#should i start tagging my christian edits lmao
ginwhitlock · 2 years
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-  Corinthians 15:55
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heeyjuuuude · 4 years
so i’m finally posting some of my writing!! any feedback is welcome — it’s been years since i’ve posted anything, and my writing style has changed quite a bit. (this is so much longer and more intense than i had planned good lord.)
a couple things real quick! in this, there are some thinly-veiled references to nsfw happenings and some decidedly less thinly-veiled internalized homophobia, some of which comes from bitty’s experience with religion, and general homophobia. there’s also a passing mention of past canon-typical underage alcohol consumption. please read with caution, and if you have any concerns or think i missed a tag, please please please contact me!! going by ao3 standards, this is rated mature.
edit: this is now posted on ao3! you’re not allowed to judge me for my old fics lmao
(we’ll take it slow and) grow as we go
The thing is, Eric does want this. In the weeks between three stolen kisses in an empty bedroom and Jack joining him in Madison, he spent nights alone except for the ghost of Jack’s lips on his, and in his mind those lips press under the corner of his jaw and then over the swell of his Adam’s apple and then into the dip of his collarbone, and maybe they go lower and lower and lower.
In the privacy of his room, late enough at night that Mama and Coach have long ago knocked their goodnights on his closed bedroom door, this is safe to imagine, and it’s not quite anything new to him. He’s known without any doubt he prefers boys since he was fifteen and fumbling with the computer mouse on days when the house was empty but for a small teenager with red cheeks and wide eyes. He spent many nights with videos of men dressed in nothing burned into the backs of his eyelids, bottom lip tucked between his teeth and one hand tucked under the elastic lining the top of his boxers. And for exactly the same number of nights of that, there was a half hour spent in tears or near it, wondering if there was something wrong with him and wondering if Father Wilson was right in his homily last week and wondering how long he needs to pretend to think of girls with long wavy hair instead of boys with callused hands.
So no, it isn’t new and hasn’t been for years, but it feels like it is. There are similarities between then and now — Coach is down at the school, busy running his football players into the ground under the blazing summer sun, and Mama is on a front porch miles away, busy sipping sweet tea with her church friends under the brim of a baseball cap, and Eric’s cheeks are burning bright. The differences, though, are more important. He has his body curled into Jack’s, his lips pressed to Jack’s, his fingers tangled around Jack’s. They’re trading sweet, lazy kisses, laying on their sides with Eric’s dark teal duvet pulled around their shoulders so that the warmth of their bodies is trapped around them. He finds he doesn’t much mind the heat, and he supposes the fan whirring and clicking above their heads helps, but there’s just something blooming in the air between them — not that there’s much air there — and he isn’t sure whether it’s love or lust but he is sure that some part of him is aching for it in a way he isn’t used to.
He tells himself that it’s okay to want this, as Jack’s lips part against his. He tells himself that the heat simmering low in his stomach is okay when Jack slots one leg through both of his, and when his boyfriend’s leg presses higher, he tells himself that rocking his hips against the pressure is okay. There have been times when he forgot, and years of living in a conservative, Southern, and Christian house catch up to him. The first time Jack kissed him — and the second time that had followed immediately, and the third — had left him with a whirling mind and tight chest and a lip gnawed into red and pain by his own teeth, like that would sting the gentle pressure of Jack’s lips back into reality. The kissing he isn’t a stranger to, not really, but somehow, irrationally, there is a world of difference between being maybe a step past tipsy, clumsily making out with his Winter Screw date as rough, strong fingers curled around the back of his neck, and being in his childhood home, room, bed with his boyfriend and pressing open-mouthed kisses to eager, soft lips as his hips grind, lazy and slow, to seek the sweet pleasure being offered to him.
Eric tells himself it’s okay, but when Jack’s fingers lower from his shoulders to his waist to below the band of his boxers, he forgets.
There’s a moment where he doesn’t quite realize what’s happening, and then their lips separate and a Is this okay is offered to him on a breath and a silver platter. In the same moment that he recognizes the hard line nudging at his thigh, Eric is pushing at Jack’s chest, suddenly needing space that he doesn’t have. He’s mumbling words like hang on and wait, even as Jack manages an awkward roll-scoot combination that has him nearly hanging off the edge of the bed. And then they’re staring at each other, equally wide-eyed and flushed, and Eric clamps his mouth shut. He’s sure that opening it would be condemning, sure that words would tip over the edge of his tongue and tumble, rough and unplanned, into the fragile silence that separates them. He’s also sure that he doesn’t really want that to happen.
