#should i start tagging snb?
lifeofannpc · 1 year
100 Baby Mama Challenge (Life Of An NPC Edition)
Subscribe to my YouTube to watch my playthrough of this challenge and tag me on Tumblr and Twitter if you try this challenge out!
You've heard of the 100 Baby Challenge, but what about the 100 Baby Mama Challenge? It sounds crazy but I've crafted an interesting way to twist the challenge into a fun and wild experience! Custody battles, Child Support, Baby Mama Drama and MORE!
Challenge Aims:
Have 100 Baby Mamas
Raise 100 Children
Just impregnating 100 different sims is TOO easy! This challenge requires you to raise 100 children too, but in order raise them you have to win the custody battle first! If you lose the custody battle, you have to PAY child support for ANY child you don't have custody of until they are a young adult!!!
General Rules:
You can't get a job
Start with $20,000 to build/buy a house or play rags to riches style
You can have any lifespan you want and if you wish, you can even turn off aging - have fun and play how you'd like!
Only children from won custody battle count towards your raised children
Similar to the 100 baby challenge - kids and teens need an A in School to age up, toddlers need level 3 in every skill to age up, if you have growing together, infants should have reached 3 milestones in each category before aging up, if you DO NOT have growing together, infants need to be infants for at least 3 days
Custody Battles:
After the birth of you child/children, spin a wheel with 3 win entries and 6 lose entries (mothers tend to be more likely to win custody battles)
If you have multiples (twins or triplets) you can choose whether you spin the wheel for each child or you spin one wheel and either keep or lose all the children
Child Support:
With SNB Bills Mod:
Child support with this mod is all set up for you, for more info on how it works check their website HERE
I recommend changing the percentage to 1%
Without Mods:
Use the cheat 'money -[child support amount x number of children]' child support is 1% of your household income per child (to work out 1% do [household income] x 0.01, that's how much each child not in your custody gets.
EXAMPLE if your household income is $20,000, each child gets $1,000 (20,000 x 0.01 = 200) if you need to pay child support for 10 kids then you pay $2,000 (200x 10 = 2,000). Finally You would type in the cheats console 'money -2000'
1% may not sound like a lot now but when you've lost 40 custody battles... yikes!
And that's it for rules! You have creative freedom to develop storylines and create as much or as little Baby Mama Drama as you want! The story I'm playing live on YT at the moment is about Enzo who wants to be a world famous Music producer. He lives in a dingy shack in the "ghetto" (the industrial district of evergreen harbour) and he is on the come up! He has one gold chain that he wears on ALL of his outfits (inducing sleep)!
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20 notes · View notes
djinn-sins · 2 years
Solomon: Everyone synchronise your watches.
Focalor: I don't know how to do that.
Agares: I don't wear a watch.
Valefor: Time is a construct.
14 notes · View notes
kawamamilosc · 7 years
What's bad about snb? (Idk what it is)
sn b aka shin //geki no bah/// amut (sorry for weird ass spaces but i don’t want to show it in the tags) second season is just one big disaster 
honestly i don’t even know where to start because there’s so many wrong things about it. about the most recent things that happened - they killed 2 characters that did not deserve it at all and for what? i honestly don’t know shocking value maybe? this is the only explanation that makes sense even tho i hate it
anyway the supposed mc of this story is a young girl (i said supposed because she hasn’t done shit so far... i love her as a character but the shit they did to her in this story... god) and she fell in love with a king. the king who’s a horrible man that enslaved demons, let people experiment on them and he ordered to kill most of mc’s friends and even mc herself! you may think damn that should stop her from having feeling for him right? wrong!!! they’re trying to make us feel sad for this king now because his mom died or whatever and even some of the characters are trying to excuse him for what he did!!! WHAT! how can you excuse something like that? even better now they’re trying to put a blame on the victims who are trying to get rid of that king... they only have 1 ep to save this series and i honestly don’t know how the fuck they’re gonna do that. and they’re doing all that bullshit just for some shit romance!!!
god there’s so much more wrong with this series but my headache won’t let me concentrate and like i said i wish i could erase this series from my memory 
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eurazia · 7 years
I REALLY hope we get some good stuff tomorrow from the event we need something that will help us get through another Friday of waiting for an SnB episode :( , (14 days left!)
