missed him in private anyway.
As soon as you were out of the cave, you couldn’t help the relief that filled your bones. You had been so on edge the past few days, still furious with her so the distance between the two of you was appreciated.
When Dick got home, he was ecstatic to see you again. It had been nearly 3 weeks since he had last held you and his skin was practically buzzing with excitement when he reached a cave, desperate to hug you, kiss you, touch you.
He got to the mess hall quickly, running all the way there and when he opened the door, he was instantly disappointed. You weren’t there.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” He asked Beast Boy, hoping he would tell him that you were just back at your apartment or that you had gone out for a while and would be back soon but he felt his heart sink when Gar gave him a sympathetic smile.
“She’s on a mission for a week.”
“A mission? Who’s with her?”
“No one. It’s a solo mission.”
Now he was worried. You usually didn’t take solo missions, liking to work in a team, knowing that there would be people who would be watching your back was reassuring. He knew you were more than skilled to handle a solo mission but not being by your side made him nervous and slightly antsy.
He was also upset that you weren’t here. So, he decided to do the most adult thing. Go home and sulk in bed while holding your sweatshirt that smelt like you.
But apparently the world had something against him because when he was about to go through the Zeta tube he was intercepted. By non other than Zatanna.
Now, poor clueless Dick had no idea that you had thrown hands with Zatanna just a day ago and was the reason why you weren’t there to welcome him when he got back. If he had he would’ve sulked at her and whined loudly for her to hear while he dragged his feet.
But, poor clueless Dick had absolutely no idea Zatanna was the reason he was being deprived of your kisses. So, he just smiled brightly at her and asked her if she needed anything.
“As a matter of fact, I found an old spell and I need someone to test it out on!”
“I don’t know how I feel about being your non-scientific experiment, Z.”
“Come on, it’s totally harmless, I promise.”
“I don’t know...”
“Don’t you trust me?”
He did. But there was just something about this situation that made him uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he missed you like crazy and just wanted to go home and sulk until you came back. Maybe it was because he felt uncomfortable to go somewhere private with his ex-girlfriend without telling you first. Or maybe it was because of the way Zatanna felt the need to guilt him into it.
Nevertheless, he agreed, albeit reluctantly and went to her room. Inside Zatanna had a bunch of ruins written on a paper and some weird poultices beside it.
“Now this isn’t going to work unless you give me your consent.” She informed, bustling about the room and Dick suddenly felt the air was a little stuffy.
“What do you mean by consent? Consent for what?”
“It’s a love spell.” She told him, smiling slyly but he couldn’t quite understand why. His hands got a little clammy at the announcement. What did she mean by love spell? Was she trying to get him to fall in love with her? Why would she be so open about it then? Especially when she knew he was in love with someone else?
“What do you mean?”
“Oh relax, stop being so tense. It’s just a love spell that proves who you truly love.” She said, immediately noticing how stiff his body was. Though she chalked it up to confusion. Dick was simply confused about who he loved, he was clouded by his attraction to you and he felt guilty about being unfaithful. But deep down, he really loved her. And this spell would prove it.
“In the olden ages, people would use it on their wedding to prove that their significant other truly loved them.”
He nodded, mouth falling open with realization. He already knew what the answer would be so why even bother? He assumed it was because Zatanna was curious to whether it actually worked.
“Too bad (Y/N) isn’t here, I mean I know who I love but I’d like to try it out on her. I mean, who takes a mission the day before their boyfriend comes back to town.” He complained, more to himself but Zatanna still heard it.
“Anyway, can I cast it on you?”
“Sure, couldn’t hurt.”
Oh, how he’d come to know just how wrong he was.
You raced through the halls, panicked, hearing your heart beat out of your chest as you sprinted to the Med Bay. Even though you were running as quick as possible you still pumped your legs to run faster, needing to get there quickly.
As soon as you saw Zatanna outside the Med Bay, you skidded to a stop in front of her and grabbing her collar, pinning her against the wall. She hit it with a thud and she saw white for a second when her head collided with the hard surface.
It was then you got a good look at her face. Her eyes were red and face wet. Her lips were bitten until they bled. You gritted your teeth, grip tightening around the collar as tears pricked your eyes.
“What the hell did you do!”
She whimpered, eyes getting glossy again before she started crying, incomprehensible words leaving her lips and you snarled before shaking her again, “You don’t get to cry! What the hell did you do to him!”
“It was a love spell!” She cried out, “It was supposed to reveal who he truly loves.”
“It’s activated by a kiss.” She sniffled, “And I did.”
“Is it done?” Dick asked just as she finished casting the spell. His body was enveloped by a slight glow that was only visible to her and Zatanna’s lips curled when she realized it had worked. Now there was only one thing left to do.
“Yep.” She said, slinking over to his side and he pouted curiously.
“Are you sure? I don’t feel any different. You said it was supposed to reveal who I love. What happened?”
“We’re gonna find that out. Hold still.” She said, smiling and wrapping her arms around his neck to press a kiss to his lips. Dick froze, feeling her lips move against his and his mind went blank for a second before his chest contracted painfully.
He gasped against her mouth, before his legs buckled and he tumbled to the ground. Zatanna’s eyes widened when she saw the way his body twitched, pained gasps leaving his mouth and tears began falling from his eyes.
“Are you okay?!” She panicked, wrapping her arms around his thrashing figure but he couldn’t choke out an answer.
“Someone help! Anyone! Please!”
“A kiss doesn’t put people through cardiac arrest!” You screamed, feeling your chest tighten as you heard it out loud for the first time. Your eyes began burning and your throat contracted, feeling tears build. It was the first time you had admitted it to yourself.
You were scared. Emotions that you could barely process or understand swirled around you in a dark cloud and you were scared that Dick wouldn’t make it out of his critical state. If he was taken away from you because you hadn’t been there to stop it, you would never forgive yourself.
“I’m sorry.” She whimpered, sobbing and her body went limp in your fists. The urge to rip her head off her shoulders resurfaced. She didn’t get to be upset, not when this was all her fault.
“I don’t give a shit.” You hissed, “How do we save him?”
“A true love’s kiss should stop all the side effects.” She whispered, looking up at you with wide eyes, “If Dick truly loves you, then when you kiss him, it’ll reverse the spell.”
You needed to get in there.
You released your hold and Zatanna and she slid to the floor pathetically, holding her body as she cried. But even with her heartbroken sobs, you couldn’t feel any sort of remorse to her, glaring at her instead, “You better hope this works. Or I’ll kill you myself.”
And then you rushed in.
When you got to Dick’s side your breath stuttered when you noticed just how many things he was connected to and you felt your body shake. Batman was carefully watching him from his bedside.
You carefully walked to his side, gently brushing your fingers against his cheekbone. He looked like he was in so much pain. He looked so weak. You wanted to help him but a part of you was scared. For the first time in your life, you doubted Dick’s feelings for you.
The time you needed his love and devotion to be true the most, you were doubtful. A million thoughts rushed through your head and for a second you were tempted to just avoid doing this at all. But you knew that you had to at least try.
So, with trembling hands, you held the ventilator fastened to his mouth, taking a deep breath before tugging it off. Batman, already knowing what you were about to do, let you pull it off him before pressing a fluttering kiss to his lips. Tears gathered underneath your lashes when you didn’t feel anything happen.
Just when you were about to pull away, Dick took a deep breath through his nose and panted against your mouth, kissing you more firmly. You couldn’t help the sob that bubbled out of your throat and he swallowed it without any qualms.
Even through bleary vision, you were able to make out his blue eyes and the small smile on his face. 
His hands came up to weakly cup for cheeks, gently wiping away the tears with his thumbs, “I missed you.”
You sniffled, letting more tears fall because you knew he’d be here to wipe them away, “I missed you too.”
You walked into the mess hall quietly. Dick had just fallen asleep in the Med Bay where he would be kept for a couple days under observation. It was past 1 in the night and you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed but you had some unfinished business left to handle.
It was dark and it was hard to make out your surroundings until your eyes adjusted to the darkness. As you walked to the kitchen island, your eyes landed on the sorceress that had her head in her arms and wondered if she was asleep. Batman had said you were free to deal with her anyway you liked and that had been exactly your plan.
“He’s okay now, if you’re curious.” You told her. Her head shot up and she looked at you out of the corner of her eye before bowing it away shamefully. But you caught a glance at her face. She looked like she had been crying for hours, eyes bloodshot and face red and blotchy.
“Thank god.” She croaked out.
There was a beat of silence.
“I’m so so sorry, (Y/N).” Zatanna whimpered out before crying again, “You were right. I was jealous. And I did a crazy, wrong thing. And I’m so sorry.”
You sighed, nodding at her apology even though you knew she couldn’t see you. You weren’t sure if you accepted it, and you didn’t have to. For now, it could remain in the air.
“He really doesn’t love me....” She whispered out and you sighed once again, stepping up beside her and setting something on the table.
Zatanna glanced at the bottle of tequila and the two shot glasses you left. You didn’t look at her, instead choosing to stare straight ahead. You opened the bottle, pouring yourself a shot before tilting your head back and downing it, hissing at the burn.
“Obligatory break-up drink.” You mumbled, pouring her a shot and passing the glass to her.
She sniffled, looking at the glass in her hands before gulping it down. You took a deep breath, refilling the glasses. You still didn’t look at her, didn’t speak to her, just poured a refill when either of you finished and downed it in one gulp. The excitement from today and the tense feeling from sitting beside Zatanna kept you from getting drunk too early.
You two ended up finishing half the bottle, drinking in the dark until she passed out first and you followed soon after.
The others found you the next morning, passed out at the kitchen island, clutching empty shot glasses.
Bonus bonus:
Batman sighed, smelling the overwhelming scent of tequila as he came closer. None of them were able to wake either of you up. You were out cold, face scrunched up and head against the table in a position that would no doubt have your neck in a crick.
Zatanna was no better. Her hair was a mess, tequila spilt on her clothes and she was drooling all over the table, snoring unattractively.
“All this over a boy?”
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Cass wouldn’t even begrudingly tolerate [the Black Bat], because she’s even less lenient than Bruce on killing and far more willing to throw down.' - THANK YOU for remembering that.
Cass is my favorite Batfam member, the only one really that I have an active interest in reading about. I'd be incredibly ignorant to not bring bring up such a crucial aspect of her characterization. And even if I didn't personally care for her, well, last thing I'd want is to be another source of frustration for Cass fans. Lord knows there's enough of those to go around.
mousebrass also asked: On that note, how do you imagine a meeting between Cass and the Shadow going?
Fair warning: This one took me 6 hours to write, and it became a hell of a lot longer than I imagined. I liked Cass a lot, but I never quite realized I had this many feelings regarding her until I was tasked with writing this, and a lot of things clicked for me regarding my plans for The Shadow thanks to this ask. @mousebrass, thank you. I mean it. I think I may have found something here I've spent years looking for. Hope you enjoy the post.
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I'm thankful that this scenario is only really taking place in a hypothetical fanon where both characters can get a fair shot, because I wouldn't trust DC with this premise. I don't trust DC with either of them as is.
There's a lot of ways that this crossover could go on about taking place naturally, initially because Cass is already connected to some of Batman's pulpier elements, due to her connections to Lady Shiva and the League of Assassins, and one could connect Cass to Myra Reldon (who really should just be race swapped if ever brought back so she can stand out as the cool character she is, without the yellowface gimmick holding her back). There's two things I think are crucial to making the most of this idea, and the first of which has to do with the subject of killing. I usually don't like to come up with hypothetical team-ups for The Shadow that focus too much on the fact that he kills, because it's far from the most significant aspect of his character to focus on, much of it is written from a wrong understanding of the character, and it never amounts to anything other than perfunctory. But here, not only is it completely unavoidable to discuss, here there is actually a very, very substantial grounding as to why this has to be such a big part of the story.
The first and foremost thing that's gotta be established to everyone reading that doesn't know already is this: Cassandra Cain, more so than Batman, more so than any other DCU hero, has a tolerance towards murder lower than zero, and this is completely non-negotiable. She will throw herself on the path of an assault rifle to stop men trying to kill her from accidentally killing each other. The defining moment of her incredibly grim backstory is that she was trained from birth to be the world's greatest murderer, and her first kill traumatized her so badly that she has pivoted as far away from that as possible. I stress a lot that the Shadow should not be written as the trigger-happy maniac comics made him into and that the pulp version killed mostly to defend himself and others, generally left criminals to the police if possible, offered plenty of second-chances, had stories dedicated to the rehabilitation of criminals and so on, but none of this would matter to Cass.
Cass has literally chosen suicide over the prospect of living with murder on her hands time and time again, and The Shadow kills. When he kills, he does so without remorse, with unshakeable certainty. He hates death, he doesn't want lives to be at risk in the first place. But people will die if he doesn't do anything, and what he can do, what he exists to do, is turn the tools of evil against evil, and murder is the oldest tool of evil there is. He doesn't kill because a war scarred him, he doesn't kill because he's got a demon in his soul, he doesn't kill because he's mentally off balance, he doesn't kill because he's evil or sadistic or arrogant or anything of the sort. He kills because the men he fights chose death when they sought to harm innocents and fire guns at him. He kills because he is Death itself.
Regardless of how compassionate he is or can be, regardless of the fact that he's motivated by a desire to protect people, regardless of how justified he is, he is still dropping corpses and laughing maniacally doing so. Cass's real arch-enemy isn't Shiva or David Cain, it's Death, it's the thing that she's fundamentally most opposed to. And guess what The Shadow gets compared to often enough? Literally the very first line of the very first book where we get to see him, this is how we are introduced to him:
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So the premise here is that we are taking a character who is defined by her fundamental opposition to death with every fiber of her being, who understands death on a level no other human being does, who is traumatized and hard-wired to detest death at all costs and to choose suicide over it, and asking her to team up with The Grim Reaper.
Even if he received the most abject lesson conceivable on the sheer wrongness of murder, even if he does put down the guns around Cass out of respect for her, he cannot protect his agents and others if he cannot shoot or kill those who try to harm them, and the protection of the agents is absolutely non-negotiable and not at all something he's willing to fuck around with by trying out gadget kung fu superhero alternatives. The Shadow has chosen to throw his life away for their sake time and time again, and no matter how appaling or disgusting Cass finds his deeds, even if he concedes that she's right and should be right on all accounts and that he is fundamentally a monster who has no right to judge others, he would not concede on his mission and he would make it very clear she would have to put him down violently to stop him from protecting others this way, and death has not stopped him before.
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And to be upfront in case there's anyone who doubts it, Cass would kick The Shadow's ass, if they had to fight. She is the strongest fighter in the DCU, she lives and breathes fighting and combat in a way no one else does. And The Shadow's not one of those characters who is supposed to be invincible and the best at everything all the time always, he can and does lose fights and scrapes to people far less adept at it than Cass. He's a great fighter, obviously, he hauls bigger men than him through doors and was disabling people with Vulcan neck pinches decades before Spock, and he would definitely have an edge in other areas, but he's out of his league here. Frankly, I don't see The Shadow raising a finger against Cass unless she's been brainwashed into killing people by bad writing. Not because she's a woman, that doesn't really stop him from dealing with evil. But because, for one, she's practically a child compared to him age-wise. Two, he'd obviously know beforehand of her capabilities and how futile it would be to fight or even provoke her. And three, the Shadow's whole thing is knowing. The Shadow Knows and all that. Knowing comes with understanding.
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He'd understand very quickly that there is no way someone this young could grow so quickly into the world's greatest fighter without horrific treatment that no one should ever be subjected to. He'd see the movements too practiced and quick, the self-control, the strength and speed far beyond even the trained warriors he's seen, the places where she's been scarred and is good at covering it up. Assuming he doesn't already know about her life story, any meeting between the two would lead to him very quickly figuring out that there's something much deeper about her opposition to killing than just moral reservations, something deeper than Bruce's own gun trauma.
Denny O'Neil's 2nd Batman and Shadow story was about The Shadow secretly helping Bruce overcome gun trauma, and Bruce rejecting The Shadow's intentions to hand him a gun. And to make it clear, people tend to assume that The Shadow only helps people for utilitarian reasons, which is not true as I've tried to demonstrate many times now. I don't want to convey that he would want to help Cass overcome her trauma just so she could be more efficient or something, absolutely no, he'd help her because he helps people in any way he can. I think a story with The Shadow and Cass might involve a similar premise, The Shadow understanding that she has been traumatized very deeply by death and refuses to accept it on any terms, trying to help her overcome it, only to learn that she does not want to "learn" anything she doesn't already know, that she has weaponized her trauma into a source of strength, and wishes nothing more than to help others with it.
