#should i just tell disability services if they can arrange for staff to get some . sensitivity training so they stop asking dumb questions
transgaysex · 5 months
also whats a guy gotta do for people to stop asking me why i have the code to the elevators meant for personnel and disabled students to use. like why is it that twice now staff from the college ask me "Umm why do you have the code to the elevator?" buddy if im not also staff then ill give you one fucking guess.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Hidden Strength
TITLE: Hidden Strength CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 2/?
AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is sent to Midgard to atone for his actions during the Battle of New York.  He finds that one of his new housemates was disabled during the battle.
RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS:  This is a rewrite of the original work of the same name.  Also on AO3 here
Kat crossed her arms over her chest and gave the god a stern look.  It was stupid to antagonize the god, especially when he was being a villain.  She doubted the cell could actually contain him unless he actually wanted to be there, but that was a pet theory at the moment.  She also sensed that he would appreciate the sass and teasing and that keeping the god of mischief entertained would keep the chaos down to a minimum.
“What is your master plan Earth?” She countered his question she didn’t want to answer with a question he didn’t want to answer.  That was only fair.  
Loki laughed and his smirk only grew.  He was amused and was taking the bait.  That was definitely a good sign and fit in with Kat’s plan.  Nat let her take the lead, though it was strange for the younger Romanoff to do.  Loki was interested in Kat and seemed to be more willing to open up for her.  “You may be interesting, kitten, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be spilling such secrets so easily,” he told her, still clearly amused and enjoying this conversation. 
Kat giggled and shrugged, looking nonchalant.  “It was worth a try,” she replied innocently.  She had the innocent act down pat.  Nat could never quite pull it off, but her younger sister was a natural.  Just as Kat didn’t pull off the seductive thing very well.  She took a seat in the chair right on the other side of the glass from Loki.  He smirked and mirrored her, sitting on the built-in slab that served as a bed in the cell.  “So, what shall we discuss instead?” 
“How did you obtain magic powered by the Tesseract, kitten?” Loki asked.  He wasn’t dropping that question anytime soon, it seemed.  
Kat wasn’t exactly surprised that he knew where her magic came from.  Especially with how powerful both he and that staff of his were.  The staff resonated with Kat for some reason.  It resonated with her power, though she didn’t understand why.  What did the Tesseract and Loki’s scepter have in common?
She grinned at him.  He’d fallen into the conversation where she wanted him.  “And why would I tell you that?” She asked far too innocently.  
Loki inclined his head, an acknowledgment that she had him where she wanted him.  He wasn’t stupid.  He was a genius according to all the charts she’d seen on the matter.  His smirk remained in place and Kat could see from the glint in his eyes that he was enjoying this banter immensely.  “How about an exchange of information, then, kitten?” He asked, his voice still that stupidly seductive purr.  He knew exactly the effect he had on women and Kat wasn’t excluded from that in any way, shape, or form.  “Sound fair?”
She was on the job, though, and was trying to keep her emotions out of it.  Loki was a villain, for Pete’s sake.  He was actively trying to take over the Earth.  Granted, Kat was pretty sure it wasn’t of his own volition.  She gave him an adorable grin.  She couldn’t help that she liked this man.  Liked his wit and cleverness.  “Sounds fair,” she agreed.  “And to answer your question, I was experimented on in the Red Room. I assume Agent Barton told you about that?” He’d insinuated that Barton had told him everything.  
He inclined his head in agreement.  “So you were experimented on…” he commented contemplatively.  Kat could practically see the gears turning in his mind as he considered all the implications.  “How did they manage to give a Midgardian magic?” He asked, looked up at Kat again. 
Kat returned his smirk with one of her own.  “You owe me information before you get more questions,” she reminded him of their bargain.  If she read him right, he would keep to his bargains. 
Loki inclined his head again with a soft chuckle.  He liked this Romanoff.  She was definitely interesting and had intrigued him. “Very well.  Your question then?” He held up a hand to stop her before she blurted out something.  “And you are not allowed to begin with what my master plan is.  That would ruin all of the fun.” Loki was definitely concerned with finding the fun in whatever situation he found himself in. 
Kat laughed. “You’re no fun,” she teased. She was keeping up the lighthearted conversation, keeping him open and talking with her.  “What are you hoping to accomplish by letting yourself be captured?“ she asked him after a moment of thought.  She’d seen the footage of his battle with Cap.  She’d analyzed it and realized quickly that he’d let himself be brought here.  So he clearly had a reason.  The question was why he would let himself be captured.  
“To cause a little bit of mischief, kitten,” he replied with a Cheshire Cat grin that clearly said that he was giving a smart-ass non-answer.  
Kat rolled her eyes. "I’m not sure that qualifies as an answer,” she teased. “But I’ll give you your answer anyway.  The facility I was at worked with a program with Hydra.  They were trying to recreate the serum used on Captain America.  They also had possession of the Tesseract at the time, which is what they used on me to give me my powers,” she explained to him.  It wasn’t a secret.  It was in her file and the team knew that she had immense powers because of the Tesseract.  
Loki leaned in closer, eager to learn more.  “You contain magic gifted to you by the Tesseract?” He demanded.  The blue in his eyes intensified when he mentioned the Tesseract.  The mention of the other infinity stone, of his prize, sparking his interest.  
Kat nodded. “Yes, I did" she replied easily.  “Why are you so interested in it?” Her eyes flashed Tesseract blue for a moment, confirming that she did have the power of the stone running through her veins.
Loki moved and pressed his hand against the glass as if that would get him closer to the girl.  “I have to have it. I….”  He shook his head, his eyes haunted and pained.  All of him looked injured, like he was recovering from torture.  “That is a question I cannot answer, kitten,”
Kat frowned, but saw the pain in his eyes and didn’t press any more on that part “Cannot?  Is someone else in control?” she asked gently, open, inviting him to tell her.  Nat used sex appeal to get her answers, Kat clearly had different methods.  She was open, inviting, innocent.  
Loki looked away and said nothing for a long moment.  He tried to hide his flinch of pain from the Other yelling in his mind.  Kat caught it, though.  She was observant and caught everything. “No. I am in control. I want a throne, to be seen as better than my imbecile brother,” he replied snobbishly, stubbornly. 
Kat tilted her head, considering his words and his body language.  She stood and gave him a dismissive look.  “This arrangement isn’t going to work if you aren’t giving truthful answers,” she said cooly. 
“Stop asking questions I can’t answer, Midgardian,” Loki snarled at her, losing his veneer of propriety and teasing.  His hands had curled into fists at the pain he failed to hide. 
She didn’t like seeing him in pain, not when it was so obvious and not when he was clearly being mind-controlled and used.  She was sure of it then.  "So what can you tell me?” She asked him gently. 
“That none of you will win this fight,” he growled as he looked up again at her.  The blue in his eyes was much brighter then.  “The Chitari will come. There is nothing you can do to stop it,”
“Even Barton?  What are you planning to do with him?” Nat asked, trying to get them back on topic, back to talking about Barton and Loki’s plans.  
Loki tilted his head and gave her a malicious smirk.  “Is this love, Agent Romanoff?”
“Love is for children,” Nat said firmly.  “I owe him a debt”
Loki backed gracefully to his seat again and lifted his hands, indicating she should continue. He took his seat. “Tell me,”
Nat licked her lips and paused a moment before she spoke again. “Before I worked for SHIELD… I, uh, well, I made a name for myself,“ Nat explained as she took a seat.  "I have a specific skill set, and I didn’t care who I used it for.  Or on.  I got on SHIELD’s radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me.  He made a different call.  And later, together, we got Kat’ya out from under Hydra’s control and from the facility where she was kept,” she only included Kat in this explanation because she knew Loki would ask. 
“And what will you do if I vow to spare him?”
“Not let you out,” Nat replied with a shrug of her shoulder. 
Loki was clearly back in his element, back in his game.  His grin return.  “No, but I like this.  Your world in the balance and you bargain for one man. 
“Regimes fall every day.  I tend not to weep over that.  I’m Russian,” she shrugged again.  “Or I was,”
“And what are you now?” Loki asked, curious over both these Romanoffs, though still mostly on the younger one.  The one with the curious magic. 
 “It’s really not that complicated.  I’ve got red in my ledger. I’d like to wipe it out,” Nat had stood again, crossing her arms over her chest.  Kat watched the pair, silent and observing, analyzing as ever.  
“Can you?” Loki asked, his voice soft and sensual.  “Can you wipe out that much red? Dreykov’s daughter, Sao Paulo, the hospital fire?  Barton told me everything.  Your ledger is dripping.  It’s gushing red,” he stood again and approached the wall of the cell.  “And you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself  will change anything?” He sneered.   “This is the basest sentimentality.  This is a child at prayer,” his words were coming faster, more heated as he spoke.  Kat’s eyes widened at the change in the man she’d been bantering with.  “Pathetic!” He went on without pause.   “You lie and kill You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are a part of you, and they will never go away!” He slammed the wall of the cell and Nat flinched.  “I won’t touch Barton. Not until I make him kill you! Slowly. Intimately. In every way he knows you fear! And when he’ll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I’ll split his skull! This is my bargain, you mewling quim!”
Nat turned away, convincingly looking afraid or at least upset, flinching away from him.  "You’re a monster,” she said in a small, horrified voice. 
Kat looked just as horrified in the change in the troubled, tortured god. 
Loki chuckled, his abnormal blue eyes shining bright.  “No. You brought the monster,”
Nat turned back to him with a smirk, completely poised and showing her distraught had just been an act.  “So Banner, that’s your play,” she said and turned to head out.  She turned back and offered him another smirk.  “Thank you, for your cooperation," 
Kat got to her feet as well to slip back into the shadows and slip out while Loki was still gaping open-mouthed at being tricked, staggered and confused and trying to figure out how he’d lost both Romanoffs, and more importantly, the kitten with the Tesseract’s powers. 
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escapetocanada · 6 years
Week One on the Job
I’ve finished my first week at the new job! I’m working on a hospitalist geriatric unit at Vancouver General Hospital. Its a locked unit and most of the patients have some degree of dementia. I’m a causal worker, which means I only work on an as-needed basis but I’ve got this job for the whole month of March. I share an office with two other women and the three of us all work together on discharge planning. The other two women both have nursing backgrounds and they handle setting up all the outpatient care, home care and facility placements (of which there are much fewer, I’ll get into that in a minute), my role is mostly assessing patients and families to see how they’re coping both in and out of the hospital and identifying resource needs. Its a lot less time on the phone than at Hopkins and I haven’t had to talk to any insurance reps, which I don’t miss at all, but its different working primarily with dementia patients. A lot of the patients (not all) have had long, happy, relatively healthy lives and are now just at the end of their life. Its different than working with patients who have been sick for much of their life, or have had very difficult lives, or all of the above. Of course there are still some patients like that as well, but much fewer than what I’m used to.
Ok, now for the nitty gritty social work stuff. Social work friends, this is for you! First of all, APS and guardianship cases are a whole different ballgame up here. I still don’t totally understand everything but basically there’s something called the Adult Guardianship Act that allows a person to be brought to and held in the hospital if they are being abused, neglected or self neglecting and are deemed to be unable to seek support and assistance on their own. There’s a similar act called the Mental Health Act that allows for someone with a mental illness to be brought and held in the hospital in order to prevent “substantial mental or physical deterioration”; they don’t have to be considered a danger to themselves or others. Basically its easier to hold people against their will in the hospital if they aren’t taking care of themselves. Also there are no APS workers like in the US, the social workers at the hospital do the investigation and determine if there is abuse, neglect, or self neglect and arrange for follow-up community care. So there’s no sitting on the phone for an hour and a half describing the extend of an 80lb patient’s wounds to try to get someone to fucking show up and start an investigation. They still have capacity assessments, which are pretty much the same as in the US, and if a person lacks capacity than a decision maker has to be appointed and if there is no surrogate decision maker the court will appoint a public guardian, so that’s all the same, but its interesting to see a system that allows for a lot more power on the part of the healthcare professionals to determine what is best for the patient. There was a recent case in BC where a woman was held against her will in the hospital for a year due to suspicions by the hospital staff that the woman, who was intellectually disabled, was being sexually abused. In that case the hospital also didn’t disclose to the patients family that she was being held in the hospital, so they didn’t know where she was (which is legal) and the hospital denied the patient access to a lawyer (which is not legal). So that’s a pretty bad example of the system over reaching, but on the other hand you don’t have to wait for APS to get around to investigating cases and if someone is self neglecting to the point of nearly killing themselves you can more easily try to intervene. I’ll have to see it in action more before I decide if I think its a better system or not. As someone who leans pretty heavily on the side of patient autonomy I’m a bit suspicious, but I’ll see.
But its not all guardianship and neglect cases, thank god, there’s also your regular discharges. Remember when I said there aren’t a lot of facility placements? Yeah, there really aren’t! They will keep people in the hospital for a few days or even a week in order for them to get enough PT to go home, and you can get WAY more home care services. Like four times a day! And not just PT/OT and nursing, you can also get home care aids. They do pretty much everything short of 24 hour care to keep people out of facilities. Of course that means its hard to qualify for a facility and when you do qualify you often have to sit on a waitlist for several months (unless you can pay privately to go to a non-subsidized facility, its still a two tiered system) but how many times did I have someone tell me they’d literally rather die than go to a nursing home? And there’s no sending people to facilities for IV antibiotics either, they do the treatment in the hospital if they can’t go home with a line. Not surprisingly this all means that length of stay is longer, though I don’t have the actual numbers to quote. But people being in the hospital for a few weeks isn’t a big deal and on a 30 bed unit its considered a busy day when six people get discharged.
Now about those 30 beds. Capacity is a problem. My first day on the unit we had 37 people on what should be a 30 bed unit. They have two to three people in a room unless someone is on isolation precautions. That’s not every unit of course, their palliative unit for example is all private rooms, but it definitely seems like things are more crowded.
The biggest difference, though, is a shocker. Like my jaw almost dropped. Someone had briefly mentioned it in my interview but it was so unbelievable that I didn’t even process the sound. Two words: paper charts. They have paper fucking charts. There are HANDWRITTEN NOTES! Just how impractical is this? Well, only one person can read notes on a patient at a time, and if someone locks a chart in their office on accident no one can read that patients notes or add more notes to the record. Plus, again, some of the notes are hand written, which for all practical purposes means they might as well not be written at all since they are completely illegible (I type all my notes because I’ve seen my handwriting and even I can’t read it and lets not even get started on my spelling). And do you want to find the social work assessment note from three admissions ago? Have fun finding that in medical record! Its truly insane, like going back in time. I’ve been told an electronic system is coming next year, but wow. I have no words.
One more super nerdy social work thing and then I promise I’ll end this post. Folks might remember that one of my favorite things to do at Hopkins was to tell the residents what a Medicaid spenddown is and then watch the horror wash over their faces. They don’t do that here! When you go to a nursing facility you do have to pay a portion of the cost, but the portion you pay is based on your INCOME not your ASSETS. So you don’t have to burn through all your savings when you go to a facility, you just have to pay a percentage (and I think its a pretty high percentage, like 80%) of your earned income, and if that would be considered a financial hardship you can apply for a reduced rate. So people aren’t signing over their whole social security checks to assisted living facilities either. This all applies to government subsidized facilities, of course. Like I said above you can pay privately for services and I’m sure private pay services are often better, but the point is that people who can’t afford to do that aren’t left with nothing. Its pretty great.
Those paper charts though...