Friend, I’m - like - waiting for the time when they should start the event in Japan just to stalk the snb tag and try to find some juicy spoiler/comment!
(The event will be from 9:00 to 10:30, as they said on twitter. Is it 9 am or 9 pm tho?)
2 notes · View notes
abigailswager · 5 years
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
New Post has been published on https://forexfacts.net/forex-brokers/alpari-forex-broker-review/
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
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Alpari Forex Broker review
  Alpari Forex Broker is a long established broker they should within no time take their place among the top Forex brokers offering crypto coins for trading
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Alpari Forex Broker | Alpari is was founded as a Russian Brokerage but today they operate on a global scale.
they have been known in the industry and not many traders have not heard about this brokerage.
Through the time Alpari has faced it all as they had faced their setback in recent years but are on their way back.
  Alpari Forex Broker. Is a company that works under the Company “AlpariLimited” which was was founded in 1998.  Alpari Forex broker was one of the companies involved in the formation of CRFIN (the Center for Regulating OTC Financial Instruments and Technologies
The company started in 1998 and made amazing progress in growth for the next 10 plus years. If you were talking forex for the retail market alpari was part of the discussion. They sponsored a football team and enlarged their offering of service with Binary Options and Spread Betting to the market in the United Kingdom. After they had to close their company in the USA and sold their clients to FCCM in 2013 harder times came for the company.
They really hit bottom with the SNB and CHF incident taking the company back to the size of when they started more than 15 years before that. This has tarnished their reputation for a couple of years but at the same time there is no better teacher then hardship and they re-established themselves slowly to become again a broker that people would trust and want to trade with.
This is the process they are still in, keep in mind this has a positive side as they will go the extra mile to give the traders what they want to try to establish themselves again as The Broker.
Becoming a top Forex broker and offering cryptocurrencies is just the next step. They are solidly on the way back with great lessons learned.
Alpari Forex broker | offers a risk-free practice demo account. The Demo account is fully active and stays open for 30 days with the option to extend.
They have an extended educational centre where traders able to learn forex the proper way if you would have searched for educational movies in YouTube, there is a good chance you will have run into a few of their movies there.
Alpari Forex Broker also offers futures trading, swap-free accounts and Expert Advisor VPS hosting.
other Must Know Features and options are,  Alpari options ( Alpari Binary Options ), Alpari bitcoin, Alpari demo account, Alpari trading central
Alpari Forex Broker in our opinion is thou more the larger traders as their Pro account gives access to the ECN account those traders would want to trade with. For the smaller accounts and beginners, there are simply better options like Etoro | Top Litecoin Broker, or Avatrade Top Forex Broker. for the large volume traders,  this is a broker that you should take notice from and try as they will welcome you with open arms and provide you with very good trading experience.
The basic trading platform for Pro, Standard and demo accounts is the industry-standard MetaTrader Trading Platform available for Macs and PCs. MetaTrader Mobile brings forex-trading functionality to smartphones. MetaTrader Pro caters to advanced users who trade high volumes
Alpari Forex Broker Trading Platforms
Alpari offers MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 for trading, the most known platforms in the market, still most people will not touch MT5 just yet and remain to trade on the Alpari MT4 since there are differences for between the platform make sure you understand which platform would be better for you
You can download the platforms for PC, Trading Apps for iPhone and iPad, Android Trading Apps free of charge (as with most brokers ).
Alpari PAMM
Alpari offers PAMM Accounts. The PAMM Service gives you the ability to let your money to be managed in a controllable way for you, by a money manager or professional trader. Or for those that are money manager, I urge you to take a look at the PAMM of Alpari as it is one of the better ones in the market. This part of the business they know and know well,
Deposit Methods
This foreign exchange broker supports multiple ways of banking. The different types of payment are: wire transfer, check, credit card.
 Education & Support
As mentioned they have better in house educational tools than most. They had enough time to fully optimize this, and their service is available when needed through the means of telephone, fax, email.
When it is impossible to trade online due to some reason, traders have the ability to place orders by telephone. This is done according to a very strict communications protocol designed to avoid errors. This will only work thou if you follow the protocol to the letter.