“Bits,” Jack finally says, simply, after a full minute has disappeared. His voice is gentle but unsure, cautious and caring. It’s what Eric is waiting for, apparently, because he slumps forward like a puppet with its strings abruptly snipped, and in between one moment and the next he finds himself with his forehead tucked into the corner of Jack’s neck and shoulder. He feels Jack begin to reach for him, automatically, and then he pauses; Eric nods, and one hand wraps around the back of his neck, a thumb stroking slowly, and the other arm winds around his waist to pull him forward a little. “Bitty, it’s okay. I mean — is something wrong?”
When a slightly helpless laugh flies from his mouth, Eric just shakes his head, and chases the noise with words. “No, honey. Just ... old mindsets die hard, y’know?” It takes one, two, three heartbeats, but he feels the second Jack understands, because the thumb rubbing at his hairline where it lies on the base of his skill pauses, and the rest of his fingers twitch like they want to tighten and only get that they shouldn’t a moment too late. Eric heaves a heavy sigh. “I just — it’s so frustrating,” he admits to Jack’s shirt. “I mean, I tell others that it’s okay to be queer all the time. All the time! But with me it’s just sort of ... different. I still, um. I still can’t handle ....” He trails off and pulls away a little, keeping his head tilted down and his eyes trained on Jack’s shirt. There’s a piece of fuzz clinging to it; he pulls it off and wriggles his fingers over the edge of the bed until it falls to the ground. “The idea of me being intimate with a guy is kinda ... off.”
A beat. And then — “Are you asexual?” 
“Oh, I — no, I don’t think so.” He’s considered it, briefly, in the past, especially after Shitty’s talk about how someone can be asexual and still enjoy sex, but he’s positive he still feels that sort of attraction. Lord help him, he’s beyond sure.
“It’s okay if you are, Bits. We don’t ever have to —”
“Jack, you sweet boy. I really appreciate that, I do, but I’m not. I do want to — to be intimate with you. I just ... I don’t know, there’s no explaining it. But I think it’s just the mindset I grew up in and it’s harder to shake than I thought.” Eric pauses for a second, considering his own words, and then looks up to see if Jack’s expression will somehow help him.
It’s a mistake. The look on Jack’s face is — it’s not really pitying, but it’s ... sorrowful, he realizes. Sorrowful is the word. It makes Eric’s heart constrict a little, and then he finds himself smiling a little, almost against his will. Before Jack can say whatever is on the tip of his tongue, Eric leans in to brush a quick, chaste kiss against his lips, and then pulls back to tilt his head in until their foreheads and then noses connect. He waits a moment before saying anything, still mindful of how Jack had seemed to be wanting to speak up, but after the clock on the other side of the room has carefully counted out seven seconds of quiet, he exhales, and the noise is definitely either a hum or a sigh.
“I hate that I can’t — can’t practice what I preach,” Eric confesses finally, the words reaching out to bridge the little distance there is left between them, like they can make up for the fact that they’re no longer as entwined as they had been just a minute or so ago. “I feel so hypocritical, being so out and proud at Samwell and so ... so afraid to actually be proud of myse — no, that’s not right.” He whines, frustrated, and his eyes, already closed, tighten. He can feel the way it makes his forehead wrinkled against Jack’s. “I am proud of myself. But sometimes it’s like my brain doesn’t really know that. My heart does, and my — my body, but my brain’s just sorta like ‘No, that’s okay!’ And I guess it’s just because I’ve ... well, I’ve been told that it isn’t okay my entire life. Did you know my mama’s first conversation with me about the queer community involved her showing me an article about a man who decided to never date or anythin’ because he was gay and wanted to be able to dedicate his life to God? And, I mean, it’s his decision, I guess, but then she said all this stuff about how that was exactly what gay people should do. Which was just so hard to hear, because at the time I was maybe thirteen an’ startin’ to realize I wasn’t straight an’ that kinda stuck with me all these years an’ — and —” Another high pitched whine marks the end of the sentence, and he begins thunking his head lightly against Jack’s shoulder — at some point he shifted — until a hand curls into his hair, holding him firmly and effectively immobilizing him.
“Whatever you feel is valid,” Jack starts, slow but steady, “but that doesn’t make it right. You aren’t broken for wanting this. And I know you know this, so don’t look at me like that, but you need to hear it again sometimes.”
It isn’t until he hears those words that he is struck with how much he needed them, and then Eric is struck with such an overwhelming wave of fondness — because Jack knew, just like he always did, exactly what Eric had needed — that all he can do is squirm closer and promise himself that he’ll finally give in and make that nutritionist-approved version of the pie Jack’s been asking for.
After a stretched out silence, Jack’s arms find their way around his waist again and Eric is pulled close, and he feels more than hears when there’s an inhalation that seems to be leaning into a sentence. He waits patiently when none follows immediately, and soon after —
“What do you need from me, bud?” Jack asks, the words quietly pleading and cracking but so, so grounding. Eric sort of sinks into them, huffing a warm, maybe-slightly-wet laugh into the soft fabric of Jack’s shirt, and takes the time to consider the question.