And here's where we get to the part that allows the two to be on less antagonistic terms, because one thing that also very strongly defines Cass, at least the Cass I like reading most, is her stubborn, almost desperate need to believe in the best of people, that people can and will change for the better. Like The Shadow, her strength too is knowing, it's perception, the things that she knows about people that words cannot convey. Just as there are many things The Shadow would grow to understand about her that others would not, there would be many things that The Shadow would not be able to conceal from her. Things that no one but her would figure out. Things that, despite her age and lack of experience compared to him, he would have to defer to her knowledge on, which reverses the usual dynamic The Shadow has with people. And perhaps one aspect of that reversal, it's that maybe it's she who winds up secretly manipulating The Shadow into overcoming a deeper issue.
Cass's perspective on killing is shaped not just through trauma, but from a painfully intimate understanding of not just what happens to someone at the time of death, but the cost of murder upon the human soul, the ways it warps people into things they never should have been. Killing is a deeply, deeply serious matter, much more so than fiction seems ever willing to go into. Of course we suspend disbelief for fiction, there's nothing wrong with that, but if a story starts asking questions, starts poking holes into fantasies, they should not be disregarded.
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And so it begs a question: How has it affected The Shadow? Is he really as remorseless as he appears to be? Is the fact that he's only killing evil people really of that much use? What's the cost of living as someone who has to know so much about so much evil in so many hearts? Knowledge never comes without price, and knowing evil is his tagline. When he enlists Harry Vincent, he makes it very clear that he has lost lives as he has saved them. From when is that regret coming from? What lives did he lose then? Is he saving people by damning his soul or merely prolonging the inevitable by piling corpses on another end of the scale?
If there's a character that could meaningfully start bringing these questions forth, who could ever truly get The Shadow to stop and reveal things to the audience he never would otherwise, maybe Cass could be that character. A girl who was raised to be a monster, who is treated as a monster and an aberration in-universe (and even outside of it), and turned that into a strength she uses to help others, who cares about everyone and refuses to let others be dehumanized as she was. Who better to know what lurks in the Shadow's heart?
Sometimes when I get an ask, I bullshit my way through infodump walls of text until I can structure it into something vaguely resembling a point. And sometimes, and I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I get a very, very clear word on my mind related to it before I start writing, that almost seems to be a beacon pointing where I need to get to, and I work my way into getting there. Once you sent me an ask about crossing over The Shadow with Cassandra Cain, the word that came to mind the very second was Language.
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It's an interesting relation the two have with language. Language is of course a very substantial part of Cass's character, who does not process language and linguistic development the way most people do, and instead reads body language to the point of superpower. Many stories revolve around Cass's relation to the concept of language, the help she may require from others in getting around things beyond her upbringing, and ways in which she has mastered beyond anyone's scope. Though she is mute, language is her power, what makes her what she is, and she is someone that Batman freely admits could kick his ass if she ever felt like it.
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For The Shadow, language is also his power. He speaks all languages and connects allies all over the world, he is an expert ventriloquist, he is able to project his voice beyond what's physically possible, he can imitate voices perfectly to the point of being able to conduct group conversations single-handedly well enough to fool even the people whose voices he's imitating, much of his presence and terror and manipulation are done through his voice, arguably the very reason he exists in the first place is entirely because a radio actor's voice performance was so good and captivating that it tricked people into thinking the character was a real star and not just a glorified narrator. The man you cannot see, but only hear, the perfect hero for radio. And then of course the laugh, which I have a whole separate post on and which, in many ways, acts as a substitute for language in the novels. He uses the laugh so often as a substitute for statements or words, even to himself, that it's pretty much his own personal language. And language is at the core of how he deals with people, as he knows the right language to use to manipulate and move and help them. He knows what to promise, what to reveal, what to omit. He knows what to say, how to say it, when to say it. Language is the strings by which he puppeteers the world around him (and he can talk to animals, at least of one kind).
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The Shadow and Cassandra Cain have mastered two different types of Language as throughly as anyone can possibly master them. The Shadow can talk a group of hardened criminals into killing themselves, Cassandra can punch a heart into stopping without killing it. The Shadow echoes his voice "through everywhere and nowhere at once" to whip crowds of thugs into frenzies, Cassandra outraces missiles and was tanking bullets as a child. The Shadow can lie and usurp lives so masterfully to fool even the families of those he's passing off as, Cassandra is a living lie detector who gleams inner conversations from miniscule reactions. The Shadow can speak every language known, Cassandra is the greatest master of the world's most universal language other than music. The two are supposedly human, but every now and then, something comes along to call that into question because of the things they can achieve. They cannot hide secrets from each other the way they do to everyone else. They are driven by a deep desire to help others, to make something out of the circumstances of their lives. To weaponize that which dictates they should be evil and monstrous into a relentless force of good.
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Language is the root of understanding. And if nothing else, as impossible as a conciliation of their approaches to crimefighting may be, I think there could be an unique understanding between the two. Perhaps, and this is a bit crazier a concept but one that seems to be where I might have been heading towards all along, even Cassandra Cain finding a calling away from the frayed dynamics of the Batfamily, away from the Bat's looming presence, to become The Shadow's successor, swearing to uphold a mission of justice through non-lethal tactics while he stays on the backseat guiding her. If The Shadow could trust the safety of his agents and the protection of the innocent at the hands of someone as capable and selfless and good-natured as Cassandra, I think he'd be all too happy to be able to trust someone in such a manner, to no longer be the Master of Darkness, but instead to serve the next generation that's weaponized darkness without submerging in it. To achieve, and perhaps return, to his strongest, highest self: A disembodied voice heard, but not seen. Once again the narrator, not the star.
It's a concept I've thought about very extensively for the years I've been a Shadow fan, but now it occurs to me that, if I had to appoint a successor of The Shadow, someone who could take up the mission but shine on their own right, even improve it with the right guidance and circumstances, it would be Cassandra Cain. The Orphan, The Shadow of the Batgirl. Daughter of the greatest assassins, meant to be the world's most lethal murderer, instead pivoted to being one of it's greatest heroes, but never allowed to shine as she should. But in the darker, less restrictive and wilder world of pulp heroes, in The Shadow's world, a beacon would shine all the harder. Perfect strengths attached to perfect opposites, joined together for a greater good, unstoppable after together having weaponized that which most take for granted: the power of language to move worlds.
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Damn, You’re Looking Fine.
To my utter delight, my crack writing Fuck. I’m Gay. got a good reception. I was not expecting to write more for this AU/pairing. But why not? I got some ideas and a computer to write them down on.
So this fic is the took-a-while-to-put-together sequel. It’s focused on the downfall of one certain Liar-la, Damian wooing Adrien with all the flair and romantics as his Chaton deserves, and Adrien being a blushing hot gay mess. 
P.S. Damian’s formal way of talking is an utter pain to write but hilarious to read.
P.S.S. Creative liberties were taken. Again. I just feel this needs to be mentioned. 
So Status Update:
Adrien and Damian are definitely dating (It is totally official. Told you ya boi got game).
Adrien still calls him Hot-And-Sexy from time to time much to his utter mortification (He can’t make himself stop. Please send help). And Dami gets amused by it every single time, that arrogant smug jerk.
Marinette still puts the fear of god in Damian and he is wary of her. She feels very proud about that. Adrien wants to facepalm.
Fuck Gabriel Agreste.  
And Lila Rossi is still a bitch.  
Adrien and Marinette were made aware about Damian’s alter ego —well mostly because he is utterly terrified of Marinette’s seemingly sweet (icy) smile she gave him when she politely asked how he obtained the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous and partly because of Adrien’s pouting kitten eyes. 
They truly were a pair to reckon with. 
“I am not sure why the Justice League dismissed your concerns and pleas for assistance. So I am taking the initiative. My name is Damian Wayne, the son of Batman and the current Robin and leader of the Teen Titans.”
He’s a superhero too?! And it’s Robin!!! One of his favorites!! Can you hear him internally squealing in excitement?
Adrien bit his lip to keep from fanboying right then and there. But a slight pink hue spread across his face. 
“You’re not lying.” Mari has gotten pretty good at deciphering through people’s bullshit. Whether it’s because she is now a Guardian or because Lila’s bitchiness made her a human lie-detector remains unknown.
Damian took it in stride. “I am not.”
“Paris is still our city.”
“I am only offering my assistance.” He won’t barge in on their superhero duties to the city. He has more class than that.
Mari didn’t have to look at Adrien to know his decision.
She smiled, a bright genuine smile. “Then we’re allies.” Before her eyes gained a spark of mischief and her smile turned teasing. “Hot-And-Sexy.” 
“Marinette!” Adrien immediately covered his blushing bright red face with both hands, utterly mortified. 
His sister was evil. E. V. I. L. And why is Damian smirking and looking so smug? Fuck! He even makes that look completely hot. Curse his Adonis genes. And curse his teenage hormones. 
He regrets introducing the two of them together. What a pair they make. Truly a couple of fur-midable terrors here. 
Back to the matter at hand, Marinette is able to ensure that Hawk Moth and Mayura will never be out again and another akuma won’t be made. She already made sure that the miraculous were better protected. 
Damian has enough evidence to put them behind bars for their crimes but Marinette wanted to go through it and make sure that Adrien won’t suffer the repercussions of having a villain for a dad so they held onto it until they figure out how best to protect their sunshine. 
Ah Shit. 
“Duusu? Where are you?” 
Did Gabriel lose the miraculous again? 
But when he looked into the last place he left it, he groaned. Fuck. His brooch was a fake again.
He knew he shouldn’t have made a miraculous fashion line and had replicas of the miraculous jewelries made. It was his most popular items to date. He has gotten lot of praises for getting the details just right and capturing the essence of each miraculous holder. No surprise there. He deals with them on a daily basis. He should get the details fucking right. 
It’s a wonder he only came up with a line because there was talk that he was becoming obsolete with no new ideas coming forth and if there is one thing that Gabriel Agreste isn’t, it is being obsolete. 
The line was just a joke, a parody of the heroes and villains if you will, but apparently people like it. Ladybug and Chat Noir were the most popular obviously (he should’ve seen that coming to be honest). Hardly anyone buys Hawk Moth or Mayura and he is left with boxes of fake brooches. 
It is annoying.
Especially since he keeps fucking misplacing his miraculous. 
Adrien felt like he could be a Disney princess and just skip his way to school and sing for the world to hear. 
Now that the Butterfly miraculous were safely with Marinette, he doesn’t have to worry about another akuma. He could just die happy right now. His dad doesn’t have a hold over him anymore. He doesn’t have to put up with Liar-la anymore. But if they put up a fuss? Well, worst case scenario is he becomes a Dupain-Cheng. 
And he doesn’t mind. He’s already an honorary one. 
And if that somehow doesn’t work out (which he highly doubts), Damian offered to make him a Wayne. 
Françoise Dupont High School experienced a shock that morning. Specifically Ms. Bustier’s class. 
When they saw Adrien and Marinette walking in class with arms intertwined, laughing and smiling together. 
What the actual fuck?
Did they cross into an alternate universe? Marinette is a nasty bully and Adrien’s a pure sunshine child. Why would they be acting like they were the best of friends? 
Lila glowered darkly when she saw them walking towards the back and sitting at the same table. Didn’t Adrien care about what his father thinks? Doesn’t he want to still be able to go to school? 
She bit her lip and turned on the waterworks, her eyes close to bursting into tears. She made herself be the very picture of a pitiful woe-is-me victim as she cried out in a hurtful and betrayed tone. “Adrien, what are you doing with her? I thought we were close friends.” 
The sheep class instantly catered to Lila, pointing their fingers at the pair. 
Alya, her biggest supporter, led the charge as always. “Adrien! What do you have to say for yourself? How could you cheat on Lila like this? And with her?” 
Adrien narrowed his eyes at his former friend. Bitch, how dare she implies he was in an actual relationship and had feelings for that harlot. 
He has been spending way too much time around Damian. 
"Yeah, bro!” Kim said, raising his voice. “How could you do her dirty?” 
“Okay guys.” Adrien cut in. “I don’t know where you heard that but me and Lila are not dating. Like at all.” 
“Please.”Alya waved him off like he didn’t know what he was talking about (he was highly offended at the notion he didn’t know what his heart yearns for). “We all know you have feelings for Lila. You’re just in denial over them.”
Bitch, what?
Is no one catching onto his chaotic gay vibes here?  
And oh, how his fragile little heart was betrayed yet again when he saw Nino supporting his girlfriend. He still couldn’t believe the first friend he made all by himself was a part of their rabid pack. He deeply mourned the loss of such a great friend in the midst of that deceiving fox’s claws. 
“How many times do I need to say it?” At this point, Adrien was about to throw hands. “I don’t like Lila like that. I feel nothing but pure spite for her. Also, me and Marinette are not dating if anyone’s wondering. We’re just really good friends.”
“But Marinette’s a big bully.” Alix piped up, a hard edge in her voice. “She treats Lila horribly.”
“Marinette didn’t do anything to her. Rossi is lying.” 
“Oh Adrien.” It was Mylene of all people who spoke up. “Did Marinette get to you with her lies?” 
He was done. 
Completely and utterly done. 
He looked over at Marinette who shared his exasperation at the class’ antics. 
Adrien already said it before. But it bears repeating.
Lila Rossi is a bitch.
Luckily (or maybe unluckily), that was the moment Ms. Bustier chose to step in the room and class started. 
When the teacher’s back was turned, Adrien pulled out his phone and proceeded to spend the rest of the time alternating between taking notes and texting with Damian. 
They were currently at the stage of their relationship to be sending animal pics and memes back and forth, with a few puns added from time to time. 
He really does have the perfect boyfriend. 
They cornered him after school. 
One: Rude. 
And two: Double rude. 
He was excited to meet Hot-And-Sexy (daMn iT! It’s Damian! Get it right brain) at the bakery and spending time with his two most favorite people in the world (Tom and Sabine don’t count because actual parents don’t have a ranking). 
His former friends were looking all concerned and everything because they somehow collectively came up with the idea that Marinette actually brainwashed him to believe Lila was evil. 
The fucking irony. 
They actually had the audacity to say that Marinette —sweet and honestly badass Marinette— was no good and just wanted to use Adrien to get ahead in the fashion industry (as if Mari actually needed him for that). He shouldn’t be around her. Lila was a much better person to keep as company. 
Adrien laughed in their faces and left. 
Onto happier events, Adrien was having a blast hanging out with Mari and Dami. His boyfriend (he still can’t believe he managed to score such a hottie!) fit right in the everything-that-matters siblings’ dynamics. 
They were in Mari’s room. Adrien was cuddling with Damian on her bed. And Mari was at her desk working on fashion designs. 
“So what’s your family like?” He played with Dami’s hair. It was so soft. Like what the fuck. It is so unfair. 
Damian thought about it for a few seconds. “My family is a bit...crazy. We drive each other insane every other day but at the end of the day, I have no doubt they have my back as I have theirs.” 
“You guys sound close.” 
“We were not always. We had an extensive amount of issues to work through before we actually bonded as a true family.” 
It was quiet for a minute until Damian casually said. “I would appreciate it a great deal if you can make time to visit Gotham for the summer.” 
Adrien stopped playing with his hair to look at him with wide incredulous eyes. “Summer’s only two months away.” 
“I am aware.” 
“You really want me to meet them? Isn’t it too early?” 
“I met yours the day we started dating.” 
True but....
Adrien averted his eyes. “Do you think your family will like me? You guys fight criminals and my dad’s a villain.” 
Damian put his hands over Adrien’s and gave them a light squeeze, making his Chaton look back at him. 
“My mother is a villain and I was raised as an assassin. Yet despite of that, my father accepted me. And I am fairly confident he will do the same to you. Mon amour, you have a pure and selfless heart. You are a better person than I am. I have no doubt that my family will love you from the start. 
“Are you being fur real right meow?” Adrien tried to lighten the atmosphere but he could feel his eyes tearing up. 
"I wouldn’t lie to mew.” 
He let out a small laugh, wiping his eyes. How did he ever get so lucky to land such an amazing guy? “You always know the purr-fect thing to say.” 
“We get it you’re in love. It’s amazing. Now stop it with the puns.” Mari rolled her eyes, utterly exasperated at these idiots who just ignored her and pulled out even more cat puns. “You have got to be kitten me.” 
Before she noticed what she said and groaned in faux despair. “Oh you two are so dead.”
Adrien stuck out his tongue playfully. “You can’t catch me. I got a handsome knight in shining armor to protect me.” 
Damian interlaced their fingers. “Always, mon amour. I’ll protect you from everything like your wicked father.”
“Does that make me the dragon here?” Mari joined in. “Cool. I can breathe fire and torch people. Too bad I can’t do that to a certain liar.” 
“Liar-la is totally the witch here.” Adrien said before thinking for a few seconds. “Does this make me the princess?” 
“Well, knights always have to save the damsel in distress.” Mari said. 
He frowned before crossing his arms indignantly. “Dami, I love you more than Plagg loves his stinky cheese, but I’m no damsel in distress.” 