Alpari Forex Broker that is part of our Top Forex Broker list deserves a chance to prove they have learned from their mistakes, not many brokers even have the opportunity but their resilience and their absolute knowledge of the market makes this again an interesting broker for the larger traders.
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top 3 Cryptocurrency Brokers for Trading Crypto with Forex Broker
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The Importance of Demo Trading and Your Demo Account
Forex Brokers18
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FP Markets Forex broker Review 2019
FP Markets Forex broker Review 2018   i have to mention that originally i was not that familiar wit this broker and thought they they were...
Profit Trade Forex Broker Review 2019
Profit Trade Forex Broker Review Name :PROFIT TRADE Website : Profit-Trade.com Established :2017 Country :Bulgaria       Profit Trade is a relatively new broker on the market,...
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
Alpari Forex Broker review   Alpari Forex Broker is a long established broker they should within no time take their place among the top Forex brokers...
CFDDesk Forex Broker Review 2019
CFDDesk Forex Broker Review 2019 This prestigious trading platform CFDdesk offers access to Hundreds of markets. With competitive pricing and state-of-the-art technology, investors can enjoy...
UBCFX Forex Broker Review 2019
UBCFX Forex Broker Review 2019 Name :UBCFX Website :UBCFX com Established :2017     UBCFX is a new broker on the market, they have been active...
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0 notes
nagarnia · 7 years
there's a shop that was in the main tag a few days ago that announced snb merch so maybe you should talk/ask with them
I’ll try my bestI know they sell merchandise but not sure I’m allowed to use their characters…I researched about this; In here it’s no good but in Japan is good apparently… 🤔it’s so complicated
My problems with making these are that even though I asked, they mostly not going to let me sellIf they do, that’s greatBUTI do not know how to start on these_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
Sorry,😭this is totally an excuse of me being broke af and a noob when it comes to this
Again, I’ll do my bestI’m going to open a commission soon, this might help some problems with selling stuff
1 note · View note
abigailswager · 5 years
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
New Post has been published on https://forexfacts.net/forex-brokers/alpari-forex-broker-review/
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
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Alpari Forex Broker review
  Alpari Forex Broker is a long established broker they should within no time take their place among the top Forex brokers offering crypto coins for trading
Alpari Forex Broker | Alpari is was founded as a Russian Brokerage but today they operate on a global scale.
they have been known in the industry and not many traders have not heard about this brokerage.
Through the time Alpari has faced it all as they had faced their setback in recent years but are on their way back.
  Alpari Forex Broker. Is a company that works under the Company “AlpariLimited” which was was founded in 1998.  Alpari Forex broker was one of the companies involved in the formation of CRFIN (the Center for Regulating OTC Financial Instruments and Technologies
The company started in 1998 and made amazing progress in growth for the next 10 plus years. If you were talking forex for the retail market alpari was part of the discussion. They sponsored a football team and enlarged their offering of service with Binary Options and Spread Betting to the market in the United Kingdom. After they had to close their company in the USA and sold their clients to FCCM in 2013 harder times came for the company.
They really hit bottom with the SNB and CHF incident taking the company back to the size of when they started more than 15 years before that. This has tarnished their reputation for a couple of years but at the same time there is no better teacher then hardship and they re-established themselves slowly to become again a broker that people would trust and want to trade with.
This is the process they are still in, keep in mind this has a positive side as they will go the extra mile to give the traders what they want to try to establish themselves again as The Broker.
Becoming a top Forex broker and offering cryptocurrencies is just the next step. They are solidly on the way back with great lessons learned.
Alpari Forex broker | offers a risk-free practice demo account. The Demo account is fully active and stays open for 30 days with the option to extend.
They have an extended educational centre where traders able to learn forex the proper way if you would have searched for educational movies in YouTube, there is a good chance you will have run into a few of their movies there.
Alpari Forex Broker also offers futures trading, swap-free accounts and Expert Advisor VPS hosting.
other Must Know Features and options are,  Alpari options ( Alpari Binary Options ), Alpari bitcoin, Alpari demo account, Alpari trading central
Alpari Forex Broker in our opinion is thou more the larger traders as their Pro account gives access to the ECN account those traders would want to trade with. For the smaller accounts and beginners, there are simply better options like Etoro | Top Litecoin Broker, or Avatrade Top Forex Broker. for the large volume traders,  this is a broker that you should take notice from and try as they will welcome you with open arms and provide you with very good trading experience.