“I — at some point we should ... well, I think there’s a little more to talk about,” he admits, and Jack nods his agreement with an encouraging hum. The next sentence is loosed before he really thinks about it, but in its release and freedom he finds it true. “But, um, for now, I think I’m done. Can we just stay here until Mama and Coach get home?”
“Of course, Bits, yeah. Whatever you need.” Without another word, they begin to move around again, shifting until they’re molded together, secure and warm and perfect. Eventually they find themselves in a mimicry of their position from the beginning, curled up on their sides and facing each other with their legs and fingers tangled, but Eric keeps his face in the safety of Jack’s chest, and Jack cranes his neck to whisper kisses into the hair on the crown of his head.
“Thank you,” Eric offers, in between grazing two kisses on the exposed skin of Jack’s collar. He can sense the head tilt that receives this, so he clarifies, “Thank you for being so ...” only to come to the conclusion that he doesn’t know the words that will summarize the feeling in his chest. Luckily, it seems like he doesn’t need to.”
“Yeah, Bits. Anytime. Anything.”
And with that, Eric lets his eyes close and gently separates his fingers from Jack’s only to clutch at his shirt instead, and he reaches up with his face to find his boyfriend waiting for him. He smiles as their lips meet.
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Hi again people who follow me!
I’m bored and I’ve decided to make fun facts about our DID system and the four known alters!
So before I start- Lilith has a bit of a show today, but the body was too tired for her to start anything. Like I feel asleep as soon as I got to class. The reason I know this is because of my outfit and she decided to put on lip gloss (which I never wear personally). She’s not conscious currently, none of the other three are, and I’ll get to that later!
Oh! And just so you know, this is Lennox.
Let’s start with Levin!
Levin is the alter that co-cons often or will switch with me
He knows a lot about our system, but is very secretive about it so~
He is the only male alter in the system that I know of
He also goes by Levi and Lev
He likes more soft songs and songs with a good message
His favorite color is forest green
He’s the only alter that Lilith does not take her anger out on
He’s an introvert with really bad social anxiety
He hates sexual songs (so of course being me, I put two of the worst sexual songs I know in his playlist, he doesn’t know)
He has insomnia and ptsd
He’s extremely competitive when it comes to card games
He likes educating people on animals and wants to do gigs, like birthday parties and events, to teach people about reptiles and birds specifically
His favorite subject is English
He is white with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He’s thin, well more twig like, but whatever. He’s around 5’8 (two inches taller than the body)
His clothes style is baggy shirts with either baggy sweatpants or leggings. He wear plain colors, like pale blues, grays, and black. He, surprisingly, likes boots, even heeled boots
His favorite anime is... probably Durarara x2 any season
He has no sexual desires, but romantic likes girls
He’s 18
He’s very comfortable singing, he loves it. That a major way he expresses himself
His favorite song is... I think LA Devotee by P!ATD (idk why but that what he likes)
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^^ What he likes to wear ^^
Next on our list is
The demon queen herself, LILITH
She is named after Adam’s first wife, the demon queen, Lilith (yes she liked to go church, but we stopped going)
She is a bisexual
She’s ageless (she has no age, or if she does she hasn’t told anyone)
She’s an absolute bitch and she knows it.
She has violent mood swings and anger issues (respectfully so)
She is also an introvert, but not because of anxiety, no it’s because she wants to strangle every single person that looks at her weird
She hates Little with the burning passion
She gets repressed the most because no one wants to be expelled from school
She likes cooking
She hates cleaning because of her ocd
She wants to pursue a culinary job
Her favorite subject is science
She rarely fronts and when she does it’s quick or someone is co-con with her (ex. What happened with aleia-clownery)
Lennox(me) has to clean up her messes as always.
Her favorite anime is... The Promised Neverland (she likes Ray a lot)
She likes aggressive songs, or songs that swear a lot
Lilith has wavy black hair with blue highlights. Her eyes are a brownish red color. She’s short, like 5’2, and likes to wear heels because of it. She’s black as well
Her favorite color is dark royal blue
Her style of clothes is black shirts with skulls on them and tight, but comfortable, pants. She also likes a certain denim dress I have
She likes drawing and doodling ways to kill people and I have to say she’s pretty good
Her favorite song is Sarcasm by Get Scared (very fitting for her)
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^^ What she wishes she can wear ^^
Next is Little!
She likes to bake
She enjoys going to restaurants, specifically Asian style ones
She’s loves animals and wants to work with them so bad.