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voyagesofthebataan · 3 years
The Meeting
“So, Lieutenant, now that you’ve had some time to familiarize yourself with the Bataan, tell me, what have you noticed?” Lieutenant Aster was seated in the officers briefing room, just aft of the bridge. Along one wall sat a mural depicting the USS Bataan against a field of stars. Under that mural sat three golden miniatures of previous ships that had carried the name Bataan. Two were ancient sea-faring vessels of a clearly military depiction. The third was an Eclipse-class starship, now more than a century out of service. “Well, sir, from my time on the Thunderchild, that layout is roughly the same. Sickbay is larger, crew quarters are smaller. I haven’t had a room mate in 3 years. More doors, but a lot of them are left open. The transport pads are larger. A standard Starfleet pad supports 6, 7 in an emergency, but yours accommodate 12. I see more crewmen, enlisted, I mean, and most of them are wearing yellow. So, I’d say, mostly what I’ve noticed is how you’ve taken the Akira layout and...stripped it down into something...else, sir.” Captain Rodgers smiled despite himself. “Good job, Lieutenant. You learn quickly. Yes, you’re absolutely right. The outer hull of the Bataan looks like a fairly standard Akira-class, same general saucer section designs, but the guts are different. As you saw yesterday, the interior has been drastically re-arranged. The sickbay is larger to support casualties. The transporter pads allow us to land armed security officers more rapidly, and we carry more of them because their duties are mostly to provide security on the ground during a crisis.” “And the doors, sir?” Rodgers hesitated, glanced at his desk, and assumed the proto-typical gaze into the middle distance of painful recollection. “I was the XO of the Musashi during the war. Galaxy-class, typical Starfleet design. Never really meant for battle. Sure, she had phasers and torpedoes and shields and all the accoutrements she needed for a fight, but she was meant to explore the galaxy, not defy an empire...The Breen had their energy-dampening weapon, of course, which they used to great effect. They could cripple or disable a ship, rob it of the ability to maneuver, defend itself, and take it down with ease. The weapon didn’t discriminate between the energy used to power the engines, the weapons, the shields...even the internal force fields.” “Now, your typical Galaxy-class, if it takes a hit big enough to rip a hole in the hull, they’ll raise shields, activate force-fields, do whatever it takes to plug the breach...but if you lose power...well, a lot of people died because of that design concept. A starship should feel open, inviting, spacious and welcoming. Personnel should be able to easily traverse the ship from stem to stern, keel to bridge. Lots of warm neutral tones and big wide hallways. Its an aesthetic. Palatial and luxurious, I’m sure you’ve seen the bridge of the Enterprise-D a few times in the Academy.” “Yes, sir.” “Like I said the other day. Nice, big, open and inviting, an unparalleled view of the stars, of the whole galaxy to explore.” “...so more doors that can’t fail if the power goes out.” “Exactly. At red alert, those doors close and seal, and have to be manually unlocked at the panel. In the event we lose power, they stay locked until physically overridden. No force fields to fail at the worst possible moment and condemn an unprotected crewman to the emptiness of hard vacuum.” “I also noticed, sir, when I was looking over the schematic...Your quarters, sir, they’re just off the bridge. You go through the ready room to get there. On the Thunderchild, the captains quarters were on deck 3, forward of the bridge.” “Yes. Best view on the ship, save for 10-Forward, of course. I have a monitor in my cabin that shows me whatever I want to see, but I can be on the bridge in a few seconds rather than a few minutes. In a crisis, response time matters. So my quarters are immediately adjacent to the bridge. It also cuts down on the chances the Captain will be injured travelling from his quarters to the bridge. Most of the senior command staff have their quarters above the bridge, and we have a dedicated Combat Information Center directly below. Most of the crew quarters are actually even more spartan than your own, son. The enlisted tactical personnel are 4 to a room, more like a dorm in the Academy. They share a head, there’s two enlisted mess halls on portside and starboard. An officers mess separate.” “It reminds me of the old warships, sir.” “How so?” Aster gestured to the two ancient nautical vessels below the mural. “These were not comfortable vessels, sir. They were cramped, dark, dingy, full of tight corridors and functional spaces. No facilities for scientific experimentation at all. They were dedicated to their task, which was to wage war against their enemies. Earth’s oceans are still so full of mystery, but they weren’t built to plumb their depths or explore the horizon, they were built to find someone to kill, sir. Crew slept in bays of nearly 100 men, stacked 3 high in bunks the size of coffins. An officers quarters would be about the size of your ready room, even an admirals cabin on a ship twice the size would be about the size of your ready room and cabin put together. The original Bataan was originally a cruiser that had been converted, at great haste, into an aircraft carrier. The  second was an amphibious ship, meant to land soldiers on the beach and support them with aircraft. The third was built in response to increasing Klingon aggression. Klingon warships were always more powerful in a stand-up fight, and so that Bataan had more of its scientific abilities stripped back to make room for phaser banks and torpedo launchers, although it must be said its power-generation capabilities were highly stressed by so many weapons. They had to turn the lights off to keep up.” “So you read my design proposal.” “Yes, sir, but it makes sense. You and the team that designed this ship built her to fight another war. But rather than react to a threat, you want to anticipate it. We got caught flat-footed when the Dominion started shooting. Same as the Borg, the Cardassians, the Klingons, everyone back to the Suliban. We’re always reacting too slowly to threats as they emerge. So you buried the bridge deep in the saucer section, where it could be protected from hull damage. You put guns wherever you could, to provide a complete wrap-around of fire during a shooting match. And rather than over-stress your primary warp core and have to rely on a second, you dedicated a third warp core just to providing power for weapons, leaving the primary and secondary to run shields and engines, and if you lose one, the other two can still provide enough power.” “Very good, Lieutenant.” “Sir...you built a warship. Starfleet, and the Federation in general, has always promoted itself as a humanitarian armada. We disbanded our military faction a century ago. This ship is totally antithetical to that vision. It's an affront to everything Starfleet has stood for, for nearly 100 years.” “Thats absolutely correct. But there are some at Starfleet Command who believe that we can protect the quadrant by showing our teeth a little more often.”
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trackerhunter995 · 3 years
Online Dawa Trainingall Islamic Content In One Place
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We understand that as Muslims, da’wah is an obligation upon us all. In my previous article, I discussed the benefits of giving da’wah. In this article, I will discuss how we can fulfil this important duty. I have listed some points below about how we as productive Muslims can bring this blessed act into our lives.
Online Dawa Training All Islamic Content In One Places
Online Dawa Training All Islamic Content In One Place Crossword
1. Take a Short Da’wah Course
The Islamic Dawah Academy (IDA) works to facilitate awareness of the teachings of Islam and help create the Muslims of tomorrow, academically and through different dawah programmes, under the guidance of its founder, the respected scholar and lecturer, Shaykh Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah. Since its inception in 1991, the Academy has grown into an internationally recognised. The purpose of this report is to suggest the basis for a new anti-dawa strategy, designed to check the advance of political Islam as an ideology and a movement. In the first part, I describe the constitution of political Islam: the foundational principles, terminology, and objectives of Islamist ideology. In the second part, I analyze the infrastructure of political Islam, in. ALL ISLAMIC CONTENT IN ONE PLACE: Home Q & A FREE DOWNLOADS Kids ONLINE BAYAN Blog FORUMS ABOUT ISLAM IS LIFE JUST A GAME. Dawah Or Destruction - 2of4.mp3Download4.52 MB; Dr. Zakir Naik - Dawah Or Destruction.
You can contact a da’wah organisation that can guide you on how to give da’wah to individuals from various backgrounds in a variety of situations. These courses are not particularly time consuming and most organisations will provide it for free as well, so cost is not a problem.
For those based in the UK, I highly recommend IERA, which specialises in offering free and focused training for Muslims in different parts of the UK. It offers sharp techniques that involve using logic, common sense, reasoning and evidence from the Qur’an and authentic hadith.
For my brothers and sisters outside the UK, it is worth spending a few minutes on the Internet researching for organisations in your area or country that offer a similar service. If there really is nothing available, then you can always look for online courses where there is plenty of material accessible.
2. Pass on a CD or Book
This is an easy and effective solution to those who feel they do not have sufficient knowledge or even know where to start when having a conversation about Islam. Giving a CD of an experienced Da’ee (caller to Islam) who is able to break down the fundamentals of Islam in a logical manner may be better for you. Without the necessary skills and application of giving da’wah, we may actually hinder the effort of bringing someone towards Islam and trip ourselves up and more importantly, say something we may regret. If you are worried about this, direct them to someone more knowledgeable. Nevertheless, do not let this put you off from speaking to someone by giving da’wah and telling others about the greatness of Allah .
Offering a translated copy of the Qur’an is probably the most effective device you can give to someone. You will not find a better read in the world than the Qur’an (and you can tell them that too!).
There may be times when you engage in da’wah using excellent logic and examples, but the other person is just not interested. The Qur’an is very powerful and it will have an effect on a person’s heart and therefore it is something we should not underestimate. Consequently, it is a good idea to let people have a copy of the Qur’an and read at their leisure.
3. Inform Others About an Upcoming Class or Conference
This can be achieved through various means, for example word of mouth. You can tell people, Muslims or non-Muslims, about a local event that is taking place or the upcoming visit of a famous sheikh. This is something that can be done through modern means i.e. reminders sent by text messages, posting information on your Facebook/Twitter account, and any other means which you feel is effective in reaching people.
More traditional methods can be used if you prefer those. For example, you can distribute leaflets to different Islamic centres where they can hand them out to big crowds of people, such as at Jumu’ah prayers. Most large conferences will also have special invites for non-Muslims. Try to encourage a non-Muslim to go along with you by promoting it as a pleasant evening out with plenty of free food available!
4. Look at Improving Your Character
Improving your character would be one of the most effective ways of indirectly giving da’wah. By showing high excellence, manners and conduct at all times, those around you are likely to be drawn to you as a person, and therefore, towards Islam. A person with poor character is not likely to have any credibility, despite you telling them how beautiful and wonderful Islam is. Many rewards of a good character can be acquired not only in this life but more importantly, the next. As the Prophet Muhammad said:
“Nothing is heavier on the Scale of Deeds than one’s good manners.” (Tirmidhi)
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A tip to help you improve your character is to study the seerah of Prophet Muhammad , where you will find the best of examples. We can also study the behaviour and mannerisms of the companions of the Prophet , as well as the pious people of the previous generations. It is also worth looking online for lectures regarding improving your character and how significant and pleasing to Allah having a good character is. Additionally, we should supplicate to Allah to help us work on our weaknesses and to positively develop our character.
5. Arrange to Post Lectures Online/Live Stream from Your Local Islamic Centre
This largely applies to centres that do not already have this facility. You would be able to create a stronger link between the local Islamic centre and the local community by providing materials to those who may not be able to regularly attend gatherings. This is also an effective tool to help prevent you from being of those that withhold knowledge, as the Prophet Muhammad said:
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“Whoever hides knowledge, Allah will brand him with the branding iron from the hellfire.” (Tirmidhi)
This may take a bit of your time initially, but if there is anything you can think of starting that will benefit the people then, In sha Allah, this will be a sound investment of your time.
6. Engage Yourself in Charity Work
A great benefit of this is that it will count as sadaqah for you In sha Allah. I am sure there are many forms of charity work you can get involved in your local area e.g. the old and disadvantaged, or working with causes supporting the environment, animals, individuals with physical and mental disabilities etc. Taking part in noble causes is also an effective way of helping to remove misconceptions about Islam.
Moreover, this is something that was part of the Prophet Muhammad’s life, as he fought for people’s rights before becoming a prophet. This made the acceptance of his message easier among his people as they were well aware of his true nobility, exalted character and mannerisms prior to his message.
People are likely to respond positively to your da’wah and have an open mind about your message. Those witnessing your upright character may become curious about Islam and then research about the teachings of Islam themselves. Finally, getting involved in charity work should provide you with great opportunities within your career and thus providing you with success in this life and the hereafter.
7. Try to Integrate Islam into Your Life as Much as You Can
This means that you live and breathe Islam. So whether you are at the park, in the masjid or workplace, you have a consciousness of Allah and what you should and should not be doing. This can be achieved by making sure you maintain the physical appearance of a believer e.g. maintaining a beard, wearing a hijab etc. This is important because how you dress and look will impact greatly on how you feel. Consequently, how you feel will affect your speech and conduct.
Studies have shown that clothing affects how we think about ourselves as well as how others perceive us. If you are in clothing that indicates modesty, the chances are your thoughts and actions will be modest, which can help improve your character.
Having Islam in your life continuously will make it easy for you to do that which is pleasing to Allah and consequently, this will impact positively on your character. As a result, you can indirectly give da’wah and help to leave a positive impression of Islam and also remain alert to potential da’wah opportunities.
To practically help you integrate Islam into your daily life at the workplace, for example, is by keeping Islamic material with you at all times such as books or an Islamic calendar that you can keep at your desk and are visible to others. This makes your job of giving da’wah easier, as this allows others to initiate a conversation and ask about Islam. A great advantage of allowing somebody else to start a conversation is you do not have to start the conversation, which can be difficult to do with some people and therefore seen to be simply ‘preaching’. Little things such as these allow opportunities to be created and therefore making the da’wah easier.
Another idea is to bring food into the workplace/class on a special Islamic occasion e.g. Eid. People will naturally ask what the occasion is and therefore create an opportunity to give da’wah. This is a very useful tool as people always respond positively to food!
Furthermore, ensure you are praying in the workplace/class when the time for salah arrives. Try to speak to a manager/senior staff member to arrange for a room where you can pray if there is not already one there and let them know salah is very important to you. By highlighting this, those around you are likely to respect you more In sha Allah and hopefully it will open their hearts to Islam.
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Lastly, if you are using public transport, be sure to have reading material with you. You will be using your time productively by seeking knowledge as well as potentially creating a da’wah situation where other passengers may be curious about what you are reading.
8. Obtain a Small Booklet About Common Questions About Islam
If it is not practical for you to attend a da’wah course, then having a booklet is a quick and easy way to know the types of questions running through the minds of non-Muslims about Islam. In sha Allah, this will provide you with confidence and the start-up knowledge in the field of da’wah. You can usually find them from local Islamic centres and also, for those in the UK, IDCI can provide cheap and effective da’wah material to help get you started.
9. Keep it Simple!
If you are speaking to a non-Muslim, try to mention the simplicity of the religion and what it requires to be a Muslim e.g. believing in one God, acknowledging the Qur’an as a direct revelation from God, and recognising Muhammad as the Messenger of God.
Online Dawa Training All Islamic Content In One Places
People may try to ask you lots of questions regarding Islam. For example, “Why does Islam allow such and such?” An effective response is to say, “I can answer that, but you need to understand Islam as a package. So if you have a few minutes I can answer that for you.” This is when you can start giving da’wah about the Creator and the greatness of Allah and create the beautiful picture of Islam.
Additionally, this approach applies to Muslims. When giving da’wah, it may suffice to remind others about the greatness of Allah , His names and attributes and to remind others of His favours and blessings. Keeping a simple approach makes your job easier and helps to avoid conflicts and philosophical debates.
What other effective ways do you know of to give da’wah? What da’wah organisations do you know of that can support our brothers and sisters in giving da’wah? What concerns do you have about giving da’wah? Please share your knowledge in the comments section below so we may inspire each other to take part in this blessed act.
EXPLAINING DAWAH Explained Ayah 12:108 'Say, This is my Way, I do invite..' Ayah 16:125 'Invite to the Way of your Lord..' Ayah 22:67 '.. but invite to your Lord, ' Ayah 28:87 '.. and invite to your Lord, ..'
EVENTS Plan Ahead No Last Minute Select Right Person Limits Arrangements Timing Resources
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COOPERATION Team work Goal Setting Focus On Goals
WORKSHOPS For Non-Muslims For New Muslims For Existing Muslims
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EXAMPLES DISCUSSIONS GOD - the Proofs New Muslims Youth in Islam Women's Role In Islam
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QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Only In Writing No Discussions From the Floor
USE FOLLOW UP FOR ANSWERS Do use email & telephone to follow up Encourage Use of Websites
SET UP NEXT APPOINTMENT Encourage Return Visit Tour of Masjid Visiting Muslims
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Seniors Face Crushing Drug Costs as Congress Stalls on Capping Medicare Out-Of-Pockets
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This story also ran on Fortune. It can be republished for free.
Sharon Clark is able to get her life-sustaining cancer drug, Pomalyst — priced at more than $18,000 for a 28-day supply — only because of the generosity of patient assistance foundations.
Clark, 57, a former insurance agent who lives in Bixby, Oklahoma, had to stop working in 2015 and go on Social Security disability and Medicare after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer. Without the foundation grants, mostly financed by the drugmakers, she couldn’t afford the nearly $1,000 a month it would cost her for the drug, since her Medicare Part D drug plan requires her to pay 5% of the list price.
Every year, however, Clark has to find new grants to cover her expensive cancer drug.
“It’s shameful that people should have to scramble to find funding for medical care,” she said. “I count my blessings, because other patients have stories that are a lot worse than mine.”
Many Americans with cancer or other serious medical conditions face similar prescription drug ordeals. It’s often worse, however, for Medicare patients. Unlike private health insurance, Part D drug plans have no cap on patients’ 5% coinsurance costs once they hit $6,550 in drug spending this year (rising from $6,350 in 2020), except for very low-income beneficiaries.
President-elect Joe Biden favors a cap, and Democrats and Republicans in Congress have proposed annual limits ranging from $2,000 to $3,100. But there’s disagreement about how to pay for that cost cap. Drug companies and insurers, which support the concept, want someone else to bear the financial burden.