Damian rolled his eyes. “Tt. Of course not. You can destroy things with a single touch. It would be not be in my best interests to downplay your abilities.”
Adrien relaxed and beamed a sunny smile. “Good. Remember that.” 
“Mon amour, I look for an equal as a partner, not some weak spoiled harlot that can not defend their self.” Damian placed a flower crown (that was just sitting on Marinette’s nightstand, must be one of her projects) on Adrien’s head. “Having said that I do believe you are a prince that deserves all the love and care in the world.” 
And oh my. 
Adrien can feel his face burning scarlet and his heart almost bursting at how sweet this incredible, conceited Adonis was. 
He was falling in love with Damian over and over again each time they meet up. 
“You deserve love too, Dami.” 
And sweet, caring Hot-And-Sexy (Ah, fuck it. He will never grow out of that) placed a soft kiss on his cheek. 
Oh dear, he didn’t know his face can burned any redder. 
He could almost hear Mari cooing in the background. 
And in case anyone was wondering, Tom and Sabine adores their everything-that-actually-matters son’s boyfriend. Damian Wayne seems like a responsible young lad. And he makes Adrien really happy which is a major plus. Anything that makes their son happy is good in their books. 
Lila was not at all pleased. 
Why was Adrien suddenly hanging out with Marinette? Yeah, he doesn’t buy into her lies but she was confident he will be lured into her charms. Why wouldn’t he be? She was young and way more beautiful than a baker’s daughter. He was supposed to be hers. 
She and Gabriel are going to have a talk about his rebellious son. 
Except when she arrived at the Agreste mansion, Gabriel was apparently too busy to see her. 
He was too occupied with searching through boxes of fake miraculous to find Duusu to bother with her. 
“I don’t have time for you.” 
“Excuse me?!” 
She was aghast. How dare he speak this way to his biggest supporter —well, besides Mayura and Nathalie. 
“You’re excused. Now leave the premises.”
Before the door shut in her face and she was left fuming, her face an unflattering angry red. 
Being Damian’s boyfriend, Adrien has come to learn that Damian does nothing by halves. Including asking him out on a date. And the actual dates themselves. 
Today as the sun fell down and night came about, Damian and Adrien were taking a stroll in the park. It was relaxing and it was nice. They talked about everything and anything. 
Adrien did not think Damian planned anything more. 
But he really shouldn’t underestimate the son of Batman. 
Because when the last of the sun’s rays were gone, Damian led him to a gazebo strung up with beautiful lights giving the whole place an ethereal feel. And with the bright moon out tonight, it looked like fairies dancing in the garden. 
He didn’t notice Damian pressed play on his phone and classical music filled the air. 
He definitely noticed Damian bowing with a flourished and holding out his hand with a charming smile. “May I have this dance, Chaton?”
Adrien would have to be a huge fool to say no. 
“I’ll loved to.” He placed his hand in Damian’s and let the Adonis lead him in a simple waltz. 
This was his life. 
His life was one big sappy romance novel. And you know what, he doesn’t care if it is. Between dealing with his shitty father and Liar-la, this kitty deserves some happiness. 
It was a scene from one of those Disney fairy tale movies Adrien used to watch as kid. The magic. The love. The romantics. He felt like Cinderella and wished this night will never end, that the clock will never strike midnight. He just wanted to stay in his Prince Charming’s arms forever. 
Under the starry night sky, the lovebirds danced to their heart’s content and when another song ended, Damian tilted his head down to place a tender kiss on Adrien’s lips. 
“I harbor a great deal of non-platonic affections for you, mon amour.”
“I love you too, Hot-And-Sexy.” 
What the fuck?!
What the actual fuck? 
Lila was simply walking home after her disastrous meeting with Gabriel (She was still not over how he simply dismissed her like she was nothing. How dare he). 
When she saw them. 
Adrien and some guy (she’s pretty sure that was a guy) dancing in the park. She can feel that disgusting jealousy just burning in her veins, a cold anger thrumming underneath. 
Things were not at all going her way. 
First, Adrien is back to being friends with that Mari-whore. Then, Gabriel ignores her. Her. And now, she is seeing her Adrien in the arms of someone else. 
Oh this will just not do. 
She took out her phone from her pocket and snapped a couple of pictures, making sure Adrien can clearly be seen. She didn’t care too much about the other guy. He’s probably just another pretty airhead Adrien knew through his father. He’s not important. 
A cruel smirk appeared on her face at the thought of the perfect revenge. Adrien was going to have a rough time at school tomorrow. After all, he should’ve known better than to make a move against her. 
“I’m sure there’s an explanation for this.”
“Yeah. Adrien is obviously gay. That’s the only explanation.” 
“....Maybe not? There could be another reason.”
Lila had watery eyes and a sad frown on her face but inside, she was fucking smiling like a Cheshire cat. She made sure to be at school early so she can show the class the picture of Adrien’s little date last night. Who —predictably— were shocked at their sunshine child being with a guy and made plans to confront him about his supposed sexuality. 
She glowed at the thought of her plan working. This will teach Adrien to know his place or become a social pariah like his little friend Marinette. 
“I thought Adrien had feelings for me.” Lila wiped the “tears” from her eyes. “How could he lead me on like this when he’s been gay all along?” 
Alya —predictably— comforted her. “I’m pretty sure he’s just confused. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling.”
“I’m sure that’s it.” 
The pair didn’t notice Juleka and Rose glaring at them. 
Damian was not at all pleased. 
He was rightfully angry. 
How dare that poor sense of fashion taste trollop tried to shame his mon amour for being gay. How dare she try to say he was simply confused and didn’t know any better. How dare she defame his reputation because he holds nothing but spite for her person. 
How dare she. 
As Adrien’s boyfriend and future husband, it is his duty to correct this travesty and defend his Chaton’s honor. 
When the Damian Wayne, youngest son of Bruce Wayne, appeared at Françoise Dupont High School, you know that people are gonna stare and talk. 
When he headed towards the courtyard where Adrien and Marinette were sitting at, boy are things going to get juicy. 
Lila and her followers who were sitting a bit father from the outcast pair were utterly confused. They could possibly get Adrien knowing such a super hot celebrity but for him to be on good terms with Marinette too? How inconceivable. Absolutely flabbergasted. 
“Hey Lila didn’t you tell us you knew him and his family?” Max brought up. 
“Uhhh....” Lila knew she dug herself in a corner here. She never thought that the Damian Wayne would ever visit here. At this second rate school. 
“Well, let’s go, girl!” Alya exclaimed. “I’m sure Damian just hasn’t seen you. That’s why he didn’t walk towards you.”
Before proceeding to practically drag Lila to where Damian was talking with Adrien and Marinette. 
Lila, on the other hand, was cursing out Alya in a bunch of different languages in her mind while trying to come up with something to dig herself out of this mess. If they talk to Wayne, the class will realize she was lying all along. 
She was not going to lose control of her kingdom like this —well, not without putting up a fight. 
But when they and the rest of their classmates walked close to the trio, they were shocked when they saw Marinette playfully punching Damian in the arm. 
“Okay. How the hell are you so close with Damian Wayne?” Straight off the bat, Alya was on the offense as she glared at Marinette as if it was Mari who did something wrong. 
Damian answered before the bluenette could. His face was impassive and his glare cold. “I’m Ms. Dupain-Cheng’s top model for her fashion business.”
Even Lila was taken aback at the news. She knew that goody two shoes likes designing but she didn’t think anybody would actual buy her stuff. She didn’t think a Wayne would like her stuff. 
She could feel her fists clenched. How dare Marinette steal the spotlight again. 
“I’m also Adrien’s boyfriend.” Damian continued casually as if that wasn’t a huge bombshell. 
Everyone’s minds screeched to a halt. 
They knew about the possibility of Adrien being gay since Lila showed him on going on a date with an unidentified but clearly male person yesterday. But they didn’t think there was actually something there. 
Lila could feel her anger clouding her mind. Adrien was supposed to be hers. He was her ticket to fame and fortune. 
“And what about Lila? Aren’t you guys best friends?” Alya put her hands on her hips. How could Damian just ignore someone he is close friends with but give Marinette all the attention? Lila deserves better than that.  
Damian was unamused. “I don’t know her.”
“Yeah, you do.” Alya ignored Lila’s gestures to stop talking. Lila was too shy about her achievements and she was going to have her amazing best friend’s back. “She’s the one who helped your family out multiple times.”
“She did not. And I am appalled that you believe I would know a harlot like her in the first place.” Damian’s face twisted with disgust as he glanced at Liar-la like she was a mere insect. “Please. I have class and dignity.”
“Take that back!” She screeched. “You are so rude.” 
“Are you honestly going to lecture me on my rudeness when you plebians are being hypocrites?”
“What? I’m not a hyprocrite.” 
“Lila Rossi is a pathetic liar who begs for attention like street dogs beg for scraps. She never once saved Jagged’s cat nor does she help out with green charities. Lastly, she is not on close terms with myself nor with my family.”
“No! You’re lying!”
He raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Ok then. Look her up on the internet. If she is as grand as you lot seem to think, she should have articles dedicated to her. Show me proof of her actions that isn’t your subpar blog and I will give you an exclusive.” 
Alya’s eyes gleamed at what should be an easy challenge. But when she pulled out her phone and typed Lila’s name and what she did in the search engine, her smile disappeared. 
She spent the next few minutes scouring the net for anything, any mention of a Lila Rossi that wasn’t on the LadyBlog. 
She found nothing. 
Lila Rossi was a fucking liar all along. And Alya and the rest of the class believed her. 
“We tried to warn you.” Marinette said in a soft voice. But anyone who knew her knew she was trying to hold back her laughter. 
“Marinette,” Rose cried out as she realized the class has been total jerks to the one person who always had their backs. “We were horribly wrong. Can you ever forgive us?”
She shrugged. “I forgive you. But this doesn’t mean we’re friends again. Because we’re not. Seeing how easily you drop me for that liar without even looking for any kind of proof hurts and I’m not eager to be friends again. Maybe in the future but not right now.”
“That’s goes ditto for me.” Adrien added his two cents. 
Their former friends classmates wore gloomy expressions, utterly devastated at ruining their friendship with their Everyday Ladybug and Sunshine Child. 
And with that, Adrien and Marinette left the courtyard, with light hearts and heads held high. 
Damian shot the class a razor sharp grin. “Well, it’s been nice to meet you.” 
Everyone knew he meant anything but. 
“I always knew teenagers were prone to be foolish imbeciles. But seeing the collective stupidity of you people today made me realize that the bar can in fact be lowered.” 
Adrien was fucking ecstatic. 
Elated. Overjoyed. Jubilant. Drunk on happiness. All the synonyms associated. 
Because Lila was finally exposed. The class realized what utter assholes they have been. His father will receive his due (soon according to Mari and Dami). 
He was happily humming a tune as he swung his and Damian’s intertwined hands back and forth. 
He was entirely grateful that Damian showed up to school today. Although he was a bit mean for Adrien’s taste. 
But oh man. Payback was so sweet. 
He smiled giddily. 
Mister Hot-And-Sexy definitely earned himself a kiss. 
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seasonofthewicth · 4 years
kings and queens
a smutty rowaelin halloween oneshot
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(if smut isn’t your thing you can still read, just finish when Aelin says ‘you’)
my masterlist
The clear gems on her crown shone in the dim, evening light. She had found the crown a week ago in a thrift store and the moment Aelin had seen it she knew it was perfect. It rose up from her golden waves to reach three peaks, the middle slightly taller than the two either side, and they were each topped with shimmering imitation diamonds. A far better find than any useless piece of trash she could have found in a costume store.
Aelin didn’t do costumes by half. The dress she wore was a deep red velvet, with a corset style top that helped to give her chest a boost and a gold lace trim that she knew would draw the eye. It had a short but flowing skirt that hit mid-thigh, showing a peek of the border of her thigh high stockings. She had painted her lips a bold red to match the dress and her eyes were lined with heavy black.
Dressing up as a queen for Halloween didn’t mean she had to be a maiden.
Aelin always went all out for Halloween, but her costumes were never gimmicky. She could find a way to make the dorkiest of ideas sexy to make sure she felt good and more importantly, looked hot.
“You ready?” She heard her roommate and best friend Lysandra call. “Aedion just texted asking where we are.”
Aelin grabbed her small shoulder bag off her bed, her only out of character item for the evening, and left her room to meet Lysandra in the hallway between their rooms. They shared a small two bedroom apartment off campus, it was far from luxury, but it was their space and she loved it. Since meeting Lysandra in her first year of college she hadn’t lived with anyone else.
Lysandra was leaning against the wall, fully dressed in her own costume. She wore a dress with a tight green bodice and a short but full skirt that flowed as she moved. Her hair was piled atop her head in a messy bun and her make-up was peachy and subtle. Tinkerbell.
Aedion had invited them to the party he was hosting in his own house off campus that he shared with a few roommates. Aelin had spent most of her first and second years at college tucked away in that house spending time with her cousin and his friends, she loved his friend Fenrys who shared her appreciation for all things devilish and she had been close with his other housemate Dorian. She and Dorian had shared a mutual attraction but had quickly moved past it to become as thick as thieves and he had been one of her best friends.
The time she spent there had plummeted in her third year when Dorian moved out after his graduation and Rowan Whitethorn moved in, filling the spare room. Aelin hated Rowan Whitethorn with a burning passion. He was arrogant, hot-headed and spiteful, all traits she despised.
The first time they had met she had thought they could have been friends, he got along well with Aedion as did she, but he had opened his mouth to let her know his thoughts on the opinions she had shared in a political theory class she hadn’t even known he was in, and that had been it.
Since that day she noted his presence in the same class, and they would share verbal barbs and taunts every week. She knew it made the other attendees of the class uncomfortable and even the professor leading the sessions seemed at a loss with the sparring students. Aelin couldn’t even understand why they would argue, no matter whether or not she agreed with his point the sound of his voice, the rich and swirling Wendlyn accent would set her off.
Aedion had tried to bridge the gap somewhat, playing moderator to their fights whenever they crossed paths, but ultimately even her easy-going cousin couldn’t fight the fire Rowan made her burn.
She knew he would be there tonight, but she wouldn’t let him ruin what was predicted to turn into a great night, especially not on Halloween when she looked so good. Aedion’s teammates from the football team would likely be there, and it wouldn’t take her long to find someone to distract her from Rowan’s presence.
The music at the party could be heard from down the road, and as they walked up the path she took in the decorations in the front yard. Someone had strung spider webs through the branches of the twisting tree in the corner and there were fluorescent lights shining orange and green in all directions. There were people in all kinds of costumes spilling into the street as she and Lysandra battled their way into the front door.
They edged their way into the kitchen, pushing past groups of already intoxicated revellers to fix themselves a drink.
Once in the kitchen a loud cry caught their attention.
“Ladies!” Fenrys shouted to them, his voice booming over the music. He reached them and tugged them each under an arm, pulling them into an extravagantly painted but otherwise bare chest.
“What are you?” She yelled.
“I’m your dreams come true,” He gave her shoulders a squeeze as she and Lysandra both rolled their eyes at his proclamation. Fenrys was an ass but they loved him for it.
“Have you seen Aedion?” Lysandra yelled in his ear as she twisted to search for a cup and a drink.
“So desperate to leave me when you’ve only just arrived?” He raised a hand to his chest in mock offense but released them and turned to find them each a drink.
“The vision of you is burning my eyes so bad I’m desperate to get away,” Lysandra told him as they accepted the drinks he handed to them. Fenrys only stuck his tongue out at her, seemingly too drunk to bother trying to come up with a better response.
“I think he was in the main room with Rowan and Lorcan.” He told them before saluting them and venturing back into the throng of moving bodies.
Aelin raised her glass in a toast to Lysandra before taking her first sip and tugging Lysandra to find her cousin.
It only took a minute to spot her cousin, his golden hair spilling out of a small brown cap tucked onto the top of his head. She took in the green tights and tunic before sending a sharp glance at Lysandra. She hadn’t known they had planned a couple’s costume, but one look at Aedion told her he was clearly the Peter Pan to Lysandra’s Tinkerbell.
She took in the two males stood next to her cousin, opposites in their exterior, light and dark, Rowan and Lorcan. Lorcan had made the safe choice, a black mask pushed up onto his forehead the only part of his Batman costume that was out of place.
The sight of Rowan Whitethorn had her blood boiling. He wore a deep green velvet cape and a glowing golden crown atop his silver locks. She was going to kill him, how dare he come as a King to the same party she was dressed as a Queen.
She was vaguely aware of Lysandra slipping up to Aedion and Lorcan’s brief greeting and dismissal as he sought out his crush, Elide, before she was marching up to Whitethorn and hissing in his face.
“What are you wearing?” Her voice was tight.
“Hello to you too, Princess,” He drawled, tipping his chin down to look her directly in the eye.