She’s an extrovert with ADHD
Little is Hispanic and on the chunky side. She has a caramel skin tone. She can understand it way better than me (Lennox) and she wants to learn Japanese and French (I’m interested in Japanese so we’re probably going to learn it)
Her favorite subject was College Writing Prep and before that was Language Arts, but the writing part of it. She really likes writing
Her favorite color is... honestly black. She likes that it matches with everything and likes the science of black too
Her favorite anime is Ouran High School Host Club (I hate it with the burning passion) her second choice is Black Butler (any season) which we allow her to watch
She likes baking and cooking, tho she prefers baking, she likes the way it calms her, I guess
Her favorite song is Voices in My Head (she listens to a lot of nightcore so I don’t the artist)
I’m not saying much else about her (I don’t want creeps harassing her)
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^^ What she prefers to wear ^^
Last, and certainly least, Lennox (aka me!)-
My favorite anime is Kakegurui or... BNA... or BNHA... or Hitorjime My Hero (My Very Own Hero)... or maybe Given? Idk I like a lot of anime...
The first anime I’ve ever watched was Wolf’s Rain. I was seven I think, but it was on YouTube so I didn’t get to watch the whole thing. I recently found it, but I’m afraid to watch it lmao
I like the colors teal and turquoise, as well as blood red and jet black
I like anything P!ATD, Halsey, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boys, Set It Off, Alec Benjamin, OneRepublic, and Nico Collins and AJR(granted so does everyone else but 🤷)
My favorite songs are Control by Halsey and Lonely Dance by Set It Off and Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time by P!ATD and River by Ed Sheeran and Eminem and Not Afraid by Eminem and I’m Ready by AJR and Karma by AJR... I can go on for hours, but I’mma stop here
I’m Non-binary and the only gender nonconforming alter. I’m also pansexual
I hate being touched, I hate talking to people that act ignorant, and I hate this body I’m in
I look like the body so no description for you 😝
I have anxiety and depression. Everything else I’ve been diagnosed with can really be related to DID
I’m a neutral party in everything, so when I say I don’t know, I don’t care, whatever, or not my business, I’m literally saying I have no standing or opinion in this
I like cooking, baking, organizing (not cleaning), writing, reading, doodling, and doing self introduced projects for fun
I like plaid clothing, hoodies, and pride shirts. I like sweatpants and sneakers. I also like things on my neck... it keeps me ground I guess
(Oh my god I’m writing this with Ella, right? I told her to stop clawing at the furniture, right? All of a sudden her focus is on the ground and I wiggles my toes, testing if she was looking at my feet, and I started moving them around. I told her, ‘stop looking at my feet.’ This cat, this puta, liked me in the eyes before looking back down and got in position to lunge at my feet. My heart stopped and I pulled my feet onto the couch. And she was going to do it because the moment I moved my feet, she jumped from the top of the couch she’s on... she scares me sometimes 😣)
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^^ What I would wear if Lev was a little shit and let me wear pride stuff and jewelry ^^
Onto how our system works!
Levin and I co-con often. If I’m not in control, then he is
On instances where I get angry, Lilith takes control
Little co-cons with me more than everyone else because she enjoys annoying me
Lilith and Little are both so stubborn and hardheaded, it’s unbelievable. On the other hand, Levs and I are open minded and calm. So we often clash on what we should do as a collective
Lilith is a Christian, Levi and I are atheists, and Little is a Seventh Day Adventist (the religion I grew up with). However Lev and I hold more say, so we don’t go to church
I guess you could say there’s a hierarchy in the system. I have the most important say, then Lev, then Little, and lastly Lilith
Levin and I enjoy co-conning with each other only, anyone else gives us headaches
Everyone loves Nico Collins, Alec Benjamin, Set It Off, and AJR the most
Everyone’s favorite albums are Death of a Bachelor (p!atd), Cinematics (set it off), and American Beauty/American Psycho (fall out boys)
Everyone loves sushi and sushi rolls (California and Philadelphia rolls are the best)
We all really want to try takoyaki and pork Katsudon. When we do try them, I’ll probably make a post about it
We all love Ella and we all want to start a rehabilitation center of all animals and a pet cafe
We love reptiles, like all reptiles, venomous snakes included
I think there are more alters that just aren’t as prominent as the other three, Levin would know but he doesn’t like to discuss our system often
We really want to buy these specific no pierce cuff earrings
Edit: this total slipped my mind- when I’m on my red week (you know what I’m talking about) the others let me deal with it on my own, especially Little and Lev (Lev hates that week and recedes completely)
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That’s all I’m willing to share about us (or that I remember)
My part was short because you guys talk to me all the time
Lennox... with a sprinkle of Levin
I’m tagging some people because why not-
@one-pissed-off-child @liveto-100 @madame-ree @martinidrinkingmartin @anon-nom-nom95 @queenzie-xo @scalybunnypapi69 @gogetyoselfsomesoup (still bitter) @cristinaweeb @aleiakit @aleia-clownery (I’m still so sorry about what happened) @studiesboie @bloomyboithatemoji @pumpkineiji @penelopebakugouburrito1
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gaaypocalypse · 8 years
What Kind of Witch are you?