That forces patients to rely on the financial assistance programs. These arrangements, however, do nothing to reduce prices. In fact, they help drive up America’s uniquely high drug spending by encouraging doctors and patients to use the priciest medications when cheaper alternatives may be available.
Growing Expense of Specialty, Cancer Medicines
Nearly 70% of seniors want Congress to pass an annual limit on out-of-pocket drug spending for Medicare beneficiaries, according to a KFF survey in 2019. (KHN is an editorially independent program of KFF.)
The affordability problem is worsened by soaring list prices for many specialty drugs used to treat cancer and other serious diseases. The out-of-pocket cost for Medicare and private insurance patients is often set as a percentage of the list price, as opposed to the lower rate negotiated by insurers.
For instance, prices for 54 orally administered cancer drugs shot up 40% from 2010 to 2018, averaging $167,904 for one year of treatment, according to a 2019 JAMA study. Bristol Myers Squibb, the manufacturer of Clark’s drug, Pomalyst, has raised the price 75% since it was approved in 2013, to about $237,000 a year. The company believes “pricing should be put in the context of the value, or benefit, the medicine delivers to patients, health care systems and society overall,” a spokesperson for Bristol Myers Squibb said via email.
As a result of rising prices, 1 million of the 46.5 million Part D drug plan enrollees spend above the program’s catastrophic coverage threshold and face $3,200 in average annual out-of-pocket costs, according to KFF. The hit is particularly heavy on cancer patients. In 2019, Part D enrollees’ average out-of-pocket cost for 11 orally administered cancer drugs was $10,470, according to the JAMA study.
The median annual income for Medicare beneficiaries is $26,000.
Medicare patients face modest out-of-pocket costs if their drugs are administered in the hospital or a doctor’s office and they have a Medigap or Medicare Advantage plan, which caps those expenses.
But during the past several years, dozens of effective drugs for cancer and other serious conditions have become available in oral form at the pharmacy. That means Medicare patients increasingly pay the Part D out-of-pocket costs with no set maximum.
“With the high cost of drugs today, that 5% can be a third or more of a patient’s Social Security check,” said Brian Connell, federal affairs director for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
This has forced some older Americans to keep working, rather than retiring and going on Medicare, because their employer plan covers more of their drug costs. That way, they also can keep receiving financial help directly from drugmakers to pay for the costs not covered by their private plan, which isn’t allowed by Medicare.
‘This Is a Little Nuts’
All this has caused financial and emotional turmoil for people who face a life-threatening disease.
Marilyn Rose, who was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia three years ago, until recently was paying nothing out-of-pocket for her cancer drug, Sprycel, which has a list price of $176,500 a year. That’s because Bristol Myers Squibb, the manufacturer, paid her insurance deductible and copays for the drug.
But the self-employed artist and designer, who lives in West Caldwell, New Jersey, recently turned 65 and went on Medicare. The Part D plan offering the best deal on Sprycel charges more than $10,000 a year in coinsurance for the drug.
Rose asked her oncologist if she could switch to an alternative medication, Gleevec, for which she’d pay just $445 a year. But she ultimately decided to stick with Sprycel, which her doctor said is a longer-lasting treatment. She hopes to qualify for financial aid from a foundation to cover the coinsurance but won’t know until sometime this month.
“It’s just strange you have to make a decision about your treatment based on your finances rather than what’s the right drug for you,” she said. “I always thought that when I get to Medicare age I’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief. This is a little nuts.”
Given the sticker shock, many other patients choose not to fill a needed prescription, or delay filling it. Nearly half of patients who face a price of $2,000 or more for a cancer drug walk away from the pharmacy without it, according to a 2017 study. Fewer than half of Medicare patients with blood cancer received treatment within 90 days of their diagnosis, according to a 2019 study commissioned by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
“If I didn’t do really well at scrounging free drugs and getting copay foundations to work with us, my patients wouldn’t get the drug, which is awful,” said Dr. Barbara McAneny, an oncologist in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and past president of the American Medical Association. “Patients would just say, ‘I can’t afford it. I’ll just die.’”
The high drug prices and coverage gaps have forced many patients to rely on complicated financial assistance programs offered by drug companies and foundations. Under federal rules, the foundations can help Medicare patients as long as they pay for drugs made by all manufacturers, not just by the company funding the foundation.
But Daniel Klein, CEO of the PAN Foundation, which provides drug copay assistance to more than 100,000 people a year, said there are more patients in need than his foundation and others like it can help.
“If you are a normal consumer, you don’t know much about any of this until you get sick and all of a sudden you find out you can’t afford your medication,” he said. Patients are lucky, he added, if their doctor knows how to navigate the charitable assistance maze.
Yet many don’t. Daniel Sherman, who trains hospital staff members to navigate financial issues for patients, estimates that fewer than 5% of U.S. cancer centers have experts on staff to help patients with problems paying for their care.
Sharon Clark, who struggles to cover her cancer drugs, works with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society counseling other patients on how to access helping resources. “People tell me they haven’t started treatment because they don’t have money to pay,” she said. “No one in this country should have to choose between housing, food or medicine. It should never be that way, never.”
This article is part of a series on the impact of high prescription drug costs on consumers made possible through the 2020 West Health and Families USA Media Fellowship.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Seniors Face Crushing Drug Costs as Congress Stalls on Capping Medicare Out-Of-Pockets published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Seniors Face Crushing Drug Costs as Congress Stalls on Capping Medicare Out-Of-Pockets
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This story also ran on Fortune. It can be republished for free.
Sharon Clark is able to get her life-sustaining cancer drug, Pomalyst — priced at more than $18,000 for a 28-day supply — only because of the generosity of patient assistance foundations.
Clark, 57, a former insurance agent who lives in Bixby, Oklahoma, had to stop working in 2015 and go on Social Security disability and Medicare after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer. Without the foundation grants, mostly financed by the drugmakers, she couldn’t afford the nearly $1,000 a month it would cost her for the drug, since her Medicare Part D drug plan requires her to pay 5% of the list price.
Every year, however, Clark has to find new grants to cover her expensive cancer drug.
“It’s shameful that people should have to scramble to find funding for medical care,” she said. “I count my blessings, because other patients have stories that are a lot worse than mine.”
Many Americans with cancer or other serious medical conditions face similar prescription drug ordeals. It’s often worse, however, for Medicare patients. Unlike private health insurance, Part D drug plans have no cap on patients’ 5% coinsurance costs once they hit $6,550 in drug spending this year (rising from $6,350 in 2020), except for very low-income beneficiaries.
President-elect Joe Biden favors a cap, and Democrats and Republicans in Congress have proposed annual limits ranging from $2,000 to $3,100. But there’s disagreement about how to pay for that cost cap. Drug companies and insurers, which support the concept, want someone else to bear the financial burden.
That forces patients to rely on the financial assistance programs. These arrangements, however, do nothing to reduce prices. In fact, they help drive up America’s uniquely high drug spending by encouraging doctors and patients to use the priciest medications when cheaper alternatives may be available.
Growing Expense of Specialty, Cancer Medicines
Nearly 70% of seniors want Congress to pass an annual limit on out-of-pocket drug spending for Medicare beneficiaries, according to a KFF survey in 2019. (KHN is an editorially independent program of KFF.)
The affordability problem is worsened by soaring list prices for many specialty drugs used to treat cancer and other serious diseases. The out-of-pocket cost for Medicare and private insurance patients is often set as a percentage of the list price, as opposed to the lower rate negotiated by insurers.
For instance, prices for 54 orally administered cancer drugs shot up 40% from 2010 to 2018, averaging $167,904 for one year of treatment, according to a 2019 JAMA study. Bristol Myers Squibb, the manufacturer of Clark’s drug, Pomalyst, has raised the price 75% since it was approved in 2013, to about $237,000 a year. The company believes “pricing should be put in the context of the value, or benefit, the medicine delivers to patients, health care systems and society overall,” a spokesperson for Bristol Myers Squibb said via email.
As a result of rising prices, 1 million of the 46.5 million Part D drug plan enrollees spend above the program’s catastrophic coverage threshold and face $3,200 in average annual out-of-pocket costs, according to KFF. The hit is particularly heavy on cancer patients. In 2019, Part D enrollees’ average out-of-pocket cost for 11 orally administered cancer drugs was $10,470, according to the JAMA study.
The median annual income for Medicare beneficiaries is $26,000.
Medicare patients face modest out-of-pocket costs if their drugs are administered in the hospital or a doctor’s office and they have a Medigap or Medicare Advantage plan, which caps those expenses.
But during the past several years, dozens of effective drugs for cancer and other serious conditions have become available in oral form at the pharmacy. That means Medicare patients increasingly pay the Part D out-of-pocket costs with no set maximum.
“With the high cost of drugs today, that 5% can be a third or more of a patient’s Social Security check,” said Brian Connell, federal affairs director for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
This has forced some older Americans to keep working, rather than retiring and going on Medicare, because their employer plan covers more of their drug costs. That way, they also can keep receiving financial help directly from drugmakers to pay for the costs not covered by their private plan, which isn’t allowed by Medicare.
‘This Is a Little Nuts’
All this has caused financial and emotional turmoil for people who face a life-threatening disease.
Marilyn Rose, who was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia three years ago, until recently was paying nothing out-of-pocket for her cancer drug, Sprycel, which has a list price of $176,500 a year. That’s because Bristol Myers Squibb, the manufacturer, paid her insurance deductible and copays for the drug.
But the self-employed artist and designer, who lives in West Caldwell, New Jersey, recently turned 65 and went on Medicare. The Part D plan offering the best deal on Sprycel charges more than $10,000 a year in coinsurance for the drug.
Rose asked her oncologist if she could switch to an alternative medication, Gleevec, for which she’d pay just $445 a year. But she ultimately decided to stick with Sprycel, which her doctor said is a longer-lasting treatment. She hopes to qualify for financial aid from a foundation to cover the coinsurance but won’t know until sometime this month.
“It’s just strange you have to make a decision about your treatment based on your finances rather than what’s the right drug for you,” she said. “I always thought that when I get to Medicare age I’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief. This is a little nuts.”
Given the sticker shock, many other patients choose not to fill a needed prescription, or delay filling it. Nearly half of patients who face a price of $2,000 or more for a cancer drug walk away from the pharmacy without it, according to a 2017 study. Fewer than half of Medicare patients with blood cancer received treatment within 90 days of their diagnosis, according to a 2019 study commissioned by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
“If I didn’t do really well at scrounging free drugs and getting copay foundations to work with us, my patients wouldn’t get the drug, which is awful,” said Dr. Barbara McAneny, an oncologist in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and past president of the American Medical Association. “Patients would just say, ‘I can’t afford it. I’ll just die.’”
The high drug prices and coverage gaps have forced many patients to rely on complicated financial assistance programs offered by drug companies and foundations. Under federal rules, the foundations can help Medicare patients as long as they pay for drugs made by all manufacturers, not just by the company funding the foundation.
But Daniel Klein, CEO of the PAN Foundation, which provides drug copay assistance to more than 100,000 people a year, said there are more patients in need than his foundation and others like it can help.
“If you are a normal consumer, you don’t know much about any of this until you get sick and all of a sudden you find out you can’t afford your medication,” he said. Patients are lucky, he added, if their doctor knows how to navigate the charitable assistance maze.
Yet many don’t. Daniel Sherman, who trains hospital staff members to navigate financial issues for patients, estimates that fewer than 5% of U.S. cancer centers have experts on staff to help patients with problems paying for their care.
Sharon Clark, who struggles to cover her cancer drugs, works with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society counseling other patients on how to access helping resources. “People tell me they haven’t started treatment because they don’t have money to pay,” she said. “No one in this country should have to choose between housing, food or medicine. It should never be that way, never.”
This article is part of a series on the impact of high prescription drug costs on consumers made possible through the 2020 West Health and Families USA Media Fellowship.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Seniors Face Crushing Drug Costs as Congress Stalls on Capping Medicare Out-Of-Pockets published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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thisdaynews · 4 years
BREAKING:FG, ASUU's Feud Deepens, No Date For Resumption Of Negotiations.
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/breakingfg-asuus-feud-deepens-no-date-for-resumption-of-negotiations/
BREAKING:FG, ASUU's Feud Deepens, No Date For Resumption Of Negotiations.
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The quarrel between the national government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has intensified as no date has been fixed for resumption of exchanges by the two gatherings.
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With this turn of events, there is no end as far as anyone can tell for the goal of issues that prompted the extended nine-month-old strike by ASUU. The association took to the streets to compel the central government to address its interests about compensation, working conditions, procured recompenses and old framework, among others.
Additionally, in the midst of tumults by associations in government colleges for an area explicit compensation installment stage, the Minister of Labor and Employment, Senator Chris Ngige, has kicked against different innovation driven installment stages. He said any such gadget must line up with the current Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS).
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The Permanent Secretary to the Federal Ministry of Education, Mr. Sonny Echonu, told THISDAY in Abuja at the end of the week that the waiting strike is inappropriate and superfluous, as all the battling issues have been settled aside from one.
Yet, ASUU National President, Prof. Biodun Ogunyemi, in a meeting yesterday, blamed the lasting secretary’s cases.
He likewise cautioned that the national government’s helpless treatment of the modern emergency could prompt another influx of cerebrum channel, adding that as of now, Ethiopia has enrolled more than 200 Nigerian educators.
Echonu said reason is relied upon to win as the general public interest will be the core value in settling the modern debate.
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“The public authority is working intently. We are concerned and the president is worried about this extended strike, which to so a significant number of us is pointless. We accept there are different methods of completing things.
“There’s a mutual acknowledgment of so a significant number of the issues and we are at a point that rapidly and soon, it will be settled. There’s just one issue in conflict, truly. Different issues have either been settled or there have been some sort of bargain that worked out.
“We accept that reason will win and the general public interest will be the core value in going to a fast goal. I can guarantee you that work is going perseveringly in this.
“Just two days back, the ASUU heads were at the service to meet with the pastor for specific interviews and we believed we expected to let them know precisely what our positions are.
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“We will take a gander at the general interest of the Nigerian public. We realize that we additionally work in a setting of government playing out various fragments even in the college setting.
“We have four unique associations setting expectations and we need to adjust this. We comprehend the quirks of ASUU and we accept the individuals are sufficiently devoted to realize when to throw in the towel and what to call a trade off,” he added.
Responding, Ogunyemi disclosed to THISDAY that forthcoming issues, for example, retained pay rates of individuals by the Account General of the Federation and declaration of arranging groups, among others, have not been settled.
He said government is anxious to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) “with low-valued nations of yellow skin while the countries colleges are treated with scorn.”
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He added that a second part of cerebrum channel on the country will cripplingly affect the scholarly community and the whole country.
As indicated by him, Ethiopia has just drawn in around 200 Nigerian educators.
He stated: “That isn’t completely right. I can say we are talking yet none of our issues have been routed to an obvious end result. You ought to have asked him (Permanent Secretary) regardless of whether they had paid compensations of our individuals that administration retained. You ought to have found out if they have paid the (EAA) Earned Academic Allowance that they vowed to pay. You ought to have found out if they have reported the arranging group that they vowed to declare. You ought to have likewise found out if they have introduced the appearance board.
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“Along these lines, our individuals are stating that if each time we go on an activity like this, administration will make guarantees and sign notice of activity and they will save it for the following fourteen days, two or even three months and will guarantee we will get revitalisation. They will say EAA will be paid in light of the fact that we have concurred on the structure of installment. From that point onward, they will rest. Our individuals are stating that this time around, they don’t need guarantees. They need activity. Along these lines, there is a contrast between saying we have tended to all the issues and we have conveyed on the entirety of the issues.
“The watchword here is to ask them what they have conveyed solidly and when they conveyed it. All in all, now, would we be able to advise our individuals to return to classes when their compensations have been retained? Would we be able to advise them to return to classes when the Accountant General took the majority of their pay rates and have wouldn’t dispatch? When government has found a way to disable our association? When government is finding a way to slow down our advancement? So it isn’t sufficient to state they have tended to the issues. Each time government says “we have tended to”, it implies we have discussed this.
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“Our individuals need government to convey on its guarantees so nobody will accuse us again one year from now and state we are back again in strike after how long. There must be security in the framework so private colleges won’t lounge over our understudies since they are cheerful we have emergency. If not due to state funded colleges, I can guarantee you that the greater part of the private colleges will be closed. Yet, we are anticipating arrangement between state funded colleges and the public authority. So it isn’t about we have talked or we are talking. It’s about we have conveyed.