“I’m not a princess,” She snapped, feeling her anger bubble in her throat. “I’m a Queen.”
“You look like a princess to me,” His voice was as smug as the smirk that spread across his face, showing rows of straight white teeth, canines flashing in the light. He reached a hand up to poke at her crown. “Especially with your little tiara.”
She slapped his hand away. “It is a crown!”
“Sure it is, Princess.” He was making her blood pound in her ears, the sounds of the party fading into the background and she stepped closer to him again, trying to crowd into his space, no matter the fact that he towered over her. She took a deep breath in, readying herself for the barrage of insults she could throw at him when a voice behind her pulled her out of the spell.
“Aelin, hi!”
Aelin turned her head to the side and spotted the source of the voice. Feyre Archeron. She and Aelin had shared an art class in the previous year and Feyre had been a natural, painting with smooth strokes of her brush where Aelin was all pointed jabs.
Failure in her artistic endeavour aside, Aelin liked Feyre, and she knew Aedion ran in the same circles as her boyfriend Rhys.
“Oh hey,” She smiled at Feyre with a small wave. Feyre seemed to take a moment before approaching, glancing between Rowan and Aelin.
It was then that Aelin noticed their proximity. Her body was fully pressed against the length of Rowan’s where she had managed to back him against the wall. The hard planes of his body sending an aura of warmth into her. Their faces were close enough to share a breath as she leaned up and he down. An outsider could easily assume they were lovers, and to Aelin’s horror it seemed an outsider did.
“I didn’t know you guys were together!” Feyre exclaimed and Aelin’s mouth dropped open. “And a King and Queen costume? Gods, such a great idea, I’ll have to tell Rhys for next year.”
Aelin couldn’t find the words. Her and Rowan? Her eyes flicked to his face and he seemed in a similar state of shock, pink lips slightly parted as he stared at Feyre.
When neither of them spoke Feyre blushed and before Aelin could find words she had disappeared into the crown. Aelin immediately took a step back, putting space between herself and Rowan, trying to ignore the way her body moaned at the lack of contact. It was Rowan rutting Whitethorn for Gods’ sake.
He seemed in a similar state to herself, arms frozen where they hovered at his sides, and she glanced around desperately seeking Lysandra but her and Aedion were gone.
“Fuck you,” She spat at Rowan and turned on her heel, pushing through the crowd, putting some much needed space between them and ignoring the way she desperately wanted to turn back.
She spent most of the party slipping between groups of people she knew, refilling her drink each time her cup emptied. She didn’t see Rowan again and spent at least an hour catching up with Yrene Towers and Manon Blackbeak in a toilet.
She shook her head, laughing at the unusual combinations alcohol and loud music could bring out in people. She was still yet to see Lysandra and Aedion again, poking her head into each room and looking for her best friend.
Once back at the kitchen, having searched each room she resolved to take a look outside, musing that as long as she spoke before she arrived she’d be unlikely to stumble upon anything she wished she wouldn’t have to witness between her cousin and best friend.
“Lysandra?” She called, wrapping her arms around her body as the chilled October air bit at her skin.
There was no response from her best friend, but a male voice reached her as she tucked the door shut behind herself.
“Unlucky for you, Princess, I’m the only one out here.”
Just her rutting luck. Rowan Whitethorn leaned back against the wall of the house, the butt of a mostly burned cigarette dangling between his fingertips. He threw it to the side as she took a step closer to him.
“Stop calling me princess,” She snapped, crossing her arms across her chest. She didn’t miss the way his eyes darted down to her chest, lingering a second before dragging themselves back up to her face.
“Why would I do that,” He pushed off from the wall taking a single step closer to her, “When it suits you so well?”
She rolled her eyes. “Suits me how?”
“Well, I think most people would probably describe princesses as spoiled and entitled.”
Despite his close proximity she unwrapped her arms from her chest and flashed him her middle finger. His own hand came up as fast as a flash of lightening, to grab her hand and wrap her fingers up in his own as he tugged slightly, knocking her off balance and she stumbled into him slightly.
“I’m not spoiled or entitled.” She mumbled, unable to draw her eyes away from his lips, now close enough that his warm breaths washed across her face.
“I’d beg to differ, Princess. Seems to me like you always get what you want.”
Her breathing had quickened, coming in short pants and gasps where he had her pressed against the cold wall of the house. His hand still wrapped around her own, burning her skin where he touched.
“I don’t always get what I want.” She whispered as he leant into her even further, bracing his free hand against the wall by her head. He cocked his head at her words.
“What could you possibly want that you haven’t got?” His voice was a seductive caress against her neck where he tilted his head down.
She didn’t let herself break eye-contact, her unyielding gaze staring him down.
“What I want,” She began, voice weak.
“Mhmm,” He hummed, the sound sending vibrations through her own chest.
“What I want is for you to take that damned costume off. I’m the Queen.”
He laughed; a dark sound filled with promise.
“Princess,” He drawled. “If you wanted me to take my clothes off you only had to ask. Don’t pretend it’s about some dumb costume.”
She gasped, frustrated to no end that he always managed to rile her so. Always left her speechless, her mind swimming with rage. Her body drowning in arousal at his closeness. Fuck.
She stared him down, his body now pressed along every inch of her own as he blocked her into the wall. His eyes flashed to her lips and she couldn’t hold herself back from doing the same. He seemed to be warring with himself, his expression pained as he stared into her eyes.
She took a breath, begging herself to do something, anything, but she was frozen.
A beat passed, and then he crashed his lips to hers.
He kissed her as furiously as he argued, his hand grasping her face hard and plunging his tongue into her mouth. She gasped and twisted her fingers into his hair in response, holding his face to her own, and she registered the clunk of his crown hitting the floor. Good.  
A fire spread through her veins as he kissed her, taking control and owning her completely. She allowed him, opening her mouth to him greedily as he nipped at her lips. She knew they would already be swollen.
He kissed her as if she was a prize to be won, as if he needed to or he would shatter. The desperation spreading through his hands as they roamed her body, slipping down her sides and back up to lightly brush the undersides of her breasts with his thumbs and back down again to tug her hips against his own.
He slid a thigh between her legs, and she writhed against the pressure, letting out a small cry as the sensation sent a jolt through her entire body, finishing with a flood of heat below her bellybutton.
He drew back with a gasp, panting. He only got as far as she let him, her fingers still twisted through his silver strands as he pressed his forehead against her own.
“Fuck.” He growled, tucking his chin to bury his face in her neck. She tugged at his hair, begging for him to do more than just press his lips gently against the soft skin of her throat. “What is it that you want, Princess?” He asked again.
She tugged his face back to meet her gaze, vaguely aware of her crown slipping from her head as she looked up at him.
Back at her apartment he crowded her against the door, his heat behind her and a delightful pressure against her lower back had her fumbling with her keys in the lock. She had managed to shoot Lysandra a quick text letting her know she was leaving, knowing her best friend would be safe with Aedion when Aelin left.
When Aelin left with Rowan Whitethorn. Shit.
He had been a storm she hadn’t seen coming, kissing her with a passion that burned all the way to the soles of her feet. He pressed her back against the door once they were inside, leaning down to kiss her hard and fast. His tongue lavishing sweeping strokes that lit a fire inside of her.
He pressed his knee between her legs and this time she didn’t hold herself back from rocking against it, letting out a breathy moan as she pulled back, tilting her head back until it hit the door with a thud.
He pressed hot and wet kisses down her jaw until he reached her neck, nipping and sucking his way down. The sensation sent her wild, drawing short gasps from her lips with every press of his tongue and scrape of his teeth.
His hands burned a path down her side, not stopping with a brush against her chest this time, instead wrapping her breast in one of his large hands and squeezing sharply. She bucked her hips against his thigh as he rubbed a thumb across her nipple. Rowan let out a dark rumble of laughter at her reaction and did it again, timing it perfectly with a swipe of his tongue up the side of her neck.
He bent down slightly, sliding a hand down her thigh until he reached the crook of her knee and straightened, wrapping her leg around his waist and pressing his hips firmly into the gap he had created.
She let out a moan, slamming her head into the door again as he pressed his lips to hers again. The pressure of his hips was firm, burning against her core, and his lips were relentless as he licked into her mouth aggressively as she fisted her hand in his cape.
She pulled back, panting.
“You need to take this off.” She yanked even harder on the cape and he grinned, hands leaving her leg and chest to loosen the clasp at his neck. He didn’t stop there, reaching down to the hem of his shirt and pulling it off his body in one sharp motion.
Her mouth went dry at the expanse of tanned skin now exposed. His chest was covered in firm muscle and down his left arm swept a swirling and intricate tattoo. She traced a line across his shoulder with a finger, transfixed by the beauty of his body.
His hand flashed out to grab her by the chin, tilting her face up to look at him.
“You too, Princess.”
His fingers left her chin, trailing a torturously slow path down her neck and across her chest to rest at the knot at the top of her corset top. The sheer possession in his touch had her grinding her hips against him, desperate for any kind of relief.
Undeterred, he slowly wound one of the laces around a finger and bit his lip as he took in her heaving chest.  Her skin was flushed as her heart pounded beneath.
Torturously slow he pulled the string, unravelling the only closure of her top. His deft fingers loosened the ties as the red fabric slid away to reveal her heaving chest and full breasts. His dark eyes devoured the exposed skin and his tongue darted out to moisten his lower lip.
His head ducked down as he slowly wrapped his lips around a peaked nipple, tongue swirling around the sensitive flesh. Her head fell back to the door again as she moaned and her hand flew behind her, trying to find any purchase on the flat surface.
He hummed against her skin, the vibration sending sparks down to her core. His thumb found her other breast, flicking her nipple hard. She groaned, pressing her hips into his own, becoming desperate.
She laced her hands through his hair as he looked up at her, lips still around her, and she groaned pulling his head up.
“Bedroom, now,” She said breathlessly as she pushed him away from herself and pressed away from the door, dropping the rest of her dress to pool around her feet. Rowan was silent as he took her in, his eyes trailing a burning path from her face to the tips of her toes.
At the sight she trailed a feather-light touch across the front of his trousers where they strained against his hardness. He groaned at the touch, his head tipping back and the vein in the side of his neck straining.
“Bedroom,” He growled and grabbed her by the waist.
Rowan laid her down on her bed, having lost his trousers along the way. She lay bare for him, only a thin pair of black panties prevented her from being exposed entirely.
His head tilted as his predatory stare assessed her.
“You look so good like this Princess,” his voice was raw as he crawled up the bed between her legs, resting his weight against her body and pressing her into the mattress. “We really should find you that tiara again.”
She rolled her eyes but tugged his face to hers. Pressing her lips against his firmly, his short stubble scratching against her cheeks in the most delicious way. He braced a hand by her head, supporting his weight, and the other brushed down her body, starting at the base of her throat until his index finger pressed gently against her centre.
He let out a moan at the dampness of the dark fabric and he swiped a long stroke over the line of her folds. Aelin bit her lip, trying to hold in the moan that his electric touch elicited. Her hips shifted at his teasing, raising them to try and press further into his touch, but he only laughed against her lips.
He nipped her lower lip, the pressure almost painful, but it sent another wave of arousal through her.
Slowly he slid his finger beneath the fabric, pressing a finger into her and the heavy pressure had her fisting her hands in the sheets. His tongue swept into her mouth again as he pumped his finger inside her, slipping a second in a moment later. His thumb came up to press against the apex of her thighs, the friction sending sparks through her entire body as he swirled his thumb against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
She broke away from the kiss to moan, twisting her face to the side, unable to focus on anything other than the sensations he was creating. The delightful pleasure his fingers were creating as his mouth pressed hot, open mouthed kisses down her throat.
“Please,” She gasped, and she felt his lips against her neck curve into a smile.
“Please what?” His voice was playful as he teased her, pulling his hand back leaving her clenching around air.
“You know what. Dick.” She snapped, tugging his head up to look at her.
“Now, now, princess,” He carded his fingers through her hair, twisting them into the strands at the base of her head before pulling hard. “Remember to use your manners.”
She gasped again, back arching off the bed to press her body against his. He ground his hips against her own, the hard length of him catching against the spot she needed most.
He nipped at the skin on her neck before pulling back, tugging her panties down her legs, wasting no time before shucking off his own briefs revealing the full length of him to her. Her eyes rolled back at the sight.
He tucked himself back between her legs, pressing the tip lightly at her entrance. Her hips bucked up as he grabbed a hold of her chin.
“Condom?” He asked, his voice low.
“I’m on the pill.” She breathed, rolling her hips, urging him to hurry.
He groaned, lining himself up and pressing into her as he crashed his lips to hers.
Her mind cleared at the sensation, thinking only of where he filled and stretched her. The brief flash of pain sinking into a burning pleasure. He paused his hips, allowing her to adjust, but still pressed his lips to hers. His togue sweeping into her mouth.
She sank her nails into the skin of his broad shoulders, urging him to move and he eagerly obliged, snapping his hips into hers with a force so strong the bed crashed against the wall, rhythmic thuds in time with his thrusts.
Her skin was on fire as he pounded into her, drawing breathy moans from her throat as she clung to him in desperation. Rowan’s hands tightened on her hips, owning her with his touch as he moaned low in her ear and nipped her lobe with his teeth.
Rowan tugged one of her legs up to tuck it over his hip, changing the pace and thrusting into her wildly. Aelin clung to him, fingernails pressing crescent moons into his shoulders as his hands dug into the flesh of her thighs.
His pace became frantic as he brought one hand around between their bodies, swirling his thumb over her clit. Her breath hitched in her throat as he growled.
“Come on, Princess.”
His words sent her over the edge, shattering around him with a cry. She felt him increase his pace and he bit sharply into her shoulder as he came sending another wave of pleasure through her.
He ghosted his lips over hers a final time as he pulled out gently before lying next to her on the bed and pulling her into his side, wrapping a broad arm around her shoulders. She pressed her face to his chest, hiding her satisfied smile.
“I still think you’re a dick,” She muttered eventually, interrupting the easy silence.
His laughter rumbled through her, shaking the bed they lay on.
“That’s okay,” He said squeezing her hip. “I still think you’re a princess.”
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: Bruce might have adopted a bunch of children, but that didn’t mean all of them were ready to take on the mantle of Robin.
Batfam x reader 
Warning: angst, self-depreciation, Damian being a demon-spawn  
A/n: I’ve learned when I’m feeling depressed I write depressing so here we are. 
GIF not mine
Word count: 2.4k
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You struggled a lot in your life.
Bruce Wayne found you after the death of your mother. Your father had never been apart of your life and without your mom, you had no one. Just like he had done with the Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, he had taken you into his home with open arms. It was a big adjustment, one that took you years to get used to.
He trained you to be the next Robin, but fighting was something that you could never grasp. No matter how much he pushed you, had patience with you, and spent hours upon hours training, you felt as if you were never going to be enough to get on the streets. You felt weak, pathetic that you couldn't be as good as the rest before you.
And then Damian came into the picture. He was trained from such a young age that he was far better than you and he was years younger than you were. It made you feel even worse about your skills. Before you could even get your chance as Robin, Damian had taken the title from right under your feet.
That was your breaking point. For years you forced yourself to not give up. You thought that maybe if you pushed yourself to your limits that you would reach the point that you could go out there. You were wrong. The moment Damian showed up at the Wayne Manor, you had finally given up.
Maybe it was for the best. If you had to train for that long, just to be able to go on patrol a few nights a week then maybe it was best that you never got your chance.
It broke Bruce's heart to see you give up.
He always wanted what was best for you. No matter how much he yelled at you and pushed you down, he did it because he wanted you to stay safe. Not once did he ever give up on you because you had never lost faith in him. Damian showing up ruined that.
It wasn't just his abilities that towered over yours, it was his teasing. He knew he was better than you and it made sure that you knew it. Damian put you down, mocked your skills, and pushed your to your mental breaking point. You didn't think he realized the damage he was doing until you broke down in the cave.
“What benefit does she even bring to the team, father? You’ve been trying her for years and she hasn’t even come close to making it the being Robin,” Damian harshly spoke. He said many more things about you, things that no one should ever hear about themselves. 
Damian was talking to Bruce about you, wondering why you were there if you never even made it out on the streets. His words tore through your chest - useless, weak, pathetic - all the things you already felt. You were sparring with Tim at the time, Damian must have thought that you couldn't hear.
Tim heard too.
He saw you pause in the middle of your training. Standing there with your shoulders slumped and tears in your eyes. He stopped, hearing what you were hearing and understanding why you were like this. The only reason that you were even down there, was because even after you told Bruce you wanted to give up, he asked you to at least keep yourself enough on your toes that if something were to happen to you, you could protect yourself against a common thug.
Tim tried to stop you from running off, he wanted to tell you not to listen to what he was saying but it was too late. You were already storming off, tears streaming down your cheeks. Thankfully, neither Bruce nor Damian noticed your exit - as far as they knew, you hadn't heard a thing.