I was tagged by @ladybug-hugs!!!!!!!!!
1. Are you a religious witch? 🌟 Like @darkfyretheumbrawitch I was raised up in Christianity. I’m no longer a believer or worshipper or the Abrahamic God and I don’t have any religion that I actively follow. I consider myself to be a pantheist, tho I’m not sure if this belief effects my craft.?
2. What is your preferred herb? 🌟 I don’t really work with herbs tbh so I’m gonna have to pass on this one.
3. What is your preferred gem? 🌟 ALL OF THEM. I work with crystals a lot and I have a fondness for a lot of them; mostly Amethyst, Obsidian, and Opalite.
4. Do you do divination? What kind? 🌟 I actually use my crystals for divination 😊 the method I use is called a crystal divination wheel, and can be used with any arrangement of crystals. I currently have one general set to work with but I’m thinking of working on multiple sets to deal with specific questions.
5. Favorite tarot card? 🌟 I don’t have any tarot cards so I don’t have a favorite.
6. To curse or not to curse? 🌟 I personally have not cursed anyone, tho I have created emoji hexes to use if I need to. But I honestly don’t care if other witches curse, you do you boo.
7. Do you have a familiar? 🌟 As far as I know, no.
8. Favorite candle color? 🌟 I work with incense, not candles so idrk.
9. Favorite rune? 🌟I actually really like Inguz.
10. Do you celebrate full moons, the solistices, etc? 🌟 I don’t like, set up alters and dance for it but I do have a certain feeling about it lol. I don’t actively do anything except stargaze and admire the moon. As for solistices I only really celebrate the Summer solstice because it’s my birthday.
11. Do you wear a pentacle? 🌟 I have a necklace for it but if I choose to wear it, I sneak it into my purse and wear it once I leave my house.
12. Have a broom? 🌟 Lol no
13. Have a pendulum? 🌟 Not like, an official fancy one. But if I wanted I could use my crystal necklaces as pentacles. But I do want to invest in getting a fancy crystal pendulum since I’m very intuitive with them.
14. Have an athame? 🌟 No, but I have a few knives of I ever need one.
15. How often do you meditate? 🌟 Not as often as I should, I have a very hard time actually sitting down and meditating..
17. Favorite tea? 🌟 *hates tea with a passion*
18. Do you support manipulation magic? 🌟 Subtle hints at something like “don’t look at my grimoire” or “give me a decent place to work tonight so I get more money”. But I definitely do not support manipulating someone with mal intent, like making a love spell to manipulate someone’s feeling towards you, or actively trying to cast spells on them that would make them hurt themselves; or energy manipulation or vampirism. Like that kinda stuff I don’t support. If it impedes on their free will and forces them to do something they wouldn’t otherwise do, that’s a little fucked up.
19. How many alters? 🌟 I wouldn’t exactly call it an altar but my night table has a fuckton of crystals and a few color magic bottle spells on it.
20. Do you do magic outside often? 🌟 Not as often as I should lol.
21. Read palms or tea leaves? 🌟 Nope, I have no idea..
22. Open your own metaphysical shop? 🌟 Honestly if I could go and work with an established psychic or witchcraft shop I would love to, but I don’t think I have the managment know-how to ever run a place myself. Hell I can barely figure out how PayPal works (and that’s the reason I’m unable to offer readings and why I was never able to offer art commissions when I wanted to lol)
23. Is your third eye open? 🌟 My third eye is open but the energy flow is unbalanced. I don’t remember exactly what I wrote in my grimoire about it but I believe my third eye chakra, throat and heart chakras are spinning slightly faster than they should be, while my lower chakras (root, sacral and solar plexus) are all blocked and/or spinning too slow. (And obviously my crown chakra is closed cuz I’m not enlightened lmao)
24. Do you like astrology? What’s your sign? 🌟 Astrology is actually what got me into witchcraft. And even tho I’m still a newb I do love astrology. My Sun sign is Gemini (I’m arguably a Gemini-Cancer cusp for those that believe in cusps) , my Moon is Sagittarius, my Rising is Libra, Mercury is Gemini, Venus is Cancer, and Mars is in Libra. Astrologically speaking my dominant element is Air.
25. Favorite flower or tree? 🌟 Roses are my fave flowers always and forever
26. Do you have an animal guide? 🌟 Don’t think so, I don’t really deal with spirits and such. Too spoopy for me.
27. Favorite type of magic? 🌟 CRYSTAL MAGIC
28. Out of the broom closet? 🌟 Noooooo way. Only people that see my tumblr know I’m a witch (a few select people I know irl). My family does not know I practice nor am I planning on telling them. Don’t ask, don’t tell.