“Our individuals need to see that administration has conveyed as well as has acceptably conveyed. Indeed, we are chatting on different levels and until we see the aftereffects of those conversations, our individuals can’t return to the study halls,” he said.
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On the issue of energy and public interest, which the government said will be the core value in settling the strike, Ogunyemi stated: “All that ASUU is doing is educated by enthusiasm. Each time government authorities state they are working in light of a legitimate concern for the country, we generally remind them where they have put training in light of a legitimate concern for the country. On the off chance that they organize training, they will have no motivation to assault ASUU.
Training is the driver of progress in everything throughout everyday life. This nation is trying to create. They are discussing nearby substance. They said we should search internally. How might you say we should search internally when you are regarding your researchers as though they are aggravations, as though they are nonentities and hooligans? We need to advise them that each time they talk about interest of the country, that they don’t adore this nation more than Nigerian researchers.
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“Notwithstanding energy, our individuals would have deserted colleges and escape to better nations where they will be better treated. Do you know the quantity of African nations searching for Nigerian educators? A couple of months back, Ethiopia came to enlist 200 educators from Nigeria. I would prefer not to discuss South Africa. Go to Ghana, Egypt, you will see them there. We treat our researchers with discontent. Each time they venture out, they are profoundly esteemed and exceptionally valued. The public authority is anxious to sign MoU with low valued nations of yellow skin, yet their colleges where they should draw the association they are searching for, they have treated with scorn. No nation on the planet does that.
“Colleges are brooding places for advancement, innovativeness, and improvement. Thus, on the off chance that anyone believes that ASUU doesn’t cherish this nation, that individual ought to be examined to characterize the idea of nationalism. ASUU individuals are extraordinary nationalists and merit all the regard the country can acknowledge them.
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“I thoroughly can’t help contradicting the perpetual secretary. All that ASUU is doing is in light of a legitimate concern for the country. In the event that we permit our colleges to fall, I can guarantee you that the offspring of the helpless will endure and the country will pay the consequences for it. We are yet to recuperate from the cerebrum channel experienced. I don’t figure they ought to permit us to endure the second part of mind channel. However, we can comprehend if the decision class couldn’t care less if colleges should fall.”
Then, ASUU additionally yesterday condemned the Twitter account, enlisted in its name, which requested understudies from state funded colleges to plan for resumption as a positive result is normal from the association on Wednesday.
Ogunyemi portrayed the data as phony news, saying that the association doesn’t work any Twitter account.
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“Those individuals are impersonators, they are impostors. They are utilizing that Twitter handle and other Twitter handles to make disarray. Along these lines, we know nothing about the Twitter handle and we never said what they are crediting to us.
“That isn’t the manner in which we share our data; we have a method of sharing our data and that is the reason we are exhorting our inviting media to in every case twofold check with us anything they are in uncertainty of. ASUU will never say any such thing on Twitter,” he added.
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
Destroying the Planet to Save It     Chapter 8:  Simplest Thing In The World, Pal
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Chapters 1-5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Read It On AO3
You don’t last long as a spy without some pretty damn good hearing.  Sure, Clint’s was now largely of the electronic variety, but that was a good thing; the hearing he was born with would not have picked up the almost nonexistent clues that someone was coming.  A spy also needs good instincts, which is why Natasha had already scoped out the control room and knew that one of the doors from the larger space led to a small office, with an even smaller closet inside.  So when Clint indicated that they needed to hide, she didn’t question him, just motioned him to follow.
It was a very small closet.
Whoever the sixth guard was, he was impressively stealthy.  Even though they knew he was there, Clint and Natasha had trouble hearing where he was in the control room.  Luckily, a spy needs cool gadgets, and Natasha had placed a miniscule camera on top of a console in the control room, where it looked like nothing but a paper fastener.  They were able to actually watch the intruder (well, technically they were the intruders, but Natasha didn’t get too hung up on finding the right word) as he stalked them.  It became obvious fairly soon that he was not positive there was anyone there.  He knew there was someone in the complex, but his body language and the way he searched while keeping alert to the hallway told them that he didn’t know he’d cornered them.  
Natasha dimmed the screen on her viewer and huddled close to Clint so they could both see.  Not that huddling was exactly optional, in a closet that wasn’t even technically a walk-in.  The only way to stand was chest to chest, and Clint’s hands went naturally to Natasha’s hips as they put their heads together, check to cheek, to watch the little screen. In the cramped quarters, her free hand had nowhere to go but to rest on his shoulder.  
The guard sat down at a console and began searching through feeds from the cameras Natasha hadn’t disabled. He didn’t appear to be looking at recordings, he was using the cameras to search for the intruders all over the complex.  That was a good thing; if he looked at recorded footage of this room, he’d find them in a matter of moments.  They didn’t want to kill him; thus far the only evidence they’d left was some fairly wild stories about a brokenhearted redhead with seriously kick-ass weed, which hopefully wouldn’t trip Arias to the fact that they’d searched his underground building.  There was no end to the dumbassery bored and unsupervised employees could get up to.  But a body would be a definite clue that Arias needed to worry.
Five minutes into the guard’s search of camera feeds, Clint and Natasha started to feel fairly confident that he wasn’t going to search recordings, and didn’t know they were there. Which meant that they were just standing in the dark, in one another’s arms, waiting.  Boredom, in this enclosed space, was not a good idea.  Over the next few moments, Natasha became increasingly aware of the way Clint smelled; his very distinctive scent that she’d never smelled on any other man.  She’d once tried to describe it to him, but could only explain that it was a clean scent with notes of freshly-cut wood and licorice.  What she hadn’t told him was how deeply it affected her.  Even now, she felt drawn to him, her body coming alive to the way he felt against her, having to fight to keep her eyes on the dim little screen.
Clint didn’t bother fighting.  As soon as it became obvious that the guard hadn’t found them and wasn’t likely to, his attention drifted from the screen and began to focus on Natasha.  He turned his head, nuzzling softly into her hair.  If he made any effort to be subtle, it didn’t work, and he abandoned it quickly.  His hands slid from her hips to the small of her back.
She looked up into his eyes, inches from her own and, silently, with a slight shake of her head and a beseeching look, tried to discourage him.  He only lifted one side of his lips in a grin she knew only too well.  
“Don’t,” she mouthed softly.
His grin faded to something more carnal as he felt her shift position, not to distance them, but to fit their bodies more closely together.  He didn’t look away.  He held her gaze, allowing his love, and his attraction, to show freely in his face, challenging her to deny her own feelings.  Like he always did.  
“I hate you,” she whispered.
She felt, more than heard, his gentle chuckle.  “I know you do.”
She was the one who kissed him.  He made sure that she always was.  Her full lips softly captured his, sweet and familiar, yet somehow also forbidden, trembling with all that she suppressed.  The sixth guard was entirely forgotten as their mouths moved against each other, her hand behind his neck unconsciously pressing him to her.
When she pulled away from the long kiss, eyes closed tight, Clint leaned forward, following her lips with his, trying to capture one last moment.  But she looked down and away, so that only their foreheads touched.  
“I love you,” he sighed softly.
The ghost of a smile was all she could manage, incongruous though it was with the pain etched on her exquisite features.  “I know you do.”
“How about we get rid of this prick and go home?”
Natasha glanced at the screen again, then looked up and simply nodded.  Clint kissed her on the forehead and opened the closet door.  
When all was said and done, he did feel a little guilty about putting the sixth guy naked in the bunk with guard number five.  Still, it was amusing to imagine what stories they’d tell themselves when they awoke with no memory of how they’d ended up naked together.  Clint supposed that, if he needed to, the sixth guy could tell himself he’d kicked the fifth out of bed.  The point was, whatever they said to themselves or each other, it was very, very unlikely that they’d say anything to anyone else.  
Steve stood looking out the windows of his hotel room at the sleeping city of Atlanta.  It was late, and answers were coming way too slowly, which meant he should sleep now, while there was nothing he could do.  He hated this part.  He was lousy at waiting, always had been.  But he was no scientist, and he was no Tony Stark.  Right this minute, he felt completely useless: a finely-tuned, exquisitely-engineered fighting machine, with nothing and no one to fight.  
His phone rang, startling him with the insistent ring tone he’d apparently thought was a good idea at one time.  He got a second shock when he saw who was calling.  Instinctively standing at attention, he touched the screen.  
“Mr. President?”
“Steve, forgive me calling at this hour, I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, Sir.  I was awake.”
“I wanted to ask you for a favor.”
“Of course, Sir.  How can I help?”
“Well, as you know, Adam Lattimore is going to be lying in state for forty-eight hours, starting tomorrow morning.  I’ve been thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to have you and some of your team there, as inconspicuously as possible, just keeping an eye on things.  We can’t know Adam wasn’t a target in this thing somehow.”
Steve’s brow furrowed. He didn’t think so.  He also didn’t know why that would mean he needed to be protected now that he was dead.  “Well, Sir, as you know, Director Coulson’s arranged to have S.H.I.E.L.D. agents there the entire time…”
“I know, I know, but I’d feel better if it was you.”
“I’m in Atlanta right now. And, really, Sir, that’s S.H.I.E.L.D’s area.  They’re invisible.  I’m kind of… not.”
“That’s what Phil Coulson’s telling me.”
“He’s right.”
President Burke’s sigh was profound enough that Steve realized he wasn’t the only one deeply concerned about whatever was happening.  “Do you know anything?  Phil’s got S.H.I.E.L.D. all over this thing, and I know Banner is holed up in New York working on it with some meteorological expert.  Are you getting anywhere?  I do not like the idea that some maniac’s out there with the capability to brew up storms like the one today.”
“Tony Stark’s working on something he found.  He thinks he might be able to trace the source of the energy using, um…  You know what?  If I tried to explain it, I’d just get it hilariously wrong.  That’s why you really want to talk to Sharon Carter about this.  She understands it.  I don’t.”
“I just got off the phone with her.  And yes, she explained all that.  To be honest, Steve, I’m just trying to keep the pressure on.  By the way, how are Sergeant Barnes and Joss Emerson?  I understand they’re at Emory.  Are they getting what they need?”
“Yes, Sir.  It’s a little hard to get Bucky to sit still for doctors, but Sharon helped with that.  And with his healing capacity, he’ll be back to normal in a couple days.  Agent Emerson needed surgery, but she’s stable and expected to make a full recovery.  As I understand it, the only real problem is that Bucky won’t leave her side and he’s scaring the staff.”  
Steve heard the President laugh quietly.  
“I like the sound of that,” Burke said.  “She’s one of mine.  I know Fred Markoff likes to think the Secret Service reports to him, but when they’re protecting me and mine, I take it personally.  And Joss is one of the best.  She’s special.  You tell Barnes if she needs anything, to let me know.”
“I’ll tell him, Sir.”
“Good.  And keep me informed about these phenomena.  Something about this, Steve…”
“I know, Sir.  And we’ll get to the bottom of it.”
“You do that.  Good night, Captain.”
“Good night, Sir.”
Steve blew out his breath. Not really a phone call he’d needed right then.  At least he’d gotten out of babysitting Lattimore’s body.  That was something.  He really didn’t think there was going to be any trouble at the Capitol; he doubted Lattimore had ever been a target.  But Steve really did not fucking need the damn president calling him to ratchet up the pressure.  He knew they needed to figure out what was happening.  And right now, Steve Rogers couldn’t do jack shit about it except wait and worry.  
This was probably one of those moments when Sharon would tell him that worrying was a waste of energy. She’d say that he should let the experts handle things and take care of himself until he was needed.  But he had no idea how the hell to do that.  Pacing in front of the hotel room windows wasn’t helping, but he knew for a fact he couldn’t sleep.  He thought about Sharon.  What would she tell him to do?  
Steve smiled to himself. Maybe she’d tell him to just lie back, like she had the other day.  Just the thought of how deliciously shocked he’d been when she’d seduced him, and how unbelievably good she’d made him feel, had his body instantly on board with the idea of calling her room.  But if he did, she’d think it was just what people now called a “booty call,” a concept he found distasteful.  To his 1940’s sensibilities, it seemed utterly disrespectful, and Steve wasn’t willing to treat a woman like that.  Especially not Sharon Carter.
Especially not Sharon Carter.  
Because the thing was, by making the first move, she’d called his bluff.  He’d pretended not to have any deep feelings for her, and to be interested in no more than laughs and a few kisses.  He couldn’t even remember now why he’d thought she would be satisfied with that.  He should have known a woman like Sharon wouldn’t be, and would ask for what she wanted.  But then, he’d been trying to have it both ways. He wanted to be with her.  He’d wanted that pretty much since they’d first met in the hallway of their apartment building, and his heated attraction had exploded into something much more serious when he discovered the courageous and brilliant S.H.I.E.L.D. agent she really was.  His feelings for her had only grown with time and with all she’d shown herself to be.  But Steve also knew he had nothing to offer her.  He should never have started anything.  And now…  Now he knew she wanted him, too.  Now she was on his mind constantly.  Now part of the reason he couldn’t sleep was that she was just down the hall, beautiful and generous and with feelings for him that meant she’d open the door if he knocked.  
All he wanted was to knock. He shook with how much he wanted to knock on her door.  But he couldn’t.  He already felt way too much for her.  
Steve’s phone chirped.
Bucky: Hey, dumbass.  You’re awake worrying, right?  Bored.  Call me.
Steve smiled at Bucky’s text.  He marveled, as he always did, at the idea of the two of them texting each other at all. The boys they’d been would have thought texting was the coolest sort of spy tech.  
Bucky answered on the first ring with, “I hate hospitals.  Tell me again what the hell I’m doin’ here?”
“Trying to make time with a pretty girl.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Is it working?”
“Eh.  Yes and no.  She tried to get me to kiss her.”
“Sounds like it’s working, then.”
“She was sauced on pain meds at the time.”
“That does explain why a woman like that would want to kiss you.”  
“Ha. Ha.”
“How are you doin’? How’s the ankle?”
“Better.  Be good as new by tomorrow.  Ribs still hurt.”
“How’s Joss?”
“Sleeping off the drugs. You shoulda seen her, Stevie.  She was really in La La Land, said the cutest things.  I think she likes me.”
“Yeah?  What makes you think so?”
“She called me gorgeous and said she has a real thing for me.  Hey, what’s a Kardashian?”
“They’re bad guys on Star Trek, I think.  You haven’t gotten to the ones with them yet.”
Bucky’s voice went quiet and thoughtful.  “Huh. Okay.  Weird.”  
“So, how’d you know I was pacing and stewing?”  Steve asked.                            
“Known you a while, pal,” Steve could hear Bucky’s smirk through the phone.
“Actually, I was just standin’ here trying to figure out how not to do it, but I’m not havin’ any luck. I told you Sharon read me the riot act about it.”
“Think you just answered your own question, there.”
“How so?”
“Sharon, you meatball. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to take your mind off your troubles.  And you’d be more than happy to let her.  So what the hell are you standin’ there talkin’ to me for?”
“C’mon, Bucky, I’m not gonna call her at this hour.  That would only mean one thing.”
“Uh-huh.  And?”
“And you’re terrible! I’m not just gonna call her and say, ‘Hey, I’m having a hard time waiting for the eggheads to figure this thing out, why don’t you distract me?’  She’s better than that.”
“Except I think that’s exactly what she told you to do, isn’t it?  And I, for one, heartily approve of a girl who would say something like that. Why don’t you lose the altar boy uniform, huh?”
“Stop it.  You’re talking about her like she’s… Betty Simkins.”
“She is Betty Simkins, Stevie.  All girls are Betty Simkins these days.  You don’t hear me complainin’.”
“You always were a horndog.”
“Damn straight.  You should try it, especially now that you’re not gonna snap like a twig if some girl wants to hug you.”
“For Pete’s sake, Buck.”
“All I’m sayin’ is, you worry too much.  If a girl like Sharon wants to help you knock it off, then you’re a fool if you don’t let her.  What is your problem with her, anyway?  You like her, right?”
“’Course I do.  A lot.  But you know I can’t date anyone.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because I never know when I’m gonna need to go running off to fight some freak with a cape who gives himself a scary nickname and tries to hurt people.  And I never know if I’m comin’ back.”
“Which is exactly why you should be dating every chance you get.  Besides, I’m the guy at your six, and you better believe I’m not givin’ up girls.”
“You don’t think it’s… unfair?  I mean, if she wants more than just a casual thing?”
“Does she?”
“She says she loves me.”
“What?  She said that?  You really are a dumbass if she said she loves you and you’re alone in a hotel room talkin’ to me.  I fear for your sanity, I really do.  Even more than usual.”