The basic trading platform for Pro, Standard and demo accounts is the industry-standard MetaTrader Trading Platform available for Macs and PCs. MetaTrader Mobile brings forex-trading functionality to smartphones. MetaTrader Pro caters to advanced users who trade high volumes
Alpari Forex Broker Trading Platforms
Alpari offers MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 for trading, the most known platforms in the market, still most people will not touch MT5 just yet and remain to trade on the Alpari MT4 since there are differences for between the platform make sure you understand which platform would be better for you
You can download the platforms for PC, Trading Apps for iPhone and iPad, Android Trading Apps free of charge (as with most brokers ).
Alpari PAMM
Alpari offers PAMM Accounts. The PAMM Service gives you the ability to let your money to be managed in a controllable way for you, by a money manager or professional trader. Or for those that are money manager, I urge you to take a look at the PAMM of Alpari as it is one of the better ones in the market. This part of the business they know and know well,
Deposit Methods
This foreign exchange broker supports multiple ways of banking. The different types of payment are: wire transfer, check, credit card.
 Education & Support
As mentioned they have better in house educational tools than most. They had enough time to fully optimize this, and their service is available when needed through the means of telephone, fax, email.
When it is impossible to trade online due to some reason, traders have the ability to place orders by telephone. This is done according to a very strict communications protocol designed to avoid errors. This will only work thou if you follow the protocol to the letter.
Alpari Forex Broker that is part of our Top Forex Broker list deserves a chance to prove they have learned from their mistakes, not many brokers even have the opportunity but their resilience and their absolute knowledge of the market makes this again an interesting broker for the larger traders.
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Use Demo, Do NOT Over Abuse It
September 28, 2016
The Importance of Demo Trading and Your Demo Account
August 28, 2016
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Videos Of interest14
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Profit Trade Forex Broker Review 2019
facts - April 9, 2019
Profit Trade Forex Broker Review 2019 Name :PROFIT TRADE Website : Profit-Trade.com Established :2017 Country :Bulgaria       Profit Trade is a relative new broker on the...
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
facts - April 1, 2019
Alpari Forex Broker review   Alpari Forex Broker is a long established broker they should within no time take their place among the top Forex brokers...
CFDDesk Forex Broker Review 2019
facts - January 21, 2019
CFDDesk Forex Broker Review 2019 This prestigious trading platform CFDdesk offers access to Hundreds of markets. With competitive pricing and state-of-the-art technology, investors can enjoy...
UBCFX Forex Broker Review 2019
facts - August 5, 2018
UBCFX Forex Broker Review 2019 Name :UBCFX Website :UBCFX com Established :2017     UBCFX is a new broker on the market, they have been active...
CMSTrader Forex Broker Review 2019
facts - June 27, 2018
CMSTrader Forex Broker Review 2018 CMSTrader Name :CMSTrader Website :cmstrader.com Established :2013 Regulation :FSP Country :United Kingdom About CMSTrader Forex Broker CMSTrader has become one of the leading...
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abigailswager · 5 years
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
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Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
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Alpari Forex Broker review
  Alpari Forex Broker is a long established broker they should within no time take their place among the top Forex brokers offering crypto coins for trading
Alpari Forex Broker | Alpari is was founded as a Russian Brokerage but today they operate on a global scale.
they have been known in the industry and not many traders have not heard about this brokerage.
Through the time Alpari has faced it all as they had faced their setback in recent years but are on their way back.
  Alpari Forex Broker. Is a company that works under the Company “AlpariLimited” which was was founded in 1998.  Alpari Forex broker was one of the companies involved in the formation of CRFIN (the Center for Regulating OTC Financial Instruments and Technologies
The company started in 1998 and made amazing progress in growth for the next 10 plus years. If you were talking forex for the retail market alpari was part of the discussion. They sponsored a football team and enlarged their offering of service with Binary Options and Spread Betting to the market in the United Kingdom. After they had to close their company in the USA and sold their clients to FCCM in 2013 harder times came for the company.