Bruce was yelling at Damian when you left, angered that he would say these things about you. You might not have been the best fighter on the team but you were still part of it. Even if that meant that you were the one stay back and stay on comms or stitch them up when they got back. You were a part of the team just as much as the rest of them.
Damian wasn't able to see that. He was just a kid, as much as he didn't want to be seen as one. He didn't understand the human emotion at that age, especially being the way that he was raised. You knew that you should have taken that into account but it didn't make his words hurt even left.
You left to your room. The tears wouldn't stop, everything that he was saying was your worst insecurities spoken in truth. Everyone knew that you were self conscious about your skills, but they also knew that you were trying your best and that was what mattered the most. Damian didn't know that.
For years, you felt older than you actually were, it was a quality that was picked up by every child in that house hold. However, laying there on your bed crying your eyes out? You felt like the teen that you were. Filled with sadness, loss of hope, you didn't think you would ever find your place.  
You cried and cried until no more tears would come out. Knees tucked to your chest and staring at the wall with lifeless eyes, you felt like the disappointment that you always thought you were.
"(Y/N)," there was a knock at your door. It sounded like Tim, but you couldn't be sure over the sound of your sniffles.
Weakly, you replied back, "go away."
"(Y/N), I'm not leaving until you let me in," You knew for sure that it was Tim. He was the only one to see you run off so upset. Tim was always a good older brother to you. He understood the struggle of not being able to be as strong as Dick or Bruce, but where he lacked strength, he made up with in skill. You had neither, at least not enough of either.
Reluctantly, you allowed him to come in. Tim saw you curled up on your bed, eyes red and puffy. He joined you on your bed, wrapping his arms around you. You thought that you had no more tears to shed but the second you crashed into his arms, they spilled again.
"Don't listen to him," Tim rubbed your back. Age wise, you were the closet to him which made it easier to get along. Tim always seemed to take your side no matter the circumstance. "Damian has been training since he was a child, you've only been here a few years. That doesn't make you less worthy than him.
"In fact, just by showing that you've never given up proves that your better than he'll ever be. You're willing to learn, to improve, Damian has reached an arrogance that makes him thinks he has no more to learn," Tim tried to comfort you. "You can't give up now, I know you already talked to Bruce but -"
"But nothing, Tim," you shook your head, pulling away from him. "Damian's right, I'm not cut out for this, I never have been. We both know if I ever go out there, the whole time everyone is going to be worrying about me and the job isn't going to get done. Bruce might have made me family but I'm not meant to be under the wing of Batman."
"That's not true," Tim argued. He wished that you could see how much you had improved. He wished that you could see that you were just as valid of a member of this family. You were important to everyone there - even to Jason who rarely liked to admit that he tolerated anyone in that family.
"But it is, we both know it, we've always known it."
You wished that you were strong enough to not sulk around the manor for the next week but that wasn't the case. Damian's words were really tying you down and nothing was able to get out of your rut.
Tim tried to help in every way he knew how. He would bring you your favourite drink when the two of you got back from class, he even tried to bake you cookies. You appreciated his efforts, you really did, but this wasn't something that could be fixed with material items.
By the end of the week, Bruce finally picked up on how you were feeling. You had done your best to avoid him but when he cornered you in the library, you knew that there was no escaping him.
"(Y/N)," Bruce called out to you. World's best detective was going to see through you facade in a matter of seconds. It was time to face him, you knew you had to. Maybe this was what you needed: tell him how you felt about Damian's arrival. "You've been MIA for a week, what's going on?"
He didn’t even know that you heard what Damian said about you. What a joke. 
"Damian is what's going on," you suddenly felt this sudden rage fill your body. This wasn't like you, you were never an angry person. "Damian shows up in the middle of fucking nowhere and you treat him like he's some kind of-of god! I've been here for years, he hasn't even been here for two months and you replaced me with him. For godsake Bruce you let him take my place as Robin before I even got the chance!"
Your voice continued to raise as you spoke. Bruce had never seen you like this - the anger that rose a fire in your eyes and fists tight at your sides. He knew that Damian's arrival wasn't necessarily ideal in their plan for the future but he couldn't change what it was now.
“We’ve talked about this. I’d rather you be stuck training for years then dead on the streets because you weren’t ready,” Bruce tried to argue. The situation was less than ideal but he didn’t even put in the extra effort to try and change it. 
“That isn’t the point!” You yelled. “I don’t give two shits that I’m not ready. I don’t care that I’m not as naturally equipped as the others. You gave up on me along time before I gave up on myself. You replaced me because that was easier than facing me!” 
"(Y/N), calm down, you're starting to sound like Jason," Bruce tried to get you to lower your voice. He had known the pain that Jason felt when Tim took his place after his death and you were starting to say the exact same things that he was saying when he was in that same place.
"Is that such a bad thing?" Your voice still echoed through the large library. "Maybe Jason was right. Maybe this family is too fucked up to ever amend. Maybe he was right to leave and never look back! You let Damian say those things about me and you never did jackshit about it! What kind of father does that prove you to be?"
Bruce looked taken aback by your words. You always appreciated him taking you in, but there were some lines that he had crossed that you couldn't forgive him for. This was one of them - the betrayal that you felt when he took sides over his son he didn't even know existed against you.
Bruce’s silence said more than any string of words could.
With a huff of air, you pushed past Bruce and out of the library. Maybe Bruce was the reason that you were never able to reach your potential as Robin. Maybe he never took you to the same level that he took with the boys and with Steph. Maybe it was Bruce Wayne that never wanted you to make it to being a vigilante.
The idea had never crossed your mind before, but the more you thought about it, the more you thought it to be true. You felt as if you were always missing pieces of training - moves that Tim was able to do and you couldn't, tactics that Dick would come up with, even using weapons like Jason when he was Robin. There were so many things that you could never do.
The thought of him sabotaging your success just made you even more angry than you were before. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to be Robin, you wanted to be a better hero than Bruce, Dick, and everyone that came before you. You wanted to prove everyone wrong.
You hadn't realized that you walk of anger had led you to the gardens. The sun was just setting and through your red vision, you had to stop and admire the beautiful orange and purple skies that shone through the trees. The sight had calmed you instantly, and you stood there to watch the sun finish setting.
Dick was the one to show you how pretty they were in the gardens. It was when you first arrived at the manor, upset about your mother's death. he tried to make you feel better with the view and it had worked. You always thought of your mother when the sun set after that, it was a reminder she was still there with you.
"(L/N)," you hadn't realized how long you had been watching it. The smallest glimpse of light was left and darkness began to cover the yard. You were surprised to see that it was Damian standing next to you. Since his arrival, you avoided having a full conversation with him. "Father told me to come apologize to-"
"I don't want your apology, Damian," you looked down at him. He seemed relieved that he didn't have to do it, but even more so confused. Just as the last bit of light left the sky you fully faced him. Damian watched as your face grew with determination.
"I want you to make me a lethal weapon."
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dumbkiri · 4 years
Blood Siblings
Request:  Hi I love your writing and can I request a damien x reader that's also kind of a Bruce x reader where y/n is Damien's twin that Thalia didn't give to Bruce and that Damien took like and oath not to talk about but the batfam are in danger and he called her for help and she has to come save and meet everyone (soz it's so long x)
Pairing: Damian x Twin!Sister!Reader, Slight Bruce x Daughter!Reader
Genre: Slight Angst 
Word Count: 1.7k, 4 pages
WARNING(S): Blood, Cursing
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  “And why can’t I go with Damian?” [Name] asked her mother with her eyebrows furrowed in the middle. Her teeth clenched in anger and jealousy. “I am capable of bringing Father home to you just as much as Damian.” 
    Talia sighed and stopped walking. The brown haired woman turned around and faced her only daughter. “I know you are capable, but Damian needs to work on something for himself.” 
    “What?” [Name] asked in disbelief. Her hands gradually unclenched when her mother started explaining her reason for sending Damian on his own.
      “Your brother has shown conflict in himself. There is an apparent struggle Damian is facing and I believe only your father can help Damian.” Talia stared down at her daughter and reached a hesitant hand to the girl. “You are older than Damian, maybe that is why you can handle death more easily than him. Damian is like his father, he won’t admit it, but Damian knows there is an alternative to killing.” 
    [Name] stayed silent and still. She felt the cold hand that belonged to her mother stroke her cheek robotically. 
     “Your brother isn’t ready for the next phase,” Talia removed her hand and resumed walking toward the training room, “but I have faith in you, [Name].” 
    “Fuck this! I’m going all out, make sure you don’t get in the way of my bullets, Demon Spawn!” 
    “Hey! No guns, Red! I don’t want another accident!”   
    “I have a scar from last time when you thought it was a good idea to go ‘balls to the walls’ thing.” 
    Damian tuned out his sorry excuses of brothers and dodged an incoming attack from an assassin. He had no clue as to why the League was attacking them. Did his mother plan this all along? Was she really going to betray him like that? No, Damian was the one to turn back on her and his grandfather’s teachings. He betrayed them first and honestly, this was his choice. He had an actual family that cared for him save for Jason. Their relationship was still rocky.  
    “Batman is pinned down and I’m going after him,” Nightwing announced and before he could help the caped crusader more assassins blocked his path.
      Damian watched as his allies were pinned against the floor with their arms pulled behind them and restrained by rope. His eyes widened for a fraction when he was kneed in the back and had his face slammed into the oily floor. He grunted in surprise and felt his arms being pulled backwards. He swiftly pressed a button on his wrist where a [f.color] bracelet was always securely on. Now all he had to do was wait.
     Damian was tossed alongside his family and they were all laying on their stomachs. There was a peculiar assassin that stood out to Damian and he recognized it as one of his sparring dummies. The assassin clad in gold and black walked up to the males and chuckled, “Wow, that was longer than anticipated.” The sparring dummy took his mask off and sighed in exhaustion.
      “Zhao, you know better than to go against the league,” Damian spoke with a strong tone.   
   Batman and the rest of the guys looked at Damian in surprise. They were waiting for insults from the teen. 
     “But you’re too incompetent to understand how mindless of an assassin you are. My mother must have you tight on a leash, foolish mutt.” Damian spat and his family rolled their eyes. There he was with his insults.
      Zhao smirked and sneered, “Foolish? You’ve been gone for too long, Damian. You’re insulting your future step-brother.” Zhao’s words got a reaction out of Damian and the teen jumped to his feet. He ran straight at the light brown haired male, but was easily knocked down by the older male.
       “Ack!” Damian grunted and crumbled to the floor when Zhao delivered a sneaky move to the back of his neck. The teen muttered curse words under his breath and kneeled down beside Zhao. “I won’t allow it,” Damian said and looked up at Zhao, “I declare a--”
     “Now don’t do anything reckless, brother.”    
 Damian looked straight and saw his twin sister walking toward him from the shadows. She looked different and you can obviously tell she got her beautiful looks from their mother. [Name] smiled down at Damian and kneeled in front of him, “I can’t believe you outgrew me. We’re 16 now which means that it's been eight years since we last saw each other?”
     “[Name], you can’t marry this imbecile!” Damian shouted and ignored the look in her [e.color] eyes. He saw the conflict in them, but the smile on her face proved that she had a plan. 
     [Name] looked over his shoulder and saw the other vigilantes on the floor looking at them with questions. Then she looked back at her brother and stood up, “If you say so, brother.”
      “Wait!” Damian yelled, noticing the sleek silver dagger slip from under the sleeve of her right arm. [Name] let the dagger fall and with her right arm she gripped Zhao’s chin and forced it upward. Then quickly with lightning reflexes, she caught the dagger mid-fall with her left hand and slit Zhao’s throat with ease. The blood seeped from the deep wound and the red substance splat on the siblings faces.
      [Name] let go of Zhao and his dead body fell to the floor with a thump. The assassins surrounding them didn’t make a move knowing that [Name] had more authority over them than Zhao did. She looked at the assassins and gave them orders. “I need a group to take Zhao’s body back home, the rest follow that group. I’ll follow shortly.”
      The assassins did as they were told and Zhao’s dead body was taken away. [Name] wiped her dagger on her black uniform and used the weapon to cut the rope on everyone’s hands. She finished cutting Red Hood’s bonds then she walked over to Damian. The teen stood a head taller than her.
      “You have blood on your face,” Damian pointed out and [Name] wiped her face with her sleeve. She pointed at the speck of blood above Damian’s eyebrow and he wiped it with his green glove. They were silently staring at each other and [Name] sighed.
      “You caught me off guard when you yelled at me,” [Name] spoke. Her eyes stayed on her brother and she watched the green domino mask he wore crinkle.
      “You didn’t have to kill him.” His words made her roll her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips. She then pointed at Batman and the others.      “I think they all know that killing an assassin is a good idea. If I didn’t then Zhao would have killed you and them. Damian, I handled the situation.” [Name] reasoned and put her arm back at her side. “You would have done the same.”
     “I’ve changed,” Damian admitted and looked at his sister with distrust. “It seems like you’re still the same.”
      [Name] was taken back. She thought he would have been happy that she got rid of Zhao, she was happy. “I’m sorry? You were the one who called me for help. I didn’t have to save you guys, but I did it from the good of my heart,” She was glaring at her brother now.
      “I thought you would have a better plan than killing someone. There’s always an alternative.” Damian was forming a scowl on his serious face. 
     [Name] scoffed and tilted her head mockingly, “Yeah, I’ll give you the alternative, Wayne.” She said his last name with hostility and a hint of jealousy. “I would have had to seduce that creep Zhao into letting you guys go and return home being the bride of an arrogant asshole. You wouldn’t know the shit he put me through because you were busy living a semi-normal life with, let me remind you, our father.” 
     Damian softened his glare.
      “I grew up in a merciless home while you were given the chance to be nurtured and cared for. I grew up with brainwashed assassins while you were fighting alongside brothers! I grew up with a mother who rarely showed any affection toward me! So don’t tell me there’s an alternative when you were given a chance to walk another path!”
      [Name] huffed and straightened her back out. She kept the glare directed at her brother, but began walking away from him. She needed to leave before they could see her cry. 
     “You can still change directions,” A deep voice echoed in the warehouse. His calm and soothing voice reached out to her and sent shivers down her body. “You can forge your own path, one that doesn’t end in bloodshed.”
      She didn’t have the need to turn around to see who was talking to her. She knew that the man who spoke to her was Bruce Wayne, her father. The man she always wanted to meet. Yet she didn’t stop walking away, she had to return home to her mother.
      “You’re always welcomed home, [Name],” Batman said her name and that was all she needed to continue forward. She walked into the shadows and never looked back.
 “How come you never mentioned her before?” Bruce asked Damian while Alfred tended to the sword wounds on his wide back.
      Damian stared at the fireplace where orange flames flicked, “I took an oath. Talia made me do so, she said that no one can know about [Name]. Her name would never be mentioned and that essentially, she would be considered a shadow. A valuable asset in the League.” 
    “She was pretty badass though, the way she took out the Zhao guy,” Jason winced when Dick poked him with a needle on accident.
      “She’s always been exceptional at hand to hand combat. She could disarm about anybody and kill them in less than ten seconds. I believe the Lazarus Pit had an influence on her natural ability.” Damian removed his eyes from the fire and put his hand under his chin in thought. 
     Tim drank some of his coffee and analyzed Damian’s slumped form. None of them had to ask how [Name] died. Damian would tell them when the time is right. 
     “She’d be back,” Bruce spoke up addressing Damian, “it took awhile for you to come around, although she’s a quick learner. She might be back sooner than we think.” 
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greekbros · 3 years
"greek-Bros: Character Headcanons prt2: The Boys ™️"
He is literally the 2nd strongest individual in all of Greece. The first is Atlas and the 3rd is Dionysus.
Every single thing that has happened to him is canon. The labors, the romantic nights of crossdressing when he was a slave, everything. He doesn't give a flying fuck about what you think he did. There is a likely chance he may have done it, whether he wanted to or not.
He's the tallest and most heavily built of Zeus children. It continues to baffle Hera and Zeus how Heracles is so large. When he started to grow olders, Zeus was worried if Heracles was the "prodigal usurper" that would over throw him, but solved this by having more children.
Heracles doesn't have any weaknesses nor fears. This effectively makes him the biggest threat to.... literally every other devine entity.
He doesn't hate Hera. Oddly enough he is fully aware of her frustrating marriage, so as penance, he tries everything to help her with whatever ever meaningless task she wants him to do. He basically is an unwanted adopted son to her. On Hera's side, she despises him, and she equally hates the fact that he's even alive, but it breaks her heart everytime Heracles does something nice for her.
After years of enduring cruelty, he still doesn't hold a lot of ill will. It's just a part of his strength.
Inspite of his polite and stern demeanor he actually does have a short fuse, he just chooses when it would be inappropriate time to lose his temper.