“Yeah, yeah…  I’m tryin’ to do the right thing here.”
“Well, try a little harder. Because there’s nothing unfair about being with a girl you really like, especially if she says she loves you.  What’s unfair is treatin’ her like you been treatin’ her.  Like you don’t care.”
“I don’t know…”
“Then trust your Uncle Bucky.  I got a lot more experience than you do.  You like this girl, and you should.  She’s great. I’m tellin’ ya’, just put on somethin’ nice and go down to her room, and see if you can’t talk her into a little horizontal polo.  She deserves some attention, and you need to turn your damn fool brain off.  Two birds, one stone.”
“You make it sound so simple.”
“Simplest thing in the world, pal.”
Steve sighed.  “All right.  Fine.  I’ll call her and see if she’s awake.  If she is, then…  We’ll see.”
“Good man.  Make me and Betty Simkins proud.”
Steve was chuckling as he pushed the “end” button on his phone.  But it took him a while to find the courage to…  Well, he didn’t find the courage to call Sharon.  He texted her, instead.
Steve Rogers: Are you awake?
Sharon Carter: Hi.  U OK?
Steve Rogers: Sure.  Just having trouble sleeping.  
Sharon Carter: Want some company?
Steve smiled.  Of course Sharon would be generous and direct. For a guy with as many hang-ups as Steve had, the fact that Sharon just spoke her mind was yet another thing he found wildly attractive about her.  It reminded him of Peggy.  He’d liked that about Peggy, too.
Steve Rogers: It’s not too late?
Sharon Carter: Not if you’re stressing about this energy thing like I think you are.  
Steve Rogers: Trying not to.  Seems to be what I do best.
Sharon Carter: No, it isn’t.  😊  Come on down. I’m in 1245.
Huh.  Apparently she wasn’t too troubled by the booty call thing.  
Anita had masterfully bobbed and weaved all afternoon and evening.  So far, although Arias seemed to think things were going very well between them, he’d only managed to kiss her on the hand, the cheek, and the side of her head.  The amount of stroking of her arms, hair, back, and hips would have gotten another guy at least a withering verbal takedown, if not a semi-permanent groin injury, but she was holding herself in check because she had learned some very interesting things about Jarman Arias.  
She needed to talk to Sam.
At one am., Sam wandered out to the beach, apparently a little the worse for drink and with a bikini-clad woman on each arm.  He saw Anita trying to fend off a particularly egregious pass from Arias, and excused himself from his new friends for a moment.
“Hey, Baby, I haven’t seen you for a while.  You doin’ all right?”
“I’m A-OK, Sam.  You?”
Oh.  That was the signal.  Guess it’s time.  “Well, I would like to talk to you for a minute.”
“Well…”  Anita looked slyly at Arias.  “It’s not a particularly good time, right this minute.  Can it wait?”
“No, Anita, it fucking well can’t wait.  Excuse us, Señor Arias.  I’d like to talk to my girlfriend for a minute.”
Arias smiled smugly.  “Of course, Sam.  Is that all right with you, princesa?”
“I’ll just be a minute,” she purred, moving away as though it was the last thing she wanted to do.
Sam walked Anita several feet until they were standing in the wet sand, where the edge of a wave occasionally reached their toes.  
“You ready?”
“There are no words for how ready I am.  And I need to talk to you.”
“Yeah, I’ve done pretty well, myself.”  Sam lifted his chin a fraction of an inch and raised his voice.  “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”
“Sam, just relax, OK, Baby?” Anita matched his volume.  “You made some friends, it looks like.  This is what we-“
Sam leaned in toward Anita and spoke softly, as though angrily.  “This is me saying something really rude.”
“What did you just say to me?”  Anita shrieked.  
“You heard me.”  Sam now leaned back and crossed his arms.
“C’mon, Sammy…  Don’t be like that.  You know I love you.  I’m just havin’ a little fun!  You go ahead, you have fun, too.  We said this was a free weekend, didn’t we?”
For the next five minutes, Sam and Anita argued while Arias watched, amused.  Their fight began at a fairly low level, but developed into one of those drunken, all-out lovers’ spats that Sam had promised himself long ago he’d never be part of, at least for real.  Right now, he was actually enjoying it quite a bit.  When Anita began to push and shove at Sam and their voices raised to the level that others on the beach began to notice, Arias walked over, greasy smile fully deployed.  
“Oh, now, Sam, you’re hurting my guests’ feelings,” he said, indicating the two women who’d come out to the beach with Sam.  Neither looked particularly pleased.  “Why spend time on unpleasantness when you could be having a very pleasant time with these ladies?”
Sam turned a fierce scowl on him.  “I know you ain’t tryna tell me how to talk to my woman.”
“Sam, mira-“
“Yeah.  ‘Course you are.  You been all over her all day,” Sam slurred, having just a bit of trouble keeping his footing on the sand.  
“Sammy, please…” Anita whined.
“Nuh-uh.  You got a choice here, Anita.  You best decide.”
With that, he turned and began to stalk in a slightly crooked line back to the villa.  Anita, her eyes full of distress, looked from him to Arias and back.  With a little cry, she began to run after Sam.  
“Sammy, wait! Please, Baby, don’t be like that!”
Arias watched, his amusement gone for the moment, until he realized his good fortune.  “Well, ladies, it seems we’ve been deserted.  Won’t you join me for a nightcap?”
The two women who had come down to the beach with Sam didn’t hesitate to stroll back up the sand with Arias.
It occurred to Sam that, since their room was being watched, he and Anita were going to have to figure out how to end their argument in a somewhat believable way.  He needn’t have worried.  Anita never broke character, grabbing needily onto his arm as she reached him on the wide patio and begging him tipsily to forgive her.  He remained stonily silent until they got to their room, where he finally turned to her.  When he did, what he saw in her eyes knocked his brain instantly and completely offline.
“I’m sorry, Baby,” she purred, placing her body against his and putting her arms around his neck. She was panting, and clearly not from the walk up from the beach.  “I love you. Only you.”  She kissed him then, mouth open and hotly demanding.  “C’mon, Sammy, let me make it up to you.”
Sure, Sam had done a little role playing in his time, but this was a new one.  He wanted to think it through, decide whether this might mean for him and Anita in the real world.  He liked her. He wanted to date her, get to know her. And this would be the first time they had sex.  Even if it wasn’t, under normal circumstances, he’d never engage in something like this without a very frank discussion beforehand.  Boundaries.  Maybe even a safe word.  But Anita was committed, and she didn’t seem in the least concerned about the cameras. In fact, Sam wondered if the idea that they were likely being watched wasn’t a little bit of a turn on for her.  Like it was for him.
“You let him touch you.” He growled, looking down at her and remaining rigid, not putting his arms around her.  
“I know, Baby,” she said, kissing him some more and rubbing her body against his.  “He’s rich.  He’s important.  And I thought you and me had an agreement.  But if you’re not OK with it, then I won’t do it, Baby.  I’m here.  I’m here with you, Hmmm?”
She slid her hands from his neck to his collarbones and over to his shoulders, pushing his shirt down his arms and letting it fall to the floor.  Now he did the same, pushing her lacy cover-up off.  She reached up to untie the top of her red bikini while he untied the straps on her back, keeping his eyes on hers the entire time.  
“You forgive me, Baby? Will you let me make it up to you?” She asked, taking a small step backwards to let the top fall from her and give him the opportunity to fill his eyes with her full breasts.  Then he filled his hands with them.
“You let him touch you here?”  He asked, keeping that cruel edge to his voice and on his face as he cupped her and dragged his thumbs across her erect, brown nipples.  
She sucked in her breath. “No.  Only you, Sam.”  
“Damn right, only me. Now take those bottoms off and lay down.”
Oh, shit.  No turning back now.  Sam was way into this all of a sudden.  The fire in Anita’s eyes and the shudder in her breathing told him he wasn’t alone.  She was very quickly naked and lying in the center of the bed, panting and looking at him with a hunger he could see even in the darkness of the room lit only by the flickering light from the patio torches outside.  He took his time dropping his shorts and stood for a moment, desire coiling in his belly as he watched her eyeing his cock, already fully hard.
He knelt on the bed and crawled to her, coming to rest with his weight on his knees between her legs and his hands on either side of her shoulders, not touching her.  She was panting and the slightest sheen of sweat glowed on her face.  
“You made me mad, Anita.”
“I’m sorry, Sam. Please...”
“You know what I gotta do, don’t you.”
She took in a shuddering gasp and nodded, eyes wide, as he pushed her legs further apart with his knees, leaning down until the tip of his cock was at her entrance, which he noticed was wet as hell.  There was no foreplay, no warning, unless the last three days could be counted as extended foreplay, which Sam suddenly realized they pretty much had been.  He shoved roughly into her, both of them crying out as he did.  
“You’re a fucking bad girl, Anita.”
“I am,” she grunted.  “I am.  I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry, Sam!”
“Whose are you, huh? Who do you belong to?”
“You!  I belong to you.  Only you!”
“Anybody else get to fuck you?”
“No!  Just you!”
“Who else gets this pussy?”
“Nobody, Sam.  I belong to you.  I’m yours…  Fuck!”
“Anybody else get to make you come?”
“Just you, Sam!”
He kept up an intense rhythm, pounding brutally into her, feeling her pulling at him and pushing up to him with her feet on the mattress, letting him know she was into what he was doing.  
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Anita.  Makes me crazy, thinkin’ about that fat fuck puttin’ his hands on you.  You’re mine.  Say it! You’re mine!”
“I’m yours!  Yes, I’m-  I’m yours, only yours!”
Sam began to kiss her roughly, invading her mouth with his tongue.  He hoped his uncontrolled lust looked, to the cameras, like the anger and possessiveness he was supposed to be feeling.  “Fuckin’ mine, Anita.  All of you, mine.”  
He continued to kiss her roughly, moving his mouth down her neck, not caring whether he was leaving marks and kind of hoping he was.  He had to pull out of her to move lower, and also to keep himself from coming already, the way she was fucking him as hard as he was fucking her.  He devoured her body with harsh kisses and nips, actually growling from time to time in his blind need.  Her groans, the way she kept pushing up toward his mouth, reassured him that she was as into this as he was.  
When he entered her with two fingers, she ground down onto them and threw her arms up over her head, abandoning herself completely to him.  He was a little ashamed of the teeth marks he left on her hip on that one, but only for the briefest of moments.  When he kissed and licked his way to her mound, he looked up to see her watching him, her face a mask of purest wanton desire.  
“Say it.”
“I’m yours.  Yours,” she breathed.
“Anybody else get to eat this pussy?”
“Nobody.  Only you, Baby.”
Sam went to work with his tongue, keeping up a sure, steady rhythm with his fingers as he teased the hard nub of her clit.  As he licked and sucked at her, moaning and murmuring filthy praise, Anita hissed a stream of overwrought words of pleasure in Spanish, grinding herself against his mouth. He had to keep from rubbing his leaking cock against the mattress, listening to the animal sounds she made.  Many steamy, groan-filled minutes later, Sam began to feel her muscles tensing, and knew that she was close.
Without warning, he bent his knees and pushed up, putting his arms under her and rolling them over so that she was sprawled atop him.  
“You want to come, Baby?”
“Fuck yeah, Sam.  Please.”
“I want you to come on my cock.  Show me you’re mine.  Let me see you come on my cock so I know it’s me you love.  Can you do that?”
“Oh, yeah.  I can do that for you.  I want to do that for you.” She put her knees on the mattress, putting her weight on them and using her thighs to lift and lower herself on him.  Reaching down, she began to finger herself, looking at Sam the whole time.  “Like this, Baby?  This what you want?”
“Yeah, that’s right.  Shit, Baby, you look so fuckin’ good right now, you have no idea.  You’re so beautiful…”
“And I’m yours, Sam.  I’m all yours.  I’m… oh, shit…”
“Come for me, Baby.  C’mon.  Show me who you belong to-“
Anita tried to keep her eyes on Sam’s, but as she moved more and more wantonly against him, rubbing herself faster and faster, they squeezed shut and she threw her head back.  “Oh, fuck, Sam!  Fuck, your dick is so good-“  With that, she gave a series of hard shivers and shouted through gritted teeth as she rode was felt to Sam to be a powerful orgasm.  As she spasmed around him, Sam gave himself over to the sensations, bucking up into her until he, too, came with a cry loud enough to wake the rest of the house, had anyone been sober, or sleeping.  Of course, no one was.
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heavensarcher · 8 years
Ask anyone that was around in 2011 and we’ll all tell you Yasi was a big bitch who did some fucking damage.
Debbie is being predicted as fucking worse. Which. I didn’t realise she was this big but she is and she coming for our roofs.
When Yasi made landfall, the center of the eye passed straight through a small town called Tully. To sound terrible, this time Debbie is posed to head through just south of Ayr, affecting an area with a SIGNIFICANTLY higher population - which means higher chance of fatalities, and higher damage costs. For example, Yasi did a heap of (mostly superficial damage to Townsville) (commonly known as the “Capital of North Queensland”. It’s the biggest population center in the area), even though the eye passed about 200k or so north. Areas in Townsvilel still were without power for weeks. Ayr itself is not only a far larger population than Tully, its also with 100ks of Townsville. Some of the biggest population centres with the most public services (For example, Mackay has a hospital, but all major cases are sent to Townsville as we have better/more equipment/staff) are gonna be hit with some destructive ass shit.
Debbie’s range of destruction WILL BE LARGE. Basically yes, the centre is hitting close to Ayr, but everywhere between Lucinda and St. Lawrence are being told to brace for destructive gale force winds in excess of 125km/h. She is expected to cause storm tides and flash flooding.
Cyclones can change paths in the blink of an eye. I remember being told that Townsville was going to be right at the core of Yasi until about 2-3 hours before landfall when she suddenly flicked North so dramatically we only caught the edge of the eye. IF YOU ARE IN ANY OF THE ZONES YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED IN CASE YOU ARE SUDDENLY CLOSER TO THE DESTRUCTIVE CORE THAN YOU THOUGHT
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE know what to fucking do. Hopefully you’ve done so already, but if you’re new to the area FIND A LOCAL BUDDY WHO’S DONE THIS ALL BEFORE AND HAVE THEM WALK YOU THROUGH IT. I know there’s been a lot of fucking joking about your cyclone kit mostly being sure your alcohol stash is on point but we can make those jokes because WE ALREADY HAVE THE SHIT WE NEED TO DEAL WITH THINGS. If you don’t feel safe, ask a friend if they want to be cyclone buddies. All the councils in this area have cyclone advice.
At this point hopefully you have
your safe (preferably windowless) space with sturdy walls. This should really be an interior room, such as a walk in wardrobe or like a storage closet if you have one big enough? But I know people where that safest room is a bathroom. It depends on your housing structure.
your torch
spare batteries
plans for water (filling a bathtub, bottled water)
outside furniture/trailers strapped down or indoors, and yard cleared of potential projectiles 
non-perishable food 
a camp stove/bbq or something to cook with, full gas bottles to power them
plans for if you lose power (A lot of people in my area have generators from Yasi, but we lasted over a week last time with no power, it can be done. Frozen water bottles and stuff will keep your fridge cool longer, eat the most likely to go bad stuff first, the freezer will be colder longer than the fridge and both will be cold longer if you keep them shut as often as possible)
if you’re close to a storm tide danger zone hopefully you’ve gotten sand bags and shit already
PLANS FOR ANIMALS. If you are evacuated, most shelters WILL NOT ACCEPT THEM FOR HEALTH REASONS. Either have everything set up for them in your house or make arrangements with a kennel or friends or something. If you are staying, keep them with you (closing the blinds, a radio etc etc will help keep them calmer)
If you have neighbours who are maybe elderly, new to the NQLD area, disabled in some way etc etc please check with them to make sure they are all set and ready to go, ask if you can check in on them afterwards.
If you have anxiety/are prone to panic attacks it is a very good idea to maybe have people with you, or be really prepared to have some headphones or something to try and block it out.
TUNE INTO A LOCAL RADIO STATION. The best one in Townsville tends to be 4TO FM (102.3) I believe? I think they were the one that stayed on last time?  A lot of the stations will close over the event, usually telling you one that will remain broadcasting. But even in the days before, radio stations are really good for the updates, particularly the local ones as they will have the most up-to-date info FOR YOUR AREA (ours have been talking about the free tip days, where you can fill sandbags etc etc).