They really hit bottom with the SNB and CHF incident taking the company back to the size of when they started more than 15 years before that. This has tarnished their reputation for a couple of years but at the same time there is no better teacher then hardship and they re-established themselves slowly to become again a broker that people would trust and want to trade with.
This is the process they are still in, keep in mind this has a positive side as they will go the extra mile to give the traders what they want to try to establish themselves again as The Broker.
Becoming a top Forex broker and offering cryptocurrencies is just the next step. They are solidly on the way back with great lessons learned.
Alpari Forex broker | offers a risk-free practice demo account. The Demo account is fully active and stays open for 30 days with the option to extend.
They have an extended educational centre where traders able to learn forex the proper way if you would have searched for educational movies in YouTube, there is a good chance you will have run into a few of their movies there.
Alpari Forex Broker also offers futures trading, swap-free accounts and Expert Advisor VPS hosting.
other Must Know Features and options are,  Alpari options ( Alpari Binary Options ), Alpari bitcoin, Alpari demo account, Alpari trading central
Alpari Forex Broker in our opinion is thou more the larger traders as their Pro account gives access to the ECN account those traders would want to trade with. For the smaller accounts and beginners, there are simply better options like Etoro | Top Litecoin Broker, or Avatrade Top Forex Broker. for the large volume traders,  this is a broker that you should take notice from and try as they will welcome you with open arms and provide you with very good trading experience.
The basic trading platform for Pro, Standard and demo accounts is the industry-standard MetaTrader Trading Platform available for Macs and PCs. MetaTrader Mobile brings forex-trading functionality to smartphones. MetaTrader Pro caters to advanced users who trade high volumes
Alpari Forex Broker Trading Platforms
Alpari offers MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 for trading, the most known platforms in the market, still most people will not touch MT5 just yet and remain to trade on the Alpari MT4 since there are differences for between the platform make sure you understand which platform would be better for you
You can download the platforms for PC, Trading Apps for iPhone and iPad, Android Trading Apps free of charge (as with most brokers ).
Alpari PAMM
Alpari offers PAMM Accounts. The PAMM Service gives you the ability to let your money to be managed in a controllable way for you, by a money manager or professional trader. Or for those that are money manager, I urge you to take a look at the PAMM of Alpari as it is one of the better ones in the market. This part of the business they know and know well,
Deposit Methods
This foreign exchange broker supports multiple ways of banking. The different types of payment are: wire transfer, check, credit card.
 Education & Support
As mentioned they have better in house educational tools than most. They had enough time to fully optimize this, and their service is available when needed through the means of telephone, fax, email.
When it is impossible to trade online due to some reason, traders have the ability to place orders by telephone. This is done according to a very strict communications protocol designed to avoid errors. This will only work thou if you follow the protocol to the letter.
Alpari Forex Broker that is part of our Top Forex Broker list deserves a chance to prove they have learned from their mistakes, not many brokers even have the opportunity but their resilience and their absolute knowledge of the market makes this again an interesting broker for the larger traders.
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top 3 Cryptocurrency Brokers for Trading Crypto with Forex Broker
Use Demo, Do NOT Over Abuse It
The Importance of Demo Trading and Your Demo Account
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FP Markets Forex broker Review 2019
FP Markets Forex broker Review 2018   i have to mention that originally i was not that familiar wit this broker and thought they they were...
Profit Trade Forex Broker Review 2019
Profit Trade Forex Broker Review 2019 Name :PROFIT TRADE Website : Profit-Trade.com Established :2017 Country :Bulgaria       Profit Trade is a relative new broker on the...
Alpari Forex Broker review 2019
Alpari Forex Broker review   Alpari Forex Broker is a long established broker they should within no time take their place among the top Forex brokers...
CFDDesk Forex Broker Review 2019
CFDDesk Forex Broker Review 2019 This prestigious trading platform CFDdesk offers access to Hundreds of markets. With competitive pricing and state-of-the-art technology, investors can enjoy...
UBCFX Forex Broker Review 2019
UBCFX Forex Broker Review 2019 Name :UBCFX Website :UBCFX com Established :2017     UBCFX is a new broker on the market, they have been active...
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