29. Hereditary or self discovered? 🌟 Self discovered
30. Coven or Solitary? 🌟 Solitary as fuck.
31. Want to be in a coven? How big? 🌟 I wouldn’t mind being in a small coven, but I would prefer to meet in person and I don’t know any other witches irl.
32. When did you declare yourself a witch? 🌟 Like a few months ago I think.
33. Do you make your own spells? 🌟 I make emoji spells quite often, and I have edited some ideas to make spells (like the glitter and nebula jars, I incorporated color magic into those).
34. Make your own sigils? 🌟 All the time tbh.
35. Why are you a witch? 🌟 Because I like the feeling of having control over the energies around me, and I find all the different types of witchcraft and related subjects to be fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. I have a complicated feeling about it so I don’t really think words do these feelings justice.
36. Favorite element? 🌟 Air, it’s the element I’ve felt the strongest connection to since I was a child, and I believe this connection has grown a lot stronger since I started practicing witchcraft.
37. Do you do any miscellaneous magic? 🌟 Well I mean, I practice crystal magic, color magic, sigil magic, emoji magic.. Idk if I do anything particularly interesting. I consider myself to be an empath (and possibly an indigo child) but as of late blocking other’s emotions hasn’t been too difficult for me (probably because of my growing abilities to control what energies I accept and emit).
38. Magic/anything you won’t do? 🌟 I refuse to cast any love/lust/infatuation spells; doing so would make my love hollow and that is something I will never allow. I also would never utilize sex magic without consent from my partner (not that I would know wtf to do anyway).
39. Strangest way a spell has backfired? 🌟 I don’t think I’ve had any spells backfire so far. If they have I haven’t noticed.
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oraltakesanl-blog · 8 years
Here is the first part. Sorry about the format. I will spend the weekend fixing it to make it easier to read. If you have character questionss, need clarification, or feel my reign of terror needs to stop, send me a message....
Here we go
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Henry Hutchinson shared Too Soon's photo. 23 hrs ·
34 You, Shawn Corey, James Quinn and 31 others
Clark Christian I'm crying lmao Like · Reply · 22 hrs
Omec Lokym Henry I know we aren't best friends but I like you and from what I know about you I think you are a good dude with a good heart. But I'm just curious in this case. How would you feel if you saw the same exact pic but instead of Kellyanne Conway and a group of black men it was Michelle Obama and a group of white men. Would you think it was at all racist and misogynistic as I'm sure some people see this ? Like · Reply · 22 hrs
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Henry Hutchinson Still would've lol'd Unlike · Reply · 12 · 22 hrs
Lance Manly If you were asking the question expecting a different response from him, then you don't know him well enough. Like · Reply · 7 · 21 hrs · Edited
Omec Lokym Lance Manly his response doesn't answer my question. And I have the pleasure knowing Henry a little bit but not much He's a good dude. However I could not know him at all and see his posts and read their content which is why I figured I'd ask the question i asked. Because the picture he posted is saturated with racial and misogynistic undertones. There's no denying that. Like · Reply · 21 hrs
Lance Manly And I'll say it again. If you know Henry Hutchinson, then there was no scenario where a brazzers joke would not be funny to him. Like · Reply · 8 · 21 hrs
Lynch Marshawn ^Basically Like · Reply · 21 hrs
Henry Hutchinson THey're right. Brazzers jokes are hilarious to me. Like · Reply · 6 · 21 hrs
Omec Lokym Lance Manly again you are missing my point but it's all good everyone have a blessed day. Like · Reply · 21 hrs
Lance Manly You were expecting an enlightened response from Henry Hutchinson of all people over a meme; to point out racial hypocrisy. I am telling you, it doesn't matter to him. Like · Reply · 3 · 21 hrs
Bo Murks That might actually be an movie on brazzers lmao Like · Reply · 2 · 20 hrs
Lance Manly Maybe they should do an Kellyann Conway and Michelle Obama brazzers movie, while Paul Ryan and Ben Carson join in! Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
Omec Lokym Ok Lance Manly I wasn't asking you. No offense but your opinion means nothing to me in this case if It did I'd tag you and ask you. Can you understand that or are you going to comment and tell me I don't know Henry or insinuate I was trying to bait him into a racial debate? I was literally looking for a yes or no answer from him. Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Lance Manly ...sounds like you just revealed your intentions. And my words must be pretty important to you if you came back after telling everyone "peace". It doesn't matter what answer you want, I was warning you to not waste your breath, because he would have found it funny with Obama, Rosa Parks, Ghandi, Uncle Murder, and one of the apostles. Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
Henry Hutchinson For the record: Both scenarios are racists and misogynistic, but they're funny as hell. Bo Murks You're probably right. This is probably a video on the hub.... Like · Reply · 6 · 20 hrs
Omec Lokym Lance Manly you don't know me well enough to make that assumption and yes I did respond after saying peace only because apparently I struck a nerve in YOU asking Henry what I did. I can feel your passive aggressiveness through my phone and I don't like it. I'm not pretending to know you. Don't pretend like you know me. Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Lance Manly No, that's your erection from the obvious hard on you have for me. If you still have it for more than two hours, go see your physician. Like · Reply · 3 · 20 hrs
Omec Lokym Oh we're gonna start with insults now? Only pussies are passive aggressive Manly. Speak on how you really feel. Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
Lance Manly You're the one talking about feeling dudes up through your phone and what not. I don't judge. Like · Reply · 2 · 20 hrs
Bo Murks
Unlike · Reply · 10 · 20 hrs
Lance Manly Looks like we know why Kellyann was sitting like that
Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