Here are the two pages about Debbie by the BoM: Advice, Track Map. They always have the next time they will be updated there. At the moment I think it’s every 4hrs?
like for the love of god just don’t. IF you’ve never experienced a cyclone before, every thing they say poetically about storms is fucking true. There is a calm right before it when all the fucking birds and animals disappear. The most important thing, is that if you’re close enough to get the eye, there is a BREAK in the middle. This is when you’ve passed the wall of the worst and there is just the centre of fucking calm. It is fucking eerily. There is just no sound. Atmosphere feels weird and it kinda feels like the world is transcending. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE FUCKING STAY INDOORS SO MANY PEOPLE DIE FROM GOING OUT IN THE GOD DAMN EYE IT COMES BACK AND IT ISN’T AN EASE INTO IT EXITING THE EYE IS STRAIGHT BACK INTO THE DESTRUCTIVE CORE.
Even after the worst has passed, stay indoors until the winds have calmed the fuck down, no one wants to be hit in the face by something cos they went outside when there was still technically gale force winds.
IF IT’S FLOODED DON’T FUCKING GO THERE. Roads/bridges may have been washed away. There could be debris under the water, a rip, a fucking croc (these things happen).
DURING CLEAN UP CHECK FOR POWER LINES PLEASE DON’T GO TO PICK UP SOMETHING AND MISS THAT IT BROUGHT DOWN A POWER LINE. Also let the electricity people know so that they can hopefully do something, but know they will be busy as shit and just prepare to have to avoid the shit out of it.
Look, cyclone are scary as shit. But basically, like all of life, can be summed up as “don’t be an idiot and you’ll be fine”.  After a cyclone is when communities band together. Once you know you’re ok, help your neighbours. Go to the house across the street with a trailer to help with clean up. If you have power but someone near you doesn’t, ask if they need to store anything in your fridge, or charge something.
I’m sure most will be fine, and it may just be that we need to give the people of Ayr and it’s surrounding areas a lot of fucking support in the aftermath but be prepared for the worst, and whatever DOES happen will be easier in comparison. It’s better to be under prepared then over prepared.
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mayarosa47 · 5 years
Tooele Utah Probate Lawyer
If you have special needs child who needs to be looked after you are gone, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. There are ways you can ensure that your estate is put to proper use for the benefit of your special needs child. An experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer can explain your options. Under Utah law, you have many options including a will, a trust and other estate planning devices.
Estate planning is something that we think about and plan to do but unfortunately may leave to the last minute. There are multiple stories of adult children still living at home with parents who die suddenly or become disabled. Sometimes they have never written a last will and testament or nominated guardians—no arrangements have been made for an adult child who is unable to care for herself. Sometimes this is because of financial concerns or just too many day-to-day details to deal with. We don’t expect to die, and we may hope to survive a child with disabilities.
To be honest, it is morbid and scary to think about it. Realistically, it is like leaving an adult with special needs unprotected from a multitude of harms. Lack of planning will make an already difficult situation much more painful for your adult child.
Wills and trusts generally are financial instruments that also nominate representatives for your children. Those documents are very important, but they need to be supplemented with other documents. It is also important for representatives and caregivers to have a good understanding of your adult child’s special needs, day to day, medical history, family history, and other details that are not covered by estate-planning documents. This is true regardless of how independent she will be. The trustee, for example, will need to understand medical costs and other information in order to budget funds and distributions for her in a prudent way. The reality is that estate-planning documents can’t possibly contain all the necessary information and the important history to provide for her care. In fact, it isn’t a good idea to put personal information in a will or trust that might be filed at the court and available publicly. What does that mean in terms of how to care for a child or adult child? If the named guardian or caregiver has not been around the child, he or she may not have a clue about who the child is as a person—or what her special needs are. This person may not have the answers to important questions such as:
• What is the general health of the person? Is special medical care needed? Allergies?
• Who are her medical providers and dentist? Where are they located? How often does she need to visit them?
• What kinds of foods does she eat? This would include what she will tolerate as well as any food allergies.
• What kind of assistance does she require?
• What kind of lifestyle is she most comfortable with?
• What is her weekly schedule?
• Who are her friends and significant people in her life? How do I reach them?
• Is there a funeral trust for the adult child with your family arrangements or elsewhere?
The idea of supplementing estate-planning documents is to answer questions about your adult child that may not be obvious from those documents. Your adult child may be able to function fairly independently, but you still may monitor certain things fairly closely during your lifetime; and these things might not be obvious to others. She may have trouble communicating small needs for assistance. She may be embarrassed or depressed from grief of your absence. Whatever the situation, having a supplemental file will make a big difference in assuring things go better for her after you are no longer able to monitor her care and protection.
Representative to act for your estate and for your children
Utah has its own rules about guardians (someone who acts for another person). But you will need to check with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer to know more about the laws.
Guardian of the Estate
A conservator manages financial matters but cannot make medical decisions or life decisions. For example, a conservator may obtain health insurance but doesn’t have the authority to consent to treatment. He or she may sign a lease on an apartment and pay the bills out of the person’s funds. Some adults with disabilities need a conservator to help with financial matters, but do not require a guardian. Others require both. Still others are able to pay their own bills and generally manage their own funds with help from a family member or accountant, without the need of a court-appointed conservator.
If parents or grandparents leave a bequest to a child who is unable to manage her own financial affairs—or for some reason can’t receive larger amounts of assets—they may put it in a testamentary (contained in a will) trust or some form of living trust. In the will or trust, the trustor (person owning the property—parents, grandparents, etc.) appoints the trustee to manage those funds. It is a different role than a conservator because trustees are not appointed to manage the person’s entire estate, only specific conditions contained in the trust. A conservator, on the other hand, manages a person’s personal funds including government benefits outside the trust. There are many types of special needs trusts. You will need to get legal advice about the type of trust that is appropriate in your case. For example, perhaps your adult child receives Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, and other governmental benefits. There are generally limits to the amount of assets, including cash savings and property, a person can have and still receive services. For example, for Medicaid, a person can’t have more than $2,000 in cash and assets. Usually, a home and car are excluded from that limit. A special needs trust can receive the assets and coordinate with regulations to provide only monies and care not covered by the governmental programs. This will protect the eligibility for services. If she works and lives independently, but gets reduced rent or food stamps, this can be affected by change in assets or income from an inheritance as well. A trust could provide supplemental needs without jeopardizing the benefits. If she is in a residential facility funded by Medicaid or other government funding, she may only be allowed to keep a very small monthly allowance out of her SSI or other income and must contribute the balance as her share. The difference will be picked up by the government funding. However, there may be specific services and items that are not covered by Medicaid such as the following:
• Certain medical treatments and medications. For example, if the doctor prescribes a medication that is not covered by insurance, it is possible that the trust could pay for it, if the trust is written to provide for that.
• Specialized clothing. Generally, clothing must come out of the small monthly allowance. If she requires a lot of clothes because of incontinency or behavior that destroys her clothes, the trust could provide extra clothing.
• Certain medical equipment that is not covered by Medicaid or other insurance.
• Furniture and other personal needs not provided for by Medicaid and/or too expensive to be purchased out of the allowance.
• Some types of educational or vocational training.
• Vacations and recreation. The trust can provide things that are not covered by the funding source and will not make a person ineligible for services. This could include the cost of having a staff person accompany the person on vacation, even though the camp or other vacation is paid for through a government program.
Other Considerations
You may want to request provisions in your estate-planning documents that are not necessary in other people’s documents.
There will be things that your adult child needs that may not be clear to the nominated representative and are not covered by funding outside a trust. A note to the nominated representative or a provision in the trust would warn of this need.
If there are siblings, you will need to think through taking care of your adult child with special needs while still being fair to your other children or grandchildren. The more you think through the issues before visiting your attorney, the fewer “billable hours” you will run up. You will still want to discuss the issues with your attorney, but you’ll have a basic idea of what you want to accomplish beforehand.
There may be someone in your circle of friends and family whom you specifically do not want to serve as guardian, conservator, or trustee. Maybe decisions he or she has made about the care of his or her own children or the way he or she has managed funds concerns you, and you wouldn’t be comfortable with this person’s abilities to make prudent decisions for your adult child. Tell your attorney and ask how to document that. Your attorney may want you to write a letter to that effect and have it notarized. Thus, your wishes will be known when you are not available to state them.
In trying to ascertain what you want included in your estate-planning documents, also consider things that are important for your nominee to understand about care and support to your adult child. Perhaps the nominated guardian will not actually have your child living in his or her home but still needs to have a thorough understanding of care requirements to be able to advocate for her.
Estate planning should be a top priority for everyone. Not just for the rich and famous. You are never too young or too old for estate planning. Remember death can come anytime. Never assume that your estate will be automatically used for the benefit of your special needs child once you are gone. The State of Utah has its own plan on what to do with your estate after you are gone. That’s why you need to speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer and make a will or some other estate planning device. If you have an estate planning device, the State of Utah will not touch your estate and will allow your estate to devolve according to your estate planning devices.
A will is an estate planning device that you can use to ensure that your properties pass on to your near and dear ones after your death. In your will you must name a person as an executor of your will. The executor of your will must file for probate. Probate is a legal process whereby the will is submitted to court and the court verifies the authenticity of the will and whether it is a legally valid will. Once the will is probated the properties will be transferred to the persons named in the will. Before you make your will, consult with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. Every will must pass through probate. Minor mistakes in the will can prove costly. Do not try to save money by using a fill in the blanks form. No two persons are alike. What may suit one person may not necessarily suit you. When an application for probate is filed in the probate court in Utah, the will can be challenged by people who feel they have been left out of the will. This is another reason why you should have your will made by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. A will drafted by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer will successfully deal with the challenge and pass though probate.
If you are the executor of a will, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer once the testator has passed away. As the executor it is your responsibility to file for probate. Probate is a complex process and is best left to the expert – an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. The lawyer will file the probate application and ensure that the will passes through probate. In case some challenges the will during probate, the lawyer will deal with the challenge.
Tooele Utah Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with probate in Tooele Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
Tooele Utah Probate Lawyer
If you have special needs child who needs to be looked after you are gone, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. There are ways you can ensure that your estate is put to proper use for the benefit of your special needs child. An experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer can explain your options. Under Utah law, you have many options including a will, a trust and other estate planning devices.
Estate planning is something that we think about and plan to do but unfortunately may leave to the last minute. There are multiple stories of adult children still living at home with parents who die suddenly or become disabled. Sometimes they have never written a last will and testament or nominated guardians—no arrangements have been made for an adult child who is unable to care for herself. Sometimes this is because of financial concerns or just too many day-to-day details to deal with. We don’t expect to die, and we may hope to survive a child with disabilities.
To be honest, it is morbid and scary to think about it. Realistically, it is like leaving an adult with special needs unprotected from a multitude of harms. Lack of planning will make an already difficult situation much more painful for your adult child.
Wills and trusts generally are financial instruments that also nominate representatives for your children. Those documents are very important, but they need to be supplemented with other documents. It is also important for representatives and caregivers to have a good understanding of your adult child’s special needs, day to day, medical history, family history, and other details that are not covered by estate-planning documents. This is true regardless of how independent she will be. The trustee, for example, will need to understand medical costs and other information in order to budget funds and distributions for her in a prudent way. The reality is that estate-planning documents can’t possibly contain all the necessary information and the important history to provide for her care. In fact, it isn’t a good idea to put personal information in a will or trust that might be filed at the court and available publicly. What does that mean in terms of how to care for a child or adult child? If the named guardian or caregiver has not been around the child, he or she may not have a clue about who the child is as a person—or what her special needs are. This person may not have the answers to important questions such as:
• What is the general health of the person? Is special medical care needed? Allergies?
• Who are her medical providers and dentist? Where are they located? How often does she need to visit them?
• What kinds of foods does she eat? This would include what she will tolerate as well as any food allergies.
• What kind of assistance does she require?
• What kind of lifestyle is she most comfortable with?
• What is her weekly schedule?
• Who are her friends and significant people in her life? How do I reach them?
• Is there a funeral trust for the adult child with your family arrangements or elsewhere?
The idea of supplementing estate-planning documents is to answer questions about your adult child that may not be obvious from those documents. Your adult child may be able to function fairly independently, but you still may monitor certain things fairly closely during your lifetime; and these things might not be obvious to others. She may have trouble communicating small needs for assistance. She may be embarrassed or depressed from grief of your absence. Whatever the situation, having a supplemental file will make a big difference in assuring things go better for her after you are no longer able to monitor her care and protection.
Representative to act for your estate and for your children
Utah has its own rules about guardians (someone who acts for another person). But you will need to check with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer to know more about the laws.
Guardian of the Estate
A conservator manages financial matters but cannot make medical decisions or life decisions. For example, a conservator may obtain health insurance but doesn’t have the authority to consent to treatment. He or she may sign a lease on an apartment and pay the bills out of the person’s funds. Some adults with disabilities need a conservator to help with financial matters, but do not require a guardian. Others require both. Still others are able to pay their own bills and generally manage their own funds with help from a family member or accountant, without the need of a court-appointed conservator.
If parents or grandparents leave a bequest to a child who is unable to manage her own financial affairs—or for some reason can’t receive larger amounts of assets—they may put it in a testamentary (contained in a will) trust or some form of living trust. In the will or trust, the trustor (person owning the property—parents, grandparents, etc.) appoints the trustee to manage those funds. It is a different role than a conservator because trustees are not appointed to manage the person’s entire estate, only specific conditions contained in the trust. A conservator, on the other hand, manages a person’s personal funds including government benefits outside the trust. There are many types of special needs trusts. You will need to get legal advice about the type of trust that is appropriate in your case. For example, perhaps your adult child receives Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, and other governmental benefits. There are generally limits to the amount of assets, including cash savings and property, a person can have and still receive services. For example, for Medicaid, a person can’t have more than $2,000 in cash and assets. Usually, a home and car are excluded from that limit. A special needs trust can receive the assets and coordinate with regulations to provide only monies and care not covered by the governmental programs. This will protect the eligibility for services. If she works and lives independently, but gets reduced rent or food stamps, this can be affected by change in assets or income from an inheritance as well. A trust could provide supplemental needs without jeopardizing the benefits. If she is in a residential facility funded by Medicaid or other government funding, she may only be allowed to keep a very small monthly allowance out of her SSI or other income and must contribute the balance as her share. The difference will be picked up by the government funding. However, there may be specific services and items that are not covered by Medicaid such as the following:
• Certain medical treatments and medications. For example, if the doctor prescribes a medication that is not covered by insurance, it is possible that the trust could pay for it, if the trust is written to provide for that.
• Specialized clothing. Generally, clothing must come out of the small monthly allowance. If she requires a lot of clothes because of incontinency or behavior that destroys her clothes, the trust could provide extra clothing.
• Certain medical equipment that is not covered by Medicaid or other insurance.
• Furniture and other personal needs not provided for by Medicaid and/or too expensive to be purchased out of the allowance.
• Some types of educational or vocational training.
• Vacations and recreation. The trust can provide things that are not covered by the funding source and will not make a person ineligible for services. This could include the cost of having a staff person accompany the person on vacation, even though the camp or other vacation is paid for through a government program.
Other Considerations
You may want to request provisions in your estate-planning documents that are not necessary in other people’s documents.
There will be things that your adult child needs that may not be clear to the nominated representative and are not covered by funding outside a trust. A note to the nominated representative or a provision in the trust would warn of this need.
If there are siblings, you will need to think through taking care of your adult child with special needs while still being fair to your other children or grandchildren. The more you think through the issues before visiting your attorney, the fewer “billable hours” you will run up. You will still want to discuss the issues with your attorney, but you’ll have a basic idea of what you want to accomplish beforehand.
There may be someone in your circle of friends and family whom you specifically do not want to serve as guardian, conservator, or trustee. Maybe decisions he or she has made about the care of his or her own children or the way he or she has managed funds concerns you, and you wouldn’t be comfortable with this person’s abilities to make prudent decisions for your adult child. Tell your attorney and ask how to document that. Your attorney may want you to write a letter to that effect and have it notarized. Thus, your wishes will be known when you are not available to state them.
In trying to ascertain what you want included in your estate-planning documents, also consider things that are important for your nominee to understand about care and support to your adult child. Perhaps the nominated guardian will not actually have your child living in his or her home but still needs to have a thorough understanding of care requirements to be able to advocate for her.
Estate planning should be a top priority for everyone. Not just for the rich and famous. You are never too young or too old for estate planning. Remember death can come anytime. Never assume that your estate will be automatically used for the benefit of your special needs child once you are gone. The State of Utah has its own plan on what to do with your estate after you are gone. That’s why you need to speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer and make a will or some other estate planning device. If you have an estate planning device, the State of Utah will not touch your estate and will allow your estate to devolve according to your estate planning devices.