He has been married 1 1/2 times. His first marriage was rather normal until Hera ruined it, he was "pretend" married to Queen Omphales when they were doing their thing, and is currently married to Hebe.
He's actually a big softy, when he smiles it's considered as rare as a blue harvest moon, it's just that his face is so muscular that his default expression is "resting death face".
He actually enjoys hanging out with his more powerful siblings with the main exception of Ares and Aphrodite. He considers Ares to be "too immature to fight him" and he's too much of a legendary dude bro to fuck Aphrodite, he just wants love not fuck.
He can be bashful at times, mostly when he is told to either display himself or flaunt. He became bashful after his year of slavery with Omphales. It was more of a time of discovering he genuinely may have some deepseeded issues and Omphales helped him out figure out his insecurities.
He's considered Zeus's favorite demi-child. Mostly because Zeus considers him a "little earthly version of Apollo". Perseus however dispises this comparison.
He's currently in his mid 30s, yet he's still concerned the greatest hero in all of Greece. In some arguments he's always compared to Heracles, much like how one would compare Superman and Batman.
If he had a voice actor, it would be William Defoe. He's gives off this vibe of an old school kind of man with a side of chill.
He isn't too proud of his status as a demigod. It all started when he had to kill Medusa. The thing is that Medusa was the more prettier sister of the three legendary Gorgons however she was also considered the kindest out of the three. So when he kept being pressured by not just the fact that he had to save his mother from the marriage she did not want, save Andromeda from a sea monster that was being sent to kill her, and extra pressure from the gods too reclaim his honor as the son of Zeus... He had to basically do something he really did not want. Little did he know at the time, there were other means to be successful in his mission, years later when he discovered this he had become disillusioned with the glorious image of being a demigod. This ended up affecting him personally, affecting his marriage and ultimately a motivation to continue his quest to be a hero for the sake of helping those who need it most...not for glory.
He has this charming tooth gap that he's had since he was young. It's a distinguishing feature that basically separates him from being compared aesthetically to Apollo. He's also has a little stubble, riddled with small scars and abrasions from his many battles.
He with do a background check on you and your request, he has had plenty of experience with people trying to take advantage of him. Being a man who is willing to do the job correctly and as best as possible, people tend to hire him in order to give rid of whatever creature is just mildly inconveniencing them.. a good example would be if a farmer notices there's a griffin nearby but the Griffin isn't doing anything so he hires Perseus to kill the Griffin so it doesn't kill the goats, Perseus will find every way to either remove the Griffin from location or the farmer himself. He tries nearly everything to make sure he doesn't end up killing anything in the end, ironically this is what makes him an effective hero.
He's currently divorced with andromeda, due to his own personal and our struggles it's affected his love life to an extent where he is considered emotionally distant or just uninterested in being married. he doesn't have any infidelity issues or anything he just genuinely lost his motivation as a person but regained the motivation to be a better hero. Turns out Andromeda was the one who was cheating on him, he doesn't have any ill will against her surprisingly and he can't blame her either.
He has a 5 year old daughter who lives with lives with Andromeda. He always finds a way to secretly stop by to say hi and give her a gift.
The only person he tolerates from Olympus is Hermes, he still seems to see him more as a mentor and older brother than anything. He has a more professional relationship with Athena but after the conflicting information both her and Poseidon gave him when he had to kill Medusa, he tends to be very cold to both gods.
You actually never had ambrosia until Heracles introduced it to him, that was the day when he was deemed a full strength demigod. He's still angry at that because he wanted to die in peace of old age or in battle. It's the only thing Heracles is genuinely remorseful for.
He actually sees Pegasus less like a pet and more like a really oddly shaped brother. Turns out after he dug further into the situation, he found out that technically Pegasus is a half brother. so he just has full blown conversations with a creature that can't respond to him in human language, nobody really understood it at first until he explained it to Heracles and only Heracles.. because he loves being spiteful that way.
This is although equally as handsome as many of Zeus's sons, he's probably the least intelligent. It's even argued that he's actually less intelligent than Ares.
He's a complete himbo, outside of his lack of intelligence, he's also extremely vain. Both Perseus and Heracles theorize that if it wasn't for the promise of marrying minos's daughter, he probably wouldn't have helped in the first place.
In between heracles, perseus, and the rest of Zeus's sons, he's the second shortest. The shortest is Hermes. Hermes continues to be any perpetual cycle of distress and mild apathy because of this.
He's also the top person on Dionysus's hit list. For abandoning Ariadne, Dionysus cursed him to consistently get attacked by random animals.. specifically leopards and or animals of the felide family. Theseus still hasn't any idea that his lack of animal magnetism is actually a curse.
He genuinely does not know Ariadne is still alive, he's convinced himself that she abandoned him or just went back home for some bizarre reason. It's also never occurred to him that he may have accidentally left her on an island, it is not known rather or not he actually abandoned her on purpose or just because of unbridled ignorance.
He's surprisingly resourceful for somebody who couldn't figure out how to get through the labyrinths correctly the first time, he actually took one turn before he went directly back to the entrance and tried his best to go any deeper but still went back to the entrance. His resourcefulness may come from Poseidon's side of the gene pool.
Ironically, Zeus actually has no idea if this one is even his kid. There's an ongoing rumor amongst the Olympians that Poseidon and Zeus may have accidentally slept with the same woman, unfortunately it is not known rather or not Theseus it really is Zeus's or Poseidon's son. The two brothers rather not fight over this because it really doesn't matter in the end.
Due to Theseus's self-righteous arrogance, many of his ventures usually results in his god-given resourcefulness helping him out. Most of his success is attributed to either giving himself all the credits or simply assuming that he actually did something. this angers Perseus and Heracles quite a lot actually. And oddly enough unlike the two, Theseus never actually had to do anything above simply appearing and "solving the problem". His most iconic triumph right next to killing the Minotaur, was actually slaughtering a few Amazons. Ares is till this day trying to formulate the worst and most painful way to kill Theseus.
He's actually a bit of a coward.
He maybe currently king of Athens, but mostly because Athena directly influences him from time to time. Apparently he doesn't have the mental fortitude to resist Athena's control. Good for her because he isn't a really good ruler.
He's the sturdy brother. Prior to his injuries, he actually was similar to Ares but he was a little more clever. He was the best warrior in his army and he was the assisting tactician.
Post injuries, he has lost an eye, Perseus had to amputate his messed up leg thus he had a prosthetic foot made by Hephaestus, and he two more mental injuries. PTSD from his battle at Troy and the brain damage from an arrow that went through his eye.
Because of his brain damage, he can speak in incomplete sentences. He also has outbursts of wrath and acts out his battles. When he's speaking in full sentences, he's going through a thing where he genuinely believes he's back to his old life, going as far as referring to anyone around him as people he use to know, this actually maybe a side effect of his ptsd. Heracles and Perseus are aware of these quirks of his and does their best to make it less problematic for Achilles.
It's been century since the downfall of Troy, after somehow surviving the process of death through means that even he can't remember, Achilles seems to be immortal in both senses of the word. He neither aged since the downfall of Troy and it doesn't seem that he died from his wounds like he should have. Because of his prolonged existence in the underworld, he has also gained the ability to see ghosts, unfortunately the others think he's just simply talking with "the ghost of his past" and think nothing else of it.
Hades actually wasn't aware of Achilles's existence in the underworld until many of the residents started complaining of disappearances. After some thorough investigations, Hades found him basically living feral in the more isolated portion of the underworld where it seems he was surviving off the flesh of anything that would come across his path. At first Hades tried to help him pass on, but Achilles had other plans so he battled Hades instead and survived. Hades may have won but he has a large scar on the base of thigh from his encounter.
His invulnerability didn't actually come from his mother dipping him in the river Styx, or at least that wasn't fully the way he could have became invulnerable. One actually has to consume a little bit of the River to become fully invulnerable. When Achilles was a child, he was just merely dipped in it thus it gave him invulnerability until his skin was broken by the arrows, when he found himself in the underworld, he couldn't find any fresh water so he drank from the Styx instead. That is when he became fully invincible to the point of godhood. Now he's arguably even more indestructible than Ares.
Achilles actually seems to be have been completely hardwired differently after his experience. He isn't a genius, but he does seem to find solutions to things in unexplained ways.
He sees Perseus and Heracles as proxy soldiers and brothers-at-arms instead of biological half brothers. Never having any knowledge of them until they rescued him from the underworld.
He REALLY doesn't like Poseidon and Ares, the interesting part is that he doesn't understand why. It's as if he can't remember why he hated them so much, he has a passing apathy twords Apollo. He also doesn't understand why occasionally Apollo stares him down like an angry dog, infact Apollo never really elaborated on the fact that it was Achilles who desecrated his Temple back at Troy. Many of the gods actually don't fully understand what is going on with Achilles with the exceptions of Hermes, Ares and Dionysus. Since all three gods understand how mortals physically work, they can sympathize with him. However, every time when Ares interacts with Achilles, it always seems to look like someone put two male honey badgers in the same room with a shiv and a pocket knife tied to their heads when they're done fight.
He's likes horses, he actually tries to talk to them like as if it was his fellow soldiers. In reality, many horses he talks to are actually reincarnated warriors from various parts of Greece. some have no memories of their past lives, and some are fully aware that they've been reborn into a completely different life. In some bizarre senses Achilles accidentally may have coined the idea that horses are just reincarnated soldiers who died in battle. Strangely enough it's the only set of individuals he has fully constructed conversations with instead of just incomplete sentences perfectly summarizing his thoughts.
Achilles knows how to use almost every single weapon you can give him and for some reason he can learn how to use a new weapon that he's never seen before in just a matter of minutes. This is because he apparently has really good muscle memory and half of the time he just accomplishes so many interesting things because of it.
He genuinely enjoys watching Hephaestus and hangout with him in his workshop. He likes the dimly lit but warm workshop, he find it far more comfortable than the cold and damp cavern he'd stayed in after he "died".
No one is certain how he even survived to begin with. Some of the rumors that have stemmed from this situation say a Fury took him in out of pitty and nursed him back to moderate health, to Eris being responsible for his survival.
He's surprisingly stubborn for somebody who may have lost 10% of his brain function, memory, and who consistently goes through War flashbacks much like an old veteran would. At this point basically he has the physical strength and energy of somebody in his mid-twenties but the demeanor and temperament of somebody in their late eighties. The only way you can coax him to do anything is to simply trade with him. This could be either new weaponry for him to practice with, or just a snack.
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kneamet · 3 years
Angel of cards (15/16)
Trigger Warning: obsession, yandere, madness
Summary: Joker, Mr. J, anarchist psychopath, Tom Hiddleston. He had many nicknames. Joker was Gotham’s most dangerous and insightful man, with sharp makeup and horribly memorable scars on his face in the form of a smile. He was absolutely crazy and deadly. No one knows his real identity and everyone is afraid of his cruel jokes. But what happens when he becomes obsessed with an ordinary girl?
She belongs to him. No one can take her away from him. Even The Batman.
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Chapter Fifteen: the show
“This is going to be the best show ever," the Joker thought to himself in excitement, almost starting to sing with joy. He licked his lips, still smiling.
Everyone will love it. He was sure of it. The best show, the best performance for ordinary viewers. Oh, how they will be happy to experience this! Their fear, their anxiety, their... helplessness. It's so emotionally unstable.
He began to laugh softly. People. Ordinary people in any bad danger will be emotionally unstable. They will do everything, everything! just to save yourself and your useless asses.
The Joker gritted his teeth and they creaked slightly. Damn people. Helpless, but trying to make a fool of themselves. The gods, perhaps? But no, he would be the God now, not one of those two-faced people.
He looked out the window of the building he was currently in and grinned. How lovely it is. Soon one of the airliners will explode. What could be better? Well, maybe just his angel.
He stifled a small groan. How he longed to touch the body of his angel. He was sure that she had already missed him. It had only been about three hours, and he was already bored. He couldn't wait to be reunited with her again. As soon as he comes back after this big joke, they will be reunited again. Only this time for real. Not coitus, they are animals, not sexual pleasures. Not at all.
He would never hurt his girlfriend like that. To him, she would always be his and his virgin. They can finally become one. Truly, as a whole. It will adorn her face.
And all, I would like the angel to marry him? Would she want to burden the bond of marriage with the Joker? He chuckled a little at the awkwardness. It's over she wants it. It would be very strange and incomprehensible if she refused such an offer. She loved him.
Oh, and when his angel marries him, she'll be the first lady of Gotham. So pretentious, perfect, and flawless. Probably the best man in the world. The best.
And their wedding! How wonderful it will be! An innocent bride in a delicate white dress that deeply frames her lovely, fragile body, like porcelain, and he, a psychopath (although as such he did not consider himself), in a black suit, without makeup. They will celebrate together and no one will disturb them. They won't invite anyone.
Well, maybe only if Betsy and then, would he agree? Hardly. Although the idea of handcuffing him and gagging him, forcing him to watch, and then removing his mask to the camera and startling everyone seemed very tempting. Too much. Probably, everything should be done like this.
And Betsy, does he have feelings for his angel? And if so, why? Why the fuck did he love her? If this turns out to be true and he loves his angel, the Joker will personally kill him.
"Maybe you shouldn't? Maybe we should just leave it at that. Or let Blake go?" Tom asked the Joker in his mind as he fiddled with the door. To which the Joker only frowned in reality and took a deep breath, licking his lips.
Fuck off, Tom! You don't belong here! And don't even dare invade the Joker's personal space! Just try one more time to break it!
The Joker clenched his fists and only tightened his grip on the words. No, he certainly liked to improvise, but now he is not up to it. It was necessary to show themselves correctly. The pitch was important.
The Joker smiled again. Now is the time to act. He coughed out the last of his laughter and held the microphone up to his face, looking down at the notebook.
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"Today you will all be part of a personal show..." the Joker said loudly, waving one hand, almost jumping up and down with joy. Oh, he could almost feel the fear of these people. "What do you think, and for whom is it intended?" arching his eyebrows and making a moment of silence, he asked, until suddenly a loud and terrifying laugh came out of his mouth. "It's all for Betsy! Yes, for my beloved Betsy! This well-known Dark Knight! " the Joker only continued to increase his laughter.
Suddenly, his laughter faded as quickly and unexpectedly as it had appeared. He suddenly became serious immediately. No, these weak people are too stupid to understand him.
"With the help of the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate, I am ready to send you to the other world now," although they hardly understood anything, but still, why not enlighten them in this. "If anyone tries to get off the ferry, you'll all die," he drawled, smiling broadly at his reflection in the mirror.
"Every ferry has a remote control to blow up another ferry," his words, his very speech, were very casual, as if he wasn't talking about the murders, but about the weather.
"Tonight at midnight, I will blow you all up. If any of you push the button, I'll let this ferry live, " a small shiver ran down his back. How fucking exciting that is. To feel that someone's life depends on you. "So who will win: a collection of the most dangerous thugs of Harvey Dent, or cute and innocent citizens?"he knew that ordinary people are much tougher than criminals. Because those who at least more or less repented and admitted their actions, ordinary citizens understood their impunity.
The Joker was sure that ordinary people would eat each other if they were stranded on a desert island. They will fight. With your friends, relatives — all of them. Everything you need for the citizens and common people, so it's power and recognition from everyone that they are the main people in the world.
Arrogance is very contagious.
"It's up to you," he said, as if they had a choice. A choice, really? What choice can people have? Be a slave and obey, that's all. "Oh, and you better decide quickly, because the people on the other ferry may not be so noble," in this case, he was referring to the ship of the "pious and innocent" citizens.
He walked in anticipation and tension, as if he were a lion walking around in a small cage, all over the room of this old unfinished house. Although maybe it was a parking lot for cars? Hardly.
The Joker kept glancing out the big picture window. He was extremely excited about these shows. And that's it, will Betsy like it? Will he bless them with his angel?
Angel. His angel... She must be grieving and suffering there without him. Never mind, as soon as he was done with this business, he would go straight to his angel's home. They will be reunited. For real.
He chuckled slightly. Well, you'll like his idea. Exactly. Exactly. You will definitely like it!
Suddenly, his ears caught a gentle and very quiet knock. A rustle. Knock. A rustle. Oh, and here's our long-awaited guest that everyone was hoping to see, isn't it?
"There he is! Honestly, I'm already trembling with impatience!" The Joker muttered excitedly as he stopped and stared out the window, mesmerized. It will happen soon. Soon. Very soon. Soon. Soon. Soon.
A quick laugh escaped the Joker's mouth. Laughter. Very loud and frightening, making anyone shiver, just like the Joker himself.
"You-you-you better get out-of-the-shadows!" The Joker shouted loudly, not stopping his loud laughter. It echoed against the gray walls of the building. "Otherwise, you'll miss all the fireworks, Betsy!" he did not even turn to his unexpected guest.