Omec Lokym So let me get this straight. I ask Henry (who is his own man) a question which you feel the need to answer for him multiple Paules/explain his intentions and humor for him. Each Paule I replied I either said that didn't answer my yes or no question Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Omec Lokym Of course Manly. She wasn't gonna give out bjs. Monica's been out of the White House for quite some time now Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Bo Murks Obviously she was setting up the camera to film the gang bang Like · Reply · 8 · 20 hrs
Mike Mei Day Bo wins .... Like · Reply · 5 · 20 hrs
Lance Manly You are right, you are the one talking about feeling me and blowjobs, look, if you wanted nudes from me, just send me a PM. Don't need to beat around the bush.... Like · Reply · 4 · 20 hrs
Shauna Susan First person pov. SomePaules the girl holds the camera too. 😂😂
Ok continue. That was my two cents. Unlike · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Nudes sent. Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Bo Murks lol I was going to say that because someone took a picture of her taking a picture Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Check your inbox. Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan Well that escalated quickly Unlike · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Dirk DillingerI can't find the play button. Henry is there a link? Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day why is Oral so upset? Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Don't worry, me and Ortata are gonna make a video together and he'll be happy again. Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan 😂😂😂 I laughed wayyyyy to hard at that Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly It'll be POV, his fav. Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Bo Murks make sure it's on brazzers Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Of course, Duh! Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Okay, I'm done. I apologize for my behavior. Not really. Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Facebook giving cowards balls since 2004. Enjoy your safe space Manly it's easy to talk shit over the internet not so easy face to face. You started with the insults first. Which weren't warranted. I didn't attack you personally. You are a douche bag Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan Actually you said you were gonna beat him up... sounds like an attack to me. But what do I know. I'm an innocent bystander Unlike · Reply · 6 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Did you see what led up to that or are you just going to disregard that ? Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Lance Manly What insults? I made an opinion on how my friend will respond and you are the one talking about finding me and beating me up like a pissed 12 year old over Call of Duty. I apologized because I didn't want you to go off yourself over a Facebook conversation with a stranger. Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan I saw him making jokes. Nothing insinuating violence. That was alllllllll you. Obviously no one is taking his sexual jokes seriously. But you went super serious with your comments. Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan Anywayyy.... I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.
In the end. This was a funny picture. Unlike · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Basically Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Bullshit Manly you told me I had an erection for you because i responded multiple Paules to you (politely) and said I wasn't talking to you and can sense you being passive aggressive which you def were being why else would you feel the need to answer multiples Paules for Henry who's a grown man with a brain and the ability to respond on his own Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan I mean. I'd have an erection for him if I could. So no ones judging.
It was a joke my man. If you don't find it funny, then ignore it. Unlike · Reply · 7 · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day 3:05Pm "What I'd like to do is meet you face to face and both sign on for a cage fight so I could knock the shit out of you or throw you in an arm bar" ..... that's where the trolling turned to a threat Like · Reply · 5 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan ^ that Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly ...and because you can "feel me through your phone". Your words. If you set it up, don't get mad if I knock the pins down. I think you need to relax, it was never that serious Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym No a threat would be if I said I was going to beat his ass not saying I wish we could meet face to face for s cage fight #alternativefacts Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Maybe, there is another reason you wanna be alone in a cage with me.... Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day "so I could knock the shit out of you or throw you in an arm bar til you cry like an infant" .... #realfacts That's a threat. Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Nah, he was just being kinky ;) Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly 50 Shades of Orchata Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym To have gay sex right? I mean why else Unlike · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly See? Mystery solved! Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Manlyy loves his safe space Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Lance Manly And you luv backshots Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Giving them to you. Yes all day Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Lance Manly
Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym You are a special man Manly. Answering for / being passive aggressive on behalf of grown men. Taking shots at strangers. Gay jokes. Everyone in your life is privileged to know you. Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Lance Manly I only use what people give me to work with. Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym To be clear. I respect Henry. I may not know him like you do but He's s good guy in my book and I apologize to him that this unfolded the way it did. Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym I'm done here ✌️ we don't know each other Manly. Let's keep it that way. Live long and prosper Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day if you really did know him.... you'd know he's enjoying the shit out of this and you wouldn't have to apologize Unlike · Reply · 7 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly I accept your apology. Unlike · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Henry Hutchinson do we know each other. Have I not always shown you respect. Have we not chilled and talked over a beer or somthing? And I'm apologizing because it was unnecessary wether he's getting a laugh out of it or not Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan Don't drag Henry in this now. Unlike · Reply · 6 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym No you are all saying I don't know him which is a joke. Who the fuck are all of you. What cause you don't know me he doesn't. Get a grip. Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day ....... we his real friends......who know him/ Know him enough to know you just got trolled so hard....got violent unnecessarily. Unlike · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly https://youtu.be/zPjUsu2-QMQ
You Mad Over 1,000,000 views! Wow! Incredible! Disclaimer - Credit… youtube.com
Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 4 · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day ^^^^ hahahaha Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan I'm Shauna. I'm 25. My sign is cancer. And I like batman. That's who I am....See More Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly LM, fadeaway, perfect! Cancer, Ortegas long lost lover, gives zero fucks Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Favorite movie Memento Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Start from the top James Quinn Shawn Corey Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Favorite movie is the video of you being conceived Manly. Your mother taking it up the ass from a dog. Anal baby Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day speaking of taking it up the ass ..... (Mike finds a photo of a man with a dildo that Omec liked in the past)
Unlike · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Prime example of the pussy world we live in. Ppl hide behind their keyboards and talk shit. You've got no balls and your pussy friends can suck my dick 2 Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Yes I liked that photo Unlike · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Nah, she has knee replacement surgery, she would not be able to do that Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Let's talk about your mom... Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Il unfollow this post now cause you guys are a bunch of punks with no heart talking shit over a computer Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Shauna Susan Pot meet kettle Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs · Edited
Lance Manly Darn, I didn't get a turn with the your mother comment :( Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly He made the right choice. Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym Nah I'm good Manly you are a piece of shit. If you weren't this woulda ended hours ago when I respectfully said I wasn't speaking to you. I escalated it with what I said after the fact. But that doesn't change that you are a coward/keyboard warrior. You and all of Henry’s "real friends" can go eat a hunk of shit. I hope you watch the things you love fall to pieces Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Mike Mei Day thought you was leaving? Unlike · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Shawn Corey Guys...Just read. It's a real philosophical conversation. I promise. Unlike · Reply · 5 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly YOU CANT ESCAPE OUR LOVE ORCA!!! Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Lance Manly Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Bo Murks I still don't think he understands he was trolled lol Unlike · Reply · 9 · 19 hrs
Kellen Cutta
Unlike · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
James Quinn Oralta, just take the L. You really did talk yourself into it. Unlike · Reply · 6 · 19 hrs
James Quinn ...or keep going, my popcorn is ready. Unlike · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
Omec Lokym No I do. And I didn't unfollow just yet. Like I said don't take your safe space for granted guys. It's easy to talk shit over a computer not so easy face to face because someone may become violent and bash your head in right or wrong that's reality. Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
Shawn Corey Im ok. I like my chances. Unlike · Reply · 5 · 18 hrs
Lance Manly Glad you are back, maybe you can weigh in with your expertise. Am I allowed to say "that white woman?"
Like · Reply · 3 · 18 hrs
Mike Mei Day and i'll say this... don't confuse keyboard folly with lack of bravado Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs · Edited
Lance Manly And I only accept a yes or no answer. Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
Shawn Corey Also dude you're being a keyboard gangster as well with your threats and such. The hypocrisy is hilarious. Like · Reply · 6 · 18 hrs
Lance Manly leave Ortega salsa alone. We are having a lovers quarrel Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
James Quinn It's also easy to over escalate a situation from joking and having a good Paule to being an angry, violent mess when you become the butt of a joke. Calm the fuck down and stop getting so easily butt hurt, snowflake. Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
James Quinn The butthurt should be coming from Manly later on...if you play your cards right. Unlike · Reply · 4 · 18 hrs
Lance Manly Oh, he knows. It's TIME TO DUEL Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
James Quinn He isn't wrong Mr. Cage match with an arm bar. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
James Quinn ...and I'm stealing 'keyboard gangster' Like · Reply · 3 · 18 hrs
Lance Manly Can't wait for our PPV Elimination Chamber lube match, sponsored by brazzers. Only 9.99 Like · Reply · 4 · 18 hrs
Henry Hutchinson I know everyone who is arguing over this. You all made valid points. Like · Reply · 11 · 18 hrs · Edited
Mike Mei Day I guess we done huh. Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
James Quinn I still got popcorn... Unlike · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
Lance Manly Winner by TKO? Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
Lance Manly
Like · Reply · 3 · 18 hrs
James Quinn Poor snowflake. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
0 notes