A will is an estate planning device that you can use to ensure that your properties pass on to your near and dear ones after your death. In your will you must name a person as an executor of your will. The executor of your will must file for probate. Probate is a legal process whereby the will is submitted to court and the court verifies the authenticity of the will and whether it is a legally valid will. Once the will is probated the properties will be transferred to the persons named in the will. Before you make your will, consult with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. Every will must pass through probate. Minor mistakes in the will can prove costly. Do not try to save money by using a fill in the blanks form. No two persons are alike. What may suit one person may not necessarily suit you. When an application for probate is filed in the probate court in Utah, the will can be challenged by people who feel they have been left out of the will. This is another reason why you should have your will made by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. A will drafted by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer will successfully deal with the challenge and pass though probate.
If you are the executor of a will, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer once the testator has passed away. As the executor it is your responsibility to file for probate. Probate is a complex process and is best left to the expert – an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. The lawyer will file the probate application and ensure that the will passes through probate. In case some challenges the will during probate, the lawyer will deal with the challenge.
Tooele Utah Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with probate in Tooele Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/tooele-utah-probate-lawyer/ from Divorce Lawyer Nelson Farms Utah https://divorcelawyernelsonfarmsutah.tumblr.com/post/188404682185
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Tooele Utah Probate Lawyer
If you have special needs child who needs to be looked after you are gone, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. There are ways you can ensure that your estate is put to proper use for the benefit of your special needs child. An experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer can explain your options. Under Utah law, you have many options including a will, a trust and other estate planning devices.
Estate planning is something that we think about and plan to do but unfortunately may leave to the last minute. There are multiple stories of adult children still living at home with parents who die suddenly or become disabled. Sometimes they have never written a last will and testament or nominated guardians—no arrangements have been made for an adult child who is unable to care for herself. Sometimes this is because of financial concerns or just too many day-to-day details to deal with. We don’t expect to die, and we may hope to survive a child with disabilities.
To be honest, it is morbid and scary to think about it. Realistically, it is like leaving an adult with special needs unprotected from a multitude of harms. Lack of planning will make an already difficult situation much more painful for your adult child.
Wills and trusts generally are financial instruments that also nominate representatives for your children. Those documents are very important, but they need to be supplemented with other documents. It is also important for representatives and caregivers to have a good understanding of your adult child’s special needs, day to day, medical history, family history, and other details that are not covered by estate-planning documents. This is true regardless of how independent she will be. The trustee, for example, will need to understand medical costs and other information in order to budget funds and distributions for her in a prudent way. The reality is that estate-planning documents can’t possibly contain all the necessary information and the important history to provide for her care. In fact, it isn’t a good idea to put personal information in a will or trust that might be filed at the court and available publicly. What does that mean in terms of how to care for a child or adult child? If the named guardian or caregiver has not been around the child, he or she may not have a clue about who the child is as a person—or what her special needs are. This person may not have the answers to important questions such as:
• What is the general health of the person? Is special medical care needed? Allergies?
• Who are her medical providers and dentist? Where are they located? How often does she need to visit them?
• What kinds of foods does she eat? This would include what she will tolerate as well as any food allergies.
• What kind of assistance does she require?
• What kind of lifestyle is she most comfortable with?
• What is her weekly schedule?
• Who are her friends and significant people in her life? How do I reach them?
• Is there a funeral trust for the adult child with your family arrangements or elsewhere?
The idea of supplementing estate-planning documents is to answer questions about your adult child that may not be obvious from those documents. Your adult child may be able to function fairly independently, but you still may monitor certain things fairly closely during your lifetime; and these things might not be obvious to others. She may have trouble communicating small needs for assistance. She may be embarrassed or depressed from grief of your absence. Whatever the situation, having a supplemental file will make a big difference in assuring things go better for her after you are no longer able to monitor her care and protection.
Representative to act for your estate and for your children
Utah has its own rules about guardians (someone who acts for another person). But you will need to check with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer to know more about the laws.
Guardian of the Estate
A conservator manages financial matters but cannot make medical decisions or life decisions. For example, a conservator may obtain health insurance but doesn’t have the authority to consent to treatment. He or she may sign a lease on an apartment and pay the bills out of the person’s funds. Some adults with disabilities need a conservator to help with financial matters, but do not require a guardian. Others require both. Still others are able to pay their own bills and generally manage their own funds with help from a family member or accountant, without the need of a court-appointed conservator.
If parents or grandparents leave a bequest to a child who is unable to manage her own financial affairs—or for some reason can’t receive larger amounts of assets—they may put it in a testamentary (contained in a will) trust or some form of living trust. In the will or trust, the trustor (person owning the property—parents, grandparents, etc.) appoints the trustee to manage those funds. It is a different role than a conservator because trustees are not appointed to manage the person’s entire estate, only specific conditions contained in the trust. A conservator, on the other hand, manages a person’s personal funds including government benefits outside the trust. There are many types of special needs trusts. You will need to get legal advice about the type of trust that is appropriate in your case. For example, perhaps your adult child receives Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, and other governmental benefits. There are generally limits to the amount of assets, including cash savings and property, a person can have and still receive services. For example, for Medicaid, a person can’t have more than $2,000 in cash and assets. Usually, a home and car are excluded from that limit. A special needs trust can receive the assets and coordinate with regulations to provide only monies and care not covered by the governmental programs. This will protect the eligibility for services. If she works and lives independently, but gets reduced rent or food stamps, this can be affected by change in assets or income from an inheritance as well. A trust could provide supplemental needs without jeopardizing the benefits. If she is in a residential facility funded by Medicaid or other government funding, she may only be allowed to keep a very small monthly allowance out of her SSI or other income and must contribute the balance as her share. The difference will be picked up by the government funding. However, there may be specific services and items that are not covered by Medicaid such as the following:
• Certain medical treatments and medications. For example, if the doctor prescribes a medication that is not covered by insurance, it is possible that the trust could pay for it, if the trust is written to provide for that.
• Specialized clothing. Generally, clothing must come out of the small monthly allowance. If she requires a lot of clothes because of incontinency or behavior that destroys her clothes, the trust could provide extra clothing.
• Certain medical equipment that is not covered by Medicaid or other insurance.
• Furniture and other personal needs not provided for by Medicaid and/or too expensive to be purchased out of the allowance.
• Some types of educational or vocational training.
• Vacations and recreation. The trust can provide things that are not covered by the funding source and will not make a person ineligible for services. This could include the cost of having a staff person accompany the person on vacation, even though the camp or other vacation is paid for through a government program.
Other Considerations
You may want to request provisions in your estate-planning documents that are not necessary in other people’s documents.
There will be things that your adult child needs that may not be clear to the nominated representative and are not covered by funding outside a trust. A note to the nominated representative or a provision in the trust would warn of this need.
If there are siblings, you will need to think through taking care of your adult child with special needs while still being fair to your other children or grandchildren. The more you think through the issues before visiting your attorney, the fewer “billable hours” you will run up. You will still want to discuss the issues with your attorney, but you’ll have a basic idea of what you want to accomplish beforehand.
There may be someone in your circle of friends and family whom you specifically do not want to serve as guardian, conservator, or trustee. Maybe decisions he or she has made about the care of his or her own children or the way he or she has managed funds concerns you, and you wouldn’t be comfortable with this person’s abilities to make prudent decisions for your adult child. Tell your attorney and ask how to document that. Your attorney may want you to write a letter to that effect and have it notarized. Thus, your wishes will be known when you are not available to state them.
In trying to ascertain what you want included in your estate-planning documents, also consider things that are important for your nominee to understand about care and support to your adult child. Perhaps the nominated guardian will not actually have your child living in his or her home but still needs to have a thorough understanding of care requirements to be able to advocate for her.
Estate planning should be a top priority for everyone. Not just for the rich and famous. You are never too young or too old for estate planning. Remember death can come anytime. Never assume that your estate will be automatically used for the benefit of your special needs child once you are gone. The State of Utah has its own plan on what to do with your estate after you are gone. That’s why you need to speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer and make a will or some other estate planning device. If you have an estate planning device, the State of Utah will not touch your estate and will allow your estate to devolve according to your estate planning devices.
A will is an estate planning device that you can use to ensure that your properties pass on to your near and dear ones after your death. In your will you must name a person as an executor of your will. The executor of your will must file for probate. Probate is a legal process whereby the will is submitted to court and the court verifies the authenticity of the will and whether it is a legally valid will. Once the will is probated the properties will be transferred to the persons named in the will. Before you make your will, consult with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. Every will must pass through probate. Minor mistakes in the will can prove costly. Do not try to save money by using a fill in the blanks form. No two persons are alike. What may suit one person may not necessarily suit you. When an application for probate is filed in the probate court in Utah, the will can be challenged by people who feel they have been left out of the will. This is another reason why you should have your will made by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. A will drafted by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer will successfully deal with the challenge and pass though probate.
If you are the executor of a will, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer once the testator has passed away. As the executor it is your responsibility to file for probate. Probate is a complex process and is best left to the expert – an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. The lawyer will file the probate application and ensure that the will passes through probate. In case some challenges the will during probate, the lawyer will deal with the challenge.
Tooele Utah Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with probate in Tooele Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/tooele-utah-probate-lawyer/
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michaeljames1221 · 5 years
Tooele Utah Probate Lawyer
If you have special needs child who needs to be looked after you are gone, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. There are ways you can ensure that your estate is put to proper use for the benefit of your special needs child. An experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer can explain your options. Under Utah law, you have many options including a will, a trust and other estate planning devices.
Estate planning is something that we think about and plan to do but unfortunately may leave to the last minute. There are multiple stories of adult children still living at home with parents who die suddenly or become disabled. Sometimes they have never written a last will and testament or nominated guardians—no arrangements have been made for an adult child who is unable to care for herself. Sometimes this is because of financial concerns or just too many day-to-day details to deal with. We don’t expect to die, and we may hope to survive a child with disabilities.
To be honest, it is morbid and scary to think about it. Realistically, it is like leaving an adult with special needs unprotected from a multitude of harms. Lack of planning will make an already difficult situation much more painful for your adult child.
Wills and trusts generally are financial instruments that also nominate representatives for your children. Those documents are very important, but they need to be supplemented with other documents. It is also important for representatives and caregivers to have a good understanding of your adult child’s special needs, day to day, medical history, family history, and other details that are not covered by estate-planning documents. This is true regardless of how independent she will be. The trustee, for example, will need to understand medical costs and other information in order to budget funds and distributions for her in a prudent way. The reality is that estate-planning documents can’t possibly contain all the necessary information and the important history to provide for her care. In fact, it isn’t a good idea to put personal information in a will or trust that might be filed at the court and available publicly. What does that mean in terms of how to care for a child or adult child? If the named guardian or caregiver has not been around the child, he or she may not have a clue about who the child is as a person—or what her special needs are. This person may not have the answers to important questions such as:
• What is the general health of the person? Is special medical care needed? Allergies?
• Who are her medical providers and dentist? Where are they located? How often does she need to visit them?
• What kinds of foods does she eat? This would include what she will tolerate as well as any food allergies.
• What kind of assistance does she require?
• What kind of lifestyle is she most comfortable with?
• What is her weekly schedule?
• Who are her friends and significant people in her life? How do I reach them?
• Is there a funeral trust for the adult child with your family arrangements or elsewhere?
The idea of supplementing estate-planning documents is to answer questions about your adult child that may not be obvious from those documents. Your adult child may be able to function fairly independently, but you still may monitor certain things fairly closely during your lifetime; and these things might not be obvious to others. She may have trouble communicating small needs for assistance. She may be embarrassed or depressed from grief of your absence. Whatever the situation, having a supplemental file will make a big difference in assuring things go better for her after you are no longer able to monitor her care and protection.
Representative to act for your estate and for your children
Utah has its own rules about guardians (someone who acts for another person). But you will need to check with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer to know more about the laws.
Guardian of the Estate
A conservator manages financial matters but cannot make medical decisions or life decisions. For example, a conservator may obtain health insurance but doesn’t have the authority to consent to treatment. He or she may sign a lease on an apartment and pay the bills out of the person’s funds. Some adults with disabilities need a conservator to help with financial matters, but do not require a guardian. Others require both. Still others are able to pay their own bills and generally manage their own funds with help from a family member or accountant, without the need of a court-appointed conservator.
If parents or grandparents leave a bequest to a child who is unable to manage her own financial affairs—or for some reason can’t receive larger amounts of assets—they may put it in a testamentary (contained in a will) trust or some form of living trust. In the will or trust, the trustor (person owning the property—parents, grandparents, etc.) appoints the trustee to manage those funds. It is a different role than a conservator because trustees are not appointed to manage the person’s entire estate, only specific conditions contained in the trust. A conservator, on the other hand, manages a person’s personal funds including government benefits outside the trust. There are many types of special needs trusts. You will need to get legal advice about the type of trust that is appropriate in your case. For example, perhaps your adult child receives Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, and other governmental benefits. There are generally limits to the amount of assets, including cash savings and property, a person can have and still receive services. For example, for Medicaid, a person can’t have more than $2,000 in cash and assets. Usually, a home and car are excluded from that limit. A special needs trust can receive the assets and coordinate with regulations to provide only monies and care not covered by the governmental programs. This will protect the eligibility for services. If she works and lives independently, but gets reduced rent or food stamps, this can be affected by change in assets or income from an inheritance as well. A trust could provide supplemental needs without jeopardizing the benefits. If she is in a residential facility funded by Medicaid or other government funding, she may only be allowed to keep a very small monthly allowance out of her SSI or other income and must contribute the balance as her share. The difference will be picked up by the government funding. However, there may be specific services and items that are not covered by Medicaid such as the following:
• Certain medical treatments and medications. For example, if the doctor prescribes a medication that is not covered by insurance, it is possible that the trust could pay for it, if the trust is written to provide for that.
• Specialized clothing. Generally, clothing must come out of the small monthly allowance. If she requires a lot of clothes because of incontinency or behavior that destroys her clothes, the trust could provide extra clothing.
• Certain medical equipment that is not covered by Medicaid or other insurance.
• Furniture and other personal needs not provided for by Medicaid and/or too expensive to be purchased out of the allowance.
• Some types of educational or vocational training.
• Vacations and recreation. The trust can provide things that are not covered by the funding source and will not make a person ineligible for services. This could include the cost of having a staff person accompany the person on vacation, even though the camp or other vacation is paid for through a government program.
Other Considerations
You may want to request provisions in your estate-planning documents that are not necessary in other people’s documents.
There will be things that your adult child needs that may not be clear to the nominated representative and are not covered by funding outside a trust. A note to the nominated representative or a provision in the trust would warn of this need.
If there are siblings, you will need to think through taking care of your adult child with special needs while still being fair to your other children or grandchildren. The more you think through the issues before visiting your attorney, the fewer “billable hours” you will run up. You will still want to discuss the issues with your attorney, but you’ll have a basic idea of what you want to accomplish beforehand.
There may be someone in your circle of friends and family whom you specifically do not want to serve as guardian, conservator, or trustee. Maybe decisions he or she has made about the care of his or her own children or the way he or she has managed funds concerns you, and you wouldn’t be comfortable with this person’s abilities to make prudent decisions for your adult child. Tell your attorney and ask how to document that. Your attorney may want you to write a letter to that effect and have it notarized. Thus, your wishes will be known when you are not available to state them.
In trying to ascertain what you want included in your estate-planning documents, also consider things that are important for your nominee to understand about care and support to your adult child. Perhaps the nominated guardian will not actually have your child living in his or her home but still needs to have a thorough understanding of care requirements to be able to advocate for her.
Estate planning should be a top priority for everyone. Not just for the rich and famous. You are never too young or too old for estate planning. Remember death can come anytime. Never assume that your estate will be automatically used for the benefit of your special needs child once you are gone. The State of Utah has its own plan on what to do with your estate after you are gone. That’s why you need to speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer and make a will or some other estate planning device. If you have an estate planning device, the State of Utah will not touch your estate and will allow your estate to devolve according to your estate planning devices.
A will is an estate planning device that you can use to ensure that your properties pass on to your near and dear ones after your death. In your will you must name a person as an executor of your will. The executor of your will must file for probate. Probate is a legal process whereby the will is submitted to court and the court verifies the authenticity of the will and whether it is a legally valid will. Once the will is probated the properties will be transferred to the persons named in the will. Before you make your will, consult with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. Every will must pass through probate. Minor mistakes in the will can prove costly. Do not try to save money by using a fill in the blanks form. No two persons are alike. What may suit one person may not necessarily suit you. When an application for probate is filed in the probate court in Utah, the will can be challenged by people who feel they have been left out of the will. This is another reason why you should have your will made by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. A will drafted by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer will successfully deal with the challenge and pass though probate.