"There won't be any fireworks," a loud and steely voice rang out again from the darkness. A man appeared. Betsy, you're gorgeous right now. So formidable and all that. What do you want to prove? That everyone is as ugly at heart as you are?" At these words of prayer, the Joker burst into another fit of laughter.
Why is Betsy so funny?
The laughter suddenly stopped again. The Joker turned and tilted his head, smiling at Batman as he moved closer to him.
"I want to marry Blake, my sweet angel!"
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brokentoys · 3 years
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@acrylic-kettle​ ASKED :
Of course! I got tons of those questions comin’ right up!
I notice that you actually use a couple of different Edwards across media as icons, but is there a definite Edward that you think fits your Edwards face perfectly? Or does he kinda mash together with other Edwards? Do you have like a face claim, perhaps?
Oh! Is there a song that you perhaps associate with Ed as well? Or do you have a playlist that you just have in mind for him?
What is Edwards relationship with Batman? I know across different types of versions that there is always like a different kind of relationship that Edward has with The Batman- so what’s your Edwards thoughts on him?
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OKAY. The reason why I use multi-media icons for Ed is because I’ve been actually RPing for like, 8 years now? And ever since then I felt the need to have THOUSANDS of icons at the time. The problem with Edward is that... he doesn’t really have one good artist that stuck with him? If you know what I mean. My favorite artists for Eddie are Jim Lee,, which despite technically being the main villain of, Eddie was barely in Hush. And José Luis García-López.  Which I ADORE how he drew Eddie in Confidential... but that’s it! And really?? Those two artists... STILL don’t draw how I picture Eddie. The closest I can say how I picutre Eddie is Arkham City... and even that, I still don’t picture him 100%. But definitely closest. Originally, I was going to SOLELY use screencaps from Assault on Arkham for my Eddie icons. But,,, there just wasn’t enough icons for that to keep me satisfied. But it kinda sucks,, ‘cos some people assume my Eddie wears the domino mask. And I can’t blame them for that. But my Ed solely wears glasses. I’ve drawn plenty of arts of Eddie. Which can be viewed at @strangledwires​ But examples being here & here. Whilst I have actors in mind... it’s just that... I can’t find anyone who looks exactly how I picture Eddie looking.
GOD. Songs??? I can link you to many. But right now, “I Think it’s Arrogance” by Set It Off comes to mind. And “Bang Pow Boom” by Insane Clown Posse is actually a VERY accurate song of how I depict Ed!!!! 😂 I can probs name WAY MORE... but the list will be LONG. If you ever want that! Since I’ve,, A LOT OF SONGS I relate to him.
As for Batman. That’s actually VERY INTERESTING. My portrayal does not perceive himself as a villain. I think it was Arkham Origins in which he said he’ll show Batman what a “refined vigilante” looks like. And THAT’S my Ed!!!! He LEGIT sees himself as a VIGILANTE. He thinks of himself as the IDEAL VIGILANTE. And that Batman & the others are just corrupt people ruining the term. Eddie’s relationship with Batman? Well... it’s complicated! Eddie often projects his father onto Batman. And it gets so bad to the point where Edward THINKS he’s talking to his father instead of Batman! Why? Because Batman really does remind Edward of his father. Batman and his father, to him, shares similarities. They’re both big, they’re both “brutes,” they’re both unhappy/unsmiling. They both love to fight/beat others up (at least, Ed THINKS Batman has enjoyment in beating others up.) And they both make Ed feel like he’s stupid. Even if Batman is unintentional... every time Bat figures out his riddles or death traps, Ed think it’s Batman’s way of “proving he’s smarter.” And it makes Ed feel really dumb. So, Batman really does upset Edward because of these supposed similarities. Ed also legit believes Batman is working for the government, and that Batman is “against” him and his goal of actually “bettering Gotham”. But Ed is so paranoid... he tends to think many people are actually against him, and working for the government.
Even though I... don’t typically like Ed’s portrayal since the new 52. (Other than Solitaire. That was a pretty solid portrayal of Ed’s character imo.) There was a Flash comic where Ed said Batman “triggers ALL his triggers” and whilst that was probably intended as a joke... it’s fucking true. Not only does Batman trigger Ed’s traumatic memories. But he also triggers his mental illnesses. Because every time Batman solves his riddles/puzzles. It triggers Eddie’s narcissism. Because his NPD always strives him to be PERFECT. And his puzzles being solved... convinces his NPD/insecurities that he’s NOT perfect. And that’s why he has such a... breakdown when Batman “wins.” Because of how his parents treated him, Eddie convinced himself he HAS to be perfect, or else he’s NOTHING. He’s WORTH NOTHING.
So, even when/if Eddie’s reformed... that’s why I can’t see him getting along with Batman too well unless they really heal together. Because Batman really does trigger Eddie in multiple ways. He brings back far too many bad memories. And Ed, when reformed, fears that Batman will trigger him again to doing... well, bad things.
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jimmythejiver · 3 years
For the first time in a long time I went to the movies in forever and then to Target. At Target I see some Godiva bars on discount yellow tags and I was ecstatic until I read 70% Cacao, Dark, Salted Caramel and was deflated.
Anyway that's how I felt about seeing The Green Knight. What you thought this was about chocolate?
No see since the pandemic I've been back on my perennial King Arthur kick. I've for a long time since I was a young preteen thought, someday I too will write my own King Arthur epic and it'll be gay, magical, gangster and culty too, but for now I'll make up my own stories for practice and then with every story I got attached too, it got too involved and convoluted to the point that when it came down to actually writing a novel, I threw it all away and made a space opera I only planned in two weeks and wrote in a month. Anyway...so now I've been writing this very gay, magical, gangster and culty take on Final Fantasy XV with my boyfriend and just fell in love with Somnus Lucis Caelum who nobody has any insight about him than to make him the Mordred to Ardyn's Arthur, which is a strange flex, but okay, I thought about what if I wrote a Dark Age prequel about Ardyn and Somnus, but Ardyn becomes king and Somnus his shogun and they play games of seduction and power because I'm twisted like that. Anyway...I was like I'm never going to write this and I have to keep making up characters based on FFXV characters and King Arthur tropes because there's not a lot of stories that take place during the Dark Ages, it's always some Roman Empire story, or High Middle Ages and FFXV gave no room for either society to happen after the fall of Solheim and the rise of King Somnus...so we left with Dark Ages, y'all, the King Arthur comparisons are obvious, but Ardyn is no Arthur and Somnus is no Mordred, Aera is only Guenevere if you make up an affair with Somnus, Gilgamesh is no Bedwyr/Bedivere, but uh...they both amputees and the oldest companions to their respective kings so...I guess. Anyway making an ancestor of Cor Leonis and deciding well he's Owain/Yvain, or am Ignis type as idk Sir Cai/Kay I guess, they both cook, but Cai's more like Seifer Almasy than any FF character... Anyway I'm losing people.
My plan was to just scrap the FFXV prequel, leave my Somnus ideas into Overtime (a gangster and gods story) and just plan an actual King Arthur adaptation. I'd have King Arthur the treasure hunter, leader of a warband turned founder of Camelot who fights giants, giant cats and dogheads, but also fights King Claudas of the Franks and King Aelle of the Saxons and Cerdic a Briton who puts in his lot with the Saxons, etc. It'd been a a glorified turf war, meanwhile Arthur's gotta make alliances with King Pelles, The Fisher King and his strange cult he's founded because, why yes I find the ends justifies the means prophecy of the Holy Grail Quest very culty because Christianity then does not resemble it now. Meanwhile you got the secondary plots of Mordred, Gawain, Lancelot, Percival, Tristam and other's going on because they matter and too many modern King Arthur stories sideline the knights.
So many have always sidelined Mordred as a final boss eldritch abomination in mortal flesh conceived of sin and give him no personality, or complex motives, or even just a relationship with Arthur. I also have noticed the general sidelining of Lancelot, or give him a chad villain upgrade if you must include him at all, and the villainizing of Gawain to the point that you don't even have to have Mordred, or Agravain as a catalyst shit stirrer in court, just slap Gawain's name on Liam Neeson in a top knot and you're good. Mordred can just be a child offscreen until last act...fuck that, while Morgan Le Fay can either be a villainess plotting her cabal through men, or a well-intentioned, ineffectual idiot. Fuck that.
Now Hollywood just be doing King Arthur first acts that suck ass, only for said director to get rewarded failing upwards by giving this same jerk the Aladdin remake. The tonally shitty, crammed in blockbuster mess of a cliche heroe's journey that sucks.
With that background I was excited for The Green Knight. I read an illustrative version as a kid, I read Tolkien's translation as a teenager, I read Simon Armitage's superior, but with liberties taken translation. I was prepped to go knowing that indie, or not they were going to make changes to weave the disjointed poem together. I'm excited that because this movie exists Project Guternberg's finally thrown Jessie Weston's prose rendition up on their website. I'll be reading that at some point when this blows over.
The movie adaptation makes a lot of...choices, many I wouldn't love, but would forgive had their been a payoff. There was none.
The journey was fine, the cinematography was a breath of fresh air after crappy slo mo, glossy action scenes ruined another. Guys, I don't think I want to see a Zack Snyder Excalibur, it'll marginally be better than Guy Ritchie, but that ain't saying anything. Leave Excalibur to the post-Star Wars 80s where it is impeccable for it's time. I liked Green Knight's breathable pacing, it's color palette's in the forests and mountains made up for the muddy grey of every Ridley Scott send up in the castles and villages in every other Dark Ages/Medieval story in the last I don’t know since the shitty 00′s. For all the dark tones when there was blues, greens, yellows or reds, they were vibrant in this movie to contrast the gloom of Britain. The soundtrack was good. This isn't all what makes a movie, but it enhances it so let's get to the story and what I did and didn't like.
Things I Liked: Gawain is still a novice in his career The Costume Dressing Everyone pronounces Gawain's name different. I pronounce it like Gwayne, or Guh Wayne, but here you got Gowen (like Owen), Gowan (like Rowan), or even Garlon who I'm pretty sure is the Fisher King's heir in some versions of that Arthurian story, so uh... The reference to Arthur slaying 960 men with his bare hands (Nennius for the win!) The Waste Land that is implied to be a site of a battle (an important aspect of the Arthurian landscape) The Fox companion No long grisly, drawn out hunting scenes. The Fox lives! No misogynist speeches
Things I'm Mixed: This being a dream, is the magic real? Are the giants? Is the Green Knight a figment of Gawain's imagination from a spell Morgan casted in him to hallucinate? Is Lord and Lady also figments? It's...a way to interpret the poem, but lazy and I don't see why it's got to all fantasy, or all dream...this movie makes it too vague you're stuck picking one camp than to accept it's a fantasy with dream and hallucinatory sequences.
Things I'm Meh: Morgan Le Fay as Gawain's mom. Look I fucking hate Morgause as a character and these two get merged and steal each other's aspects so much at this point the difference is who did they marry, King Urien or King Lot? Both are attributed to being Mordred's mom, Mordred is Gawain's brother...both practice magic depending on certain incarnations, both love and hate Arthur their brother and are in conflict with him. Saint Winifred. I actually liked this sequence, but I don't appreciate her as the tacked on wife in the later dream sequence as like...a contrast between the wife you should marry than the whore next door you don't respect anyway? I don't even know what lesson I'm supposed to get out of the damn dream sequence, or any of it? That Gawain should've married his girlfriend and then he'd be a just ruler? That he shouldn't be king? That he'd never have to make the same heartless, impartial choices? I don't know, he seemed like a king doing king shit because guess what? It never gets easier. Wars will be waged. The world didn't become better because he married the right woman, respected her and lived in obscurity. The world didn't become better because he made her his queen. We certainly don't know the world would be better Gawain had his head chopped off and dead XP They never reveal the Lord and the Green Knight as one and the same because of this shit.
Things I Hated: Arthur withdraws from the challenge because he's old. In poem he takes it on and Gawain takes it so he don't have to and he finds himself more disposable than the king. Gawain only takes the challenge because of arrogance. Arthur and Gawain had no prior personal relationship. I'd not have hated this so much if it wasn't compounded by it cancelling out the first two things. Gawain is portrayed as having no respect for his woman, or any woman, maybe his mother? He has to be pushed by Winifred to regain her head. Gawain is portrayed as arrogant, covetous and ready to pass the buck, or the bare minimum than have any honor or decency. It didn't matter the kid in the wasteland was shithead bandit, the way Gawain acted towards him, when he gets robbed, it almost feels like he deserved it and Gawain doesn't learn a damn lesson. I'll admit him taking the sword to cut his ropes and cutting his hands was a neat sequence, it shows him go from stupid, to almost clever and having will to survive...you know traits he had in the poem, but he stops showing these traits or growing. Basically Gawain has to be dragged kicking and screaming to help people and shows no fortitude when facing temptation, or when showing respect towards others, it's exhausting. You don't make this kind of journey story without character growth. Why are you skipping this? Also is it just me, or is this like when you take Frank Miller Batman and transport him onto a Bill Finger story? This is at best Thomas Malory Gawain (and this is charitable) transported on the earlier Pearl Poet's story. Stop it. It's not tonally correct and goes at odds with the story and the set up characterization you'd need to tell it. Speaking of which, you know how I get through the oof... of Liam Neeson Gawain in Excalibur? By pretending he Agravain instead. Here...I don't even think Gawain could pass as Mordred in spite of his covetous nature, lust and entitlement. Why? because I don't think even Mordred is this dumb to warrant this hubris. Essel being invented as a tacked on love interest just to be shit on utterly and for what? I don't think I have much commentary here as there is no Essel I'm aware of to compare, or stack up. I just notice this trope of like...usually if you include a sex worker in Hollywood she often has a heart of gold, she often has her own sense of values that goes at odds with society, but is more true and less hypocritical than a privileged lady’s. I thought that's what they would've done with the added trope of back at home sweetheart to contrast and pit her against the despicable femme fatale of Lady Bertilak and her adultery and her ladyship...and I'm glad they didn't...but you did nothing with Essel than to shit on her for existing when you made her exist, you know. Lady Bertilak being portrayed as the seductress devil incarnate. Look I know adultery is a touchy taboo, but uh her and Gawain hit it off in the poem, dammit! Her values and his values come to clash, but here it's played off as Gawain is stupid and covetous and Lady Bertilak wants to prove something because...? If my brother's theory that she's a figment of Morgan Le Fay's magic, then I'll take this as a lesson of Gawain is impulsive and covetous and his mom knows it, but he don't want to fuck his mom, but he wants her power, and Morgan wants to teach him a lesson... I guess. Hey we don't have misogynist speeches in this movie, but we'll make sure to have the movie drip with it with no point, or commentary. Pass. Lord guilting, extracting and initiating the same sex kiss and only once. Poem automatically better that Gawain don't have to keep being reminded to keep his part of the bargain and he does it willingly more than once. What he doesn't do is give up his belt...gods how did we get more homophobic as a society that the homoeroticism here is worse? Catholics of the middle ages officially had no issue doing same sex, passionate kissing until it lead to sex. The Ending: The gods damn ending. In the movie as is, Gawain waits to uphold his end of the bargain and get his head chopped off. He imagines, even though we don't get any fuzzy or distortion to indicate this is a dream, but I already knew this was coming, he runs away and comes home, is regarded a hero, he sees his lady, takes her from behind and if you saw Brokeback Mountain (I didn't, but DJ has) you know this is a sign of disrespect to women. He gets her knocked up, pays her off for the kid she wants to keep, he is crowned king, marries the ghostly saint lady he helped retrieve her head earlier from a lake in the movie (this right here is the damn tip off). There's no more dialogue by this point and everything is montaging, so you know by now it's a dream, though nothing is out of focus. He rules as a heartless king, his whore son dies from war he waged, he has a daughter, his wife dies. Gawain then takes off the belt that would've saved his life and his head falls off. This would've been the one good twist, except... In this sequence of events he never had his head cut off so uh... now we back in present day. He decides not to bitch out, Green Knight in a sexy way is like "now off with your head," movie cuts to credits with no resolve...uh what the fuck? What the fuck? This is not good. You wasted the one twist in your dream when idk, you could've...
How I'd fix it: No dream sequence at all. No Incident At Owl Creek twist. Gawain comes home a hero and survivor of this game and ordeal. He wears this belt of shame. He becomes a well-renowned knight, but he bears a shame. One day he goes to take off his belt and his head falls off because he cheated to get this belt and to survive this encounter. There. Done. Improved your high concept movie that couldn't play any of the lessons straight from the damn poem without making everyone an asshole for no reason! Ugh! But nope you had to end it on we don’t know if Gawain lives or dies...because...it's dream magic made from his momma's witchcraft...?
Last Thoughts So then post-credits scene because Marvel because Pirates Of The Caribbean existed. A white girl who looks nothing like Gawain's daughter we see who didn’t pay off, or any child I can remember through this whole movie picks up King Arthur's crown that dream Gawain inherited and puts it on her head. Who is this girl? Are we gonna have an indie equivalent of of the Marvel Movie Universe/Universal Horror Monsters thing with ancient British legends? We gonna get a Life Of Saint Patrick next that crosses over? I don't know. What is this?
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Batman: The Idiot Root Part 2
Following @mirrorfalls​ ‘s ask and Part 1, in which I continue my look at the Batman storyline called “The Idiot Root” 
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I feel a strange disconnect reading this storyline, in the sense that this comic is definitely hitting on some really, really good ideas, ideas that could make for a really gripping and incredibly disturbing storyline, but is passing them by too quickly for any of the ideas to sink in, which I’m starting to realize is a problem I may have with Batman comics in general.
But I’m definitely welcoming what this story has to offer. Peter Milligan really knows how to bring out the disturbing in Batman, and when paired with Norm Beyfogle it’s a winning duo.
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...Huh, I guess Zeno is indian? Definitely doesn’t look like one, I just thought he was a random white dude getting too much focus. “Zeno” is not a Brazilian name, and I guess the intent was for it to be exotic on purpose? He did say he was “born here” when they arrived in the jungle, but...bruh, no
“my people”
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Moving on
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God, this should be harrowing and dramatic, and I feel like if this was a prose narrative you could get such delightfully unsettling descriptions of Crosby destroying the children one by one as the great horror from another world feasts on their minds and then the heads tethering him to this world explode as said horror bursts forth and talks about "dipping his tongue into all that succulent consciousness”, and I’m already sounding like I’m about to write a pulp horror story just describing it, but
but he looks so STUPID
he is just a GUY
I’m not even opposed to great horrors looking silly or ridiculous, I’m firmly in the “Mxyzptlk doesn’t need to be anything more than just a little guy in doofy clothing, and any attempts to make him “scarier” than he already is are hokey as shit” camp, but The Idiot’s not even that silly, he’s just a white guy in a straight jacket and a doofy haircut.
Like at this point I think the whole “Idiot” gimmick stopped being cute and funny and now it’s just frustrating and feels like it’s getting in the way of what could easily be a really, really great Batman horror story.
Not that it isn’t a GOOD Batman horror story or even nearing a great one, mind you, because this is still Peter Milligan with Norm Beyfogle at work, and they sell the hell out of the idea. But, again, it’s a couple steps short of being potentially the Batman horror story for the ages it could have been.
I do definitely like the “Zombies are the gateways to the real world” and the idea of a cosmic horror story where the great monster only uses the zombies as means to travel and sustenance, and the zombies themselves are just helpless victims. It’s almost like a Cosmic Vampire kind of thing.
Frankly, I would have liked it more if it was The Queen of Hearts from earlier that transformed into a cosmic vampire needing to hijack minds to survive, then you could blow up her inner struggle from before to greater proportions, as Batman tries to both save her as well as Rio from being consumed by an unholy abomination ever growing in power and bloodlust.
In fact, I’m gonna save this idea for later.
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I get that De Freitas here is supposed to be a fairly typical “unsympathetic authority figure who doesn’t like the superhero and is going to be proven wrong by the story’s end”, and I’m definitely not about to start defending a cop character, especially a Brazilian cop, but I get the feeling that his constant remarks that he doesn’t trust Americans and their arrogance, and doesn’t trust American vigilantes, don’t quite make him as unsympathetic as Milligan intended. I absolutely think he’s right to be wary of Batman and to want this American superhero to stay the fuck away from Rio’s streets, which are more than enough of a handful to deal with as is without vigilantes and superheroes.
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Well, I sure know who this asshole voted for in the last election.
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To the story’s credit, getting torn apart by a crippling fear of birds is absolutely the kind of rushed, horror-movie finale that’s befitting The Idiot’s nature. It also means that The Penguin could kick this guy’s ass if warned beforehand of his capabilties and I absolutely want to see that happen.
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Okay, I get that this is also very much an appropriate ending for a horror story, the hero finds a brief return to normalcy that’s forever tainted by an encounter with horror beyond imagination, and definitely not what I expected from a Batman comic, but...
That’s it? Batman just, left them? Didn’t drag the victims and Zeno to a Wayne Enterprises hospital to look after them, didn’t try and find a cure for their condition, didn’t stay in Rio to try and see where else the Idiot might have winded up, nothing? Didn’t even try to completely eliminate said idiot root from existence? Just, took a plane back to Gotham and brooded about it?
...Look, I don’t want to make this a pissing contest, I genuinely detest and never want to do those, but I gotta point that, in the one storyline where The Shadow encountered an ancient, all-powerful evil puppeteering the mindless husks of children to telepathically prey on mankind, the very first thing he did after temporarily putting it down was learn where it came from and travel halfway across the world to take a flamethrower to it.
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And frankly I don’t see why Batman would have any reservations about doing the same thing, to a being that’s killed at least 60 people by the story’s count. But, really, he just feels bad about himself for a bit and leaves Rio (and Brazil by extension) to deal on their own with the potential return of a godlike murderous monster created by American machinations and perversions.
...Again, definitely wasn’t expecting that level of authenticity from a Batman story set in Brazil.
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I guess overall I’d say I liked reading The Idiot Root, but it’s also one of those things that I keep having mixed feelings about due to the story not living up to it’s incredible potential. In regards to it’s depiction of Brazil, it’s definitely a lot better than I was expecting, considering the writer’s British and this is a Batman comic after all. I can definitely say there was some effort here (really undercut by the baffling decision to draw a supposed indian character as a white man but, hey, can’t win everything).
I can definitely say I’ll be mining some ideas out of this story for my own writings, thank you very much for introducing me to it. It’s quite fascinating, and if nothing else, if I ever get a job writing Batman, I’m definitely going to bring Mister Slim (under a more fitting name like Zé Magrão) back, definitely the most pleasing surprise from the book.
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Could/Should/Did: Jason Todd-Should Have
Jason Todd x reader
Word Count: 731
Summary: How it should have gone.
“Red Hood, who is this?”
Your heart was in your throat as you watched the new arrivals. You were in your Corvid costume sans mask, so your face was fully visible to them. It was Jason’s idea; the hope was that Damian would recognize you and aid in convincing the others that you were to be trusted.
And judging from the brilliantly bright grin that practically cracked the boy’s face in half, it did the trick. “Mama!” he cheered, streaking forward to attack you with a tight hug.
Instinct had you kneeling and squeezing him before your brain really registered what you were doing. “Hello, habibi.”
“I knew it was you. I knew it!”
“You always were too smart for your own good,” you chuckled.
Damian leaned back to look at your face. “Why didn’t you tell me you were here, Mama?”
Your eyes flicked over to the rest of his family, all of whom were watching in a sort of awestruck stupor because of the normally-arrogant boy’s uncharacteristically childish actions. You cupped his face in your hands, taking in just how much he’d grown during your time apart. “You needed to adjust to being here, habibi. Time to get to know your family.”
“You’re part of my family! Mother said so, too!” he protested.
“The rest of your family, then,” you conceded. “Besides, I’m here now, and I’m never leaving you again.” Bold words considering that you had no idea how the others would react.
“Damian,” Batman’s voice called everyone’s attention to him, “who is this?”
“And what the hell is going on?” Tim muttered under his breath.
“This is my Mama,” the boy ‘explained’ as if it was obvious.
“Y/N,” you offered more helpfully. “I was Talia’s assistant and bodyguard.”
“She cut her loose the same time she brought Damian here to protect them both from Ra’s,” Jason elaborated.
Bruce nodded ever so slightly. “And you’ve been acting as Corvid? That’s the reason for this meeting?”
“Yes,” Jason was the one that confirmed it. “Plus, Dickiebird and the replacement have been stalking me in an attempt to find my apartment for a movie night or something, so I figured I should introduce her before they broke in and saw us fucking or something.”
“Akh!” Damian complained, looking disgusted.
“Jason,” you groaned, “did you have to put it like that?” By this point you returned to your feet, but you kept a hand on Damian’s shoulder, not wanting to lose contact yet.
“What?” he objected, clearly laughing. “It’s true, and they have no boundaries!”
You rolled your eyes. “Jason and I are involved,” you informed them. “Have been for a long time.”
“So, what, you helped raise Dami?” Dick asked, still looking confused.
“Did you really think Talia taught him manners? Or how to use a fork?” you countered. “She did the League training, I did the human stuff.”
“He has manners?” Tim seemed somehow more surprised than before.
Your eyes narrowed as they slid back over to Damian. “Habibi . . .”
His gaze was firmly locked onto the ground where his foot was kicking at a stray piece of brick. “I’ll do better.” He sounded more than a little reluctant.
“Yes, Mama.”
“So, are we good, B?” Jason brought attention back to himself.
Batman’s cold, clinical stare slid back over to you. “You know and are willing to follow our rules?”
“Then welcome to the family.” The little smile tugging at the corner of his mouth threw you off a little.
“Just like that?” you asked dumbly.
“Just like that,” he confirmed. “My sons seem to love you, and you’re clearly a good influence on Damian. Follow those rules and protect them, and you’ll have nothing to worry about him from me.” There was a pause. “But Alfred will want to meet you. He’s protective of Jason.”
“Why do I feel like I should be scared?”
“Because you should be,” Tim said unhelpfully. “Jason’s his favorite.”
In this moments that followed, wrapped in the arms of your son and the man you love, you felt at peace for the first time well, ever. Back to back, you kissed Damian’s temple and Jason’s cheek. “I love you both so much.”
“Love you too, Mama,” Damian said low enough that the onlookers wouldn’t overhear.
“I told you it’d be fine,” Jason said smugly.
A giggle escaped you. “Oh, shut up, Jason.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
The Red Hoods Protègè chapter 3
Older Damian Wayne x ofc
Summary:Red hood has taken a young vigilante under his wing and subsequently changes Damians life forever. (I suck at summary’s)
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(Photo made by my lovey friend @bakketsux)
A/N: This chapter took me way longer than I thought it would since I tried a new writing style, I really hope it comes across better than the last chapters and I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
As I start to wake up I feel the heaviness of my quilt blanket over me, the warmth a pleasant contrast to the chill air in my room from the window I was to tired to close last night. I feel the bruises on my wrist from last night as I reach up to rub the sleep from my eyes. I look over to my bedside table and see the time, it reads 7:24 a.m. I’m shocked by the fact that I’m not as tired as I thought considering we got back at 3 in the morning and that I got up a few times in the night. I get up and walk to my drawers where all my clothes lay, I change out of the large night shirt I slept in that I’m almost positive is Roy’s, and slip on a black tank top with some jeans and a sweatshirt that I got last week. I look out my window when I hear movement finding it was nothing but a bird looking in, I walk over to the window and shut it so the bird can’t get in even though there’s a screen and shut the blinds once again. I wince when I bend down to grab my suit off the floor, as last night I was way to tired to even bother putting it away properly. Last night was a bit of a rougher night, it was supposed to be just a grab intel and head out, but there was some watch men that we hadn’t accounted for and one hit me in the ribs. I swear Jason was gonna have a heart attack and die again when we got back and he saw how bad the bruise forming. I go out of the room and see Jason in the kitchen with presumably eggs on the pan. “Hey ange, sleep well last night?” “Sure if you count waking up 3 times to go pee then sure I did jay jay” I say with a chuckle “you’d think you’d stop drinking an entire bottle of water right before bed then Huh” he says with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as he sets a plate of eggs and toast in front of me. “So how is it being out on patrol?” “It’s alright, unless you count the football size bruises then those are just peachy!” I saw with sarcasm “I think you enjoy it more than you let on ange” “and you assume that why?” “You seem to enjoy yourself when the little batdemon is around” “I do not! He’s got a large stick up his ass and acts like someone pissed in his cereal every morning.” “Then why the snarky comments and the jokes towards him?” “I never said it wasn’t funny to watch him have a meltdown when I do. Only time he’s entertaining.” “Alrighty then, keep telling yourself that little one” he says with a wink, I finish the last piece of my toast and get up to the sink. “Hey do you mind if I go for a jog to the park?” “How old are you?” “I’m 18?” “You’re an adult, you don’t have to ask me to go for a run, you’re capable to defend yourself, can you just do me a favor and pick up more milk on the way back, Roy keeps bitching that we run out so often” “aye aye Capitan!” I say as I head out the door, before I shut it I hear Jason’s laugh Ecco across the apartment. I start my walk to the park that’s 3 blocks away and plug in my headphones to play some music.
Time skip
I get to the park and see plenty of people raging from small children running around to elderly couples on a bench. I get to a large tree and start my jog around the spacious park, when I’ve finished my second lap around I see a large dog running beside me, it looks to be a Great Dane. I stop my run and crouch down to pet the large dog and he starts panting happily as I rub behind his ears “hi pretty baby and who might you be?” I coo at it as he site down with his tongue hanging from his mouth “awwee aren’t you the cutest thing in the world! You’re just a big ole baby who loves the scritches, oohhh the wonderful scritches!” “Titus!” I hear a voice yell behind me. I turn towards it and see a guy that’s presumably around my age with a large frame, jet black hair with a tan complexion. “Oh is this your dog?” I ask “yes, I don’t understand why he’d run off like that especially to a complete stranger.” There’s a time of Arrogance to his voice. “He’s a beautiful dog” he looks at me with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk, “thank you, we have to get going I have a meeting to attend in 30 minutes.” We both stand up and I put my hand out. “Okay then. Have a good day sir” he takes a hold of my hand with a firm but not crushing grip “My name is Damian, Damian Wayne.” “Nice to meet you, Most people call me ange.” Him and Titus start to walk away but but he turns to take one last look at me. As he walks away I can’t help but feel like I know him from somewhere, I don’t dwell on it as I run one more lap around the park before I decide to head to the store to pick up some groceries.
As I’m walking up the stairs to our apartment i hear Jason and Roy talking through the door. “I’m heading out to go check out that new bar downtown after I go see a friend, Apparently the owner is a new mob leader and they’re smuggling stuff in the back.” “You’d think that for the job we have you guys would keep your voices down a bit” I saw when I walk in. “Well we’ve got old lady Ethel who’s hearing aid broke in the 90s, and the Christian couple down the hall who blasts Christmas music in July.” “Who knows Ethel could be a spy.” I say with a wink. “Always so worried little one” as Roy is leaving he ruffles my hair with a chuckle and I attempt to smooth it back down. “And how was your run?” “Pretty good, I picked up the milk and got more bread too.” “Thank god cause Roy was pissy when he got up cause god forbid he couldn’t make cereal.” “I swear he complains more than an old lady sometimes” I laugh. “So what did you do besides running?” “Oh we getting to the Interrogating side of parenting?” “No I’m just curious is all.” “Well I met this guy with his dog, he seemed nice.” “Ohh and who’s the guys name?” “I don’t need to tell you everything you know, I’m a fully grown adult now. Besides I’ll probably never see him again.” I say jokingly as I plop a marshmallow in my mouth. “Alright then, I totally won’t do a background check and find out who he is though.” He says with a wink. “Good luck there jay.” I walk into my room and grab my suit to go wash it for tonight.
Time skip to that night
As we walk down the hallway the lights grow dimmer until the only source of light in the room is from the moon coming in from the brown windows. The air wreaked of old water pipes decaying along with a heavy smell of just an old building. We hear little to nothing in the rotting building that is housing one of the largest shipment of crack and heroin in the city. As I look around I see old pipes that are falling apart and Machinery that looks to have been broken for decades, dust collected around majority of them. We near a room that has 2 large garage like doors, when we near we hear what sounds to be grunting from the room, Jason and I raising our guns as we approach the room. When we get it we see men on the ground and obviously unconscious, as they appear to be breathing still. “We got it from here.” We hear from the corner as Batman approaches us. “Looks like there’s no killing for either one of you tonight.” I look over and see robin beside Batman with a proud shit eating smirk. “Keep talking like that and I’ll have 1.” “Oh really you think you could kill me?” “I mean I am the one with the gun. And you’ve got a Sword that looks like it came from party city.” “Why you little-“ “ROBIN!” Batman grabs him before he could get to me. “Awe does batsy neee to hold you down when you throw a temper tantrum little one?” Robin frees from Batman and grabs ahold of me and slams me into the wall behind me “I will fucking end you if you don’t shut up!” He says as he grabs a hold of my neck. “Ooo second time you’ve tried chocking me, I knew you liked it kinky” his face flashes from anger to disgust and his grip loosens, I take my gun and slam it on the side of his head and kick him back and slam him to the wall and put my gun to his face “try that again and I’ll fill you with so much led that your own family won’t Recognize who you are.” I walk away from him. As Jason and I leave and get on his bike he takes a look at me “what was that all about?” “He’s fucking insufferable.” “You’ve got no idea.”
@comic-nerd-dc @psychovigilantewrites
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