If you are the executor of a will, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer once the testator has passed away. As the executor it is your responsibility to file for probate. Probate is a complex process and is best left to the expert – an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. The lawyer will file the probate application and ensure that the will passes through probate. In case some challenges the will during probate, the lawyer will deal with the challenge.
Tooele Utah Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with probate in Tooele Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/tooele-utah-probate-lawyer/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2019/10/17/tooele-utah-probate-lawyer/
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advertphoto · 5 years
Tooele Utah Probate Lawyer
If you have special needs child who needs to be looked after you are gone, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. There are ways you can ensure that your estate is put to proper use for the benefit of your special needs child. An experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer can explain your options. Under Utah law, you have many options including a will, a trust and other estate planning devices.
Estate planning is something that we think about and plan to do but unfortunately may leave to the last minute. There are multiple stories of adult children still living at home with parents who die suddenly or become disabled. Sometimes they have never written a last will and testament or nominated guardians—no arrangements have been made for an adult child who is unable to care for herself. Sometimes this is because of financial concerns or just too many day-to-day details to deal with. We don’t expect to die, and we may hope to survive a child with disabilities.
To be honest, it is morbid and scary to think about it. Realistically, it is like leaving an adult with special needs unprotected from a multitude of harms. Lack of planning will make an already difficult situation much more painful for your adult child.
Wills and trusts generally are financial instruments that also nominate representatives for your children. Those documents are very important, but they need to be supplemented with other documents. It is also important for representatives and caregivers to have a good understanding of your adult child’s special needs, day to day, medical history, family history, and other details that are not covered by estate-planning documents. This is true regardless of how independent she will be. The trustee, for example, will need to understand medical costs and other information in order to budget funds and distributions for her in a prudent way. The reality is that estate-planning documents can’t possibly contain all the necessary information and the important history to provide for her care. In fact, it isn’t a good idea to put personal information in a will or trust that might be filed at the court and available publicly. What does that mean in terms of how to care for a child or adult child? If the named guardian or caregiver has not been around the child, he or she may not have a clue about who the child is as a person—or what her special needs are. This person may not have the answers to important questions such as:
• What is the general health of the person? Is special medical care needed? Allergies?
• Who are her medical providers and dentist? Where are they located? How often does she need to visit them?
• What kinds of foods does she eat? This would include what she will tolerate as well as any food allergies.
• What kind of assistance does she require?
• What kind of lifestyle is she most comfortable with?
• What is her weekly schedule?
• Who are her friends and significant people in her life? How do I reach them?
• Is there a funeral trust for the adult child with your family arrangements or elsewhere?
The idea of supplementing estate-planning documents is to answer questions about your adult child that may not be obvious from those documents. Your adult child may be able to function fairly independently, but you still may monitor certain things fairly closely during your lifetime; and these things might not be obvious to others. She may have trouble communicating small needs for assistance. She may be embarrassed or depressed from grief of your absence. Whatever the situation, having a supplemental file will make a big difference in assuring things go better for her after you are no longer able to monitor her care and protection.
Representative to act for your estate and for your children
Utah has its own rules about guardians (someone who acts for another person). But you will need to check with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer to know more about the laws.
Guardian of the Estate
A conservator manages financial matters but cannot make medical decisions or life decisions. For example, a conservator may obtain health insurance but doesn’t have the authority to consent to treatment. He or she may sign a lease on an apartment and pay the bills out of the person’s funds. Some adults with disabilities need a conservator to help with financial matters, but do not require a guardian. Others require both. Still others are able to pay their own bills and generally manage their own funds with help from a family member or accountant, without the need of a court-appointed conservator.
If parents or grandparents leave a bequest to a child who is unable to manage her own financial affairs—or for some reason can’t receive larger amounts of assets—they may put it in a testamentary (contained in a will) trust or some form of living trust. In the will or trust, the trustor (person owning the property—parents, grandparents, etc.) appoints the trustee to manage those funds. It is a different role than a conservator because trustees are not appointed to manage the person’s entire estate, only specific conditions contained in the trust. A conservator, on the other hand, manages a person’s personal funds including government benefits outside the trust. There are many types of special needs trusts. You will need to get legal advice about the type of trust that is appropriate in your case. For example, perhaps your adult child receives Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, and other governmental benefits. There are generally limits to the amount of assets, including cash savings and property, a person can have and still receive services. For example, for Medicaid, a person can’t have more than $2,000 in cash and assets. Usually, a home and car are excluded from that limit. A special needs trust can receive the assets and coordinate with regulations to provide only monies and care not covered by the governmental programs. This will protect the eligibility for services. If she works and lives independently, but gets reduced rent or food stamps, this can be affected by change in assets or income from an inheritance as well. A trust could provide supplemental needs without jeopardizing the benefits. If she is in a residential facility funded by Medicaid or other government funding, she may only be allowed to keep a very small monthly allowance out of her SSI or other income and must contribute the balance as her share. The difference will be picked up by the government funding. However, there may be specific services and items that are not covered by Medicaid such as the following:
• Certain medical treatments and medications. For example, if the doctor prescribes a medication that is not covered by insurance, it is possible that the trust could pay for it, if the trust is written to provide for that.
• Specialized clothing. Generally, clothing must come out of the small monthly allowance. If she requires a lot of clothes because of incontinency or behavior that destroys her clothes, the trust could provide extra clothing.
• Certain medical equipment that is not covered by Medicaid or other insurance.
• Furniture and other personal needs not provided for by Medicaid and/or too expensive to be purchased out of the allowance.
• Some types of educational or vocational training.
• Vacations and recreation. The trust can provide things that are not covered by the funding source and will not make a person ineligible for services. This could include the cost of having a staff person accompany the person on vacation, even though the camp or other vacation is paid for through a government program.
Other Considerations
You may want to request provisions in your estate-planning documents that are not necessary in other people’s documents.
There will be things that your adult child needs that may not be clear to the nominated representative and are not covered by funding outside a trust. A note to the nominated representative or a provision in the trust would warn of this need.
If there are siblings, you will need to think through taking care of your adult child with special needs while still being fair to your other children or grandchildren. The more you think through the issues before visiting your attorney, the fewer “billable hours” you will run up. You will still want to discuss the issues with your attorney, but you’ll have a basic idea of what you want to accomplish beforehand.
There may be someone in your circle of friends and family whom you specifically do not want to serve as guardian, conservator, or trustee. Maybe decisions he or she has made about the care of his or her own children or the way he or she has managed funds concerns you, and you wouldn’t be comfortable with this person’s abilities to make prudent decisions for your adult child. Tell your attorney and ask how to document that. Your attorney may want you to write a letter to that effect and have it notarized. Thus, your wishes will be known when you are not available to state them.
In trying to ascertain what you want included in your estate-planning documents, also consider things that are important for your nominee to understand about care and support to your adult child. Perhaps the nominated guardian will not actually have your child living in his or her home but still needs to have a thorough understanding of care requirements to be able to advocate for her.
Estate planning should be a top priority for everyone. Not just for the rich and famous. You are never too young or too old for estate planning. Remember death can come anytime. Never assume that your estate will be automatically used for the benefit of your special needs child once you are gone. The State of Utah has its own plan on what to do with your estate after you are gone. That’s why you need to speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer and make a will or some other estate planning device. If you have an estate planning device, the State of Utah will not touch your estate and will allow your estate to devolve according to your estate planning devices.
A will is an estate planning device that you can use to ensure that your properties pass on to your near and dear ones after your death. In your will you must name a person as an executor of your will. The executor of your will must file for probate. Probate is a legal process whereby the will is submitted to court and the court verifies the authenticity of the will and whether it is a legally valid will. Once the will is probated the properties will be transferred to the persons named in the will. Before you make your will, consult with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. Every will must pass through probate. Minor mistakes in the will can prove costly. Do not try to save money by using a fill in the blanks form. No two persons are alike. What may suit one person may not necessarily suit you. When an application for probate is filed in the probate court in Utah, the will can be challenged by people who feel they have been left out of the will. This is another reason why you should have your will made by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. A will drafted by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer will successfully deal with the challenge and pass though probate.
If you are the executor of a will, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer once the testator has passed away. As the executor it is your responsibility to file for probate. Probate is a complex process and is best left to the expert – an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. The lawyer will file the probate application and ensure that the will passes through probate. In case some challenges the will during probate, the lawyer will deal with the challenge.
Tooele Utah Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with probate in Tooele Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/tooele-utah-probate-lawyer/
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aretia · 5 years
Tooele Utah Probate Lawyer
If you have special needs child who needs to be looked after you are gone, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. There are ways you can ensure that your estate is put to proper use for the benefit of your special needs child. An experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer can explain your options. Under Utah law, you have many options including a will, a trust and other estate planning devices.
Estate planning is something that we think about and plan to do but unfortunately may leave to the last minute. There are multiple stories of adult children still living at home with parents who die suddenly or become disabled. Sometimes they have never written a last will and testament or nominated guardians—no arrangements have been made for an adult child who is unable to care for herself. Sometimes this is because of financial concerns or just too many day-to-day details to deal with. We don’t expect to die, and we may hope to survive a child with disabilities.
To be honest, it is morbid and scary to think about it. Realistically, it is like leaving an adult with special needs unprotected from a multitude of harms. Lack of planning will make an already difficult situation much more painful for your adult child.
Wills and trusts generally are financial instruments that also nominate representatives for your children. Those documents are very important, but they need to be supplemented with other documents. It is also important for representatives and caregivers to have a good understanding of your adult child’s special needs, day to day, medical history, family history, and other details that are not covered by estate-planning documents. This is true regardless of how independent she will be. The trustee, for example, will need to understand medical costs and other information in order to budget funds and distributions for her in a prudent way. The reality is that estate-planning documents can’t possibly contain all the necessary information and the important history to provide for her care. In fact, it isn’t a good idea to put personal information in a will or trust that might be filed at the court and available publicly. What does that mean in terms of how to care for a child or adult child? If the named guardian or caregiver has not been around the child, he or she may not have a clue about who the child is as a person—or what her special needs are. This person may not have the answers to important questions such as:
• What is the general health of the person? Is special medical care needed? Allergies?
• Who are her medical providers and dentist? Where are they located? How often does she need to visit them?
• What kinds of foods does she eat? This would include what she will tolerate as well as any food allergies.
• What kind of assistance does she require?
• What kind of lifestyle is she most comfortable with?
• What is her weekly schedule?
• Who are her friends and significant people in her life? How do I reach them?
• Is there a funeral trust for the adult child with your family arrangements or elsewhere?
The idea of supplementing estate-planning documents is to answer questions about your adult child that may not be obvious from those documents. Your adult child may be able to function fairly independently, but you still may monitor certain things fairly closely during your lifetime; and these things might not be obvious to others. She may have trouble communicating small needs for assistance. She may be embarrassed or depressed from grief of your absence. Whatever the situation, having a supplemental file will make a big difference in assuring things go better for her after you are no longer able to monitor her care and protection.
Representative to act for your estate and for your children
Utah has its own rules about guardians (someone who acts for another person). But you will need to check with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer to know more about the laws.
Guardian of the Estate
A conservator manages financial matters but cannot make medical decisions or life decisions. For example, a conservator may obtain health insurance but doesn’t have the authority to consent to treatment. He or she may sign a lease on an apartment and pay the bills out of the person’s funds. Some adults with disabilities need a conservator to help with financial matters, but do not require a guardian. Others require both. Still others are able to pay their own bills and generally manage their own funds with help from a family member or accountant, without the need of a court-appointed conservator.
If parents or grandparents leave a bequest to a child who is unable to manage her own financial affairs—or for some reason can’t receive larger amounts of assets—they may put it in a testamentary (contained in a will) trust or some form of living trust. In the will or trust, the trustor (person owning the property—parents, grandparents, etc.) appoints the trustee to manage those funds. It is a different role than a conservator because trustees are not appointed to manage the person’s entire estate, only specific conditions contained in the trust. A conservator, on the other hand, manages a person’s personal funds including government benefits outside the trust. There are many types of special needs trusts. You will need to get legal advice about the type of trust that is appropriate in your case. For example, perhaps your adult child receives Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, and other governmental benefits. There are generally limits to the amount of assets, including cash savings and property, a person can have and still receive services. For example, for Medicaid, a person can’t have more than $2,000 in cash and assets. Usually, a home and car are excluded from that limit. A special needs trust can receive the assets and coordinate with regulations to provide only monies and care not covered by the governmental programs. This will protect the eligibility for services. If she works and lives independently, but gets reduced rent or food stamps, this can be affected by change in assets or income from an inheritance as well. A trust could provide supplemental needs without jeopardizing the benefits. If she is in a residential facility funded by Medicaid or other government funding, she may only be allowed to keep a very small monthly allowance out of her SSI or other income and must contribute the balance as her share. The difference will be picked up by the government funding. However, there may be specific services and items that are not covered by Medicaid such as the following:
• Certain medical treatments and medications. For example, if the doctor prescribes a medication that is not covered by insurance, it is possible that the trust could pay for it, if the trust is written to provide for that.
• Specialized clothing. Generally, clothing must come out of the small monthly allowance. If she requires a lot of clothes because of incontinency or behavior that destroys her clothes, the trust could provide extra clothing.
• Certain medical equipment that is not covered by Medicaid or other insurance.
• Furniture and other personal needs not provided for by Medicaid and/or too expensive to be purchased out of the allowance.
• Some types of educational or vocational training.
• Vacations and recreation. The trust can provide things that are not covered by the funding source and will not make a person ineligible for services. This could include the cost of having a staff person accompany the person on vacation, even though the camp or other vacation is paid for through a government program.
Other Considerations
You may want to request provisions in your estate-planning documents that are not necessary in other people’s documents.
There will be things that your adult child needs that may not be clear to the nominated representative and are not covered by funding outside a trust. A note to the nominated representative or a provision in the trust would warn of this need.
If there are siblings, you will need to think through taking care of your adult child with special needs while still being fair to your other children or grandchildren. The more you think through the issues before visiting your attorney, the fewer “billable hours” you will run up. You will still want to discuss the issues with your attorney, but you’ll have a basic idea of what you want to accomplish beforehand.
There may be someone in your circle of friends and family whom you specifically do not want to serve as guardian, conservator, or trustee. Maybe decisions he or she has made about the care of his or her own children or the way he or she has managed funds concerns you, and you wouldn’t be comfortable with this person’s abilities to make prudent decisions for your adult child. Tell your attorney and ask how to document that. Your attorney may want you to write a letter to that effect and have it notarized. Thus, your wishes will be known when you are not available to state them.
In trying to ascertain what you want included in your estate-planning documents, also consider things that are important for your nominee to understand about care and support to your adult child. Perhaps the nominated guardian will not actually have your child living in his or her home but still needs to have a thorough understanding of care requirements to be able to advocate for her.
Estate planning should be a top priority for everyone. Not just for the rich and famous. You are never too young or too old for estate planning. Remember death can come anytime. Never assume that your estate will be automatically used for the benefit of your special needs child once you are gone. The State of Utah has its own plan on what to do with your estate after you are gone. That’s why you need to speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer and make a will or some other estate planning device. If you have an estate planning device, the State of Utah will not touch your estate and will allow your estate to devolve according to your estate planning devices.
A will is an estate planning device that you can use to ensure that your properties pass on to your near and dear ones after your death. In your will you must name a person as an executor of your will. The executor of your will must file for probate. Probate is a legal process whereby the will is submitted to court and the court verifies the authenticity of the will and whether it is a legally valid will. Once the will is probated the properties will be transferred to the persons named in the will. Before you make your will, consult with an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. Every will must pass through probate. Minor mistakes in the will can prove costly. Do not try to save money by using a fill in the blanks form. No two persons are alike. What may suit one person may not necessarily suit you. When an application for probate is filed in the probate court in Utah, the will can be challenged by people who feel they have been left out of the will. This is another reason why you should have your will made by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. A will drafted by an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer will successfully deal with the challenge and pass though probate.
If you are the executor of a will, speak to an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer once the testator has passed away. As the executor it is your responsibility to file for probate. Probate is a complex process and is best left to the expert – an experienced Tooele Utah probate lawyer. The lawyer will file the probate application and ensure that the will passes through probate. In case some challenges the will during probate, the lawyer will deal with the challenge.
Tooele Utah Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with probate in Tooele Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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